Equity and Trusts: Questions & Answers

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Questions & Answers


Ninth edition

Margaret Wilkie
Formerly Visiting Lecturer in Law,

University of Sheffield

Rosalind Malcolm

Barrister, Professor of Law,


University of Surrey

Peter Luxton

Professor of Law,
Cardiff University

2014 and 2015

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2 The nature of equity
and the law of trusts

The topics covered by this chapter are, by their very nature, bound to be broad and

discursive. If you took the opportunity at the beginning of your course (or even during
the preceding summer vacation) to undertake some of the general reading recommended

by your lecturer, you will reap your reward here. Success in answering these questions

depends on a broad reading of the available literature and an historical, even philosoph-

ical, approach. You may largely ignore the minutiae of the law reports in favour of a

jurisprudential understanding of the development of equity and its doctrinal bases.


For relevant literature, see the Further reading section at the end of this chapter, and
check your own reading list for additional material recommended by your lecturer.

The chapter contains four essay questions. The usual principles apply in tackling such

questions in exam conditions: draw up a plan in rough and stick to it; do not ramble;

make a series of points; write a conclusion.

However, there is a difference in answering essay questions of this type and some of
the essay questions covered in the rest of the book. Essays that require discussion of sub-
stantive law do, at least, start with something on which to hang your hat. An essay, for
example, on the development of the search order, or on the constructive trust, requires
an analysis of a sequence of case law. If you know half a dozen cases on the point, then
the art is to angle them at the question. Different essay titles on the same area of substan-
tive law usually require the same case law but with a different nose! Essay questions on
highly theoretical subjects do require a different style. They require a factual base and
plenty of examples of the points you are making, but for high marks they need a touch
of original thinking. Even if your thinking is not original, they require a thoughtful in-
tellectual analysis of other people’s thinking. If you have not thought about the issues
raised by these questions before you enter the examination room, then you are not going
to achieve high marks on these questions. If you have the makings of a highly practical
lawyer, then select a problem question!

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It is quite likely that these topics could crop up as assessed essay questions. If so, then
a long session in the library is the starting point. Conduct your preparation for the essay
as if you were undertaking a piece of research. Survey the literature noting carefully your
sources. Then think over your arguments. Do you agree with X that there has been a fu-
sion of law and equity or do you agree with Y that there has not? Why do you agree or
disagree? Do you see both sides of the argument? Argue the case with your friends then
write it up while the adrenaline is flowing.

? Question 1

The innate conservatism of English lawyers may have made them slow to recognise that by the
Judicature Act 1873 the two systems of substantive and adjectival law formerly administered by
courts of law and courts of equity … were fused. As at the confluence of the Rhone and the Saone, it may

be possible for a short distance to discern the source from which each part of the combined stream came,
but there comes a point at which this ceases to be possible. If Professor Ashburner’s fluvial metaphor is

to be retained at all, the confluent streams of law and equity have surely mingled now. (Lord Diplock in
United Scientific Holdings Ltd v Burnley Borough Council [1978] AC 904.)


The reference is to Ashburner, Principles of Equity, 2nd edn, Butterworths, 1933, at p. 18. Further

useful references are Lord Evershed MR (1954) 70 LQR 326; V. Delaney (1961) 24 MLR 116; and

J. E. Martin, ‘Fusion, fallacy and confusion’ [1994] Conv 13. It is interesting to note that there are
several statements from judges of the highest seniority which concur with the statement of Lord

Diplock quoted in Question 1, at least to the extent that they consider that this issue is redundant

and the combined effect of the systems should be considered. See, for example, Lord Millett in
Equity in Commercial Law, Law Book Co, 2005; Lord Evershed (1948) JSPTL 180; and Lord Den-
ning (1952) CLP 1, and in Landmarks in the Law, Butterworths, 1984. Academic writers seem,
in general, to take a different view. So, the question is provocative, even controversial. A good
example of the conflict is provided by the House of Lords’ decision in Tinsley v Milligan [1994] 1
AC 340 and the ensuing case law. For a criticism of this decision, see R. Buckley (1994) 110 LQR 3.

Answer plan

Establishing the case, United Scientific Holdings Ltd v Burnley Borough Council, in context:

• Discussion of view that law and equity have mingled with supporting commentary from judges
• Identification of the problem in the separate development of common law and equity with
historical survey

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• Discussion of effect of Judicature Acts 1873–1875

• Critique of Lord Diplock’s view with examples
• Discussion of situations and examples of statutes where the difference between legal and
equitable interests has been eroded
• Distinction between legal rights and remedies and equitable ones
• Case examples.

Suggested answer

The statement by Lord Diplock was accepted unanimously by the judges in the House
of Lords. The case concerned the timing of the service of notices triggering rent-review
clauses. The notice to trigger a rent review had been served late by the landlord and the

question arose as to whether time was of the essence. The Law of Property Act 1925,

s. 41 provides that ‘stipulations in a contract, as to time or otherwise, which according
to rules of equity are not deemed to be or to have become of the essence of the con-
tract, are also construed and have effect at law in accordance with the same rules’. The
section clearly states that a rule of equity is to be adopted within the body of legal rules.

Lord Diplock proclaimed that the systems had, quite simply, become fused and that no
distinction was to be drawn between law and equity.

This view is at the most extreme, yet it is one apparently shared by other eminent

judges. Lord Denning, in Landmarks in the Law, states that ‘the fusion is complete’. Sir

George Jessel MR in Walsh v Lonsdale (1882) 21 ChD 9, one of the first cases on this

issue to be heard subsequent to the Judicature Acts 1873–1875, said ‘there are not two

estates as there were formerly, one estate at common law by reason of the payment of
rent from year to year, and an estate in equity under the agreement. There is only one

court, and the equity rules prevail in it.’ This view was concurred by Carnwath LJ in
Halpern v Halpern (No 2) [2007] EWCA Civ 291 when relying on the Senior Courts Act

1981 to conclude that ‘130 years after the “fusion” of law and equity … an argument
based on a material difference in the two systems would have faced an uphill task’[70].
In Tinsley v Milligan [1994] 1 AC 340, Lord Browne-Wilkinson said that English law
was now a single law which was made up of legal and equitable interests, and a person
owning either type of estate had a right of property amounting to a right in rem not
merely a right in personam. The approach of Lord Goff in Napier and Ettrick (Lord) v
Hunter [1993] AC 713 is in accord with this: ‘No doubt our task nowadays is to see the
two strands of authority, at law and in equity, moulded into a coherent whole.’
The difficulty originates from the early development of equity as a separate system
from the common law. The common law courts emerged in the centuries following
the Norman Conquest. Intervention by the Lord Chancellor gradually developed into
a separate body of law, known as equity, which had, by the fifteenth century, become
well established. The Chancellor’s jurisdiction was exercised through what became
the Court of Chancery. The two systems were sometimes in conflict. Parties seeking

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common law relief would need to seek the jurisdiction of the common law courts. If
they wanted equitable relief they would go to the Court of Chancery. This might occur
during the course of the same litigation. The common law courts only had limited juris-
diction to grant equitable relief. The Common Law Procedure Act 1854, s. 79, gave the
common law courts a limited power of granting injunctions; the Chancery Amendment
Act 1858 gave power to the Court of Chancery to award damages instead of (or in ad-
dition to) injunctions or specific performance.
The problem became acute in the nineteenth century, and a series of Parliamentary
reports led eventually to the Judicature Acts 1873 and 1875. These Acts amalgamated
the superior courts into one Supreme Court of Judicature. The Courts of Queen’s
Bench, Exchequer and Common Pleas and the Court of Chancery, the Court of Ex-
chequer Chamber and the Court of Appeal in Chancery, were all replaced by the Su-
preme Court. The Supreme Court consisted of the Court of Appeal and the High Court,
which originally had five divisions (subsequently reduced to three). The Supreme Court

could administer both rules of common law and equity. Thus, there is no question as
to the fusion of the courts. The two distinct sets of courts fused on 1 November 1875.

Sir George Jessel MR, who, as Solicitor-General, was the government officer largely
responsible for the Judicature Acts, said in Salt v Cooper (1880) 16 ChD 544, that the
main object of the Acts was not the fusion of law and equity, but the vesting in one tri-
bunal of the administration of law and equity in all actions coming before that tribunal.

Yet it is difficult to pursue Lord Diplock’s dictum further to the point of saying that

the substantive rules of law and equity are themselves indistinguishable. In trusts there
is a distinction between legal and equitable interests and the right to trace property

in equity depends on the existence of a fiduciary relationship. Except where statute


has intervened, legal and equitable interests are distinguishable in that legal interests

are rights in rem that bind the whole world whereas equitable rights are lost against

equity’s darling (the bona fide purchaser of a legal estate for value without notice). In
land with unregistered title, the Land Charges Act 1972 made a number of equitable

interests registrable (and one legal interest—the puisne mortgage) and indeed had the

effect of determining that such interests which are not registered are void against cer-
tain types of purchasers. Nevertheless, in land with unregistered title, a group of equi-
table interests still fall outside the ambit of this statute and are subject to the equitable
doctrine of notice. Equitable interests behind a trust, pre-1926 equitable easements and
restrictive covenants fall into this category.
It is possible to cite examples, however, where the distinction has become irrelevant. In
registered land, the categories of registered, minor and overriding interests imposed by
the Land Registration Act 1925 (and now reflected in the Land Registration Act 2002)
cut across the distinction between legal and equitable interests. Statute has rendered
the distinction redundant.
Remedies present some interesting examples of the distinction which has grown up
between law and equity; a distinction which arose as ‘an accident of history’ according
to Lord Nicholls in A-G v Blake [2000] 3 WLR 625, p. 634. In general, legal rights and
remedies remain distinct from equitable ones. Some overlap does, however, occur; for
example, an injunction, an equitable remedy, can be sought for an anticipatory breach

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of contract, or to stop a nuisance, both common law claims. In A-G v Blake [2000] 3
WLR 625, the House of Lords allowed the equitable remedy of account of profits for
a claim for breach of contract where the common law remedy of damages would have
been inadequate. The equitable remedy of account of profits is normally available where
there is a fiduciary relationship but the House of Lords permitted its application other-
wise in exceptional cases where it was the effective way to remedy a wrong. By contrast,
in Seager v Copydex Ltd [1967] 1 WLR 923, CA, an action was brought for breach of
confidence in respect of confidential information revealed by the defendants about a
carpet grip. Such a claim is equitable and normally the equitable remedies of injunction
and account are available. However, an injunction would have been ineffective and the
judge awarded damages. It would seem, therefore, that a common law remedy is avail-
able for an equitable claim for breach of confidence. See, for example, the Spycatcher
case, A-G v Guardian Newspapers Ltd (No. 2) [1990] 1 AC 109 (p. 286 per Lord Goff).
In Tinsley v Milligan [1994] 1 AC 340, it was held that the equitable principle gov-

erning when title to property was affected by illegality had now merged into the rule
of common law. A claimant can therefore enforce a property right acquired pursuant

to an illegal contract, provided that he does not need to bring evidence of the illegality
to establish his title.
In Tinsley v Milligan, the conflict between law and equity again became apparent.
Two women agreed that a house they shared should be held in the name of one so that

the other could fraudulently claim housing benefit. When they later disagreed, the legal

owner sought to evict her partner. The defendant claimed that she had an equitable
interest. The House of Lords held that the defendant had a right to assert her equitable

ownership. The principle that a litigant cannot rely on an illegal purpose to rebut the

presumption of advancement was confirmed, but, in this case, the equitable presump-

tion of the resulting trust was held to apply. Thus, the defendant did not need to rely on

her own illegal conduct and the equitable maxim that ‘he who comes to equity should
come with clean hands’ did not have to be invoked. This case, seeking to balance il-

legality and unjust enrichment, has created difficulties in application. In Tribe v Tribe

[1996] Ch 107, a case concerning a transfer of shares from father to son, the matter was
complicated by the effect of the presumption of advancement. (Note that, when s. 199
of the Equality Act 2010 comes into effect, it will abolish the presumption of advance-
ment.) Tinsley v Milligan had confirmed the principle that a litigant cannot rely on his
or her own fraud or illegality to rebut this presumption except where there is some act
of repentance. But in Tribe v Tribe, the Court of Appeal held that, in the circumstances
of this particular case, the father would be able to rely on an illegal purpose to rebut the
presumption of advancement because the illegality (the avoidance of the cost by the ten-
ant of a schedule of dilapidations) had not proved necessary and had not been carried
out. This result meant that the two cases were consistent: the defendant (Miss Milligan)
had recovered her interest in the house even though she had acted fraudulently; the fa-
ther (David Tribe) had also recovered his shares although he had planned a fraudulent
act. To have come to a different result simply because the relationship between the par-
ties in Tribe v Tribe gave rise to the presumption of advancement, was not considered
appropriate by the Court of Appeal. This area of illegal transactions has also been the

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subject of a Law Commission consultation: (see Law Com Consultation Paper No. 154
(1999) Illegal Transactions: The Effect of Illegality on Contracts and Trusts).
Thus, the systems are administered in the same courts, but in general the distinction
remains relevant and continues to produce conflicts.

? Question 2

Equity is not past the age of child bearing (per Lord Denning MR, Eves v Eves [1975] 1 WLR
1338, CA).


This question may sometimes appear as an assessed essay. Confronted in the examination room, it
may seem daunting. What should be included? Clearly the source of the quotation should be con-
sidered. In context, it is being used to justify a new development in equity, that is, in the particular

case cited, the new model constructive trust. It would be justifiable to limit the answer to this par-
ticular topic, but, on the other hand, it could be broadened to include all the new developments

over recent years in the field of equity. To select one or the other approach cannot be wrong.

However, as in many situations, in attempting to produce the answer the examiner wants, you

should consider the approach in lectures. Did the lecturer use this as a general theme throughout

the course? This might indicate the wide-ranging approach. Or was particular attention paid to

the new model constructive trust and subsequent case law?

If the question is set as coursework there is a greater argument for adopting the broad ap-

proach. There is scope for a powerful dissertation. In the examination room it may be safer to

adopt the narrow approach rather than attempt to be too ambitious. It could, of course, be a gift
of a question if you know a little about everything, rather than a lot about a limited subject.
The answer suggested here takes the broad approach.

Answer plan

• Discussion of equity and its flexible nature

• List of equitable innovations
• Judicial justifications of equitable innovations
• Equitable remedies: search orders; freezing injunctions
• Constructive trusts: the new model
• Proprietary estoppel
• Undue influence in mortgage cases

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Suggested answer

When equity originally developed as a gloss on the common law it was innovative; it
developed new remedies and recognised new rights where the common law failed to
act. The efficacy of equity was largely due to its ability to adapt and innovate, yet in-
evitably, this development itself became regulated in a similar way to the development
of the common law. There are maxims of equity which may determine the outcome of
disputes. Although the judge has a discretion in the granting of an equitable remedy,
that discretion is exercised according to settled principles. Thus, it might be said that
equity can develop no further; the rules of precedent predetermine the outcome.
Yet, this is belied by a number of new developments in equity, for example, the rec-
ognition of restrictive covenants, the expansion of remedies, the development of doc-
trines such as proprietary estoppel, the enhanced status of contractual licences and, as
referred to in the quotation from the judgment of Lord Denning MR, the new model

constructive trust, are all illustrations of developments in equity.

There is an attempt, however, to justify these new developments, which are all exam-
ples of judicial creativity, by precedent. As Bagnall J said in Cowcher v Cowcher [1972]
1 WLR 425 at p. 430: ‘This does not mean that equity is past childbearing; simply that
its progeny must be legitimate—by precedent out of principle. It is well that this should

be so; otherwise no lawyer could safely advise on his client’s title and every quarrel

would lead to a law-suit’.

Equity developed the remedies of the injunction, specific performance, account, rec-

tification, and rescission. The injunction has been a growth area. The search order

(developed in the case Anton Piller KG v Manufacturing Processes Ltd [1976] Ch 55),

reflects the growth of new technology and the need to protect ownership rights in that

property. Intellectual property such as video and audio tapes and computer programs
can easily be destroyed before an action for breach of copyright can be brought. Con-

fidential information relating to industrial processes can disappear leaving a claimant


with no means of proof. The search order developed to allow a claimant to enter a
defendant’s premises to search for and seize such property where there was a clear risk
that such property would be destroyed before trial. As an area of equitable creativity, it
is still being refined by the judges, with cases such as Columbia Picture Industries Inc.
v Robinson [1986] 3 All ER 338 and Universal Thermosensors Ltd v Hibben [1992] 1
WLR 840 laying down guidelines for the exercise of such a Draconian order.
The freezing injunction is another example of a refined application of an established
remedy developed in the case of Mareva Compañía Naviera SA v International Bulk
Carriers SA [1975] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 509 following Nippon Yusen Kaisha v Karageorgis
[1975] 1 WLR 1093. While a claim may succeed, if it is impossible to enforce a judgment
because there are no assets, then the judgment is worthless. In international disputes, assets
may be transferred abroad to make the judgment debt impossible, or at least, very difficult,
to follow. Recognising this dilemma, the judges in the Mareva case were prepared to grant
an order freezing the defendant’s assets. Further cases have demonstrated that the courts
are prepared to make this order available worldwide in certain circumstances (see, for

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example, Masri v Consolidated Contractors International (UK) Ltd (No 2) [2008] EWCA
Civ 303; Dadourian Group International Inc v Simms [2006] EWCA Civ 399; Derby &
Co. Ltd v Weldon (No. 3 and No. 4) (1989) 139 NLJ 11; Republic of Haiti v Duvalier
[1990] 1 QB 202 and see Civil Procedure Rule r. 25.1(1)(f)).
Equity initially recognised the trust. This was one of the original developments
of equity. However, the protection granted to equitable owners behind a trust has
developed significantly over the last 30 years with the new model constructive trust,
the contractual licence and the doctrine of proprietary estoppel.
The constructive trust of a new model developed largely because of the creative activ-
ity of Lord Denning MR. In Hussey v Palmer [1972] 1 WLR 1286, CA, Lord Denning
described the constructive trust as one ‘imposed by law wherever justice and good
conscience require it’. Cases such as Eves v Eves [1975] 1 WLR 1338, CA, where the
woman was given an equitable interest in the property representing her contribution in
terms of heavy work, and Cooke v Head [1972] 1 WLR 518, CA, a similar case, took

this development further. Several cases, including Lloyds Bank v Rosset [1991] 1 AC
107, sought to re-establish less flexible principles in this field relating to the existence

of a common intention that an equitable interest should arise, and the existence of a
direct financial contribution. Nevertheless, the House of Lords in Stack v Dowden
[2007] UKHL 17, followed by the Supreme Court in Jones v Kernott [2011] UKSC 53,
have re-introduced some of the earlier flexibility into the constructive trust showing

that equity is alive and well.


The new model constructive trust has been most alive in the field of licences. At
common law, a contractual licence was controlled by the doctrine of privity of con-

tract, and failed to provide protection against a third party. Equitable remedies have

been made available to prevent a licensor breaking a contractual licence and to en-

able a licence to bind third parties. It has been accepted that certain licences may

create an equitable proprietary interest by way of a constructive trust or proprietary

estoppel. In Binions v Evans [1972] Ch 359, CA, it was held by Lord Denning MR

that purchasers were bound by a contractual licence between the former owners and

Mrs Evans, an occupant. A constructive trust was imposed in her favour as the pur-
chasers had bought expressly subject to Mrs Evans’ interest and had, for that reason,
paid a reduced price. Also in Re Sharpe [1980] 1 WLR 219, a constructive trust was
imposed on a trustee in bankruptcy in respect of an interest acquired by an aunt who
lent money to her nephew for a house purchase on the understanding that she could
live there for the rest of her life.
The fluidity of these developing areas is shown in case law which appears to hold
back from a development which may have pushed the frontiers too far. Obiter dicta by
the Court of Appeal in Ashburn Anstalt v W. J. Arnold & Co. [1989] Ch 1, approved
in Habermann v Koehler (1996) 73 P & CR 515, suggest that a licence will only give
rise to a constructive trust where the conscience of a third party is affected. It will be
imposed where their conduct so warrants. Judicial creativity in equitable fields is thus
made subject to refinements by judges in later cases.
Proprietary estoppel is another example of an equitable doctrine which has seen sig-
nificant developments in the interests of justice since its establishment in the leading

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case of Dillwyn v Llewelyn (1862) 4 De GF & J 517. The doctrine is based on encour-
agement and acquiescence whereby equity was prepared to intervene and adjust the
rights of the parties. Its application has been further enhanced by the Court of Appeal
in Gillett v Holt [2001] Ch 210, where a broader approach to the doctrine was taken
that depended, ultimately, on the unconscionability of the action. Two House of Lords’
decisions in Yeoman’s Row Management v Cobbe [2008] UKHL 55 and Thorner v
Major [2009] UKHL 18 also injected new approaches into the doctrine with later deci-
sions in Crossco No 4 Unlimited v Jolan Ltd [2011] EWCA Civ 1619 and Herbert v
Doyle [2010] EWCA Civ 1095, evaluating the use of the equitable doctrine in commer-
cial contexts. Again, it is a development which stands outside the system of property
rights and their registration established by Parliament.
Cases such as Jennings v Rice [2002] EWCA Civ 159, [2003] 1 P & CR 8, Matharu v
Matharu (1994) 68 P & CR 93, Costello v Costello (1995) 70 P & CR 297 and Durant
v Heritage [1994] EGCS 134 show that the doctrine of proprietary estoppel and the

protection of licences by estoppel remain an effective method used by the judges for
the protection of licences and equitable rights. The degree to which the right receives

protection is variable depending on the circumstances of the particular case. For in-
stance, in Matharu v Matharu, the licence did not confer a beneficial interest but gave
the respondent a right to live in the house for the rest of her life. In Durant v Heritage
the court ordered the house to be transferred to the applicant under the doctrine of pro-

prietary estoppel. In Jennings v Rice, by contrast, the equity was satisfied by monetary

Another development in equity resulted from the decisions of the House of Lords

in Barclays Bank plc v O’Brien [1994] 1 AC 180 and CIBC Mortgages plc v Pitt

[1994] 1 AC 200. These two cases heralded the re-emergence in a broad sense of the

equitable doctrine of notice. They provide that, where there is undue influence over a

co-mortgagor or surety, this may give rise to a right to avoid the transaction. This right
to avoid the transaction amounts to an equity of which the mortgagee may be deemed

to have constructive notice. This resurrection of the equitable doctrine of notice in a


very modern context demonstrates clearly the flexibility of equity. A number of cases
followed these two decisions. In Royal Bank of Scotland v Etridge (No. 2) [2001] 4 All
ER 449 (a case in which eight conjoined appeals were heard), the House of Lords laid
down general guidelines for the application of the doctrine of notice in this context.
So, although there may be setbacks and refinements in the development of new doc-
trines when later judges seek to rationalise and consolidate new principles, nevertheless
it is clear that equity maintains its traditions.

? Question 3

Explain and discuss the maxim, ‘equity looks upon that as done which ought to be done’. To what
extent (if any) does this maxim operate to impose a trust on any person?

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This discussion question requires an examination of the various applications of the maxim. It
touches upon a number of different fields. In relation to trusts of land, its operation was affected
by the Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996. On the application of the
doctrine in the context of Williams & Glyn’s Bank Ltd v Boland [1981] AC 487, HL, see Stuart
Anderson (1984) 100 LQR 86.
Some aspects of this are esoteric, for example, the rule in Lawes v Bennett (1785) 1 Cox
167. Many lecturers do not cover this rule in their courses. If that is the case then you may not be
expected to deal with it in a question of this sort. The guidance on the suggested content of this
answer offered here must be tempered by what you have been expected to cover in your syllabus.

Answer plan

• Explanation of maxims of equity as body of principles op
• Explanation of maxim ‘equity looks upon that as done which ought to be done’
• Examples of contracts of sale for land; specifically enforceable agreements; contracts for leases

and rule in Walsh v Lonsdale; doctrine of conversion; rule in Lawes v Bennett; conditional
contracts; rule in Howe v Earl of Dartmouth

Suggested answer

The maxims of equity operate as guidelines for the exercise of judicial discretion. Although
equity did not acquire the rigidity of the common law, it did develop a body of principles.

An equitable remedy is available at the discretion of the judge. The judge is assisted in the

exercise of this discretion by these principles. They provide, for example, that for claimants
to be granted equitable remedies, they must come to court with clean hands; they must
have behaved equitably and must not have delayed in seeking the intervention of equity.
These principles, known as maxims, do not operate as binding precedent but provide a
basis for the development of equity. Some of them have, however, formed the basis for cer-
tain rules which are binding. There are 12 maxims in addition to some general principles.
The maxim ‘equity looks upon that as done which ought to be done’ demonstrates the
principle that, where there is a specifically enforceable obligation, equity will enforce it
as though the obligation had been carried out. The common law is rigid in that, if the
proper formality has not been carried out (for example, the execution of a deed for the
transfer of an interest in land) then it will not recognise the interest. Equity is prepared,
nonetheless, to enforce the obligation as though all due formalities are present.
For example, a contract for the sale of land is specifically enforceable if it has been
effected in accordance with the rules laid down in the Law of Property (Miscellaneous
Provisions) Act 1989, s. 2. It is an estate contract which creates an equitable interest in

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favour of the purchaser, and is binding on third parties if protected by registration. Until
completion, the vendor holds the legal estate upon constructive trust for the purchaser.
It is arguable, on the authority of Oughtred v IRC [1960] AC 206, HL, and Re Holt’s
Settlement [1969] 1 Ch 100, that, once an agreement has been entered into which is
specifically enforceable, then the equitable interest passes without the need for formali-
ties, as provided by the Law of Property Act 1925, s. 53(2). This view was held to be
sound in Neville v Wilson [1997] Ch 144, CA.
A contract for a lease, provided it complies with the contractual requirements, is en-
forceable in equity under the rule in Walsh v Lonsdale (1882) 21 ChD 9. Although the
due formality of a deed required at law has not been complied with, equity sees as done
that which ought to be done, and enforces the contract for the lease.
The maxim underlies the doctrine of conversion. Before the implementation of the
Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996, this doctrine stated that where
there was a trust for the sale of land, equity assumed that the sale had already taken

place. This meant, therefore, that the beneficiaries’ interests were deemed to have been
converted into personalty already, even if the land had not been sold. Since many

trusts for sale arose where couples purchased a home for their joint occupation, their
interests were frequently held in this manner long before the property was sold. The
problem was considered in Williams & Glyn’s Bank Ltd v Boland [1981] AC 487,
HL. Mrs Boland was deemed to have an interest behind a trust for sale. The contest

arose between her equitable interest and the interest of the bank, as mortgagee of the

legal estate. If Mrs Boland had an interest in land then she would have an overriding
interest under the Land Registration Act 1925, s. 70(1)(g) (now repealed and replaced

by the Land Registration Act 2002). However, if her interest had already been con-

verted into personalty, she would not have an overriding interest since the sub-section

only protects rights in land. It was held that the purpose of the doctrine was to sim-

plify conveyancing in cases where the intention was to sell the land immediately. The
doctrine should not be extended beyond that to a case where it was clearly a fiction.

The Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act (TLATA) 1996 provides that

trusts for the sale of land are replaced by trusts of land with the power of sale. This
means that the interest behind the trust is an interest in land until the power is exercised
(s. 3(1)). This applies to trusts for sale arising before or after the commencement of the
TLATA 1996, except in relation to trusts created by will where the testator died before
commencement (s. 3(2), (3)).
A more obscure application of the doctrine is the rule in Lawes v Bennett (1785) 1
Cox 167, which applies to the exercise of an option. If a leaseholder is granted an op-
tion to purchase the freehold and the freeholder dies before the option is exercised, then
the disposition of the rents pending the exercise of the option, and the eventual pur-
chase price, must be determined. The rents will go to the person entitled to the freehold.
This would be either a residuary or a specific devisee. The proceeds of sale, however,
which are payable when (and if) the option is exercised, pass to the residuary legatee as
conversion into personalty is deemed to have taken place.
The maxim was applied to conditional contracts in Re Sweeting (deceased) [1988] 1
All ER 1016. A contract for the sale of land, subject to conditions, was not completed

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until after the vendor’s death. It was held that the proceeds of sale went to the residuary
legatee as the interest had already been converted into personalty.
The maxim also underlies the rule in Howe v Earl of Dartmouth (1802) 7 Ves 137, which
relates to the duty to convert (inter alia) wasting assets. The rule is limited in that it only
applies to residuary personalty settled by will in favour of persons with successive interests.
The duty is that, where there are hazardous, wasting or reversionary assets they must be
converted into authorised investments. Where there is a duty to convert, there is also a duty
to apportion between the life tenant and remainderman until sale. The scope of the rule in
Howe v Earl of Dartmouth is now of more limited significance, however, as the Trustee Act
2000 has greatly widened the range of investments that are available to trustees.
So, the maxim applies to a variety of cases where equity is prepared to act as though
the common law requirements had been fully complied with, or to convert property
where it is equitable to do so.

Question 4
What is equity?


This question requires an historical and jurisprudential analysis of the meaning and position of

equity in the legal system.


The approach suggested here is to deal with the historical side first, using this as a vehicle for a
discussion of the contribution which equity has made to the legal system.

Examiner’s tip

In a broad essay question make good use of examples to avoid an undirected discussion.

Answer plan

• Explanation of the term ‘equity’

• Equitable maxims
• Contrast between the development of equity and the common law
• Principle in cases of conflict established in Senior Courts Act 1981, s. 49
• Equitable remedies
• The development of common law courts and courts of equity

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Suggested answer

Equity to the layman means fairness and justice, but in the legal context its meaning is
much more strictly defined. There are rules of equity: it must obey the rules of precedent
as does the common law, and its development may appear equally rigid and doctrinal.
Yet, because of its historical development and the reasons underlying this, there does
remain an element of discretion and the potential for judges to retain some flexibility
in the determination of disputes.
There are well-established principles which govern the exercise of the discretion but
these, like all equitable principles, are flexible and adaptable to achieve the ends of
equity, which is, as Lord Selborne LC once remarked, to ‘do more perfect and complete
justice’ than would be the result of leaving the parties to their remedies at common
law: Wilson v Northampton and Banbury Junction Railway Co. (1874) LR 9 Ch
App 279, 284 (and see Lord Hoffmann, Co-operative Insurance Society Ltd v Argyll

Stores (Holdings) Ltd [1998] AC 1). Principles of unconscionability underpin much of

equity in its modern context. In Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale v Islington
LBC [1996] AC 669, Lord Browne Wilkinson described the operation of equity in rela-
tion to the trust as working on the conscience of the legal owner.
Equity developed as a result of the inflexibility of the common law; it ‘wiped away

the tears of the common law’ in the words of one American jurist. When the common

law developed the strictures of the writ system through the twelfth and the thirteenth
centuries and failed to develop further remedies, individuals aggrieved by the failure

of the common law to remedy their apparent injustice petitioned the King and Coun-

cil. The King was the fountain of justice and if his judges failed to provide a remedy

then the solution was to petition the King directly. The King, preoccupied with affairs

of state, handed these petitions to his chief minister, the Chancellor. The Chancellor
was head of the Chancery, amongst other state departments. The Chancery was the

office which issued writs and, therefore, when the courts failed to provide a remedy,

it was appropriate to seek the assistance of the head of the court system. Originally
the Chancellor was usually an ecclesiastic. The last non-lawyer was Lord Shaftesbury
who retired in 1672. Receiving citizens’ petitions, the Chancellor adjudicated them,
not according to the common law, but according to principles of fairness and justice;
thus developed equity.
Early on, each individual Chancellor developed personal systems of justice giving rise
to the criticism that equity had been as long as the Chancellor’s foot. The Lord Chancel-
lor did indeed sit alone in his court of equity, or Chancery, as it became known. It was
not until 1813 that a Vice-Chancellor was appointed to deal with the volume of work.
Equity began to emerge as a clear set of principles, rather than a personal jurisdiction
of the Chancellor, during the Chancellorship of Lord Nottingham in 1673. By the end
of Lord Eldon’s Chancellorship in 1827 equity was established as a precise jurisdiction.
But the development of a parallel yet separate system of dispute resolution was inevi-
tably bound to create a conflict. An individual aggrieved by a failure of the common
law to remedy a gross injustice would apply to the court of equity. The Chancellor, if

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the case warranted it, would grant a remedy preventing the common law court from
enforcing its order.
The catharsis occurred in the Earl of Oxford’s Case (1615) 1 Rep Ch 1, where the
court of common law ordered the payment of a debt. The debt had already been paid,
but the deed giving rise to the obligation had not been cancelled. The court of equity
was prepared to grant an order preventing this and rectifying the deed.
The clash was eventually resolved in favour of equity; where there is a conflict, equity
prevails. This rule is now enshrined in the Senior Courts Act 1981, s. 49.
A series of maxims underlies the operation of equity, establishing a series of princi-
ples. For example: ‘equity looks upon that as done which ought to be done’; ‘he who
comes to equity must come with clean hands’; ‘equity will not allow a statute to be used
as a cloak for fraud’, are all examples of the maxims.
The remedies developed by equity, such as injunctions and specific performance, are,
unlike the common law remedy of damages, subject to the discretion of the judge.

Thus a judge may decide that, although a breach of contract has been established,
the conduct of the claimant is such that an equitable remedy should not be granted.

In addition, if damages are an adequate remedy, then there is no need to substitute an
equitable remedy.
In substantive law, equity has frequently reflected the reality of transactions between

private citizens. It recognised the trust when the common law had refused to acknowl-

edge the existence of a beneficiary and provide remedies for breach of trust against

a defaulting trustee. The concept of the trust has been the vehicle for much creative
activity on the part of the courts of equity. The trust has developed from an express

agreement between parties to situations where the conduct of parties has led the courts

to infer or to impose a trust.


So, equity remains a separate system of rules operating independently of the com-

mon law. Until the late nineteenth century it operated in a separate set of courts. So, a
plaintiff seeking both legal and equitable remedies would be obliged to pursue an ac-

tion in separate courts. Much delay and expense ensued. The position was eventually

resolved in the Judicature Acts 1873 and 1875 which established a system of courts in
which both the rules of equity and common law could be administered. The position
had already been ameliorated to some degree by the Common Law Procedure Act
1854, which gave the common law courts power to grant equitable remedies, and the
Chancery Amendment Act 1858 (Lord Cairns’ Act), which gave the Court of Chancery
power to award damages in addition to, or in substitution for, an injunction or a decree
of specific performance. A claimant can, therefore seek both damages and an injunction
in the same court.
The equitable jurisdiction is, in fact, a personal jurisdiction operating against the
conscience of the individual, whereas the common law jurisdiction operates against
real property. Thus, an order from a court based on equitable principles preventing a
legal order being enforced operates against the conscience of the defendant. In theory,
therefore, there is no clash between the jurisdictions. In practice, there is a significant
constraint on the common law jurisdiction. The historical distinction does remain,
however, in the existence of separate divisions of the High Court, viz., the Chancery

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Division (which deals primarily with matters which involve equitable rights and rem-
edies) and the Queen’s Bench Division (which deals primarily with matters involving
rights and remedies at common law).
So, equity represents a later development of law, laying an additional body of rules
over the existing common law which, in the majority of cases, provides an adequate
remedy: ‘Equity, therefore, does not destroy the law, nor create it, but assists it’ (per
Sir Nathan Wright LJ in Lord Dudley and Ward v Lady Dudley (1705) Pr Ch 241 at
p. 244).

Further reading

Anderson, S., ‘The proper narrow scope of equitable conversion in land law’ (1984)
100 LQR 86.

Ashburner, W., Principles of Equity, 2nd edn, Butterworths, 1933.

Buckley, R., ‘Social security fraud as illegality’ (1994) 110 LQR 3.
Delaney, V. ‘Equity and the Law Reform Committee’ (1961) 24 MLR 116.
Gardner, S., ‘Two maxims of equity’ [1995] CLJ 60.

Holdsworth, W., History of English Law, 7th edn, Sweet & Maxwell, 1966.

Lord Denning, ‘The need for a new equity’ (1952) CLP 1.


Lord Denning, Landmarks in the Law, Butterworths, 1984.


Lord Evershed, ‘Equity after fusion: federal or confederate’ (1948) JSPTL 180.

Lord Evershed MR, ‘Reflections on the fusion of law and equity after 75 years’ (1954)

70 LQR 326.

McGhee, J., Snell’s Equity, 32nd edn, Sweet & Maxwell, 2010.

Macnair, M., ‘Equity and conscience’ (2007) OJLS 659.


Mitchell, C. and Mitchell, P., (eds) Landmark Cases in Equity, Hart, 2012.

Maitland, F. W., Equity, 2nd edn, Cambridge University Press, 1936.

Pettit, P. H., ‘He who comes to equity must come with clean hands’ [1990] Conv 416.
Pollock, F., Jurisprudence and Legal Essays, Macmillan, 1961.

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