Oracle BI Applications Installation On Cloud Services - Supplement

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Oracle BI Applications Installation on Cloud Services –

Oracle White Paper| April 2017

Authors V.1 Christopher Bridge, Archana Bansal

Contributors V.1 May 2016 Mohamed Ziaullah
Contributors V.2 September 2016 Jwalant Dattani, Madhukesh Nadgir, Ankur Jain
Contributors V.3 April 2017 Ankur Jain, Anand Sadaiyan, Swathi Singamareddygari

Table of Contents
Disclaimer ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3

Supplement: Detailed Installation Steps with Screen shots .............................................................................................. 3

1. Running the Fusion Middleware RCU installer ....................................................................................... 3

2. Running the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Installer ................................................... 6
3. Running the ODI installer ...................................................................................................................... 10
4. Running the BI Apps RCU ...................................................................................................................... 13
5. Running the BI Apps installer ................................................................................................................ 23
6. Applying the Fusion Middleware Platform Patch ................................................................................. 24
7. Updating ATGLite .................................................................................................................................. 26
8. Updating FSM ........................................................................................................................................ 28
9. Updating BIACM .................................................................................................................................... 30
10. Runing the Oracle Business Intelligence Configuration .................................................................... 33
11. Configuring Oracle BI Applications .................................................................................................... 37
12. Configuring User Access for ODI Studio ............................................................................................ 44
13. Registering Source Systems and Propagating Connection Details to Oracle Data Integrator .......... 46

Cheat sheet - In the event of a Compute Cloud Service restart ........................................................................................46

Troubleshooting RDC ......................................................................................................................................................47

This document does not replace the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Documentation Library or other
Cloud Services documents. This document serves as a supplement.

GUI screenshots shown in the document might differ from actual interfaces.

Supplement: Detailed Installation Steps with Screen shots

1. Running the Fusion Middleware RCU installer
bash-4.1$ whoami
bash-4.1$ cd /u01/data/backup
bash-4.1$ ./rcuHome/bin/rcu

Fusion Middleware RCU installer – Welcome

Read through the Welcome screen and Click Next.

Fusion Middleware RCU installer – Create Repository

Fusion Middleware RCU installer – Database Connection Details

Here you need to refer back to your earlier recorded DBaaS connection details.

Fusion Middleware RCU installer – Checking Prerequisites

Fusion Middleware RCU installer – Select Components

Click Next.

Fusion Middleware RCU installer – Schema Passwords

On the Schema Passwords screen provide the passwords for the schemas.

Fusion Middleware RCU installer – Map Tablespaces

Click Next.

Click OK.

Click OK when tablespaces are created.

On the Summary screen, verify the details and Click Create.

Click Close.

2. Running the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Installer

bash-4.1$ whoami
bash-4.1$ cd /u01/data/backup
bash-4.1$ ./bishiphome/Disk1/runInstaller

Oracle BI EE installer – Specify Inventory Directory

Note: change the default pre-filled in value.

On a CCS instance, if there is a pre-defined oraInventory in the following location ( /u01/app/oraInventory

) you can use that and there’s no need to create a new directory. But if there is not and you do create a new
directory follow the steps below.

In either case, note down the exact location of oraInventory directory and use the same in the subsequent
steps when asked for oraInventory location during installation or patching.

Click OK.

Open a new Terminal and run:

[opc@compute-wls-1 ~]$ sudo bash
[root@compute-wls-1 oraInventory]# cd /u01/app/oracle/oraInventory/
[root@compute-wls-1 oraInventory]# ./
Setting the inventory to /u01/app/oracle/oraInventory
Setting the group name to oracle
Creating the Oracle inventory pointer file (/etc/oraInst.loc)
Changing permissions of /u01/app/oracle/oraInventory to 770.
Changing groupname of /u01/app/oracle/oraInventory to oracle.
The execution of the script is complete

Exit the new Terminal.

Click OK on the Inventory Location Confirmation Dialog window.

Oracle BI EE installer – Welcome

Read through the Welcome screen and Click Next.

Oracle BI EE installer – Software Updates

Note, at the time of writing it’s not possible to connect to My Oracle Support from within the CCS.

Oracle BI EE installer – Software Only Install

Oracle BI EE installer – Prerequisite Checks

Oracle BI EE installer – Installation location

Note: change the default pre-filled in value.

Note: we will run "" later.

Click Next.

Oracle BI EE installer – Application Server

Oracle BI EE installer – Summary

On the Summary screen, verify the details and Click Install.

Oracle BI EE installer – Installation Progress

On the Complete screen verify the details and Click Finish.

3. Running the ODI installer
Run the ODI installer, passing the Java location parameter.
bash-4.1$ ./odi_installer/Disk1/runInstaller -jreLoc /u01/java/jdk<ver>

ODI installer – Welcome

Read through the Welcome screen and Click Next.

ODI installer – Software Updates

ODI installer – Select Installation Type

ODI installer – Prerequisite Checks
If you haven’t updated the Linux Packages you’ll see this,

If you did update the Linux Packages you’ll see green ticks all the way.

ODI installer – Installation Location

ODI installer – Application Server

ODI installer – (Skip) Configure Repositories

ODI installer – Installation Summary

On the Installation Summary screen, verify the details and Click Install.

ODI installer – Installation Progress

ODI installer – Installation Completed

On the Installation Completed screen, verify the details and Click Finish.

4. Running the BI Apps RCU

Creating Schemas (on the DBaaS) Using Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU
You must run the Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU to create schemas for Oracle Business Analytics
Warehouse, Oracle Business Applications Components, and Oracle Data Integrator Repository for Oracle BI

Copy the .dmp files to the DBaaS file system

The Business Analytics Applications Suite RCU installer runs Oracle db import commands using associated .dmp
files. Before running the installer we must copy (scp) the files from the CCS file-system where we unzipped the
installer files /u01/data/backup/biapps_rcu to a directory with global write access on the DBaaS instance’
file-system (e.g. /u01/zips).

On the DBaaS machine

[opc@devdbas ~]$ sudo su – oracle
[opc@devdbas ~]$ whoami
[opc@devdbas ~]$ cd /u01
[opc@devdbas ~]$ mkdir zips
[opc@devdbas ~]$ chmod 777 zips

On the CCS machine

When running scp commands do so as the user opc.

You may need to make the path (/u01/data/backup/biapps_rcu/rcu/integration/biapps/schema ) readable by

the opc user, if it was created by oracle user. Linux file system administration and security choices are up to
you the customer this is one way to get the required files into the DBaaS file system as required by the BI
Applications installer, there may be other methods. Copy all the available .dmp dump files using scp
bash-4.1$ sudo chmod 777 /u01/data/backup/biapps_rcu/rcu/integration/biapps/schema

bash-4.1$ whoami
bash-4.1$ cd /u01/data/backup/biapps_rcu/rcu/integration/biapps/schema

bash-4.1$ scp -i private-key-file dmp-file-name.dmp opc@dbaas-vm-ip-address:/u01/zips


 private-key-file is the path to the SSH private key file that matches the public key used when your
instance was created, for example, ~/.ssh/id_rsa.
 dmp-file-name is the .dmp file name (e.g. obia.dmp)

 dbaas-vm-ip-address is the public IP address of the VM in n.n.n.n (dotted decimal) format.

After the (scp) copy

Review the .dmp files on the DBaaS machine,

Warning! On the DBaaS machine review the disk usage, you must have a minium of 75 GB free on /u02 before
preceeding otherwise the installation will fail and take a longer time to run.

BI Apps RCU – Welcome

Read through the Welcome screen and Click Next.

BI Apps RCU – Create Repository

BI Apps RCU – Database Connection Details

Here you enter the DBaaS connection details,

BI Apps RCU – Select Components
The component choices you make will depend on your deployment however, you must choose the Oracle
Business Intelligence Applications.

If you are deploying cloud data sources, then select the check box for the applicable BI Applications SDS
schemas as seen in the following image. RCU creates the schemas for the selected cloud source systems.

Click OK.

BI Apps RCU – Schema Passwords

On the Schema Passwords screen, specify and confirm a password for the schemas, then click Next to proceed
to the Custom Variables screen.

BI Apps RCU – Custom Variables

Change the Value to match the path to the location on the DBaaS file system where the .dmp files were copied

BI Apps RCU – Map Tablespaces
Warning don’t use the defaults shipped in the RCU, following the installation guide,





Click OK, OK, Close.

Click Next.

Click OK.

Meanwhile, on the DBaaS…

You can monitor the dbf files being created:


Back on the CCS…

Click OK.

BI Apps RCU – Summary

On the Summary screen, click Create to start the schema creation process on the DBaaS. When the schemas
are created with no errors, the Completion Summary screen is displayed.

Meanwhile, on the DBaaS…

You can monitor the import status logs in /u01/zips …

Note, this process can take between 15 mins and 2 hrs depending on earlier choices.

Back on the CCS…

BI Apps RCU – Completion Summary

On the Completion Summary screen, verify the details and note the log file location. Click Close.

5. Running the BI Apps installer

bash-4.1$ whoami
bash-4.1$ cd /u01/data/backup
bash-4.1$ unzip -d .
bash-4.1$ cd /u01/data/backup/biappsshiphome/Disk1
bash-4.1$ ./runInstaller -jreLoc /u01/java/jdk<ver>

BI Apps installer – Welcome

Read through the Welcome screen and click Next.

Note: If you are running the installer on a Linux machine that does not have the file /etc/oraInst.loc, then the
installer will display the Specify Inventory Location screen.

Specify the same inventory directory that you provided while running OBIEE installer in section 2 above.

BI Apps installer – Prerequisite Checks

BI Apps installer – Specify Installation Location
Warning, you need to change the Oracle Middleware Home default location, also note after you change it the
Oracle Home Directory changes to Oracle_BI2, change it back to Oracle_BI1.

BI Apps installer – Summary

The installer installs the Oracle BI Applications folders and files in the Oracle Home for BI directory. Verify the
details on the Summary screen and click Install.

BI Apps installer – Installation Progress

6. Applying the Fusion Middleware Platform Patch

Warning, this step takes a significant amount of (albeit temporary) disk space on the Middleware storage
volume, ensure you have Scaled-out the CCS Storage as instructed above before continuing.

In a new Terminal/tab:

[opc@compute-wls-1 ~]$ sudo su - oracle
bash-4.1$ whoami
bash-4.1$ cd /u01/data/backup
bash-4.1$ mkdir patches
bash-4.1$ unzip -d patches/
bash-4.1$ unzip -d patches/
bash-4.1$ unzip -d patches/
bash-4.1$ cd /u01/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_BI1/biapps/tools/bin/
bash-4.1$ vi apply_patches_import.txt

bash-4.1$ perl apply_patches_import.txt

This should unzip the files into the WORKDIR (/tmp) and start running silent mode opatch(es) applications
taking up further disk space in /u01/app/oracle/middleware

Patching report

7. Updating ATGLite
In a Terminal/tab:
bash-4.1$ whoami
bash-4.1$ cd /u01/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_BI1/bin
bash-4.1$ ./psa

Read through the Welcome screen and click Next

On the Upgrade Success screen, verify the details and note the log file location. Click Close.

8. Updating FSM
In a Terminal/tab:
bash-4.1$ whoami
bash-4.1$ cd /u01/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_BI1/bin
bash-4.1$ ./psa

Read through the Welcome screen and click Next

On the Upgrade Summary screen, verify all the details and Click Upgrade.

On the Upgrade Success screen, note the log file location and click Close.

9. Updating BIACM
In a Terminal/tab:
bash-4.1$ whoami
bash-4.1$ cd /u01/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_BI1/bin
bash-4.1$ ./psa

Read through the Welcome screen and click Next

On the Upgrade Summary screen, verify the details and click Upgrade.

On the Upgrade Success screen, note the log file location and Click Close.

Run it again, for BIACM_IO.

10. Runing the Oracle Business Intelligence Configuration

Time to Complete: around 45 minutes
bash-4.1$ whoami
bash-4.1$ cd /u01/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_BI1/bin
bash-4.1$ ./ -"DISABLE_CHECK_HOSTNAME=true"
Note: the parameter highlighted in yellow is important, raised tracking bug 23122784.

Oracle BI EE Configuration – Welcome

Read through the Welcome screen and Click Next.

Oracle BI EE Configuration – Prerequisite Checks

Oracle BI EE Configuration – Create New BI System

Oracle BI EE Configuration – Specify Installation Location

Accept the defaults. Click Next.

Oracle BI EE Configuration – Configure Components

Oracle BI EE Configuration – Configure Components

On the Summary screen, verify the details and Click Configure.

Click Finish.

Oracle BI EE Configuration – Complete

Firefox should open at the BI Answers login screen,

You can close Firefox, at this point it’s not required.

11. Configuring Oracle BI Applications
You'll need to run the configApps.bat or file to extend the BI Domain to deploy Oracle BI
Applications and to configure the components.

During this phase, these key configurations occur:

 Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, Functional Setup Manager, ODI Java EE Agent, ODI
Console, and Load Plan Generator are deployed into WebLogic Server.

 Component wiring is performed.

 A BI Applications Administrator User (with full access to Configuration Manager and access to ODI with
the Supervisor role) is created in WebLogic Server embedded LDAP.

 The Oracle Data Integrator Repository for Oracle BI Applications is configured and set to use external
authentication (that is, authentication against the WebLogic Server embedded LDAP).

In a Terminal/tab:
[opc@compute-wls-1 ~]$ sudo su - oracle
bash-4.1$ whoami
bash-4.1$ cd /u01/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_BI1/bin
bash-4.1$ ./ -"DISABLE_CHECK_HOSTNAME=true"

Read through the Welcome screen and Click Next.

On the Summary screen, verify the details and Click Configure.

12. Configuring User Access for ODI Studio
bash-4.1$ whoami
bash-4.1$ cp /u01/app/oracle/middleware/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/odi-client-
config/embedded/cwallet.sso /u01/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_ODI1/oracledi/client/odi/bin

-bash-4.1$ cp /u01/app/oracle/middleware/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/odi-client-
config/embedded/jps-config-jse.xml /u01/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_ODI1/oracledi/client/odi/bin

Edit odi.conf
bash-4.1$ vi /u01/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_ODI1/oracledi/client/odi/bin/odi.conf

Copying Source Files

bash-4.1$ whoami
bash-4.1$ cp -r /u01/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_BI1/biapps/etl /u01/data/backup/

Login to ODI Studio, create a connection to DBaaS:

bash-4.1$ whoami
bash-4.1$ cd /u01/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_ODI1/oracledi/client
bash-4.1$ ./ &

13. Registering Source Systems and Propagating Connection Details to Oracle Data

http://<IP or Name of CCS>:9704/biacm/

Follow Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Documentation Library for supported source connection
technologies and configuration steps.

Cheat sheet - In the event of a Compute Cloud Service restart

In the event (e.g. due to patching / maintenance, Scale up) of a Cloud Compute Instance machine restart the
VNC configuration and process will be lost. The new AdminServer and associated bi_server1 and odi_server1
managed servers will be down.

Perform the following steps in your ssh terminal as user opc:

1. Mounting the Storage Volume if not Already Mounted

Check if storage volume is already mounted

bash-4.1$ df –h
bash-4.1$ sudo mount /dev/xvdc /u01

2. Starting the VNC Server

gconftool-2 -s -t bool /apps/gnome-screensaver/lock_enabled false
vncserver :1 -depth 16 -alwaysshared -geometry 1200x750 -s off

Connect to the VNC desktop.

Open a Terminal (for each step 3, 4, & 5 below, open a new Terminal tab).

3. Starting the AdminServer

[opc@compute-wls-1 ~]$ xhost +
access control disabled, clients can connect from any host

bash-4.1$ sudo su – oracle

bash-4.1$ cd /u01/app/oracle/middleware/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/bin
bash-4.1$ ./

Wait until the server shows RUNNING in the Terminal output before continuing.

4. Starting the bi_server1

bash-4.1$ sudo su – oracle
bash-4.1$ cd /u01/app/oracle/middleware/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/bin
bash-4.1$ export
bash-4.1$ ./ bi_server1 http://<IP or Name of CCS>:7001

Where compute-wls-1 is the hostname of your COMPUTE.

5. Starting the odi_server1

bash-4.1$ sudo su – oracle
bash-4.1$ cd /u01/app/oracle/middleware/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/bin
bash-4.1$ ./ odi_server1 http://<IP or Name of CCS>:7001

Where compute-wls-1 is the hostname of your COMPUTE.

6. Running the ODI Client
bash-4.1$ whoami
bash-4.1$ cd /u01/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_ODI1/oracledi/client
bash-4.1$ ./ &

Troubleshooting RDC
For the latest troubleshooting information please consult the RDC team.

Oracle BI Administration tool Errors

Unable to see "JDBC (JNDI)" in Oracle BI Administration tool 12c, after loading Java Datasources.

Close the Oracle BI Administration tool and re-open it. Do not open the Repository in the Administration tool. Load the Java
Datasources first, then open the Repository.

"Load Java Datasources" fails OR "401--Unauthorized" when visiting /obiee/javads?status

Check the URL. Make sure that the WebLogic username and password is correct. Disable RDC's Metadata security by running the
following in the same shell as the one starting WebLogic:



Unable to import tables/check number of rows in Oracle BI Administration tool. Getting "401--Unauthorized" error when trying to
do so.

RDC is not designed to allow access through Oracle BI Administration tool. This is for security reasons. The Repository should be created
without using RDC (connecting directly via ODBC, or by other means), then Connection Type should be switched to "JDBC (JNDI)". Make
sure you switch to the "Miscellaneous" tab after switching to "JDBC (JNDI)" connection type. After these changes the Repository is
ready for uploading to OAC.

OAC Errors
Query fails with "401--Unauthorized error":

1. Make sure you have copied public key obtained from OAC
to $DOMAIN_HOME/bifoundation_domain/rdc_keys/<deployment_name>/oracle_bics_rdc.pem
o Here $DOMAIN_HOME is WebLogic's Domain Home. <deployment_name> is generally name of the WAR file
without the ".war" extension. For example, if you deployed obi-remotedataconnector.war, deployment name by
default is obi-remotedataconnector.
2. Another issue could be that you didn't visit the "Miscellaneous" tab after switching the connection to JDBC (JNDI). Open the
Oracle BI Administration tool, switch to Miscellaneous tab of the connection pool, then press OK. Here "Use SQL over HTTP"
should be "true".

Query fails with "Unknown Call Interface JDBC (JNDI)":

1. Make sure you don't have other Connection Pools that also use JDBC (JNDI), but pointing to incorrect URL. All JDBC (JNDI)
connections should be through valid URLs.
2. Also, before uploading the Repository, user should switch to the Miscellaneous tab in each JDBC (JNDI) connection pool
within Oracle BI Administration tool and then save. The best way to check if everything is good is to follow the steps below:
open the Repository (if already open, close and reopen)
right click on the connection pool
Paste in a notepad window
Each Connection Pool having JDBC (JNDI) type should have 'use.sql.over.http'='true' in the PROPERTIES section within the text
that was copied.

3. A known bug prevents JDBC (JNDI) connections from going through when using a non-working URL in the Repository. This
happens even if the Repository is updated with the correct URL later. Make sure you have the correct, working URL before
uploading the Repository.

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