Star Child: Philosophy and Skepticism
Star Child: Philosophy and Skepticism
Star Child: Philosophy and Skepticism
Unlimited (UPT)
Philosophy - The voice of Reason
So, what are the chances that Starchild had a non-human father?
What if life has emerged on other planets?
According to Drake’s equation, life probably has emerged on
other worlds, but
Ward and Brownlee (2000) estimate life in the universe as
extremely low
Most planets are like this Very few are like this
Philosophy - The voice of Reason
DNA is how it works here, but there are many other possible
systems to build life
Creatures here suit their niche, but there are many ways it could
have turned out. There are millions of possibilities in evolutionary
design space.
Philosophy - The voice of Reason
Its possible, but distances are so vast, unless they were close
it is unlikely that they would visit.
Odds are low. Even if alien was DNA based, and even if its
genome was similar to ours, its unlikely that it could reproduce
with a human.
Why humans?
Is this a problem?
3. Schools
Powerpoint by BRENT SILBY
Produced at UPT
Christchurch, New Zealand