App Note Shaft Crack BNC

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The document discusses trends in machine operation leading to more shaft cracks, symptoms of shaft cracks, and instruments that can detect shaft cracks early.

Machines are being operated longer beyond their design lives and practices like frequent starting and stopping are imposing more stress on rotors, making them more susceptible to cracking.

The two fundamental symptoms of a shaft crack are unexplained changes in synchronous speed shaft amplitude and phase and the occurrence of twice rotative speed vibration.



Early Shaft Crack Detection
On Rotating Machinery
Using Vibration Monitoring and


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Shaft Crack Detection

Trends in machine use and design are causing shaft cracks
to become increasingly more commonplace than 20 years ago.
The current trend among machinery users is to extend the life
of rotating machinery. Rather than replace 20- to 3D-year old machinery,
many companies are using life assessment and inspection techniques to
operate their machinery up to or beyond its original design life.
Today's operating practices--particularly on machines in power
generation service--also impose severe thermal and mechanical stress on
the rotors. One such practice is the runup and rundown of machines two
or more times per day. When operated in this manner, some rotors
become susceptible to age-related cracking.
Another trend over the past 10 years has been to design larger
turbine generators--even greater than 1,000 megawatts. These larger
machines are more susceptible to various machine malfunctions,
including shaft cracks, according to an Electric Power Research
Institute (EPRI) study.
Conseguently, the number of shaft crack incidents has increased •
dramat i ca lly.
One machine manufacturer has logged more than 28 incidents
in North America over the past 10 years in the power generation industry
alone. And the manufacturer indicates this is a partial list only.
Cracks, which develop in new or overhauled rotors because of
faults in design, tend to develop early in the life of the rotor after
commissioning or rebuilding. These cracks are often caused by increased
stress introduced by poor machining techniques.
Cracks can also develop in rotors that have run many thousands
of hours without failure, because of corrosion damage, severe
misalignment preloads, and other factors. These problems can develop
on many types of rotating machinery, both large and small.
As the number of shaft crack incidents has increased, so, too,
has the need for early detection of shaft cracks.
The reason is simple. The consequences of shaft cracks
are catastrophic. Companies--from a monetary, safety, and public
image point of view--cannot afford to have a shaft crack incident.
According to an EPRI report, one utility paid $6.2 million
to purchase replacement power alone during an outage caused by a shaft
crack on a turbine. The cost of instrumentation to diagnose the shaft
crack was $100,000.

Because other malfunctions can cause the machine to exhibit

si~ilar symptoms as those experienced under a shaft crack condition,
it's important to understand that proper diagnostic methods must
be used to diagnose a shaft crack.
There are two fundamental symptoms of a shaft crack:
1) Unexplained changes in the synchronous speed (IX) shaft
relative amplitude and phase and/or slow roll bow vector, and
2) The occurrence of twice rotative speed (2X) vibration.
The vital and primarf symptom is changes in the synchronous (IX)
amplitude and phase and/or s ow roll bow vector. This symptom, which
has been observed on large turbine generators with shaft cracks, is
the most im ortant indicator of a shaft crack. Shaft measurements are the
only effective method for measuring changes in the synchronous IX amp ltude
and phase and/or slow roll vector.
The changes in synchronous (IX) amplitude and phase are caused
by the shaft bowi~g due to an asymmetric transverse crack (Figure 1). In
this situation, the synchronous (IX) amplitude and phase changes-­
either higher or lower.
The secondary, and classical, symptom--the occurrence of the
2X component--is due to asymmetry of the shaft.
The 2X component is due to a combination of a transverse

crack--which causes shaft asymmetry--and a steady-state radial

) load--such as gravity, in the case of horizontal rotors.

The 2X frequency component is especially dominant when the

rotative speed is in the region of half of a rotor system natural
frequency. Figure 2 shows a spectrum cascade plot and the
corresponding orbits, which identify this classical shaft crack
behavior as well as the bow/nonlinear response.
The change in synchronous (IX) amplitude and phase can be
monitored under normal operating conditions to provide alarming
and early warning of a shaft crack.
The polar plot provides an excellent format for documenting
the shift in synchronous (IX) amplitude and phase. The shift is
monitored at operating speed and at slow roll. A normal operating
range of the IX vibration vector is determined within the plot to form
what is called an "acceptance region." The actual IX vibration vector
is then plotted. Deviation of the IX vibration vector from the
acceptance region can be a vital warning of a shaft crack, even though
other rotor disturbances can also cause some deviation from the
acceptance region (Figure 3). Similar techniques apply to changes in
the slow roll bow vector.
Changes in synchronous (IX) amplitude and phase must be analyzed
in conjunction with other vibration information--including the twice
rotative speed (2X) machine behavior--to determine whether the shifts
were caused by an asymmetric transverse crack or other factors, such as
load, field current, steam conditions, or other operating parameters.

lotted for the twice rotative

startu and s utdown to rovide further
evi ence a t e pOSS1 i ity a a sat crac .
The polar plot format is used to document increases in the
twice rotative speed (2X) component within an acceptance region.
We recommend that the maximum amplitude of the acceptance region for
the twice rotative speed (2X) component be established at 2 mils
peak-to-peak (pp), based on our experience with shaft cracks and
other machine malfunctions. When relative changes of the twice
rotative speed (2X) component exceed 2 pp mils, it is an indication
of a severe machine malfunction.
It is important to note that the 2 pp mil level may not be
appropriate for all machines. The type of machine and the location
of the proximity probes on the machine must be considered when
establishing the acceptance level.
Even though the appearance of the 2X component has been
described in technical papers for the past 50 years, only one of
four recent shaft crack saves exhibited this classical phenomenon.
In that case, the plant engineers and manufacturer's engineer
observed and acted upon the following information on a vertical pump
used in nuclear power plant service to accomplish an excellent save:
1. Increasing overall vibration levels.
2. Large IX and 2X frequency vibrations.
3. 2X frequency vibration that remained after the machine was
trim balanced. The IX frequency vibration was significantly
decreased by trim balancing.
The engineers used the vibration information to determine
whether the machine response was caused by other possible
malfunctions, such as unbalance, misalignment, etc. After eliminating
the other possible malfunctions, the engineers determined there was a
high probability of a shaft crack. The machine was taken out of
service and inspected. Inspection confirmed their diagnosis.
Observation of orbits is also useful for revealing a shaft
Figure 4 shows the typical orbit patterns for a shaft with a
large IX component, caused by a crack as well as a steady-state preload,
such as gravity. The orbit patterns show that the rotor moves toward
the direction of the preload twice during each shaft rotation. This
results in a 2X component. Future changes in the orbit pattern are
dependent on the phase lag relationship between the IX and 2X components.
When these orbit patterns are detected, other machine
malfunctions must be eliminated to determine whether a shaft crack
is the root cause of the problem.
A large Ix component can be caused by a shaft thermal bow as
well as a shaft crack. A preload--due to misalignment--as well as a
shaft crack can cause large IX and 2X components.

When the thermal bow is removed, both IX and 2X components

disappear. When only the steady-state load is removed, the orbit
becomes a IX circle without a 2X component. The two separate methods
of 2X formation may, of course, occur together when both situations are
present (see Figure 3).
To obtain the vibration information for detecting shaft cracks,
mode identification XY proximity probes--located at various
longitudinal positions along the rotor--and a Keyphasor® reference are
required. These probes make it possible to reliably observe the
significant indicators of a shaft crack--the action of the shaft
vibration patterns and bow changes at low rotative speed--as well as
to identify nodal point regions and rotor mode shapes.
The mode identification XY proximity probes should be used to
continuously monitor machines that are susceptible to shaft cracking.
The use of these probes also overcomes the potential danger, when only
a single set of XY proximity probes is used, of locating the probes at
a nodal point along the rotor.
What to do when your machine experiences any of the shaft
crack symptoms ...
As we stated before, because other malfunctions can cause the
machine to exhibit similar symptoms as those experienced under a shaft
crack condition, the proper methodology must be used to diagnose
a shaft crack.
Two recent shaft crack saves illustrate this point. The engineers
) originally suspected imbalance as the cause of the problem, but the
machine did not respond properly to several balancing attempts.
Difficulty in trim balancing often is a warning sign of a
cracked shaft. Further analysis of the symptoms is required to
determine the root cause of the problem.
Bently Nevada possesses the capabilities to assist you in
identifying the symptoms and detecting cracked shafts.
We know numerous machines are now operating with at least
small cracks and are using a three-pronged approach--research, services,
and instrumentation--to detect shaft cracks.
Research, conducted by Bently Rotor Dynamics Research Corporation,
has resulted in the definition of shaft crack symptoms and the
development of methodology for diagnosing shaft cracks.





.... ...........
--­ ~ . ...
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: I

Orbit of shaft bow
caused by transverse
crack (1 X frequency)

This causes: (1) Changing 1 X (synchronous) vibration

behavior at speed and load.
(2) Erratic response to attempted balancing.
(3) Changes in the slow roll bow vector (at low
rotative speeds).

Further, as the bow increases, a totally different type of 2X

behavior may occur. (See spectrum cascade of cracked shaft).

Figure 1




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2 3 4 5 6 7 8



The above spectrum cascade plot shows the vibration response

(amplitudes and frequencies) from a proximity displacement
transducer at different speeds during a shutdown of a rotor with
a cracked shaft. Two types of 2X components caused by a
cracked shaft can be observed in this example.

When the rotative speed (800 rpm) is at half the resonance

speed (1600 rpm), the 2X frequency component has its
resonance. The orbit shows the typical inside loop. This 2X
motion is driven by a preload (like gravity) and shaft
nonsymmetry due to a crack. The 2X component is present even
though the 1 X component is small.

When the shaft bow gets large as the rotative speed approaches
the resonance speed a steady state preload causes the rotor
reaction shown by the orbit at 1600 rpm. Notice that the 2X,
3X, and 4X harmonics are also incurred. This 2X motion is
driven by the 1X and therefore, is only present when large 1 X
orbiting occurs.

At 3600 rpm a large 1 X vibration again occurs (second

resonance). In conjunction with the preload, it causes the
resulting 2X frequency component. The corresponding orbit is

Figure 2




1 X ........, ""
and phase '\
'" \

\ \
270 1----4--+--f---+--+-+--..l.--...L--4--------l 90


/ /

--.._---­ / '


The polar plot is a presentation of vector monitoring. The

1X (or 2XI amplitude and phase vector is monitored to
ensure it remains within an acceptance region. When the
vector moves outside the acceptance region, further
diagnostics are necessary. This is especially important
for monitoring for cracked shafts.

Figure 3

Examples of orbits of a rotor with a cracked shaft and

resulting shaft bow combined with a stead-state preload,
such as gravity.

Examples of orbits of a rotor with a cracked shaft where

the 2X frequency component results primarily from a
preload, like gravity. These are the classical 1 X and 2X
orbits for a cracked shaft, at a half first balance
resonance speed.
Figure 4

The methodolo is tau ht at our Customer Trainin seminars.

rn-a mac ine save invo ving a s aft crac, at a pu ic service
utility, engineers from the utility had attended a Bently Nevada
seminar, which helped them better interpret the information from theil"
7200 Series Monitoring System and ADRE~ (Automated Diagnostics for
Rotating Equipment) system. Based on the vibration data, they stopped
the machine. Inspection revealed a 400 degree spiral crack.
The shaft crack methodo 10 lis
Mechanica nglneerlng erVlces ln per
In a recent case, MES engineers' superior methodology made
the difference in correctly diagnosing the problem. Bently Nevada's
MES engineers analyzed the rotative speed (IX) and the twice rotative
speed (2X) data and determined there was a high probability of a severe
crack. The machine was disassenlbled. Inspection revealed a 90 to 95
percent crack through the rotor that was visible to the eye.
Bently:Nevada's MES engineers are trained to detect shaft
cracks and diagnose other machine malfunctions.
They also are trained to perform balancing--using modern
techniques--and to document the response vectors during the balancing
process for the user's records.
Several Bently Nevada instruments are available today for use
in early shaft crack detection:
o ADRE System to observe and document the machine response
under transient conditions. The ADRE is especially useful for
observing IX and 2X polar plots
o 7200 Series Dynamic Data Manager® system to continuously
observe and trend IX and 2X amplitude and phase components as well
as to observe and document spectrum information.
o 7200 Series Monitoring System with the 72730 Digital Vector
Filter CDVF-R) to continuously observe IX amplitude and phase components.
o Digital Vector Filter 2 CDVF 2) and Balance Master~ to take
periodic readings of IX and 2X amplitude and phase components.
o Keyphasor Multiplier, an accessory to the DVF 2 and Balance
Master™, which can be used to multiply the Keyphasor frequency to
observe 2X components.
o Snapshot® to take periodic readings of IX and 2X amplitude
and phase components and to plot data in spectrum, time base, and orbit

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