Know The 3 Main Points of Acupressure: 1. To Combat Stress and Headache

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Know the 3 Main Points of Acupressure

1. To combat stress and headache

This acupressure point is located between the right thumb and index finger. Starting at the right
hand, to press this point your hand should be relaxed, with your fingers slightly curved and the
point should be pressed with the left thumb and the left index finger, so that these two fingers
form a forceps. The remaining fingers of the left hand should be at rest, just below the right

Acupressure point located between right thumb and index finger

To press the acupressure point, you should start by applying pressure firmly for 1 minute until
you feel a slight pain or burning sensation in the region being tightened, which means you are
pressing the right spot. After that, you should release your fingers for 10 seconds, then repeat the
pressure again.
This process should be repeated 2 to 3 times in both hands.
2. To combat menstrual cramps
This acupressure point is located in the center of the palm. To press this point, you should use the
thumb and forefinger of the opposite hand, placing the fingers in the form of tweezers. In this
way, the point can be pressed simultaneously on the back and palm of the hand.
Acupressure point located in the palm of the hand

To press the acupressure point, you should start by applying pressure firmly for 1 minute until
you feel a slight pain or burning sensation in the region being tightened, which means you are
pressing the right spot. After that, you should release your fingers for 10 seconds, then repeat the
pressure again.
This process should be repeated 2 to 3 times in both hands.
3. To improve digestion and fight sickness
This acupressure point is located on the sole of the foot, just below the space between the big toe
and the second toe, where the bones of these two fingers intersect. To press this point, you should
use the hand on the opposite side, pressing the sole of the foot with the thumb and the opposite
side with the index finger, so that the fingers of the hand form a forceps that surrounds the foot.
Acupressure point located on the sole of the foot

To press this acupressure point, you must press hard for about 1 minute, releasing the foot at the
end for a few seconds to stand.
You should repeat this process 2 to 3 times on both feet.
4. To relieve coughing, sneezing, and allergy symptoms
Este ponto de acupressão fica localizado na parte interior do braço, na região da dobra do braço.
Para o pressionar deve usar o polegar e indicador da mão oposta, de forma a que os dedos fiquem
dispostos em forma de pinça em volta do braço.
ponto de acupressão fica localizado na parte interior do braço, na região da dobra do braço

Para pressionar este ponto de acupressão, deve pressionar com força até sentir uma leve dor ou
pontada, mantendo a pressão durante aproximadamente 1 minuto. Passado esse tempo deve soltar
o ponto durante alguns segundos para repousar.
Deve repetir este processo 2 a 3 vezes, em os braços.
Estes pontos ao serem pressionados aliviam diversos problemas como dores e cabeça ou de
tensão, estresse, cólica menstrual, alergias ou enjoo, por exemplo e a técnica deve ser feita pelo
menos 1 vez por dia para que seja eficiente. Quando for realizar a estimulação de pontos de
acupressão é recomendado que o faça em um local confortável, onde o corpo possa estar deitado
e relaxado.
Tal como acontece com a Acupuntura, a Acupressão só deve ser utilizada como forma para
complementar o tratamento clínico, sendo recomendado que consulte o médico para identificar e
tratar a origem da dor.
Quem pode realizar acupressão
Anyone can practice this technique at home, but it is not recommended for the treatment of
diseases that need medical attention, and should not be applied to areas of the skin with wounds,
warts, varicose veins, burns, cuts or cracks. In addition, this technique should also not be used by
pregnant women without medical follow-up or by a trained professional.
More on this subject:
 Main causes and how to treat pain in the toes
Rub Your Index Finger And See
What Will Happen to Your Body
Reflexology claims that every point on our body is connected with our hands.
Especially science and ancient Chinese medicine have demonstrated this
theory. It is said that on our hands is a map of our body. There is no need to
fill your body with lots of chemicals and medicines drugs, given that there is
a safe and natural methods for pain relief.

See below how!

The thumb is connected to the lungs and heart. If you have galloping
heartbeats, rub your thumb and pull it. Your heart rate should calm down.

The index finger is connected to the stomach and colon. To get rid of
constipation or abdominal pain, push it and rub it for a minute. You should
feel much better soon.

The middle finger is in contact with thin intestines, heart, blood and
respiratory system. Whenever you feel dizzy or nauseous or you suffer from
insomnia, stretch the middle finger and rub it.

Ring finger has a special significance for your mood. To prevent depression,
just rub your finger.

Little finger is related to kidneys, neck pain and headaches. Rub it and you’ll
feel much better.

The palms are found directly related to the nervo

A Stressed Generation
Young or old, we are all stressed. Rather than referring to each other as the X
Generation, Y Generation or Millennials, we should just call ourselves the stressed
generation. Why?
You and I have our specific reasons to get stressed. But, consider this. Every time a
situation or person stresses you, the body automatically kicks into a defensive

 Stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol flood our bodies

 Heart rate and blood pressure rise
 Mind becomes alert
 A fight or flight environment prevails
 Anxiety sets in
So, you’ve solved your issue and made peace with the world. The body is back to
normal, happy to have assisted you. Now, we know stress will strike back in a day or

 The body responds to stress

 Too many resources are constantly diverted to handle anxiety
 In the long term, the body is unable to repair itself
 The nervous system falters
 Digestion and reproductive processes are also affected
[ Read: Reflexology To Treat Headache And Migraine ]

Reflexology For Anxiety And Stress

Is reflexology good for anxiety? Reflexology is marvelous because it will relax you
even while it promotes the repair and healing process of the internal organs (1). How
is that, you ask?
1. Reflexology is an alternative form of therapy originating from the ancient Chinese.
2. This method or system is based on the principle that our head, hands, feet, and
stomach have specific ‘reflex’ points like a map.
3. These points are internally connected or linked to various parts of our body, stimulating
energy pathways.
4. Application of a certain degree of pressure on reflex points can positively affect specific
5. This can directly relieve stress, anxiety and restore optimal organ functions (2), (3).
6. Reflexology primarily stimulates the brain, pituitary gland, pineal gland and adrenal

Can’t Wait To Try It

There are times when you are thrown off balance. Sleep eludes you, and even
maintaining friendships become a chore. Without visiting a doctor or a pharmacy,
anchor yourself with reflexology. There will be no side effects!

1. Reflex Point 1 (Wrist)

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Image: shutterstock

1. This point is located on your wrist, a little below the hand

2. From the base of the palm, measure two times a thumbnail width
3. At the point where you see two large veins branch, place your thumb
4. You can make a fist to make the veins stand out
5. With your hand relaxed, press against the point
6. Continue to press until a slight pain is noticed
7. Massage the point while holding the pressure
8. Perform the same on the opposite wrist
Benefits: You can use the technique every time you feel stressed out. It calms and
relaxes you while reducing blood pressure as well.
[ Read: Relieve Back Pain Using Reflexology ]

2. Reflex Point 2 (Palm)

Image: shutterstock

1. The point lies below your thumb, between your middle and index fingers
2. It is right on the fleshy area near the thumb
3. Gently press the thumb of one hand on the reflex point on the other hand
4. Slowly curl and straighten them while you maintain the pressure
5. Repeat at least 10 times and then perform on the opposite hand
Benefits: It boosts energy by stimulating the adrenal gland and helps you relax.

3. Reflex Point 3 (Nails)

Image: shutterstock

1. This one is quite simple

2. Place one thumbnail on the other thumbnail
3. Pinch the nail in the center and hold the pressure for about 30 seconds
4. Repeat the technique with the opposite nail
Benefits: Nail reflexology stimulates the pituitary and endocrine glands. It keeps your
hormones in good working order.
[ Read: Is Lemon Balm An Effective Remedy For Anxiety? ]

4. Reflex Point 4 (Foot)

Image: shutterstock

1. You need to be seated and barefoot to perform this technique

2. Bring one foot to rest on the knee of the opposite leg
3. Ensure you can glimpse the base of the foot
4. The point lies at the base of the balls of your foot
5. This is slightly above the foot’s arch
6. Place your thumb at the base, right at the center
7. Apply pressure until you feel slight pain
8. Massage the point a little
9. Repeat the technique with your other foot
Benefits: Simply, the method helps you sleep by reducing emotional stress.
Similarly, your shoulders have reflex points that you can massage to open up the
energy flow and relax. There is so much more to learn about this wonderful method.

Did you ever try reflexology for anxiety and stress? Did it catch your attention? Share
your thoughts and opinions in the space below. I would love to hear from you.

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