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International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis

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International Journal of Clinical

and Experimental Hypnosis
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Effectiveness of Hypnosis
in Reducing Mild Essential
Hypertension: A One-Year Follow-
Marie-Claire Gay
University of Paris 10, France
Published online: 29 Oct 2010.

To cite this article: Marie-Claire Gay (2007) Effectiveness of Hypnosis in Reducing Mild
Essential Hypertension: A One-Year Follow-Up , International Journal of Clinical and
Experimental Hypnosis, 55:1, 67-83, DOI: 10.1080/00207140600995893

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00207140600995893


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Intl. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 55(1): 67–83, 2007
Copyright © International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis
ISSN: 0020-7144 print / 1744-5183 online
DOI: 10.1080/00207140600995893

A One-Year Follow-Up
Marie-Claire Gay1,2
University of Paris 10, France
Downloaded by [Harvard College] at 13:07 17 September 2013

Abstract: The present study investigates the effectiveness of hypnosis

in reducing mild essential hypertension. Thirty participants were
randomly assigned to hypnosis (standardized, individual 8-session
hypnosis treatment) or to a control group (no treatment). Results
show that hypnosis is effective in reducing blood pressure in the
short term but also in the middle and long terms. We did not find any
relationship between the practice of self-hypnosis and the evolution
of blood pressure or between anxiety, personality factors, and ther-
apeutic results. The implications of the results of the psychological
treatment of hypertension are discussed.

Essential hypertension affects 13% of the population and poses

a major health problem for health professionals, because hyperten-
sion presents a risk of suffering a major cardiovascular event. Indeed,
elevated blood pressure, systolic or diastolic, is the most significant
risk factor for cardiovascular mortality at any age for either sex.
Enormous efforts have been made to effectively control hyper-
tension and ameliorate its consequences. In addition to improved
drug therapy, there has been increasing interest in the possibility
of treating hypertension with nonpharmacological methods. This
approach is based both on the long-term observation that at least
part of the etiology of essential hypertension can be explained by
psychosomatic factors and on the inherent problems of any drug
therapy, namely side effects and poor compliance (for a review, see
Rutledge & Hogan, 2002).
Nonpharmacological approaches to lowering high blood pres-
sure have been tested in numerous studies. Techniques such as

Manuscript submitted January 1, 2006; final revision received May 18, 2006.
The author would like to thank Ms. Jean Pietrowicz for proofreading the manuscript
and Pr. Dr. Pierre Vrignault for verifying the statistics.
Address correspondence to Marie-Claire Gay, Ph.D., University of Paris 10,
Psychology department, 92001 Nanterre cedex, France. E-mail: Marieclaire.gay@free.fr


biofeedback (Agras, Southam, & Taylor, 1983; McCoy, Blanchard,

Wittrock, & Morrison, 1988; McGrady & Higgins, 1989; McGrady,
Woerner, Bernal, & Higgins, 1987), meditation (Sanderlin, 1991), relax-
ation (e.g., Amigo, Fernandez, A., Gonzalez, & Herrera, 2002; Hafer,
1985; Steptoe, Patel, Marmot, & Hunt, 1987), imagery (Young, 2000),
or a combination of two of these techniques have been used (McCoy
et al., 1988).
Among these techniques, hypnosis gave early proof of its effec-
tiveness in altering physiological measures, including blood pressure
(Shliffer, 1930; Stern, Winokur, Grahama & Grahama, 1961; White,
1940; Zinkin, 1930). This technique has proven to be effective in
reducing blood pressure (Friedman & Taub, 1977; Kerr, 1988; Tosi,
Downloaded by [Harvard College] at 13:07 17 September 2013

Rudy, Lewlis, & Murphy, 1992), as has the use of self-hypnosis (Case,
Fogel, & Pollack, 1980), which has also established its effectiveness.
Although studies using hypnosis are successful in lowering blood
pressure in the short and middle term, they do not give any indication
of effectiveness over a longer period of time. Therefore, it is of relevant
interest to prove the long-term efficacy of hypnosis on hypertension.
Another important factor in establishing the efficacy of a clinical
intervention is to determine whether there are individual differences in
responses to the intervention. This question seems particularly relevant
for hypnosis, because large individual differences exist in imagery
skills (Denis, 1991; Lang, 1979, 1980; McKelvie, 1995), and because
research on hypnotic susceptibility—a stable individual difference—
has shown that hypnotic response is correlated with imagery factors
(for a review, see Nadon, Laurence, & Perry, 1987).
The first aim of the present study is to investigate whether a
controlled hypnosis treatment is effective in reducing mild essen-
tial hypertension. To this end, two experimental groups were
created: a waiting-list control condition and a hypnosis condition in
which participants followed a standardized eight-session hypnosis
The present study also addresses the question of whether hypnosis’s
effectiveness is modified by individual differences in hypnotic suscep-
tibility and mental imagery. To assess individual differences in
imagery and hypnotic skills, we used several tests with which to eval-
uate the imagery skills in standard and in hypnotic conditions and the
ability to respond to hypnotic suggestions.

Thirty adults with high blood pressure volunteered to participate in
the study, referred by their general practitioners. The participants were

told that they would be participating in a research project investigating

the effectiveness of a psychological intervention, hypnosis, for hyper-
The inclusion criterion was a diagnosis of essential hypertension at
least 6 months earlier that had been ascertained by a general practi-
tioner on the basis of regular clinical examinations. The patients had
mild levels of essential hypertension: diastolic pressure equal to or
greater than 80 mmHg and less than 105 mmHg and systolic pres-
sure equal to or greater than 140 mmHg. Exclusion criteria were (a)
nonessential hypertension; (b) medical problems requiring ongoing
treatment; (c) psychological, neurological, or central nervous system
disorders that would bias the understanding of the instructions; and
Downloaded by [Harvard College] at 13:07 17 September 2013

(d) changes in treatment (medication) during the 3 months prior to the

People with moderate (diastole between 105 mmHg and 114 mmHg)
and high levels of hypertension (diastole from 115 mmHg) were not
used because of the risk of secondary medical problems requiring
specific medication, such that it would have been difficult to differen-
tiate the implication of the factors in the therapeutic results.
On the basis of these criteria, 45 people were selected for the first
interview. Of these 45, 4 never came and 2 did not meet the selection
criteria. Among the 39 who came to the first interview, 8 stopped their
participation immediately after the interview.
The 31 remaining participants were randomly assigned to one of the
two conditions with the restriction that each group would comprise the
same number of participants with medication (n = 16 for the hypnosis
condition, n = 15 for the control condition). One participant from the
hypnosis condition dropped out after the second hypnotic training
session, which left 15 in the hypnosis condition and 15 in the control
All analyses were computed using data from the remaining 30
participants (n = 15 for the hypnosis condition, and n = 15 for the
control condition), of whom 18 were women.
The participants were an average 47.10 years old (SD = 11.69),
ranging from 22 to 60 years, mostly married, and two-thirds worked
in a profession.
Considering health status, participants had been suffering from
hypertension for 6.6 years (SD = 4.2), had a diastolic pressure between
87 and 102, M = 87.9 (SD = 7.5) and a systolic pressure between 140
and 188, M = 156 (SD = 10.4). The diastolic pressure in the experi-
mental condition was M = 88.7 mmHg (SD = 7.3), and in the control
condition M = 87.2 mmHg (SD = 7.5). The two conditions did not
significantly differ in the diastolic pressure: t(28) = −0.546, p = .06,
ns. The systolic pressure in the experimental group also does not
show any difference from the control condition: for the experimental

condition, M = 153 mmHg (SD = 7.7), for the control condition, M = 159
(SD = 12.1), t(28) = 1.60, p = .251, ns.
Twenty participants out of 30 took medicine: 15 were on beta-
blockers (7 in the experimental condition, 8 in the control condition);
3 on angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (1 in the experimental
condition, 2 in the control condition), 1 was taking diuretics (in the
experimental condition), and 1 taking vasodilators (in the experimental
condition). There was no difference in blood pressure level between
the participants according to the medication status, neither for the
diastole, t(28) = 0.403, p = .69, nor for the systole, t(28) = 0.293, p = .77,
ns (see Table 1 for the sample characteristics).
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Table 1
Characteristics of the Samples

Total Hypnosis Control

N 30 15 15
Women 18 10 8
Men 12 5 7
Mean Age 47.2 (11.76) 47.9 (11.03) 46.6 (12.5)
Marital Status
Married 25 12 13
Divorced 2 2 0
Single 3 1 2
Professional activity
Yes 19 9 10
No 11 6 5
Hypertension Meds 20 10 10
Beta-blockers 15 7 8
Diuretics 1 1 –
Vasodilators 1 1 –
ACE inhibitors 3 1 2
Mean Yrs of Hypertension 5.8 (7) 7.5 (2.06)
M Systolic Pretreatment 156 (10.4) 153 (.76) 159 (1.21)
M Diastolic Pretreatment 88 (.73) 89 (0.72) 87 (0.75)
M Anxiety Intensity (VAS) 7.50 (3.15) 8.33 (2.44) 6.66 (3.61)
M SHSS:C 4.49 (3.03) 3.17 (2.35) 5.80 (3.12)
QMI 110.17 (18.22) 110.73 (19.40) 109.6 (17.63)
IDQ Imagery 15.73 (3.72) 15.06 (4.18) 16.40 (3.20)
IDQ Verbal 14.87 (6.41) 12.47 (6.61) 17.26 (5.92)
Vividness of Imagery 3.10 (.99) 2.78 (1.25) 3.42 (.51)
Note. No differences in any variable describing participants’ characteristics were
observed between the two groups, according to ANOVAs for parametric measures
and Mann-Whitney’s test for nonparametric measures, except for IDQ-V, p < .05
and SHSS:C, p < .05. VAS = Visual Analogue Scale; QMI = Questionnaire on
Mental Imagery; IDQ = Individual Differences Questionnaire.

Health Status
Blood pressure was assessed independently by the general practi-
tioner (GP) before treatment, at the end of the treatment, and at 6- and
12-month follow-ups.
Medication was reported at each assessment (type and dosage).
A visual analogue scale (VAS) was used to assess anxiety. ranging
from 0, no anxiety, to 10, extreme anxiety, because the reliability and
validity of the VAS has been established (Huskisson, 1983). We chose
such a scale rather than an anxiety questionnaire for two reasons:
(a) we did not want the participants to focus on their anxiety, because
Downloaded by [Harvard College] at 13:07 17 September 2013

anxiety was not our main target; (b) it was easier to use such a simple
scale over the telephone for the control condition during the sessions
and for both conditions during follow-up.

Cognitive Status
Hypnotic susceptibility was assessed by the Stanford Hypnotic
Susceptibility Scale, Form C (SHSS:C; Weitzenhoffer & Hilgard, 1962,
French version from Baroussa & Leclerc, 1991). This 10-item scale
assesses motor and cognitive responses to suggestions. It comprises
three factors: (a) ideomotor inhibition (negative visual hallucination,
arm rigidity, arm immobilization, anosmia), (b) difficulty factor (hand
lowering, moving hands apart, dream, age-regression), and (c) positive
hallucinations (hallucinated voice, mosquito hallucination, taste hallu-
cination). It is based on relaxation induction and contains inhibitory
suggestions (e.g., eyes closing, arm rigidity), and cognitive sugges-
tions (e.g., visual hallucination, amnesia). The induction and the 10
suggestions take an hour to administer.
Imagery ability under hypnosis was measured in a procedure lasting
about 20 minutes. It was similar to the therapeutic hypnotic session
with the exception that no hypertension adaptation was suggested.
Immediately after opening their eyes, participants answered questions
assessing imagery vividness. The questions are directly derived from
Sheehan’s Questionnaire of Mental Imagery: 0, no image; 1, not vivid;
2, moderately vivid; 3, vivid; 4, as vivid as reality.
Measures of imagery ability using questionnaires were the following:
the Betts’s Questionnaire of Mental Imagery, (QMI; Betts, 1909;
Sheehan, 1967), reviewed by Sheehan (1967), and the Individual Differ-
ence Questionnaire, (IDQ; Paivio, 1991).

Frequency of self-hypnosis was measured by self-report in two
different ways. During the 8-week training sessions, self-hypnosis was
measured at every session, using a scale from 0 to 7, corresponding to

the number of days the participants practiced in the preceding week.

During the follow-up, it was not possible to be so precise, because we
contacted the participants after 6 and 12 months. For this reason, we
evaluated the average practice during the last 6 months on a scale of
6 points, from 0 to 5 (0, no practice; 1, about once a month; 2, about twice
a month; 3, once a week; 4, several times a week; 5, every day).

The experimenter was a postdoctoral clinical psychologist. She
assessed all psychological measures and had treatment guidelines
specifying the content of each intervention session.
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All 30 selected participants who came to the medical office took part
in two pretreatment sessions of 2 hours each. They gave their informed
consent to the research duration (14 months) and to the necessity of
maintaining their medical treatment during the experiment. They were
also informed that they would be randomly assigned to one of the
conditions and that the control group would not comprise any psycho-
logical treatment. They were also informed of the confidentiality of
the study and that they would be fully debriefed at the end of the
follow-up period, according to deontological rules (Caverni, 2000).
They had then to answer questions about medication, health status,
anxiety, and the SHSS:C. During the second assessment session before
treatment, they all had to answer three questionnaires (QMI, IDQ) and
questions concerning the vividness of imagery. Vividness of imagery
and SHSS:C were assessed at the end of each session because these
measurement procedures might induce a kind of somnolence and
could thus influence the response to other assessments.
Participants were then randomly assigned to one of the two condi-
tions and informed by telephone.
The participants in the hypnosis condition then took part in 8 weekly
individual sessions of 30 minutes each in a clinical consulting room
(the treatment procedure is described below). At the beginning of each
session, they reported on self-hypnosis practice.
The control condition participants only came for the two assessment
sessions before treatment.
After the treatment was discontinued (after 8 weeks) and at the
6- and 12-month follow-ups, blood pressure was assessed by the GP
for all participants. The psychologist called the participants to assess
the anxiety level on the VAS and, for the hypnosis condition, to assess
the level of self-hypnosis practice.
After the 12-month follow-up, participants were thanked and fully
debriefed by the psychologist at the medical office.

Treatment Procedures
Hypnosis condition. The procedure is based on an indirect proce-
dure. Hypnosis restricts the individual’s perceptions of the external
world by focusing his or her attention on specific internal stimuli,
such as breathing. This attentional focus results in feelings of
being removed from the environment and activates specific cogni-
tive processes involving mental imagery. Participants were asked
to sit in an armchair, close their eyes and tell the experimenter
about a pleasant vacation memory. The procedure started with a
standardized relaxation induction. We chose it because direct induc-
tions may generate resistance in patients. Participants were asked
to relax their muscles and to be aware of proprio- and interocep-
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tive sensations. This procedure lasted about 5 minutes. Then, partic-

ipants were asked to imagine a pleasant holiday memory for about
5 more minutes. While participants were supposed to be involved
in their imagery activity, they were encouraged during the following
15 minutes to remember another positive memory from their child-
hood (age regression) involving well-being. Psychologically pleasant
feelings (excitement, calmness, joy, curiosity, surprise) were activated
while it was suggested that bodily functions remained relaxed. The
type of memory was specified for each session and involved chil-
dren’s games and symbolic events (Christmas, birthday). This age
regression was encouraged but not forced, as not everybody is able to
experience it.
For each session and type of memory, the experimenter read a
standardized script that evoked general images of well-being. These
images were connected to indirect suggestions of blood pressure regu-
lation. At the end of the session, participants were instructed to let the
memories go like a pleasant dream, to practice self-hypnosis as often
as possible, and to come back to the present. Each session lasted about
30 minutes.
The procedure never directly referred to hypertension. The reasons
for the choice of an indirect procedure using neither direct nor
posthypnotic suggestions are related to the fact that we wanted the
participants to mobilize personal resources, which is considered by
Erickson to be the basis of therapeutic success, especially of long-term
response (Erickson & Rossi, 1981). Thus, the activation of personal
knowledge and procedural memory in the participants should lead
to a better response to the therapy. Moreover, an approach based on
age regression seemed to be of particular interest as our population is
likely to be more involved in the training when having the opportunity
to enjoy old, pleasant memories.3

A standardized script can be obtained from the author.

Self-hypnosis practice suggestions were given at the end of each

hypnotic session. Participants were also directly encouraged to prac-
tice at home but not obliged so they would not feel uncomfortable
if they did not practice. They were told to sit down in an armchair,
to close their eyes, to relax, to let a nice memory occur in the same
way they did during the sessions, and to practice once a day for half
an hour.
Control condition. These participants did not receive any psycholog-
ical treatment. They only came to the evaluation sessions and were
then assessed over the telephone.
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The present study investigated (a) the efficacy of hypnosis in
reducing blood pressure and (b) the individual variables (hypnotic
susceptibility, imagery) that may mediate the potential effect of the
experimental manipulation. All analyses were computed using the
statistical software SPSS 14 for Windows.

Treatment Efficacy
To test for treatment efficacy, a 2 × 4 MANOVA was performed on
the systolic and diastolic scores, with the treatment group (control,
hypnosis) as a between-subjects factor and measurement time (8 weeks
after treatment onset, on the 6-month and the 12-month follow-up) as
a within-subjects factor.

Diastolic Pressure
The treatment group effect was significant in decreasing diastolic
blood pressure, F(1, 28) = 10.22, p < .003, but the measurement time
was not significant, F(3, 84) = 1.87, ns. It appeared to be significant
only when the first two measurement times were considered, using
a 2 × 2 MANOVA, F(1, 28) = 4.39, p < .045. That is, the diastolic blood
pressure remained stable after treatment in both conditions.
One-way ANOVAs were performed at each time of measurement
to examine the variations in the difference. As expected, no differences
were found at the first measurement time before the treatment was
initiated, F(1, 28) = .30, ns. Eight weeks after the treatment started,
a main effect in the treatment group was observed, F(1, 28) = 18.26,
p < .0001. The measurement taken 6 months after treatment onset also
revealed a main effect in the treatment group, F(1, 28) = 10.75, p < .003.
Finally, the hypnosis and the control groups also differed significantly
at the 12-month follow-up with a main effect of treatment group,
F(1, 28) = 10.78, p < .003. Table 2 illustrates the pattern of change in
diastolic blood pressure.

Table 2
Diastolic Scores at Baseline, During Treatment, and on
Follow-Up as a Function of Group and Measurement Time

Measurement time Group

Hypnosis Control

Before treatment 88.7(7.3)a 87.2(7.5)a

After 8 weeks 80.0(5.3)b 90.0(7.3)a
On 6-month follow-up 81.2(8.3)b 90.0(6.4)a
On 12-month follow-up 82.1(8.3)b 90.3(5.0)a
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Note. Means not sharing a common superscript (a or b ) differ

significantly ( p<.05).

Systolic Pressure
The treatment group effect was significant in decreasing systolic
pressure, F(1, 28) = 15.49, p < .001, as well as the measurement time,
F(3, 84) = 9.32, p < .001.
One-way ANOVAs were performed at each time of measurement to
examine the variations in the differences. As expected, no differences
were found at the first measurement time before the treatment was
initiated, F(1, 28) = 2.63, ns. Eight weeks after the treatment started,
a main effect in the treatment group was observed, F(1, 28) = 10.22,
p < .0003. The measurement taken 6 months after treatment onset also
revealed a main effect in the treatment group, F(1, 28) = 13.98, p < .001.
Finally, the hypnosis and the control groups also differed significantly
on the 12-month follow-up with a main effect in the treatment group,
F(1, 28) = 13.87, p < .001. Table 3 illustrates the pattern of change in
systolic blood pressure.

As shown in Table 4, anxiety scores decreased dramatically in
the hypnosis condition, with a significant treatment group effect,
F(1, 28) = 85.83, p < .001, as well as a significant measurement time,
F(2, 56) = 37.36, p < .001.
One-way ANOVAs were performed at each time of measurement
to examine the variations in the difference. As expected, no differences
were found at the first measurement time before the treatment was
initiated, F(1, 28) = 2.19, ns. Eight weeks after the treatment started, a
main effect in the treatment group was observed, F(1,28) = 7.35, p < .01.
The measurement taken on the 12-month follow-up also differed signif-
icantly with a main effect in the treatment group, F(1, 28) = 13.32,
p < .001. Tables 4 and 5 show the evolution of anxiety scores at the
different times in the procedure.

Table 3
Systolic Scores at Baseline, During Treatment, and on Follow-
Up, as a Function of Group and Measurement Time

Measurement Time Group

Hypnosis Control

Before treatment 153(7.7)a 159.0(12.1)a

After 8 weeks 140.3(10.1)b 156.7(13.6)a
On 6-month follow-up 140.9(7.8)b 157.5(11.9)a
On 12-month follow-up 144.4(7.1)b 157.2(17.3)a
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Note. Means not sharing a common superscript (a or b ) differ

significantly ( p<.05).

Table 4
Anxiety Scores at Baseline, During Treatment, and on
Follow-Up as a Function of Group and Measurement Time

Measurement Time Group

Hypnosis Control

Before treatment 8.33(2.44)a 6.66(3.62)a

After 8 weeks 3.58(2.75)b 6.57(3.26)a
On 12-month follow-up 3.22(1.56)b 6.76(3.43)a

Note. Means not sharing a common superscript (a or b ) differ

significantly ( p≤.05).

Table 5
Difference Scores of Anxiety at Baseline, During Treatment,
and on Follow-Up Compared to Baseline

Measurement Time Group

Hypnosis Control

After 8 weeks 4.75 −0.09

On 12-month follow-up −5.11 −0.10

Most of the participants in the experimental condition regu-
larly practiced autohypnosis between the hypnosis sessions, M = 3.89
(SD = 2.13): 40% trained at least five times a week, that is, almost every

day. This level of practice tends to diminish during the follow-up,

M = 2.53 (SD = 1.86). Fifty-three percent of the participants did not
practice or practiced less than twice a month, 27% practiced about once
a week, and 20% continue to practice several times a week. People
who regularly practiced self-hypnosis during the treatment aimed to
go on practicing it afterwards (r = .54, p < .048).
There is no significant relation between anxiety and blood pressure,
whether systolic or diastolic.

Mediating Effect of Anxiety and Self-Hypnosis on Blood Pressure

Correlations were computed between all systolic and diastolic
Downloaded by [Harvard College] at 13:07 17 September 2013

scores and anxiety. No correlations were significant, suggesting that

anxiety does not mediate the blood-pressure level. No significant rela-
tions were found between the level of the systolic and diastolic blood
pressure and the practice of self-hypnosis, either during the 8 weeks of
treatment or during the follow-up. During treatment, participants who
trained at home less than four times a week obtained results similar to
those who practiced four times or more a week with regard to systolic
pressure, t(13) = 0.88, p = .39, ns; and diastolic pressure, t(13) = −.47,
p = .65, ns. During the follow-up, the results are similar: the partici-
pants who practiced self-hypnosis several times a week (scores ≥ 4)
did not significantly differ from those who did not practice or prac-
ticed less with regard to diastolic pressure at both follow-ups: at the
6-month follow-up, t(13) = 0.27, p = .79, ns; at the 12-month follow-up,
t(13) = 0.81, p = .13, ns. Similar results were obtained with regard to
systolic pressure, at the 6-month follow-up, t(13) = 0.70, p = .50, ns; at
the 12-month follow-up, t(13) = 0.83, p = .42, ns.

Moderating Effect of Cognitive Factors

Table 6 shows the different parameters for the distribution of the
scales and questionnaires used. From these values, we can conclude
that they are sufficiently sensitive for the distributions. The vari-
ables are normally distributed, except for the imagery vivacity under
hypnosis (skew and kurtosis ≤  1  ).
Surprisingly, we did not register any significant relations between
the cognitive factors (QMI, IDQ, SHSS:C, vividness of imagery under
hypnosis). Multiple regressions were computed on the systolic and
diastolic blood pressure scores, with the potential moderators. None
of these potential predictors show a significant impact on the blood
pressure, systolic or diastolic. They do not show any impact either on
anxiety or on the practice of self-hypnosis. These analyses are there-
fore not reported. The test conclusion concerning the lack of effect is
probably caused by the small size of the sample.

Table 6
Characteristics of the Distribution of the Scores to the Different Scales and Question-
naires Used

N = 30 Minimum Maximum Mean (SD) Skewness Kurtosis

QMI 68 137 110.17 (18.22) −.37 −.57

IDQ-I 8 21 15.73 (3.72) −.62 −.61
IDQ-V 4 25 14.87 (6.41) −.15 −1.09
SHSS:C 0 10 4.49 (3.03) .27 −.89
Vivacity/hypnosis 1 4 3.19 (1.00) −1.07 −.14
Note. QMI = Questionnaire of Mental Imagery; IDQ-V = Individual Difference Ques-
tionnaire –Verbalizers; IDQ-I = Individual Difference Questionnaire – Imagers;
Downloaded by [Harvard College] at 13:07 17 September 2013

SHSS:C = Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale, Form C.

Summary and General Implications
The first aim of the study was to assess the efficacy of hypnosis
training for the treatment of essential hypertension. The present data
show that hypnosis is effective, as both the systolic and diastolic pres-
sure remained significantly lower after the training. This reduction was
significantly different from the control condition and was maintained
up to the 1-year follow-up. It is thus important to point out that indi-
vidual hypnosis training is very effective in the treatment of essential
hypertension and can be a real supplement to drug therapy. This kind
of training, which is passive, is not very demanding for patients; it
does not involve conscious-coping mechanisms and is therefore very
well accepted.

The decrease in blood pressure occurs independently of the evolu-
tion of anxiety, whether systolic or diastolic, and the data show no
significant relation between anxiety and blood pressure.
Hypnosis has a strong effect on anxiety: before the training, 80% of
the sample had high or very high anxiety scores, and at the end of
the training 77% demonstrated no further anxiety symptoms. Surpris-
ingly, the treatment effect improves in the long run, with 86.6% of the
people showing no anxiety. The effectiveness of the anxiety decrease
is independent of the initial level of anxiety. These results are in strong
contrast to the control condition, in which anxiety scores remain very
high and stable over time, significantly different from those of the
experimental condition.

The decrease in blood pressure occurs independently of autohyp-
nosis practice, whether systolic or diastolic, and the data show no
significant relation between autohypnosis and the evolution of blood
The practice of self-hypnosis does not exert an impact on the evolu-
tion of the blood pressure, either during the 8 weeks of hypnosis
training or during the follow-up. These results tend to confirm those
obtained by Friedman and Taub (1977), who did not observe any influ-
ence of autohypnosis during the hypnosis training. This lack of impact
during the hypnosis sessions can be attributed to the hypnosis proce-
dure itself, which may have been strong enough to mask the effects
Downloaded by [Harvard College] at 13:07 17 September 2013

of self-hypnosis, or to an inadequate practice due to insufficiently

precise instructions, that is, to a lack of control on the procedure by
the psychologist.
This impact does not appear during the follow-up: it is not necessary
to practice to keep normal blood pressure and the fact of doing regular
practice does not prevent the rise in blood pressure. Its impact does
not appear for anxiety either: the results obtained during the hypnosis
training tend to remain stable and even to improve during the follow-
up, whatever the level of autohypnosis practice.
To prove more precisely the impact of autohypnosis on essen-
tial hypertension, future studies will have to (a) assign participants
to conditions that may or may not include autohypnosis; (b) assign
people to conditions that include different methods of self-hypnosis
(by listening to an audiotape, by giving very precise instructions,
etc.); and (c) examine what people do exactly when they practice, to
know what they are actually doing when they say they are doing
self-hypnosis. That is, the qualitative content of self-hypnosis must be

Personality Factors
The personality factors traditionally associated with the hypnotic
scales do not show any impact on the therapeutic response. This
is probably because the participants are all hypnotizable and have
imagery ability. Indeed, several studies have shown an indirect asso-
ciation between imagery ability and therapeutic response. Thus, weak
imagery ability is connected with weak hypnotic scores (Council, 1999)
and if it is not necessary to be very hypnotizable to obtain thera-
peutic results, people who are hypnotizable tend to react more (Hall,
1983; Hall, Minnes, & Olness, 1993; Spanos, Victoria, & Gwynn, 1990).
However, we could not confirm the results obtained in other studies,
which showed a connection between the vividness of imagery under
hypnosis and the therapeutic response (Spanos et al., 1990; Gay, 2004;
Gay, Philippot, & Luminet, 2002).

The present study suffers from a relatively limited number of partic-
ipants, a common limitation in studies recruiting patients. This small
number might have led to small effects, but one could then question
the clinical significance of such effects. However, more participants
might have helped to clarify the role of individual differences, such as
imagery and suggestibility in the therapeutic area.

Direction for Future Research

The present study evaluated the effectiveness of eight weekly
hypnotic sessions. It showed the effectiveness of hypnosis in the short
Downloaded by [Harvard College] at 13:07 17 September 2013

and middle run but failed to demonstrate the stability of the result in
the long run. Considering these results, future studies might directly
manipulate the number and the rhythm of hypnotic sessions, to deter-
mine the best therapeutic pattern in the long run. It is also important
to determine the impact of home practice on the evolution of blood
pressure. To further explore the impact of autohypnosis on hyperten-
sion, future studies might also assign participants to conditions that
may or may not include home practice.

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Die Effektivität von Hypnose bei der Reduktion von leichter essentieller
Hypertonie: Eine 1-Jahr-Folgestudie

Marie-Claire Gay
Zusammenfassung: Diese Studie untersucht die Effektivität von Hypnose
bei der Reduktion von leichter essentieller Hypertonie. 30 Teil-
nehmer wurden zufällig zu einer Hypnose- (standardisierte achtstündige
Hypnose-Einzel-Behandlung) oder einer Kontrollgruppe (keine Behand-
Downloaded by [Harvard College] at 13:07 17 September 2013

lung) zugewiesen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Hypnosebehandlung sowohl

kurzfristig, aber auch mittel- und langfristig zu einer Blutdruckreduktion
führt. Wir fanden keinen Zusammenhang zwischen der Durchführung von
Selbsthypnose und der Entwicklung des Blutdrucks oder zwischen Angst,
Persönlichkeitsfaktoren und den therapeutischen Ergebnissen. Schlussfol-
gerungen aus den Ergebnissen für die psychologische Behandlung von
Hypertonie werden diskutiert.
Ralf Schmaelzle
University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany

L’efficacité de l’hypnose dans le soulagement de l’hypertension artérielle

essentielle bénigne : Un suivi effectué après un an

Marie-Claire Gay
Résumé: La présente recherche porte sur l’efficacité de l’hypnose dans la
réduction de l’hypertension artérielle essentielle bénigne. Trente partici-
pants ont été sélectionnés au hasard pour recevoir un traitement hypno-
tique (traitement individuel standardisé étalé sur huit séances) ou pour ne
recevoir aucun traitement (groupe témoin). Les résultats démontrent que
l’hypnose abaisse efficacement l’hypertension artérielle, non seulement à
court terme, mais aussi à moyen et à long terme. Aucun lien n’a pu être relevé
entre la pratique de l’autohypnose et l’évolution de la pression artérielle, ni
entre l’anxiété, les facteurs de personnalité et les résultats thérapeutiques.
Sont traitées dans cet article les implications des résultats du traitement
psychologique de l’hypertension artérielle.
Johanne Reynault
C. Tr. (STIBC)

La eficacia de la hipnosis para reducir la hipertensión esencial menor: Un

seguimiento de 1 año

Marie-Claire Gay
Resumen: Este estudio investiga la eficacia de la hipnosis para reducir
la hipertensión esencial menor. Asignamos aleatoriamente a treinta

participantes a un grupo de hipnosis (tratamiento estandarizado individual

de 8 sesiones) o al grupo control (no tratamiento). Los resultados muestran
que la hipnosis es eficaz para reducir la presión arterial a corto, mediano
y largo plazos. No encontré ninguna relación entre la práctica de la auto-
hipnosis y la evolución de la presión arterial o entre la ansiedad, los factores
de personalidad, y los resultados terapéuticos. Discuto los resultados del
tratamiento psicológico de la hipertensión.
Etzel Cardeña
University of Lund, Lund, Sweden
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