Nerve Muscle Physiology
Nerve Muscle Physiology
Nerve Muscle Physiology
Saltatory conduction
Rapid conduction of impulses through myelinated nerve fibers.
Impulse jumps from one node of Ranvier to another.
Myelin sheath is not permeable to ions, so action potentials are generated only at the unmyelinated nodes of
Ranvier, where there is a high density of Na+ channels.
This consumes less energy comparatively
The saltatory length is limited since the longitudinal current grows weaker with increasing distance.
Before it drops below the threshold level, the signal must therefore be refreshed by a new action potential.
Refractory Period
It is the period during which the nerve does not give any response to a stimulus.
Refractory period ends once the membrane potential returns to its resting value.
It is of 2 types:
Absolute refractory period Relative refractory period
Nerve does not show any response at all; even by
Period during which the nerve fiber shows response, if the
extremely strong stimuli since Na+ channels in
strength of stimulus is increased to maximum.
depolarized membranes cannot be activated
Extends from the time when firing level is reached, till
Extends through last 2/3 of time of re-polarization
the time when 1/3 of repolarization is completed
It does not cause fatigability of the nerve fiber Voltage gated K+ channels are open
All or none law: It states that when a nerve fiber is stimulated by a stimulus, it gives maximum response or does not
give response at all.
Conduction velocity
It is higher in myelinated nerve fibers (Unmyelinated nerve fibers have a much greater internal longitudinal resistance
(Ri) & poor insulation. So, the electrotonic transmission of neural impulses very rapidly. Hence, the conducted impulses
must be continuously “refreshed” by generating new action potentials)
Increases with the diameter of the nerve fiber (Ri is proportional to the cross-sectional area of the nerve fiber [Ri ∞
1/r2]. Thick fibers require few new APs per unit of length because. Increase in fiber diameter fiber circumference
conduction, but the beneficial effect of the smaller Ri predominates)
Action potential
Definition Excitation of a neuron occurs if Em on the axon hillock of a motor neuron or on the MEP changes from
its resting value to a less –ve value (slow depolarization)
Causes of a. Neurotransmitter - induced opening of postsynaptic cation channels
Depolarization b. Electrotonic transmission of stimuli from the surroundings
c. AP follows a pattern typical of the specific cell type, regardless of the magnitude of the stimulus that
generated it.
Ion channels Voltage gated (VG) channels open in response to change in membrane potential.
2 types of channels for K+: one always open & one closed in resting cell.
Nerve – Muscle Physiology
Types Voluntary muscles - Skeletal muscle: for locomotion, positional change & convection of
respiratory gases Supplied by somatic nerves
Involuntary muscles Supplied by autonomic nerves
- Cardiac muscle: for pumping the blood
- Smooth muscle: motor of internal organs & blood vessels
Differences Feature Smooth Cardiac Skeletal
Myofibrils Absent Present Present
T tubules Absent Short & broad Long & thin
Depolarization Spontaneous Spontaneous Upon stimulation
Summation Possible Not possible Possible
RMP Unstable Stable Stable
Source of Ca Extracellular SR SR
Neuromuscular junction Not well defined Not well defined Well defined
Control Involuntary Involuntary voluntary
Plain muscle – no cross
Cross striations Well developed Well developed
Structure Muscle mass is separated from neighboring tissues by fascia
Beneath the fascia, the muscle is covered by Epimysium
Muscle fiber bundle or fascicule is covered by Perimysium
Each muscle fiber is covered by Endomysium
Muscle cell or fibers are multinucleated with peripheral nuclei located just
beneath the sarcolemma.
Each striated muscle fiber is invested by a cell membrane the sarcolemma,
which surrounds the sarcoplasm, several mitochondria (Sarcosome) & myofibrils.
ACTIN Each actin molecule is called F actin & it is a polymer of a small protein called
G actin.
Actin molecules in actin filament are also arranged in the form of a double
helix, which is positioned by the equally long protein nebulin.
Each F actin molecule has an active site for the attachment of myosin head.
During rest, Actin is detached from myosin by relaxing (inhibitory) proteins:
Tropomyosin: covers the myosin binding sites on F-actin molecules.
Troponin which is formed of 3 subunits:
1. Troponin T: binds to tropomyosin
2. Troponin I: binds with actin & prevents the filaments from sliding when at
3. Troponin C: has two regulatory bindings sites for Ca2+ at the amino end
Other proteins of the muscle Actinin: Attaches actin filament to Z line.
Desmin: binds Z line with sarcolemma.
Nebulin: runs parallel to actin filaments.
Titin (connectin): Connected to M line (at its carboxyl end) & Z line (at its
amino end). Provides elasticity to the muscle.
Longest known polypeptide chain & comprises 10% of the total muscle mass.
[When the muscle is stretched, titin unfolds itself. If the stretching is more, it
offers resistance & protects the sarcomere from overstretching.]
Dystrophin: connects actin filament to to the membrane of muscle cell. It is
connected to sarcoglycans of the sarcolemma.
Merosin binds the sarcoglycans to the collagen fibrils of the extracellular
Mutation of these proteins leads to muscular dystrophy (Duchenne muscular
dystrophy, limb-girdle dystrophy, congenital muscular dystrophy) implying
the degeneration of muscle fibers with increasing muscular weakness.
Sarco-tubular System
Formed by: T tubules & L tubules (sarcoplasmic reticulum)
T tubules: Formed by transverse invaginations of the sarcolemma.
o They act as the inward pathway for action potential.
o It contains DHPR which are volt sensitive receptors.
o Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (L tubules)
Nerve – Muscle Physiology
o ER is modified as longitudinal tubules with terminal expansion called – cisternae which store Ca ions &
contain RYR1.
Triad of skeletal muscle: T tubule along with terminal cisternae on either side.
They are situated at the junction b/w A band & I band.
When AP reaches DHPR on T tubules, it opens RYR1 on the cisternae Ca efflux from the cisternae into
Released Ca binds with troponin C & uncovers the active sites for myosin on actin.
Based on contraction time, skeletal muscles are classified into two types:
Feature Red (slow) muscles Pale (fast muscles)
Fiber type Type I fibers are more Type II fibers are more
Myoglobin content High, it is red for short term O2 storage Less (FF << FR)
Blood supply Rich Relatively Less
Mitochondria Rich Relatively Less
Sarcoplasmic reticulum Less extensive More extensive
Latent period Long Short
Power of Contraction Less powerful More powerful
Duration of contraction Sustained contraction (longer contraction time) Brief and rapid contractions.
Fatigue Occurs slowly Occurs quickly (FF > FR)
Depends on cellular respiration (aerobic)
Have conc. of fat droplets (high-energy Depends on glycolysis (anaerobic)
Energy source
substrate reserves) Rich in glycogen (FF > FR)
Rich in oxidative enzymes
Soleus (for upright position), Hand muscles
Examples Back muscles & gastrocnemius
& ocular muscles
Motor End- It is a type of chemical synapse where transmission of stimuli from a motor axon to a skeletal
plate (MEP) muscle fiber occurs.
Neurotransmitter Acetyl Choline
Receptors at the subsynaptic muscle membrane: NM (Nicotinergic) - Ionotropic cholinoceptors
The N-cholinoceptor of the MEP (TypeNM) has 5 subunits: (2α, 1β,1γ, 1δ), each containing 4
membrane spanning α-helices.
Unlike voltage-gated Na+-channels, the open probability po of the NM-cholinoceptor is not
increased by depolarization, but is determined by the Acetyl Choline conc. in the synaptic cleft.
Endplate It is the change in the RMP (-90mV) when an impulse reaches the NMJ. It is a graded potential.
potential At RMP, binding of ACh molecule to the two α-subunits brief opening of channel (specific to
cations such as Na+, K+, Ca2+) influx of Na+ ions mainly (& a much lower outflow of K+)
Depolarization of the subsynaptic membrane endplate potential (EPP)
Miniature end Release of a small quantity of Ach from the axon terminal Single-channel currents that are
plate current summated yielding miniature end-plate current when spontaneous exocytosis occurs & a
vesicle releases a quantum of ACh activating thousands of NM-cholinoceptors.
Miniature end plate current: May occur spontaneously due to rupture & release of few Ach into
synaptic cleft due to muscular contraction.
Can be described as fibrillation – can’t be seen with naked eye.
If they can be seen with naked eye – they are called twitches.
But generation of a postsynaptic action potential requires a motor neuron that triggers
exocytosis of 100 vesicles opening of 200,000 channels at the same time neurally induced
end-plate current (IEP)
Neuromuscular blockers
A motor end-plate can be blocked by certain poisons & drugs muscular weakness & paralysis.
Botulinum neurotoxin: inhibits the discharge of NT’s from the vesicles.
α-bungarotoxin in snake venom: blocks the opening of ion channels.
Receptor blocker
Competitive inhibitors to ACh: Curare-like substances such as (+)-tubocurarine used as muscle relaxants in
surgical operations. Displace ACh from its binding site but do not have a depolarizing effect of their own
MECHANISM OF ACTION OF d-tubercurarine
ACh-like substances: suxamethonium, succinylcholine or carbamylcholine act like Ach & keep the muscle in a
depolarized state.
Since they are not destroyed by acetylcholinesterase, the muscle remains in a depolarized state for a long time
paralysis because permanent depolarization also permanently inactivates Na+ channels near the motor end-
plate on the sarcolemma.
In the myocardium
Each DHPR is part of a voltage-gated Ca2+ channel (L-type) of the sarcolemma that opens in response to an
action potential.
Small quantities of EC Ca2+ enter the cell thru this channel opening of myocardial RYR2 (trigger effect of
Ca2+ or Ca2+ spark).
Ca2+ ions stored in the SR now flow thru the opened RYR1 or RYR2 channels into the cytosol [Ca2+]i
saturation of the Ca2+ binding sites on troponin-C canceling of the troponin-mediated inhibitory effect of
tropomyosin on filament sliding strong (high affinity) actin-myosin-II binding.
Conformational change in the region of nucleotide binding site of myosin, (the spatial extent of which is
increased by concerted movement of the neck region) tilting down of myosin head power stroke (drawing
the thin filament a length of 4 – 12 nm).
Head then detaches & “tenses” in preparation for the next “oarstroke” when it binds to actin anew.
Kinesin independently advances on the microtubule by incremental movement of its 2 heads, as in tug-of-war.
In this case, 50% of the cycle time is “work time” (duty ratio = 0.5).
Between two consecutive interactions with actin in skeletal muscle, myosin-II “jumps” 36nm (or multiples of
36) to reach the next suitably located actin binding site (C3, jump from a to b).
Meanwhile, the other myosin heads working on this actin filament must make at least another 10 to 100 oar
strokes of around 4–12nm each.
This division of labor by the myosin heads ensures that a certain percentage of the heads will always be ready to generate rapid
Overlap region of thick & thin filaments becomes larger shortening of H zone
Max. muscle shortening occurs When the ends of thick filaments bump against the Z plate overlapping of the
ends of thin filaments.
Shortening of the sarcomere therefore occurs at both ends of the myosin bundle, but in opposite directions.
Contraction cycle
Binding of ATP to each of the 2 myosin heads (with the aid of Mg2+) M-ATP complex lying at 45 angle to the
rest of the myosin filament weak affinity of myosin for actin binding.
Influence of cytosolic Ca2+ conc. on the troponin–tropomyosin complex activation of myosin’s ATPase by
actin hydrolysis of ATP (ATP ADP + Pi) formation of A-M-ADP-Pi complex lifting of myosin heads
(conformational change) actin-myosin association constant by 104.
1st step of power stroke: Detachment of Pi from the complex 40 tilt of the myosin heads sliding of actin &
myosin filaments past each other.
2nd step of power stroke: Release of ADP initiates final positioning of the myosin heads
Remaining A-M complex (rigor complex) is stable & can again be transformed into a much weaker bond when the
myosin heads bind ATP anew (“softening effect” of ATP, D4).
flexibility of muscle at rest is important for: processes such as cardiac filling or the relaxing of the extensor
muscles during rapid bending movement.
If the cytosolic Ca2+ conc. remains high, the D1 to D4 cycle will begin anew. Depends mainly on whether
subsequent AP’s arrive. Only a portion of the myosin heads that pull actin filaments are “on duty” (low duty ratio)
to ensure the smoothness of contractions.
Ca2+ ions released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR): continuously pumped back to the SR actively by Ca2+-
If the RYR-mediated release of Ca2+ from the SR is interrupted, the cytosolic Ca2+ conc. rapidly drops & filament sliding
ceases (resting position).
It is a protein occurring in the cytosol of fast-twitch muscle fibers (type F).
Accelerates muscle relaxation after short contractions by binding cytosolic Ca2+ in exchange for Mg2+.
Its binding affinity for Ca2+ is higher than that of troponin, but lower than that of SR’s Ca2+-ATPase.
It therefore functions as a “slow” Ca2+ buffer.
o During isotonic contractions (where muscle shortening occurs): The course of the filament sliding
cycle as described above takes place.
o During strictly isometric contractions (tension increases but length remains unchanged): tilting of the
myosin heads & the filament sliding cannot take place.
o Instead, the isometric force is created through the deformation of myosin heads.
Muscle fibers of a dead body do not produce any ATP. So, after death:
Ca2+ is no longer pumped back into SR
ATP reserves needed to break down stable A-M complexes are depleted.
This results in stiffening of the dead body or rigor (firmness) mortis, which passes only after the actin & myosin
molecules in the muscle fibers decompose.
It is the sustained maximum contraction of the motor units.
It occurs if the frequency of stimulation becomes so high that the muscle can no longer relax at all between
[It occurs at 20 Hz in slow-twitch muscles & at 60–100 Hz in fast-twitch muscles].
Muscle force during tetanus is as much as 4 times larger than that of single twitches.
The Ca2+ conc., which decreases to some extent between super positioned stimuli, remains high in tetanus.
Not caused by AP’s, but by persistent local depolarization due to:
[K+] (K+ contracture)
Drug-induced intracellular Ca2+ release, e.g., in response to caffeine.
Contraction of tonus fibers (specific fibers in external eye muscles & in muscle spindles) is also a form of
Tonus fibers do not respond to stimuli acc. to the all-or-none law, but contract in proportion with the
magnitude of depolarization.
Nerve – Muscle Physiology
Magnitude of contraction of tonus fibers regulated by variation of the cytosolic Ca2+ conc. (not by action
Individual contractions cannot be detected bcoz because the motor units are alternately (asynchronously)
[When apparently at rest, muscles such as the postural muscles are in this involuntary state of tension]
Muscle extensibility
A resting muscle containing ATP can be stretched like a rubber band.
The force required to start the stretching action (extension force at rest) is very small, but increases
exponentially when the muscle is under high elastic strain.
As it reaches presynaptic membrane it causes release of acetylcholine into the synapse (synaptic cleft) by a
process of exocytosis
Acetylcholine, after its release, diffuses within few hundred micro-seconds across the very short distance to the
post synaptic membrane ie, motor end plate
Acetylcholine attaches to nicotinic A-ch receptors on motor end plate surface and increases the permeability of
motor end plate to Na (mainly) and other positive ions (Eg, Ca2+, NH4+, K+)
Increased permeability of Na+ (Na+ influx) causes depolarization of the post synaptic membrane causing
generation of local potential, called end plate potential (Non-propagated depolarization).