The Force of Leadership

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The Force of Leadership – Vision

One of my greatest hobbies is to observe human

activities. I like watching people talk, walk or work. I am
used to seeing people display no sense of urgency at
times when it mattered most. I have seen people engage
with life with so little sense of purpose. It frightens me
that somebody will wake up to seek to be elected or
appointed into public office or position of responsibility
without a sound vision of his or her life.
The very essence of successful leadership is the ability to
grasp and hold a vision. Leadership is the capacity to
translate Vision into reality. It becomes very imperative
for every individual who desires to play any significant
role in shaping society to as a matter of necessity
develop a great sense of direction because the person
who does not know where he wants to go to, there is no
favorable wind. It is time you audit your life and see the
reason why in -spite of all the efforts you are making
towards making a difference, yet people are not
following. No amount of complaining can solve this
loyalty question.
Leaders are dealers in hope. I know with all certainty in
these times of uncertainty, Nigeria needs men and
women who are driven to succeed. Men and women
who will have the courage to dream of things that never
were and find the energy and commitment to make
them happen.
It will take vision to mobilize the people of this Country
great to rally behind Leadership to pursue a common
cause of achieving greatness in all aspects of our national
It will interest you to know that nations of the world that
have made great progress followed the same principles.
Singapore took her very best of young people and
inspired them to see a great future that they must
achieve. These Young people got an investment of their
life to have no place for small thinking. The big thinking
made a demand on their potentials .That was how they
started their own journey to greatness. Big thinking
precedes great achievement.
We must do same here in Nigeria. Every generation
needs a resolution. I am calling on all Young men and
women in this country who have found purpose to rally
around our vision of great Nation where everything
works. Let us resolve that destiny is not of chance, but of
choice, not something to wish for but attained. It
requires discipline, commitment and hard-work. The very
nature of vision will stretch you to be your very best.
Vision will task your mind, it will make great demand on
you but I assure you that it will inspire you to great
If you are bored with life, if you do not get up every
morning with burning desire in your heart to something,
then you do not have enough vision.
The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is
too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we
reach it. We must be a consortium of individuals who will
be lost in the pursuit big dreams of what our nation can
become and have the discipline of doing the right things
that will help us achieve our dream.
Do you want to join us in this resolve? Then call
08033512469.08033512469. Simply email me on
[email protected] if you have any questions.
Remember that when a person does not have a purpose
for waking up sleeping becomes interesting.

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