Bare Trust - Information Sheet
Bare Trust - Information Sheet
Bare Trust - Information Sheet
Bare Trusts 1
April 2016
Bare Trusts
should be noted, however, that the income duties and responsibilities. Among many,
tax treatment is different if the funds have they must:
originated from a parent of a minor child,
where the income will be taxed on the Act prudently, and in the best interests of
parent until the beneficiary reaches the age the beneficiary
of 18.
Exercise what is referred to as the duty
Common uses of care
Have regard to what are referred to as
One of the most common uses for bare standard investment criteria when
trusts is where grandparents want to set exercising their powers of investment
aside funds for their grandchildren's
Protect and appropriately manage trust
education. If the funds are given early on
and if the grandparents survive for seven assets.
years, the gift will be outside the inheritance
tax charge on their deaths.
Because of the tax treatment referred to
above, the monies in most bare trusts for This information sheet is written as a
minors will effectively be free of income tax general guide. As any course of action
and CGT. The trustees have the power to must depend on your individual
apply capital for the children's benefit which circumstances, you are strongly
they can do by paying school fees on their recommended to obtain specific
behalf. professional advice before you proceed.
We do not accept any responsibility for
If the funds are intended only for school action which may be taken as a result of
costs, then if the calculation of fees, having read this information sheet.
investment returns and inflation has been
accurate, the monies will be exhausted NOTE: The law is stated as at 6 April 2016.
ideally when the final term's fees are being
paid. Should that not be the case, then If you require further information, please
when the child reaches 18, as indicated contact Jeremy Passmore or Nicola Plant
before, the funds would normally be on 01892 510000 or by email at:
transferred to them, although the trustees
may be able to retain the bare trust [email protected]
structure or otherwise exert influence to [email protected] or
ensure the monies are sensibly used; for
example, for university expenses. © Thomson Snell & Passmore LLP All Rights Reserved
Trustee duties 2