QWA Synthetex Brochure
QWA Synthetex Brochure
QWA Synthetex Brochure
Filter Band™
Uniform Section
Articulating Block
Product Guide
Filter Point (FP) Linings Filter Band™ (FB) Linings
Filter Point Linings with filtering points (drains) provide Filter Band Linings are similar to Filter Point Linings,
erosion resistant, permeable concrete linings for ditches, providing an effective and highly permeable concrete lining
channels, canals, streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, reservoirs, that resists erosive forces.
marinas, and port and harbor areas. Filter Point Linings
have a cobbled surface and a relatively high coefficient of Filter Band differs from Filter Point in that the form
hydraulic friction in order to achieve lower flow velocities creates interconnected, tubular concrete elements that
andto reduce wave run-up. The filter points provide for the are separated by large, interwoven filter bands. The filter
relief of hydrostatic uplift pressures, increasing the bands provide for greater reduction of uplift pressures
system’s stability. than filter points. Also, the biaxial alignment of the
tubular elements creates two directionally-determined
Filter Point Linings were the first style of fabric form for coefficients of hydraulic friction. As a result, Filter Band
concrete. In 1965, a Dutch patent was issued for achieves a greater reduction of flow velocity or wave
“fabric-formed slope paving.” The form suggested by energy than Filter Point.
this patent was later refined to create the first “filter
point” lining. Filter Band concrete linings are specified in situations
similar to those for which Filter Point might be specified,
As the use of this technology has spread worldwide, a but which also require greater relief of uplift pressures,
variety of other forms have been developed to meet higher reduction of flow velocities, or greater reduction of
specific job requirements. wave run-up.
The Advantages of Hydrotex Linings, rap, gabions, precast concrete blocks, and conventional
Mats, and Armor Units concrete slope paving because of several factors. It can mitigate
uplift forces due to outflow and excess pore water pressure,
Stability: reduce hydraulic uplift by slowing channel velocities, and
Hydrotex Fabric Forms, manufactured by Synthetex LLC, have conform to soil contours to reduce the potential for scour.
been used in millions of square feet of installations worldwide, Reduced Uplift Pressures:
some in the most severe conditions. In the process they have
established a new benchmark in erosion protection by Many styles of Hydrotex Linings and Mats can accommodate
outperforming traditional concrete slope paving, gabions, severe uplift pressures. These uplift pressures often cause the
precast concrete blocks, and rip rap. failure of conventional concrete slope paving. Unlike traditional
methods, fabric forms can be manufactured with built-in filter
Thousands of installations and extensive flume testing have drains that reduce the mean phreatic level and pore pressures
proven that Hydrotex fabric-formed concrete erosion protection within the underlying soil.
systems outperform all alternatives. Hydrotex Linings and Mats,
with permissible shear stress in excess of 60 lbs/ft2 (2.87 Management of Hydraulic Flow:
kN/m2), provide the high degree of stability needed to resist the Many Hydrotex Fabric Forms construct concrete linings and
stresses associated with high velocity flows. Hydrotex mats with deeply patterned surfaces. These patterns create a
fabric-formed concrete has greater hydraulic efficiency than rip high coefficient of hydraulic friction. The result is reduced
Uniform Section (US) Linings Enviromat™ (EL and EB) Linings
Uniform Section Linings are similar to traditional concrete Enviromat Linings are installed to provide protection
slope paving. They create a solid, high quality concrete against periodic high flows. After installation, vegetation
lining with a relatively low coefficient of hydraulic friction can be planted within the open structure of the lining.
and a uniform cross section. Uniform Section Linings are Enviromat Linings are used in drainage ditches and on the
used to reduce the infiltration of aggressive waste and upper slopes of channels, canals, lakes, reservoirs,
chemical fluids into or out of open channels and basins. rivers, and other water courses as well as for
They are also used to reduce exfiltration in arid regions embankments subject to heavy run-off.
where open channels and basins require watertight
linings. Enviromat Linings are comprised of concrete-filled
elements and unfilled areas that allow for the
Uniform Section Linings are resistant to most leachates establishment of vegetation. Once the concrete sets, the
and chemicals. They protect geosynthetic liners from unfilled areas are opened by cutting the fabric and are
mechanical damage, exposure to UV light, and freeze- then planted or filled with topsoil and seeded. Within a
thaw cycles and also serve as a ballast layer. These growing season a vegetated cover will normally extend
self-supporting, high strength linings permit over the lining, resulting in an erosion control system with
construction on steep side slopes and replace the use of the hydraulic, ecological, and aesthetic features desired.
clay or sand as liner protection. Concrete filling of the EL Linings have a greater open area than EB, so a
forms can be performed with a minimum of traffic on vegetated cover will be established more rapidly. However,
the liner, and the tensile strength and abrasion EB Linings are designed to articulate and are more
resistance of the fabric protect the liner from the tolerant of uneven settlement after installation.
pumped concrete.
flow velocity and reduced wave run-up. These surface Ease of Installation:
characteristics impart stability to the system by reducing Hydrotex Fabric Forms are delivered to the job site
velocities and also mean that the designer can affect the flow ready-to-fill and require no additional forming materials.
characteristics of a channel, creating the opportunity for an Installation consists of preparing the area, laying out the
“engineered” hydraulic system. By choosing the correct style fabric forms, and filling them with concrete through a
of form, in-channel flow can be slowed, reducing small-line concrete pump. Wood or steel forming is not
downstream velocities and discharge turbulence. Or an required. The fabric forms themselves assure that the
hydraulically-efficient, smooth form (such as Uniform Section) concrete assumes the proper configuration, contours,
can be chosen to maximize drainage from a given area. dimensions, and thickness. Hydrotex Linings and Mats do
Adaptation to Soil Contours: not require steel reinforcement or concrete finishing. A
small crew can handle the installation, and fabric forms
Filled-in-place fabric forms accommodate uneven contours,
can be installed without dewatering the site.
curves, and subgrades at the time that they are filled.
Consequently, the soil and the concrete protection are in Simple Job Mobilization:
intimate contact, reducing the chance of underscour. Some Fabric forms are extremely lightweight, so they can be
forms create discrete concrete units, attached to each other rapidly shipped anywhere in the world. The “weight”
with fabric perimeters and/or embedded cables. As a result, the component of a fabric-formed system, the fine aggregate
concrete mats can articulate to adapt to uneven settlement. concrete, is readily available from concrete suppliers
Articulating Block (AB) Mats Hydrocast™ Armor Units
Articulating Block Mats form cable-reinforced concrete Hydrocast Armor Units are monolithic concrete structures
block mattresses that resist erosive forces. They are often which replace heavy rip rap and large precast concrete
installed where a revetment is exposed to attack by wave armor units, such as tetrapods. When the rectangular
action and are used to protect shorelines, canals, rivers, fabric forms are filled, they assume a flattened cylindrical
lakes, reservoirs, underwater pipelines, bridge piers, and cross section and range in size from roughly 180 pounds
other civil and marine structures from propeller wash, ship to in excess of 70 tons (80-64,000 kg) per unit. Available
wakes, waves, currents, and high velocity flows.They are in custom sizes and shapes, the dimensions of the form
also used in environmental construction for landfill caps, control the concrete armor unit’s length, width, height,
downchutes, and collector channels. and weight.
Articulating Block Fabric Forms consist of a series of Armor Units have the mass and stability for the
compartments linked by interwoven perimeters. Grout construction of gravity seawalls and revetments, groins,
ducts interconnect the compartments. High strength levees, dikes, dams, check dams, and other civil and
revetment cables are installed between and through the marine structures subject to attack by waves orrapidly
compartments and grout ducts. Once filled, AB Mat flowing water. Since they are filled in place, they adapt
becomes a mattress of pillow-shaped, rectangular to variations in the subgrade and are ideal for
concrete blocks. The interwoven perimeters between the preventing or repairing scour at bridge piers and
blocks serve as hinges to permit articulation. The abutments, culvert outfalls, or underwater pipelines.
cables remain embedded in the concrete blocks to link Hydrocast installations do not require dewatering,
the blocks together and facilitate articulation. a crucial advantage in emergency repair situations.
worldwide. Once the site is prepared, simple hand tools and seeded to create a more natural appearance. And Hydrotex
a concrete pump are all that is needed to fill the forms. And Linings and Mats are free of hazardous projections that
in areas with difficult or restricted access, the concrete can could endanger pedestrians, animals, vehicles, or boats.
be pumped to the forms from as far away as 800 feet (250
meters). Because of the low mobilization costs, it is practical
to install fabric forms on jobs as small as a hundred square Hydrotex fabric-formed concrete erosion control
feet (10 square meters). Regardless of the job size, the ease systems outperform all traditional solutions and
of mobilization and transportation and the reduced
reduce total system cost. The expertise and
equipment and labor requirements mean that the job goes in
faster and at less cost per square unit of protected area. knowledge that Synthetex has gained from
thousands of installations worldwide are
Environmental Compatibility: incorporated into every form we manufacture.
Fabric forms are designed to provide the least possible Time and again, in many different types of
environmental impact. The fabric used in the forms allows projects, our erosion control systems have
excess mixing water to escape while retaining the cement performed “as specified” and delivered
solids, fine aggregate, and sand. EL and EB Linings have predictable erosion control.
been designed to provide defined areas that can be cut out
after installation so that native vegetation can be planted or
Hydrotex™ Hydrotex Fabric Forms are filled in place with fine
aggregate concrete, delivering the durability and
Fabric-formed Concrete performance of concrete without the costly and
Erosion Control and difficult installation process of a conventionally-
formed concrete slope paving.
Armoring Systems Hydrotex systems are not only less expensive than
Hydrotex systems outperform rip rap, rip rap, gabions, precast concrete blocks, or
gabions, precast concrete blocks,
conventionally-formed concrete slope paving, they
and concrete slope paving,
yet are less expensive and also deliver significant stability and performance
far easier to install. advantages once installed.
Hydrotex systems can:
• adapt to variable subgrades,
• relieve uplift pressures,
• reduce wave run up, and
• manage channel velocities.
The information contained herein is furnished without charge or obligation, and the recipient assumes all responsibility for its use. Because conditions or use and handling may
vary and are beyond our control, we make no representation about, and are not responsible for, the accuracy or reliability of said information or the performance of any product.
Any specifications, properties or applications listed are provided as information only and in no way modify, enlarge or create any warranty. Nothing contained herein is to be
construed as permission or as a recommendation to infringe any patent.
© 2016 Synthetex LLC • Synthetex, Hydrotex, Hydrocast, Environ, and Filter Band are trademarks of Synthetex LLC • Printed in USA.