021c99s2c09 PDF
021c99s2c09 PDF
021c99s2c09 PDF
Sect 2 Chap 9
1. Electric connectors, emergency devices, and Connector plugs with self-locking coupling rings are
other pieces of electrical equipment in aircraft are designed for high vibration environments and do not
secured with wire when specified on engineering have lock wire provisions.
drawings or specified in the applicable aircraft
maintenance handbook in order to prevent accidental
Shear Wire
5. Shear wire is used where it is necessary to
2. This chapter outlines the recommended
purposely break or shear the wire to permit operation or
procedures for wiring MS electric connectors and
actuation of emergency devices. Shear wire is a thin,
emergency devices such as switches, switch guards,
single strand, easily breakable wire used to secure
and handles which operate ejection seats, emergency
emergency devices.
bomb releases, fire extinguishers, etc. General practices
for safety wiring are specified in Military Standard
Drawing MS33540 and wire identification is provided in NOTE
Table 9-1. General purpose shear wire shall be 0.020 inch
Seal Wire
3. The following specifications are applicable to Lock
Wire, Shear Wire and Seal Wire: 6. Seal wire is the same as shear wire except that
the ends of the wire are sealed with a lead seal. Seal
SAE AS 50881 Wiring Aerospace Vehicle wire is used to secure emergency devices such as fire
extinguishers, oxygen regulators, etc., to prevent
NASM20995 Wire, Safety or Lock tampering with or use of these devices without
NASM33540 Safety Wiring and Cotter Pinning,
General Practices for
Metallic Seals
AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 9
Lockwire ends must be bent under to prevent injury. All plugs and sockets that are required to be lock
Care should be taken not to confuse steel with wired, as specified on an engineering drawing or in
aluminium wire. the applicable aircraft maintenance manual, are to be
lock wired using the twisted wire method.
Use only new wire when replacing wired electrical
connectors or emergency devices.
AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 9
Twisting with Pliers a. Grip wire in jaws of wire twister and slide outer
sleeve down with thumb to lock handles.
11. When wire is twisted by hand, use pliers for the
final twists to apply tension and to secure ends of wire. b. Pull knob; spiral rod spins pliers and twists the
Cut off part of wire gripped by pliers to remove rough wire.
edges. c. Squeeze handles together to release wire.
AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 9
15. Do not lock wire electric or RF connectors and b. Twist wire, under slight tension, approximately 9
backshells which have a mechanical lock, as lock wiring to 11 turns per inch, (see Figure 9–5), by hand or
will act against the locking feature. Backshells on by special tool, as described in Paras 11 and 12.
bayonet coupled connectors shall not be safety wired to Twist wire right handed so it will have a tightening
connector coupling ring. Backshells with safety wire effect. Twist to within approximately 0.125 inch
holes shall be safety wired to aircraft structure or to (3mm) of each unit.
connector mounting flange when required (see Figure 9–
Do not back off or over-torque mounting fillister head
NOTE screws, in order to align holes for lock wiring.
If connector plug to be lock wired does not have a
wire hole, remove coupling nut and drill a #56 (0.046 d. Form pigtail approximately 0.5 inch (12.7mm) or
inch) diameter hole diagonally through the edge of 3-7 turns.
nut, as shown in Figure 9–6.
Individual sections of connectors may be lockwired
with a continuous piece of lock wire if appropriate
authorisation is obtained.
AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 9
f. Safety wire attached cable clamps/coupling ring to Lock Wiring Split Shell Assemblies
connector coupling ring if provisions exist. (See
Figure 9–4.) If necessary, safety wire these parts 18. Split shell connectors are held together by two
to structure (see Figure 9–8) or to mounting flange fillister head screws. Secure these screws as follows
(see Figure 9–9). Use same procedure as (see Figure 9–9):
described in steps a through e.
a. Draw wire through hole in one screw.
CAUTION b. Cross wire from left to right between screws, and
Electrical connectors shall not be lockwired to any draw through second screw.
part of fuel, oil, hydraulic or oxygen systems (lines,
tubes, elbows, flanges, jam nuts etc). c. Twist wires together with pliers and bend back.
NOTE 19. Angle plugs with solid black shells are in two
parts, held together by four screws through mating
Connectors should be lock wired to fillister head
flanges. Wire these screws with a single lock wire as
screws, through safety wire tabs or drilled holes in
shown in Figure 9–2. Solid shell angle plugs made by
structure provided for that purpose. If no holes are
Bendix and Cannon have back shells held in place by
provided, connectors may be lockwired to each other,
assembly nuts. Install a double twisted lock wire
however, the maximum number of connectors that
between hole in assembly nut and lug on backshell as
can be lock-wired in series is three (3). In those
shown in Figure 9–4. If necessary to lock wire the plug
applications where RF connectors require safety
itself install a second double twisted wire between the
wiring and physical dimensions preclude drilling
assembly nut and the coupling nut or between the
safety wire holes, a cable clamp can be attached t o
coupling nut and one of the receptacle mounting screws,
the connector for securing the safety wire. Attach the
as shown in Figure 9–4.
cable clamp as illustrated in Figure 9–7.
AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 9
Figure 9–9 Wiring Split Shell Assembly Screws Figure 9–10 Shear Wiring Switch Guard
Several sizes of shear wire may be used within
aircraft, however, for applications such as shear
wiring of electrical switches and switch covers
Annealed Copper Wire PN MS20995CY20 (NSN
9525-01-047-6455) is to be used.