Magnetic Suspension For Motorcycles: Aniket Bharambe
Magnetic Suspension For Motorcycles: Aniket Bharambe
Magnetic Suspension For Motorcycles: Aniket Bharambe
Abstract: Suspension is a mechanical arrangement contributing to vehicle's road handling behavior. If roads were perfectly flat with
no irregularities, suspensions wouldn't be necessary. It's these imperfections that apply force to the wheels .There are many types of
suspensions such as double wishbone, trailing arm and air shocks. But these suspensions possess some disadvantages such as vibration,
mechanical failure and stiffness variation. So in this paper we have introduced the idea of “MAGNETIC SUSPENSION” which will
enhance the driving pleasure and control over road. Magnetic suspension will allow us to get variable stiffness and much higher
comfort just by playing with magnetic field. It will also allow us to reduce wear and tear along with less maintenance. The magnetic
suspension has two cylindrical tubular structure having electromagnets on both ends. The magnetic field will be induced using battery
power which is produced by electromagnets using a feedback loop. Also when current passes through a wire, a magnetic field around
that wire is generated. When the current through the wire stops, so does the previously generated magnetic field. The strength of the
generated magnetic field is proportional to the rate of current through the wire. When a wire is coiled, this generated magnetic field is
concentrated to the centre of the coil. The strength of this field can be increased by placing a ferromagnetic material in the centre of the
coil. The arrangement will be in such a way that same poles will be facing each other resulting in repulsion of the magnets. That is
either (+) positive - (+) positive or vice versa. Reducing vehicle’s vibrations while travelling on irregular roads, the magnets will act as
dampers and damping effect will be produced due to repulsion between them. Moreover stiffness can also be controlled by varying
magnetic field according to the requirement.
2. Literature Review
A motorcycle's suspension serves a dual purpose:
contributing to the vehicle's handling and braking, and
providing safety and comfort by keeping the vehicle's
passengers comfortably isolated from road noise, bumps and
vibrations. The typical motorcycle has a pair of fork tubes for
the front suspension, and a swing arm with one or two shock
absorbers for the rear suspension.
For C = 8
k= 1.18
Outer diameter of spring, Total Load = Weight Vehicle Body + Weight of Person
Do = 40 mm Setting On Vehicle
Total Load =1080+1374
As per design data book for cold drawn wire steel =2454 N
Wire diameter, Rear Suspension = 65% of 2454 N
d = 5 mm =1595.1 N
Considering Dynamic Loads Double (W) = 1595.12 x 2
Inner diameter of spring, =3190.2 N
Di = 40 - 10 = 30 mm For Single Shock Absorber Weight (W/2) = 3190.1/2 =
1595.1 N
Calculating the load bearing capacity of spring:
Taking Factor of Safety = 1.2
For any service life,
Shear stress = 0.5 N/mm2 So, Design Load = (W/2) x 1.2 = 1914.92 N
Sut = 0.51190 = 595 N/mm2 Magnetic Power per Unit Area =2N/mm2
Spring index, C= Do/d = 40/5 = 8
Volume 5 Issue 9, September 2016
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20161829 1096
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
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Author Profile
hollow cylinder is safe.
In this way, the main spring of the shock absorber is Aniket Bharambe received the B.Eng. undergraduate
designed. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Dr. D. Y. Patil
College of Engineering, Savitribai Phule Pune
5. Future Scope University, Pune, India.
6. Conclusion
As we have seen the magnetic suspension is a revolutionary
idea which will provide a comfortable ride by minimizing the
vibrations and other factors .It would also allow to set the
suspension stiffness as per requirement. Thereby magnetic
suspension will be a best substitute for current problems and
providing ultimate vehicle dynamics.