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Magnetic Suspension For Motorcycles: Aniket Bharambe

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Magnetic Suspension for Motorcycles

Aniket Bharambe
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Engineering, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India

Abstract: Suspension is a mechanical arrangement contributing to vehicle's road handling behavior. If roads were perfectly flat with
no irregularities, suspensions wouldn't be necessary. It's these imperfections that apply force to the wheels .There are many types of
suspensions such as double wishbone, trailing arm and air shocks. But these suspensions possess some disadvantages such as vibration,
mechanical failure and stiffness variation. So in this paper we have introduced the idea of “MAGNETIC SUSPENSION” which will
enhance the driving pleasure and control over road. Magnetic suspension will allow us to get variable stiffness and much higher
comfort just by playing with magnetic field. It will also allow us to reduce wear and tear along with less maintenance. The magnetic
suspension has two cylindrical tubular structure having electromagnets on both ends. The magnetic field will be induced using battery
power which is produced by electromagnets using a feedback loop. Also when current passes through a wire, a magnetic field around
that wire is generated. When the current through the wire stops, so does the previously generated magnetic field. The strength of the
generated magnetic field is proportional to the rate of current through the wire. When a wire is coiled, this generated magnetic field is
concentrated to the centre of the coil. The strength of this field can be increased by placing a ferromagnetic material in the centre of the
coil. The arrangement will be in such a way that same poles will be facing each other resulting in repulsion of the magnets. That is
either (+) positive - (+) positive or vice versa. Reducing vehicle’s vibrations while travelling on irregular roads, the magnets will act as
dampers and damping effect will be produced due to repulsion between them. Moreover stiffness can also be controlled by varying
magnetic field according to the requirement.

Keywords: Magnetic Suspension, Coil Spring, Design Parameter, Electromagnets

1. Introduction and then shocks and variations present in the vehicle

absorbed by repulsion property of the magnet.
Electromagnetic suspension (EMS) is the magnetic levitation
of an object achieved by constantly altering the strength of a The automobile chassis is mounted on the axles not direct but
magnetic field produced by electromagnets using a feedback through form of springs. This is done to isolate the vehicle
loop. In most cases the levitation effect is mostly due to body from the road shock which may be in the form of
permanent magnets as they don't have any power dissipation, bounce pitch, roll or sway. These tendencies give rise to on
with electromagnets only used to stabilize the effect. the uncomfortable ride and also cause additional stress in the
automobile frame & body. All the part which performs the
According to Earnshaw's Theorem a paramagnetically function of isolating the automobile from the road shocks are
magnetised body cannot rest in stable equilibrium when collectively called a Suspension System. It includes the
placed in any combination of gravitational and magnetostatic springing device used & various mounting for the same.
fields. In these kinds of fields an unstable equilibrium Broadly speaking, suspension system consist of a spring &
condition exists. Although static fields cannot give stability, damper. The energy of road shock cause the spring to
EMS works by continually altering the current sent to oscillate. The oscillations are restricted to a reasonable level
electromagnets to change the strength of the magnetic field by the damper, which more commonly called a Shock
and allows a stable levitation to occur. In EMS a feedback Absorber.
loop which continuously adjusts one or more electromagnets
to correct the object's motion is used to cancel the instability. 1.1 Objective
Many systems use magnetic attraction pulling upwards
against gravity for these kinds of systems as this gives some  To prevent the road shocks from being transmitted to the
inherent lateral stability, but some use a combination of vehicle Components.
magnetic attraction and magnetic repulsion to push upwards.  To safeguard the occupants of vehicle from road shocks.
Magnetic levitation technology is important because it  To preserve the stability of the vehicles in pitching or
reduces energy consumption, largely obviating friction. It rolling while in motion.
also avoids wear and has very low maintenance requirements.  To reduce the maintenance as well as initial cost.
A model of the Magnetic Shock Absorber based on the  To increase the life of coil spring.
application of magnetic property like when the same poles of  To reduce the overall cost and weight of the vehicle.
two magnets come in contact with each other then they are  To prevents the vehicle body and frame from road shocks.
repulsed from each other. This unit is mounted in vehicle  To gives the good road holding while driving, cornering
such as other type of shock absorber. The working of this and braking.
absorber is very simple. Two magnets are mounted in this  To gives cushioning effect.
way that one is mounted below and other is on upper side.
Poles of these magnets are same at inner side so that they are 1.2 Electromagnets
repulsed from each other and space is made between them
due to this. When the vehicle is running on the bump or the When a changing current passes through a wire, a magnetic
muddy road then the space between two magnets is reduced field around that wire is generated. When the current through
Volume 5 Issue 9, September 2016
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20161829 1092
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
the wire stops changing, so does the previously generated
magnetic field. The strength of the generated magnetic field
is proportional to the rate of change in current through the
wire. When a wire is coiled, this generated magnetic field is
concentrated through the center of the coil. The strength of
this field can be greatly increased by placing a ferromagnetic
material in the center of the coil.

Although a continuous change of electric current is required

to maintain a magnetic field in an electromagnet, this field is
easily manipulated by passing a varying current, such as AC
current, in the wire. Therefore, electromagnets are much
more practical than permanent magnets for levitation
purposes. Figure 1: Ohlins Suspension for Motorcycles

To reduce average power requirements, often the

electromagnetic suspension is used only to stabilise the
levitation, and the static lift against gravity is provided by a
secondary permanent magnet system, often pulled towards a
relatively inexpensive soft ferromagnetic material such as
iron or steel.

2. Literature Review
A motorcycle's suspension serves a dual purpose:
contributing to the vehicle's handling and braking, and
providing safety and comfort by keeping the vehicle's
passengers comfortably isolated from road noise, bumps and
vibrations. The typical motorcycle has a pair of fork tubes for
the front suspension, and a swing arm with one or two shock
absorbers for the rear suspension.

A shock absorber (in reality, a shock "damper") is a

mechanical or hydraulic device designed to absorb and damp Figure 2: Cross-sectional view of the Ohlins Suspension
shock impulses. It does this by converting the kinetic energy
of the shock into another form of energy (typically heat) 2.1 Difference between Magnetic Shock Absorber and
which is then dissipated. Most shock absorbers are a form of Spring Shock Absorber
Table 1: Difference between two shock absorbers
Pneumatic and hydraulic shock absorbers are used in Sr. Magnetic Shock Absorber Spring Shock Absorber
conjunction with cushions and springs. An automobile shock No.
absorber contains spring-loaded check valves and orifices to 1 It has more life It has less life
control the flow of oil through an internal piston. One design 2 Life is nearly about Life is nearly about
consideration, when designing or choosing a shock absorber, approximately 20 years approximately 10 years
is where that energy will go. In most shock absorbers, energy 3 The weight of magnet is The weight of spring is low as
is converted to heat inside the viscous fluid. In hydraulic more compared to magnets
cylinders, the hydraulic fluid heats up, while in air cylinders, If the power of magnets Its strength at spring is decreased
4 decreases then it is possible or loss it is necessary to replace it
the hot air is usually exhausted to the atmosphere. In other
to recharge and it able to new one
types of shock absorbers, such as electromagnetic types, the use again and again
dissipated energy can be stored and used later. In general
5 It has very low maintenance It has more maintenance
terms, shock absorbers help cushion vehicles on uneven
2.2 Working Principle of Conventional Shock absorber

In a vehicle, shock absorbers reduce the effect of traveling

over rough ground, leading to improved ride quality and
vehicle handling. While shock absorbers serve the purpose of
limiting excessive suspension movement, their intended sole
purpose is to damp spring oscillations. Shock absorbers use
valving of oil and gasses to absorb excess energy from the
springs. Spring rates are chosen by the manufacturer based
on the weight of the vehicle, loaded and unloaded. Some
Volume 5 Issue 9, September 2016
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20161829 1093
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
people use shocks to modify spring rates but this is not the suspension offers a very comfortable ride, sport settings can
correct use. Along with hysteresis in the tire itself, they damp be applied or tuned into the system to cater for performance
the energy stored in the motion of the unsprung weight up vehicles.
and down. Effective wheel bounce damping may require
tuning shocks to an optimal resistance. Magnetic Shock Absorber which is mainly based on the
principle of magnetic property like when the same poles of
Spring-based shock absorbers commonly use coil springs or two magnets come in contact with each other then they are
leaf springs, though torsion bars are used in torsional shocks repulsed from each other. This unit is mounted in vehicle
as well. Ideal springs alone, however, are not shock such as other type of shock absorber. The working of this
absorbers, as springs only store and do not dissipate or absorber is very simple. Two magnets are mounted in this
absorb energy. Vehicles typically employ both hydraulic way that one is mounted below and other is on upper side.
shock absorbers and springs or torsion bars. In this Poles of these magnets are same at inner side so that they
combination, "shock absorber" refers specifically to the are repulsed from each other and space is made between
hydraulic piston that absorbs and dissipates vibration. Now them due to this. When the vehicle is running on the bump
composite suspension system are used mainly in 2 wheelers or the muddy road then the space between two magnets is
and also leaf spring are made up of composite material in 4 reduced and then shocks and variations present in the
wheelers. vehicle absorbed by repulsion property of the magnet. By
using this type of absorber we can absorb the more number
Shock absorber device was used for reducing the effect of of shocks and variations are absorbed with the more
sudden shock by the dissipation at the shock’s energy on an accuracy. This shock absorber has no problem of leakage of
automobile springs & shock absorber are mounted between oil like hydraulic shock absorber. Also this has less
the wheels and the frame. When the wheel hit a hole or a maintenance than other types of shock absorber. So that we
raised spot on a road. The spring’s absorber the resultant can made this type of shock absorber for the efficient work
shock by expanding & contracting. To prevent the spring of vehicle and for reducing the maintained cost of vehicle.
from shacking the frame excessively, their motion is
restrained by shock absorber, which are also known by the
more descriptive term dumpers.

2.3 Working Principle of Magnetic Suspension System

Magnetic Suspension or magnetic ride control is a type of

suspension system where the shock absorbers reacts to the
road and adjusts much faster than regular absorbers.
Magnetic suspension can adapt to uneven road surfaces
several hundred times per second, in fact it takes only a few
milliseconds to adjust any one of the shock absorbers.
Magnetic suspension is described as the fastest reacting
suspension in the world as sensors monitor the road surface
up to 1000 times per second and an ECU can make variations
within a few milliseconds resulting in the possibility of
multiple damping variations being made in a second. Figure 3: Magnetic Suspension System
Magnetic ride control uses a system known as magneto
rheological technology for suspension damping. Each
absorber is filled with a polymer liquid containing many
small magnetic particles. An electrical charge is sent to the
liquid in the absorber which immediately changes the
position of the particles in the liquid and its viscosity. The
viscosity of the polymer liquid can be changed to an almost
solid state similar to plastic or rubber in composition. As the
viscosity of the liquid changes, it offers a difference in the
damping. Each of the four dampers are adjusted individually
and independently even when it seems that all of them are
doing the same thing. This ensures a comfortable ride along
various road surfaces.

Magnetic suspension reduces vibrations, bouncing, noise and

body roll very effectively on all road surfaces and at any
speed that the vehicle could travel. The reduction of body
roll may reduce the need for anti- roll bars. Another benefit is Figure 4: Rear Suspension of a Motorcycle
that these dampers easily offers the best of both worlds in the
ride comfort/handling compromise that many other
suspension systems are subjected to. Although this type of
Volume 5 Issue 9, September 2016
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20161829 1094
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
3. Types of Magnetic Suspension Absorber axially-aligned, stacked concentric toroidal magnets having
like magnetic poles facing each other, said outer magnet
3.1 A Permanent Magnet Shock Absorber array surrounding said inner coil array, said stacked outer
concentric magnets being aligned and positioned essentially
A Permanent Magnetic suspension apparatus for maintaining coplanar with said stacked central cylindrical magnets with
a spaced relationship between a first movable member and a the magnetic poles of said outer magnets aligned with and
second fixed member, wherein the motion of the movable facing opposing magnetic poles of said central cylindrical
member requires dampening, cushioning, stabilizing, magnets, and a plurality of high permeability, high saturation
harmonic balancing, and/or reflexive re-centering. magnetization, outer concentric toroidal spacers positioned at
each end of said stacked outer magnet array and between
The suspension apparatus includes a plurality of sets of adjacent stacked outer magnets, said outer magnet array
permanent magnets located within a case, which is coupled to assembly attached to said magnet array support; wherein a
one of the members. The sets of permanent magnets are predetermined location, configuration and orientation of said
coupled to an elongated support member, which is couple to central magnet magnetic poles, said central spacers, said
the second member. The support member extends within the inner coil windings, said outer magnet magnetic poles and
case, with the support member and the case being adapted for said outer spacers provide for superposition of a radial
relative axial movement. component of a magnetic flux density from a plurality of
central and outer magnets to produce a maximum average
The sets of permanent magnets are arranged in bidirectional radial magnetic flux density in the inner coil windings; and a
repulsion configuration with additional magnet fixed within voltage conditioning circuit electrically connected to said coil
the case. the sets of permanent magnets are being moved windings, said voltage conditioning circuit providing an
relative to the fixed permanent magnets, such that the output voltage and output current to an electrical load.
magnetic forces of repulsion produced by the permanent
magnets are increased in response to relative movement
between the support member and the case, creating
dampening, cushioning, stabilizing, harmonic balancing,
and/or re-centering forces.

In one embodiment, the control mechanism is coupled

between the frame of a vehicle and a wheel support
assembly. The permanent magnetic suspension apparatus,
however, is for use with any type of equipment or machinery
having a movable and non-movable, or fixed, member. this
includes, but is not limited to, cars, trucks, motorcycles,
scooters, all-terrain vehicles, semi-tractors, semi-trailers, and
the like, as well as, but not limited to, industrial equipment
and machinery, hospital and office machinery and equipment,
such as being coupled between the frame of an office chair
and the chair seat.

3.2 Regenerative Electromagnetic Shock Absorber

A regenerative electromagnetic shock absorber comprising: a

linear electromagnetic generator comprised of a central
magnet array assembly comprising a central magnet array
comprised of a plurality of axially-aligned, stacked
cylindrical magnets having like magnetic poles facing one
another, a plurality of high magnetic permeability, high
saturation magnetization, central cylindrical spacers Figure 5: Regenerative Hydraulic Shock Absorber
positioned at each end of said stacked central magnet array
and between adjacent stacked central magnets, and a magnet
array support for mounting said magnets and said spacers; an
inner coil array comprising a plurality of concentric
cylindrical coil windings positioned adjacent to said central
spacers and said magnetic poles of said central magnets, said
inner coil windings surrounding an outside perimeter of said
central spacers, said inner coil array mounted on a movable
coil support, said movable coil support providing for
reciprocating linear motion of said coil array relative to said
magnet array; and an outer magnet array assembly
comprising an outer magnet array comprised of a plurality of

Volume 5 Issue 9, September 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20161829 1095
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
Then, Wahl factor of spring,
K= (4C-1) / (4C-4) + 0.615/C

For C = 8
k= 1.18

Now to find load holding by spring P,

Shear stress = k (8PC/ (d2))
P = 618.47 N
Thus spring hold the load of 618.47 N, the remaining load is
absorbed by magnet.

Deflection of spring (δ) can calculate by,

Figure 6: Regenerative Electromagnetic Shock Absorber δ = (8PC3N) / (Gd)
δ = 56.04mm
An electromagnetic linear generator and regenerative
electromagnetic shock absorber is disclosed which converts Spring rate = P/ δ = 11N/mm
variable frequency, repetitive intermittent linear displacement Spring stiffness = K = 11N/mm
motion to useful electrical power. The innovative device Number of turns = N = 9
provides for superposition of radial components of the
magnetic flux density from a plurality of adjacent magnets to As spring has square and ground ends number of Inactive
produce a maximum average radial magnetic flux density turns = 2
within a coil winding array. Due to the vector superposition Total number of turn,
of the magnetic fields and magnetic flux from a plurality of NT = N + 2
magnets, a nearly four-fold increase in magnetic flux density =9+2
is achieved over conventional electromagnetic generator = 11
designs with a potential sixteen-fold increase in power
generating capacity. As a regenerative shock absorber, the Solid length of spring,
disclosed device is capable of converting parasitic Ls = NT x d
displacement motion and vibrations encountered under = 11 x 5
normal urban driving conditions to a useful electrical energy = 55 mm
for powering vehicles and accessories or charging batteries in
electric and fossil fuel powered vehicles. The disclosed Free length of spring,
device is capable of high power generation capacity and Lf = solid length + deflection + axial gap
energy conversion efficiency with minimal weight penalty for = 55 + 56 + 0.15(56)
improved fuel efficiency. = 55 + 56 + 0.15(56)
Lf = 120mm
4. Design of the Magnetic Suspension System Pitch of spring = Lf/N = 120/9
Pitch of spring = 13.33mm
The design parameters used in this process are the standard
values for motorcycles. The spring is mounted in between Design of Magnet:
two magnets to avoid impact of magnets. The outer diameter Power Magnet Pair = 10,000 GP (Gauss Power)
of spring can be selected considering the clearance between Weight Vehicle Body =110 Kg = 1080 N
casing diameter and spring which avoid jam of spring. Weight of Person Sitting On Vehicle = 140 Kg =1374 N

Outer diameter of spring, Total Load = Weight Vehicle Body + Weight of Person
Do = 40 mm Setting On Vehicle
Total Load =1080+1374
As per design data book for cold drawn wire steel =2454 N
Wire diameter, Rear Suspension = 65% of 2454 N
d = 5 mm =1595.1 N
Considering Dynamic Loads Double (W) = 1595.12 x 2
Inner diameter of spring, =3190.2 N
Di = 40 - 10 = 30 mm For Single Shock Absorber Weight (W/2) = 3190.1/2 =
1595.1 N
Calculating the load bearing capacity of spring:
Taking Factor of Safety = 1.2
For any service life,
Shear stress = 0.5 N/mm2 So, Design Load = (W/2) x 1.2 = 1914.92 N
Sut = 0.51190 = 595 N/mm2 Magnetic Power per Unit Area =2N/mm2
Spring index, C= Do/d = 40/5 = 8
Volume 5 Issue 9, September 2016
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20161829 1096
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
So, Area Required for Suspension Of 300 Kg load References
A = 1914.12/2
A = 957.06 mm2 [1] Suvriti Dhawan, Ravi Nandu, “Magnetic suspension in
A = π/4 x d2 automobiles”, Journal of Aeronautical and Automotive
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d = 35mm 2014 pp. 20-21
[2] Mr. V.V.Borole, Prof. K.K.Chaudhari, "A Review on
Diameter of magnet = 35 mm Electromagnetic Shock Absorber", IORD Journal of
Science & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 3 (MAR-APR
Design of shaft 2015)
The shaft is subjected to pure bending stress [3] Chandrakant Chavan, G.M.Kakandikar, Swapnil
Design force = 1914.12 N S.Kulkarni , “Analysis for Suspension Spring to
Bending length = 165 mm determine and Improve Its Fatigue Life Using Finite
Bending moment = F L Element Methodology ,” InternationalJournal of
= 1914.12 x 165 Scientific Research and Management Studies, Vol1 Issue
= 315829.8 N-mm 11,pp 352-362
M = (σb π d3) / 32 [4] S.Gopinath, R.J. Golden Renjith, J.Dineshkumar,
315829.8 = 54.15 x d3 “Design and fabrication of magnetic shock absorber”,
d = 18mm International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 3
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Design of hollow shaft: [5] Dr. Kirpal singh, (2011) “Automobile Engineering”,
M=FL Standard Publishers distributors, Vol-1,12th edition.
M = 1914.12 x 200 [6] John C. Dixon, (1999) “The Shock Absorber
M = 382824 N-mm Handbook", SAE International, Sae Order no.-176.
[7] R.S.Khurmi and J.K. Gupta, “A Textbook of Machine
M = 2 σb d3 (Ik4) Design”
σb = 15.893 N/mm2 ~ 16 N/mm2 [8] V. B. Bhandari, “Design of Machine Elements”
σb = 16 N/mm2 < 35 N/mm2
As induced stress is less than allowable stress the design of
Author Profile
hollow cylinder is safe.
In this way, the main spring of the shock absorber is Aniket Bharambe received the B.Eng. undergraduate
designed. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Dr. D. Y. Patil
College of Engineering, Savitribai Phule Pune
5. Future Scope University, Pune, India.

It is possible to do make these modification in the magnetic

shock absorber, some of them are explained below:
1)If the coils are fitted at the outer side of magnet then it is
possible to generate electricity which could be used for
charging purposes.
2)Maglev technology could be incorporated in the
motorcycles along with electromagnetic suspension system
to provide for better ride on the irregular surfaces as well
as on well paved roads
3)Better control of the damping could be provided by using
an independent control unit for magnetic suspension.
4)Efficiency improvement can be carried out by making use
of lightweight materials for the production of the

6. Conclusion
As we have seen the magnetic suspension is a revolutionary
idea which will provide a comfortable ride by minimizing the
vibrations and other factors .It would also allow to set the
suspension stiffness as per requirement. Thereby magnetic
suspension will be a best substitute for current problems and
providing ultimate vehicle dynamics.

Volume 5 Issue 9, September 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20161829 1097

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