Chpt29-03 Married Persons Property ACT
Chpt29-03 Married Persons Property ACT
Chpt29-03 Married Persons Property ACT
1. Short title
2. Interpretation
3. Community of property excluded
4. Exclusion by agreement of community of property from marriages entered into
prior to commencement of this Act
5. Deeds to specify allocation of property
6. Registration of instrument of notarial deed
7. Proprietary consequences of marriages of persons subject to any Botswana
customary law
8. Validation of certain instruments
9. Section 16 of Cap. 33:02 not to apply to instruments under this Act
First Schedule
Second Schedule
(Section 7)
Form A
We, the undersigned, A.B. of ...................................................................... and C.D. of
......................................................................... do hereby solemnly express our wish to be:
Form B
We, the undersigned, A.B. of ...................................................................... and C.D. of
......................................................................... do hereby solemnly express our wish to be:
(a) that the proprietary consequences of our contemplated marriage should be regulated
by the common law and not the customary law and in consequence we wish to be
exempt from the provisions of section 7(1) of the Married Persons Property Act; and
(b) that we do not desire to avail ourselves of the provisions of the said Act as aforesaid.
(signed) A.B ...........................................................
C.D ............................................................
Witnesses: 1.
N.B. One witness must be an administrative officer, a
justice of the peace or a commissioner of oaths.
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