The Effect of Technology On Face
The Effect of Technology On Face
The Effect of Technology On Face
“I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The
Samsung Galaxy Tab S ad that follows them on a day in their lives repeatedly
and, instead, spend the day completely attached to their tablets. The
dinner, video chatting each other from different rooms in their house, and
This ad, along with many others, has emphasized the fact that as the use of
Little by little, technology has become an integral part of the way that
people communicate with one another and has increasingly taken the place of
individuals fear that people may be too immersed in this digital world and not
of face time with screen time, a Massachusetts family decided to implement
difficulty of the weekly detox stating, “It almost had an existential feeling of, ‘I
don’t know who I am with the Internet gone.’ But after a few months it
hardened into a habit and we all began to realize we were gaining a lot from
it” (Adler, 2013). Many others have expressed shared concerns regarding the
so that some Los Angeles restaurants have banned the use of mobile devices
to ensure customers enjoy both their meal and their company (Forbes, 2013).
by the ability for people to freely and conveniently access and exchange
information through technology, the way in which our society interacts with
theory, media technology shapes how individuals in a society feel, act, and
think as well as influences how society functions as they move from one
technological age to another. In other words, people learn how to think and
feel the way they do based upon the messages they receive through the
current technology. This theory supports the belief that “the medium is the
message” and that people adapt accordingly and will utilize the means in
Statement of the Problem
for the year 2015-2016. Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:
face to face?
face-to-face interactions?
had access to the survey, which excluded students who do not regularly
Students. This would show them that one must not drive out by vast
interpersonal interactions.
Definition of Terms
of scientific knowledge
Foundation (Rideout et al., 2010) found that the average total time that
use as distinct activities) per day in 2009, up from 8 hr 33 min in 2004 and 7
spent multitasking—the proportion of media time spent using more than one
Apart from the increase in overall time spent consuming media is the
finding that youth consume 20% of their media on a “third screen” (other than
2010). The Pew Internet & American Life Project (Lenhart, Ling, Campbell, &
Purcell, 2010) reported that 75% of 12- to 17-year-olds owned cell phones,
with 87% of them texting and half of the texters (over one third of all 12- to 17-
(2010) found that 66% of children owned their own cell phones and 76%
owned their own iPod/ music players. Fifty-eight percent of 12-year-olds now
own a cellphone (Lenhart, Purcell, Smith, & Zickuhr, 2010), up from 18% in
2004. Teens also increasingly use social network sites: A growing number
et al., 2010) for an average of 37 min per day (Rideout et al., 2010). Given
this rapidly changing media ecology for the interactions that shape social
about high media use by their children and children’s friends and its likely
found that those 8- to 18-year-olds who spent more time with media reported
having lots of friends, getting along well with parents, being happy at school,
not being bored, not feeling sad and unhappy, and not getting in trouble a lot).
On the other hand, cell phones and other multitasking facilitators are also
individuation from parents (Lenhart, Ling, et al., 2010). Research has also
(Huffaker & Calvert, 2005; Manago, Graham, Greenfield, & Salimkhan, 2008;
(Bessie`re, Kiesler, Kraut, & Boneva, 2008; Gross, 2004; Valkenburg & Peter,
2007), and other developmental tasks are played out online, so one may
Many studies have been conducted regarding technology’s effect on
social interaction and face-to face communication since the rise of cellphone
and social media usage in the late 2000s. As Przybylski and Weinstein of the
technology have enabled billions of people to connect more easily with people
great distances away, yet little has been known about how the frequent
Cheng, Genevie, & Yuan, 2014). People who had conversations in the
Though much research has shown the negative effects of technology
on face-to-face interaction, one study found that cell phone use in public might
communication influences the extent to which one engages face to face with
new people in public settings. By accounting for different types of cell phone
uses, the study found evidence that mobile phone use in public actually
facilitated talking with co-present strangers, for those who frequently rely on
among “current cyber-youth” – those who have grown up with the Internet as
an important part of their everyday life and interaction rituals. The two authors
face-to-face interaction among youth. They suggest that the decrease in the
Technology and Less From Each Other, Turkle (2012) examined the effects of
people and 150 adults, Turkle found that children were often times the ones
that many children believed their parents paid less attention to them than to
their smartphones, often times neglecting to interact with them face to face
Research, does not share these concerns. Rather, Baym believes that
evidence consistently shows that the more you communicate with people
using devices, the more likely you are to communicate with those people face
Research Design
Maranding, Lala, Lanao del Norte for the year 2015-2016 that have with their
Research Environment
barangays belong to the partly urban areas in the Philippines. While some of
Municipality of the second district Lanao del Norte. This place is a business
center serving not only the populace of Lala but even the people of Salvador
Figure 2 Location Map
Research Subjects/Respondents
Students were asked 11 questions regarding their technology use, habits, and
engagement both face to face and screen to screen, which would help better
face communication
consent was given before conducting the survey. The researchers explained
first the objectives of the survey to the respondents. This is to avoid confusion
from North Central Mindanao College. An informed consent was given before
questionnaires were sent via Facebook account to gather data. The data
collected will be the basis for this study. It will be analyzed and interpreted to
Statistical Treatment
frequently students use their cell phones, 58% of respondents said they use
their phone more than 4 hours a day, with 20% of respondents admitting to
more than 8 hours of usage a day. Almost all students (94%) bring their cell
phones or tablets with them every time they leave the house and only 2%
respondent said they rarely do. Some students (36%) reported that when
spending time with friends or family, they always use their cell phone or tablet.
The majority of students use their cell phone sometimes when they are with
family or friends (56%), and only 8% of students rarely use their phone in the
presence of friends and family. No respondents indicated that they never use
their cell phone or tablet when spending time with friends or family.
family more frequently via technology than in person, while 24% said the
family use technology while spending time with me”. Sixty-eight percent of
respondents said that they either agreed or strongly agreed with this
Another survey question asked students whether they believed the
communication, and only 8% did not. Only 10% of respondents neither agreed
nor disagreed.
responses. One student said, “I don’t like using my phone when I’m with
friends in person, and I don’t like it when they use theirs, but if it is used in a
student shared similar opinions stating, “I don’t mind if it’s used to enhance a
general as you can tell the other person(s) attention is divided and unfocused
Many respondents voiced their concerns that technology is diminishing
have lost the ability to communicate with each other in face-to face
our ability to interact with people face to face,” and a fourth agreed that
technology “both enhances what we share online and decreases what we say
face to face.”
shows that you have their full attention. Even though it’s sometimes hard to
have those times when people are not attached to their phones, I think it is
more important than ever.” Many students mentioned that while spending time
with friends or family, they have to make a conscious effort not to use
technology. It appears that despite being aware of their own behaviors and
per day? N %
0-2 hours 1 2%
Always 47 94%
Sometimes 2 4%
Rarely 1 2%
Never 0 0%
How often do you use your smartphone or tablet while hanging out with
Always 18 36%
Sometimes 28 56%
Rarely 4 8%
Never 0 0%
Agree 23 46%
Neither agrees nor disagree 10 20%
Disagree 6 12%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
than I do in person
Agree 20 40%
Disagree 10 20%
Strongly disagree 2 4%
I think that the presence of technology while spending time with others
Agree 26 52%
Disagree 4 8%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Agree 27 54%
Disagree 5 10%
Strongly disagree 1 2%
Summary of Findings
The study had dealt with the perception of the North Central Mindanao
for the year 2015-2016. It specifically aims to answer the following questions:
How does the use of technology affect people’s ability to communicate face to
used to gather data. Fifty respondents (college students) were selected using
and percentage were used to interpret the data collected. Qualitative and
asked how frequently students use their cell phones, 58% of respondents said
they use their phone more than 4 hours a day, with 20% of respondents
admitting to more than 8 hours of usage a day. Almost all students (94%)
bring their cell phones or tablets with them every time they leave the house
and only 2% respondent said they rarely do. Some students (36%) reported
that when spending time with friends or family, they always use their cell
phone or tablet. The majority of students use their cell phone sometimes
when they are with family or friends (56%), and only 8% of students rarely use
that they never use their cell phone or tablet when spending time with friends
friends or family more frequently via technology than in person, while 24%
were bothered when friends or family used technology while spending time
together. The results of the study also indicate strongly that face-to-face
The result of the data analysis has lead into formulation into the
following conclusions:
A majority of individuals felt the quality of their conversations degraded
face-to-face interactions.
Only time will tell what the long-term impacts of this radical shift in
communicate with their employers and, therefore, less able to succeed in the
workforce? Or will the new skills developed through hours of cell phone use
and texting result in a workforce that is more nimble and more qualified to
children, or will the new tools available to them bring their families closer
or result in fewer actual friends and a life that is more isolated and less
just talking, but listening to what others have to say. The researchers’
Family and Friends
members are able to resolve the unavoidable problems that arise in all
with children in the same way that they communicate with their spouse
Future Researchers
technology in communication.