1968 Hypogene Texture and Mineral Zoning in A Copper Granodiorite Porphyry Stock Nielsen
1968 Hypogene Texture and Mineral Zoning in A Copper Granodiorite Porphyry Stock Nielsen
1968 Hypogene Texture and Mineral Zoning in A Copper Granodiorite Porphyry Stock Nielsen
The Santa Rita stock formed from a quartz monzonitemagma that intruded gently
dippingsedimentaryrocks,probablywithin 1,500feet of the surface. Early crystalliza-
tion at the margin resultedin a solid shell of equigranular-or seriate-texturedgranodio-
rite arounda partially crystallizedmush. Tectonicadjustmentsfracturedthe solid shell,
resulting in emplacementof aplitesand porphyriticgranodioritedikes in the solid shell.
The remainder of the magma crystallized with a porphyritic-aphanitictexture.
Volatilesreleasedfrom the magmaduring quenchingmigratedoutwardthroughcracks
and brecciatedzonesin the coolermargin, depositingin turn (a) veinletsof pegmatitic
and aplitic orthoclase and quartz, barren quartz, and molybdenite-bearingquartz;
(b) pyrite-chalcopyrite-molybdenitein thin discontinuousfractures; and (c) pyrite-
quartz veins.
A central zone within the stock, low in sulfides,containsabundantquartz veinlets,
vein and replacementorthoclase,secondarybiotite, and igneous plagioclase. Diffuse
zones of increasingsulfide content and successivelymore destructivealteration of feld-
spar occur outward from the center of the stock and include: (a) montmorillonite
-+biotiteafter plagioclase(orthoclaseunaltered), (b) montmorillonite-kaolinite
after plagioclase(orthoclaseunaltered), (c) kaolinite after plagioclase(orthoclase
unaltered),and (d) quartz-sericite(2Mx muscovite)after plagioclaseand orthoclase.
Pyrite, by far the most common sulfide in the Santa Rita stock, is concentrated in
veins in the zone of quartz-sericitealterationat the periphery of the stock.
The successive zonesof silicatealterationassociatedwith the main stage of sulfide
in the stockprobablywere controlled
by temperature
fracture and vein systemfrom near magmatic temperaturesat the center of the stock
to relatively cool temperaturesin the wall rocks. Perhaps cooling of the fluids and
mixing with meteoricgroundwateras they migrated outward was accompaniedby a
related changein aK+/aH+ and aNa+/aH+ in the hydrothermalfluids. These phe-
nomenamay explain the changefrom predominantorthoclasealteration in the center
of the stockto alteration characterizedby leachingof base metals by hydrolysisof
feldsparsnear the margin and associated
as suggested
by Hemle7
and Jones(4).
Contents Introduction
Tag porphyrycopperdepositat Santa Rita is in
Abstract ...................................... 37 southwestNew Mexico about 12 miles east of Silver
Introduction .................................. 37
City and 150 milesnorthwestof E1 Paso,Texas.
Samplingand analyticaltechniques............ 39
Acknowledgments ........................... 39
It is locatedwithin the Centralminingdistrict,a
The Santa Rita stock .......................... 40 largemineralized areaof approximately25 square
Distribution of hypogenemineralization and altera- miles,which includeszinc and zinc-leaddeposits
tion ...................................... 42 near Hanover, Bayard, and Santa Rita and contact
Vitreous gray quartz veinlets.................. 43 metasomatic
iron and copper-iron
at Fiefro
Chalcopyrite-pyrite veinlets ................... 44 and Santa Rita.
Pyrite-quartz veinlets ........................ 44 Disseminated
and supergene
Hypogenealteration ......................... 45 chalcocite orebodiesat the Chino mine of the Kenne-
Quartz-orthoclase-biotite alteration .......... 45
Feldspar-destructive clay-micaalteration ..... 47 cott CopperCorporationare roughlycenteredover
Chemicalchangesduring hydrothermalalteration .. 48 the SantaRita stock,a Laramidehypabyssal
Summary ..................................... 50 pluton of irregular shapethat intruded a series of
References .................................... 50 gentlydippingPaleozoic
and Mesozoicstrata (Fig.
AREA //"-
cop..... •o,,•at,oa•
• •y.'/• •/.•///•///.•)•
• Post
•j•dike Hornblende
the Santa gren0dmrde
R•t0 SI0ck porphyry
the Santa porphyry
R•ta Stock of
] Pre-stockwallrocks -
• Abundantquartz veinsand pervasive
Outhneo[ stockby ChinaMinesO•v•s•on
staff. SANTA
J Stuart alterohon
andR. by'
Fro. 2.
thicknessof 1,000 feet in the mining district (5, p. PRIMARY IGNEOUS TEXTURE OF THE
119). Quartz diorite porphyrysills with an aggre- SANTA RITA STOCK
gate thicknessof 500 feet intrude the sedimentsof
ß N
the Colorado Shale in the mine area. Thus, the
maximum inferred thickness of cover over the stock,
i.e., the aggregatethicknessof ColoradoShale and
sills at time of emplacement,was probably no more
than 1,500 feet. _+_
The stockis compositewith the bulk of the pluton
consistingof biotite granodioritetransitionalin com-
positionto biotite quartz monzonite(Fig. 2). Sys-
tematicdifferencesin primary texture, primary min-
eralogy,and degreeof alterationfrom placeto place
within the stock are believed to reflect, for the most
part, primary variationsin composition,slight varia-
tions in coolinghistory, and amountsof subsequent
alteration. Part of the biotite granodioriteporphyry
contains hornblende as a common varietal mineral,
althoughthis mineral has been extensivelyaltered
to biotite during the metallizationof the stock. Dikes
• equigranular-and
texture seriate-granitic
and plugsof intramineraland postmineralporphyry
are relativelyminor. However, smallbodiesof horn- "::•' parphyritic-aphtic
blende granodiorite with irregular outlines were • porphyritic-aphanitic
texture 0
2000 ft
ß sample location
mappedin the south part of the stock (Fig. 2).
Pyrite veinsare commonbut chalcopyriteis rare in Fro. 4.
these bodies. Contacts observed in the benches are
mosteasilyinterpretedas indicatingthat hornblende alized biotite granodiorite during the late stagesof
granodioriteporphyry intrusions,which are now metallization and alteration.
relativelyunaltered,intrudedinto alteredand miner- Variations in the original igneoustexture of the
biotite granodioritehave been documentedby grain
OUTLINE OF THE SANTA RITA STOCK measurements in more than 100 thin sections. Four
principaltexturaltypesare r•cognized
(Fig. 4); a
medium- to fine-grainedequigranulargranitic tex-
ture; (b) a seriate-granitictexture; (c) a porphy-
ritic-aplitic texture; and (d) a porphyritic-aphanitic
texture. The most commonrock texture is porphy-
ritic-apliticwith phenocrysts of andesine,biotite, and
quartz,0.5 to 5.0 mm in their longestdimension, in a
sugarytexturedapliticgroundmass (0.05 to 1.0 mm)
which consistsof an interlockingmosaicof quartz
and orthoclasewith disseminatedminute specksof
The four textural types are distributed in a re-
markablezonalpattern (Fig. 4). Equigranularand
seriate textures are restricted to a zone about 500
feet wide near the contact,and stronglyporphyritic
rocks with an aphaniticmatrix are locatedin the
center of the stock. A completetextural gradation
is presentbetweenequigranularand strongly por-
phyritic types,althoughfield mappingand examina-
tion of diamond drill core indicate that within
oncant'act ofstock from
diamonddrill intersections•contour
8 specificareas the contactbetweenporphyriticand
500 feet•datum
meansea 0
equigranulargranodioritemay be sharp. Dikes of
biotite granodiorite porphyry with an aphanitic
Fro. 3. groundmasscut equigranular granodiorite at the
margin of the stock and extend out into the wall structures that fractured the solid shell and led to
rocks. The texture of these dikes merges with the the emplacementof the granodioriteporphyry dikes.
texture of the bulk of the stock as the dikes The remainderof the magmaapparentlycrystallized
traced back into the center of the pluton where the rapidly at the time of dike emplacement, producing
texture of the dikes becomesvirtually indistinguish- a porphyritic-aphanitictexture in the centerof the
able from the strongly porphyritic interior of the stock as well as in the dik•s. Volatile constituents
pluton. released from the magma during quenching and
Flow banding, foliation, and lineation of pheno- rapid crystallizationof the granodiorite porphyry
crystsare essentiallyabsentfrom the rocks of the were probablyinstrumentalin producingmetalliza-
pluton, indicating very little flowage or movement tion and alteration of the stock and adjacent wall
of magmaafter the plutonwas partially crystallized. rocks. Small, irregular bodies and dikes of horn-
Origin of the zonal pattern of textural types is blendegranodioriteporphyry,quartz monzonite,and
uncertain. Successiveintrusions, each with a dif- latite were intrudedafter the bulk of the pluton had
ferent coolinghistory,cannotbe the soleexplanation been mineralized and altered.
becauseof the gradationalnature of the boundaries
betweentexturetypes. Sharpcontacts betweenthem Distribution of Hypogene Mineralization
and Alteration
are lacking except near the stock margin. There,
multipleintrusioncouldexplainthe porphyriticdikes. Primary sulfidesin the SantaRita stockare chiefly
Limited amountsof multiple intrusion can also ac- pyrite, chalcopyrite,and molybdenite. Bornite and
countfor the emplacement of intramineraland post- marcasiteare presentin trace amounts. The prin-
mineraldikesand plugswhich havebeenmappedin cipal associatedhypogenealteration minerals are
the pit area (Fig. 2). Thesesmallintrusionsappar- quartz, 2M• muscovite(sericite), biotite, kaolinite,
ently disrupt the symmetryof the zoning patterns montmorillonite,and orthoclase. Both sulfides and
around the stock margin. ganguemineralshave a zonal distributioncrudely
The textural zoning does not appear to be pro- controlledby the shapeand geometryof the stock.
ducedby hydrothermal alterationof an earlyuniform A central zone within the stock, low in sulfidesbut
equigranulargranitic texture. Zonesof alteration containingmuchof the chalcopyriteand molybdenite
related to sulfide mineralization are discordant to the is characterizedby abundantquartzveinlets,veinand
textural zones in part of the stock, suggestingthe replacementorthoclase,secondarybiotite, and un-
textural zoning is not directly related to alteration. alteredigneousplagioclase.This alterationandmin-
Further, textural criteria indicate that orthoclase eralizationis believedto be late magmaticor deuteric.
and clay-micaalterationis clearlysuperimposedupon Diffuse zonesof increasingstructure-controlled py-
the igneousrocks, and in areas where alterationis rite mineralizationand successively more destructive
intense, the aphanitic groundmassof granodiorite alterationof feldsparoccuroutwardfrom the center
porphyryis recrystallized to a medium-grained mix- of the stock. This clay-micaalteration,believedto
ture of quartz, orthoclase,and sericite. Thus, re- be hydrothermal,is superimposed upon the early
crystallizationtendsto increaseand homogenize the quartz-orthoclase-biotite alterationand is character-
grain size, and the porphyriticaphanitictexture is ized by development of first, montmorillonite,
difficultto explainby a recrystallizationmechanism. kaolinite,and finally,quartzand sericite. Pyrite, by
Successiveinjectionsof magma batchesinto the far the most common sulfide in the Santa Rita stock,
magmachamberduring crystallizationand cooling is concentrated in veinsin the zone of quartz-sericite
does not adequatelyexplain the textural zoning. alterationat the peripheryof the stock.
Flow banding, parallel alignmentof crystalsand The outerpyriticzone(Fig. 5) formsa wideband
other flow structureswould probablybe evident if alongthe west contactof the stockand a relatively
this mechanismwere operative. thin band at the east and south contacts. Pyrite in
Large parts of the Santa Rita stock probably this zone is abundant both in quartz diorite wall
crystallizedfrom a granodioritemagmawith sus- rocksand in granodiorite,where it comprises
4 to 8
pendedcrystalsof plagioclase, hornblende,biotite, percentof the rockby weight. The ratio of pyrite
and quartz that was injectedat the intersection
of to chalcopyritewithin this pyrite-richzoneis about
regionalfaults. Textural zoningis mostreadilyex- 40 to 1. Pyrite occurschieflyas fillingsof veinsand
plainedby a mechanism wherebyinitial crystalliza- fractures, 0.1 to 6 inches in width, cutting equi-
tion at the margin of the intrusionproduceda shell granular granodioriteand wall rocks and is also
of medium- to fine-grainedequigranularor seriate- commonas disseminatedgrains in granular recrys-
textured granodiorite around a central mass of tallized quartz-sericiterock in the wide pyritic zone
partially crystallizedmagma. Subsequent tectonic at the west margin of the stock. This wide pyrite-
adjustmentsmay then have reactivatedold fault rich zoneand associated pervasivesericiticalteration
partially overlapsthe edgeof a centralarea in the CHALCOPYRITE IN SANTA RITA STOCK AND
stockcharacterized by abundantvitreousquartzveins
and strong orthoclasealteration. Pyrite in veins
Stack outline• ß N
with sericiticalterationenvelopescutting relatively at 6000 feet ....
unalteredgranodioriteis characteristicof the rela-
tively thin pyritic zone on the east margin of the
pluton. The pyrite contentgraduallydecreases over
a distanceof 1,000 feet to less than 1.0 percentby
weight in the interior of the stock. Drilling in the
south pit of the mine indicatesthat pyrite content ß :iiii ' .......
,. .
in that area generallydecreases at depth,suggesting
that the diameter of the pyrite halo may enlarge
downward, roughly correspondingto the enlarge-
ment of the stock owing to outward dip of its ===========================================
tually all igneousplagioclasewithin the Santa Rita OF THE SANTA RITA STOCK
been at least partially replacedby clay and mica Freshgranodiorite[ orthoclase-biotite Montmorlllonite-
porphyry alteration
kaolinlte zone Kaollnlte zone zone
minerals. Only plagioclasein someminor intra- Quartz Addition Unchanged Minor addition Addition
Na-andesine replaced by ortho- mixture replaced by aerieitc
destructivealterationis closelyrelatedto the distri- clase. Local Montmorill omte/kaolinitc
by decreasing •
butionof hypogenesulfides,principallypyrite, both se riclte-biotite
Mg/Fe inetraging •
productsthroughoutthe deposit. Individualpyrite Pyrxte Added Very little present Added Added
veins cutting relatively unalteredgranodiorite,for
• quartz-sericite
• after'
k. 71
(or'thoclase plagio½lgs•
interior of the stocks. In all samples,the sulfide
contentand structure-controlled clay-micaalteration
was minimal, and the mineralogywas that of fresh
after plagioclase mixture
unaltered) granodioriteporphyry indicatedin Table 1. Inter-
• feldspars
unaltered 0 2000ft. pretationof chemicalvariationsis complicatedowing
FIG. 10.
to the fact that eachrock samplehas beenaltered to
some degree by both the early quartz-orthoclase-
biotite alterationas well as the later quartz-sericite-
creasing as the alteration of plagioclasebecomes pyrite alteration. In addition,somevariationsmay
complete. Traces of sericite in the clay mixture also reflect primary igneouscompositiongradients
suggesta transition to the sericite-quartzassem- within the plutonproducedby differentiation.
blage, the ultimate product of this alteration Early, intensequartz-orthoclase alterationnear the
sequence. centerof the stockresultedin a large gain in silicon,
3. A narrow zone with unaltered orthoclase and
and,smallergains in potassium,sulfur, and hydro-
with plagioclase completel• replaced by kaolinite gen. Aluminum, iron, magnesium, calcium, and
lies adjacent to the quartz-sericitezone. Sericite sodiumwere extensivelyleached. The gain in sili-
(2M• muscovite) flakes commonlyreplace part of con reflectsthe abundantquartz veins; the gain in
the kaolinite. Both well-ordered and b-disordered
potassiumreflectsthe abundantsecondaryorthoclase.
kaolinire polytypeshave been identified by X-ray Relatively weak, early orthoclase-biotite alteration
diffraction. Pale-brownphlogopiticbiotiteis present with superimposedmontmorillonite-kaolinitemix-
in this zone. Alunite with quartz, kaolinite,pyrite,
and molybdenitefills small veinlets;the distribution
and significanceof theseveinletsis not fully under- GAIN AND LOSS OF PRINCIPAL ROCK CONSTITUENTS
stood,but they appearto be restrictedto this narrow OF THE SANTA RITA STOCK
zone. Topaz is a rare but significantalterationmin- '•'-I000 cc
Si AI Fe Mg Ca Na K H+ S
eral and is always associatedwith kaolinite after
4. A zone of pervasivequartz-sericitereplacement
of both feldsparsas well as biotitecoincideswith the
high-pyrite zone along the west margin of the
stock. Sericite was identified as 2M• muscoviteby
X-ray diffractionusing the criteria of Yoder and
Eugster (19).
Envelopesof quartz-sericite alterationaroundindi- • biotite-montmorillonite-
kaolinire assemblage
ingly, a geologicmodel is proposedfor the origin
Alteration $i A1 Fe S
Ca •4 K+ H+ of the depositwhichcallsupon steadyevolutionof
Granodiorite altered to quartz-
orthoclase rock near center of 46.8 -1.6 -1. 1 40. Z -3.7 40.5 ' +Z.9
mineralizingfluidsowing to gradualcoolingof the
the stock {ave. of two analyses},
Granodlorite with plagioclase
altered to montmorillonite
kaolmite w•th seconda•
ortho- * 4 I. Z -0. 1 •0, 6 &2, 8 -Z. 3 +0.8 •2. Z Textural zoning indicatesthat initial crystalliza-
clase •nd biotite
[ave. of two analyses). tion of the plutonafter emplacement of the magma
Granod•orlte altered to quartz-
serlclte-pyrite rock near margin *Z. 8 -0.6 -0.4 &1. i - 1.6 +0.8 4 l. 8 produceda solid shell of equigranularor seriate-
of s•ck (ave, of two analyse•).
is unknown and must await isotopic studies of 3. Fournier, R. O., 1967, Syngeneticformation and subse-
quent alteration of the porphyry copper deposit near
hydrousalterationminerals. Ely, Nevada: EcoN. Gini.., v. 62, p. 57-81, 207-227.
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moredestructivealterationof feldsparoccuroutward of hydrothermalalteration with emphasison hydrogen
metasomatism: Ecoa. G•.oI.., v. 59, p. 538--569.
from the centerof the stock. Alteration assemblages, 5. Hernon, R. M., Jones,W. R., and Moore, S. L., 1953,
from weakly to stronglyalteredtypes,include: (a) Some geologicalfeatures of the Santa Rita quad-
montmorillonite-- biotite after plagioclase(ortho- rangle: New Mexico Geol. Soc., Guidebookto 4th
Field Conference,p. 117-129.
claseunaltered); (b) montmorillonite-kaolinite
mix- 6. Hernon, R. M., Jones,W. R., and Moore,.S.L., 1964,
ture after plagioclase(orthoclaseunaltered); (c) Geologyof the Santa Rita quadrangle,New Mexico:
kaoliniteafter plagioclase(orthoclaseunaltered); U.S. Geol. Survey Geol. Quad. Map GQ-306.
7. Jones,W. R., Hernon, R. M., and Pratt, W. P., 1961,
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ated with the main stageof sulfide.deposition
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dientsalongthe fractureand vein systemfrom near New Mexico: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 61, p.
magmatictemperaturesat the center of the stock 9. Lasky, S.G., 1936, Geology and ore depositsof the
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Perhapscoolingof fluidsand mixingwith meteoric U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 870.
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