B-Spline Surface Fitting by Iterative Geometric Interpolation Approximation Algorithms
B-Spline Surface Fitting by Iterative Geometric Interpolation Approximation Algorithms
B-Spline Surface Fitting by Iterative Geometric Interpolation Approximation Algorithms
Computer-Aided Design
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/cad
binormal vectors for space curves. Okaniwa et al. [17] presented and generate as output a B-spline surface that interpolates the
a method for the interpolation of a set of data points and unit data points. We now demonstrate how to parametrize the data in
tangents, as well as curvature vectors at the data points, by means the u direction; the v direction is analogous. For each j we assign
of planar and space uniform cubic B-spline curves using an iterative parameter values 0 ≤ ũij ≤ 1 to Qij , i = 0, . . . , n based on
geometric-based algorithm. chord length or a centripetal method, depending on the input data.
In this paper, we fit point clouds in terms of B-spline surfaces When the data takes very sharp turns, the centripetal method gives
using iterative geometric interpolation/approximation algorithms. better results than the chord length method [2,1]. Knot vectors U
The contribution of our work can be summarized as follows: and V in the u and v directions are then constructed. We explain
• We develop acceleration methods for the iterative geometric how to construct U; V is analogous. For a clamped B-spline surface,
interpolation algorithm. the knot vector can be defined using the following technique of
• We study a method to impose geometrical constraints, such as averaging [1]:
reflectional symmetry, in the iterative geometric interpolation
process. u0 j = · · · = uK −1 j = 0, ur − K + 1 j = · · · = ur j = 1 ,
• We introduce a surface fairing method based on Laplacian k+K −2
smoothing. uK +k−1 j = ũi j , k = 1, . . . , n − K + 1, (5)
• We develop a surface approximation method based on the K −1 i =k
framework of the iterative geometric interpolation algorithm.
• We conduct a comparison between the iterative geometric where r = n + K . We average uij across j = 0, . . . , m, and construct
fitting method and the standard fitting method, and discuss the the knot vector U [1].
advantages and shortcomings of the two methods. We then form a sparse linear system with control points as
unknowns, and apply iterative solvers, such as conjugate gradients
This paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, we review the
(CG) [19] or sparse direct solvers [20] to this system. The choice
standard fitting methods for B-spline surfaces. In Section 3, we
of data parametrization greatly affects the quality of the resulting
introduce a novel method to accelerate the geometric interpola-
surface, and therefore an iterative parameter correction technique
tion, and present a method to impose geometrical constraints such
is widely adopted to adjust the parameter values in order to force
as reflectional symmetry on the iterative geometric interpolation
process. A surface approximation method based on the framework the error vectors to be perpendicular to the fitting surface [2,21,5].
of the geometric surface interpolation algorithm is developed in
Section 4, and in Section 5, we compare our iterative geometric fit- 2.3. Surface approximation
ting methods with the standard fitting methods using some com-
plex surfaces. Finally, we conclude the paper in Section 6. For surface approximation, we assume the data points Qk ,
0 ≤ k ≤ N are randomly distributed. Unlike the surface
2. Review of standard fitting methods interpolation case, we are not able to use the cumulative chord
length method for parametrization. Therefore, we construct a so
2.1. Notation of B-spline surfaces called base surface, which is a first approximation of the final
fitted surface [21]. The basic strategy is to project the randomly
Let us first introduce the notation used in the remainder of the distributed points onto the base surface, and use the parameters
paper. An order k B-spline is formed by joining several pieces of of the projected points for surface fitting. To construct the base
polynomials of degree k − 1 with, at most, C k−2 continuity at the surface, we first generate four boundary curves by approximating
breakpoints [18,1]. A set of non-descending break points t0 ≤ t1 ≤ boundary data points. We set the number of control points of
· · · ≤ tr defines a knot vector the boundary curves as low as possible, in order to ensure that
T = (t0 , t1 , . . . , tr ), (1) the overall number of final control points is low, which sacrifices
some accuracy at the boundary. We can use the standard method
which determines the parametrization of the basis functions.
as well as our iterative geometric algorithm to approximate the
Given a knot vector T, the associated B-spline basis functions
boundary curves. The boundary conditions are imposed by fixing
Ni,k (t ), are defined as:
these four boundary curves. Owing to the nature of the tensor
for ti ≤ t < ti+1 product surface, the two boundary curves along the u and v
Ni,1 (t ) = (2)
0 otherwise, directions, respectively, must be defined on the same knot vectors.
If the pair of knot vectors are different, we need to merge them into
for k = 1, and
a single common knot vector by knot refinement [1]. We denote
t − ti ti+k − t these knot vectors as U and V. Once we have the four boundary
Ni,k (t ) = Ni,k−1 (t ) + Ni+1,k−1 (t ), (3) (0) (0)
ti+k−1 − ti ti+k − ti+1 curves with control points {Pi0 , i = 0, . . . , n}, {Pim , i = 0, . . . , n},
for k > 1 and i = 0, 1, . . . , r − k. {P(0j0) , j = 0, . . . , m}, {Pnj
, j = 0, . . . , m}, we determine the interior
An order (K , L) B-spline surface is a tensor product surface control points by bilinear blending [21,9]:
defined by a topologically rectangular set of control points Pij ,
0 ≤ i ≤ n, 0 ≤ j ≤ m and two knot vectors U = (u0 , u1 , . . . , un+K ) 1 − vj
(0) P0j (0) (0)
Pij = [1 − ui ui ] (0) + [Pi0 Pim ]
and V = (v0 , v1 , . . . , vm+L ) associated with each parameter u, v . Pnj vj
The corresponding integral B-spline is given by
(0) (0)
1 − vj
P00 P0m
− [1 − ui ui ] (0) , (6)
0) vj
R(u, v) = Pij Ni,K (u)Nj,L (v). (4) Pn0
i=0 j=0
where ui and vj are defined as
2.2. Surface interpolation ui = , i = 0, . . . , n,
We assume that the data points are given in a rectangular grid j
of (n + 1) × (m + 1) data points Qij , i = 0, . . . , n, j = 0, . . . , m vj = , j = 0 , . . . , m. (7)
Y. Kineri et al. / Computer-Aided Design 44 (2012) 697–708 699
For complex surfaces, Azariadis [22] introduced so called Dynamic assume that the control mesh of the B-spline surface coincides with
Base Surface (DBS) which dynamically adapts to the three- the given data points:
dimensional shape implied by the point clouds. The method n
assumes the existence of four boundary curves. The initial DBS (0)
R(0) (u, v) =
Pij Ni,K (u)Nj,L (v), (12)
is constructed from a bicubic Coons surface using these four
i =0 j =0
boundary curves. A grid of points along the two parameters of the
DBS is then projected onto the cloud-surface along the direction where the superscript (0) denotes the 0th iteration, and Pij = Qij .
normal to the DBS by minimizing a set of distance metrics. The (0)
At this stage, of course, R (u, v) will not interpolate the input
new DBS is then computed by interpolating the projected grid rectangular grid mesh, but will instead lie within the convex hull
points with the B-spline surface. If the termination criterion is not of the input control mesh.
satisfied, more column- and/or row-sections are inserted into the For each data point Qij , i = 0, . . . , n, j = 0, . . . , m,
current DBS and the algorithm continues with the new grid. except for the four corner points Q00 , Q0m , Qn0 , Qnm , we compute
Once the parametrization is conducted on the base surface, an the closest point on the B-spline surface R(0) (u, v). This can be
optimization problem is set up to minimize the objective function obtained by applying the iterative geometric second-order point
F projection method introduced by Hu and Wallner [25]. We use the
parameter value (ũij , ṽij ) associated with Qij , which was introduced
F = |R(uk , vk ) − Qk |2 + λf Fs , (8) in Section 2.2, as the initial value for the iteration, and denote the
k=0 resulting parameter value as (ûij , v̂ij ). If there is no solution, we
check whether Qij has an orthogonal projection on one of the four
where R(uk , vk ), k = 0, . . . , N are the surface points that should be
border curves of the surface.
close to Qk , Fs is a smoothing term that enforces the fairness of the
In the second step, we evaluate the error vector
approximating surface [23,5], and λf is a user-defined parameter
that weighs the importance of the fairing factor. If λf is small, then (0)
eij = Qij − R(0) (ûij , v̂ij ), (13)
the resulting surface may not be smooth but will have a high degree
of accuracy. Conversely, if λf is large, the resulting surface will be for each data point, and adjust the control mesh to obtain the
smooth but may not be highly accurate. Accordingly, it is a difficult updated control points Pij for the next iteration as follows:
task to find an optimal value of λf . The fairness function is often
(1) (0) (0)
related to a thin plate energy Pij = Pij + eij i = 0, . . . , n, j = 0, . . . , m. (14)
Note that the four corner points remain the same. In the α -th
Fs = (κ12 + κ22 ) dudv, (9) iteration, we compute the closest point to each input data point
Qij on the surface R(α) (u, v) defined by the control mesh Pij ,
where κ1 and κ2 are the principal curvatures of the surface. This is a i = 0, . . . , n, j = 0, . . . , m, and the knot vectors U and V. We
highly nonlinear function and involves time-consuming numerical (α) (α+1)
then adjust the control mesh Pij as in (14) to obtain Pij . We
computation. We employ a simplified version of the thin plate (α)
energy, a quadratic function in the second-order partial derivatives repeat these two steps until |eij | = |Qij − R(α) (ûij , v̂ij )| becomes
of the surface [23], given by smaller than the prescribed tolerance for all of the data points. If
the convergence is slow at some data points, we can terminate
the global iteration and conduct local iterations for the data points
Fs = (R2uu + 2Ruv + R2vv ) dudv. (10)
with slow convergence to save computational time [12].
Lin [14] recently proved the convergence of an algorithm
Therefore, the objective function is quadratic in the control points
proposed by Maekawa et al. [12], in which moving the control
of the surface, and the condition for its minimum is the vanishing points parallel to the position error vectors will interpolate the
of the partial derivatives of F with respect to the control points, input points.
thus resulting in a system of linear equations
Fig. 1. An automobile hood surface with reflectional symmetry: (a) reconstructed surface without symmetry constraints; (b) reconstructed surface with symmetry
Fig. 2. Number of iterations needed to find the closest points versus average parameter difference between iterations: (a) hood model; (b) Fuselage model.
(QLz , QRz ), respectively. Following this notation, the initial control shown in Fig. 1(a) is reconstructed without any constraints, while
points of the iterative geometric algorithm can be set as follows: Fig. 1(b) is reconstructed with constraints (15) and (16). The data
points of the hood surface are generated by slightly perturbing
(0) |QRx | + |QLx | (0) |QRx | + |QLx |
PLx = sgn(QLx ), PRx = sgn(QRx ), the original data shown in Fig. 5(a) so that we can recognize the
2 2 difference.
(0) (0) QRy + QLy
PLy = PRy = , (15) 3.3. Acceleration methods
(0) (0) QRz + QLz
PLz = PRz = . In this section, we introduce two ways to speed up the iterative
2 geometric interpolation algorithm, namely the fixing of the closest
When the number of control points in the x-direction is odd, the points and the optimal repositioning of control points.
(0) (0)
center control points PC must lie in the yz-plane, i.e., PCx = 0.
Similarly, the error vectors eL = (e(α) (α) (α)
Lx , eLy , eLz ) on the left-hand
3.3.1. Fixing closest points
(α) (α) (α) (α) The most time consuming process of the iterative geometric
side, and eR = (eRx , eRy , eRz ) on the right-hand side are adjusted
algorithm is the computation of the closest point. We can observe
as follows:
from Fig. 2 that the parameter values (ûij , v̂ij ) of the closest points
(α) |e(α) (α)
Rx | + |eLx | (α)
barely change after a few iterations. Therefore, they can be fixed
eLx = sgn(eLx ), after a few iterations to avoid performing Newton’s method, which
is particularly time-consuming. Once all the distances between the
(α) |e(α) (α)
Rx | + |eLx | (α) data points and the points on the interpolant corresponding to the
eRx = sgn(eRx ),
2 fixed parameter values are within the prescribed tolerance, we
(α) (α) compute the closest point on the surface to check for the exact
(α) (α) eRy + eLy
eLy = eRy = , (16) error. In the numerical experiments, we fix the closest points after
2 two iterations. Table 1 lists the results of this acceleration method
(α) (α) for two models, namely the hood of an automobile and the fuselage
(α) (α) eRz + eLz
eLz = eRz = . of an airplane. The details of the models are provided in Section 5.1.
The error in Table 1 is evaluated with respect to the bounding box
We substitute Eqs. (15) and (16) with α = 0 into Eq. (14) to update diagonal of the point clouds.
the control points, and repeat this process until the error becomes It can be observed from Table 1 that we are able to reduce the
smaller than the prescribed tolerance for all of the data points. The computational time by 55% for the hood surface with 100 data
zebra mapping of the hood of an automobile shown in Fig. 1(a) points and 79% for the fuselage surface with 10,000 points. Thus,
and (b) clearly illustrates the effectiveness of our reconstruction this acceleration method is more effective when the number of
algorithm for objects with reflectional symmetry. The hood surface data points is large.
Y. Kineri et al. / Computer-Aided Design 44 (2012) 697–708 701
Table 1
Effect of fixing the closest points in the iterative geometric interpolation algorithm.
Model # of data points Computational time (s) Ave. err. (%)
Without acceleration With acceleration Without acceleration With acceleration
where λn (N1 ) and λm (N2 ) are the smallest eigenvalues of the thus we have
collocation matrices N1 = (Ni,K (uj )), i = 0, . . . , n, j = 0, . . . , n
Ni,K (uo )Nj,L (vo )
and N2 = (Ni,L (vj )), i = 0, . . . , m, j = 0, . . . , m, respectively. δij = (T − R(uo , vo ))
n m
However, there are two shortcomings of this technique. The first is
Ni2,K (uo ) Nj2,L (vo )
that the weight is constant, independent of the control points. The i=0 j=0
second is that it requires the computation of eigenvalues of n × n
and m × m matrices. = ωij (T − R(uo , vo )) (26)
In this section, we introduce a technique to accelerate the com- where
putation of the geometric interpolation algorithm by determin-
ing the optimal length for each control point without computing Ni,K (uo )Nj,L (vo )
ωij = . (27)
the eigenvalues of the two matrices. The acceleration technique n m
Ni,K 2 (uo ) Nj,L 2 (vo )
uses the direct manipulation of the free-form deformation (FFD)
i=0 j =0
method introduced by Hu et al. [28]. Suppose we wish to move a
point on a surface R(uo , vo ) to a target point T by moving each con- Accordingly, we can multiply ωij by the error vector to accelerate
trol point δij . T can be formulated as follows [28]: the computation.
m Table 2 shows the results of the optimal repositioning acceler-
T = (Pij + δij )Ni,K (uo )Nj,L (vo ) ation method applied to the two models used in Section 3.3.1. In
i=0 j=0 these computations, the acceleration method of fixing the closest
m n
m points is not used. Employing the weights given by (27), we can re-
= Pij Ni,K (uo )Nj,L (vo ) + δij Ni,K (uo )Nj,L (vo ) duce the computational time by 34% for the hood surface and 14%
i=0 j=0 i =0 j =0 for the fuselage surface, respectively.
= R(uo , vo ) + δij Ni,K (uo )Nj,L (vo ). (18) 4. Iterative geometric approximation algorithm
i =0 j =0
Table 2
Effect of optimal repositioning of control points for the iterative geometric interpolation algorithm.
Model # of data points Time (s) Ave. err. (%)
Without acceleration With acceleration Without acceleration With acceleration
given data points. However, EPIA only accepts data points given in (α) (α)
where Pij are the control points in the α th iteration and ∆ij are
an array, rather than the randomly distributed data points that are
the repositioning vectors for the corresponding control points.
usually the case in real engineering applications. Fig. 3 illustrates Therefore, the repositioning vector for the control point with
a 7 × 7 control net (large spheres) and knots (small spheres) of index (i, j) is,
a typical bicubic B-spline patch. Suppose that the data point Qk
has its closest point at ×, then u4 ≤ uk < u5 , v5 ≤ vk < v6 . ∆ij
Accordingly, the error vector Qk − R(0) (ûk , v̂k ) is distributed to the
wkij e(α+ 1)
wkij Qk − R(α+1) (ûk , v̂k )
= =
control points Pij , i = 1, . . . , 4, j = 2, . . . , 5 (blue spheres) with k
k∈Iij k∈Iij
weights Ni,4 (ûk )Nj,4 (v̂k ).
The overall algorithm for repositioning the control points for
(P(α) (α)
the α -th iteration is described in Algorithm 1. We repeat steps = w k Qk − gh + ∆gh )Ng ,K (ûk )Nh,L (v̂k )
1–14 until the average and the maximum of the norm of the error k∈Iij g =0 h=0
(α) (α)
vector |Qk − R(α) (ûk , v̂k )|, k = 0, . . . , N become smaller than
the prescribed tolerances εav g and εmax , respectively. Note that in = w k Qk − Pgh Ng ,K (ûk )Nh,L (v̂k )
Algorithm 1, superscripts (α) of the parameter values (ûk , v̂k ) are k∈Iij g =0 h=0
omitted not only for simplicity, but also due to the fact that the
changes in parameter values become smaller and smaller. If the − w k ∆gh Ng ,K (ûk )Nh,L (v̂k )
error norm does not become small enough in some regions, a knot k∈Iij g =0 h=0
Y. Kineri et al. / Computer-Aided Design 44 (2012) 697–708 703
wk00 N0,K (ûk )N0,L (v̂k ) wk00 N0,K (ûk )N1,L (v̂k ) ··· wk00 Nn,K (ûk )Nm,L (v̂k )
k k∈I00
wk01 N0,K (ûk )N0,L (v̂k ) wk01 N0,K (ûk )N1,L (v̂k ) ··· wk01 Nn,K (ûk )Nm,L (v̂k )
C = k∈I01
k∈I01 k∈I01 (33)
nm · · · ··· ··· ···
wk N0,K (ûk )N0,L (v̂k ) wknm N0,K (ûk )N1,L (v̂k ) wk Nn,K (ûk )Nm,L (v̂k )
k∈Inm k∈Inm k∈Inm
Box I.
N0,K (û0 )N0,L (v̂0 ) N0,K (û0 )N1,L (v̂0 ) Nn,K (û0 )Nm,L (v̂0 )
N0,K (û1 )N0,L (v̂1 ) N0,K (û1 )N1,L (v̂1 ) ··· Nn,K (û1 )Nm,L (v̂1 )
··· ··· ··· ··· . (34)
N0,K (ûN )N0,L (v̂N ) N0,K (ûN )N1,L (v̂N ) ··· Nn,K (ûN )Nm,L (v̂N )
Box II.
Pij + e−γ Pij−1 + Pi−1j + Pi+1j + Pij+1 + e−2γ Pi−1j−1 + Pi+1j−1 + Pi−1j+1 + Pi+1j+1
Pij = (39)
1 + 4e−γ + 4e−2γ
where e−γ and e−2γ are the weights of four mid-control points and four corner control points, respectively, and γ determines the
magnitude of the weights. Typically, γ = 2 is used.
Box III.
So, the eigenvalues of I − C fulfill,
wkij e(α) (α)
= k − wkij ∆gh Ng ,K (ûk )Nh,L (v̂k )
k∈Iij k∈Iij g =0 h =0 0 ≤ λ(I − C) = 1 − λ(C) < 1. (38)
It means that, the iterative format (32) is convergent.
= ∆(α) (α)
ij − ∆gh wk Ng ,K (ûk )Nh,L (v̂k ), (30)
g =0 h =0 k∈Iij
4.3. Fairing
where Iij denotes the set of data points Qk that contribute to the
repositioning vector ∆ij .
By arranging the repositioning vectors for the control points in The standard surface approximation method is usually equi-
a one-dimensional array, i.e., pped with a fairing term (see Eq. (11)) in order to enforce
(β) (β) (β) (β) (β) the smoothness of the resulting surface. However, the iterative
∆(β) = [∆00 , ∆01 , . . . , ∆0m , . . . , ∆10 , . . . , ∆1m , geometric approximation algorithm does not, in general, need
. . . , ∆n0 , . . . , ∆(β)
nm ] ,
β = α, α + 1, (31) fairing, as the algorithm conducts a parameter correction in an
indirect way by moving each control point parallel to the average
we obtain the iterative form, of the error vectors. For very complex surfaces, as shown in Figs. 9
and 11, the variance of the error vectors may be large, and hence
∆(α+1) = (I − C)∆(α) , (32)
we may need to use fairing.
where, I is an (n + 1)(m + 1) × (n + 1)(m + 1) identity matrix, Laplacian smoothing is a technique used for smoothing a
and C is given in Box I. polygonal mesh without changing the topology of the mesh. In our
Furthermore, we have the following result: fairing method, each internal control point Pij , (i = 1, . . . , n −
1, j = 1, . . . , m − 1) is moved to a new position depending on the
Proposition 4.1. If the matrix C (33) is non-singular, the iterative
weighted average of the positions of the 1-ring neighbors of the
format (32) is convergent.
control points of Pij and itself, as shown in Fig. 4(a). More formally,
Proof. To prove the proposition above, we first construct an (N + the fairing operation can be described as in Box III. Fig. 4(b) shows
1) × (n + 1)(m + 1) matrix, A which is given in Box II. the average errors with respect to the number of iterations for a
In fact, denoting mannequin model approximated with and without fairing. We can
observe a spike-like increase in average errors every 20 iterations
1 1 1
Λ = diag , ,..., , (35) when fairing is applied, but these spikes gradually drop to the error
Wden [0][0] Wden [0][1] Wden [n][m] curve without fairing.
the matrix C (33) can be represented as,
Fig. 4. Laplacian smoothing: (a) control mesh; (b) number of iterations versus average error (mannequin model).
Fig. 5. Hood model: (a) input point clouds (10 × 10); (b) resulting B-spline surface using the iterative geometric interpolation algorithm.
Fig. 6. Fuselage model: (a) input point clouds (50 × 200); (b) resulting B-spline surface using the iterative geometric interpolation algorithm.
5.1. Surface interpolation the accelerated iterative geometric interpolation algorithm quickly
reaches a coarse fit, while we can progressively obtain a finer fit
We first compare our accelerated iterative geometric inter- by performing more iterations. It is observed that the convergence
polation method with the standard interpolation method. The rate of the algorithm varies among the tested models, and it differs
two acceleration methods for the iterative geometric interpolation whether the acceleration algorithm is applied or not. Furthermore,
method are taken into account. Two examples are used for this pur- as the data points become denser, our method becomes faster than
pose. The first example is the hood of an automobile consisting of the standard method for most of the error range. This is due to the
10 × 10 data points, as shown in Fig. 5(a). We interpolate these by a fact that the control points become closer to the limit surface as
bicubic B-spline surface with 10 × 10 control points (see Fig. 5(b)). their number increases, and hence the iterative geometric inter-
The second example, illustrated in Fig. 6, is the fuselage of an air- polation method converges quickly.
plane, represented by 50 × 200 data points. These are interpolated
by a bicubic B-spline surface with 50 × 200 control points. A fuse- 5.2. Surface approximation
lage model with 100 × 400 data points is also tested to measure
the computational time for a large number of data points. Table 3 The iterative geometric surface approximation method is
gives the computational results from these three examples. Fig. 7 compared with the standard surface approximation method.
shows the computational time versus the average error with re- Randomly distributed point clouds of three complex surface
spect to the bounding box diagonal of the model for two differ- models are provided, namely a game controller, a mannequin, and
ent data points of the fuselage model. It can be clearly seen that a crown molding, as shown in Fig. 8(a), 9(a), 11(a), respectively.
Y. Kineri et al. / Computer-Aided Design 44 (2012) 697–708 705
Table 3
Interpolation results using our algorithm for the models in Figs. 5 and 6.
Method Model # of data points Iter. Max. err. (%) Ave. err. (%) Time (s)
Table 4
Base surfaces of the models in Figs. 8, 9 and 11.
Model #of data pts # of ctrl pts Max. err. (%) Ave. err. (%)
Table 5
Surface approximation results of the models in Figs. 8, 9 and 11.
Method Model # of ctrl pts Fairing param. Iter. Max. err. (%) Ave. err. (%) Time (s)
Fig. 7. Fuselage model: computational time versus average error for iterative geometric interpolation, and the standard interpolation method: (a) data points: 10,000; (b)
data points: 40,000.
Information on the point cloud data as well as the details of the average error becomes smaller than 0.06% for the game controller
base surface constructed by Azariadis’ DBS method [22] is given in and the mannequin model, and smaller than 0.02% for the crown
Table 4. The three models have their own, unique characteristics. molding model.
Two of the four boundary curves of the game controller model take The maximum error in the base surface of the game controller is
very sharp turns, which forces the interior control points to be large compared with the other two models (see Table 4). Fig. 8(d)
positioned very restrictively, as shown in Fig. 8(f). The mannequin illustrates the color-coded error vectors between the data points
model consists of four relatively smooth and simple boundary and the base surface. When the standard approximation method
curves, and a set of complex and non-uniform data points, as with a fairing term is applied to this base surface, self-intersections
shown in Fig. 9(a). The eyes, ears, nose, and lips are represented by occur in the control net. This is due to the large gap, and leads
dense sets of data points, while the rest of the model is represented to unwanted ‘wiggles’, as shown in Fig. 8(e). In order to remedy
by a sparse set of data points. The crown molding model is these artifacts, the standard method employs a relatively large
surrounded by almost rectangular-shaped boundary curves, as fairing factor λf , and inserts many knots to reduce the errors.
shown in Fig. 11(a). It consists of the largest number of data Accordingly, the standard method approximation ends up with a
points (100 K) among the three models. The fairing term and larger number of control points, as shown in Fig. 8(g), and a larger
the parameter correction technique are included for the standard computational time compared to our method (see Table 5). As our
approximation method, whereas the Laplacian smoothing-based method gradually approaches the final surface, the chance of a self-
fairing technique is used for the mannequin and the crown molding intersection occurring in the control net is small (see Fig. 8(c) and
models for the iterative geometric surface approach, owing to their (h)), and this results in a smaller number of control points and
complex geometry. reduced computation time.
The computational results of the surface approximation are The mannequin model is a very challenging example. Fig. 9(b)
listed in Table 5. The computations are terminated when the shows the base surface generated by DBS, and Fig. 9(c) shows
706 Y. Kineri et al. / Computer-Aided Design 44 (2012) 697–708
Fig. 8. Game controller model: (a) input point clouds and four boundary curves; (b) base surface generated by DBS; (c) resulting B-spline surface using the iterative geometric
approximation method; (d) color-coded error vectors of point clouds with respect to the base surface; (e) resulting B-spline surface after the first iteration using the standard
method; (f) resulting B-spline surface after the first iteration using the iterative geometric approximation method; (g) Gaussian curvature distribution of the surface generated
by the standard method, iso-parametric lines indicate knot locations; (h) Gaussian curvature distribution of the surface generated by our method.
Fig. 9. Mannequin model: (a) input point clouds and four boundary curves; (b) base surface generated by DBS; (c) resulting B-spline surface using the iterative geometric
approximation method.
the resulting surface using our method. Zebra mappings of the matrix Afair . In contrast, our method is not able to improve the
surfaces constructed by the standard method and our method surface quality of this model after a certain number of iterations.
are shown in Fig. 10. The left and middle images of the zebra This is because as the point clouds of the mannequin model are
mapping are the results of the standard method, while the right- non-uniformly distributed, having dense and sparse regions, the
hand one shows the outcome using our method. Apparently, the number of control points must be large to match with the dense
middle image, which is the result by the standard method with regions. As a consequence, the sparse regions are also represented
73 iterations, has the best quality, and the left and right images by a large number of control points, and hence the number of
have a similar level of quality. The quality of the surface generated data points in a span becomes very small in the sparse regions.
by the standard method becomes better as we repeatedly update Accordingly, the repositioning vectors are determined based on
the control points by solving Eq. (11), which includes the energy a small number of data points, which makes it very difficult to
Y. Kineri et al. / Computer-Aided Design 44 (2012) 697–708 707
Fig. 10. Zebra mapping of the mannequin model: (a) the standard method; (b) the standard method with 73 iterations; (c) the iterative geometric approximation method.
Fig. 11. Crown molding model: (a) input point clouds and four boundary curves; (b) base surface generated by DBS; (c) resulting B-spline surface using the iterative geometric
approximation method; (d) color-coded errors of point clouds with respect to the base surface; (e) close-up view of the base surface and the data points; (f) surface after the
application of local iterative geometric surface approximation.
improve the quality of the surface. Nevertheless, both methods • The quality of the resulting surfaces are generally good, even
provide reasonably good results in terms of surface quality, as without fairing, as the algorithm conducts parameter correction
shown in Fig. 10(a) and (c). In contrast to the game controller in an indirect way by moving each control point parallel to the
model, the base surface of the crown molding model is very close error vectors (orthogonal to the surface) in each iteration.
to the point clouds except for some boundaries of the leaves, • The implementation is much simpler than for the standard
as illustrated in Fig. 11(d) and (e). Fig. 11(c) shows the surface fitting methods.
approximated using our method. However, bearing in mind that • Geometrical constraints, such as reflectional symmetry, can be
most of the point clouds are already close to the base surface, we easily imposed.
can employ the local method, as shown in Fig. 11(e) and (f), to fit • Local control is easy.
the surface. For this example, it takes only 0.97 s to converge. Note The shortcomings of our iterative geometric fitting algorithms
that the standard method cannot handle local methods. compared to the standard fitting methods are:
6. Conclusions
• The standard fitting method is faster when the data points are
sparse. However, our method becomes faster as the data points
We introduced novel methods to interpolate/approximate
become denser.
a point cloud by B-spline surfaces using iterative geometric
algorithms. Approximation
The advantages of our iterative geometric-based fitting inter- • It is very difficult to fit a high quality surface to highly non-
polation and approximation algorithms over the standard fitting uniform point clouds.
methods are, in general, as follows:
We provided an outline of the concept of our algorithm, and we
• The algorithm quickly reaches a coarse fit, while we can applied it to several cases. There are several possibilities for the
progressively obtain a finer fit by performing more iterations. extension of our algorithm, a few of which are listed as follows:
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