Young Violence and Bullycide
Young Violence and Bullycide
Young Violence and Bullycide
crime than older people. And they are victims of other teens.
Violence in media encourages bullying. The more violence a
young person consumes on television, or in movies or video
games, the more violent he can become.
Youth violence includes a range of activities such as bullying, threatening remarks,
physical fights, assaults with or without weapons, gang violence, and suicide. Many teens
continue to harm others. But there are also those teens that harm themselves. Suicide is the third
leading cause of death among teenagers. Many young people develop depression symptoms after
suffer from bullying attacks. The term used to describe this type of teen suicide is “bullycide”, a
suicide caused from the effects of bullying.
Brandon Swartwood was one of many bullies’ victims. He developed Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder and depression after being harassed, tormented,
isolated, assaulted and brutally beaten in school. On December 5, 2000, Brandon
put a loaded gun to his head, pulled the trigger and ended with his pain.
In the recent years, many schools boards create anti-bullying programs
which include training for teachers and students. The programs usually include manuals with
helpful advice and some form of meditation to resolve disputes. Other different approach is
photojournalism as way of diverting kids who are having troubles in school. The program raises
the self-esteem of teens.
Find the meanings or the synonymous of the following words:
inclined to (1st paragraph) ________________
bad or unacceptable behaviour (1st paragraph) _______________
incites (1st paragraph) ________________
a variety of (2nd paragraph) _______________
hurt (2nd paragraph) ______________
hit (3rd paragraph) ____________
suffering (3rd paragraph) _____________
conflicts (4th paragraph) _______________
Explain by your own words:
“Many teens continue to harm others.”