F2-08AD-1 8-Channel Analog Current Input: in This Chapter. - .
F2-08AD-1 8-Channel Analog Current Input: in This Chapter. - .
F2-08AD-1 8-Channel Analog Current Input: in This Chapter. - .
8-Channel Analog
Current Input
In This Chapter. . . .
— Module Specifications
— Setting the Module Jumpers
— Connecting the Field Wiring
— Module Operation
— Writing the Control Program
4--2 F2-08AD-1 8-Channel Analog Current Input
Module Specifications
NOTE: A re--designed F2--08AD--1 with a single circuit board design was released in 2009.
The jumper link location is different. See Setting the Module Jumpers on page 4--5. Also,
some specifications were changed on page 4--3. Otherwise, the re--designed module
functions the same as the prior design.
2.2 or later.
The following tables provide the specifications for the F2--08AD--1 Analog Input
Module. Review these specifications to make sure the module meets your
application requirements.
General PLC Update Rate 1 channel per scan maximum (DL230 CPU)
Specifications 8 channels per scan maximum (DL240/250--1/260 CPU)
Data Acquisition Time 3ms/channel (asynchronous)
Digital Inputs 12 binary data bits, 3 channel ID bits, 1 broken
Input Points Required transmitter detection bit
Power Budget Requirement 100 mA (*50 mA) maximum,
maximum 5 VDC (supplied by base)
External Power Supply 5 mA (*80 mA) maximum, 10--30 VDC (*18--26.4 VDC)
Operating Temperature 0 to 60_ C (32 to 140 F)
Storage Temperature --20 to 70_ C (--4 to 158 F)
Relative Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Environmental air No corrosive gases permitted
Vibration MIL STD 810C 514.2
Shock MIL STD 810C 516.2
Noise Immunity NEMA ICS3--304
* Values in parenthesis with an asterisk are for older modules with two circuit board design and date codes 0609B5
and previous. Values not in parenthesis are for single circuit board models with date code 0709C1 and above.
Analog Input The F2-08AD-1 Analog Input appears as a 16-point discrete input module. The
Configuration module can be installed in any slot of a DL205 system. The available power budget
Requirements and discrete I/O points are the limiting factors. Check the user manual for your
particular model of CPU and I/O base for more information regarding power budget
and number of local, local expansion or remote I/O points.
Special Even though the module can be placed in any slot, it is important to examine the
Placement configuration if you are using a DL230 CPU. As you will see in the section on writing
Requirements the program, you use V-memory locations to extract the analog data. If you place
(DL230 and the module so that the input points do not start on a V-memory boundary, the
Remote I/O Bases) instructions cannot access the data. This also applies when placing this module in a
remote base using a D2--RSSS in the CPU slot.
Correct! F2-08AD-1
V40400 V40402
Data is correctly entered so input V40401
points start on a V-memory boundary. MSB LSB
3 2
7 0
Incorrect F2-08AD-1
-- -- -- -- --
X7 X27 X47 X67 Y17
Data is split over two locations, so instructions cannot access data from a DL230.
MSB V40401 LSB MSB V40400 LSB
3 3 2 2 1 1 7 0
7 0 7 0 7 0
To use the V-memory references required for a DL230 CPU, the first input address
assigned to the module must be one of the following X locations. The table also
shows the V-memory addresses that correspond to these X locations.
Date Code 0609B9 and Previous
(Two Circuit Board Design) (Single Circuit Board Design)
+1 +2 +4
+4 +1
User Power The F2-08AD-1 requires at least one field-side power supply. You may use the
Supply same or separate power sources for the module supply and the current transmitter
Requirements supply. The module requires 18--26.4VDC, at 80 mA.
The DL205 bases have built-in 24 VDC power supplies that provide up to 300mA of
current . You may use this instead of a separate supply if you are using only a couple
of analog modules.
It is desirable in some situations to power the transmitters separately in a location
remote from the PLC. This will work as long as the transmitter supply meets the
voltage and current requirements, and the transmitter minus (--) side and the
module supply’s minus (--) side are connected together.
WARNING: If you are using the 24 VDC base power supply, make sure you
calculate the power budget. Exceeding the power budget can cause unpredictable
system operation that can lead to a risk of personal injury or damage to equipment.
8-Ch. Current Input
The DL205 base has a switching type power supply. As a result of switching noise,
you may notice 3--5 counts of instability in the analog input data if you use the base
power supply. If this is unacceptable, you should try one of the following.
1. Use a separate linear power supply.
2. Connect the 24VDC common to the frame ground, which is the screw
terminal marked “G” on the base.
By using these methods, the input stability is rated at 1 count.
If you want to use a separate supply, choose one that meets the following
requirements: 18--26.4 VDC, 80mA current.
Current Loop Standard 4 to 20 mA transmitters and transducers can operate from a wide variety
Transmitter of power supplies. Not all transmitters are alike and the manufacturers often specify
Impedance a minimum loop or load resistance that must be used with the transmitter.
The F2-08AD-1 provides 250 ohm resistance for each channel. If your transmitter
requires a load resistance below 250 ohms, you do not have to make any
adjustments. However, if your transmitter requires a load resistance higher than
250 ohms, you need to add a resistor in series with the module.
Consider the following example for a transmitter being operated from a 30 VDC
supply with a recommended load resistance of 750 ohms. Since the module has a
250 ohm resistor, you need to add an additional resistor.
R = Tr − Mr R -- resistor to add
R = 750 − 250 Tr -- Transmitter Requirement
R ≥ 500 Mr -- Module resistance (internal 250 ohms)
Two-wire Transmitter
+ -- Module Channel 1
DC Supply CH1+
+30V CH1--
0V 250 ohms
Wiring Diagram The F2-08AD-1 module has a removable connector to make wiring easier. Simply
squeeze the top and bottom retaining clips and gently pull the connector from the
module. Use the following diagram to connect the field wiring. The diagram shows
separate module and transmitter power supplies. If you desire to use only one
field-side supply, just combine the supplies’ positive (+) terminals into one node,
and remove the transmitter supply.
Module Supply
+ -- Internal
Typical User Wiring Module IN ANALOG
Wiring 8CH
See NOTE 1
DC to DC
-- + 0V
CH1 --15V
4--wire CH2+
4--20mA +
Analog Switch
-- CH4+ 250
3--wire +24V
4--20mA + CH5+ 250
Transmitter Fuse A to D CH1+
CH6+ 250 Converter CH2+
CH3 --
2-wire CH7+ 250
4--20mA + CH4+
Transmitter CH8+ 250 CH5+
CH4 -- 250 CH6+
2-wire CH7+
4--20mA +
Transmitter CH8+
+ --
Module Operation
Before you begin writing the control program, it is important to take a few minutes to
understand how the module processes and represents the analog signals.
Channel The F2-08AD-1 module can supply different amounts of data per scan, depending
Scanning on the type of CPU you are using. The DL230 can obtain one channel of data per
Sequence for a CPU scan. Since there are eight channels, it can take up to eight scans to get data
DL230 CPU for all channels. Once all channels have been scanned the process starts over with
(Multiplexing) channel 1. Unused channels are not processed, so if you select only two channels,
then each channel will be updated every other scan. The multiplexing method can
also be used for DL240/250--1/260 CPUs.
Channel Scanning If you are using a DL240/250--1/260 CPU, you can obtain all eight channels of input
Sequence with data in one scan. This is because the DL240, DL250--1 and DL260 CPUs support
a DL240, DL250--1 special V-memory locations that are used to manage the data transfer (this is
or DL260 CPU discussed in more detail in the section on Writing the Control Program.)
(Pointer Method)
System With
Read Inputs 260CPU
Analog Module Even though the channel updates to the CPU are synchronous with the CPU scan,
Updates the module asynchronously monitors the analog transmitter signal and converts
the signal to a 12-bit binary representation. This enables the module to
continuously provide accurate measurements without slowing down the discrete
control logic in the RLL program.
For the vast majority of applications, the values are updated much faster than the
signal changes. However, in some applications the update time can be important.
The module takes approximately 7mS to sense 95% of the change in the analog
Note, this is not the amount of time required to convert the signal to a digital
representation. The conversion to the digital representation takes only a few
microseconds. Many manufacturers list the conversion time, but it is the settling
Understanding You may recall the F2-08AD-1 module requires 16 discrete input points in the CPU.
the Input You can use these points to obtain:
Assignments S an indication of which channel is active.
S the digital representation of the analog signal.
S module diagnostic information.
Since all input points are automatically mapped into V-memory, it is very easy to
determine the location of the data word that will be assigned to the module.
3 3 3 3 Data Bits
7 6 5 4 0
Within these word locations, the individual bits represent specific information about
the analog signal.
0 1 6 64
1 11 11 1 9 8 7 65 4 3 21 0
1 2 7 128 5 43 21 0
2 4 8 256
3 8 9 512
4 16 10 1024 = data bits
5 32 11 2048
20mA signal would be 4095. This is
equivalent to a a binary value of 0000 4mA
0000 0000 to 1111 1111 1111, or 000 to 0 4095
FFF hexadecimal. The diagram shows
how this relates to the signal range.
Resolution = H − L
Each count can also be expressed in 4095
terms of the signal level by using the
equation shown. H = high limit of the signal range
L = low limit of the signal range
NOTE: DL240 CPUs with firmware release 2.2 or later supports this method.
DL250 CPUs with firmware release version 1.06 or later support this method. If you
must use the DL230 example, module placement in the base is very important.
Review the section earlier in this chapter for guidelines.
The example program below shows how to setup these locations. Place this rung
anywhere in the ladder program or in the Initial Stage if you are using RLL PLUS
instructions. This is all that is required to read the data into V-memory locations.
Once the data is in V-memory, you can perform math on the data, compare the data
against preset values, and so forth. V2000 is used in the example, but you can use
any user V-memory location. In this example the module is installed in slot 2. You
should use the V-memory locations for your module placement. The pointer method
automatically converts values to BCD.
8-Ch. Current Input
LD - or - LD
K 08 00 K 88 00
The tables below show the special V-memory locations used by the DL240,
DL250--1 and DL260 for the CPU base and local expansion base I/O slots. Slot 0
(zero) is the module next to the CPU or D2--CM module. Slot 1 is the module two
places from the CPU or D2--CM, and so on. Remember, the CPU only examines the
pointer values at these locations after a mode transition. Also, if you use the DL230
(multiplexing) method, verify that these addresses in the CPU are zero.
The Table below applies to the DL240, DL250--1 and DL260 CPU base.
CPU Base: Analog Input Module Slot-Dependent V-memory Locations
Slot 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
No. of Channels V7660 V7661 V7662 V7663 V7664 V7665 V7666 V7667
Storage Pointer V7670 V7671 V7672 V7673 V7674 V7675 V7676 V7677
No. of Channels V36200 V36201 V36202 V36203 V36204 V36205 V36206 V36207
Storage Pointer V36210 V36211 V36212 V36213 V36214 V36215 V36216 V36217
Reading Values The DL230 CPU does not have the special V-memory locations that allow you to
Multiplexing automatically enable the data transfer. Since all channels are multiplexed into a
single data word, the control program must be setup to determine which channel is
being read. Since the module appears as X input points to the CPU, it is very easy to
230 240 250-- 1 260 use the active channel status bits to determine which channel is being monitored.
Note, this example is for a module installed as shown in the previous examples. The
addresses used would be different if the module was installed in another I/O
configuration. You can place these rungs anywhere in the program or if you are
using stage programming place them in a stage that is always active.
Store Channel 2
X34 X35 X36 When X34 is on, X35 and X36 are off, and
V2001 broken transmitter detect is off, channel 2 data
is stored in V2001.
Store Channel 7
X34 X35 X36
OUT When X35 and X36 are on and X34 is off,
V2006 channel 7 data is stored in V2006.
8-Ch. Current Input
Store Channel 8
X34 X35 X36 When X34, X35 and X36 are on, channel 8 data
V2007 is stored in V2007.
Single Since you do not have to determine which channel is selected, the single channel
Channel program is even more simple.
Store Channel 1
Loads the complete data word into the
X36 X34 X35 accumulator. The V-memory location depends
V40401 on the I/O configuration. See Appendix A for
the memory map.
This instruction masks the channel
ANDD identification bits. Without this, the values used
KFFF will not be correct, so do not forget to include it.
It is usually easier to perform math operations
BCD in BCD, so it is best to convert the data to BCD
immediately. You can leave out this instruction
if your application does not require it.
OUT When X34, X35 and X36 are off, channel 1 data
V2000 is stored in V2000.
Analog Power The analog module has an on-board processor that can diagnose analog input
Failure circuit problems. You can easily create a simple ladder rung to detect these
Detection problems. This rung shows an input point that would be assigned if the module I/O
begins at X20 as shown in the previous examples. A different point would be used if
the module was installed in a different I/O arrangement.
Multiplexing method
V2000 K0 X37 C1
V-memory location V2000 holds
channel 1 data. When a data value
of zero is returned and input X37 is
on, then the analog circuitry is not
operating properly.
Pointers method
V2000 K8000 C1
V-memory location V2000 holds
Scaling the Most applications usually require
Input Data measurements in engineering units, Units = A H − L
which provide more meaningful data.
This is accomplished by using the H = high limit of the engineering
conversion formula shown. unit range
You may have to make adjustments to L = low limit of the engineering
the formula depending on the scale you unit range
choose for the engineering units. A = Analog value (0 -- 4095)
For example, if you wanted to measure pressure (PSI) from 0.0 to 99.9 then you
would have to multiply the analog value by 10 in order to imply a decimal place when
you view the value with the programming software or a handheld programmer.
Notice how the calculations differ when you use the multiplier.
Analog value of 2024, slightly less than half scale, should yield 49.4 PSI
Example without multiplier Example with multiplier
Units = A H − L Units = 10 A H − L
4095 4095
Analog and Sometimes it is useful to be able to quickly convert between the signal levels and
Digital Value the digital values. This is especially helpful during machine startup or
Conversions troubleshooting. The following table provides formulas to make this conversion
Range If you know the digital value... If you know the analog signal level...
4 to 20mA
A = 16D + 4 D = 4095 (A − 4)
4095 16
D = 1536
Filtering Input Add the following logic to filter and smooth analog input noise in DL250--1 and
Noise (DL250--1, DL260 CPUs. This is especially useful when using PID loops. Noise can be
DL260 CPU Only) generated by the field device and/or induced by field wiring.
The analog value in BCD is first converted to a binary number because there is not a
230 240 250-- 1 260 BCD-to-real conversion instruction. Memory location V1400 is the designated
workspace in this example. The MULR instruction is the filter factor, which can be
from 0.1 to 0.9. The example uses 0.2. A smaller filter factor increases filtering. You
can use a higher precision value, but it is not generally needed. The filtered value is
then converted back to binary and then to BCD. The filtered value is stored in
location V1402 for use in your application or PID loop.
Loads the analog signal, which is a BCD value
LD and has been loaded from V-memory location
V2000 V2000, into the accumulator. Contact SP1 is
always on.
Converts the BCD value in the accumulator to
BIN binary. Remember, this instruction is not
needed if the analog value is originally
brought in as a binary number.
Converts the binary value in the accumulator
BTOR to a real number.
accumulator. This is the filtered value.
Adds the real number stored in
ADDR location V1400 to the real number
V1400 filtered value in the accumulator, and
stores the result in the accumulator.