Quality Determinants For Medical Histology Laboratory: (Ijmlr)

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ISSN 2456-4400 Chaudhary et al.

, Int J Med Lab Res, 1(2): 38-47




* Poonam Chaudhary1, Mahesh Sharma2, Kanchan Kapoor3

Senior Medical Technologist, Department of Anatomy, GMCH, Chandigarh and Research Scholar,
Amity University Haryana, India
Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy, GMCH, Chandigarh, India
Professor, Department of Anatomy, GMCH, Chandigarh, India
Received:13 Sep, 2016/Accepted:24 Oct, 2016
Abstract: Unlike other fields of laboratory medicine, the concept of quality control and quality assurance
is relatively less applied and experienced for histological testing. This conceptual review article is an
attempt in the direction to observe best practices in a histology or histopathology laboratory. These best
practices have been observed and experienced by us over a long period while working in a histology
laboratory. Quality control and quality assurance involved at every step of the histological testing right
from the specimen collection up to issuing of the final report will help to achieve quality outcomes in a
comprehensive manner which ultimately will contribute towards achieving of a culture of total quality
management in a hospital or any healthcare organization.
Keywords: Quality; pre-analytical; analytical; post-analytical; histological; total quality
It is basically due to inherent characteristics of
The discipline of Histology in the Department of
histology specimens and their studies including
Anatomy or the section of Histopathology under
lack of numerical data, subjective assessment of
Laboratory Medicine deals with the scientific
histological and pathological slides, descriptive
study of cells & tissues and related diseases. The
reports, lack of standardized pattern of reporting
study involves microscopy to look at cells and
and individual bias and judgement while
tissues present in the specimens which have
interpreting the slides under the microscope.1In
been carefully prepared by undergoing
cases of histological processing which are done
procedures called histological techniques. The
manually, most of the variables depend upon the
concept of quality assurance and quality control
individual operator’s ability and training which
is relatively new to these sections unlike other
in turn influence the final findings.
parts of Laboratory Medicine.

*Corresponding Author:
Poonam Chaudhary
Senior Medical Technologist, Department of Anatomy, GMCH, Sector -32, Chandigarh-160030

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ISSN 2456-4400 Chaudhary et al., Int J Med Lab Res, 1(2): 38-47

The term ‘Quality’ carries different meaning to This also ensures documentation of all quality
different individuals. If we talk about the use of control activities.
the term in histology section; to a medical
Quality Assurance (QA): As defined by the
laboratory scientist, quality means preparation of
College of American Pathologists, quality
good sections and slides which are free from
assurance is a method of systematic monitoring
artifacts, air bubbles, well differentiated and
the results of quality control and practices to
staining of highest quality which makes all the
ensure that all the activities are carried out in a
constituents of the tissue well understood. For
manner to impart excellent healthcare services.
the pathologist, quality means accurate diagnosis
QA is functioning on the principal of detection,
and complete reporting of the tissue under
control and prevention of errors at every stage of
investigations. At the same time, for a clinician
patient care which eventually enhance the
or a physician, the term quality means timely
clinician’s ability to provide most appropriate
report which helps in right management of the
care for the patient. The process of QA also
patient and for the patients themselves, quality
involves subsequent statistical analysis of data
carries the meaning of quick diagnosis and
derived from quality control documentation.5
timely treatment at the least possible cost.
Total Quality Management (TQM): It is a
management system which is based on the
Quality: As defined by ISO, quality is defined principles of quality control and quality
as "the totality of features and characteristics of assurance in such a way that every member of
a product or service that bears its ability to the organization from top to bottom is
satisfy stated or implied needs."3 committed towards maintaining high quality
standards in every aspect of the organizational
Quality Control (QC): A system which verifies
activities. This helps to prevail a culture of
a desired level of quality in an individual
leader driven and employees’ motivation for
procedure or a testing method/technique is
continuous quality improvement in all routine
called a quality control system.
Under the quality control system, all technical
Quality Management System (QMS): Under
activitieswhich are carried out in routine are
QMS,the organization is following a set pattern
aimed at maintaining the accuracy and precision.
of policies and procedures for every activity of
The procedures are carried out in such a way
the organization. This helps to achieve the
that consistencies in the procedural steps is
ability of the organization to meet the clients’
maintained avoiding all possible errors.4
requirements. 7

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ISSN 2456-4400 Chaudhary et al., Int J Med Lab Res, 1(2): 38-47

ISO 9001 Quality Management System is world- Forum have been developed in USA for
wide applied system in healthcare. This system developing and promoting quality measures.10
decides quality policies and guidelines for
1. A review of literature shows that
healthcare organizations. It provides a vision,
implementation of quality management
mission to the organization and also provides
system in the organization helped to achieve
various tools which help in benchmarking. The
many benefits. An implementation of ISO
guidelines are kept in such a way that give
9000 quality management system at Red
attention to patient needs and respect and also
Cross Hospital in Beverwijk, Netherlands
protects the interests of all stakeholders
reported various benefits in the organization.
including payers, suppliers, staff and regulators.
A focus on the patients’ needs and
This eventually help to achieve standardized
expectations were reestablished. All
procedures and activities, increased efficiency,
processes were accurately identified and
low operating cost and the staff satisfaction.8
were subjected to continuous improvement.
Quality Standards: Quality standards are stated The documentations and records were
as a description of a procedure or an activity strengthened and a highest level of patient
with a measurable levels of performance against safety was observed.11
a decided target for achievement. Quality
standards are designed in such a way that these
are measurable i.e., quantitative with some set This article has been conceived by observing
criteria which are reliable, valid and feasible and practicing of the tissue processing
too.9 techniques in the histology laboratory for more
than twenty years. These quality determinants
Quality Healthcare Services; Need of the
can provide a handy solution to the operators
and researchers to maintain and run the
It has become an important policy issue to histology services of their departments in an
maintain quality healthcare both at the national efficient and effective manner.
and international level. Various studies in this Traditionally the histological testing right from
direction has shown that the transparency issues collection of specimen up to the final reporting
of healthcare quality have become an important involve mainly 3 phases of pre-analytical,
aspect in clinical governance even in the public analytical and post analytical phases.
hospitals. Keeping this aspect into
considerations, AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality) and National Quality

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ISSN 2456-4400 Chaudhary et al., Int J Med Lab Res, 1(2): 38-47

A. Preanalytical phase: histopathology is through the request form, so it

is the primary responsibility of the clinician to
The pre-analytical phase comprises the activities
provide correct information of the patient’s
of specimen collection, its transport to histology
specimen to the pathologist so that the correct
laboratory, receiving by laboratory staff and its
patient management can be ensured. 12
preparation for the subsequent processing. All
histological techniques and procedures which A literature review also manifests that providing
are involved to prepare a good section comes a correct clinical history is very important to
under the pre-analytical phase. Various provide an accurate and complete pathological
determinants of pre-analytical phase for report. An adequately filled request form by the
histological testing are mentioned below: clinician is an essential tool to provide essential
information to the pathologist. This also
1. Proper Selection of Tissue under Study:
influences the overall turnaround time
To obtain the correct tissue contents under (otherwise, additional time would be spent in
investigations, it is essential that a systematic asking the clinician for the required
gross description, selection and dissection of the information). Availability of patient’s
desired tissue material must reproduce a precise information facilitates the histologist to narrow
sampling. If the right diagnostic material is lost down the differential diagnosis. Inadequate
at this stage, the final preparation of the slide clinical details of the patients on the request
and hence the microscopic study of the same forms resulted into contrasting results in these
will result into poor diagnosis and hence an studies. 13
improper management of the patient.
3. Registration and lab ID Number:
2. Proper Request Form:
A specimen which is not properly labelled
Each request form must accompany with the should not be received. Every specimen must be
details of patient identification data, name of the properly identified and must be registered in the
requesting clinician, date of specimen collection, department by assigning a unique ID number.
date of arrival of specimen in the laboratory,
4. Proper Fixation:
type of sample with its anatomical site of origin
and other relevant clinical details. Each received Fixation of the tissues is affected by various
specimen must be assigned a laboratory ID factors including the size of the container and
number. nature of the individual specimen. To preserve
the correct morphology of the tissue, it is
As stated by Sharif and colleagues the first
essential that the size and shape of the container
contact of the clinician with the department of

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ISSN 2456-4400 Chaudhary et al., Int J Med Lab Res, 1(2): 38-47

must be adequate so that there is sufficiently free constituents. A correct orientation of the tissues
space. at the time of embedding of the tissue is
necessary to obtain the proper morphology of
It is very important that a most suitable fixative
the specimen. If the orientation of the tissue is
should be selected as per the nature of the tissue
not properly laid, there is the possibility of
under investigations. A good fixative permits
missing the diagnostic tissue elements during
preservation of all constituents of the tissue. An
microscopy (under the analytic phase of the
ideal fixative of a specific specimen is the one
histology testing).
which is most compatible with further chemical
treatment undergoing subsequent stages of the To obtain good quality of the tissue sections, the
processing. It permits storage for long period microtome should be of good quality and
and allow generation of good sections during serviced regularly. To obtain correct section
microtomy and subsequent staining procedures. thickness, it is essential that the periodic
At the same time, selection of a good fixative calibration of the micrometer should be ensured.
also accounts for its cost-effectiveness. Various The use of disposable blades is recommended
determinants of adequate fixation procedures are instead of knives since the later require efforts
its pH, duration of fixation, size of the and time for maintaining its sharpness, which
specimens, temperature and the ionic turns out to be a costly affair. 15
concentration of all the constituents of fixative.14
5. Quality Staining Procedures:
Proper Processing of Tissue Specimens: To allow a consistent reporting it is essential that
the staining procedures should also be
Care should be taken to observe the correct
consistent. Consistency is well maintained in
timings for the processes of dehydration,
automated staining procedures by adjusting the
clearing, impregnation after the fixation of the
predetermined timings at each step. Various
tissue specimens to obtain the correct
factors affecting the staining techniques which
morphology and intactness of the tissue
need to be monitored are: change of brand and
materials. Various determinants of the tissue
supplier of the stains (hematoxylin and eosin
processing are the appropriate temperature
stains used in routine), difference in pH, age of
setting, agitation of specimens, viscosity of the
the stain and degree of its usage. Running of
reagents and maintenance of correct vacuum of
control slides with every batch and
the processor.
standardization of timings is highly essential to
An appropriate embedding media must be maintain the quality of staining steps. Types of
selected according to the nature of the tissue and fixatives, processing schedules, section
the need of demonstrating specific tissue thickness, calibration and maintenance of the

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ISSN 2456-4400 Chaudhary et al., Int J Med Lab Res, 1(2): 38-47

equipment are also important variables which However, intradepartmental discussions,

may affect the staining characteristics. benchmarking with other laboratories and
blinded random case reviews are some of the
Last but not the least, the label affixed on the methods which can ensure quality control of
stained histology slide should be of an histology reporting. 16
appropriate size so that it does not project
C. Post-analytical Phase:
beyond the slide or cover the tissue sections. It
should be legible sufficiently and ideally should Preparation and transmission of histopathology
carry the name of the laboratory also. reports come under the post-analytical phase.
This phase also involves the storage/disposal of
B. Analytical Phase:
samples, slides and blocks and proper retention
The analytical part concerns with the of test results. Proper measures should be taken
interpretation of the slide to make an accurate to allow minimum TAT (Turnaround time) of
diagnosis. histological testing and reporting of results.

Accurate histological diagnosis depends upon an Post-analytical aspects are greatly influenced by
accurate processing and interpretation of accuracy and completeness of the reports. On
histological specimens. This further depends the basis of the same, the clinicians are in the
upon appropriate macroscopic and microscopic position to start a correct management of
description, interpretation of microscopic pathological conditions. Joint Commission on
findings and correlation with the clinical Accreditation of Health Care Organizations
findings. (JCAHO, USA) and the College of American
Pathologists recommend that tissue blocks and
The analytical phase includes the process of
slides must be retained for at least ten years. As
reading and interpreting the histology stained
per the recommendations of Royal College of
slides under the microscope. It is important that
Pathologists, UK, histology blocks must be
the laboratory technologists and pathologists
preserved permanently, slides and smears for 10
must ensure quality patient care by producing
years and wet tissue for at least 4 weeks after
accurate diagnosis. They should also strive for
dispatch of the report. In general, a period of 10–
new knowledge and practices in the field to
20 years is considered as a lower limit guideline
ensure continuous improvements. Positive and
for retention. In India, most of the institutions
negative controls must always be included in
are preserving slides and blocks for 10 years and
every batch of reporting of slides. It is well
for cancer referral centers the retention period is
known that analytical phase of histology is not
up to 25 years.17
easy due to subjective judgement and biasness.

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ISSN 2456-4400 Chaudhary et al., Int J Med Lab Res, 1(2): 38-47

Other Factors and Practices which 4. Availability of well-maintained Equipment

enhance the Quality Services of the and Material Supply: Reliable equipment is the

Laboratory: backbone of histological testing. Proper

calibration and safety inspections are the basic
1. Qualified personnel: All staff must be qualified
essentials to keep the medical devices reliable in
and professionally competent to carry out their
the histology department. An availability of
assigned roles and responsibilities. Training and
adequate HVAC (humidity, ventilation and air
competency records should be retained and
conditioning) in the histology laboratory will
maintained in the department at all times for
optimize the working conditions. Paraffin wax
quick reference.
baths and embedding stations must be
2. Availability of Standard Operating maintained at required temperature before
Procedures: Based on national and international
starting the procedures. Refrigerators and
standards, all stages of the histological testing
freezers must be maintained well for the
must be documented in the form of standard
preservation of reagents and solutions.However,
operating procedures (SOPs) including purpose
these must be brought to room temperature
and aim of procedure, requirement of various
before starting the testing procedures. In
items to run the procedures, technique of
addition, all the equipment must be well
carrying out the procedures, warning and
maintained by carrying out planned (scheduled)
precautions including the safety and quality
preventive maintenance. Periodic cleaning and
aspects. It should be written in a simple
lubrication are essential for proper upkeep of the
language which is understandable to all. It is
highly desirable that every laboratory must
maintain its technical manual. Care should be taken not to induce tissue

3. Controls: Known specimens including positive artifacts due to improper processing, sectioning,

and negative controls and calibrators enhance staining and mounting. The artifacts can be

the confidence levels of the testing methods. minimized by selecting chemicals of good

Internal quality assurance practices must be quality. The samples of chemicals including

observed in daily practices. Performance alcohol for dehydration, xylene or toluene for

evaluations, periodical audit of microscopic clearing, paraffin wax for impregnation &

findings, random review of slides (by the same embedding and mounting media for final

or different pathologist) and intra-departmental preservation of slides must be tested for their

consultations are the methods to maintain the technical specifications and desired qualities

internal quality control in histology laboratory. before purchasing the bulk quantity. It will also
ensure the quality results and at the same time

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ISSN 2456-4400 Chaudhary et al., Int J Med Lab Res, 1(2): 38-47

the supply must be economical also to provide unstained slides are required to be stored (for
patient services at the least cost. immunohistochemistry and molecular testing
etc.), it is recommended that they are kept in
5. Screening of Slides: Before sending the slides
absolutely dry conditions to prevent hydrolysis
for the reporting, it is a good practice that these
and proper preservation of proteins.
must be screened both macroscopically and
microscopically by the histoscientists/laboratory 8. Tissue Bank: Positive blocks and special cases
technologists. must be kept in a refrigerated apartment to
promote research and educational advancements.
6. Blocks and Slides Archive: All laboratories
must maintain the proper records of all the slides 9. Continuous Development Program: Seminars
and blocks in proper cabinets (preferably and updates must be carried out on regular basis
stainless steel). It must ensure pest-free to maintain the quality functioning of all
environment and if required, the structures must professionals.
be given pesticide treatment periodically. A 10. Maintenance of Proper Inventory: An
systematic method of issue and filing must be adequate and timely supply of materials,
put in place for easy retrieval of tissue blocks chemicals, reagents and equipment with
and slides. accessories are the prerequisite to maintain the
7. Proper Storage Conditions: The conditions of quality services of histology laboratory.
storage are equally important. Museum 11. Quality Assurance Program: A standard
specimens and left-over gross specimens are histology laboratory must establish both internal
stored in 10% neutral buffered formalin, (20-30 and external quality assurance policies.
times the volume of the specimen). Neutral Participation in the quality assurance program
buffered formalin maintains the solution at helps to measure the current performance of the
neutral or slightly alkaline pH and is laboratory by comparing it with the established
advantageous to counter the degradation of goals and standards. Good laboratory practices
formalin into paraformaldehyde on prolonged are eventually aiming at continuous quality
storage. improvement.
12. Information/ Communication Technology:
Paraffin blocks and slides should be stored at
An implementation of information technology
room temperature only, preferably in humidity-
reduces the reporting errors, reduces turnaround
free conditions with adequate pest control
time and improving the performance and
measures. Stained slides should also be kept
efficiency of services. Bar code readers must be
away from direct light to preserve staining
utilized for proper identification of the tissue
characteristics for a longer duration. In case
specimens. On the other hand, unidentified

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ISSN 2456-4400 Chaudhary et al., Int J Med Lab Res, 1(2): 38-47

specimens will result in delays of results and international standards which also plays a vital
unnecessary workload and disturbing the routine role in patient safety. The journey towards total
working of the laboratory. quality management should start with the
13. Health and Safety Compliance: A standard decision to take the right sample, handled in the
histology laboratory must be compliant with right manner and end with the timely and an
national, legal and statutory health and safety accurate treatment for the patient based on the
requirements. Proper disposal procedures of the correct interpretation of the laboratory result.
tissue specimens must be carried out in
compliance with Biomedical Waste
Management and Handling Rules, of Promotion of quality management practices should

Government of India to ensure that the waste be the primary objective of every medical histology

generated in the laboratory is handled and laboratory to promote quality patient services.

disposed in such a way that it does not produce Sincere efforts put on the part of administration and

any adverse effect to the environment including laboratory staff can ensure that in routine

human and animal health. This must also apply procedures, errors do not creep in due to

to other hazardous chemicals including chemical inadequacies in operations and the process of quality

wastes. 18 control is in place to avoid human errors including

DISCUSSION: technical errors during pre-analytical phase and

transcription errors during analytical and post
Modern oncology stands on the reliable
analytical phases of histology testing. The practices
diagnostic feedback through histological
of Total Quality Management by adopting the
investigations and techniques. Other than
techniques of Quality Control and Quality
oncology, histology also plays a major role in
Assurance must be put into practice in the area of
the treatment of many other types of disease.
histology laboratory also to achieve the most desired
Errors in the histology reports can critically
health outcomes.
affect patient care and may result into a subject
of media concern, which adversely affects the Conflict of Interest:The authors declare that there
reputation of the healthcare institutes. This are no areas of conflicting interest.

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CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Authors declared no conflict of interest

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