Utility of Lamp Assay in Early Detection of Dengue Virus Infection
Utility of Lamp Assay in Early Detection of Dengue Virus Infection
Utility of Lamp Assay in Early Detection of Dengue Virus Infection
Professor, Biochemistry, MaharajVinayak Global University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India -302028
Ph.D. Scholar, Clinical Biochemistry, Dr. Dangs Lab LLP, New Delhi, India -110016
*Corresponding Author:
Binish Jawed, Ph.D. Scholar,
Dr. Dangs Lab LLP, C2/1, SDA, New Delhi, India -110016
culture remains a gold standard for virus The aim of present study is to demonstrate the
detection although it requires more than 7 days feasibility of reverse transcription-loop-mediated
to complete the test. Recently, two different isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) assay for
methods widely adopted for the dengue testing, clinical diagnosis of dengue virus infection.
proven as most consistent. It includesNS1 Originally LAMP technique was introduced by
antigen detection by ELISA and automated real- Netomi et al(2000) is very sensitive, efficient,
time PCR assay for dengue genomic detection in and easy to perform nucleic acid based
patient serum in acute phase of infection8,10,11. laboratory diagnostic method without any
Many researchers have found the advantage of specific instrument. Continuous amplification
Real time PCR over conventional RT-PCR in under isothermal condition produces large
term of quantitation, higher sensitivity, low rate amount of target DNA as well as higher
of contamination and performance. Though, all concentration of the by-product magnesium
PCR based testing requires a higher accuracy pyrophosphate, which makes reaction volume
instrument and particularized Standard operating turbid and easily visible to naked eyes.
procedure and good financial resources.
Table 1: Dengue primer sets for RT-LAMP assay; Forward outer primer(F3), Backward outer primer (B3),
Forward inner primer (FIP), Backward inner primer (BIP), Forward Loop primer (LoopF) and Backward
Loop primer (LoopB).
with RT-LAMP. All RT-LAMP samples were 18% positive for DENV-4, which was greater
positive for RT-PCR. Out of 91 RT-LAMP than DENV-1 (9%) and 2(2%).
positive; 71% were positive for DENV-2 and
Figure1: Naked eye visualization of RT-LAMP assay result; Positive and negative result in white light (A), UV lamp (B)
In current scenario accuratediagnostic methods study, RT-LAMP assay was developed by a set
play a very imperative role in disease of different primers, targeted 3’ untaranslated
management. Dengue diagnosis in febrile illness region (3’UTR) of globally reported four dengue
has been a challenge for health care service virus strains. No cross reactivity was found with
providers. Capture IgM and IgG are most other closely related species. RT-LAMP assay
commonly available serological techniques for shows higher sensitivity (100%) and specificity
diagnosis of primary and secondary denguevirus (100%) than others serological assays. The RT-
infection buthigh cross reactivity with other LAMP assay can be used in combination with
flavivirus specific antibodies made difficult other serological assays in resource limited areas
definite diagnosis of infection. Dengue NS1 for immediate arbitration and prevention of
antigen ELISA assay emerge as easy, sensitive further spread of dengue.
and specific serological test for dengue detection
over the antibody testingbut somewhere it also CONCLUSION:
compromises the authenticity of testing12. On the basis of obtained results in this study,
Genome based detection i.e. Real Time PCR RT-LAMP assay can be a potential alternate
technique shows improved clinical sensitivity molecular diagnostic method for routine
and promised result in case of viral screening of dengue infection in fibril stage. It
infection13.Loop mediated isothermal can be utilized as an early, rapid, cost effective
amplification can be a simple, rapid, sensitive and highly sensitive tool for dengue diagnosis in
and specific alternate method of RT-PCR. In this resource limited remote areas of country.
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