GL Whitepaper
GL Whitepaper
GL Whitepaper
Scope: Objective of the document is to emphasise on the changes that users can expect in
General Ledger module once they upgrade to R12. We have tried to detail those functionalities
where there has been a change in comparison to what 11i had to offer.
Ledgers…………………………………………………………………… …….03
Data Access Set……………………………………………………….…….03
Accounting Setup Manager : Centralized Setup……………03
Definition Access Sets …………………………………………………..04
Multi Ledger Processing………………………………………………….04
Alternate Accounts ……………………………………………………….05
Sequencing …………………………………………………………………..05
Line Level Reconciliation ………………………………………………05
Control Accounts …………………………………………………………..06
Appendix A
Change in Structure of tables relating to GL modules and the New Ones introduced.
Release 12 brought in plethora of new functionalities along with it. We had the SLA concept being
introduced and the experts said “Set of Books” was gone. In the following lines, we have tried to
highlight these functionalities
1. Ledgers:
Ledger is the new name for traditional “Set Of Books” that existed in 11i. If you
recollect, the Set of Books comprised of three essential components : 3 Cs. These were –
Chart of Accounts, Calendar and Currency. Ledgers, however, are made up of four such
components normally termed as Four Cs - – Chart of Accounts, Calendar and Currency and
Subledger Accounting Method.
In Release 11i, one responsibility could be assigned to one Set of Book Only. Release 12
brought in an addition here. Now, one can assign multiple ledgers to a single responsibility
in R12 using the Ledger Sets and Data Access Sets. Ofcourse, one mandation is that only
those ledgers can be grouped that share same Chart of Accounts and Calendar.
The General Ledger Accounting Setup Program automatically creates a data access set
for each ledger and reporting currency (journal level or subledger level) assigned to a
completed accounting setup. The system-generated data access sets created for each
ledger and reporting currency provide full read and write access to the ledger and all of
its balancing segment values and management segment values. 1
Accounting Setup Manager is a new feature that streamlines the setup and implementation
of Oracle Financial Applications.
With the Accounting Setup Manager, one can perform and maintain the following
common setup components from a central location:
Legal Entities
Ledgers, primary and secondary
Operating Units, which are assigned to primary ledgers
Reporting Currencies
Subledger Accounting Options. This is where you define the accounting methods for
each submodule and associate them to the ledger where the accounting is stored.
Intercompany Accounts and Balancing Rules
Accounting and Reporting Sequencing
As part of pre-upgrade process, one should run the Accounting Setup Manager Pre-Update
Diagnosis Report. This report identifies potential incompatibilities that would prevent you from
using some new features in R12.
The report also details what changes, if any, the upgrade will have on certain objects.
You could refer the following note for the details on the diagnosis Report.
Definition Access Sets are an optional security feature that allows one to control access to
your General Ledger definitions. For example, one can prevent certain users from viewing,
making changes, or using your recurring journal, FSG or any other setup for that matter.
If you do not enable security, all users will be able to use, view, and modify your definition.
** Please be a little careful while setting up these definitions. Though the security is
assigned at the responsibility level, the user logging in gets the privileges that are a
consolidations of all the responsibilities assigned to him.
Lets take an example. Say User has the following three responsibilities assigned:
The user would now get all the three privileges whichever responsibility he logs in from
5. Multi-Ledger Processing
Introduction of Ledger sets in R12 facilitates the following accounting operations across ledgers:
currency translation for multiple ledgers simultaneously
Financial reporting (FSGs) across ledgers
Account inquiry across ledgers
Create Balance Sheet Closing Journals
Create Income Statement Closing Journals
6. Alternate Accounts
It is a regular practice amongst users to disable code combinations where they donot
require any futher activity to take place.
Hence in 11i if there was a case where users were importing the existing data with one such
code combination, the import program would error flagging invalid code combination. This
would hold up the entire group of transactions from getting imported.
Release 12 provides a solution to such an issue. When an account is disabled, users can
prevent transactions that include the account from erroring during journal import by
defining a replacement account for the disabled account. Journal import replaces the
disabled account with the replacement account and continues the import process if the
replacement account is valid.
This improves processing efficiency by preventing the journal import process from erroring
and enabling the successful creation of the journal when an account has been disabled.
7. Sequencing
In Release 12, in order to cater to the need for Legal compliance for countries like Europe
and Latin America, two more sequencing options have been introduced as a part of
standard application apart from existing Document Sequences. These Sequences can be
assigned not only to journals in General Ledger module but also to those created in SLA:
• Accounting Sequence:
Accounting Sequences are assigned to GL journals when they are posted and to
Subledger Journals once they complete accounting.
• Reporting Sequence :
This is one of the replacement for Accounting Engine (AX) Legal Sequencing.
You could refer the following note for the details on this functionality:
General Ledger Reconciliation allows users to reconcile transactions in General Ledger and
ensure that the sum of these set of transactions is zero. An example where this functionality
would be required is the VAT control account.
One can enable reconciliation either for Natural Account Values for specific code
Using this new functionality, one can selective cross reference transactions by entering a
"Reconciliation Reference" at the Journals Line level.
One can perform account reconciliation either automatically with the General Ledger
Automatic Reconciliation report, or manually in the Reconciliation Lines window.
• Use automatic reconciliation to reconcile journal lines that have matching balancing
segments, account segments, and reconciliation references, or optionally where the
reconciliation reference is blank.
• Use manual reconciliation to reconcile journal lines with different code combinations
(including different balancing segments or account segments) or different reconciliation
For both automatic and manual reconciliation, the balance for the journal lines that you
Want to reconcile must be zero. Reconciliations can be performed between transactions
entered in the same or different currencies.
The Third Party Control Account feature in the Oracle E-Business Suite enables organizations
to maintain detailed balances by third party for an account code combination. Subledger
Accounting checks that valid third party information is associated with the journal line if the
account code combination is a Third Party Control Account. If it is not, then Subledger Accounting
rejects the journal line.
For example, when the unidentified receipts account code in the Oracle Receivables is defined as
a Third Party Control Account, accounting for the unidentified receipts will fail because no third
party information is available for such receipts. Similar issues are observed with the rounding
account and intercompany accounts.
General Ledger prevents manual journal entries from posting to the Third Party Control Accounts.
This ensures that journal lines that post to the control account codes such as Supplier Liability
Account, Customer Receivables Account are associated with the valid third party information in
the respective subledger modules.
Note: this feature was implemented starting 12.1.3 only as a result of an Enhancement Request
evaluated by development and approved for implementation. This will not be backported to
previous versions and the only way to get this feature is to implement or upgrade to 12.1.3
SETUP Create Accounting in
SLA or enter journal in
Set Control Account
Qualifier for a
Natural Account Value
In the Segment Values
Valid for the Y Accounting
journal or Journal
source? e Created
o Select a
In the pages above we saw what new functionalities does Release 12 have in store for me. Let
us now see how do we map our existing 11i Setup to R12 upgraded instance. We have tried to
pick up most of the functionalities available and explained them in the following trail. The list
may not be completely exhaustive. You could leave us your feedback and we shall try to
incorporate the changes.
The upgrade creates a separate Accounting Setup for each primary ledger that is
upgraded from a set of books.
The Sets of Books in Release 11i will become Primary Ledgers in Release 12.
Reporting Currencies: Multiple Reporting Currency (MRC) reporting sets of books become
reporting currencies in Release 12.
Subledger Accounting Method: All upgraded ledgers in Release 12 will have a subledger
accounting method assigned during the upgrade. Any reporting currencies assigned to the
ledger inherit the subledger accounting method from the source ledger. The subledger
accounting method enables Oracle General Ledger to integrate with Oracle subledgers using
Subledger Accounting. All upgraded, non-public sector ledgers will have a subledger
accounting method assigned called Standard Accrual or Standard Cash. All upgraded public
sector ledgers will have a subledger accounting method assigned called Encumbrance
Accrual or Encumbrance Cash. For US Federal
customers, all upgraded ledgers will have the US Federal Accounting subledger accounting
method assigned to them
The Journal Entry process and the form have not undergone much change excepting the
form layout. The Status Tab details like Posting, Funds, Approval in 11i have moved to
'Other' tab in R12. Other fields like 'Source', „Reference Date‟, „Reconciliation Detail‟s also
exist this 'Other' tab.
Also, since users have access to multiple ledgers, a new field has been added to choose the
ledger for which the journal needs to be creared. All available ledgers are available as List of
Journal Enter Layout : 11i
So, if there has been a case where the users have upgraded with some unposted
journals as well, chances are that posting these journals may end in error if they are
not balanced as per intercompany and are from a subledger module. Posting Program
creates intercompany lines only for non-subledger journals. Please apply Patch
12568564:R12.FUN.B to resolve such journals
c) In 11i, posting a Journal Reversal in the MRC Primary Books Generated a Reversal
automatically in the Reporting Books as well. However, this functionality was not
included in R12 initially. This ER (Enhancement Request) is implemented now and
included in version 12.1.3 -
In addition to applying the patch, there is a new checkbox for 'Synchronize Reversals
between Primary and Secondary Ledger(s)' in Accounting Setup Manager under the
Journal Processing Tab. This must be checked.
The Autopost functionality is retained pretty much the same. However, considering the
advantages of a ledger set that R12 offers, one can now share AutoPost Criteria sets
across multiple ledgers that share the same chart of accounts and calendar and use the
AutoPost Criteria sets to post journals across multiple ledgers simultaneously.
To utilize the AutoPost feature, you must define an AutoPost Criteria Set and
assign multiple ledgers or ledger sets to the AutoPost Criteria. When you run or
schedule the AutoPost program, the program posts journals for multiple ledgers.
Navigation: Setup : Journal > AutoPost
It was possible to reverse a frozen subledger journals in 11.5 but the same is not possible
in R12 as an enhancement request has been implemented. This change in functionality is
intended and expected in Release 12, one will not be able to reverse these journals unless the
subledger journal source is Unfrozen.
Yes: Journals from this source cannot be changed in the Enter Journals form nor the Journal
Correction form. In addition, you cannot reverse journals with Subledger Accounting journal
sources that are frozen.
No: Journals from this source can be changed in both the Enter Journals form and the Journal
Correction form. In addition, you can reverse journals with unfrozen Subledger Accounting
journal sources.
Journal Entry Page Only: Journals from this source cannot be changed in the Enter Journals
form but can be changed in the Journal Correction form. In addition, you cannot reverse journals
with Subledger Accounting journal sources that have this option.
Note: A subledger journal should not be reversed as it will cause inconsistency between the
subledger accounting (XLA) data and the General Ledger data. The reversal should be performed
at the subledger level and not directly in GL.
Also. It is strongly advised that you freeze the subledger source back after you reverse the
journal; unfreezing subledger journal sources will allow users to reverse subledger sourced
journals at will, causing reconciliation problems between general ledger and the subledgers.
In R12, the default behavior has changed, and its not possible to edit or reverse an Unposted
journals. A reversed journal should be an exact duplicate of the journal it is reversing.
However, there are circumstances where a customer may want to edit a reversed journal. This is
provided for via patch 6691641 and a profile "GL:Edit Reverse Journals "
To utilize the AutoReversal feature, one can define the AutoReversal Criteria Set similar to
what we had in 11i. Owing to the multi ledger access in R12, an additional setup would
be required here. The Users will have to assign this Autoreversal Critera Set to the
required ledgers using Accounting Setup Manager.
Navigation: Setup > Financials > Accounting Setup Manager > Accounting
So, if you have just upgraded to R12 and your reversals are not happening, check if the
Reversal Criteria set is attached to your ledger.
R12 did bring in some changes in Journal Import Program. If we recollect the create
Programs in Release 11i populated the data in the interface table called GL_INTERFACE.
It was then required to run the Journal Import Program from the General Ledger Responsibility
to bring in this data into GL base tables. However, this arrangement also made it possible for
users to make any changes in this date lying in the interface table. Now, when the modified
data was imported, this could cause reconciliation differences between the submodule and
General Ledger.
Release 12 provides an almost solution to this occurrence. The table structure and process
flow exists the same even now, but this is hidden from the end users. The Transfer program
populates the data in the table gl_interface and fires Journal Import automatically. In case of
any errors, the data is rolled back to SLA, leaving nothing in GL_INTERFACE. This process
ensures minimal manual intervention and issues that could be caused because of that.
Having said this, I may want to re-emphasize that the table GL_INTERFACE very much exists to
be bring in data from traditional sources. Alongside, the Journal Import form also remains the
same to allow import of such a data.
Data Access Sets do apply to Journal Import too. To be able to import data, one should have
either Full or Read/Write Access to the ledger and all the Balancing Segment Values for which
data is populated in GL_INTERFACE. In case one does not have access to the Ledger at all, the
LOV for Ledger will not appear in Journal -> Import -> Run screen and hence he will not be
able to submit Journal Import.
If there are multiple balancing segments in the data in GL_INTERFACE, and the responsibility
has access to a few and not to others, then you will be able to run Journal Import but it will
complete in Warning and data will not be imported. Error shown in the Journal Import
Execution report would be:
EM29 : You do not have access to this ledger and account combination.
b) Import Delete:
R11i had a form to delete data from GL_Interface. The gl_interface data in R12 must now be
deleted via a program(GLLDEL Program -Delete Journal Import) submission and not via a form
as in previous General Ledger versions. Also, one may need to have read and write access to
the ledger or read and write access to all of the import data's balancing segment values or
management segment values to delete the journal import data.
This program works the same as the R11i Journal/Import/Delete program in that it will not pick
delete batches with all records in "NEW" status. Some records in the batch must be of another
status (errored).
c) Summarization Control setup with GL which can be overridden while import run.
Release 12 now provides a setup in General Ledger that controls if the Import for a particular
module would be in Detail or in Summary. However, these are the default values and can be
overridden while running the Transfer Program from the Submodule.
11i on the other hand, did not have any such controlled setup. The Summarization control had
to be defined each time the user ran the Transfer Program to General Ledger.
i. Summarize by GL Date (Journal Import will create summary journals based on Accounting
ii. No Summarization (Journal Import will create journals in Detail mode)
iii. Summarize by GL Period (Journal Import will create summary journals based on Period to
which the Accounting Date falls)
Thus the option 'General Ledger Journal Entry Summarization' will determine if the Import for
the application is being done in Detail or Summary mode.
d) Language Independent Import:
Prior to Release 12, it was needed that the Journal Import should be run in the same language
as the language, which was used to transfer data to GL_INTERFACE. Though this is not much
relevant now (the transfer and journal import are triggered together); still Journal Import can
be made independent of the language. This can be achieved by running journal import using
the Source and Category Key. Generally the columns user_je_source_name and
user_je_category_name in gl_interface, correspond to the columns
GL_JE_SOURCES.user_je_source_name and GL_JE_CATEGORIES.user_je_category_name
respectively. These values change for the different language and thus making journal import
language-dependent. However while defining the sources (General Ledger Responsibility :
Setup -> Journal -> Source), if the option “Import Using Key” is selected, then import refers to
GL_JE_SOURCES.je_source_key and GL_JE_CATEGORIES.je_category_key. These being the
Key values are common across languages and hence journal import becomes language
Recurring Journals retain the basic setup and program flow as in 11i. But even this one comes
with an enhancement.
Release 12 allows creation of Recurring journals with foreign currencies. Following ER was
implemented in R12.
One may have to enter the currency and the Conversion rate type during setup.
In 11i, Only functional or STAT currency could have been selected when defining a recurring
In Release 11i one could setup suspense accounting by making two small setups
a. Period End Rates and Period Average Rates donot Exist anymore in R12
Have you ever faced a situation in R12 where the translation amounts did not tally up with
what you are expecting? Well chances are that you may be using the traditional approach of
calculation in 11i.
Release 11i used the Period End rates for the calculation of translated balances for Balance
Sheet accounts and Period Average Rates for revenue and expense accounts. Release 12 is
done away with the concept of Period End and Period Average rates.
Now one can define their own rate types and assign them to be picked up as “Period Average”
and “Period End” rates. Now, whenever the translation program is looking for a Period End
rate, it would pick up the rate type defined against the field “Default Period End Rate Type”.
Balances when translated in 11i , saved the translated amounts in the table GL_BALANCES
against the same ledger. The Translated Flag was marked as “Y” to identify these rows.
Release 12 now introduces a new functionality. Translated balances are saved against a
different ledger altogether. A Reporting ledger gets attached to your Primary, as soon the
Translation Program is run. So now, balances are indeed saved in the same table
GL_BALANCES but against a different Reporting ledger.
So, if you have just upgraded to R12 and see a new Reporting Ledger attached to your Primary,
donot worry. This is the expected functionality. If the users have been running translations in
Release 11i, reporting ledger get automatically created for these currencies at the 'Balance' level.
One could validate this by cross checking history of translation in 11i from
Below is a screenshot that shows how a GBP translation ledger looks like. The Primary Currency
of the Primary ledger is set up as USD in the below example.
The FSG strucrture remains very similar to what existed in Release 11i.
FSG report output takes into account data access set security and only shows the data accessible
for one's responsibility. One must have at least read access to the data to be able to view it on a
Ledger Sets allow you to aggregate data across multiple ledgers in the ledger set.
Here is an example of the output from an FSG report. The total column represents the
aggregated or summarized balances across multiple ledgers. This report is generated with the
rows representing the accounts and the columns representing the ledgers; the total column
represents the total across the ledgers using a ledger set.
You can instantly summarize data across multiple ledgers in a single FSG report. This provides
greater control and visibility into your global operations because you can easily check the
performance of your entities by running one report. Another added benefit with ledger sets is that
they essentially allow you to perform real-time consolidation. If you have fairly simple
consolidation needs, then you could use ledger sets. For example, if you are only using Oracle
Financials on a single database instance and you do not acquire or dispose of companies on a
regular basis or have partial ownerships, then you can use ledger sets to perform real-time
consolidation. All you need to do is use a different balancing segment value or ledger to house
your consolidation entries and then group that ledger into a ledger set.
Defined with
Defined Individual Ledger .
with Ledger
In release 12, the Program create Journals is no longer used. This is reserved for modules like
Public Sector Budgeting Only.The transfer of encumbrance entries from the subledger to GL is
now done by the Subledger Accounting - Transfer to GL process from the relevant subledger.
The cleanup of the gl_bc_packets table that used to be done by the Sweeper program is
now done by a new program called BCOPT – “Budgetary Control Optimizer”.
So, now if you are looking for clean up for the table gl_bc_packets in R12, please run the
“Budgetary Control Optimizer” instead of Program Create Journals.
Release 12 has incorporated the functioanlilty of being able to assign multiple budgets for
exclusive time frames.
Eg One may want Budget A to be utilised for a code combination from 2009 to 2011 and Budget
B to be utilised for the time frame 2012 to 2015. This is now possible in R12.
Navigation: Budgets > Define > Organization > Ranges > Budgetary Control
In the above example, the specified set of code combinations would use the Budget “CORP
BUD 2006-9‟ until its active. The control would automatically move to the budget “AGED
SR” thereafter.
Would you recollect the traditional 11i issue of incorrect last periods. Such a situation can
normally be done away with now by adding a new budget in the Assignments tab as
6. I see Ledger_id in the gl_interface table, do I have to update all my feeder programs
that write to that to populate ledger_id instead of sob_id?
No. GL_INTERFACE is backward compatible, the gl_sets_of_books_id column is still there and
ledger_id is optional, if Journal Import does not find any value in ledger_id it will use the sob_id
7. Is there documentation that lists the table that have changed between release 11i
and release 12?
There does not exist one all inclusive document that documents the change in tables or new table
added for the migration of release 11i to release 12. The best source for this information is to
review the Electronic Technical Reference Manuals (eTRM). More information about using the
eTRM in Electronic Technical Reference Manuals (eTRM) Basics (Doc ID 432769.1)
You could also refer Appendix A in the below trail. This is a generic representation of table
structure and may not be all inclusive.
Change in Structure of tables relating to GL modules and the New Ones introduced.
1.2 Modified Tables
The set_of_books_id column has been renamed to ledger_id in all tables with some exceptions as
mentioned below. All setups secured by definition access sets have a new security_flag column in
the relevant tables.
GL_JE_BATCHES Journal Entry Dropped set_of_books_id and add
period_set_name and
accounting_period_type to support
batches containing journals for
multiple ledgers sharing the same
chart of accounts and calendar
GL_JE_HEADERS Journal Entry Included columns to store the
accounting and reporting
None of the obsolete tables have been dropped. Some obsolete tables have been renamed with the
suffix _11i. Some obsolete tables are highlighted below.
GL_SYSTEM_SETUP Setup Forms and Programs Relevant columns were moved to
the GL: Number of formulas to
validate for each MassAllocation
batch, GL: Number of formulas to
validate for each Recurring
Journal batch and GL: Archive
Journal Import Data profile
GL_TRANSLATION_RATES Revaluation, Translation and GL_DAILY_RATES
Conversion Rates
RG_DSS_DIM_SEGMENTS Financial Analyzer Enterprise Planning and
RG_DSS_DIMENSIONS Financial Analyzer Enterprise Planning and
RG_DSS_HIERARCHIES Financial Analyzer Enterprise Planning and
RG_DSS_HIERARCHY_DETAILS Financial Analyzer Enterprise Planning and
RG_DSS_REQUESTS Financial Analyzer Enterprise Planning and
RG_DSS_SEG_RANGE_SETS Financial Analyzer Enterprise Planning and
RG_DSS_SEG_RANGES Financial Analyzer Enterprise Planning and
RG_DSS_SYSTEM_SEG_ORDER Financial Analyzer Enterprise Planning and
RG_DSS_SYSTEM_VARIABLES Financial Analyzer Enterprise Planning and
RG_DSS_SYSTEMS Financial Analyzer Enterprise Planning and
RG_DSS_VAR_DIMENSIONS Financial Analyzer Enterprise Planning and
RG_DSS_VAR_SELECTIONS Financial Analyzer Enterprise Planning and
RG_DSS_VAR_TEMPLATES Financial Analyzer Enterprise Planning and
RG_DSS_VARIABLES Financial Analyzer Enterprise Planning and
A number of new views have been added to support UIs and processing of new features. Some of
the views are mentioned below.
View Name Feature Area
GL_ACCESS_SET_LEDGERS Setup Forms and Programs
GL_ALC_LEDGER_RSHIPS_V Setup Forms and Programs
GL_BUDGET_ASSIGNMENTS_UNIQUE_V Budgets and Related Objects
GL_BUDORG_BC_OPTIONS_V Budgets and Related Objects
GL_DEFAS_ASSIGNMENTS_V Setup Forms and Programs
GL_DEFAS_RESP_ASSIGN_V Setup Forms and Programs
GL_ENTERED_CURRENCIES_V Balances and Related Objects
GL_HISTORICAL_RATES_PERIOD_V Revaluation, Translation and Conversion Rates
GL_LEDGER_LE_V Setup Forms and Programs
GL_LEDGER_NAMES_V Setup Forms and Programs
GL_LEDGER_NORM_BSVS_V Setup Forms and Programs
GL_LEDGER_SET_ASSIGNMENTS_V Setup Forms and Programs
GL_LEDGER_SET_NORM_ASSIGN_V Setup Forms and Programs
GL_LEDGER_SETS_V Setup Forms and Programs
GL_LEDGERS_PUBLIC_ALL_V Setup Forms and Programs
GL_LEDGERS_PUBLIC_V Setup Forms and Programs
GL_LEDGERS_V Setup Forms and Programs
GL_REC_BATCHES_LOV_V Recurring Journals and Budgets
GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS Setup Forms and Programs
GL_TRANSLATION_RATES Revaluation, Translation and Conversion Rates
GL_TRANSLATION_RATES Revaluation, Translation and Conversion Rates
GL_TRANSLATION_RATES Revaluation, Translation and Conversion Rates