mr0418 PDF
mr0418 PDF
mr0418 PDF
S.c. 8
Regraded Unclassified
No. 217
Regraded Unclassified
Regraded Unclassified
~ Regraded Unclassified
/ J ltr -~ A. C. _, I • G-.t
m n,.
On lnfor matlon recelv3 d-- War and Navy Departm ents,
From: 1201, Z, 29 Odober 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 12oo·z , 30 October 1943 30 October 1943.
No. 216.
Regraded Unclassified
• S E C RET •
.iJibljJ <u:m~: On the C:IChth Army front poor vlolbUity and contlnu-
ln( ral:'.s al.<o llffeetod optrlllo.a. BritiSh patrols oceuplod tho vUlace of
8an Massimo, 3- 1/2 mUos VI of Dolano. PatroUln( eon\IJIUOI VI of Eplnole,
4·1/2 mU.os N o f Tho 4.600~foot mountain sw of Frololone was
t.aken under JoJlled. control. No other activity was raported. A1t Astlyttv;
On the nl(hts of 27-28 and 28- 29 October, RAP planes mode IlCht attaeke
on Ma.rlt-za atrdrom.o. On 28 October enemy pltln!!a u.o reported to have
heovUy bombea Samoo and Loroe and 1<> haw attaekod Patmoellland (NW
or Loroo) for the !lnt time. RAF bombers r&ld.ed llcht ablpl)ln( at
~t&'.alla-. 1D. n.aly. on 28 October, U.t. !l;htar ~bombera enemy
poeltlons iUld rood brl_.a ln the V&lrar.o ann, and Wxllnc 1rcwxla naar
Lltt<>r!a. Orvleto, and FolJcno. Two f.,.mlt!o::s cr! about lb onamy platle11
tac.h wert~ ln the a1r Met some 40 enemy rtch.tera wtro ob·
. ,rved on the Vite.rbo &ird.rome.
Regraded Unclassified
Co!Olllll, a.s.c., C'!>l&ln. U.S.N.,
Chtef, Th ~at~ r Gro~. Aallt. Dlr., lz>t•lllienee Group.
Regraded Unclassified
On Information rece ived -- War and Navy De;>artme
From : 1201 Z, 2B October 1943 Washlnzton, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 29 October 1943 29 October 1943.
No. 215.
Regraded Unclassified
4. WESTERN EUROPE.--N othlng to rej>ort.
Regraded Unclassified
dump was axploded a.nct bl\rrACita wer• destroyed.
Colonel, G.S.C.,
Chle:f, The.atar Gro.lp.
Regraded Unclassified
Ol Info rma tion rece ived -- War and Navy Dep artm ents ,
From : 1201 Z., 27 Octo ber 1943 Washington, D. c.,
To : 1200 Z, 2a Octo ber 1943 28 Octo ber 1943.
No. 214.
Regraded Unclassified
the enemy'$ new defense line, was captur ed on 21 ~tober 1n an AlHed
auaek wbtch Is eontlnuil'lg. The AA bank 3 mUes Sot the town was al6o
occupied. Elghth Army Frcnt: The $ituatlon was generAlly unchanged on
the Eighth Army !ronl, allh01.tgh consldcrable t.hlMlng out of &nemy forces
In the central sector waa noted. Near the road junctlon 9 miles NW of
Campobasso, considerable enemy reslstance was encountered. H.owever,
the villages of ToreUa and Mollh wer e oec·.apted. Cn the Adrlat1c sector
Mooto!alcone and Montemitro, nea.r lhe east banJC ol the Trlgno were .tleo
cap.tured by the AUles. Air Abtlvlty: a, the ntght at 25·28 October, RAF
pla.nes dropped 25 t<ms oTDotn s oc the BerakUon ai-rdr ome (Crat~). On
20 ~obe r , RAF fighters deSlToyed an eMmy transport plane near Starn ~
pha.lta. About noon tbe ertemy began. neavy bo:nblng •ttaeks on Leros;
some 120 bomber sorties were observed. In ltaly, Allied pl&nes continued
bombing and straflng attacks on enemy troops, transport and road.s
throughout the battle area and especially and west coa.steJ roads.
Medium bombtrs attacked Sc!des and Megalo.. Mtkra airdromes, both nt'.ar
Se.lonlka. Durln8 the day only 4 hostUe planea wers obse:rv~ over the
italian battle area~ 16 oths.r er.emy planes wera Glih.ted elf Termolt. no
otbor enemy air aetton was observed.
Regraded Unclassified
Auatralla·-B&nda Sea Ar<>a: On 25 O<t.,C.r Allied heavy bombers made
au,h£ raldontlie nrc...
t ccncentrat4 plant at Pomtlaa (C.lebes).
8. ACTION AGAI!\'ST !\LLIEO SKIPPIN(l.• • Q\ 24 O<toe.r a Greek
earco •·a..,l wa.s torpedoed and &Ull.< In the Moumbl<r'* C!lannel. U· boSt
Sl(h:.r.;• ~American~ Nothtna' to rtport. --
For the A. C a! S., G-2:
For the, Olrf9dr of Naval/lllgence:
, .
lt.L.. \--n QQ wNz.
. . 7-1 ',\_ 1 ....'
Colonel, G.S.C., Captatn, U.S.N.,
Chlo!, Theater Gr oup. Asst. Olr., j.nleliiKenee Group.
Regraded Unclassified
No. 213.
'4 . WESTE:RN EUROPE:- -on thz night of·24 Octobdr about 30 G.:rman
torpado-boats attacbd a coastal convoy off CI'omdr, £a st Anglia . British
d~stroyer s and mot~r gunboats sank 4 of the end my craft ruJd damaged 7
oth'.;rs . .A1r Activity; On th.a nig!lt of 25-26 Octob.:lr, 3 oif.mslvJ .m\3rny
planj s w:Jre activ'a ov<Jr southaast England; 2 of t h:tm r_,acht3d London.
Regraded Unclassified
5. M!:DITE!\R/IN.:AN AREA.··.Elllb ~£l.ll.lll: Tho t.lllas lmp,ov.ld
thdl' poeltlon ollrntly 1J> tlw ""'"" Volturno V•li•Y of Jtoly on z; Oetob•'
by OCCUJ)Yli'IC U'l.t high ground a.boV.J ~V I8CQft1M.1 N o! thJ riv~r . .e.&s.ol.b. l.c2D1: Q..)rm:m t Jslst:I.Dc" waa , ..,n.lrally w.,:lktr on th~ Aclrl..!1tle
sactor o! Lh.J EIQ'hth Army front. Tno mou.nt:1n vill~.J a! Mo.!3.lcb., ~bov\1
t.~.t Vlll~y of th• "rri(no Rlvur 2 mUia to tht £, w~ .tVJC\U.t.t)d O:'l 25
OCU>bur. ~... vnJmy :Uso withdrrr.v from ClVU..1C..llnpom.1r.:mo, !t...: ... q
1M &hort.:lt ro\1\4 !rom C~so to th.J Alllvel brld& r...::.r th_,
mo-.M ol tM Trtpo. ~ r _slSUr.ea _.._. . OI!O'.Jr.t..:r .-d in tho ~1(hts :abo*.ra
c:_ Bl!,.rno, 6 mU~a NW ol How...v..r, ct.artnc Lei! r.!.i;l:t o!
25·28, troops cr<!$!:.-d llle rtv.~r wlth prA :lnd. bt..!UI, wx!.:r
sl-...J.ll!ir~ from tb.J JwiC}".ts• ..J.t ~ 1n Uw /,.,,.nn, on u...: nf&ht o! '-4·
25 <, t\..~F p\.3.n.;o$ bomb..~ <J!".,~n:.y P' ~lt. ,J\1 :u-.d LA:·h~bor on M.loa;
~ lo:w .•uwmy pbn.J bomb:td r.,.,ros. On 26 Oct®..t-r, 4 a.ttleks w..:r~J nud.J on
L..;ro,s 'by a. tot~ of Q hostU.J :~.1rertili . In U..)ly, on th.J nt&:ht o1 24·26
Octob. r, R.aF pll..n.Ja bomb..:d l.n ~1rer l.ft ~a.,mbly pb.nt :ux1 th.: RR yvda
.1t Plato1)1 tw:ar .FloNnco. On 25 Oc:tobor, U.C. lliht o.nd fightu.r bomb... ra rold ~d r.ill tnrg<.~Ls :Uong thJ ~;~)Dl 'lnd w.. ct cGuts of On
Uw ao.m<ol cl'\t '• u.e. mudlwn bomb<.lr& \h~o~ otrdrOJn.! ~t Podgortca
(Yucoshvh.) ! ~of Kutor. Only 3 ... ncmy pl-mJa w... r .o ....ncounWNd, but
22 mcr:Ut on tM ,round •.v..:N bomb-Xi md ltr:Lf.XS. Oft tit~o~ D:lltn:lU~
eout, a m..:41um~alz.old m.jrchJ.nt v~ssuts w~N atr'l!A :.n4 ~ton U.r by
u.e. f1Cht..tra.
e. ,.:;I.•• ·-~ ~my~ shll>\>tnc In tha Vl<:lllliY of~=.,..~
s-JC~ss!\llly 'ltUCk,d by U.S• .c.Jdtum born~ra on~ ll'.d 28 Octob.:r. On.l
250-!oct t ..-~..r; ,)r .lh1 O.n.J 300-foc.t fr..:leht.:r.r w. r ~ SIJl'.A: In Klqsh:.n H.:..rbor
ln north H'll.tun, whl:.t ~ 3ddltllln::.l 160-!oo\ l.Ulk .. r NJ.& sw!lt in tll...! Tor.c·
ktr.c Oult. ThNJ otb;lr w..:r.: problhly auM. OU.nstva r.JCO'"M1.1a·
unc.. on tl\.. .;;,.llNJ1Jn front Nv..:.::l...-d eon.eld r <~n..tmy ator.lg.! bcUlttA
ln r..,.:tr :lt'.Ja, p~Ucl.lUrly !1.1. W:mlf.n& 3.nd Ha .n»"t, on th..J Burnu Ro~d N
o! IA&hlo. T>ll oJ1d Sl.lltw:ul, 160 miLa W o! Kunmq, wot• boml>ld by
}:!.PM-JS.o» phn a. ~: On 2.3, LoUn.w AA bridg"", 65 mUvs ~W
ot L.uhto, w~ d..,$troy~'li wh..:n 11 dlr..,ct hits w..r.., acor..,d by U.S. fighwru.
Stor :'l.i"' buUdtnca Sn Lonkln 'll.ld 1n vtU~ .e 10 mu.,, w of ~u.mpr~bu.m 'N ·r..J
S...ol on flr '• On UW tollowtnc tby, r.:illlnsl.lll .tlon.a ::t..\ Pl.athl :u!id y..,... u
w .. r., J cbml,£A durln;: :.tuc..te by U.S. m...dlwn bomb-r.s. ~
In4p·Chim,; Otl 2.5 Oct.ob..:r. u;. ff&t;.Lra a"!.nk 3 out \it 5 sm..:.U bo:.ts
I>JV H."'.lj)ll.onc :u-.1 d"lrtUi,-d > 150-!oo< !r.tJII:•'· ~ On 2S Oe!.Ob.r !In
ur.JIPOrt..ld n:.w~r ot J~s..: pl-:.r....!S! Cox" a Bunt S c! Ch.ttucorc.
No mUlwy Cbm.;.c.: r ....r.Jlt...-d.
Regraded Unclassified
,. ,,
Iallllld. fplomons ~ On 24 Octob..r" to~ o! 166 tons of bombs w:.s
dr opp...d on l<!l~Ult "trdromJ In 3 s.p:.r>t• r"lds by /JUA phrt>S. To~ run-
w-...y, bXl strips~ :md . .A pos!\tgn,a W<Jf"' blt, o.nd SOM.J cr.own..'Cl ~tt._my
pl=a w.r. ult.~.r d:lm:IC-11 or d4stroy,d. liJ ~--IW!t.~ ..tlP'
On 24 Octobur, .Jll-'<1 l!iht atr:ll.>cl :.nd bombud position!>
ll o! ~$olb..ot'l· On t !» !\11Jo~ d:ly ;uJI>d nudtu:n str.:!.>d :.nd
aholl.>d dtsp"rsJl buys ::r.d S"i'plJ dumps"' In,_....,
mornllt& of 25 Octob<J; 6 on4mY pl:>~t.~S :Ut'!t:<ud :Jll.-d $hlpplltg :.t r'lns<:h·
h:.lon. This w:.s 1M !i!th cons.-cuuv~ d'Y U>;.t .nJmY pl:.n..S :.u::clt.:d tho
Ftnsehh'lf..:n :u-~ ;Jorthwr;u. A-.aatft.H;:J.·-~ t:a ~: On 25 Octobur,
A!llud pl:uws =na l!ihl on M:u>Ckw~l :.nd ]' vllbg• (Dutco
Now Culn>~).
8. ACTION i.Ci.JNST ;,[..t..IED &HlP• UlC.··Nothln& to r.port. ~
S\ghtlns.S 1n. C,mtrtCM ~: On 25 Cktob r :1 sl&htlng w:~.s r..::port..:d
60 mUJs W o! B:.rbodos.
Regraded Unclassified
On !nlor matlo n recei ved- - War and Navy Depa rtmen ts,
From : 1201 Z, 25 Octo ber 1943 Washington, 0 . C.,
To : 1200 Z, 26 Octo ber 1943 26 Octo ber 1943.
No. 212.
ese medi um
1. NORTH AME RlCn . - -olas ka: On 24 Octo ber a Japan 215 mile s WSW
l plana
bomb er was engag ed for 20 minu tes by a U.S. patro
altltud.:~ of abou t 50
of Attu. Til.:~ enem y aircr aft, which desce nded to an
feet, takin g de!.m sive actio n, r.:~ce lv.!d seve ral hits.
Regraded Unclassified
actlv.)ly vrco.&>~d ln elr d:!f~..:~ ln th.J a.ra:L b.!tw.. Jl" Kram~,nc.hug Md the
S.,~ of t'ot.OV. Th>J Sn.F $lr011ilY st.q)port~-d oU~;~n.slv.:a ln the D~ropt.:trovsk
&ncl MJI!topol >.rou o.nd <ltW:k..ld 111l<mY alr!l~lcla n..,. Molttopol.
4. WESTr:liN C:llliOPi!:. --On Z4 OciOb.:r, U.S. m .Glum att>ek;ocl
•n,my alrdrom-s at Montd!d!>r and B•aunlo (botll tl o! Paris) lJid .:;t.
rlndt.J 4J L'Sur..: (r.a3r i:\tt'.Jux). About 100 .; flanLrl w •r11 c;;DC-OW'iW'r-
.itd. trJ t.h" !ore.: atlOleklng Montd.ld.Ur; M Ure Vl3.1 lr.Lns.t ovqr m.. urg.!t.
Th.J otb.;,r formations~t!COU."lWr.:d W.,.!:U, atr and croUDd opposltlon. OU•..!r
U.S. ••rlously cbm>gJd a 6500-ton ship ·.t Ch"rbow"g. On tha
nlcht o! 24-25 Octobor, AAF ltgnl bomb.:rs a\to.ek•d Emd>n, Cologno, and
~ othJr elt!JI In G.rm>%ly. nboul 5 onomy planJa drovp..d bombs In th•
l':u-mouth u.!:s or Engl:md.
5, MO:OITER&>NEnN hREA.--.f.lllb.ll.ta:IY.E.tQIU.: 'l'hJ Filth nrmy con- ll.:J slow progress on 25 Octob~;~ t towt:Lrd U1..1 Btlrbnra Llna, thJo post-
Uon lha ~nJmy Is n..:xt .Jxp..c::tJd to dJfQnd U\ ! Thlts Un.s I)Xt>Jnds from
Moi\Ciro.aoni~, on t.hJ w'3st coast of tWy, 25 mU..:a N8 t.hrouch mountains
ruarly 2,000 loot high to tha broad v:>ll•f ot lh• ~p,r Volturno,•
a.croas th~ spL"\0 or tru, i<.p.mnln3S .and Uu S'ln(rO tUv~r tO thJ
adrl:ltlc. Th• Filth »rmy e<>ptur.-d hlch cround domlnatlni th• RR 9 mU•s
NW o! Capu:>, ul<lni S sm::Jlto-,..ns: Fr>n<:ollll•, Motanuo, :tnd Roech.~
.,.Croc""'. Tn.1 twt&l"ots on ooth sld.!s oC lh.., Volturao V~.ay o.t Ro,·....~m
Wilr• also bk,r- <;;tgt.!ll oD:l!L~ Tt>. Wt IbM o! th. Eighth ..rmy
..SV111Cod 6 mll•s. drlv!J'Ig uu """my !rom Fr...,lonJ and torclr.c him to
oV>C<Uw 8o)"U>O. Th•r, ,..... UtU.. c~" on~ ~aaw rn lul! a! !h.
114lWI front• .c.11: od!VItv: On 23 Octob.r >bo-.11 5 .nJmy ~tt3clt4il
~oa (,"C~; on tho ~th. > tot.>1 of ~ 2~ •rumy bomb_rs :>rJ! dlv.
bom!Nro ~mc.k--d L<ros. ~F phD.Js atuc<..d Syroe h:trbor on thv n!iJ:t
o! 23-24 Octob.r, Qlld Ol1 thJ 2-Ith .J.IJ.d pl>n a o...t llr~ 10 • sehoon:!r :tnd
cUm:ac.Jd onot.bor o!f Cos; a schoon.!r at Sc:1rp:nto N.:OS ~so d..lm=:.g.:d. ln
luly, on th3 night ot 23-24 0c10b.:r, ,JII..d pl"""l mldJ a ICYl-ton ~tUCk
on lh• Guidon! a rili'drom•. U.S. light bomb..!rs >Ulck Jd mo10r tronsport In
tho Cassino'""~· On th> 24th, u.s. modlom :>.nd IIcht >t:t:u:k.-d
r03.d1, r:.Ua, a.nd brldg~& nt Tornl, Forml:~, ~d OrvL.rto; !tCilt;Jr~bomb... rs
d~o~&troyod Q num~r or moto:r Y.J.hlel.!S :tlonc th" u:1at n.nd s ... t Hro
to> 2000-ton oH tho Yugoslav co:u~t. Th• nlrdrom, nl TLr=
(AiboniQ) WOI Ottlelwd by U.S. medium bomb"rs. A strOJli !Orc:.l o! U.S.
i>lnvy bombJrS wos dlsp>tchod to V/lJnJr-N.,uat.~dl but !ound UIJ =g•t
cov.rud by elouds. On 23 Oetob.>r, mor• th;_n 15 otbckJd
ah!WI"i In NoPl•s lurbor. A toW o! oboot SO "nJmy plll!IJS .,.., obo... rv4i!
ov.,r Iuly durlnjr u.... d:!y; ~~ IC3St 12 of tlw~J "'"'" d•4\rOy>d.
6. i,SI.A.--Burm· On 23 Octob4r, U.S. i>lovy bolltb,rs otUcltJd K:u!b:llu
Regraded Unclassified
r'l-U ~ds. 50 mU~s N ot :;n·.w .ibO, •corlnc: dlr lC\ tilts ln th.: ,.:r.gUW eho:tds.
Thirty-On.. tons w~ra clroppucl Wll·> cooc! Uocton th. !.1.-%.~ r;U!rold brldg•
20 mu~s w of K:llru. On Z4 Octol>.or, IIL1WI'... OIU "&:tin ,=L>d by u.;,.
h..::~ovy bO:n.b.-rs. ~ Jndo-Cblo;· On 24 Oc:tob..:r. Cobl, a b:'!t't3C&!i .1r.n
1 m.U.: U ot (ibb...~ ilidrom.t ln HAD01. W:l.l bomb..:d by !f&tt..:r-.,scorud
U.S. pl!ln!S.
1, roUTH .u,'D SOUT!I'IIE:.<T PACll'IC. • ·f.o)pmpr.s ,:.::n: On 23 Octob. r.
u.r. dtv• ont!torp><lo mld• 2 , .Jf JCIIV. "'t:l.Ck:l on~ 3!r:Lid,
wnU ... U.S. b.J"lV}' bomb.;~rs, ln 2 J.\t'\ek.l on Kl.nUt :1trfl ~11. droW..:d 'l tobl
of 68 tons. Both r1.ur.V:.!)o'S W4T... rv.port"'d una .rvlc~.o":lbld :JtJr th..: bOmbiJliS.
~~-:lh!l Brlb\n ~ On 24 Oetob..r 'l at:ror.g foz-c..t of .. n_my
dlv.:-bomb..~rs, with !lgJtt<o~T ...ncort, ottt.lck.~d ••lll.Jd shtpPlng o.t Flnscntr:..Ln.
tnwrcopttno :JII.:d f!Chl.ra shot down 4 .nomy pl>n~•. On 23 Octob~r ~
hrg..t !Ol'C.s Of ,-Jl\od h..::J.VY bomb.)ttJ, Wlth Ua-M ~r olScOrt , ~pproJCl·
motoly 84 tons on R:lpopo 3lrdromJ nt R..1b,ul. On t.••
bomb:lrs, .:seorud bY ltgnwrs, m'ld~J :1 low-lJVJl :\tt1ek on Vun'lk'\n:tu,
!ollow>ne d:ly ,.ULd
!l.:lpopo, 3Dd Tob•r" "lr!Llda "t lhb>ul. In lhJ two·d~y ntt:>ck 65
ph.n.Js w .. r...~ dJstroy..ld on t.11..1 cround. 'lnd fl8 W.Jr.: shot down ln ~rb.l
comb:ll; buUdit!gs :l.Dd ·l r .:ul!o GtlUon w ·N d .. stroy..:d, 'lnd brg..: nr _,s
eov.,:r..od til..: :u-..:~. :\11 .J.U.l'd s..~arCI\'"P~lnt &..;t tlril to, :uld r.pp~._ntly d..:s-
troyod, :m .ncmy d.stroy•r In J..:qulnol B:ly.
8. ,,CTION •.0~ ,,l.w~D .llli'HNO.··NOth~ to r"port. ~
!'tt~.uoos Ja_ 0 m ·rfc·..n ~: :;otMrc to t .. ~rt.
m .'r'r,o..C\.._w~ '
h. E.. 11..\GUIRZt
Colonal, G.e.c .•
Chl.l, Tno;wr Group.
Regraded Unclassified
~----------~-- ---~~·
Regraded Unclassified
u,., .O.r..t1'\ go! Murl na (Mont-~n..rr o) light tnrte
h;v-.~ ~ao b.t;Jn, 1n IJ ~ s, cu rrtlh •.
1n progro.:aa b.:t'M.,~otn 0-.rm :me, lldJd by b:lt.::! And
:attc k Jd .AndrU vtc:1 'llld B ~rut •
141x.xf lWL:..n :lJid Ch.otnlk tor~a tuv: !rom th. r.orth to v~on:~.• .AJ.t
Tn., O.;:rmlns ~r.. mlkln c tt co=.el J.l drlv<J
pl:.n 1 bomb ,d Ill RR <N1
~: On U. nlcbt O! 22-23 Octot >..r, RAF
.Jra :m:ej( .J C"l.StlJllOn.~ .:..od tr-
br1Jc .J ~t Clvh! .n()tn :.r.d u.~. llc!'.t bomb
n..~tde !lt Aquino lln.d C~elno. On 23 Octob..~r, U.S. m..sdtum bombo~rs
:n ..
l r .:U t.lrC.. -tl .o.t :l:r.o, Uo:u :Jd.D dl C:t.Stro, ~ 1\Jbl.nh. iilll.t d
f!it.t .rs .ncf (,d I'Wl
PGall loM .Jld atror .g point s
~r Jrs ltt.1ck..d roU~ etock
Ulrougho~t th..t b:nu , 1!L Oth.t r io.lll .. d !!aht
.td Ci. bndl nc ,rol.;Dd :.t Lor .to.
1l ..ncl'U)O wh..,.r ~llt 12
Anco :u :lDd .str;;l
::.nd moto r tr:...n sport
Th .. Only r JPQtt .,d <ln·.!:lY oppos lt1Cn w .:.i
h.o.!lltU.t flght...~rs w.,r..~
nS:.. •• --~ On 20, 21. 1.r.d 2. Octob .Jd by U.S. h.1"l\'Y "U\d m4dlu.m
.. r, nUw:.y t..u'C.. ta from
e. W r 8UCC ..:!l4fu lly ~tt~Ck
M:!.nd'lhy to M;tiUt)fln.:l. .1
Regraded Unclassified
::t.ppro:teh..:a to tha P.:rsbn Gull ls now rvporc...,d not .sunk. ~ flgbtings
JA um 'tloln ~: On ZS Octobolr a llc~Urc W>a I' ,port.-<! 110 rn!l;s
lit: o! Trlnld>d. On 24 October, 2 posslbl• •tc~tlncs .,• ., r-rwd: o!!
th.t eu:t co3St of Flo!"ldl. :u-~ ol! c;~o.
For 1M t.. C. o! S., G - Z:
o.s.c ..
Chl\1!, Ttw:nar Group.
o\11 Regraded Unclassified
On lnformati on r eceived-- 'Par and Navy Department~;,
From: 1201 Z, 23 October 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 24 October 1943 24 October 1943.
No. 210.
1. NORTH AMiRICA.--Noth!ng to report.
2. LATIN AMERLCA.--Nothlng to report.
3. EASTERN EUROPE.--Southern Front : Along the Noga deten~;e llne
enemy counterattacks have again 5uccessfully prevented a Soviet break-
through, a1t.'lough Red Army units have finally o<:cupjgs! the enttre sown
of Melitopol. this area there are no sl s as et of an enem wit -
aJ:awaL ln the remenc ug r e ea t e ovlets a tempts to drive the
point of their salient deeper were stopped by enemy coomterattacks. Red
Army attempts to broaden the base, however, met wltn moderate success
along the eastern side ot the salient ln the Verkhne- Dneprovsk area,and
the rail junction at Vekhovtsevo was taken. Along the western side the
enemy counterattacked with armored forces , a pparently with some effect.
In the Kanev loop Soviet units battled to enlar ge their bridgehead with
some success.' In the Kiev area ther e was no Important change. At the
mouth of the Prlpet the Soviets appear to have lost ll!e initiative.
Centr al Front: South of Rechltsa and near the mouth of the Sozh, Red
Army units made further slight gains. Along the rest ot this front there
appears to be no Important change. Northern Front: No change.
Air Activity : On 23 October the Soviet Air For ce attacked alr fte1ds In
£1\e vlclnlty of Melitopo1 and strongly supported ground oPerations In the
Kremenchug salient and In the Kanev loop bridgehead.
Regraded Unclassified
$1[,~t'JC a:.a.b J
mlle s W of Term oll,
13 miles N of Campobasso, and Montener o, 11 1/2 ber the Tr lgno
wer e clear ed of the enemy. QJ the night of 22 abou OCto
cros sed by Allte d troop s at a point t 1.l mile s VI of
Rive r was following day. On:2 0-
Term oll; the bridg ehea d was belng Impr oved on the
ed ta islan d tul!t Rhodes. •CkJ
21 octo ber, Briti sh wau hl(U bombard .lleW
Ra.J is west coas t, an
the illght ot.2l-2<l'IOctober~oN.ot ,Gigl lo Is land on
Activity: Also on the
ammunition ship was sunk by U.S. PT boat s. Air ac area s and trans port
night of 21- 22 OCtober, U.S. bom bers attac kedb ivou idge, road , and rail
conc entra tions in the battl e area In ltaly . The br N of the battl e area ,wer e
junctions at Gullianova on tne west co:~st of Italy ,
attac~ed by RAF com bers , which dr oppe
d 82 tons. On 22 OCtober bridg es
at Orvleto and Gros seto N of Rom e were attac ked by Allied bom bers.
Roads, bridg es, and trans port conc entra tions N o! the battl e area wore
of bombs were dropped
a lso bombed by Allled aircr aft. Twenty -two tons
on~be E~usls Ail:dr.cme a.LAtbens
by esco rted U.S. bomb~rs.
No. 209.
Regraded Unclassified
4. WESTZP..~ EUROP£ .--On 21 Oc.tobJr ..1nemy d..rLmslvJ alr acuon ovar
nQMb.:r n Frane~ a.nd HcUl.nd w~s on o. reduead sc.JJ..,. On thl) nflht of 21·l2
Octob.Jr • .1bout 10 tlnJmy plQ.nJs dropr ed bombs at .ld points tn Z!lil!lnd; 3 of th.J attacking plo.nJs N:t.ched London.
Regraded Unclassified
~ s-t!~~'P."
up. Northwest Aust1'3Jb .... ~
oU•cliv•ly bomboa4 Hlu\3\al (Timor).
mbt!l On 21 Octobdr, All lad pb.nes
JTL.\ \1 CLqM.-·u...
H. e.. MAG1JIRE,
Colon• I. 0 . s. c .,
Cht>lf, Tho:a.tar GToup.
Regraded Unclassified
On Information received-- War and Navy Department
From: 1201 L., 21 October 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 22 October 1943 22 October 1943.
No. 208.
1. NORTH AMERICA.--Nothing to report.
2. LATIN AMERICA.--Nothlng to report.
3. EASTERN E:IJROPE.--$outh ern EJ.:gn.t North and SW of Meiltopol
and In the center o! the city, enemy units have been forced back slightly.
In the Kremenchug bridgehead, the Red Army has driven the point o! Its
salient 3 to 6 mUJs farther south In tht:l direction of Krivoi-Rog, whUe
along the sides and base there appears to be little change. The enemy's
situation here is becoming increasingly serious, but his intentions are
still masked. North of Klev heavy fighting continues, with little apparent
change in the situation. Centra} tr.2n1; South of Rechitsa in the marshy
triangle o! the Prlpet, ':';'oviet units made some headway and captured sev-
eral towns. In tho Gomel area there appears to be little change. Northern
Front: Along this !root there was fighting o! local significance a.t several
places. .Alr..Actlylty: On the night of 20-21 October, the Soviet Air F6rce
for-the second consecutive night bombed Fastov, Znamenka, and Nlkopol, ·
attacking raU targets and supply concentrations. On 21 October aJr
activity by both sides was considerably increased along the fronts !rom
the Azov Sea to the Gomel area; tho main soviet effo:-t ·.vas directed toward
) support of o!fensiVi!S in the Kremenchug salient and N of Kiev.
4. W&'TBRN EtmOPE.--On 20 October a strong force of IJ.S. bombers
attacked the raU yards and an aircraft parts factory at Duercn (25 miles
S of Cologne}; over 250 tons of bombs were dropped through heavy clouds.
About 185 enemy planes were observed In the air, but their a ttacks were
not aggresslva; AA fire was unusually weak. IJ.S, bombers made lighter ·
attacks on the airdromes at GUze - Rijen and Woensdrecht In Hoiland. On
the .night of 20-21 October, RAF bombers heavily attacked Leipzig. ltAF
Mqsquitoes attacked Berlin, Cologne, BrauweUer, and Emden. About 30
enemy planes operated over southeast lngland and East Ansl\a; 10
penetrated to the London area.
5. MEDITt:RRANEAN ARE:A .-~On 20 October the Allied armies in ltaly
Regraded Unclassified
made very allcht prorress over extremely dWicult terrain In tho !ace of
contlmlnl heavy enemy r03lslance and demoliUona. C:lchth Army patrols u tar as the mou~~ 0! the River Trl(no on the Adrl.&Ue coast.
11 mUu NW o! TermolL In the central s.ctor Allied troops roacMd
Mont&(-. Z miles VI o! the 7ermoli-..Campobuao road, and occu:;led ll>e
1110\ol.'taln vUlaco of Campochlaro, :- milts fNI o! Campobuoo. PledL'UO-
cl' Allie and Allie, In tl:e tU>Ptr Voltu:no Valley, alao MVW liNn tal<en.
Aerl&l re·:e&:s that the PontirA Mushes are beltlg flooded
by tho onomy. In the mou.'llalns No! Bercamo elee•nt.l o! tho Alpin! are
stW reslst!r.g the Cor mans. Mlltecl Cbatn!k and Italian forces have &Wlcked
the enemy at Matlsevo, Yugcs!Ollla. A1t Ac!lyity: On tho l\lct:t of 19- 20
Octobor, RAF planes madellsht attach on the W.:u'itn airfield and on the
Antlmachla landlr.g ground. Atlacl<s were also made on harbors at Moles,
l!:yros, and Cos. On 20 October . Allied planes attacked 2 a mall veaselo off
Coo and atra!od a supply dump on tho shore. Enemy planes w•r• activo
ovor ~os but only one dropped bombe. In Italy, on 20 October, U.S.
planu aucceufully attacked rail brldios at Grossoio, Orvieto, and Mon-
taldo di Castro, all N !l.!ld NW of Rome. Other medium and heavy bombers
attacked enemy air!!elds at Cervoterl, Mlll'cl&l!an3. and Casola (near
Rome), deatroylnc more tiutl 15 enem] planes en the cround. Thoro was
no air opposition except at Cas.U., where 1 of 8 att>cklnc llchlers waa
destroyed. u.s. llchters and !lgnter-bombcra were o.ver ille battle trent
lhrOil(hout 1M cby att:!Cld:le ""'positions, roads, and tr&JISPOrt. A stronc
force o! Allied lighters s,n lire to thr. . 100-!oot vesHls oU Z.Ua on th•
Dal.mat!>n coest; a l:nlil was upS of Ancona. U.t. mtc!lum bombers
attaelcod the rau yards at :<Is (Yugosla•tla) eecrll'o& m&ny hlta amor.g more ?00 cars, and destroylnc 2 1ocomotlvoa and ~r rollq stocl<. Ber.,..
(100 miles NW of ~oplJe, ¥"i((sl&vb) has been und•r repeat..'<! enemy
a1r attacU, aceord!nc to delayed reports o! 18 Octobor. liiDl Actlylty:
On 1M nlcht o! 19-20 October, U£. PT boats patroi:IJ'4 off U>e Arno R!V""
(near Pin) attlleltod a con•roy cons!BUnc ol 1 am211 t.r.lter, 1 tank landlnc
cr3.ft and an escort o! 3 motor minesweepers. Tlil' LCT waa htt by a
torpedo, and a possible torpedo h!t wu ocored on the twer. On tho night
ol 20-21 October, Allied d•stroyera on a sw••P In Ill• Adriatic sank an
enemy trawler .
Regraded Unclassified
· ~liWi
,.,. 5-.a-. T~
20 Japa.r.ese Interceptors were ehot dolt. u.~. mtcllum units also
bombed Ballale and Kara. Kara also wu eul>)octtcl to an >UAcl< by dlve and
torpedo bombars; ~ 11lrcra!t ""''" domroytcl em tbt rrow>d· An enet!1y
dtatroyer waa bombe<l and bcl!nved .wlk 22 mUea NE of Cape ~ord.
.tla(iJIIDU.--Ii•w Britain 6.[u; Early em 20 OctOber, 30 eMmY a!reralt
bombed Sala~U3 Pi.>P.t:>tlon at F!naehhal•n. Allltcl planes atbeked tba
Sat<llborc are.1, II'.QPIY dumpS at Bocadllm, and deatroytcl & cr.emy 0031-
pl..a.lkts tald.rC off near Kalrlru. Lsla.nd in the Wtwak Lf'O.l. ~enteen oi 32
booehed barces were destroyed by an Alllod bomber Z of Cape Gloue.>st>r.
Nor!hmst Al!Stra!U--IIillll.i~ Am! On 19 Oetobar, All ltd ho>vy
bomb<rs •lbcl<ed Manok~l In Dutch litw 0\llnoa, 0114 s>nk a medlum
ea.rco vasa.el 90 rnUes NC: o! sorong.
8. ACTION AQA!l'l"T ALLIED ERIPP!NG .--On IQ October a U.S. cargo
veasol was sunk, presumably by mine, oil Copo f<&ce, N•wfoundland.
~ fllghtlMs.lD Am>rlc:m 1/iAL!I:§: Notlllng to r<l]lort.
For tho A.'C . of s., G-2: For tho Dlractor of Nnvol lnt.!Uigcnce:
,. ... "j ' /
Regraded Unclassified
On inform ation recei ved-- War and Navy Depa rtmen ts,
From : 1201 Z, 20 Octob er 19-13 Washlngto:., D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 21 Octob er 1943 21 Octob er 1943.
No. 207.
Regraded Unclassified
SECRET on the Etchth Army front, where enemy• u
Allied tr-• approached hla main poolUQIII. However the towns of Buss~
and Oratl:lo, approl<imately 5 mlles ~;w of Campobuao. wore yielded by
tht enemy Activity: 0:1 the nlcht of 18-19 Oetobtr, RAP tor;>ed~
planea cla~IG a medium-stud mereaant vesael S of the Pol-sus.
In ll&ly, US. ll&ln bombers anaeked motor tranoport and bn~s bet~
RoiM and tM t>atclt area On 19 Oetober, u.s. fl&htora atratecl the Vlterb<>
and Tarqulnla alrllelds, destr<>y!ni It alreraft oo tM cround· U.S. heavy
bomber• destroyed 5 Tall IJld road brl<lgea between Po sear& IJld Aneooo.
L.IJht bombera and flgbtl!r-bombers att.,ked enemy positions and supply
lln•a behind th• central sector of the cattle llna.
e. .O.SlA ... ·Chlrt.&: In western Yunnan an one my force, estimated at
3~000, movlnc"'iiBt from Htawgaw, Burma, enrqed Chinese troops on the
weal bank of th4 Salween River at points S of L.u.Ghol and oppoalt• Lokoo
{90 to 100 miles N of Lunglln). Enemy p<XJltlons :>~>POlito Lukou were
bombed !or tho second time by U.S. plane• on 18 Oetober with unknown
renull& . 'Burma: Nlnaty mlles S of Lungllng a Japanona foreo, •l•e un-
known, crOOiiOthe Salween at KWllong, and wu reported moving eut to
ward Men(llnl! (Yunnan) on 19 Oelober. On 18 Oetober. U.S. heavy bomber"
attacked the atr field at Heho, 95 miles CE of :.tan<W:.y. RAF dive bombers
atta<:ked tht Mawlalk ferry station. Enemy troop pooiUon.s at Maungdaw
an4 In tht Katomyo area u.·ere attacked by the RAF. On 19 Oetober. US.
rr~lum bombers attacked Kawlln alrlleld, while another filch• wrecire<l
ralla and roll!:>-' scoe.c at Wuntho. Tho RAF ~·~ II locomotives and
mol'9 thAn 35 cars In attac<e 011 varloua rail linea.
7. SOUTH At:D SOUT!!WEST PACIFIC. - Solomon:> Area: 0:1 18 Oetober
U.S. llchtero attacidng Kl.hlll destroyed 8 ol15 to 20 e'iiiiiiY fl&hters at-
cemptlnclncerceptloo. ;. )apaMse cane.ntrallon at KllcA#l {Ch)lseul) was
bombed and stra!<>d. i. new enemy landlr.;r otrlp wu obHt\'1!d unded con ·
atr\ICtlon at Kara, W of Kahlll. New Guinea- !law Britain /.rea: In tho
Flnachhalen aector enemy troops t,.o;;;-u;e:;at'Ollier(l ""''· atUieklni to the
east, have lntlltratl!d to the coast S of the Son& River. Enemy looses are
catlmated a t eoo. On 19 Oetobor , 14 •n•my aircraft lno!!cctlvely bombed
Flnschhofen. -Band• Sea Area: On 19 Oetober ,
Alllod planes r=w;way-on Troncan (Aroo) ISland.
Allied planes also attacked Full~ro village on~ airdrome (Timor), dcstroy-
lnfl bulldlnge and causlni fires an4 exploolons.
8. ACTION AO~.INST ~.LLJJ;;D SHIPPING.- -On 19 Oetobtr a Brlllsh
carco vessel was sunk, presumably by mlna, o!! Cape Raeo,
Regraded Unclassified
Sli:ft:f'rf!'ID ,.
Or> 20 October a posslblo
"'"-_,....,..,.__ ao.
1r!. ~~v.~~~l:u-)t
Colonel G.s.c ..
Chief Theater Group
174.~-:1- Captaln, U.S.N .•
J.GSt Olr., hrtelllgencn Gr,up
Regraded Unclassified
No. 206.
1. NORTH f.MERlCA.- - N!)thlng to report.
2. W.TIN AMER!C t .. - -Nothi..'lg b rep:>rt.
Mel!lopol a rea ther e Is
3. EASTERN EUROPE. - -Southern Fron t: In the ug bridgehead the slt-
s Krem ench
no appa rent chanee. In the Soviet Ar my hold a quad rllat eral area , 30
••ation rem ains confused. Red units now having cut 20 mUes o! the
mlle s deep, with a 30 mUe base on the Dnep r, tions in this area are still
RR west :l! Dnepropetrovsk. The enem y's Ninten Kiev have capt ured the
masked. Soviet units astr ide the highway of tral Fron t: South o! Rechitsa,
town of Vys hgon d, 6 mile s !rom th~o city. Cen
s In the mars hy trian gle,
Red Arm y units sligh tly improved thei r posi tion
Gomel, Soviet ! ;)rce s Improved
desp ite enemy coun terat tack s. South of Nort
thei r posi tion s In the Sozb bridgehead. hern Fr?n t: No chnnge. r.l.r
y convoy ln the Bare ntSS ea
Activity: On 19 October an air -esc orted enem ity over the fighting fron ts
was attac ked by the Soviet Air Force . Air activ
appe ared to be on a dimi nished scal e.
figh ters were acllve
1. WESTERN EUROPE.--On 17 October, Germanonemy defensive sort ies
over the Bay of Biscay. On 18 October near lyOn the night of 18-19 October,
we re obse rved , mostly over the Cala is area .
10 enemy plan es oper ated in the London ahts rea. RAF bom bers heavily
attacked Hanover, where many sear chlig were in ?per atlon; Af, !Ire was
y active.
mod erate , and enem y night figh ters were fairl
enem y continued to
5. MEDIT£RR.!.NEAN P.REA.- -On 19 Octo ber the
~r. !lgntlng strong rear
withdraw very slow ly in theVolturno Rive r sect
guar d actio ns. Con tact was repo rted at
Sant ' Andrea, 3-1/2 mUes NW o!
the road skirt ing the uppe r
the r ive r . f>Uied troo ps occupied Drag·;)ni on cent ral sect or Bara nello,
Volturn ·) Vall ey 8 mile s NW of Caia zzo. In the
Regraded Unclassified
17 October enemy air atta cks
again free of the enemy. Air ActiVity: On bom\Jers attacked Cas tel-
on Ler os were on a decr ease d scal e, althoughwer e attac ked by enemy
ross o. ,OJlleo naval unit s in the Aegean Sea
plan es. On 18 Octo ber, U.S. med ium bom bers and figh ter- bom bers
ge at Skoplje, YugoslaVia;
attac ked rail yard s rolli ng stock, and a brid, on the night of 17- 18 October
ther e was no enem y air oppJSition. In Italy
i'.lll ed ligh t bom bers attac ked mot or tran spor t Jn the east coas t. On 18
nds in the R!lme area at
October, U.S. figh ters stra fed landingy grou es wer e dest roye d on the
Gro sset o and at Mac erat a; 34 enem plnn cked enemy fort ifica tion s and
ground. Figh ters and !lgh ter- bJm bers atta Cas sino and Cas tigli one were
communications in the cen tral batt le area . y ligh ters wer e observed ove r
also atta cked by light bom bers . Five enem
the batt le area duri ng the d:ty.
Myitkyina, was attaco<ed
6. ASIA .- - Bur ma: Sumprabum, 75 mile s N of and medium bombers
by U.S. plan es on 16 and 17 October. U.S. een Myl tkyina and Mandalay on 17
ann cked Nab a Junc tton on the RR betw
. Hits wer e scor ed on trac ks and
Octo ber dr!lpplng approximately 40 tons bom bers dropped 10 t"Jns
roll1ng stoc k. On 18 October, u.s. medium
on Myitkyina landing ground.
ns ?.rea: On 17 October
7. SOUTH i.ND SOUTHWEST PACIFIC.- ·Solomo ters over Ballale; 14 y,
U.S. figh ters wer e Intercepted by 30 to 40 Jap wing day a larg e forc e of heav
enem y plan es wer e destr!lyed. On theterfollo esco rt, ciro ,,JCd o:>ver 100 tons on
dive, and torpedo bom bers , with figh 1
to 15Ja p inte rceptors wer e
enem y install!ltlons at Ball ale. Thr ee of 10
sh?t down. New Guinea--New Brit ain raid Are a: On 17 October, t.. enem y
bom bers anc fi]' figh ters lnellectively ed the Finschha!en sector. On
18 Octo ber, Allied medium bom bers atta
cked Rabau.l, sinking 1 dest roye r.
1 gwlboat and 1 medium carg o vess el;
anot her carg o vessel' was poss ibly
Tobera llrll elds was des troyed
sunk . A tota l of 36 airc raft on Rapopo an:i , which Inte rcep ted afte r
on the ground; 24 of .40 to 60 enemy figh ters down. Cape.Hosklns and Cape
Alli ed plan es left the targ et area , wer e shotea) we re also bombed.
Glouceste r (New Brit ain) and S!!l (New Guin
lng to repo rt. U-boat
Sightin~s in ric~ Waters: On 19
October, 2 sigh ting s wer e reported : .
other, 300 mile s NW of Barbados
one, l8 mile s SE of Jacks:mvllle, and the
For the Dire ctor of Nl! telllgence:
F or the i>. c. of S., G- 2:
Regraded Unclassified
0 0
Regraded Unclassified
~ w§
il,;t~ ~~i~
~~ ~
'(-.: ~
~8 .
"·O: ~~
·l ,t
"l ~
0 "' t
..a ~~B~ 0
Regraded Unclassified
ACTION nGAINST ALLIEC Sl!ll'i'l.ll(). • ·Nott.lnc to report. U·'boat
/ On 18 Oel~r, 2 U·'boaiOiiht!Jl&$
Florida; and tile ocher 300 mllfs SE <>I
Captaln, U.S.N.,
Asot. Dlr .. lnU!Illgenec Gr¢up.
Regraded Unclassified
) )
War and Navy Dep artm ents ,
On Info rmat ion received --
From : 1Z01 Z, 17 Octo ber 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 18 Octo ber 1943 18 Octo ber 1943.
No. 204.
1. NORTH AMERICA.--Nothlng to repo rt.
Regraded Unclassified
6. ~.tECJTC.AAAN"EAN AREA.··ln ltaly on 17 Octo~r, tb:t enemy con-
tlnllod lO flgm Shlbbornb' alorte: tho enUre line incr.las1na hla nelatanc:c
on tha E!ghth Army front. The All lea beat off s.everai COWlt~"<rltt.Jcka In
thtt Volturno s~o:c:tor. &yond tho Voltu.rno the Allied advance waa markxl
by the capture of the mounta1n vmas:e of Ltberl, 5 mUoa NY-' of Co tuto.
Air "{Wilty: On tho nlghl ot16 lJ October, RAF plonoo bombod tllo
Marc c na airdrome at Rotn•i U.S light bombers auac:kad rtU""'IYI and
rolllng atOC:k a1(1:r.£ thit eaat and WJBt c:oaat.s of Italy. 0:'; 16 OCtOOir U.S.
medtu.m bomb.!rs attac:~..d t.'l.l ntl c:~.:r.ter ef Ancor.a ···tun hltl we~: made
omonc more 200 raUroad cars. E'ne:nJ al.r actlvtty aho-.. ..d a sltcht
docnas-a, but a total of J2 f\cbt4rl ....,_ ltl:ter~<!pted. O'let tAO INI.
U.S. flch.t~r-bombeA atucod mOt.:r transpo!'t and straCtd Clat rnll alr·
drom.c. U.S. !'!Jht:rs. escorttd by ltalla.n ftg!lt.!rs ,bombed tr. m;a.tupptnc
ln Lt>vaaCh.ann~ s:or~ 1 tm on a merehant ·1.:~i.. 1n the At&.:-tn ard,
on the ntgbt o! 15-lS Octobor RAF pllln..:3 ma~e a llgllt lttlck on Marltza
airdrome. U.S. rn.adlum bumwu •at a shJp on tlr j at Call.l\os. A total
of 48 enemy bombers and dtvu ..bombera mad~ 5 attacks on t...lroe.
Regraded Unclassified
U-'boat Slghttngs L"1 Amerlc3n V:atora; 0~& Oetob<.tr, 2 slghtlnts wcr~
report~: one nbout 200 mU..:s NE of Nauau, and anoth.·r 150 mUcs sv·
of Pu.,)rto Rlc:o. On 16 October 2 sl&htlntl wuro rtJportod: On~,; dO mUes
£ ol Havsna ar.4 another In Windward l'UI)C•
Regraded Unclassified
On Info rma tion rece ived -- War and Navy Dep art men ts,
Washington, D. C.,
Fro m: 1201 Z, 16 Oct obe r 1943 17 Oct obe r 1943.
To : 1200 Z, 17 Oct obe r 1943
No. 203 .
Regraded Unclassified
Elba. 2 o..rru-my V-..;s.s.a!S w"r"' sunk by lleht ~outal VoJSUlS. On 1ft Octob..!r.
AU!><! boml>.rs eor.tlzu>-'<lllwlr attaeu on nU and road Juncllo".s N o! tsw
battl..t ar~; fighLr bo:nb.:rs attack~ < p~s and motor transport.
Ttur-.l was a marJL"«LS-J Lo ,.n..,:my &1r :u:tlv1ty; about '1& oMmY alrcu1t actlvol ov.:.r thil ?Utn Array front. In Gr..lue.:, !'l.tta.clcs were u.rrbS out Ot
.n>my alrdrom"s c!ostroyin( II alreult on llw cr<T.>nd-
8. ASIA. --An AU!..-d eommunlqu• Nporta tll3t en 16 ()ctcb;r, BritiSh p1&1W
atw:k.:td eommun1cat1ons, troop poa\Uont, and supply b.).S.o-s in surma. El&hl
locomot!vas W~N dam3.i••''od by m.aeh!Jw (\l.n firo b..:tw.:on Prom..: and Thazi;
rl11lw3.y ln.stallations at ~a1ng w-.~ro bomM and motor transport N of
Tounsoo nne! tn lh> Touncup "'"'woe attoek.,d. J•P""""' h>adquar~.>rs and th
supply b:!sJ at Kalomyo in lhv My!ttho 1/allvy woro bombod and ruoJ<Jd.
7. SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST 1>1\CIFIC.·-folomoDA anm: On 15 Oetob.!r,
U.S. h.:>3vy bomb.lrs, with Ugnwr "ac:ort, dropp"d 29 tons of bombs on supply
o.nd p.~rsonnol .,."""at l<OhUI, eau.stnc • xploslono nnc! llros. Six ol 10 to 15
Jnumy ftghtJrs t.nt...rc-.~ptlon w... r..t I hOt down. Buka alrd.rom-.1 w~G
:>lao<l by U.S. mJdlum units whlelt aurt.-<1 tars• fir,s on th.l striP and
rov.:tm"nt ar..:>. No lllllll..o:l··twl ~ at>Q,: On 15 Oetol>.r, 20
d1v..:· bomb..:rs, ~scort..."'i by 4b flCht..:rs, ntbck .. d ~Or<> B:LY ~oa-;
lnwre..:¢ ltl:i d l'.lrttors 1->SU"OY•d 18 dlv.-boml> and 15 Hght..:rs. AlU.K
rn_~l!ml ~'t .,Y.'I;:;.~...~ ~ rw:1vUY atr:l!.Jd tarc...ts alq L"t.:. ncrt.~ COQ.$t at
H.o~ P.'lllaS.L•, d ,,•.r'Vi"'i hU~I ot Slo. P~togrop.>u o! In
R:btWi JbrbG_. • o..J&..:" 1& lo)ct_.-,bu.r, sbo'N 24 ~&0 V..:!:S...:}S to:t.:illnfi; 139C('0 \t'C.S~
3 cru!$.3rs, 9 u,_stroy..:-rs, ? sutnn~.rUh!a, 2 t ..nd.Jl's ;md 1 uclr..J:r. ~ortnw>st
AustrMU-- '&.nlb ~..!:l Ar~ On 14. Oc:tobur, AlU.:d J-o~vy bomb.:rs atuclwd
Bo"la. Cor am, J.Dd supply dumps at T>!31>< wb.:r~ I o! 7 noa~• inwruption was sho\. down.
8. ACTION AGAINST ALLIED SMIPPING.· · Nothlnct lo r.port in MY tho>lr
ll.:l25W S\fht\ngs \D. am ·rlcM'iliUU· No slchtlni;s r~porWd.
For the A. C. ol 5., 0·2:
I • \.. ) ; ' I. \
H. £ . MAOU!RL, •
Colon.3l, G.S.C.,
Chl..:f, ThJ:J.t..."T Group.
- 2·
Regraded Unclassified
No. 202.
l. NORTH AMERICA.--Nothing to report.
2. LATIN AMERICA.--Not.'lin;: to report.
Regraded Unclassified
Ql the night of 14-1 5
Lero s; Sim i has been evac u11te d by the Brit ish. y ship s In the Adr l'llic.
Octo ber, Brit ish dest royer s Inter cept ed 2 eneman tanker, was capt ured
One was sunk and the othe r, a 5,00 0-to n Germt of 13- 14 October, RAF
Md taken Into port . Air Activity: On the nigh U.S. light bomber s
plan es bombed the ra"'I Yard s at Orbe tello, and Vnsto area s . On 11
attac ked ro:lds and tran spor t In the Form ia and! mars~lng yard s and
Octo ber, U.S. heavy bom bers attac ked the Tern t 45 enemy !lgh ters, both
r a il lines betw een Gulllanova and Pescara. at Tern i. U.S. medium
Germ an and Italian type s, were enco unte red
in Gree ce, wher e hits were mad e
bombers attac ked the airfi elds at Argo s Abou t 12 host ile fighte r s atte mpted
among 2? enem y plan es on the ground. on 14 October, 40 enem y
Inter ception over the target. 1n the Aegean,
plan es agai n bombod tho Island,
bom bers attac ked Lero s. That night enemy bom bers continued the
and on 15 Octo ber, 10 enem y bomber s and dive es m:1de a light a ttack on
attac k. On the night of 15- 16 October, .RAF plan
Call nos harb or.
been m:1de between
6. ASIA.-- Chin a: In west ern Yunn an, cont act hascontinuos at sever al
bS. Flgh llng
fairl y stro ng Chin ese end Japa nese forC
r, U.S. med ium bomber s
poin ts W of the Salween Rive r. On 14 Ocytobe area . Dire ct hits were scor ed
conttnued attac ks on ship ping in the Arne
bur ning. Hits wer e also
on 2 medium -size d freig hter s; both wer e left Amoy aird rom e wo.s stra fed.
scor ed on a ware hous e '1nd on an oil dump; the
No enem y air oppo sitio n was encounte r ed.
ea--New Brit'lin
?. SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST PAC IF!C .--New Guin on Bun a and Oro Bay,
Area : On 14 October, the enem y made nllg ht atto.cked Alex lsha fen, dr op -
caus ing mino r dam age. U.S. medium bom dump :u-ea. Enemy lnst: Ub-
ping 32 tons of e xplo sive s on the nirlield and Gasmt>t:1 were bombed on 13
tlons at Cape Hoskins, Capo Gloucester, and : On 14 Octo ber, RAAF
Octo ber. Nortl:west Aus trali a-- Banda ~a Ana ggoer, in the Kal Islan ds,
plan es bombed and strli fed &1laru !SianO. L!ln
also bombed.
Md Dill! , Ltlutem, and Hans lsl, on Tim or, wore
ACTION AGAINST ALLIED SHIPPING.--Aber Brit ish carg o vess el, pre -
8. Octo in the appr oach es to the
viou sly r eport<:d tor p...->doed and sunk on 11
at Sighting s ln Ame rica n
Gulf ot Aden, Is now r e ported not sunk. U-bo
Wat er s: Nothtng to r <Jpor t.
m .~a.q u»t.e
·captain , U.S.N.,
Colonel, G.S.C.,
Chie f, Theater Grou!). Asst. Dlr ., lntelllgence Group.
No. 201.
Regraded Unclassified
os& ee ftt '•
nd was attac:ked by RAF light
On 13 Oct obe r, Ambelos on Gavdos Isla y plan es bombed Lcr os. In Italy,
bom bers . Cn the sam e day about 6 enemes bombed Civltavecchln, and U.S.
on the night of 12- 13 October, RAF plantraf fic at beth end s of the batt le
ligh t bom bers bombed and stra fed road t, and dive bom bers attac~ted Allfe
llne . On 13 October, U.S. medium, ligh (S of Ponto). Allied figh ters
(26 mUes N of Naples) and Ses sa Arunca spo rt and troo p con cen trati ons
patr olle d the batUe are as, atta ckin g. tran only enem y plan es enco unte red
on the Fift h and Eighth Arm y fron ts The nea r Cep rano (SE of Fras lnon e).
wer e abou t 20 figh ters which wer e acti ve Tira na aird rom e and dest roye d
In Albania, u.s. medium bom bers attacY.ed obe r, abo ut 20 enem y plan es
14 ene my plan es on the ground. On cclo 12 Oct
on Aja In Cor sica .
mad e an uns ucc essfUl atta ck
14 October a lone enem y
5. WESTERN EUROPE .- - On the night ot 13-land. On 14 October a stro ng
of Eng
ple:ne dropped bom bs In the Ess ex area ball -bea ring wor ks at Schweln - .
force of U.S. heav y bom bers atta cke d the
Enemy air opposition was the mos t
fUrt ; 573 tons of bom os were: drop ped.
es were 99 pbn es dest roye d, 26
Intense enco unte red to date . Enemy loss
prob ably dest roye d, and 17 dam age d.
-foot freighte r was SU!lk a nd
6. AS!A. -- Chlna: On 13 October, one 290
t ves sel duri ng an atta ck by U.S.
nea r- mis ses ViO'resco red on one 250 -foo Amoy. Between Foochow and
medium bom bers on enem y shipping In
Amoy, one 75- foot barg e was SU!lk.
New Guinea- - New arit ain
7. SOUTH AN:> SOUTh"WEST PACIF!C.-- Song River areawer e ln-
in the
Are a: On 12 Oct obe r, Alli ed posi tion s the following mor ning , 4 enem y
e Uectlve ly bombed by 6 enem y air craf t; owing the heavy Allied atta ck
plan es uns ucc essf ully raided Morobe. y, RAAF plan es atta cked Tob err
of 12 October on Rabaul, repo rted yest erda
both targ ets . On 13 Oct obe r, Alli et
and Rapopo a irdr ome s, heavily strafing king enemy - beld defe nses at
forc es cap ture d the high ground overloo ition s N of Dumpu wer e take n.
sate lber g. In the Ramu Valley enem y pos
- On 11 October a Bri tish
8. ACTION AOAINS'I ALLIED SHIPPING.- roac hes to the Oulf of Aden.
the app
carg o ves sel was torp edo ed and SU!lk In Notll!ng to repo rt.
U-boat Slghtlngs In Am eric an Wat ers:
For the Dir ecto r of Naval Intelligence:
For the A. C. of S., G-2 :
ft:t: . ~ Q
Colonel, G.S.C.,
~ ~&- Ass t.
Captain, U.S. N.,
Olr ., Intelligence Group.
Chief, The ate r Group.
Regraded Unclassified
On Information received-- War and Navy Departments ,
From: 1201 Z, 13 October 1943 Wa.shington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 14 October 1P43 14 Oc tober 1943.
No. 200.
1. NORTH AMER!CA.--On 13 October 10 Jap medium bombers attacked
Alexa! Point, Attu, fr om 18,000 feet , 20 minutes after sundown ; bombs fell
in the water causing no damage.
2. LATIN AMERICA.-- Nothlng to report.
Regraded Unclassified
Oetober the Flfth Army launch.ed strong attacks en the Vclturno River
poatLions held by the enemy. Several bridgeheads have been gained. Air
S[[J,">:) Ol the nlih\ olll- 12 October, RAF planes bombed the Mar!!i:i
afrdrome. and a"tt~tc~.ed enemy shipping l.n the Aegettn &a. QJ 12
OOober , 5 enemy attacks \lo"&re made on LerM island. Slnce 2'7
September, enemy alrcratt have mad:e 68 attacks on Leros. In i\, on 12
Qctob@r. t.J.S. pla.n~s made bombing and strafing atLacks on rall U'an&port
and gun positions in the Termon and Campobasso areas. 0'1 the nlght ot
12- 13 OCtober, RAF planes attacked Shipping and tnstallaUcns ln and near
Co$ harbor.
6. AS!A.--Nothrng to report.
6111ed patr ols reported no enemy tro()ps o.n
on Chotseul wu estimated at 2,000. U.S. medium 1n o. low·-level
attack, sank 2 enemy car-go ~sse1s tn ~.~atchin Bay, northwest Bougaln-
vUlo. New Gu.lnea-- Ncw Sr1t.a1n Area: Three enemy planes ineffectually
raided the Buna a.rea:-?ul""'AlJrea' communique reports that the tropor&ant
jap1111~se base at Rabaul was subje-cted to & heavy attack by AWed aircraft.
A total of 350 tons of bombs was dropped. At le!ll>t 100 enemy aJreralt
were destr o.yed and 50 bad!y damaged en th@ g'r'O\.I.nd, Twcnty•&lx o1 ~0
enorny flght4l'S. attempting lnt..arceptton wore shot down. In the harbor. mer
than 100 6llrface craft were or destroyed~ Lneludlng 3 destroyers, 3
medium cargo ve:ss~In, 43 $mall cargo vo.sscls and a la.r(e nurnber of
harbor craft. Widespread destruction wu also caus4KI ln the watertront aa
supply areas. Northwest Australia- - Banda sea Area: ~ !2 O:tober,
Allied modlum and heavy bombers atiiC'Keif eii&mYilrfJelds on Timor ,
causing fire~ !n the tal'get areas.
1/..~i \.loa c(
Colonel, G.S.C., Captaln, U.S.N.,
Chtet, Th~.ater Group. Asst. Otr., Intelligence GrQUp.
Regraded Unclassified
No. 199.
1. NORTH AMERICA.- - Nothing to report.
Regraded Unclassified
. ber Madra s was
6. ASIA .--ln dla: A communique state s that on 11 OctoAnother enemy
bombed by one Japa nese plane. Littl e dama ge resu
plan e was shot down off the east coas t of Ceyl on.
Area : On 11 October ,
7. SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST PACIFIC. - -Solomons s, each with a strong
U.S. heavy, dive , and torpe do bom bers , in 2 form ation
Kahil! strip, near by In-
fight er esco rt, drop ped 57 tons of bom bs on the heavy bombe rs was Inter -
stall ation s, and supp ly area s. The form ation of
down. Late r 10 Japa -
cepte d by 23 enem y fight ers; 15 of thes e were shot e scor ted by fight ers; 6
nese figh ters Inter cepte d one U.S. sear ch plane
w Brita in Area : In the
enem y figh ters were shot down. New Guinea --Ne
pted to COu ntera ttack
Sate lberg sect or, near Flns chha fen, the enem y attem
y, Allied units drove the
and suffe red heavy casu altie s. In the Ram u Vallephs of the Raba ul area
e nemy (rom his posi tions N of Oumpu. Phot ogra
This may be acco unte d for,
show an Incr ease of 90 plan es since 1 Octo ber. ainv ille area. Northwest
In part , by a decrease of 50 airc raft in the Boug
d heavy units bombed
Aust ralia --Ba nda Sea Area : On 11 Octobe r, Allie
night of 10 October, RAAF
ManokWari and Blra , Dutch New Guinea. On the ing large fires in the
plan es bom bed Ambon, caus ing explosions and start er, on Tim or, were
whar f and barr acks area s. Laut em and Cape ChatOctober.
bombed by Dutch med ium units on the nigh t of 11
ber a Briti sh car-
8. ACTION AGAINST ALLIED S!UPPING.-- On 11 Octo India . U-boat
coas t of
go vess el was torpe doed and sunk off the we st was re porte d
Octobe r a sight
Sl~htln~s in Ame rican Wate rs: On 12 r epor ted 120
s a sight ing was
12 ml es of Bahi a, Braz il. On 13 October
mile s S of Haiti.
For the A. C. of S., G-2: For the Dire ctor of Naval Intelligence :
Jh }'
Regraded Unclassified
/ J
On Infor matio n recei ved- - War and Navy Depa rtmen ts,
From : 1201 Z, 11 Octo ber 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 12 Octo ber 1943 12 Octo ber 1943.
No. 198.
Regraded Unclassified
6. MEDITERRANEAN AREA.··CI> 11 October prorreu wu mJide by llle
AUlea In both llle ncrtMrn and central sectors of tho front In !Lily. Allied
artUlerJ &belled mo,or tranS"pO:rt ar.d tnfl.nltY po1ttlon.a 1n the area of
Cuacalenda, 6 miles SW o! Latino. Despite he&IIJI' -IUon AU!ed troop>
Regraded Unclassified
miles W of Colombo. U-bcnt ~ lJ!_Amerlcan Waters: on 10
- Oetcber a\J)'.t!Jii$ wereTeiiO~• 5W 01 Ltantn!que ond 100 milts
S of Recite. on 11 Octcber slibtlnr• ,..... report.-~ ott the Mlss!sslppl
River delta; o!:f the north coast of )amatea; 1n V'Lndward Pua&&e; SOO miles
E ct Naw; 100 ::niles SE of Bahl&; and 100 milts N of SSnta Cr>z, Braill.
~ .~o..qv.Vr-e
Colonel, G.S.C.,
a~sc~-·Captain, U.S.N.,
Altt. Dtr ., mtclllgence Group.
Ch1ef, Thea.t.e.r Oroup.
- 3-
Regraded Unclassified
Regraded Unclassified
\ /7 /) // ..,
ftL .E.Y\G<.,c,u
! ltf2.. ul::..0 .-t ·t.cur-+-
Colonel, G.S.C., Captain, U. S. N.,
Chief, Theater Group. Asst. Dlr ., lntelllgcnce Group.
Regraded Unclassified
Regraded Unclassified
,·o:J.d jttnctlons Nand tL
Pll: ~'illi!....- -On 8 Octob.· r bt!dg.,s :lnd
of Flgnt.:rs ~tbck:d ~n my ~s w •N ·tttuck.:d by Alll.:d bomb •rs.
transpor t 1nd gw1 positions . In t!k <JO.Sl>rn MedltJrr:me:tn, Alll~..l
att!l.cks w ) r contlnu<Jd on uirclromcs In Cr ~"~ o.nd on Cr..:t.; u.nd flhod~s .
R. ASLA.· - l.D.d.o-C:lli.tll..': On 8 Octob •r, u.:;. hcuvy bornboro, witn
iight r ~~cort. bomb.·d G:>L...m •t lrdrom (P.woi o1r •.:); r.lts w.; r . scorad
in tr. ~ b·.rr .cks kr • .
Colon~! G.S..C.
!lfJ. ~ i~~~~?---
7 c : t.:Jn, u. s .N; Lir., lnt.Uig.Jnc. Group.
Chi<!i Tnillt•r t7NU, .
Regraded Unclassified
1 •
No. 195
1. NORTH AMERICA.--Notb!ng to report.
Regraded Unclassified
5. MEDITERRANEAN AREO.. - -On 8 October there was little change on
the front In llaly, tho•1gh the enemy withdrew slightly along the coast NW
of Termolt. Concentrated N of the Volturno and catore rivers, the enemy
employed small arms and ll~ht artillery to delay the Allied advance. Heavy
rains along the Eighth Army s front added to the difficulty or movement
caused by demolitions. On 7 October a German attempt to establish a
bridgehead on the Dodecanese Island of Simi was thwarted by an Anglo-
Italian counterattack . Air Activity: On 7 October, Allied fighters attacked
enemy motor transport and concentration s NW of Termol!. Allied bombers
r aided the airdr omes of l<astelli-Ped lada (Crete), Maritza (Rhodes), and
Yannlna North (Greece). Enemy bombers made 3 attacks on Leros Island.
6. ASIA. --01 6 October, contact was made with :J')() Japanese near
Eplmaw in northeast Burma. &lbsequ.ently, a limited advance In the Paosha
direction by 1000 Japanese carrying rubber boats was observed. On 7
October, 3 direct hits and 8 near misses were made on one 200-fo'lt
freighter 100 miles S or Amoy. The ship was left on fire and listing. Frenc:
Indo- China: On 7 October, Haiphong cement plant was successfully attacked
OyU.S. heavy bombers with flghter escort. Many direct hits were scored
in the terg~t area and heavy dam:tge resulted. Four of approximatel y 12
Japanese fighters, attempting Interception, were shot down.
7. SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST PAC!FIC.--Solomons Area: On the night
of 8 October an enemy naval force, consistingof "ferestroyers and 1 possible
light cruiser, was engaged by Allied warships NVI of Vella Lavella. One
Jap destroyer was sunk and 2 other vessels, Including the possible light
c ru iser, were destroyed by explosion. .A.nother force of 4 enemy destroyer s
and a third group of small craft retlr~ at high speed. On 7 October, U.S.
planes bombed Kahil! alrfteld with excellent r~sults. In addition, the field
was heavily strafed; 4 gun positions near the l<ahUi strip and all AA fire on
Kangu Hill were silenced. Japanesa shipping activity In this area continues
heavy. New G•Jlnea - New Britain Area: On 1:1 October enemy aircraft
ine!!ectuatiy bombed ATiiCd positions In the Finschhafen area, and on the
following day caused slight damage In a raid on Song River beach. These
planes possibly came from Alexisha!en whero photographs taken 7 October
showed Increased use or the 2 landing strips at that point. Allied bombers
attecked Unea Island (\l'itu Group) and the mouth of t:1e Itni Rlv.. r (south
coast of New Br itein). On New Guinea enemy positions are reported in the
bills 1-1/2 miles S of Satelberg in the Finschhaf.;n area.
8. ACTION AGAINST ALLIED SHIPPING.- l\ Norwegian tan ker was
torpedoed and sunk 1 October in the Gull of A:len. U-boat Slghtin!!S in
American Waters: lllothlng to report.
F or the A. C. of S., G- 2: For the Direc~o Naval ~Uigence:
Regraded Unclassified
No. 194
3. EASTERN EURO ?E. -- Caacas us: The evacJa tlon of enemy forces
from the base of the northe rn finger of the Taman Penins ula has been
comple ted. Only the tip of this finger remain s In enemy hands. Southe
Front: Along the enemy 's Melitop ol- -Zaporo:l.he defens e line, after
some fighting of local signifi cance, there appear s to be no change . Along
the Dnep1·, Soviet units continu e to hold brldge neads on the west ban)( SE
of Kr emonch ug, NW of l<anev, and at the mouth of the Pripet River. Enllmy
counte rattack s contain ed the bridge heads to no import ant gains. Centra
Front: No change . Northe rn Front: Southw est of Vellkle ·Lukl, a Soviet
Ioree has caprure d the town and rail-hi ghway Juncti on at Nevel. In the
Lening rad area, the long-he ld enemy Volkhov line has been penetra ted.
Soviet units have taken t he rall junctio n and t own of Kirlshi . Air Actlvl
of 6-7 Octobe r, the Soviet 1\lr Force attac ed
On 6 Octobe r and on the n lgbt
rail targets at MinSK, Gomel , and Bykhov (all In VJhlte Russia ). Air
attacks were also directe d agains t Dzhankol (Crime a), and Melltop ol.
Nevel, N of Vltebs k, was bombe d before its captur e on 6 Octobe r. Enemy The Red
Air F orce closely suppor ted Russia n operati ons along lhe Dnepr'.
barges and other craft were attacke d In the Kerch Strait.
\ Regraded Unclassified
LAoS! FllD
of 5-6 October, RAF planes heavily bomb~d the Grosseto air dr ome. The
next day U.S heavy bombers e ffectively bombed the ra il yards a t Mestre
(near Venice). About 30 ene my fighters were encounte red over the target.
Medium bombers attacked rail targets and road junctions N and NE of
Naples. Fighters attacked motor transport ;llld enemy positions In the batt
areas. Ten or more enemy fighter-bomb ers were forced to jettison
their bombs near Termoll when lnti!rcepted by Allied fighters. In the
easter n Medlterranea.n on the night of 5-6 October, Allied attack$ were
made on the airdromes at Marltza and Calato and the field at Knstelli -
Pedlad:'l. On 6 October, the Araxos a irdrome In Greece wa s bombed by
Allied planes. The enemy continued his bombing of Ler os with a heavy
midday attack.
Colonel, G.s.c., Captain, U. S. N,
Chief, Theate r Group. - ........ , Intelligence Group.
Regraded Unclassified
1. lfCB'1'B 'MDIC A
~~.. 11M3•
w ....
• iAt. •==
·•r; Jtlll'llN aptnM '"If s 1'•
S:S IJa tile
I tllll wU1 fto!V..te Nidi or lltacD 011 Cllll' ' - - ·
eerviDC either t o
llllf be ct.full'f t or Ciftlnlt'ft,attack 01' t o obtain
Regraded Unclassified
Dllrlng September the GerDWIB uecuted an orderly and rapid retreat,
with a mlnlmllm losa ot prlaoaers, from Stallno, Blavyansk, the Donets River,
Xaootop, and the entire De- River. Also, they evacuated Cbernlgov, Bryansk,
Roslavl, and Smoleask, falling back to the general Une ot the DDepr.
In the northwest Callcasus, 8oviet attacks continued Intermittently during
the early part ot September. Ql 10 September a Soviet amphibious operation oo
the peninsula Just south ot Novorosalsk resulted In the formation ot a bridge-
head. Qle week later Novorosalsk was evacuated by Axis forces. This was
followed by further evacuatiODS from the Kuban bridgehead, Including Anapa and
Temryut; the Axle bridgehead In the Taman Peninsula Is restricted to a neck
10 miles wide.
Regraded Unclassified
Ill . . IIIII
,.,, ,._ l l l e - bolda a brl4pboad, protaatac lbo cii;J
_..._ .s t•ac MUtb &laDe u. Moloch.., R.lwr, to be uchored at
_...., Olllllbo boad al tbo - . , . . rr- CDopr_.onk to lbo cmfb•_.
al lloo l>riPJI&- llle _.., boa .....,. poeltl011 011 lbo wat buk al the Doopr
IIOidiiiC -">IJ =
or two brklpboada aa lbo - buk. Sovtot unite have
naallld tbleut MDt ol tM rlwr ADd mad4\empta to croea to the
Cl. tM'a1 tnDt, ba'l\ac ll'ND up tbll DNM Rlwr, \be O.rmana were
- ... ~-tbo CDopr.
-wal---la_. -....,....._"'
- al V.Wr:la·Lull:llbo 11110 I'OIUblod -lUMCI with apondlc UleiDjlla
by lbo ....... to cll8ladp lbo - - "' Lalla La<I-
Tioo- Ia IIIa
. . Dlllllr- .... -·at.~ - l b o - . . . . . , . ... ~
, . . . . 1M& M blla W"' I WD eloW)J frOID &be 'famaA Pto1aiWa &ad. bu beld
Ule Mal n : ..,.._... r.p cat r ua. tplal& ~. La41CMM u lDteatloa. to
Dulllll I Uttlot-"'< ..,.,._,...<II air
...._...-Air-_... 'I - -
..u.. all crtUcal- Ia
. -lo troop--
. . . . .lnllt, . . - - "'""""' bo... -
-""""~ . . . . -
Ia to-
:tl'e!::t=:•-* ·-· ---- ..-
- I a lhla ....
1 tl flu, lllll*lllllldar
- alf'dl-, ...
.._ ...... _.. .... en.--...
r..... -to....,
IJ(IIflor\lr ID alllbo .,... _ ,. . .,.... Ill lddlllca " " toc._ntlaa
have air
.... ...
/ltl ....... lllo_. _.... caO... - I a lbo 8uoala Soa. CCD•
.,....U.. _ . _.104 .... Ill lbo OWl al PllllaDII by
Reenllta are belnC eallecl up for tbe Portuguese Army and It Ia reportecl
that several new cllvtslOilll are to be formed. Additional equipment for the
Portucuese Army Is betnc suppUed by Great Britain. Important ma.oauvers
have been plannecl for the first weeks In Octotler.
A few llmall formatiOilll of 8118my alrc:raft made Ught and acattared nleht
ralda 011 eut and ao••"eut BncB!!h tOWIUI, but thte aetlon was 011 a le-r _ .
tblll for the put few moatba. DuriDC the laat week -my filbtera malntatned
patrola o..r tbl Freacb a . - 1 cout, mostly In the Calais area, where aa
IIWIJ' as 2&0 sort1ea ..,.... nown In a slnlle day. Some antlahipplnC .ctlvltJ was
DOtecl oil llpalD, and GermaD lq-l'&llp flcbters _... particular~ .clive about
tbl mtcldle of the pertod In opentloaa o..r the a., of B~. German Dlpt
ftptara, In coorc11Dat1011 with atroac M&I'Chlllbt operatl0118, ..,.... aetlve In cle-
f - of '-land tarceta· Onr northern Prance eMmy fighter reaetl011 was
pne~ ftak1 eapec~ nat of tbe Seine River.
Regraded Unclassified
au.....,- a..- '.000- ... ....,.,. ~
814....,.,. _ . 11,1100- C l f - ' " ' ' - lodowtrlal eltlH laeludlor
st b'a, Buotv, M.udcb. 8octlua. ad a.rua. Tbe ht&'I1Ml raid o1 \be wv
....... ~~~~o~er•..,. m.on t!IID 1,110 t..a ar bambi: were drapped m
..-. 1o-....., - . l l o r - ...,. made tbRu&f>out-.
- - · Qonoaor, Olllllho ' - - · ad aiiDoot dally llilbf,u -
br 12>o AlUM.
Tbe OlnDule llt.l4l a attack CID AWed tn••H••!on• <m ~tuberp!l. aa. 8
~·Oi.plla•m•bl>ollr. ~.£irtt& 'aDd tbl toot part LD tbll opwatlaa.
•IDee"' - ~~priDe, 'l'hla
wu- -tbo-·
bod -
•" ttN to tatercepta Ruaala·bclmd CODV07 but was drLven oft bJ Br~
1...... Oo 215 lloplambH 12>o ~ procoe<Uoc ....u. <(! Nor·
..... oout. :: 11 ·led bJ""iiWiii ••orv•· 8be baa SJbaa; 't reacbed
a.-. TboNbo90-llO-~~ .....- ..
._., - · llrltlob - - oplMl Germ. . ohlpplac oil tho Dulcl> eout
ad llllho a.a-1
8optombv mullod tho IAIU&Il.ol>d"'C by U.S. Ioree• "" the Eoar_.,
aoaUDeat -s tbl caplb&1at1oD ol tbe 1ta1111:1 aovemmat, wttb the W140Ddlttooal
8U"NNIIdu cllta U'lll8d foreea. BoweWr, German forct~lb,Jtalr, olt.J'<OilY
nDIIorotd. a6tnd .wr real.atuot, eapoe1•'b' to the 71ttb Arrrq, wbleb 1aDded
_...s ll'acil&, ... _ ....... a1r ad
1 'I DDI'tb aad WHt from u.t c~.
at 8lleftiO. Itt U. d~ ol tbe mcatb thlllnDJ wu entertnc" Nlplee; tbt
- ........ ,.,.,bod ad
~ ...., ..U w :satw, blat bDpedM bJ cm.idenble demoUttau, t1w
atMIIIl 111111 C • a aCMd DOI'tiNud lA tM b1iaa toe. a..raJ. ~
I k t ,e l - 1 b=,...,aiiDCODdtttGDAllan'eDISer. BU'IJontbtfOUOW•
. . •-'"I Alllod- Clf lilt IP1Itb - . . , _ '"'tho o1 tho Gull o1
aa.... Olrlaa troop~ wen •• ,.,., .... .,...a-d·
SalerDo, at tbe nortben
- . . ol . . twldc hr.& wu taaa mS Allied utta w:haactd 4mU.. m..
._. • o • ar tt. ottJ. irtUab
troope, q~~ported br aaval t&Dtts, atend \bo
_ _ Cif_OIIII _ _ npld!Jto Pnaca.W.., ~
_..... _
._- _ _...
- .....
.. llrltllb ad
paN-.... _., Clollo4lu.._•
-::::GIS '\ tta bJ' till a.- OD U
1 ""' Ill llliZ'QO..,. n.wtad 1a roe.
8eptalllber; lDfUtratlaa
t:M 5 SADIId padku lll tbe ,..... DOI'th ol Bllleno. AWed nlm'«et·
._ _ ~-~~~~~~-
,- - -- · naellod thla , _ oo 14 Soptombor•
_ _ _ . . .-
..,_ llll
_b, _o lb -o .....Al1lod
altho -. -·ad
Regraded Unclassified
1 111·t ar~ fl J•&!~ ii
~ ~~
~~ 'J·~lf J•fr ~r~ 1!r!J1 !l. iE i~;Jj ~ t!i~ll 11
~tit• ·J91 (i lfJ:! !Jff~ ttfi•• ,.Er;l
• .
I I&
. _-~~~ ~·, II f~~i~ ~il"f i!J1iJ JJif' ~
.i i. . !nb tit 1•_r ru:t 1,h
u~e§ • ;p,., ~-e.Shtt t.!f~
M~n ~~H!! ! •
lt~l'a81P ~~I!:Ah I
·i ~~~~~
I [!i~ s If-
~. 0
. .. ~ti!~
~.. ri~:ii~
~..{ f!!i;i
;~ l ! Iii
Regraded Unclassified
• 2 2 ....... - - - - - · l l l .o - 1 -....
. , . . . . , . _ , _ . . ,. . N gw - r a - . I U i d
, . _ a;.
. , _ . . . , . - - cllllo . . - , - nctaer- -n- 77111t
_ . . . caporta ra ~· C8ou7ft ol1' . . . - wulholl lb!ftod t o - " "
A222ld IIIIA!IIII all - · - . . lllo -
....._. _--!a
- rodloocontr.u.d rl!dor
to All5od--.. . OD 8 llopl.t-,lllo llal7oD
l l l o - .. - . - . , OormaD aircraft.
2 7 'pp ol1' - lo1riJ ..._ _ , lllo -b' put of ""' - . bul .....
- - air - .•...s ,._ ,_., All5od ,_7Drl: attacu ""a!rfle!da 1n
l7le--Riplq ...S ,..,. ...... ......,. 71> IIOOt7lorll !I&!J, .W. a 7ew
_ , ._.... _.. •ol'lllt:•Nd at tbt a olllptsmbu, AUWd bombSq
. . ,,, - SJ ldwiOhpt._ ber, Almoetoan*'"O ittbombiDI
- - - - All5od , . _ c a - _ _._,..,. IIIII lroop . _ .
- "'7lle-- - -.... - br!dc t
lllloe!a:; _N!I_cl_aed~!J.S.~- ..
1 Parlllor-.
N7l aed ~ - · - belore sod- Ills,_.... lla7l , _ .. v...,..,
"--·.. .,---il *>-.
a.. 11 •·~· tcr, u. GenDIIU bepD to evaeuate Cor~ br atr; abou.t J
l e - ~ plaoee " " ' - - - Core!ca IUid lhi 5l&ll&n
• Ills . _ -
a.l. - - - - -
,..e.---~ .
. .. .........-. . .wrs-
plaoee -
aed . , . eo, sod- -
17"" ra5de 011lllo a5rt7eJ4 Cll Coe II·
r cac.-ea d-., ...S 11>ar-.
ftl ~ aldiiM- cr...- h4 O)od bJ u.. a.nua..
... ___
_ -·-·-
c....__ - -
u t i l e - ol-balll> !111
. . . . . . . . . . . -cltlle-·-ci-SIOeDoe,~ •
. , . . .2 .....
....,._ ell . . _ , . - IIIII !a 4lllod porte, allwre bl&lld7Dc, ir>4J7doek,
. .re
Regraded Unclassified
-- AWod
- ad---
b. a..n.t.--'I'M mceaoc:D ~ comu to aD eDd Ia molt ar.._. ol
lbla -""""&;T~. ~ oldoo 10<1 drflllc r ...S. will mab
.. ....-Jnhll-1 Tlloro
.. pooltla> ~ ... -
~ - tbaltho
,_,.. an DO 1DdlcaUOM ol e..,..mplefed &etlOD apln.R lDd1a OD a major ecale,
llltboaCII _..uc ral<ll op1D1t Alllm, - . "" OO,Ioo roiDAio a coplhWty.
Tbl MIIQ1 ~ dete!'ftllDed to bold Burma at all CCWIU, and traMpOl'taUOD
flcl11tMa to tbat OCOid:rJ from MalaJa &114 'l'ba.1laDIS are belnl lmp_roved COfl•
alllteattr· lD. Cb1Da ud BUrma, IJ'CU&Id act1VIt1 wu llr:Oited to patrol act.toa
call, aD! thla eODdWOD m.11 be ezpected to ecnttnue for at leut another 30 de.J&.
L Centnl PacWc Aroa.... IJ6Ivt damage to ecen\,Y lnBtallatlana resulted
from tbe tr.B:'"ilr "'iiSi"""ol'l""'Sptember 01'1 Marc:u.s lsl.IDd, and of l8·li septem-
bu OD tbe nortbei'D Gilberta W ~LI.M.. bea)J urlal p.troll.lnc mS
armed NC ,__,., the eut lill!ld IOJth of U. Gllbtrt-•MarabaU Jalaftde:
ara coatlaued 4IU1nc tho mccth. Nllll1t!lea, the ft.Ortbernmost of tbe EWU
IIJ.IDISI, wu occupied by U.S. forcte: oa 4. Sep\ombor. EnotQJ planes raided
Nuwn• DD 8 Sep\embt.r, and F\ on 12 September. Enemy alrcran I~a
ID tbl.l area the eMIDJ wlll probably cord.lau.e t4 ~ extensive reeoa-
aat••M- Uld occutoaa.l ra.lda:.
Regraded Unclassified
c •
-·-lid.... ,P*olllal---
1pa. ......
.....,. I 5 52•
"""" ..u.'..-. -·*
'1111- 7 - - - · I odbJa._ID _ _ _
..... _ _ _ . , . , . .
BtwUI ' -IJboldY•I
pnao .... I
- ... -._.a.-loa.--.
oai:IM, o?1-oat- cf u. --Yo?IW-.
5lo w7ll ~IJ ...... 0--
0. 1!1!! - - - 8rlloiD ___ ,. coordllllll... - U.IIDol drift
• ···-··· mlil""piil fiiOPi;OiiT&Iptamber, madllll \IDOI)'pOMd &aDd1nC
14 11111M -
lbe alrllolll. Allaa.t
- -
cf l.oo, IIIII lllllll""loteiJ .__..., 011 -
U.S. pantrooporo w.t.d at Nodllb, IIIII,
broucl>t IIIIo lbe
- - cf t i l e - Allied I tt nett- ot Worobo Olld IPopol ..,.. ottaeDd
. - - . 'tile- U. 111CIOIIII cf
~.eo, oMieet" :t - - A l l i e d . . . . . . . l.oo. -
JUwr,- of
.... nklo _,.
1 • ' ' ....... AWed J I #tme Ia 1M ,..,.tt 11 ana, IDi tbe nill'ft18 aDd
a. 1M- ••
Jllllllllb ad Ylr'''- wnllao ~ ID ~to bomb11C
- ... - ' . , illh .... . . - , - . Al1lod ~
'-llld ~-Y-rcod.
........... . OIIPPI:J - - - - -tlle-
......., -'ftle.-a••OIIOIIblpplociD
--.....,., dart5ll tile-. 01101 ~~~~- U C!eeob 01101
Clpt CRv Elf • . . . Bratala wen frat W'r aUM._, A DtW 1,800-foct
....... - ~ '"'l.alllopo loiOIId,- cf ........ ID tbo Adllllnllq
CINif, . . . . . . . . . . - .......
aa ............- .,._ _ -Cit --IIPtOJ'IIIMro
,.. a ... lisb 4 • • . . . . , - - a-· ,.. _,.
- . . . , " Jll 1 1 2 - -lo -aopt Allied wooote -.od ID U.
11"*'1. Ho 111o111111
.-...--~""-· JloAIIIod....-lcnftWONro·
_ 411>,_
. .. -01101 - ,._.,
' 12 , -..........----
--·. ... .......-.
,.._..,. .. ....,...sMtlaDIDIMBrJ •
•PMtao.,.....IIS' tv.
.......... PI"• ...... lite
I ,.......
· 10-
"*, I
....... -
Regraded Unclassified
..- s~. ....,
Located lA;
....... (0, 15?; D, U: L, 14) • • • • . . . , •.• :aoa Roo•m•n''" (ID RUNl& 0, 7i 0, 2i
CJonuor (0, 4; D, 5; A, M ; L, 1) • • • • • • • 47 tn R.oum&ftla o, 18; D, 2) ••.•• 211
p,._. (0, U; D, 17; L, 4; U, 4) •• 38 H_...,. (II\ H11111UJ 0, 30', D, 2;
1ta1:r 1e-•1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 18 IDil-1& 0, 4•) •••••••••• 35
- (lael. - ud C.....)(O, 12; 0, 5; L, I) 18 Bulpri&a (11¥:1. 1 oqlllv. Cav Dlv ud OKI.
N""'"J' (0, 8; 0, &; L, I) • • . • • . • . • • • • . 12 I AeiDII and I lo& Brlp)
Palad(O,I;D,4;A,&) ••••••
....._ (0, 7) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
.. 10 0 •• . P\llalall (ad. I Cav, 2 CA, I - . I Armd,
Co- Loclltclll\:
Natlai&IIIJ p- Japaa, korea, PormoA. B&kA&11A, Kurilea
oar- ........ .. . • 0 •• 0 •••• 5150
(oxcl. 14 Depot 01.., I Tk
Jloct, 2 lnd aWoocl Brlp,
• 0 • 0 ••••••••• 0 ••••••
3800 34,500 O&rrloao Tpo) ••••• 13
- - . , . . . (OKJ. I C••llrl4. Ill Tit Jlocto,
IIAIML 'CIMU 338,000--
Tpo.l3-r~) . 14
'l'Jpo a..- II I c- (ood. 14 1.11o1 . . - Brtco. :z c . . Drip,
Blltl:l h'J 3 (I)• 10 ITII ~. 300,000Cb1Dooa
Alia. C&rrton
0.. OJ&N
.. 38
1 ..
- ancl 5,000 Ot.rrl.lool
Tpo) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
-.<:lllaa, Tballaacl, Bor- (OK!. I Tit
Ract, 1?,500 G&rr1aoo Tpo) •• e
lolalap., Now Oulata, Sol-, Pll1llp·
llabmuteM 436 88 plnoo, Ntocl•lat (OK!. 1 l.lld
mlu4 Brie. 2 Tit Jloct&,
•v...ll UDditl' rap&&r, . . _ . aa pranalbNN, ..,. 14 8,000 Otrrlocll Tpo). • • . . 10
- Ia lila IGt&lo.
fMJ!ellevecl ..,. I,w~
IDol. I NJV, CL,na61or
DD- tDd.. "'"""'· 8. __,,., 10 bave 1R<It IDCiiiidtcl Ill O&rrlaoo TJ"OOI* Iota!.
lln&bMaa ~101&4 Ill Ire! . . . . . 1843.
Regraded Unclassified
j ; I 1 tl .,,, Jill !D I ll'll I I
r :1
tl' :i~ . filf!~i!!l;i~- ji!i! ;t!jii'iJ!!ifl ijiii;,~
· ~~ &~:li J!lff .. afi" ~- !• li J~oil~ ~~~ !!_g
~ ~ rfn~~~~~7... [ ~! l =re e ~
Regraded Unclassified
No. 193
1. NORTH AMERICA. - -Nothlng to report.
af.;K~~:: r--
~ t}
N:1:.~Q~ J.l;.....,
Coloc.el, o.s.c.. ca,utr., U. S N.,!, Theate r Group. Asst. Otr., lntelUC'"nee Group.
Regraded Unclassified
On Information received-- War and Navy Departments,
From: 1201 Z, 5 October 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 6 October 1943 6 October 1943.
No. 192
1. NORTH AMERICA.··Nothlng to report.
2. LATIN AMERICA.· -Former minister of education Carlos
Lozano, who Is pro- United Nations, has been appointed foreign minister
of Colombia to replace Gabriel Turbay.
3. EASTERN EUROPE.-·Southern Front: No change. Central
Front: lt is believed the enemy recaptureathe town of ChernObyl, 15
miles W of the Dnepr, thus further redUcing the Soviet bridgehead at
the mouth of the Prlpet River. In the Gomel area there appears to be
no change. The enemy continues to withdraw In the Mogllev--Orsha--
Vitebsk area, with Soviet forces occupying the town of Kolyshki, 29
miles E of Vitebsk. Nol;'thern Front: No change. Air Activity: 0'1
the night of 4-5 OCtober rail targets at Zhlob!n and"Rogachev, NW of
Gomel on the Central Front, and at Vasilevka and Mel1t6pol on the
Southern Front, were bombed by the Soviet Air Force. Ql 5 OCtober
enemy artillery positions and communications along these fronts
were subjected to air attacks. Bombings of enemy shipping In the
Black Sea continued.
4. WESTERN EUROPE.--01 the night of 3-4 October, RAE bombers
heavily attacked Kassel; AA fire was moderate to Intense and 30 to 40
searchllgbts -reoperating. Enemy fighters were encountered en
route to the tar~ but there were few fighters over the city. Ql the
night of 4-5 October, the RAF followed up the U.S. daylight raid of
4 October on Frankfurt with a heavy night attack; numerous search·
Ughts and moderate AA fire were encountered. There was llttle
enemy fighter reaction. A smaller force of RAF bombers attacked
the chemical works at Ludwlgshaven. On the same night 6 enemy
planes made llght attacks alon& tho east coast of England. Early on
4 October units of the British Home Fleet, augmented by U.S. units
!ncludJng a carrier, ct.rrled out' a successful ope.r atlon against
enemy shlppln( In the Bodo (Norway} area. Carrle~based planes
obtained hits on 9 merchant vessels of from 3,000 to 10,000 tons,
Including an 8,000-ton tanker. Hits or near-misses were also scored
on 2 smaller vessela. Two enemy planes attemptln( !ntercept!oo
Regraded Unclassified
•ere shot down. ~ the same mornln.g, 4 or 5 German destroyers
wore engaied. qll Brost by Br!tlsb destroyers. Soma damage was ln-
Oicled oii the enemy.
·6. MEDITERRANEAN AREA.--0, 5 Oct ober, tho onomy covered
hlo wttbdrawal In Italy by domol!t!ono ud mtnln; on an !neroased
scale. However, he yielded th<l Important junction• ot Aver.u, 9
miles NW ot Naploa, and Santa Mula, 3 m!lu SE ol Ca.pua. AU led
trocps crossed the Calor• River at Benevento and ldvanced NW app=t-
mately 5 miles. Rslnlorcod by eddltlocal lsndlnca at Tormolt, ole-
menlO at tbe EIChth Army ~ the """my at Potacclato, 011 the
cout 7 miles W ot Ttrmoll. :1!!: ~vlty: Q, the nicl" ot 3-4 Ootd>er
tbe raU yards at Clvttovocchla we~ by RAF pl&r.ea and a
light attack wu modo 011 Bastla harbor, Corsica. Q, 4 Oct~r. Allied
bombers attacked the roll yards ot P!sa, rail br!dpa at Bolzano, and
road and raU targeta N and NE ol Naples and In tho battle area. Twenty
enemy llihters lntorcepled over Bolzano; 4 were deSiroyed. Ten
enemy llghters, after attack!nc TermoU, were intercepted a.nd one was
destroyed. Shipping at Bast!a harbor wos-agaln attacked by Allied
ptanes; c:ne merchant veasel exploded from direct hlts. Fourteen
Do-217's weto lntet'C<Ipled by Allied planes over Oran; 3 wero destroy-
ed. In Greece, 011 4 October, Allied planes boml>od tho alrllolds at
Argos and! (Jwar Alllens). LerO$ harbor wul>oml>ed by
ene~y planes.
Regraded Unclassified
8. ACTION AGAINST ALLIED S!I!PPINO.·· dn 4 October a Srltlsb
c&r(o veosel was sunk by alrcralt oU Alcters. U-bost Slr.';tings!!!.
American Waters: 0c: 4 October tWO poaalble UCb""t slg litJ6S """''
riP(iiied ofi P.e-cil'e.
For the Dtrectcr o! Naval InteUlgenee;
For trA A. C. e! S., G-2:
Regraded Unclassified
No. 191
Regraded Unclassified
British reinfor cemen ts were landed on the south coast. Air Activit y:
On the night of 2- 3 Octobe r the Calate airdro me on Rhodes was attacke d
by RAF heaVY bombe rs. On 3 Octobe r, AUled bombe rs and flghler
bombe rs attacke d roads, bridge s and transp ort N of Naples. Only 29 e:terr
fighter s were seen, and 5 were destroy ed. However, in the Aegean there
was consid erable enemy air activity over Cos and enemy paratro ops
landed In the cen~r of the Island. During the day Allied planes attacked
enemy shipping oft Co:s. On the night of 3-4 Octobe r, R1\F planes
attacke d the Herakllon aird rome on Crete.
6. ASIA.- - China: Two 300-fo ot fre ighters and one gunboat at Klukian g
docks were bombed and strafed by U.S. fighter s. Three near -misse s were
scored , damaging the gunboat. Fires were started In the dock area.
Burma : On 3 Octobe r enemy shippin g In Rangoon was attacked by U.S.
heaVY bombe rs. L!rect hits were scored on a 350-foot vessel and bursts
were seen on the dock Installa tions. Two of 4 enemy fighter s. attemp ting
Interce ption were destroy ed .
Regraded Unclassified
On Informati on received -- War and Navy Departm ents,
From; 1201 Z, 3 October 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 4 October 1943 4 October 1943.
No. 190
SE~$-1 •
...~ ~
Regraded Unclassified
figh ters. One larg e build ing
the Tela n RR stati on were attac ked by U.S
bombed by the Japa nese . On
was set on fire. l<lenow airfi eld was agai n ed appr oxim ately 82,0 00 tons
1 OCtober phot ogra phic reco nnai ssan ce show
On 1 OCtober, U.S. heavy
of shipping In Hong Kong harb or . Burm a:
e ln. Othe r U.S. plan es bombed
bom bers attac ked Indu stria l targ ets ln Bass
OCtober, U.S. plan es attac ked
Thaz l Junc tion, Nam tu, and Kyau kpyu . On 2 ywa and Alon, W of Mandalay.
railw ay targ ets and stor age facil ities In Mon
ted alon g tho Indian front ier ,
Japa nese defe nsiv e work s are bein g cons truc
W of the Chlndw!n. A sear ch of the And
aman Sea In clea r wea ther re-
addy the RAF carr ied
veal ed no enem y ship ping . On the cent ral Irrawmer , which was left burn ing.
out conc entr ated atta cks on a larg e padd le stea
ns Area : On 2 OCtober,
7. SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST PAC IFIC .--So lomo t of Bou galn vllle on a
heas t coas
4 dest roye rs were sigh ted off the nort 10 dest roye rs were sight ed
sout heas t cour se. Thre e and a half hour s laterGuinea - New Brit ain Area :
In 2 grou ps off the nort h tip of Cho lseu l.
oper ation s cont inue d In the Fins chhl i!en area .
On 2 Octo ber mop ping up
e cnamy t)arg es·an d st'fli!.ad
On 30 Sept emb er, PT boat s dest roye d 3 larg Huon Peni nsul a).
troo ps at Vltlcke poin t (on the nort h shor e of
Brit ish carg o vess el was
8. .ACTION AGAINST ALL IED SHIP PING .--A of Bize rte. A U.S. carg o
mile s W
torp edoe d and sunk 30 Sept emb er 50
OCtober. U-bo at Slght ings
vess el was sunk by a mine off Blze rte on 1was reported 200 mile s W of
In Ame rican Wat ers: A poss ible sight ing wore repo rted on ;3 OCtober:
J&:malca on I OCto ber. Two poss ible slgh tings
W of Mar tiniq ue.
50 mile s NW of Trin idad and 200 mile s
For the A. C. of S., G-2: F or the Dire ctor of Nav al Intel ligen ce:
j/:. !/ ...
Colo nel, G.S. C.,
a 2~-J] k .a. c ·J -- -
Capt ain, U. S. N.,
Asst . Dlr. , Intel ligen ce Grou p.
Chief, The ater Grou p.
Regraded Unclassified
No. IS9
I. NORTH AMF.RlCA.--Nothing to report .
Regraded Unclassified
Japanese aircraft dropped bomos on Tayu, Slnfeng, and Lungnan, all
in southern China. ·
September, Kahil\ was attacked by Allied heavy bombeTs:- More than
30 enemy fighters intercepted; 4 were shot down. On 1 October, over
3 tons of bombs were dropped on the Vila landing strip. Allied land
forces on Vella Lavella cleared the Tlmbala Bay and Marquana Bay
areas of enemy troops. New Guinea--New Britain Area: A communi-
que reports that on 2 Octooer, Ftnschha:reii" was-Captured by the
Allles, and all organized resistance in the area was overcome. The
capture of Flnschhafen was preceded on 1 October by heavy atlacks from
Allied light bombers and dive bombers. Photographs of the Rabaul
area on l October, showed 1 heavy cruiser, 1 light cruiser, 10
destroyers, 5 submarines, and 25 merchant ships, Including 3 tankers.
Merchant shipping totaled 118,000 tons. This represents some Increase
over tbe tonnage on tbe latest previous sighting. A total of 183 air-
c r aft was on the a\rflelds,and 3 flying boats and 8 float planes were In
the harbor. This Is a decrease from the last full coverage on 13
August when 287 aircraft were seen.
8. ACTION AGAlli'ST ALLIED SHlPPrnG.-·- Nothlng to report.
u,boat Slghtlngs ~ Amer ican Waters: No slgbtlng reported.
For the A. C. of s., G-2: For the Dlrect?r of Naval Intelligence:
/!',·/.'. a
tn .\),., Ctei'.v/l~ I
; e
' )
.e ; '\.
' ( .
I ;
L.a. ,.,:· - -- -
. ,
Regraded Unclassified
On ln!ormatlon received- - War and Navy Departments,
From: 1201 Z, 1 October 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 2 QcSober 1943 2 October 1943.
No. 1'3ll
1. NORTH AMERICA. -- Nothlng to report.
Regraded Unclassified
: On 30
7, SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST PAC!F!C.- -Solo mons Areaked targe to
ssful ly attac
Septe mber , U. S. medium bomb ers again succe : Photographs
at Ka.rasa, on Chol seJl. New Guinea--New Brita in Area second strip at
of 30 September show theS trlp at Cape Hosk tns and the""
e. Enemy troops
Cape Glou ceste r,bot b on New Brita ln,to be :;erv!ceabl durin g the night
were repor ted landing from a subm arine at Gasm ab,
of 30 Septe mber ,
t. U-boat
8. ACTION AGAINST ALLIED SH!PPlNG.--Nothlng to repor
Sightlngs ~ American Wate rs: No sighting repor ted.
- 2 -
Regraded Unclassified
On information rece rved-- War and Navy Departments,
From: 1201 Z, 30 September 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, l Oqtober 1943 l October 1943.
No. 187.
Regraded Unclassified
» UfliD
oaD ~~C~~T
There was no enemy air activity over the combat area.
AS!A.--Burma: On 29 September , targe ts of opportunity we re
6. dama ged
attacked by U. S. mediu m bomb ers . Rail facUl ties were
Mony wa),
at Tantabln (26 miles N of Shwebo), at Alan (7 miles N of heavy
and at Ye-U. Large fires were starte d In Akyab by u.S.
bomb ers.
7. SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST PACIFIC.- -On 29 September, about
250 Japanese were surro unded opposite Umomo Island, edonthe enemy
northwest coast of Vella La vella. U. S. aircra ft attack
oyers ,
barge depot at Kakasa, on Cholseul. A numb er of enemy destr centr al
small vesse ls, and barge s was sighted In the north ern and
ip, was sunk; a cargo vesse l
Solomons. P.. vesse l, pr obably a warsh ese convo y
was set afire; and a third vesse l was dama ged when a Japan
Allied aircr aft of( south ern Bouga invtll e.
of 11 ships was attacked by ground troop s
New Guinea-- New Britai n Area: On 29 September, Allied small enemy
advanced to witl11n a half m1reOC Flnschhafen. Three
lsed. Ai!ied
count eratta cks, 3-l/2 miles W of the airfie ld, were repu North west Aus -
plane s bombed and strafe d track s S of Finsc h.lla.fen.
mber the nicke l cente r at Pome iaa,
tralia --Ban da Sea Area: On 28 Septe
CereOes, was subjected to a light attack by Allied aircra ft.
- 2-
llSCUS StJl"ll l 11
Regraded Unclassified
No. 186.
1. NORTH AMERICA.--Nnthlng to report .
For the A. C. of S., G- 2: For the Dir ecto r of Naval Inte llige nce:
rt z ~QQ~
H. E. MAGUIRE , \.
Colonel, G.S .C.,
a.t1A. E HRADER,
Cap tain , U. s. N.,
Ass t. Olr ., Inte llige nce Group.
Chi ef, The ater Gr oup.
Regraded Unclassified
0 \ I I' ';t_Jife!J!!
ARMY- NAVY / ..,._,
No. 185.
I. NORTH AMERICA.--Nothlng to repor t .
2. LATIN AMERICA.-- Nothing to repor t.
Regraded Unclassified
For the A. C. c! S., G-2: For the of N.avsl tnteUigence:
Regraded Unclassified
No. 184.
l. NORTH AMERICA.- - Nothing to repor t.
low ~~2
In the
wher e the terraii~ls~ln~te~r~s~pe~rs~e~<l~w~lth~m~ar~sihie~s~.~~~~~~
flat !;
the city. At Doepropetrovsk the enemy
s have
appea rs to have abandoned his br idgehead since Soviet force ban k of
occupied Ni~hne-Dneprovsk, a subur b of the city on the east
the river . Near Krernenchug, Cherk assy, and Kanev the enem t units
contin ues to withdraw from his bridg ehead s. At Kiev, Sovie
rs to be
have reach ed the river N and S of the cross ing, but ther e appea lgov area,
little change In the situation. Centr al Front : In the Chern SoViet
Red Army units have reach ed the Dnep rona broad front.
the rest of
force s have advanced to within 20 miles of Gomel. Along ern Front :
this front the enemy contin ues an order ly retre at. North
activi ty
No chang e. Air Activity: ~ 26 September, consi derab le salr attack ed
was repor tedlii the Meiltopol area wher e both air force
~the night 26-27 Septe mber the Sovie t
airfie lds and conce ntrati ons. They also
Air Force bombed the rail junctions at Gomel and Orsha . and the rail
attack ed rail targe ts W of Smol ensk and W of Cherk assy,
junction ol Dzhankol In the Crimea.
4. WESTERN EURO PE.·· QJ 28 Septe mber , enem y plane s flew U. S.
from Hollan d to Dlepp e.
16:'> defensive sortie s over the coast repai r sh ops
bomb ers made a 104- ton attack an the aircra ft assem bly and slight.
at Rheim s. No enem y plane s wer e encru ntere d; AA fire was
On the 2'1th, U. S. heavy bomb ers, with fighte r escor19 t, attacked Emden.
Enemy air opposition was stron g; fighte rs destro yed enemy plane s.
5. MEDITERRANEAN AREA .-· In Italy, on 27 Septe mber, the no
North east of Saler
was evacuating the whole area around Fogg! a.
Progr ess
the Filth Army drove thS ~~Jf~ vicini ty of Avellino.
tiD~itf.l:;,:l- 12
Regraded Unclassified
uso IS~C#!T
was also report ed agains t Germa n positions on the heights NV/ ~f ers
Salerno. Alr Activit~: Q\ the night of 25-26 September, RAF bomb
attacked tneroad le&~ ing N from Formi a. On the 26th, U. S. planes
bombed and slrafe d enemy positions in the Sarno area, also motord.
transp ort at Benevento and N of Foggla, and the Pomlgllano airfielair-
On the night of 25-26 September, RAF planes bombed the Hassarn!and
drome at Athens. The next day, U. S. fighte rs attacked Mosta
lmotski airdro mes (SE of SaraJevo In Herzegovina). Enemy planes
made 2 attack s on Leros harbo r in the Aegean Sea.
6. ASIA.-- China: On 26 September, Japane se planes attacked d
AlUed forward afr bases at Kanchow, Klan, and &llchwan. Delayeber,
action bombs were used agains t Kanchow. Burma : On 25 Septem
U. S. heavy bomb ers attacked Thanbyuzayat a t the Burma end of the
railwa y to Slam now under constr uction . A sweep off the south Burma
coast observed no shipping. Rail facUlt ies at Ywata ung and Moksagyan
were attacked. On 26 September, 35 tons of bombs were dropp ed on the
Letpadan ran junction NW of Rango on. Akyab also was attack ed. The
RAF continued to liaras s Japanese comm unicat ions In the Araka n area
and along the Rangoon--M andala y railro ad.
Regraded Unclassified
No. 183.
l. NORTH AMERICA. - -Alaska: On 26 Septemb er a small, sur-
faced eDemy submar ine was observe d about 7 miles out of Chichagof
Harbor, Attu. Previou s Indications that the enemy carries out ex-
tensive air searche s E of the Kurlle Islands have been confirm ed.
2. LATIN AMERICA.- - Nothlng to report.
/j }~ :M:-~.. , ~....r--
·. ---
JtL -~ aowi-uz.
H. E. MAGUzRl:,\,_
Ct (__ 1.
' • '-""'
Regraded Unclassified
On Infor mati on rece ived -- War and Navy Depa rtme nts,
From : 1201 Z, 26 Sept embe r 1943 Washington , D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 26 Sept embe r 1943 26 Sept embe r 1943.
No. 182.
For the A C. of S., G-2: For tha Dlr!cto r e(.zhva l Intellige nce:
Regraded Unclassified
On 1n1or matl on rece\ve:I- - War and Navy Depa rtme nts.
From : 1201 2 , 24 Sept embe r 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 25 Sept embe r 1943 25 September 1943 .
No. lSI.
1. NORTH AMERICA .-- Noth lng to repo rt.
Regraded Unclassified
) o,.,.~~ "
ARMY- NAVY ..: ) .,_' ,,
! ..l l .
War !llld Navy Dep artm ent s,
Q'l lnfo rma tlon rec eiv ed- - Washington, D. C.,
Fro m: 1201 Z, 23 September 194 24 Sep tem ber 1943.
0 Z, 24 Sep tem ber 1943
To : 120
No. 180.
rep ort .
1. NORTH AMERICA.--N othing to
ort .
2. LATIN '\MERICA.--Nothlng to rep
ln the kub an, the ene my con -
3. EASTERN EU RO PE. --C auc asu s:At Mcl!topol, the situ atio n re-
tinu es to withdraw. Southern Froand Dn epr ope trov sk, ene my cou nte r-
ma ins unc han ged . At Zap oro zhe
r est ore d his pos itions E of the big
atta cks app ear to have par tial ly
nchug are a, th• ene my , haVing Dnepr.
bend of the Dnepr. ln tile Kreme ret rea t to the west bank of the
eva cuated Poltava, ccn tinu es hls e taken
ln the Kiev are a, Soviet uni ts
ast ride the Konotop rail roa d hav y uni ts
er. No rthe ast of Kiev, Red Arm
Brobr!.{, 25 mil es from the riv wit hin 12 mil es or tha t city . Cen tra
alo ng the Desna app ear to be ret rea t between Che rnig ov and
Fro nt: The enemy continued his cha on the rall l'oa d, 72 mil es W
occ upi ed Une
Rosfiivl. Soviet for ces mel. Sov iet for ces In har d figh ting
Bry ans k and about halfway to Go mil es o! Smo1ensk. Northwest
the NE to wit hin 15
advanced !re m hway,
of Smolensn Red Army uni ts, 40 ast rid e the V !lzh -- VItebsi< higFro nt:
mil es of Vltebsk. No rthe rn
advanced to within les s tha n --
No app are nt change .
tem ber , U. S. me diu m bom ber s
4. WESTERN EUROPE. - - On 22 Sep Evreu~. whil<' fighter s car ried
rom e at
made a 94- ton atta ck on an aird . AA !Ire was weal< and mo der ate
out stro ng, coo rdin ate d swe epsIn the St. Orn er-- Lille are a, 10 enemy
opposition was enc oun tere d. g, 26
fig hte rs wer e encountered but and they avoided combat. At Flu s hin fig hte rs
2 we re des troy ed. E'nemy
ene my ttgh ters wer e engaged ais !ll'ea. On the night of th!l 2Jnd
flew about 170 sor ties ove r the Cal stra fed poi nts In F:ast Anglla.
about 12 enemy air cra ft bombed by RAF pla nes , which enc oun tere d
Hanover was heavily bombed
r chlight ncttvity coo rdin ate d with
mo der ate AA fire but Inte nse sea re made on Oldenbu rg and Emden .
ene my fighters . Lighte r atta cks cau sed ser iou s dam age to the por t
heavy bom bPr s
On tho 23rd, U. S. r.l stro ng ene my air opposition was
and r an· fac ilit ies at Nantes, whe Cl sho t down. Oth er U. S. heavy and
enc oun tere d; 13 enemy plM es wer s at V.mnes, Ker lin, and Conches.
medium bom ber s attacKed air dro k or non -ex iste nt, and AA fire ranged
Enemy air opposition wa s wea
ynt t
from weak to Inte nse . -3-7 1
,..c u.a&l
~~ ~ T
Regraded Unclassified
5. MEDITERRAN EAN AREA. · ·ln !laly, on 23 S.ptom ber, lbt
otter ed elliJ restsl = lo the Alllee on tilt Salerno front. •nomy
early momlz li consid erable motor transp ort wu oi>Mrvod In Ill.
mOIIlnC ~and
W throucb Avellino. Tho major part oJ the Sorren
to. Penins ula Is now
In Allied hands. The Elllhlh Army, h4mJ)4re<l by demoli tions,
some prccre ss •11alns t other wise IIcht opposition. Allied troops mnde
capture d the towna oJ 1/.atera, approxlmatA!ly 35 mllas N o!
and Oliveto Citra, l.bcul 3 miles N oJ Conturel. Ql 21 · Tarant o,
22 Sopt.·mber
the Gormtma woro evacuntlng CoralC!\. Alr Acttvttfb On the
2> · 22 Sepwm ber, Allied planes droppe d125 tens o omba ntght of
a t Bastta, Corsic a, strll<~nr 3 s!>tpa and oil l'lnks. 0\lrlzli on tha lurbor
nlllht and the next day roads and brldi" " N and E of N3ples
bombed by u. S. atrer<>tt; gun positio ns NE ot Salerno werewer. huvlly
bombed. Attacks were m:L.d -- on enomy tranapo.rt a1rcru nleo
t fiylnl be ~
t ..~n Corsic a lUll! Le0hom. Eumy •lr 'tucu on Allied
ln the salerno &r4& wert.. en ll reduced scale. Alrdromes
.Jl M~ar.a
(Rhodes) ond Eleuela (Athens) were nttacked by u . s.
hoovy oombor s;
no cnom.y planes were encountered. en the ntcht of 21-2:2 Septem
a Ior ee ot Allled torl)4do beats sank 2 enemy mercha nt vessel ber,
scored hits on 2 Olher ships ln the Say 0: Valona, Albanta s and
. Fire !rom
shore batterl es wae encowltered.
Regraded Unclassified
- For IM Ol~or o! Naval lr.leUiienc:e:
rt-:L .\---nQ~
Colonel, G.s.c., C•ptt.ln, U.S.N. ,
Chtef, Tnea~r Gr®p. Aut. Olr. , lnteUt 0ence Group.
Regraded Unclassified
On t.nfor mation receive d-- War and Navy Depart ments,
From: 1201 Z, 22 septem ber 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : .200 Z, 23 septem ber 1943 23 septem ber 1943. C1
No. 179.
Regraded Unclassified
coast. Air Actlvuf.' Durin~ the night ol 20-JI September and
!ollow lni(loy, AU M plan•• attacke d enemy commu nlcallo ns, on the
tr'VIS ·
port, and potllttonl tn the battle area, as -.•et: aa c:omma
mlcaUon.t In
the !'aplea ar~•. 01 Jl Se;>tember, barl>cr and rail lnot-lla
Lt11ncrn, and Bastla (!:orsle a), were also bomt·ed by Alliedtlons at
No enemy lighter opposition was encountered by the Allied aircraf t.
bombe r s,
but cbrini Ute day an•my bombe rs and !lgi;t•r 5 made attaei<S
Salern o ar •a. In the eastern rranea n, on the nliht In tl>
c! ,:QQh-
21 Dt, the R AF attacke d enemy alr!leld s at Haasant (near
HorakllOil (Crete). and Marltza (Rhodes). T;-mt3 kl alr!ltld Athens),
on Crete
hts been d•stroy ed by the O.rmtl ls.
a. ASIA.- -China : On 31 SJptember , photo reeonn alsaaneo ever
!long Kong h~rbor reveale d eight merch ant vessoln ran,lng
to 7!0 teet In length, In addition to a 5<10- !o« tan<er . 01 !rom ZOO
U>e KO'I -
lo~ side two 300-!00 1 and two 500-!001 sltlps
and o."e 300-loot de-
stroyer were observed. Burma: On .H Septemter, U. S. heavy
bombe r s attacked objecti ves aEll.slpaw and Zl11on, and damng
Shwebo and Ywalauni rail yards and r.he 'l'anccn rail ed th1
briJ .e.
w&re also matle at Sccccn and MQ<~yt>'&. Heavy and medium Attac<s
dropped about IS ton• of e xplosiv es on Welle!, scorin g hils bombe rs
!acllltles. on rail
Regraded Unclassified
0 ..
g&4Dit& T
""' ""'' , ...,_,.
AC1'ION ACAI!':S'r A!. LIED SHk'i'L'lCi.•·A U.S. l.lberty 1;.olp
tcrptd~ 20 Se~teober approxttnat•ly t&O mll~s So! Iceland
1\rod IS presumed $lm..oc:. U- bOQt Slghtln~ ~n Am~rlc:sn Wsters; A
llcl:t:nc was reported u SCptemb ·r mlloa £ ol »•~·
Fer the A. C. o! S., G-2: Fe-r ths Dlr~ctor ot t:avat ...ntelliienc~:
n Y. )na..Q('-;'lC. (i~~ r:~/~--
H. E. MAGUI!!E, A. E~·tCHR:\OEh.,
Colonel, G.S.C., Ca~la~r., U. s. N.,
Cnle!, T~eater Gr oup. .~sst. !llr., lnt llillenc 1 Group.
Regraded Unclassified
On Information received-- War and Navy Departments,
From: 1201 Z, 21 September 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 22 September 1943 22 September 1943.
No. 178.
1. NORTH AMERICA.- - Nothing to r eport.
·::.,,.ntrUI _
Regraded Unclassified
bombers. mcftectually r31ded r'on Mor"!JCy. _,httO(r3:ph3 nken 20
Septemoer, pa.rtlally covering til. • Rab&Jl &r\la, s~r"• t5 v.:3&.ols.
lncl.uhn.: l heavy cr.Jts~r. 1 liint cr~laer, G dutroytrs. 5 s-.J.bmarin;!s,
tr.d 9d,OOJ tcr.s cf mereb:ult a.1lppl"' ln the har.or, and >• flgl:t>r
>l•nu and 98 modluc and llg•t bombers on Lur..nal, VwtL<an3.>,
IV'A R.3.popo alrdrcmes. Nc-rtll.west Atatr lti··Bands St>'l Araa: Alli~
plAn.a auac:.ctd Nmlea. BD.!rO. ISliJid, arid Lanu"<k:r~~ :Shnds.
rr.t".\\Y'\(,l tv-l;'I..L
Colcn•l. G.S.C., CaptAin, U. S. N.,
Chlet, Th,.tor Group. Aa:~t. Dlr., lnt"'lltC ·nee Group.
Regraded Unclassified
/u l:.t.,.
· 21Bcpt
ARMY- NAVY I• • \"'
f o ' - - • • \o
No. 177.
3. EASTERN EURO PE.--S outher n Front: T M left flan~ of the Red ozhe
Army !\as advan ced to wlthln 9 miles ~ltopol. Between Zapor
f'oltav a,
and Dnepr opetro vsk, Soviet for ces made slight gains. Near
are still
enci r c l ing Soviet units made slight gains fr om the E ~md N but a slight
Soviet units mad~>
over 25 miles from t he city. Near Kiev,
advan ce and are within ~7 miles of the clty. Centr al Front: From
Chern lgov to Roslav l , Red ' rmy columns contin ued toe>iP and
st gain was made by the colum n fr om Nov-
bridge heads . The ~reale
t oward Novoz yb tov and Gome l. The Soviet
gorod - Sever sKI, headed
d Is
colum n astrid e the 1\\rov--Roslavl- -Krlchev--Mo~llev r ailroa NV' of
wit hin 27 miles of Hcslav l. Near Smole nsk, Red Army Llnlts
the city have taken Velizh , and from the dlrectl<'n of Dukhovshchl
North ern Front~ South
have advan ced to wltnin 30 miles of the clt.y.
of Lodog a the fighting appeo.1·s to have subsid ed. On .Zo Septem
ber, the
ed landin g barge s and other shippi ng in the
Soviet .Air Force nttack
Black Sea off L>,e •rama n ?enins uh1.
For the A. C. of s., G-2: For tne Direc tor of Naval Intelligence:
Regraded Unclassified
No. 176.
Regraded Unclassified
tlelds at FOQ;In werr: r.tra!ed by U. S. flght~rs, which dnm11Q'ed or
dP~troyed 'i'tl .:nemy phnes en the 6rO'.tnd. Pescan ra.ll yard.s were
agail'l bom~::J and about 2a motor true.w were destro]ed N ot E'Ooli.
There was no enemy 4lr action over th~ east coact n.nd acuvtty con-
tlnucd light ovu the Sllerno araa.. In tM: O«, on the night
of 1'1- 13 September, RAF bomber$ sank a l3,00Q .. t on enemy tanker
ott Y.htos!Lnd. C'n 18 Scpte.mOer cnem>' o.nd bombers mada
S attackS on t.~e Antimae!lia a1rf~ ld on Coa Island; 5 JU~SS's and 2
ME·109's WIJre destroyed. Reconnatsso.nce ot Spezta oa the i6tb
tndlented t.\a.t tho lto.uo.n light c:ruiser Tl'tranto, o destroyer anti a. tor-
pedo boat have been s cutUed. The he:;tvy crutser Oortz.i(l 1.ppenred
damaged by tlre. Se'leral small !talian merc:tunt ships have arrived
at Malta.
Regraded Unclassified
No . 1'15
1. NORTh AM8!UCA.--Nothlng to report.
2. LATIN AMERICA.• -Tha composition of the now Bollvl<ln CabiMt
sworn In on 1~ <;optembcr 1943 Indicates no ch~e In foreign policy.
3. ZA"'l'Ei!N .:.UROP.t:!.·-C}UCJSUS: In the Kub n eMmy units contlnu9
to !ill back on Anapa, Tamansi'.aya, and Temryuk. They no longer have
the protection of mountain p.'ISSJS. Sov~cl forces now occupy tile raUroad
from Krymskaya to Novorosslsi<. Southern fl:lmi: TlH l~ft O.:mk of the
ReO Army has advanced ~0 mll~s and occuph:d Nogalsk .md Is l~ss than 50
miles from Mclltopol. of .:.aporoLhe Soviet units m \de slight h<>ad·llay
and face the outer defcns~s o! the city. In trn! Dncp.·opctrovsk I.Ll'ea fresh
Soviet res<Jrves h:lv e l:Uaon thll key RR junction o! P:wlogrnd and are less
than 30 miles !rom the Dnepr . The long- held enemy dafensa and I:.R llno
f•om Krasnogr:t.d to [{\ev has b·~en cut by R...>d Army units at Mlr~orod und
Romodan £ of Lubny . The positions of Poltnva and Kl'i.iSnograd nro now
critical. In the Kiev ar~:t the long narrow :;ovlet soll<3nt has reached the
outer defense ring of the city. The northern point of the salient has reached
the Desna t. of Chernlgov, whore tne .;11emy retains a smill brld(l<Jh ad on
lhe £ bank to guard the road and :tR crossing at that point. Howw<Jr the
city Is under ~ovlet artlllJry fire and Its position appears to btt critical.
Centnl El:2nl: /Jong tho! Des1111 Rlwr Uu Soviets have again lncr.,ased the
lllz.., of thllr Novgorod-fevarskl and Bryansk brldgeh.:ads. These two 1<...--d
Army columns ..ppe.ll' to be astride tne arts ..nd polnt.:d at u.e junction of
Novo.:ybkov, about ·10 mUJs li: of Gomcl. ln be Su1o rM hl<rd htln"
continues but th•l coo "s s.tUl hold li' h · >nt
" >0 e r<'!'~~ ' l outll of !Adot:" fighting cont1nu.1s
with no app:~.r.,nt ci\ In th · sltuatlon. In Uu! OV·Jra.ll 1 ictw·o tha t
appe:ll's to be falling b.1ck to the Dnt!pr i;om Smoh:nsk to the Crime...
"'llelner or not he wUl ~ttempt to maintain brldg :h~~ds :; of the rlvar nt ker,
points, nnd prouct the Crlmt?a, Is not yet ap1>ar- nt.
·1. Wi!:S.TERN'F;.URQP£.-~othlng. to r;.,port ,
5. MI!:DIT.!:RI~AN~AN ARC:A.--In Italy on 1'1 September the ln1portant
town of Glol:l. del Colle In the soutll was ewcuated by U1e om~my. On 1~
Septembe r the town of Battlpaglla w"s r-cLJt:.n by th.: Fifth Army. Consld~r
able anemy motor traru;port was reJ;ow vlng i< !rom U•ls point.
s~ . .!-?a
Regraded Unclassified
9-e €ffS I
the esti-
AltavU!a was reoccupl~d by Alll~d troops . As of 16 Septem ber,
N of the line
mated streng th of Germ:~n groun d forces In It.lly was 178,000 ber
16- 1'1 Septem
Plsa-- Rimln l, nnd 163,000 S of that line, On the night of lines
attack s on enemy
and the next d:J.y, Allied planes m'lde heavy bombing
na air-
of comm unicat ion. The Clamp lno, Pract lca di Mare, and Cister18 glider s
drome s S of Rome, were heavll y bombe d; 80 enemy planes end
were dootro yed on the ground . RnU yards a t Pescn ra were also ead.
on a very reduce d scale over the· Salern o beachh
Enemy air action was de-
, was
On the 17th, one of 7 JU-52's westbound with 2 escort ing planes vessel
stroyed" oU "Stamp alle Island In the Aegea n Se;~. A 1,000- ton enemy
was sunk oU Nams Island by Br ltlsh plaMs .
0. ASLA.. -- Burm:J,: On 16 Septem ber, U.S. fighte rs eifcctl vely ltt::tcke k
u G:l., six mUes SE of Malng kwan. The barn.c
enemy-lnsta lhtlon s at Nlnghk mediu m
::tt Maymyo were bombe d and some buildin gs destro yed by U.s. kad o.t Wctwun
bombe rs. Roll1ng stock and tro.cks were succes sfully
and ?w~kawk by U.S. mcdlw ns.
7. SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST PACIFIC. --Pucl flc Arllll.: A naval comm ,
y raldt!d Japane se bases on Taraw :l Island
Que report s strong forces ha:~vll
tn~ night of
Gilbe rt Group, and on Nauru lsl:md , west of the Gilber ts, duringSolom ons
18 - 19 Septem ber and for a good portio n of the following d:ly.
ng attack
Area: On 17 Septemb~r. KWUI was subjecti1<1 to a low level bombi ovar
tire encou nter.:d
by U.S. mediw n units . .r,ccurat<J and lntens a AA W"..S
strafe d l>y U.s. pbnes . Cov.Jr
the tn.rg!lt. Ballale was Illso bombe d and Mill'
fighte rs shot down 14 of 50 ;:nemy !lght.l rs attemp ting lntJrce ptlon.
Gulne a- -twv Brit3,1n Ar.:a: On the night oC 16 S.::ptdmb.:lr, 2 enemy
ov.Jr Hopoi withou t vUect . On 17 Scpt~mb, Allied bomb- :rs
droppe d bombs
P..:nin sul:l..
str:l.fed F inschh afun and vllla(!..JS t\.long tha Cl'\St coast of thu Huon n w.:re
co:tSt of N"w Britai
Four small enemy cargo v..,ss-:ls of! the northw..:st ~
,;sl Austr: :lh·-~
str:l.fed end left burnin g by All!Jd pbnes . Northw :l.ttac k~
T::tb~r fanJ, Aro.:: Island s, was
Aroa: On 17 S3plvm ber, thJ vU!ag~oJ of and scoNd n
by Allhd planes which dJstro y~d 1 floatpl antl and o. fuel barge,
dlr .:ct hit on an AA positio n.
For th..J A. C. of S., G- 2: For the Dlr.:c tor of Nav::l lnt.;lll g ..tncJ:
I~ .L. }'f\(\'\w.~ a/ d
,.:-A.E .
H. E. MAGUIR~:;,
Colon.:l, G.S.C., Captai n, U. S. N.,
Asst. Dlr., lnt~lllgcncJ Group .
Chief, Thant er Group .
Regraded Unclassified
On Lnformatlon recelvo d-- War and N&•;y Departmenle,
From: 1201 z.
11 Se~tember I~S Wasl>lnctm, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 18 Septem ber 10.3 18 S.pwm ber 1~3.
No. 174.
Regraded Unclassified
/ 0
No. 173.
he railroad junction of Lozovaya. The Donbas front no longer r e -
resents a Soviet salient as the llne now e xtends dlf.e N and S through
\ ozovaya. Southwest of Khar kov, Soviet forces astr ide the Khar kov--
rasnograd railroad have advanced to within 13 miles of Krasnograd.
In the great bend of the Dnepr, Soviet forces threat en ?avlograd and
Krasnograd . The c-:.ptur~ of th.;;s. two nil junctions would b.:: s r · .
ious for the enemy. In the Konotop area the southern shoulder of the
Soviet salient has been advanced by the capture of Romny. The sa-
lient's point has been exte nded from Ne zhln to Nosovka, 50 mile's
fr om Kiev. Central Front : The nor thern shoulder of the Konotop
salient remains along the Desna; however , the Soviet bridgehead on the
W bank of the river has been enlarged and now includes the town of
Novgorod Sever skl. At Bryansk all ene my un~ts appear to have been
wiped out and the city is believed to be entirely in Soviet hands . In
the Smolensk ar ea fighting continues. Northern Front: In the Lening··
grad area the situation app;lars unchanged. DUring the night of H - 15
September , Soviet planes laid mines off He lsinki Harbor.
Fer tho A. c . of s., 0-2: For th~ OJr;,:ctor of Naval tnt Ulg... ncd:
~ E~r
Colon ., G. S.C.,
Chief, Th >ter Gr011p.
Regraded Unclassified
/ 0
No. 17l.
I. NORTH AM ERlCA.- - Nothlng to report.
Regraded Unclassified
of 13·14 September, Fnnch troop• were landed In Cor sica to r In·
!orco local patrlota IIJld Italian forces willeh are fl(hlllli the O··r mans.
Thq patriots and llallan.s control A)accto and most of th~ Interior,
but Baatla and th.e southeastern part or the Island nrc under enemy
controL The Germans are relnfcrcln( Corsica from Sardinia. On
t~ ntsht o! 13-14 September, and throu11!1oot 1M noxt day, Allied
planea eoneentrat td 1!\olr bomblnll tf!ort In 1!\c Salerno ares, drop.
ptnr 1200 tons of bombs on rotda, enemy eoneentr>llons and tranaport,
with partlculart y heavy anae<a around Battlpaflla and Eboll. C\ner
U. S. planes dropped 79 tons of bombs on the ~scara rail yards. The
only onomy air oppoalllon to the bombing attaeks waa one atlempt~d
lntereoptloo by ab<Olt 12 enemy flrnters over Battlparlla. U. S.
lighters made an unopposed sweep ovar 5ardlnla. Bombardment of
er.ctmy posltlona In tbu Salerno &rda by J'Jlled warshlps eontlr.u'ld.
Ab<Olt 70 enemy planes were active over Allied (round forces, and
dlve·bomb ers atUlck<ld Allied shipping of! Sal•rno, On 13· 11 Sept mber,
28 Italian small naval craft lltl"lved at R>lermo.
6. ASIA.··Chlna: Foor rut of 10 enemy fl&hturs wer e shot down
""hlle lnlercept!n , a f.Ugnt cl U. S. mo1i~m bombors N o! H<ng t:on;;.
In offen.slve reccr..natssanea OV-!r t!ll middle YaJ\i1t.a, }.111~ p~a
bombed 2 river st_,arn••rs, ont: ct \villeh v·as ~llovo...'<f An
>mmllllltlon depot In NanClWIC wna nl&o hit. Burma: U. S. bombo rs
a ttackod river •hipping a t Bnamo, rail yards arRiiii'i>alu (25 mllos N of
Shwobo) and 1!\e town of Myitkyl,.a. japanese camps In the Hu~.Awng
Valley were bombed and str.>fod wll!\ good of!oct. French Indo· China:
On 14 September , ahlpplr.g In l!otphan0 was atuc..a<rb yU. S: !i<avy
bombors. Dlro1<:1 hlta were ..-:or ld on a Ooatlni dry dock contslnlllof
a 2CX>-foat ship.
Regraded Unclassified
8. ACTION AGA:N~ ALUED SKIPPING. ··A Brlllsh e.ugo veos;ol
waa ...11\k by enomy a\r ersl\ 300 m\lol W ol Portupl on Sept~mbor 13.
~ Sightlngs ~ ~: No atghlln(a r.eport~-d.
Regraded Unclassified
No. 171.
~'ACifiC.--Solomons Ar ~ : J
U~ivtly sh Utd u.S. potiHor.~ on Arun~ On:JOJ1 !8
an.:.· ry tr. 'l3 ~-··· 4:!, w .s: t."!..f' .-ctiv
!sbnd :. Ttk· L.un~..a Lsml:<.l lrU. on
.nth~ e Me-t i.t. 3.
ly b(lmbed by .Jnemy yl:ln""l on l3 ~pt.1mb'r, d-<J-
U.S. L.ombt-r ccor 1 d'.r ct 50'1·pO'.lr.d bemo hl\ on a Jo.p·mt81.1
~·.:\t" Ol 1 !".£'l•• Nt!!t,. Et!ul n hr('.l!; Ea.rt o!
~roy r, ? ot ~oln ·rH! •
w , illt.:.t t:rc::.l!l:.i lntutna11t't :e:.l to v1lt ~-;:;--- 1"!k'i""a' ~tr-Jret:l".
ln tt.· Mar-cham Vtll-gy ·r:,.y cnpoz to t Ht.:!.th's Pb.ntu tlon \ti ·rc
J :.y AlUM crour..;l .1r..t • lr UD s·,
s:,.~e · Nt.1U y tt:u:
En r'llf pl"r. bomO)~
J1.pan •fk: f· rc .s ~.1·:e r _,: tA N c! A:ar.l.
t!ll"llt ts c:·1.t tha mouth ol tM BIt p
Rlv"'r {E of l..-'l.•~). A forcJ of 1 .
tr. o.y tor.. rs ec-1 ·r~ Ly ZC tl_J••l- rs :•lt· C-~ ••1uU1n ~pi n :s
r.t re: 'tt'rs ~r._my at::r) Jlal$ 0 t:t<":nx.:l
wtr d~ttr·'i dby A!l1e-i
tn Mor~l or.Ja. th nt~t cf 1~ Sept .. mbt r . T.-1 alrd.r orn •s t
h!lavJ y t.mbc d by AU\ d
I"r-Ci, llR!d Bc~t. lll t11 V.'ll\\'2k ar It, wer
pl:ul. u, wnle."a ~:.·o 1 stray i 3 en 07 lr.t
rc t f3.
ti1 ;.'\:rou~~
Colm· . 0 S.C,
Chj f, Th ' r ....;r
Regraded Unclassified
On lnformatlon reeelved- - Wa:r and Navy Departments,
Fr om: 1201 Z, 13 Se!J(ember !913 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 14 September 1943 14 September 1943.
No. 170.
!. NORTH AMERICA.-·Nothlng to report.
2. LATIN AMERICA. -- Nathlng to report.
3. EASTERN EUROPE.- -ln the Kutw., Soviet forces ha\le reached
Novorosslsk. Enemy unlts rnay be evacu!lting thelr Kuban bridgehead.
Along the southern hal! o'f the Donbas front, tram tM Chapllno area S
to the Sea of Azov, enemy units continue to wiLhdraw. Scviet forces
have advanced from ·1 to 10 mlles ln the general directton or Ostpen.ko.
From the Up of the sa Uant near Chapllno N to the lzyum area, the
enemy defenses based on Povlograd and Lo?.ovay~ eantinue to resist
Soviet attacks. In tntj Kh3rkov area, the enemy d~fen~ llne Sand W of
the city continues to hold. In the Romny area, that city Is st!ll In
enemy hands; howovc.r, 1ts posit\on is critical as Soviet units nave
further enlarged the southern shoulder o! thet r sallent. Jn the Konotop
area, the Soviets have Ctdvanced the: point of their ::;anent and captured
the town of Kruty, 12 miles E ol the railroad junction at Nezhln.
Enemy forces have evacuated Bryansk, long one of their prlnc!p:tl
raUheads. Soviet units ln this araa arc now appr pachtng the Desna on
a broad front. The completion o! this advance will place the front
line along the rlver for some 300 m lles !rom the Balr.hrnach sector to
Yelnya. ln the Smolensk sector. In the Smolens~ area there appenrs
tO be no change. On 13 September , the Soviet Air Forcl.! attacked Ger ..
man landing barges and shipping In the Sea of Azov.
4. WESTERN EUROPE.- - The Swiss have moblllz<>d several
additional units, raising the mobilized Gtrength of the Swiss Army to
300,000 men. On 12 September, about 4 enemy planes attacked shipping
400 miles off the northwest coast ol Spain.
5. MEDITERRANEAN AREA. - - Heavy fighting, Including powerful
enemy counterattacks, occurred ln the Salerno area on 1.3 September.
The enomf reoccupied Batt!paglln, and enemy Infiltrations threatened
Allied positions In passes north of S.•lorno. The British Eighth Army
continued il$ advance up the Italian tnstep, occupying Betvedera on
the west c:oast, Cosenza in tbe center, and St.rongoll oh \hs e-ast coast.
BrtUsh troops entered Bar,, o.nd the entire heel, on a line south ft'om
Bar! to tho mouth ol the Rlvor Lato Is now In AU!ed hands. After
Regraded Unclassified
fighting bPt~~o'llen Oerm<ms nnd lt41ton> on Rhodes arul Seol"p&<o, the
Ocrmans wcceeded In gslr.tng control of these Islands. Ql tho n!ghl
of 11·12 September, RAF plonu dropped ld7 tons or bombs on the
Froalnone airdrome (NW of Naples). other Allied medium lind light
bomber:; made wtdes-pread attae,us on enemy r oads o.nd tr anspor ~ tn
front of the Eighth Army. Qllho 12th, U. S. planes ago in bombed
Froal n on.e alrdrome and roads and brhtces at BcneventCI,
lsernta, Formls, Cas.teln'llO'IO, n.nd Arlana. Enfmy alrcr\ft fievr
abou.t 100 sordes over L~ Slltrno beacnhead but there wta r.o enemy
air op;>osttlon to Allied heavy bomber c;>er3tlor.$. Ql Rh"""•· U. S.
airc raft atucked the Marltt.' w Calato airdromes, later botl> of them
were reported ur.serv!ce:lb!e. Q\13 Se;>tember, enemy attac<·
ed ahtpplng In the Sderno area.
01'0 J.oe\\Ut ~TI
Regraded Unclassified
bombs on w...._Lrfront war~Jbou.s.Js, tl.l.Jl ta.n!u, "\Ad b•.trr1.cks a.t ~bc:u;s.... r.
On th~ tollO'>~Inil d.•y S@hru alr!lold (T>nlmb't Ial'\nds) W"UI bombed v.d
Regraded Unclassified
/ 0 j
On Information received-- Wa:r and Navy D3partments,
From: 1201 Z, U SCptember 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 'l, 13 September 1913 13 SCpternbP.r 1943.
No. 169.
-·~·tytP ,.
Regraded Unclassified
In th> 1<.>1 lslD.nd3, .,.! l.,.1hs atr!t.ld on AmbCil.
8. ACTION AGAINST ALLIED SHIPPING.-·t:o sinking& '"Jlort.-d.
U-boo>t S~~i In Arn-rlc:tn V'· t.ra: On IZ $'pt ml> r 3 Sli;ilt~
;;;;r-r_, · :'00-mU:s SE Ol !rn!Jii, liO mil•• sv• ~~ a.;.rmud:l Mil
30 mU~a NW o! P.1arto Rtco.
Colonol, G. S.C.,
c~'''n· U.S.N.,
Chtof, Thoat..:r Group. Ale\. Olr., Lnt:lllts~nee Group.
01» l.ll,,.r.
Regraded Unclassified
-------- --~------------------- Oip ~CLA SSzrzu
0 . . . .,~
:·'* "
12Sc pt43
-• t fy
No. 168.
6, and 7 SeJ?tember
1. NORTH ..:.MERICA .- -Gre <Jnland repo rts on 2,of! Ang mag ssall k
Indicate probable preGence of a host lle subm ar ed.
with the poss ibili ty of enem y agen ts' being land
rto Gilb ert has
2. LATIN AMERICA.--Nationnllstlc Gen eral Albe rim to repl ace
F)re lgn Min ister au Inte
been appointed l.rge ntlne
frien dly Adm iral Segundo Stor n\.
EASTERN EURO~E.- Bitt er fighting contOn inue s In the n~wly
3. sisk . the D)nbas fnn t
esta blish ed Soviet brld gehe au at NJv oros
tJ 9 mile s. S;mthwt::t oi
Soviet f:lrc es W and SV! ·Jf Stallno advanced 6
Chapllno Red Arm y units maJe b to 8 mile s t?wa rd Za!)·)rozh~ . Along
ars to be no change .
the nort hern hal! Jf tho Lonb as frJn t ther e ap,leand Lno vaya sect Jrs
ogra d
Stro ng enem y coun ter tttac k 1n thO! .-avl ln the Kharkov arta , S anc. VJ
had som e succ ess In resto ring positions . s, Red r.rm y units agai n
of tho; city whe re the ht;avt~st flchtlng cJnt lnue fJrc cs astri ae the
made sligh t gain s. In the Konotop aNa Sovl ral mile s towa rd Nezhln thou gh
Bakh mac h--K iev railr oad adva nced s<'ve
th,; l(on otJp salitcnt seem s
Incr easin gly swampy c:ll.l.:Jh•y. The rest of
&'V' and NVJ :>f th<l city
unchanged. In the Srya nsk area Soviet f:>rceo:.. Rive r. In th!. Kir:>v
mao.; sligh t gain s In th!! dlre cthn of the se;:;n vl railr oad h~r.vr:
sect or Rea Arm y units astri de the KlrJ v--R o:;la s!tua tiJn seem s un ·
advanced to the l.Jesn:.. In the Smolensk ar~a att.J.cks wP. r? r~j)Orkd
change<!. On the Finn ish fron t, n.w S?vl et alr
on He lslnk l and Kotka.
y bJm bcrs from
4. VIESTERN EURO.?E.. · On 9 Septcml).,r 4 enem
. .!?hol ogra phic rcc:>ll·
Tron ahel m were ?f! the nort h coas t :>!Iceland no trac. : Ji the
nals sanc e of Splt zbtrg>.n on the lOth ol::c loscd
? r any s ign of lifo.
tember alllr:d
5. MEDITERRt.NEAN •IRl:.A. ·-In Italy on !l Set>
resl stancu. Tho ,J·:>rt
prog ress contlnu~a In splto of stron g Germ an
1n •• Wed hartds. Eigh th
of Brin dis i on th~ east ern coas t Ji tho heel Is ' Eut" mla Lam £zla. Con ·
1-. rmy t roops hav~ take n Cata nzar o and Sant mov ing N m tile
obse rve~
slderal>le enemy moto r trans ,Jort was s tn th'l ar"a f':.V of
Lagonegro --Sa la Con sllln a roaa and othe r road
9- 10 Sept cmb~ r RAF med ium bomb<, rs
Salorno. On th!l night of s. Oth r /'.llled
made an 81 ·ton attac k on th~ Gns sdo rail yjlrd
·~~ s1.:.D
5 "laYJ!e\fW ,I ~;-s-TI
Regraded Unclassified
b'mb.crd rAtl.l d fUl;mm at :·r~lnln th 0r4.~U.n18 lOl.Mlnt{, tho tJ4Q Jutw:tl·jrt at Au.h..U& a.n., raU t&ri1:t8 ~rd tr o.;, cJn-
ctnttalbna f .uw S'.\ lt N~la:l tLrl4 in thO C xo.:nza -0 ustt ~v u~ ·u·t ~l'c:a..
On .0 ~aolt mo..r U.S. b~mt:..:rs j.r~,."'e.i ee
tJn& M th .:>
raU yarua: &DJ &: t~ :ut the ;.rlan~ r:».t.a j:.onc:Uxt. 1rtJti1 raJ t m~MJ
W raU yar....a at Formls and nUr,.W matallat1 w "C.u~~ W1-.:n :;...nj
Ll rnla. ROLla. crl.tiJ•s am l.n!r::y c»•ti~ w r b:u:abej
alNIJ~ thrqr.~t til. Jay. i..l.lad t~n prcv: ntW \f! euv. ~ncm7
alr optn.tLXI& ~s.-lw S:lm£. tner-....ue ~ u.a lOth \n tho vn:m:;"a a.ct\V\t7
0\' r tht ma.ln UAU:t a~.
~- I.BlA • ..Cilln&: On 10 Sept.:ml>;r Jlj)lnOII< ~lone• ~:>mbod iCI n>-.•
a1rtl ~~. U\ \.1\--;am.. Jat:. •.;Ultd tzt_dlur.o bO:nbc rl wJth fii;t.t r e'l\1 r
attHc:< d WucMnc 10d t!:.~ H:.•mt~ dxltl. Lkre•. ttr.. t w rJ St!l.rt 1.1.
<A 0 tnt.. r<:q:.ttnc .n... my flibtt.ra u kut 8 w r-.. ah ..t d)\1/J\. •..:th.r
A.i.Jt .1 ttrht .r olrcr&tt bomlx:c1 th;~ Whilmp'll dlCU ana ac )tt."C ~ v rttl
htts. 'fll ·y ncotilih:r~.i .:..i t;n_m;,' t!ght...ra ourln" th U.ll~JC t.J1J dl)
atNy d At a.un lJL. 1'h_s_ .no. my r1cht-:rD w· r~.: r~.p.)rt.,..s t'l t>! Vi..ry
t~U~t. Burma: on 10 S.. pW:r.b.:r th.:! Qo;.."tdk vhlducl wu df,,cuv .. ty
b~m'bo.dl)y'i.U11.dplun.1s. lo:!tccurat... light A/A ttr wo.e .nc!Junt ·r..:d.
Uopln, tn nortn· rn Burma, !1d N<lb:... j~cti!Hlllnd lhtpplug on \.ht lrn·
wa4dy Rtv.,.r ahl3 ll.'t r~.: ~tLoCJC '(1, On d C t't..·mbl t, rdlt .J .,:.lA.n s b~mbad
MyltKylna. ;>Jld ;)R 9 :iept•. mQ.. r •ttt&Ck<.d 1\ n.&chl.llllr ACt ~8 ll'\,. Cnlna.
trontlt,t, f"trd W>~l" iiWL.-: 1n b-Jlb \3"4'1"\a.
Regraded Unclassified
I For the 1.. c. ll s., G ·<:
Regraded Unclassified
/ 0
No. 167.
Regraded Unclassified
made a 19iHon ntt.aek on tO.. d•fenses of Boulccno. At Beaumont·
Sur 01s~ aneroy fightur oppootllon wa.s s trong. FUto~n ancmy plan!.!S
woro destroyt:d. At other J>Qinta fighte r reD.CUon wao weak, A total
cl about 380 eoomy n r~ter oortl•,s wero fiown durlnc lha day cwr
northern Pra.ncu and thu Low lAndo, u contrut..Jd wUJ\ M&rly 2, 500
sorties by Allied llihlera.
AU*! ~~found forces eo;>tii'rJ'ilii rl~\i'ln tho Satamaua
s .,......e.
~~ ....,.
Regraded Unclassified
j aD=~"
ar.·a. AlU'td forwa.r\.o e.emunts 1n tho t... ar•:i croa.s.ed tbt Susu
Rl~r. tnco-~~rl!l.g sorne l'f!S1Stanc'4. 1\'ltO(r&;h.s taj(tn on V
Sop«:mber """"'a toa! of74 flifltera ....ct 51 bombers on the 4 alr -
Jrom ·s 1n the WewU. are:t. Suppllea w re •lone tM be-ach. ~1rcn
way• &;.""'J)e&Nd aervt.:.n'bte. Northwc!it Auatrall~··Ba.tlQ.i. Sea Ar ea:
On i Str;.~tember, 16 eD{rn)' bombira, e.CO~ tDfli'iu!ri, - -
attAcko:i tM !~!<?rau.;ce alr<trome. Ambon, St-1ar1.0, and L&r..n(lecr
f airdromes w~ra sub~ud to UJht r-lda by AUfn.1 aircraft.
8. f.CTJ0:~ AOA!NST ALLIED SHL'PINO.•·NO ship r<fOrl-.1 sunk.
W:d.ara: A •tehtln&' was l"t,>'ln~d 650
C' tnln,U.S.N.,
Aaat. Ulr . 1 tnt Utg.;;nc~ Group.
Regraded Unclassified
On Informa tion receive d-- War and Navy Departments,
From: 1201 Z, 9 Septemb er 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 10 Septem ber 1943 10 September l\l~3
No. 168.
1. NORTH AMERICA.--Nothing to report.
2. LATIN AMERICA.--Nothlng
. report.
3. EASTERN EUROPt::.--In the Donbas Sov1~ t forces continued
their advance and now occupy a line '·" of Izyum, Slavyansk and Kras-
noarme lskoe ending E of Mariupol on the Sea of A~ov. Heavy Soviet
pressur e continu es against this fine. Red Army forces astride the
Krasnoarmeiskoe·-Pavlcgr:~.d rallro:Ld have mado Impress
ive gains
and are now believed to be approac hlnc th~ outer defense of Pavlogr ad.
South and W of Kharkov the unemy defense line covering the norther n
flank of the Donbas withdrawal continues to hold solidly. 1n the Kono·
top area, where great Soviet pressur e is being exerted , the Red Army
has advanced the point of Its salient to beyond Bakhmach which was
taken on 9 Septemb er. Romny Is still In e nemy hands. Tills d~ep
Sov1et salient, now less thllll 50 miles from Cher nlgov, has reachGd
the Desna on a bro:l.d front and faces the marshy area E or that vital
road and railroad junction. in Uta 8ry:msk are:L, the southern :Soviet
pincer hav1ng passed Navlya Is now within 20 mUes of the city. Th:l
Soviets ' norther n pincer, with fresh Impetus from the directio n of
Kirov, made slight gains Q(ttinst strong enemy resistan ce. In the Smo-
lensk area there appears to be no importa nt clwll;e in the situatio n
although Sov1et holding att:1cks continue. On 9 Septemb er the Red Air
Force continued to attack e nemy rail targets, troop concent rations,
and airdrom es In the souther n and central sectors.
4. Wt:STERN ZUROPE.-·Not hlng to report.
For the A. C. of s., 0-Z: For the Direct or of Naval Intellig ence:
- 2- .
~:t:i\ a-1•
Regraded Unclassified
On !Jllormatlon roceived- - Wo:r and Navy Departments,
Fr¢m: 1201 Z, 8 S.ptember 1943 Wuhincton, o. c.,
To : 1<:00 " · 9 S.ptomber 19-13 9 S.ptember 1'43
No. !G5.
1. NORTH AMF.RlCA.--N~ to tOi>Ott.
~~ ,.
Regraded Unclassified
-. , n
f't."[~.~.~~ f1 (.}.. v.~ St~t..u /""
Colon•!, G.S.C.,, u.s.:...~
Chl..;t, Thea~ r Group. D~p . I;Ir., O.N.!.
Regraded Unclassified
On Information received-- Vlar and Navy Departments,
From: 1201 Z, ? September 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 8 September 1943 8 September 1943.
No. 164.
1. NORTH AMERICA.--Nothlng to report.
2. LATIN AMERICA.--Nothlng to report.
3. EASTERN EURO,.>E.--In th!' Kuban, fighting of local slgnll!-
cance continues. There appears to be no sign as yet that the enemy
Is evacuatlng hls bridgehead. em units In the u r Donbas con-
tinue their forced withdrawal In the face of lncreas n& et pressure
kom th€!zVum hrldgeh<Jad, This Red Army thrust, aimed In the
direction of Lozovaya--.-avlograd and the Dnepr bend, parallels the
Soviets' great threat from the Kharkov direction aimed at Krasno-
grad. Tbe enemy has evacullted St-'lllno d he is hav difficult In
meet! the n al et ress
let summer oifenslve
Zenkov, on the southern limit of the great Soviet salient, after chang-
Ing hands several times, has been recaptured by the Soviets. In
the Konotop area, the northern limit of the salient, the Red Army
made galns up to 14 mUes. Soviet units have entered Konotop, and
Its position appears to be ho;;>eless. The position of Bakhmach Is
crucial as Red Army units have apJ>rOO.ched to within 6 miles from
the north and have cut the railroad to Gamel, NW of Bakhmach. From
Baklunach to Bryansk, Soviet units contlnue to approach the Desna on
a broad front and have crossed the railroad from Konotop to Navlya,
Inclusive. In the Bryansk area Soviet forces have made slight gains
toward Bryansk from the south. In the Smolensk area the Red Army
made slight improvements ot Its poslti?ns. Along the entire eastern
front Soviet pressure continues, with gains in most areas. Intense
air activity by both sides continues over the main Soviet offensive
areas. On the night of 6-7 September, the rail junctions of Gamel,
Nezhln, Krasoo-Arme lakoyo and Volnovakha, and troop concentrations
SW -6! Sumy and In the Smolensk area were bombed by the Red Air
4. WESTERN EUROPE.--On 6 September a large force ot U.S.
bombers attacked electrical and aircraft factories at Stuttgart.
Bombs were also dropped on targets of opportunity In Franca and
Ger many. Enemy air opposition was very strong; 84 Axis fighters
were destroyed. Other U. S. bombers attacked engine repair shops
, at Rauen. /'.A tire was we~fhter reaction was negltglbl(;. The
. .~ z_,. .
Regraded Unclassified
same day a Ju 88 was shot down by an Alll~d plane over the Bay 'Jf
Biscay. On the night of 6-7 September, a strong force of RAF planes
bombed Munich. AJ.. fire was moderate. Night fighters wer;, active
on the approaches to and ovur the target. About 13 Axis flght-.r-
bombe rs made scattered attacks In East Anglla; 2 of them were d&-
5. MEDITERRANEAN AREA.- -The British Eighth Army con-
tinued Its steady progress on the toe of Italy on 6 September, re:ach-
lng th" mouth of the petrace River 6 miles NE of f'alml on the
northwestern coast, and capturing Bova Marina on the southern coast.
During the nl(!ht of 5-6 Sepw mbcr , Allied pianos dropped 85 tons of
bombs on rail yards at VIlla Lltt:rno. Light bombers also attacked
rail targets at Aversa. On 6 Sept~;mb;,r U. S. bombers made h.,avy
attacks on Grazzanlse and Capua alrdrom..:s. A total of about 50
en.. my plan.,s w.,r., ... ncount ~rud «t the two targds; 10 we ra d~stroyed.
Lighter attackG wcr.:: rnade at Capodichlno and c'om lgllano a!r-
flolds .
6. ASIA.--Chlna: On 6 SdjJt<lmb~r. u. S. il(!ht<:rs rnada an o!!.,n-
slvc reconnaiSSaiiC of th~ Yangt:w. l.t Shlhhwe!yao on-o 250-foot
bo;)t was sun><, ...n iron foun.lry and 4 locomotlv.;s w~:r..: d.stroyed,
and riv" r craft dA.m«g~J; on ... n my trans.,ort pian« was d~stroy.:.d.
South of Puch!, th, r~Uro:<d station was set afire. At Sltang, an
estimated 100 enemy trooJ)S wer e killed. Ou rma: U. S. planes dropped
about 9 tons of bombs on th(l Maymyo baniicks, starting many fires.
7. SOUTH AND SOUTffi'lF.ST PP.CIFIC.- ?ac!fic P.r!la: On 4 Sep-
tember, an enemy 4 ·engined flying was dcstr~yeO!)y a U. S.
patrol plane 60 miles W of B;~er Island. Solomons Area: On 6
September, U. S. aircraft mwio direct hits oh gun positions and an
ammunition clump In the VIla area; Kakasa, on Cholseul, was bombed
and s trafed. New Gulnea··-New Britain Ar~?a: ln the Lae S'lctor
Allied troops contlilue to adv:Lnce W from Slngaua r>lantatlon; enemy
opj)OSition remains weak. On 6 Septem~r. 1.0 enemy bombers, es-
cortea by 10 fighters, were Intercepted by Allie:! planes over Huon
Gulf. The enemy lost 2 bombers and 5 fighters. On th'l sarne date,
Allied heavy units ef!ectlve ly bombed Jacobsen's Plantation (1, 700
yards N of the Lae runway) . /'. Iorge forcCl of medium bombers
thoroughly bombed and strafed Malahang airfield. Northwest /,us-
tralla--Banda Sea Area: The enemy bases at Jl.tamboea ana Dill-1-
{'l'riDor)""Were attackedby RP.AF medium bombers.
8. ACTION AGAINST ALLIED SHIP..?ING.--No sinklngs reported.
U-boat Slghtings 1!! Amer ican Waters: No slghtlngs repor ted.
For the A. C. of S., 0-2: For the Dlrnctor of Naval lntolllgence:
/./ cr /""'~";_,..._ =J...r r t?t .t--1/j..~~ ' ·t-·r -
·s. •-'ICKHARDT,
DJ:O~IUfla~> ...o. •
H. E . Mi. UIRE , ~- · v. ,
Colonel, G.S.C., OU '!t'fc;R E ~o.ptaln, U.S.N.,
Chief, Theater Group. -2- l:lep.D!r., O.N.I.
Regraded Unclassified
Wll' 1111111avr ~.
'nrt'nlta",D. C.,
t 1¢' Ar lMS•
Regraded Unclassified
lAG"'- Ji "'"'"'to
UOt- "'u.a. . . - _ . . . . ,UOt lonlllDI . . , _
lor lbt CIO<!UjiOtlon ollbt"'..-.atiC I" -
0---- More
10 wrtODd -IDI ptiDII Cll JC1Aa lDoluded NC'0' 1'""ce, petrol bomber- ud
- - · UOt mojor!lr .... llo&l plaDoo. u.a. Diva! loren haw bod ••
-Will i u . - 1a u. Meott••• ·-~tWA..,-*'
m' ·
of Jopoauo &b' oct19117 ta- ona wulbt IIPtiDI bJ a u.a. po<rot
ploaa Cl' It.._. of :140 IOU..- b ) ' - ol
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1 •
Regraded Unclassified
) ...1m=r ,
....,..., tbe NCiptUN o1 the Doabu depeoded on lhe c:ompl«e 8QCCI8U of the
Kbu'.,., aa.r.asw. Wbu. u. eotDlf'• alQat.ttoa ln the Kuban, Crimea, and OCl'lbu
. . . erltloal, be preulated a lel'lOU breach 1D bP Une.
OD tbe Kbarlll:w frcxd tblt BovieUI4rovt a als.nt neulylOO m~a deep lnto
tbe z.okov-..ctor Dortb of Poltava, and tbNateDed Poltava and Knmenehue on
tblt llilllepG' JUvv. Tbe 8ovWt tJuouat wu llowed b11tllbborn enemy realstance
lllbo- allbo oalloat--atlllm¥, ond juat - • of Lful>atln. Pallw'e to cut
tbe Jtleor....PoJtava railroad IIDd CJ"ou tht Dnieper Rlvu may per.rnJt the erteii)Y
to malala2D bla bald em tbt DaDbu W Cram-.
a:. tbe Eu.nk··l...c09' area tbe So¥1et.l brok:l throueb aoutb of Se~k, etptu.rlo(
RJI& lbpl•ottnclbo -.-oup, 11o<1 Anlf!J uatu croaaod the north--ooutb
B>Juot--llldor--Bol_.--lllm¥ rallrood ond took the t""" at Olullhov,
acm.t Ukra!De. 'lb1a formed aD eDem.J at ~, with deep Soviet saUmta
In the
CD tbl ceutra1 b'ocla SOVIet olfenttw ap!Mt tr-om the east and
• - modolmall plno, taJc1oC !be town Yeleya.., the Smolenak--
auhlfttcbt ra.Uroad. aDd DorQI'CibQJh em the Smolen.llk· · railroad. Th1a
brCUibt tba forces to tbe outer def'ecutea <trO-mlle rlne) of trona
tbt DOI'thMat, eut, aDd IQ.ltbeut,
WOUOWtrac the fall of Orel, German k1J' Foree acdvtuea were c:hleflJ da-
t.atw. n. ~ tormeriJ concentrated «1 tbe ceatral trcm: wu d.l$peJ'sed
- -....-....,
to IUit acm.t dackl: tD other aect:ora. 'Ibere wu eome IDCllcatJca ol a more
- - . 11ot
--~-GO !be Kllarllov 11>11 llrJiz>ok
ts... to 111o Mlua--ec-ta ooctoro, tbl.l
- .. - - - -· Tl>o _ _ at_...,_....
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lbo lied All' . . _ ao1 cloR -to.......,
1ta1 ll'oopo, but coo-
11r111o11o - • a1 IIIIDIJ ran-, _,., alrfleldo, 11>11 - -
--- -
11101 lbo ~lo- air ..uvtiJlu-
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aloe> modonporlld -·
a 0srma GO
Regraded Unclassified
- I I
--tlloeacV ' 'C .... OW.U~..,.. I IS e1
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---~ - CDe~a<~on~w>...
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... \'lalllltJ of the -
ftro4.., the plaMa,
blttlnr <IW of the two Oormu
-..,bella,.... - br fireb - . two
from CD a&"""""
1atoOormu craft.
.. ...,..
•. "' - -api'CIIilltiJr
, qod, ••• Clfed, a
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Ill &or• I'd CXIIIIo
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. . . . . . -. '3 s t n - - - . . . . . . - - toboof-
Regraded Unclassified
~ .
Regraded Unclassified
!!!if !iifltiif!l!iii li~;;t iiJ!I!l!!~i!ll;;t
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l ,11 f•r ~·f~ RBf
Regraded Unclassified
Regraded Unclassified
801111 All) 80U IHWI PACIFIC
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_......s_w -
Regraded Unclassified
- e~M' 1
=-'"""----- · . .
- -ar 11M - ! b e two laludollld Cldl1lllcff1111- o f -
PT- bUIM--
a at'W
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•-IIIII !lew ~
bf AWo4 p,_o, -...,barto
lbe a1rfteld.
l7le- of Nllel'D !lew -
.... oaatWM?I;p- . . . S - ...Sa Parte """'ber cl bupo woro <lostrOJ*?
or -....;. A7lPed fiCbleH IDtercopted an _.., rold """' lbe MariJIDOD area
cllboll ia 1115Uro. ·'?be followiDC daJ 26 _.., fi&!Uro
...S II
'"' 10 Aucua, <lootrOJIDc all of"'_.., forco cll2 bombero ond 3 oltta oocort
a1r ICUvtty -.a CQD.-
11> lbe DanriD
- raldoc5 bf 1 8 - Alllod piODao - -
Joponooa oU ref~Derteo
011 Timor, ...S
at aeu~opopon , aor-. wero _,to up?odo. '?be ~
IIIUol•?atac- o1 - I a , oouthout Celoboo, wao oii..Uftl1- bf
AWed alrallft. ......, P ' - - tctaW II lor tbo porlod.
•· !!!ll!l!l···DHpite lbe lou cl onr 800 ploMo In lbo - c?woiD& tbo
... _
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· ,_.., • ._.. putlal..., aw e•r otbueeat YUaud Reata BQ.
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Regraded Unclassified
c.1!.Mf, ,_..,. Gralp.
Regraded Unclassified
/ )
On Information received-- War and' Navy Departments,
From: 1201 Z, S September 1943 Washington, D. C. ,
To : 1200 Z, 7 September 1943 'I September lS43.
No. 163.
l. NORTii AMEIUCA. ·-Nothing to report.
2. LATIN AMERICA.- -The Argentine government assumed con-
trol of the Tucuman branch ol an American po·•,er company's
Argentine subsidiary and placed pollee guards nround the subsidiary's
main oflices in Buenos Aires. Four of the company's officials were
auested but they w<!re permitted later to return to their homes.
3. EASTE!1N BUROP8.- -In the Donbas enemy units continue their
withdrawal, falling b!tck in the Lo~ovaya- -Pavlogr:td direction. Soviet
forces have occupied the r~U•·oad to·•1ns of Makeyevl~a, Konstantinovka,
Kramatorskaya, and Slavyansk, including the upper half of the last
north-south enemy-held railroad in this area. Red Ar my troops are
within a few miles of Rtal ino and Its occupation app<3ars Imminent.
Along the middle Donets .fr om I.zyum to Zmiev and from Merafa to
Oposhnya, st.J·ong ell':lmy counter attacl:s continue to s top Soviet :>ttempts
to break through to the Poltava- -Krasnograd- - Loz.ovaya railroad.
Soviet forces N of Ronotop havo.! made impr essive gains in the direction
of the Desna River and BJ.khmach. A strong enemy counterattack in
this area leaves the position of Konotop ln doubt. Ho·11ever, the s\tu-
atlon in both Konotop and Bakbmach is critical, with the Russians
claiming the capture of Konotop . South of Bryansk, Soviet forces made
further gains toward the Desna but no important advance against the
Bryansk defenses. in the Smolensk area ll-Iere was hard fighting.
Soviet forces somewhat improved their positions in spite of strong
enemy count erattacks.
4. WESTERN EUROI' E.--On the night oi 5-6 September, Mannheim
was heavily bombed by a strong force of RAF planes. AA !ire was
moderate at first but incr.msed as the attack pr ogressed. Nearly
100 searchll&hts were ln operation, coordinated .,,lth night-fighters.
On the night of 2- 3 September , German 8-boats "•ere suspected of
having laid mines In Lyme Bay on the SVI coast of England.
5. MEDITEH.RAN;:;;AN AREA. ·- Alllod troops enlarged their bridge-
head on the toe of Italy on S September, advancing 2 m lies to Palmi
on the northwestern coast and capturing three inland to"IU$, De-
llanuova, San Alessio and San Roberto. £ nemy opposition con-
tinues slight, but extt!nslve demolitions retard the Allied advance. On
... ....1~.11"·~
Regraded Unclassified
the night o! 4-5 september Allied a ircraft dropped 138 tons of bombs
on Or-az:~;.a.ntse airdrome. A llghter rnld wa.s made on tho raU yards
at Battlpoglla. The next day U. S. aircraft dropped about 250 tons on
the Orazt.anlse land1"8' grounds. About 25 enemy pl:uws wero en-
countered but the[r .:tttacks lacked determtnallon. ll. s. planes also
dropJted 192 tons on Viterbo airdrome encountering about 20 e nemy
ulrcraft. A landing cround and radio Installations In southern Sar-
dinia were bombed and stra!ed by U. S. fighters. No atr opposition
was encount ered. l!:nemy pos ltlo t~.s and Hn!s o! communtcatlon ln the
toe ollt:lly YIOt'e attacked by !\J.lled light and madium bombers. On
the night of 5-S September, the RAF again attacked Cra.oanise air-
drome, dropping 150 tons.
Regraded Unclassified
S. ACTION AQA!NS1' ALLIED SlllPf!NC.··No slnklngs reported
1l'l my tne3.ter. ~S1 ghttng• 111 Amertson ~ No slghtiz\(S
For t..ite A. c. o! s.. G-2: For the Dlrocter of N>v>l lntallls•ne.r.
Regraded Unclassified
0 )
On Information recel ved-- War and Navy Departments,
F rom: 1201 Z, 5 Septembe r 1043 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 0 September 1943 6 September 1913.
No. 162.
1. NORTl:l AMERICA.--On J Septembe r an unldentilied twin-
motored aircraft was sighted by a U. S. patrol plane ~00 miles S\Y of
2. LATIN AMERICA ... - Nothing to report.
Regraded Unclassified
Air Arm In tho El!(llsh Channel. One wa.s dottroytd ana two were
dam&jtn1. f.uly oo 5 September British llsht n.&val Witte clllmago l
s .\-era! ct & l&rs• group o! enemy mllles.,Hpert ott the Frtn~h eoast.
&. MED1TERRANE:-Ul AREA.--Ct.I!OdW. lroope od~ 10
mUe.s 1nlaz\d 1.D ltaly ~ S ~ptember, cae~t'Jrlnc Sln !;t~- snu
ele&rlnc tile road betwUn thls town ana Re"lo ell Cal•brla. Ex
ltllllV• demollt!or.s 3Dd tlle mounuln=o lllolON ol tM e:N~~trJI\amporod
l.lllod ~rogr•ss. About 3,000 prisoner"' m~tly ltal!&n 1\all't be••
l&lcen. On J September, U. S. planes clrOJ•ped 75 """' o! bombS on re!l
ya.NS at Sulmona. Air opp»1Uon was ho avy, ((! •_n,.my pl.rmes w.;•ere
shot do'Nn. On the night o! 3- 4 September, the RAF "ttser.eJ Capua,
C~podlchlno, anJ Grottaslle . Somo nlght·tlahl··r opp'>SIUon was en-
counterod at GrottagUe. On 4 September, Axle roconnalssanco plllltes
made repeated attempts to reach Bl::ort. but wore 4rlven o!!.
6. ASIA.- -Chlna: On'. September, U. 8. bomb< rs r>tded tho T!en
Ho alrdromt• nECanton with c xcollvnt r-~aulta. 'l'hNe en~.,my tight~
er• wore shot down and oac was probably lleatroyod. Wuchow, 150
mlloa NW ol Clllllon, was attaekM by on<>my bombers. Burma:
U, $, bomberS, Which droppe I 0 t?UIJ of lJlon.ll ol Wmbs-;-n;:;;J
w&.Nhou.Hs e.n.J bulldinze at Kstpaw, and da.m&e.xl ratl tracuge nt the
thmw tow min s. Ten tons Jl bomoa w.n~ \lro;>pod on th1 !.~:~m;oo
railrood f'lrd8. Nle'Jbu-ls!flll<IS: On J Sept•mbtr, U.S. heovy
bombers all3<:1<..<1 Loc• tnsulliuoos on Car Nleober !sl\1<1, <00
mlloa tiVI ol Slun:;tn.
Regraded Unclassified
8. ACTION f.GJ.INST ALLIED SHU'•'IllO.·-N> s ln.<lniS <'P<>r t..d.
~ Slghtln;l:; I!! l.morlelln ~: N? slsnttncs r, port.!d.
~ t'P..S' ,)~,.· •
1--\ .t; ~~~f- // .. ,-~- ..'1•1 _,,-~--
A. v. S. ;>tCIQlAIU)T,
Ca.pu.ln, U.S.N .,
Colon"l· o.s.c.,
Chic!, Tt.."wr Gr oup. l:i<'l>· Olr ..
Regraded Unclassified
- 0
On Information receive d-- War and Navy Departm ents,·
From: 1201 Z, 4 September 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 5 Septem ber 1943 f> Septemb er 1943.
No. 161.
Regraded Unclassified
strong forces o! RAF heavy bomber~ apln •ttaclc«! Berlin. AA !Ire wae
moderate and dlmlnlshe<l as the attocked progressed. Searchlight
activity Increased sllgllUy over the previous attack but fighter opposition
deereaM<I. Q\ the same night, an ammunition dump near ValencteM•a
was attacked by RAF planes. No enemy opposition was encountered.
o.O~·~ -..... T
-2- Regraded Unclassified
/ ~=,.
/an AA poslllon and ~tarted nroo 0~thi~,:~!:O:~:~
lui• lnln
In an 84·ton raid on Lae, Allied planes d
wlldlnil• Vlllaiee "" the Markham Rlv•r
heavily bombt<l and strafed.
On 3 30pltmbor tho Lalu!
both t~n Ambon, were auacked by AIJIIOGI p>anoo.
waa deatreyR.
8. ACTION AOAINST ALlJEl) SHIPPWO.··Nothlni to re~<Crt.
Regraded Unclassified
On info rma tion rece ived -- War and Navy De;>artments,
Washington, D. C.,
From : 1201 Z, 3 Sep tem ber l94J
To : 1200 Z, 4 Sep tem ber 1943 4 Sept emb er 194.s.
No. 160.
I. NORTH AMERICA.··NOlhlng to r epo rt.
Regraded Unclassified
Whlw ....turnL•g to tho!r bo.a.s. U... a hot down 2 e nemy
bombor s SW of !.llldlu>t;. On tlw> som. date AUicd m.Nlum bomber s
dustroy«< S ~t$ In Bor~;~.n Say (E of CAp. 010\ICCStcr).
8. ACTION AOAn lST ALLIED Sl!l??t:>O.··No olnktncs ftrc ro·
~rt ed in any theater. Submarlr..e Sl&hUne:• ~ Amcr\eln W~rs:
N!> stchtlngs rt.:portid.
For the,.,. C. o! S., G ~ 2: For thu Dlr.ctor of Nova! lnt..Utco~:
Regraded Unclassified
On tn!ormatlon rcee ived .. - War v..d Navy Departments,
From: 1201 Z, 2 September 1!1~3 WashlngtonJ D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 3 September 1943 3 September 1943 .
No. 159.
r, rail junctions W of Sumy and N of Stalino and troop concentrations
n the Smolensk area and ~'VI of Kharkov wer e bombed by the Red
Regraded Unclassified
/ 0
On 1n!ormaUon received· · War and Na.vy [)epartment.c,
From: 1201 Z, I September 1913 Wa.shlngton, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 2 September IG43 2 Se!'teml>er 1913.
Regraded Unclassified
On t.n!ormatlon received· ... War and Navy Depal't.t!l!nts,
From: 1<01 Z, 31 AU&U~>t 1~;3 Wuhington , D. C.,
To : 1l00 "• I SeJ>tember 1943 I Septecbo.r lllol3.
No. 157.
6. /.stA.--NOtllq to "',)'>rt.
7. SO!Tl'H :Jjjj SOUTHWEST > ACIFIC.·-S.>lomona Ar a: Oc 30
J.~cuot u. S. hcLvy bombo<rs, sc>r~»d by ltihtt ro, u~ K3hlll
alrtleld. Twtnty-fiVd to 3$ ~M my ttan.t. ra lnt. rc.. ~ LJ, !lnc1 8 wtr....
shot doom. Or.. or our haavy l>oml>ers .,..lll bit by an u rllll bomb :.nd
cr...h-JJ In fl!lm.;.:s. Uew Cu!Ma~·Nt,;w Brtt .t., /\rc3: On 30 August
t~ enomy .. lr!idds il1ruiUii!lr...6"J'l, {iil'fi'j'\1.'{WiK w-en., and 'lt
Todjl, SE of Albpo Wcl'C bomb<.-:!. urs• llr • and _xp(OoSI>nS Wcro
Regraded Unclassified
l...,lchtcr w:us torpecO<d and .,.,.. 7 A\lill&t NE o! Ma<b("..sellr.
U-boct S~!!t!!!p I!! American ~: No aubm>r!Ms wer~ sJ&hlol<l
li1"'A'iirer :;,n walers.
For the A. C. o! S., G-2: For tha Dlr· ctor of N>nl ln"'lltger.c..:
I ... .
Colonel, G. S. C . 1 CnpU>In, U.S.N.,
Chlof, ln!oUigcnco Group. Dop. Dlr., O.IU.
Regraded Unclassified
On l.ntormnUon received-- War and Navy OepulmenlS,
From: 1201 <., 30 August 1943 Washlngt'!ln, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 31 AUGUStl943 31 AUjiUSt 194a.
r-:o. tt-e.
l. NORTH AIAERICA.- -Nothlni to report.
S&eft~ ,
Regraded Unclassified
0~1atr tJD ,lJl
OlD a.~Clt'E. T
For the J... C. of S., G-2: For the Director of Naval Intellige nce:
yfa~~. a!/~ .~..v. S. ?ICiO!ARDT,
Colonel, G. S, C., Captain , U. S.N.,
Chief, Intellige nce Group. Dep. Dir., O.N.I.
Regraded Unclassified
On Inform ation r eceive d - - War and Navy Depart ments,
From: 1:!01 z, 29 Aclt;'.lst 1Gt3 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 30 A~gust 19·13 30 August 19•3.
No. 154.
Regraded Unclassified
~tf1SI ...11
Ol: ~~t:. T
U. S. med ium and heavy bom oero .
l\j(yab dur ing coord\nat<!>d <tttacks by
wer e visi ble for mor e tllan 50
Extensive dam age resu lted and fire s t of llkyab tsland .
mil es. Cne larg e ves sel was SP.Cu eas
.- -Solomc>ns Are a: On 26
7. SOUTH liND SOUTHV:EST P'IC IFIC Re~ta Bay are a and l<abu ·
August U S. medium emits bombed theforc e of medium bomb~rs
~eal Island (W of Shortland).
'In othe r
mad e a low alti tude attac.< on bar ges :md h..lts in the Slgoleh" -Ba rcn
Fou r bar ges wer e des tr:>y ed New
\te Island a rea (NW Isab el Island).
atta c<t en All'.ed ,Josctlons \'' ~r
CJi nea --N ew Br\ t'lm llre a. Enemy On the mor nmg of n August Alhcd
Siilamaua alrf teld wer e rep ulse d.
c; on the Han sa B1y ana , ~cttll\6
med ium bom ber s mad e 3 hea vy atta ng barg~s. 9 lJgg ers and 1
fore to a sma ll car go ves sel destroyo cra.ft, and star tin; ! lar~e
pow er launch, dam agin g oth er coaps. stal
de~m Heavy bom ber s aua ctte d Lae
flre s In amm umt lon and fuel
a r:utnoer of bar ;;es , and sett •ng
wat erfr ont , deotroyong J .eth, s :md noe rs stra.fed and bombed
ammunition dum ps afir e L ght bor l\a ·Banda S;;,. Are a: On 2 •
8alama:.ta har bor . Nor tnw est A:.tstra
c~~d Dlll \ anO:Crtp" Cnater
August Allied med ium bomber s atta
star w.g lat·ge fir es
--T wo U. S car go snip s
S ACTION '\G -11NST ALLIED SHIP?il'<G. U-b oat s.~htiniS tn
Jt:> ·\ugust.
wore torp edo ed and s•Jn:< off Bonewas N;>orted A~gust 2· off theso~th
Amerocan V.'a ters : Cne sigh ting
rep orte d tM sam e day .00 mil~s
coa st of N~wfoundland; ano ther was
NV" of Natal.
F ~r th ~ Dh·, ctor of Naval
Inte llig enc e:
For the -\ C o! S., C-2 :
r .)
., -
.;1 .f /Ja,;iint I .J L
R. S. BRATTON <\. v. S.
Colono~l, C. s. C.,
Ca9tain U S N.,
Dcp D!r ., 0 N.l
Choef, Jntoo~lligence Cro up.
Regraded Unclassified
On Information receiv ed-- \''ar and Navy Cepar tments ,
From: 1201 Z, 28 August 1943 v·ashlngton, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 29 August 1943 29 August 1943.
No. 154.
1. NORTH AMERICA.- - Nothing to report .
2. LATIN AMERICA.-- Nothing to report .
EASTERN EUROPE. - -In the Donets Basin heavy Soviet offen -
3. ng ln the
sive action contin ues SV and ,. or Voros hllovg rad. Flghtl
Khar kov sector center ed S of the clty. In tne Bryansk area the
Soviet drive has pushed a few miles v· of Sevsk. Along the rest of t
the front the situati on remai ns s tatic. On the night of 27-28 Augus
raU Junctions at Roslavl, ?oltav a, and Volnovakha were bombed by
the Red Air Force .
4. V"ESTERN EUROPE.--D urtng the day of 27 August aerona utical
faclllt les near St. Orner wer e strong ly attacked by U.S. lf!avy bomb ers.
ition was weak. The alrfleld at Polx was also raided by
Enemy oppos berg
U.S. mediu ms which encountered no opposltlon. That nlgbt Nurem
en -
was very heavUy bombed by RAF planes . Only slight AA flre was
count ered but enemy fighte rs were numer ous.
Regraded Unclassified
8. ACT!O!l AQA!l;ST ALLIED Sllli
'~J:<(),• -No r.ew lhlppll>g .ooa
haw bcon report-xl ln onY tl\la
wr. y_.boat SlthtlnSS ln Ame rtea n .o
~: NothiLC to r ....port .
H S I! · •
-rr;:; A. v. $. PlCKBAPLT,
Colonel, o.s. c.. Coptoln, U.S.N ..
Cht d, ln"....U\ct.:D::.: Qro up t ... p. Dtr•• O.:t .l
Regraded Unclassified
On Information received -- War and Navy Depa rtments,
From: 1201 Z, 27 August 1g43 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 28 August 1g43 28 August 1943.
No. 153.
Regraded Unclassified
oan :Dol!"(!: R"E T
area s In Hong Kong
a. AS!A. -- Chlna: On 26 August, Kowloon dock succ esst ully by U.S.
and Tlen ho alrd rom e In Canton wer e attac enco unte red dete rmin ed
bom bers with tigh ter esco rt. Both miss ions
es wer e shot down. Sub-
flgh ter oppo sitio n and 10 of 40 Japa nese plan exte nsiv e dam age' In Kow -
sequ ent phot ogra phic reco nnai ssan ce show els alon gsid e the dock s. Six to
loon, whtl e hits wer e scor ed on 4 vess
oute r harb or.
eigh t addi tion al frei ghte rs wer e seen In the
omo ns Are a: On 26
SOUTH AND SOUTHV EST PAC IF!C .- -Solter Cov e;lii ld Nusutuva
7. e, v ·ebs
Aug ust enem y Inst alla tion s at l Cov
a, wer e bombed by U.S. planes.
Islan d, alon g the S coa st of Kolo mba ngar I wer e attacked, and 9 of
The runw ay and shor e Insta llati ons at KahU n. U.S. plan es also at-
30 Inte rcep ting enem y figh ters wer e shot
Bay and strll led the S coas t of Cho lseu l. New Guin ea-
tack ed Rek ata or, on 2d August, Alli ed grou nd
New Brit ain Area : In the Sala mau a sect
of Kela , and atta cked stro ng
forc es clea red enem y amb ush pcsl tlon s S\1 thwe st Aus trall a- Banda Sea
pill box defe nses 1 mUe SE of Bobdubl. and th" surr oun ding are a-w as-
Area : On 26 August, Koe pang , Tim or,
bers . Oth er Alli ed plan es
atta cked succ essf ully by Dutc h med ium bom
raid ed Taberfa ne In the Aro e Isla nds.
new ship ping loss es
Sightlngs In Ame rica n
have been repo rted In any thea ter. \:[-b oat
Wat ers: Nothing to :-eport.
For the A. C. of S., G-2 : For the Clre ctor ol Naval Inte llige nce:
Regraded Unclassified
No. 152 .
r«<ffe~ "·
5 J:"
~ \tf'trl o-S-71 Regraded Unclassified
escort. u lrect hlts were scored on two 550-foot ships at Kow loon.
One Japaneoe transport plane was shot down by U. S. bomber s. In
the U. S. raid on Hankow on 21 August, 43 enemy fighte rs we re shot
down, Inste ad of the 35 previously repor ted. New- type Japanese
fighte rs r ecently encountered In China belonged to the army as well
as the navy, and were handled cleverly by apparently experienced
pUots. Burma: On 25 August, Pyawbwe was bombed by U. S. h~:avy
bombers. Numerous hits were scored In the center of the town.
Japanes e e vacuated the Bairoko harbor sector, e nd!ilg organized
resistance on New Georgia proper. The ene my left large quantities
of supplies and many vehicles. On 25 August U. S. planes dropped
H>·tons of bombs in the supply artJa at Rokata Bay. Ringl Cova , on
Kolombangara, was twice attacked, and the Kahlll strip was bomood.
At Kahlll 1 of 50 to 60 enemy Inte rceptor s wc r.: shot down. New
Guinea--New Britain Area: On 25 /<ueust, supply dumps and~water
iront artaatHansa Bay wer -. h~;avlly attacked five tim~s. In
addition to damage dJne to shor... Installations, 6 barges w.,r,_ sunk.
A new s trip, graded to a length of ?.,300 fuct, was obs~rved near
Condor Point (north shorv of Hans;. Bay). Gasmz.ta was also b;,mb.:d
and straled. Northwest Australia- - Banda S...a Area: On 25 August,
Lautem, on Timor, was attackt~d bylUiAF' medium bombe rs .
8. AC TION AGIUNST ALLIED SHJ.-r~ING . - - No new shlpplng
losses have boun rc:port..,d in any th..:atur. U- boat Slghtlngs In
American Wat1.r:>: Nothing to r<.port.
For the A. C. of S., G- 2: For th... Director of Naval lntelllgenc_:
~.., Y lJMffl,,
Colonel, G. S.C., Captain, u.s. N.,
Chief, Intclllg~nco Group. Dc:p. Dlr., O.N.I.
Regraded Unclassified
War and Navy Dep artments ,
On lntormo.tlon rece ived - -
From: 1201 Z, 25 August 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 26 August 1943 26 August 1943.
No. 151.
ust a plan e ldentl!lad
l. NORTH AM ER! CA. --Greenland: On 2Z Augrved by a u . S.
as a Junk ers 86P (rcc :mn nlss anco typeSh:u ) w::-.s obse
ship ln the regi on cl m~n Islan d, :lppr~lm::tely
Cus tom s Gus r d st of Gree nlan d.
at ?5 deg rees nort h latit uae, 'Jf! tho east
• lN AMERICA .·· • •
• io r.;,po rt.
• 2 . LAT
Sov iet forc es contlnu.:d
3. EASTERN EUR OPE .- -On th... Mlus fron t
s In the Kuibyshe v·:> sect or
thei r ofi<C;nslve and Imp rove d thei r posi tion oshl lovg rac.. South cl Izyu m
and also fo:rthur N In th<.: area W :>! Vor
ht go.ln s made ln th-. Cac.:
Red Arm y posi tions war<" Imp rove d nnd slig rkov area th<~ S:~vlets h ve
of stro ng tnem y counter~tt~ks. In thi! Kh::
en~ my resi stan ce at /1kh tyrka. Afte r c week :>!
fina lly brok en the
the heo.vl.;st fighting, duri ng whic h Akb
tyrk a ch>.nged h:..nds seve ral
time s, the Red Arm y b:.s succ •• adea In nt r.dvanclng th..: poin t of Its s~
et snlic now desc rlb3 s n mor u or
Uent to :<.;.nkov. This vita l Sovi r Sum y, Lcbcdln, ~nk:>v,
less smo oth curv e p:\Sslng lltrough or no:: Kh:lrkov- -Polt::.v~. r::.llro::.d
Oposhnyo., and Vysokopo1o, which Is on ttho :>f th~ s..clknt, • .cnk ·:>v, Is ln
about 40 mil es\' : or Kh.•rkov . Th... poin
:1bou t 100 mll-.~s WSW of
open coun try w...u o!f thu r c llro::.u line s, s n d-.y fQr th,l Sovl&ts'
Belg orod , lndlc'ltlng ' gcln of t:.bout .ly C) at S\lmy ;;.nd
firs t sum mer orccnslvo. Strong enem
kopo1c s<.ctor h:wc succ<;C'd·
from the dlr'-'ctlon of Polt.o.v• In th~ Vyso s::U"nt. Along tho rest cl
cd In stop plng th" spr.;;~d of th~ b~ of th_ ghtlng. ~po rts indi c::to
the E:1s torn Fron t theN wcs no lmport:\J\t.ilvigo rous ly supp ortin g
that tact ical elrc r:l!t or both 'lir rorc~..s ::.r t of 24-:;5 August, t.M
night as well r.s day ope rations . On th-. ozyb nigh
tion s cl Nov !tov :md un·. cha, SW of
Sovi-.ts bomb,;d th~ r:::il junc
Don~ts s ..,cto rs.
Bry nnsk , r.nd rcU u.:.pots In thJ Mlu s :md
r~t r epai r shop s ::nd
4. WESTERN EUROPE .- - On 24 Aug ust, :'.lrc o• ck"d by U. S.
P:-~rl s, wcr
the stor:::go dupot at VUlocoub1tl.y , n~r.r
bom~rs whic h d.rop~d 236 tons
of ._xploslv~s. •lr opposition
U. S. bomlx.r s m:::d... ligh ter
and mod1..r:1te AA flru W<JN -. ncountor ud. r.t Evr.:.ux, W of P'lr ls .
atta cks on F:..uvill" Conch-.s ::.i rdro mcsmcx kr:::t u.
The r e w:ts no - lr opposition; AA Clr-. w::s
of 23-24 August, r ::ll
5. MEDITERRANEAN AREA.- - On th... nigh t
'lekod by RAF pl::.nus, which
brgvts nt Bn.gnolln, E of Ne.p1.2!1 ~~~r~t
s ac:.t~ ···' ·
Regraded Unclassified 150 tons ot bomb •. Tbt n.;;xt d-:y,
S"'.prl, Slb:.rt, :.Dd C'"..atrovUL."".l'\, \n t"Lllro."ld tMtr. lhUo na r.t.
by u . S. f1Cht~.or-bomb;..ra. Two
~tb.:.m tt::ly , w.:r ... J my cruts~r of! t.h6 c:ors:t ot•ouhlta w. ~~or~ on tM ato.;.rn o! ..n
tOOr n ltoJy, An &lrc ralt a.saembly
pllot a t - wu s..t>je<:to<l to
a 134- toa bomblnc raid bJ u.s.
bom berl shutt l\ng from North Afric
ell&lll AA llrt and medl oere IlCht a tO Engl and. 1n thle ltt.K k
er O!>p«<itlon were ene,. ...tei 'OJ.
6. ASIA ... Durt nc tM Chun cktng
whic h cau.sedc;r;:ry-mlncr dam.ll•· rfttd on 23 Aua:ust,
0D 24 AJ&W~t, l!ani<<>W and Wochl.t>Cone enem y OOJnber wu de~U'JY.t<i. o!MS ,..,.. aua.><ed bJ U. S.
modtum and heav y bomb er s wlth.
fJ ghter eaco rt. A det.r mtne d
lnte r";U ca was ~ by enem y n,nt
ers, \0 of wb\eh were ~Jbot down.
Burm a: OD ~• """' "'' u. S. plan !s bomb
r.ctm Tes ln Burm ed brid e•• a.oc1 r&llrOO'!
a, between Yllmeth1n iLlW M:;tt.cylra.
""'" " u. s. ground torees eontll1ued
...._ ., oo B... ,a t.lsn J. OD tho
tons of bomba on R\ngl Cove,;~.~~.?'~~~~~:~
Brita in Area : On a• Aucust Alllec1 cr>und ~--~~}.
;ii'CIO, iiirConooll<l&ted .,oo~u- :.~oo ya.r<\0
alrOr ome. t nerny equtl)ment captu olllle llal>-.,..,.
red 1n this advance'd t.()
be DI'W. On 4 !- U(US t, ~r 120 tons
Wew u area b:; Allte a pl;&DeS, fiiJld.l
ot bombs nre on u.
~ l2. tnem J
&tternptad ll\t.llrc.tpUan waa shOt down
Sea Area : ea 24 Aucu st, b.rc oa w . North weut
were-,;omhe4 and atnl '!d bJ D" .uliCO~ Iii i!>O
l,m l>ombOrs and
Ughte r a.
tosse l a re ropor t.ed ln &IIY thea ter. >.-U:O.--No new shtpplrle
U- bOI.t Sight~ Ln Azn11rlea.n
Wato ra: A pcss lb•• •IChtlrJCwu ...,...
l0Wii11fru14n Guia na) on 26 A~ - ,rtel ~~ 7oe orv -
)\.) I) in/{ ;, /
Colonol, o. S. C., CttpLALD, U. S. N,
c~!. llrto llice - o.- -. lAp. Dlr., 0 . N. I.
Regraded Unclassified
No. 150.
l. NORTH AMERICA.- -Dom estic Situat ion: Three pe rsons In
charg ed with espionage In behal f of Germany were arraigned sa Behre ns,
Detro it. Two of them, Grace Buchanan-D ineen and There
F red Willia m Thom as, plead ed inno-
stood mute, while the third Dr. Bertr ano
cent. Each was held In $50,000 bond. P.n-:>ther suspe ct, accus ed of
Stuar t Hoffman, was arres ted In N~Jw York City. All are
giving Information to Germ any.
2. LATIN AMERICA.--Nothlng to repor t.
o~»st:"t ~'r
tons on tho ra il yard s
down . The sam e night RAF plan es dropped 92peJ 104 tons on Satt l-
at Sale rno. The next day U. S. bom bers drop barr acks near Cag ll-
pagl la rail targ ets. Indu stria l inata llatl ons and
inia, were bom bed by U. S. figh ter-b ombe rs.
ari, Sard
ASIA.--Chlna: Enemy rive r shipping Is Incr easin gly activ e
6. One 450- foot vess el
on the Yangtze-oeiWeen Nanking and Hankow.
vess els were a t Nanking;
nnd 12 sma ller craf t were at Wuhu; 3 moto r . In addi tion, 3
4 merc hant and I naval vess els were at Kluk u, nnd one 335-foot stea m"r
med ium -site d vess els , 7 mile s from Wuh
ream. At Vlhampoa
20 mlle s W of Klukiang, we re proc eedi ng upst o. Large dum ps were
docks, Canton, consider able activ ity was noteand suve ral barges were
near the railr oad, and one 335- foot freig hter
rt, 2'1 Instead of 60
at the docks. According to a corr ecte d repo Aug ust. The next day 24
eneiny plan es attac ked Chungking on 23
Surm a: Tho pres ence of Japanese
Japanese plan es attac ked the city.
troo ps in stre ngth s up to 2 com pani es was r..:ported at seve ral
hills nea r the Indian
poin ts In the H~knwng Valley and In the Naga of bom bs were drop ped
fron tier. On 22~m 23 August :1 tot~ of 88ons tons
y supp ly poin ts and com mun icati in cent ral and nort hern
on enem the Myltnge brid ge ,
Burm a. Two succ essf ul raid s were mad e on
one over Pako><ku.
one agai nst the Me!Atila cant onm ent ar·ca, and bers attnc ked one of
Andaman and Nlco bar Islan ds: U. S. heavy bars bom
elS obse rved In the Nlco and Andamans. One
two 300 -foo tvess a near by 250- foot
vessel was set a!lre . AA fire was rece ived
vess el, belie ved to be a dest roye r.
c Area: On 23
7. SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST PACIFIC .--..?aclfl ted patro ll\ng W of
August an enemy 4 - englnt: flying boat was sighOn 24 August 2 for -
Howlnnd and Bake r Islan ds. Solomons Area over Vella. Lavu lla, and
mati ons of Japanese figh ters were Inter cept ed Brit ain Area: Allied
9 of them were shot down . New Guin ea--Nr,ewNE 01 OldlrobCiubl, and
ground forc es cros sed the Fran cisc o Rive 2,200 yard s W of
cons olida ted thei r posi tion on the high ground,chha fen was effe ctlvd y airfi eld. Ec.rly on 23 August, F\ns day the aroa was also
shel led by U. S. naval vess els. Late r in thr:. VUla gc were dest royu d
bombed by Allie d airc raft. SuUdings at Kdc
was bombed. Northwe st
by Allied medium bom bers . Gasm ata town and :Lirdrome at
Australla--BandD. Sea Area : On 23 August th~ end the en.,my S<
KeDdarl wa re bombCcl byA lllod heavy units , ium bom bers .
base at Langgoer was attacked by RAAF med
n<lw shipping loss es
have btlen reporte-d in coy tht:"-kr. U-bo
at Sight!ngs ~ Ame rican
Wat ers: Nothlnr:; to repo rt.
For the A. c. of S., G-2: Fol the Dlrt:;_ctQr ot Naval lntelligenc;c :
,, ;, }.>.,. ,.,-, I • '-1 ,. '
; ' ..
C ~ ~
Regraded Unclassified
On Information recelveo-- War and Navy -Departments,
From: 1201 Z, 23 August 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 24 August 1943 24 August 1943.
No. 149.
Regraded Unclassified
5~~ -li
6. .~SIA. ··-Burma: On :&1 August , enemy barrac ks at Kyaukp
wer e hcnvlly dn!IIIlg£.d by U. S. bombe rs. Twcnt y-thrc<: r afts In thd
Chlnclwln Rlv.;r N of M.Ungkwan we re sunk by P- 40's, which also
strafed and dt.stro y<>d en~ my supply dumps . More thnn 100 !r..!ght
cars In tho railway yards a t Sagaln g, Mandalay, and Ywataung wer e
dEstroy ed during r aids by U. S. medium bomb-. rs. Enemy In
s till::Uo ns :it Pakokk u and MclltU a WHe damag ed by 12 tons or
bombs , Photog raphs 'J! Rangoon r uvealed 17,000 tons of occ:~n ship-
ping the larges t concen tration of mcrch: ml vt:ssel s observed In the
port sine~ March.
. J,~ 5~
./h" t, I fr,l R· V. J.'P~ .<-A-~ ,.~. y-
R. S. BRATTON, ,.... v. S. P ICKHARDT,
Colone l, G. S.c., C'lpt~ln, U.S.N.,
Chlef, Group. Ocp. Dlr., O. N. 1.
,, Regraded Unclassified
• ,.1ECRET
,!f~c~ ?I
On lnform11.tion rece ived-- War and Nwy Dt:partm ents,
From: 1~01 Z, 22 August lll43 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 z, 23 August lll43 23 August lll43.
No. 148.
1. NORTH AMERICA. -- Nothlng to r oport.
Regraded Unclassified
fighters attnc~ed U. S pl!Ules on po.trol over Hengyang; 4 enemy planes
were shot down. H.:U1.<ow airdrome was ro.lded twice by U. S pinnas;
the first att'lck by U.S. medium bombers, with a fighter escort, encount-
er ed only ono enemy Inter ceptor Fifty Japanese fighte r s ::~ttacked
the second mission, which was by unescorted U. S. heavy
bombers. Thirty-five of these fighters were destroyed. An Allied
communique states th:~.t on 23 August Chun.r.<lng was raided by 60
Jap:mes!' bomoers. This VlllS the first since ~Y ••911.
~r~. ,;:-)-'?t,, ~
l ., ~
, • V,
J 1--1
.J ;
,'' .
Regraded Unclassified
On Information recelv8d-- War and Navy Departments,
From: 1201 Z, 21 August 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 22 August 1S4S 22 August 1943.
No. 147.
Regraded Unclassified
»I OI.A gttJ:'SO
oaet!.'e~~ +
. On the nigh t of
and 2 Japa nese 5-ln ch naval guns were captyured bom bed U. S. po-
19-2 0 Augu st, enem y alrc rnft Inte rmit tentl Guln~a--New
age. New
sitio ns on Vella Lave l l.a causing no dam e at Bor am, near
y aird rom
Brit ain Area : On 20 August, the enem bers . Larg e tlres wer e
Wowak, was attac ked by Allie d hoav y bom
royed on the ground.
star ted and at h: ast 5 enemy airc raft wer e dest ion, 19 were shot
of 30 to 35 enem y fighter s attem ptin g Inter cept
B. ACTION AGAINST ALLIED SHIPPINO.-- NoI/:tnew s ightl ngs !!)
loss es have been repo rted In any thea t~r. U-bO
.o.tnc rlcan Wate rs: Noth ing to r.:!port .
For the A. C. of S., G-2: For the Dire ctor of Nava l lnt.:llllgence:
Regraded Unclassified
.On lnlormatlo n received- - War and Navy Departmen ts,
. Frotn : 1201 Z, 20 August 1943 Washington , D. C.,
To: 1200 z, 21 August 1943 21 August 1943.
No. 146.
I. NORTH AMERICA.- - Nothing to report.
5'~ ~~rEllf'-72
Regraded Unclassified
6. ASIA.--Cnina: On 19 August, 9 Japanese planes bombed the
Klenow alrtle!Cr."15lioto reconna issance revealed more than 18 planes
at Nanking. Burma: On 19 August, raUway yards, rolling stock, and
Installa tions tn central B11rma were success fully attacked by U.S.
medium bomber s. Enemy- occupied villages In the Naga Hills were
strafed and bombed by U.S. fighters .
planes shot down 2 of 6 enemy Intercep tors over Kahil!. New Guinea- -
New Britain Area: An Allied communique raports the capture or-
I<omlatum and Orodubl, and the re treat of the enemy to the close- in de -
lenses of Salamaua.
U- boat Slghtlngs in Amer ican Waters: A submar ine sighting was re ·
portedon August 19, leo miles S of Newfoundland.
For the A. C. of S., G-2: For the Directo r of Naval Intelligence:
-, ..
(1 / ~.> , ,.tya1, 11 o. ~ 13t/4Jf~
Colonel, G.S.C., Captain, U. S. N.,
Chief, Intelligence Group. Dep. Dlr., O.N.I.
Regraded Unclassified
No. 115.
1. NORTH AMER !CJ\.-- Creenh nd: A obse r ved over Ella
lshnd on 14 !1ugust headed sout h was identltl ed as a !our-m otored
Cermn n bombe r. Anothe r plane circlin g nt 10,000 te.:t on 17 August
over a SE coast ll'ea h:~s not bc.::n Ident ified,
appear s to b.:: NW of Kh'lr kov In tho Akhtyr k'l sect or , wheN the enemy
In desperate counte ratt"'ck s Is at~mpting to stop th.. Sovl~s· gN:J.lest
threat t o p~netro.te t o t h\l Dniepe r. Sovh;t units a r e now Jess th'\D 8
miles from Sumy, the ene my' s northe rn t hreat t o the deep Rod Army
salient , 3Dd only 25 mllt1s !rom Poltr,v a, thl;l l:lst .,nomy stronghold before
l the Dniepe r River. Southo!lst of Kh:lrkov, th.: Sov!Jt column :~strldi! th~
Zmlev RR, and '\dvanc tng on thil city, m:~d-. sllght og'tlns and now
I. threate ns the Kharkov--Lozov.::~ya RR, one o! the hst t wo RRs supply ing
Kh:lrkov. On the mlddliJ Oonots , In th.:lzy um sect or, ..,nemy count er-
attacks succe.::ded In somowh<tt r educin g th~ Soviet brldgehe~.d S of
the river. On tho Mius front t he R.Jd Army again :~thcked In som'"
for ce. In the· Lvnlng r ad o.nd L'lko Omen sector s, fightin g of a local
cnarac ter ·left thi! sltu'ltlo n unch"'"g.;,d . Both :ilr forces continu e tacttc'l
th<J night of 17- 18 August , Bry::ns tc
suppor t of gr ound op.::r·t lons. On
.. l weN again bomboo by the Sovlt.t Fore" .
J :'.Ild Rostav
For the A. C . of S., G-2: For thi3 DINctor of N:wal tnt.. lllgenc~ :
9 .Y_;'
/~Y'c· ...~ r'D./)
1 . J. l~..-1 /tt'!, l t:r:---
v. S. PICKH.t.RDT,
• £,,
Colon.Jl, G.S.C., Ccptaln, U. S. N.,
Chief, Inte lligence Group. Dcp. Dlr., O.N.l.
Regraded Unclassified
On Information received-- War and Navy D'"pnrtments,
From: 1201 Z, 18 August Hl43 Washington, D. c.,
To: 1200 Z, HI August 1943 19 August Hl43.
No. 144.
1. NORTH AMERICA. --Nothlng to report.
LJ ' t/ \
• 'r ,; . I J I (, ( (, ... , /1 i~ J J r-" -i''·Ct•'<·t.;.·f:I-
Coloncl, G.S.C., Captain, U. S. N.,
Chief, lnt..:lllg"nco Group. D.;p. Dlr., 0 . N.l.
Regraded Unclassified
On Information recei ved - - War and Navy Depa rtmen ts,
From : 1201 Z, l '/ AuguSt 1943 Wash ington, D. C.,
To: 1200 Z, 18 August 1913 18 August 1943.
No. 143.
Regraded Unclassified
oao o(;~'r
Alll$d phnes llaav>ly bcmbod alllpplni In th~ M"Sslln Stn\ta ".lld ccm-
mwllc~tlons Md eone.Jntratlons en tho to.> o! fi>ly. Atr!lulda nt Foggl1
weN atuckcd by u.s. bombors which dropped 15 / tona. Forty- thrc• o!
" !orca of '15 to 100 nttneklnii onomy planes WoN doa\royod. Exc,pt !or
thte opposltlcn, thore wne ltttll.l one my nlr activity over southern It.:lly.
On tho nlgbt o! l5-16, Mll'lll w3s 3g1!n a ttack..'<! by RAF pll\nes. En~my
ground <.\etc-ns~s ahowod eomo lnereasa ln str~ngth Md nccuracy. Du.rlng
the night ol 18-li, Turin w11 bombed by RAF olreroll. A d,J•yed rvport
st:uus t!u\ 3a """"Y phnul .tt.•ck..'<l s.~lpplng In th "' .~.rn l.l:ld!Lr-
rlll<:an en t he night c! •3-14 A"i"st.
0. ASL~. -- Burm'< On 10 .'W(Ust, :J.S. bomb<ra seer .d dlr~ct ht\s
on ratlrorul !~ciUtloa In th<t M~hy .,.,,,
For 1114 ''· c. ot S., 0 -2 : For tM Dir ector c! Nw-,t lntc lllganee :
Colonol, G.S.C., C~plllln, U. S. N.,
Cb!c!, lntcll\genco Group~~ ~.sst. Dlr., lnt· llli•nco Group.
No. 142.
st, a po-
1. NORTH AMER!CA .- -Alas ka: On the night of 14- 15 Auguplane
sition on Kls.u was shell ed by a 0. S. surf:l ce unit. A u. S.
bombing Gertr ude Covll encou ntere d no AA fire.
Regraded Unclassified
No . 140.
Regraded Unclassified
and Turin were heavUy attacked by RAF planes, which dropped over
1,200 tons of bombs on MUan and 200 on Turin. The next day, onomy
positions and shipping along the not•th and east coasts of Sicily were
again bombed and s trafed. Axis fighter activity v•as Increased over the
::u-ea, and 10 or more enemy flghter s made occasion:ll sweeps over
Messina Straits. A new type of enemy fighter was encountsred In this
theater. It resembled the P -40 and appeared to be heavUy armored.
On 13 August, 5 enemy pl:llles dropped bombs at Blzerte before being
driven ofi. The aircraft factory and assembly plant ·al Weiner Neustadt,
25 mUes S of VIenna, were bombed by a strong force of U.S. bombers.
Enemy fighter reaction was slight.
.,....,r~.r- rc:-,(-t~.._
--- !.:.
·I 1 • J :; , / "
•• J P~l "··'' _., ·A
Colond, 0. S. C., Captain, U. S. N.,
Chief, Intolllgence Gr oup. Asst. D!r ., Intoll!gunco.~ Group.
- ~l'fe.'i""
Regraded Unclassified
Oii~~T ina, were
near Rlposto, Taorm ina and Cape All, 2.3 miles N of Taorm coast r oads
heavily bombarded by Royal Navy units. Along the north
n. dl Patti were bomb ard-
and railway bridg es from Pirain o to Marln ay tunne l
ed on 12 Augus t by aU. S. naval force . An Impor tant highw
Dur ing the night of 11- 12 Augus t, about 2a
was probably destro yed. Lentini. A
enemy plane s attacked Augusta In Sicily, and an airfie ld a t ia; 5 Ju-
formation of 35 enemy bomb ers was Intercepted near Catan
88s were destro yed. During the same night IUld the next day east coast s
shipp ing, motor transport and troop s along the north and
ed by Allled plane s. On 12 ·
of Sicily and at San Giovanni were bomb s) was attack -
anlze (25 miles NE of N:~ple
August the airfie ld at Grazz
ed by U. S. bomber s . About 10 enem y plane s were encou
ntered, 9
Two small fields near Croto ne (foot of
of which were destr oyed. and Loren zo
Italy) were also bombed. On 13 August, the Lltto rlo ce U. S.
marsh alllng yards at Rome were attacKed by a stron g for of
plane s.
ASlA. --Chlna: On !l Aagus t, three waves of Japanese plane s
6. fighte rs were In
approached Hengyang but did not attack . Thirt een
thi rd wave
the flr::t wave, 20 of unknov'Tl type In the second, :u1d the st, rail-
was unidentified as to numb er and typo;. Burm a: On 12 Augu ed by
way fac ilities and river shipping In centr al Burm a were attack
U.S. medium bomb:?rs; sevl)r al river craft were hit. was Enemy patro ls
ar"!a, 'Uld l enr:m y party repor ted
were active In tne ~.hungdaw
32 m lies W of Shingbwlya ng, tn the Hukaw ng Valle y.
7. SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST ?AClFIC.- -Solomons Jl..rea: On
have overc omee nemy
August , U. S. troops moving N on Balrol<o On the
resist ance at Zleta Village, and advanced 1 mile furthe r N.or 42
same date Kahlll a irdro me was attack ed by U. S. plane s;
left burn-
enemy bomb ers and fighte r s caught on the .:round, 20 wereenemy
Ing and 8 other s were badly dama ged. Of 30 inte rcept ing
On 11
fighte rs , 11 were shot down. New Guinea- -New Britai n Area:
~ln a ISland . On
August a small force of enem y bombor s att Sogad jlm.
12 August Allied bomb ers attacked enem y Instal lation s at
d at
Northwest Austr alia-- Band a Soo. Area: Large fires were starte Poe-
>ombl ng. R~cen t photo graph s of
'kilm ana, 12 A11gust, bY'Allle:<rT runwa y,
loot!, Timo r, 8 miles NE of Koopa ng, show a new 4,000 foot
el a ir-
not yet servic eable . New revetm ents have been built at Penfoe to
drom e, and the Koep:mg golf !Inks runway Is now servi ceabl
5,500 feel with exten sive dispe rsal llllles, but no r evetm ents.
8. ACTION AGAINST ALLIED SHlP?lNG.-- A U. S. cargo ship,
. U-
overd ue since mid- July, Is preS'.J med sunk In the Indian Ocean repor ted on
boat S\ghtlngs In Amer ican Wnter s: Two slghtl ngs were
cod, 50 miles S of Jamal cn..
!!Aug ust: one IJo miles S of cape and one
For tl)e A. C, o! S_:,.. G-2: For the Director of Naval Intelligence:
/1 J ·;..,....u,.,. "r J.; . . .f.. , , , ~
R. s. BR 4TTON, A. v: s. PlCKHARDT,
Colonel, G.S.C. Captain, J .S.N.,
Chief, Intellige nce Dlr., lntell!genco Group.
Regraded Unclassified
On Information receiv ed-- War and Navy Depar tments ,
From: 1201 Z, 12 August 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 13 August 1943 13 August !943.
No. 138.
1. NORTH AMERICA. -- Alaska: On ll August eneoy positio ns on
l<lska were heavily bombe d and strafed ; 100 tons of bombs were droppe d
causin g fires ln all areas. Gertru de Cove receive d the major portion
of the attack. AA ! Ire was light. Enemy Installa tions on the mainla
were bomba rded by U. S. surfac e shlps on 11 A~gust. On 12 August
Gertru de Cove and Bukhtl Point we re shelled .
2. LATIN AMERICA.--Nothlng to repor t,
advanc ed severa l o\les along the Ch:.~guev--l<harKov highway. West
and SW of the city strong enemy counte rattack s have held the' escape
corrid or open and confined Soviet gains W of l<har kov to minor ad-
ances N of the Poltav a ra\lro:1d.
Regraded Unclassified
t~ e town of Archtralt, • mtle and one hoi! S of Rtposto. Ql tlu! nlgnt
of 10·11 AUfiU8l, beBches from Mteslno. to Cape Pelor o were agatn
otlllckod by RAF planes which dropped 174 tons of bombs. Tho
next dtt.y about 100 tons of bombs wort droppod on Randazzo. 01 Wt
malnland, a. 117·tcn attack waa made on Ttrnl. 40 miles N of
Rome; road:s and bridges In the \ ot of lully wet@ 11lso bombed. Enemy
olr oppooltloo was llght. A boattle P -38 with Oerman marldnt~s
!ltt1.cKed u. S. bomOOrs returntna from the Ternt r11d.
4. AS1A.··J!lp1n· -Kurlles: 01 t A.....,~at, Mva.l ~. an
Shlm:JSll<.l ln ilii"R""uri!es, Qi3 the ]1PfLMM at.a&l.Di are~ !n Y..a.shlW1·
bara "'otr• •Jccessfully a:tttcJCed by 0. s. b•avy bomber s. t-.JIJ.mtrous
hlt.s ,..._,ro sc:cred ln the tartll't ve3.a. Approxlmntely 4~ !:lr.d ..bued
•nemy Ust>tors t ook a!! alter the r•td bogiZI; 5 weN dBstroyed. l.i>ny
enemy c:ar,o an.J naval veS$Pls we-re ob=·~r·Jed tn Pa.ramu5h!ru
Str!'l\t3; U merchant vessels together wttn II!I!Ver·ll destroyer typ.
entt wora eeen near Aralto hsla.nd, W of tbt Strntts.
No. 137.
!. NORTH AMERICA.··Aiask>: On 10 A\llr<lSt en, my lnstoll3.tions
on Kisiel !ncl>dlnc now pC$Ii!Q;ii"fl\~ of S:almon L!l(O"" were h~avlly
bombed or.d effoetlwq rtr:rl..S by U. S. ploncs. The ·.nomy on Kls.c1 to improve his defensive poeltlCIIls wttn rnamurous tr<nehes
M4 foxholes throuchout the lshncl. a>• r11:1tlon ""v ols fortl-
fleotions along tha W Md S eros.., of Boid\tl Point. No b'rsos wero
observed In the l!llrbor, and no shipping nor enomy alrcr'llt. Gar-
trude Cove Md tho Moin C•mp arana were bombordod by U.S. sur!oce
2. LATit; AMERICA.-- Noth!ng to r· port.
Regraded Unclassified
• .• . ~y~~VY '
On Information receive<!- - War an-d Navy Departments,
From: 1201 Z, 10 August 19'13 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 11 August 1943 11 August 1943.
No. 136.
=:it~. ...-NrEJ!1!-,.
Regraded Unclassified
\lou and motor
were bombed b7 AUit4 !)laMa, Tilt M&\ ta,, read JWie
trans port In Stet~ '"" a\t&c~ br u.s. a lreraf t, aacl bridg e s at
were •~rain bomb ed. Slx
Anglt ola and Catan zaro In the toe of Jtal)r
2. were
IIMII CU,.t ul raid on Aucu sta,
Ax is flghte r -oom bers made an s orties
shot down. Axis defen sive air W&l llmlte cS to ab011t 11)
hit by Z
dllrlng the day. A 7,600 ton, 8-lae llltall an c:ruls or was
Genoa on the
t orped oes from a Brtlls h sub~IJII ID the G.ut of , In the B:.ty
9th. That night, shlpy ard3 at Cute llamm are dl Stabia
Vatlc ano, In the t oe of
of Naple s, and r ailr oad br idges at Cape
ltaly, were shelle d by Britis h n:.~val units.
0. ASLI\.--Bur mn: On 9 Aucullt, V. S. bomb ers made direc.t Two
on rolling stock , wareh ouses , and doc ita In Bl\am o and Katha
near Man-
200-f oot r iver steam er s and two small er cr:Ltt were sunk
dalay .
. .. . _..."
/) ,..- -'.;" ~~ 1/r..-( i.
/ :· { .· '-'~ ·! ~.. ··,..., ' • ....
Colon el, G.S.C ., Capta ln, U.S.N ,
Chief , Intell igenc e G$~1f\Mst. Dlr. , lntell! gance
Regraded Unclassified
..~~kUr U
ARMY- NAVY ' ~ P.;j:-B-7a
On informati on received -- War and Nnvy Departm ents,
From: 1201 Z, 9 August 1943 Washington, D: c ..
T~ : 1200 Z, 10 August 1943 10 August 1943.
No. 135
from the west and southwest ana no Importan t southern Soviet
thrust bas yet develope d from t he Chuguev direction . Local Soviet
attacks on the Leningra d front at Mga, and on the Donets and Mlus
fronts continue, as In thll Kuban, with no importan t changes. On the
night of 8-9 August, five r ail junctions W and S of Khar kov were sub-
jected to night bombing attacks by the Soviet Air Force. The following
day, raids were carried out on rail ceniers between Slavyansk and
Poltava. The SAF continuea to support ground operation s by harassin g
attacks on e nemy motorize d c olumns and troop concllntr atloos.
German a!r defenses appear to have been weak.
,r.~,, ;:::; l .J f:.0 .,J'.. ~('( I 1 '
1... ..•.~ 11 ' /1
Colonel, G.S.C., Captain, U.S.N.,
ligence Group.
Cbla f, lnttll ligtlnce Oro'!J:j~Dlft . Dlr., Intel
- 2-
Regraded Unclassified
On Information receivea-- War and Navy Cepartments,
From: 1201 Z, 8 August 19~3 Washington, D. C.
To : !GOO Z 9 August 1943 9 P.ugust 1943.
No. 134.
1. NORTH AMERICP.. - -Nothlng to report.
2. LATIN AMERICA.·- Nothing to report.
3. EASTERN EUROPE.--The Soviets attacked southeast or Smolensk.
On the Bryansk front the enemy appears to have completely withdrawn
to his new defensive line some 40 to 50 miles E of the citY,.. Attacking
Soviet forces have advanced to this line but do not appear to have pene-
trated the defenses of Bryansk at any point. The Soviets are now com-
pletely in c :mtrol of the Orel--Kursk military highway. The S~vlet
offensive driving west from Belgorod in the direction of Akhtyrka and
Poltava, has developed a deep salient In the enemy lines N of Kharkov.
This salient has cut all three broad-gauge railroads running north from
Kharkov, and Is less than 20 miles N of the vital lateral standard-
gauge Kharkov--Poltava railroad. Along the middle Donets and Mlus
Rivers, the Soviets are contlnulng their attacks from their four bridge-
heads at Chuguev, Savlntsy, Izyum and just north of Kulbyshevo. How-
ever, to date these a ttacks, while heavy, appear to be local In character.
In the Kuban, the Soviets have again attacked In some force and with
small success.
4. WESTERN EUROPE.--On the night of 7 -8 August, Milan, Turin,
and Genoa were bombed by RAF planes. No enemy aircraft were en-
Regraded Unclassified
015 t!.' e'R'l!! ,.
r Cape Vatlcano In the t<Je Jf
opp osit ion Np:>rted was enc oun tered ove night she lllng of ene my coa stal
Italy. U.S . war ship s continued day and ship s agai n lleavUy bom bard ed
posi tion s In nort hea st Slclly. Alli ed war
the coa stal railw ay nea r Taormi na.
6. ASIA. --N othlng to r epo rt.
.- -Solomons />.re a: On 7 August,
7. SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST PAC IFICing nort h lrom Mu naa aga inst
U.S. gr·Jund forc es on New Geo rgia , push
t 1,300 yard s S of 2-iet a VUlr.g.
ligh t ene my resi stan ce, reac hed a poin
(about 4-1 /Z mil es N\11 ot Munda alrfU.S. ie !d). The Bal roko Harbor ara
plan~.:s . Tha N was no lntt.
was heavily bombed and s trat"d by the. sam e dato, a fore ... of
. On
ceptlon, and ligh t AA fire. was sil~nced Riln dov a art. a. Of this force 3 wer e
30 to 60 Japanese plan es attacke d the y
n···s. On 5 August 30 enem
sho t down by AA fir~ and 3~~· <;.C • •. It n ov r the Buln --F alsl area ;
ftghte rs lnte rc... pted aU . S. air form atio
plan 0s dils troyod on the wate r.
the e nomy lost B shot down, and 2 tloa t
lnli .e eng ines tJok part in this
Seve ral new -t~ e n.1my fight. rs with
a: On 7 August an enemy conv oy
action. New Guinea - -Ne w Bri tain Are S;"' 7 des troyers , 1 whaling fact ory-
of 2 heavy cru iser s, 3 ITght crulser" ted 95 mil es NW of Mussau
type ship , and 1 mer chant ship s was sigh ium bom bers dropped 92 tons
Isla nd, on a sou thea st cou rse. Allled med
cau slns exte nsiv e do mage. Nor thw est Aus tral ia--
on the Sala mau a ar eo,, a lrar ome at Koepang, Tim or,
Ban da Sea Are a: On 7 August Pentoel Allied plan es made light
was bombea.-6Y"Dutch medium bom bers a irdr ome s, on Tim or.
atta cks on Lau tem and Cap e Cha te r
- ·No new s hipp lng loss es
have been repo rted in any theater.Aug U-boat Sight~ in rlca n Waters:
ust: one 25m iies E of Cape Hen ry;
Five slgh tlng s were repo rted on 7 es E of Guantanamo Bay; and
one 260 mil es SV/ of Ber muda; two 40 mil
one about 180 mile s N of Cri stob al.
For the A. C . of S., G-2 : For the .J!rector of Naval Inte lllge nce:
t?s ~ A. V. S. PICKHP.RDT ,
R. S. BRATTON, Cap tain , U.S.N.,
Colonel, G.S.C.,
Chi Inte llige nce Group.
ef, Ass t. Dl.r., Intelligence Gro up.
Regraded Unclassified
~bJ_E_C_! ET
ou· ~rtrtli
ARMY- NAVY t·n ~~~-,.
On Information received-- War and Navy Departm ents,
From: 1201 Z, 7 August 1913 Wash ington, D.C.,
To : 1200 Z, 8 August 1943 8 August 1943.
No. 133.
Regraded Unclassified
.--- V)i'rc N - , Fl vsB. <= ~._.~.,._...,.r;r
R. S. BRA7T !"~, A. V S. P!CKH.~'<DT,, G.S.C., Ct1?U!n. iJ.S.N ••
Chtef, Im.elllg~o.LO. GrOJ.p. ~ t. Olr., lnta~~.! Grcup.
\ Regraded Unclassified
<At Infor mati on rece ived -- War and Navy Depa rtme nts,
From ; 1201 Z, 6 August 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To ; 1200 Z, 7 Augu st 1943 7 August 1943.
No. 132.
y defe nses on Klsk a
1. NORTH AME RICA .--Al aska ; On 6 August enem made but the
ent. Hits were
were again subjected to nava l bomb ardm
enem y did not retur n the fire.
has outla wed all
2. LATIN AMER!CA.- - Tha gove rnme nt of Arge ntina oza and has
and Mend
polit ical activ ity ln the Prov ince s of Entr e Rlos
liber al pres iden t of a univ ersit y at Sant a Fe with a pro-
rep laced the
Nazi Natio nalis t.
was shot down off the
3. WESTERN EUROPE .--On 5 August, an FW- 200
-ton tank er was sunk off
north coas t oi Icela nd oy U.S. fight ers. A 1,500
Trou ville , near Le Havr e, by an RAF Spitf ire.
, on 5 August, the
4. MEDITERRANEAN ARE A.--l n the Sicil ian area was occu pied by U.S.
isll\nd of Usttc a, abou t 40 mile s north of Pale rmo,
commllnlco.tlons, troop s,
oavn l and mil! tary force s. On 5 August, enem y
ed and straf ed by Allie d
and gun posit ions In north east Sicily were bomb
ern Sard inia, were
plan es. Elec trica l insta llatio ns at Guspinl, south bers. U.S. heav y bom bers
dama ged by cannon fire from U.S. medh.1m bom
s and ferry term tnal at Mess ina.
drop ped 207 tons on the railr oad yard h drop ped 97 tons
by RAF plan es whic
That night, Mess ina was attac ked
Saler no, Italy, were sub-
of bomb s. The rail yard s at Batta pagl la, SE of t road near Taor mina
jecte d to a 78-ton raid by RAF aircr aft. The coas
has again been bomb arded by Briti sh nava l units
front , Sovie t force s
5. EASTERN EUROPE .--On the Brya nsk- -Kha rkov t owns there on.
have reac hed the Brya nsk- -Kha r!:ov RR and hold Bryans~~:, and the
lle defe nse ring of
They have also reach ed the 40-m the city. The Red Arm y's
20-m lle defen se rlng of Kharkov at a point Nor Is direc ted N o!
main effor t appe ars to be In the Belg orod area but us. Along the Mlus
Kharkov. The enem y's situa tion In this nrea Is r continue with some
and midd le Donc ts, Soviet attac ks of local charatacte Leni ngra d, the Red Arm y
mino r succ esse s. Sout heas t of Smo lensk and
rtant gains . Batt les of
at tacke d In some weight but blle d to mane Impo g place at lntor vals
attri tion, with limit ed objec tives , appe ar to be takin on the offen sive.
along the entir e front , with the Red lirm y defin itely
Regraded Unclassified
at Brya nsk, J<ha rkov , and
On the night of 5-6 August, the rail junc tionse, and a num ber of enem y
Kara chev were bombed by the Red Air Forc
airfi elds were raid ed.
6. ASIA .-- Nothing to repo r t.
s Mea : On 6
?. SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST PACJF!C.- - Solomon continued mopping-
New Geo rgia
August U.S. forc es In the Mwlda area on llat ions on Brok lello Poln t, at
up oper ation s. On 5 Augu st enem y Insta
Rek ata Bay , were bombed by U.S. plan es. mba Barg es In Kolaluka Cove, on
r.gar a, were bombed and
Glzo Island, and ln Web ster Cove, on Kolo 5 August , Bogadjlm VIllage,
straf ed: New Guinea--New Brit ain Area : On bed and straf ed by
an Impo rtant enem y supply polnt,w:Ls agai n bom Nort hwe st Aus trali a- ·
Allied planes. Saldor VIllage was also attac ked.
Laut em, on Tim or, was succ essf ully
Band a Sea Area : On 5 August,
attac ked by Dlitch mediJ.lll bom bers .
ACTION AGII.INST ALLIED SHIPPING.-- Awas Dutch carg o ship , sa!llng
8. rul, sunk by a subm arin e
Independently from Beir a (Portugal) to Durb U-bo at Slghtlngs ln
100 mile s E of Lourenco Mar ques on 4 Aug ust.
were repo rted on 6 August: one 70
Ame r ican Wat ers: Two sigh tlngs s SW of Puer to Rico.
mile s S of Cape Lookout, N.C., and one 60 mile
For the A. C. of s., G-2: For the Dire ctor or Na val Inte llige nce:
4& 18 Rit !1l
Regraded Unclassified
0 )
No. 131.
Regraded Unclassified
5. MEDTrEAAANEAN AAEA.··En.,my r~slstanco on Sicily wu rorwral4
stTCJli alor.g the entir e
!rent. MO\\'u'Jer, '\ll!ed troop.s c r ossed the Slmoto
River and c:ap<ured tb.> tC"'ll of Patcroo. G&JIIano, about 8 miles SW of
Trohn ...... report.>d capturold In an Allied co,.munlqlc. en the nlllht of
3- 4 !.ugllst, raUrood lnalalllllona at :.!orln:t dl Catan::aro aod ..:>ao!JL, cc
<M llallan mo!nland, .,.,.. atuc<od by RAF pl:ln~s. Ncar A..>.gu$1a, S,elly,
2: awmy bombers •-ero d~ltroyitd by .~lied tl,lhters. ~ t'.Cxt day, an
90-ton sch~n•r was s..nJc by RAF pianos south of L<arla lsl&nd In til
Aeg~an Sea. !!aU yards and brld'u At Mo.rlns dl on.l ?aoll
w .re agalll bombed, &Dd. U.S. bomb;ra drepped 23! tons on S'Jbmu-u;,.. yard ..
at Naples. ThrOUihCill th11 d.:ly enlmy troops, riepctS 'lJ1d transpert on
Sicily wero undor altA« bi' Alllod bombers and lighters. Enemy road and
rail movcm.cnt• on the tou ot ttaly woro ott~,;c t lvoly bombed. An irlcr.;:as"
In 'lxls fighter acllvlly wl\1 noted ov~r S!elly and soutll"rn ttoly. en tho
north coast o! Sicily, Amor lcan cruleerG and destr oy;lrS have C:'U'ti\Jd out
d:ly ond night bombardment In support of tho 7th Army.
6. ASIA. - -Burm>: On 3 August, railway faci lities at Th.1nbyu.ay>t, on
tha Una under conslructiCtl to BM!itkok, ware attack<l<l by AllleQ o.t.reratt .
RoUing stock at throe polnta on tho S:.c•lng-- Myltlcylns llno wa.s di.K:tlvoly
bombed. Ta.rg,:ts ln th~ Kal,myo· ·tl.1.a.wlalk 3rli:a w.:rc stn!..::d by th·" RAF.
Regraded Unclassified
poelUCIIII, alld bulldlDp. U.S. D&val forces appvent)J have coatrol of the
' WeiWJ'D AlautluiJ, 8114 tbetr patrol of tbe approaches to Klska hall not been
effecUve)f Mallerpd by tbe enemy.
Tbe Japanese rad1o has been quick to take advantage of the recent race
riots by an appeal to American Negroes to compare this "savage persecution"
wttb the "ro.y lDdependence" currem)f enJOJ'ed by the ne~~-whlte races of
Bast Asia.
Regraded Unclassified
' ..- .
• .....,- ..............
1Jit91f fA
oiM!oc-.-" ..-
'"W'• Cc-M•'• ea.IDIJita, ..s br eaabUAIDC
Lltla ••r-.= e
$' I ...... ~
eontfeeed. tbrtlr ucbaDce ot olliclal vllita:
Ia otutod a trip lllroqll Col-la, Ecuador,
11o11111, 8Dd. ~ ... PI r'1 d ~# ol BollYl& and Mortntco cl Para·
a.. lllolopl Ia tilt Arpotlaa pro---·
-.........,. , . _ - - trtpolllroqllmoot of 1M -l'leaa npub-
real1all011 of 1M military
!!!'J~~- tilt llcllllllll ~ -11111-oclatiOD of 1M caN I&Un bJ Al1lod
....... M'W• =ee , _,. pae...U, aap;aua~ ID Lat1a
I r" ., ..........,.. elo&V- IIIO!J' ......., cbl.o, to fll'reaalCIIIO
~~--· d'l' tolbo~,
a. .., 1 1 aWlf
. _ .._. &dt
~ JDIIItaiJ -.u;, - · tl» moot probol>lo 11M of
to be pr.,.pedr: ud tbl fCIIDIIIItlDC ollnteraal aocS
a. uanu IIUPiaPII
111111 wtt:a• Qr " I tilt -·llold Taman br~ baa boeo
=~-~~~·- ~ ~ atborwi.M I t1tl:nnc
I Mlllt.IO .... acaaW&ttack~lociJetp - pndlcalq
8ww ; ,wtpl
...., a , -" , .a...
'Ire paoltl-
llli.WemiliO rcod frua
to I'Nlore KrJma~ to
tbe attuattoa.
Be i4L . .. . . , OCIII' s to 4lllld •a=• +»7 u. brldrpbeid u a whole,
. . . . le......,_do .. ? a t l l t -
Regraded Unclassified
• •
.UU a 16-.U . OOl'rilklr . - . llftll thGucb tile aueat Ia cut olf lt Ia DOt be-
u..s 1111r larp mm"' r of___ , troope woWd be eaucbt. or UlJ Hrloua b.reacb
.aooo!PJIII!ed ID tile -IIIJ'a lllabll iDe.
8olltb of lA.D lAdcp , aa.t.t forces baw renewe d tlullr attemp ta to en-
larp tbe ~ corrido r by locallt tiCD aappor ted by '-VJ artiller
AD -1111 attack oa
fiN. '1'bue attaca baw failed to c:baDc'e the altuatlo a.
IAIIIq nd becom es lea probab le u the DICbta crow aborter . Alcng the FIDD1ah
frcat, amall• acale NOQ IIMI• - ralcla coatlml e.
BDeiiiJ acttvtty iD N~ Ia atW coafiDed to reiDfor ciDe fortific ations.
AD 11DCCIIIf\r!Md report atataa that about 2 new dlvlalo ns ot Germa n troops
been moved IDto NCII"ft1 .
Por the <Jerman olfena tn IPlDa t the Eurak aalleat , the GAP mused
ted at
1arp tactica l forcaa ID the BeJcor od area. Tb1a coacen tratloa, estima
ot tlul GAP atrenct b In tbla thatar , was apparen t]¥ aucceea ful In
about ba1f heavy alr
()hte!nh l£ alr IIIIP8rl orltJ at the start ol the attack. Howev er, tbla
olfenal w was cOUDterecl by lltrODC ctefeD•t w reacUo a ot the Reel A1r Force,
d heavy
and the scale of -1111 effort fell abarpl J wb8D the Ruaal.anll launcbe
a lr attacks ID clolle suppor t ot their cround operatl0118 aplDat Orel. By the
latter part ol the moatb the Ruaala na b8d utende d alr ~SUPPort to local offenslvea
lAIIIq nd t o the Xuban. Tbeae attaclla forced further die-
ID otber aectOI'B, from
persian and we•bn tnc ot the Germa n air effort, wblcb by the end ot the moatb
was reatrlc ted to defena lw operatl0118 and met with IDcreu lnC dlfflcultyto be
an-both a ldea appear s
IIUPPortlDC cround lllllta. At presen t, alr aotlvlt J
tapermr olf, and 1a ceatare cl cblaf1r In the Orel Hctor.
Two blch1J aucoeallfUl raids an Nonr11J were carried out by Americ an
beavy bombe rs 011 M JulJ. Tbe port ot Trondb elm llldfere cleever eed. damqe ,
and the !Jiduatr lalllma llat!Q1 18 ID Beroya were practlc allr clntroy
Could enb1e ablftiDr ol <Jerma n lllllta tt- and from ~ and the Low
Cowa- lw baa tallla p~Me, u lndlcat .d by 7 omfdcmt tfled dl'f18l0118 ID thoee
COIIId rlw . . C.Wij!U ed wttll a 1Ut mcatb. Tbe totallll& lllber of Germa n dlvla10118,
hOWN 1'1 NID•In a fali'J,f cCII8ta llt: 4li ID JaJ,f and U ID ,J\IDII. CX these 411
dtYialaM, 18 1ft •O:.•tw ODCMtnr 4 Plair dl'riato ns), 4 1ft I..ufhraffe field
~ ae 1ft I ' r ... rra- .
111111 7 unH """"· ...,_ ltallu dlvlalc
~ tile dl.,.... .'oa of .Azta
aa are at1ll
1 Qaned to be Ia .,,,
.c ,... ,,... to a dellal lft alm.IIID WI 1ft&, a tllreuch IJpalD wlll
r•r ·m atiiNi t u a. u 011' en fCI'OII reiii&ID It tile
II ID aaJr ud
b I
bCSIVC, -IIII I 1ft "J.u lUIIJ:r IIU of tile lltUUO "PM
f/1 Cllr n orr•" w 011 eUler fraltl. Couta l fort!C r'10111 ca tile Auentt c
111111 Mldltei'I'IDIID 1ft betnr "GGItlP'CIQIJr ~· ·
Dlli'llrltM ant ...11: Ia )&Jr. _ _ , pluta . . oa1J a 1Jcbt raids aplnat
Regraded Unclassified
,. ill•·1 ~~ll (t I'JIIf
.. ''rilaJ•ri !qIJ.1Iflli
hH i!ttM·••
J ·"tJ
.. •m
l';i.ll~ (JJ
. ... . .J;;a •
• ~ a)f ~~~~~~& ~!1 1 l1 d:a;
ri i rl if
~ IJ· ~. ,.11
1' i.~i 1 i!r'11 illr! iil~!lt i 1
1iii! li~
I r11ir !~nl illllef (·tJ•~ If(
~--~! ~lft(ft I1tli li;jll~ [~~~lj ~~~~·
I R f Rf i i~ . air f
Regraded Unclassified
A ..
D•llll lie
...,... Tl
al )l)J', the Alllea 1 - - s their blavy ralda
IIJMtl. -lll SlclJ.r, lllrdlllla , ud SGIItben aaq. a,
lllili;. . sn 1 ala'foro ea Jlfd beenactlcm. piiiDid to the P'CIIIId ud the lnvulon ot
. . . . . . . 1111t Nt'sMd bp.... ., air More tiiiD 2,800 aoltlea, lllcludtnr
~-- ud IJider mtu• -. aupporte d the ludlllp . At. the end of the
_,,.ll. _...lle .AlUM IIIII pJ II air auperta rltJ
- ovv SGIItben bq,
the Jut few dQa ot
efta W-. 01 r x air .stalll d bea relllltOI'C UIIW
Jlllr, AWed piiDH IDidl ~1t..t blavy ralda em raU llDea, lhlpplllc, ud 111'·
V'T" Ia ltaiJ M far aortll M Bolopl , blat partlc:W ar)J tbrcucllo ut aoutbern
~ • lf Jlllr, 1,100 ta. alb-a . ..,. drGpped on tbe raU Jarda l!ld atr-
dl' . . . . . . . "'0.& alrendl .
'l'MN 11M bela ltWe eM T Ill the dl8poeiUCII ol tbe ltallu fleet for the
put ' "'CCIIfbl , MaiD llldtl ecal'll'e cl to be bued at Spellla, Cll the northwe st
oaut, IIIII at "fuato , blll(lldh eft ltaiJ. Ill the ear)J ltlpa ol the IDVUICII ol
lloUJ, DO o ' rt WU JUde wltb . . _ 8!ll'flce ve-11. Alda UJIW'I IIII
IGUYitJ IP!vt .AWecl lud'nc l!ld IIIIIIPOI'tinc forces place wu larp!J IDaffecttve.
~ tbe laltla1 Jencl!ap , -ra1 nppme nta tock between -1111 B-boata
...u P'l'-... .. ud .AWecl upt Daftl Wlltl, partlc:W ar)J In the 8tralta ol
polnta <11 tbe
llltU Alllt4 au I 'PI, ~ the lud operatto na, abellecl
M $111111111 •••" a uuta allleJ)J , '1'bq allo bombard ed Crcltoae , Locrl, l!ld
~ ,..., r''• Jolu1ra Cll the m•Jrl•!l d IIDe~DJ llblpPIIIc In tbe .Aepu, l!ld In the
ea.., "WIItUI a1 Jlalr, llcU,, ud lllrdlllla lllfferec l further loaMI from attlcka
11r A'IMd • to: 1m. Ibm tarpta Ill the MpiD ana wen abellecl by Allied
I 9 11:?1,
Regraded Unclassified
• •
Some Increase Ill forward activity may be ezpected, but there are no
signs ot Impending enemy ground action on a large seals Ill the Asiatic Theatsr.
a. Paclflc Area.--Tbe month was mar Ired b;y an Incr ease In air activity.
Enemy ~ attaclred Canton Island and twice raided Funafuti
In the EWce Oreup. Enemy-occupied Wake IalUid was IIUbJected to 2 bomblne
attacks by U.S. planea. Enemy air resistance wae heavy and Indicated an Increase
In the defensive atreagth ot thla forward area. Nauru IalUid was also raided
during the period. At least 18 enemy plansa were shot down Ill these oper ations.
Durlllc the month, 20 .Japueee ve888la were reported IWlk and 8 damaged by
actlon ot U.S. 8Ubmarlll8a In the Pacltlc.
- toa._---
- ..._bot-
OD U.. the a al tilt Pranellco Rlwer ud Walolo and
. . . - . ud l l a N - - ot IMtt ?I Japanuo pl&nto. ID oddltlon, many
01 ,.,, .
~od In - Ooll and aloac tbt . - ar Now
TWo -royora ODd I carco - 1 woro alao dolotr<Jyod alf Cape
Regraded Unclassified
i!tl!I~~~Hr:i(is'a I !fa'· a
1 1r
l ·v i' H~h~l •~"i'az&•: I C£1 1 •
~ ~ ~&~== ~~~~r !ii•~ I~Jf ~;t
.•• !". t~ !Hon
· "' UhH •..-~-~ilihH
:~ri!1E •
•a~ · h.. rii
..... ~ ··lli 1: & f
· .... ,.
'!"-dil ~li Jf!i~~
e!ft~2 ,~
f11'§. '3o
14 If
~ ~
ll•• • B
Regraded Unclassified
. .................. ..... ..
0 •
•• •
•••• •
• • •• •• •• •
• • ••••• •
• •
•• •
••••• 0
•• • •
0 0 ••
Regraded Unclassified
No. 130.
Regraded Unclassified
6. AS!A.--Nothlng to r <!port.
'1. SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST PACCFIC.--Solomons Area: On 4 August,
U.S. ground forces E of Munda advanced on the north flank, and reache d
the coast 600 yards N of Gurasl . The enemy at Munda Is now surroun ded.
New Guinea -- Now Britain Area: Ql 3 August, enemy barge concentra-
tions in Borgen Bay {New Britain W of Cape Glouce ster) and In Huon ed
Gulf, were attacke d by Allied planes. At least 10 barges ware destroy
and 26 others damaged. Since 24 ]uly, at least 94 enemy barges have
been destroy ed and 60 to 70 others have been damaged. Bogadjlm village
was twice attacke d by Allied heavy bombe rs.
8. ACTION AGAINST ALLIED SHIPPING.--A British cargo ship was
s in
sunk by a subma rine E of M~mblque on 2 August . U-boat Slght~y,
Americ an Waters : The sightin g of 2 U- boats 40 m!las S Of Cape
NeWfoundi8Ild, was reporte d on 4 August.
For the A. C. of S., G-2: For the Direct or of Naval Intelligence
.J 5 J?.;trl n L' -; a. r.i..,...,,Ax-
A. V. S. ? !CKHARDT,
Colonel, G. S. c., Captain, U. S. N.,
Chief, Intellig ence Group. Asst. Dlr., Intel ligence Group.
- 2-
Regraded Unclassified
On "Information received- - War and Navy Departments,
From: 1201 Z, 3 August 1943 Wash<.ngton, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 4 August 1943 4 August 1943.
No. 129.
1. NORTH AMERICA. -- Alaska: On 2 August main enemy Installations
on Kls:.a wero subjected to a heavy bombardment by U.S. heavy and light
surface vessels. There was no return enemy fire. Enemy Installations
on North Head and Little Klska were bomb!ld and strafed from the air In
suppor t of the naval oombardment; 33 tons of bombs were dropped , and
hits were observed. Meager AA fire was encountered. On 3 August
enemy Installations on Klska were ageln bombarded by light surface
vessels. The st\lps shelllng Gertrude Cove and the Main Camp area re-
ported light, brief, and Ineffective return !ire.
Regraded Unclassified
, (/)
• SJ!=~-'"
lol&n<l of Corfu. Tho next "--Y. a llOO-ton armed tnwler w.u damaged
,... st a! Stampalla lalA:ld (Dodoc&nOH) by RAF alrcra!t. 5nlppiJJ6 end
doek areas at Mllauo and Meaa~na ....rt au.acked by U.S. flgmer· bcmbers.
The brldgv ot Olivo end ~&riel& at Vlbo V>lentl.>, In ocutMrn ll&1y,
roods ar.d g-ltl peo.tlono near A(al& «> Stelly, ,.,..., bombarded by
A.Uted warshtp$. Yesterday'a Report lr.eorreetly sta.ted t..~t .4lltedtroopa
a.t Rar.dazzo were bombed by enemy plaMa. --
8. ASIA.··Ncth\ni to "eport.
at Munda, U.S. rrQUnd forces on the leh the cout
to a point opposite tho middle of the enemy alr!leld. flank
was held up by strong enemy reetstancB on the west slope BlbHo Htu.
Q'l 2 August, the Ba.1roko HArbor area wa:s heavily bombed by U.S. planes.
A'bou\ 50 tons of bomb& wero dropped on the Batroko Harbor area,
lng a large explosion at the aouth end of tht h'lrbor. Enemy poslttons at
Kepe ~..arbo.r on Kolombans:ara were etraJ ..•:~d~.,lr~~ci[
Area: Ol 2 Augut;t, son\o a.lrcn.C~ on the • were
tr.iitroye<l by Allied artillery !Ire. Ulta were also ""porta<! on tt.e brldo•
acros:r the mouth o! lhe F<''IJV~tsco Rlvor. Ourtng the night o! 1-2 Aug'Jst,
a dlreet h\t v.'&.S mad~ by AU\ed plan'31 on a.n ett.emy destroyer o!!
Gasmat:a. During the da;; Gumata airdrome 1.nd the nearby coa..$t W@re
strafecl by Allted fl4:hV.r ))~I; 2 bartJe• r-re sur.A- The c::cast. frcm Lae
to Satdor 1&';1.5<ed hy AU~td m :db.m bombers, 8 barges were des·
troyed. An eneC>)' f,.lrter wu :hot do...,. Over S..ldor U.S. fighters met
a.n eqJAJ rrJmoer 0: en~my ftihtora. and anct det.-n ~1 Japi!r.ese planes.
Allied heavy boobers dropped over Z4 t0<10 of uombs on Loe, and 85 t01111
on S..lama:la. Photogra.phs of the Roblwl are' u'"'" on 2 Jw&ust, show 15
••arshlps, ine~..ldir-& 2 heavy crJ\aera IU"IC1 .4. merch3.rlt vessels
about M,fJ.?O tons. 'T'hl!a tonnap lathe !owest observf!'!S there
In many months. A total of 2M atrcra.ft were lzl the area.
8. ACTION AGAINST ALLIED SHIPPING.·· A Brazlllan corgo vessel
w:os sunk 120 miles NE of Bahia on 1 Aucuot. A British cargo vessel
wao torpedoed and ounk 200 mllu SE of Modagascar on 29 july. ~
N1ne alihtlllgs h:we been reported: one
and two 120 miles NW of Trinidad on
2 August; 2&> miles E of l!Jlltoroo; off GJAnUlnamo Bay, Cuba; 400 rnll,.
E of T-rlnl<hd; 120 mUea NE of Ooorsetown, Brlt1$h Gulnna; 100 mlles-
NW of ?aramarlbo, Dutch, and 300 miles SE: of Recife, Brazil,
en 3 Alli!U5t. A pooelbla ol&htl"i wu r•ported o!! } !r.let, Florldo,
on 3 August.
For the A. C. of S., G- 2: For the Dlr.ctor of N~vallnteUiience:
'.Is ;.j I . /' .1(.,, ,,-
R. S. BRATTct.;, A. V. S. P!C'KHARD'f,
Colonel! G.S.C;, Cap<aln, U.S.N.,
Chief, !ntoll gence <>rC>JP. ~~[Jir., !ntelllgence Group.
Regraded Unclassified
On lnformatlon received-- Wa:r and Departments,
From: 1201 Z, 2 August Hl43 V'ashington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 3 August 1943 3 August 1943.
No. 128.
.. ....
Regraded Unclassified
\ \
On Worrn::~tion r eco3ived-- War and Navy Departments,
Frorn; 1201 Z, /,ugust 1 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To ; 1200 Z, August 2 1943 2 August Hl43.
No. 127.
1. NORTH ;,MERICA.--Nothing to r eport.
Regraded Unclassified
/ 8. AlSA. - - &>rma: On 30 )oly, railway ln•l&llaiiOM ami otorqe
areu at Mel~ulc,, and MyJ.nvan wens attatke<:i by IJ.S.
medhtm bc:nbers. The next day raJlway r ollin& stoc..k at Kyau.ngb!,
we$1 of V.a.odalay, n.s bo.'Jlbed. "'ce.aaflll atw:ka were made en river
lhlpplni at Katha and Bhamo.
7. SOUTH Al;;> SOUTHV:EST PA'~It"l~. - -
nlcht af 29-30 ]cJJ.y, 2 •no my bartta
coa" of Ko!OIIIbanpra) by 1\iht u.s. un.ta, and tr.e tollowin;l
day ao er..e:::.y a.a:utary vessel was sunk ln tha same area. Cc SO July,
about 18 tCf'.S ~bomb$ were dropped oc MJ.CJa Pc!nt by U.S. d!Ye
bombers. Next day a lazt10 force at U.S. p!anu d ropped $2 tono c!
bombs on tho Mu.nda &r'!l. A toree d 30 Japaneae fight:n s ln~rcepted
but were drlven ott by U.S. fighters. Ql the date, VIla airdrome
and Stanmore Plantetlon on Kolomba.n;a.ra wero heavlly bombed by O.S.
planea; 60 tens of bombs fell in lht t llr(Cet orou. On 3J Jaly, U.S. pe;trol.a
were ac::Uvc ln the v1clnl~)' ot Batroito And reported that the enemy Showed
realstance o.nd no !ncHntLtl<m to counte ro.ttack. New Ouln~a~
On 31 /l.lly, enemy bars• concentrations neBr Cspe
and lll$0 at Ha.nlach Harbor, near Flnachha!en,
Anted planes. At .14 were destroyed.
On 31 July, Wa!niapoe, en
Alllod plalles.
Regraded Unclassified
/•. )
. . . ,.
Regraded Unclassified
•i ,
5 Jr""*"IS!
•"'tt''"'· "
8. ;.su,,. -Burm1: Qi .as july. thrve en.-my v.1sMlt, on! c! them a
Mnl cr&ft, -.;:N 6Cmo.a4 and ~~eel h.IU Pc:rt Blalr ln the ;m.1m4nlo
dlr~ct hl~ were scON4 ln the Cb1lh:Lm llland dock ..,.... ~ Mu Rtv~o~r
brldia 30 milo• W Qf M'\ftdall.y and a lvro factory at Te.naon 40 mlhta N
o1 Sbwebo wo,.. destroyed by U.S. mecU~o~m bombar e.
?. SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST P.o\CIFJC. -·Solomon a Ar•a: Ctl 30 J•ly,
Bata.le wu an.a.c:.od by u.s. huvy bombers. i~ocut. it i/2 tona of bombs
were drQPPed. U.S. ttctr~u urned 25 " f•gbt.. re.
The Mmo 4:ay u.s. grou.nd forces ,.t M'.mdll contlnatd to m"ke smlill
p r ogl'\!&S on the SOUth f lAnk lnd ln the C:un~r. 1"1Ct 0 ore lnrltc nt!ona that
gf~ rolntorceme pt'i mn.y hwe arrlvddb New Ciutnon· ·New Brll'lln Aro;.
u nlcht Cf 2a- 2g July, '1 Of 90 enemy b'lrt·~S'Wt;N 1Wlk Lii ihl Vitlu
Strait by 'J.l! d ~ units. On 3:) ,tJly, e '"r.emy bombers. escot"t4d by
IV !Jc!>t.ra, tnoUoct•>liY bombed and stnl.d Cv""" l>r.l!ng strip. l.""r
2 "'nemy dtv. bombua atnc:~~:Jd l.Uled poai.Ucns zwl.l' Orcd>J.Ol. TM
S...1.hmo1U !1'1' 'ta was :J.C31n huavUy bom'b.?d l>y AUied pl't.n-:1, whteh dropp..:d
24 t ona of bomb&. en 30 July, f llt~ ground for C-38 C'lplur«< high
&:round t.:.O'olmy posiltons :ll 0rod\1bt. Ql th.. Mme cby
J.1.P&QeM patrols weru r.pon..-d to b.av OCC'.lpfed 3 vUlq:~s. ln lb. &rpUt
River /.re'l. S'N cr 1}'v~.
8. ,.CTJON AC ..JNST .ol.l.IEDSH IPPJNC. - - Nothlns to rtport.
A 5: /.
vt ....
- ... ( .'...
' · V. S. PICKtti.RD T,
.o'( ...t.
Regraded Unclassified
0 )
On lnfor mnti on r eceiv ed-- Vlar :md N:1vy Depa rtme nts
From : 1201 Z, 30 July 1943 Washington, D. C. ,
To : 1200 Z, 31 July 1943 31 July 1943.
No. !25.
sunk by nav:11
1. NORTH AMER!CA .--On e enem y hndi ng b~rge w.1s nnd Main
a. Gert rude Cove
gun fire 29 July east of Sobaka Rock, Klsk l surh ce forc es on 30
C'lm p Area on Kisk a were sh.:!lled by U.S. nava
Ther e was no retur n
July; 100 ro..tnds were fired agai nst each targe t.
Regraded Unclassified
eif~Gtfi E.l'f
Regraded Unclassified
0.§~'~ ......
U-boat Sightld'\S in American Waters: Two s!ghtings wer e r e ported
on29 July: 4 miles N\\7 of Paramar ibo (Dutch Gulanll), and 110 mlles
NW of Curacao.
Regraded Unclassified
War and Navy Dep artm ent s,
On Information rec eiv ed- - Was hington, D. C.,
Fro m: 120 1 Z, 29 July 1943 so July 1943.
To : 1200 z, 30 July 1943
No. 124.
1. NORTH AMERlCA.- - Nothing to rep
2. LATIN AMERICA. - -Nothing to rep
EASTERN EUROPE. --T he Soviet offensive aga ins t the Ore! sali ent -
3. d tempo. North of the enemy "hedge
con tinu es, but app are ntly at a red uce h!lve suc cee ded in slig htly broade n-
hog1'in the Bolkhov J.rea, the Sov iets to
. E:ls t of Ora l enemy cou nte ratt ack s app ear
Ing the ir nor the rn pin cer nt whe re the Sov iets are clo ses t to
have had 11 min or Stlc ces s at the poi y made slig ht gai ns, app are ntly In
the city . South of Ore i, the Red Arm
n:~rrowing the enemy ' s cor rid or
an eas t--west dire ctio n, without ft on the Sea of Azov she lled Sov iet
the city . Sm all enemy naval cra iet atk'lcks tail ed to gain . Art ille ry
positions. 1n the Len ing rad are a Sov r
the Soviets continue to suppor t thei
due ls con tinu e. 1n the Ore ! sec tor plllnes. Air acti vity app nrs to be
atta cks with stro ng for ces of atta ck Fro nt.
tap e r ing off else wh ere on the Eas tern
Regraded Unclassified
Regraded Unclassified
On Information receiv ed -- War and Navy Depar tment s,
From: 1201 Z, 28 July 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 29 July 1943 29 July 1943.
No. 12.2.
l. NORTH AMERICA.--Alaska : On 27 July t he Klska Main Camp,
North Head, and Little Klska areas were attack ed and 22 - l / 2 tons
ate. Recon naissa nce of Kiska
bombs were dropped. AA fire was moder
26 July reveal ed trench es on Sunr ise Hill and along the Ghore, facing
same day a Sllbm arlne was observ ed crash diving
Sparro w Rocks . The 27
about three miles 1rom Ayuga dak Point on Rat Island . At Kiska on
July 16 barge s wer e observ ed ln Kis.<a Harbo r, but no shippi ng.
Regraded Unclassified
e. ASIA.··£!!!! !!,: On 27 july, direct hits and nenr misses were mnde
by US bombers on two of three ocean V"ssela attacked in S.msh S.,y,
Halnan. Over the tvpt area, 2~ to 30 enemy ll(htero attempted tn~er
ceptlon, and 13 ....,. . she< down. TWenty-two japon..o bcmberl aptn
\ r~tded Klltcow alrfteld In F.llden.
'{ ,) /;.~";;,, S ~ . ~
/ . L. ·' I ,..,.:,_·, l~r"\ ··' l
Col011el, C. S.C., Caputo, U. S. N.,
Chlel, !nteiUgenco Cr oup. Aast. Olr., ln.. UII"nee Group.
Regraded Unclassified
No. 122.
lation s
1. NORTH AMERlCA.--Alaska: On 26 July main enemy Instal ed from
on Kiska and Little Klska were heavUy and effectively attack
and speci al
the air. One hundred and eight tons of bombs were dropped,
targe ts were strafe d.
2. LATIN AMERJCA.--Nothing to repor t.
3. EAsr ERN EURO PE.-- in the Ore! area.
tlnues to make sll ht at ea os . e ovlets made
o attack s of consi derab le weight in t e u.ban NW ?! Krymskaya,
ana S Lake Ladog a. Along the middle
on the Mlus near Ku.lbyshevo, ?f
GAF con-
and upper Dooets, Red Army units made lighte r attack s. The
tinued stron g defensive activity again st the S?vlet attack S.
4. WESTERN EUROPE.--On 26 July, 6 enemy plane s attack ed s at
shipping oil Lisbon. That night 12 enemy plane s dropped bomb on the
scatte red point s In East r'.nglla and south east Engla nd. Also
26th, the airdro me at Cour tral, Belgi um, was bomb ed by U.s. plane s.
Regraded Unclassified
Calabr ia airdrome wu I.Uackcd by AUle<l planes which droppe<l 21 toni
of bo:nbs.
6. ASIA.--Cblna: On 25 july, ChlhltliJIC and S!<.aoyang In HIUllln ,..,..
atcac~ed by nJi!ii$of 34 and 18 ~M bo:nbera, respectively. Bankow
wu bombed by U.S. plants, which encountered n<!llber enemy alrc:ran
nor AA !Ire. On 26july, Hanlcow wu ocaln attac.<ed by U.S. bombers.
over the t4riet ana, mo..., tban 30 j:>p&Mse flchters l£arcepte<l and 9
were 6estrQYed. Twenty -four japaneM planes bombeo 10<n001 airfield In
f'l>ld!!o. Burma; japaoe$< facllltl•l In tho Huka"'ng Valley and north of
Mylt.cylru>.w;;;=ebo:nbe<l and atra!<KI 2& and 26 July.
7. SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST PACIPJC.-- ;>acl!lc Area: On 26 )Illy,
W.U Island was apln attacked by U.S. heavy bombers. Hlto were
scored on the west tip of Vlako and In !he cent<;r of noll!hborln& Peale
Island. Of 20 to 25 j aptMIO flghtora lntorccptlng, 7 W(!r<! shot down with
6 mor.! probtlbly destroyed ar.d 3 ott~rs dame.ced. AA fire was lntonse
and accurate. Solomons Ar • : Near MUlldn. odvru>eirll U.S. ground
forces bypassed an en~:nw-srr:cnc potnt o.nd reduced H pUl boxas. Our ..
In& the night of 26-27 July, Ke>hlll wu a ttC>cked by U.S. heavy bomber•.
and on 27 July the Blbllo Hill Al'<ll wu eg•ln heavily bombe<l. New
Gutn<!a- -New Britain An.: On 26 July Allied pOiittlons on NusauBay
.,..-;; attawd. fl\8 aiiM' d.!.y a fore" o! 30 to 50 J - s • f!iht<;rS wu
lnwrcepwd over tbo Lao- -Salnmaua •N• by All led ftgbters. Thc <MmY
lost II platles; 5 m?re w- r. probably doatroyed. Th!o !.!alolo- - Sa!AmaiiL\
ana wu later hit by ~ tona of Alii !d bombs, :uxl the Komia tum ....,. by
?0 tons. Australla--Ban.IA Soa Are:>: On 26 July, L:lr:lt In
th.. ,f!.ctlvdy bOiiibOd '6Y .(li!04 planes.
8. ACTION AGAINST ALLJED SII!PPn;o. --A BritiSh c:u-go ship.
travellni Lo a southbound convoy from th<. Unlwd Kingdom, wu ounk
by alrcralt about ZOO mil ·• W of Llsbon on Z6 July. A small Dutch
tanker w::s sunk by • U-boat In lh• Caribbean 20 miles W of Cur3<:&0 on
26 july. U-bont Sig;htlptb In Amerlcon Wr.t..ra: Two slghtln&s were re·
ported on""2lrTuJy; one mllos SE o! Trlrildili! , the other 30 mllos NE
of Trinidad.
., .
,'f--o. ~• ~"'
Colond, O.S.C.,, U.S. N.t
Chief, lntelll&•nc• Or-- AUt. Olr., !nteUigdlCO Or-.
Regraded Unclassified
/ l
On Infor mation received-- Wa.r and Navy Departments,
Fr om: 1201 Z, 28july 1843 Washlngt011, D. C., t j
To : 1200 Z, 2'1 july 1843 2'1 july 1943. '/
No. 121.
/ straled.
bomber s ar.d ltiliiffl
Docka and shlppln c at Milano , Stelly, were attacked by Allied pW..a.
On 25 July, enemy communlco.tions In norlhe ut Stelly "
ASIA .--Burm a: On <4 July, Akyab and Monywa wore attacked bySa-
; UHt between
galng and My!tkylna; and a highway bridge a t Ns(l9tup, S of Sumpra wa.s sunk tn
The Namtl raUway bridge was destroyed. and a rtver steamer
the Ch!ndwin.
7. SOUTil AND SOUTIIWEST PACIPI C. -- o>acUic Area: The attack
Wake Island occurre d on the
stated In Report or 26 On 25 July at Munda, a
general advance o1 !rom mode by U.S. forces. This
actlcn !ollowad tho heavy bombln c attaei<S -nt!O<> ed In yesterd ay's Re-
port, and a shelling of Mundi. by U.S. ourlac• vessels . On 26 jUly,
was attacked 'oy u.s. planes. The blv'!)l,la.C! areas and tho runway, on
which there wert many pianos, were hll. At least 30 Japanese fighters
Intercep ted. VIla was llghtly bombed by Allied planes. Oneunits bario was
In Kula
sWJlc and 2 ot.>oers o1 a groop we~ damage d by U.S. surface
GuU. Naw Guinea --Now Britain A"'n: Phototrraphs ollhe Nubiaairdrom e,
taken on 25")iiiY."'showed"'!'11ijhi'iii'i'Ond 2 light bomber s on theDuring
and 2 destroy ers and 6 mod.lum car~to vesselS In ilansa Bay.
the rort
the clay, 2 el>!!my reco:tna taaance planes ....,,.., reporte d over
~oreaby area.
Regraded Unclassified
On infor mat ion rece ived - - War and Navy Dep artm ents ,
From: 1Z01 Z, 25 July 1943 Washing ton, 0. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 26 July 1943 26 Ju1y, 1943.
No. 120.
ay on Klsk a and the
1. NORTH AMERlCA.- -On 24 July the runw ely bom bed and stra fed;
AA Inst alla tion s on Nor th Head wer e effe , Including cons ider able
15-1 /2 tons wer e drop ped. Enemy AA !Ire
the runway at Salm on Lagoon,
sma ll- arm s fire , was encounte r ed over
Nor th Head, and Litt le l<lska.
91 ! elflfre:"r~' "
Regraded Unclassified
/' - .WWIII
/ Bologna; rail
- .&tiwRe'l"
lnoto.ll•tlona M Marino. dl C>t'lnzaro
Md Mar ina dl Paola
were also bom~. E""'my fl&hler opposition continued Uiht. A mer-
chant vessel o1 ebout 1,800 tons wu sunk by RAF torpedo p!nn..s o!l and :t cruiser and 2 destroyers w ra hit. by U.S. pl.M!!a 3l M.JBatr.:.
On the nl&bt o! 21- 25July tho !Achorn ~val lnse W>S attae•ed by RAF
planes returning from North A!rlea to Enchnd.
~..\'. ~~ !lf/S~c;;f'
R.S. BRATTON, j!:'Jf."m- A. V. S. PICKHAP.DT,
Colooel, G.S.C., ~ R,~ Cspt~. 0. S. N.,
Chle!, lnteUI&enco Crcu.p7 Regraded
A sst. Olr., lntelll&ence Group.Unclassified
On lnJormatlon received - War and Navy Departments ,
From: 1201 Z, 24 July 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 26 July 1943 26 July 1943.
No. 119.
1. NORTH AMERICA.--Nothlng to report.
2. LATIN AMERIC A.-- Nothlng to report.
Regraded Unclassified
e. -
!\SIA.--aurma: Ql Z3 ]Illy at MMdolay near-hits were score<!
on 5 Ia~ r iver boo.lll ar.d flrta ctuted ln t~a dock area by u.s.
me<llum bomber s. • Lar(e Iitts lollo"'-ed t.'>e bombing of ell4my
.-•ppty d11mps at MylnQan. 'l'!llrteen tons o! bombs were dropf>Od
on an alrfteld S of Kawlln. Rlvtr ahipplnc <>n the Irrawaddy ar.d
Japanese ~oc.sooc camps ln Atalcan Vt"tte rarceu o! R:I\F rf!en.slve
patrols. Chlna: Coordln1ted attaca nre m~e oo Al!\ed forward
air basesiillelli)'ang and Klenow on 23 liJiy. Three o! tbe !our
waves o1 enemy planeS tCUl\nol 63 bombers and 65 fighters._.. ...
t.nter~pted by U.S. flgbtera; 5 enemy bombers and 9 f,ghters were
soot down.
7. SOUTH AND SCUT!IWEST ?ACIFIC.--Solomons Area: Ql 23
July, Rekata Bay was auecossMly ottac!<e<l by U.s. plan~emy
gun positions at Mund• wore ogaln bombed by U.S. planes. Four
enemy bar ges ln V•Uo Cull woN . U.s. boats
and 2 barges wer e set nllro. N•w · On
23 July, an ootlmnted 300 JapaneSe
N of Tambu Say. 'l'!lo Bo;sadJlm area wu subjected to 1\nl>thl>r
bombing attack by u s. plan•a, which alllo shot down 8 o! 20 Intercepting
enemy lighters. Enemy b!U'Ct• along the north shore of Huon Cull
and near Cape Bushlng, t>ew Brll\ln, were bomOed by Allied medl•;rns,
12 were destrcyed anJ 13 d>maged. On the same dote t~e Ma.lolo area
o; of Salal:>:l'.U) wu attaedd Oj' Allied mediJm$. About ao Japanese
1\ir.tars I.J:tereepte'i ned 7 wer• Shot down. Northwest Australla--
B>r.113 Sea Area: Q, 23 1>Jly a conc.•nttAtlon Of )apane... troopa WU
reporti<!"""at""'S$.1~ on ?crt...lC.otM Ttmor. VtqU.e"Q.:e on Tlmor w:LS
bcmbed by Allied plane• en tho nme cht.a.
8. ACT!Cll P.GAII\ST ALLI.!!:D S!UPPING.- -Not<lin8 to report.
I( 5 IP ·1.:/tff.
f1 I/Sf-:v lv-i<u---t.-r-
Colonel, G.s.c., Captttln, U. S. N.,
Asst. Otr., !ntelltgecee Group.
Chief, !nt.alllgonce Group.
Regraded Unclassified
On lnformatlon received - War and Navy Departments,
From: 1201 Z, 23 July 1943 Washlngton, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 24 July 1943 24 July 1943.
No. 118.
Regraded Unclassified
• ...ili
S~FO!i , 6-~,.
Maddalena, Sardinia. A total c! 80 AxiS ft(htne was encOW\tered ave r
Italy and Sardinia on lbE 22nd.
R. S. BRATTON, A. V. S. FICKHA!l.01',
Colonel, o.s.c., Capteln, (J. s. N.,
Chlcl, lnto!Ugcnco Group. Asst. Dlr., lntelllgence Group.
Regraded Unclassified
War and Navy Dep artm ents ,
On Info rma tion rece ived --
Washington, D. C.,
Fro m: 1201 Z, 22 July 1943 23 July 1943.
To : LIDO Z, 23 July 1943
No. 1!7.
, Kiska installa tion s at
1. NORTH AMERICA.--Alaska: On 21 July ay, and Litt le Klsk a
Nor th Head, Main Camp, Siilmon Lagoonbom bs wer e dropped, with
eSi 27 tons of
wer e atta cked by U.S. plan urat e and inte nse auto mat ic
hits Indicated In all targ et area s. .Acc my Inst alla tion s at Main
and heavy AA fire was exp erie nced Enetrud e Cove, the sub mar ine
Camp, Nor th Head and South Head, Ger bard ed by both heavy and
bas e, and Litt le Klska were heavily bom my sho re batt erie s retu rn-
light U.S. surf ace ves sels on 22 July. Ene
ed the fire .
or.J.(/J> ((.cz..
.~.t .s.r _. 1 ....-:rr
Colonel, G.S.C., Captain, U. S. N.,
Chief, Intelligence Gr oup. .,&iii· Dlr ., lntelllgcnoe Oroup.
SliU;;bii..,. Regraded Unclassified
On info rmat ion r ecei ved- - War and Navy Depa rtme nts,
Fr:>m: 1201 Z, 21 July 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z. 22 July 1943 22 July 1943.
No. 116.
Regraded Unclassified
/ 1 6btt:Jf!:f,.
warships ear ly on the 21St. Chemical works were hlt and llreG we re
started ln the harbor. No •urftce craft were met.
6. P.SlA.--Chlna: Two enemy locomotives, two l&l'i'! watar .....X.,
a river steamo-riiiil 1111 ...,,.. destroyed by u.s. llghiL'r plalles oporat-
lni !rom Hankow to Iehane on l.fJ July. Burma: On 21 July, Myt\nit
bridge was succesnulty attac- by U.S:oo;;;'Sers; 30 !(IllS ..,,..
dropped and several dlNct hl._ .... ,.. scored. Namtl railroad brldco,
the towns ol Sumprabum, Mopunc, and t!.alr-C<wan. and en!! my rood
transportS ol Swnprabum .,..., bornbocl and str aled by U.S. llibtera.
,.I { _.· , .I.
J•(71 I
. " ·!./........., ..... v'
- ,
Colonel, G.S.C., Captain, U. S. N.,
Chle!, !n~Uigenco GI'Wj). Asst. D!r., !ntelllgenc. Group.
Regraded Unclassified
No. 115.
y group was ob-
I. NORTH AMERICA.--Alaska: A sma ll enem
18 July. The Main Camp
serv ed near the cr ater of K1skli volcano on a naval bombardment on
and Ger trud e Cove wer e agai n subj ecte d toobse rved over Scoresby
20 July . Greenland: An unidentified plane an enemy airc raft on a
Sound on 13 July Is now repo rted as bein
reco nnai ssan ce miss ion.
Regraded Unclassified
centrally local stron~~Fnemy dispositions and lntenUcna re·
j ~~ ·.. .',.. I I
I ,•" I
Colonol, G.S.C., Captain, U. S. N.,
Chief, lntolllronco GrOJp. __ - ~· Dlr ., lntelllie:>e• Group.
oa.o ~" ' Regraded Unclassified
On Info rma tion rece ived -- War and Nayy Depa.r tme nts,
From : 1201 Z, 19 July 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 20 July 1943 20 July 1943.
No. 114.
NORTH AMERICA .- -Ala ska: On 18 July, es.Main Cam p and Ger -
1. plan
trud e Cove at Klsk a wer e ra ided by U.S.
Regraded Unclassified
/ 6. ASIA.- •
airfiel d (on P!iram
e !alan&
: On 19 My ohlpp!ni and tho Murakami
"Stratt ) were main target s In a U.S. raid on
tbe Pt.ram uahlru area. Largo tlres were startod In l>ulld!
ngs adjacent
Arahata (on
to tho ttetd. Twelve bultd!nga observed on Cape
Param ushlru ), but no landin g !!old was aeen. Constr uction of what
be a landin g field was noted near Kataok a (on Shlmuaha). No
appea rs to !Ire over the
lntereepUon was attempted by tnemy atrera1t, and AA
alrJ, about
Strait was light and !naccu rote. On Lake Bettobu, Slllmu
carso ve~sela, 9
27 float planes were observ ed. There were abO\It 6 lneludSng many
destro yers, 4 erutse ra, a.nd numer ous smalle r craft,
flsh!nC croft, In the Pt.ram ashlru --Sillmuahu o.rea. Burma : On 18
July enemy tranS~>ort taclllt !es In the Kalemyo area were and dock In·
attacke d. by the RAF. Indo-C hina: On 18 July, ohlppt ng
bombe rs.
stallat lons In llelphong flii'60r were attacked by U.S. heavy
Two direct hlts were ocored on a Ooal!nc dryooc.. :k. Formo sa: On 16
July, 14 vessel a were phot<>(raphed of! the south oest
coaat Cl Formo sa
on a northerly course .
Sli ~-r
o•o ~,,., n
, ~.a~·
Regraded Unclassified
On informat ion received - - War and Navy Departm ents,
From: 1201 Z, 18 July 1943 Washington, D. c.,
To : 1200 Z, 19 July 1943 19 July 1943.
No. 113.
1. NORTH AMERICA .--Nothing to report.
2. LATIN /iMERlCA.- -Nothing to report.
- Regraded Unclassified
• •
ASIA.··Burma: Cot\Q\ mllla and raUwny obJectives Ill Mylnc·
yan were bo~. alrcralt on 17 July. 0\Mr attac<s were de·
11'-ered ~~ Sap.llla, MQ\)'Wll, and vtuacea 1n tho Hukawns Valley.
Japanese coastal and river 1hlpplne In Arakan was stra!ed by the RAP.
July, an enemy plane dropped bombl ottohore at~ lS!ind. Solomona
A,..,a: On 1? July, tho Balroko area ""New Qeo~ was boll'~
"0:r.planes In sowort of rround !on:oo. On 18 July, tho LambeU area,
E o! Munda, was heavUy bombed by U.S. planes. More than H tOIUI of
bombs were dropped on enemy posltlon.s. New Gu!..r.ea--New Britain Area.:
On 17 July, tho 5alamaua area wu ottaekecfbY A1lie0boiiiber...-ori'ecr-
h1ts were scored on an ammu.ntUon or tuel and a large tire was
stuted In the Quarry a ru. -Banda Sea Area: On
17 July, Lautem, on Timor, 6'0iiiliers:-15iiii':" on
Timor, and Adocl VUlage, on Solaru were subjected to light
8. ACTION ACA!NST ALUED SJ:!IPPINO.--Three ships have been
reported sunk by enemy submarino act!"" Ill th.e Indian Ocean: a Creek
cargo shlp, sslllng \ndependc n\ly, waa torpedoed and sunk \n tho Mozam·
blque area on 10 July, a U.S. C&fiO ship, aalllng Independently !rom
Sue% to Param:arlbo, was torpedoed and sunk E of Mozamblqua "" 14
July; and survivors of a u.s. c&f(O oblj>, aum< presumably by a sub·
marine, were resc\IIICi oU 1'\Lioa.r, M&dapsea.r, on 15 July. U - boat
S~JtlM!'!s In American A possible U-boot slptlng ,.;;;s;:e.
PO> 1n Belli ISle StriiiiCiii"16 July. A slihtlni""" reported 60 mlles
E of Sagua Ia Grande, Cubs, on 17 Jl.lly. A possible sighting"""' repor....S
In th.e caribbean, 150 mlloa SW o! Jamalea, on 17 July.
Regraded Unclassified
-- • ARMY- NAV Y
War and Navy Dep artm ents ,
On Information rece ived - - Washington, D. C.,
Fro m: 1201 Z, 17 July 1943 18 July 1943.
To : 1200 Z, 18 July 1943
No. 112.
1. NORTH AMERlCA. - -Nothlng to repo rt,
ee repo rted by pre ss to
2. LATIN AMERICA. - - Buenos Air es poll
ed new spap er Argentina Llb re
have susp ended lndefinltely the pro - Alll
alte r seiz ing the Hi July edit ion.
e con tlnu es In the
3. EASTERN EUR OPE .--T he Soviet o!!onslv Two day s of figh t-
tera ttac ks.
Ore l- Kur sk area desp ite enem y coun On Kallnin and Len ingr ad
ing have resu lted In sub stan tial gain s. issa nce raid s. Activity in
fron ts, acti vity was con ftne J to reco nna . ArtU!er y due ls con tlnued
Belgor od area limi ted to reconna issa nce g the Mius and Donets .
along the Kuban, with min or acti vity alon
for ces o.f RA F and USAAF
4. WESTERN EUROPE.--On 16 July stro ng n Fra nce and the
hwe ster
airc raft wer e acti ve in swe eps ove r nort llln g yard s, 17 tons of bom bs were
chan nel area s. On Abbevil le mar sha
ion was encounte red. Targets
dropped. Litt le enem y fighter opposit following day by l!J.rge for-
In northwl!st Ger man y wer e atta cked
U.S. he:~ vy bom bers , but adv etse weather prev ente d ex-
mat ions of
1\ghter r eact ion was enco unt-
tens ive bombing. Ver y stro ng enemy enem y fighte rs wer e dest roye d.
ered and earl y reports Indi cate ove r 50
dam was atta cke d by ano ther
The Fokker airc raft fact ory at Am ster bom bs drop ped . No enem y
form atio n of U.S. hea vies and 52 tons on thl:> raid . Ear ly on 17 July an
fighter opposition was enco unte red
rcep ted by Brit ish ligh t coa st-
enem y convoy In Dutch wat ers was Inte 2 ot her s wer e dam aged .
al !orc es. One enem y ship was sunk
ln Sicily the enem y
5. MEDITERRANEAN AREA.-- On 16 July vita l br ldge about 7
ack at a
carr ied out an uns ucce ssfu l counte ratt stan ce ts stro ng. Elev en Ital ian
mU es S of Cata nia, whe re Axi s resi
and Len tini on 17 July. On 18
tank s wer e cap ture d between Pala zzol o er by the ene my of the town
July a communique announced the sur rend sam e communique s tate d
of Agrlgento on the Allied left flan k. h Itali an coa stal divi sion had
t hat the com man der and staf f of the to Ger man rein forc eme nt of
been cap:ured. Indications pointed y situ atio n. Pre sen t esti mat e
Sici ly in an effo rt to stab ilize the enem night o! 15- 16 July the aird rom es
of Axi s pris one r s is 20,000. Dur lng the
Regraded Unclassified
at V1bo Valentia, Crotone, Reg-gio Calabria, and San Giovanni were
raldO<l by AlllO<l planes. Fires ru ulted, and many enemy aircraft
we re lett burn Ins on the gro\U\d. A heavy attack was also made on
Randa no where tires were startO<l. Through011t the night harassing
attacks on road and raUroed communlcaUona were carried out by the
tactlel.l air Ioree. On the lollowlnr day, San OloVDl'.nl was attackO<l
by otronr for ces ol hesvy bombers and many explosions wore ob·
aarved In the barracks area and railroad yards. t:o eoemy alrcr<
,..,.. encountered. n>& same day, V!bo Valentia, Sari and CrotCM
alrdromea ...-ere successfully ratded, and 1nst3llat1ons at Rand.azz.o
and Val(uarnera S"olb!ected to heavy a ttack. Enemy opposition was
nerl!ilble. An l.lallnn cruiser pasalnr -th thr<lu6b the Stralta ol
Messina was torpedoed by Allie<! motor run boats on the 1? july.
6. ASIA.··NOihlng to report.
7. SOUTH AND SOUT HWEST PAClFlC. - - Ql 15 july a japanese
naval force of 2 aircraft c!lrrtors, 1 auxutary carrier, 1 seaplane
tender, 2 crvtser s and a number of doauoyers was reported 170 mUea
north of Truk, on a southerly coorse. en 16 July the enemy baa~.o
at Naur• was attaclred by U.S. plan••· Solomons Area: Q113 july
enemy lln•s near Lillo on !;...w G..!orila wer-.e pierced by U.S.
cround troops. An enemy COWl!< ratuek on the nlg!n o! H j>ly woa
r•pelled. C:U 16 jUly th<: Lrunl:<>tl a...-a, I mile east o! A:unda 1\lr·
lleld, was bea•IIY bombe<l In dlr ct lt.lj)porl ol advanclni! U.S. CTound
troops. En•my barse act lv!IY at Kolombangoara and at Isabel lslo.nds
continues. On t 7 july, jnpo.nese $hlppllltl In the Bulo area w:u at·
tacked by U.S. bombers with. a :nrono flghtcr escort. O'le enemy
llg!t cruiser, 2 dostroyers, tsubchase r, I tonker and 2 cargo ships
wore sunk. Ano-ther c3.rgo ship was dn.mnged and beached. Forty
four e nemy Ughtors a.nd 5 eoat pl\\nea, attempting interception were ·
shot down. Just prior to this attAck, 600 fragmentadon clusters had
been dropped on KahW by U.S. heavy bombers. New ~- -!!!!'
Brluln Area: 01 13 j•lY a number o! )lP"..nese were rcport O<I
to h~ve ,.,.rived 3t activity Is eontlnu\ni In the
Lao ar ~•· Sea A.....a: Q1 15 july, ~b«r·
b ne wae - - -
• l '
Colonel, O.S.C., Coptaln, U. S. t:. ,
Chtof, lntelll&•nce Orou§~~:· Dlr., lnt<!ll!i"oc• Croup.
Regraded Unclassified
On Information received-- War and Navy Departments,
From: 1201 Z, 16 July 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z,l7 July 1943 17 July 1943.
No. W.
osD i)\lh
Regraded Unclassified
• •
mostly lta..llan, attempted lnterceptton; 4 of the: m~mber were shcrt down.
Q\ 15 july, FOiila airdrome waa 111bjteted to a 241-too raid by U.S.
planes. Palermo and Ttrmt.n1 lm~'r•ae were also attacked. Motor
transport, railroads, and brld~s In central and wemrn SlcUy were
bombed and str3!ed. Hostllt air 01)-!Uon ever SlcUy was ~~
g!ble. 0!1 ncrt.'least S&r<llnla a ~.000-ten merchar.t ship was sunk by
Allied torpedo- p!J.MS,
6. ASlA. --Ch!na; Q\ 14 )Illy recCM&IsSMce over Shanifllll rev•llled
only 5 ·Jesseli"i'iiii•lnlnc cl the 14•hlp ecnvey observed en • ne IZt.h;
however, no ships "-'Cr'8 seen betwetn Sh)n.iha' $rtd Fooc::how tn r~·
connatssanee on the Hth.
july, VIla was subjected lO n ho•vy bombing allnek by 'UT. planes;
54 tons of bombs wer1;1 droppod on tho ttrn. Enemy positions nt
SJ>!r oko wero a!oo tl!ded. Al B~p. Lsl•nd , Z $mall cargo ships w•r•
alt.llcked by U.S. alrcrolt. 01\o wu sunk, nnd 1M other lett at randod
and burning.
schooru.ors were sh•·ll'Jd .;u\d eun t by aubm'U'tnc action E of Trtnldld
on 14 .f'.lly. U-boat ln Amr•rtco.n W"'tars: A p.osstbl'!. U·bolll
sighting W3S r:epori<d $J m •~ E: oll!orHkciiill! )lily.
-Jur<) 1 -ll.t"!."
r ,· t
Jl.. ,\ I fZ.r
R. 's'. SRATION,
, / .)l_t_. ......
Colonel, G.S.C., C&pt.nin, U. S. N.,
Chief, Jntelllgcnco Group. Asst. Olr . , lntelllief!CO Grcup.
Regraded Unclassified
On information recei ved - - War and Navy Depa rtme nts,
From: 1201 Z, 15 July 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 16 July 1943 16 July Hl43.
No. 110.
1. NORTH AMERICA.- - Nothing to repo rt.
Regraded Unclassified
UOL ASS iriii
my mer cha nt ves sel was left
Included Pal erm o and Enna. An ene tank er was set on fire as the
sinking, a tank er blew up, and a sma.
resu lt of RA F torp edo -pla ne atta cks
ASIA.- -Bu rma : On 14 July the MylU. ngyan rail way yar ds and tho
6. by S. plan es.
Melktlla bar rac ks ar ea wer e bombed
--Solomons Are a: On the
7. SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST PACIFIC.lale aird rom es wer e atta cke d
night of 13-1 4 July, Buka, Kahlll, and In the Lal ana Beach are a, E of
14 July ,
by U.S. heavy bom bers . On itio ns wer e encountere d by ad -
Munda, stro ng Jap ane se fort lile d pos
vancing U. S. forc es. On 15 July, nea a forc e of 27 Japanese bom ber s and
r Rendova by U.S. fighter s; at
40 to 50 figh ters was Inte rcep ted
ters wer e sho t down. New Guinea- -
leas t 15 enemy bom ber s !llld 30 figh se pos itions on Ore~e
New Br itai n Are a: On 14 July, Jap ane
my was clea red from the Mubo are a. At leas t
cap ture d, and liie ene
950 enemy troo ps wer e kllled. It Isle Is r eported that about 200 Japa nes e
t), 4 mil es S of Sa1amaua, and
troo ps landed at Dot Isle t (l<nlrps
Banda Sea Are a: On the night of
hea ded Inland. Northwest Aus tral ia-- ter and LiiUtem, and the town
13- 14 July , ene my airf ield s at Cap e
ely bombed by Alli ed plan es .
of Koepang, on Tim or, wer e eUe ctlv
.--I n the Indian Ocean a
. 8. ACTION AGAINST ALLIED SHIPPING resu lt of a sub mar ine
k as the
Brit ish car go ship Is pre sum ed sun U.S. tank er, prev ious ly rep ort-
atta ck SE of Ara bia abo ut 12 July . Ole
and sun k N of Nat al on 7 July, Is
ed (12 July Dally Rep ort) torp edo ed
at Trin idad . U-b oat Slehtin~s In
now rep orte d to hav e arri ved safe ly
Am eric an Wa ters : One U-b oat sigh ting wa.s rep orte d UO mll es oT
was r epo rted 10 mil es off Mala-
Haiti on 14 Ju!y. A seco nd sighting
Cub a on 15 July.
gue ta Bay on the nor thea st coa st of
For the Dir ecto r of Naval Inte llig enc
For t he A. C. of S., G-2 :
. .
Regraded Unclassified
On Information rece ived -- War and N!lvy Depa rtme nts,
From : 1201 Z, 14 July 1943 Washington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 15 July 1943 15 July 1943.
No. 109.
Klska, was
l. NORTH: AMERICA.--On 14 July, Gert rude Cove,
shelled by U.S. N:wal force s.
the Argentine
2. LATLN AMERICA.--Accord ing to pres s repo rts, Cult ural
Germ an Welf are and
Government on 13 July dlrac ted the '\llst ?arty , to
Socie ties, succ esso rs t o the Argentine N'\tlonal Soci ntal decr ee, 9
ond their activ ities within 48 hours. By governme at war were also
orga nizat ions estab lishe d to aid the dem ocra cies er of Communist
orde red dissolved, oste ns ibly beca use of the dang
pene tration.
fighting con-
3. EASTERN EUROPE .--On the Kurs k front heavy Belgorod area
ln the
tinue s desp ite unfavorab le went her conditionss.right wing to no Impor-
Soviet counterat t'\cics held the enem y'
conti nuin g Sovie t ttttacks
tant gain s. AJter some minor penetrtttlons, ga in. On the night
N and E of Orel M ve been thrown b'lck witho ut
et Air Forc e.
of 13 July, Orel was r :llded by the Sovi
July, abou t 28
4. WESTERN EUROPE. --Durlng the night of 13- 14 s a long the
onemy bomb ors m'lde scatt ered ra ids on seve r nlthe att~cklng plane s
east co::tst of Engl Md, Inclu ding Hull. Thre e of
bombed by a stron g
were destr oyed . On the s:une night Aachen w:~s bom bs were dropped
force of Briti sh plan es . On 11 July, 240 tons of
s SW of Paris )
on the :llrcr nft repa ir shop s at Vllh coub lay (7 mllewas encounter i!d.
by U.S. plane s. F11!rly strong enem y oppo sition
The Le Bour get drome ne-u- Pari s was ntt:lc ked by othe r U.S.
was encounter ed. AA
bomber s, and very hellvy cn~my opposition at Amle ns was
!Ire was mode rate over the targe t. An nlrd rome
plan es. Med iocre a ir oppo-
bombed by 'Ulotb er form ntlon of U.S. rding to a pro-
sitio n ClOd mode r :lte AA tlra \"lore enco unter ed. Acco
s are 50 plnn es destr oyed In llll thesa
visional estim ate, enem y losse
oper ation s.
airdr ome w::ts
5. MEDITERRANEAN AREA .- -On 12 July, Com lso r esist:lllcc '
13 July enem y
c:tpturod by advancing U.S. force s. On Sicily. High ground
cont inued along tho entir e front In southe:~ste.rnThe commnnda r and
NE o! Ragusa was yield ed to Cnna dlan units
Sm ..JltfR!EUil
Regraded Unclassified
stat! o! tM 11>\ll'lll 54th Napoli Otvlalcn ,....., c>ptur«! by Brltlah tank
!oreoa at VIzzin i, obout 30 miles W o! Syr>CU$0, en 14 jUly Qor mon
loreea eountent tneked vlcorous ly a t Au&Usta, ruching tho b•y and
cuutnc off Brlllah troops holding the..,..., , Th4 altual.!on wu r<!sloredt
by noon.. Tber4 was eonalckr'tblo movemut o! c.noJm,y motor trlllspcr
In eontrru Stelly. Dur lnc tho nl0 ht of 12· 13 July on>my bomber and
!lchter -bombor nct\vlty wee 1nc rensod over tho e~at o! Stelly. The
Oorblnl airdrom e nod tare.u ot Er.n• and Caltantsot t.l woN bombed byn
RAF phncs, ''lllch drepp.>d 129 tona ol bomba. en 13 July epposttlo
to Allied bomblni and str:.llni ep<T'tlo ns "~s oo a emall seuc. 'l'b..
anomy 3.lrdromes nt Cnt..'U\lA and Mllo Wt!rc heavily bomoed by Allied ly
p1•nee. Rnll and mot or IT.nspor t nt R.ndazz o Md £nn> wc r v el!ectlvo
. On
bombed and strafod, 11nd tho lu.rbor 1\t T~rmlnt was alst> ntt!lckC"d
~ 1WI3n m>lnlond , ~ alrdrom oa " Cr~. V!bo Volenth, and
Reulo dJ C&labrla woN bombdd. A mcr<:h'lllt vesa..l blow up and 2
deetroye rs wor. dam >ced •• n result ol ntt">ci<ll b7 RAF plonos ao mlloa
NNE of Pnlermo .
8. ASiA. .. Burm>: cn 12 )Illy the m>ln buUd!niG In 1'/:u>y\N ik tolo\'!l,
10 miLs NW ~otn~. ftre compl,to ly destro-;e d In bombing ond
str>!lng 'ttaeka by U.S. llJhters. MylncY"-" 'Uid Yw"aung , """ !.l3JI.
d'l.lf\Y , ware ro.ldad by U.S. haavy bombers . Hits w~rc scor on
tracks and ~rehouses ot Myingynn, csuslng on~ l!trg~J explosion.
Regraded Unclassified
• •
W~toro: TWo ;.1- b<nt slghtlnP w.r• repcrtod In th Carlbbe>n on 14
Ji,IYT'Oiwt !50 mU~s s:: of Kt.~ton, Junl1Cl, o.nd cna rntd•~Y
Cun~o >nd Trlnl!bd.
For t.h11 OlrKtCr o! N1.v:tl Intelltgenc~:
For tho A. C. of S., G- 2:
l ,) / I '.._ ., - ;-:-
1( j )I rJt,~,
R. 6. BRATTON, Cnpl•ln, u . s. N.,
Colonul, c;.s.c., Aos\ . Dlr .• lnwlll~nco Group.
Ctllcf, tntell1i'o-:1C<J Group.
Regraded Unclassified
Regraded Unclassified
reveal ed a 14-sbl p
··1!. • AS!A.--Chlna: On 12July aerlal reconn aissan cebut
convoy, possi61Yliicl11ding 1 cruise r and 1 battle ship with no carrie r,
ancho red at Woosung. Three other vesse ls were observ ed betwe ns In
Sbangnal and Woosung. Burma : On 11 July, Iapane se conce ntratio
the Hukawnc Valley and between M,yltkylna and &unprabum were S of
r epeate d attack s by U.S. fighte rs. The LoUaw railwa y bridge
Chln:l.; Photo graphs taken 10
Mogaung was destro yed. Frenc h lndo- r. On
July showed enemy shipping totalin g 44,000 ·~ons In Haipho ng harbo
ng at Haiphong twice attack ed by U.S.
11 July enemy ocean shippi W:lS
s on
heavy bomb ers; 2 hits were made on 1 transp ort, and near a.misse g aln . twice
3 other vesse ls. Enemy shipping In the Haiphong area was
Oth. r
attack ed on 12 July; 3 ve·sse ls were hit, and I of them blew up.
bomb a hit the rallr()(!.d ynrds Md a power pll.nt.
~ l f ' r .,; . II
· ·Xf ;/,.. ;;::, / ' /. & /!Ai_ -f,_ -:-. 1.-T
.Jf t I
Colonel, G.S.C., . , , Captai n, U. S. N.,
Chief, Intelli gence Group. Asst. Dlr., Intelligence Group.
•. .
. '.
Regraded Unclassified
War and Navy De par tme nts ,
Ql Inf orm atio n rec eiv ed- - Washington, D. C.
Fro m: 1201 Z, 12 1943 13 July 1943.
To : 1200 Z, 13 1943
No. 107 .
the Main Camp and North Head
1. NORTH AMERICA.· -On 11 July an aer ial atta ck; 29 tons of
ted to
Ins tall atio ns at Kiska we re sub jec
bom bs we re droppe d.
ort .
2. LATlN AMERICA.--Nothin(l to rep
rsk front the ene my 's rig ht
3. EASTERN EUROPE. - -On the Kuafte r overco~ing repeated Sovi-
gai ns
wing N of Belgorod made fur the r left win gS of Ore l continu es to be
et cou nte ratt ack s. The ene my 's ed
atta cks N and E of Ore l have fail
held up . The Red Arm y's rel ief
to pen etra te.
rep ort . .
4. WESTERN EURO?E.--Nothlng to
MEDITERRANEAN AREA.--my All Allied beachheads on Sichily
5. cou nte ratt ack s, made wit
hav e bee n sec ure d, and seven ene ing to an Allied communique. .,
tan ks, have bee n rep uls ed, accordmann Goering d ivision car rie d out
tank reg ime nt of the Ge rma n Her. So far the civ ilia n population has
an atta ck eas t of Gela on 11 July y. 'l'he por t of Augusta has been
bee n foond to be gen era lly friendl communique. Up to 12 July some
cap tur ed, acc ord ing to an Ital ian en, Including some Ge rma ns. On
2,000 Axis pri son ers had bee n tak div e-b om ber san k an Allied hos -
the night of 10- 11 July, an enemy sam e night Mllo and Sci acc a air -
' plta l shi p off Sicily. During the
dro me s on Sic ily, and Reg gio dl Cal abr ia and Vibo Valentia
we re bombed by Allied pla nes . On
• air dro me s on t)le Ital ian mainland.tion, motor tra nsp ort , air dro me s,
l l July ene my lin es of commu
nico g
Sic ily suf fere d o.lmost contlnuoos bombin
and oth er ins tall atio ns on mo tor tru cks we re
and stra fin g rai ds by Allied air160 cra ft. Many
tro yed . Abo ut enemy pl:.ules, including 40 bomb-
damaged or des Intense A... fire wa s encountered
e r s, wer e act ive ove r Stelly, and we re made on 2 ene my me rch ant
by som e Allied form atio ns. Hits ia by Allied torpedo pla nes . One
ves sel s off the eas t coa st of Sardin s
of the shi ps wa s left sinking.
A sec ond Allied hos pita l shi p wa
night of 11-12 July .
attacked by enemy pla nes on the
6. ASIA. --N othlng to rep ort .
Regraded Unclassified
7. SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST PACIFIC.--Solcmons Area: According
to a comm1111lque, an enemy light cruiser and 3 destroyers were SWlk
and 2 other destroyers probably were sunk, In a night battle 12-13
July In Kula Gul!. New Guinea--New Britain Area: On 11 July, Allied
ground forces were liiContact witiTnemy troops on the oouth shore
of Lake Salus, N of the Bltol River. During the morning enemy po-
sitions at Bobdubl Ridge were subjected to an Intense bombing and
strafing attack by Allied medium bombers. Five Intercepting Japanese
fighters were shot down by Allied fighter planes covering this attack.
The Salamaua area was also bombed and strafed. Enemy airfields
at Rabsul were heavily bombed on the night of 10- 11 July by seve ral
waves of Allied heavy bombers. Northwest Australia--Banda Sea Area:
On the night of 11 July, Penfoel airdrome at Koepang, Timor,
tacked by Dutch medium bombers.
was at-
,•"') ( . .! '.j .
'\ '- {J .) ,.vi.(.."~
; ;(·..~rvc-i.. ,,
Colonel, G.S.C., Captain, U. S. N.,
Chief, Intelligence Group. Asst. Dlr ., Intelligence Group.
Regraded Unclassified
On IDtormatlOD receive d-- War llld Navy Depertm enta,
From: 1201 Z, U-J'Ilfl MS Washington, D. C,
To : 1200 Z,JI J'llf1~ 12 July 11143.
No. 108.
1. NORTH AMEIUCA,--On 10 JulJ, 2 Japaneee cargo veeHll were
attacked ml4wa)' between Param ublru llld Kllka by Army llld Navy
bomber l, ODe IIIJp wu SUlik llld tbe other left eiDktng. Two lddltlOD ·
a1 ftuell were 8lcbted In tbe aame area. On tbe eame day, Para·
mn•hlru reoelft d ltl flrat bomblnc. On 11 July, LlUla Kllka aDd Ger-
trude Co", ~ lll•ad, wre lllbJected to naval (IIAflre, Tba enemy
dJd DOt ret~&rD t11e are.
Regraded Unclassified
No. 105.
. . ' t=)
JP<.l (J 1 t't { f ,._., 1 T1 ~J. ; :: 1-t---~~ vl6
Colonel, G.S.C., Captain, U. S. N.,
C::hlef, Intelligence Group. Asst. Dlr., Intelligence Group.
Regraded Unclassified
.., \ \
-~ ,J )
U.S. surface c r aft. In addition miUly Japanese A,A .POSitl008 have been
destroye d by field artUler y flre . U.S. forces which landed at Rice
Anchorag e 'are 1n contact With enemy elements near Leland Lagoon.
Near V1ru Harbor, 60 enemy troops were captured . Eoemy forces at
Kakasa on Choiseul Island were estimate d at 300, and much activit).!
Is reported there. An enemy naval force ot 4 light cruisers and 4 de-
stroyers was twice attacked by U.S. planes on 10 July In Kula Gulf.
Two hits were claimed, but no fires resulted. Photographs taken 10
July show 1 heavy crulser, 1 light cruiser, 8 destroye rs, 2 patrol
--- ..=aft, 4 cargo shij>s, 1 tanker, and 6 small vessels 1n the Buln--KahUI
area. New Guinea-- New Britain Area: On 8 July enemy positions on
Kela Point, at M&lo!OVD.iage, iilcfiii'"the Logui area were heavily bombed
and strafed. Fifty tons of bombs are r~ported to have Inflicted heavy
damage. The Buigap Creek area also was bombed and strafed. Patrol
clashes between ground forces were reported 1n the Bobdubl and Drodubl
sectors. An enemy force of 1.0 fighter planes was intercept ed over
Bena Bena and 3-enemy planes were shot down. Northwest Australi a--
'Banda ~,Area: .On the ·ntg}lt o( 7-8 July 1 Pentoei airdrome at Koepang,
Timor, waS1WI'c e attacked by AIUed planes. In the dawn raid by Allied
heavy bombers , 3 ot 14 Intercept ing Japanese fighter-p lanes were shot
down and 2 others were pr obably destroye d.
French cargo Sh\p, traveling In a West African coastal convoy, were
torpedoe d and sunk ?0 miles SW ot Lagos (Nigeria) on 9 july. An
Independently routed British carg(l shiP was sunk by a submarin e 600
miles SE of Durban on 6 July. In the Mediterr anean .a British cargo
sbip was torpedoed and sunk 1n convoy about 75 miles W ot Algiers on
5 July.
I \
s~e..tif• .
Regraded Unclassified
Regraded Unclassified
cUves between Shwebo and
ahlp plnc on tbe Irraw addy, and railway obje
WW!tho were &lao attac ked.
ns Ar ea : Enem y
7. SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST PAC IFIC. - -Sol omo eiiff iiiate d a t 9
July are now
loss es In the Kula Gulf nava l batt le on 6 rs). Phot ogra phs takerr 6
ship s sunk (3 ligh t crui sers and 6 dest roye
l med ium bom ber at
July show 60 fight er s, Hi dive -bom bers , and11 figh ters, 4 medium bom b-
KabUl; 21 medium bom bers at Ball ale; and
20 enem y troo ps attempt~
er s, and 1 dive -bom ber at Buks. On 8 July,
driv en off by U.S. patr ols.
t o land on Dug trl Islan d NE of Rendova were vess els, and the Eno ial
On 9 July, Munda was shel led by U.s. surf ace
U.S. plan es. New Guin ea- .
area , near Ba.lroko Harb or, was bom bed by s In t he Mub oare a were
New Br itain Area : On 7 July, enem y posi
iiib}'ec:tid t o i"ie rles of IDte ulve bom bing and straf ing attac ks by Allied
rvati on
~es. More than 106 tall! ol bom bs were drop ped's.on Obse ~
Cree k area
HUl, the Blto l River Vall ey,a nd Kitchen by Allied grOWid forc es. On
Hill, N of Mubo, was subs eque ntly capt ured
stra fed by Allied plan es.
tbe sam e date Labu Lagooo, S of Lae, was
U.S. tank er and one .
id conv oy from
U.S. carg o ship , trav eling In a southbOW nne (Fre nch Guiana) on
t orpe doed and sunk about 11)() mile s E of Caye
Trini dad to Reci te, was
8 ]lily . A Braz ilian carg o ship , en r oute from th on 5 ]Illy.
torp edoe d and sunk off the Amazon Rive r mou
For the A. C. of S., G-2 : For the Dire ctor of Naval lntel llgen ce;
Regraded Unclassified
.(; -
'/ltlllf' I.W.V f
Qa lllformatiCII rec:elv ed·- War and »avy Depart mente,
From: 1301 Z, 7 July 1843 Waalllnlton, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 8 July 1843 8 July 1943.
No. 102..
1. NORTH AMERICA.-- Aluka : Enemy batter ies on Klska llland de
at North Head and SCluth Head, iild positio ns at Malri Camp , Gertru U.S.
Cove, 1:1111 Llttlll Klska were subJec ted to hea'v y bomba rdmen t by
.urfae a force11 Cll 8 July. Enemy batter ies did not return the fire.
ClD 7 Jul1 tht -~ Main Camp was attacke d by u.S. aircra ft. The
~ cwnte red wftll lJcbt AA fire. Atl.a.Dtle W of 26th Meridi an:
TWo U-boat •llbtlilcs h&ve been report id, one ~ iiilii8 SE Of sable
la1m1 on . ., July md 0111 15 mlles ott tht eastern tip of Jamaica on
6 .Jul)>.
ll. LATIN AMERICA.- -Gove rnor Rapen ne's re&'lme In Frellcb Guiana
te fac!Dr srowtnr dlaaatlllfac:tlon amonc citizen s and officia asTbls
1s the r88Ult of bill Hfllaa l to collab orate wltb native officia
u tbeJ desire , and biB fa.llure to am all pro- Vlphy officia ls.
Regraded Unclassified
...... , •••1,111
Oulf, laDdld ll JUce Allcbol'ap, N d a6mda. At the same t1me other
U.S. forceelllldld at 7NW• Beach, B o1 Mullda. ~ 6 .JWJ, 18
~ bombera attacllil4 Readova and e wer e lhot dOWII by AA fire.
ll otber IDI&l1 air acu- S' tiDIIIIJ planes were destroyed. Cft 7 ]Illy,
tbete were 2 -IIIJ air attacka 011 Reodova. In one attack ]apan11e
bombera were eacorted by &6 tlgbter•; the e111my lost 12 plane1. De-
taUs ol tile 11coad attack were not r eported. The enell\1 Is reported
to bave atabllshld en and AA posltiOIII on tbe Borth tip of
6 JlllJ, bombed
patrol. by U.S.
activit) planes.
ol 9 Japanese bombers anc! 4 flChter•
aather force of 8 Japanese bombers escorted
nldad Allied poetu.a a*'-' a.,. 1..lbu
W and " ' 2 II by AU1Id p~.
Cft 6 ]\!Jy, a force ot ?Nlombent
near Darwin. Intercepting
Allied eliot 40WD 5 bombers snd 2 fighters, snd probably de-
stroyed or damapd 6 other eJJemy planes. Pentoel airdrome and tbe
town ol Koepuc were heavily bombed by Allied planes. Tile Babo
airdrome and Keaukwa Vlllace (Dear Tlmoelca 011 Dutch New Guinea)
were also subjected to llgbt ralda. A clearlnc for a new landing strip
bu been reported at tbe Uta.rom airdrome near Kalma~m.
8. A.CTI~ AOAINST AI I JED SHIPPINO.-- A Dutch cargo ship,
travellng In a Caribbean ccavoy, waa IUDk bJ a U-boat ott the eastern
tip of Jamaica 011 6 ]Illy. A British cargo stup, trsvellng In a West
African convoy, wu IWik by a U-boat SW of F r eetOWII on 2 July. In
tile Inc!I&D Ocean a Greek cargo ehlp, UUlnglndependen tly, was IW1l<
by a submarine 2~ mUes NE: of Lourenco Marques on 6 July. In tbe
Soutll Amerlcen coutal c011voy reported under attack yesterdq, 2
U.S. carro lhlpl and 2 u.s. tanlatrs were torpedoed. No slnlrtnP. have
been reported.
u~J.<f) udt,.,.,
·-- I1 {lJ'[:,~ ~4J...1 ,,((
A.'s. BiA'M"a., A. V. 8. PICKBARDT,
c~1. o.a.c., Capaln, U. S. N.,
Cblef, Jatelllpace Oroup. Alst. Olr ., lllte1llgence Group.
Regraded Unclassified
Wa r and Navy Dep artm ents ,
On illformatloa received·· Washington, D. C.,
Pro m: 1201 Z, 8 July 194 3 7 July 1943.
To : 1200 Z, 7 July 194 3
No• .l01 .
Regraded Unclassified
euat IDd 4 ~ ~ Ia tbo aava.l actl<m In Kula 01111. New
Glllaea--New Brltala Area: Oo 6 ]uJy, Kola VUJace (NW ot Silimaua)
iiiil"llila>ii Wiii'i~d to hoavy bombiDC attacu by AUle4
8. ACTION AGAINST ALI.JED SlllPPINO.--A Brlllah carco ahlp,
eo route !rom tbo BriUah lalea to Uruau&J, was sunk by a U·boat
about 460 mllea E ot Nat&l, BruU, <m 28 ,1\u>e. A AOrlhboutod Sooth
AmorleaD coastal convo1 wu hoavUy altacked by aubmartnea &l>oo:t
106 mllos Not N&W on 7 JIIIJ.
Regraded Unclassified
No. 100.
1. NORTH AMERICA.--Alaska: Camouflaged enemy lnStallatl ons
and tents have been observed on Segula Island. Atlantic W of 26th
Meridian ; One U-boat sighting was reported 20 miles NW of Trtnt-
aaa on 5 July. A possible sighting was reported 60 miles N of Havana,
Cuba, on the same day.
2. LATIN AMERICA.--Nothlng to report.
3. EASTERN EUROPE .--Betwe en Belgorod and Ore! the enemy
haB launched an offel1l!lvc apparent ly atmed at' the eliminati on of the
Soviet-h eld Kursk salient. The southern !lank of the oUensive,
anchored at Belgorod , appelll's to have madP some headway ln spite
of strong Red Army resistanc e. The northern !lank anchored at
Orel appears to be held up. The weight and scope of this offensive
are not apparent as yet. The opposing air forces were active In
support of ground operation s In the Orel--Ku rsk sector. On the
night of 4-5 July, Gomel, Unecha, and Roslavl were raided by Soviet
forces on the ntght of the 4th. A number of enemy aircraft were de-
etroyed on the ground. ·
Regraded Unclassified
' '
""' policy !nr tho aOI!thern ,..11008·" jop&Dese broaJlcuUI of 5 july
azm........S the cession to Thailand of tho Malay States of ;>orUS, Kedah,
X.IIDW>, and Treacpnu, and tho Bu.r~Mse Shan Slates of Kengtunc and
wane Pan.
In a secoud air attack Clft ReDCiova b)' 18 escorted by
fl&blen, AA !Ire brO<Cbt down 12 bol!!beU· On 5 July, Ba!We .,,..
attacked by U.S. bomb4n. Photot~rapbs taken 5 july &how 78
fl&ble~and at lWIUl and 9 medium bombers ot
a~~ On 4
iVlaince of
were active
enemy bar&e movement ln the Lae area, and
270 Japaneaa troops are roportod to have landed near Labu (5 o! Lao)
an 3 July. A small enemy carso veaaol In Vanlmo Bay (E of Hollandla)
was attacked by an Alllad heavy bomber, and was left burnlng and sinklni.
8. ACTION AGAINsT ALLIED SHll>PING.--A small U.S. cargo ship,
trave~ In a local convoy, was sunk by aU-boat of! the west coast of
llalU on 5 July. In the lDCiian ~""a U.S. Llborty ship was aunk by a
jlp&llese subUW'Ino ol>oul 700 nUlea SW of Ceylon "" 18 june. In tho
Medituranean 2 Allled mercbant:Mn are reported torpedoed and Sunk
75 mileS W ot Algiers on 4 Jllly.
fS u·, 1(.,. rf t'J'.P (.../vtd< J.-t.;.·-ri-
()( J 1
Colonel, G. S.C., Capleln, U.S.N.,
Chief, Intelligence Group. Aoat. Olr., lntolllgenee Grotlj>.
Regraded Unclassified
Regraded Unclassified
j .-.
UJttDce brldp wu deatroy ed and the remain der of the ati'\ICture ex-
teaalve q damap d Ia 2 attacks by U.S. medium bombe N. MyiD(yan s,
area waa IMav\q bombed. 011 2 July, warehouaea, barrack
IIICI Ia Cbauk, Pyawbe , IIICI NyaWICII were raided by u.s. planec.
0 were scored on the tlllk f&rm of Syrlam oU refiner y S of
Ralliooo and en e1111mr raU facilltl ea In Thlllbyuzayat during attacks
bJ U.S. beavlea .
SOtrl'H AND SOtrrHWEST PACIF IC.··So lomons Area: On 3
July, Vura Vutace near Wickham Aochorage was captUie dby u.s.
forces. Three hundre d Japaneea were killed and the rema.lnder put
to fl.lcht. On 4 July, a force of 18 Japanese bombe rs escorte d by 20
fighter s was Interce pted over Rendova Island by U.S. fighter s, and 5
bombe rs and 4 fighter s were shot down. On 5 July, V!la and Balrok o
were sl:eUed by U.S. surface forces, and also bombed by U.S. planes.
011 the same date the Reilata Bay area was subject ed to a bombing at-
tack by U.S. planes. On 5 Juq a total of 18 Japanese vessels was
sighted In the vtclnlty of SnorUand Island. Included In thiS total were
believe d to be 1 beavy cruiSer , S light cruiser s, and 5 destroy ers.
New Guinea--New Brltaln Area: 011 3 July a force of 8 Japanes e bomber s,
iiCorted by ~s, wUliii ercepte d oe&r Nassau Bay by Allied
flcbters . Tbe ene~ey loet 4 fighter s and 1 bombe r. On the same date
8 enemy bombe rs attacke d Garoka near Bena Bena. The ~nemy air·
fields at Rabaul were attacke d by Allied heavy bombe rs for the fourth
success ive night; about 21 tons ol bombs were df'<lWed and numero us
fires resulte d. Northwest AuatraUa--Bancla Sea Area: On 3 July, the
enemy base at K8n<larl, Ce!ebi s, was aitackeOby7il!red heavy units.g,
Much damage was Inflicted 011 the barrack s and shop areas. Koepan
011 Timor, was also subject ed to aUght raid by Dutch B-25s.
lndependenUy en route from Santos to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was
sunk by a U·boat 150 mUes SW of Its destina tion on 3 July.
(].f !J.M'/{;.1
a vsE:~-~t,·f!
Coloae l, 0. s. c., Captain , U. S. N.,
Cblef, Intelllp nce Gr oup. Aaat. Dlr., Intelligence Group.
Regraded Unclassified
No. 98.
1. NORTH AMERICA.--Alaska: On the night of 2-3 Jul:.l Kiska Main
Camp and Gertrude Cove area were bombed by U.S. planes. Some hits
were reported, but the reslllts were mainly unobserved due to the over.-
cast. The presence of well concealed enemy AA guns on Segula Island
has been confirmed by u.s. fighter reconnaissance,
Regraded Unclassified
For the A. C. ol S., G-2: For the Dlrec tor of Naval Intell igenc e:
· CR.0 63'1.aTON,
.:u;-..=... ·
Colonel, 0 . S.C., Capta in, U. S. N.,
Chief, Intell igence Orou,p. Asst. Dlr. ,Intell lgenc e Group .
v •
Regraded Unclassified
b.;;_., •
011 lDformatioa receive d-- Wu and Navy Departments,
Prom: 1.i!01 Z, 2 July 1943 Waehington, D. C.,
To : 1200 Z, 3 ]u1y 1943 3]uly 1943.
No. 9'1.
. . . .£
Regraded Unclassified
at ICe1a PoiDl wue IMo bombo<l. Patrol actlvlty In the Mubo··Komlalum
area .. lacreulaco 111101 a I..U f - of - troops ..... ...COWIIered
3 ID1lu NW of a.,,_,,,_ ~~ ·Ba.Dda Sea Area: On
1 Juq u.. . ..., alrdJ'omeCil1i1Uii- hUVUy atr&liG07
Aw.cl_laoc·l'llllt flcld.tra.
IDiiepeudeotly from HOUitCD, Tuaa, to Now Yorit City was &unl< by a
V·boat 100 m1lu 8E of Cbal'~at(lll, S.C., (Ill 2 ]Illy.
a s. JJ,. ...u.,
.. ; / '/•'
rfv->;. t I I
~, J 'vt- ,, . I
Colocel, G. s. c., Captain, U. S. N.,
Chief, Intelligence GrOll!>. A..,l, D!r ., Intelligence Group.
Regraded Unclassified
c"if_ J ()-; ~:~ I/., .
:· ,· .. i·
- -,~
' '
- 2-
Regraded Unclassified
OlllllfGr'lllld.aa recetwecl-- War and Navy Depart ments,
l'rom: 1801 z, 1 :ru- 11M3 Washineton, D. c.,
To 1200 Z, 1 )'ulJ 1943 2 July 1943.
L Alulca. · ·Oa Attlllll llad tile few reiDilinlllc enemy are being hWlted
dowa by 0:1. forc:H. At tile 8114 11 tbe perlod, !mown enemy casualt
ies were
1,82'7 ldlle4 IUI4 24 prl8ale ra. Accord ing to capture d maps and prisone r In·
terrop ticaa, the ene1111 bad planned to constru ct a landing field NW of Cape
8abM oa Apttu l811U14. However, comple ted reconn alssanc e of Agattu reveals
DO stcn 11 -1111 occupat1 011 or cOIIIItrucUco.
Tbe eneiiiJ continu es to l.mprov'll and extend his defense s' on Kiska. Dur-
Ing tile mOIItlln ew tellta were let up In the Main Camp, Gertrud e Cove,
a., N~~~~~er oua traiiChe s and revetm ents have been dug, and toward
Vep U'U8.
Vega Bay area.
tile 811411 tile mOI Itll- new buildin g was Wider way In the
Tile orpnlse ttCXJ of tbl8 area, Includin g Vega Point, appear s to be an Importa Harbor
-1111 project . AziiDcr eaaed numbe r of barges have appeare d In Kiska
IUI4 0111be llarbor bellcbea. Some bargea have been also observe d In
Gertrud e
a.,. In the Klska area
c- IUI4 In Vep No -my aircraf t bas been seen
with tbe
cllaJ1ac the moath. n. Salmon Lagoon runway Is clear and smooth
r evetme nts cut Into
except1011 ci the net end. There are S blaet bays or plane
alcle ci the runway . On 27 June a number or enemy per·
tbe bank 011 the north
101111111 were obllerw d wortwJc wltb truckl CXJ the abore ci Zapad Head on
1Jecu1a JaliUid, '""'catt• a poii8Sble attemp t to constru ct a landing strip there.
IDcreaae In eneiiiJ submt.r lne acUvltl es In the western
There hal been a tnarUd
Aleutiaz la, part1cu larly &rOIIIICIIa.tlka. Reinfor cement and supply of
Kiska by
ci Inform ation from prisone rs that supplle s and
lllbmar lne Ia probab le, In view
traDipo rtild by tbl.s method to both Kl.ska and Attll before
pe~1 bad be.a
tall 11 Attll.
a.d weathe r tllrCIIIIb tile create r part 11 tbe period gave the enemy con-
Durlog the
lltderab le rellet froiD U.S. alr nlds, wblch ~ 8 for the month.
lilt WM!t, -IIIJ f - 1 IDd lnltalla t1caa 011 Kllta were subject ed to 3 Intense
lltnftn ( nlds, wblch nape! In wellht from 30 to 70 ton.s of bombs.
bombllle IDd
b. Cu.da. .-·AW 60 -ID,J mlnea were 1ald In the vicinity ci H.t!Hu ,
Non ~ tile ftrlt lid 11 tile mtllllb. •
Regraded Unclassified
The al.*bWraive alluaticiD wttbln Wa.r Relocatio n eeo.t.ere c:anttnuea to be
a&Uafactor1. C1UDUlallw repone oltct1rit ies wllh:l.n. theM cent.era: un-
!hal pro-Aalo pooope ba. . -.....a will> .....~rablo aucooa In tho
ol atrikM and nata, and In tho ot>ctrw:Uon oltho
vollmtHro lor tho Arrtll. lnlormotl on avall&ble
dleci-• lor roc~atraUon ot
that Jop&Moa ·Ameri-
C&M are releutd from reloc:at1an eent.trl wlth
no Curtber cheek than
their <JWD pei'SCID& 18tattmta t, p~ &a •llm'""' oa ol the W.a ot Wu
a.l...Uo n AdmlAio tnala> and tho PSI. 0.. tho Wool C - , publle reoctlon
per- ap1dt tho ratun> .,...... ,_ r-aa-Am orlA:aa a. Cb&Mola have
bMJl daeowNC I - . .bJ correapondenco and lunda can bo tranamltl
oecllj)led Cbln&, pooolbly to tho borwllt oltho J~j>M~oo. ed to
tho CutWo
IOYernmlnt on 4 June, repl&clnC lt with t. mWtary Nlime beaded by Gent
a.m~.-. wlllcb Ia """ rec:ocnlsed by au tho COWlll'lOO ct
lpboro. Tile DOW ao.... .- baa
will> tho
Amorte&n a.publle a and baa -
tho Weotom Hem!·
U• ~otro to coopo""" mon lllliJ
lnqulrlea abou t--
Amorte&n lead·leu o arm1 and oU·4rllllllc •P""'"'· Euopt lor lhoae acta,
and lor .....Uictlnc Axw comm\IDl caUOM bJ problbiU nc tho uoa ct cOO.
rtWIIo - - · tho Oow ,_ baa coaoeotr attd on ~-au. poUUea
not depo.rtad !rom tho "no\ltl'al ltJ" pollcJ o1 Ita prodoeeo oor. In CbUo aand baa
cabiDet crtolo loU- lho ,,.atl on ot Porotc>J lollzUOitar Woraloa. PooalbiJ
IMriDC a rtpiHt coup IDd dN1rlnl to Ioree tho blclterln ( J..eftlat elements to
unUe boh!M 111m. CbUoan Pnt-1 Rloa oppolnttd a temporar y ~mlnlatratlve
coblnol Will> a m!Uta.ry ll&vor. AnU·Oow nunent plot& wore UM&rlhed In
!c~, wbeN anlaetpl enl...,olu tlon wa reporlod, aad
In~ whore 8
mea Lnc:ludtnc a termer Wv aor.a..ter hawe bMn arrellted durlz:lc Prealdea
loloril>lco'• - In tho u - - · 1/ocaallr raed rumora oro c:urrem In
Brulllan otllelal drl:lea In IUo aad Wublnet on !hal a plot 1o brtwln& &&aln&t
tho v......, Nf)me.
Regraded Unclassified
• •
In Martinlqll8 Admiral Robert's rule was threatened by rebelllon among
Army troops stationed outside Fort de France and by activities of the local
population seeking a change of gover nors .
In addition to continuing submarlrur activities In Latin American waters,
capitalizing on International dl!fe r ences In the area, and fomenting feeling a-
galnat the United States, the most pr obable line ol enemy effort would appear
to be the promotion of movements threatening the Internal stabUlty of the sever·
al states.
Along the southern Iron\, which lies mainly along the Mlus River and the
middle and upper Donets, heavy reconnaissance r aids continue. A r egrouplni
of enemy forces leads to the conclusion that the boundary between the Army
Gr oup Center and Army Gr oup South of the German forces Is considerably
farther south than hitherto reported; It now appears to pass just north ol Belgorod.
Oo the southern part ol the central front, the Kursk salient remains In Sov-
Iet hands, but the enemy-held Ore! springboard stands as a constant threat to
any further penetration by the Red Army. Several minor Soviet attacks against
the Ore! salient trom both north and south have failed to penetrate seriously the
enemy's defenses. In the north a heavy Soviet attack west ol VeliJ<Ie Luld made
sUght gains which enemy counterattacks have so far lalled to e r ase. The weight
ol the best offensive troops ol both armies IS poised on this front; however , no
lndlcatlon bas yet been given as to whether or not an offensive w1ll be launched
by either side.
On the norther n front the Soviet attacks have been made In some strength
In the Staraya Russa area, but without apparent success or more than local ,
significance. In Leningrad, the Industrial sector continues to suller from enemy
long-range artillery !Ire. In this area the driest Ume of year lias arrived, to-
gether with the shortest nights; there are practically 24 hours ol daylight along
the entire Flnnlsh tront. An all-out attack on Leningrad Is a posslbUlty within
the next few weeks. Along the Finnish front, small-scale reconnaissance raids
up to a compatty In strength continue.
Enemy activity In Norway remains unchanged. Fortlllcatlons are being
pushed at forced speed at Roroe and Storen, both Inland places. Consider able
Ger man forces were reported to be concentrated at Verdalen, about 50 miles
northeast d. Troodhelm. FeveriSh German activity In relnlorclng the lortWca·
tloaa arOUDCI tbe Fornabu airfield, near Oslo, Is &lao reported.
-~ Regraded Unclassified
\. ,1
to baa.,
e<IIVOJ"' pu.stac up and 4oft tbe Du&cb
cOOl\. nu.. ..U'IItJ liM, ID filet, b&aa oo ._.aofla l tho1 aecor41DC p!J«c>-
~ reecen·•e ·nce u.. O.rmana appa.renlll dtve.rt1ne ahtppt.Dr
-rd&m to otber pona, oopoclall1 Emden, alll>ou&h Rot\lr4am lo by far lhe
- - port ol eu1rJ for eblpmea\1 lnlelldo4 lor lbo faclortu ot weolorn
a1r- alllbo _.., UDI!a ol lbo Ger man lloolare etlbor Ill barboro ol
_ , H--r or In lbo Baltla, - ... lheJ are pnaumab iJ aa1er !rom AUlo4
lblzllbof would be In North Boa porto. Tboo poooii>Uil1 romai.Os ol
lbo ao.........• IIIIIIIIDc _,.,.. - ol oomo otlbooo ohlpa.
Regraded Unclassified
wer. ~. OD the followS.DI d&J Heiiii.J forrcet: m the lalaDd aUI'1'8DdeNd un-
cON''"cmUr. A1r a.ttacU wrt lmmedte••11 btfUD ap1Qat 'amptd•"t, wb1cb
- - oa IS June. llbolllllr b)ooanl I - ooatrlbUied 10 tbo - 011 both
Oo>lJ oo tbo lut 1ft dap bolore tbo lolonda leU were Alcle p...,..
aDd tbe1r acttoo waa lDeffecttw. Tb1s lack ol air def--. wu due lD 1arp part
to .,ate matle AWed bombinc' or eaem7 airn..lda: oa SicU,, S&rd.ln1a, t.nd touthern
Italy, wbicb c.ant1Du.ed with f'eiU,larlty th.rou&bout tbe maotb. Offena-lvely, eDt my
..Uvllloo . .,.. Umllod to a ,.., llciU bombii>C raids "' A1Uod pona &Dd ahlppll>(
alOQC' the Afrlean caul. Alda planea m.a1Dta1Ded cloee recoon•IMPnc• over the
North Afrlcaa eout and tbe 8lcW&n CbanDel.
Enemy ahJppinC 1n tbe Aeceao and ln Lbe couta.l waters ol Italy, SleUy, Sar-
the 2 p""""""
dlola, and l"nace eoatiai.Md to flufte.r trom .u.clt by Allled eubmarl.Oea. Aa 1n
lllOCIW, thoNI wo.e ltttlo clwl&e Ill tbo dlopoolU<III cd lbo Italian
lloet. l4aiA on1to cCilllnuod to be based at Spezla, <:m tile northwest coast, IUld at
Tarulto, 1D aouthera. ltaJ.J. Uttle or no oppo~~ltloa. wu otfered to sbippq
alllllo 8lcUiaD IUld 5arci1Dian c - u by Allied llciU D&vallmllo. Co Sl IUy U
. . . ""&led that tbo l'rench oaval sqtWir<a at AleJw>drla, IDcludlnS 1 old
benlea~. 3 beaVJ crui.Mra, lll&ht e.rulaer, 3 destroyer•. and 1 SUb.m&ri.Oe, had
jolood the Allloo.
Regraded Unclassified
I •
lludlld &- ON 6 - d l - (S llold, 2 - . ! ) , ud I
• a..- a-.
dor tile e i r e - , - t l a l -nl a <I ltallM or O.r man troope
or rtac- t i l e - . - •-....a tac tile rema~A~a~ toreu
<I._ _ _._~ tbo Mp&o ..... Ill tbo
llralkaM lllld tM ~ lal:ude. ww,,. CrN aZid u. Dod a • , u. Ger·
.... ..,.. ,.,...,,,,'C lS 4tftaloM , lDc:l&Xbtc 1 Puzer (recetlllJ IDOW4
otreocth Ia
rr.-), I motorlle d, ud I Lultwalfe llol<l dlmlon. 'nlo Italian
.,._rlc& IIJ oou!J twloe ao lftll ao tile O.rman, c<XIIIItlne <1 Sl dlvlol"""
aad MIDI en' ea· 1KIItl:, or ~11 700,000 IDIIl.
Tbtlbtll au llaw ~ & ao,a.lA'b =niM Artllf, ec;aaladAc ol4 reel-
- wlt.b a 1«&1 otreactll ot about 8,500 moo. Tlda Ioree Ia , _ , commAIId
- I , ...,ladlac Wolle,.. ud VolUc!eu tKIII, ba.. bolo ra1Nd lor tile O.rmao
ArJD7. Bulprla conu-o to c..-rate with tile Am, IDIIntaJ.ohcommit
on Iormor .Jucoalav tarrllor1 . Allhoueh Bulprla Ia etlllllrm ly
tbt Am, = · =1
lC e dl\'1.1101111
~ to
1 lllu Az1a ftc.tol7 1a crowtnc and there t. appre-
- roprclloc lbo -.,tile Dllloo.
-ai r-
wllll tbl
- ·=' od ot BQ.b>-llldll. ~ - llaoholeD. DvlnC the
• • Ia lhl porkld <I _,., wllhllran .l, )OptM1t " ' - conciJitr atl..,., lntll•
how area . .,.. oliiCtlvoiJ II·
part. ud -Jr polatiiiD tbo Icbaol:·-8 baii--Yoc
.....S bf ~ piuloo. JOptMit air lorcel eoodOJCie't lhne boo'f)' rl1dl
. . . - AJIIod Ia CliiDa: . . 10 • • 26 :>J- qalut ltle1low
la~..al4~...- ~ ud'"' 16., 38p-o
•m Ia ~. Too JOptMit wcnft wore cleou-.,..S bf
lolel'OIPIIOI u.a. pl.uleo.
...... I
---lleopltlo ..-
- . , i7?.,w.srm 11 ~"""- ~~wma ....
11-1 0 81amlro m Tballl>, ...,.t bal
~ bJ - · · )lpoMit rallud
'bf U.l. ,.._., " • •or, TIUI, ud 11J1a0u1 WIN IDIIa larpW.
NCOntl:J - -lalcll or ~IJ so llllloo out ot JSO, 1114poilU...
Tbo rail·
-rod 4 II·
... . . - . )OptMit
....... - · ..... of!_ t o - - - tilerepoUoc11
Ia ._ Qlloloota ... MaU., ... ..,. -
-"'-do&"' ..
J 6 ~ lllld lfWa tor thl -
tbl ,..-., - · from-
7 'bf tile RAr. n.
<1 tile = moooa. ~!rom 'ric...-
Regraded Unclassified
r ,..
potrol oettrltJ 1D the Chin lllu., ~ --11&1 bawo bM11 MCIJcll>la.
c. llldliA Ocean.--A .Jopenooo ploM a- <><er Cocoe ~ em 4 )llllll.
Tbla ~liiiiiiliW ol 8uoda SL-alt, Ia a cable NI&J owlor1 and polemla.l
aiJt>ue aWiwa7 b e - Coylaa and W-n> AI>O\Rlla.
Germa n, Total(o, 2HI: o, 61; A. 4.3; L, 21; u. SJ . 34 2 ltalaan, Tolol (lnC!Judtol 2 Wbl, 1 Pteht, 1 Ll
Mmd, alld 11 c.outa1 m.,.> •• 14
&..oc.attd lll:
RQNI.a (0, 104: D, 24; L. 14) , •• , . , • , , ••
Oen:wt1 {0, a;
D, 0; A, S8)
Pruce 6 Lowland.~ (0. ». o:
tQ.' '3:' '2) : :i.. 0,
8&l.kaM (tn:I. ON6C!e aliCl Crele}(O, St; 0, 6; L, 1)
2Qa Lacat.od ln:
ltalJ (lDeJ. I Preh:t, 1 Ll Ar md, and ~ COUC&l)
fJScll.' (\nc.t. 5CouW.l• . . . . . .• · • · · •
16 8u4WA 6 Cor•t.ct; (*-I, .tl Cou!1l>- . • . •.
HornJ {0, 6: D. S; 1., 1) • . • • . • . . • . • . • )ueoi.LJV\A {lOci. 1 ~1,) • • • • • • • • • • • • 16
PoJ.Itld (D,a; "·
o.: L. a: u,
1) ••• • •••••• 10 Oreeot & Aep&ft. , , • , , , • , , • , , , , • 11
Ftnlatd{O, 'I) 7 Ftt.nce (.Incl. 1 Wbl &tid 8 COU\ll) • , , , , , 7
twy, steu, .~w.·(o,t,:::::::::::
O.~mark (D, 2) . . . . . .. . ..... .... •a '
Albt.nD.. , , • , • , , • .• • • • •• • ••• 0
(()o()ttfNSlvt; O.O.tlltlllive; A..Ada:dnl.tnt!w: Jocrantu, (ocll.I.1N 1 BTl&', l2 dtP<Il Dl.,.,
L-L...nwan.•; U•UaldttltUl~ Tofal 181'11: Jtt;rtf, $ cav Brtp, 1'1
·E~woe~. to eoctAJ.c b'«D
to 10,000 m4!1, ltld tnlJUI<I Bl"'p, AJ.t.tUAA 'l"Uk
w1th the t.lanoe •mocc combat aru 110rma.l to For<:e. l' Border Oa.trLeOM, •
a~~lnf Div. and t!repoftr rtlall\ hlp. for 3&4,b Oani.ICill Tpe) , • , , 64
itt atrtflil.ll. Not heretofo-re l'!Cluded ln C!U'Ntll
eelJ.It:ltleiJ Ol (rOIIPd rorcu. Located lA:
.Japaa. ~. KorN, .Formcu, ,.\lel.ttiAn::l
(~. 12 ~ Dtn, 1 R.ert. n:
Sa ttllltt tEuropton ), Toro1 ...... 93 20~000 GarJUOc 'I'P*. Ale~
'l'ul: Forco 00,000 Tp•}, 21nd
Rownallilll (1a Ruela 1g 0, 4 D; r:r.ille4 Brll!l~ , •. , .. , • , . 11
Hwlpl1an (1ft Hquy 12 0, 2 D:
lftR\IPla!IO, <ID) . . . . • . ,.
Bulft.rl&D {ltld. 1 Armd, l ~uiv. Cav,
•• 0 •••••
2< ..anclv.irla (exeJ. 1 cav Btl&:, 12 n Rqu:,
250,000 O&.r-rLIOft 'I'PI-o 13 kr<lu
Oa.rrtaona•} • . .• . .. . • . •
Cb.klll (•xel. Uo l#S tn1:qci Brt£a, Z C•v Briel,
Md t *¢111'1. MUI D1v,), , •• , • , •• 31 2Tk Rf!U) , , , , , • , , , , •· 23
FiMiab lucl. 1 CaY, 2 CA, 1 Mtt~, llo.t~ . lDdo<bl:ll., Tb&U&nd, Burma (noL 1 Tit Rei\,
ar,d I W Brtc-} . • . . . . . . . .... 13 10,000 <larrl.too 'I'P*) •• ' ••• 6
Cl'O&t {lncl. l eq-.liv. YUI Dt.,}• . . • . • ., K.&J., 8\4~, Solom.oc:u~ ,
Slcm.k (Ulcl. I Ln ••. .•• . • .
Seri11M (W sw. o~. *Jilt.,, t.o 1 Otv) ••••
... . 1
AIJIJ&Ipi..'MJI, J.U.Dd&to• (~1. 1
Brie, l 1#1 tni;qd Brie, 3 Tit
"""""" (...... .....,.u.~. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
beta-, liM,OOO Garl'U<Io Tp.), •
~~~o~~T~~·~: · 0
"·- p ..... Sonleo....
3 0}•
7 (I) ~-
C&rdt.ta 6
.. . . . . .
. . . &t.YJ'CNSMr• 6 (l) 2(1} 14
O.rmao ••• • •.•.••.
... . . . . . . .
......... . .. .. . . . . . .
• • • • • • • 0 • • •
mo L..ptCNlMr•
• 10(1}
~!' (10)
•v....l l Ulldltr ,..pUr, aMwo 1n p&J'el1'\hMH, an
~ td&l....
ltoM·U. .... · · - - ........, d t.l.rl:nlt 1ft
.seb8ift ti nMnt lire.raft. 'f'n1n..
lachdtd ta m. ~- tm'ormaUoa oo tht. pa&nt 1.1
~for Jl.puleae ~-
.,... utWIJ, ...S tniUpolrt alrcnft are &180 ac.l:uded. DOt ,.c m tor .c.uw ..~.
Wort U.. 60 are torpe40 boar.JI,
Regraded Unclassified
action al
cl. NO!'tlnrest Austr alia··B ancla Sea Area. - ·Tbe caly enemy r s escor ted
c-qu ence wu an attiCi ZO ]111111 on barw tney2 8 Japan ese bombe
8 bomb ers and 4 fighte rs.
bJ 30 ftcbte re. lDten :eptlD ( Aw.c l pl&Ms abet clCIIrn 2 In the Celeb es and 3 on
Five IIIW eoeiii J airtlel cle were obeervecl 1n the area, e, Babo, and Maka ssar
Tlmo r. Enem y buea at Kenda rt, Koepa ng, DUll, Nablr
were •ttack ed bJ Aw.c l atrcra tt.
e. Gene ral.--T he force .of the Japanese atr offensive was blunted by
Is aWl capab le of carry ing
heavy l088es In the Solomons area, but the enemy areas may bave
out occas ional beavy rald.s. His abWty to resist In forwa rd
by consta nt Allied bombi ng and strafi ng attack s. In
been somewhat d!mln labed
to Impro ve and
rear areas , !rom the Gilbe rte to the Celeb es, he contin ues
develop his alread y strong poeiU on.
s by U.S.
Japanese mer chant shipping contin ues to suffer !rom attack
sinkin g of 27 enem y
subm arines . Durin g June, comm uniqu es have annou nced the
.,._ls, the proba ble sinkin g a1 anoth er, and the dama ging
the total Japan ese ship losses by u.s. subma rlne action
ber 1941,
to 190 sunk, 29 pr obablf sunk, a.nd 50 damag ed.
1'1P.c5·~~ -
"!{, S. BRATTON,
ff .IJS.~
Capta ln, U.S. N.,
Colon el, a. s. c.,
Asst. Dlr., Intel.llcence Group. ..I
Cblef, IDteWceuce Group.
Regraded Unclassified
DAILY 1mw r
ar •wa-r•
Ql ~ recelftd· ·
rr-: 1201 z. 3 0 - 1943
To : 1200 Z, I Jul7 1843
No. II&.
Regraded Unclassified
F or the A. c. of S., 0-2: For the Dlr«tor of Nav:ll Intelligence:
cJfJf) ,, /~'/ j /.-;C // /i r1 I. 7./
Colonel, G.S.C., C11ptaln, U. S. N.,
Cblef, Inlelll.genc:e Group. Aast. Dlr ., InteUI.genee Group.
Regraded Unclassified