Noronisa Talusob Bsn-3: What Is Hinduism?
Noronisa Talusob Bsn-3: What Is Hinduism?
Noronisa Talusob Bsn-3: What Is Hinduism?
What is Hinduism?
Hinduism is one of the oldest known organized religions—its sacred writings date as far back
as 1400 to 1500 B.C. It is also one of the most diverse and complex, having millions of gods.
Hindus have a wide variety of core beliefs and exist in many different sects. Although it is the
third largest religion in the world, Hinduism exists primarily in India and Nepal.
Om (or Aum)
This is the most universal of Hindu symbols and its sound is used in meditation.
In Hinduism, the word “Om” is the first syllable in any prayer. More specifically,
Om is used to symbolize the universe and the ultimate reality. Some people say
that this symbol represents the three aspects of God: the Brahma (A), the
Vishny (U) and the Shiva (M).
The swastika
Although this symbol has a negative connotation in some parts of the world
because of Nazi Germany, the swastika is actually a sign of luck and
fortune. This variation of the cross has been present in ancient Hinduism
and is used to represent honesty, truth, purity and stability. Its four angles
or points also symbolize the four directions, or Vedas.
The tilaka
This symbol is often placed on the forehead of a devotee of Hinduism. This is different
from the bindi worn by Hindu women, though. The tilaka comes in many different
shapes, depending on the custom or religious affair. A devotion to Vishnu is indicated
by a U-shaped tilaka, while horizontal lines symbolize a devotion to Shiva.
The Rudraksha is a tree that is found in Southeast
Asia, Nepal, the Himalayas and even New Guinea
and Australia. Its blue seeds are said to symbolize
the tears of Shiva, the Destroyer. Legend has it that
when Shiva saw how his people suffered, he shed
one tear from his eye, which grew into the
Rudraksha tree. The name Rudrashka actually comes
from “Rudra” (another name for Shiva) and “aksha,”
which means eyes. The seeds from this tree are also
used to make prayer beads or rosaries.
The lotus
This plant is representative of creation and is used to symbolize Vishnu, Brahma and Lakshmi.
The Veena
This is an Indian stringed instrument that represents art and
learning. It is also used for the goddess Saraswati and the
sage Narada.
Bindi - One of the most well known items in Hinduism is the bindi, a dot (often the color
red) worn on women's foreheads. It is a form of the tilak, a symbolic mark worn by many
Hindu men and women, but that has less religious meaning then other tilaks.
Traditionally, the bindi is worn on the forehead of married Hindu women. It symbolizes
female energy and is believed to protect women and their husbands from bad things.
Bindis are traditionally a simple mark made with the paste of colored sandalwood, sindoor
or turmeric. The bindi is most commonly a red dot made with vermilion.
Brahman - One can say that Brahman Itself (him/herself) constitutes the essential
building material of all reality, being the substance from which all things proceed.
Brahman, as understood by the scriptures of Hinduism, as well as by the 'acharyas' of
the Vedanta school, is a very specific conception of the absolute. This unique conception
has not been replicated by any other religion on earth to this day, and is exclusive to
Fire Altar - The fire altar is regarded as a distinct symbol of ancient Vedic rites. It is
through the fire element, denoting divine consciousness, that the Hindu make
offerings to the Gods. Hindu sacraments are solemnized before the fire.
Vata, the banyan tree, symbolizes Hinduism, which branches out in all
directions, draws from many roots, spreads shade far and wide, yet stems from
one great trunk. Siva as Silent Sage sits beneath it.
Ganesha is the Lord of Obstacles and Ruler of Dharma. Seated upon His throne, He
guides our karmas through creating and removing obstacles from our path. We seek
His permission and blessings in every undertaking
The Trishula Trishula or the Trident is a prominent Hindu symbol that is associated
with Lord Shiva. Though this three-pronged symbol is usually viewed as a weapon
used by the Lord for the protection and restoration of Dharma, it actually carries
deeper meanings. It is representative of the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh
and stands for the balance between the forces of creation, preservation and
destruction. It is also considered symbolic of the three Gunas – Rajas, Tamas and
Sattva. Another symbolic representation of the Trishula is that of the three facets of
consciousness, namely, cognition, affecti
Hinduism actually has no single founder as far as the modern history is concerned.
The ancient scriptures of India claim the religion is originally established by God
Himself (dharman tu sakshad bhagavat pranitam).