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Review Article: A New Classification of Endodontic-Periodontal Lesions

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

International Journal of Dentistry

Volume 2014, Article ID 919173, 5 pages

Review Article
A New Classification of Endodontic-Periodontal Lesions

Khalid S. Al-Fouzan
College of Dentistry, King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University, King Abdulaziz Medical City No. 1243, P.O. Box 22490,
Riyadh 11426, Saudi Arabia

Correspondence should be addressed to Khalid S. Al-Fouzan; [email protected]

Received 25 November 2013; Accepted 12 January 2014; Published 14 April 2014

Academic Editor: Sultan A. Al-Mubarak

Copyright © 2014 Khalid S. Al-Fouzan. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

The interrelationship between periodontal and endodontic disease has always aroused confusion, queries, and controversy.
Differentiating between a periodontal and an endodontic problem can be difficult. A symptomatic tooth may have pain of
periodontal and/or pulpal origin. The nature of that pain is often the first clue in determining the etiology of such a problem.
Radiographic and clinical evaluation can help clarify the nature of the problem. In some cases, the influence of pulpal pathology may
cause the periodontal involvement and vice versa. The simultaneous existence of pulpal problems and inflammatory periodontal
disease can complicate diagnosis and treatment planning. An endo-perio lesion can have a varied pathogenesis which ranges from
simple to relatively complex one. The differential diagnosis of endodontic and periodontal diseases can sometimes be difficult, but
it is of vital importance to make a correct diagnosis for providing the appropriate treatment. This paper aims to discuss a modified
clinical classification to be considered for accurately diagnosing and treating endo-perio lesion.

1. Introduction of the bacterial plaque, formed by aerobic and anaerobic

microorganisms [9–12]. Pulp exposures, periodontitis, and
The periodontal-endodontic lesions have been characterized caries lesions are of significant importance in the develop-
by the involvement of the pulp and periodontal disease in ment of periodontal-endodontic lesions. If the lesions are
the same tooth. This makes it difficult to diagnose because not well treated and the canals are not disinfected and
a single lesion may present signs of both endodontic and sealed completely, they will house bacterial necrotic rests,
periodontal involvement. There is a general agreement today which account for the progression of the lesion or even
that the vast majority of pulpal and periodontal lesions are for the endodontic reinfection [13–15]. Another form of the
the result of bacterial infection. This suggests that one disease interrelationship is because of the iatrogenic perforations due
may be the result or cause of the other or even originated from to either rotary instruments or improper handling of the
two different and independent processes which are associated endodontic instruments [16].
with their advancement [1]. Diagnosis is complicated by Vertical root fractures and cracks may serve as a “bridge”
the fact that these diseases are too frequently viewed as for pulp contamination. If the periodontium had a previous
independent entities. However, it is critical to recognize the inflammation, it may lead to dissemination of the inflamma-
interrelationship for successful management of these lesions. tion which can result in pulp necrosis [17].
The pathways for the spread of bacteria between pulpal and Several authors, through their studies, diverge on the
periodontal tissues are still a subject of controversy [2–6]. contamination routes. Rubach and Mitchell [18] suggested
The apical foramen is the main access route between the that the periodontal disease may affect the pulp health
pulp and the periodontium, with the participation of all root when the accessory canal exposure occurs, allowing the peri-
canal system: accessory, lateral, and secondary canals, as well odontopathogenic bacteria to cause inflammatory reactions
as the dentinal tubules through which the bacteria and its followed by pulp necrosis.
products contaminate the medium [7, 8]. It is known that Lindhe [19] also reported that bacterial infiltrates of
the main cause of the periodontal lesions is the presence the inflammatory process may reach the pulp when there
2 International Journal of Dentistry

is accessory canal exposure, through apical foramens and A new endodontic-periodontal interrelationship classifica-
canaliculi of the furcation area. Adriaens et al. [8] demon- tion, based on the primary disease with its secondary effect,
strated that bacteria coming from the periodontal pockets is suggested as follows:
have the capacity of reaching the root canals towards the pulp,
suggesting that the dentinal tubules may serve as a reservoir (1) retrograde periodontal disease:
for these microorganisms and that a recolonization of the
treated root surface may occur. (a) primary endodontic lesion with drainage
It is highlighted that the root planning and scaling through the periodontal ligament,
may result in the rupture of the vessels and destruction of (b) primary endodontic lesion with secondary peri-
the neurovascular bundle in the lateral canals, provoking a odontal involvement;
reduction of the blood supply and consequently leading to
pulp alterations. (2) primary periodontal lesion;
Knowledge of these disease processes is essential in
coming to the correct diagnosis. This is achieved by careful (3) primary periodontal lesion with secondary endodon-
history taking, examination, and performing special tests. tic involvement;
This paper is an attempt to provide a rational classification (4) combined endodontic-periodontal lesion;
to the endo-perio question in order to scientifically diagnose
and treat these lesions with predictable success. (5) iatrogenic periodontal lesions.
The periodontal-endodontic lesions have received several
classifications, among which is the classification of Simon
(1) Retrograde Periodontal Disease. It could be of two subcat-
et al. [20] separating lesions involving both periodontal and
pulpal tissues into the following groups:
(i) primary endodontic lesions, (a) Primary Endodontic Lesion with Drainage through the
Periodontal Ligament. A deep narrow probing defect is noted
(ii) primary endodontic lesions with secondary peri- on just one aspect of the tooth root. Acute exacerbation of
odontal involvement, a chronic apical lesion on a tooth with a necrotic pulp may
(iii) primary periodontal lesions, drain coronally through the periodontal ligament into the
(iv) primary periodontal lesions with secondary gingival sulcus. This condition may mimic, clinically, the
endodontic involvement, presence of a periodontal abscess. In reality, it is a sinus
tract from pulpal origin that opens through the periodontal
(v) true combined lesions. ligament area. For diagnostic purposes, it is imperative for the
From the point of view of treating these cases efficaciously, clinician to insert a gutta-percha cone into the sinus tract and
another clinical classification was provided by Torabinejad to take one or more radiographs to determine the origin of
and Trope in 1996 [21], based on the origin of the periodontal the lesion. When the pocket is probed, it is narrow and lacks
pocket: width. Primary endodontic diseases usually heal following
root canal treatment.
(i) endodontic origin,
(b) Primary Endodontic Lesion with Secondary Periodontal
(ii) periodontal origin, Involvement. There is a more extensive periodontal pocket
(iii) combined endo-perio lesion, which has occurred as a result of the drainage from noxious
(iv) separate endodontic and periodontal lesions, agents present in an infected root canal system. Long-term
existence of the defect has resulted in deposits of plaque and
(v) lesions with communication, calculus in the pocket with subsequent advancement of the
(vi) lesions with no communication. periodontal disease.
The integrity of the periodontium will be reestablished if
Another classification was recommended by the world work- root canal treatment is done properly. If a draining sinus tract
shop for classification of periodontal diseases (1999) [22], through the periodontal ligament is present before root canal
Periodontitis Associated with Endodontic Disease: treatment, resolution of the probing defect is expected.
(i) endodontic-periodontal lesion,
(2) Primary Periodontal Lesion. The periodontal disease has
(ii) periodontal-endodontic lesion, gradually spread along the root surface towards the apex.
(iii) combined lesion. The pulp may remain vital but may show some degenerative
changes over time. In such cases, it is advisable to treat the
Based on these classifications, the most widely used clas- periodontal tissues only.
sification of endodontic-periodontal lesions is the one that
has been classified by Simon et al. [20], according to the (3) Primary Periodontal Lesion with Secondary Endodontic
primary cause of disease. One of the main classification Involvement. Progression of the periodontal disease and the
items was primary endodontic disease, which we believe pocket leads to pulpal involvement via either a lateral canal
should be modified, since it has no periodontal relationship. foramen or the main apical foramen. The pulp subsequently
International Journal of Dentistry 3

becomes necrotic and infected. In such cases, it is advisable discomfort and swelling are the major clinical symptoms, and
to treat both tissues [23]. solitary pocket around one aspect of the suspected tooth is the
major clinical sign.
(4) Combined Endodontic-Periodontal Lesion. The tooth has
a pulpless, infected root canal system and a coexisting (D) Chemicals Used in Dentistry. They have the potential to
periodontal defect. A simpler classification would be to define cause root resorption. Clinical reports [34–36] have shown
any situation with both endodontic and periodontal diseases that intracoronal bleaching with highly concentrated oxidiz-
as being a “combined endodontic-periodontal lesion.” An ing agents, such as 30–35% hydrogen peroxide, can induce
attempt should be made to identify the primary cause of a root resorption. The irritating chemical may diffuse through
combined lesion but this may not always be possible. In such the dentinal tubules, and when combined with heat, they are
cases, it is not essential to determine which disease entity likely to cause necrosis of the cementum, inflammation of the
occurred first as the treatment will involve both endodontic periodontal ligament, and subsequently root resorption [36,
and periodontal management. If only one of the problems 37]. Replacement resorption or ankylosis occurs following
was treated, then it would be expected that the lesion would extensive necrosis of the periodontal ligament with formation
not heal adequately. It is generally advisable to treat both of bone onto a denuded area of the root surface. This
tissues concurrently in order to create the most favorable condition is most often seen as a complication of luxation
environment for healing.
injuries, especially in avulsed teeth that have been out of their
(5) Iatrogenic Periodontal Lesions. Lesions produced as a sockets in dry conditions for several hours. The potential for
result of treatment modalities include the following. replacement resorption was also associated with periodontal
wound healing. Granulation tissue derived from bone or
(A) Root Perforations. Iatrogenic root canal perforations: they gingival connective tissue may induce root resorption and
are serious complications during dental treatment and have ankylosis [17, 31].
a rather poor prognosis [24]. Perforations may be produced
by powered rotary instruments during the attempt to gain (E) Vertical Root Fractures. The artificial pathways between
access to the pulp or during preparation for a post. Improper periodontal and pulpal tissues are vertical root fractures.
manipulation of endodontic instruments can also lead to Vertical root fractures are caused by trauma and have been
a perforation of the root. When root perforation occurs, reported to occur in both vital and nonvital teeth. In vital
communications between the root canal system and either teeth, vertical fractures can be continuations of coronal
periradicular tissues or the oral cavity may often reduce fractures in the “cracked tooth syndrome” or can occur solely
the prognosis of treatment. At the site of perforation, an on root surfaces [30, 31].
inflammatory reaction in periodontal ligament occurs and
leads to the formation of a lesion which can progress as a
conventional primary endodontic lesion. 2. Discussion
It is known that both the pulp and the periodontium are
(B) Coronal Leakage. It is the leakage of bacterial elements
closely linked to each other, through the apical foramen,
from the oral environment along the margin of the restora-
accessory canals, and dentinal tubules of the root, and one
tion to the endodontic filling. Studies have indicated that this
can interfere on the integrity of the other. Although there
factor may be an important cause of endodontic treatment is existence of these communication routes, the mechanism
failure [25–27]. Root canals may become recontaminated of direct transmission of the periodontal infection to the
by microorganisms due to delay in placement of a coronal pulp is still controversial. Some authors such as Rubach
restoration and fracture of the coronal restoration and/or the and Mitchell [18] affirmed that the periodontal disease may
tooth. Madison and Wilcox [13] found that exposure of root affect the pulp when there is exposure of the accessory
canals to the oral environment leads to coronal leakage, and in canals through the apical foramina and the canaliculi in
some cases along the entire length of the root canal. Ray and the furcation. Adriaens et al. [8] reported that the bacteria
Trope [14] reported that defective restorations and adequate coming from the periodontal pockets may contaminate the
root canal fillings had a higher incidence of failures than teeth pulp through the dentinal tubules that would be exposed
with inadequate root canal fillings and adequate restorations. during root planning and scaling, serving as a microorganism
reservoir resulting in the recolonization of the treated root
(C) Dental Injuries or Trauma. They may take on many surface. Some studies [2, 38] have contradicted this idea,
shapes but generally can be classified as enamel fractures, because even with the removal of the cementum during
crown fractures without pulp involvement, crown fractures the periodontal therapy in vital teeth, the pulp tissue will
with pulp involvement, crown-root fracture, root fracture, be protected against the harmful agents through forming
luxation, and avulsion [28]. Treatment of traumatic dental reparative dentin. Moreover, the dentinal fluids move towards
injuries varies depending on the type of injury and it will the exterior, thereby reducing the diffusion of the harmful
determine pulpal and periodontal ligament healing prognosis products of the bacteria on the exposed dentin. On the other
[17, 29–33]. The most common cause of vertical root fracture hand, Langeland et al. [6] affirmed that only pulp would be
in endodontically treated teeth is the excessive force used affected by the periodontal disease if the apical foramen is
during lateral condensation of gutta-percha. Mild pain or involved.
4 International Journal of Dentistry

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