Agile PLM Programming Deck

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The document covers an SDK developer guide and mentions topics like APIs, copyright information, and license restrictions.

The document discusses Agile Product Lifecycle Management and provides information on using APIs. It also includes a table of contents and sections on migrating constants between releases.

Several pre-release 9.2.2 table constants are listed that are no longer available in later SDK releases, including ones related to events and triggers.

Agile Product Lifecycle Management

SDK Developer Guide - Using APIs

Release 9.3.4

February 2015
Agile Product Lifecycle Management, Release 9.3.4


Copyright © 2010, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: Oracle Corporation

Contributing Author: F. Tabibzade


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Preface .............................................................................................................................................................. xvii

Audience.................................................................................................................................................... xvii
Documentation Accessibility .................................................................................................................. xvii
Related Documents .................................................................................................................................. xvii
Conventions .............................................................................................................................................. xvii

1 Introduction
About this Guide...................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Agile PLM Extensions Framework.................................................................................................. 1-2
SDK Components..................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Client-Side Components ................................................................................................................. 1-2
Documentation ............................................................................................................................ 1-2
Installation ................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Server-Side Components ................................................................................................................. 1-3
SDK Architecture ..................................................................................................................................... 1-3
System Requirements.............................................................................................................................. 1-4
Java Requirements ................................................................................................................................... 1-4
JVM Parameters for Preventing Out of Memory Exceptions ................................................... 1-4
Agile SDK Installation Folders ............................................................................................................. 1-5
Checking Your Agile PLM System ....................................................................................................... 1-6
Agile PLM Business Objects.................................................................................................................. 1-6

2 Getting Started with Agile API

Types of Agile API Classes and Interfaces ......................................................................................... 2-1
Network Class Loading........................................................................................................................... 2-2
Single-Threaded versus Multi-Threaded Applications.................................................................... 2-3
Packaging an Agile API Program.......................................................................................................... 2-3
Distributing Agile API Files .................................................................................................................. 2-3
Sample Programs...................................................................................................................................... 2-3
Starting an Agile API Program .............................................................................................................. 2-3
Setting the Class Path for the Agile API Library ........................................................................ 2-4
Importing Agile API Classes .......................................................................................................... 2-4
Creating a Session and Logging In................................................................................................ 2-4
Creating a Session by Accessing a Password Protected URL................................................... 2-6
Creating a Session from an Agile Web Service........................................................................... 2-6

Creating a Session in a Cluster Environment.............................................................................. 2-7
Loading and Creating Agile PLM Objects .......................................................................................... 2-7
Loading Objects................................................................................................................................. 2-8
Specifying Object Types............................................................................................................. 2-8
Specifying Object Parameters........................................................................................................ 2-9
Loading Different Types of Objects.......................................................................................... 2-9
Creating Objects ............................................................................................................................. 2-11
Working with Agile PLM Classes ......................................................................................... 2-12
Creating Objects of User-Defined Subclasses ............................................................................ 2-12
Using AutoNumbers .................................................................................................................. 2-13
Setting the Required Fields......................................................................................................... 2-14
Creating Different Types of Objects ........................................................................................... 2-15
Checking the State of Agile PLM Objects................................................................................. 2-19
Propagating Values to Related Objects ..................................................................................... 2-19
Saving an Object to a New Object.............................................................................................. 2-19
Sharing an Object........................................................................................................................... 2-20
Deleting and Undeleting Objects ............................................................................................... 2-21
Closing a Session ........................................................................................................................... 2-22

3 Creating and Loading Queries

About Queries........................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Creating a Query....................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Saving a Query to a Folder ..................................................................................................................... 3-2
Generating Ordered (sorted) or Unordered Query Results ............................................................. 3-3
Specifying Query Attributes when Creating a Query ...................................................................... 3-3
Specifying Search Criteria ...................................................................................................................... 3-4
Search Conditions ............................................................................................................................. 3-4
Query Language Keywords............................................................................................................. 3-5
Specifying Search Attributes .......................................................................................................... 3-5
Retrieving Searchable Attributes................................................................................................... 3-6
Retrieving the Sequence ID of a Query........................................................................................... 3-7
Using Relational Operators............................................................................................................. 3-7
Using Unicode Escape Sequences.................................................................................................. 3-9
Using the Between, Not Between, In, and, Not In Operators....................................................... 3-9
Using the Nested Criteria to Search for Values in Object Lists.................................................... 3-9
Using Criteria Selected from Criteria Library in SDK Queries................................................. 3-10
Using Relationships and Content in SDK Queries ................................................................... 3-11
Searching for Words or Phrases Contained in Attachments ..................................................... 3-12
Searching for Orphaned Parts (or Parts without Parents) ........................................................ 3-13
Creating a Parameterized Query ................................................................................................. 3-13
Formatting Dates in Query Criteria............................................................................................ 3-14
Using Logical Operators ............................................................................................................... 3-15
Using Wildcard Characters with the Like Operator................................................................ 3-16
Using Parentheses in Search Criteria ......................................................................................... 3-16
Setting Search Criteria for Lists Containing Large Numbers of Objects............................ 3-17
Using SQL Syntax for Search Criteria............................................................................................... 3-17
Using SQL Wildcards .................................................................................................................... 3-19

Sorting Query Results Using SQL Syntax ................................................................................ 3-19
Setting Result Attributes for a Query ............................................................................................... 3-20
Specifying Result Attributes ....................................................................................................... 3-23
Retrieving the CTO Originator Name ....................................................................................... 3-24
Duplicate Results for Site-Related Objects and AMLs .......................................................... 3-24
Working with Query Results ............................................................................................................. 3-24
Sorting Query Results ................................................................................................................... 3-25
Query Result Datatypes................................................................................................................ 3-25
Using Admin Preferences Attributes to Manage Queries and Reports .............................. 3-25
Setting the Maximum Query Results Displayed ....................................................................... 3-25
Setting Maximum BOM Report Results ................................................................................... 3-26
Selecting Search Results Based on Table or Row ....................................................................... 3-26
Query Performance ........................................................................................................................ 3-27
Creating a Where-Used Query............................................................................................................ 3-27
Loading a Query .................................................................................................................................... 3-28
Deleting Saved Queries ....................................................................................................................... 3-29
Simple Query Examples....................................................................................................................... 3-29

4 Working with Tables

About Tables ............................................................................................................................................. 4-1
Supported Affected Read Through Tables..................................................................................... 4-2
Retrieving a Table .................................................................................................................................... 4-3
Accessing the New and Merged Relationships Tables..................................................................... 4-3
Accessing the Relationships Table ................................................................................................ 4-4
Accessing the Merged Relationships Tables ............................................................................... 4-4
Accessing the Merged Relationships.AffectedBy Table................................................................. 4-4
Accessing the Merged Relationships.Affects table ........................................................................ 4-4
Accessing the Merged Relationships.References Table ................................................................. 4-4
Retrieving the BOM table of an Item ...................................................................................... 4-5
Working with Read-only Tables .................................................................................................... 4-5
Retrieving the Metadata of a Table ...................................................................................................... 4-5
Adding Table Rows ................................................................................................................................. 4-5
Adding an Item to a BOM Table.................................................................................................... 4-6
Adding an Attachment to the Attachments Table ...................................................................... 4-6
Increasing the Default Value of agile.sso.expirationTime to Add Attachments ........................... 4-6
Adding a Manufacturer Part to the Manufacturers Table ........................................................ 4-7
Adding an Item to the Affected Items Table ............................................................................... 4-8
Adding a Task to the Schedule Table ........................................................................................... 4-8
Adding and Updating Multiple Table Rows...................................................................................... 4-8
Adding Multiple Team Members to the Team Table of a Project ......................................... 4-9
Adding Multiple Items to the BOM Table ............................................................................... 4-10
Updating Multiple BOM Rows ................................................................................................... 4-10
Managing PSR Affected Items Tables Using Bulk Edit APIs ...................................................... 4-11
The Bulk Edit Interface................................................................................................................... 4-12
Managing Table Rows in the Bulk Execution Mode.................................................................. 4-12
Casting ITable Variables to IServiceRequestAITable Variables............................................... 4-13
Iterating Over Table Rows .................................................................................................................. 4-13

Updating Objects in Query Results with Multiple Page Tables .......................................... 4-14
Sorting Table Rows............................................................................................................................... 4-15
Removing Table Rows ......................................................................................................................... 4-16
Retrieving the Referenced Object for a Row ................................................................................... 4-17
Checking the Status Flags of a Row .................................................................................................. 4-20
Working with Page 1, Page 2, and Page 3 ........................................................................................ 4-21
Working with Revisions and Relationships .................................................................................... 4-21
Setting and Getting Flags for Revision Controlled Relationship Rows .................................. 4-21
Getting Flags on Relationships Tab when Adding Revision Controlled Object Revisions ....
Setting Different Relationships and Revisions for Items ................................................... 4-23
Redlining ................................................................................................................................................ 4-23
Redlining BOMs, Manufacturers, and Price Lines Tables ........................................................ 4-23
Redlining the Manufacturers table of an item ..................................................................... 4-24
Redlining the Title Block of an Item ............................................................................................. 4-25
Removing Redline Changes................................................................................................................ 4-25
Removing Redline Changes in Bulk Mode .............................................................................. 4-25
Identifying Redlined Rows and Redlined Cells............................................................................. 4-26
Using ICell.getOldValue .............................................................................................................. 4-26

5 Working with Data Cells

About Data Cells ...................................................................................................................................... 5-1
Data Types ................................................................................................................................................. 5-1
Checking if the Cell is a Read-Only Cell ............................................................................................ 5-2
Getting Values .......................................................................................................................................... 5-2
Understanding SDK Date Formats and User Preferences ........................................................ 5-4
Setting Values ........................................................................................................................................... 5-4
Catching Exceptions for Locked Objects...................................................................................... 5-5
Getting and Setting List Values ............................................................................................................ 5-6
Getting and Setting Values for SingleList Cells ............................................................................ 5-6
Getting and Setting Values for MultiList Cells .............................................................................. 5-7
Getting and Setting Values for Cascading Lists ........................................................................... 5-7
Using Reference Designator Cells ....................................................................................................... 5-8

6 Working with Folders

About Folders............................................................................................................................................ 6-1
Using Level Separation Characters in Folder and Object Names .............................................. 6-2
Loading a Folder ....................................................................................................................................... 6-3
Creating a Folder ..................................................................................................................................... 6-3
Setting the Folder Type........................................................................................................................... 6-4
Adding and Removing Folder Elements ............................................................................................. 6-4
Adding Folder Elements .................................................................................................................. 6-4
Removing Folder Elements ............................................................................................................. 6-5
Getting Folder Elements ......................................................................................................................... 6-5
Deleting a Folder ...................................................................................................................................... 6-6

7 Working with Items, BOMs, and AMLs
Working with Items ................................................................................................................................. 7-1
Supported Page 2 Item Attributes ................................................................................................... 7-1
Getting and Setting the Revision of an Item ............................................................................... 7-1
Failing to get a of an Item using the Title Block.Rev field .................................................... 7-3
Changing the Incorporated Status of a Revision ........................................................................ 7-4
Working with BOMs ............................................................................................................................... 7-4
Adding an Item to a BOM .............................................................................................................. 7-4
Expanding a BOM ............................................................................................................................. 7-5
Copying one BOM into another BOM .......................................................................................... 7-6
Creating BOM-Related Product Reports ...................................................................................... 7-6
Redlining a BOM .............................................................................................................................. 7-8
Getting a Released Assembly Item................................................................................................. 7-8
Creating a Change Order .............................................................................................................. 7-9
Adding Items to the Affected Items tab of a Change Order........................................................... 7-9
Modifying the Redline BOM Table ....................................................................................... 7-10
Working with AMLs ............................................................................................................................. 7-11
Adding an Approved Manufacturer to the Manufacturers Table ........................................ 7-11
Updating AML Split Percentages in Sourcing Projects.......................................................... 7-12
Retrieving AML Data from the Item Master ............................................................................ 7-13
Redlining an AML ......................................................................................................................... 7-14

8 Accessing PLM Metadata with APIName Field

About APIName Field ............................................................................................................................. 8-1
Assigning Names to APIName Fields.................................................................................................. 8-2
APIName Validation Rules.................................................................................................................... 8-2
Accessing Metadata Using the APIName Field.................................................................................. 8-3
APIs that Support the APIName Field.......................................................................................... 8-3
SDK APIs that Get the APIName Field ........................................................................................ 8-6
API Names of Root Administrator Nodes.................................................................................... 8-7
API Name Examples ......................................................................................................................... 8-8

9 Subscribing to Agile PLM Objects

About User Subscriptions....................................................................................................................... 9-1
Subscription Events .......................................................................................................................... 9-1
Subscribe Privilege ........................................................................................................................... 9-2
Subscription Notifications .............................................................................................................. 9-2
Sending Notifications with SDK .................................................................................................. 9-2
Deleting Subscribed Objects ................................................................................................................. 9-3
Getting Subscriptions for an Object..................................................................................................... 9-3
Modifying Subscriptions for an Object............................................................................................... 9-4
Making Attributes Available for Subscription .................................................................................. 9-6
Parent and Child Attributes............................................................................................................ 9-7
Working with Subscription Tables ...................................................................................................... 9-7

10 Managing Manufacturing Sites
About Manufacturing Sites ................................................................................................................. 10-1
Controlling Access to Sites.................................................................................................................. 10-1
Creating a Manufacturing Site ........................................................................................................... 10-2
Loading a Manufacturing Site ............................................................................................................ 10-2
Retrieving the Sites Table for an Item .............................................................................................. 10-3
Adding a Manufacturing Site to the Sites Table............................................................................. 10-3
Selecting the Current Manufacturing Site of an Item.................................................................... 10-4
Disabling a Site...................................................................................................................................... 10-5

11 Managing Reference Objects

About Reference objects ...................................................................................................................... 11-1
Creating a Reference Object................................................................................................................ 11-2
Updating a Reference Object .............................................................................................................. 11-3
Deleting a Reference Object ............................................................................................................... 11-4
Adding a Reference Object to the Relationships Tab of the Web Client .................................. 11-4
Removing Reference ObjectS from Relationships Tab of the Web Client ............................... 11-5
Searching for Reference Objects ........................................................................................................ 11-5

12 Working with Lists

About Lists.............................................................................................................................................. 12-1
List Library ...................................................................................................................................... 12-1
SingleList Lists ............................................................................................................................... 12-2
Cascading Lists ............................................................................................................................... 12-2
MultiList Lists........................................................................................................................................ 12-3
Methods that Use IAgileList ............................................................................................................... 12-4
Selecting a List Value ........................................................................................................................... 12-4
Working with Lifecycle Phase Cells........................................................................................... 12-7
Working with Dynamic Lists....................................................................................................... 12-7
Enumerable and Non-Enumerable Lists .................................................................................... 12-7
Directly Checking if Contents of the List is an Enumerable Set ................................................ 12-8
Non-Enumerable PG&C Lists.................................................................................................... 12-8
Setting the Maximum Value Displayed by a List........................................................................... 12-8
Selecting a List from the List Library ............................................................................................... 12-9
Creating Custom Lists ........................................................................................................................ 12-10
Creating a Simple List ................................................................................................................. 12-10
Automatically Creating New Lists by Modifying Existing Lists........................................ 12-12
Creating a Cascading List ........................................................................................................... 12-12
Creating a Criteria-Based List.................................................................................................... 12-14
Checking the Data Type of a List..................................................................................................... 12-15
Renaming and Removing List Values............................................................................................. 12-16
Adding a Value to a List ............................................................................................................. 12-17
Making List Values Obsolete .................................................................................................... 12-17
Setting the List Name and Description.................................................................................... 12-18
Setting Level Names for a Cascading List............................................................................... 12-18
Enabling or Disabling a List ...................................................................................................... 12-18

Deleting a List............................................................................................................................... 12-19
Printing Contents of IAgileList Objects ......................................................................................... 12-19

13 Working with Attachments and File Folder Objects

About Attachments and File Folders................................................................................................. 13-1
Working with File Folders................................................................................................................... 13-2
File Folder Classes and Subclasses............................................................................................. 13-2
File Folder Tables and Constants................................................................................................ 13-3
Creating File Folder Objects ........................................................................................................ 13-3
Creating File Folder Objects by Adding Rows to Attachments Table ................................ 13-6
Working with the Files Table of a File Folder.......................................................................... 13-6
Accessing Files in Agile PLM File Vault with IAttachmentFile........................................... 13-6
Working with Attachments Table of an Object .............................................................................. 13-7
Checking In and Checking Out Files with ICheckoutable.................................................... 13-8
Specifying the Revision of the Item ........................................................................................... 13-9
Checking if the Revision Is Incorporated ................................................................................. 13-9
Checking Out a File Folder................................................................................................................ 13-10
Canceling a File Folder Checkout .................................................................................................... 13-10
Adding Files and URLs to the Attachments Table ....................................................................... 13-10
Deep Cloning Attachments and Files from One Object to Another.................................. 13-13
Specifying the File Folder Subclass When Adding Attachments ...................................... 13-14
Retrieving Attachment Files ...................................................................................................... 13-14
Deleting Attachments and File Folders ................................................................................... 13-15
Working with Thumbnails......................................................................................................... 13-16
Accessing Thumbnails.............................................................................................................. 13-16
Regenerating Thumbnails ........................................................................................................ 13-17
Setting Master Thumbnails...................................................................................................... 13-17
Replacing Thumbnails .............................................................................................................. 13-18
Sequencing Thumbnails ........................................................................................................... 13-18
Generating Thumbnails while Adding Files to Attachments Tab ........................................... 13-19
Working with Design Objects ................................................................................................... 13-19
Adding and Loading Design Objects ....................................................................................... 13-19
Managing Version Specific Relationships between Design Objects ........................................ 13-20
Adding Relationships for Specific Versions of Design Objects................................................ 13-20
Removing Relationships for Specific Versions of Design Objects .................................. 13-20
Getting Relationships for Specific Versions of Design Objects................................................ 13-21
Editing Relationships for Specific Versions of Design Objects................................................ 13-21
Purging Specific Versions of Design Objects........................................................................... 13-21
Searching Design Object Deployments with Where-Used Queries......................................... 13-21

14 Importing and Exporting Data with SDK

About Importing and Exporting Data ............................................................................................... 14-1
Validating Import Data and Importing Data .................................................................................. 14-1
Exporting Data from the SDK............................................................................................................. 14-4
Invoking SDK's Export Function ................................................................................................ 14-4
Importing and Exporting Microsoft Project 2010 Files .................................................................. 14-5

Validating MSP Import Data ......................................................................................................... 14-5
Importing MSP Data................................................................................................................ 14-6
Create Mode ...................................................................................................................... 14-6
Update Mode..................................................................................................................... 14-7
Exporting MSP Data ................................................................................................................ 14-7
API Signature .................................................................................................................... 14-7

15 Managing Workflow
About Workflow ................................................................................................................................... 15-1
The Change Control Process ............................................................................................................... 15-1
Dynamics of Workflow Functionality............................................................................................... 15-2
How the Status of a Change Affects Workflow Functionality.............................................. 15-2
How User Privileges Affect Workflow Functionality............................................................. 15-3
Selecting a Workflow ........................................................................................................................... 15-3
Adding and Removing Approvers..................................................................................................... 15-4
Approving or Rejecting Change.................................................................................................. 15-6
Approving or Rejecting a Change Without Password............................................................ 15-8
Commenting a Change.................................................................................................................. 15-8
Auditing a Change ......................................................................................................................... 15-8
Changing the Workflow Status of an Object .......................................................................... 15-9
Sending an Agile Object to Selected Users............................................................................. 15-12
Sending an Agile Object to User Groups ................................................................................ 15-13
Managing Functional Teams............................................................................................................. 15-13
Job Functions, Functional Teams, and Workflow Actions .................................................. 15-14
Creating a Functional Team ....................................................................................................... 15-14
Managing Timesheets ................................................................................................................. 15-15
Retrieving Tasks Users Can Log Time Against ....................................................................... 15-15
Logging or Modifying the Reported Time for a User on a Task............................................... 15-16
Retrieving Hours for a Given User or Activity........................................................................ 15-16
Creating a Job Functions Table ................................................................................................. 15-16
Adding a Discussion to a Functional Team ............................................................................ 15-17
Assigning Actions Items to Functional Teams ........................................................................ 15-17
Updating a Functional Team's News Table............................................................................. 15-18

16 Managing and Tracking Quality

About Quality Control ......................................................................................................................... 16-1
Quality-Related API Objects ....................................................................................................... 16-1
Quality-Related Roles and Privileges ........................................................................................ 16-2
Working with Customers..................................................................................................................... 16-2
About Customers............................................................................................................................ 16-2
Creating a Customer ...................................................................................................................... 16-2
Loading a Customer....................................................................................................................... 16-2
Saving a Customer as Another Customer.................................................................................. 16-3
Working with Product Service Requests .......................................................................................... 16-3
About Problem Reports ................................................................................................................ 16-3
About Nonconformance Reports TOHERE............................................................................... 16-4
Creating a Product Service Request ........................................................................................... 16-4

Assigning a Product Service Request to a Quality Analyst................................................... 16-4
Adding Affected Items to a Product Service Request............................................................. 16-5
Adding Related PSRs to a Product Service Request ............................................................... 16-5
Working with Quality Change Requests.......................................................................................... 16-6
Creating a Quality Change Request ........................................................................................... 16-7
Assigning a Quality Change Request to a Quality Administrator....................................... 16-7
Saving a Quality Change Request as a Change ....................................................................... 16-7
Using Workflow Features with PSRs and QCRs ............................................................................ 16-8
Selecting Workflows for PSRs and QCRs ................................................................................ 16-8

17 Managing Product Governance & Compliance

About Agile Product Governance & Compliance .......................................................................... 17-1
Agile PG&C Interfaces and Classes .................................................................................................. 17-2
Agile PG&C Roles................................................................................................................................. 17-2
Creating Declarations, Specifications, and Substances ................................................................. 17-3
Creating Declarations.................................................................................................................... 17-3
Creating Specifications ................................................................................................................. 17-4
Creating Substances.............................................................................................................................. 17-5
Creating a Substance ..................................................................................................................... 17-5
Creating a Substance Group ........................................................................................................ 17-6
Creating a Material ........................................................................................................................ 17-6
Creating a Subpart ......................................................................................................................... 17-7
Adding Items, Manufacturer Parts, and Part Groups to Declarations........................................ 17-7
Adding Substances to Declarations................................................................................................... 17-8
Structure of Bill of Substances .................................................................................................... 17-9
Rules for Adding Substances .................................................................................................... 17-10
Adding Subparts and Materials that Do Not Exist................................................................ 17-10
Examples of Adding Substances ............................................................................................... 17-11
Adding Substances to Manufacturer Part Composition Table of Homogeneous Material
Declarations 17-11
Adding Substances to Manufacturer Part Composition Table of Substance Declarations ..... 17-12
Adding Substances to a Specification............................................................................................. 17-14
Adding Specifications to a Declaration .......................................................................................... 17-14
Rules for Adding Specifications ............................................................................................... 17-14
Routing Declarations.......................................................................................................................... 17-15
Completing Declarations ................................................................................................................... 17-17
Submitting Declarations to Compliance Managers ..................................................................... 17-18
Publishing a Declaration ................................................................................................................... 17-18
Getting and Setting Weight Values................................................................................................. 17-18
Converting an Object's Unit of Measure to a Different Unit of Measure ........................ 17-19
Adding Substance Compositions for Manufacturer Parts .......................................................... 17-20
Rolling Up Compliance Data ............................................................................................................ 17-22
Understanding the IPGCRollup Interface .............................................................................. 17-23
Passing the Date Parameter ..................................................................................................... 17-23
Using the IPGCRollup Interface ............................................................................................... 17-23
Rolling Up Assembled Data on Items ...................................................................................... 17-24
Rolling Up Assembled Data on MPNs ............................................................................... 17-24

Setting Values in the Calculated Compliance Field for Item Objects ...................................... 17-25
Setting Values in the Calculated Compliance Field for Declaration Objects........................... 17-25
Setting Values in Calculated Overall Compliance Fields of Item and Manufacturer Part Objects .....
Modifying the Calculated Compliance Field in Specification Table of Part, Manufacturer Part, and
Part Group Objects 17-27
Modifying Settings in the Scheduled Rollups of Declarations................................................. 17-28
Performing External Compliance Rollups on Specification Objects........................................ 17-28
Updating Values of Calculated Compliance Attributes Against External Specifications........
Creating External or Internal Specifications............................................................................ 17-29
Using the IDeclaration Interface ............................................................................................... 17-30
Modifying value of the Calculated Compliance field of Declarations ...................................... 17-30

18 Managing Agile PPM Calendars

About Product Portfolio Management (PPM) ................................................................................. 18-1
About PPM Calendar Management .................................................................................................. 18-1
Calendar Tasks Supported by Agile SDK ................................................................................... 18-2
Performing Calendar-related Tasks using Agile SDK................................................................... 18-2
Creating PPM Calendars................................................................................................................ 18-2
Updating Workweek Settings ....................................................................................................... 18-3
Managing Working and Non-Working Days ............................................................................. 18-3
Getting and Printing Exceptional Days ....................................................................................... 18-3
Deleting PPM Calendars ................................................................................................................ 18-4
Accepting Changes and Changing the Status of Calendar .......................................................... 18-4
Examples ......................................................................................................................................... 18-4
Accepting Changes .................................................................................................................. 18-4
Changing the Status of PPM Calendars................................................................................ 18-4

19 Creating and Managing Projects

About Projects and Project Objects ................................................................................................... 19-1
Differences in the Behavior of Project Objects ............................................................................... 19-2
Creating Projects.................................................................................................................................... 19-2
Adding Rules for PPM Objects .......................................................................................................... 19-4
Loading Projects .................................................................................................................................... 19-5
Adding “FileFolder” to Project's Content Tab................................................................................. 19-5
Using Project Templates ...................................................................................................................... 19-5
Creating New Projects Using Templates................................................................................... 19-6
Creating Projects and Changing Ownerships .......................................................................... 19-7
Saving Projects as Templates....................................................................................................... 19-8
Scheduling Projects............................................................................................................................... 19-9
Setting Start and End Timestamps for PPM Date Attributes..................................................... 19-11
Working with Project Baselines ....................................................................................................... 19-12
Delegating Ownership of a Project to Another User ................................................................... 19-13
Adding Resources to a Project Team ............................................................................................... 19-13
Substituting Project Resources......................................................................................................... 19-16
Locking or Unlocking Projects ......................................................................................................... 19-16

Working with Discussions ................................................................................................................ 19-17
Creating a Discussion.................................................................................................................. 19-17
Replying to a Discussion ............................................................................................................ 19-19
Joining a Discussion .................................................................................................................... 19-21
Creating an Action Item.............................................................................................................. 19-22

20 Handling Exceptions
About Exceptions................................................................................................................................... 20-1
Exception Constants ...................................................................................................................... 20-2
Getting Error Codes .............................................................................................................................. 20-2
Disabling and Enabling Error Codes with Bulk APIs ................................................................... 20-2
Getting Error Messages ........................................................................................................................ 20-3
Disabling and Enabling Warning Messages.................................................................................... 20-4
Checking if APIException is Warning and not Error ..................................................................... 20-5
Saving and Restoring State Enabled and Disabled Warnings ..................................................... 20-5
Warnings on Deleting Objects Disabled Automatically by Agile API ...................................... 20-6

21 Working with Product Cost Management

About Product Cost Management...................................................................................................... 21-1
Working with Price Objects ................................................................................................................ 21-2
Loading a Price Object .................................................................................................................. 21-2
Adding Price Lines......................................................................................................................... 21-3
Minimum Required Attributes to Create Price Lines ............................................................... 21-3
Creating a Price Change Order ..................................................................................................... 21-4
Creating a Price Object.................................................................................................................. 21-5
Defaults...................................................................................................................................... 21-5
Specifying Item Revisions........................................................................................................... 21-5
Creating a published price...................................................................................................... 21-6
Working with Suppliers ...................................................................................................................... 21-6
Loading a Supplier......................................................................................................................... 21-6
Modifying Supplier Data ............................................................................................................. 21-7
Working with Sourcing Projects ........................................................................................................ 21-7
Supported API Methods ............................................................................................................... 21-8
Loading an Existing Sourcing Project ........................................................................................ 21-9
Creating Sourcing Projects by Quantity Breaks ...................................................................... 21-9
Creating Sourcing Projects by Quantity Breaks and Price Periods.................................... 21-10
Importing Data for Sourcing Projects ................................................................................. 21-10
Understanding Nested Tables of PCM Sourcing Projects ................................................... 21-11
Sourcing Projects' Parent Table and Nested Child Table Constants....................................... 21-11
Accessing and Modifying Nested Tables in Sourcing Projects or RFQs................................. 21-11
Viewing Updates after Modifying a Nested Table ................................................................... 21-12
Accessing and Modifying the Status of Sourcing Project........................................................ 21-12
Managing Data in Sourcing Projects........................................................................................ 21-13
Setting Quantity for Items in Sourcing Projects ..................................................................... 21-13
Adding Items to Sourcing Projects Using BOM Filters.......................................................... 21-14
Updating the QPA Attribute on the Item Table of Sourcing Projects..................................... 21-15

Updating PLM content from the Item Master ......................................................................... 21-16
Updating Selected Attributes on Item Table of Sourcing Projects from Item Master ......
Performing Quantity Rollups in Sourcing Projects ................................................................ 21-17
Performing Cost Rollup in Sourcing Projects.......................................................................... 21-18
Performing Price Lookup in Sourcing Projects ........................................................................ 21-18
Price Lookup API and Price Options ....................................................................................... 21-19
Parameters specific to price lookups from price history.................................................. 21-20
Parameters specific to price lookups from Sourcing Projects.......................................... 21-21
Required parameters for price lookups from price history ............................................. 21-21
Setting the price lookup from Sourcing Projects .............................................................. 21-21
Setting the price lookup from History or Sourcing Projects............................................ 21-21
Settings for Quantity Breaks in price lookups.......................................................................... 21-21
Impact of improper parameter settings..................................................................................... 21-22
Settings for RFQ lookup........................................................................................................ 21-22
Settings for RFQ lookup........................................................................................................ 21-22
Generating the Assembly Cost Report for Sourcing Projects.......................................... 21-23
Understanding Assembly Cost Report Parameters.................................................................. 21-24
Modifying the Target Price for Items in Sourcing Projects ..................................................... 21-25
Setting the Best Response for Items in Sourcing Projects........................................................ 21-26
Setting Partners in Sourcing Projects...................................................................................... 21-26
Managing Sourcing Project Attachments for Items and AMLs .......................................... 21-28
Adding Sourcing Project Attachments by File Type................................................................ 21-28
Deleting Sourcing Project Table Rows for Items ..................................................................... 21-28
Importing Data for Sourcing Projects...................................................................................... 21-29
Validating Items on the AML Tab of Sourcing Projects.......................................................... 21-29
Working with RFQs..................................................................................................................... 21-30
Supported API Methods ........................................................................................................... 21-30
Creating RFQs for Sourcing Projects....................................................................................... 21-31
Loading RFQs from Sourcing Project's RFQ Table ............................................................... 21-31
Supported RFQ Tables.............................................................................................................. 21-32
Accessing and Modifying RFQ Objects, Tables, Nested Tables, and Attributes..................... 21-32
RFQ Parent Table and Nested Child Table Constants............................................................. 21-32
Performing Price Lookup in RFQs ........................................................................................... 21-33
Working with RFQ Responses ................................................................................................. 21-34
Locking and Unlocking RFQ Responses .................................................................................. 21-35
Editing RFQ Responses Submitted by Suppliers .................................................................... 21-35

22 Performing Administrative Tasks

About PLM Administration ............................................................................................................... 22-1
About Agile Java Client.................................................................................................................. 22-1
Privileges Required to Administer Agile PLM ............................................................................... 22-2
Administrative Interfaces .................................................................................................................... 22-2
Getting an IAdmin Instance................................................................................................................ 22-3
Working with Nodes ............................................................................................................................ 22-3
Working with the Classes Node.................................................................................................. 22-7
Managing Agile PLM Classes............................................................................................................. 22-7

Concrete and Abstract Classes .................................................................................................. 22-11
Referencing Classes ..................................................................................................................... 22-12
Identifying the Target Type of a Class .................................................................................... 22-12
Working with Attributes.................................................................................................................... 22-13
Referencing Attributes................................................................................................................ 22-13
Retrieving Attributes................................................................................................................... 22-14
Retrieving Individual Attributes .............................................................................................. 22-15
Editing the Property of an Attribute ........................................................................................ 22-15
Working with User-Defined Attributes .................................................................................. 22-16
Working with Properties of Administrative Nodes ..................................................................... 22-16
Managing Users ................................................................................................................................... 22-17
Getting all Users........................................................................................................................... 22-17
Creating a User ............................................................................................................................. 22-17
Creating a User Group ................................................................................................................ 22-18
Creating Users and Requiring Password Modification at Login........................................ 22-19
Creating a Supplier User ............................................................................................................ 22-20
Saving a User as a New User...................................................................................................... 22-20
Configuring User Settings.......................................................................................................... 22-21
Resetting User Passwords........................................................................................................... 22-22
Deleting a User ............................................................................................................................. 22-22
Managing User Groups ...................................................................................................................... 22-22
Getting All User Groups............................................................................................................. 22-23
Creating a User Group ................................................................................................................ 22-23
Adding a User Group to the User Group Table of the User ................................................ 22-24
Listing Users in a User Group ................................................................................................... 22-25

A Mapping PLM Client Features to Agile API

Login Features.......................................................................................................................................... A-1
General Features...................................................................................................................................... A-1
Search Features ........................................................................................................................................ A-2
Attachment Features ............................................................................................................................... A-2
Workflow Features.................................................................................................................................. A-3
Manufacturing Site Features................................................................................................................. A-3
Folder Features......................................................................................................................................... A-3
Project Features ........................................................................................................................................ A-4
Administrative Features......................................................................................................................... A-4

B Migrating Table Constants to Release 9.2.2

Overview................................................................................................................................................... B-1
Mapped Pre-Release 9.2.2 Table Constants to 9.2.2 Table Constants ........................................... B-1
Removed Pre-Release 9.2.2 Table Constants...................................................................................... B-3


Agile PLM is a comprehensive enterprise PLM solution for managing your product
value chain.

This document is intended for administrators and users of the Agile PLM products.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing

Related Documents
Oracle's Agile PLM documentation set includes Adobe® Acrobat PDF files. The Oracle
Technology Network (OTN) website at: contains
the latest versions of the Agile PLM PDF files. You can view or download these
manuals from the Web site, or you can ask your Agile administrator if there is an Agile
PLM Documentation folder available on your network from which you can access the
Agile PLM documentation (PDF) files.

The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.

Convention Meaning
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.


This chapter includes the following:

■ About this Guide
■ Agile PLM Extension Framework
■ SDK Components
■ SDK Architecture
■ System Requirements
■ Java Requirements
■ Agile SDK Installation Folders
■ Checking Your Agile PLM System
■ Agile PLM Business Objects

About this Guide

Oracle's Agile Software Development Kit (SDK) is a collection of Java application
programming interfaces (APIs), sample applications, and documentation that enable
building custom applications to access, or extend the functionalities of the Agile
Application Server. Using the SDK, you can create programs that extend the
functionality of the Agile product lifecycle management system (PLM) and can
perform tasks against the PLM system.
The SDK enables the following operations:
■ Integrate the Agile PLM system with enterprise resource planning (ERP)
applications or other custom applications
■ Develop applications to process product data
■ Perform batch operations against the Agile Application Server
■ Extend the functionality of the Agile PLM system
The SDK Developer Guide is published in the following two books:
■ SDK Developer Guide - Using Agile APIs - This component of the SDK Developer
Guide provides information to develop batch operations against the PLM Server,
integrate the PLM with other application, and process PLM data. This information
is described and documented in this book.
■ SDK Developer Guide - Developing Extensions - This component of the SDK
Developer Guide provides background and procedural information to create
additional PLM clients (extend Agile PLM functionalities) and work with PLM

Introduction 1-1
SDK Components

Frameworks. This information is described and documented in the SDK

Developer Guide - Developing PLM Extensions.

Agile PLM Extensions Framework

This component of the SDK Developer Guide provides referential and procedural
information to get you started with the APIs and use the APIs to develop applications
that programmatically perform batch operations against the Agile Application Server
to execute tasks such as:
■ Querying PLM databases
■ Loading data into PLM databases
■ Working with Tables, Data Cells, and Folders
■ Importing and exporting data to and from Agile PLM
■ Processing product data
■ Interacting with PLM modules such as Product Cost Management, Product
Portfolio Management, and other modules
■ Managing workflow
■ Managing and tracking quality
■ Managing Reference objects
■ Performing administrative functions

SDK Components
The Agile SDK has the following Client-side and Sever-side components:

Client-Side Components
The contents of the Agile SDK Client-side components are:

■ SDK Developer Guide (this manual)
■ API Reference files (these are the Javadoc generated HTML files that document the
API methods)
■ Sample applications

Note: The API HTML reference files and Sample applications are in the folder. You can find this folder at
sample-520945.html. For more information and procedures to access its
contents, contact your system administrator, or refer to your PLM
installation guide.

■ Agile API library (AgileAPI.jar)
■ Java Process Extensions API library (pxapi.jar)
■ Apache Axis library (axis.jar)

1-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
SDK Architecture

Server-Side Components
Oracle's Agile Application Server contains the following SDK server-side components:
■ Agile API implementation classes
■ Java and Scripting process extensions framework
■ Web service extensions frameworks

SDK Architecture
The SDK facilitates developing different types of programs to connect to the Agile
Application Server. If you are using only the Agile APIs, these programs connect
directly to the server. For information to develop these types of programs, refer to SDK
Developer Guide - Using Agile APIs.
If you are using WSX to develop Web service extensions, you can deploy the Web
services inside the Agile Application Server container. The Web server used for WSX is
accessible from inside or outside the company's demilitarized computing zone (DMZ)
or perimeter network. Information for developing Web service extensions is provided
in this document.
When the Agile PLM Client initiates a custom action, it either runs a program that is
deployed on the server, or connects to an external resource such as a URL. WSX, Java
PX and Script PX extensions can also use the Agile APIs. You can develop extensions
using APIs that are not provided by Agile. This information is also provided in this

Figure 1–1 Agile SDK architecture

Introduction 1-3
System Requirements

Note: Agile API programs connect to the Agile Application Server

using non-secure means. Consequently, it is recommended that you
run the Agile API programs only from within the corporate firewall.
Web service Clients, however, can connect to the server through the
corporate firewall using standard HTTP(S) technology.

System Requirements
For Agile SDK system requirements, refer to PLM Capacity Planning and Deployment

Java Requirements
The Agile API must be compatible with the version of Java that the application server
supports. To avoid problems, an Agile API Client must use the same version of Java
that the connecting application server is using. Oracle Application Server 10g must use
Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.5.0_06 and Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3 must
use Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.6 for interoperability and 2007 Daylight
Saving Time compliance.

Important: SDK code running under JRE 7 cannot connect to a Proxy

URL protected by SSO. To establish this connection, you must directly
connect your SDK code to server nodes with actual Weblogic ports, or
setup a second proxy that is not protected by SSO.

The following table lists the recommended Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to use
with Agile API Clients on different application servers that Agile PLM supports.

Table 1–1 Java version requirements

Application Server Required Java Version
Fusion Middleware Infrastructure 12.1.3 Oracle Java JDK 1.7.0 update 55 or later
(includes WebLogic Server 12.1.3) (64-bit only) on the server.

JVM Parameters for Preventing Out of Memory Exceptions

To prevent out of memory errors, add the following Java Virtual Memory (JVM)
parameter options in the indicated locations.

Note: This workaround is only applicable to single-threaded SDK


■ If the Client is a standalone SDK Client, add the JVM option:

java -Ddisable.agile.sessionID.generation=true pk.sample

1-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Agile SDK Installation Folders

■ If the Client is a PX and out of memory occurs in Agile Server, add the JVM option
in <OAS_HOME>/opmn/conf/opmn.xml.
<category id="start-parameters">
<data id="java-options" value="-Xrs -server -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -ms1280M
-mx1280M -XX:NewSize=256M -XX:MaxNewSize=256M -XX:AppendRatio=3
HOME/j2ee/home/config/java2.policy -Dagile.log.dir=$ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/log -Djava.awt.headless=true
-Dhttp.webdir.enable=false -Duser.timezone=GMT
<data id="oc4j-options" value="-verbosity 10 -userThreads"/>

■ If the Client is a URL PX, add the following JVM option in the Server Start up
(This is similar to catalina.bat in Tomcat.)

Note: For more information about URL Process Extensions, or URL

PXs, including how to set the Cookie Expiration Properties for URL
PXs, refer to SDK Developer Guide - Developing PLM Extensions.

Agile SDK Installation Folders

The Agile SDK files use the following folder structure on your computer:
lib - The \agile_home\integration\sdk\lib folder contains the following libraries:

Note: Do not include the axis.jar file and AgileAPI.jar file in the
same classpath. The SDK classpath does not support this setting and
the SDK will not function properly.

■ AgileAPI.jar - Agile API library. This file contains Agile API classes and
■ axis.jar - An Oracle-modified version of the Apache Axis library. This is required
for Web service Clients.
■ pxapi.jar - PX API library.This file contains interfaces used to develop custom
autonumber sources and custom actions.

Introduction 1-5
Checking Your Agile PLM System

Checking Your Agile PLM System

Before trying to run the Agile SDK Clients on your Agile PLM system, make sure the
system is configured and is working properly. In particular, make sure the HTTP ports
for your application server are set correctly. To this end, type the following URL (the
test URL) in your browser, and
For example, if the server is running in a Windows environment, to start and test the
Agile PLM Application Server connection do as follows:
To start and test the Agile PLM Application Server connection do as follows:
1. From Windows command line, select Start > All Programs > Agile > Agile PLM >
Start Agile Server.
A command window may appear and this window must remain open but you can
minimize it.
2. Wait until the following message "Agile PLM Server Starting Up" appears in the
command window or application server log file before connecting:
3. Open your browser and use the following URL to test the Agile Web client setup:

Note: The URL is case-sensitive.

4. When the login window appears, type the username and password.
You can log in with the built-in Administrator account by typing admin for the
user and the password you supplied as the password for the admin user in the
password management screen during installation.
The first time you log in to the application, it may take a while to load the
information. For more information, refer to the Agile PLM Installation Guide.

Agile PLM Business Objects

With any enterprise software system, you work with business objects to manage the
company's data. The following table lists the Agile PLM business objects and their
related Agile API interfaces.

Object Related Agile API Interface

Changes IChange
Customers ICustomer
Declarations IDeclaration
Design IDesign
Discussions IDiscussion
File Folders IFileFolder
Items IItem
Manufacturer parts IManufacturerPart
Manufacturers IManufacturer
Packages IPackage

1-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Agile PLM Business Objects

Object Related Agile API Interface

Part Groups (Commodity or Part Family) ICommodity
Prices IPrice
Product Service Request IServiceRequest
Projects IPrograms
Sourcing Project IProject
Quality Change Request IQualityChangeRequest
Reports IProductReport
Requests for Quote (RFQ) IRequestForQuote
RFQ Responses ISupplierResponse*
Sites IManufacturingSite
Specifications ISpecification
Substances ISubstance
Suppliers ISupplier
Transfer Order ITransferOrder
User Groups IUserGroup
Users IUser

* Agile does not support the API interfaces in the current release of the software.
The business objects that you can view and actions that you can perform on these
objects are determined by the server components installed on your Agile Application
Server and the assigned privilege roles to that are assigned to your user account.
Privilege levels can vary from field to field. In addition to Users and User Groups,
Agile PLM administrators work with administrative objects, such as administrative
nodes and Agile PLM classes.

Note: Not all Agile PLM business objects are exposed in the Agile
API. For example, some Report objects are not accessible via the Agile

Introduction 1-7
Agile PLM Business Objects

1-8 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Getting Started with Agile API

This chapter includes the following:

■ Types of Agile API classes and interfaces
■ Loading Agile API classes
■ Packaging your Agile API applications
■ How the Agile API is thread-safe
■ Finding the sample programs

Types of Agile API Classes and Interfaces

The Agile API contains several different classes and interfaces in the AgileAPI.jar
library. These files are further classified into the following groups according to
functions that they support:
■ Aggregate interfaces - These interfaces aggregate the applicable functional
interfaces for a particular object type. For example, the IItem interface extends
IDataObject, IRevisioned, IManufacturingSiteSelectable,
IAttachmentContainer, IHistoryManager, and IReferenced. Most SDK
functionalities fall within these interfaces. The Agile API's underlying
implementation classes, which are not exposed, implement these interfaces.
■ Functional Unit Interfaces - These interfaces hold units of functionality that are
extended to other interfaces. For example, IAttachmentContainer provides a
convenient way to access the attachments table for any object. Other interfaces in
this group such as IChange and IItem extend the IAttachmentContainer
interface. IRoutable is another class that serves as a functional unit; it provides
methods for any object that you can route to another Agile PLM user; IChange,
IPackage, and ITransferOrder all extend IRoutable.
■ Metadata interfaces - This group of classes defines the metadata (and
meta-metadata) for the Agile Application Server. Metadata is simply data that
describes other data. The metadata interfaces include classes such as IAgileClass,
INode, IRoutableDesc, ITableDesc, and IWorkflow.
■ Factory classes - AgileSessionFactory is a factory class that is used to create a
session (IAgileSession) and access transaction management. IAgileSession is
also a factory object allowing you to instantiate other objects. Many Agile API
objects, in turn, are factory objects for tables or other referenced objects. Tables, in
turn, are factories for rows.

Getting Started with Agile API 2-1

Network Class Loading

■ Exception classes - There's only one Exception class, APIException.

■ Constants - These classes contain IDs for attributes, tables, classes, and so on. All
classes containing only constants have class names that end with “Constants,” for
example, ChangeConstants, ItemConstants, UserConstants, and so on.

Network Class Loading

The Agile API has two main software components:
■ Client-side library, AgileAPI.jar
■ Server-side implementation classes
The server-side implementation classes are installed automatically with every instance
of the Agile Application Server.
The Agile API Client-side library is composed almost entirely of interfaces, which are
essentially class loaders. When you run an Agile API program, it connects to the Agile
Application Server and automatically downloads whatever implementation classes it
needs. For example, if your program uses methods of IItem, it downloads an
implementation of IItem at run time.

Figure 2–1 Agile API architecture

Network class loading provides many benefits, including the ability to update client
implementation classes by automatically downloading them from a server. Any Agile
API classes that are downloaded from the server are automatically cached to a local
disk. When an Agile API program needs to load a particular class, it retrieves it from
the cache rather than downloading it again from the network. The cache results in
faster loading of classes and reduced network load.
If the network class loader detects that its cache is stale, that is, its classes are older
than the classes on the server, it invalidates the cache and reloads the necessary classes
from the server. This allows you to update Agile SDK Clients to use the latest
implementation classes without redeploying applications throughout the enterprise.

2-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Starting an Agile API Program

Single-Threaded versus Multi-Threaded Applications

The Agile API has been certified thread-compatible. It can be used for both
Single-Threaded and Multi-Threaded application development. You can safely use
Agile API calls concurrently, by surrounding each method invocation (or sequence of
method invocations) with external synchronization.

Packaging an Agile API Program

After you develop a program that makes calls to the Agile API, you'll need to package
its files so that you or other users can install it. Many development environments
include tools for packaging and deploying applications.
You can also choose to package your program manually. If you choose to do this, you'll
need to know the dependencies your project has. Again, many development
environments include tools for generating dependency files. A dependency file lists
the runtime components that must be distributed with your program's project files.

Distributing Agile API Files

You can freely distribute any Java applications or applets that you create that make
calls to the Agile API. You can include the Agile API library, AgileAPI.jar, when you
package your application's files.
Your development environment may require you to distribute other class files or
libraries with your program. Check the documentation for your development
environment to see which runtime files you must distribute with your program.
Consult the applicable license agreement of the manufacturer for each of the files you
plan to distribute to determine whether you are authorized to distribute the files with
your application.

Sample Programs
The Agile SDK provides several sample programs that demonstrate how to use its
APIs. These sample programs are in the api, dx, px, and wsx folders. You can find them
in the SDK_samples (ZIP file). To access this file, see the Note in "Client-Side
Components" on page 1-2.
Each sample program has its own Readme.txt file. Be sure to review the Readme.txt
document before trying to run a sample program.

Starting an Agile API Program

When you create a program using the Agile APIs, follow this general approach for
structuring your programs:

To structure programs developed with Agile APIs:

1. At the top of each class file, add an import statement to import the Agile API
import com.agile.api.*;
2. Get an instance of the Agile Application Server.
3. Create an Agile session.

Getting Started with Agile API 2-3

Starting an Agile API Program

4. Complete one or more business processes. This is where most of your program
code goes.
5. Close the Agile session.

Setting the Class Path for the Agile API Library

When Java looks for a class referenced in your source, it checks the directories
specified in the CLASSPATH variable. To create Agile API programs, you must include
AgileAPI.jar in the class path.
If you are using a Java development environment, you usually can modify the class
path for each project. If you don't let your development environment know where the
Agile API library is located, it is not able to build the application.

Importing Agile API Classes

The only Java package your program has access to automatically is java.lang. To refer
to Agile API classes, you should import the com.agile.api package at the beginning
of each class file:
import com.agile.api.*;

Rather than importing the com.agile.api package, you can also refer to Agile API
classes by their full package name, for example:

com.agile.api.IItem source =

As you can see, if you do not import the com.agile.api package, it is cumbersome to
type the full package name whenever you refer to one of its classes. Also, when you
don't import the com.agile.api package, or reference the Agile API classes by full
package name, the Java compiler will return an error when you try to build your

Creating a Session and Logging In

Use the JVM parameter called disable.agile.sessionID.generation=true to create a
session when the login user is a LDAP user. This is applicable only when Agile runs on
Weblogic server. If the Client is a standalone SDK Client, add the JVM option:
java -Ddisable.agile.sessionID.generation=true pk.sample.
Alternatively, you can set the parameter in the code as follows:
System.setProperty("disable.agile.sessionID.generation", "true"); HashMap params =
new HashMap(); params.put(AgileSessionFactory.USERNAME, USERNAME);
params.put(AgileSessionFactory.PASSWORD, PASSWORD); AgileSessionFactory factory =
AgileSessionFactory.getInstance(URL); IagileSession session =

2-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Starting an Agile API Program

To start an Agile API program, you must complete the following two tasks:
1. Get an instance of the Agile Application Server.

Use the AgileSessionFactory.getInstance() method to get an instance of the

Agile server. You must specify a connection URL for the server. The URL you
specify depends on whether you connect directly to the Agile server or through a
proxy Web server.
■ To connect directly to the Agile server, type this URL:
■ To connect to the Agile server through a proxy Web server, type this URL:
■ appserver is the name of the Agile server computer.
■ webserver is the name of the Web server computer.
■ virtualPath is the virtual path for your Agile PLM server. The default value is
Agile. The virtual path is specified when the Agile PLM system is installed.
For more information, refer to the Agile PLM Installation Guide.
■ protocol is either HTTP or HTTPS.
■ port is the port number used for the specified protocol. The port is needed only
if a nonstandard port number is being used. Otherwise, you can omit it.
2. Create a session for the Agile PLM server instance.
Use the AgileSessionFactory.createSession() method to create a session. For the
params parameter of createSession(), specify a Map object containing the login
parameters (username and password).
The following example shows how an Agile API program creates a session and logs
into the Agile PLM server.

Example 2–1 Creating a session and logging in

public static final String USERNAME = "fjones";
public static final String PASSWORD = "agilepwd";
public static final String URL = "";
public static IAgileSession session = null;
public static AgileSessionFactory factory;

factory = AgileSessionFactory.getInstance(URL);
HashMap params = new HashMap();
params.put(AgileSessionFactory.USERNAME, USERNAME);
params.put(AgileSessionFactory.PASSWORD, PASSWORD);
session = factory.createSession(params);

Your Oracle Agile PLM agreement determines the maximum number of concurrent
open sessions to the Agile Application Server per user account. If you exceed this
maximum number, the server prevents you from logging in. Therefore, it is important
to use the IAgileSession.close() method to properly log out and close a session
when your program is finished running. If the Agile PLM system is hosted on Oracle
Application Servers, you are limited to only one session per thread.

Getting Started with Agile API 2-5

Starting an Agile API Program

Creating a Session by Accessing a Password Protected URL

To provide additional security for users accessing Agile PLM across a firewall, the
proxy server may have a password-protected URL. If so, the normal method of
obtaining a server instance and then creating a session will not work. Instead, you
must use the AgileSessionFactory.createSessionEx() method to specify the username,
password, and URL parameters needed to log in. The login code is simpler if you use
createSessionEx() because you don't need to call the method
AgileSessionFactory.getInstance() first to obtain a server instance. The
createSessionEx() method obtains the server instance and creates the session in one
call as shown in the following example.

Example 2–2 Creating a session by accessing a password-controlled URL

private IAgileSession securelogin(String username, String password) throws
HashMap params = new HashMap();
//Put username, password, and URL values into params
params.put(AgileSessionFactory.USERNAME, username);
params.put(AgileSessionFactory.PASSWORD, password);
//Create the Agile PLM session and log in
return AgileSessionFactory.createSessionEx(params);

The createSessionEx()method also works for URLs that are not password-protected
and you can use it instead of createSessionEx() if you prefer.

Creating a Session from an Agile Web Service

If you developed a web service using web service extensions and deployed it in the
same container as Agile PLM, you can take advantage of the Agile API to access Agile
PLM server functionality from within the web service. To get an Agile PLM server
instance for your web service, use the AgileSessionFactory.getInstance() method,
but pass a null value for the url parameter.
Once you have retrieved an AgileSessionFactory object, you can also create a session.
The web service request provides user authentication, so you don't need to specify a
username or password when you create an Agile API session. Therefore, make sure
you specify a null value for the params parameter of
AgileSessionFactory factory = AgileSessionFactory.getInstance(null);
IAgileSession session = factory.createSession(null);

If you pass a null value for the params parameter of createSession(), the user
authentication that took place when the Agile PLM server intercepted the web service
request is reused for the Agile API session. You don't need to log in again. Do not
attempt to close the session using IAgileSession.close(); the authorization handler
will automatically close the session.
Specifying a null parameter for the createSession() method creates an
IAgileSession corresponding to the session created by the authorization handler. If
your web service doesn't use the authorization handler, or if you want to create a
session for a different user than the one used for the authorization handler, you can
still use createSession(params) to create a session. For the params parameter, specify
a Map object containing the login parameters (username and password). If you don't

2-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Loading and Creating Agile PLM Objects

use the authorization handler to create a session, you are responsible for closing it. Call
the IAgileSession.close() method to close the session.

Creating a Session in a Cluster Environment

The AgileSessionFactory.getInstance() and
AgileSessionFactory.createSession()that you use to create an instance of the
AgileSessionFactory, cache the Agile server properties to get the instance. Because of
this caching, the getInstance() method retrieves the same instance of
AgileSessionFactory anytime it is invoked.
While retrieving the same instance of AgileSessionFactory is not an issue in single
server environments, it can be problematic in Agile cluster environments when the
cached server is down. This is due to the following facts:
1. When AgileSessionFactory is initiated with a proxy URL, a specific server in the
cluster is cached and is used to create the session.
2. When the cached server is down, AgileSessionFactory.createSession() will try
to establish a connection with the server, but will fail because the server is down.
To overcome this issue, the Agile SDK exposes the following APIs to refresh the
AgileSessionFactory instance for Agile cluster environments. These new APIs clear
the cached server details and create a new instance of the AgileSessionFactory.
■ AgileSessionFactory.refreshInstance(String url)
■ AgileSessionFactory.refreshInstanceEx(Map params)
■ AgileSessionFactory.refreshSessionEx(Map params)
The following examples use these APIs to create Agile sessions in cluster

Example 2–3 Creating a session with public static AgileSessionFactory

refreshInstance(String url)
AgileSessionFactory factory = AgileSessionFactory.refreshInstance(URL);
HashMap params = new HashMap();
params.put(AgileSessionFactory.USERNAME, USERNAME);
params.put(AgileSessionFactory.PASSWORD, PASSWORD);
IAgileSession lsession = factory.createSession(params);

Example 2–4 Creating a session with public static AgileSessionFactory

refreshInstanceEx (Map map)
HashMap params = new HashMap();
params.put(AgileSessionFactory.URL, URL);
params.put(AgileSessionFactory.USERNAME, USERNAME);
params.put(AgileSessionFactory.PASSWORD, PASSWORD);
AgileSessionFactory factory = AgileSessionFactory.refreshInstanceEx(params);
IAgileSession lsession = factory.createSession(params);

Loading and Creating Agile PLM Objects

With every Agile API program, a basic requirement is the ability to get and create
objects. The following interfaces map to objects that you can work with in the Agile

Getting Started with Agile API 2-7

Loading and Creating Agile PLM Objects

IChange IManufacturer IRequestForQuote

ICommodity IManufacturerPart IServiceRequest
ICustomer IManufacturingSite ISpecification
IDeclaration IPackage ISubstance
IDesign IPrice ISupplier
IDiscussion IProgram ISupplierResponse
IFileFolder IProject ITransferOrder
IFolder IQualityChangeRequest IUser
IItem IQuery IUserGroup

To load and create these Agile PLM objects, you must first get an instance of the
AgileSessionFactory object and then create an Agile PLM session. Then use
IAgileSession.getObject() to load Agile PLM objects
andIAgileSession.createObject() to create objects.
For more information about creating queries and folders, see Chapter 3, "Creating and
Loading Queries" and Working with Folders.

Loading Objects
To load an Agile PLM object, use one of the IAgileSession.getObject()methods.
■ IAgileObject getObject(Object objectType, Object params)
■ IAgileObject getObject(int objectType, Object params)

Note: If not specified by the user, objects will always load according
to their base class which are derived from the subclass or class. Objects
will also load correctly when the object's derived base class is correct.
However, the SDK will load an object even if an invalid subclass is
passed for that object when the derived base class of the invalid class
and that of the object are both the same.

Specifying Object Types

The two getObject() methods enable you to specify the objectType parameter using
these values:
■ An IAgileClass instance that represents one of the Agile PLM classes.
■ A class ID (for example, ItemConstants.CLASS_PART corresponds to the Part
class). Predefined class IDs are available in the various *Constants files provided
with the Agile API.
■ An OBJECT_TYPE constant, such as IItem.OBJECT_TYPE or IChange.OBJECT_TYPE
■ A class name (for example, Part). However, Oracle does not recommend using
class names to instantiate objects because the class names can be modified and are
not guaranteed to be unique.

Note: When you use the getObject() method to load an object, you
can specify abstract or concrete Agile PLM classes. For more
information, see "Concrete and Abstract Classes" on page 22-9.

2-8 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Loading and Creating Agile PLM Objects

Specifying Object Parameters

The params parameter for the getObject() method can be a Map or String. If you
specify a Map object for the params parameter, it must contain attributes (either
attribute IDs or IAttribute objects) and their corresponding values. The Map must
contain all identification related information. For example, when you load an
IManufacturerPart, both the Manufacturer Name and Manufacturer Part Number
must be specified.
If the Map object you specify for the params parameter contains additional attributes
other than the identifying information, those attributes are ignored. The server uses
only identifying information to retrieve an object. For a complete list of attributes used
to uniquely identify Agile PLM objects, refer to “Identifying Attributes for Agile PLM
Classes” in SDK Developer Guide - Developing PLM Extensions.
This example shows how to load part 1000-02 using a Map parameter that specifies the
attribute (ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_NUMBER) and a value.

Example 2–5 Loading a part using a String

IItem item = (IItem)m_session.getObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, "1000-02");

If the object you're loading has a single attribute that serves as a unique identifier, you
can enter the String value for that attribute as the params parameter. For example, the
unique identifier for a part is a part number. Therefore, you can enter the part number
as the parameter to load the object.

Note: Not all objects have one attribute that serves as a unique
identifier. For example, a manufacturer part is identified by both its
manufacturer name and manufacturer part number. Therefore, to load
a manufacturer part you must specify values for at least those two

This example shows how to load part 1000-02 by specifying a unique String identifier.

Example 2–6 Loading a part using a Map

Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_NUMBER, "1000-02");
IItem item = (IItem)m_session.getObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, params);;

Loading Different Types of Objects

The following examples load different types of Agile PLM objects.

Example 2–7 Loading Agile PLM Item, Manufacturer, and Manufacturer Parts objects
///Load an item
IItem item = (IItem)m_session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, "1000-02");
System.out.println("Item : " + item.getName());

//Load a manufacturer
IManufacturer mfr = (IManufacturer)m_session.getObject(IManufacturer.OBJECT_TYPE);

System.out.println("Manufacturer : " + mfr.getName());

//Load a manufacturer part

params.put(ManufacturerPartConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_MANUFACTURER_NAME, "World

Getting Started with Agile API 2-9

Loading and Creating Agile PLM Objects

IManufacturerPart mfrPart =
(IManufacturerPart)m_session.getObject(IManufacturerPart.OBJECT_TYPE, params);
System.out.println("ManufacturerPart : " + mfrPart.getName());

//Load a manufacturing site

IManufacturingSite siteHK =
"Hong Kong");
System.out.println("ManufacturingSite : " + siteHK.getName());

Example 2–8 Loading Agile PLM Customer and Declaration objects

//Load a Customer
ICustomer cust = (ICustomer)m_session.getObject
(ICustomer.OBJECT_TYPE, "CUST00006");
System.out.println("Customer : " + cust.getName());

//Load a declaration
IDeclaration dec = (IDeclaration)m_session.getObject(IDeclaration.OBJECT_TYPE,
System.out.println("Declaration : " + dec.getName());

Example 2–9 Loading Agile PLM Discussion, File Folder and Folder objects
//Load a discussion
IDiscussion discussion = (IDiscussion)m_session.getObject(IDiscussion.OBJECT_TYPE,
System.out.println("Discussion : " + discussion.getName());

//Load a file folder

IFileFolder ff = (IFileFolder)m_session.getObject(IFileFolder.OBJECT_TYPE,
System.out.println("File Folder : " + ff.getName());

//Load a folder
IFolder folder = (IFolder)m_session.getObject(IFolder.OBJECT_TYPE, "/Personal
System.out.println("Folder : " + folder.getName());

Example 2–10 Loading Agile PLM Package, Price, Program, PSR, and QCR objects
//Load a package
IPackage pkg = (IPackage)m_session.getObject(PackageConstants.CLASS_PACKAGE,
System.out.println("Package : " + pkg.getName());

//Load a price
IPrice price =
(IPrice)m_session.getObject(IPrice.OBJECT_TYPE, "PRICE10008");
System.out.println("Price : " + price.getName());

//Load a program
IProgram program =
(IProgram)m_session.getObject(IProgram.OBJECT_TYPE, "PGM10008");
System.out.println("Program : " + program.getName());
//Load a PSR
IServiceRequest psr = (IServiceRequest)m_session.getObject(IServiceRequest.OBJECT_
TYPE, "NCR01562");
System.out.println("PSR : " + psr.getName());

2-10 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Loading and Creating Agile PLM Objects

//Load a QCR
IQualityChangeRequest qcr =
System.out.println("QCR : " + qcr.getName());

Example 2–11 Loading Agile PLM Change, Commodity, and Supplier objects
//Load a change
IChange change = (IChange)m_session.getObject(IChange.OBJECT_TYPE, "C00002");
System.out.println("Change : " + change.getName());
//Load a commodity
ICommodity comm =
(ICommodity)m_session.getObject(ICommodity.OBJECT_TYPE, "Res");
System.out.println("Commodity : " + comm.getName());

//Load a supplier
ISupplier supplier =
(ISupplier)m_session.getObject(ISupplier.OBJECT_TYPE, "SUP20013");
System.out.println("Supplier : " + supplier.getName());

Creating Objects
You can use one of the following IAgileSession.createObject() methods create an Agile
PLM object.
■ IAgileObject createObject(Object objectType, Object params)
■ IAgileObject createObject(int objectType, Object params)

Note: The SDK does not support setting the Lifecycle Phase
(LCP)/Workflow status attribute of an object while you are creating
that object. The reason is that the necessary settings for LCP are not
available until after the object is created. The same is also applicable in
the UI. For example, IChange will not get Workflow status values until
a Workflow is selected. However, you can use the SDK to create
objects, and then set and modify the LCP/Workflow status attribute.
Also, you cannot get a list of values for this field, until the object is
created, and the relevant actions are performed on the object.

The objectType and params parameters are identical to those used in the
IAgileSession.getObject() methods; for more information, see "Loading Objects" on
page 2-8. Except for IFolder and IQuery objects, you must specify a concrete class for
the objectType parameter. For example, if you are creating a part, you cannot specify
ItemConstants.CLASS_PARTS_CLASS because that class is an abstract class that can't be
instantiated. However, you can specify the class ID of any predefined or user-defined
concrete class, such as ItemConstants.CLASS_PART.
If you are creating an object of a user-defined subclass, the objectType parameter of
createObject()should be an Integer object corresponding to the subclass ID.
In addition to a Map or String type, the params parameter for
IAgileSession.createObject() can also be an INode object representing an
autonumber source for the particular object class. The Agile Application Server queries
the autonumber source for the next number in its sequence, and that number is used
as the unique identifier.

Getting Started with Agile API 2-11

Loading and Creating Agile PLM Objects

Note: You cannot specify an INode object for the params parameter
for objects that don't have their autonumber sources available.

The following example shows how to create part 1000-02 using a Map parameter that
specifies an attribute (ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_NUMBER) and a value.

Example 2–12 Creating a part using a Map

Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_NUMBER, "1000-02");
IItem item = (IItem)m_session.createObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, params);

The following example shows how to create part 1000-02 by specifying a unique String

Example 2–13 Creating a part using a String

IItem item = (IItem)m_session.createObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, "1000-02");

Working with Agile PLM Classes

Because classes are customized for each Agile Application Server, you should avoid
hard-coding references to class names, particularly if your program is going to be used
on multiple Agile Application Servers or in different locales. Instead, you can retrieve
the classes for each object type at run time. Your program can then provide a user
interface to allow the user to select a class from the list. The following example shows
how to retrieve the list of classes for a particular object type at run time.

Example 2–14 Getting Classes

IAdmin m_admin = session.getAdminInstance();
// Get the Item base class
IAgileClass itemClass =
// Get the Item subclass names
IAgileClass[] subclasses = itemClass.getSubclasses();
for (int i = 0; i < subclasses.length; ++i) {
String listSubclasses = subclasses[i].getName();

Creating Objects of User-Defined Subclasses

User-defined subclasses are classes created specifically for your Agile PLM system.
Consequently, the Agile API doesn't provide predefined class ID constants for them.
To specify a user-defined subclass for the objectType parameter of createObject(),
pass an Integer corresponding to the class ID. To get the class ID for a user-defined
class, use the IAgileClass.getId() method.
The following example shows how to create a Resistor object. In this example, Resistor
is a user-defined subclass of the Parts class.

Example 2–15 Creating an object of a user-defined subclass

//Define a variable for the Resistor subclass
Integer classResistor = null;
//Get the Resistor subclass ID
IAgileClass[] classes =

2-12 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Loading and Creating Agile PLM Objects

for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
if (classes[i].getName().equals("Resistor")) {
classResistor = (Integer)classes[i].getId();
//Create a Resistor object
if (classResistor != null) {
IItem resistor =
(IItem)m_session.createObject(classResistor, "R10245");

Of course, you can also reference a user-defined subclass by name, as in the following
example. However, class names are not necessarily unique. If there are two subclasses
with the same name, the Agile API matches the first one found, which may not be the
one you intended.

Example 2–16 Creating objects by referencing the subclass name

IItem resistor = (IItem)m_session.createObject("Resistor", "R10245");

Using AutoNumbers
An Agile PLM class can have one or more AutoNumber sources. An AutoNumber source
is a predefined sequence of numbers that automatically number an object. AutoNumber
sources are defined in the administrative functionality of Agile Java Client.

Note: The Manufacturers and Manufacturer Parts classes, and their

user-defined subclasses, do not support automatic numbering.

You must configure your Agile Application to use AutoNumber when you create an
object of a particular class. However, the Agile API does not enforce automatic
numbering of objects, even when it is required for a particular class. If your
environment requires this capability, you must develop the necessary routine. Thus, if
you develop a GUI program that allows users to create Agile PLM objects, make sure
the user interface enforces automatic numbering when it is required. For an example of
how a client program enforces automatic numbering, create a few objects using Agile
Web Client and note how the user interface works.

To get the next available AutoNumber in the sequence:

Use the IAutoNumber.getNextNumber(IAgileClass) method to assign the next
available AutoNumber in the sequence. This method will check to ensure the number
is not used by another object. It will continue this process until it finds and returns the
first available AutoNumber for the specified Agile subclass. This method will throw
an exception if it fails to get the next available AutoNumber. The
IAutoNumber.getNextNumber() method will not check and skip if the number is
already used by another object.
The following example shows how to create a part using the next IAutoNumber.

Example 2–17 Getting the next available AutoNumber

IAdmin admin = session.getAdminInstance();
IAgileClass cls = admin.getAgileClass(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART);
IAutoNumber[] numSources = cls.getAutoNumberSources();
for (int i = 0; i < numSources.length; i++) {

Getting Started with Agile API 2-13

Loading and Creating Agile PLM Objects

if (numSources[i].getName().equals("Part Number")) {
String nextAutoNumber = numSources[i].getNextNumber();
IItem part = (IItem)session.createObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART,
System.out.println("Item: " + part.getName() + " created");
return null; \\Only needed if not in main method

Setting the Required Fields

A class can be defined with several required attributes. To make a particular attribute
mandatory, the Agile PLM administrator sets the Visible and Required properties for
the attribute to Yes. If you try to create an object in Agile Java Client or Agile Web
Client without completing the required fields, the Client does not allow you to save
the object until you set the values for all required fields.
Although the Agile PLM administrator can define whether an attribute is required for
a class, the Agile API doesn't automatically enforce required fields when you set
values. Consequently, you can use the API to create and save an object even if values
aren't set for all required fields. If you want to enforce required fields in your Client
program and make them behave the way they do in Agile Web and Java Clients, you
have to write that code.

To check for required fields:

1. Call ITable.getAttributes() or ITableDesc.getAttributes() to get the list of
attributes for a table.
2. For each attribute, call IAttribute.getProperty(PropertyConstants.PROP_
REQUIRED).getValue() to get the value for the Required property.
Example 2–18, referenced by Example 2–19, verifies wether the single specific attribute
is required and visible.

Example 2–18 Getting the required visible attributes for a class

* Thesev attributes were set in another method. For exaple, a main method and are
passed into this method. Returns are true if the specified attribute is required
and visible.
public boolean isRequired(IAttribute attr) throws APIException {
boolean result = false;
IProperty required = attr.getProperty(PropertyConstants.PROP_REQUIRED);
if (required != null) {
Object value = required.getValue();
if (value != null) {
result = value.toString().equals("Yes");
IProperty visible = attr.getProperty(PropertyConstants.PROP_VISIBLE);
if (visible != null) {
Object value = visible.getValue();
if (value != null) {
result &= value.toString().equals("Yes");
return result;

2-14 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Loading and Creating Agile PLM Objects

Example 2–19 Getting the required Page 1, 2, and 3 Attributes for the Class
public IAttribute[] getRequiredAttributes(IAgileClass cls) throws APIException {
//Create an array list for the results
ArrayList result = new ArrayList();

//Check if the class is abstract or concrete

if (!cls.isAbstract()) {
IAttribute[] attrs = null;
//Get the required attributes for Page One
ITableDesc page1 = cls.getTableDescriptor(TableTypeConstants.TYPE_PAGE_ONE);
if (page1 != null) {
attrs = page1.getAttributes();
for (int i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
IAttribute attr = attrs[i];
if (isRequired(attr)) {
//Get the required attributes for Page Two
ITableDesc page2 = cls.getTableDescriptor(TableTypeConstants.TYPE_PAGE_TWO);
if (page2 != null) {
attrs = page1.getAttributes();
for (int i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
IAttribute attr = attrs[i];
if (isRequired(attr)) {
//Get the required attributes for Page Three
ITableDesc page3 = cls.getTableDescriptor(TableTypeConstants.TYPE_PAGE_THREE);
if (page3 != null) {
attrs = page3.getAttributes();
for (int i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
IAttribute attr = attrs[i];
if (isRequired(attr)) {
return (IAttribute[])result.toArray(new IAttribute[0]);

Note: Primary key fields that are used to create an object are
required regardless of the setting for the Required property. For
example, for items the [Title Block.Number] field must be specified to
create a new item regardless whether the field is required.

Creating Different Types of Objects

The following examples show different ways to create various types of Agile PLM
objects. To simplify the code, AutoNumbers are not used.

Getting Started with Agile API 2-15

Loading and Creating Agile PLM Objects

Example 2–20 Creating Change, Commodity, Customer, Declaration, File Folder, Folder,
Item, and Discussion
//Create a change
IChange eco =
(IChange)m_session.createObject(ChangeConstants.CLASS_ECO, "C00002");
System.out.println("Change : " + eco.getName());

//Create a commodity
ICommodity comm =
System.out.println("Commodity : " + comm.getName());

//Create a customer
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(CustomerConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_CUSTOMER_NUMBER, "CUST00006");
params.put(CustomerConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_CUSTOMER_NAME, "Western Widgets");
ICustomer customer =
(ICustomer)m_session.createObject(CustomerConstants.CLASS_CUSTOMER, params);
System.out.println("Customer : " + customer.getName());

//Create a declaration
Map params = new HashMap();
ISupplier supplier =
(ISupplier)m_session.getObject(ISupplier.OBJECT_TYPE, "SUP20013");
params.put(DeclarationConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_NAME, "MD00001");
params.put(DeclarationConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_SUPPLIER, supplier);
IDeclaration dec = (IDeclaration)
m_session.createObject(DeclarationConstants.CLASS_SUBSTANCE_DECLARATION, params);
System.out.println("Declaration : " + dec.getName());

//Create a discussion
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(DiscussionConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_NUMBER, "D000201");
params.put(DiscussionConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_SUBJECT, "Packaging issues");
IDiscussion discussion =
(IDiscussion)m_session.createObject(DiscussionConstants.CLASS_DISCUSSION, params);
System.out.println("Discussion : " + discussion.getName());

//Create a folder
Map params = new HashMap();
IFolder parentFolder =
(IFolder)m_session.getObject(IFolder.OBJECT_TYPE, "/Personal Searches");
params.put(FolderConstants.ATT_FOLDER_NAME, "MyTemporaryQueries");
params.put(FolderConstants.ATT_PARENT_FOLDER, parentFolder);
IFolder folder = (IFolder)m_session.createObject(IFolder.OBJECT_TYPE, params);
System.out.println("Folder : " + folder.getName());

//Create a file folder

Map params = new HashMap();
IFileFolder ff =
System.out.println("File Folder : " + ff.getName());

2-16 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Loading and Creating Agile PLM Objects

Example 2–21 Creating Items, Manufacturers, Manufacturer Parts, Manufacturer Sites,

Prices, QCRs, and PSRs
//Create an item
IItem part =
(IItem)m_session.createObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, "1000-02");
System.out.println("Item : " + part.getName());

//Create a manufacturer
IManufacturer mfr =
System.out.println("Manufacturer : " + mfr.getName());

//Create a manufacturer part

params.put(ManufacturerPartConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_MANUFACTURER_NAME, "World
IManufacturerPart mfrPart =
(ManufacturerPartConstants.CLASS_MANUFACTURER_PART, params);
System.out.println("ManufacturerPart : " + mfrPart.getName());

//Create a manufacturing site

IManufacturingSite siteHK =
"Hong Kong");
System.out.println("ManufacturingSite : " + siteHK.getName());

//Create a price
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFORMATION_NUMBER, "PRICE10008");
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFORMATION_CUSTOMER, "CUST00006");
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFORMATION_ITEM_NUMBER, "1000-02");
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFORMATION_ITEM_REV, "B");
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFORMATION_PROGRAM, "PROGRAM0023");
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFORMATION_SUPPLIER, "SUP20013");
IPrice price =
(IPrice)m_session.createObject(PriceConstants.CLASS_PUBLISHED_PRICE, params);
System.out.println("Price : " + price.getName());

//Create a program
DateFormat df =
new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy");
IAttribute attr =

//Create a QCR
IAgileList list = attr.getAvailableValues();
list.setSelection(new Object[] {"Fixed"});
params.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_NAME, "Wingspan Program");
params.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_DURATION_TYPE, list);
IProgram program = (IProgram)m_session.createObject(ProgramConstants.CLASS_
PROGRAM, params);
System.out.println("Program : " + program.getName());

Getting Started with Agile API 2-17

Loading and Creating Agile PLM Objects

//Create a PSR
IServiceRequest psr =
System.out.println("PSR : " + psr.getName());
IQualityChangeRequest qcr = (IQualityChangeRequest)m_session.createObject(
QualityChangeRequestConstants.CLASS_CAPA, "CAPA02021");
System.out.println("QCR : " + qcr.getName());

Example 2–22 Creating a Query, Specification, Substance, Transfer Order, User, and
User Group
//Create a query
IFolder parent =
(IFolder)m_session.getObject(IFolder.OBJECT_TYPE, "/Personal Searches");
String condition =

//Create a specification
params.put(QueryConstants.ATT_CRITERIA_CLASS, ItemConstants.CLASS_ITEM_BASE_
params.put(QueryConstants.ATT_CRITERIA_STRING, condition);
params.put(QueryConstants.ATT_PARENT_FOLDER, parent);
params.put(QueryConstants.ATT_QUERY_NAME, "Part Numbers Starting with P");
IQuery query =
"[Title Block.Number] starts with 'P'";
(IQuery)m_session.createObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE, params);
System.out.println("Query : " + query.getName());
ISpecification spec = (ISpecification)
m_session.createObject(SpecificationConstants.CLASS_SPECIFICATION, "WEEE");
System.out.println("Specification : " + spec.getName());

//Create a substance
ISubstance sub =
(ISubstance)m_session.createObject(SubstanceConstants.CLASS_SUBSTANCE, "Cadmium");
System.out.println("Substance : " + spec.getName());

//Create a transfer order

ITransferOrder to =
System.out.println("TransferOrder : " + to.getName());

//Create a user
params.put(UserConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_USER_ID, "OWELLES");
params.put(UserConstants.ATT_LOGIN_PASSWORD, "agile");
IUser user =
(IUser)m_session.createObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, params);
System.out.println("User : " + user.getName());

//Create a user group

params.put(UserGroupConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_NAME, "Designers");
IUserGroup group =
(IUserGroup)m_session.createObject(UserGroupConstants.CLASS_USER_GROUP, params);
System.out.println("UserGroup : " + group.getName());
} catch (APIException ex) {

2-18 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Loading and Creating Agile PLM Objects

Note: You cannot use the Agile API to create a SupplierResponse

Checking the State of Agile PLM Objects

The IStateful interface supports Agile objects that have either Agile Workflow status
or Agile lifecycle phases. Objects that support this interface are routable objects.
Routable objects are:
■ IChange
■ IDeclaration
■ IFileFolder
■ IPackage
■ IProgram
■ IQualityChangeRequest
■ IServiceRequest
■ ITransferOrder
The following example returns an array that shows all states of the object, or null
when they are not defined.

Example 2–23 Getting the array that defines the different states of an object
IChange change =
(IChange)session.getObject(ChangeConstants.CLASS_ECO, "ECO-1000-01");
IWorkflow assignedWorkflow = change.getWorkflow();
IStatus[] allStates = assignedWorkflow.getStates();
for (int i = 0; i < allStates.length; i++) {
System.out.println(i + ", " + allStates[i].getName());

Example 2–24 Getting the current state of the object

IChange change =
(IChange)session.getObject(ChangeConstants.CLASS_ECO, "ECO-1000-01");
IStatus currentStatus = change.getStatus();

Propagating Values to Related Objects

Several objects in Agile PLM have related objects. For example, problem reports and
nonconformance reports have a Related PSR table. On the Related PSR table, you can
specify that a Workflow event should trigger a particular result in a related object,
such as another problem report or noncomformance report. The triggered result does
not occur instantaneously. In fact, there may be a noticeable delay (perhaps several
seconds) in the time it takes Agile PLM to propagate values to related objects.

Saving an Object to a New Object

The Agile API lets you save an existing object as a new object. For example, in addition
to a Save button, a dialog box in your program may have a Save As button, which
saves the data to a new object. When you use the IDataObject.saveAs() method, you

Getting Started with Agile API 2-19

Loading and Creating Agile PLM Objects

must specify the subclass that you are using to save the object and the object number.
If the subclass supports it, you can use an AutoNumber.
This example shows how to save the current object to a new object using the next
AutoNumber for the specified subclass.

Example 2–25 Saving an object as a new object

// Load an existing customer
ICustomer cust1 =
(ICustomer)m_session.getObject(ICustomer.OBJECT_TYPE, "CUST00006");

//Create a Map object to store parameters

Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(CustomerConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_CUSTOMER_NUMBER, "CUST00007");
params.put(CustomerConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_CUSTOMER_NAME, "Wang Widgets");

// Save the customer

ICustomer cust2 =
(ICustomer)cust1.saveAs(CustomerConstants.CLASS_CUSTOMER, params);

Sharing an Object
The IShareable interface is implemented by every Agile PLM business object that is
exposed by Agile APIs. Therefore, every business object sharable. Sharing enables you
to grant one or more of your roles to another Agile PLM user or an Agile PLM user
group for a specific object. The roles you can assign when you share an object include
your assigned or permanent roles and any roles assigned to you from membership in a
user group.
Users that have shared an object, can perform actions permitted by the roles for that
object only. They do not acquire the roles in a global fashion.
The IShareable interface has only two methods, getUsersAndRoles() and
setUsersAndRoles(). The getUsersAndRoles() method returns a Map object. Each user
in the Map has an associated array of roles. The setUsersAndRoles()method has one
parameter, a Map object which similar to the Map returned by getUsersAndRoles()
which maps each user to an array of roles. Each user can be assigned a different
selection of roles.
There are two method, getDataForSharing() and shareItem() for this sample.
Corrected the method name getDataForSharing() and added comment for each
method in the guide

Example 2–26 Sharing an object

* Set a specific item as shareable
private void setDataForSharing() throws Exception {

//Get item
IItem item = (IItem)m_session.getObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_ITEM_BASE_CLASS,

//Get users
IUser user1 = (IUser)m_session.getObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, "albertl");
IUser user2 = (IUser)m_session.getObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, "peterl");
IUser[] users = new IUser[]{user1, user2};

2-20 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Loading and Creating Agile PLM Objects

//Get roles
INode nodeRoles = (INode)m_session.getAdminInstance().getNode(NodeConstants.NODE_
IRole role1 = (IRole)nodeRoles.getChildNode("Component Engineer");
IRole role2 = (IRole)nodeRoles.getChildNode("Incorporator");
IRole[] roles = new IRole[]{role1, role2};

//Share the item

shareItem(item, users, roles);

* Share the specified Item for specified users with specified roles
private void shareItem(IItem item,IUser[] users, IRole[] roles) throws Exception {
Map map = new HashMap();
for (int i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
map.put(users[i], roles);
IShareable shareObj = (IShareable)item;

Note: Each user and user group has a Share table that lists objects
that have been shared and which roles have been granted for those

Deleting and Undeleting Objects

The Agile API, like Agile Web Client, lets you delete and undelete objects. To delete
and undelete an object, you must have Delete and Undelete privileges, respectively, for
the particular object type.
The Agile API supports “soft” and “hard” deletes. The first time you delete an object,
it is “soft-deleted.” Though it is marked “Deleted” in the database, it is not
permanently removed. You can still retrieve a soft-deleted object; for example, you
could use the IAgileSession.getObject() method to get a deleted object. When you
run a query, soft-deleted objects are not included in the query results. However, Agile
provides predefined queries (such as the Deleted Items query in the Change Analyst
Searches folder) that let you find deleted objects.
To remove an object permanently, you delete it a second time, which is a “hard” delete.
Once you hard-delete an object, you cannot restore it using the
IDataObject.undelete() method.
Not all Agile PLM objects can be deleted. For example, the following objects cannot be
deleted. If you attempt to delete one of these objects, the delete() method throws an
■ An item with a pending change
■ An item with a revision history
■ An item with a canceled change
■ An item with an AML
■ A released change
■ A manufacturer part currently used on the Manufacturers tab of another object

Getting Started with Agile API 2-21

Loading and Creating Agile PLM Objects

■ A manufacturer with one or more manufacturer parts

If you try to delete an Item that is used on the BOM tab of another item, the Agile PLM
server throws an exception whose ID is ExceptionConstants.APDM_
DELETECOMPINUSE_WARNING. The following example shows how to disable this warning
and delete the item.

Example 2–27 Deleting an Item

IItem item = (IItem)session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, "1000-02");

// Delete the Item

} catch (APIException ex) {

// Check for "Item is Used" warning

if (ex.getErrorCode() ==
int i = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "This Item is used by another Item. "
"Would you still like to delete it?", "Item is Used Warning", JOptionPane.YES_NO_
if (i == 0) {
try {
// Disable "Item is Used" warning

// Delete the object

// Enable "Item is Used" warning

To restore an object that has been soft-deleted, use the IDataObject.undelete() method.
Once again, to undelete an object, the user must have Undelete privileges for that
object type. However, soft-deleted changes that have items on the Affected Items tab
cannot be restored, regardless of the user's privileges. The following example shows
how to undelete an object that has been deleted.

Example 2–28 Undeleting an object

IItem item = (IItem)session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, "1000-02");
if (item.isDeleted()) {
// Restore the object

Closing a Session
Each Agile PLM user can open up to three concurrent sessions. Therefore, each session
that you open using the Agile API should be closed properly. If you fail to close a
session properly, you may not be able to log in with a new session until one of the
concurrent sessions time out.

Example 2–29 Closing a session

public void disconnect(IAgileSession m_session) {

2-22 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Creating and Loading Queries

This chapter includes the following:

■ About Queries
■ Creating a Query
■ Saving a Query to a Folder
■ Generating Ordered (sorted) or Unordered Query Results
■ Specifying Query Attributes when Creating a Query
■ Specifying Search Criteria
■ Using SQL Syntax for Search Criteria
■ Setting Result Attributes for a Query
■ Working with Query Results
■ Creating a Where-Used Query
■ Loading a Query
■ Deleting a Query
■ Simple Query Examples

About Queries
An IQuery is an object that defines how to search for Agile PLM data. It defines a
search similar to the searches that you can use in Agile Web Client. The search can
have multiple search criteria (like an Advanced Search in Agile Web Client), or it can
be a simple search that specifies only one criterion.

Creating a Query
To create and execute a query, you must first create an IQuery object. Similar to other
Agile API objects, you create the object with the IAgileSession.createObject()
In its simplest form, parameters that you pass with the createObject()method to
create a query, are the IQuery object type and the query class used in the search, and
the IQuery.Object_Type defines that the next parameter is the query class.
In Example 3–1, the query class is the Item class.

Creating and Loading Queries 3-1

Saving a Query to a Folder

Example 3–1 Creating a Query

IQuery query =
query.setCriteria("[Title Block.Number] starts with 'P'");
ITable results = query.execute();

The query class you specify with the createObject() method also includes objects
from all of its subclasses. For example, if you search for objects in the Item class, the
results include parts and documents. If you search for objects in the Change class, the
results include objects from all Change subclasses (Deviation, ECO, ECR, MCO, PCO,
SCO, and Stop Ship). If you want to search only a specific subclass, you should
explicitly specify that class.
The following example shows how to create a query that searches for objects in a
subclass named Foobar:

Example 3–2 Specifying the query subclass called Foobar

IAdmin admin = m_session.getAdminInstance();
IAgileClass cls = admin.getAgileClass("Foobar");
IQuery query = (IQuery)m_session.createObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE, cls);

Saving a Query to a Folder

After you name a query using the IQuery.setName() method, you can add it to a
folder. The following example shows how to name a query and add it to the Personal
Searches folder. You can retrieve the query from the folder later to reuse it.

Example 3–3 Naming a query and adding it to a folder

IQuery query =
query.setCriteria("[Title Block.Number] starts with 'P'");
query.setName("Items Whose Number Starts with P");I
Folder folder =
"/Personal Searches");

You can also use the IQuery.saveAs() method to name a query and save it to a folder.

Example 3–4 Using IQuery.saveAs() to save a query to a folder

IQuery query = (IQuery)session.createObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE,
query.setCriteria("[Title Block.Number] starts with 'P'");
IFolder folder = (IFolder)m_session.getObject(IFolder.OBJECT_TYPE,
"/Personal Searches");
query.saveAs("Items Whose Number Starts with P", folder);}
} catch (APIException ex) {

3-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Specifying Query Attributes when Creating a Query

Note: Any query that you create without explicitly saving it to a

folder, is considered a temporary query. The Agile Application will
automatically delete all temporary queries when the user session is

Generating Ordered (sorted) or Unordered Query Results

As shown in examples for "Creating a Query" on page 3-1, executing
IQuery.execute() and IQuery.execute(Object[] params) methods returns an
ordered query result in ITable.
To improve query performance, the SDK provides the following methods to return
results that are not sorted in the default order. However, if the query criteria starts
with conditions, then results are always sorted on that attribute and passing
skipOrdering as true in execute(boolean) does not skip ordering.

Note: To sort query results by other than the default order, see
"Sorting Query Results" on page 3-25.

■ IQuery.execute(boolean skipOrdering)
■ IQuery.execute(Object[] params, boolean skipOrdering)
To skip ordering, or perform ordering, set the boolean skipOrdering to true or false as
shown in the following example.

Example 3–5 Skip ordering in query results

IQuery query =
query.setCriteria("[Title Block.Number] starts with 'P'");

// The boolean is set to true to skip ordering

ITable results = query.execute(true);

Specifying Query Attributes when Creating a Query

Instead of passing only the query class when you create a query, you can use a more
advanced form of the createObject() method and pass a Map object containing one
or more attribute values. The QueryConstants class contains several constants for
query attributes that you can set when you create a query. These are virtual attributes
that do not exist in the Agile PLM database, but you can use them to define the query
at run time.

Table 3–1 Virtual Attributes

ATT_CRITERIA_PARAM Search condition parameter value for a parameterized search
ATT_CRITERIA_STRING Search condition string
ATT_PARENT_FOLDER Parent folder where the query resides

Creating and Loading Queries 3-3

Specifying Search Criteria

The following example shows how to set the query class, search condition, parent
folder, and query name when you create the query.

Example 3–6 Specifying query attributes when you create a query

String condition = "[Title Block.Number] starts with 'P'";
IFolder parent = (IFolder)m_session.getObject(IFolder.OBJECT_TYPE, "/Personal
HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put(QueryConstants.ATT_CRITERIA_STRING, condition);
map.put(QueryConstants.ATT_PARENT_FOLDER, parent);
map.put(QueryConstants.ATT_QUERY_NAME, "Part Numbers Starting with P");
IQuery query = (IQuery)m_session.createObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE, map);
ITable results = query.execute();

Specifying Search Criteria

You can narrow the number of objects returned from a search by specifying search
criteria. If you don't specify search criteria, the query returns references to all objects in
the specified query class. It is a good idea to limit the search criteria as much as
possible, as the amount of data returned could be excessively large, resulting in
decreased performance.
There are three different setCriteria() methods you can use to specify query criteria:
■ setCriteria(ICriteria criteria) - Sets the query criteria from data stored in
the Criteria administrative node. The Criteria administrative node defines reusable
criteria for the Workflows and Privileges, but the nodes can also be used as
ordinary search criteria.

Note: Workflow query is not supported in the current Release of the


■ setCriteria(java.lang.String criteria) - Sets the search criteria from a

specified String.
■ setCriteria(java.lang.String criteria, java.lang.Object[] params) - Sets
the search criteria from a specified String that references one or more parameters.
Unless you use the first setCriteria() method, which takes an ICriteria object for
its parameter, the Agile API parses the search criteria as a String.

Search Conditions
The Agile API provides a simple yet powerful query language for specifying search
criteria. The query language defines the proper syntax for filters, conditions, attribute
references, relational operators, logical operators, and other elements.
Search criteria consist of one or more search conditions. Each search condition contains
the following elements:
1. Left operand - The left operand is always an attribute enclosed in brackets, such as
[Title Block.Number]. You can specify the attribute as an attribute name (fully
qualified name or short name) or attribute ID number. The attribute specifies
which characteristic of the object to use in the search.

3-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Specifying Search Criteria

2. Relational operator - The relational operator defines the relationship that the
attribute has to the specified value, for example, “equal to” or “not equal to.”
3. Right operand - The matching value for the specified attribute in the left operand.
The right operand can be a constant expression or a set of constant expressions. A
set of constant expressions is needed if the relational operator is “between,” “not
between,” “in,” or “not in.”
Following are two search condition examples.

Example 3–7 Simple search condition example

[Title Block.Description] == 'Computer’

Example 3–8 Search condition where the right operand is a set of constant expressions
[Page Two.Numeric01] between ('1000', '2000')

Query Language Keywords

When you specify a search condition, you must use proper keywords to construct the
statement. The following keywords are available:

and does less or to

asc equal like order union
between from minus phrase where
by greater none select with
contain in not start word
contains intersect null starts words
desc is of than than

Query language keywords are not localized. You must use English keywords,
regardless of locale. You can use the keywords in lower case or upper case. In addition
to keywords, you can use Agile PLM variables such as $USER (for current user) and
$TODAY (for today's date) in Agile API queries.

Note: The “in“operator does not support MultiList in (set) query


Specifying Search Attributes

Every Agile PLM object that you can search for also has an associated set of attributes,
which are inherent characteristics of the object. You can use these attributes as the left
operand of a search condition. The right operand of the search condition specifies the
attribute's value(s).
A search attribute must be enclosed within brackets, for example, [Title
Block.Number]. The brackets are needed because many attribute names have spaces.
If a search attribute is not enclosed within brackets, your query will fail.
You can specify a search attribute in the following ways:

Creating and Loading Queries 3-5

Specifying Search Criteria

Attribute reference Example

attribute ID number [1001]
fully-qualified attribute name [Title Block.number]
short attribute name [Number]

Note: Because attribute names can be modified, Oracle recommends

referencing attributes by ID number or constant. However, many of
the examples in this chapter reference attributes by name simply to
make them more readable. If you choose to reference attributes by
name, use the fully-qualified attribute name instead of the short name.
Short attribute names are not guaranteed to be unique and could
therefore cause your query to fail or produce unexpected results.

Attribute names, whether you use the long or short form, are case-insensitive. For
example, [Title Block.Number] and [TITLE BLOCK.NUMBER] are both allowed.
Attribute names are also localized. The names of Agile PLM attributes vary based on
the locale of your Agile Application Server. If you are creating a query that is going to
be used on servers in different locales, you should reference attributes by ID number
(or the equivalent constant) instead of by name.

Note: The APIName field, described in "Accessing Metadata Using

the APIName Field" on page 8-3, does not support specifying any
search attributes.

If the attribute name contains special characters, such as quotes or back slashes, you
can type these characters using the backslash (\) as an escape character. For example,
to include a quote character in your string, type \'. If you want to write a backslash,
type two of them together (\\). If the attribute name contains square brackets, enclose
the entire name in quotes:
['Page Two.Unit of Measure [g or oz]']
query.setCriteria("[%0] == 'Computer'", new Object[] { attr });

There are other less intuitive ways to specify an attribute. For example, you can pass in
an IAttribute reference using a parameter of the setCriteria() method. In
Example 3–16, '%0' references the attribute in the Object array parameter.
Also, as shown below you can use String concatenation to reference an attribute
query.setCriteria("[" + ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTION + "] ==

Retrieving Searchable Attributes

The searchable attributes for a query depend on the specified query class or subclass.
However, the searchable attributes for a subclass can differ greatly from searchable
attributes for its parent class.
Due to database considerations, not all attributes are searchable. Generally, users select
Page One attributes such as, Title Page, Cover Page, and General Info which are
searchable for each class.

3-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Specifying Search Criteria

If a tab is not configured in Java Client to be visible, you can still search for an attribute
on that tab in the Agile SDK. However, you must search for the Table name that
corresponds to the Tab name.

Note: Because you use the table name to setup IQuery, it does not
matter if an Agile administrator changes a Tab name from the name
specified in Agile Java Client. Tab name changes do not affect SDK
table names.

To find a query’s searchable attribute:

Use the IQuery.getSearchableAttributes() method.

Note: Even though an attribute may not be searchable, it can still be

included as a column in the query results. For more information, see
"Setting Result Attributes for a Query" on page 3-20.

Retrieving the Sequence ID of a Query

Agile PLM generates sequence IDs for all saved queries. However, these query IDs are
subject to change, because they are associated with new IDs after a Re-order, because
its sequence changes. The following SDK calls get a query’s sequence IDs before and
after a Re-Order. To load these saved queries, see "Loading Saved Queries by their IDs"
on page 3-28.

Example 3–9 Getting the Sequence ID of a Saved Query

//Before Re-order, the id of one saved query QueryA is 1001. The SDK script is as
below when you try to get the QueryA

IQuery query = (IQuery) session.getObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE, new Integer(1001));

Example 3–10 Getting the Sequence ID of a Query after the Re-Order

// After Re-order, the ID of QueryA changes. Assuming it is changed to 102, you
//must modify the SDK script to correctly get QueryA as shown below.

IQuery query = (IQuery) session.getObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE, new Integer(102));

Using Relational Operators

Table below lists relational operators that are supported by the Agile API query
Relational operators are not localized and regardless of locale, you must use the
English keywords. As with other query language keywords, you can use them in the
lower, or upper case.

Table 3–2 Relational operators

English operator Notation Description
equal to == Finds only an exact match with the specified value.
not equal to != Finds any value other than an exact match with the
specified value.
greater than > Finds any value greater than the specified value.

Creating and Loading Queries 3-7

Specifying Search Criteria

Table 3–2 (Cont.) Relational operators

English operator Notation Description
greater than or equal >= Finds any value greater than or equal to the
to specified value.
less than < Finds any value less than the specified value.
less than or equal to <= Finds any value less than or equal to the specified
contains, contains all Finds any value that includes the specified value.
contains any Finds any value that does not include the specified
does not contain any Finds any value that does not include the specified
contains none of Finds any value that includes none of the specified
does not contain none Behaves the same as does not contain any.
starts with Finds values that begin with characters in the
specified value.
does not start with Finds values that do not begin with characters in the
specified value.
is null Finds objects where the selected attribute contains
no value.
is not null Finds objects where the selected attribute contains a
like Performs a wildcard search, finding objects that
match a single character or any string.
not like Performs a wildcard search, finding objects that do
not match a single character or any string.
between Finds objects that fall between the specified values.
not between Finds objects that do not fall between the specified
in Finds objects that match any of the specified values.
not in Finds objects that do not match any of the specified
contains phrase Finds objects with files that contain the specified
contains all words Finds objects with files that contain all of the
specified words.
contains any word Finds objects with files that contain any of the
specified words.
contains none of Finds objects with files that contain none of the
specified words

3-8 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Specifying Search Criteria

Using Unicode Escape Sequences

Agile SDK Query language supports Unicode escape sequences. The primary use of a
Unicode escape sequence in a query string is to search for nonburnable or foreign local
character sets. A Unicode character is represented with the Unicode escape sequence
\uxxxx, where xxxx is a sequence of four hexadecimal digits.
For example, to search for an item with Unicode 3458, use the following query:
Select* from [Items] where [Description] contains '\u3458'
For contains’ usage in the case of a MultiList, the query operation is different.

Using the Between, Not Between, In, and, Not In Operators

The 'between', 'not between', 'in', and 'not in' relational operators are not supported
directly by Agile PLM Java and Web Clients. These relational operators provide a
convenient shorthand method for specifying 'equal to', 'not equal to, 'greater than’
or 'equal to', or 'less than' or 'equal to' operations with a set of values.

Short form Equivalent long form

[Number] between ('1','6') [Number] >= '1' and [Number] <= '6'
[Number] not between ('1','6') [Number] < '1' and [Number] > '6'
[Number] in [Number] == '1' or [Number] == '2' or [Number]
('1','2','3','4',5','6') == '3' or [Number] == '4' or [Number] == '5'
or [Number] == '6'
[Number] not in [Number]!= '1' and [Number] != '2' and
('1','2','3','4','5','6') [Number] != '3' and [Number] != '4' and
[Number] != '5' and [Number] != '6'

As shown in the preceding table, when you use the 'between', 'not between', 'in', and
'not in' relational operators, each value in the set of values must be enclosed in quotes
and delimited by commas. These are additional examples that use 'between' and 'in'
relational operators:
[Title Block.Number] in ('1000-02', '1234-01', '4567-89')
[Title Block.Effectivity Date] between ('01/01/2001', '01/01/2002')
[Page Two.Numeric01] between ('1000', '2000')

Note: The relational operators any, all, none of, and not all are
not supported in the SDK.

Using the Nested Criteria to Search for Values in Object Lists

Several lists in Agile PLM contain business objects, such as Agile PLM users. To search
for an object in such a dynamic list, you can specify nested query criteria. Nested
criteria are enclosed in parentheses and separated from each other by a logical AND
(&&) or OR (||) operator. A comma can also be used to separate nested criteria; it's
equivalent to a logical OR.

Creating and Loading Queries 3-9

Specifying Search Criteria

The following criteria find a user with the first name Christopher OR the last name
[Page Two.Create User] in ([General Info.First Name] == 'Christopher',
[General Info.Last Name] == 'Nolan')

The following criteria find a user with the first name Christopher AND the last name
[Page Two.Create User] in ([General Info.First Name] == 'Christopher' &&
[General Info.Last Name] == 'Nolan')

If Part.Page Three.List01 is enabled and is set to Part Families list, the following
criteria finds a Part Family with the name PartFamily_01.
[Page Three.List01] in ([General Info.Name] == 'PartFamily_01')

The parameter query is not supported in nested queries and multiple values for one
placeholder in query parameters must be specified in two dimensional arrays as
shown in the following correct and incorrect examples of parameter query in nested
query criteria:
■ The parameter query specified in the following nested query criteria will fail to
[Page Two.User1] in ([General Info.First Name] == %0)

■ However, when it is explicitly specified as a string value, instead of the

placeholder, it will succeed:
[Page Two.User1] in ([General Info.First Name] == 'Christopher')

Using Criteria Selected from Criteria Library in SDK Queries

Criteria nodes in Java or Web Client's Criteria library are ICriteria objects that you
can use in SDK queries. To view a listing in Java Client as shown below, select Admin
> Settings > Data Settings > Criteria.

Figure 3–1 The Criteria panel

3-10 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Specifying Search Criteria

The following example gets a Criteria node from the Criteria library and loads and sets
it as the SDK query criteria.

Example 3–11 Using criteria from the Criteria Library in SDK queries
IQuery query = (IQuery) session.createObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE,
IAdmin admin = session.getAdminInstance();
// Get the Criteria Library node
INode criteriaLibrary = admin.getNode(NodeConstants.NODE_CRITERIA_LIBRARY);
// Load the Criteria relevant to the query class (For example it is Items base
ICriteria criteria = (ICriteria) criteriaLibrary.getChild("All Released Items");
// Set the ICriteria in SDK Query Criteria

Using Relationships and Content in SDK Queries

Agile SDK provides APIs to perform the Relationships and Content Search using the
IQuery interface. The query criteria can contain the attributes of both the base search
class and the related class.

To search using an object's Relationships:

1. Set searchType to QueryConstants.RELATIONSHIPS using
IQuery.setSearchType(int searchType).
2. Set the related class using IQuery.setRelatedContentClass(Object

Example 3–12 Using an object's Relationships as the query criteria

IQuery query1 = (IQuery) session.createObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE,
query1.setRelatedContentClass("Substance"); // ID or API Name
query1.setCriteria("[Relationships.Name] Is Not Null and [Title Block.Number]
equals ‘P00001’ and [Relationships.Substance.General Info.Name] Is Not Null");

To search using a Project object's Content:

1. Set searchType to QueryConstants.RELATIONSHIPS using
IQuery.setSearchType(int searchType).
2. Set the related class using IQuery.setRelatedContentClass(Object

Example 3–13 Using a Project object's Content as the query criteria

IQuery query1 = (IQuery) session.createObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE
query1.setRelatedContentClass("ECO"); // ID or API Name
query1.setCriteria("[Content.Criteria Met] Is Not Null and [Content.ECO.Cover
Page.Originator] in ([General Info.First Name] == ‘admin’)

Creating and Loading Queries 3-11

Specifying Search Criteria

To search using a Transfer Orders object's Selected Content:

1. Set searchType to QueryConstants.TRANSFER_ORDER_SELECTED_CONTENT using
IQuery.setSearchType(int searchType).
2. Set the related class using IQuery.setRelatedContentClass(Object

Example 3–14 Using a Transfer Orders object's Selected Content as the query criteria
IQuery query1 = (IQuery) session.createObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE,
query1.setRelatedContentClass("ECR"); // ID or API Name
query1.setCriteria("[Selected Content.ECR.Cover Page.Number] equal to 'C0001'");

Searching for Words or Phrases Contained in Attachments

Two special attributes, [Attachments.File Document Text] and [Files.Document
Text] are used to index files and search for files indexed by File Manager that reside on
the Agile file management server. If you are hosting your database on Oracle, you can
take advantage of a feature that lets you search for words or phrases contained in
attachments, when you create search criteria that use either of these attributes.
There are four additional relational operators that you can use:
■ contains phrase
■ contains all words
■ contains any word
■ contains none of
The following table shows several search conditions that search for words or phrases
in attachments.

Search Condition Finds

[Attachments.File Document Text] Objects in which any of their attachments
contains phrase 'adding new materials' contain the phrase “adding new materials“
all[Attachments.File Document Text] Objects in which all their attachments
contains all words 'adding new materials' contain the words “adding", "new“and
none of [Attachments.File Document Objects in which none of their attachments
Text] contains any word 'containers BOM contain any of the words "containers,"
return output' "BOM," "return," or “output“
[Attachments.File Document Text] Objects in which any of their attachments do
contains none of 'containers BOM output'' not contain the words "containers," "BOM,"
or “output“

3-12 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Specifying Search Criteria

Searching for Orphaned Parts (or Parts without Parents)

Orphaned parts are parts that do not have parents. This arises from the notion that in a
BOM Tree, there are Parents and Children. When the Child part no longer has any
Parents, it is an Orphan part. SDK Provides the following two attributes to enable
retrieving Orphan Parts:
■ Where Used.Item Number[1039] - The null value returns all revision having no
parents and Where [1039] is null.
■ Where Used.Item Number All Revision - The null value returns all revision
having no parents and Where [20W00025272] is null.
The following code sample uses these attributes to retrieve Orphan parts in the current
version and all versions of the BOM.

Example 3–15 Searching for Orphan parts

System.out.println("Where Used.Item Number[1039] =
System.out.println("Where Used.Item Number All Revision[2000025272] =
IAgileSession session =
IQuery query =
query.setCaseSensitive(false);query.setCriteria("[1039] is null");

//query.setCriteria("[2000025272] is null");
ITable results = query.execute();
System.out.println("result size:"+results.size());

Creating a Parameterized Query

When you specify criteria for a query, you can use a number preceded by a percent
sign (%) to indicate a parameter placeholder. The parameter value is specified later, for
example at runtime. Parameters provide a convenient way to pass values to a query,
and they can save time and reduce extra coding. Parameterized queries can be saved
and reused later.

Note: The right hand operand query parameter supports one

placeholder per each query operator, so if the query criteria have three
query operators, then the query can have a total of three placeholders
corresponding to the three operators. The between and not between
query operations are different. For example, [2091] contains none
of (%0,%1); is not allowed, but [2091] contains none of (%0); is
allowed, and query.execute(new Object[]{new Object[]{"B",
"C"}}); is not allowed.

Indexes for query parameters are 0-based. Parameters are numbered 0, 1, 2, and so on.
Always enumerate the parameters in ascending order. The following example shows a
query with three parameters whose values are specified using the
IQuery.execute(Object[]) method.

Creating and Loading Queries 3-13

Specifying Search Criteria

Example 3–16 Parameterized query using IQuery.execute(Object[])

public ITable runParameterizedQuery() throws Exception {
String condition = "[Title Block.Number] starts with %0 and" +
"[Title Block.Part Category] == %1 and" +
"[Title Block.Description] contains %2";
IQuery query = (IQuery)m_session.createObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE,
ITable table = query.execute(new Object[] {"1", "Electrical", "Resistor"});
return table;
You can also specify query parameters using IQuery.setParams() method, as shown
in the following example. Make sure you set the query parameter values before calling
IQuery.execute(). Otherwise, when you run the query it will use previous parameter
values. If parameters have not been set, the query uses null values. Similarly, if you do
not pass any parameters to a query, then the IQuery.getParams() method returns null.

Example 3–17 Parameterized query using IQuery.setParams()

public ITable runParameterizedQuery() throws Exception {
String condition = "[Title Block.Number] starts with %0 and" +
"[Title Block.Part Category] == %1 and" +
"[Title Block.Description] contains %2";
IQuery query =
IQuery) m_session.createObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE, ItemConstants.CLASS_ PART);
query.setParams(new Object[] {"1", "Electrical", "Resistor"});
ITable table = query.execute();
return table;

Do not use quote characters around parameterized queries because they will create a
set of values (more than one element) for the query when parameters can only refer to
a given value. The following examples show the proper use of quote characters when
creating parameterized queries:

Example 3–18 Correct use of quote characters in a parameterized search query

String criteria = "[NUMBER] == %0";
query.execute(new Object[]{"P1000-02"});
String criteria = "[P2.LIST01] in %0";
query.execute(new Object[]{new Object[]{"A1", "B2"}});

Formatting Dates in Query Criteria

Several types of queries require date values. To pass a date as a String, use the
IAgileSession.setDateFormats() method to specify a date format. The
setDateFormats() method also applies to all Agile API values that you specify with
setValue() methods.

Note: If you do not set date formats explicitly using the

setDateFormats() method, the Agile API uses the user's date format
for the Agile PLM system. To see your date format in Agile Web
Client, choose Settings > User Profile and then click the Preferences

3-14 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Specifying Search Criteria

Example 3–19 Setting the date format for a query

m_session.setDateFormats(new DateFormat[] {new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy")});
query.setCriteria("[Title Block.Rev Release Date] between” +
“('9/2/2001', '9/2/2003')");
query.setCriteria("[Title Block.Rev Release Date] between (%0,%1)", new String[]
{"9/2/2001", "9/2/2003')");

Alternatively, if you use the setCriteria(String criteria, Object[] params)

method, you can pass Date objects as parameters to the method.

Example 3–20 Passing Date objects as parameters of setCriteria()

DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
query.setCriteria("[Title Block.Rev Release Date] between (%0,%1)",
new Object[] { df.parse("9/2/2001"), df.parse("9/2/2003") });

Using Logical Operators

You can use logical operators to combine multiple search conditions into a complex
filter. When you have two or more conditions defined in a set of query criteria, the
relationship between them is defined as either 'and' or ''.
■ and narrows the search by requiring that both conditions are met. Each item in the
results must match both conditions. The 'and' logical operator can also be specified
using two ampersands, '&&'.
■ or broadens the search by including any object that meets either condition. Each
item in the results table needs to match only one of the conditions, but may match
both. The 'or' logical operator can also be specified using two vertical bars, '||'.
Logical operators are case-insensitive. For example, 'and' or 'AND' are both allowed.
The following query criteria finds parts that have both a part category equal to
Electrical and a lifecycle phase equal to Inactive.
[Title Block.Part Category] == 'Electrical'
[Title Block.Lifecycle Phase] == 'Inactive'
If you replace the 'and' operator with 'or', the query locates all parts with either a part
category of Electrical or a lifecycle phase of Inactive, which could be a large number of
[Title Block.Part Category] == 'Electrical'
[Title Block.Lifecycle Phase] == 'Inactive'

Note: The Agile API provides three where-used set operators. For
more information, see "Creating a Where-Used Query" on page 3-27.
Logical operators, including the where-used set operators, are not
localized. You must use English keywords, regardless of locale.

Creating and Loading Queries 3-15

Specifying Search Criteria

Using Wildcard Characters with the Like Operator

If you define a search condition using the 'like' operator, you can use two wildcard
characters: the asterisk (*) and question mark (?). The asterisk matches any string of
any length, so *at finds cat, splat, and big hat.
For example, [Title Block.Description] like '*book*'returns all objects that
contain the word “book,” such as textbook, bookstore, books, and so on.
The question mark matches any single character. For example, “?at” finds hat, cat, and
fat, but not splat. For example, [Title Block.Description] like '?al*' matches
any word containing “al” that is preceded by a single letter, such as tall, wall, mall,
calendar, and so on.

Using Parentheses in Search Criteria

Where-used, set operators have higher priority than and as well as the or logical
operators, as shown by the following table.

Priority Operator(s)
1 union
2 and

Therefore, search conditions joined by union, intersection, and minusand operators

are evaluated before conditions joined by or or.
If you use where-used set operators ('union', 'intersect', or 'minus') in search criteria,
you can use parentheses to change the order that criteria are evaluated. If only 'and' or
'or' logical operators are used in a search criteria, additional parentheses aren't needed
because they do not change the result of criteria evaluation.
The following two criteria, although they contain the same search conditions, they
provide different results, because parentheses are placed differently:
([Title Block.Part Category] == 'Electrical' and
[Title Block.Description] contains 'Resistor') union
([Title Block.Description] contains '400' and
[Title Block.Product Line(s)] contains 'Taurus')
[Title Block.Part Category] == 'Electrical' and
([Title Block.Description] contains 'Resistor' union
[Title Block.Description] contains '400') and
[Title Block.Product Line(s)] contains 'Taurus'

3-16 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Using SQL Syntax for Search Criteria

Setting Search Criteria for Lists Containing Large Numbers of Objects

When using the SDK to query lists that contain a large number of objects, you can
improve performance if you use the object ID in the query criteria to set the value for
the list. For example, you can replace this routine:
query.setCriteria("[Page Three.List25] equal to 'Administrator (admin)'");
with the following to improve performance:
IUser user = (IUser)session.getObject(IUser.OBJECT_TYPE, “admin”);
query.setCriteria(“[Page Three.List25] equal to “+user.getObjectId());

Using SQL Syntax for Search Criteria

In addition to its standard query language, the Agile API also supports SQL-like
syntax for search criteria. If you're familiar with how to write SQL statements, you
may find this extended query language easier to work with, more flexible, and more
powerful. It combines in one operation the specification of the query result attributes,
the query class, the search condition, and the sort column(s).
This is a simple example that demonstrates the syntax:
■ Query result attributes: SELECT [Title Block.Number], [Title
■ Query class: FROM [Items]
■ Search condition: WHERE [Title Block.Number] starts with 'P'
■ Sort column(s): ORDER BY 1 asc
To improve readability, it's recommended that SQL key words such as SELECT and
FROM are all typed using capital letters and each part of the statement appears on a
separate line. This is merely a convention, not a requirement. SQL key words are not
case-sensitive, and you can write the entire query string on one line if you prefer.
The best way to demonstrate the advantages of SQL syntax is to compare the code for
a query that uses standard Agile API query syntax for search criteria with one that
uses the SQL syntax. This is an example of a query created using the standard Agile
API query syntax:

Example 3–21 Query using the standard Agile API query syntax
try {
IQuery query = (IQuery)m_session.createObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE, "Items");
query.setCriteria("[Page Two.Nummeric01] between (1000, 2000)");
//Set result attributes
String[] attrs = { "Title Block.Number", "Title Block.Description",
//Run the query
ITable results = query.execute();
} catch (APIException ex) {

Creating and Loading Queries 3-17

Using SQL Syntax for Search Criteria

This example shows the same query rewritten in SQL syntax. Although, the example
does not contain fewer lines of code, it is more readable than Agile API query syntax.
This is particularly true, if ones is familiar with SQL.

Example 3–22 Query using the SQL syntax

try {
IQuery query = (IQuery)m_session.createObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE,
"[Title Block.Number],[Title Block.Description], " +
"[Title Block.Lifecycle Phase] " +
"FROM " +
"[Items] " +
"WHERE " +
"Page Two.Numeric01 between (1000, 2000)"
//Run the query
ITable results = query.execute();
} catch (APIException ex) {

The following example shows a query written with SQL syntax that specifies the
search criteria using the ATT_CRITERIA_STRING query attribute. For more information
about how to use query attributes, see Specifying Query Attributes when Creating a

Example 3–23 Using SQL syntax to specify query attributes

try {
String statement =
"[Title Block.Number], [Title Block.Description] " +
"FROM " +
"[Items] " +
"WHERE " +
"[Title Block.Description] like %0";
HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put(QueryConstants.ATT_CRITERIA_STRING, statement);
map.put(QueryConstants.ATT_CRITERIA_PARAM, new Object[] { "Comp*" } );
IQuery query = (IQuery)m_session.createObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE, map);
ITable results = query.execute();
} catch (APIException ex) {

Note: Recall, the FROM part of the search condition specifies the query
class. If you use the ATT_CRITERIA_CLASS attribute to also specify a
query class, the query class specified in the SQL search condition takes

3-18 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Using SQL Syntax for Search Criteria

Although you can use the IQuery.setCriteria() method to specify a search condition
in SQL syntax, the IQuery.getCriteria()method always returns the search condition
in the standard Agile API query syntax.

Using SQL Wildcards

You can use both the asterisk (*) and question mark (?) wild cards in a query that uses
SQL syntax. As in standard Agile API query language, the asterisk matches any string
and the question mark matches any single character. You can use wild cards in the
SELECT statement (the specified query result attributes) and the WHERE statement (the
search condition). For example, “SELECT *” specifies all available query result

Sorting Query Results Using SQL Syntax

If you specify search criteria using SQL syntax instead of the standard Agile API query
language, you can use the ORDER BY keyword to sort the query results. You can sort the
results in ascending or descending order by any attributes specified in the SELECT
In the ORDER BY statement, refer to attributes by the one-based numerical order in
which they appear in the SELECT statement. To specify whether to sort in ascending
or descending order, type “asc“or “desc“after the attribute number. If “asc" or "desc"
is omitted, ascending order is used by default.

Example Description
ORDER BY 1 Sort by the first SELECT attribute in ascending order (the default)
ORDER BY 2 desc Sort by the second SELECT attribute in descending order
ORDER BY 1 asc, 3 desc Sort by the first SELECT attribute in ascending order and the third
SELECT attribute in descending order

Attributes not specified in the SELECT statement cannot be used to sort query results.
Also, if you use “SELECT *” to select all available result attributes, the results cannot
be sorted because the attribute order is undefined.
The following example sorts results in ascending order by [Title Block.Number] and
[Title Block.Number], the first and third attributes in the SELECT statement.

Example 3–24 Using SQL syntax to sort query results

IQuery query =
(IQuery)m_session.createObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE,"SELECT " +
"[Title Block.Number],[Title Block.Description], " +
"[Title Block.Sites],[Title Block.Lifecycle Phase] " +
"FROM " +
"[Items] " +
"WHERE " +
"Page Two.Nummeric01 between (1000, 2000)" +
"1, 3"

Creating and Loading Queries 3-19

Setting Result Attributes for a Query

Setting Result Attributes for a Query

When you run a query, it returns several output fields, which are also called result
attributes. By default, there are only a few result attributes for each query class. You
can add or remove result attributes using the IQuery.setResultAttributes()
The following table shows the default query result attributes for each predefined Agile
PLM class.

Table 3–3 Default result attributes

Query class Default result attributes
Changes Cover Page.Change Type
Cover Page.Number
Cover Page.Description
Cover Page.Status
Cover Page.Workflow
Customers General Info.Customer Type
General Info.Customer Number
General Info.Customer Name
General Info.Description
General Info.Lifecycle Phase
Declarations Cover Page.Name
Cover Page.Description
Cover Page.Supplier
Cover Page.Status
Cover Page.Workflow
Cover Page.Compliance Manager
Cover Page.Due Date
Cover Page.Declaration Type
Discussions Cover Page.Subject
Cover Page.Status
Cover Page.Priority
Cover Page.Type
File Folders Title Block.Type
Title Block.Number
Title Block.Description
Title Block.Lifecycle Phase
Items Title Block.Item Type
Title Block.Number
Title Block.Description
Title Block.Lifecycle Phase
Title Block.Rev

3-20 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Setting Result Attributes for a Query

Table 3–3 (Cont.) Default result attributes

Query class Default result attributes
Manufacturers General Info.Name
General Info.City
General Info.State
General Info.Lifecycle Phase
General Info.URL
Manufacturer Parts General Info.Manufacturer Part Number
General Info.Manufacturer Name
General Info.Description
General Info.Lifecycle Phase
Packages Cover Page.Package Number
Cover Page.Description
Cover Page.Assembly Number
Cover Page.Status
Cover Page.Workflow
Part Groups General Info.Name
General Info.Description
General Info.Lifecycle Phase
General Info.Commodity Type
General Info.Overall Compliance
Prices General Info.Price Number
General Info.Description
General Info.Rev
General Info.Price Type
General Info.Lifecycle Phase
General Info.Projects
General Info.Customer
General Info.Supplier
Product Service Requests Cover Page.PSR Type
Cover Page.Number
Cover Page.Description
Cover Page.Status
Cover Page.Workflow
Projects General Info.Name
General Info.Description
General Info.Status
General Info.Health
General Info.Owner
General Info.Root Parent
General Info.Workflow
General Info.Type

Creating and Loading Queries 3-21

Setting Result Attributes for a Query

Table 3–3 (Cont.) Default result attributes

Query class Default result attributes
Sourcing Projects General Info.Project Type
General Info.Number
General Info.Description
General Info.Manufacturing Site
General Info.Ship To Location
General Info.Projects
General Info.Customer
General Info.Lifecycle Phase
Quality Change Requests Cover Page.QCR Type
Cover Page.QCR Number
Cover Page.Description
Cover Page.Status
Cover Page.Workflow
RFQ Responses Cover Page.RFQ Number
Cover Page.RFQ Description
Cover Page.Lifecycle Phase
Cover Page.Requested
Cover Page.Completed
Cover Page.Due Date
RFQs Cover Page.RFQ Number
Cover Page.RFQ Description
Cover Page.MFG Site
Cover Page.Ship-To Location
Cover Page.Projects
Cover Page.Customer
Cover Page.Lifecycle Phase
Cover Page.RFQ Type
Sites General Info.Name
General Info.Contact
General Info.Phone
Specifications General Info.Name
General Info.Description
General Info.Lifecycle Phase
General Info.Jurisdictions
General Info.Validation Type
General Info.Specification Type
Substances General Info.Name
General Info.Description
General Info.CAS Number
General Info.Lifecycle Phase
General Info.Substance Type

3-22 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Setting Result Attributes for a Query

Table 3–3 (Cont.) Default result attributes

Query class Default result attributes
Suppliers General Info.Supplier Type
General Info.Number
General Info.Name
General Info.Description
General Info.Status
Transfer Orders Cover Page.Transfer Order Type (See "Retrieving the CTO
Originator Name" on page 3-24.)
Cover Page.Transfer Order Number
Cover Page.Description
Cover Page.Status
Cover Page.Workflow

Specifying Result Attributes

If you run a query and find that the resulting ITable object does not contain the
attributes you expected, it's because you didn't specify result attributes. The following
example shows how to specify the result attributes for a query.

Example 3–25 Setting query result attributes

private void setQueryResultColumns(IQuery query) throws APIException {
// Get Admin instance
IAdmin admin = m_session.getAdminInstance();
// Get the Part class
IAgileClass cls = admin.getAgileClass("Part");
// Get some Part attributes, including Page Two and Page Three attributes
IAribute attr1 = cls.getAttribute(ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_NUMBER);
IAribute attr2 = cls.getAttribute(ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTION);
IAribute attr3 = cls.getAttribute(ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_LIFECYCLE_
IAttribute attr4 = cls.getAttribute(ItemConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_TEXT01);
IAttribute attr5 = cls.getAttribute(ItemConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_NUMERIC01);
IAttribute attr6 = cls.getAttribute(ItemConstants.ATT_PAGE_THREE_TEXT01);
// Put the attributes into an array
IAttribute[] attrs = {attr1, attr2, attr3, attr4, attr5, attr6};
// Set the result attributes for the query

When you use the setResultAttributes() method, make sure you specify valid
result attributes. Otherwise, the setResultAttributes() method will fail. To get an
array of available result attributes that can be used for a query, use
getResultAttributes() , as shown in the following example.

Example 3–26 Example: Getting the array of available result attributes

APIException {
IAttribute[] attrs = query.getResultAttributes(true); return attrs;

Creating and Loading Queries 3-23

Working with Query Results

Retrieving the CTO Originator Name

Routable objects such as the Cover Page of the Content Transfer Order (CTO) includes
the Originator field which specifies roles and site assignments of users who originate
CTOs. To retrieve the user name, you can not query this field directly and need to
retrieve data in UserConstants. For example, the following statement which attempts
to retrieve the user name directly, will not work:
QueryString = ("[Cover Page.Originator] equal to '<Last_name>, <First_
But the following statements which also specify the data in UserConstants will work:
QueryString = "[Cover Page.Originator] in (["+UserConstants.ATT_GENERAL_
QueryString = “[Cover Page.Originator] in ([“+UserConstants.ATT_GENERAL_
The query criteria for any innumerable attribute type such as IItem, IChange, and so
on, is necessarily in a nested form. This applies to the Originator attribute which
points to Agile All users.

Duplicate Results for Site-Related Objects and AMLs

The manufacturing sites functionality of the Agile Application Server can have
unintended results when you search for items or changes. If you search for items or
changes and include a sites attribute ([Title Block.Site] for items and [Cover
Page.Site(s)] for changes) in the result attributes, the query results include duplicate
objects for each site associated with the object. Similarly, if you search for items and
include an AML attribute-such as [Manufacturers.Mfr. Part Number] in the result
attributes, the query results include duplicate items for each manufacturer part listed
on an item's Manufacturers table.
For example, a part with the number 1000-02 has five sites associated with it. If you
search for that part and include Title Block.Site in the result attributes, the
resulting ITable object returned by the IQuery.execute method contains five rows,
not one. Each row references the same object, part number 1000-02, but the Site cell has
a different value. If you use ITable.getReferentIterator to iterate through
referenced objects in the search results, the duplicate objects would be more apparent;
in this example, you would iterate over the same item five times.

Working with Query Results

When you run a query, the Agile API returns an ITable object, which extends
java.Util.Collection. You can use the methods of ITable and of
java.Util.Collection to work with the results. For example, the following code
shows how to use the Collection.iterator() method.
Iterator it = query.execute().iterator();

3-24 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Query Results

The ITwoWayIterator interface enables you to traverse the list of rows in either
direction, using the next() and previous() methods.
■ ITwoWayIterator it = query.execute().getTableIterator();
■ ITwoWayIterator it = query.execute().getReferentIterator();
For more information about using ITwoWayIterator, see "Iterating Over Table Rows"
on page 4-13.

Sorting Query Results

Unlike other Agile API tables, you cannot create a sorted Iterator for query results
using the ITable.ISortBy interface. To sort query results, use SQL syntax and specify
an ORDER BY statement with the search criteria. For more information, see "Using SQL
Syntax for Search Criteria" on page 3-17.

Query Result Datatypes

Values in a query results table have the same datatype as their attributes. That is, if an
attribute's datatype is an Integer, its value in a query results table is also an Integer.

Important: In Agile 9.0 SDK, all values in a query results table were
strings, but in post Agile 9.2, these values were converted to integers.

Using Admin Preferences Attributes to Manage Queries and Reports

Using PLM's Java Client, a user with Admin privileges can set the following
Administrator Preferences by selecting Admin > Server Settings > Preferences and
any one of these or other supported Preference. You can also set the above three
Admin Preferences attributes from the SDK.
■ Maximum Query Results Displayed
■ Maximum BOM Reports Results
■ Search Based on (Table or Row)
For more information about Admin Preferences (Systemwide Preferences), settings,
and returned values, refer to Agile PLM Administrator Guide. For SDK-related
descriptions and procedures, see "Setting the Maximum Query Results Displayed" on
page 3-25, "Setting Maximum BOM Report Results" on page 3-26, and "Selecting
Search Results Based on Table or Row" on page 3-26.

Setting the Maximum Query Results Displayed

This preference sets a limit on the maximum number of rows that are returned by a
query and displayed on the monitor. However, this preference does not affect Agile
PLM Clients. Queries that you run from an Agile SDK Client always return all results.
That is, although you can access the entire query result set with the returned ITable
object, the Agile API internally manages retrieving partial results when necessary. For
example, if a particular query returns 5000 records, you can use the ITable interface to
access any of these 5000 rows, regardless of how many of the 5000 rows the Agile API
actually loaded into memory.

Creating and Loading Queries 3-25

Working with Query Results

Note: Searches that you run from other Agile PLM Clients, such as
Agile Web Client, adhere to the limit set in the Maximum Query
Results Displayed preference.

Setting Maximum BOM Report Results

This Admin Preference is based on the Maximum Report Results attribute which
determines the maximum number of objects displayed in Agile PLM Custom Reports.
This preference does not apply to Standard Reports and is overridden by the Full
Search Display (FSD) privilege. For more information, refer to Agile PLM Administrator

Note: Users with the FSD privilege see all results of reports; also, all
privilege checking is bypassed on users with this privilege when they
view report results. Users without the FSD privilege see the maximum
number of reports specified in this property.

This Preference uses the Property.Constants.PROP_MAXIMUM_BOM_REPORT_RESULTS

attribute to set a limit on the maximum number of BOM Report Results returned.

Example 3–27 Setting Property.Constants.PROP_MAXIMUM_BOM_REPORT_RESULTS

Example: /* This example sets the maximum BOM Report Results to 666 */
public static void testMaxBomReportResults() throws Exception {
INode preferences =
prop =
Object original = prop.getValue();
System.out.println("Current MaxBomReportResults value:" + original);
System.out.println("Changed MaxBomReportResults to:" + prop.getValue());

Selecting Search Results Based on Table or Row

This preference uses the PropertyConstants.PROP_SEARCH_BASED_ON attribute to set
the search based on Property, where Property is a list and valid values are “Table” and

Example 3–28 Setting PropertyConstants.PROP_SEARCH_BASED_ON Table or Row

public static void testSearchBasedOn() throws Exception {
INode preferences = session.getAdminInstance().getNode(NodeConstants.NODE_
prop =
Object original = prop.getValue();
System.out.println("Current Search Based On value:" + original);
IAgileList list = prop.getAvailableValues();
// Valid values are "Table" and "Row"
list.setSelection(new Object[] {"Table"});
System.out.println("Changed Search Based On property to:" + prop.getValue());

3-26 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Creating a Where-Used Query

Query Performance
The response time for running queries can be the biggest bottleneck in your Agile API
program. To improve performance, you should try to construct queries that return no
more than a few hundred results. A query that returns more than a 1000 results can
take several minutes to finish processing. Such queries also eat up valuable processing
on the Agile Application Server, potentially slowing down your server for all users.

Creating a Where-Used Query

Previous sections of this chapter described how to create queries that search for Agile
PLM objects, for example, items or changes. You can also create where-used queries. In
a where-used query, the search conditions define the items that appear on the BOMs of
objects. You can use a where-used query to find the assemblies on which a particular
part is used.
The interface for a where-used query is similar to a standard object query. With minor
changes, you can turn an object query into a where-used query as long as the query
class is an Item class.

Note: Where-used queries are only defined for Item classes.

To define a where-used query, use the IQuery.setSearchType() method. You can also
use the following logical operators, also called where-used set operators, to further
define the relationships between grouped sets of search conditions. Only one logical
operator can be used for each search condition.

Table 3–4 Where-used operators

Where Used set operator Description
intersect Produces records that appear in both result sets from two
different groups of search conditions.
minus Produces records that result from the first group of search
conditions but not the second.
union Produces records that are the combination of results from two
groups of search conditions.

Note: Where-used set operators have higher priority than other

logical operators. Therefore, search conditions joined by where-used
set operations are evaluated before those joined by “AND” or “OR”

Example 3–29 A Where-used query

IQuery wuquery =
(IQuery)m_session.createObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE, ItemConstants.CLASS_

// Set the where-used type


// Add query criteria

"[Title Block.Part Category] == 'Electrical'" +

Creating and Loading Queries 3-27

Loading a Query

"and [Title Block.Description] contains 'Resistor'" +

"union [Title Block.Description] contains '400'" +
"and [Title Block.Product Line(s)] contains 'Taurus'");

// Run the query

ITable results = wuquery.execute();

Loading a Query
There are two ways to load a query:
■ Using the IAgileSession.getObject() method to specify the full path of a query.
■ Using the IFolder.getChild() method to specify the location of a query relative
to a folder.
The following example shows how to load a query by specifying its full path.

Example 3–30 Loading a query using IAgileSession.getObject()

IQuery query =
(IQuery)m_session.getObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE,"/Workflow Routings/Changes
Submitted To Me");

The following example loads a query using IFolder.getChild().

Example 3–31 Loading a query using IFolder.getChild()

//Get the Workflow Routings folder
IFolder folder =
(IFolder)m_session.getObject(IFolder.OBJECT_TYPE, "/Workflow Routings");

//Load the "Changes Submitted to Me" query

IQuery query =
(IQuery)folder.getChild("Changes Submitted To Me");}

Loading Saved Queries by their IDs

The following two code samples show how to load a saved query by its ID. Oracle
recommends loading these saved queries by specifying the full path of the query as
shown in Example 3-30

Example 3–32 Loading a Saved Query by its ID

// Before Re-order, the sequence id of one saved query QueryA is 61000354.
// The SDK script as shown below when you try to get the QueryA
IQuery query =
(IQuery) session.getObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE, new Integer(61000354));

Example 3–33 Loading a Saved Query by its ID after a Re-Order

/* After a Re-order, the sequence ID of QueryA is changed. Assuming 1002,
* it is changed to customer needs to modify the SDK script to use the new
*/ sequence id of QueryA as shown below.

IQuery query =
(IQuery) session.getObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE, new Integer(1002));

3-28 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Simple Query Examples

Deleting Saved Queries

To delete a saved query, use the IQuery.delete() method. Temporary queries, that is,
queries that are created but not saved to a folder are automatically deleted after the
user session is closed. For lengthy sessions, you can use the delete()method to
explicitly delete a temporary query after you're finished running it.

Example 3–34 Deleting a query

void deleteQuery(IQuery query) throws APIException {

Simple Query Examples

Figure 3–2 An example of a dialog box that performs a simple query.

The Simple Query dialog box enables the user to specify an item number as the search
criteria. When you click the Find button, the program constructs a query to find all
items that contain the specified text in the Item# (Item number) field. This example
shows the code that runs the query when the user clicks the Find button.

Example 3–35 A simple Query code

void btnFind_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
try {

// Create the query

IQuery query =

// Turn off case-sensitivity


// Specify the criteria data

query.setCriteria("[Title Block.Number] contains (%0)",
new String[] { this.txtItemNum.getText().toString() });

// Run the query

ITable queryResults = query.execute();
Iterator i = queryResults.iterator();

// If there are no matching items, display an error message.

if (!i.hasNext()) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "No matching items.", "Error",

Creating and Loading Queries 3-29

Simple Query Examples

// Define arrays for the table data

final String[] names = {"Item Number", "Item Description"};
final Object[][] data = new Object[resultCount][names.length];
int j = 0;
while (i.hasNext()) {
IRow row = (IRow);
data[j][0] =
data[j][1] =
catch (APIException ex) {

// Create a table model

TableModel newDataModel = new AbstractTableModel() {

// Add code here to implement the table model


// Populate the table with data from the table model


3-30 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Tables

This chapter includes the following:

■ About Tables
■ Retrieving a Table
■ Accessing the New and Merged Relationships Tables
■ Retrieving the Metadata of a Table
■ Adding Table Rows
■ Adding and Updating Multiple Table Rows
■ Managing PSR Affected Items Tables with Bulk Edit APIs
■ Iterating Over Table Rows
■ Sorting Table Rows
■ Removing Table Rows
■ Retrieving the Referenced Object for a Row
■ Checking the Status Flags of a Row
■ Working with Page 1, Page 2, and Page 3
■ Getting and Setting Revisions and Flags
■ Redlining
■ Removing Redline Changes
■ Identifying Redlined Rows and Redlined Cells

About Tables
Whenever you work with an Agile PLM object in your program, you inevitably need
to get and display the object's data. The data is contained in one or more tables. In
Agile Web Client, these tables are equivalent to the separate tabs in a window, such as
the Manufacturers and BOM tabs.

Working with Tables 4-1

About Tables

Figure 4–1 The BOM tab for an item in Agile Web Client.

In some cases, a tab in Agile Web Client contains multiple tables. For example, the
Changes tab for an item contains the Pending Changes table and the Change History
table. The tabs and the tables that they contain is not always the same for different
Agile products. Also, they are not the same for each Agile PLM Dataobject. For
example, tables for Parts objects are different from tables for Manufacturers objects.
See “Retrieving a Table” on page 4-3.
To work with data in an Agile PLM table, follow these basic steps:
1. Create or get an object (for example, an item or a change order).
2. Retrieve a table (for example, the BOM table).
3. Iterate through the table rows to retrieve a row.
4. Get or set one or more attribute values for the selected row.
ITable, like IFolder, extends java.util.Collection and supports all methods
provided by that superinterface. This means that you can work with an ITable object
as you would with any Java Collection.

Interface Inherited methods

java.util.Collection add(), addAll(), clear(), contains(), containsAll(),
equals(), hashCode(), isEmpty(), iterator(), remove(),
removeAll(), retainAll(), size(), toArray(), toArray()

Supported Affected Read Through Tables

SDK supports the Affected Read Through tables listed below.
■ Item.BOM
■ Item.WU
■ Item.PendingChangeWU
■ Change.AI

4-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Accessing the New and Merged Relationships Tables

Retrieving a Table
After you create or get an object, you can use the IDataObject.getTable() method to
retrieve a particular Agile PLM table. IDataObject is a general-purpose object that
represents any Agile PLM object that contains tables of data. It is a superinterface of
several other objects, including IItem, IChange, and IUser.

Note: When retrieving PG&C's Supplier Declaration of Conformance

(SDOC) tables, IDataObject.getTable()retrieves all 14 SDOC tables
belonging to this base class. However, six of these tables (Items,
Manufacturer Parts, Part Groups, Item Composition, Manufacturer
Part Composition, Part Group Composition) are not enabled.

Tables vary for each Agile PLM dataobject. Tables for change objects are different from
tables for items. Each table for a particular dataobject is identified by a constant in the
constants class for that dataobject. Item constants are contained in the ItemConstants
class, change constants are contained in the ChangeConstants class, and so on.
For information to use these tables, refer to the following Agile product administration
■ Getting Started with Agile PLM
■ Agile PLM Administrator Guide
■ Agile PLM Product Governance & Compliance User Guide
■ Agile PLM Product Portfolio Management User Guide

Accessing the New and Merged Relationships Tables

In Release 9.2.2, the following tables were merged into a single table, called the
Relationships table.
■ Relationships.AffectedBy
■ Relationships.Affects
■ Relationships.Reference
In addition, the constants that are used by these tables (TABLE_REFERENCES, TABLE_
If you need these constants, you must rewrite them in your routines.

Note: For a complete list of table constants that are merged and
mapped into a single constant, or mapped into a new constant, see
Appendix B, "Migrating Table Constants to Release 9.2.2."

For information to use these tables, refer to the following Agile documents:
■ To use these tables in Agile PLM products, refer to Getting Started with Agile PLM
and Agile PLM Administrator Guide
■ To use these tables in Agile PPM products, refer to Agile PLM Product Portfolio
Management User Guide

Working with Tables 4-3

Accessing the New and Merged Relationships Tables

Accessing the Relationships Table

The IRelationshipContainer interface is designed to access this table. Any Agile
business object that contains the Relationships table, implements this interface. You
can access this table using IRelationshipContainer or, IDataObject.getTable()
with the CommonConstants.TABLE_RELATIONSHIPS constant.
■ IRelationshipContainer container = (IRelationshipContainer) object;
■ ITable relationship = container.getRelationship();

Accessing the Merged Relationships Tables

If you used these tables in previous releases of Agile PLM, and require the
functionalities that they provided, modify your code as shown below.

Accessing the Merged Relationships.AffectedBy Table

■ Code used in Release 9.2.1.x and earlier releases:
ITable affectedBy =

■ Code recommended for this release:

ITable affectedBy =
object.getTable(CommonConstants.TABLE_RELATIONSHIPS).where("[2000007912] == 1",

Accessing the Merged Relationships.Affects table

■ Code used in Release 9.2.1.x and earlier releases:
ITable affects =

■ Code recommended for later releases:

ITable affects =
object.getTable(CommonConstants.TABLE_RELATIONSHIPS).where("[2000007912] ==
2", null);

Accessing the Merged Relationships.References Table

■ Code used in Release 9.2.1.x and earlier releases:
ITable references =

■ Code recommended for this release:

ITable references =
object.getTable(CommonConstants.TABLE_RELATIONSHIPS).where("[2000007912] ==
3", null);

Note: The ITable.where() method is certified for deployment with

these three tables only, and it may fail if it is used to access other tables
from the SDK.

4-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Adding Table Rows

Retrieving the BOM table of an Item

The following example shows how to retrieve and print the BOM table for an item

Example 4–1 Retrieving a BOM table

//Load an item
IItem item =
(IItem)m_session.getObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, number);

//Get the BOM table

ITable table =

Working with Read-only Tables

Several Agile PLM tables store history information or data about related objects. These
tables are read-only and as such, you cannot modify these tables. When you write code
to access a table, use the ITable.isReadOnly() method to check if the table is

Retrieving the Metadata of a Table

The ITableDesc is an interface that represents the metadata of a table which is the
underlying data that describes a table's properties. ITableDesc is related to ITable in
the same way that IAgileClass is related to IDataObject. At times you may need to
identify the attributes for a particular table, its ID, or its table name without loading a
dataobject. The following example shows how to use the ITableDesc interface to
retrieve the collection of all attributes (including ones that aren't visible) for a table.

Example 4–2 Retrieving the metadata of a table

private IAttribute[] getBOMAttributes() throws APIException {
IAgileClass cls = admin.getAgileClass(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART);
ITableDesc td = cls.getTableDescriptor(ItemConstants.TABLE_BOM);
IAttribute[]attrs = td.getAttributes();
return attrs;

You can also use the API Name field to identify a table's name or ID. For information
to use this field, see Chapter 8, "Accessing PLM Metadata with APIName Field." For
information to use the Agile API to work with metadata, see Chapter 22, "Performing
Administrative Tasks."

Adding Table Rows

To create a table row, use the ITable.createRow(java.lang.Object) method, which
creates a new row and initializes it with the data specified in the param parameter. The
param parameter of createRow is available to pass the following data:
■ A set of attributes and values for the row's cells
■ Files or URLs to add to the Attachments table
■ An Agile PLM object (such as an IItem) to add to the table
When you add a row to a table, it's not necessarily added at the end of the table.

Working with Tables 4-5

Adding Table Rows

Note: There is also a deprecated, parameter-less version of

createRow() which creates an empty row. Avoid using this method
because it may not be supported in future Agile PLM releases. Also,
you must initialize a row with data when you create it.

You can add table rows in a batch format with ITable.createRow(). See “Adding and
Updating Multiple Table Rows” on page 4-9.

Adding an Item to a BOM Table

The following example uses ITable.createRow() to add an item to a BOM table.

Example 4–3 Adding a row and setting values

private static void addToBOM(String number) throws APIException {
IItem item =
(IItem)m_session.getObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, number);
ITable table =
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_ITEM_NUMBER, "1543-01");
params.put(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_QTY, "1");
IRow row = table.createRow(params);

Note: To add a site-specific row to the BOM table, use

IManufacturerSiteSelectable.setManufacturingSite() to select a
specific site before calling ITable.createRow().

Adding an Attachment to the Attachments Table

The following example shows how to use the ITable.createRow(java.lang.Object)
method to add a row to the Attachments table. The code adds a row to the table and
initializes it with the specified file.

Example 4–4 Adding a row to an Attachments table

private static void (String number) throws APIException {
File file = new File("d:/MyDocuments/1543-01.dwg");
IItem item = (IItem)m_session.getObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, number);
ITable table = item.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_ATTACHMENTS);
IRow row = table.createRow(file);}

Increasing the Default Value of agile.sso.expirationTime to Add Attachments

Anytime the ITable.createRow(java.lang.Object) method fails to add attachments
and generates the java.lang.NullPointerException error, you must modify the value
of agile.sso.expirationTime,the duration in seconds, between the time that you log
in and authentication by the PLM FileManager. The default value is 120 seconds which
is not enough, modify the default setting as shown below.

4-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Adding Table Rows

To modify the value of agile.sso.expirationTime:

1. Locate file as follow:

Depending on your installation, the three possible locations for this file are:
■ <Agile_Home>\agileDomain\applications\application.ear\APP-INF\

Note: This path is generated after PLM is installed.

■ <Agile_Home>\agileDomain\config

Note: This path is generated after PLM is installed.

■ <Agile_Home>\agileDomain\servers\BEJ301388-AgileServer\tmp\_WL_ user

Note: This path is generated after starting the server. You can delete
it, but will regenerate as part the WebLogic Server startup process. The
directory eokg58 is generated randomly.

2. In file, increase the value of agile.sso.expirationTime from 120

seconds to a larger number, for example, 600 seconds.
3. Restart the Agile PLM server.

Adding a Manufacturer Part to the Manufacturers Table

The following example shows how to use the ITable.createRow(java.lang.Object)
method to add a row to the Manufacturers table of an item. The code adds a row to the
table and initializes it with the specified IManufacturerPart object.

Example 4–5 Adding a row to the Manufacturers table

private static void addMfrPartRow(String number) throws APIException {
HashMap info = new HashMap();



ManufacturerPart mfrPart =

IItem item =
(IItem)m_session.getObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, number);

ITable table = item.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_MANUFACTURERS);
IRow row = table.createRow(mfrPart);

Working with Tables 4-7

Adding and Updating Multiple Table Rows

Note: To add a site-specific row to the Manufacturers table, use

IManufacturerSiteSelectable.setManufacturingSite() to select a
specific site before calling ITable.createRow().

Adding an Item to the Affected Items Table

The following example shows how to use the ITable.createRow(java.lang.Object)
method to add a row to the Affected Items table of a change order. The code adds a
row to the table and initializes it with the specified IItem object.

Example 4–6 Adding a row to the Affected Items table

private static void addItemRow(String number) throws APIException {
IItem item =
(IItem)m_session.getObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, "P522-103");
IChange change =
(IChange)m_session.getObject(ChangeConstants.CLASS_ECO, number);
ITable table = change.getTable(ChangeConstants.TABLE_AFFECTEDITEMS);
IRow row = table.createRow(item);

Adding a Task to the Schedule Table

The following example shows how to use the ITable.createRow(java.lang.Object)
method to add a row to the Schedule table of a Project. The code adds a row to the
table and initializes it with the specified IProgram object.

Example 4–7 Adding a row to the Schedule table

private static void addTaskRow(IProgram program, IProgram task) throws
APIException {

// Get the Schedule table of the program

ITable table = program.getTable(ProgramConstants.TABLE_SCHEDULE);

// Add the task to the schedule

IRow row = table.createRow(task);

Adding and Updating Multiple Table Rows

The ITable interface provides two convenient methods for adding and updating
multiple table rows with one API call:
■ ITable.createRows()
■ ITable.updateRows()
Because these methods group multiple table rows in one API call, they can improve
performance by reducing the number of Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs), particularly
if you are connecting to the server across a Wide Area Network (WAN). However,
these methods do not result in efficient batch operations on the Agile Application
Server, which simply iterates through each row being added or updated.

4-8 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Adding and Updating Multiple Table Rows

Important: The ITable.createRows() and ITable.updateRows()

methods are supported only when you are adding or updating
multiple rows on the BOM table of items, or the Affected Items table
of Changes.

Adding Multiple Team Members to the Team Table of a Project

The following example shows how the ITable.createRows() method supports the
Team Table of a Project.

Example 4–8 Adding Multiple Team members to a Program with Bulk API
private static void createTeamRows(String[] addTeamMembers) throws APIException {
//Get the Project
IProgram program =
(IProgram)session.getObject(IProgram.OBJECT_TYPE, programNumber);
//Get the Team Table
ITable teamTable =
IAgileList attrRolesValues =
attrRolesValues.setSelection(new Object[]{"Change Analyst",
"Program Team Member"});
//Collect team members already on Team Table
Set presentMembers = new HashSet();
Iterator it = teamTable.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
IRow row = (IRow);
IUser user = (IUser)row.getReferent();
//Validate new team members and filter out existing members to and to Team Table
IUser user = null;
IUser[] newUsers= new IUser[addTeamMembers.length];
int usrCount = 0;
for(int i =0; i<addTeamMembers.length; i++ ) {
user = (IUser)session.getObject(IUser.OBJECT_TYPE, addTeamMembers[i]);
if(!presentMembers.contains(user) || user==null) {
//Using createRows() API to add all Team members at onece
//In this bulk approach, make sure each map in array is complete by it self to
//create a new row in Team Table.
List<Map> newTeam=new ArrayList<Map>();
for (int i=0; i<usrCount; i++) {
Map teamMap = new HashMap();
teamMap.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_TEAM_NAME, newUsers[i]);
teamMap.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_TEAM_ROLES, attrRolesValues);
teamMap.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_TEAM_ALLOCATION, 0); newTeam.add(teamMap);
teamTable.createRows(newTeam.toArray(new Object[0]));

Working with Tables 4-9

Adding and Updating Multiple Table Rows

Adding Multiple Items to the BOM Table

The following example shows how to use the ITable.createRows() method to add
multiple items to a BOM table.

Example 4–9 Adding multiple rows and setting values

private static void createBOMRows(String partNumber) throws APIException {
IItem[] child = new IItem [3];
IItem parent = null;
ITable tab = null;

// Get the parent item

parent = (IItem) m_session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, partNumber);

// Get the BOM table

tab = parent.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_BOM);

// Create child items

child[0] =
(IItem) m_session.createObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, partNumber + "-1");
child[1] =
(IItem) m_session.createObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, partNumber + "-2");
child[2] =
(IItem) m_session.createObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, partNumber + "-3");

// Create a row array

IRow[] rowArray = new IRow[3];

// Add the items to the BOM

rowArray = tab.createRows(new Object[]{child[0], child[1], child[2]});

Note: To add a site-specific row to the BOM table, use

IManufacturerSiteSelectable.setManufacturingSite() to select a
specific site before calling ITable.createRow().

Updating Multiple BOM Rows

To update multiple rows, use the ITable.updateRows() method. This method batches
together multiple update operations into a single call. Instead of calling
IRow.setValues() for multiple rows in a table, this API updates an entire table in one
method call.
The rows parameter of updateRow() can be used to pass a Map containing IRow
instances as keys with instances for values. The value Map objects should have
attribute IDs as keys and replacement data for values.

Example 4–10 Updating Multiple BOM Rows

private static void updateBOMRows(String partNumber) throws APIException
IItem parent = null;
ITable tab = null;
HashMap[] mapx = new HashMap[3];
Map rows = new HashMap();
IRow[] rowArray = new IRow[3];
// Get the parent item
parent = (IItem) m_session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, partNumber);

4-10 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Managing PSR Affected Items Tables Using Bulk Edit APIs

// Get the BOM table

tab = parent.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_BOM);

// Create three items

IItem child1 =
(IItem) m_session.createObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, partNumber + "-1");
IItem child2 =
(IItem) m_session.createObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, partNumber + "-2");
IItem child2 =
(IItem) m_session.createObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, partNumber + "-3");

// Add these items to BOM table

rowArray = tab.createRows(new Object[]{child1, child2, child3});

// New values for child[0]

mapx[0] = new HashMap();
mapx[0].put(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_FIND_NUM, new Integer(1));
mapx[0].put(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_QTY, new Integer(3));
mapx[0].put(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_REF_DES, "A1-A3");
rows.put(rowArray[0], mapx[0]);

// New values for child[1]

mapx[1] = new HashMap();
mapx[1].put(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_FIND_NUM, new Integer(2));
mapx[1].put(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_QTY, new Integer(3));
mapx[1].put(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_REF_DES, "B1-B3");
rows.put(rowArray[1], mapx[1]);

// new values for child[2]

mapx[2] = new HashMap();
String strA = "BOM-Notes" + System.currentTimeMillis();
mapx[2].put(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_BOM_NOTES, strA);
mapx[2].put(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_FIND_NUM, new Integer(3));
rows.put(rowArray[2], mapx[2]);

// Update the BOM table rows


Managing PSR Affected Items Tables Using Bulk Edit APIs

Bulk Edit APIs are designed to improve PLM server performance by reducing the
duration of the PSR Affected Items (AIs) edits (create, update, remove), when editing
the status of these AIs. Invoking the ITable interface (See Metadata Interface under
Types of Agile API Classes and Interfaces) deteriorates server performance because it
edits a single PSR AI which triggers the entire set of the associated Events, and each
associated Event in turn, invokes several additional unnecessary server calls. Thus, the
resolution of this issue was sought in a similar interface that performs the functions of
the ITable interface1, in the Bulk execution mode.

See Metadata Interface under "Types of Agile API Classes and Interfaces" on page 2-1.

Working with Tables 4-11

Managing PSR Affected Items Tables Using Bulk Edit APIs

The Bulk Edit Interface

The com.agile.api.IServiceRequestAITable interface enables creating, updating,
and removing the entire rows of a service Request Action Item table, thus reducing a
multitude of often unnecessary remote server calls to a single call. This proves to be
most valuable when updating PSR AI tables having large numbers of rows.
You can cast ITable to IServiceRequestAITable table and use the methods defined in
this interface.
IRow [] bulkCreateRows (Object[] rows) throws APIException

This bulk operation creates multiple rows with a single remote call. Rather than calling
ITable.createRow(...) to create multiple rows, this API can improve performance
and reduce unnecessary event invocations. However, if an error/warning occurred, all
operations are rolled back. This method accepts an array of objects and returns an
array of IRow corresponding objects. See createRow(Object) for more information on
the possible makeup of each element in the rows array.
boolean bulkRemoveAll ( Collection c ) throws APIException

This operation removes all of this collection's elements from this table in a single
remote call. This API can improve the performance and reduce unnecessary event
Invocations. This collection's elements must be IRow. If an error/warning occurred, all
operations are rolled back.
void bulkUpdateRows ( Map rows ) throws APIException

This bulk operation updates multiple rows with a single remote call. Rather than call
IRow.setValues(...) for multiple rows in a table, this API can potentially improve
the performance and reduce unnecessary event Invocation. If an error/warning
occurred, all operations are rolled back.

Managing Table Rows in the Bulk Execution Mode

The following three bulk APIs aim to improve the performance of PLM when creating,
updating, or deleting the PSR Affected Items tab rows:
■ ServiceRequestAITable.bulkCreateRows(Object[] rows) throws
■ ServiceRequestAITable.bulkUpdateRows(Map rows) throws APIException;
■ ServiceRequestAITable.bulkRemoveAll(Collection c) throws APIException;

Example 4–11 Creating table rows in the Bulk execution mode

//Bulk Create
List<Map> list = new ArrayList<Map>();
Map map = new HashMap();

//Bulk Update
Map retmap = new HashMap();
Iterator it = aiTable.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
IRow row = (IRow);
Map map = new HashMap();

4-12 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Iterating Over Table Rows

map.put(ServiceRequestConstants.ATT_AFFECTED_ITEMS_TEXT01, "AI.Text01");
retmap.put(row, map);

//Bulk Remove
List list = new ArrayList();
Iterator it = aiTable.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
IRow row = (IRow);

Casting ITable Variables to IServiceRequestAITable Variables

Because the input and outputs parameters of ServiceRequestAITable APIs are
similar to those of ITable, you can cast ITable variables to those of
IServiceRequestAITable by renaming the method, as shown below, and performing
the required tasks in the Bulk mode.

Example 4–12 ITable inputs, processes, and outputs

ITable affectedItemsTab = null;
affectedItemsTab = getAffectedItemsTab(isr);

Example 4–13 IServiceRequestAITable inputs, processes, and outputs

IServiceRequestAITable affectedItemsTab = null;
affectedItemsTab = (IServiceRequestAITable)getAffectedItemsTab(isr);

Iterating Over Table Rows

When you use the Agile API to get a table, such as a BOM table, your program often
needs to browse the rows contained in the table. To access an individual row, you first
have to get an iterator for the table. You can then iterate over each row to set cell
The Agile API does not support random access of rows in a table. This means that you
can't retrieve a specific row by index number and then update it. When you add or
remove a row, the entire table is resorted and the existing table iterator is no longer
To browse the data in table, create an iterator for the table using one of these methods:
■ ITable.iterator() - returns an Iterator object, allowing you to traverse the table
from the first row to the last.
■ ITable.getTableIterator() - returns an ITwoWayIterator object, allowing you to
traverse the table rows forwards or backwards. You can also use ITwoWayIterator
to skip a number of rows. ITwoWayIterator is preferred over Iterator if your
program displays table rows in a user interface.
■ ITable.getTableIterator(ITable.ISortBy[]) - returns a sorted
ITwoWayIterator object.

Working with Tables 4-13

Iterating Over Table Rows

■ ITable.getReferentIterator() - returns an ITwoWayIterator object for the

objects referenced in the table.
When you work with an iterator for a table, you don't need to know the total number
of rows in the table. Instead, you work with one row at a time. Although the ITable
interface provides a size () method, which calculates the total number of rows in the
table, it's considered a resource extensive operation performance-wise and as such, is
not recommended for large tables, particularly if your code already uses an iterator to
browse the table.
The following example demonstrates how to get an iterator for a table and use
ITwoWayIterator to traverse forwards and backwards over the table rows.

Example 4–14 Iterating over table rows

try {
// Get an item
IItem item = (IItem)m_session.getObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, "1000-02");

// Get the BOM table

ITable bom = item.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_BOM);
ITwoWayIterator i = bom.getTableIterator();
// Traverse forwards through the table
while (i.hasNext()) {
IRow row = (IRow);
// Add code here to do something with the row

// Traverse backwards through the table

while (i.hasPrevious()) {
IRow row = (IRow)i.previous();
// Add code here to do something with the row
} catch (APIException ex) {

The ITwoWayIterator object allows a user interface to display table rows on multiple
pages, which is perhaps more practical than the use of ITwoWayIterator shown in the
preceding example. For example, instead of displaying a single scrolling page of
several hundred BOM items, you can break the table into pages displaying 20 BOM
items per page. To navigate from page to page, your program should provide
navigation controls such as those displayed in Figure 4–2 below.

Figure 4–2 Navigation controls

Updating Objects in Query Results with Multiple Page Tables

When you invoke getReferentIterator to update objects in search results tables that
contain more than 200 results, getReferentIterator will not update all the objects
that are returned by the query. For example, when you run a query to match a value in
a field, and then edit the same value while iterating through the results with
getReferentIterator, the query completes the first page with no problem. However,
when it queries the remaining pages, some table rows are not updated. There are
several ways to overcome this limitation. The following is one such example.

4-14 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Sorting Table Rows

To update all table rows when iterating large query results:

1. Increase the table page size for this query so that it can contain the results in a
single page.
2. Run the query several times and keep updating the results until query results are
3. Do not query on the same field that you are updating.

Sorting Table Rows

To sort the rows in a table by a particular attribute, use
getTableIterator(ITable.ISortBy[]) which will return a sorted iterator. The
ISortBy parameter of getTableIterator()is an array of ITable.ISortBy objects. To
create an ISortBy object, usecreateSortBy(IAttribute, ITable.ISortBy.Order).
The order parameter of createSortBy() is one of the ITable.ISortBy.Order
constants either ASCENDING or DESCENDING.

Note: The Agile API allows you to sort a table by only one attribute.
Therefore, the ISortBy array that you specify for the ISortBy
parameter of getTableIterator() must contain only one ISortBy

The following example sorts the BOM table by the BOM | Item Number attribute.

Example 4–15 Sorting a table iterator

try {
// Get an item
IItem item =
(IItem)m_session.getObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, "1000-02");
// Get the BOM table
ITable bom = item.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_BOM);

// Get the BOM | Item Number attribute

IAgileClass cls = item.getAgileClass();

IAttribute attr = cls.getAttribute(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_ITEM_NUMBER);

// Specify the sort attribute for the table iterator

ITable.ISortBy sortByNumber =
bom.createSortBy(attr, ITable.ISortBy.Order.ASCENDING);

// Create a sorted table iterator

ITwoWayIterator i =
bom.getTableIterator(new ITable.ISortBy[] {sortByNumber});

// Traverse forwards through the table

while (i.hasNext()) {
IRow row = (IRow);
// Add code here to modify the row
} catch (APIException ex) {

Working with Tables 4-15

Removing Table Rows

The following Product Sourcing and Projects Execution objects load tables a bit
differently and therefore cannot be sorted using the
getTableIterator(ITable.ISortBy[]) method. For any tables of these objects, create
an unsorted iterator using either the iterator() or getTableIterator() methods.
■ IDiscussion
■ IPrice
■ IProgram
■ IProject
■ IRequestForQuote
■ ISupplier
■ ISupplierResponse
The ITable.ISortBy interface is not supported for query result tables. To sort query
results, use SQL syntax and specify an ORDER BY statement with the search criteria.
For more information, see "Using SQL Syntax for Search Criteria" on page 3-17.

Removing Table Rows

To remove a row from a table, use the ITable.removeRow() method, which takes one
parameter, an IRow object. You can retrieve a row by iterating over the table rows.
If a table is read-only, you can't remove rows from it. For more information, see
“Working with Read-only Tables” on page 4-5. If you are working with a released
revision of an item, you can't remove a row from the item's tables until you create a
change order for a new revision.

Example 4–16 Removing a table row

try {
// get an item
IItem item = (IItem)m_session.getObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, "1000-02");

// get the BOM table

ITable bom = item.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_BOM);
ITwoWayIterator i = bom.getTableIterator();

// Find bom component 6642-01 and remove it from the table row
while (i.hasNext()) {
IRow row = (IRow);
String bomitem = (String)row.getValue(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_ITEM_NUMBER);
if (bomitem.equals("6642-01")) {
} catch (APIException ex) {

Because ITable implements the Collection interface, you can use the Collection
methods to remove table rows. To remove all rows in a table, use Collection.clear().

Example 4–17 Clearing a table

public void clearAML(IItem item) throws APIException {

4-16 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Retrieving the Referenced Object for a Row

// Get the Manufacturers table

ITable aml = item.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_MANUFACTURERS);

// Clear the table


Retrieving the Referenced Object for a Row

Several Agile PLM tables contain rows of information that reference other Agile PLM
objects. For example, the BOM table lists all items that are included in a Bill of
Material. Each row of the BOM table represents an item. While working with a row on
a BOM table, your program can allow the user to open the referenced item to view or
modify its data.
The table below lists Agile PLM tables that reference other Agile PLM objects. All
Agile PLM objects are referenced by number (for example, Item Number, Change
Number, or Manufacturer Part Number).

Object Table Referenced Object(s)

IChange Affected Items IItem
Affected Prices IPrice
Attachments IAttachmentFile
Relationships Multiple object types
ICommodity Attachments IAttachmentFile
Compositions IDeclaration
Parts IItem
Specifications ISpecification
Substances ISubstance
Suppliers ISupplier
ICustomer Attachments IAttachmentFile
Quality PSRs IServiceRequest
Quality QCRs IQualityChangeRequest
IDeclaration Attachments IAttachmentFile
Item Composition ISubstance
Items IItem
Manufacturer Part ISubstance
Manufacturer Parts
Part Group Composition
Part Groups
Multiple object types
IDiscussion Attachments IAttachmentFile
Where Used Not supported
IFileFolder Files IAttachmentFile
Relationships Multiple object types
Where Used Multiple object types

Working with Tables 4-17

Retrieving the Referenced Object for a Row

Object Table Referenced Object(s)

IItem Attachments IAttachmentFile
Change History IChange
Compositions IDeclaration
Manufacturers IManufacturerPart
Pending Change Where IItem
Pending Changes
IServiceRequest or
Quality IQualityChangeRequest
Redline BOM IItem
Redline Manufacturers IManufacturerPart
Sites IManufacturingSite
Specifications ISpecification
Substances ISubstance
Where Used IItem
IManufacturerPart Attachments IAttachmentFile
Compositions IDeclaration
Prices IPrice
Specifications ISpecification
Substances ISubstance
Suppliers ISupplier
Where Used IItem
IManufacturer Attachments IAttachmentFile
Where Used IManufacturerPart
IManufacturingSite Attachments IAttachmentFile
IPackage Attachments IAttachmentFile
IPrice Attachments IAttachmentFile
Change History IChange
Pending Changes IChange
IProgram Attachments IAttachmentFile
Deliverables - Affected By Multiple object types
Deliverables - Affects Multiple object types
Dependencies - IProgram
Dependent Upon
Dependencies - Required
Multiple object types
IUser and IUserGroup

4-18 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Retrieving the Referenced Object for a Row

Object Table Referenced Object(s)

IProject Attachments IAttachmentFile
Item Changes IChange
Items IItem
Manufacturer Items IManufacturerPart
Pending Change IChange
Responses ISupplierResponse
RFQs IRequestForQuote
IQualityChangeRequest Affected Items IItem
Attachments IAttachmentFile
PSR Items IItem
Relationships Multiple object types
IRequestForQuote Attachments IAttachmentFile
IServiceRequest Affected Items IItem
Attachments IAttachmentFile
Related PSR IServiceRequest
Relationships Multiple object types
ISpecification Attachments IAttachmentFile
Substances ISubstance
ISubstance Attachments IAttachmentFile
Composition ISubstance
Where Used Multiple object types
ISupplierResponse Attachments IAttachmentFile
ISupplier Attachments IAttachmentFile
Manufacturers IManufacturer
Quality PSRs IServiceRequest
Quality QCRs IQualityChangeRequest
ITransferOrder Attachments IAttachmentFile
Selected Objects Multiple object types
IUser Attachments IAttachmentFile
Subscription Multiple object types
User Group IUserGroup
IUserGroup Attachments IAttachmentFile
Users IUser

The following example shows how to retrieve the referenced IChange object from the
Pending Changes table for an item.

Example 4–18 Retrieving a referenced Change object

void getReferencedChangeObject(ITable changesTable) throws APIException {
Iterator i = changesTable.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
IRow row = (IRow);

Working with Tables 4-19

Checking the Status Flags of a Row

IChange changeObj = (IChange)row.getReferent();

if (changeObj != null) {
//Add code here to do something with the IChange object

The following example shows how to simplify the code in the previous example by
using the ITable.getReferentIterator() method to iterate through the table's
referenced objects.

Example 4–19 Iterating through referenced objects

void iterateReferencedChangeObjects(ITable changesTable) throws APIException {

Iterator i =
while (i.hasNext()) {
IChange changeObj = (IChange);
if (changeObj != null) {
//Add code here to do something with the IChange object

Checking the Status Flags of a Row

Sometimes you may want to perform an action on an object only if it meets certain
status criteria. For example, if the selected object is a released change order, your
program may not allow the user to modify it. To check the status of an object, use the
IRow.isFlagSet() method. The isFlagSet() method returns a boolean value true or
Status flag constants are defined in the following classes:
■ CommonConstants - Contains status flag constants common to Agile PLM objects.
■ ChangeConstants - Contains status flag constants for IChange objects.
■ ItemConstants - Contains status flag constants for IItem objects.
The following example shows how to use the isFlagSet() method to determine
whether an item has attachments.

Example 4–20 Checking the status flag of an object

private static void checkAttachments(IRow row) throws APIException {
try {
boolean b;
b = row.isFlagSet(CommonConstants.FLAG_HAS_ATTACHMENTS);
if (!b) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The specified row does not
have attached files.", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
} catch (Exception ex) {}

4-20 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Revisions and Relationships

Working with Page 1, Page 2, and Page 3

Page One (that is, Title Block, Cover Page, and General Info pages), Page Two, and
Page Three contain a single row of data and are therefore not tabular in format. All
other tables contain multiple rows. Consequently, the data on PLM’s Page One, Page
Two, and Page Three are directly accessible. To get and set values for these pages, you
don't need to get a table and then select a row. Instead, get a specified cell, and then
use the getValue() and setValue() methods to display or modify the data.
If you prefer accessing data cells in a consistent way throughout your program, you
can still use the Page One, Page Two, and Page Three tables to get and set values. The
following example shows two methods that edit the values for several Page Two fields
for an item. The first method retrieves the Page Two table and then sets the values for
several cells. The second method accesses the Page Two cells directly by calling the
IDataObject.getCell() method. Either approach is valid, but you can see that the
second approach results in fewer lines of code.

Example 4–21 Editing Page Two cells

// Edit Page Two cells by first getting the Page Two table
private static void editPageTwoCells(IItem item) throws Exception {
ICell cell = null;
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy");
ITable table = item.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_PAGETWO);
Iterator it = table.iterator();
IRow row = (IRow);
cell = row.getCell(ItemConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_TEXT01);
cell.setValue("Aluminum clips");
cell = row.getCell(ItemConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_MONEY01);
cell.setValue(new Money(new Double(9.95), "USD"));
cell = row.getCell(ItemConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_DATE01);

// Edit Page Two cells by calling IDataObject.getCell()
private static void editPageTwoCells2(IItem item) throws Exception {
ICell cell = null;
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy");
cell = item.getCell(ItemConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_TEXT01);
cell.setValue("Aluminum clips");
cell = item.getCell(ItemConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_MONEY01);
cell.setValue(new Money(new Double(9.95), "USD"));
cell = item.getCell(ItemConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_DATE01);

Working with Revisions and Relationships

SDK has added additional attributes in the CommonConstants Class to support these
new features, described below.

Setting and Getting Flags for Revision Controlled Relationship Rows

SDK supports setting and getting the following flags for Relationship rows that are
Revision controlled.
■ Revision
■ Change

Working with Tables 4-21

Working with Revisions and Relationships

■ Track Impact

Note: Because the impacted flag is set by releasing the change, SDK
does not need to support setting the impacted flag.

To enable this feature, the following attributes are added in SDK’s CommonConstants
public static final Integer ATT_RELATIONSHIPS_REVISION = new Integer(2000025267);
public static final Integer ATT_RELATIONSHIPS_IMPACTED = new
public static final Integer ATT_RELATIONSHIPS_TRACK_IMPACT = new
public static final Integer ATT_RELATIONSHIPS_CHANGE = new Integer(2000025422);

The following example uses these attributes to set a revision change and track flags.

Example 4–22 Using attributes that set Revisions and track Flags
IItem item =
(IItem) session.getObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART,"P00001");
IChange change =
(IChange) session.getObject(ChangeConstants.CLASS_ECO,"C00001");
IRelationshipTable table = (IRelationshipTable) change.getRelationship();
Iterator it = table.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
IRow row = (IRow);
Object revision = row.getValue(ItemConstants.ATT_RELATIONSHIPS_REVISION);
Object impacted = row.getValue(ItemConstants.ATT_RELATIONSHIPS_IMPACTED);
Object trackImpact = row.getValue(ItemConstants.ATT_RELATIONSHIPS_TRACK_IMPACT);
Object rchange = row.getValue(ItemConstants.ATT_RELATIONSHIPS_CHANGE);
row.setValue(ItemConstants.ATT_RELATIONSHIPS_TRACK_IMPACT, "Yes");

Getting Flags on Relationships Tab when Adding Revision Controlled Object

The IRelationshipTable is the interface for operations that are specific to the
Relationships table. Once a Relationships table is retrieved, you can cast the ITable
object to IRelationshipTable and use the following methods:
■ getRevisions(IDataObject dataObject) throws APIException - Gets all
available revision values including ALL and Latest which can be used for adding
revision specific relationships
■ addRevSpecificRelationship(IDataObject reatedObject,Object - Gets all
available revision values including ALL and Latest which can be used for adding
revision specific relationships
■ acceptNewRevisions(IRow[] rows) throws APIException - Accepts all new
■ rejectNewRevisions(IRow[] rows) throws APIException - Rejects all new

4-22 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs

Setting Different Relationships and Revisions for Items

Because SDK can interact with Revision, Change, Impacted attributes and the Track
Impact attribute, you can set different relationships when setting different revisions for
an Item. This is shown in Example 4–23.

Example 4–23 Setting changes for Item’s Revisions and Relationships

// When Revision specific relationship is enabled on Change Object, you can add
// two different Revisions of the same Part object into one Change Object's
// relationship table.
IChange change = (IChange) session.getObject(ChangeConstants.CLASS_ECO, "C00001");
IRelationshipTable table = (IRelationshipTable) change.getRelationship();

IItem item = (IItem) session.getObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, "P00001");

item.setRevision('A C00001');
// Add Part "P00001" with Rev "A" into Change "C00001"'s relationship
table.addRevSpecificRelationship(item, null);

item.setRevision('B C00002');
// Add Part "P00002" with Rev "B" into Change "C00002"'s relationship
table.addRevSpecificRelationship(item, null);

When you issue a change for a released item or a price agreement, the Agile API lets
you redline certain tables affected by the change. In the Agile PLM Clients, redline
tables visually identify values that have been modified from the previous revision. Red
underlined text-thus the term “redline”-indicates values that have been added, and
red strikeout text indicates values that have been deleted. People responsible for
approving the change can review the redline data.
The Agile PLM system provides the following redline tables:
■ Redline BOM
■ Redline Manufacturers (AML)
■ Redline Price Lines
■ Redline Title Block

Note: The Web Client supports redlining the Item's Cover Page, Page
Two, and Page Three tables together. However, in the SDK, these
operations are performed separately, using different tables for each

Redlining BOMs, Manufacturers, and Price Lines Tables

Use the following procedure to redline these tables.

To redline BOM, Manufacturers, or Price Lines tables:

1. Get a released revision of an item or price object.

2. Create a new change, such as an ECO, MCO, SCO, or PCO

■ ECOs enable modifying an item's BOM or Manufacturers tables
■ MCOs enable modifying an item's Manufacturers table
■ SCOs enable modifying an item's site-specific BOM, Manufacturers

Working with Tables 4-23


■ PCOs enable modifying a price's Price Lines table

3. Add the item or price to the Affected Items or Affected Prices table of the change.
4. For ECOs and PCOs, specify the new revision for the change.
5. SCOs and MCOs do not affect an item's revision.
6. Modify a redline table, such as the Redline BOM, Redline Manufacturers (AML),
Redline Price Lines.

Redlining the Manufacturers table of an item

Example 4–24 redlines the Manufacturers table (AML) of an item.

Example 4–24 Redlining the Manufacturers table of an item

private void redlineAML() throws APIException {
IAttribute attrPrefStat = null;
IAgileList listvalues = null;
Map params = new HashMap();

// Get a released item

IItem item = (IItem)m_session.getObject("Part", "1000-02");

// Get the Preferrred status value

IAgileClass cls = item.getAgileClass();
attrPrefStat = cls.getAttribute(ItemConstants.ATT_MANUFACTURERS_PREFERRED_STATUS);
listvalues = attrPrefStat.getAvailableValues();

// Create an MCO
IChange change = (IChange)m_session.createObject(ChangeConstants.CLASS_MCO,

// Set the Workflow ID of the MCO


// Get the Affected Items table

ITable affectedItems = change.getTable(ChangeConstants.TABLE_AFFECTEDITEMS);

// Add a new row to the Affected Items table

IRow affectedItemRow = affectedItems.createRow(item);

// Get the Redline Manufacturers table

ITable redlineAML = item.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_REDLINEMANUFACTURERS);

// Add a manufacturer part to the table

params.put(ItemConstants.ATT_MANUFACTURERS_MFR_NAME, "AMD");
params.put(ItemConstants.ATT_MANUFACTURERS_MFR_PART_NUMBER, "1234-009");
params.put(ItemConstants.ATT_MANUFACTURERS_PREFERRED_STATUS, listvalues);

// Add another manufacturer part to the table

params.put(ItemConstants.ATT_MANUFACTURERS_MFR_PART_NUMBER, "355355");
params.put(ItemConstants.ATT_MANUFACTURERS_PREFERRED_STATUS, listvalues);

4-24 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Removing Redline Changes

Redlining the Title Block of an Item

The following is an example of redlining the Title Block table of the item. It assumes
Item.Page_Two and the attribute Text01 are visible and Text01 is change controlled.

Example 4–25 Redlining the Title Block table of an item

ITable page2Tab = item.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_REDLINEPAGETWO);
Iterator it = page2Tab.getTableIterator();
IRow redPage2Row = (IRow);
ICell cell = redPage2Row.getCell(CommonConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_TEXT01);
System.out.println("old value, before update: " + cell.getOldValue());
(CommonConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_TEXT01).setValue("updated Text01);

Removing Redline Changes

When you make redline changes to a table such as a BOM table, you may want to
undo the changes for a row and restore it to its original state. You can use the
IRedlinedRow.undoRedline() method to undo any redline changes to a row.
If you undo the redlines for a row, any cells that are modified are restored to their
original values. A redlined row can also be one that was added or deleted. If you undo
the redlines for a row that was added, the entire row is removed from that revision. If
you undo the redlines for a row that was deleted, the entire row is restored.

Example 4–26 Removing redline changes from the BOM table

private static undoBOMRedlines(IItem item, String rev) throws APIException {
ITable redlineBOM = item.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_REDLINEBOM);
Iterator it = redlineBOM.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
IRedlinedRow row = (IRedlinedRow);

Removing Redline Changes in Bulk Mode

Agile SDK enables removing (undoing) redlines with the aid of IRedlinedTable. This
interface provides the API to perform bulk redline undos with the aid of the following
■ IRedlinedTable.undoRedline(Collection rows);
■ IRedlinedTable.undoAllRedline();

Example 4–27 Typecasting Redline tables to IRedlinedTable interface

IItem item =
(IItem) session.getObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, "PART_001");
item.setRevision("B"); // Unreleased change
ITable bomTable =
Iterator it =
List rows = new ArrayList();
while(it.hasNext()) {
IRow row = (IRow);

Working with Tables 4-25

Identifying Redlined Rows and Redlined Cells


Note: Only Redline tables can be typecasted to IRedlinedTable

interface in the following two ways. For more information, see
"Redlining" on page 4-23.
■ ((IRedlinedTable)bomTable).undoRedline(rows);
■ ((IRedlinedTable)bomTable).undoAllRedline();

Identifying Redlined Rows and Redlined Cells

The IRedlined interface is designed to identify redlined rows and redlined cells. It is
only supported on redlined tables. The interface works in conjunction with the
isRedlineModified() method to show if objects are redlined. The interface typecasts
IRow and ICell objects as follows:
■ IRow indicates if the row is redline modified
■ ICell indicates if the cell is redline modified.

Example 4–28 Identifying redlined rows and cells

public boolean isRedlineModified()
throws APIException;

Note: The IRedlined.isRedlineModified() method returns a

boolean value. This value is TRUE when cells or rows are redlined and
FALSE value for all cells on redline added or redline removed rows.

Using ICell.getOldValue
With the introduction of the IRedlined interface, the ICell.getOldValue() method is
no longer defined for redline added and redline removed rows. The
ICell.getOldValue() method has a meaningful result only when FLAG_IS_REDLINE_
MODIFIED is true for the row.

Note: Do not call this method for redline added or redlined removed

4-26 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Data Cells

This chapter includes the following:

■ About Data Cells
■ Data Types
■ Checking the Discovery Privilege of the User
■ Checking if the Cell is a Read-Only Cell
■ Getting Values
■ Setting Values
■ Getting and Setting List Values
■ Using Reference Designator Cells

About Data Cells

An ICell object is a data field for an Agile PLM object that you have loaded or created
in your program. A cell can correspond to a field on a tab in Agile Web Client or a
single cell on a table. The ICell object consists of several properties that describe the
current state of a cell. Most of the data manipulation your Agile API programs
perform will involve changes to the value or properties of cells.

Data Types
The type of objects associated with the getValue() and setValue() methods depends on
the cell's data type. The table below lists the object types of cell values for getValue()
and setValue() methods.

DataTypeConstants Object type associated with getValue and setValue


Working with Data Cells 5-1

Checking if the Cell is a Read-Only Cell

DataTypeConstants Object type associated with getValue and setValue


Note: There are other Agile PLM datatypes, such as TYPE_WORKFLOW,

but they are not used for cell values.

Checking if the Cell is a Read-Only Cell

Roles and privileges assigned to a user by Agile PLM administrators, determine the
level of access the user has to Agile PLM objects and their underlying data. For
example, users with only ReadOnly privileges can view Agile PLM objects but not
modify them.
Whenever your program displays a value from a cell, you should check whether the
cell is read-only for the current user. If it is, your program must not allow the user to
edit the value. If a user tries to set a value for a read-only cell, the Agile API throws an

Example 5–1 Checking whether a field is a read-only field

// ID for "Title Block.Description"
// Set the value for the Description text field.
try {
Integer attrID =

// Get the ICell object for "Title Block.Description"

// If the cell is read-only, disable the cell
ICell cell = item.getCell(attrID);
if (cell.isReadOnly()) {
else {

Getting Values
The following table lists Agile API methods for getting values for cells.

Method Description
ICell.getValue() Gets a cell value
IRow.getValue() Gets a cell value contained within a row
IRow.getValues() Gets all cell values contained within a row
IDataObject.getValue() Gets a cell value on Page One, Page Two, or Page Three

5-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Getting Values

Before working with a cell's value, you must select the cell. Agile PLM cells are
instances of attributes. To specify the attribute for a cell, specify either the attribute's
ID constant, it's fully qualified name (such as "Title Block.Description"), or an
IAttribute object. For more information about referencing attributes, refer to
"Referencing Attributes" in SDK Developer Guide - Developing PLM Extensions.

Note: You can use ICell getAPIName() to access Data Cell attribute
values. For information to use this field, see Chapter 8, "Accessing
PLM Metadata with APIName Field."

The following example shows how to reference a cell by attribute ID constant.

Example 5–2 Specifying a cell by ID

Object v;
try {
v = item.getValue(attrID);
} catch (APIException ex) {

The following example shows how to reference a cell by the fully qualified attribute

Example 5–3 Specifying a field by its fully qualified name

object v;

String attrName = "Title Block.Number";

try {
v = item.getValue(attrName);
} catch (APIException ex) {

The method that you use to get a cell value depends on the current object in use by
your program. Use the ICell.getValue() method if you have already retrieved an ICell
object and want to retrieve a value.

Example 5–4 Getting a value using ICell.getValue()

private static Object getCellVal(ICell cell) throws APIException {
Object v;
v = cell.getValue();
return v;

Quite often, your program will first retrieve an object, such as an item, and then use
the IDataObject.getValue(java.lang.Object cellId) method to retrieve values for

Working with Data Cells 5-3

Setting Values

Example 5–5 Getting a value using IDataObject.getValue(Object cellID)

private static Object getDescVal(IItem item) throws APIException {
Integer attrID =
Integer attrID =
Object v;
v = item.getValue(attrID);
return v;

The object returned by the getValue() method is of the same data type as the Agile
PLM attribute. For more information about data types, see "Data Types" on page 5-1.

Note: All cells in a table returned by a query contain String values

regardless of the datatypes associated with those cells. For more
information about query result tables, see "Working with Query
Results" on page 3-24.

If you are iterating over rows in an Agile PLM table, you can use the IRow.getValues()
method to retrieve a Map object containing all cell values for a particular row in the
table. The returned Map object maps attribute ID keys to cell values.

Understanding SDK Date Formats and User Preferences

In SDK, date is available as a Java Date object and does not format the date according
to User Preferences. However, end users can convert it to their preferred format in GUI's
User Preferences.

Important: End users must use the GMT date format for PPM dates.
For more information, refer to the Agile PLM Product Portfolio
Management User Guide.

Setting Values
The following table lists Agile API methods for setting values for cells.

Method Description
ICell.setValue() Sets a cell value
IRow.setValue() Sets a cell value contained within a row
IRow.setValues() Sets multiple cell values contained within a row
IDataObject.setValue() Sets a cell value on Page One, Page Two, or Page Three
IDataObject.setValues() Sets multiple cell values on Page One, Page Two, or Page Three

The method that you use to set a value, depends on the current object that is use by
your program.

5-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Setting Values

Use the ICell.setValue() method if you've already retrieved an ICell object and
want to set its value.

Example 5–6 Setting a value using ICell.setValue()

private static void setDesc(ICell cell, String text) throws APIException {

If your program has already retrieved an object, such as a part, you can use the
IDataObject.setValue() method to set its values.

Example 5–7 Setting a value using IDataObject.setValue()

private void setDesc(IItem item, String text) throws APIException {
Integer attrID =
item.setValue(attrID, text);

If you are iterating over rows in an Agile PLM table, you can use the IRow.setValues()
method to set the cell values for an entire row. You can also use the
IDataObject.setValues() method to set multiple cell values on Page One, Page Two, or
Page Three of an object. The Map parameter you specify with setValues() maps
attributes to cell values.

Example 5–8 Setting multiple values in a row using IRow.setValues()

private void setBOMRow(IRow row) throws APIException {
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_ITEM_NUMBER, "23-0753");
map.put(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_QTY, "1");
map.put(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_FIND_NUM, "0");

When you set an Agile PLM value, you must know the cell's data type. If you try to set
a cell's value using an object of the wrong data type, the method fails. You may need to
cast the object to another class before using it to set a value.

Note: If you do not explicitly demarcate transactional boundaries in

your code, every setValues() operation your program performs is
treated as a separate transaction.

Catching Exceptions for Locked Objects

If someone else is modifying an object, it is temporarily locked by that user. If you try
to set the value for a cell when another user has the object locked, your program will
throw an exception. Therefore, whenever your program sets values of cells, make sure
you catch the following Agile exceptions related to locked objects:
You should also catch exception 813, which is related to locked objects.

Working with Data Cells 5-5

Getting and Setting List Values

The typical exception message that Agile PLM returns for a locked object is "Someone
is working on this object. Please try again later."
For more information on handling exceptions, see Chapter 20, "Handling Exceptions."

Getting and Setting List Values

There are two different datatypes for list cells. One for SingleList and one for MultiList
cells. When you get the value for a SingleList or MultiList cell, the object returned is an
IAgileList object. For that reason, list cells are slightly more complicated to work
with than other cells. The IAgileList interface provides methods for getting and
setting the current list selection. This section provides examples showing how to get
and set values for different types of Agile PLM lists, including cascading lists.
When you use ICell.getAvailableValues() to get the available values for a list cell, the
returned IAgileList object may include obsolete list values. Your program should not
permit users to set the value for a list cell to an obsolete value. For information on how
to check whether a list value is obsolete, see "Making List Values Obsolete" on
page 12-17.When a list contains String values, the values are case-sensitive. This means
that whenever you set the value for a list cell you must ensure that the value is the
right case.

Getting and Setting Values for SingleList Cells

A SingleList cell allows you select one value from the list. When you get the value for a
SingleList cell, the object returned is an IAgileList. From that IAgileList object, you can
determine what the currently selected value is. The following example shows how to
get and set values for the Title Block.Part Category cell for an item.

Example 5–9 Getting and setting the value for a SingleList cell
private static String getPartCatValue(IItem item) throws APIException {
// Get the Part Category cell
ICell cell = item.getCell(ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_PART_CATEGORY);

// Get the current IAgileList object for Part Category

IAgileList cl = (IAgileList)cell.getValue(

// Get the current value from the list

String value = null;
IAgileList[] selected = cl.getSelection();
if (selected != null && selected.length > 0) {
value = (selected[0].getValue()).toString();
return value;

private static void setPartCatValue(IItem item) throws APIException {

// Get the Part Category cell
ICell cell = item.getCell(ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_PART_CATEGORY);

// Get available list values for Part Category

IAgileList values = cell.getAvailableValues();

// Set the value to Electrical

values.setSelection(new Object[] { "Electrical" });

5-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Getting and Setting List Values

Getting and Setting Values for MultiList Cells

A MultiList cell behaves very similar to a SingleList cell except that it allows you to
select multiple values. You cannot change a MultiList cell, into a cascading list. The
following example shows how to get and set values for a MultiList cell, and Title
Block.Product Lines for an item.

Example 5–10 Getting and setting the value for a MultiList cell
private static String getProdLinesValue(IItem item) throws APIException {
String prodLines;

// Get the Product Lines cell

ICell cell = item.getCell(ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_PRODUCT_LINES);

// Get the current IAgileList object for Product Lines

IAgileList list = (IAgileList)cell.getValue();

// Convert the current value from the list to a string

prodLines = list.toString();
return prodLines;

private static void setProdLinesValue(IItem item) throws APIException {

// Get the Product Lines cell
ICell cell = item.getCell(ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_PRODUCT_LINES);

// Get available list values for Product Lines

IAgileList values = cell.getAvailableValues();

// Set the Product Lines values

values.setSelection(new Object[] {"Saturn","Titan","Neptune"});

Getting and Setting Values for Cascading Lists

You can reconfigure a SingleList cell to a cascading list. A cascading list presents a list
in multiple hierarchical levels, enabling you to drill down to a specific value in the list
hierarchy. For more information about cascading lists, see "Cascading Lists" on
page 12-2.When you get the value for a cascading list cell, a vertical bar (also called a
piping character) separates each level in the cascading list. To select the value for a
cascading list, use the IAgileList.setSelection() method. You can specify either an
array of IAgileList leaf nodes or a String array containing one string delimited by
vertical bars. After you select the value, save it using one of the setValue() methods.
The following example shows how to get and set the value for a cascading list.

Example 5–11
private String getCascadeValue(IItem item) throws APIException {

String value = null;

// Get the Page Two.List01 value
IAgileList clist =

// Convert the current value from the list to a string

value = clist.toString();

Working with Data Cells 5-7

Using Reference Designator Cells

return value;
private void setCascadeValue(IItem item) throws APIException {
String value = null;

// Get the Page Two List01 cell

ICell cell = item.getCell(ItemConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_LIST01);

// Get available list values for Page Two List01

IAgileList values = cell.getAvailableValues();

// Set the value to "North America|United States|San Jose"

values.setSelection(new Object[]
{"North America|United States|San Jose"});

Although the previous example shows one way to set the value for a cascading list,
there is another longer form you that can use which illustrates the tree structure of the
list. Instead of specifying a single String to represent a cascading list value, you can set
the selection for each level in the list. The following example selects a value for a
cascading list with three levels: continent, country, and city.

Example 5–12 Setting the value for a cascading list (long form)
private void setCascadeValue(IItem item) throws APIException{
// Get the Page Two List01 cell
ICell cell = item.getCell(CommonConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_LIST01);

// Get available list values for Page Two List01

IAgileList values = cell.getAvailableValues();

// Set the continent to "North America"

IAgileList continent = (IAgileList)values.getChildNode("North America");

// Set the country to "United States"

IAgileList country = (IAgileList)continent.getChildNode("United States");

// Set the city to "San Jose."

IAgileList city = (IAgileList)country.getChildNode("San Jose");
values.setSelection(new Object[]{city});

// Set the cell value


Using Reference Designator Cells

You can control how to use reference designator cells with Agile 9 SDK. You can make
reference designator cells render collapsed or expanded depending on your system
setting. The IReferenceDesignatorCell interface contains three public APIs that
allow the end user to retrieve reference designator information in three formats:
■ Collapsed - for example A1-A3; use getCollapsedValue()
■ Expanded - A1, A2, A3; use getExpandedValue()
■ Array of individual reference designators-[A1, A2, A3]; use

5-8 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Using Reference Designator Cells

The following table lists Agile API methods for retrieving reference designator values
for cells.

Method Description
IReferenceDesignatorCell. Gets a collapsed representation of the
reference designators. For example,
"A1,A2,A3" would be represented as
"A1-A3". Note that the range separator, ("-")
is defined as part of the system preferences.
IReferenceDesignatorCell. Gets an expanded value of a reference
designator. For example, for "A1-A3" the
string, "A1, A2, A3" would be returned.
IReferenceDesignatorCell. Gets the individual reference designators as
an array of strings. For example, for "A1-A3"
an array of these three strings, ["A1", "A2",
"A3"] would be returned.

Note: In previous releases of Agile SDK, the value of a reference

designator was a comma-delimited list of reference designators.
Because the functionality of cell.getValue() for a reference
designator will depend on the system setting controlling reference
designator presentation, the SDK user should not use cell.getValue()
or row.getValue(). We recommend that you get the cell and cast it
into an IReferenceDesignatorCell; then call the method that
corresponds to your desired data structure for processing or
displaying reference designator information

Working with Data Cells 5-9

Using Reference Designator Cells

5-10 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Folders

This chapter includes the following:

■ About Folders
■ Loading a Folder
■ Creating a Folder
■ Setting the Folder Type
■ Adding and Removing Folder Elements
■ Getting Folder Elements
■ Deleting a Folder

About Folders
An IFolder is a general purpose container used to hold IQuery and IFolder objects as
well as any of the main Agile PLM objects (IChange, IItem, IManufacturer,
IManufacturerPart, and IPackage). Folders are used to organize queries, or searches.

Note: A file folder is different from a folder. It has its own interface
called the IFileFolder. Files in a file folder holds can be referenced
from the Attachments table of other objects. For more information
about file folders, see Chapter 13, "Working with Attachments and File
Folder Objects."

These are some of the Agile PLM folders:

■ Private - Folders that are accessible only to the user that created them. Users can
create or delete their own Private folders.
■ Public - Folders that are accessible to all Agile PLM users. Only users with the
GlobalSearches privilege can create, delete, and modify Public folders.
■ System - Predefined folders that ship with the Agile PLM system. Most users
cannot modify or delete System folders.
■ My Bookmarks (or Favorites) - A predefined folder containing each user’s
bookmarks to Agile PLM objects. You cannot delete the My Bookmarks folder.
■ Home - The predefined Agile PLM home folder. You cannot delete the Home
■ Personal Searches - The predefined parent folder for each user’s personal searches.
You cannot delete the Personal Searches folder.

Working with Folders 6-1

About Folders

■ Recently Visited - A predefined folder containing links to recently visited objects.

The SDK does not populate this folder. It is only populated by Client applications.
If required, you specify this in your application

Note: The recently visited folder is only flushed to the database

periodically. Therefore, secondary connections like process extensions
with portals, or standalone SDK applications will not see the same
information that the user's GUI displays.

■ Report - A folder containing reports. Although you cannot use the Agile API to
create, modify, or delete report folders, you can create, modify, or delete them in
Agile PLM Clients.

Note: FolderConstants also includes a constant named TYPE_

MODIFIABLE_CONTENTS, but it is currently unused.

Each user's selection of folders may vary. However, every user has a Home folder. From
each user's Home folder, you can construct various subfolders and browse public and
private queries. To retrieve the Home folder for a user, use the
IUser.getFolder(FolderConstants.TYPE_HOME) method.
Folders are subject to the same transactional model as other Agile API objects. If you
do not set a transaction boundary for a folder, it is automatically updated as soon as
you add anything to, or remove anything from the folder.
IFolder extends java.util.Collection and ITreeNode support all the methods that
are provided by those Superinterfaces. That is, you can work with an IFolder object
as you would any Java Collection. Methods of ITreeNode allow you to deal with the
hierarchical structure of a folder by adding and removing children, getting children,
and getting the parent folder.

Interface Inherited methods

java.util.Collection add(), addAll(), clear(), contains(), containsAll(),
equals(), hashCode(), isEmpty(), iterator(), remove(),
removeAll(), retainAll(), size(), toArray()
ITreeNode addChild(), getChildNode(), getChildNodes(),
getParentNode(), removeChild()

Using Level Separation Characters in Folder and Object Names

The SDK supports level separation characters '|'and '/' when naming ITreeNode
objects as follows:
■ '|' in IAgileList object names
■ '/' in folder names
This feature primarily affects inherited ITreeNode methods shown in the table above.
To use these characters, it is necessary to explicitly prefix them with the backslash
character ('\').
■ \|
■ \/

6-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Creating a Folder

Note: To use the backslash character in Java string constants defined

in SDK applications, you must specify it twice ('\\').

Loading a Folder
There are two ways to load a folder:
■ Use the IAgileSession.getObject() method to specify the full path of a folder.
■ Use the IFolder.getChild() method to specify the relative path of a subfolder.
Folder and query names are not case-sensitive. Therefore, you can specify a folder path
using upper or lower case. For example, to load the Personal Searches folder, you can
specify /Personal Searches or /PERSONAL SEARCHES.
The following example shows how to load a folder by specifying the full path to the

Example 6–1 Loading a folder with IAgileSession.getObject()

//Load the Personal Searches folder
try {
IFolder folder =
(IFolder)m_session.getObject(IFolder.OBJECT_TYPE, "/Personal Searches");
catch (APIException ex) {

The following example loads a folder by specifying its path relative to another folder.
In this case, the user's Home Folder.

Example 6–2 Loading a folder with IFolder.getChild()

//Get the Home Folder
try {
IFolder homeFolder =

//Load the Personal Searches subfolder

IFolder folder =
(IFolder)homeFolder.getChild("Personal Searches");
catch (APIException ex) {

Creating a Folder
To create a folder, use the IAgileSession.createObject() method. When you create a
folder, you must specify the folder's name and its parent folder. The following example
shows how to create a folder named "MyTemporaryQueries" in the Personal Searches

Example 6–3 Creating a new folder

//Load the Personal Searches folder
IFolder parentFolder =
(IFolder)m_session.getObject(IFolder.OBJECT_TYPE, "/Personal Searches");

Working with Folders 6-3

Setting the Folder Type

//Create parameters for a new folder

Map params =
new HashMap(); params.put(FolderConstants.ATT_FOLDER_NAME,
params.put(FolderConstants.ATT_PARENT_FOLDER, parentFolder);

//Create a new folder

IFolder folder = (IFolder)session.createObject(IFolder.OBJECT_TYPE, params);

Setting the Folder Type

By default, all new folders that you create are private folders unless otherwise
specified. To change a private folder to a public folder, use the IFolder.setType()
method. You must have the GlobalSearches privilege to be able to change a private
folder to a public folder.
The two folder type constants you can use to set a folder's type are
FolderConstants.TYPE_PRIVATE and FolderConstants.TYPE_PUBLIC. You cannot set a
folder to any other folder type.

Example 6–4 Setting the folder type

//Load the My Cool Searches folder
IFolder folder =
"/Personal Searches/My Cool Searches");

//Make the folder public


Adding and Removing Folder Elements

An Agile PLM folder can contain IFolder objects (subfolders), IQuery objects, and any
kind of dataobject, such as IChange, IItem, IManufacturer, and IManufacturerPart
objects. Use the ITreeNode.addChild() method to add objects to a folder.

Adding Folder Elements

The following example shows how to add objects to a table.

Example 6–5 Adding objects to a folder

public void addFolderItem(IFolder folder, Object obj) {
try {
catch (APIException ex) {

6-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Getting Folder Elements

Removing Folder Elements

To remove a single folder element, use the ITreeNode.removeChild() method. To
clear all folder elements, use the java.util.Collection.clear() method.

Example 6–6 Removing objects from a Folder

IItem item = (IItem) session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, "1000");
IUser currentUser = session.getCurrentUser();
IFolder bookmarks =
ITreeNode bookmarksSubFolder =
favorites.getChildNode("My Parts");

Getting Folder Elements

All objects contained in a folder, including subfolders, can be loaded by name. To
retrieve an object from a folder, use the IFolder.getChild() method. Remember, the
object type for folder elements can vary. Depending on the object, you could be getting
a subfolder, a query, or a dataobject, such as an IItem.

Example 6–7 Getting a folder element

IItem item = (IItem) session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, "1000");
IUser currentUser = session.getCurrentUser();
IFolder bookmarks = currentUser.getFolder(FolderConstants.TYPE_FAVORITE);
ITreeNode bookmarksSubFolder = favorites.getChildNode("My Parts");

The following example shows how to use the IFolder.getChildren() method to

return an IAgileObject array. In this case, the code checks the object type for each
object in the array and then prints the object's name.

Example 6–8 Getting folder children

private void browseFolder(int level, IFolder folder) throws APIException {
IAdmin admin =
Collection subObjects =
for (Iterator it =
subObjects.iterator();it.hasNext();) {
IAgileObject obj =
System.out.println(indent(level * 4));
switch (obj.getType()) {
System.out.println("ITEM: " + obj.getName());
case IFolder.OBJECT_TYPE:
System.out.println("FOLDER: " + obj.getName());
browseFolder(level + 1, (IFolder)obj);
case IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE:
System.out.println("QUERY: " + obj.getName());
System.out.println("UNKNOWN TYPE: " + obj.getType() + ":" + obj.getName());

Working with Folders 6-5

Deleting a Folder

private String indent(int level) {

if (level <= 0) {
return "";
char c[] = new char[level*2];
Arrays.fill(c, ' ');
return new String(c);
private String indent(int level) {
if (level <= 0) {
return "";
char c[] = new char[level*2];
Arrays.fill(c, ' ');
return new String(c);

Another option to get a folder's children is to iterate over the folder elements, moving
from one end of the folder to the other. To create an iterator for an IFolder object, use
the java.util.Collection.iterator() method.

Note: If you need to traverse the folder contents forward and

backward, use IFolder.getFolderIterator() to return an
ITwoWayIterator object. ITwoWayIterator provides the previous(),
next(), and skip() methods, among others.

Example 6–9 Iterating over folder elements

//Load the Project X folder
try {
IFolder folder =
"/Personal Searches/Project X");

//Create a folder iterator

Iterator it = folder.iterator();
if (it.hasNext()) {

//Get the next folder element

Object obj =;
//Write code here to display each folder element in your program’s UI
} catch (APIException ex) {

Deleting a Folder
To delete a folder, use the IFolder.delete() method. You can delete folders that are
empty and that are not predefined Agile PLM system folders (such as the Global
Searches and My Inbox folders).
Unlike other dataobjects, folders are not "soft-deleted" the first time you delete them.
When you delete a folder, it is removed permanently from the system.
void deleteFolder(IFolder folder) throws APIException {

6-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Items, BOMs, and AMLs

This chapter includes the following:

■ Working with Items
■ Working with BOMs
■ Working with AMLs

Working with Items

An item is an object that helps define a product. Parts and documents are examples of
types of items. A part is shipped as part of a product and has costs associated with it.
A part can also be an assembly. A bill of material, or BOM, lists the separate
components that make up the assembly. A document generally is an internal
document, drawing, or procedure that references a part.
Items are different from other Agile PLM objects because they:
■ Have a revision history, with a set of data for each revision
■ Can be incorporated, or locked from future changes
■ Can have site-specific BOMs or approved manufacturers lists (AMLs)

Supported Page 2 Item Attributes

SDK supports the following Page 2 Item attributes.
■ Item.P2.Text26 to Text50 (25 new constants)
■ IItem.P2.List26 to List50 (25 new constants)
■ Item.P2.MultiList16 to MultiList25 (10 new constants)
■ Item.P2.MultiList46 to MultiList52 (7 new constants

Getting and Setting the Revision of an Item

The revision for an item is a special type of Agile PLM attribute. The revision is always
paired with another value, the number of its associated change object (such as an
ECO). When you load an item, it's always loaded with the latest released revision.
The correct way to get and set the revision for an item is to use methods of the
IRevisioned interface, as shown in the following example, which loads an item and
then iterates through the item's revisions.

Working with Items, BOMs, and AMLs 7-1

Working with Items

Example 7–1 Getting and setting the revision of an item

try {
// Get an item
IItem item = (IItem)m_session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, "1000-02");

// Print the item’s current revision

System.out.println("current rev : " + item.getRevision());

// Get all revisions for the item

Map revisions = item.getRevisions();

// Get the set view of the map

Set set = revisions.entrySet();

// Get an iterator for the set

Iterator it = set.iterator();

// Iterate through the revisions and set each revision value

while (it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
String rev = (String)entry.getValue();
System.out.println("Setting rev : " + rev + "....");item.setRevision(rev);
System.out.println("current rev : " + item.getRevision());
catch (APIException ex) {

The IRevisioned.setRevision() method accommodates several different ways to specify

a revision. The change parameter of the setRevision() method can be any of the
following types of objects:
■ A null object to specify an Introductory revision:
■ An IChange object associated with a particular revision:
A change number (a String) associated with a particular revision:
revision identifier (a String such as “Introductory”, “A”, “B”, “C”, and so on):
■ A String containing both a revision identifier and a change number separated by
eight spaces (“A 23450"):
item.setRevision("A C00450");
The last type of String object that you can specify for the change parameter allows you
to pass the same value used in other Rev cells in Agile PLM tables. For example, the
BOM.Item Rev cell, unlike Title Block.Rev, is directly accessible. If you get the value for
the cell, it returns a String containing the revision identifier and a change number
separated by eight spaces.

7-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Items

Example 7–2 Setting the revision using BOM.Item Rev

// Get an Item
try {
IItem item = (IItem)m_session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, "1000-02");

// Get the BOM table

ITable bomTable = item.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_BOM);

// Get part 1543-01 in the BOM

ITwoWayIterator it = bomTable.getTableIterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
IRow row = (IRow);
String num =
if (num.equals("1543-01")) {

// Get the revision for this BOM item where bomRev = revID + 8 spaces +
String bomRev = (String)row.getValue(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_ITEM_REV);

// Load the referenced part

IItem bomItem = (IItem)row.getReferent();

// Set the revision

System.out.println("Setting rev : " + bomRev + "....");
System.out.println("current rev : " + bomItem.getRevision());
} catch (APIException ex) {

Note: If an item has no released revisions and no pending changes,

the IRevisioned.getRevision() method returns a null String and the
IRevisioned.getRevisions() method returns an empty Map object.

Failing to get a of an Item using the Title Block.Rev field

Unlike other attributes, the Title Block.Rev field whose ID constant for an item is
ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_REV, is not directly accessible. This means that you
cannot retrieve or set a revision value using the getValue() and setValue() methods.
For example, the revValue() variable in the following code sample is always a null

Example 7–3 Failing to get a revision using the Title Block.Rev field
(IItem)m_session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, "1000-02");
IAgileList listRevValue =
String revValue = listRevValue.toString();
if (revValue==null) {
System.out.println("Failed to get the revision.");

Working with Items, BOMs, and AMLs 7-3

Working with BOMs

Changing the Incorporated Status of a Revision

Each revision of an item can be incorporated. When you incorporate the revision of an
item, all attachments for that revision are locked and cannot be checked out. After an
item is incorporated, you can still use Agile Web Client to view the item's attachments,
but you cannot modify them unless you submit a new Change.
To incorporate or unincorporate an item, use the
IAttachmentContainer.setIncorporated() method. Special Agile PLM privileges are
required to incorporate and unincorporate Items. If a user does not have the
appropriate privileges, the setIncorporated() method throws an exception.
Only items that have revision numbers can be incorporated. Therefore, a preliminary
item that has not been released cannot be incorporated. Once an ECO is submitted for
that item and a pending revision number is specified, the revision can then be
incorporated. Example 7–4 shows how to change the incorporated status of an item.

Example 7–4 Changing the incorporated status of an Item

try {
// Get an item
IItem item = (IItem)m_session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, "1000-02");

//Incorporate or Unincorporate the Item, dedepending on its current state

} catch (APIException ex) {

Working with BOMs

A bill of material, or BOM, shows the components that make up a product. Each item
that is listed on a BOM can be a single item or an assembly of several items.
The BOM table, like other Agile PLM tables, consists of columns, or fields, of data.
Each column represents an Agile PLM attribute, such as BOM.Item Number. Each row
of the BOM table represents a separate item, either a part, a document, or a
user-defined subclass.
In addition to the BOM table, there is also a redline BOM, which records redline
changes to a BOM. When you load a BOM table using the
DataObject.getTable()method, make sure you specify the correct table ID constant.

BOM Table ID Constant

Current BOM table ItemConstants.TABLE_BOM
Redline BOM table ItemConstants.TABLE_REDLINEBOM

For an example to retrieve a BOM table, see "Retrieving a Table" on page 4-3.

Adding an Item to a BOM

Before adding an item to the BOM table, specify the manufacturing site. A BOM item
is either site-specific or common to all sites. Use the
IManufacturingSiteSelectable.setManufacturingSite() method to specify the site. To
add an item to the common BOM, use ManufacturingSiteConstants.COMMON_SITE.
Otherwise, specify a specific site, such as the user's default site.

7-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with BOMs

Note: You can't add rows to a BOM if the parent item is currently set
to display all sites. Before adding a row to a BOM, make sure the
item's site is not set to ManufacturingSiteConstants.ALL_SITES.
Otherwise, the API throws an exception.

Example 7–5 Adding items to a BOM

//Add an item to the common BOM
public void addCommonBOMItem(IItem item, String bomnumber) throws APIException {
HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_ITEM_NUMBER, bomnumber);

//Add a site-specific item to the BOM using the user’s default site
public void addSiteBOMItem(IItem item, String bomnumber) throws APIException {
HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_ITEM_NUMBER, bomnumber);

For more information about manufacturing sites, see Chapter 10, "Managing
Manufacturing Sites."

Expanding a BOM
The BOM table can be viewed as a table containing multiple levels even though the
API doesn't present it that way. By default, the BOM table contains only top-level
items. To expand a BOM to show its hierarchy, you need to recursively load each BOM
item and its subassemblies. The following example shows how to print multiple levels
of a BOM.

Example 7–6 Printing multiple levels of a BOM

private void printBOM(IItem item, int level) throws APIException {
ITable bom = item.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_BOM);
Iterator i = bom.getReferentIterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
IItem bomItem = (IItem);
printBOM(bomItem, level + 1);
private String indent(int level) {
if (level <= 0) {
return "";
char c[] = new char[level*2];
Arrays.fill(c, ' ');
return new String(c);

Working with Items, BOMs, and AMLs 7-5

Working with BOMs

Copying one BOM into another BOM

Frequently, the BOMs of two items can be very similar. Instead of creating a BOM from
scratch, it is often easier to copy a BOM from one item to another and then make slight
changes. You can use the Collection.addAll() method to copy the contents of one
table into a target table. The addAll() method does not set a new revision for the item.

Note: If you copy a BOM from one item to another, the target item
must have the same associated manufacturing sites as the source item.

Example 7–7 Copying a BOM using Collection.addAll()

private static void copyBOM(IItem source, IItem target) throws APIException {

// Get the source BOM

ITable sourceBOM = source.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_BOM);

// Get the target BOM

ITable targetBOM = target.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_BOM);

// Add all rows from the source BOM to the target BOM

Another way to copy a BOM is to iterate through the rows of a source BOM and copy
each row to a target BOM.

Example 7–8 Copying a BOM by iteration

private static void copyBOM1(IItem source, IItem target) throws APIException {

// Get the source BOM

ITable sourceBOM = source.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_BOM);

// Get an iterator for the source BOM

Iterator i = sourceBOM.iterator();

// Get the target BOM

ITable targetBOM = target.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_BOM);

// Copy each source BOM row to the target BOM

while (i.hasNext()) {

Creating BOM-Related Product Reports

The SDK provides the IProductReport API with constants defined in
ProductReportConstants to prepare the following BOM-related product reports.
These reports are produced in the XML format.
■ BOM Explosion reports - The BOM Explosion report displays the items that are in
the bill of Material(BOM) for the one or more specified assembly, up to the desired
number of levels.
■ BOM Comparison reports - The BOM Comparison XML reports is the result of
comparing two different BOMs up to the specified number of levels.

7-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with BOMs

For example, when a base BOM compared with the target BOM, the comparison will
■ d shown in BOM node - indicates only base assembly has the BOM
■ a shown in BOM node - indicates only target assembly has the BOM
■ u shown in BOM node - indicates both root assemblies have the same BOM
■ m shown in BOM node - indicates both root assemblies have the BOM but with
some differences
All first level BOMs of both base and target assembly are categorized into another
node BOMs. BOM nodes under BOMs are first sorted by FindNum and then by
There are several use cases for these reports. For example, archiving or comparative
analysis with outputs of ERP systems.
To create a product report, you must use the IAgileSession object. The following
examples show how to use IAgileSession and ProductReportConstants to prepare
BOM Explosion and BOM Comparison reports.

Example 7–9 Preparing a BOM Comparison report

Map param = new HashMap();
param.put(ProductReportConstants.REPORTPARAM_ITEMREVSITE, "item1;item2");
ProductReportConstants.BOM_ATT_ITEM_NUM +”;” +
param.put(ProductReportConstants.BOMCOMP_BOMLEVEL, "4");

IProductReport report = (IProductReport)

(IProductReport.OBJECT_TYPE, "My BOM Comparison Report");
String xmlReport = report.execute(param);

If the value for ProductReportConstants.BOMCOMP_BOM_ATTRS is not specified, then it

is assumed its value is Find Num;Item Number;Sites.

Example 7–10 Preparing a BOM Explosion report

Map param = new HashMap();
param.put(ProductReportConstants.BOMEXP_OBJTYPE, "Document;Part;");
param.put(ProductReportConstants.BOMEXP_MAXLEVEL, "5");
IProductReport report = (IProductReport)
session.createObject(IProductReport.OBJECT_TYPE, "My BOM Explosion Report");
String xmlReport = report.execute(param);

In BOM Explosion reports, following are values for

■ <Item_number>|<Change_number>|<Site_number> where <Change_Number> and
<Site_number> are optional if:
-<Change_number> is not specified it is assumed to be the Latest revision

Working with Items, BOMs, and AMLs 7-7

Working with BOMs

-<Site_number> is not specified it is assumed as Common Sites

■ The value can have one or more Items delimited by semicolon
■ Item1;Item2;Item3 are the Latest revision of Item1,Item2 and Item3 for
Common Sites
■ Item1|ECO1;Item2;Item3 (Item1 with ECO1 revision and latest revision of Item2,
■ Item1|ECO1|Site1;Item2|ECO2 (Item1 with ECO1 revision with Site1 Specific
BOM and Item2 with ECO2 revision)
■ Item1|Site1;Item2 (Item1 with Site1 Specific BOM and the latest revision of
Item2 with Common Sites)
In BOM Comparison reports, following are values for
■ <Item_number>|<Change_number>|<Site_number> where <Change_Number> and
<Site_number>are optional when:
-<Change_number> is not specified, then it is assumed as Latest revision.
-<Site_number> is not specified, it is assumed as Common Sites.
■ The value must include two Items delimited by a semicolon
■ Item1;Item2 (Latest revision of Item1 andItem2 and all Sites)
■ Item1|ECO1;Item2 (Item1 with ECO1 revision and Latest revision of Item2)
■ Item1|ECO1|Site1;Item2|ECO2 (Item1 with ECO1 revision with Site1 Specific
BOM and Item2 with ECO2 revision)
■ Item1|Site1;Item2 (Item1 with Site1 Specific BOM and Latest revision of
Item2 with Common Sites)

Redlining a BOM

To redline a BOM table, follow these steps:

1. Get a released assembly item.

2. Create a new Change Order, such as an ECO, for the item.

3. Add the item to the Affected Items table of the ECO. Also, specify the new revision
in the change and set the item's revision to the associated change.
4. Modify the item's Redline BOM table.
In the following sections, there are code examples for each of these steps.

Note: You can remove redlines from a row of the BOM table. See
"Removing Redline Changes" on page 4-25.

Getting a Released Assembly Item

The following example loads an assembly item from the Part subclass. Make sure the
Part you specify is released and has a BOM.

Example 7–11 Getting a released assembly

// Load a released assembly item

7-8 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with BOMs

private static IItem loadItem(IAgileSession myServer, Integer ITEM_NUMBER)

throws APIException {
IItem item = (IItem)myServer.getObject("Part", ITEM_NUMBER);

//Check if the item is released and has a BOM

if (item != null) {
if (item.getRevision().equals("Introductory") ||
System.out.println("Item must be released and have a BOM.");
item = null;
return item;

Creating a Change Order

To redline a BOM, you must create a Change Order, such as an ECO. Example below
shows how to create an ECO and select a Workflow for the selected ECO.

Example 7–12
private static IChange createChange(IAgileSession myServer, Integer ECO_NUMBER)
throws APIException {
IChange change =
IChange)myServer.createObject(ChangeConstants.CLASS_ECO, ECO_NUMBER);

// Set the Workflow ID

return change;

Adding Items to the Affected Items tab of a Change Order

After you create an ECO, you can add the Part you loaded to the Affected Items table
of the ECO. Every ECO is associated with a revision. The following example shows
how to specify the new revision in the ECO, and then set the revision for the Part to
the one associated with the ECO.

Example 7–13 Adding an item to the Affected Items table of a change order
private static void addAffectedItems(IAgileSession myServer,
IItem item, IChange change) throws APIException {

// Get the Affected Items table

ITable affectedItems =

// Create a Map object to store parameters

Map params = new HashMap();

// Set the value of the item number by specifying the item object
params.put(ChangeConstants.ATT_AFFECTED_ITEMS_ITEM_NUMBER, item);

// Specify the revision for the change

params.put(ChangeConstants.ATT_AFFECTED_ITEMS_NEW_REV, "B");

// Add a new row to the Affected Items table

IRow affectedItemRow = affectedItems.createRow(params);

// Select the new revision for the part


Working with Items, BOMs, and AMLs 7-9

Working with BOMs

Modifying the Redline BOM Table

After the Part has been added to the Affected Items table of an ECO and a revision has
been specified, you can begin to modify the Part's Redline BOM table. The following
example shows how to get the Redline BOM table, add and remove rows, and set
specific cell values.

Example 7–14 Modifying the Redline BOM table

private static void modifyRedlineBOM(IAgileSession myServer, IItem item)
throws APIException {

// Get the Redline BOM table

ITable redlineBOM = item.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_REDLINEBOM);

// Create two new items, 1000-002 and 1000-003

IItem item1 = (IItem) myServer.createObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART,
IItem item2 = (IItem) myServer.createObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART,

// Add item 1000-002 to the table

IRow redlineRow = redlineBOM.createRow(item1);
redlineRow.setValue(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_QTY, new Integer(50));
redlineRow.setValue(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_FIND_NUM, new Integer(777));

// Add item 1000-003 to the table

redlineRow = redlineBOM.createRow(item2);
redlineRow.setValue(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_QTY, new Integer(50));
redlineRow.setValue(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_FIND_NUM, new Integer(778));

// Remove item 1000-003 from the table

IRow delRow;
String itemNumber;
Iterator it = redlineBOM.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
delRow = (IRow);
itemNumber = (String)delRow.getValue(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_ITEM_NUMBER);
if (itemNumber.equals("1000-003")) {

// Change the Qty value for item 1000-002

IRow modRow;
it = redlineBOM.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
modRow = (IRow);
itemNumber =
if (itemNumber.equals("1000-002")) {
modRow.setValue(ItemConstants.ATT_BOM_QTY, new Integer(123));

7-10 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with AMLs

Working with AMLs

An AML is the Approved Manufacturer List for an item. It lists the preferred or
alternate manufacturers that have been approved to supply a particular item. When
you source parts for a project, you can choose to source them by assembly, by AML, or
both. The list identifies the manufacturer part for that item.
The Manufacturers table consists of columns, or fields, of data. Each column represents
an Agile PLM attribute, such as Manufacturers.MfrName. Each row of the
Manufacturers table references a separate manufacturer part. In addition to the
Manufacturers table, there is also a redline Manufacturers table, which records redline
changes. When you load a Manufacturers table using the DataObject.getTable()
method, make sure you specify the correct table ID constant.

BOM Table ID Constant

Current Manufacturers table ItemConstants.TABLE_MANUFACTURERS
Redline Manufacturers table ItemConstants.TABLE_

Adding an Approved Manufacturer to the Manufacturers Table

Similar to the BOM Table, the Manufacturers Table requires that you specify the
manufacturing site before adding a new row to the table. An approved manufacturer
is either site-specific or common to all sites. Use the
IManufacturingSiteSelectable.setManufacturingSite() method to specify the site. To
add an approved manufacturer to the common Manufacturers table, use
ManufacturingSiteConstants.COMMON_SITE. Otherwise, select a specific site, such as
the user's default site.

Note: You can't add rows to an AML if the parent item is currently
set to display all sites. Before adding a row to an AML, make sure the
item's site is not set to ManufacturingSiteConstants.ALL_SITES.
Otherwise, the API throws an exception.

Example 7–15 Adding approved manufacturers to an AML

//Add a MfrPart to the common AML
public void addCommonApprMfr(IItem item, String mfrName, String mfrPartNum)
throws APIException {
HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put(ManufacturerPartConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_MANUFACTURER_NAME, mfrName);
IManufacturerPart mfrPart = (IManufacturerPart)m_session.getObject(
ManufacturerPartConstants.CLASS_MANUFACTURER_PART, map);

// Add a site-specific MfrPart to the AML using the user’s default site
public void addSiteApprMfr(IItem item, String mfrName, String mfrPartNum)
throws APIException {
HashMap map = new HashMap();

Working with Items, BOMs, and AMLs 7-11

Working with AMLs

IManufacturerPart mfrPart = (IManufacturerPart)m_session.getObject(
ManufacturerPartConstants.CLASS_MANUFACTURER_PART, map);

For more information about manufacturing sites, see Chapter 10, "Managing
Manufacturing Sites."

Updating AML Split Percentages in Sourcing Projects

An AML can have manufacturer parts of status preferred, alternate, or any additional
status that is configured in the Java Client. For each internal item, there can be
multiple manufacturer parts. In such cases, you can specify AML percentage splits. For
example, you may want to use 70% of one manufacturer part and 30% of another,
based on cost or availability. The sum of the AML percentage splits must equal 100.
Manufacturers listed in a project AML must already exist in the Item Master.
SDK exposes the setAmlSplits() method to update AML Splits by percentage, the same
as in PLM Clients.

Example 7–16 Updating AML Split in a Sourcing Project

public static void setAmlSplits() throws APIException {
IProject prj =
(IProject) session.getObject(IProject.OBJECT_TYPE, "PRJ_A");
ITable tbl_items=prj.getTable(ProjectConstants.TABLE_ITEMS);
HashMap[] mapx = new HashMap[2];
IRow[] rowArray = new IRow[2];
HashMap rows = new HashMap();
Iterator itms= tbl_items.getTableIterator();
while (itms.hasNext()){
IRow row_item = (IRow);
ITable tbl_aml = (ITable)row_item.getValue(ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEMS_AML);
Iterator amls = tbl_aml.getTableIterator();
while (amls.hasNext()){
IRow row_aml=(IRow);
mapx[0] = new HashMap();
mapx[0].put(ProjectConstants.ATT_AML_AML_SPLIT, "08");
rows.put(rowArray[0], mapx[0]);
mapx[1] = new HashMap();
mapx[1].put(ProjectConstants.ATT_AML_AML_SPLIT, "12");
rows.put(rowArray[1], mapx[1]);

7-12 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with AMLs

Retrieving AML Data from the Item Master

The AML data for a project item is updated in the Item Master. Agile SDK supports
retrieving AML data from the Item Master into a project as shown in the following

Example 7–17 Retrieving AML Data from item the Master

import com.agile.api.*;
import com.agile.util.CMObjectID;
import com.agile.util.CMObjectKey;
public class sampleProjectAMLsync {
public static void connect(String url, String userName, String passWord)
throws APIException {
AgileSessionFactory factory = AgileSessionFactory.getInstance(url);
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(AgileSessionFactory.USERNAME, userName);
params.put(AgileSessionFactory.PASSWORD, passWord);
session = factory.createSession(params);
System.out.println("...Connect to PLM server:" + url);
public static void disconnect() {
if (session != null) {
System.out.println("...Disconnect from PLM server!");
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String url = "";
String user = "admin";
String pwd = "agile";
connect(url, user, pwd);
IProject prj = (IProject) session.
getObject(IProject.OBJECT_TYPE, "PRJ00006");
ITable prjTableAML=prj.getTable(ProjectConstants.TABLE_AML);
List itmIdLst=new ArrayList();
List itmNmbrLst=new ArrayList();
List itmCMObjIdLst=new ArrayList();
List itmObjLst=new ArrayList();
for(Iterator it=prjTableAML.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
IRow rowAML=(IRow);
ITable xx=(ITable)rowAML.getValue(ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEMS_AML);
String itemNumber=(String)rowAML.
IItem item = (IItem) session.getObject(ItemConstants.
CLASS_PART, itemNumber);
Integer rowid= rowAML.getRowId
CMObjectID rfrnt= (CMObjectID)rowAML.getReferent().getId();
Integer itmId=rfrnt.getObjectID();
Map params=new HashMap();
params.put(ProjectConstants.OPT_DIALOG_UPDATE_AML_ADD_DELETE, true);
params.put(ProjectConstants.OPT_DIALOG_UPDATE_AML_ATTR, false);
params.put(ProjectConstants.OPT_DIALOG_UPDATE_AML_ATTR_OVERWRITE, false);

Working with Items, BOMs, and AMLs 7-13

Working with AMLs

params.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEMS_NUMBER, itmCMObjIdLst);
private static IAgileSession session = null;

Redlining an AML
Once an item is released, you can change the Manufacturers table only by issuing a
new change order. The change order allows you to redline the Manufacturers table.

Note: You can remove redlines from a row of the Manufacturers

table. See "Removing Redline Changes" on page 4-25.

To redline a Manufacturers table:

1. Get a released revision of an item.

2. Create a new ECO, MCO, or SCO.

- ECOs lets you modify an item's BOM or Manufacturers tables.
- MCOs lets you modify an item's Manufacturers table.
- SCOs let you modify an item's site-specific BOM or Manufacturers tables.
3. Add the item to the Affected Items table of the change.
4. For ECOs, specify the new revision in the change. SCOs and MCOs do not affect
an item's revision.
5. Modify the Redline Manufacturers table.

7-14 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Accessing PLM Metadata with APIName Field

This chapter includes the following:

■ About APIName Field
■ Assigning Names to APIName Fields
■ APIName Validation Rules
■ Accessing Metadata Using the APIName Field

About APIName Field

The primary purpose of the APIName field is to facilitate SDK developers' access to
internal Agile metadata when developing SDK applications. Prior to introduction of
this field, display names or numeric IDs defined in the SDK Constants file were used
to access Agile internal/metadata of objects in Classes, Tables, Attributes, Lists, and so
on. The negative aspect of this approach is that numbers are difficult to remember and
display names can change. However, an object's APIName is unique, it is easier to
remember, and unlike DisplayName it is not subject to change which can break your
For example, your SDK application can use "AuditResult" which is the APIName of
the List instead of its ID which is 6820, or its display name which is "Audit Result" to
look up its internal value.

Figure 8–1 Accessing attribute value via API Name field

The following paragraphs describe the rules that assign a name to APIName fields and
SDK interfaces that you can use in your SDK applications to access internal data with
the APIName field.

Accessing PLM Metadata with APIName Field 8-1

Assigning Names to APIName Fields

Note: When upgrading to Release 9.3, it is possible to have duplicate

APIName assigned to previously user defined fields. For example, if
you have the user defined field "Foo" on P2 and P3, the upgrade tool
will assign the APIName Foo to both fields. To avoid these
duplications, change the APIName for one of these fields in the Java

Assigning Names to APIName Fields

Names are automatically assigned to APIName fields by the PLM application when
authorized users create new data objects in Java Client. Objects that support APIName
have the additional API Name field in their Create dialog boxes which PLM
immediately populates once a name is typed in the object's Name field.
The PLM assigned APIName converts the contents of the Name field using the
CamelCase naming convention. The CamelCase convention is adhered to by Java JDK
for all core APIs and closely resembles the name of the API. For example, the class
"Manufacturer Parts" is converted to "ManufacturerParts" and the list "My new list" is
converted to "MyNewList".

Figure 8–2 API name field

APIName Validation Rules

The APIName naming convention must adhere to the following rules:
■ It can contain only characters
■ It must be a valid Java/XML identifier
- Allowed characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _ (underscore)
■ It is between 1 and 255 characters long
■ It is case-sensitive
■ It must be unique within a context, for example:
- The attribute "Number" can exist in the cover page table for classes
Parts" as well as "Changes" (Different context, Parts & Changes)
- Two attributes with APIName "Number" cannot exist in the cover page table of
"Parts" (Same context, Parts cover page)
Two attributes with APIName "Number" cannot exist in Cover Page,
Page Two and Page Three (Cover Page, Page Two and

8-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Accessing Metadata Using the APIName Field

Page Three are a single context)

Accessing Metadata Using the APIName Field

You can use the API name of the Agile Metadata to:
■ Access the metadata of Agile PLM (Node, Class, Attribute)
■ Access/manipulate the value of the metadata (attributes and table attributes) of a
data object
You can view the API name of Nodes, Classes, and Attributes in Java Client. SDK
interfaces that support the APIName field are listed in the following tables.

APIs that Support the APIName Field

API Example
getAgileClass(Object id) getAgileClass("Parts")
getNode(Object id) getNode ("Part.TitleBlock")
getAttribute (Object key) getAttribute("TitleBlock.number")
or, getAttribute("number")
getTableAttributes(Object tableId) getTableAttributes("TitleBlock")
getTableDescriptor (Object id) getTableDescriptor("TitleBlock")
isSubclassOf(Object cls) isSubclassOf("Parts")
getChild(Object child) getChild("UNITED_STATES")
UNITED_STATES is the APIName for entry
'United States' in 'Country' list
getChildNode(Object child) getChildNode("UNITED_STATES")
setSelection (Object[] childNodes) setSelection(new Object[]
createObject(Object objectType, Object Map map = new HashMap();
String partNumber = "P00001"
IDataObject dObj = (IDataObject) (m_
session.createObject("Part", map));
createObject(int objectType, Object Map map = new HashMap();
String partNumber = "P00001"
map.put("number", partNumber);
IDataObject dObj = (IDataObject) (m_
session.createObject("Part", map));

Accessing PLM Metadata with APIName Field 8-3

Accessing Metadata Using the APIName Field

API Example
getObject(Object objectType, Object Map map = new HashMap();
IDataObject dObj = (IDataObject) (m_
session.getObject("Part", map));
getObject(int objectType, Object Map map = new HashMap();
IDataObject dObj = (IDataObject)(m_
getCell(Object key) getCell("PageTwo.list11") or
getTable(Object tableId) getTable("AffectedItems")
getValue(Object attribute) getValue ("PageTwo.list11") or
getValue ("list11")
setValue(Object key,Object value) setValue("PageTwo.text01","test")
saveAs(Object type,Object params) Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("number", number);
IItem part2 = (IItem)
part.saveAs("Document", params);
setValues(Map map) Map map = new HashMap();
getAdminList(Object listId) getAdminList("ActionStatus")
createAdminList(Map map) map.put(IAdminList.ATT_NAME,"My
"My desc");
map.put(IAdminList.ATT_ENABLED, new
map.put(IAdminList.ATT_CASCADED, new
IAdmin admin = m_
IListLibrary listLibrary =
IAdminList newList =

8-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Accessing Metadata Using the APIName Field

API Example
getChild(Object child) IAdmin admin = m_
INode node =
INode partsClass =
getChildNode(Object child) IAdmin admin = m_
INode node =
INode partsClass =
saveAs (Object type, Object[] HashMap map = new HashMap();
tablesToCopy, Object params)
map.put("name", new_number);
map.put("scheduleStartDate", new
Object[] objects = new
Object[]{"PageTwo", "PageThree",
IProgram program2 =
objects, map);
saveAs(Object type, HashMap map = new HashMap();
Object[]tablesToCopy, Object params,
map.put("name", new_number);
boolean applyToChildren)
map.put("scheduleStartDate", new
Object[] objects = new
Object[]{"PageTwo", "PageThree",
IProgram program2 =
objects, map, true);
assignSupplier(Object supplierParams) HashMap map = new HashMap();
setResultAttributes (Object[] attrs) String[] attrs = new String[3];
attrs[0] = "TitleBlock.number";
attrs[1] = "TitleBlock.description";
attrs[2] =

Accessing PLM Metadata with APIName Field 8-5

Accessing Metadata Using the APIName Field

API Example
assignSupplier (Object supplierParams) HashMap map = new HashMap();
createRow(Object param) HashMap params = new HashMap();
params.put("itemNumber", "P0001");
params.put("newRev", "A");
ITable affectedItems =
IRow affectedItemRow =
createRows(Object[] rows)
getAvailableValues(Object attr) getAvailableValues("PageTwo.list01")
updateRows (Map rows) HashMap[] mapx = new HashMap[5];
Map rows = new HashMap();
mapx[0] = new HashMap();
mapx[0].put("newRev", "A");
mapx[0].put("text01", "sdk test1");
rows.put(rowArray[0], mapx[0]);
mapx[1] = new HashMap();
mapx[1].put("newRev", "A");
mapx[1].put("text01", "sdk test2");
rows.put(rowArray[1], mapx[1]);
getAttribute (Object key) getAttribute("number")

SDK APIs that Get the APIName Field

Interface Method
IAdminList getAPIName()
IAgileClass getAPIName()
IAgileList getAPIName()
addChild(Object child, String apiName)
IAttribute getAPIName()
ICell getAPIName()
INode getAPIName()

8-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Accessing Metadata Using the APIName Field

IProperty getAPIName()
ITableDesc getAPIName()

API Names of Root Administrator Nodes

The following table lists the API names of the top level Administrator nodes which are
not exposed in Agile Java Client. Top Level Admin Nodes are Admin Nodes that exist
on their own. That is, no other Admin Node must exist in order for these Admin nodes
to exist. For example, Class and Roles are top level nodes, but Life Cycle Phases and
Attributes are not because they belong to another Admin Node. Similarly, Workflow
Statuses are not top level nodes because they belong to Workflow.

Root Node API Name

ACS Responses ACSResponses
Account Policy AccountPolicy
Activity Statuses ActivityStatuses
ActivityHealths ActivityHealths
Agile Classes AgileClasses
Agile Workflows AgileWorkflows
Agile eHubs AgileEHubs
Attachment Purge Setting AttachmentPurgeSetting
AutoNumbers AutoNumbers
Catchers Catchers
Character Set CharacterSet
Cluster Cluster
Company Profile CompanyProfile
Criteria Library CriteriaLibrary
Dashboard Management DashboardManagement
Default Role Settings DefaultRoleSettings
Destinations Destinations
Event Handler Types EventHandlerTypes
Event Handlers EventHandlers
Event Subscribers EventSubscribers
Event Types EventTypes
Events Events
Example Role/Privilege ExampleRolePrivilege
Filters Filters
Full Text Search Settings FullTextSearchSettings
Import Preference Setting ImportPreferenceSetting
LDAPConfig LDAPConfig
LifeCycle Phases LifeCyclePhases
My Assignments MyAssignments

Accessing PLM Metadata with APIName Field 8-7

Accessing Metadata Using the APIName Field

Notification Templates NotificationTemplates

PGC SmartRules PGCSmartRules
Package File Types PackageFileTypes
Portals Portals
Preferences Preferences
Privileges Privileges
Process eXtension Library ProcessEXtensionLibrary
Query Cleanup QueryCleanup
RFQ Terms and Conditions RFQTermsAndConditions
Reports Reports
Roles Roles
Server Location ServerLocation
Sign Off Message SignOffMessage
SmartRules SmartRules
Subscribers Subscribers
Task Configuration TaskConfiguration
UOM Families UOMFamilies
Viewer and Files ViewerAndFiles
wCM Servers WCMServers

API Name Examples

The following example shows how to log in to an Agile PLM server, create two parts,
enable Page Two text 01 and List 20, set values for them, and then add the second part
to the BOM Table of the first part.

Example 8–1 Using the APIName field to access metadata

import com.agile.api.*;
import java.util.*;

* This sample code shows how to use the API name.
* It uses some of the SDK APIs with the API name.
* For a list of API names for attributes and classes,
* refer to Agile Java Client.
* Some API names in Agile Java Client may differ from the ones
* in this example. This is because a duplicate conflict
* was detected in the API name in the same context.
* If you detect this conflict, be sure to change the API name
* in this sample before compiling and executing the code.

public class APIName

public static final String USERNAME = "admin";
public static final String PASSWORD = "agile";
public static final String URL = "<>/Agile";
public static IAgileSession session = null;

8-8 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Accessing Metadata Using the APIName Field

public static IAdmin admin = null;

public static AgileSessionFactory factory = null;
public static IListLibrary listLibrary = null;
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
// Create an IAgileSession instance
session = connect(session);
admin = session.getAdminInstance();
listLibrary = admin.getListLibrary();

// Create two parts

IItem itemParent = createItem(getAutonumber());
IItem itemChild = createItem(getAutonumber());

// enable Page Two tab for Part


// enable Page Two Text 01 and set value


// create a new AdminList


// enable Page Two List 20 and set the value.


// Add the child part to the BOM table of the parent part
addBOM(itemParent, itemChild);
catch (Exception e) {
finally {
* @throws APIException
private static void createAdminList() throws APIException {
Map listParams = new HashMap();
listParams.put(IAdminList.ATT_APINAME, "MY_LIST");
// Specify the API name of the List
listParams.put(IAdminList.ATT_NAME, "My List");
listParams.put(IAdminList.ATT_ENABLED, new Boolean(true));
IAdminList myList = listLibrary.createAdminList(listParams);
IAgileList values = myList.getValues();
values.addChild("Value A", "VAL_A");
// Specify the API name along with the value
values.addChild("Value B", "VAL_B");
values.addChild("Value C", "VAL_C");
System.out.println("Created Admin List " + myList.getName());
* @throws APIException

Accessing PLM Metadata with APIName Field 8-9

Accessing Metadata Using the APIName Field

private static void enableP2() throws APIException {

INode p2 = admin.getNode("Part.PageTwo"); // Fully qualified API name
IProperty visible = p2.getProperty(PropertyConstants.PROP_VISIBLE);
IAgileList values = visible.getAvailableValues();
values.setSelection(new Object[]{ "Yes" });
System.out.println("Page two enabled for Part class");
* @param itemParent
* @throws APIException
private static void setP2Text(IItem itemParent) throws APIException {
IAgileClass clazz = itemParent.getAgileClass();
ITableDesc p2TableDesc = clazz.getTableDescriptor("PageTwo");

// 'PageTwo' is the API name of the Page Two tab

IAttribute text01 = p2TableDesc.getAttribute("text01");
// 'text01' is the API name of the Text01 field
IProperty visible = text01.getProperty(PropertyConstants.PROP_VISIBLE);
IAgileList values = visible.getAvailableValues();
values.setSelection(new Object[]{ "Yes" });
itemParent.setValue("PageTwo.text01", "SDK test");

//'PageTwo.text01' is the fully qualified APIName for ItemConstants.

System.out.println("Set P2 Text01 " + itemParent.
getValue("PageTwo.text01") + " for Part " + itemParent.getName());
* @param itemParent
* @throws APIException
private static void setP2List(IItem itemParent) throws APIException {
IAgileClass partsClass = itemParent.getAgileClass();
//'PageTwo' is the API name of the Page Two tab
ITableDesc p2TableDesc = partsClass.getTableDescriptor("PageTwo");
//'list20' is the API name of the List20 field
IAttribute list20 = p2TableDesc.getAttribute("list20");
//Enable list20 attribute
IProperty visible = list20.getProperty(PropertyConstants.PROP_VISIBLE);
IAgileList values = visible.getAvailableValues();
values.setSelection(new Object[]{ "Yes" });
//Assign My List to list20 attribute
IAdminList myList = listLibrary.getAdminList("MY_LIST");
IProperty assignMyList = list20.getProperty(PropertyConstants.PROP_LIST);
IAgileList availableLists = assignMyList.getAvailableValues();
availableLists.setSelection(new Object[]{myList});
//Select one of the list20 values for the parent item
IAgileList listValues = myList.getValues();
//VAL_B is the API name of the list value 'Value B'
listValues.setSelection(new Object[] {"VAL_B"} );
itemParent.setValue("PageTwo.list20", listValues);
System.out.println("Set P2 List20 " + listValues.getSelection()[0].getValue()
+ " for Part " + itemParent.getName());

8-10 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Accessing Metadata Using the APIName Field

* <p> Create an IAgileSession instance </p>
* @param session
* @return IAgileSession
* @throws APIException

private static IItem createItem(String number) throws APIException {

HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put("TitleBlock.number", number);
// 'number' or 'TitleBlock.number' is the APIName for ItemConstants.
map.put("description", "test");
// 'description' or 'TitleBlock.description' is the APIName for
IItem item = (IItem)session.createObject("Part",map);
// 'Part' is the API name of the Part class
System.out.println("Created Part " + number);
return item;

private static IItem createItem(String number) throws APIException {

HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put("TitleBlock.number", number);

// 'number' or 'TitleBlock.number' is the APIName for ItemConstants.

map.put("description", "test");

// 'description' or 'TitleBlock.description' is the APIName for

IItem item = (IItem)session.createObject("Part",map);

// 'Part' is the API name of the Part class

System.out.println("Created Part " + number);
return item;

private static IAgileSession connect(IAgileSession session)

throws APIException {
factory = AgileSessionFactory.getInstance(URL);
HashMap params = new HashMap();
params.put(AgileSessionFactory.USERNAME, USERNAME);
params.put(AgileSessionFactory.PASSWORD, PASSWORD);
session = factory.createSession(params);
return session;
* <p> Create a part </p>
* @param parent
* @return IItem
* @throws APIException
private static IItem createItem(String number) throws APIException {
HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put("TitleBlock.number", number);

// 'number' or 'TitleBlock.number' is the APIName for ItemConstants.

map.put("description", "test");

Accessing PLM Metadata with APIName Field 8-11

Accessing Metadata Using the APIName Field

// 'description' or 'TitleBlock.description' is the APIName for

IItem item = (IItem)session.createObject("Part",map);

// 'Part' is the API name of the Part class

System.out.println("Created Part " + number);
return item;
* <p> Add the child parts to the BOM table of the parent part </p>
* @param itemParent
* @param itemChild1
* @param itemChild2
* @return ITable
* @throws APIException
private static ITable addBOM(IItem itemParent, IItem itemChild) throws
APIException {

// 'BOM' is APIName for ItemConstants.TABLE_BOM

ITable table = itemParent.getTable("BOM");

// Add child item to BOM of parent item

System.out.println("Added Part " + itemChild.getName() +
"to BOM of the Part " + itemParent.getName());
return table;
* @return
* @throws APIException
private static String getAutonumber() throws APIException{
IAgileClass cls = admin.getAgileClass("Part");

// 'Part' is the API name of the Part class

IAutoNumber auto[] = cls.getAutoNumberSources();
String number = null;
if(auto != null && auto.length > 0)
number = auto[0].getNextNumber();
number = "PART" + System.currentTimeMillis();
return number;

8-12 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Subscribing to Agile PLM Objects

This chapter includes the following:

■ About User Subscriptions
■ Getting Subscriptions for an Object
■ Modifying Subscriptions for an Object
■ Making Attributes Available for Subscription
■ Working with Subscription Tables

About User Subscriptions

When you load an Agile PLM business object, such as an item or change, you can then
subscribe to that object. Once you subscribe to the object, you will receive a
Notification whenever a triggering event occurs for that object. You can specify which
events trigger a Notification. Subscription events can be a lifecycle change, a change to
attachment files, or a change to the value of any cell that is made available for
You can subscribe to both routable and nonroutable objects. Agile APIs provides an
interface called ISubscribable, which enables retrieving and modifying all
subscriptions for an object. All objects that a user has subscribed to are listed on the
user's Subscription table.

Subscription Events
Subscription events vary per object class. The full set of events you can subscribe to are
listed in the following table.

Subscription Event SubscriptionConstants

Status Change (for routable objects) EVENT_STATUS_CHANGE
Lifecycle Phase Change (for nonroutable EVENT_LIFECYCLE_CHANGE

Subscribing to Agile PLM Objects 9-1

About User Subscriptions

Note: There are additional subscription events for Projects Execution

objects that are not supported by the Agile API.

Although most routable and nonroutable objects support the subscription events listed
in the table above, there are some exceptions:
■ User objects do not support the Lifecycle Change subscription event.
■ File Folder objects do not support the Add File and Cancel Checkout File
subscription events.
The Field Change subscription event is related to any attribute whose Available To
Subscribe property has been set to "Yes." Consequently, each class and subclass can
have a different set of subscribable attributes.

Subscribe Privilege
To subscribe to an object, you must have the Subscribe privilege for that class. Many
predefined Agile PLM roles, such as Creator, already have the Subscribe privilege for
several object classes. To change your roles and privileges, see your Agile PLM system

Subscription Notifications
Subscription events trigger two types of Agile PLM Notifications:
■ Email - Email Notifications are sent only if the Receive Email Notification
preference of the recipient is set to Yes. For information on user and system
preferences, refer to Agile PLM Administrator Guide.
■ Inbox - Inbox Notifications occur automatically regardless of user preferences
A user with Administrator privileges can create and configure these Notifications in
Java Client which provides two very similar dialogs for this purpose. The reason for
the two dialogs is due to the fact that there are two sets of Email and Inbox
■ Those that the "To" field is grayed out
■ Those that the administrator user can select recipients who are notified when the
subscription event is triggered

Sending Notifications with SDK

Notifications are briefly described in the SDK Guide under Event Notifications. SDK
exposes the following API to send Notifications to designated notifiers with the
specified template for Agile PLM objects. For information about Notifications, refer to
Agile PLM Administrator Guide.

sendNotification (IDataObject object Object the Notification is issued for

String template Name of Notification template
Collection notifiers List of notifiers
boolean urgent True for urgent Comments
String comments about the Notification
) throws APIException

9-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Getting Subscriptions for an Object

These parameters are defined as follows:

■ object - object on which Notification is to be issued
■ template - name of the Notification template
■ notifiers - collection containing a list of users as individual IDataObjects such as
IUser and IUserGroup
■ urgent - value of true indicates send urgently, set to false otherwise
■ comments - comments about the Notification
For more information about these parameters and the API, refer to Javadoc generated
HTML files that document the SDK code. You can find them in the HTML folder in
SDK_samples (ZIP file). To access this file, see the Note in "Client-Side Components"
on page 1-2.
The following example uses sendNotification to send a Notification from ECO C0001
to user1 and user2 with Notification Comment and template

Example 9–1 Sending a Notification with Agile SDK

List notifyList = new ArrayList();
IUser user =
(IUser) session.getObject(IUser.OBJECT_TYPE, "johndoe");
user =
(IUser) session.getObject(IUser.OBJECT_TYPE, "janedoe");
IChange agileObject =
(IChange)session.getObject(IChange.OBJECT_TYPE, "C00001");
boolean urgent = true;
String comment =
"Add ECO approver, Notify CA";
String template =
"Custom Notification SDK Example";

Deleting Subscribed Objects

You can delete any Agile PLM business object using the IDataObject.delete() method.
However, you can't delete an object until its subscriptions are removed. Users can
remove their own subscriptions, but not the subscriptions of other users.

Getting Subscriptions for an Object

To retrieve the current subscriptions for an object, use ISubscribable.getSubscriptions(),
which returns an array of all ISubscription objects, both enabled and disabled. The
following example shows how to get subscriptions for an object.

Example 9–2 Getting subscriptions for an object

public void getSubscriptionStatus(IAgileObject obj) throws APIException {
ISubscription[] subs =
for (int i = 0; i < subs.length; ++i) {
if (subs[i].getId().equals(SubscriptionConstants.EVENT_ADD_FILE)) {
if (subs[i].isEnabled()) {
System.out.println("Add File subscription is enabled");

Subscribing to Agile PLM Objects 9-3

Modifying Subscriptions for an Object

else if
(subs[i].getId().equals(SubscriptionConstants.EVENT_CANCELCHECKOUT_FILE)) {
if (subs[i].isEnabled()) {
System.out.println("Cancel Checkout File subscription is enabled");
else if (subs[i].getId().equals(SubscriptionConstants.EVENT_CHECKIN_FILE)) {
if (subs[i].isEnabled()) {
System.out.println("Checkin File subscription is enabled");
else if (subs[i].getId().equals(SubscriptionConstants.EVENT_CHECKOUT_FILE)) {
if (subs[i].isEnabled()) {
System.out.println("Checkout File subscription is enabled");
else if (subs[i].getId().equals(SubscriptionConstants.EVENT_DELETE_FILE)) {
if (subs[i].isEnabled()) {
System.out.println("Delete File subscription is enabled");
else if (subs[i].getId().equals(SubscriptionConstants.EVENT_FIELD_CHANGE)) {
if (subs[i].isEnabled()) {
IAttribute attr = subs[i].getAttribute();
if (attr != null) {
String attrName = attr.getFullName();
System.out.println("Field Change subscription
is enabled for " + attrName);
else if
(subs[i].getId().equals(SubscriptionConstants.EVENT_LIFECYCLE_CHANGE)) {
if (subs[i].isEnabled())
System.out.println("Lifecycle Change subscription is enabled");
else if (subs[i].getId().equals(SubscriptionConstants.EVENT_STATUS_CHANGE)) {
if (subs[i].isEnabled())
System.out.println("Status Change subscription is enabled");
System.out.println("Unrecognized subscription event: " + subs[i].getId());

Modifying Subscriptions for an Object

You can use the Agile API to modify subscriptions for the current user only. If you
change your subscriptions for a particular business object, other users' subscriptions
for that object remain unaffected.
The list of subscription events for any object is set at the server and cannot be modified
by the Agile API. However, you can select the fields (attributes) you want subscribed.
If you have Administrator privileges, you can also modify classes to define which
fields are available for subscription. For more information, see "Making Attributes
Available for Subscription" on page 9-6.

9-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Modifying Subscriptions for an Object

To work with a subscription, use the following ISubscription methods:

■ enable(boolean) - Enables or disables the subscription
■ getAttribute() - Returns the IAttribute object associated with a subscription.
Only Field Change subscriptions have associated attributes
■ isEnabled() - Returns true if the subscription is enabled, false otherwise
■ getId() - Returns the subscription ID, which is equivalent to one of the
ISubscription is a value object interface. Consequently, when you make changes to a
subscription (for example, by enabling it), it's not changed in the Agile PLM system
until you call ISubscribable.modifySubscriptions().
The following example shows how to enable the Lifecycle Change and Field Change
subscription events and subscribe to two Page Two fields. All other subscription
events are disabled.

Example 9–3 Enabling and disabling subscriptions for an object

public void setSubscriptions(IAgileObject obj) throws APIException {
ISubscription[] subs = ((ISubscribable)obj).getSubscriptions();
for (int i = 0; i < subs.length; ++i) {

// Enable the Status Change subscription event

if (subs[i].getId().equals(SubscriptionConstants.EVENT_STATUS_CHANGE)) {
/* Enable the Field Change subscription event for Page Two.Text01 and P
* page Two.List01
else if (subs[i].getId().equals(SubscriptionConstants.EVENT_FIELD_CHANGE)){
if (subs[i].getAttribute() != null)
System.out.println(subs[i].getAttribute().getFullName() + ": " +
if ((subs[i].getAttribute() != null) &&
equals(CommonConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_LIST01)) ||
getId().equals(CommonConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_TEXT01))) )
// Disable all other subscription events

Subscribing to Agile PLM Objects 9-5

Making Attributes Available for Subscription

Making Attributes Available for Subscription

The attributes that are subscribable vary per Agile PLM class. In general, most Page
One (Title Page, Cover Page, and General Info) attributes are subscribable and can
therefore be made available for subscription. All Page Two attributes, except for ATT_
PAGE_TWO_CREATE_USER, and all Page Three attributes are also subscribable.
When an attribute's Available To Subscribe property is set to Yes, users can subscribe
to the attribute. When you call ISubscribable.getSubscriptions() for an object, the
returned ISubscription[] array includes an ISubscription object for each
subscription event. Although there is only one Field Change event-whose constant is
SubscriptionConstants.EVENT_FIELD_CHANGE, each subscribed attribute is treated as
a separate event that can trigger a subscription Notification. Depending on how your
Agile PLM system has been configured, there could be dozens of attributes available
for subscription for a particular object.
If an attribute isn't visible, it also isn't subscribable even if its Available To Subscribe
property has been set to Yes. Therefore, before setting the Available To Subscribe
property to Yes, make sure the Visible property is also set to Yes. The following
example shows how to make all Page Two attributes for ECOs available for

Example 9–4 Making Page Two attributes available for subscription

try {
// Get the ECO subclass
IAgileClass classECO = m_admin.getAgileClass("ECO");

// Get Page Two attributes

IAttribute[] attr = classECO.getTableAttributes(ChangeConstants.TABLE_PAGETWO);

for (int i = 0; i < attr.length; ++i) {

IProperty prop = null;
IAgileList listValues = null;
String strVal = "";

// Check if the attribute is visible

prop = attr[i].getProperty(PropertyConstants.PROP_VISIBLE);
listValues = (IAgileList)prop.getValue();
strVal = listValues.toString();

// If the attribute is visible, make it subscribable

if (strVal.equals("Yes")) {
prop =
if (prop != null) {
listValues = prop.getAvailableValues();
listValues.setSelection(new Object[] { "Yes" });
} catch (APIException ex) {

9-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Subscription Tables

Parent and Child Attributes

Several read-only attributes have a child relationship with a parent attribute. Child
attributes derive values from their parent attribute. Consequently, parent attributes are
available for subscription, but child attributes are not. Examples of child attributes
include BOM table attributes like BOM.Item List02 and BOM.Item Text01.

Working with Subscription Tables

A user's Subscription table lists all subscriptions the user has made. The Subscription
table offers limited editing capabilities. For example, you can't add new rows to the
table; the only way to add subscriptions using the Agile API is to call
ISubscribable.modifySubscriptions() for a dataobject. However, you can remove
subscriptions from the table.
The following example shows how to retrieve the Subscription table for the current
user. It also shows how to remove a subscription for a part with the number 1000-02.

Example 9–5 Removing a subscription

try {
// Get the current user
IUser user = m_session.getCurrentUser();

// Get the Subscription table

ITable tblSubscriptions = user.getTable(UserConstants.TABLE_SUBSCRIPTION);
Iterator i = tblSubscriptions.getReferentIterator();

// Get each object referenced in the table

while (i.hasNext()) {
IRow row = (IRow);
String n = (String)row.getValue(UserConstants.ATT_SUBSCRIPTION_NUMBER);
if (n.equals("1000-02")) {
} catch (APIException ex) {

In addition to removing individual rows from the Subscription table, you can also use
the Collection.clear() method to clear the table.

Example 9–6 Clearing the Subscription table

public void clearSubscriptionTable(IUser user) throws APIException {
// Get the Subscription table
ITable tblSubscriptions = user.getTable(UserConstants.TABLE_SUBSCRIPTION);
// Clear the table

The Subscription table doesn't list the events you've subscribed to for each object. To
find that information, you need to open each referenced object. The following example
shows how to use ITable.getReferentIterator() to iterate through the referenced
objects in the table.

Subscribing to Agile PLM Objects 9-7

Working with Subscription Tables

Example 9–7 Getting objects referenced in the Subscription table

try {
// Get the current user
IUser user = m_session.getCurrentUser();

// Get the Subscription table

ITable tblSubscriptions = user.getTable(UserConstants.TABLE_SUBSCRIPTION);
Iterator i = tblSubscriptions.getReferentIterator();

// Get each object referenced in the table

while (i.hasNext()) {
IAgileObject obj = (IAgileObject);
if (obj instanceof ISubscribable) {
ISubscription[] subscriptions =
for (int j = 0; j < subscriptions.length; j++) {
ISubscription subscription = subscriptions[j];

// Add code here to handle each subscription

} catch (APIException ex) {

9-8 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Managing Manufacturing Sites

This chapter includes the following:

■ About Manufacturing Sites
■ Controlling Access to Sites
■ Creating a Manufacturing Site
■ Loading a Manufacturing Site
■ Retrieving the Sites Table for an Item
■ Adding a Manufacturing Site to the Sites Table
■ Selecting the Current Manufacturing Site of an Item
■ Selecting the Current Manufacturing Site of an Item

About Manufacturing Sites

Organizations that practice distributed manufacturing use several different
manufacturing sites for their products. Agile PLM site objects allow companies to
maintain site-specific information for a product's parts. For example, the various
manufacturing locations may have different effectivity dates for new revisions,
different manufacturing instructions due to location, or different manufacturers from
whom they buy components, due to location.
Changes can affect all manufacturing sites of an item or a specific site. The Affected
Items table for a change lets you select the manufacturing sites that are affected. Items
may have different effectivity dates and dispositions at each site. You specify
effectivity dates and dispositions on the Affected Items tab of an ECO or SCO. To
create a new revision when you assign the new effectivity date or disposition, use an
ECO. To assign site-specific effectivity dates and dispositions without incrementing
the revision, use an SCO.
For a more detailed overview of Agile PLM's manufacturing sites functionality, refer to
the Agile PLM Product Collaboration Guide.

Controlling Access to Sites

In order to use manufacturing sites in your organization, the Sites module must be
enabled in Agile Administrator. Your organization's agreement with Oracle
determines the modules that are enabled in Agile PLM.
Access to manufacturing sites of users is controlled by their assigned roles and
privileges and the Sites property in their profiles. Your organization can create an

Managing Manufacturing Sites 10-1

Creating a Manufacturing Site

unlimited number of manufacturing sites, however a user will not have access to every
site unless all sites are specified in his user profile Sites property. Your organization
may have implemented the Agile PLM system in such a way that users can access only
the information pertaining to certain sites, as determined by their user profile Sites
To create a site-specific BOM for an item, the item's subclass must have the
Site-specific BOM property set to Allow. Otherwise, items of that subclass have BOMs
that are common to all sites. For information on Sites and enabling sites, refer to the
Agile PLM Administrator Guide.

Creating a Manufacturing Site

Manufacturing sites are identified uniquely by name. To create a manufacturing site,
use the IAgileSession.createObject method, specifying both the class and the site name.
All users cannot create manufacturing sites. Only users who have the Create privilege
for manufacturing site objects can create manufacturing sites.

Note: When you create a manufacturing site, its Lifecycle Phase is set
to Disabled by default. To use the site, make sure you enable it.

Example 10–1 Creating and enabling a manufacturing site

try {
// Create a manufacturing site
IManufacturingSite mfrSite = (IManufacturingSite)m_session.createObject(
ManufacturingSiteConstants.CLASS_SITE, "Taipei");

// Enable the manufacturing site

ICell cell = mfrSite.
IAgileList values = cell.getAvailableValues();
values.setSelection(new Object[] { "Enabled" });
} catch (APIException ex) {

Loading a Manufacturing Site

To load an IManufacturingSite object, use one of the IAgileSession.getObject()
methods. The following example shows three different ways to specify the object type
for a manufacturing site.

Example 10–2 Loading a manufacturing site

try {
// Load the Hong Kong site using IManufacturingSite
IManufacturingSite siteHK =
(ManufacturingSiteConstants.CLASS_SITE, "Hong Kong");

// Load the Taipei site

IManufacturingSite siteTaipei =
(IManufacturingSite.OBJECT_TYPE, "Taipei");

10-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Adding a Manufacturing Site to the Sites Table

// Load the San Francisco site using APIName

IManufacturingSite siteSF =
(IManufacturingSite)m_session.getObject("Site", "San Francisco");
} catch (APIException ex) {

Retrieving the Sites Table for an Item

Each item has a Sites table that lists the manufacturing sites where that item can be
used. To retrieve the Sites table for an item, use the DataObject.getTable() method.

Example 10–3 Retrieving the Sites table

//Get the Sites table
private static void getSites(IItem item) throws APIException {
IRow row;
ITable table = item.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_SITES);
ITwoWayIterator it = table.getTableIterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
row = (IRow);
//Add code here to do something with the Sites table

To determine the manufacturing sites associated with an item, use the

IManufacturingSiteSelectable.getManufacturingSites() method. You can also
iterate over the Sites table to get the same information, but using the
getManufacturingSites() method is easier and faster. For an example that uses this
method, see "Selecting the Current Manufacturing Site of an Item" on page 10-4.

Adding a Manufacturing Site to the Sites Table

Each row of the Sites table references a different IManufacturingSite object. To add a
manufacturing site to the Sites table, use the ITable.createRow() method.
If a manufacturing site is not listed on an item's Sites table, then that item cannot be
included in a parent item's BOM specific to that manufacturing site. For example, to
add item P1001 to another item's Taipei-specific BOM, P1001 must have the Taipei site
listed on its Sites table.

Example 10–4 Adding a row to the Sites table

private static void addSite(String itemNumber, IManufacturingSite site)
throws APIException {
//Load the item
IItem item = (IItem)session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, itemNumber);

//Get the Sites table

ITable table = item.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_SITES);

//Add the manufacturing site to the table

IRow row = table.createRow(site);

Managing Manufacturing Sites 10-3

Selecting the Current Manufacturing Site of an Item

Selecting the Current Manufacturing Site of an Item

BOM and Manufacturers tables (or AMLs) can be different for each manufacturing site
used for an assembly. When you retrieve a BOM or Manufacturers table for an item,
you can display information for all sites or for a specific site. If you choose a specific
site, only that site's information is included in the table.
The IManufacturingSiteSelectable interface provides methods for getting and
setting the manufacturing site for an item. To get the current manufacturing site
selected for an item, use IManufacturingSiteSelectable.getManufacturingSite().

Example 10–5 Getting the currently selected manufacturing site for an item
private static IManufacturingSite getCurrentSite(IItem item)
throws APIException {
IManufacturingSite site = item.getManufacturingSite();
return site;

The IManufacturingSiteSelectable.getManufacturingSites() method retrieves all

available manufacturing sites that have been added to an item’s Sites table.

Example 10–6 Getting all manufacturing sites associated with an item

private static void getItemSites(IItem item)
throws APIException {
IManufacturingSite[] sites = item.getManufacturingSites();

//Print the name of each site

for (int i = 0; i < sites.length; ++i) {
String siteName = (String)sites[i].getValue(

The IManufacturingSiteSelectable.setManufacturingSite() method sets the

current manufacturing site for an item. You can specify that an item has a specific
manufacturing site, is not site-specific, or uses All Sites. To specify that an item is not
site-specific, use ManufacturingSiteConstants.COMMON_SITE. To specify All Sites, pass
the ManufacturingSiteConstants.ALL_SITES value.
When you set the manufacturing site for an item, the item is updated to reflect
site-specific information. Consequently, your program should update the BOM and
Manufacturers tables by iterating over the rows again to refresh them.

Example 10–7 Setting the current manufacturing site for an item

try {

// Load sites
IManufacturingSite siteSF =
(IManufacturingSite)m_session.getObject("Site", "San Francisco");
IManufacturingSite siteHK =
(IManufacturingSite)m_session.getObject("Site", "Hong Kong");

// Load an item
IItem item =

10-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Disabling a Site

(IItem)m_session.getObject("Part", "1000-02");

// Set the site to Hong Kong

String desc = (String)item.getValue(ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTION);
System.out.println("Hong Kong description = " + desc);

// Set the site to San Francisco

desc = (String)item.getValue(ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTION);
System.out.println("San Francisco description = " + desc);

// Set the item to use all sites

desc = (String)item.getValue(ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTION);
System.out.println("All Sites description = " + desc);

// Set the item to be common site (the item is not site-specific)

desc = (String)item.getValue(ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTION);
System.out.println("Global description = " + desc);

// Set the item to use the user's default site

.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_DEFAULT SITE)).getSelection()[0].getValue());
desc = (String)item.getValue(ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTION);
System.out.println("User's Default Site description = " + desc);
} catch (APIException ex) {

Disabling a Site
A manufacturing site can have one of two lifecycle phases, enabled or disabled. If a
site is disabled, it can no longer be used to create site-specific BOMs, AMLs, and
To disable a manufacturing site, set the value for the Lifecycle Phase attribute to

Example 10–8 Disabling a manufacturing site

private static void disableSite(IManufacturingSite site)
throws APIException {

// Get the Lifecycle Phase cell

ICell cell = site.getCell(

// Get available list values for Lifecycle Phase

IAgileList values = cell.getAvailableValues();

// Set the value to Disabled

values.setSelection(new Object[] { "Disabled" });

Managing Manufacturing Sites 10-5

Disabling a Site

10-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Managing Reference Objects

This chapter includes the following:

■ About Reference objects
■ Creating a Reference Object
■ Updating a Reference Object
■ Deleting a Reference Object
■ Adding a Reference Object to the Relationships Tab of the Web Client
■ Removing a Reference Object
■ Searching for Reference Objects

About Reference objects

Reference Objects are an Oracle Agile PLM object class. They enable PLM users to look
up objects in external applications and add them to the Relationships tab of the Web
Client as references. Reference objects are only supported in the Web Client. However,
once a reference object is added to a Relationships tab in the Web Client, that reference
object is also visible in the Java Client.The Agile administrator must create the
Discover, Read, Create, Modify, and Deleted privilege masks for Relationship Objects,
and apply these privilege masks to roles. Reference Objects appear in the Add
drop-down menu on the Relationships tab when the end user has a Create privilege
mask for Reference Objects.
■ You can perform a simple search for Reference Objects only from the Relationships
(or Content) tab of the Web Client. None of the other Agile PLM searches support
searching for Reference Objects or their subclasses.
■ The set of search result objects is determined by the external application.
■ From the Relationships tab in Web Client, an end user can do the following
interactively, and in the batch mode using the exposed Agile APIs:
– PLM's Relationships table.
– Create a new object in an external application and add a reference to that
object in Agile PLM's Relationships table.
– Search, add, and remove Reference Objects from the Agile PLM Relationships

Managing Reference Objects 11-1

Creating a Reference Object

■ PLM Clients support an absolute URL and the SDK supports the absolute and
relative URLs. For example, /jde/servlet/1234 (relative URL) and (absolute URL).
■ The Relative and Absolute URL types support the following three SDK calls:
– getURL (relative URL)
– setURL (relative URL)
– getAbsoluteURL
■ You can:
– Search for an object in an external application and add a reference to that
object in Agile PLM Relationships table.
– Search, add, and remove Reference Objects from the Agile PLM Relationships
– Create a new object in an external application and add a reference to that
object in the Agile PLM Relationships table.
■ Advanced search does not support case sensitive or other Agile search FTS
features. This limitation on the server side is due to the reference object query
results are from the external system and our reference object WS schema does not
have more search syntax definitions. So Agile core cannot guarantee the external
search criteria.
■ In Advanced Search:
– The only supported search criteria column is TitleBlock.Name/Number/Desc.
– The only supported search operator is “Contains.” For example,
query.setCriteria("[TitleBlock.Name/Number/Desc] contains the phrase
'*’“); If the SDK client passes other criteria columns or operators, the Search
server will throw an error stating the search condition syntax was invalid and
use only one row with criteria column

Creating a Reference Object

The Reference Objects class is an ObjectType on a Remote or External Application that
is configured or mapped to an Agile object class and accessed through the
Relationships Tab of the Web Client.
To create Reference object use IAgileSession.createObject(Object, Object).
Remember that the following required attributes must be provided at the creation time

Required Attribute Potential Argument Types

ATT_GENERAL_INFO_OBJECT_TYPE ReferenceObject SubClass (String),
IAgileClass object
ATT_GENERAL_INFO_NUMBER ReferenceObject Number/Name (String)
ATT_GENERAL_INFO_PUBLIC_KEY_STRING ReferenceObject Public Key (String)
This can serve as the composite key that uniquely
identifies the Object on the Remote Application.

11-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Updating a Reference Object

Note: A Key(ID) that can uniquely identify the Reference Object on

the Remote system is called Public Key. This is different from the
security-related Public/Private Key definitions.

The following example shows how to create a Reference Object.

Example 11–1 Creating a Reference Object

Map<Integer, String> paramsMap;

//The only allowed Sub Class is Name/APIName of the Reference Object from Agile
//Java Client
referenceObjectSubClass); //Note: Should be a valid Sub Class
paramsMap.put(ReferenceObjectConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_NUMBER, "REFOBJ01");
IReferenceObject refObject = (IReferenceObject)m_session.createObject(

Note: Web Client users can directly create a Reference Object. They
cannot do this by using search, and then adding the search result, or
the object in the remote system. When the required parameters are
known, SDK also supports the direct creation of Reference Objects as
in other Agile object types. This is designed to align Reference Objects
with other object types in the SDK framework.

Updating a Reference Object

To update a Reference Object, first get the pointer to the existing Reference Object
using the IAgileSession.getObject(IReferenceObject.OBJECT_TYPE, paramsMap)
API. Once the pointer to the object is available, updating the attributes is similar to
other object types in the Agile system. You can use the getObject() API with either
Subclass and Name, or Subclass and Public Key to uniquely identify the Object.

Note: The getObject() API retrieves a Reference Object if and only

if the object exists in the Agile system, otherwise, it will return a null
value. As such, getObject() also determine if the object already is/is
not in the Agile PLM. Because an object number can be repeated
across different subclasses, for example, if part, manufacturer part,
and problem report, all have the number 'P0001', it is necessary to pass
the subclassID in order to return a unique Object ID. To this end, the
getObject() API passes both the subclassID and the Object number.

Managing Reference Objects 11-3

Deleting a Reference Object

Example 11–2 Updating a Reference Object

Map<Integer, String> paramsMap;
referenceObjectSubClass); //Note: Must be a valid Sub Class
paramsMap.put(ReferenceObjectConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_NUMBER, "REFOBJ01");


//Get/Load Reference Object from Agile if already exist.

IReferenceObject refObject = (IReferenceObject)m_session.getObject(
IReferenceObject.OBJECT_TYPE, paramsMap);

//Get the cell of each attribute:

ICell num =

ICell desc =
ICell url =
ICell sts =

//Update the cells with new values:

num.setValue("New Number");
url.setValue("Modified URL");
desc.setValue("New Description");

//The same above is also achieved using the following approach:

ATT_GENERAL_INFO_URL, "New Description");

Deleting a Reference Object

You can only delete the Reference Object, provided it exists, from the local Agile
system and not from the Remote Agile system. This is similar to deleting other object
types in the Agile PLM.

Adding a Reference Object to the Relationships Tab of the Web Client

Adding Reference Objects to the Relationships table of the Web Client is similar to
adding other object types in the Agile system using the createRow() API. This is
illustrated in Example 11–3.

11-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Searching for Reference Objects

Example 11–3 Adding a Reference Object to the Relationships Table in Web Client
IAdmin m_admin = m_session.getAdminInstance();
ATT_GENERAL_INFO_OBJECT_TYPE, referenceObjectSubClass);
ATT_GENERAL_INFO_PUBLIC_KEY_STRING, "UniqueKeyOnRemoteApplication");

//Get the Reference Object from Agile

IReferenceObject refObject =

//Get Relationship Table of an Object that the Reference Object will be added to:
IDataObject parentObj = (IDataObject) m_
session.getObject(QualityChangeRequestConstants.CLASS_CAPA, "CAPA0001");
ITable relTbl = parentObj.

//Add the Reference Object with the createRow()

API HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put(CommonConstants.ATT_RELATIONSHIPS_NAME, refObject);
IRow targetRow = relTbl.createRow(map);

Removing Reference ObjectS from Relationships Tab of the Web Client

To Delete or remove a Reference Object from the Relationships table in the Web Client,
use the removeRow(IRow row) API. This is similar to deleting other object types in
Agile PLM tables.

Searching for Reference Objects

Use the getCell (ReferenceObject .....) API to search for Reference Objects. This
is shown in the following example.

Example 11–4 Searching for Reference Objects

ITable searchResult =
doSearch("RemoteItems", "P0000");
ArrayList objects =
doCreate("RemoteItems", searchResult);

// Search the external system and retrieve the referenced objects in Tablular
// format:
private static ITable doSearch(String subClassName, String srchStr) throws
APIException {
ITable results = null;
try {
String qry =
"["+ReferenceObjectConstants.SEARCH_KEY+"]"+ " contains '"+srchStr+"'";
IQuery query =
(IQuery)session.createObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE, RefObjSubClassName);
results = query.execute();

Managing Reference Objects 11-5

Searching for Reference Objects

catch (APIException ex) {

return results;
//Create the Reference Objects retrieved by IRows in the above search:
private static ArrayList doCreate(String subClassName, ITable qryResult) throws
ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
IDataObject refObj = null;
Iterator itr = qryResult.getTableIterator();
IRowReferenceObjectWebServiceSearch row = (IRowReferenceObjectWebServiceSearch);
String name = row.getValue(ReferenceObjectConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_
String pubKey = row.getPublicKey();
String description =
String url = row.getUrl();
Map params = createParams(subClassName, name, pubKey, description, url);
refObj = (IReferenceObject) session.getObject(ReferenceObjectConstants.CLASS_
if (refObj==null)
refObj = (IReferenceObject) session.createObject(subClassName, params);
} catch(APIException ex) {
throw ex;
return result;

11-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Lists

This chapter includes the following:

■ About Lists
■ Selecting a List Value
■ Setting the Maximum Value Displayed by a List
■ Creating Custom Lists
■ Checking the Data Type of a List
■ Renaming and Removing List Values
■ Printing Contents of IAgileList Objects

About Lists
Many attributes in the Agile PLM system are configured as lists. Agile provides two
datatypes to support list fields:
■ SingleList - a list in which only one value can be selected.
■ MultiList - a list in which multiple values can be selected.
Attributes, properties, and cells can all be lists. The Agile API provides methods for
working with lists in the IAgileList interface, a generalized data structure used for all
Agile lists. Because IAgileList represents a tree structure of available list values, it
extends the ITreeNode interface.
You can use ITreeNode.addChild() to add values to a list. All list values must be
unique. After adding a list value, you can prevent its selection by making it obsolete.

List Library
In Agile Java Client, administrators can define custom lists that can be used for Page
Two and Page Three list attributes. You can also use the Agile API to define custom
lists. The IListLibrary interface provides functionality equivalent to the list library in
Agile Java Client. You can use the IAdminList interface to modify the values or
properties of a list.
To retrieve the list library, use the IAdmin.getListLibrary() method. You can then
use the IAdminList interface to create new custom lists and work with existing lists.
AdminListConstants provide IDs for each list in the list library.

Working with Lists 12-1

About Lists

Note: The Agile API provides support for several internal Agile lists
that are not exposed in the list library in Agile Java Client.

Figure 12–1 List Library

SingleList Lists
A SingleList attribute or cell presents a list from which only one value can be selected.
The following figure shows a SingleList cell for Part Types in Agile Web Client.

Figure 12–2 SingleList cell in the Agile Web Client

Cascading Lists
In Agile Java Client, you can configure a SingleList attribute to have multiple
hierarchical levels. A list with multiple hierarchical levels is called a cascading list. The
following figure shows the Location list, a cascading list, being configured in Agile
Java Client. The list has separate levels for continent, country, and city.

12-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
MultiList Lists

Figure 12–3 Configuring a cascading list in the Agile Java Client

Note: The Location list is the only cascading list that ships with
Agile PLM. However, you can define your own cascading lists.

MultiList Lists
A MultiList attribute or cell presents a list from which multiple values can be selected.
In Agile Web Client, you can select values for a MultiList cell using the Multiple Value
Selection dialog, shown in the following figure.

Figure 12–4 Multiple Value Selection window in the Agile Web Client

Working with Lists 12-3

Methods that Use IAgileList

Methods that Use IAgileList

The IAgileList interface provides the necessary methods to get and set the selected
value(s) of a list. The IAgileList interface represents a value object with a tree
structure, which is why the interface extends ITreeNode.
The following Agile API methods return an IAgileList object (or an array of
IAgileList objects):
■ IAdminList.getValues()
■ IAdminList.setValues(IAgileList)
■ IAttribute.getAvailableValues()
■ IAttribute.setAvailableValues(IAgileList)
■ IAgileList.getSelection()
■ ICell.getAvailableValues()
■ IListLibrary.createAdminList(java.util.Map)
■ IListLibrary.getAdminList(java.lang.Object)
■ IListLibrary.getAdminLists()
■ IProperty.getAvailableValues()
The following methods either return an IAgileList or require an IAgileList
parameter when the related attribute, cell, or property is a list (the datatype is
SingleList or MultiList):
■ ICell.getValue() - For SingleList and MultiList cells, the returned Object is an
■ ICell.setValue(java.lang.Object value) - For SingleList and MultiList cells,
value is an IAgileList.
■ IProperty.getValue() - For SingleList and MultiList properties, the returned
Object is an IAgileList.
■ IProperty.setValue(java.lang.Object value) - For SingleList and MultiList
properties, value is an IAgileList.
■ IRow.getValue(java.lang.Object cellId) - For SingleList and MultiList cells,
the returned Object is an IAgileList.
■ IRow.getValues() - For each SingleList or MultiList cell in the row, the
returned Map object contains an IAgileList.
■ IRow.setValue(java.lang.Object cellId, java.lang.Object value) - If
cellId specifies a SingleList or MultiList cell, value is an IAgileList.
■ IRow.setValues(java.util.Map map) - For each SingleList or MultiList cell in
the row, map contains an IAgileList.

Selecting a List Value

To select a list value, whether it is a SingleList or a MultiList list, you must first get
the available values for the list. You can then, set the selected value. After selecting the
list value, save the selection by setting the value for the cell or property.

12-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Selecting a List Value

The following example shows how to change the value of the Visible property of an
attribute. The Visible property is a SingleList property with two possible values, No
and Yes (or 0 and 1).

Note: You can use IAgileList getAPIName() to get the available

values of a list. For information, see Chapter 8, "Accessing PLM
Metadata with APIName Field."

Example 12–1 Changing the Visible property of an attribute

try {
// Get the Admin instance
IAdmin admin = m_session.getAdminInstance();

// Get part sub-class

IAgileClass partClass = admin.getAgileClass(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART);

// Get the "Page Two.List03" attribute

IAttribute attr = partClass.getAttribute(ItemConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_LIST03);

// Get the Visible property

IProperty propVisible = attr.getProperty(PropertyConstants.PROP_VISIBLE);

// Get all available values for the Visible property

IAgileList values = propVisible.getAvailableValues();

// Set the selected list value to "Yes"

values.setSelection(new Object[] { "Yes" });

// Instead of setting the selection to "Yes", you could also

// specify the corresponding list value ID, as in the following line:
values.setSelection(new Object[] { new Integer(1)});

// Set the value of the property

} catch (APIException ex) {

When you use the IAgileList.setSelection() method, you can specify String[],
Integer[], or IAgileList[] values for the childNodes parameter. When you select a
value from the IAgileList object, you can use its String representation or its Integer
To get the currently selected value for a list, use the IAgileList.getSelection()
method. For a SingleList cell or property, IAgileList returns an array containing one
IAgileList object. For a MultiList cell or property, getSelection() returns an array
containing one or more IAgileList objects.

Working with Lists 12-5

Selecting a List Value

The following example demonstrates how to use several IAgileList methods,

including getSelection().

Example 12–2 Getting the current list value for the Visible property
try {
// Get the Admin instance
IAdmin admin = m_session.getAdminInstance();

// Get the Parts class

IAgileClass partClass = admin.getAgileClass(ItemConstants.CLASS_PARTS_CLASS);

// Get the "Page Two.List03" attribute

IAttribute attr = partClass.getAttribute(ItemConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_LIST03);

// Get the Visible property

IProperty propVisible = attr.getProperty(PropertyConstants.PROP_VISIBLE);

// Get the current value of the Visible property

IAgileList value = (IAgileList)propVisible.getValue();
// Print the current value
System.out.println(value); // Prints "Yes"

// Print the list value ID

System.out.println(value.getSelection()[0].getId()); // Prints 1

// Print the list value

System.out.println(value.getSelection()[0].getValue()); // Prints "Yes"
} catch (APIException ex) {

Lists can be reused for several attributes, even for attributes of different classes. The
following example reuses the list of available values for a Page Two attribute to set the
list of available values for a Page Three list attribute.

Example 12–3 Reusing list values for different attributes

try {
// Get the Admin instance
IAdmin admin = m_session.getAdminInstance();

// Get the Parts class

IAgileClass partClass = admin.getAgileClass(ItemConstants.CLASS_PARTS_CLASS);

// Get the "Page Two.List01" attribute

IAttribute attr1 = partClass.getAttribute(ItemConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_LIST01);

// Get the "Page Three.List01" attribute

IAttribute attr2 = partClass.getAttribute(ItemConstants.ATT_PAGE_THREE_LIST01);

// Set the available values for the list, using values from "Page Two.List01"
} catch (APIException ex) {

12-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Selecting a List Value

Working with Lifecycle Phase Cells

The Lifecycle Phase attribute is a SingleList datatype. Each subclass in the Agile PLM
system can be defined with different lifecycle phases. Therefore, you must get a
Lifecycle Phase cell for a subclass before you can retrieve the available values for its
list. If you use IAttribute.getAvailableValues() to retrieve the available values for
a Lifecycle Phase attribute instead of a subclass-specific cell, the method returns an
empty IAgileList object. The following example highlights how to work with
Lifecycle Phase cells.

Example 12–4 Working with Lifecycle Phase cells

private static void setLifecyclePhase(IItem item) throws APIException {
// Get the Lifecycle Phase cell
ICell cell = item.getCell(ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_LIFECYCLE_PHASE);
// Get available list values for Lifecycle Phase
IAgileList values = cell.getAvailableValues();
// Set the value to the second phase
values.setSelection(new Object[] { new Integer(1)});

Working with Dynamic Lists

The Agile server has both static lists and dynamic lists. Static lists contain a selection of
values that do not change at run time. Dynamic lists contain a selection of values that
are updated at run time. Users with administrator privileges can modify static lists
and add new values and make current values obsolete. Dynamic lists cannot be
modified; consequently, the Editable property of dynamic lists is set to No.
Several dynamic lists are capable of containing thousands of value objects. Items,
Changes, and Users lists are examples of such lists. Although you can use these lists
for Page Two and Page Three fields, you can not enumerate values for these lists.

Enumerable and Non-Enumerable Lists

As such, Agile SDK object lists are either enumerable, or non-enumerable. If a specific
list is enumerable, you can read the contents of that list. If it is non-enumerable, you
cannot access the list directly. For non-enumerable lists, query the Agile class that the
object list uses to get the objects that are referenced by the list. The enumeration
property for an object is hard coded on the server and cannot be changed.
To determine if the values for a dynamic list can be enumerated, use
IAgileList.getChildNodes() as shown in the following example. If getChildNodes()
returns null, the list values cannot be enumerated. However, this does not prevent you
from selecting a value for the list.

Example 12–5 Checking values or a dynamic list for enumerability

private void setPageTwoListValue(IItem item) throws APIException {
// Get the "Page Two.List01" cell
ICell cell = item.getCell(CommonConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_LIST01);

// Get available values for the list

IAgileList values = cell.getAvailableValues();
// If the list cannot be enumerated, set the selection to the current user
if (values.getChildNodes() == null) {
values.setSelection(new Object[]{m_session.getCurrentUser()});

Working with Lists 12-7

Setting the Maximum Value Displayed by a List

private void setPageTwoMultilistValue(IItem item) throws APIException {
// Get the "Page Two.Multilist01" cell

ICell cell = item.getCell(CommonConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_MULTILIST01);

// Get available values for the list

IAgileList values = cell.getAvailableValues();

// If the list cannot be enumerated, set the selection to an array of users

if (values.getChildNodes() == null) {
IAgileClass cls = cell.getAttribute().getListAgileClass();
if (cls != null) {
IUser user1 = (IUser)m_session.getObject(cls, "hhawkes");
IUser user2 = (IUser)m_session.getObject(cls, "ahitchcock");
IUser user3 = (IUser)m_session.getObject(cls, "jhuston");
Object[] users = new Object[] {user1, user2, user3};

Directly Checking if Contents of the List is an Enumerable Set

SDK exposes the following API to directly determine if the contents of a list is
boolean isEnumeratable ( ) throws APIException;

This method determines if the contents of the IAgileList are enumerable and is a
convenient alternative to using IAgileList.getChildren() which requires accessing
all child values of the list. This method returns a Boolean true if the list is enumerable.
That is, it has an accessible child list, and a Boolean false if otherwise.

Non-Enumerable PG&C Lists

The following PG&C lists that were enumerable in earlier releases of the SDK, are no
longer enumerable in this release.
■ Declarations
■ Substances
■ Specifications
■ Part Families
■ Part Families Commodities

Setting the Maximum Value Displayed by a List

Using PLM's Java Client, an authorized user can view and set the number of List rows
by selecting Admin > Server Settings > Preferences and selecting the Maximum List
Values Displayed preference.
The new PropertyConstants PROP_MAXIMUM_LIST_VALUES_DISPLAYED provides the
option to set the maximum value that a List can display in Administrator Preferences.
That is, when the maximum value exceeds this set limit, an error message displays the

12-8 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Selecting a List from the List Library

maximum value set in the Preferences, instead of displaying the integer 250 as was
done in prior releases.
With the new PropertyConstants PROP_MAXIMUM_LIST_VALUES_DISPLAYED, you can
get/set preference "Max List Values Displayed" value using this property constant.
For example:
INode preferences =
IProperty prop =
System.out.println("Current Value: " + prop.getValue());
System.out.println("New Value: " + prop.getValue());

Selecting a List from the List Library

The IListLibrary interface enables working with the library of Agile lists. You can
load an existing list, or create a new one. To load an existing list, use
IListLibrary.getAdminList(). You can specify the string name of a list, such as
"Disposition" You can also specify a list, by its ID, or by an AdminListConstants, such
as LIST_DISPOSITION_SELECTION. Before you attempt to use a list from the list library,
make sure the list is enabled.
The following example shows how to configure a Page Two list attribute to use a list
called Users.

Example 12–6 Configuring an attribute to use an Agile list

try {
IAgileList values = null;

// Get the Admin instance

IAdmin admin = m_session.getAdminInstance();

// Get the List Library

IListLibrary listLib = admin.getListLibrary();

// Get the Parts class

IAgileClass partClass = admin.getAgileClass(ItemConstants.CLASS_PARTS_CLASS);

// Get the "Page Two.List01" attribute

IAttribute attr = partClass.getAttribute(ItemConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_LIST01);

// Make the list visible

IProperty propVisible = attr.getProperty(PropertyConstants.PROP_VISIBLE);
values = propVisible.getAvailableValues();
values.setSelection(new Object[] { "Yes" });

// Change the name of the attribute to "Project Manager"

IProperty propName = attr.getProperty(PropertyConstants.PROP_NAME);
propName.setValue("Project Manager");

// Get the list property

IProperty propList = attr.getProperty(PropertyConstants.PROP_LIST);
// Use the Users list from the list library.

IAdminList users = listLib.getAdminList(AdminListConstants.LIST_USER_OBJECTS);

Working with Lists 12-9

Creating Custom Lists

if (users != null ) {
if (users.isEnabled()) {
} else {
System.out.println("Users list is not enabled.");

// Specify the Default Value to the current user

IProperty propDefValue = attr.getProperty(PropertyConstants.PROP_DEFAULTVALUE);
values = propDefValue.getAvailableValues();
values.setSelection(new Object[]{m_session.getCurrentUser()});
} catch (APIException ex) {

When you select a user-defined list using IListLibrary.getAdminList(), you can specify
the list by name or ID. All list names must be unique. The following example shows
how to select an Agile list called Colors.

Example 12–7 Selecting a list named Colors

private void selectColorsList(IAttribute attr,
IListLibrary m_listLibrary) throws APIException {
// Get the List property
IProperty propList = attr.getProperty(PropertyConstants.PROP_LIST);

// Use the Colors list

IAdminList listColors = m_listLibrary.getAdminList("Colors");
if (listColors != null ) {
if (listColors.isEnabled()) {
} else {
System.out.println("Colors list is not enabled.");

Creating Custom Lists

The Agile API lets you modify list attributes for different classes and configure custom
list attributes for Page Two and Page Three. You can customize these list attributes to
create simple lists or multilists. You can also configure a list to be cascading, that is,
have multiple levels.
In Agile Java Client, administrators can configure a library of custom lists by choosing
Admin > Data Settings > Lists. In the Agile API, the IListLibrary interface provides
functionality equivalent to Admin > Data Settings > Lists. The IAdminList interface
provides functionality for configuring and customizing each list.

Creating a Simple List

To create a new list, use the IListLibrary.createAdminList() method, which takes a
map parameter. The map that you pass with createAdminList() must contain values
for the following IAdminList fields:
■ ATT_NAME - the String name of the list. This is a required field. The list name must
be unique.

12-10 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Creating Custom Lists

■ ATT_DESCRIPTION - the String description of the list. This is an optional field; the
default value is an empty string.
■ ATT_ENABLED - a Boolean value specifying whether the list is enabled. This is an
optional field; the default value is false.
■ ATT_CASCADED - a Boolean value specifying whether the list contains multiple
levels. This is an optional field; the default value is false. The ATT_CASCADED value
cannot be changed after the list is created.
Once the list is created, you can use the IAdminList interface to enable or disable the
list and set values for it.
The following example shows how to create a new list called Colors. This list is a
simple list with only one level.

Example 12–8 Example: Creating a simple list

try {
// Get the Admin instance
IAdmin admin = m_session.getAdminInstance();
// Get the List Library
IListLibrary listLib = admin.getListLibrary();
// Create a new Admin list
HashMap map = new HashMap();
String name = "Colors";
map.put(IAdminList.ATT_NAME, name);
map.put(IAdminList.ATT_DESCRIPTION, name);
map.put(IAdminList.ATT_ENABLED, new Boolean(true));
map.put(IAdminList.ATT_CASCADED, new Boolean(false));
IAdminList listColors = listLib.createAdminList(map);
// Add values to the list
IAgileList list = listColors.getValues();
//The list is empty at this point.
} catch (APIException ex) {

Lists that contain String values are case-sensitive. This means that a list can contain
uppercase, lowercase, and mixed-case variations of the same value, which may not be
desirable. For example, the following code snippet adds three variations of each color
value to the Colors list.

Example 12–9 Adding case-sensitive values to a list

IAgileList list = listColors.getValues(); //The list is empty at this point.

Working with Lists 12-11

Creating Custom Lists


Automatically Creating New Lists by Modifying Existing Lists

Each list attribute must reference an Agile list for its values. If you retrieve an Agile list
and modify its values without saving the list and then use those values for a list
attribute, the Agile API automatically creates a new list. In the following example, the
Colors list is retrieved, but before it is used to populate the values for a list field a new
value, "Violet" is added to the list. When IAttribute.setAvailableValues() is called,
a new list is created.

Note: Lists that are created automatically by the Agile API have a
prefix "SDK" followed by a random number. You can rename such
lists, if you prefer.

Example 12–10 Creating a new list automatically by modifying an existing list

try {
// Get the Colors list
IAdminList listColors = m_listLibrary.getAdminList("Colors");
// Get the Parts class
IAgileClass partsClass = admin.getAgileClass(ItemConstants.CLASS_PARTS_CLASS);
// Get the "Page Two.List01" attribute
IAttribute attr = partsClass.getAttribute(ItemConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_LIST01);
// Get the color values
IAgileList values = listColors.getValues();
// Add a new color
// Set the available list values for "Page Two.List01". Because the list
// was modified, a new AdminList is created automatically.
} catch (APIException ex) {

Creating a Cascading List

A cascading list is a list with multiple levels. You can configure SingleList attributes
and cells using a cascading list instead of a simple list.

Note: Once you set a list to be cascading, you can't change it to a

simple list. You cannot change the value of IAdminList.ATT_CASCADED
after the list is created.

The following example shows how to create a new cascading list called "Field Office."
The list has two levels.

12-12 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Creating Custom Lists

Important: When setting level names for cascading lists, always start
with the index 0 for the first level and increment the index subsequent
levels as shown in the following two examples below.

Example 12–11 Creating a cascading list

try {
// Get the Admin instance
IAdmin admin = m_session.getAdminInstance();
// Get the List Library
IListLibrary listLib = admin.getListLibrary();
// Create a new Admin list
HashMap map = new HashMap();
String name = "Field Office";
map.put(IAdminList.ATT_NAME, name);
map.put(IAdminList.ATT_DESCRIPTION, name);
map.put(IAdminList.ATT_ENABLED, new Boolean(true));
map.put(IAdminList.ATT_CASCADED, new Boolean(true));
IAdminList listFO = listLib.createAdminList(map);
// Get the empty list
IAgileList list = listFO.getValues();
// Add the list of countries
IAgileList india = (IAgileList)list.addChild("India");
IAgileList china = (IAgileList)list.addChild("China");
IAgileList usa = (IAgileList)list.addChild("USA");
IAgileList australia = (IAgileList)list.addChild("Australia");
// Add the list of cities
china.addChild("Hong Kong");
usa.addChild("San Jose");
usa.addChild("Jersey City");
// Save the list values
// Set level names starting with index 0 for level 1.
list.setLevelName(0, "Field Office Country");
list.setLevelName(1, "Field Office City");
} catch (APIException ex) {

In cascading lists, level names used by the list must be unique and you cannot share
them between lists. The level names are stored internally, but Agile Java Client and
Web Client currently don't display them. The level names are needed only if you want
to show them in a cascading list UI that you created.
After you call the IAdminList.setValues() method, a valid ID is assigned to each list
value. Only leaf nodes, that is, nodes on the lowest level of a cascading list, have valid
IDs. In the previous example, the city nodes are leaf nodes. All other nodes have a null
ID. You can use the ID to set the selection of the IAgileList object.
You can add a list value and its parent nodes in one statement instead of adding the
parent node and then its subnodes. Use the | character to separate nodes, which
represent levels, in the string. The following example replaces a portion of the code in

Working with Lists 12-13

Creating Custom Lists

the previous example; it shows how to add the same list values as in the previous
example, but using fewer lines of code.

Example 12–12 Adding parent nodes and subnodes to a cascading list

// Get the list values
IAgileList list = listFO.getValues(); // The list is empty at this point.
// Add nodes
list.addChild(“Hong Kong|Hong Kong”);
list.addChild(“USA|San Jose”);
list.addChild(“USA|Jersey City”);
// Save the list values
// Set level names
list.setLevelName(0, “Field Office Country”);
list.setLevelName(1, “Field Office City”);

Creating a Criteria-Based List

Criteria-based lists are dynamic lists whose values are defined by the criteria selected
from the Agile Criteria library. These lists are created in Java Client's Create List dialog
by selecting the "Dynamic" List Type in the drop-down list which opens the Agile
Criteria library to select the applicable Criteria.

Figure 12–5 Creating criteria-based lists in Java Client

Agile SDK supports creating, loading, and modifying Criteria-based lists by exposing
the necessary APIs to:
1. Get the Criteria
2. Create the Criteria-based list
3. Load the Criteria-based list
4. Replace the Criteria-based list

12-14 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Checking the Data Type of a List

The following examples use the respective APIs to perform these tasks.

Example 12–13 Getting the Criteria from the Agile Criteria library
IListLibrary library = m_admin.getListLibrary();
INode lib = m_admin.getNode(NodeConstants.NODE_CRITERIA_LIBRARY);
ICriteria criteria = (ICriteria)lib.getChild("All Change Orders");

Example 12–14 Creating the Criteria-based list

HashMap params = new HashMap();
String name = "SDKlist" + System.currentTimeMillis();
params.put(IAdminList.ATT_APINAME, name.toUpperCase());
params.put(IAdminList.ATT_NAME, name.toUpperCase());
params.put(IAdminList.ATT_DESCRIPTION, name.toLowerCase());
params.put(IAdminList.ATT_ENABLED, true);
params.put(IAdminList.ATT_CRITERIA, criteria);
ICriteriaBasedList list =
System.out.println("Created list: "+list.getName());
("Criteria: "+((ICriteriaBasedList)list).getCriteria().toString());

Example 12–15 Loading the Criteria-based list

ICriteriaBasedList list =
System.out.println("Loaded list: "+list.getName());

Example 12–16 Replacing the Criteria - Modifying the Criteria-based list

ICriteria criteria =
(ICriteria)lib.getChild("All Designs");
("New Criteria: "+((ICriteriaBasedList)list).getCriteria().toString());

Checking the Data Type of a List

A list can contain objects of any Agile datatype. Therefore, before getting or setting a
list value, you should determine the data type of objects in the list. If you are working
with a cascading list, the data type can vary with each level. There are several ways to
determine the data type of a list:
■ For predefined lists in the List Library, toa get
est.getListD i nL imd IA the data type.
■ For SingleList and MultiList attributes that have only one list level, use
IAttribute.getListDataType() to get the data type for the entire list.
■ For a level within a cascading list, use the IAgileList.getLevelType() method to
get the data type for a particular level.

Example 12–17 Checking the data type of a list

public void setDefaultValue() throws APIException {
// Get the Parts class
IAgileClass partClass = m_admin.getAgileClass(ItemConstants.CLASS_PARTS_CLASS);
// Get the "Page Two.List01" attribute
IAttribute attr = partClass.getAttribute(ItemConstants.ATT_PAGE_TWO_LIST01);
switch (attr.getListDataType()) {

Working with Lists 12-15

Renaming and Removing List Values

case DataTypeConstants.TYPE_OBJECT:
//Add code here to handle Object values
case DataTypeConstants.TYPE_STRING:
//Add code here to handle String values
//Add code here to handle other datatypes


Renaming and Removing List Values

The SDK provides the following methods to rename String element entries, or remove
an entry in an Agile list:
■ The IAgileList.setValue(Object) method to modify String list element entries
in an Agile Admin list.

Note: This method only applies to String values. You can only use
this method to modify String entries and not object entries.

■ The IAgileList.clear() and ITree.removeChild(Object) methods to remove

any Agile list entry that is not restricted by the applicable business rules.
The following example uses these methods to modify and clear values of an Agile list.

Example 12–18 Renaming and removing Admin list entries

public void exampleClearList() throws Exception {
IAdmin admin = m_session.getAdminInstance();
IListLibrary listLibrary = admin.getListLibrary();
HashMap map = new HashMap();
String name = "Color";
String desc = "Example";
map.put(IAdminList.ATT_NAME, name);
map.put(IAdminList.ATT_DESCRIPTION, desc);
map.put(IAdminList.ATT_ENABLED, new Boolean(true));
map.put(IAdminList.ATT_CASCADED, new Boolean(false));
IAdminList newList = listLibrary.createAdminList(map);
IAgileList list = newList.getValues();
list = newList.getValues();

// Removing the selection

IAgileList agList = (IAgileList)list.getChild("BLUE");
Object errorCode = null;
try {
}catch(APIException e){
errorCode = e.getErrorCode();

12-16 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Renaming and Removing List Values

// Clearing the list

list = newList.getValues();

// Clean up

Adding a Value to a List

The following example shows how to add several values to a list. Before adding a
value to a list, use ITreeNode.getChildNode() to make sure the value is not already

Example 12–19 Adding values to a list

private static void updateProductLinesList() throws APIException {
// Get the Admin instance
IAdmin admin = m_session.getAdminInstance();
// Get the List Library
IListLibrary listLib = admin.getListLibrary();
// Get the Product Lines list
IAdminList listProdLine = listLib.getAdminList("Product Line");
// Add values to the list
IAgileList listValues = listProdLine.getValues();
addToList(listValues, "Saturn");
addToList(listValues, "Titan");
addToList(listValues, "Neptune");

Making List Values Obsolete

You can prevent the selection of a list value by making the list entry obsolete.
However, when you invoke IProperty.getAvailableValues(), the returned
IAgileList object can include obsolete list values. This is due to the fact that when the
list value is marked obsolete, the server continues to maintain the value in its obsolete
list values for existing objects that use these values.
The following example shows how to check whether a list value is obsolete and how
to make it obsolete.

Example 12–20 Making a list value obsolete

public void checkIfObsolete(IAgileList list) throws APIException {
if (list != null ) {
if (list.isObsolete() == false) {
public void setObsolete(IAgileList list, String value) throws APIException {
if (list != null ) {
System.out.println(list.getValue() + " is now obsolete.");

Working with Lists 12-17

Renaming and Removing List Values

Setting the List Name and Description

To create a list, you must specify a unique name for it. Therefore, when you use
IListLibrary.createAdminList(), you must pass a value for the IAdminList.ATT_
NAME field. Other IAdminList fields, such as ATT_DESCRIPTION, are optional. After the
list is created, you can modify it's name and description. The following example shows
how to set the name and description of a list.

Example 12–21 Setting the list name and description

try {
IAdminList list = m_listLibrary.getAdminList("Packaging Styles");
list.setName("Packaging Color Codes");
list.setDescription("Color codes for product packaging");
} catch (APIException ex) {

Setting Level Names for a Cascading List

Like list names, the level names for a list must be unique. You can't reuse the level
name used by another cascading list. To check if the list with a given name already
exists, use IListLibrary.getAdminList(). Use one of the following methods to set the
level name of a cascading list:
■ IAgileList.setLevelName(int, String) - Sets the level name for a specified
■ IAgileList.setLevelName(String) - Sets the level name of the current level.
For an example showing how to set the level names of a cascading list, see "Creating a
Cascading List" on page 12-12.

Note: Level names for cascading lists are not displayed in Agile Java
Client or Web Client. However, you can choose to display them in
Clients you create with the Agile SDK.

Enabling or Disabling a List

When you create a custom list, you can use the IAdminList.ATT_ENABLED field to
specify whether it's enabled. If you omit this field, the list is disabled by default. The
following example shows how to enable and disable a list after it has been created.

Example 12–22 Enabling and disabling a list

public void enableList(IAdminList list) throws APIException {
System.out.println("List " + list.getName() + " enabled.");

public void disableList(IAdminList list) throws APIException {

System.out.println("List " + list.getName() + " disabled.");

12-18 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Printing Contents of IAgileList Objects

Deleting a List
If a list is not read-only and is not currently being used by an Agile dataobject, you can
delete it. Otherwise, the IAdminList.delete() method throws an exception. Once you
delete a list, it is removed permanently. You cannot undo the deletion.
The following example shows how to delete a list.

Example 12–23 Deleting a list

public void deleteList(IAdminList list) throws APIException {
// Make sure the list is not read-only
if (!list.isReadOnly()) {
// Delete the list
System.out.println("List " + list.getName() + " deleted.");
} else {
System.out.println("List " + list.getName() + " is read-only.");

Printing Contents of IAgileList Objects

When working with an IAgileList object, particularly one with several levels, it's
helpful to print the entire hierarchy of the list. The following code prints the list nodes
contained within an IAgileList object.

Example 12–24 Printing list nodes in an IAgileList object

private void printList(IAgileList list, int level) throws APIException {
if (list != null ) {
System.out.println(indent(level*4) + list.getLevelName() + ":" +
list.getValue() + ":" + list.getId());
Object[] children = list.getChildren();
if (children != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
printList((IAgileList)children[i], level + 1);
private String indent(int level) {
if (level <= 0) {
return "";
char c[] = new char[level*2];
Arrays.fill(c, ' ');
return new String(c);

Working with Lists 12-19

Printing Contents of IAgileList Objects

12-20 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Attachments and File Folder


This chapter includes the following:

■ About Attachments and File Folders
■ Working with File Folders
■ Working with Attachments Table of an Object
■ Checking Out a File Folder
■ Canceling a File Folder Checkout
■ Adding Files and URLs to the Attachments Table

About Attachments and File Folders

Attachments to objects contain information about the object or a manufacturing
process. You can attach files and URLs by referencing them in a File Folder object. The
File Folder object holds pertinent content, or Attachments. Most primary Agile API
objects, such as IItem, IChange, IManufacturer, IManufacturerPart, IPackage,
ITransferOrder, IUser, and IUserGroup, have an Attachments table (or tab in the
Java Client) that lists indirect references to the files or URLs that are in separate file
folders. Each row in an Attachments table can refer to one file or to all files from a
referenced file folder.
The following illustration is an example of the way files or URLs contained in a file
folder are referenced indirectly from the Attachments table of multiple business
objects, in this case an item and a change.

Figure 13–1 File Folder objects referenced from Item and Change Attachments

Working with Attachments and File Folder Objects 13-1

Working with File Folders

The Agile API does not provide support for viewing or printing an attachment.
However, after you download a file, you can use another application to view, edit, or
print the attachment.
A File Folder is a business object that specifies one or more files or URLs that are
stored in the file server vault. In addition, a file folder has its own set of tables. This
means that you can create and load an independent file folder and add one or more
files to its Files table. You can also search for a file folder, just as you would search for
an Item or Change.

Important: File Manager Internal Locator property is set in Agile

Java Client. Choose Admin > Settings > Server Settings > Locations >
File Manager > Advanced > File Manager Internal Locator. The format
for the value is: <protocol>://<machinename>:<port>/
For example,
/Filemgr/ services/FileServer is a valid value. For more
information about Agile PLM server settings, refer to the Agile PLM
Administrator Guide.

Working with File Folders

Similar to Attachments, the SDK exposes APIs to perform File Folders-related tasks
such as checking-in and checking-out files associated with objects in the rows of an
Attachments table, adding files and URLs to an Attachments table, and deleting
attachments. This section lists and describes these features, and provides the necessary
procedures to use the SDK to perform these tasks.

File Folder Classes and Subclasses

The File Folder Base Class has two Classes and each of these classes have their own
respective Subclasses. The figure below lists the File Folders Base Class, Classes, and
Subclasses. The Agile PLM administrator can define new file folder subclasses.

Figure 13–2 File Folders Classes and Subclasses

A description of these classes and objects appears in Table 13–1 below.

13-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with File Folders

Table 13–1 PLM Classes and descriptions

Base Class Class Subclass Description
File Folders Designs Design Objects that permit building model structures in CAD
File folders File Folder Objects that include files or URLs; this class includes
all file folder objects except historical report file

For information about routing these objects, see "Checking the State of Agile PLM
Objects" on page 2-19.

File Folder Tables and Constants

The File Folder object supports the following tables and corresponding constants:

Table 13–2 Supported tables and constants

Table Constant Read/Write Mode
Title Block TABLE_TITLEBLOCK Read/Write
Page Two TABLE_PAGETWO Read/Write
Page Three TABLE_PAGETHREE Read/Write
Files TABLE_FILES Read/Write
Structure TABLE_STRUCTURE Read/Write
Routing Slip/Workflow TABLE_WORKFLOW Read/Write
Relationships TABLE_RELATIONSHIPS Read-only
History TABLE_HISTORY Read-only
Where Used TABLE_WHEREUSED Read/Write
Where Used Design TABLE_WHEREUSEDDESIGN Read-only

Creating File Folder Objects

IFileFolder is the interface that corresponds to the file folder business object. The
following example shows how to create a file folder.

Example 13–1 Creating a file folder

public void createFileFolder() throws Exception {
IAgileClass attClass =
IAutoNumber an =
String attNumber =
IFileFolder ff = (
IFileFolder)m_session.createObject(attClass, attNumber);

Working with Attachments and File Folder Objects 13-3

Working with File Folders

Note: Note When you add a file or a URL to the row of the
Attachments table of a business object, you will automatically create x
a new file folder object that contains the associated file or URL. See
"Creating File Folder Objects by Adding Rows to Attachments Table"
on page 13-6.

The File Folders Design class is similar to the File folder class with the additional
Structures table (Tab in the Java Client UI) for CAD objects. The following examples
show how to create a Design object, adding a Design object to a the Structure tree, and
loading a structure table.

Example 13–2 Creating a Design object

// autoNum is autoNumber as usual
IFileFolder obj = (IFileFolder) m_session.createObject(
FileFolderConstants.CLASS_DESIGN, autoNum);

Example 13–3 Adding Design objects to a Structure tree

IFileFolder obj = // some Design object
IFileFolder childObj1 = // some Design object
IFileFolder childObj2 = // some Design object
ITable table = obj.getTable(FileFolderConstants.TABLE_STRUCTURE);

// add row
Object[] vers = childObj1.getVersions();
IRow row = table.createRow(childObj1);
ATT_STRUCTURE_LABEL,"label modified by creating row 1");
row = table.createRow(childObj2);
"label modified by creating row 2");

Example 13–4 Loading a Structure table

public void testLoadingDesignStructureTable() throws Exception {

// assuming Design object Design00004 existed with some data in Structure

IFileFolder obj = (IFileFolder) m_session.getObject(
FileFolderConstants.CLASS_DESIGN, "Design00004");

// load Structure table

ITable table = obj.getTable(FileFolderConstants.TABLE_STRUCTURE);
Integer tableId = (Integer) table.getTableDescriptor().getId();
// ITable performs related tasks

Example 13–5 Loading a Structure table as a tree

public void testLoadingDesignStructureTree() throws Exception{

// assuming Design object Design00004 existed with some data in Structure

IFileFolder obj =
(IFileFolder) m_session.getObject(
FileFolderConstants.CLASS_DESIGN, "Design00004");

13-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with File Folders

IAgileClass agileClass = obj.getAgileClass();

// load Structure table
ITable table = obj.getTable(FileFolderConstants.TABLE_STRUCTURE);
Integer tableId = (Integer) table.getTableDescriptor().getId();
ITreeNode root = (ITreeNode) table;
Collection topLevelChildren = root.getChildNodes();
Iterator it;
ITreeNode row;
if (topLevelChildren != null) {
it = topLevelChildren.iterator();
int level = 0;
while (it.hasNext()) {
row = (ITreeNode);
if(row instanceof IRow) {
IRow aRow = (IRow) row;
IDataObject referent =
if(referent != null) {
"Row Referent Object ID/row:
"+ referent.getObjectId()+ " / "+referent.getName());
iterateTreeNode(agileClass, true,tableId, (ITreeNode) row);
System.out.println("The number of rows in top level is " + count);
private void iterateTreeNode (IAgileClass agileClass, boolean print, Integer
tableId, ITreeNode node) throws APIException {
Collection childNodes = node.getChildNodes();
if (childNodes == null || childNodes.size() <= 0) {
Iterator it = childNodes.iterator();
ITreeNode childNode;
IRow row;
while (it.hasNext()) {
childNode = (ITreeNode);
if (childNode instanceof IRow) {
row = (IRow) childNode;
if(row instanceof IRow) {
IDataObject referent =
if(referent != null) {
System.out.println("Row Referent Object ID/row:
"+ referent.getObjectId()+ " / "+ referent.getName());
iterateTreeNode(agileClass, print, tableId, (ITreeNode) childNode);

Working with Attachments and File Folder Objects 13-5

Working with File Folders

Creating File Folder Objects by Adding Rows to Attachments Table

When you add a file or a URL to the row of the Attachments table of a business object,
you automatically create a new file folder that contains the associated file or URL. You
can load the referenced file folder using the IRow.getReferent() method, as shown in
the following example.

Example 13–6 Creating a file folder by adding a row to the Attachments table
public IFileFolder addRowToItemAttachments
(IItem item, File file) throws Exception {
ITable attTable = item.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_ATTACHMENTS);
IRow row = attTable.createRow(file);
IFileFolder ff = (IFileFolder)row.getReferent();
return ff;}

Working with the Files Table of a File Folder

The Files table of a file folder lists the files and URLs associated with the object. To edit
the table, you must first check out the file folder. You cannot add files or URLs to the
Files table or delete them unless the file folder is checked out.
The following example shows how to check out a file folder and then add files and
URLs to the Files table.

Example 13–7 Adding files and URLs to the Files table of a file folder
public void addFiles(IFileFolder ff, File[] files, URL[] urls) throws Exception {
// Check out the file folder
// Get the Files table
ITable filesTable = ff.getTable(FileFolderConstants.TABLE_FILES);
// Add files to the Files table
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) {
// Add URLs to the Files table
for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; ++i) {
// Check in the file folder

Accessing Files in Agile PLM File Vault with IAttachmentFile

IAttachmentFile is the interface that provides generalized access to files stored in the
Agile PLM file vault. This interface is supported by the following Agile API objects:
■ File folder - you can class cast IFileFolder to IAttachmentFile.
■ A row of the Files table of a file folder - you can class cast IRow from the Files
table to IAttachmentFile.
■ A row of the Attachments table of a business object - you can class cast IRow
from the Attachments table to IAttachmentFile.
IAttachmentFile provides the following methods for working with attachments:
■ getFile()

13-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Attachments Table of an Object

■ isSecure()

Note: IAttachmentFile also has a setFile() method that lets you

change the file(s) for an attachment, but it is supported only for rows
of the Attachments table.

Results returned by IAttachmentFile methods vary depending on the object that you
are working with. See Table 13–3 below.

Table 13–3 Results returned by IAttachmentFile

Calling object getFile() return value isSecure() return value
Row from the Attachments Returns either a single file true if the referenced file is
table of any business object InputStream if the row refers to a not URL, or all the files are
specific file from the file folder or not URLs.
a zipped InputStream with all the
files from the file folder.
FileFolder object Returns a zipped InputStream true if all the files
with all files from the file folder. contained in the file folder
are not URLs.
Row from the Files table of a Returns a single file InputStream true if the referenced file is
file folder that refers to a specific file from not a URL.
the file folder.

Note: To read files in a zipped InputStream, use methods of the class.

The following example shows how to use IAttachmentFile.isSecure() and

IAttachmentFile.getFile() from the row of an Attachments table for an item.

Example 13–8 Using isSecure() and getFile()

public InputStream getItemAttachment(IItem item) throws Exception {
InputStream content = null;
ITable attachments = item.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_ATTACHMENTS);
IRow row = (IRow)attachments.iterator().next();
if (((IAttachmentFile)row).isSecure())
content = ((IAttachmentFile)row).getFile();
return content;

Working with Attachments Table of an Object

To work with the Attachments table of an object, follow this sequence.
1. Get the object that has the attachment you want.
For example, you can use the IAgileSession.getObject() method to get a
particular object, or you can create a query to return objects.
2. Get the Attachments table. Use the IDataObject.getTable() or
IAttachmentContainer.getAttachments() methods to get the table.
3. Select a row in the Attachments table.

Working with Attachments and File Folder Objects 13-7

Working with Attachments Table of an Object

Create an iterator for the table, and then select a particular row. You can use the
ITable.getTableIterator() method to get a bidirectional iterator for the table.
The following example below shows how to retrieve an item, get the Attachments
table for the item, and then select the first attachment.

Example 13–9
try {
// Get Item P1000
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_NUMBER, "P1000");
IItem item =
(IItem)m_session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, params);
// Get the attachment table for file attachments
ITable attTable = item.getAttachments();
// Get a table iterator
ITwoWayIterator it = attTable.getTableIterator();
// Get the first attachment in the table
if (it.hasNext()) {
IRow row = (IRow);
// Read the contents of the stream
InputSteam stream = ((IAttachmentFile)row).getFile();
else {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "There are no files listed.",
"Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
} catch (APIException ex) {

Checking In and Checking Out Files with ICheckoutable

ICheckoutable is an interface that you can use to check in and check out files that are
associated with an object. This applies only to rows of the Attachments table. You can
class cast IRow from the Attachments table to ICheckoutable.
ICheckoutable provides the following methods for working with attachments:
■ cancelCheckout()
■ checkIn()
■ checkOutEx()
■ isCheckedOut()
This example shows how to use the ICheckoutable interface to check out and check in
a file from a row of the Attachments table.

Example 13–10
public InputStream checkOutRow(IRow row) throws APIException {
// Check out the attachment
// Read the contents of the stream
InputStream stream = ((IAttachmentFile)row).getFile();
return stream;

public checkInRow(IRow row, String filePath) throws APIException {

13-8 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Attachments Table of an Object

if (row.isCheckedOut()) {
// Set the new file
((IAttachmentFile)row).setFile(new File(filePath));
// Check in the file
else {
"The attachment is not checked out.","Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

Specifying the Revision of the Item

When you are working with items, each revision can have different attachments. If an
item has multiple revisions, your program should allow the user to select a revision.
For information about specifying the revision, see "Getting and Setting the Revision of
an Item" on page 7-1.

Checking if the Revision Is Incorporated

When the revision for an item is released, it is possible the revision is also
incorporated. The attachments for an incorporated item are locked and cannot be
checked out.
However, you can still view incorporated attachments, but you cannot modify them.
To modify an incorporated attachment, you must either un-incorporate the
attachment, or submit a new change order to create a new revision as shown in the
examples below.

Example 13–11 Incorporating Attachments

IItem item = (IItem) session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, "1000");

//Incorporate the item


//Print appropriate response

if (item.isIncorporated() == true)
System.out.println("Part " + item.getName() + " is Incorporated.");
else System.out.println("Part " + item.getName() + " is NOT Incorporated.");

Example 13–12 Un-incorporating Attachments

IItem item =
(IItem) session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, "1000");

//Incorporate the item


//Print appropriate response

if (item.isIncorporated() == true)
System.out.println("Part " + item.getName() + " is Incorporated.");
else System.out.println("Part " + item.getName() + " is NOT Incorporated.");

Working with Attachments and File Folder Objects 13-9

Checking Out a File Folder

Checking Out a File Folder

Before you can add, delete, or modify the files contained in a file folder, you must
check out the file folder. With the appropriate privileges, you can check out a file
folder as long as it is not already checked out by another user. Once a file folder is
checked out, no one else can check it out or modify it.
The user who checked out a file folder, as well as other users who are change analysts
or component engineers, can check it in. If the file folder was checked out to a location
on the network, or to a shared drive or directory, anyone who has access to that
network location or to that shared directory can check in the file folder.
The following example shows how to check out a file folder.

Example 13–13 Checking out a file folder

void checkOutFileFolder(IFileFolder ff) throws Exception {

Note: You can also use ICheckoutable.checkOutEx() to check out a

row of the Attachments table. See "Checking In and Checking Out
Files with ICheckoutable" on page 13-8.

Canceling a File Folder Checkout

If you check out a file folder and then decide that you don't want to modify it, or you
want to discard your changes and revert to the original file folder, you can cancel the
checkout. When you cancel a checkout, you also make the file folder available for
other users to check out.

Note: Only the user who checked out a file folder can cancel the

This example cancels a file folder checkout.

Example 13–14 Canceling checkout of a file folder

void cancelCheckOut(IFileFolder ff) throws Exception {

Note: You can also use ICheckoutable.cancelCheckout() to cancel

checkout of a row of the Attachments table. See "Checking In and
Checking Out Files with ICheckoutable" on page 13-8.

Adding Files and URLs to the Attachments Table

The Agile API lets you add files and URLs to the Attachments table of many types of
objects, such as IItem, IChange, IManufacturerPart, and IManufacturer. An
attachment is one or more physical files or an Internet address (URL). A file is
considered a secured attachment because it is physically stored in the Agile PLM file
vault. A URL, on the other hand, is an unsecured attachment.

13-10 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Adding Files and URLs to the Attachments Table

When you add a file or a URL to the Attachments table of a business object, the server
automatically creates a new file folder containing the associated file or URL. The new
row on the Attachments table references the new file folder.
When you add a URL attachment, the server stores a reference to the Internet location
but does not upload a file. Therefore, you cannot download a URL attachment. The
Agile API validates URL strings that you attempt to check in as an attachment. If a
URL is invalid, the Agile API considers the string a filename instead of a URL.
You cannot add a file or URL to the Attachments table of an item if
■ The current revision has a pending or released MCO.
■ The current revision is incorporated.
When you use the ITable.createRow(java.lang.Object) method to add a row to the
Attachments table, the param method can be any of the following object types:
■ String - adds one file attachment specified by a local path.
■ String[] - adds multiple file attachments specified by an array of local paths.
■ File - adds one file attachment.
■ File[]- adds multiple file attachments.
■ InputStream - adds one file attachment.
■ InputStream[]- adds multiple file attachments.
■ URL - adds one URL attachment.
■ URL[] - adds multiple URL attachments.
■ IRow (of the Attachments or Files tables) - adds a file or URL attachment.
■ IFileFolder - adds all files and URLs for the specified file folder.
■ Map - adds one or more files specified by a hash table containing Attachment

Note: The File object type performs best when adding attachments.

When you add a file or a URL to the row of the Attachments table of a business object,
you automatically create a new file folder that contains the associated file or URL. You
can load the referenced file folder using the IRow.getReferent() method, as shown in
the following example.

Example 13–15 Creating a file folder by adding a row to the Attachments table
public IFileFolder addRowToItemAttachments
(IItem item, File file) throws Exception; {
ITable attTable = item.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_ATTACHMENTS);
IRow row = attTable.createRow(file);
IFileFolder ff = (IFileFolder)row.getReferent();
return ff;

This example uses several instances of the addAttachment() methods to illustrate the
different ways you can add rows to an Attachments table.

Working with Attachments and File Folder Objects 13-11

Adding Files and URLs to the Attachments Table

Example 13–16 Adding files to the Attachments table

// Add a single file to the Attachments table row by specifying a file path
public static IRow addAttachment
(ITable attTable, String path) throws APIException {
IRow row = attTable.createRow(path);
return row;

// Add a single file to the Attachments table

public static IRow addAttachment
(ITable attTable, File file) throws APIException {
IRow row = attTable.createRow(file);
return row;

// Add multiple files to the Attachments table

public static IRow addAttachment
(ITable attTable, File[] files) throws APIException {
IRow row = attTable.createRow(files);
return row;

// Add a URL attachment to the Attachments table

public static IRow addAttachment
(ITable attTable, URL url) throws APIException {
IRow row = attTable.createRow(url);
return row;

// Add a file folder to the Attachments table

public static IRow addAttachment
(ITable attTable, IFileFolder ff) throws APIException {
IRow row = attTable.createRow(ff);
return row;

// Add a FileFolder.Files row object or a [BusinessObject].Attachments row object

// to the Attachments table. The Agile API validates the row object at run time to
// determine if it is from a valid table (Files or Attachments).
public static IRow addAttachment
(ITable attTable, IRow filesRow) throws APIException {
IRow row = attTable.createRow(filesRow);
return row;

// Add a file folder to the Attachments table & specify versions for all files
public static IRow addAttachmentWithVersion
(ITable attTable, IFileFolder ff) throws APIException {
ff.setCurrentVersion(new Integer(1));
IRow row = attTable.createRow(ff);
return row;

13-12 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Adding Files and URLs to the Attachments Table

Deep Cloning Attachments and Files from One Object to Another

To simplify copying file attachments from one object to another, use the
CommonConstants.MAKE_DEEP_COPY virtual attribute as a Boolean parameter of
ITable.createRow(Object). This parameter allows your program to create a new
copy of the file in the Agile File Manager vault instead of referencing the old file.

Example 13–17 Deep cloning an Attachments table row

// Clone an attachment table row and its file from one item to another
public static cloneAttachment
(IItem item1, IItem item2, File file) throws APIException {

// Get the attachments tables of item1 and item2

ITable tblAttach1 = item1.getAttachments();
ITable tblAttach2 = item2.getAttachments();

// Prepare params for the first row

HashMap params = new HashMap();
params.put(CommonConstants.ATT_ATTACHMENTS_CONTENT, file);

// Add the file to the attachments table of item1

IRow row1 = tblAttach1.createRow(params);

// Prepare params for the second row

params.put(CommonConstants.ATT_ATTACHMENTS_CONTENT, row1);
params.put(CommonConstants.MAKE_DEEP_COPY, Boolean.TRUE);

// Add the same file to the attachments table of item2

IRow row2 = tblAttach2.createRow(params);

Example 13–18 Deep cloning the Files table row of a File Folder
// Clone a Files table row and its file from one File Folder to another
public static cloneFilesRow
(IFileFolder folder1, IFileFolder folder2, File file) throws APIException {

// Check out folder1 and folder2


// Get the Files tables of folder1 and folder2

ITable tblFiles1 = folder1.getTable(FileFolderConstants.TABLE_FILES);
ITable tblFiles2 = folder2.getTable(FileFolderConstants.TABLE_FILES);

// Prepare params for the first row

HashMap params = new HashMap();
params.put(CommonConstants.ATT_ATTACHMENTS_CONTENT, file);

// Add the file to the attachments table of folder1

IRow row1 = tblFiles1.createRow(params);

// Prepare params for the second row

params.put(CommonConstants.ATT_ATTACHMENTS_CONTENT, row1);
params.put(CommonConstants.MAKE_DEEP_COPY, Boolean.TRUE);

// Add the same file to the Files table of folder2

IRow row2 = tblFiles2.createRow(params);

Working with Attachments and File Folder Objects 13-13

Adding Files and URLs to the Attachments Table

// Check in folder1 and folder2


Specifying the File Folder Subclass When Adding Attachments

You can set up your Agile PLM system with multiple file folder subclasses. If so, when
you add a file folder to the Attachments table of a business object, you may want to
specify which file folder subclass to use. If you do not specify a subclass, the Agile API
uses the default File Folder subclass. The virtual attribute CommonConstants.ATT_
ATTACHMENTS_FOLDERCLASS makes it easier to specify the required file folder subclass.
It enables you to set the attribute to any file folder subclass.
The following example shows how to use the ATT_ATTACHMENTS_FOLDERCLASS attribute
to specify a subclass when you add a file folder to the Attachments table.

Example 13–19 Specifying the file folder subclass when adding attachments
IAgileClass ffclass = m_admin.getAgileClass("MyFileFolder");

// init item
IItem item = (IItem)session.createObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, "P0001");

// get attachments table

ITable tab_attachment = item.getAttachments();

// prepare map
HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put(CommonConstants.ATT_ATTACHMENTS_CONTENT, new File("files/file.txt"));
map.put(CommonConstants.ATT_ATTACHMENTS_FOLDERCLASS, ffclass);

// add file
IRow row = tab_attachment.createRow(map);

Retrieving Attachment Files

If a file folder is checked out by another user, you can still retrieve a copy of the file
folder file(s) and save it to your local machine. The IAttachmentFile.getFile()
method returns the file stream associated with a row of the Attachments table. The file
stream can be for one file or it can be a zipped file stream for multiple files, depending
on how many files the associated file folder has. You can also use
IAttachmentFile.getFile() to get one or more files directly from a file folder instead
of accessing the Attachments table of another business object. If you call getFile()
from the file folder object, you return the zipped file stream for all files listed on the
Files table. If you call getFile() from a row of the Files table of a file folder, you return
a file stream for the specific file associated with that row.

Note: When you use IAttachmentFile.getFile(), only file

attachments are included in the returned file stream. URL attachments
don't have files associated with them.

This example retrieves a copy of an attached file.

13-14 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Adding Files and URLs to the Attachments Table

Example 13–20 Getting attachment files

// Get one or more files associated with the row of an Attachments table or a
// Files table
public InputStream getAttachmentFile(IRow row) throws APIException {
InputStream content =
return content;

// Get all files associated with a file folder

public InputStream getAttachmentFiles(IFileFolder ff) throws APIException {
InputStream content = ((IAttachmentFile)ff).getFile();
return content;

If you use IFileFolder.getFile() to return a zipped file stream for all files contained in a
file folder, you can extract files from the zipped InputStream file using methods of the class, as shown in the following example.

Example 13–21 Extracting files from a zipped file stream

static void unpack(InputStream zippedStream) throws IOException {
ZipInputStream izs = new ZipInputStream(zippedStream);
ZipEntry e = null;
while ((e = izs.getNextEntry()) != null) {
if (!e.isDirectory()) {
FileOutputStream ofs = new FileOutputStream(e.getName());
byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
int amt;
while ((amt = != -1) {
ofs.write(buf, 0, amt);

The Agile API provides no direct method for opening an attachment file. However,
you can retrieve a file and then have your program open it in a separate application or
display it in a browser window.

Deleting Attachments and File Folders

To delete a file folder, which may contain multiple files, use the IDataObject.delete()
method. You must have the Delete privilege for file folders to be able to delete them.
For more information about deleting objects, see "Deleting and Undeleting Objects" on
page 2-21.

Note: Deleting a file folder does not automatically remove its

associated files from the file server. The Agile PLM administrator is
responsible for purging deleted files.

To delete a row from the Attachments table of a business object, use the
ITable.removeRow() method. For more information, see "Removing Table Rows" on
page 4-16. Removing a row from the Attachments table does not delete the associated
file folder. You cannot delete a row from the Attachments table in the following

Working with Attachments and File Folder Objects 13-15

Adding Files and URLs to the Attachments Table

■ The parent object is an Item whose revision is incorporated.

■ The selected attachment is currently checked out.

Working with Thumbnails

Agile PLM supports adding small static graphical images (thumbnails) to key objects
which either represent graphical objects or require images. For example, documents
attached as files such as Excel worksheets, text files, PDF files, CAD files and so on,
can have associated thumbnail images. Thumbnails display scaled down versions of
these files and, in the case of Part objects, show how they relate to each other.
The SDK supports the following Thumbnail-related functions:
■ Regenerating Thumbnails
■ Sequencing Thumbnails
■ Setting Master Thumbnails
■ Generating Thumbnails while adding Files to Attachments tab

Accessing Thumbnails
Agile SDK provides the IThumbnailContainer interface for generalized access to
thumbnail-related operations for file folder and business objects. This interface is
supported by the following API objects:
■ IFileFolder object
■ IItem object
■ IManufacturerPart object
For IFileFolder objects, set the applicable version using
IFileFolder.setCurrentVersion before calling the above APIs. The default version is
LATEST_VERSION. For IItem or IManufacturerPart objects, use the revision that is
already set on these objects.
The following example gets thumbnail details from TitleBlock of an IItem or
IFileFolder object.

Example 13–22 Getting thumbnail details from TitleBlock of IItem or IFileFolder objects
IItem dataObj = (IItem)session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, "P00015");
ITable titleBlockTable = dataObj.getTable(TableTypeConstants.TYPE_PAGE_ONE);
Iterator i = titleBlockTable.getTableIterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
IRow row = (IRow);
Object thumbnailIDDetails =
IAgileList[] nodes =((IAgileList)thumbnailIDDetails).getSelection();
for(int ii=0; ii<nodes.length; ii++) {
IAgileList childNode = nodes[ii];
IThumbnailID thumbnailID = (IThumbnailID)childNode.getValue();

13-16 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Adding Files and URLs to the Attachments Table

Regenerating Thumbnails
Regenerating a thumbnail means generating a thumbnail for an existing (generated)
thumbnail for file folder and item objects. This feature is of particular interest in
assembly structures where a change in the child of the assembly structure is reflected
in the thumbnail after the thumbnail is regenerated.
Agile SDK provides the IThumbnailContainer.generateThumbnail(IThumbnailID)
API for this purpose. When invoked, it will generate and return a new thumbnail. In
case of IFileFolder objects, API will use the current version of the object. For IItem or
IManufacturerPart objects, it will use the current revision of the object. An
APIException is thrown when the API fails to regenerate the thumbnail for the
specified thumbnailID parameter.

Example 13–23 Regenerating a thumbnail for an IFileFolder object

IFileFolder ff =
(IFileFolder)session.getObject(IFileFolder.OBJECT_TYPE, "FOLDER00037");
ff.setCurrentVersion(new Integer(1));
IThumbnailID oldThumbnailID = "";

//get this id from row of supported tables like Title Block

//Regenerating a thumbnail for an IItem object
IItem itemObj =
(IItem)session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, "P00015");
IThumbnailID oldThumbnailID = "";

//get this id from row of supported tables like Title Block


Setting Master Thumbnails

In Agile PLM, a file folder object is represented by a thumbnail file which can contain
several files in its Files tab. Using setMasterThumbnail, you can decide which row in
the Files tab will represent the selected thumbnail's file folder.
SDK provides the setMasterThumbnail API to set master thumbnails on file folder
objects. An exception is thrown if the function fails to set the master thumbnail
represented by the parameter masterRow.

Example 13–24 Setting a master thumbnail

IFileFolder ff =
(IFileFolder)session.getObject(IFileFolder.OBJECT_TYPE, "FOLDER00036");
ITable attachmentTable =
Iterator<?> i =
while (i.hasNext()) {
IRow row = (IRow);
if (row.getValue("fileName").toString().
equals("Resistor Family Data Sheet.pdf")){

Working with Attachments and File Folder Objects 13-17

Adding Files and URLs to the Attachments Table

Replacing Thumbnails
You can replace an Agile PLM generated thumbnail with a user provided image for
file folder and item objects. The SDK provides the following API for this purpose.
IThumbnailID replaceThumbnail (IThumbnailID oldThumbnailID, byte[] bytes)
throws APIException
This API will replace the thumbnail referred to in oldThumbnailID with the image file
referred to in the input stream. That is, it will return the ThumbnailID of the replaced
For IFileFolder objects, the API will use the version that is already set on the object. For
IItem or IManufacturerPart objects, it will use the revision that is already set on the
object. An APIException is thrown if it fails to replace the thumbnail specified in the
oldThumbnailID parameter.

Example 13–25 Replacing a thumbnail for an IFileFolder object

IFileFolder ff =
(IFileFolder)session.getObject(IFileFolder.OBJECT_TYPE, "FOLDER00037");
ff.setCurrentVersion(new Integer(1));
IThumbnailID oldThumbnailID = "";
//get this id from row of supported tables like Title Block
String filePath = "C:\\Earth.bmp";
File file1_tmp = new File(filePath);
byte[] b1 = new byte[(int)file1_tmp.length()];
FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file1_tmp);;
IThumbnailID newThumbnailID =
itemObj.replaceThumbnail(oldThumbnailID, b1);
String filePath = "C:Earth.bmp";

Example 13–26 Replacing a thumbnail for an IItem object

IItem itemObj =
(IItem)session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, "P00015");
IThumbnailID oldThumbnailID = "";
//get this id from row of supported tables like Title Block
String filePath = "C:Earth.bmp";
File file1_tmp = new File(filePath);
byte[] b1 = new byte[(int)file1_tmp.length()];
FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file1_tmp);;
IThumbnailID newThumbnailID = itemObj.replaceThumbnail(oldThumbnailID, b1);

Sequencing Thumbnails
When Web Client users add attachment files to business objects, they can also set the
order (sequence) of their appearance in the Thumbnail Navigator. Agile PLM provides
the setThumbnailSequence API to enable this feature in the SDK. For IItem or
IManufacturerPart objects, the API will use the revision that is already set on the
object. The API will sort (sequence) the order of appearance using the thumbnailID
parameter. An exception is thrown if the function fails to set the master thumbnail.

13-18 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Adding Files and URLs to the Attachments Table

Example 13–27 Sequencing thumbnails

IItem itemObj =
(IItem)session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, "P00015");
IThumbnailID[] thumbnailIDs = null;

//get this id from row of Title Block table

IThumbnailID[] newSeqOfThumbnailIDs = null;

//generate new order using thumbnail IDs


Generating Thumbnails while Adding Files to Attachments Tab

There are no APIs specifically for this purpose. When you add a file to the
Attachments tab of an Item, a thumbnail is generated for that file provided thumbnail
support is enabled in the Web Client.

Working with Design Objects

A Design object is a business object that specifies one or more URLs or files stored in
Agile PLM's File Management Server. It contains information about the binary files
attached to it. Similar to other Agile PLM business objects, Design objects appear in
Agile PLM's class hierarchy as a separate base class.
Design class objects are used with Agile PLM's Engineering Collaboration (EC)
module which is used to manage CAD data in Agile PLM. Objects created in this class
have many of the same properties and behaviors of File folders. In Java Client, users
with administrator privileges can enable other users to open and work with Design
objects. Agile PLM users can then access and work exclusively with these objects in
Web Client.
Agile SDK supports the following Design object-related functions:
■ Managing (adding, removing, getting, and editing) version specific Relationships
between two Design objects
■ Using where-used queries for Design object deployments in Agile PLM Class
structures. For information about where-used queries, see "Creating a Where-Used
Query" on page 3-27.

Adding and Loading Design Objects

To create or get an IDesign object, you can use IAgileSession.createObject() or
IAgileSession.getObject(). The following examples show the different methods
provided by the SDK to create and get Design objects.

Example 13–28 Creating a Design by class name

IDesign des =
(IDesign) m_session.createObject("Design", "DESIGN00133");

Example 13–29 Creating a Design by class ID

IDesign des = (IDesign)

m_session.createObject(FileFolderConstants.CLASS_DESIGN, "DESIGN00133");

Working with Attachments and File Folder Objects 13-19

Adding Files and URLs to the Attachments Table

Example 13–30 Creating a Design by IAgileClass reference

IDesign des = (IDesign)
m_session.createObject(desClass, "DESIGN00133");

Example 13–31 Loading a Design object

IDesign des = (IDesign)
m_session.getObject(IDesign.OBJECT_TYPE, "DESIGN00133");

Managing Version Specific Relationships between Design Objects

Agile SDK supports the following version specific Relationships functions between
Design objects:
Note These version specific functions only apply to Design objects.
■ Adding version specific relationships between Design objects
■ Removing version specific relationships between Design objects
■ Getting version specific relationships for specific versions of Design objects
■ Editing version specific relationships for Design objects

Adding Relationships for Specific Versions of Design Objects

The SDK provides the following API to add relationships between two specific
versions of Design objects:
IDesign.addVersionSpecificRelationship(Object versionNum, IDesign
relatedDesign, Object relatedVersionNum)
The parameters are:
■ versionNum - This an integer showing the version number of this Design object.
■ relatedDesign - The Design object you are creating the Relationships for.
■ relatedversionNum - This an integer showing the version number of the Design
object you are creating the Relationship for.
An APIException is thrown if the version specific relationship between the two Design
objects was not created.
Alternatively, you can load the object's RelationshipsTable and call
createRow(Object params) with the following params:
HashMap params = new HashMap();
params.put(DesignConstants.ATT_RELATIONSHIPS_REV_VERSION, versionNum);
params.put(DesignConstants.ATT_RELATIONSHIPS_NAME, relatedDesign);
params.put(DesignConstants.ATT_DESIGN_VERSION, relatedVersionNum);

Removing Relationships for Specific Versions of Design Objects

To remove Version Specific Relationships for IDesign:
IDesign des1 = (IDesign)session.getObject(IFileFolder.OBJECT_TYPE, "DESIGN00001");
des1.setCurrentVersion(new Integer(4));
ITable relationshipTable = des1.getRelationship();

13-20 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Adding Files and URLs to the Attachments Table

Getting Relationships for Specific Versions of Design Objects

To get the Relationships for a specific version of IDesign:
IDesign des1 = (IDesign)session.getObject(IFileFolder.OBJECT_TYPE, "DESIGN00001");
des1.setCurrentVersion(new Integer(4)); //set desired version
ITable relationshipTable = des1.getRelationship();

Editing Relationships for Specific Versions of Design Objects

To edit the Relationships for a specific version of the IDesign object:
IDesign des1 = (IDesign)session.getObject(IFileFolder.OBJECT_TYPE, "DESIGN00001");
des1.setCurrentVersion(new Integer(4));
ITable relationshipTable = des1.getRelationship();
HashMap mapForUpdate=new HashMap();
HashMap rowUpdateMap = new HashMap();
rowUpdateMap.put(DesignConstants.ATT_DESIGN_VERSION, new Integer(1));
mapForUpdate.put(row1, rowUpdateMap);

Purging Specific Versions of Design Objects

The SDK provides the IDesign.purgeVersions(Object[] versions) API for purging
specific versions of Design objects and relevant versions of its child objects. The
versions parameter, an integer value, specifies the version number you want purged.
An exception is thrown if the API fails to purge the object.

Searching Design Object Deployments with Where-Used Queries

The Structure tab for Design objects enables users to create structures of different
Design objects having different versions. The SDK supports searching for Design
object usage in Agile PLM Class Structures for the latest checked in versions and all
checked in versions with the following queries and query constants:
query returns the LATEST version of the immediate parent of the Design object
which uses the input Design object as a child in the design structure. The constant
supports this search.
query returns ALL versions of the immediate parent of the Design object which
uses the input Design object as a child in the design structure. The constant
this search.
You can find code samples using QueryConstants in folder. To
access this file, see the Note in "Client-Side Components" on page 1-2. These are the
Javadoc generated HTML files in the documentation folder.
The two searches and their respective results are explained with the aid of the
following illustration. It shows the Design objects and level one structures. The search
parameter Title Block.Number includes the number 11.

Working with Attachments and File Folder Objects 13-21

Adding Files and URLs to the Attachments Table

Figure 13–3 Design objects and search results

13-22 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Importing and Exporting Data with SDK

This chapter includes the following:

■ About Importing and Exporting Data
■ Validating Import Data and Importing Data
■ Exporting Data from the SDK
■ Importing and Exporting Microsoft Project 2010 Files

About Importing and Exporting Data

You can use the SDK to import and export data from external databases into the PLM
system. The source can be an Agile database, a third party Product Data Management
(PDM) system, or an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. The following
paragraphs provide background information, procedures, and examples to perform
these tasks using the agile SDK.
You can use the SDK to import and export data from external databases into the PLM
system. The source can be an Agile database, a third party Product Data Management
(PDM) system, or an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. The following
paragraphs provide background information, procedures, and examples to perform
these tasks using the agile SDK.

Validating Import Data and Importing Data

When you import data, you have the option to validate the data, or ignore this step.
The purpose of import validation is to check the data for compliance with applicable
server rules such as length tolerances, allowable values, and other constraints. The
validation process informs you of the data that will fail to import before initiating the
The SDK exposes two methods to programmatically perform the following
import-related tasks:
■ The IImportManager.validateData(byte[], String, byte[], byte[],
String[], List) method to validate the imported data for compliance with
server business rules. This action is performed before importing the data to
identify the invalid items in the input source data.
■ The IImportManager.importData(byte[], String, byte[], byte[], String[],
List) method supports importing data into the PLM databases. This action is
performed after running the IImportManager.validateData() method to select
the data that meets the server business rules and is importable into the PLM

Importing and Exporting Data with SDK 14-1

Validating Import Data and Importing Data

For more information about importing data, refer to Agile Integration Services Developer
Guide and Agile Import and Export Guide.
The following example uses these methods to validate the imported data for
compliance and import it into the PLM system upon validation.

Example 14–1 Validating and Importing Data into PLM

import com.agile.api.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class ImportClient {

public static IAgileSession session = null;
public static AgileSessionFactory factory;
public static void main(String[] args) {

try {
String _url="";
String _user="admin";
String _pwd="agile";
String srcFilePath="bom.txt";

/* Supported file types: aXML,IPC2571, ExcelFile, DelimitedTextFile

* The value of "-f" parameter is the same
* in Import AIS sample command
String srcFileType="DelimitedTextFile";

// Null implies loading the default mapping

String mappingPath="NewMapFile.xml";

// Null implies do not transform

String transformPath=null;

/* The value used by operations and options are the same as the value of "-t"
parameter in the import AIS sample command.
String [] operations=new String[]{"items", "","items.aml"};
List options=new ArrayList();
String _output="log.xml";
FileOutputStream fop=new FileOutputStream(_output);

// Create an instance of IAgileSession

session = connect(_url,_user,_pwd);
IImportManager imgr = (IImportManager)
byte[] logData=null;
// Insert Code to import and validate data. See sample in Example 14–2.
int n=0;
InputStream logStream=byte2stream(logData);

14-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Validating Import Data and Importing Data

fop.write(buf, 0, n);
catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();
finally {session.close();

* <p> Create an IAgileSession instance </p>
* @return IAgileSession
* @throws APIException

private static IAgileSession connect(

String _url,String _user,String _pwd) throws APIException {
factory = AgileSessionFactory.getInstance(_url);
HashMap params = new HashMap();
params.put(AgileSessionFactory.USERNAME, _user);
params.put(AgileSessionFactory.PASSWORD, _pwd);
session = factory.createSession(params);
return session;
private static byte[] stream2byte(InputStream stream)
throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream outStream=new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte buf[]=new byte[1024*4];
int n=0;
outStream.write(buf, 0, n);
byte[] data=outStream.toByteArray();
return data;

private static InputStream byte2stream(byte[] data) throws IOException{

ByteArrayInputStream stream=new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
return stream;

private static byte[] convertFiletoStream(String path) throws IOException{

if(path==null || path.equals(""))
return null;
return stream2byte(new FileInputStream(path));

Example 14–2 Sample code to import and validate data

/* Sample code for Example 14–1, "Validating and Importing Data into PLM"
* Remove comments to run the importData example.
* byte[]logData=imgr.importData(stream2byte
* (new FileInputStream(srcFilePath)),
* srcFileType, convertFiletoStream(mappingPath),
* convertFiletoStream(transformPath),
* operations, options);

Importing and Exporting Data with SDK 14-3

Exporting Data from the SDK

* Sample code to validate data

* Remove comments to run the validateData example
* logData=imgr.validateData(stream2byte
* (new FileInputStream(srcFilePath)),
* srcFileType, convertFiletoStream(mappingPath),
* convertFiletoStream(transformPath), * operations, options);
* byte buf[]=new byte[1024*4];
* }

Exporting Data from the SDK

The SDK exposes the exportData()method to programmatically export data from
PLM databases. This method is designed to overcome performance and memory
issues that are encountered when loading large BOMs into the SDK programs. To
overcome this issue, you can invoke the export functionality to load the BOM. The
SDK programs are then able to read and export the data from extracted XML files.
For more information about exporting data, refer to the Agile Integration Services
Developer Guide and Agile Import and Export Guide.

Invoking SDK's Export Function

Use the following call to invoke the export function of the SDK.
public byte[] exportData (Object[], Integer, String[])
In this call,
■ exportData - Is the method that returns the exported data in an array of bytes. The
byte array represents a ZIP file that contains the export XML file in aXML or PDX
formats and any file attachments that are included in the exported package.
■ Object[]- Is the array of objects that are exported from PLM to the external
system. These objects are passed as IDataObject objects.
■ Integer - Is the indicator (constants that are provided in to
identify whether the output export format should be aXML or PDX. These are the
two formats that the SDK supports.
■ String[] - Is the array of ACS filter names that are used for the export. The filter
names are not case sensitive and must match the names of filters defined by the
Admin tool for ACS.
The conditions that causes the exportData method to throw an exception and the
respective exceptions are:
■ Invalid Data Format - The method was called with an unrecognized value for the
export data format. Only aXML (provide constant label) and PDX (provide
constant label) values are valid.
■ No Filter Specified - The method was called but no filters were specified. At least
one valid filter must be provided.
■ Specified Filter Not Found - The method was called with specified filter which
was not found in the system

14-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Importing and Exporting Microsoft Project 2010 Files

Example 14–3 Exporting data from PLM using the SDK

... //

IItem item = (IItem) session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, "P0001");

if (item == null) {
... // throw an error, the part wasn't found

IDataObject[] expObjs = {item};

String[] filters = {"Default Item Filter"};


IExportManager eMgr = (IExportManager)

try {
byte[] exportData =
eMgr.exportData(expObjs, ExportConstants.EXPORT_FORMAT_PDX, filters);
if (exportData != null) {
String fileName = createOutputFileName();
FileOutputStream outputFile = new FileOutputStream(fileName);
......System.out.println("Data exported to file: " + fileName);
} catch (Throwable t) {
// error handling

Importing and Exporting Microsoft Project 2010 Files

Microsoft Project 2010 (MSP) integration with PPM is based on the XML format used
by MSP. Project data between MSP and PPM is transferred in XML format. The XML
format used for this integration is the same as the one used by MSP. This integration is
carried out with the aid of the following three operations:
■ Validate - All MSP data is validated before importation
■ Import - Imports project data by synchronizing the data from MSP to the
corresponding PPM project tree. In the event a PPM Project tree is not available,
this operation will create a new project tree.
■ Export - Exports project data by synchronizing the data from PPM to MSP
You can perform these operations programmatically using APIs listed in the following

Validating MSP Import Data

This API validates MSP data in XML format. In this process, it takes the document
object as the parameter and returns a Boolean True if the validation is successful. If
there are any validation errors, it throws an API exception to the client
Object validateXML(Object documentObject) throws APIException
■ Validate API is exposed in IAgileSession.This API enables validating the XML
data that was newly created in MSP.

Importing and Exporting Data with SDK 14-5

Importing and Exporting Microsoft Project 2010 Files

■ Validate API is also exposed in IProgram. This API enables validating the data in
the document that was retrieved from an existing Program in PPM.
Validate APIs of session and program uses the validateMSPXML API of the Activity to
validate do the XML data. It returns the MspSyncActivityVO object which provides the
validation results. The MspSyncActivityVO object is passed to the validateXML method
of PCUtil which processes the validation information. The validateXML method
returns true if the validation is successful and there were no errors. In case of any
validation errors, the exceptions are added to a batch exception file that is thrown.

Example 14–4 Validate the data prior to publication

// Create an IAgileSession instance - Login to Agile server.
session = connect();
//Validate the document before publication

Importing MSP Data

This Import operation reads the MSP project data sent in the XML format and
synchronizes it with project data in the PPM. The File Manager (DFM) is used as an
intermediary tool to transfer the MSP XML file from the Client machine to the Server.
The Import operation is performed in one of the two following modes:
■ Create Mode - A new PPM project tree is created for the imported MSP project
XML file.
■ Update Mode - Updates the existing PPM project tree with the MSP project data.
This API imports the data from MSP to PPM and returns the IProgram to the Client
upon successful completion of the Import operation.

Create Mode
For Create mode, the Import API is exposed in IAgileSession and enables publishing
the data which was newly created in the XML format from MSP to PPM.
■ API Signature
Object publishXML(Object documentObject, Object resNameToUserIdObject, Object
resNameToRolesObject, Integer templateType, boolean setScheduleEditorToPPM)
throws APIException
■ API Parameters
– documentObject - This parameter is a Document Object retrieved from the
– resNameToUserIdObject - This parameter is a Map<String, Long/IUser> of
User Name to Agile User ID. User ID can be passed as a Long object or an
IUser object.
– resNameToRolesObject - This parameter is a Map<String, String/IRole[]>
of User Name to array of Roles. Roles can be a String array of Role IDs or an
array of IRole Objects.
– templateType - This parameter specifies the template type for the new project.
Values of template type are defined in as ACTIVE_
– setScheduleEditorToPPM - This parameter determine whether the Schedule
Editor for the new Program is set to PPM or not.

14-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Importing and Exporting Microsoft Project 2010 Files

IProgram program = (IProgram)session.publishXML(document,

resNameToUserId, resNameToRoles, ProgramConstants.ACTIVE_STATE,

Update Mode
The import API for Update mode is exposed in IProgram and enables users to publish
the data that was retrieved from PPM and modified in MSP
■ API Signature - This API takes only three parameters explained above.
Object publishXML(Object xmlDocument, Object resNameToUserIdObject,Object
resNameToRolesObject) throws APIException
■ Code sample
IProgram program = (IProgram)program.publishXML(document, resNameToUserId,

The Import API for session and program publishes the XML data to PPM only if data
validation is successful. It will then call the validate API to ensure the data designated
for publication is correct. Once validation is successful without any errors,
SyncMspToPE API of Activity is used to publish the XML data to PPM. Data in
resNameToUserIdObject and resNameToRolesObject is prepared by
prepareUsersForMSP of PCUtil in the required format for SyncMspToPE.

Exporting MSP Data

The Export operation is invoked on a particular PPM project to generate the PPM
project data in MSP XML format.
The export operation is performed in one of the two following modes
■ Create Mode - A new XML file in MSP XML format is generated with the selected
PPM project data. This XML file will contain a limited subset of the XML tags.
■ Update Mode - It there are any previously imported MSP XML files for the PPM
project that are stored in DFM, the XML file is sent to the Client once it is updated
with the latest PPM project data such as task name,% complete, description, and
so on.

API Signature
Object saveAsXML(Integer saveAsXMLMode) throws APIException;
The saveAsXMLMode is the only parameter that is supplied to the API. It defines the
mode in which the data is exported. The values of saveAsXMLMode are defined in as SAVE_AS_XML_READ and SAVE_AS_XML_EDIT. If the mode
type is Read, then the data exported to MSP is available for read-only purposes and
cannot be published back to PPM. If the mode type is Edit, then the exported data can
be modified in MSP and can be published back to PPM.
document =

The export API uses the SyncPEToMSP API of Activity to return the program data in the
form of org.jdom.Document object.

Importing and Exporting Data with SDK 14-7

Importing and Exporting Microsoft Project 2010 Files

14-8 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Managing Workflow

This chapter includes the following:

■ About Workflow
■ The Change Control Process
■ Dynamics of Workflow Functionality
■ Selecting a Workflow
■ Adding and Removing Approvers
■ Managing Functional Teams

About Workflow
■ Route changes automatically to the users who need to approve or observe the
■ Send mail alerts automatically to approvers and observers to notify them that a
change has been routed to them.
■ Approve or reject changes online.
■ Attach comments to changes.
Agile has electronic routing, Notification, and signoff capabilities, thus automating the
change control process and providing a simplified but powerful Workflow
mechanism. With these Workflow features, you can

The Change Control Process

The change control process can vary for each Workflow defined for a routable object.
The table below lists the sequences for the default Work flows for each type of routable
object. For changes the first four steps in the sequence are identical and only the final
step is different.

Table 15–1 Workflow default sequences for routable objects

Workflow Default sequence
Default Activities Not Started > In Process > Complete
Default Attachments Review
Default Audits Prepared > Initiated > Audited > Issued > Corrected > Validated
> Closed

Managing Workflow 15-1

Dynamics of Workflow Functionality

Table 15–1 (Cont.) Workflow default sequences for routable objects

Workflow Default sequence
Default CAP As Identified > Acknowledged > Investigated > Implemented >
Validated > Closed
Default Change Orders Pending > Submitted > CCB > Released > Implemented
Default Change Requests Pending > Submitted > CCB > Released > Closed
Default CT Os Pending> Review > Released > Complete
Default Declarations Pending > Open to Supplier > Submit to Manager > Review >
Released > Implemented
Default Deviations Pending > Submitted > CCB > Released > Expired
Default Gates Closed > In Review > Open
Default Manufacturer Pending > Submitted > CCB > Released > First Article
Orders Complete
Default Non-Conformance Pending > Submitted > Review > Released > Closed
Default Packages Pending > Submitted > Review > Accepted > Closed
Default Price Change Pending > Submitted > Price Review > Released > Implemented
Default Problem Reports Pending > Submitted > Review > Released > Closed
Default Sites Change Pending > Submitted > CCB > Released > Implemented
Default Stop Ships Pending > Submitted > CCB > Released > Resumed

Dynamics of Workflow Functionality

The Workflow functionality available to each user for a particular routable object
depends on the status of the routable object and the user's privileges. Your Agile API
program should take these Workflow dynamics into account and, where possible,
adjust your program accordingly.

How the Status of a Change Affects Workflow Functionality

The Workflow actions available for a pending change are different from those for a
released change. To check the status of a change to determine whether it's pending or
released, use the IRoutable.getStatus() method. The getStatus() method returns an
IStatus object for the Workflow status. IStatus extends the IStatus interface and
provides helpful methods for working with status nodes. The following example
shows how to use getStatus() to determine whether a change is released.

Example 15–1 Getting the status of a change object

IChange change = (IChange)session.getObject(IChange.OBJECT_TYPE, "C00008");

Example 15–2 Getting status of a change object and comparing it to a status type
private static boolean isReleased(IChange change) throws APIException {
return (change.getStatus().getStatusType().

15-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Selecting a Workflow

How User Privileges Affect Workflow Functionality

Agile privileges determine the types of Workflow actions a user can perform on a
change. The Agile system administrator assigns roles and privileges to each user. The
table below lists privileges needed to perform Workflow actions.

Table 15–2 Agile privileges and related Workflow APIs

Privilege Related API
Change Status IRoutable.changeStatus()
Comment IRoutable.comment()
Send DataObject.send()

To determine at run time whether a user has the appropriate privileges to perform an
action, use the IUser.hasPrivilege() method. You can adjust your program's UI
based on the user's privileges. The following example shows how to check whether a
user has the privilege to change the status of a change before calling the
IRoutable.changeStatus() method.

Example 15–3 Checking the privileges of a user before changing the status of a change
private void goToNextStatus(IChange change, IUser user) throws APIException {

// Check if the user can change status

if(user.hasPrivilege(UserConstants.PRIV_CHANGESTATUS, change)) {
List<?> approvers = Arrays.asList(user);
IStatus nextStatus = change.getDefaultNextStatus();
change.changeStatus(nextStatus, true, "", true, true,
null, approvers, null, null, false);
} else {
System.out.println("Insufficient privileges to change status.");

Selecting a Workflow
When you create a new change, package, product service request, or quality change
order, you must select a Workflow. Otherwise, the object is in an unassigned state and
cannot progress through a Workflow process. Your Agile system can have multiple
Workflows defined for each type of routable object. To retrieve the valid Workflows for
an object, use the IRoutable.getWorkflows() method. If a routable object has not been
assigned a Workflow yet, you can use the IRoutable.getWorkflows() method to select
a Workflow.
As long as a change is in the Pending status, you can select a different Workflow. Once
a change moves beyond the Pending status, you can't change the Workflow.

Example 15–4 Selecting a Workflow

private static IWorkflow addWorkflow(IChange change) throws APIException {
IWorkflow[] wfs = change.getWorkflows();
IWorkflow workflow = null;
for (int i = 0; i < wfs.length; i++) {
if (wfs[i].getName().equals("Default Change Orders"))
workflow = wfs[i];

Managing Workflow 15-3

Adding and Removing Approvers

return workflow;

If a change is still in the Pending status type, you can deselect a Workflow to make the
change “unassigned.” To make a change unassigned, use IRoutable.setWorkflow()
and specify null for the Workflow parameter.

Example 15–5 Making a change unassigned

private void unassign(IChange change) throws APIException {

Adding and Removing Approvers

After a change is routed and the online approval process is initiated, it is sometimes
necessary to add or remove people from the list of approvers or observers. To add or
remove approvers or observers, a user must have the Route privilege.
There is no need to load the Workflow table to modify the list of approvers. Once you
have a routable object, such as an ECO, you can modify its list of approvers using the
IRoutable.addApprovers() and IRoutable.removeApprovers() methods. When you
use addApprovers() or removeApprovers(), you specify the lists of approvers and
observers, whether the Notification is urgent, and an optional comment. The Agile API
provides overloaded addApprovers() and removeApprovers() methods for adding or
removing a user or a user group from the list of approvers. For more information, refer
to API Reference files at Oracle® E-Cloud Web site (
These files are available and accessible from, after
installing the Agile SDK. See Figure 15–1.

Figure 15–1 API reference files

If a user that you select as an approver or observer, do not have appropriate privileges
to view a change, your program throws an APIException. To avoid the possible
exception, check the privileges of each user before adding him to the approvers or
observers list.

15-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Adding and Removing Approvers

The following example shows how to add and remove approvers for a change.

Example 15–6 Adding and removing approvers and observers

public void modifyApprovers(IChange change) {
try {
// Get current approvers for the change
IDataObject[] currApprovers = change.getApproversEx(change.getStatus());

// Get current observers for the change

IDataObject[] currObservers = change.getObserversEx(change.getStatus());

// Add hhawkes to approvers

IUser user = (IUser)m_session.getObject(IUser.OBJECT_TYPE, "hhawkes");
IUser[] approvers = new IUser[]{user};

// Add flang to observers

user = (IUser)m_session.getObject(IUser.OBJECT_TYPE, "flang");
IUser[] observers = new IUser[]{user};

// Add approvers and observers

change.addApprovers(change.getStatus(), approvers, observers, true,
"Adding hhawkes to approvers and flang to observers");

// Add skubrick to approvers

user = (IUser)m_session.getObject(IUser.OBJECT_TYPE, "skubrick");
approvers[0] = user;

// Add kwong to observers

user = (IUser)m_session.getObject(IUser.OBJECT_TYPE, "kwong");
observers[0] = user;

// Remove skubrick from approvers and kwong from observers

change.removeApprovers(change.getStatus(), approvers, observers,
"Removing skubrick from approvers and kwong from observers");
} catch (APIException ex) {

If you want to modify only the list of approvers or the list of observers for a change,
you can pass a null value for the parameter you don’t want to change. The following
example shows how to add the current user to the approvers list without changing the
list of observers.

Example 15–7 Adding approvers without changing observers

public void addMeToApprovers(IChange change) {

// Get the current user

try {
IUser user = m_session.getCurrentUser();

// Add the current user to the approvers list for the change
IUser[] approvers = new IUser[]{user};
change.addApprovers(change.getStatus(), approvers, null, true,
"Adding current user to approvers list");
} catch (APIException ex) {

Managing Workflow 15-5

Adding and Removing Approvers

If you want to modify only the list of approvers or the list of observers for a change,
you can pass a null value for the parameter you don't want to change. Example 15–7
adds current users to the list of approvers without changing this list.

Approving or Rejecting Change

After a change is routed to a group of approvers, the online approval process begins.
Users listed in the Workflow table for a change can approve or reject the change.
When you approve a change, the Agile system records the approval on the Workflow
table. When all approvers have approved the change, the system sends an email
Notification to the change analyst or component engineer indicating that the change is
ready to be released.

Note: To approve or reject a change, users must have the correct

privileges. For more information, refer to Agile PLM Administrator

When you use the IRoutable.approve() method, specify the user's approval
password and an optional comment. The approve() methods enable you to specify a
Notification list and a collection of user groups for which you are approving.
After installing the Agile SDK, API Reference files, shown in Figure 15–1, "API
reference files" are available and accessible from the Oracle® E-Cloud Web site at You can locate and download the void approve
(String, Collection) throws APIException method from this site.
Following paragraphs document approving or rejecting a given routable object. APIs
that support approving or rejecting a change object when a second signature is
required are described in detail in Setting the “Signoff User Dual Identification”

Example 15–8
public void approveChange(IChange change){
try {
change.approve("agile","", "Looks good to me",
null, null, null, null, false, false, false, false, false);
} catch (APIException ex) {

To download SDK’s approve and reject methods, locate the IRoutable Interface
Reference from and then look for these methods
under "Public Member Functions." See "IRoutable Approve and Reject methods."

15-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Adding and Removing Approvers

Figure 15–2 IRoutable Approve and Reject methods

If a change has a fundamental flaw, users listed on the Workflow table may reject it.
When you reject a change, the system records the rejection on the Workflow tab for the
change and sends an email Notification to the change analyst or component engineer.
The change analyst or component engineer may decide to return the rejected change to
the originator, thus reverting its status to Pending.
When you use the IRoutable.reject() method, you must specify the
userNotifications approval password and optional comments. An overloaded
reject() method enables specifying a Notification list and a collection of user groups for
which you're approving. For more information and additional examples similar to
Figure 15–9, refer to the API Reference files at Oracle® E-Cloud Web site
The following example shows how to reject a change.

Example 15–9 Rejecting a change

public void rejectChange(IChange change) {
try {
change.reject("agile","", "Looks good to me",
null, null, null, null, false, false, false, false, false);
} catch (APIException ex) {

Managing Workflow 15-7

Adding and Removing Approvers

Approving or Rejecting a Change Without Password

Agile PLM's Java Client provides the option to configure Workflow Settings to enable
the approval or rejection of a change with or without typing a password. Users with
the Administrator role and privileges configure this option by selecting the Yes or No
option in the Password Required field.
The following example uses the Agile SDK to programmatically configure this

Example 15–10 Approving or rejecting change without a password

IAdmin admin = session.getAdminInstance();
INode root = admin.getNode(NodeConstants.NODE_AGILE_WORKFLOWS);
INode CCBStatus =
(INode)root.getChildNode("Default Change
Orders/Status List/CCB/Status Properties");
IProperty PwdReq =
IAgileList value = (IAgileList)PwdReq.getAvailableValues();
value.setSelection(new Object[] {"Approve Only"});

// Approve change without passing password

change.approve(null, null, "Looks good to me", null, null, null, null, false,
false, false, false, false);

Commenting a Change
When you comment a change, you send a comment to other CCB reviewers during the
online approval process. In addition to the comment, you can specify whether to notify
the originator, the change analyst, and the change control board. An overloaded
comment() method allows you to specify a Notification list. For more information,
similar to refer to the API Reference files at Oracle® E-Cloud Web site
The following example shows how to comment a change.

Example 15–11 Commenting a change

public void commentChange(IChange change) {
try {
change.comment(true, true, true, "Change flagged for transfer to ERP.");
} catch (APIException ex) {

Auditing a Change
At any point in a change's workflow, you can audit it to determine if any required
entry cells are not completed or if the change violates any Agile Smart Rules. When
you use the IRoutable.audit() method, the method returns a Map object containing
ICell objects as keys and a List of APIException objects as values. The ICell key can
be null if there are no problems with the change. The APIException object describes a
problem with the associated entry cell.
The Map object returned by the audit() method may also contain null objects as keys.
The APIException object associated with a null object describes a problem unrelated to
data cells.

15-8 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Adding and Removing Approvers

The following example shows how to audit a change.

Example 15–12 Auditing a change

public void auditChange(IChange change) {
try {

// Audit the release

Map results = change.audit();

// Get the set view of the map

Set set = results.entrySet();
// Get an iterator for the set
Iterator it = set.iterator();

// Iterate through the cells and print each cell name and exception
while (it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
ICell cell = (ICell)entry.getKey();
if(cell != null) {
System.out.println("Cell : " + cell.getName());
else {
System.out.println("Cell : No associated data cell");

//Iterate through exceptions for each map entry.

//(There can be multiple exceptions for each data cell.)
Iterator jt = ((Collection)entry.getValue()).iterator();
while (jt.hasNext()) {
APIException e = (APIException);
System.out.println("Exception : " + e.getMessage());
} catch (APIException ex) {

Changing the Workflow Status of an Object

The IRouteable.changeStatus() method is a general purpose method for changing the
status of an Agile object. For example, you can use changeStatus() to submit, release,
or cancel a change. In instances such as failed audits, it throws the compound
exception ExceptionConstants.API_SEE_MULTIPLE_ROOT_CAUSES. You can disable this
exception by modifying the code that caught the exception. See the example below.

Example 15–13 Throwing compound exceptions

while (true) {
try {

Managing Workflow 15-9

Adding and Removing Approvers

} catch (APIException ae) {
try {
Throwable[] causes = ae.getRootCauses();
for (int i = 0; i < causes.length; i++) {
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw ae;

In general, you release a change after it is signed off by CCB members. In addition to
modifying the status of a change, you can also use changeStatus() to specify a
Notification list, optional comments, and whether to notify the originator and change
control board.

Note: To use the default Notification list for the Workflow status,
specify a null value. To indicate that no users should be notified,
specify an empty array.

Depending on the overloaded changeStatus() method you use, the notifyList

parameter is an array of IUser or IUserGroup objects that you must notify about the
change in status. For more information, refer to the API Reference files at Oracle®
E-Cloud Web site (, navigate to IRoutable
Interface Reference, and these methods are listed under Public Member Functions.
In this case, point to and select the IUser. The Public Member Functions of this
interface is shown in Part 15–3.

15-10 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Adding and Removing Approvers

Figure 15–3 Member Functions of the IUser Interface

For both the approvers and observers parameters of the changeStatus() method, you
must explicitly pass an array of users or user groups. If you pass null, no approvers or
observers are used. To get the default approvers and observers for a particular
Workflow status, use getApproversEx() and getObserversEx(), respectively.
The following example shows how to check the Workflow status of a change.

Example 15–14 Checking the status of a change

void checkStatus(IChange change) {
try {
// Get current workflow status (an IStatus object)
IStatus status = change.getStatus();
System.out.println("Status name = " + status.getName());

// Get next available Workflow statuses

IStatus[] nextStatuses = change.getNextStatuses();
for (int i = 0; i < nextStatuses.length; i++) {
System.out.println("nextStatuses[" + i +"] = " +

// Get next default Workflow status

IStatus nextDefStatus = change.getDefaultNextStatus();
System.out.println("Next default status = " + nextDefStatus.getName());
} catch (APIException ex) {

Managing Workflow 15-11

Adding and Removing Approvers

The following example shows how to use the default approvers and observers when
you change the status of a routable object.

Example 15–15 Changing the status and routing to the default approvers and observers
public void changeToDefaultNextStatus(IChange change) throws APIException {
// Get the next status of the change
IStatus nextStatus = change.getDefaultNextStatus();

// Get default approvers for the next status

ISignoffReviewer[] defaultApprovers =
change.getReviewers(nextStatus, WorkflowConstants.USER_APPROVER);
List<ISignoffReviewer> approverList =

// Get default observers for the next status

ISignoffReviewer[] defaultObservers =
change.getReviewers(nextStatus, WorkflowConstants.USER_OBSERVER);
List<ISignoffReviewer> observerList =

// Change to the next status

change.changeStatus(nextStatus, false, "", false, false, null, approverList,
observerList, null, false);

Sending an Agile Object to Selected Users

You can send any Agile object to a selected group of users. When you send an object,
such as an ECO, there is no signoff required. The selected recipients receive an email
message with an attached link to the object. When you use the IDataObject.send()
method, you can specify an array of Agile users and an optional comment. Unlike
other Workflow commands, the send() method is not limited to routable objects. You
can use it to send any type of Agile dataobject, including an item.
The following example sends an object to all users.

Example 15–16 Sending an Agile object to selected users

public static void sendToAll(IDataObject object) {

// Get all user groups

try {
IQuery q =
(IQuery)session.createObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE, "select * from [UserGroup]");
ArrayList usergroupList = new ArrayList();
Iterator i = q.execute().getReferentIterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
IUserGroup[] group = new IUserGroup[usergroupList.size()];
System.arraycopy(usergroupList.toArray(), 0, group, 0, usergroupList.size());

// Send the object to all user groups

object.send(group, "Please read this important document.");
} catch (APIException ex) {

15-12 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Managing Functional Teams

Sending an Agile Object to User Groups

You can send an Agile change object or an item object to a user group. When you send
an object, such as an ECO, there is no signoff required. The selected recipients receive
an email message with an attached link to the object. When you use the
IDataObject.send(IDataObject[] to String Comment) method, you can specify an
array of Agile User Groups and an optional comment. The IDataObject parent
interface represents the IUserGroup Agile object. Unlike other Workflow commands,
the send() method is not limited to routable objects. You can use it to send any type of
Agile dataobject, including an item.
The following example shows how to send an object to all User Groups.

Example 15–17 Sending an Agile object to selected user groups

public static void sendToAll(IDataObject object) {
// Get all user groups
try {
IQuery q =
(IQuery)session.createObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE, "select * from
[UserGroup]");ArrayList usergroupList = new ArrayList();
Iterator i = q.execute().getReferentIterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
IUserGroup[] group = new IUserGroup[usergroupList.size()];
System.arraycopy(usergroupList.toArray(), 0, group, 0, usergroupList.size());

// Send the object to all user groups

object.send(group, "Please read this important document.");
} catch (APIException ex) {

Managing Functional Teams

The Functional Team feature streamlines the approval process by eliminating the need
to update the list and roles of workflow approvers (the approval “criteria”). This is
achieved by enabling the workflow process to create a Workflow Template and assign
users to workflow actions. Users are then linked to the job functions they perform. Job
functions and users are linked together to form the Functional Teams. These
Functional Teams are added to routable objects and when they are routed through the
workflow, the combination of Functional Team, Workflow Criteria, and the Approval
Template determine which user performs the required workflow action.

Managing Workflow 15-13

Managing Functional Teams

Job Functions, Functional Teams, and Workflow Actions

You can use the SDK to eliminate updating the approval criteria in the event of a
change in the approval criteria by defining the following Workflow-related objects and
■ Job Function - The job performed by a user. Examples are product manager,
product marketing manager, development lead, development manager, and so on.
■ Functional Team - Group of users and/or user groups who work as a team to
perform specific job functions. Logically, a Functional Team is a Job Function and
not a User, because a Job Function can be associated with a Functional Team
without any Users, but a User can not be added to a Functional Team without an
assigned Job Function.
■ Reviewers - Based on the role, a Reviewer can be an Approver, an Acknowledger,
or an Observer. A user can have more than one Reviewer role.

Note: Users can have more than one Reviewer role, but they cannot
be Acknowledgers, Observers and/or Approvers.

– Observers - A workflow action that requires the notified users to signoff when
notified. Observers can be Users, User Groups or Functional Teams.
– Acknowledgers - A workflow action that requires the notified users to signoff
the change they have approved. This is different from an approval signoff.
Acknowledgers can be Users, User Groups or Functional Teams.
– Approvers - An approvers can sign -off for multiple job functions. Approvers
can be Users, User Groups or Functional Teams.

Creating a Functional Team

Functional Teams are uniquely identified by name and they are a class under the User
Group Base Class with the Functional Team as the default sub class. Creating a
Functional Team object is similar to creating any Agile object. To create a Functional
Team, use the IAgileSession.createObject method, specifying both the class and the
name of the Team.
All users cannot create a Functional Team. Only users who have the Create privilege
for this object can create Functional Teams.

Example 15–18 Creating a Functional Team

IAgileClass ft_class =
session.getAdminInstance().getAgileClass("Functional Team");
HashMap<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<Integer, String>();

//Put values into map

map.put(UserGroupConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_NAME, "PGC");
map.put(UserGroupConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_DESCRIPTION, "PGC Functional Team");
IDataObject FtObj = (IDataObject)session.getObject(UserGroupConstants.CLASS_
if (FtObj == null){

// Create Functional Team with this Map //

FtObj = (IDataObject)session.createObject(ft_class, map);

15-14 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Managing Functional Teams

Functional Teams is a class under User Group Base Class having out of the box sub
class 'Functional Team'. Creating Functional Team object is similar to creating any
Agile object as detailed below:

Managing Timesheets
PPM has the capability to manage the following Timesheet-related functions from the
Web Client. The SDK enables performing the functions programmatically, by exposing
the ITimesheetManager.
■ Retrieving tasks a user can report time against - This feature enables retrieving
the Web Client's Timesheet view and the list of tasks the user can report time
against programmatically.
■ Logging or modifying time reported for a user on a task - Similar to the Web
Client, this feature supports logging or modifying time by day or activity for the
■ Retrieving hours for a user or activity - This feature enables searching and
retrieving hours for a user, an activity, a project, the date in between, and
Canceled and Soft-Deleted activities. Results are provided as CSV or XLS similar
to the UI

Important: As the SDK developer, you must have the proper

privileges to perform Timesheet-related tasks.

Retrieving Tasks Users Can Log Time Against

As the SDK developer with proper privileges, you can retrieve Timesheet records that
display activities against which users can log time worked. The ITimesheetManager
API returns the Timesheet table listing input dates for the week as shown the
following example.
Function: ITimesheetManager:: retrieveTimesheet(Date selectedDate)

Example 15–19 Retrieving Timesheet table with week's input dates

//connect to Agile Server
IAgileSession ses = connect();
ITimesheetManager timesheetManager = (ITimesheetManager)
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2013);
cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, 2);
cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 27);
// Retrieve a list of tasks the user can report time against
ITable result = timesheetManager.retrieveTimesheet(cal);

Managing Workflow 15-15

Managing Functional Teams

Logging or Modifying the Reported Time for a User on a Task

After retrieving a Timesheet, the user can log or modify hours for the activity in the
returned Timesheet records.
Function: ITimesheetManager:: logOrChangeTimesheet(ITable tsTable)
You can find detailed sample codes for logOrChangeTimesheet() in
samples\api\LogOrChangeTimesheet, accessible from "Client-Side Components" on
page 1-2.

Retrieving Hours for a Given User or Activity

This API enables searching the Timesheet by User, Project, Date Between, as well as
Canceled and Soft-Deleted Activities. The search result table is exported as a CSV or
XLS file to the specified device.
Function: ITimesheetManager:: exportSearchedTimesheet (Map params)
You can find detailed sample codes for exportSearchedTimesheet() in
samples\api\exportSearchedTimesheet, accessible from "Client-Side Components"
on page 1-2.

Creating a Job Functions Table

A Functional Team object contains a valid Job function and associated members such
as users, user groups, and so on, in its Job Functions Table.

Example 15–20 Creating a Job Functions Table

//get Job Functions Table of the Functional Team Object
ITable jobFuncTbl=FtObj.getTable(UserGroupConstants.TABLE_JOBFUNCTION);
IDataObject usr0 =
(IDataObject) session.getObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, "usr01");
IDataObject usr1 =
(IDataObject) session.getObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, "usr02");
IDataObject uGp0 =
(IDataObject) session.getObject
(UserGroupConstants.CLASS_USER_GROUP, "usrGroup01");
IRow ft_jf_row;
map.put(UserGroupConstants.ATT_JOB_FUNCTION_NAME, "Developer");
//a valid value from 'Job Functioins' list
ATT_JOB_FUNCTION_USERS_USERGROUPS, new Object[] {usr0, usr1, uGp0});
ft_jf_row = jobFuncTbl.createRow(map);
map.put(UserGroupConstants.ATT_JOB_FUNCTION_NAME, "Product Manager");
//a valid value from 'Job Functioins' list
ATT_JOB_FUNCTION_USERS_USERGROUPS, new Object[] {usr1, uGp0});
ft_jf_row = jobFuncTbl.createRow(map);
}catch(APIException e){

15-16 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Managing Functional Teams

Adding a Discussion to a Functional Team

Discussions are integrated into the Product Portfolio Management solution, and are
also applicable to the Product Cost Management solution. Discussions are created
similar to other Agile PLM objects. Discussions are always viewed in the Web Client.
To access a discussion while using Java Client, you can search to locate an existing
discussion and open the object, which will open the Web Client. Also, you can open
the Web Client and proceed from there to create a discussions.

Note: Discussions, Action Items, and News is a subset of

Activity-specific subscription events that only apply to Product
Portfolio Management and users can subscribe to actions related to
Discussions, Action Items, and News.

The following example adds a Discussion to a Functional Team.

Example 15–21 Adding a discussion to a Functional Team

ITable ft_dc_tbl = (ITable)FtObj.getTable(UserGroupConstants.TABLE_DISCUSSIONS);
//Create a New discussion and add it to Functional Team.Discussion Table
IAgileClass discClass = session.getAdminInstance()
String discNmbr = "D00003";
HashMap<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
map.put(DiscussionConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_NUMBER, discNmbr);
"Testing Func Team: "+discNmbr );
IDiscussion disc =
(IDiscussion)session.getObject(DiscussionConstants.CLASS_DISCUSSION, map);
if (disc == null){
disc = (IDiscussion)session.createObject
(DiscussionConstants.CLASS_DISCUSSION, map);

//Add Discussion to FunctionalTeam.Discussions Table

map.put(UserGroupConstants.ATT_DISCUSSIONS_NUMBER, disc.getName());
map.put(UserGroupConstants.ATT_DISCUSSIONS_NUMBER, disc);
IRow newRow = ft_dc_tbl.createRow(map);

Assigning Actions Items to Functional Teams

Action items are routable objects that require an action by the assigned user or user
group. They inform the assigned users of a request for an action or activity. For a list
and description of potential users, see "Job Functions, Functional Teams, and
Workflow Actions" on page 15-14. The following example shows how to assign action
item using the SDK and the various fields such as dates, assignee, the action, and so

Note: In Agile Web Client, Action Items is a sub-level tab of the

Discussions tab.

Example 15–22 Assigning Action items to Functional Teams

//Get FunctionalTeam.ActionItems Table
ITable ft_ai_tbl = FtObj.getTable(UserGroupConstants.TABLE_ACTION_ITEMS);
//Add an Action Item to FunctionalTeam.ActionItems Table

Managing Workflow 15-17

Managing Functional Teams

SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");

Date dueDate = df.parse((String) "11/18/2011");
HashMap<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
IDataObject usr0 =
(IDataObject) session.getObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, "usr0");
" ActItm for: "+usr0.getName());
map.put(UserGroupConstants.ATT_ACTIONITEMS_ASSIGNEDTO, usr0);
map.put(UserGroupConstants.ATT_ACTIONITEM_DUEDATE, dueDate);
IRow newRow1 = ft_ai_tbl.createRow(map);
IDataObject usr1 =
(IDataObject) session.getObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, "usr1");
" ActItm for: "+usr.getName());
map.put(UserGroupConstants.ATT_ACTIONITEMS_ASSIGNEDTO, usr1);
IRow newRow2 = ft_ai_tbl.createRow(map);

Updating a Functional Team's News Table

As information passes through the Agile system, users receive news of status changes,
requests, and notifications. Similar to Action Items, News is a sub-level tab of the
Discussions tab, described earlier in the Note in "Adding a Discussion to a Functional
Team" on page 15-17.
The following example shows the various fields and how to use the SDK to update the
applicable data elements.

Example 15–23 Updating a Functional Teams' News Table

//Get the Functional Team.News Table
ITable ft_ns_tbl = FtObj.getTable(UserGroupConstants.TABLE_NEWS);
//Add new News to Functional Team.News Table
IAgileList newsTypeLst =
newsTypeLst.setSelection(new Object[]{"Information"});
HashMap<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<Integer, String>();;
map.put(UserGroupConstants.ATT_NEWS_TYPE, newsTypeLst);
map.put(UserGroupConstants.ATT_NEWS_TITLE, "Publishing News Title ");
"This is testing the news publishing feature" + System.currentTimeMillis());

15-18 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Managing and Tracking Quality

This chapter includes the following:

■ About Quality Control
■ Working with Customers
■ Working with Product Service Requests
■ Working with Quality Change Requests
■ Using Workflow Features with PSRs and QCRs

About Quality Control

The Agile PLM system provides tools that allow companies to track and manage the
following quality-related items:
■ customer complaints
■ product and manufacturing quality issues
■ enhancement and corrective action requests
The corrective action process in the Agile PLM system is flexible and can be
implemented in many different ways. For example, one way to customize the Agile
PLM system is to use the Agile API to integrate the system with a Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) system.

Quality-Related API Objects

The Agile API includes the following new interfaces:
■ ICustomer - interface for the Customer class. A customer is anyone that uses a
company's product(s). In some Agile PLM implementations, customers and
problem reports will be imported directly from Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) systems.
■ IServiceRequest - interface for the ServiceRequest class. IServiceRequest is a
subinterface of IRoutable; it enables you create two types of service requests,
problem reports and nonconformance reports (NCRs).
■ IQualityChangeRequest - interface for the QualityChangeRequest class, which is
similar to an ECR and other types of change requests. It represents a closed loop
Workflow process that addresses quality problems. Audit and CAPA (Corrective
Action/Preventive Action) are subclasses of QualityChangeRequest.

Managing and Tracking Quality 16-1

Working with Customers

Quality-Related Roles and Privileges

To create, view, and modify problem reports, NCRs, CAPAs, and Audits, you must
have the appropriate privileges. The Agile PLM system has two default user roles that
provide users with privileges to work with these quality-related objects:
■ Quality Analyst - role for users who manage problem reports, and NCRs.
■ Quality Administrator - role for users who manage audits and CAPAs.
For more information about roles and privileges, refer to the Agile PLM Administrator

Working with Customers

This section describes how to create, load, and save ICustomer objects.

About Customers
The QualityChangeRequest object stores contact information about a customer. What
role does a customer have in the Agile PLM system? Customers provide feedback on
your company's products, alerting you to quality issues or problems they encounter.
This object can originate in another system, such as a CRM system. You can use the
Agile API to import customer data and problem reports from CRM systems into the
Agile PLM system.

Creating a Customer
To create a customer, use the IAgileSession.createObject() method. At a minimum,
you should specify values for the General Info.Customer Name and General
Info.Customer Number attributes.

Example 16–1 Creating a customer

try {
//Create a Map object to store parameters
Map params = new HashMap();

//Initialize the params object

params.put(CustomerConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_CUSTOMER_NUMBER, "CUST00006");
"Western Widgets");

//Create a new customer

ICustomer cust1 =
(ICustomer)m_session.createObject(CustomerConstants.CLASS_CUSTOMER, params);
} catch (APIException ex) {

Loading a Customer
To load a customer, use the IAgileSession.getObject() method. To uniquely
identify a customer, specify the value for the General Info | Customer Number

16-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Product Service Requests

Example 16–2 Loading a customer

try {
// Load a customer by specifying a CustomerNumber
ICustomer cust =
(ICustomer)m_session.getObject(ICustomer.OBJECT_TYPE, "CUST00006");
} catch (APIException ex) {

Saving a Customer as Another Customer

To save a customer as another customer, use the IDataObject.saveAs() method,
which has the following syntax:
public IAgileObject saveAs(java.lang.Object type, java.lang.Object params)

For the params parameter, specify the General Info | Customer Name and General
Info | Customer Number attributes.

Example 16–3 Saving a customer as another customer

Saving a customer to another customer
try {
// Load an existing customer
ICustomer cust1 =
(ICustomer)m_session.getObject(ICustomer.OBJECT_TYPE, "CUST00006");

//Create a Map object to store parameters

Map params = new HashMap();

//Initialize the params object

CustomerConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_CUSTOMER_NAME, "Wang Widgets");

// Save the customer

ICustomer cust2 =
(ICustomer)cust1.saveAs(CustomerConstants.CLASS_CUSTOMER, params);
} catch (APIException ex) {

Working with Product Service Requests

This section describes how to work with the two classes of Product Service Requests:
Problem Reports and Nonconformance Reports

About Problem Reports

A problem report describes a problem or an issue that occurred with a product from
the customer's perspective. A problem report can be submitted by a customer, sales
representative, or customer service representative.
Because a problem report usually originates with a customer, it may not accurately
describe the actual cause of the problem. To understand the root cause of a problem, a
Quality Analyst must investigate the problem.

Managing and Tracking Quality 16-3

Working with Product Service Requests

Problem reports can be routed for investigation. The investigating team, consisting of
Quality Analysts, determines the root cause of the problem and decides whether to
escalate the problem into an issue.

About Nonconformance Reports TOHERE

A nonconformance report (NCR) is used to report material damages, failure modes, or
defects in a product received by a customer or supplier. An NCR is typically identified
when a product shipment is inspected after receipt from a supplier. A product is
nonconforming if it does not meet customer requirements or specifications. Such
products are generally rejected or segregated to await disposition. A nonconformance
report may require that a Quality Analyst investigate the problem and determine
whether corrective action is required.
NCRs can be routed for review. Typically, the review is used for additional information
gathering rather than approval and rejection.

Creating a Product Service Request

To create a problem report or nonconformance report, use the
IAgileSession.createObject() method. The only required attribute value you must
specify is the object's number. The following example shows how to create problem
reports and NCRs.

Example 16–4 Creating a problem report or NCR

public IServiceRequest createPR(String strNum) throws APIException {
IServiceRequest pr = (IServiceRequest)m_session.createObject(
ServiceRequestConstants.CLASS_PROBLEM_REPORT, strNum);
return pr;
public IServiceRequest createNCR(String strNum) throws APIException {
IServiceRequest ncr = (IServiceRequest)m_session.createObject(
ServiceRequestConstants.CLASS_NCR, strNum);
return ncr;

Assigning a Product Service Request to a Quality Analyst

To assign a problem report or NCR to a Quality Analyst, set the value for the Cover
Page | Quality Analyst field, which is a list field. The available values for the list field
consists of Agile PLM users. The following example shows how to set the value for the
Cover Page.Quality Analyst field for a problem report or NCR.

Example 16–5 Assigning a problem report or nonconformance report

void assignServiceRequest(IServiceRequest sr) throws APIException {
Integer attrID;

//Set attrID equal to the Quality Analyst attribute ID

attrID = ServiceRequestConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_QUALITY_ANALYST;

//Get the Cover Page.Quality Analyst cell

ICell cell = sr.getCell(attrID);

//Get available list values for the list

IAgileList values = cell.getAvailableValues();

//Set the value to the current user

16-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Product Service Requests

IUser user = m_session.getCurrentUser();

values.setSelection(new Object[] { user });

Adding Affected Items to a Product Service Request

To associate a problem report or nonconformance report with one or more items, you
add items to the Affected Items table. Each Product Service Request can be associated
with many items.

Note: If Product Service Requests have been added to the Related

PSR table, the Affected Items table cannot be modified.

Example 16–6 Adding an affected item to a Product Service Request

void addAffectedItem(IServiceRequest sr, String strItemNum) throws APIException {

//Get the class

IAgileClass cls = sr.getAgileClass();

//Attribute variable
IAttribute attr = null;

//Get the Affected Items table

ITable affItems = sr.getTable(ServiceRequestConstants.TABLE_AFFECTEDITEMS);

//Create a HashMap to store parameters

HashMap params = new HashMap();

//Set the Latest Change value

attr = cls.getAttribute
IAgileList listvalues = attr.getAvailableValues();
listvalues.setSelection(new Object[] {
new Integer(0)});

//Set the Affected Site value

attr = cls.getAttribute
IAgileList listvalues = attr.getAvailableValues();
listvalues.setSelection((new Object[] { "Hong Kong" });
//Create a new row in the Affected Items table
IRow row = affItems.createRow(params);

Adding Related PSRs to a Product Service Request

A Product Service Request can be used to aggregate multiple problem reports or NCRs
into one master. To do this, create a new Product Service Request and don't add items
to the Affected Items table. Instead, select the Related PSR table and add a row for
each related Product Service Request. The single PSR you create is the Parent PSR. All
the added PSRs on the Related PSR tab are child PSRs.

Managing and Tracking Quality 16-5

Working with Quality Change Requests

Note: SmartRules settings control whether a PSR can be associated

with both affected items and related PSRs, or only affected items or
related PSRs. Depending on enabling/disabling the “PSR contains
Items and Related PSRs” SmartRule setting, you can enable/disable
the Affected Items tab after you add Related PSRs. For information on
SmartRules and PSRs, refer to Agile PLM Product Quality Management
User Guide and Agile PLM Administrator Guide. The following example
assumes SmartRules are set properly.

Example 16–7 Adding related PSRs to a Product Service Request

void addRelatedPSRs(IServiceRequest sr, String[] psrNum) throws APIException {

//Get the Related PSR table

ITable relPSR = sr.getTable(ServiceRequestConstants.TABLE_RELATEDPSR);

//Create a HashMap to store parameters

HashMap params = new HashMap();

//Add PSRs to the Related PSR table

for (int i = 0; i < psrNum.length; i++) {

//Set the PSR Number value

params.put(ServiceRequestConstants.ATT_RELATED_PSR_PSR_NUMBER, psrNum[i]);

//Create a new row in the Related PSR table

IRow row = relPSR.createRow(params);

//Reset parameters
params = null;

Working with Quality Change Requests

A Quality Change Request, or QCR, allows a Quality Analyst to manage quality
records that contain aggregated problems related to products, documents, suppliers,
and customers. You can route the QCR for review and approval, driving the issue(s) to
closure using a corrective or preventive action (CAPA). This may result in changes to a
product, process, or supplier by initiating an ECO or MCO. QCRs also provide an
audit trail between problems, corrective and preventive actions, and engineering
Agile PLM provides two classes of Quality Change Requests:
■ CAPA - Stands for Corrective Action/Preventive Action, which addresses defects
that (generally) surfaced from problem reports. By the time a problem reaches the
CAPA stage, the team has figured out which specific items must be fixed.
Consequently, the affected item for a CAPA may be different from the affected
item of its related problem report. For example, say a customer reported a problem
with a DVD-ROM drive. A CAPA is initiated and the root-cause is identified to be
a defect in the IDE controller. Therefore, the CAPA and its related problem report
have different affected items.
■ Audit - Systematic, independent and documented processes for obtaining
evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which criteria are

16-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Quality Change Requests

fulfilled. Audits can be initiated against items for which no problems have been

Creating a Quality Change Request

To create a QCR, use the IAgileSession.createObject() method. The only required
attribute value you must specify is the object's number. The example below shows
how to create both CAPA and Audit QCRs.

Example 16–8 Creating a QCR

public IQualityChangeRequest createCAPA(String strNum) throws APIException {
IQualityChangeRequest capa =
m_session.createObject(QualityChangeRequestConstants.CLASS_CAPA, strNum);
return capa;
public IQualityChangeRequest createAudit(String strNum) throws APIException {
IQualityChangeRequest audit =
m_session.createObject(QualityChangeRequestConstants.CLASS_AUDIT, strNum);
return audit;

Assigning a Quality Change Request to a Quality Administrator

To assign a QCR to a Quality Administrator, you set the value for the Cover Page |
Quality Administrator field. This process is similar to the way you assign a Product
Service Request to a Quality Analyst.

Example 16–9 Assigning a QCR

void assignQCR(IQualityChangeRequest qcr) throws APIException {
Integer attrID;

//Set attrID equal to the Quality Administrator attribute ID

attrID = QualityChangeRequestConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_QUALITY_ADMINISTRATOR;

//Get the Cover Page.Quality Administrator cell

ICell cell = qcr.getCell(attrID);

//Get available list values for the list

IAgileList values = cell.getAvailableValues();

//Set the value to the current user

IUser user = m_session.getCurrentUser();
values.setSelection(new Object[] { user });

Saving a Quality Change Request as a Change

You can use the IDataObject.saveAs() method to save a QCR as another QCR or as an
ECO (or another type of change order). When you save a QCR as an ECO, the items
affected by the QCR are not automatically transferred to the Affected Items tab of the
ECO. If you want to transfer affected items from the QCR to the ECO, you must write
the code in your program to provide that functionality. Workflow is a required input
parameter for using saveAs() on QCRs.

Managing and Tracking Quality 16-7

Using Workflow Features with PSRs and QCRs

Note: If you try to save a QCR to an object that is not a subclass of

either the Quality Change Request or Change superclasses, the Agile
API throws an exception.

Example 16–10
public IChange saveQCRasECO(IAgileSession session, IQualityChangeRequest qcr)
throws APIException {

// Get the ECO class

IAgileClass cls = m_admin.getAgileClass(ChangeConstants.CLASS_ECO);

// Get autonumber sources for the ECO class

IAutoNumber[] numbers = cls.getAutoNumberSources();

// Get Workflow for the ECO class

IWorkflow ecoWf =((IRoutableDesc)session.getAdminInstance().getAgileClass

// Save the QCR as an ECO

HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put(ChangeConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_NUMBER, numbers[0]);
map.put(ChangeConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_WORKFLOW, ecoWf);
IChange eco = (IChange)qcr.saveAs(ChangeConstants.CLASS_ECO, map);

// Add code here to copy affected items from the QCR to the ECO
return eco;

Using Workflow Features with PSRs and QCRs

PSRs and QCRs derive all Workflow functionality from the IRoutable interface. The
following table lists the Workflow commands you can use to manage product quality

Feature Equivalent API(s)

Audit a PSR or QCR IRoutable.audit()
Change the status of a PSR or QCR IRoutable.changeStatus()
Send a PSR or QCR to another user IDataObject.send()
Approve a PSR or QCR IRoutable.approve()
Reject a PSR or QCR IRoutable.reject()
Comment on a PSR or QCR IRoutable.comment()
Add or remove approvers for a PSR or QCR IRoutable.addApprovers()

Selecting Workflows for PSRs and QCRs

When you create a new Product Service Request or a Quality Change Request, you
must select a workflow. Your Agile PLM system can have multiple workflows defined
for each type of Product Service Request and Quality Change Request. To retrieve the
valid workflows for an object, use IRoutable.getWorkflows(). If a Workflow has not
been assigned yet, you can use IRoutable.getWorkflows() to select a workflow, as
shown in the following example.

16-8 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Using Workflow Features with PSRs and QCRs

Example 16–11 Selecting a workflow

public static IServiceRequest createPSR() throws APIException {

// Create a problem report

IAgileClass prClass =
IAutoNumber[] numbers =
IServiceRequest pr =
(IServiceRequest)m_session.createObject(prClass, numbers[0]);

* Get the current Workflow which is a null object
* because the Workflow has not been set yet)
IWorkflow wf = pr.getWorkflow();

// Get all available workflows

IWorkflow[] wfs = pr.getWorkflows();

// Set the problem report to use the first workflow

return pr;

You can also set the Workflow for a Product Service Request or a Quality Change
Request by selecting a value for the Cover Page.Workflow field, as shown in the
following example.

Example 16–12 Selecting a Workflow by setting the value of Cover Page.Workflow

void selectWorkflow(IServiceRequest psr)
throws APIException {
int nAttrID;

//Set nAttrID equal to the Workflow attribute ID

nAttrID = ServiceRequestConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_WORKFLOW;

//Get the Workflow cell

ICell cell = psr.getCell(nAttrID);

//Get available list values for the list

IAgileList values = cell.getAvailableValues();

//Select the first workflow
values.setSelection(new Object[] {new Integer(0));

Managing and Tracking Quality 16-9

Using Workflow Features with PSRs and QCRs

16-10 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Managing Product Governance & Compliance

This chapter includes the following:

■ About Agile Product Governance & Compliance
■ Agile PG&C Interfaces and Classes
■ Agile PG&C Roles
■ Creating Declarations, Specifications, and Substances
■ Creating Substances
■ Adding Items, Manufacturer Parts, and Part Groups to Declarations
■ Adding Substances to Declarations
■ Adding Substances to a Specification
■ Adding Specifications to a Declaration
■ Routing Declarations
■ Completing a Declaration
■ Submitting Declarations to Compliance Managers
■ Adding Substance Compositions for Manufacturer Parts
■ Rolling Up Compliance Data

About Agile Product Governance & Compliance

Agile Product Governance & Compliance (PG&C) addresses the growing number of
environmental regulations and corporate environmental policies that impact product
definition and the import, export, and disposal of restricted substances. Agile PG&C is
designed to help OEM manufacturers audit the amount of regulated substances used
in their products, and show that they responsibly dispose of, recycle or reuse
electronics containing those substances.
Agile PG&C enables PLM users to cost-effectively comply with environmental
regulations. they can use Agile PG&C to obtain compliance data for parts from their
suppliers. This enables PLM installations to:
■ Meet substance restrictions
■ Satisfy reporting requirements for regulations
■ Design recyclable products
■ Minimize compliance costs

Managing Product Governance & Compliance 17-1

Agile PG&C Interfaces and Classes

■ Eliminate noncompliance on future products

Agile PG&C is a communication vehicle between the Compliance Manager and
suppliers. The Compliance Manager ensures that the installation’s products adhere to
government regulations and company policy. As the Material Provider, the supplier
completes and signs off on material declarations, thereby disclosing which hazardous
substances are contained within the components and subassemblies it provides. For a
more detailed overview of Agile PG&C features, refer to the Product Governance &
Compliance User Guide

Agile PG&C Interfaces and Classes

The following table lists Agile PG&C-related interfaces and classes:

Table 17–1 List of PG&C-related interfaces and classes

Object Interface Constants Class
Declaration IDeclaration DeclarationConstants
Specification ISpecification SpecficationConstants
Substance ISubstance SubstanceConstants
Part Groups ICommodity PartGroupConstants

Items, Manufacturer Parts, and Part Groups are objects that are also related to Agile
PG&C. They have Specifications, Compositions, and Substances tables that are
populated with data when declarations are released. For Manufacturer Parts, you can
edit the Compositions and Substances tables directly without submitting a declaration.

Note: The terms “part group” and “commodity” are used

interchangeably in this guide to refer to any ICommodityobject where
ICommodity represents the Part Group base class, which includes the
Commodity and Part Family subclasses.

Also, other common Agile API interfaces, such as ITable, IDataObject, and ICell, are
also used to work with Agile PG&C objects.

Agile PG&C Roles

Agile PLM provides two out-of-the-box roles designed for Agile PG&C users:
■ Compliance Manager - This provides privileges needed to create and manage
Agile PG&C objects, such as Declarations, Substances, and Specifications, and run
Agile PG&C reports. Compliance Managers are responsible for routing material
declarations to suppliers.
■ (Restricted) Material Provider - This provides privileges needed to create and
modify declarations, as well as read all other types of Agile PG&C objects. This
role is typically assigned to supplier users, who have restricted access to the Agile
PLM system. Material Providers are responsible for completing and signing off on
material declarations.
To use Agile PG&C APIs mentioned in this chapter, make sure you log in as a user
assigned either the Compliance Manager role, or the (Restricted) Material Provider
role. For more information about Agile PLM roles, refer to the Agile PLM Administrator

17-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Creating Declarations, Specifications, and Substances

Note: The Discover Change privilege mask is not included in the

Compliance Manager role. If you only have the Compliance Manager
role, then you do not have sufficient privileges to use the API to set
the calculated compliance of a part in a Declaration, and pass the
Change Number to the SDK call. To pass the Change Number in the
SDK call, you must have the Discover Change privilege mask for that
object in the Change Orders class. For more information, see Setting
Values in the Calculated Compliance Field for Declaration Objects.

Creating Declarations, Specifications, and Substances

The following paragraphs provide definitions and procedures to define and manage
these PG&C classes.

Creating Declarations
A Declaration object is the main record of Agile PG&C. It tracks the substances and
materials that are used for items, manufacturer parts, and part groups. When you
release a declaration, the information gathered from it is published to the product
record, thereby updating the Composition data contained within the items,
manufacturer parts, and part groups listed by the declaration.
There are seven declaration subclasses provided with Agile PLM:
■ Homogeneous Material Declaration - A homogeneous material composition
declaration that uses material-level specifications.
■ IPC 1752-1 Declaration - A material composition declaration for electronic
products that conforms to IPC standards and uses only one part-level
■ IPC 1752-2 Declaration - A homogeneous material composition declaration for
electronic products that conforms to IPC standards and uses only one
material-level specification.
■ JGPSSI Declaration - A material composition declaration that follows the Japanese
Green Procurement (JGP) standard and uses part-level specifications.
■ Part Declaration - A material composition declaration that uses part-level or
material-level specifications.
■ Substance Declaration - A material composition declaration for each substance
within part-level specifications.
■ Supplier Declaration of Conformance - A questionnaire to assess supplier
compliance with specifications from customers and government agencies. The
survey addresses compliance at a general company level. Can be used for CSR
type declarations.
The procedure for creating a declaration is the same for all declaration subclasses. You
must specify the declaration subclass as well as values for the Cover Page.Name and
Cover Page.Supplier attributes. Other declaration attributes are optional.
By default, the Cover Page.Name field uses an Autonumber format with the prefix
“MD” (for “Material Declaration”). Although the Autonumber format is not required,
it is a good practice to use the same prefix for all declarations to make it easier to
search for them.

Managing Product Governance & Compliance 17-3

Creating Declarations, Specifications, and Substances

Note: The case required for the Cover Page.Name field depends on
the selected character set for the field. For more information about
defining and modifying character sets, Refer to the Agile PLM
Administrator Guide.

Supplier users with the (Restricted) Material Provider role can also create declarations.
However, in this case, only the Cover Page.Name attribute is required to create the
object. The CoverPage.Supplier attribute is filled in automatically with the user's
supplier organization.
The following example shows how to create a Substance declaration.

Example 17–1 Creating a Substance Declaration

public void CreateSubstanceDeclaration(String num, ISupplier supplier)
throws Exception {

// Create a Map object to store parameters

Map params = new HashMap();

// Initialize the params object

params.put(DeclarationConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_NAME, num);
params.put(DeclarationConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_SUPPLIER, supplier);

// Get the Substance Declaration subclass

IAgileClass declClass = m_session.getAdminInstance().getAgileClass(

// Create a new Substance declaration

IDeclaration object = (
IDeclaration)m_session.createObject(declClass, params);

Creating Specifications
Specifications are used to state the criteria that a product is expected to meet or exceed.
They are generally used to limit the amount of restricted substances contained in a
product. Specifications can be internal documents issued by a company or industry, or,
more commonly, they are regulations issued by a governing body. Here are some
examples of government regulations:
■ Restrictions on the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and
Electronic Equipment (RoHS) Directive, issued by the European Union
■ Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive, issued by the
European Union
■ Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA), issued by the
U.S.A. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
A specification defines a list of substances, the parts-per-million (PPM) threshold for
each substance, and whether a particular substance is restricted. Compliance
Managers can use specifications to pre-populate material declarations with
appropriate substances to ensure compliance.
The only required attribute you must specify when you create a specification is
General Info.Name. The name must be unique. The name is case-insensitive, which
means “ROHS” is treated the same as "Rohs".

17-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Creating Substances

The General Info.Validation Type attribute is important because it determines whether

the specification is Part Level (the default) or Homogeneous Material Level, which
affects the types of declarations that can be used with the specification. Another
optional attribute is General Info.Lifecycle Phase. When you create a specification, the
default lifecycle phase is Active. To make the specification obsolete, change the value
of its lifecycle phase attribute to Obsolete.

Example 17–2 Creating a specification

public void createSpecification (String name) throws Exception {
ISpecification spec =
(ISpecification) m_session.createObject
(SpecificationConstants.CLASS_SPECIFICATION, name);

Creating Substances
There are four substance subclasses provided with Agile PLM:
■ Subpart - a subunit of a component manufacturer part. The Composition table of a
subpart can have other subparts, materials, substance groups, and substances.
■ Material - a compound consisting of several substances. The Composition table of
a material can have substance groups or substances.
■ Substance Group - a group of substances. The Composition table of a substance
group can have only substances.
■ Substance - a single element, such as lead, chromium, or cadmium. Substances do
not have a Composition table.
These substance subclasses comprise the hierarchy of objects that can appear on a
Composition table, also known as the Bill of Substances.

Creating a Substance
Like material objects, the only attribute you need to specify to create a substance is the
General Info.Name attribute, which is equivalent to the substance number. You can
also specify other optional attributes, such as General Info.CAS Number.

Example 17–3 Creating a substance

public void createSubstance(String num, String casNumber)
throws Exception {

// Create a Map object to store parameters and initlize the params object.
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(SubstanceConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_NAME, num);
params.put(SubstanceConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_CAS_NUMBER, casNumber);

// Get the Substance subclass

IAgileClass subsClass =

// Create a new substance

ISubstance substance =
(ISubstance)m_session.createObject(subsClass, params);

Managing Product Governance & Compliance 17-5

Creating Substances

Creating a Substance Group

A substance group object is a group of multiple substances tracked in Agile PLM that
have a common base substance. Every substance within the group has a conversion
factor used to convert the weight of the base substance of the group.

Example 17–4 Creating a substance group

public void createSubstanceGroup(String num, ISubstance sub) throws Exception {
// Create a Map object to store parameters
Map params = new HashMap();

// Initialize the map object

params.put(SubstanceConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_NAME, num);
params.put(SubstanceConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_BASE_SUBSTANCE, sub);

// Get the Substance Group subclass

IAgileClass subsClass =

// Create a new Substance Group

ISubstance sub = (ISubstance)m_session.createObject(subsClass, params);

Creating a Material
When you create a material object, the only attribute you need to specify is the General
Info.Name attribute, which is equivalent to the substance number. After you create a
material object, you can add substances to its Composition table.

Example 17–5 Creating a material object and adding substances to the new object

public void createMaterial(String num, ISubstance[] substances) throws Exception


// Create a Map object to store parameters

Map params = new HashMap();

// Initialize the params object

params.put(SubstanceConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_NAME, num);

// Create a new material

ISubstance material =
createObject(SubstanceConstants.CLASS_MATERIAL, params );

// Get the Composition table

ITable composition =

// Add substances to the Composition table

for (int i = 0; i < substances.length; ++i) {
IRow row = composition.createRow(substances[i]);

17-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Adding Items, Manufacturer Parts, and Part Groups to Declarations

Creating a Subpart
A subpart object is a subunit of a component that is tracked in Agile PLM. Subparts
are parts without a part number that are used to create a bill of material of
manufacturer parts or parts within a composition.

Example 17–6 Creating a subpart

public void createSubpart(String num) throws Exception {

// Create a Map object to store parameters

Map params = new HashMap();

// Initialize the map object

params.put(SubstanceConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_NAME, num);

// Get the Subpart subclass

IAgileClass subsClass =

// Create a new Subpart

ISubstance sub =
(ISubstance)m_session.createObject(class, params);

Adding Items, Manufacturer Parts, and Part Groups to Declarations

Each declaration has separate tables for items, manufacturer parts, and part groups.
Each of these also has an associated composition table: Item Composition,
Manufacturer Part Composition, and Part Group Composition.
When you add an item to the Items table of a declaration, the latest released revision of
the item is used. If the item does not have a released revision, the Introductory revision
is used.
The following example shows how to add items, manufacturer parts, and part groups
to a declaration.

Example 17–7 Adding items, manufacturer parts, and part groups to a declaration
public void addDecObjects(IDeclaration dec) throws APIException {
try {
HashMap params = new HashMap();

//Add an Item to the Items table

ITable tblItems = dec.getTable(DeclarationConstants.TABLE_ITEMS);
IRow rowItems = tblItems.createRow(params);

//Add a Manufacturer Part to the Manufacturer Parts table

ITable tblMfrParts =

Managing Product Governance & Compliance 17-7

Adding Substances to Declarations

IRow rowMfrParts = tblMfrParts.createRow(params);

//Add a Commodity to the Part Groups table

ITable tblPartGroups =
params.put(DeclarationConstants.ATT_PART_GROUPS_NAME, "RES");
IRow rowPartGroups = tblPartGroups.createRow(params);
} catch (APIException ex) {

Adding Substances to Declarations

You can add substances to the Item Composition, Manufacturer Part Composition, and
Part Group Composition tables contained within a declaration. To publish substances
into items, manufacturer parts, and part groups, you release the declaration. When the
declaration is released, the substances get added automatically to the Substances tables
of the corresponding items, manufacturer parts, and part groups.
To add a row to the composition tables of a declaration, use the ITable.createRow()
method. Because the composition tables are mapping tables, you cannot pass an
ISubstance object to create the row. Instead, specify a Map object containing
attribute-value pairs.

Important: The Substances and Composition tables for items and

part groups are read-only. They get populated with data only when
declarations are released

To add a substance to one of the Composition tables of a declaration:

1. Add an item, manufacturer part, or part group to the Items, Manufacturer Parts, or
Part Groups tables of a declaration, respectively.
2. Add a substance row to the Composition table that references the parent row on
the Items, Manufacturer Parts, or Part Groups table. Use the virtual attribute
DeclarationConstants.ATT_PARENT_ROW to specify the parent row. When you add
a substance, specify the substance name and substance type.

Important: For the Agile SDK, Composition tables for declarations

list all parent objects contained in the Items, Manufacturer Parts, and
Part Groups tables. Agile Web Client represents Composition tables
differently. It shows a separate Composition table for each parent

17-8 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Adding Substances to Declarations

When you create a row in the Composition tables, you pass a Map object containing
attribute-value pairs. The following table lists the attributes the Map object must

Table 17–2 Required attributes in the Map objects

Composition Table Required Attributes Declaration Constants
Item Composition Item Row Substance ATT_PARENT_ROW
Manufacturer Part Manufacturer Part ATT_PARENT_ROW
Composition Row Substance
Part Group Part Group Row ATT_PARENT_ROW
Composition Substance Name

Structure of Bill of Substances

When you add substances to the Composition tables of a declaration, you can
structure them in multiple levels. The number of levels you can use depends on the
type of declaration.
■ Homogeneous Materials Declaration - You can create a multilevel Bill of
Substances with subparts, materials, substance groups, and substances. The
composition must contain either a subpart or a material as a direct child. It can
also include substances and substance groups, but they must be attached to a
subpart or material.
■ Substance Declaration/JGPSSI Declaration - Users can add substances or
substance groups to the Composition tables.
■ Part Declaration/Supplier Declaration of Conformance - These declarations do
not have Composition tables.

Figure 17–1 Hierarchy for a Bill of Substances (Composition) with four child levels

Managing Product Governance & Compliance 17-9

Adding Substances to Declarations

Rules for Adding Substances

Follow these rules when adding substances to a Composition table:
■ Parent objects must be added before their children.
■ Subparts can have the following children: other Subparts, Materials, Substance
Groups, or Substances.
– A Subpart cannot contain Subparts, Materials, Substance Groups, and
Substances all at the same level.
– A Subpart can contain other Subparts and Material at the same level.
– A Subpart can contain Substance Groups and Substances at the same level.
■ Material can have the following children: Substance Groups or Substances.
■ Substance Groups can have the following children: Substances only.

Adding Subparts and Materials that Do Not Exist

When you add substances to a Composition table of a declaration, you can specify
“dummy” subparts and materials that do not exist in the Agile PLM system. Such
subparts and materials will be visible only within the Composition table. When you
add “dummy” subparts and materials to the Composition table, you must specify the
Substance Type attribute:
The following example shows how to add a dummy subpart or material to the
Manufacturer Part Composition table. Because the Substance Type field is a list field,
the value passed for it is an IAgileList.

Example 17–8 Adding dummy subpart/material to Manufacturer Part Composition

public IRow addDummy
(IDeclaration dec, IRow parentRow, String dummyName, IAgileList subtype)
throws APIException {

try {
HashMap params = new HashMap();
ITable tblMfrPartComp =
ATT_PARENT_ROW, parentRow);

IRow dummyRow = tblMfrPartComp.createRow(params);

return dummyRow;
} catch (APIException ex) {

17-10 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Adding Substances to Declarations

Examples of Adding Substances

The following examples show how to add:
■ Substances to the Manufacturer Part Composition Table of a Homogeneous
Material Declaration
■ Substances to the Manufacturer Part Composition Table of a Substance Declaration

Adding Substances to Manufacturer Part Composition Table of Homogeneous

Material Declarations
The following example shows how to add substances to a Manufacturer Part
Composition table of a Homogeneous Material Declaration. The table has four levels:
subparts, materials, substance groups, and substances. When you add a substance row
to the table, we recommend that you pass a substance object (ISubstance) instead of a
substance name (String) as the input parameter.

Example 17–9 Adding Homogeneous Material Level substances to Manufacturer Part

Composition table
public void addHomogeneousMaterialComp(IAgileSession m_session)
throws APIException {

try {
HashMap params = new HashMap();
// Create a Declaration
String num = "MDTEST001";
ISupplier supplier =
(ISupplier)m_session.getObject(ISupplier.OBJECT_TYPE, "DISTRIBUTOR00007");
params.put(DeclarationConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_NAME, num);
params.put(DeclarationConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_SUPPLIER, supplier);
IAgileClass declClass =
IDeclaration dec = (IDeclaration)m_session.createObject(declClass, params);

// Add a Homogeneous Material Level spec to the Specifications table

ITable tblSpec = dec.getTable(DeclarationConstants.TABLE_SPECIFICATION);
ISpecification spec =
OBJECT_TYPE, "Lead Homogeneneous Material Level");
IRow rowSpec = tblSpec.createRow(spec);

// Add a Manufacturer Part to the Manufacturer Parts table

ITable tblMfrParts =
IManufacturerPart mfrPart =
(IManufacturerPart) m_session. getObject
(IManufacturerPart.OBJECT_TYPE, params);
IRow rowMfrParts = tblMfrParts.createRow(mfrPart);

// Add a subpart to the Composition table

ITable tblMfrPartComp =

Managing Product Governance & Compliance 17-11

Adding Substances to Declarations

ISubstance subpart =
CLASS_SUBPART, "Steel Casing");
ATT_PARENT_ROW, rowMfrParts);
IRow rowSubpart = tblMfrPartComp.createRow(params);

// Add a material
ISubstance material =
params.put(DeclarationConstants.ATT_PARENT_ROW, rowSubpart);
IRow rowMaterial = tblMfrPartComp.createRow(params);

// Add a substance group

ISubstance sg =
params.put(DeclarationConstants.ATT_PARENT_ROW, rowMaterial);
IRow rowSubGroup = tblMfrPartComp.createRow(params);
// Add a substance

ISubstance sub =
params.put(DeclarationConstants.ATT_PARENT_ROW, rowSubGroup);
IRow rowSubs = tblMfrPartComp.createRow(params);

} catch (APIException ex) {


Adding Substances to Manufacturer Part Composition Table of Substance

The following example shows how to add substances to a Manufacturer Part
Composition table of a Substance Declaration. The table has two levels: substance
groups and substances.

Example 17–10 Adding Part Level substances to Manufacturer Part Composition table
public void addSubstanceComp(IAgileSession m_session)
throws APIException {

try {
HashMap params = new HashMap();

//Create a Declaration

17-12 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Adding Substances to Declarations

String num = "MDTEST001";

ISupplier supplier =
(ISupplier)m_session.getObject(ISupplier.OBJECT_TYPE, "DISTRIBUTOR00007");
params.put(DeclarationConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_NAME, num);
params.put(DeclarationConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_SUPPLIER, supplier);
IAgileClass declClass =
IDeclaration dec = (IDeclaration)m_session.createObject(declClass, params);

//Add a Specification to the Specifications table

ITable tblSpec = dec.getTable(DeclarationConstants.TABLE_SPECIFICATION);

// Part Level
ISpecification spec =
getObject(ISpecification.OBJECT_TYPE, "Lead Part Level");
IRow rowSpec = tblSpec.createRow(spec);

//Add a Manufacturer Part to the Manufacturer Parts table

ITable tblMfrParts =
IManufacturerPart mfrPart =
m_session.getObject(IManufacturerPart.OBJECT_TYPE, params);
IRow rowMfrParts = tblMfrParts.createRow(mfrPart);

//Add a substance group

ITable tblMfrPartComp =
ISubstance sg =
getObject(SubstanceConstants.CLASS_SUBSTANCE_GROUP,"Lead Compounds");
params.put(DeclarationConstants.ATT_PARENT_ROW, rowMfrParts);
IRow rowSubGroup = tblMfrPartComp.createRow(params);

//Add a substance
ISubstance sub =
ATT_PARENT_ROW, rowSubGroup);
IRow rowSubs = tblMfrPartComp.createRow(params);
} catch (APIException ex) {

Managing Product Governance & Compliance 17-13

Adding Substances to a Specification

Adding Substances to a Specification

The Substances table of a specification is important to Agile PG&C because it identifies
which substances are restricted and their threshold mass parts per million (PPM). Only
substances and substance groups can be added to the Substances table of a
Specification. To add a substance to the Substances table, use the ITable.createRow()
method. You can pass an ISubstance or a Map object to create the new row.

Example 17–11 Adding a substance to a specification

public void addSubstanceToSpec(ISpecification spec, ISubstance substance)
throws Exception {
IRow row = null;

//Add a substance to the Substances table

ITable tableSub =
row = tableSub.createRow(substance);
if (row!=null){

//Set value of Restricted

ICell cell =
IAgileList list =
list.setSelection(new Object[] {"Yes"});

//Set value of Threshold Mass PPM


Adding Specifications to a Declaration

The Specifications table of a declaration lists specifications related to the items,
manufacturer parts, and part groups contained in the declaration. The purpose of a
declaration is to the ensure that suppliers comply with any restrictions stated in the

Rules for Adding Specifications

Specifications are optional for declarations. If you submit a declaration without a
specification, it means you intend to collect raw data (mass or PPM) at the substance
level. The supplier must provide information on all materials and substances.
If you add a specification to a declaration, note that declaration classes support
different types of specifications. The following table lists the specification
requirements for each type of declaration:

Table 17–3 Declaration types and specification requirements

Declaration Type Supported Specification Validation Types
Homogeneous Material Declaration Homogeneous Material Level
IPC 1752-1 Declaration Part Level
IPC 1752-2 Declaration Homogeneous Material Level

17-14 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Routing Declarations

Table 17–3 (Cont.) Declaration types and specification requirements

Declaration Type Supported Specification Validation Types
JGPSSI Declaration Part Level
Part Declaration Part Level and Homogeneous Material Level
Substance Declaration Part Level
Supplier Declaration of Part Level and Homogeneous Material Level

Specifications may concern many substances, including those not used by the parts
contained in the declaration. When the declaration is opened to the supplier, any
relevant substances from the specifications are automatically added to the Item
Composition, Manufacturer Part Composition, and Part Group Composition tables.
This ensures that you are properly tracking any restricted substances contained in
parts listed in the declaration.

Example 17–12 Adding specifications to the Specification table

private void addSpecifications(IDeclaration dec, ISpecification[] specs)
throws Exception {
ITable tableSpecs = dec.getTable(DeclarationConstants.TABLE_SPECIFICATION);
for (int i = 0; i < specs.length; ++i) {
ISpecification spec = specs[i];
IRow row = tableSpecs.createRow(spec);

Routing Declarations
The Default Declarations Workflow follows a straightforward process flow, as shown
in Figure 17–2.

Figure 17–2 Default Declarations workflow

Managing Product Governance & Compliance 17-15

Routing Declarations

The following table describes each status in the Default Declarations workflow.

Table 17–4 Default Declarations workflow status

Status Description
Pending The Compliance Manager creates a new declaration, adding
new items, manufacturer parts, or part groups. He also adds
specifications to the declaration.
Open To Supplier The Compliance Manager opens the declaration to the supplier,
asking him to confirm whether parts comply with
When the Workflow status of a declaration is changed from
“Pending” to “Open To Supplier,” the Agile PLM server
automatically populates the declaration's Substances tables with
any substances listed on its specifications.
Submit to Manager The supplier electronically “signs” and submits the declaration
back to the Compliance Manager.
Review The Compliance Manager and other reviewers verify and
approve the contents of the declaration.
Released The Compliance Manager releases the declaration, thereby
publishing the materials into the product record.
Implemented Once the parts are manufactured and disseminated in the field,
the Compliance Manager implements the declaration, thereby
completing the workflow.

Before you can route a declaration, you should set values for the following three Cover
Page fields:
■ Cover Page.Compliance Manager
■ Cover Page.Workflow
■ Cover Page.Due Date
Technically, only the Compliance Manager and Workflow fields are required to route
the declaration. The Due Date field is optional but should be specified for tracking
purposes. The following example shows how to set values for these three fields.

Example 17–13 Setting values for Compliance Manager, Workflow, and Due Date fields
public void setFieldsNeededForRouting(IDeclaration dec) throws Exception {

//Set the Compliance Manager field

IUser user = m_session.getCurrentUser();
dec.setValue(DeclarationConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_COMPLIANCE_MANAGER, user);

//Set the Workflow field

IWorkflow workflow = dec.getWorkflows()[0];

//Set the Due Date field

DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy");
ATT_COVER_PAGE_DUE_DATE, df.parse("05/01/05"));

17-16 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Completing Declarations

To change the status of a declaration, use the IRoutable.changeStatus() method.

Once a declaration is opened to a supplier, only the supplier's contact users can edit it.
For other users, including the Compliance Manager, the declaration becomes
read-only. The following example shows how the Compliance Manager can change the
status of a declaration to “Open To Supplier.”

Example 17–14 Opening a declaration to a supplier

public void openToSupplier(IDeclaration dec) throws Exception {
IStatus status = null;

// Get the Open to Supplier status type

IStatus[] stats = dec.getNextStatuses();
for (int i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) {
if (stats[i].toString().equals("Open To Supplier")) {
status = stats[i];

// Change from Open to Supplier status

dec.changeStatus(status, false, null, false, false, null, null, null, false);

For more information about Agile APIs that support Workflow processes, see
Chapter 15, "Managing Workflow."

Completing Declarations
When a declaration is opened to a supplier, the supplier is responsible for completing
the declaration and disclosing if any restricted substances are contained in the
components and subassemblies it provides and whether those substances comply with
specifications. To complete and sign off on declarations, one or more contact users for
the supplier must be assigned the (Restricted) Material Provider role.
The Material Provider user should do the following to complete a declaration:
■ Fill in the Mass and Declared PPM fields or the Declared Compliance field for
every substance listed on the Item Composition, Manufacturer Part Composition,
and Part Group Composition tables, particularly for substances that are restricted
by specifications.
■ Complete other flex fields on the Composition tables as necessary.
■ Add or remove substances from the declaration.
When the declaration is complete, the Material Provider user can sign off and submit
the declaration to the Compliance Manager, described below.

Managing Product Governance & Compliance 17-17

Submitting Declarations to Compliance Managers

Submitting Declarations to Compliance Managers

When the supplier changes the status of the declaration from “Open to Supplier” to
“Submit to Manager,” he must sign-off on the declaration. Therefore, he must use the
changeStatus() method that has an additional password parameter:
changeStatus(IStatus newStatus, boolean auditRelease, String comment, boolean
notifyOriginator, boolean notifyCCB, Object[] notifyList, Object[] approvers,
Object[] observers, boolean urgent, String password)

The following example shows how the supplier can sign off and submit the
declaration to the Compliance Manager.

Example 17–15 Signing off and submitting declarations to Compliance Manager

public void submitToCM(IDeclaration dec) throws Exception {

IStatus status = null;

// Get the Submit to Manager status type

IStatus[] stats = dec.getNextStatuses();
for (int i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) {
if (stats[i].toString().equals("Submit To Manager")) {
status = stats[i];

// Change to the Submit to Manager status (signoff password is "agile")

dec.changeStatus(status, false, null, false, false, null,
null, null, false, "agile");

Publishing a Declaration
The Agile API does not provide a method to publish a material declaration to the
product record. Instead, a declaration is automatically published when it is released.
Therefore, as far as the API is concerned, the substances table for an item,
manufacturer part, or part group always reflects the last released declarations.
However, Agile Web Client allows you to select an later declaration and publish it,
thereby updating the substances information in the product record.

Getting and Setting Weight Values

Unit of Measure fields in Agile PLM support mass (weight) values for Agile PG&C
objects. The Unit of Measure datatype is a compound datatype, that includes a
numeric value and a unit, for example, grams or ounces.
You can configure and manage weight fields using the following interfaces:
■ IMeasure
■ IUnit
■ IUnitOfMeasure
■ IUnitOfMeasureManager

17-18 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Getting and Setting Weight Values

Converting an Object's Unit of Measure to a Different Unit of Measure

This conversion is explained with the aid of the following example which converts an
object's weight from Kilograms to Grams. You can use this example to convert the unit
of measure that measured the volume of the object, or its height.

Note: This example converts the unit of measure in the source object
from 1234.21 Kilograms to its equivalent weight in Grams. Thus,
convert From is the source number you want to convert, Kilogram is
source unit of measure, and Gram is that target unit of measure which
are all randomly selected for this example.

Example 17–16 Converting the Unit of Measure from Kilogram to Gram

try {
double convertFrom = 1234.21;
IUnitOfMeasureManager uomManager =
(IUnitOfMeasureManager) session.getManager(IUnitOfMeasureManager.class);
IUnitOfMeasure fromUOM =
uomManager.createUOM(0, "Kilogram");
IUnitOfMeasure toUOM = uomManager.createUOM(0, "Gram");
IUnit fromUnit = fromUOM.getUnit();
IUnit toUnit = toUOM.getUnit();
double conversionFactor = fromUnit.getConversionFactor()

// This example returns 1000/1 = 1000

double convertedValue = convertFrom*conversionFactor;
} catch (APIException ex) {

Although the Agile PLM administrator can define new measures from the UOM node
in Agile Java Client, the Agile API supports only the Weight measure for Agile PG&C
objects. You cannot use the Agile API to define new measures.

Note: In Agile 9.2.1, the Title Block.Weight field for items was
changed to Title Block.Mass. However, the Agile API constant for the
field is still ItemConstants.TITLE_BLOCK_WEIGHT.

The following example shows how to get and set values for the Title Title Block.Mass
field of an item.

Example 17–17 Getting and setting the mass (weight) value for an item
private IUnitOfMeasure getMassValue(IItem item) throws APIException {
IUnitOfMeasure uom =
System.out.println("Value: " + uom.getValue());
System.out.println("Unit: " + uom.getUnit().toString());
return uom;
private void setMassValue(IItem item, double value, String unit)
throws APIException {
IUnitOfMeasure uom = null;
IUnitOfMeasureManager uomm =

Managing Product Governance & Compliance 17-19

Adding Substance Compositions for Manufacturer Parts

uom = uomm.createUOM(value, unit);
item.setValue(ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_WEIGHT, uom);
System.out.println("Value: " + uom.getValue());
System.out.println("Unit: " + uom.getUnit().toString());

If you create a query to search for items by mass, only the numeric value is searched,
not the unit. The server converts mass values to the standard unit before returning
query results. For example, the following query returns all items whose mass value is
between1.0 and 2.0 grams (the default standard unit). Items with a mass between 1000
and 2000 milligrams would also be included in the search results.

Example 17–18 Searching for items by mass

try {
IQuery query =
(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE,"select * from [Items]
where [Title Block.Weight] between (1.0, 2.0)");
ITable results = query.execute();

Adding Substance Compositions for Manufacturer Parts

With appropriate privileges, you can modify the Specifications, Compositions, and
Substances tables of a manufacturer part directly without submitting a declaration.
This feature is useful for manufacturing partners that want to specify composition
information for their parts. To add a row to the Specifications, Compositions, and
Substances tables, use the ITable.createRow(Object) method.

Note: Once a row has been added to the Compositions and

Substances tables of a Manufacturer Part, you cannot update or
remove it.

The procedure for adding rows to the Substances table of a Manufacturer Part is
similar to the way you add rows to the composition tables for a declaration. Follow
these steps to add substance compositions into a manufacturer part:

To add rows to Substances table of a Manufacturer Part:

1. Optionally, add a specification to the Specifications table.

2. Add a row to the Compositions table. You must specify a value for the
ManufacturerPartConstants.ATT_COMPOSITIONS_COMPOSITION_TYPE attribute.
3. Add one or more rows to the Substances table. Each row must reference the parent
row from the Compositions table. Use the virtual attribute
ManufacturerPartConstants.ATT_PARENT_ROW to specify the parent row. When
you add a substance, specify the substance name and substance type.
For additional rules about adding substances to the Substances table, see "Rules for
Adding Substances" on page 17-10..
The Composition Type attribute for the parent row determines the types of substances
you can add to the Substances table. There are three possible Composition Type

17-20 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Adding Substance Compositions for Manufacturer Parts

■ Homogeneous Material Composition - You can create a multilevel Bill of

Substances with subparts, materials, substance groups, and substances. The
composition must contain either a subpart or a material as a direct child. It can
also include substances and substance groups, but they can only be attached to a
subpart or material.
■ Substance Composition - The Substances table can contain only substance groups
and substances.
■ Part Composition - You can't add rows to the Substances table.
Specifications that you reference in a row in the Compositions table must match the
Composition Type attribute for that row. For example, if the Composition Type for the
row is Homogeneous Material Composition, the validation type for a specification
referenced in that row must be Homogeneous Material Level.
The following example shows how to define a Homogeneous Material composition for
a manufacturer part. The Substances table has four levels: subparts, materials,
substance groups, and substances.

Example 17–19 Adding specification, composition, and substances to Manufacturer Part

public void addMfrPartSubs(IAgileSession m_session) throws APIException {

// Create a Manufacturer Part

try {
HashMap params = new HashMap();
IManufacturerPart mfrPart =
(IManufacturerPart) m_session.createObject
(ManufacturerPartConstants.CLASS_MANUFACTURER_PART, params);

// Add a Specification to the Specifications table

ITable tblSpec =
ISpecification spec =
(ISpecification)m_session.getObject(ISpecification.OBJECT_TYPE,"Lead Spec");

// Add Spec
IRow rowSpec = tblSpec.createRow(spec);

// Get the Compositions table and Set as Homogeneous Material Level

ITable tblComp =

// Add a row to the Compositions table that references the specification

ATT_COMPOSITIONS_COMPOSITION_TYPE, "Homogeneous Material Composition");
IRow rowComp = tblComp.createRow(params);

// Get the Substances table

ITable tblSubs = mfrPart.getTable(ManufacturerPartConstants.TABLE_SUBSTANCES);

// Add a subpart
ISubstance subpart = (ISubstance)m_session.

Managing Product Governance & Compliance 17-21

Rolling Up Compliance Data

getObject(SubstanceConstants.CLASS_SUBPART, "Steel Casing");

params.put(ManufacturerPartConstants.ATT_PARENT_ROW, rowComp);
IRow rowSubpart = tblSubs.createRow(params);

// Add a material
ISubstance material = (ISubstance)m_session.getObject
(SubstanceConstants.CLASS_MATERIAL, "Steel");
params.put(ManufacturerPartConstants.ATT_PARENT_ROW, rowSubpart);
IRow rowMaterial = tblSubs.createRow(params);

// Add a substance group

ISubstance sg = (ISubstance)m_session.
getObject(SubstanceConstants.CLASS_SUBSTANCE_GROUP, "Lead Compounds");
params.put(ManufacturerPartConstants.ATT_PARENT_ROW, rowMaterial);
params.put(ManufacturerPartConstants.ATT_SUBSTANCES_SUBSTANCE_NAME, sg);
IRow rowSubGroup = tblSubs.createRow(params);

// Add a substance
ISubstance sub = (ISubstance)m_session.
params.put(ManufacturerPartConstants.ATT_PARENT_ROW, rowSubGroup);
params.put(ManufacturerPartConstants.ATT_SUBSTANCES_SUBSTANCE_NAME, sub);
IRow rowSubs = tblSubs.createRow(params);
} catch (APIException ex) {

Rolling Up Compliance Data

After gathering compliance data for items, manufacturer parts, and part groups,
compliance managers review the completed declarations to determine if the data is
ready for publication into the product record. Once declarations are published with
the data written through to parts and part groups on BOMs, compliance managers
must examine and test BOMs to ensure the assemblies and products are compliant.
This process is called compliance validation and is fulfilled through compliance
rollups. Rollups are built into the system. They are easy to use and rollup results are
available on the UI. For more information on rolling up compliance data and the
business logic behind this process, refer to the Agile Product Governance & Compliance
User Guide.
The SDK supports calling the PG&C Rollup function on the server side. This is the
same rollup function that is called by the UI. The IPGCRollup interface supports this

17-22 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Rolling Up Compliance Data

Understanding the IPGCRollup Interface

The IPGCRollup interface provides the following methods to support rolling up
compliance data:
■ rollup()
■ rollup(Date)
One of these methods has no parameters and the other has Date as a parameter. The
Date parameter in the rollup API is used by the system to set the timestamp for the
rollup, when it is done.

Example 17–20 IPGCRollup methods

public interface IPGCRollup {
public void rollup() throws APIException;
public void rollup(Date rollupDate) throws APIException;

Note: After invoking rollup(Date), it is necessary to call

IDataObject.refresh() to make sure the rollup function has taken
effect. Otherwise, the system will display the results obtained in the
previous rollup if the timestamp of the recent rollup is the same as the
Date parameter.

Passing the Date Parameter

If you do not pass the date, the system will use the current time provided by the
system. When a rollup is performed on a set of items, if the timestamp of the recent
rollup on an item is the same as the passed Date parameter, the system will not repeat
the rollup process on that item. Instead, it will display the results obtained in the
previous rollup. You may want to use this date feature if there is a large number of
items to rollup and you want to use the SDK to call all of them. In this case, you will
get the current date first, and then the pass that date for the subsequent SDK
Rollup(Date) call. For example, you want to use the SDK to roll up data for Assembly
1 and Assembly 2. In this case, the SDK is called twice. The first instance, to roll up
data for Assembly 1, and the second instance, to rollup data for Assembly 2. With the
date parameter already inside the rollup when performing the rollup on Assembly 2,
the system will reuse the previous rollup data obtained for Item1.
Assembly 1

Assembly 2

Using the IPGCRollup Interface

The following examples roll up the assembled data on Items and Manufacturer Parts:
■ Item (latest released ECO or MCO)
■ MPN (latest released ECO or MCO)

Managing Product Governance & Compliance 17-23

Rolling Up Compliance Data

Rolling Up Assembled Data on Items

This example calls an API using the SDK to identify the top level parent of a given Item
(its latest released ECO or MCO). Next, it will call the rollup API on the top level
parent returned by the previous API to ensure the assemblies and products are

Example 17–21 Identifying the top level parent for an Item

public void itemRollup(String itemStr) throws Exception{
try {
IItem item =(IItem)m_session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, itemStr);
IQuery query = (IQuery)m_session.createObject

//IQuery query = (IQuery)

m_session.createObject(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE, ItemConstants.CLASS_PART);
query.setCriteria("[1001] Equal To '"+item.getName()+"'");

query.setCriteria("["+SDKWrapper.getString("TITLE_BLOCK") +"."+SDKWrapper
.getString("IQuery_Number")+"] Equal To '"+item.getName()+"'");
ITable results=query.execute();
if (results.size() > 0) {
Iterator it = results.getReferentIterator();
if (it.hasNext()) {
IItem obj = (IItem);
IItem tlaItem = (IItem)m_session.getObject
(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, obj.getName());
else {
} catch (APIException e) {
throw e;

Rolling Up Assembled Data on MPNs

This example calls an API using the SDK to identify the top level parent of a given
MPN (its latest released ECO or MCO). Next, it will call the rollup API on the top level
parent returned by the previous API to ensure the assemblies and products are

Example 17–22 Identifying the top level parent for an MPN

public void testMfrPartRollup() throws Exception {

IManufacturerPart mfrp =(IManufacturerPart) m_session.
getObject(IManufacturerPart.OBJECT_TYPE, "HARRIS::IS82C55A96");
ITable whereused = mfrp.getTable(ManufacturerPartConstants.TABLE_WHEREUSED);
Iterator it = whereused.iterator();
IRow r = (IRow);

17-24 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Rolling Up Compliance Data

// read item number

String itemStr = r.getValue(ManufacturerPartConstants.

try {
} catch (APIException e) {
int error =((Integer)e.getErrorCode()).intValue();

Setting Values in the Calculated Compliance Field for Item Objects

Use the following API to set the value of the Calculated Compliance field on the
Specifications table of Item and ManufacturerPart objects:
Public void setCalculatedComplianceForPartSpec(Object specName, Object
complianceEntryValue) throws APIException
In this API, the specName parameter is the name of the Specification object, and the
complianceEntryValue parameter is the actual value of the Calculated Compliance
field, which can be any entry in the Calculated Compliance list. Both parameters are of
type String.
When this value is set by the SDK Client, it is never overwritten during the Rollup.
This API allows users to set the calculated compliance value based on their own
defined logic, instead of using the system's default logic.

Example 17–23 Setting the value of the Calculated Compliance field for Item objects
// COMPLIANT is the actual value of the Calculated Compliance field which shows
// the Specification is compliant or not, based on the customized calculated
// compliance result.
String COMPLIANT = "Compliant";

// spec_num is the Specification Name in Item object’s Specification Table

String spec_num = row.getValue
item.setCalculatedComplianceForPartSpec(spec_num, COMPLIANT);

Setting Values in the Calculated Compliance Field for Declaration Objects

This is similar to the previous API that enabled setting the Calculated Compliance field
for Item objects. You can use this API to set the value of the Calculated Compliance
field in Item table and Manufacturer Part table for Declaration objects.
Public void setCalculatedComplianceForMDOPartSpec (Object partName, Object
partClassName, Object changeNumber, Object specName, Object
complianceEntryValue)) throws APIException
The system recognizes that the SDK Client has set this value and will use the new
setting in the subsequent response during Rollup. In this API, the parameter
changeNumber is optional. When the Declaration object has only one revision of an
item, you can set the value of changeNumber to null. If the Declaration object has more
than one revision of an item, you must set the value of changeNumber for the proper
execution of the API.

Managing Product Governance & Compliance 17-25

Rolling Up Compliance Data

Similar to the previous API, when this value is set by the SDK Client, it is never
overwritten during the Rollup within the declaration. This API allows users to set the
calculated compliance value based on their own defined logic, instead of using the
system's default logic.

Note: If the SDK developer intends to pass the changeNumber field to

setCalculatedComplianceForDeclarationPartSpec(), the developer
must have the Discover Change privilege mask to make this change.

Example 17–24 Setting values for Calculated Compliance field of Declaration objects
// complianceValue -- This is the customized calculated compliance
value and shows if the part is compliant to a Spec
String ComplianceValue = "Compliant";

// partName is the Item/Mfr Part name in Declaration’s Item/MfrPart table.

// If this is a mfr part, it will resemble this “MfrName::MfrPartName”
String partName =”P00001”;
String partClassName = “Parts”;

// If the added part in Declaration is an Item, the changeName should be the

// Change number corresponding to the Item’s revision.
// If the added part in Declaration is a Mfr Part, the changeName should be “null”
String changeName = “C00001”;

// spec_num is the Specification Name in Declaration object’s Specification Table

String specName = “Rohs”;
(partName, partClassName, changeName, specName, complianceValue);

Setting Values in Calculated Overall Compliance Fields of Item and Manufacturer

Part Objects
The SDK supports this Compliance by exposing the setCalculateOverallCompliance
public void setCalculateOverallCompliance () throws APIException;
The following examples use this API to set values the Overall Compliance field of an
Item and a Manufacture Part.

Example 17–25 Setting values for Calculated Overall Compliance field of an Item object
Private static void test_OverallComplianceofItem (IAgileSession session) {
Try {

// Load an existing Item.

IItem item = (IItem) session.getObject (ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, "P00007");
item. SetCalculateOverallCompliance ();
} catch (APIException e) {
e.printStackTrace ();

17-26 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Rolling Up Compliance Data

Example 17–26 Setting values for Calculated Overall Compliance field of Manufacture
Part objects
private static void OverallComplianceOfMfrpart(IAgileSession session) {
HashMap params = new HashMap();

try {
IManufacturerPart mfrPart = (IManufacturerPart) session.getObject
(ManufacturerPartConstants.CLASS_MANUFACTURER_PART, params);
} catch (APIException e) {

Modifying the Calculated Compliance Field in Specification Table of Part,

Manufacturer Part, and Part Group Objects
The SDK supports modifying the value of this Calculated Compliance field by
exposing the following API:
public void setCalculatedComplianceForPartSpec (Object specName, Object
calComplianceEntryValue,boolean can_bemodified) throws APIException;
The following examples use this API to set the values of the Calculated Compliance
field of an Item, Manufacturer Part, and Commodity.

Example 17–27 Modifying Calculated Compliance fields in specification table of Items

private static void
set_calculated_compliance_For_Item(IAgileSession session) {
IItem item;
try {
item = (IItem)session.getObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART,"P00007");
item.setCalculatedComplianceForPartSpec("WEEE", "Non-Compliant",true);
} catch (APIException e) {

Example 17–28 Modifying the Calculated Compliance field of specification tables of

private static void
set_calculated_compliance_For_Commotidy(IAgileSession session){
try {
ICommodity commodity;
commodity =
(ICommodity)session.getObject(ICommodity.OBJECT_TYPE, "Commodity1");
("WEEE", "Non-Compliant",true);
} catch (APIException e) {

Managing Product Governance & Compliance 17-27

Rolling Up Compliance Data

Modifying Settings in the Scheduled Rollups of Declarations

Scheduled rollups, as the name implies, are run according to a schedule and
Declarations are objects that enable Agile customers gather compliance information.
These rollups use a server-based task that initiates a search for the set of objects that
need rollup at the scheduled time. These objects are identified by a flag called need
rollup. Once found, rollup is performed on these objects and their status is updated.
The SDK exposes the setNeedRollupForDeclaration API to set (modify) the Need
Rollup attribute to True or False.

Example 17–29 Modifying settings in the Need Rollup Flag

public void setNeedRollupForDeclaration(boolean complianceEntryValue)
throws APIException
IDeclaration subdeclaration =
(IDeclaration) session.getObject
subdeclaration.setNeedRollupForDeclaration (false);

Performing External Compliance Rollups on Specification Objects

PG&C's Specification objects have a cover page attribute called the Rollup Engine. This
attribute enables PG&C users to perform only External Compliance Rollups on
Specification objects and avoid Internal Compliance Rollups. The Rollup Engine is
linked to an 'Internal/External' switch that enables identifying Specification objects
requiring a Rollup. For example, if the attribute is set to External, the Rollup Engine
ignores performing the Rollup on the Specification and if it is set to Internal, the
Internal Rollup Engine performs the Rollup. This new attribute can link Specification,
Declaration, Item, Manufacturer Part, and Part Group objects. The following interface enables performing external rollups with
SDK. The related APIs included in this interface are listed below.
■ Int triggerExtractRollupDataforObject(Object partName, Object
partClassName, Object changeNumber) throws APIException; – This API
invokes an external Rollup against a specific Object (item, mfrpart, part group)
String objnumber="P00010";
String objclass="Parts";
int job_id=externalrollupManager.
triggerExtractRollupDataforObject (objnumber, objclass, null);

■ Integer [] triggerExternalRollup(int jobID) throws APIException; – This

API triggers the external rollup engine to perform the required external rollup
Integer[] extract_id=externalrollupManager.triggerExternalRollup

■ IVOExternalComposition getObjectComposition (int extract_id) throws

APIException; – This API gets the Composition of the Object which is passed as
parameters in the Integer [] triggerExternalRollup(int jobID) throws
APIException; API's returns.

17-28 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Rolling Up Compliance Data

■ IRow AppendUpdateRow (Object partName, Object partClassName, Object

changeNumber, Object siteNumber, IVOExternalComposition
externalComposition) throws APIException; – This API activates the
composition row placed in the archived Table by the IRow AppendUpdateRow
(Object partName, Object partClassName, Object changeNumber, Object
siteNumber, IVOExternalComposition externalComposition) throws
APIException; API.
String objnumber="P00010";
String objclass="Parts";
Int row_id=row. getRowId ();
ArrayList list=new ArrayList();
externalrollupManager.activeComposition(objnumber, objclass, change_number,

■ Boolean deleteExtractData (int jobID) throws APIException; – This API

deletes records in the Fact_table that were generated by the Int
triggerExtractRollupDataforObject(Object partName, Object
partClassName, Object changeNumber) throws APIException; API
boolean flag=externalrollupManager.deleteExtractData(jobid);

Updating Values of Calculated Compliance Attributes Against External

To update the value of the calculated compliance attribute against an external
specification, use the updatePartRollupResult API in IExternalRollupManager
boolean updatePartRollupResult(String objectnumber,String
objectclassname,String changenumber, int spec ID,int calculatedCompliance,
Date rolluptime) throws APIException;

Table 17–5 Data Field descriptions

Data field Description
specID External specification ID
calculatedCompliance Calculated compliance value
rolluptime Rollup time

Example 17–30 Updating Values of Calculated Compliance Attribute Against External

boolean flag = externalrollupManager.updatePartRollupResult
("P00020","Parts","",6103610,4,new Date());

Creating External or Internal Specifications

The IRollupRegulationFactory interface uses the following API to create external or
internal specifications.
public ISpecification createRegulationwithNameRollupEngine
(String subclasstypename,String regulation_name,
boolean isexternalengine) throws APIException;

Managing Product Governance & Compliance 17-29

Rolling Up Compliance Data

Example 17–31 Creating Internal and External Specifications

IRollupRegulationFactory rollupregulation=

ISpecification sp = regulation.createRegulationwithNumberRollupEngine
("Specification", "sina", true);

Using the IDeclaration Interface

Agile SDK supports modifying values in the Calculated Compliance Field of Part
Group, Item Composition, Manufacturer Part Composition, and Part Group
Composition Objects by exposing the following API.
public void setCalculatedComplianceForDeclarationPartSpecSubstance (Object
part_number, Object part_type, Object change_number, Object spec, Object
substance, Object complianceEntryValue) throws APIException;

Modifying value of the Calculated Compliance field of Declarations

These examples use this API to set values the Calculated Compliance field for Item
Composition, Manufacturer Part Composition, and Part Group Composition Objects
by exposing the following APIs.

Example 17–32 Modifying Values in Item Composition Table

private static void ItemSetValue(IAgileSession session2)
throws APIException {
IDeclaration dec = IDeclaration)session.getObject
("P00001","Parts", "", "SPEC01", "1,4-BUTANOLIDE", "Non-Compliant");

Example 17–33 Modifying Values in Manufacturer Part Composition Table

private static void MfrpartSetValue(IAgileSession session2)
throws APIException {
IDeclaration dec =(IDeclaration)session.getObject
("AMP::12345","Manufacturer parts", null, "", null, "Non-Compliant");

Example 17–34 Modifying Values in Part Group Composition Table

private static void PartFamliySetValue(IAgileSession session)
throws APIException {
IDeclaration dec = (IDeclaration)session.getObject
("CAP","Part groups", "", "WEEE", "AL", "Missing Info");

17-30 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Managing Agile PPM Calendars

This chapter includes the following:

■ About Product Portfolio Management (PPM) Calendars
■ Creating, Printing and Deleting PPM Calendars
■ Updating Workweek Settings
■ Adding and Updating Working and Exception (non-working)) Days

About Product Portfolio Management (PPM)

Agile Product Portfolio Management is a web-based application that enables users to
manage all aspects of a project or program. PPM is fully integrated with the Agile
PLM suite of products to provide a centralized view of project records and associated
product information within the organization.
Users of PPM includes executive staff who view portfolio data for the overall status of
projects and program/project managers to create projects and manage and monitor
project tasks, schedules, and budgets. For more information, refer to the Agile PLM
Product Portfolio Management User Guide.

About PPM Calendar Management

The Calendar Management component of PPM is a Release 9.3.4 enhancement. Before
this enhancement, you could only specify weekend days as non-working days when
preparing PPM schedules, which failed to meet general business requirements. To
overcome this shortcoming, this enhancement enables specifying any day of the week
an exceptional day. For example, a non-working day or a national holiday unique to a
given country, or a given project.

Note: Project tasks listed under "Calendar Tasks Supported by Agile

SDK" are performed programmatically and in the batch mode.
PPM-related Calendar tasks are performed using the Agile PLM
Clients.For background information and procedures, refer to Product
Portfolio Management User Guide.

Managing Agile PPM Calendars 18-1

Performing Calendar-related Tasks using Agile SDK

Calendar Tasks Supported by Agile SDK

The PPM Calendar is a new administration data type and is processed by the SDK
similar to other existing administration data. For example, Workflow, Privileges, and
so on.
The exposed APIs enable performing the following PPM-related tasks
programmatically and in the batch mode:
■ Creating PPM calendars
■ Updating workweek settings
■ Adding and Updating a Calendar’s Working days and Non-Working days
■ Accepting and changing the status of a PPM Calendar
■ Getting and printing exception days
■ Deleting PPM Calendars

Performing Calendar-related Tasks using Agile SDK

Agile SDK interfaces that are exposed to support these tasks, are listed below. For
additional information, you can find the Javadoc generated HTML files that document
these interfaces in the Note in "Client-Side Components" on page 1-2.
■ ICalendarManage
– createCalenar, removeCalendar
– getCalendar, getCalendars
■ ICalendar
– addExceptionalDay
– updateExceptionalDay
– deleteExceptionalDay

Creating PPM Calendars

Agile SDK exposes the following interface for this purpose.
ICalendar calendar = manager.createCalendar(param);

ICalendarManager manager =
Map<Integer, Object> param = new HashMap<Integer, Object>();
param.put(WorkCalendarConstants.ID_CALENDAR_ENABLED, "Yes");

int[] weekday = new int[]{WorkCalendarConstants.ID_WEEKEND_SAT,

param.put(WorkCalendarConstants.ID_CALENDAR_WEEK_SETTING, weekday);

// create calendar
ICalendar calendar = manager.createCalendar(param);
The following code sample is an example of creating a PPM calendar:

18-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Performing Calendar-related Tasks using Agile SDK

Updating Workweek Settings

Agile SDK exposes the following interface for this purpose.
(WorkCalendarConstants.ID_CALENDAR_WEEK_SETTING, weekday);

The following code sample shows how to get and set an existing a PPM calendar’s
workweek settings:
ICalendarManager manager =
(ICalendarManager) session.getManager(ICalendarManager.class);

// get the calendar

ICalendar calendar = manager.getCalendar("SDK1");

// Update work week setting

int[] weekday = new int[]{WorkCalendarConstants.ID_WEEKDAY_FRI,
(WorkCalendarConstants.ID_CALENDAR_WEEK_SETTING, weekday);

Managing Working and Non-Working Days

Agile SDK exposes the following interface to add and update PPM Calendar working
and non-working (exceptional) days.

ICalendar calendar = manager.getCalendar("SDK1");

The following code sample shows how to add and update working and non-working
days in PPM Calendars:
ICalendarManager manager =
// get the calendar
ICalendar calendar = manager.getCalendar("SDK1");

Map expday = new HashMap();


// add exception day


Getting and Printing Exceptional Days

Agile SDK exposes the following interface to get and print a PPM Calendar’s working
and non-working days:

ICalendar calendar = manager.getCalendar("SDK1");


Managing Agile PPM Calendars 18-3

Accepting Changes and Changing the Status of Calendar

The following code samples get and print a PPM Calendar’s exception days as well as
exception days for a specific calendar year:
ICalendarManager manager =
// get the calendar
ICalendar calendar = manager.getCalendar("SDK1");

// Get & Print exception day of one specific year

IVOCalendarDay[] voCalDays = calendar.getExceptionalDaysOfYear(2014);
for (IVOCalendarDay day : voCalDays) {
System.out.println(day+" "+day.getComment());

Deleting PPM Calendars

Agile SDK exposes the following interface to delete PPM Calendars.

Agile SDK exposes the following interface to delete existing PPM Calendar’s
ICalendarManager manager =

// remove calendar

Accepting Changes and Changing the Status of Calendar

Agile SDK exposes the following interfaces for this purpose.
■ Accepting Changes made to PPM Calendars:
■ Changing the Status of a PPM Calendar to Cancel or Not Started:
"IProgram.changeStatusToCancelOrNotStarted(IStatus newStatus, String comment,
Object[] notifyList, boolean urgent, boolean isContinue)

The following code samples show accepting changes to a PPM Calendar and changing
the Status of a PPM Calendar to Cancel, or Not Started.

Accepting Changes
IProgram program = (IProgram) session.getObject(IProgram.OBJECT_TYPE, "PGM00011");

Changing the Status of PPM Calendars

proposedTask = (IProgram)agileSession.getObject(IProgram.OBJECT_TYPE, "T00003");
IStatus myCurrentStatus = proposedTask.getStatus();
System.out.println("task changed to not started");

} else {
System.out.println("task changed to canceled");

18-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Accepting Changes and Changing the Status of Calendar

private static IStatus getCancelStatusForWorkflow(IProgram obj){
IWorkflow workflow = null;
IStatus status = null;
IStatus[] statuses = null;

workflow = obj.getWorkflow();
status = null;
if(workflow!= null){
statuses = workflow.getStates();
int noOfStatuses = statuses.length;
for (int i = 0; i < noOfStatuses; i++) {
status = statuses[i];
}catch(APIException e){
}catch(Exception e){
return status;

private static IStatus getNotStartedStatusForWorkflow(IProgram obj)

throws APIException{
IWorkflow workflow = null;
IStatus status = null;
IStatus[] statuses = null;

workflow = obj.getWorkflow();
status = null;
if(workflow!= null){
statuses = workflow.getStates();
int noOfStatuses = statuses.length;
for (int i = 0; i < noOfStatuses; i++) {
status = statuses[i];
}catch(APIException e){
}catch(Exception e){
return status;

Managing Agile PPM Calendars 18-5

Accepting Changes and Changing the Status of Calendar

private static void cancelTask(IProgram objTask,IStatus status)

throws APIException{
true, "Cancelled by Task Creation PX", true, true, new Object[0], true, true);
System.out.println("task status changed");
}catch(APIException e){
throw e ;
}catch(Exception e){

18-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Creating and Managing Projects

This chapter includes the following:

■ About Projects and Project Objects
■ Differences in the Behavior of Project Objects
■ Creating Projects
■ Adding Rules for PPM Objects
■ Loading Projects
■ Adding “FileFolder” to Project's Content Tab
■ Using Project Templates
■ Scheduling Projects
■ Setting Start and End Timestamps for PPM Date Attributes
■ Working with Project Baselines
■ Delegating Ownership of a Project to Another User
■ Adding Resources to a Project Team
■ Substituting Project Resources Locking or Unlocking Projects
■ Locking or Unlocking Projects
■ Working with Discussions

Note: In Release 9.3, the name of the Program Base Class was
changed to Projects and Projects to Sourcing Projects. However the
interface for the Projects Base Class is still called IProgram in the SDK
Guide and in Javadoc references.

About Projects and Project Objects

You can use the project management features of Agile Product Portfolio Management
(PPM) to define a project and its associated elements such as activity schedules,
deliverables, and discussions. These capabilities enable you to determine the
availability of the required resources, assigning resources to tasks, identifying
bottlenecks, and responding to over- and under-allocated resource conditions. You can
also create and reuse project templates.
The Project object is used to schedule and execute projects. Each project, in addition to
schedule information, contains attachments, discussions and actions items, resources

Creating and Managing Projects 19-1

Differences in the Behavior of Project Objects

and roles, and history and content of related activities. For management visibility, data
is rolled up to higher levels by rules and parent-child relationships.
The Agile API provides support for creating, loading, and working with Projects. The
IProgram interface represents all Project objects, including programs, phases, tasks,
and gates.
Similar to other Agile PLM business objects, the IProgram interface implements
IRoutable, which means it uses the same IRoutable.changeStatus() method to
change a Projects' Workflow status and to route it to other users. For more information,
"Changing the Workflow Status of an Object" on page 15-9.

Differences in the Behavior of Project Objects

The IProgram interface implements several interfaces commonly used by other Agile
PLM objects. However, it also provides the following distinct functionality that
separates Project objects from other objects.
■ The Project object is a container of other underlying Project objects, such as Phases,
Tasks, and Gates. The underlying Project objects are related to the parent object,
usually the Projects, through the Schedule table.
■ Projects have baselines that allow you to track changes in the schedule. Therefore,
the IProgram interface provides methods that let you create, get, or remove a
■ Projects can be archived. If you archive the root Projects, the entire Projects tree is
soft-deleted from the system.
■ Projects can be locked or unlocked.

Creating Projects
Use the IAgileSession.createObject() method to create Projects. When you specify
the Project's parameters, you must specify the Project subclass (for example, Program,
phase, task, or gate). For Programs, phases, and tasks, you must also specify following
required Project attributes:
■ General Info.Name
■ General Info.Schedule Start Date
■ General Info.Schedule End Date
■ General Info.Duration Type
For gates, only two attributes are required, General Info.Name and General
Info.Schedule End Date.
The following example shows how to create new Projects and specify the required

Example 19–1 Creating Projects

try {
// Create a Map object to store parameters
Map params = new HashMap();

// Set Projects name

String name = "APOLLO PROJECTS";

// Set Projects start date

19-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Creating Projects

Date start = new Date();


// Set Projects end date

Date end = new Date();
end.setTime(1 + 2*24*60*60*1000);

// Set Projects duration type

IAttribute attr = m_admin.getAgileClass(ProgramConstants.CLASS_PROGRAM).
IAgileList avail = attr.getAvailableValues();
avail.setSelection(new Object[] {"Fixed"});

// Initialize the params object

params.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_NAME, name);
params.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_SCHEDULE_START_DATE, start);
params.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_SCHEDULE_END_DATE, end);
params.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_DURATION_TYPE, avail);

// Create Projects
IProgram program =
(IProgram)m_session.createObject(ProgramConstants.CLASSPROGRAM, params);
} catch (APIException ex) {

Projects contain other types of activities, such as phases, tasks, and gates. A gate is a
special milestone-a task with an end date but no duration-that denotes the completion
of a set of related phases, tasks, or Projects. The following figure shows the hierarchy
of Project objects.

Figure 19–1 Program hierarchy

You can use the IAgileSession.createObject() method to create phases, tasks, and
gates in the same way that you create other Project objects. Once you create these
different types of activities, you can add them to the Schedule table of a Projects object.
For more information, see "Scheduling Projects" on page 19-9.

Creating and Managing Projects 19-3

Adding Rules for PPM Objects

Adding Rules for PPM Objects

In PLM, any object that is assigned a lifecycle phase or a workflow can be added as a
deliverable. The only exceptions are Discussions, Users, and User groups.
Rules in PPM ensure an activity will not complete before the completion of the
preceding activity as set in the workflow, or lifecycle phase. For example, if you want
to ensure the completion of an activity before a Gate is opened, you can add that
activity as a deliverable for the Gate to open. You can even restrict one Gate from
opening before another by adding the prior Gate as a deliverable for the subsequent
Gate to open. For more information, refer to the Agile PLM Product Portfolio
Management User Guide.
The SDK supports this function with IProgram interface as shown in the following

Example 19–2 Setting rules for PPM objects

//Get Program
IProgram pgm =

//Get Object and add as relationship under Content tab

IChange eco = (IChange)session.getObject(ChangeConstants.CLASS_ECO,"C00060");
ITable table = pgm.getTable(ProgramConstants.TABLE_RELATIONSHIPS);
IRow row = table.createRow(eco);

//Get the Control object status

IStateful state = (IStateful)pgm;
IStatus[] statuses = state.getStates();
IStatus ctl_status = null;
for(int i=0; i<statuses.length; i++){
if(statuses[i].getName().equals("In Process")){
ctl_status = statuses[i];

//Get the Affected object status

state = (IStateful)eco;
statuses = state.getStates();
IStatus aff_status = null;
for(int i=0; i<statuses.length; i++){
aff_status = statuses[i];

//Add Rule
HashMap map = new HashMap();
row.setValue(CommonConstants.ATT_RELATIONSHIPS_RULE, map);

19-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Using Project Templates

}catch (APIException ex) {

Loading Projects
To load Projects, use the IAgileSession.getObject() method. To uniquely identify a
Project object, specify the value for the General Info.Number attribute. You can also
load a Project object by searching for it by name, and then selecting it from the search

Note: The IProgram.getName() method actually returns the value of

the General Info.Number attribute, and not that of General Info.Name.

Example 19–3 Loading Projects

public IProgram loadProgram(String number) throws APIException {
IProgram program =
(IProgram)m_session.getObject(IProgram.OBJECT_TYPE, number);
return program;

Note: The News table for Projects is disabled by default. To enable it,
log in to the Java Client as an Administrator and make the News tab

Adding “FileFolder” to Project's Content Tab

You can add FileFolders to the Content tab of a Project using the IProgram API. The
following example shows how to perform this task.

Example 19–4 Adding a FileFolder to the Content tab of a Project

private void uploadFile(IAgileSession session,String foldname)

throws APIException {
IProgram program =
(IProgram) session.getObject(IProgram.OBJECT_TYPE, "PGM00041");
IFileFolder ff =
(IFileFolder) session.getObject(IFileFolder.OBJECT_TYPE, foldname);

//Upload filefolder to Conents table

ITable table = program.getTable(ProgramConstants.TABLE_RELATIONSHIPS);

Using Project Templates

Project templates make it easy to define a new Project object, activity, or task. A
template is a Project with the General Info.Template attribute set to “Template”. You
can use a template to create a new Project by loading it and then using the
IProgram.saveAs() method.
This special version of the saveAs() method enables to use the SDK to:

Creating and Managing Projects 19-5

Using Project Templates

■ Create a new Project from a template and specify the tables that you want copied
■ Change the owner of the Project and the owner of the children
■ Create a new Project template by saving a Project as a template

Creating New Projects Using Templates

You can use this special version of the saveAs()method to specify the Project tables
that you want to copy from the original Project to the new Project. You don't need to
specify all tables. The General Info, Schedule, Dependencies - Dependent Upon,
Dependencies - Required For, and Workflow tables are copied automatically. The
Discussion, News, and History tables cannot be copied. Generally, you should copy
Page Two, Page Three (if it's used), and the Team table, as shown in the example

Example 19–5 Creating a new Project from a template

// Get the Project template whose number is PGM00004
IProgram template =
(IProgram)m_session.getObject(IProgram.OBJECT_TYPE, "PGM00004");
if (template != null) {
// Create a hash map of the program attributes to use for the new program
HashMap map = new HashMap();
String name = "Scorpio Program";
IAttribute att =
IAgileList templateList = att.getAvailableValues();

// Available values for Template attribute are Active, Proposed, and Template
templateList.setSelection(new Object[] {"Active"});
map.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_NAME, name);
map.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_SCHEDULE_START_DATE, new Date());
map.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_TEMPLATE, templateList);

// Define the tables to copy to the new program from the template
Integer pagetwo = ProgramConstants.TABLE_PAGETWO;
Integer pagethree = ProgramConstants.TABLE_PAGETHREE;
Integer team = ProgramConstants.TABLE_TEAM;
Object[] tables = new Object[]{pagetwo, pagethree, team};

// Save the template as a new program

IProgram program =
(IProgram)template.saveAs(ProgramConstants.CLASS_PROGRAM,tables, map);
} catch (APIException ex) {

19-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Using Project Templates

Creating Projects and Changing Ownerships

When you create a Project from a template using the saveAs() API call, you can
change the ownership of the Project and propagate the change to the children of the
Project. In SDK, the exposed API is used to accomplish this:
public IAgileObject saveAs(Object type, Object[] tablesToCopy,Object params,
boolean applyToChildren)

This is done by specifying a value for both the ProgramConstants and the OWNER
attribute. The value for the OWNER attribute is required in order to change the
Project's ownership. Set the Boolean applyToChildren to true if you want to apply the
OWNER value to all children.
In the UI, when you create a Project from a template, you have the option to change
ownership of the Project and apply the change to the children. In this situation, the
SDK mirrors the UI. However, the original Project must be a Template to create a Project
from a template via SDK's saveAs() API.

Note: In the SDK, a Project is a template when the value of the

General Info.Template attribute in the original program is set to

Example 19–6 Creating Projects from a template, change owner, and propagate change
public IProgram saveTemplateAndSetOwner (IProgram template, String userID, boolean
applyToChildren) throws APIException {

/* "template" is a program template

* userID -- The "userID" of the user that
* is specified as the owner of the Saved program object
* applyToChildren -- true or false.
* If "true" the "specified owner" is the owner of the entire program tree
* If "false", the specified owner is the owner of the Root Parent object only

// Generate a random name for the Saved Program object

HashMap map = new HashMap () ;
String newPgmName =
"PROG" + System.currentTimeMillis() ;
IUser user =
session.getObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, userID) ;
map.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_NAME, newPgmName);
map.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_OWNER, user);
map.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_SCHEDULE_START_DATE, new Date());

// Define the tables to copy from the template and if

// you do not want to copy any tables, specify "null"
// for the "tables" param.

Integer pageTwo = ProgramConstants.TABLE_PAGETWO ;

Integer pageThree = ProgramConstants.TABLE_PAGETHREE ;
Integer team = ProgramConstants.TABLE_TEAM ;
Object[] tables =
{ pageTwo, pageThree, team } ;
IProgram pgm =
(IProgram) root.saveAs
(ProgramConstants.CLASS_PROGRAM, tables, map, applyToChildren);

Creating and Managing Projects 19-7

Using Project Templates

("New Program Number = " + pgm.getName()) ;

("Owner Value = " + pgm.getValue
return pgm ;

Saving Projects as Templates

When you create a Project, you can specify that it's a template by setting the value of
the Template attribute (ProgramConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_TEMPLATE) to
“Template”. You can only do this when you create a Project or when you save it as a
new Project. Existing Projects cannot be changed from the “Active” or “Proposed”
state to “Template”.
The following example shows how to open a Project object and save it as a template.

Example 19–7 Saving a Projects object as a template

try {
// Get the program whose number is PGM00005
IProgram program =
(IProgram)m_session.getObject(IProgram.OBJECT_TYPE, "PGM00005");

if (program != null) {
// Create a hash map of program attributes for the new program
HashMap map = new HashMap();
String name = "Rapid Development");
IAttribute att =
IAgileList templateList =

// Available values for Template attribute are Active, Proposed, and Template
templateList.setSelection(new Object[] {"Template"});
map.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_NAME, name);
map.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_SCHEDULE_START_DATE, new Date());
map.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_TEMPLATE, templateList);

//Define tables to copy to the template

Integer pagetwo = ProgramConstants.TABLE_PAGETWO;
Integer pagethree = ProgramConstants.TABLE_PAGETHREE;
Integer team = ProgramConstants.TABLE_TEAM;
Object[] tables = new Object[]{pagetwo, pagethree, team};

// Save the program as a template

IProgram program = (IProgram)template.saveAs
(ProgramConstants.CLASS_PROGRAM, tables, map);
} catch (APIException ex) {

19-8 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Scheduling Projects

Scheduling Projects
To schedule Projects, edit the Schedule table, which lets you add, edit, and remove
schedule items. To add a new row to the Schedule table, use the ITable.createRow()
method and specify an IProgram object for the parameter.

Example 19–8 Modifying the Schedule table

try {
// Define a row variable
IRow row = null;

// Set the date format

DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy");

// Get a Project
IProgram program =
(IProgram)m_session.getObject(ProgramConstants.CLASS_PROGRAM, "PGM00012");
if (program != null) {
// Get the Schedule table
ITable schedule = program.getTable(ProgramConstants.TABLE_SCHEDULE);
Iterator i = schedule.iterator();

// Find task T000452 and remove it

while (i.hasNext()) {
row = (IRow);
String num =
if (num.equals("T000452")) {

// Add a phase
HashMap info = new HashMap();
info.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_NAME, "Specifications phase");
IAttribute attr = m_admin.getAgileClass(ProgramConstants.CLASS_PHASE).
IAgileList list = attr.getAvailableValues();
list.setSelection(new Object[] {"Fixed"});
info.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_DURATION_TYPE, list);
IProgram phase =
(IProgram)m_session.createObject(ProgramConstants.CLASS_PHASE, info);
row = schedule.createRow(phase);

// Add a task
info = null;
list = null;
info.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_NAME, "Write specifications");
info.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_NUMBER, "T000533");
attr = m_admin.getAgileClass(ProgramConstants.CLASS_TASK).

Creating and Managing Projects 19-9

Scheduling Projects

list = attr.getAvailableValues();
list.setSelection(new Object[] {"Fixed"});
info.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_DURATION_TYPE, list);
IProgram task =
(IProgram)m_session.createObject(ProgramConstants.CLASS_TASK, info);
row = schedule.createRow(task);

// Add a gate
info = null;
info.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_NAME, "Specifications complete");
IProgram gate =
(IProgram)m_session.createObject(ProgramConstants.CLASS_GATE, info);
row = schedule.createRow(gate);
} catch (APIException ex) {

Once a Project's schedule is defined, you can reschedule the project with the
IProgram.reschedule() method. The reschedule() method takes a couple of
parameters, the IProgram.RESCHEDULE constant and the new value for that schedule
option. Here are the list of IProgram.RESCHEDULE constants you can use:
■ STARTDATE - This moves the scheduled start date to the specified date.
■ ENDDATE - This moves the scheduled end date to the specified date.
■ BACKWARDDAYS - This moves the schedule backward by the specified number
of days.
■ FORWARDDAYS - This moves the schedule forward by the specified number of

Example 19–9 Rescheduling Projects

try {
// Get a Project
IProgram program =
(IProgram)m_session.getObject(IProgram.OBJECT_TYPE, "PGM00012");
if (program != null) {

// Define new start and end dates

String startDate = "02/01/2015 GMT";
String endDate = "06/01/2015 GMT";
SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy z");
Date start = df.parse(startDate);
Date end = df.parse(endDate);

// Change the schedule start date

program.reschedule(IProgram.RESCHEDULE.STARTDATE, start);

// Change the schedule end date

program.reschedule(IProgram.RESCHEDULE.ENDDATE, end);

// Move the schedule backward three days

program.reschedule(IProgram.RESCHEDULE.BACKWARDDAYS, new Integer(3));

// Move the schedule forward two days

19-10 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Setting Start and End Timestamps for PPM Date Attributes

program.reschedule(IProgram.RESCHEDULE.FORWARDDAYS, new Integer(2));

} catch (Exception ex) {

Setting Start and End Timestamps for PPM Date Attributes

Start and End timestamps are automatically set for PPM Date attributes when the end
user creates or edits a scheduled PPM task. You can schedule PPM tasks in Working
Time, which is configurable in the file. When creating or editing PPM
objects, the end user must specify a valid date for Working Time within the Start and
End values set in file for the following PPM Date attributes:
■ Schedule
■ Estimated
■ Actual

Note: If the specified time for the above Date attributes is not within
the Start and End values set in, PPM will not complete
the end operation of the user. For example, if the Start and End values
in are 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM and those specified by the
user are different, PPM will not complete the applicable operation.

The environment variable (flag) called automatically sets the

appropriate time for POM's Schedule, Estimated, or Actual dates before sending these
values to the Agile server to update the Date attribute. When the flag is turned on, the
existing time in the date value for Schedule, Estimated, or Actual dates is ignored and
is automatically set according to the following rules:
■ If the attribute is Schedule Start Date, Estimated Start Date or Actual Start Date, then
the start working time of the day set in is appended. For example,
if the working time is configured as 8:00:00-12:00:00,
13:00:00-17:00:00, then the start working time for the day is 8 AM. The time portion
in the date value for start date attributes is set to 8 AM.
■ If the attribute is Schedule End Date, Estimated End Date or Actual End Date, then the
end working time of the day set in is appended. For example, if
the working time in agile.propertieses is configured as 8:00:00-12:00:00,
13:00:00-17:00:00, then the end working time for the day is 5 PM. The time portion
in the date value for end date attributes is set to 5 PM.
By default, the value of the flag is set to True. This is to ensure
backward compatibility of PPM SDK so that SDK Clients compiled in earlier releases
can execute without re compilation.

Creating and Managing Projects 19-11

Working with Project Baselines

To set timestamp for PPM date attributes in SDK Client

You have the following options:
■ Set the flag to False using syntax such as java <SDK Program Name>
■ Set an environment variable called and execute the SDK

Note: This is a global setting and the setting will apply to all SDK
programs that are running on the given platform.

Working with Project Baselines

Project baselines allow you to compare actual progress with your original plans. When
you create a baseline, a snapshot of your Project's schedule is preserved. The original
estimates contained in the baseline are permanent reference points against which you
can compare the updated task structure, schedule, and actual dates.
Baselines can be created only for the root Project object. You can save multiple
baselines, and retrieve them later for comparison. The IProgram interface provides the
following methods for creating, retrieving, and removing baselines:
■ createBaseline(java.lang.Object)
■ getBaseline()
■ getBaselines()
■ removeBaseline(java.lang.Object)
■ selectBaseline(java.lang.Object)

Example 19–10 Creating and retrieving baselines

try {
// Get a Project
IProgram program =
(IProgram)m_session.getObject(IProgram.OBJECT_TYPE, "PGM00012");
if (program != null) {

// Create a baseline
Object baseline = program.createBaseline("august 8 baseline");

// Get all baselines

Map map = program.getBaselines();

// Get the first baseline

Set keys = map.keySet();
Object[] objs = keys.toArray();
baseline = map.get(objs[0]);

// Remove the first baseline


19-12 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Adding Resources to a Project Team

// Get all baselines again

map = program.getBaselines();

// Select the first baseline

If (map.size() > 0) {
keys = map.keySet();
objs = keys.toArray();
baseline = map.get(objs[0]);
} catch (APIException ex) {

Delegating Ownership of a Project to Another User

The owner or manager of a Project object can assign the ownership of the Project to
other users by delegating it. The delegated user receives a request that he can accept or
decline. If he accepts, the delegated user becomes owner of the task. A delegated
owner is automatically given the Project Manager role for the delegated Project object.
To delegate ownership of a Project, use the IProgram.delegateOwnership() method.
When you delegate ownership of a Project, you automatically update the Delegated
Owner field, which is read-only. The delegateOwnership() method lets you specify
whether delegated ownership also applies to the Project's children.

Example 19–11 Delegating ownership of a Project object

try {
// Get the task whose number is T00012
IProgram task =
(IProgram)m_session.getObject(IProgram.OBJECT_TYPE, "T00012");
if (task != null) {

// Get a user
IUser user1 =
(IUser)m_session.getObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, "kkieslowski");
if (user1 != null) {
// Delegate the task to the user
task.delegateOwnership(user1, false);
} catch (APIException ex) {

Adding Resources to a Project Team

The Team table lets you manage the team member list for a Project object. You can add
or remove team members, change team members' roles, and change their allocation.
You must have the appropriate privileges to modify a Project's Team table.

Creating and Managing Projects 19-13

Adding Resources to a Project Team

When you add a resource to the Team table, you specify what roles the user or user
group has for that Project object. The roles available are not the complete set of Agile
PLM roles; they are roles specifically related to Project functionality. Here is the list of
roles you can assign to team members:
■ Executive
■ Change Analyst
■ Program Team Member
■ Program Manager
■ Resource Pool Owner
■ Program Administrator
For a description of each of these roles, refer to the Agile PLM Administrator Guide.
The Team table has two attributes that require special mention:
■ ProgramConstants.ATT_TEAM_NAME
■ ProgramConstants.ATT_TEAM_ROLES.
These are SingleList and MultiList attributes, respectively. To get the available
values for these attributes, use ITable.getAvailableValues() instead of
IAttribute.getAvailableValues(). Otherwise, the IAgileList object returned by the
method can contain invalid list values.

Example 19–12 Adding resources to a Project team

try {
// Get users
IUser user1 = (IUser)session.getObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, "daveo");
IUser user2 = (IUser)session.getObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, "yvonnec");
IUser user3 = (IUser)session.getObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, "albertl");
IUser user4 = (IUser)session.getObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, "brians");

// Get a resource pool (user group)

IUserGroup pool =
(IUserGroup)session.getObject(IUserGroup.OBJECT_TYPE, "Development");

// Add all four users to the resource pool

ITable usersTable = pool.getTable(UserGroupConstants.TABLE_USERS);

// Get a Project
IProgram program =
(IProgram)session.getObject(IProgram.OBJECT_TYPE, "PGM02423");
if (program != null) {
// Get the Team table of the program
ITable teamTable = program.getTable(ProgramConstants.TABLE_TEAM);
// Get Roles attribute values (use ITable.getAvailableValues)
IAgileList attrRolesValues =

// Create a hash map to hold values for row attributes

Map map = new HashMap();

19-14 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Adding Resources to a Project Team

// Add the first user to the team

attrRolesValues.setSelection(new Object[]
{"Change Analyst","Projects Manager"});
map.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_TEAM_NAME, user1);
map.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_TEAM_ROLES, attrRolesValues);
IRow row1 = teamTable.createRow(map);

// Add the second user to the team

attrRolesValues.setSelection(new Object[]{"Projects Administrator"});
map.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_TEAM_NAME, user2);
IRow row2 = teamTable.createRow(map);

// Add the resource pool to the team

attrRolesValues.setSelection(new Object[]{"Projects Team Member"});
map.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_TEAM_NAME, pool);
IRow row3 = teamTable.createRow(map);

In Agile Web Client, when you add a resource pool to the Team table, you can replace
the pool with one or more resources contained within it. In other words, instead of
assigning the entire resource pool, you can assign select users from the pool. The
IProgram.assignUsersFromPool() method reproduces this functionality. To use
assignUsersFromPool(), you must specify a user group that has already been added
to the Project's Team table.

Example 19–13 Assigning users from a resource pool

public void replaceUserGroupWithUser(IProgram program) throws Exception {

// Get the Team table

ITable teamTable = program.getTable(ProgramConstants.TABLE_TEAM);

// Get a table iterator

Iterator it = teamTable.iterator();

// Find a user group and replace it with one of its members, kwong
IRow row = (IRow);
IDataObject object = row.getReferent();
if(object instanceof IUserGroup){
IUserGroup ug = (IUserGroup)object;
ITable users = ug.getTable(UserGroupConstants.TABLE_USERS);
Iterator ref_it = users.getReferentIterator();
IUser user = (IUser);
if(user.getName().equals("kwong")) {
program.assignUsersFromPool(new IUser[]{user}, ug, true);

Creating and Managing Projects 19-15

Substituting Project Resources

Substituting Project Resources

A resource's availability can frequently change due to overloading, reassignments,
vacation, and illness. You can substitute an existing resource for another resource. The
current resource's role is assigned to the substituted resource, but only for that Project.
To substitute Project resources, use the IProgram.substituteResource() method.
When you substitute resources, you can specify users as well as user groups. You can
also specify whether the resource assignment applies to the Project's children.

Example 19–14 Substituting Project resources

try {
// Get a Project
IProgram program =
(IProgram)m_session.getObject(IProgram.OBJECT_TYPE, "PGM00012");
if (program != null) {
// Get users
IUser u1 =
(IUser)m_session.getObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, "akurosawa");
IUser u2 =
(IUser)m_session.getObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, "creed");
IUser u3 =
(IUser)m_session.getObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, "dlean");
IUser u4 =
(IUser)m_session.getObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, "jford");

// Get a user group

IUserGroup ug =
(IUserGroup)m_session.getObject(IUserGroup.OBJECT_TYPE, "Directors");

// Substitute u1 with u3 and do not apply to children

program.substituteResource(u1, u3, false);

// Substitute u2 with u4 and apply to children

program.substituteResource(u2, u4, true);

// Substituete u4 with a user group, and apply to children

program.substituteResource(u4, ug, true);
} catch (APIException ex) {

Locking or Unlocking Projects

The owner of Project can lock or unlock the Project object. When a Projects is locked,
its schedule cannot be modified. To lock or unlock a Project, use the
IProgram.setLock() method.

Note: Projects are automatically locked when you use the Gantt
Chart or the Microsoft Project integration functionality in Agile Web

19-16 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Discussions

Example 19–15 Locking Projects

try {
// Get a Program
IProgram program =
(IProgram)m_session.getObject(IProgram.OBJECT_TYPE, "PGM00012");
if (program != null) {
// Lock it
} catch (APIException ex) {

Working with Discussions

During the course of a project, issues arise that require users to collaborate and
exchange information. Agile PLM provides threaded discussion functionality that
allows team members to reply with their feedback, providing a record of their
thoughts and ideas. Discussions are asynchronous; that is, they do not require a
simultaneous connection from all discussion participants. Users can reply to any
thread of the discussion independently. To close issues, action items can be assigned to
team resources. The Discussion object is used to manage both threaded discussions
and the action items related to them.
Discussion objects, unlike Projects, are not routable objects. Therefore, discussions do
not have workflows associated with them.

Note: The Action Items, Cover Page, and Replies tables appear on
the Discussion tab in Agile PLM clients. The Page Two table appears
on the Details tab in Agile PLM clients. The Where Used table is not
supported, its functionality is replaced by General Info.Related To

Creating a Discussion
To create a discussion, use the IAgileSession.createObject() method. When you
specify discussion parameters, you must specify the discussion subclass and the
following required discussion attributes:
■ Cover Page.Number
■ Cover Page.Subject
In addition, you must also specify data for the Cover Page.Notify List and Cover
Page.Message attributes. Otherwise, the discussion does not have a Notification list, or
a message that users can respond to.
The following example shows how to create a new discussion and add it to the
Discussion table of a Project.

Example 19–16 Creating a discussion

try {
// Create a hash map variable
Map map = new HashMap();

// Set the Number field

IAgileClass discussionClass =

Creating and Managing Projects 19-17

Working with Discussions

( DiscussionConstants.CLASS_DISCUSSION);
String number =

// Set the Subject field

String subject = "Packaging issues";

// Make the Message field visible

IAttribute attr =
IProperty propVisible =
IAgileList list =
list.setSelection(new Object[] { "Yes" });

// Set the Message field

String message =
"We still have problems with the sleeves and inserts." +
"Let's resolve these things at the team meeting on Friday.";

// Set the Notify List field

IUser user1 = m_session.getCurrentUser();
IUser user2 =
(IUser)m_session.getObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, "jdassin");
attr = discussionClass.getAttribute
list =
attr.getAvailableValues(); list.setSelection(new Object[] {user1, user2});

// Put the values into the hash map

map.put(DiscussionConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_NUMBER, number);
map.put(DiscussionConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_SUBJECT, subject);
map.put(DiscussionConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_MESSAGE, message);
map.put(DiscussionConstants.ATT_COVER_PAGE_NOTIFY_LIST, list);

// Create a Discussion object

IDiscussion discussion = (IDiscussion)m_session.createObject
(DiscussionConstants.CLASS_DISCUSSION, map);

// Get a Projects
IProgram program =
(IProgram)m_session.getObject(IProgram.OBJECT_TYPE, "PGM00012");
if (program != null) {

// Get the Discussion table

ITable discTable = program.getTable(ProgramConstants.TABLE_DISCUSSION);

// Add the new discussion to the table

} catch (APIException ex) {

19-18 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Discussions

Replying to a Discussion
Team members or notified users-that is, users listed in the Cover Page.Notified List
field of a discussion-can reply to discussions. When you reply to a discussion, you
create another nested table in the Replies table.

Example 19–17 Replying to a discussion

private void replyToDiscussion() throws Exception {
Iterator it;
IDiscussion discussion;

// Get a Project
IProgram program =
(IProgram)m_session.getObject(IProgram.OBJECT_TYPE, "PGM00012");

// Get the Discussion table

ITable discTable =

// Get the first Discussion listed

if (discTable.size()!=0) {
it = discTable.iterator();
if (it.hasNext()) {
IRow row = (IRow);
discussion = (IDiscussion)row.getReferent();

// Get the Replies table

ITable repliesTable =

// Iterate to the only row of the Replies table and send a reply
it = repliesTable.iterator();
if (it.hasNext()) {
IRow row = (IRow);
IMessage message = (IMessage)row;
HashMap response = new HashMap();

// Set the Subject field (use the same Subject as the parent)

// Make the Message field visible

IAgileClass discussionClass =
IAttribute attr =
IProperty propVisible =
IAgileList list =
list.setSelection(new Object[] { "Yes" });

// Set the Message field

"The spec needs to be updated to reflect the latest decisions.");

Creating and Managing Projects 19-19

Working with Discussions

// Send a reply

The previous example showed how to reply to the root discussion. But what if a
discussion has several replies and you want to reply to the latest one? That is a little
more complicated, and requires further understanding of the Replies table.
The Replies table of a discussion is different from other Agile PLM tables. It contains
only one row, even if there are multiple replies. If the discussion has multiple replies,
they are contained within a series of nested tables. To select the latest reply, expand the
Replies table to its last nested table. The following figure shows an expanded Replies
table in Agile Web Client.

Figure 19–2 Expanded Replies table

You can use a recursive method (one that calls itself) to expand all levels of the Replies
table, as shown in the following example. Subsequent levels of the Replies table are
obtained by getting the value of the Child Table attribute (DiscussionConstants.ATT_

Example 19–18 How to expand the Replies table

// Read the Replies table
public void readRepliesTable(IDiscussion discussion) throws Exception {
ITable replies =
browseReplies(0, replies);

// Recursively browse through all levels of the Replies table

void browseReplies(int indent, ITable replies) throws Exception {
Iterator i = replies.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
IRow row = (IRow);
ITable followup =
browseReplies(indent + 1, followup);
// Read each cell in the row and print the attribute name and value
static protected void readRow(IRow row) throws Exception {
ICell[] cells = row.getCells();
for (int j = 0; j < cells.length; ++j) {
Object value = cells[j].getValue();
System.out.print( "\t" + cells[j].getAttribute().getName() + "="+ value);

19-20 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Discussions

// Indent text
private String indent(int level) {
if (level <= 0) {
return "";
char c[] = new char[level*2];
Arrays.fill(c, ' ');
return new String(c);

Joining a Discussion
Agile Web Client allows users to join a discussion by clicking the Discussion tab of a
Project, and then clicking the Join button. When you join a discussion, your username
is added to the Notify List field of the Discussion object. To join a discussion using the
Agile API, simply add yourself to the Notify List field. You can join a discussion only
if you are a team member of the Project.

Note: If you are not on the Notify List of a Discussion object, you
cannot read the replies. However, anyone listed on the Team table of a
Projects can join a discussion associated with that Project.

Example 19–19 Joining a discussion

try {
// Get a Project
IProgram program =
(IProgram)m_session.getObject(ProgramConstants.CLASS_PROGRAM, "PGM00012");
if (program != null) {
// Get the Discussion table
ITable discTable =

// Get the first discussion

IRow row =(IRow)discTable.iterator().next();
IDiscussion discussion =(IDiscussion)row.getReferent();

// Add yourself and another user to the Notify List field

IUser user1 =
IUser user2 =
(IUser)m_session.getObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, "owelles");
ICell cell =
IAgileList list =(IAgileList)cell.getAvailableValues();
list.setSelection(new Object[] {user1, user2});
} catch (APIException ex) {

Creating and Managing Projects 19-21

Working with Discussions

Creating an Action Item

Action items can be created as part of a Discussion object. If a discussion raises an
issue that requires someone to perform an action, you can assign that action to another
user. Action items have a subject, status, due date, and an assigned user. When you
create an action item, it appears in the Notifications & Requests Inbox of the assigned
To create an action item, use the ITable.createRow() method to add a row to the
Action Items table of a Project object. Make sure the map object used to initialize the
row contains parameters for the Subject, Assigned To, and Due Date fields.

Example 19–20 Creating an action item

private void replyToDiscussion() throws Exception

// Get a Project
IProgram program =
(IProgram)m_session.getObject(IProgram.OBJECT_TYPE, "PGM00012");
if (program != null) {

// Create a hash map for Action Item parameters

HashMap map = new HashMap();

// Set the Subject field

String subj = "Update packaging requirements";
map.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_ACTION_ITEMS_SUBJECT, subj);

// Set the Assigned To field

IUser user1 =
(IUser)m_session.getObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, "akurosawa");
IAttribute attr =
IAgileList list = attr.getAvailableValues();
list.setSelection(new Object[] {user1});
map.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_ACTION_ITEMS_ASSIGNED_TO, list);

// Set the Due Date field

DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy");
map.put(ProgramConstants.ATT_ACTION_ITEMS_DUE_DATE, df.parse("03/30/05"));

// Get the Action Items table

Table table = program.getTable(ProgramConstants.TABLE_ACTIONITEMS);

// Add the new Action Item to table

} catch (APIException ex) {

19-22 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Handling Exceptions

This chapter includes the following:

■ About Exceptions
■ Getting Error Codes
■ Disabling and Enabling Error Codes with Bulk APIs
■ Getting Error Messages
■ Saving and Restoring State Enabled and Disabled Warnings
■ Warnings on Deleting Objects Disabled Automatically by Agile API

About Exceptions
Errors that cause a problem in a Java program are called exceptions. When Java throws
an exception that is not caught, your program may quit, or errors may appear on
screen. To handle an exception gracefully, your program must:
■ Protect code that contains a method that might throw an exception by putting it in
a try block.
■ Test for and handle any exceptions that are thrown inside a catch block.
The Agile API provides a subclass of Exception called APIException. This is a
general-purpose exception class that is used throughout the Agile API to handle Agile
PLM runtime errors. In the Agile API HTML reference, each method indicates the
types of exceptions it throws. Generally, any Agile API method that requires
interaction with the Agile Application Server throws APIException. The table below
lists the APIException class methods for handling exceptions:

Table 20–1 API Exception Error Codes

Method Description
getErrorCode() Returns the number of the error code associated with the
getMessage() Returns the error message associated with the APIException.
getRootCause() Returns the root cause of the APIException, if any.
getType() Returns the type of exception.

Handling Exceptions 20-1

Getting Error Codes

Exception Constants
The ExceptionConstants class contains String constants for all Agile Application
Server and Agile API runtime error and warning codes. For a description of each of
these constants, refer to the API Reference files at
Several ExceptionConstants are for exceptions that are used to display an Agile PLM
warning message before completing an action. All constants for warning messages end
with the suffix WARNING. If you don't want to use Agile PLM warning messages in
your code, you can disable them. For more information, see "Disabling and Enabling
Error Codes with Bulk APIs" on page 20-2.

Getting Error Codes

To properly trap warning errors, you may need to retrieve the error code of the
exception and then handle it appropriately. Generally, this involves displaying a
confirmation dialog box to let the user choose whether to complete the action. The
following example shows how to check for the error code of an exception in the catch

Example 20–1 Getting Agile PLM error codes

private void removeApprover
(IChange change, IUser[] approvers, IUser[] observers, String comment) {

// Remove the selected approver

try {
approvers, observers, comment);
} catch (APIException ex) {
if (ex.getErrorCode().
(null, ex.getMessage(), "Warning", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);

Disabling and Enabling Error Codes with Bulk APIs

The SDK supports the following bulk operations in IAgileSession to disable/enable all
error codes or for a given set of error codes:
■ IAgileSession.enableWarnings(Integer[])
■ IAgileSession.disableWarnings(Integer[])
■ IAgileSession.enableAllWarnings()
■ IAgileSession.disableAllWarnings()
The process is similar to the previous example. The following example shows how to
use these bulk APIs to suppress warnings while releasing a Change.

Example 20–2 Disabling and enabling error codes in the bulk mode
public static void releseECO(IAgileSession session, IChange change)
throws Exception {

// Set workflow
IWorkflow workflow = change.getWorkflows()[0];

20-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Getting Error Messages

IStatus submit = getStatus(workflow, StatusConstants.TYPE_SUBMIT);
IStatus ccb = getStatus(workflow, StatusConstants.TYPE_REVIEW);
IStatus released = getStatus(workflow, StatusConstants.TYPE_RELEASED);
session.disableWarnings(new Integer[] {
// instead you can use session.disableAllWarnings()

// route to SUBMIT
change.changeStatus(submit, false, null,
false, false, new Object[]{}, new Object[]{}, new Object[] {}, false);

// Change status to CCB

change.changeStatus(ccb, false, null, false, false, new Object[]{}, new
Object[]{}, new Object[]{}, false);

// route from CCB to release

change.changeStatus(released, false, "release", false, false, new Object[]{},
new Object[]{}, new Object[]{}, false);
session.enableWarnings(new Integer[] {
// instead you can use session.enableAllWarnings()

public static IStatus getStatus(IWorkflow workflow, StatusConstants status)

throws Exception {
IStatus[] states = workflow.getStates(status);
IStatus state = states[0];
return state;

Getting Error Messages

If your program throws an APIException, which indicates an Agile PLM runtime error,
you may want to display an error message. You can use the getMessage() method to
return the error message string and then display it in a message dialog box, as shown
in the following example.

Example 20–3 Getting an error message

// Display an error message dialog
void errorMessage(APIException ex) {
try {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, ex.getMessage(),
"Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
} catch (Exception e) {}

For a list of Agile PLM error messages, refer to the API Reference files (at under ExceptionConstants. TOHERE

Handling Exceptions 20-3

Disabling and Enabling Warning Messages

Disabling and Enabling Warning Messages

Several Agile PLM error messages are warnings that give you the option to stop or
continue with an operation. By default, most error messages, including warning
messages, are enabled. If you try to perform an action that triggers a warning, an
exception will be thrown. To avoid the exception, you can disable the warning
message before performing the action.
The following example shows how to check whether attempting to release a change
causes an exception to be thrown. If the error code for the exception is
ExceptionConstants.APDM_UNRESPONDEDCHANGE_WARNING, the program displays a
warning. The user can click Yes in the warning dialog box to release the change.

Example 20–4 Disabling and enabling error codes

private void releaseChange(IAgileSession m_session, IChange chgObj) {
IStatus nextStatus = null;

// Get the default next status

try {
nextStatus = chgObj.getDefaultNextStatus();

// Release the Change

chgObj.changeStatus(nextStatus, false, "",
false, false, null, null, null, false);
} catch (APIException ex) {

// If the exception is error code

// display a warning message
if (ex.getErrorCode() ==
int i =
JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, ex.getMessage(),
"Warning", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
if (i == 0) {

// If the user clicks Yes on the warning,

// disable the error code and release the change
try {

// Disable the warning


// Release the Change

(nextStatus, false, "", true, true, null, null, null, false);

// Enable all warnings

} catch (APIException exc) {}

20-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Saving and Restoring State Enabled and Disabled Warnings

Checking if APIException is Warning and not Error

As noted above, if you try to perform an operation that triggers a warning, an
exception will be thrown. Warning messages are helpful for interactive GUI clients,
like Agile Web Client, but you may not want to use them in your Agile API program,
particularly if it performs batch processes.
You can use APIException.isWarning() to check whether an Agile PLM exception is a
warning. If true, you can disable the warning and continue the operation.

Example 20–5 Checking if an APIException is a warning

private void checkIfWarning(IAgileSession m_session) {
boolean gotWarning = true;
while (gotWarning) {
// Add some API code here that throws an exception
try {
gotWarning = false;
} catch (APIException e) {
try {
if (e.isWarning())
} catch (Exception ex) {}

Saving and Restoring State Enabled and Disabled Warnings

Rather than keep track of which warning messages are disabled or enabled before
beginning a particular operation, you can use IAgileSession.pushWarningState() to
save the current state of enabled and disabled warnings. After completing the
operation, you can restore the previous state of enabled and disabled warnings using

Example 20–6 Using pushWarningState() and popWarningState()

private void pushPopWarningState(IAgileSession m_session, IItem item)
throws APIException {

// Save the current state of enabled/disabled warnings


// Disable two AML warnings


// Get the Manufacturers table

ITable aml = item.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_MANUFACTURERS);

Handling Exceptions 20-5

Warnings on Deleting Objects Disabled Automatically by Agile API

// Create a new row and set a value for the row

HashMap amlEntry = new HashMap();
amlEntry.put(ItemConstants.ATT_MANUFACTURERS_MFR_NAME, "MFR_TEST3");
IRow rowAML1 = aml.createRow(amlEntry);
rowAML1.setValue(ItemConstants.ATT_MANUFACTURERS_REFERENCE_NOTES, "new note");

// Restore the previous state of enabled/disabled warnings


Warnings on Deleting Objects Disabled Automatically by Agile API

In the Agile Web Client, when you try to delete an object a warning message appears.
These warning messages are not appropriate for batch processes in an Agile API
program. Therefore, the Agile API implicitly disables the following warnings, which
saves you the trouble of disabling them in your code.
For more information about deleting objects, see "Deleting and Undeleting Objects" on
page 2-21.

20-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Product Cost Management

This chapter includes the following:

■ About Product Cost Management
■ Working with Price Objects
■ Working with Suppliers
■ Working with Sourcing Projects

About Product Cost Management

The Product Sourcing module of the Agile PLM supports, enhances, and simplifies the
handling of all product cost-related data throughout the product lifecycle. This enables
you to effectively manage and manipulate Sourcing content, collaborate with suppliers
to establish new Sourcing content, and analyze the data. Product Sourcing supports
the following functions:
■ Create Sourcing Projects
■ Gather and prepare product content
■ Leverage pricing contracts and history
■ Create Request for Quote (RFQ) objects
■ Manage supplier RFQ responses and negotiate pricing (Not supported by PCM
■ Conduct Sourcing Project analysis
The Agile API supports the following Product Sourcing objects:
■ IChange - This interface is for the Change class, which includes Price Change
Orders (PCOs).
■ IPrice - This interface is for the Price class, which handles both published prices
and historical prices.
■ IProject - This interface is for the Sourcing Projects class, which is the container
used for product Sourcing data.
■ IRequestForQuote - This interface is for the RequestForQuote class, which
represents an RFQ for a Sourcing Project.
■ ISupplier - This interface is for the Supplier class.

Working with Product Cost Management 21-1

Working with Price Objects

Except for the ISupplierResponse object, Agile API enables you to read and modify
all Product Sourcing objects. The following table lists the create, read, and modify
rights for Product Sourcing objects.

Table 21–1 Create, Read, and Modify privileges for Product Sourcing objects
Object Create Read Modify
IChange (including PCO) Yes Yes Yes
IPrice Yes Yes Yes
IProject Yes Yes Yes
IRequestForQuote Yes Yes Yes
ISupplier Yes Yes Yes

Working with Price Objects

Agile PLM's price management solution replaces inefficient manual systems, where
prices are often stored in files, spreadsheets, or databases in disparate locations. The
Agile PLM system allows you to create and centrally manage prices and terms for
items and manufacturer parts.
There are two out-of-the-box Price classes provided with the system:
■ Historical Quotes - This is a historical Quote object that contains price quotes from
previous Sourcing Projects or legacy data.
■ Published Prices - This is a historical Published Price that contains published
prices or contract prices on current items and manufacturer parts.
These are the basic steps used to define pricing for an item or manufacturer part:
1. Users with the appropriate role can create a new Price object, specifying the
Number, Description, Item or Manufacturer Part, Supplier, Site, and Customer.
2. After creating a Price object, users can build out a price/terms matrix for each
associated item or manufacturer part. The price and terms matrix includes
Effectivity Dates, Quantity, Price, and Cancellation Windows.
3. The Price object is submitted and goes through a Workflow approval process.
Other users can approve or reject the object.
4. Users with the appropriate role can create a Price Change Order (PCO) to modify a
Price object that has been released. The updated Price object is again submitted for

Loading a Price Object

To load a Price object, use the IAgileSession.getObject() method. To uniquely
identify a Price object, specify the value for the Title Block | Number attribute.

Example 21–1 Loading a Price object

public IPrice getPrice() throws Exception {
IPrice price = (IPrice)m_session.getObject(IPrice.OBJECT_TYPE, "PRICE10008");
return price;

21-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Price Objects

For a list of Price object tables, refer to the Javadoc generated HTML files that
document the SDK code. You can find them in the HTML folder in
To access this file, see the Note in "Client-Side Components" on page 1-2.

Adding Price Lines

The Price Lines table of a Price object is where you define the prices and terms for the
related item or manufacturer part. When you add a row to the Price Lines table, you
must initialize the row with values. At a minimum, you must specify values for the
following attributes:
If you fail to specify a value for one of these attributes, the Price Lines row is not

Minimum Required Attributes to Create Price Lines

The minimum required attributes to create Price Lines are:

Example 21–2 Adding price lines

public void addPriceLines(IPrice price) throws Exception {

DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy");
IAgileClass cls = price.getAgileClass();
ITable table = price.getTable(PriceConstants.TABLE_PRICELINES);
IAttribute attr = null;
IAgileList listvalues = null;
HashMap params = new HashMap();

//Set Ship-To Location (List field)

attr = cls.getAttribute(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_SHIP_TO);
listvalues = attr.getAvailableValues();
listvalues.setSelection(new Object[] { "San Jose" });
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_SHIP_TO, listvalues);

//Set Ship-From Location (List field)

attr = cls.getAttribute(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_SHIP_FROM);
listvalues = attr.getAvailableValues();
listvalues.setSelection(new Object[] { "Hong Kong" });
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_SHIP_FROM, listvalues);

//Set Effective From (Date field)


//Set Effective To (Date field)


Working with Product Cost Management 21-3

Working with Price Objects


//Set Quantity (Number field)

params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_QTY, new Integer(1000));

//Set Currency Code (List field)

attr = cls.getAttribute(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_CURRENCY_CODE);
listvalues = attr.getAvailableValues();
listvalues.setSelection(new Object[] { "USD" });
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_CURRENCY_CODE, listvalues);

//Set Total Price (Money field)

params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_TOTAL_PRICE, new Money(new
Double(52.95), "USD"));
//Set Total Material Price (Money field)
new Money(new Double(45.90), "USD"));

//Set Total Non-Materials Price (Money field)

new Money(new Double(7.05), "USD"));

//Set Lead Time (Number field)

params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_LEAD_TIME, new Integer(5));

//Set Transportation Time (List field)

attr = cls.getAttribute(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_TRANSPORTATION_TIME);
listvalues = attr.getAvailableValues();
listvalues.setSelection(new Object[] { "FOB" });
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_TRANSPORTATION_TIME, listvalues);

//Set Country of Origin (List field)

attr = cls.getAttribute(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_COUNTRY_OF_ORIGIN);
listvalues = attr.getAvailableValues();
listvalues.setSelection(new Object[] { "United States" });
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_PRICE_LINES_COUNTRY_OF_ORIGIN, listvalues);

//Create a new Price Lines row and initialize it with data

IRow row = table.createRow(params);

Creating a Price Change Order

Price objects such as published prices and contracts have a revision history. To modify
a released Price object, you must first create a Price Change Order (PCO) and adding
the Price object to the Affected Prices table. The PCO is then submitted for approval.
Any changes made to the Price object take effect when the PCO completes its
Workflow approval process.
A PCO is similar to other Change objects, such as ECOs and ECRs. You can create a
PCO using the IAgileSession.createObject() method.

Example 21–3 Creating a PCO and Adding a Price

public void createPCO(IPrice price) throws Exception {
//Get the PCO class
IAgileClass cls = m_admin.getAgileClass(ChangeConstants.CLASS_PCO);

//Get autonumber sources for the PCO class

IAutoNumber[] numbers = cls.getAutoNumberSources();

21-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Price Objects

//Create the PCO

IChange pco =
(IChange)m_session.createObject(ChangeConstants.CLASS_PCO, numbers[0]);

//Get the Affected Prices table

ITable affectedPrices = pco.getTable(ChangeConstants.TABLE_AFFECTEDPRICES);

//Add the Price object to the Affected Prices table

IRow row = affectedPrices.createRow(price);

Creating a Price Object

There are several steps to create a Price object. First, specify the object class and the
unique identifying attributes, and then use IAgileSession.createObject() to return
the new Price object.
Price objects are more complex than other Agile API objects because they have several
key attributes that must be specified. Most other Agile API objects have only one key
object, such as the object's number. With a Price object, you must specify a number,
customer, item or manufacturer part, revision (for items), Program, site, and supplier.
If any one of these attributes is missing, an exception will be thrown and the Price
object won't be created.

Note: If you are not dealing with site-specific information, specify

the Global site for the Manufacturing Site attribute.

After you create a Price object, you can further define it by setting values for Cover
Page, Page Two, and Page Three fields. To define prices and terms for items and
manufacturer parts, add rows to the Price Lines table. If there are files or documents to
attach, add them to the Attachments table.

To create a price with Program==All and Customer==All, you do not need to pass
values for PriceConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFORMATION_CUSTOMER and
PriceConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFORMATION_Program during price creation. By
default, the price is created with Program==All and Customer==All.

Specifying Item Revisions

When you specify the revision of an item during price creation, you need to pass the
change number, instead of the revision number.

Example 21–4 Specifying Item Revision by Passing the Change Number

//Pass the change number
params.put(PricecSpecifying Item Revisionsnstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFORMATION_ITEM_
REV, "CO-35884");

//Instead of the revision number

params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFORMATION_ITEM_REV, "B")

Working with Product Cost Management 21-5

Working with Suppliers

Creating a published price

The following example shows how to create a published price.

Example 21–5 Creating a Published Price

public void createPublishedPrice
(ICustomer customer, ISupplier supplier) throws Exception {
HashMap params = new HashMap();
IAgileClass cls =
IAutoNumber an = cls.getAutoNumberSources()[0];
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFORMATION_NUMBER, an);
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFORMATION_CUSTOMER, customer);
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFORMATION_ITEM_NUMBER, "1000-02");
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFORMATION_ITEM_REV, "CO-35884");
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFORMATION_PROGRAM, "PROGRAM0023");
params.put(PriceConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFORMATION_SUPPLIER, supplier);
IPrice price = (IPrice)m_session.createObject(cls, params);

Working with Suppliers

The Agile PLM system comes with five out-of-the-box supplier classes:
■ Broker
■ Component Manufacturer
■ Contract Manufacturer
■ Distributor
■ Manufacturer Rep
There are two primary key attributes that uniquely identify each supplier: GENERAL_

Loading a Supplier
To load a supplier, use the IAgileSession.getObject() method. To uniquely identify the
supplier, specify the General Info | Number attribute.

Example 21–6 Loading a supplier

public ISupplier getSupplier() throws APIException {

ISupplier supplier =
getObject(ISupplier.OBJECT_TYPE, "SUP20013");
return supplier;

Note: The Agile API does not support adding new rows to Supplier

21-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Sourcing Projects

Modifying Supplier Data

The Agile API enables you to read and update all read/write Supplier fields. For
General Info, Page One, and Page Three fields, you can access the cells directly. To
access cells on multirow tables like the Contact Users table, you must first load the
table and select a particular row.

Example 21–7 Modifying supplier data

public void updateSupplierGenInfo(ISupplier supplier) throws Exception {
ICell cell = null;
IAgileList listvalues = null;

//Update Name (Text field)

cell = supplier.getCell(SupplierConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_NAME);
cell.setValue("Global Parts");

//Update URL (Text field)

cell = supplier.getCell(SupplierConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_URL);

//Update Corporate Currency (List field)

cell = supplier.getCell(SupplierConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_CORPORATE_CURRENCY);
listvalues = cell.getAvailableValues();
listvalues.setSelection(new Object[] { "EUR" });

public void updateSupplierContactUsers(ISupplier supplier) throws Exception {

ICell cell = null;
IAgileList listvalues = null;

//Load the Contact Users table

ITable contactusers =

//Get the first row

ITwoWayIterator i =
IRow row = (IRow);

//Update Email (Text field)

cell = row.getCell(SupplierConstants.ATT_CONTACT_USERS_EMAIL);
cell.setValue("[email protected]");

Working with Sourcing Projects

A Sourcing Project is where you prepare content for Sourcing tasks, such as Requests
for Quotes (RFQs) and Sourcing analysis. Sourcing Project is a centralized,
collaborative solution. Multiple users can add data to a Sourcing Project and perform
analysis of Sourcing results. Because Sourcing Projects serve as the home for all
Sourcing activities and are linked to many classes of objects, including Supplier,
RequestForQuote (RFQ), and SupplierResponse.
You can use the"Supported API Methods" to:
■ Load an existing Sourcing Project
■ Create Sourcing Projects by quantity breaks

Working with Product Cost Management 21-7

Working with Sourcing Projects

■ Create Sourcing Projects by price periods

■ Open and close a Sourcing Project
■ Add items, including AMLs to Sourcing Project items
■ Access and modify objects, tables, and attributes in Sourcing Projects
■ Access and modify Sourcing Project status
■ Update Sourcing Project AMLs
■ Update Page 1, Page 2, and Page 3 in Sourcing Projects
■ Read and update a nested Pricing table in Sourcing Projects
■ Set quantity for an item in Sourcing Projects
■ Update the target price for items in Sourcing Projects
■ Set partners for items in Sourcing Projects
■ Perform quantity Rollups in Sourcing Projects
■ Set a response designated as best in Sourcing Projects
Unlike the Web Client which provides additional functionality for Sourcing Projects,
the Agile API exposes Sourcing Projects for simple data extraction and updating.
Consequently, the Agile API does not support the following functions:
■ Validation for items, commodities, or manufacturer parts.
■ Filter Sourcing Project tables
■ Modify the price scenario for Sourcing Projects (change quantity breaks and
effectivity periods)

Supported API Methods

The SDK supports the following API methods for Sourcing Projects. For information
on these interfaces, refer to the Javadoc generated HTML files that document the SDK
code. You can find them in the HTML folder in To access this file, see
the Note in "Client-Side Components" on page 1-2.
■ IAgileSession.createObject(Object, Object)
■ IAgileSession.createObject(int, Object)
■ IAgileSession.getObject(Object, Object)
■ IAgileSession.getObject(int, Object)
■ IProject.assignSupplier (Object partnerParams)
■ IProject.Costrollup()
■ IProject.lookupPrices()
■ IProject.rollupQuantity()
■ IProject.getName()
■ IProject.changeStatusToOpen()
■ IProject.changeStatusToClose()
■ IProject.getTable(Object)
■ IRow.getValue(Object)

21-8 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Sourcing Projects

■ IRow.setValue(Object, Object)
■ ITable.iterator()
■ ITable.getName()
■ ITable.getTableDescriptor()
■ ITable.size()
■ ITable.createRow(Object)

Note: The PCM SDK does not support the IRow.getReferent()


Loading an Existing Sourcing Project

To load existing Sourcing Projects, use the IAgileSession.getObject() method. To
uniquely identify the Sourcing Projects, specify the value for the Cover Page |
Number attribute.

Example 21–8 Loading Sourcing Project

public IProject getProject() throws APIException {
String prjnum = "PRJACME_110";
IProject prj = (IProject)m_session.getObject(IProject.OBJECT_TYPE, prjnum);
return prj;

Creating Sourcing Projects by Quantity Breaks

The generic IAgileSession method supports defining Sourcing Projects.
Creating Sourcing Projects requires specifying one of the following set of parameters:
■ Sourcing Project number and quantity breaks
■ Sourcing Project number, quantity breaks, and price period information

Note: Quantity breaks is a required parameter and is always

specified. The example below creates a Sourcing Project using the
quantity break parameter.

Example 21–9 Creating a Sourcing Project by quantity break

IAgileClass agClass =
HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFORMATION_NUMBER, number);
IProject prj = (IProject) m_session.createObject(agClass, map);

Caution: Do not pass numbers that are greater than two digits to the

Working with Product Cost Management 21-9

Working with Sourcing Projects

Creating Sourcing Projects by Quantity Breaks and Price Periods

Alternatively, you can create Sourcing Projects by specifying quantity breaks and price
period information such as the number of periods, period type, and start date.
Example below creates a Sourcing Project using these parameters.

Note: When you create a Sourcing Project with price period

information set to period type, you must specify the Period Type
attribute. The supported values are Monthly, Quarterly,
Semi-Annually, and Yearly. However, Period Type is not correctly
returned afterwards when you check the value of period type, for
example, by invoking getValue(ProjectConstants)ATT_GENERAL_
INFORMATION_PERIOD_TYPE). That is, instead of returning the value
that you set when creating the Sourcing Project, the future returned
value is always “Weekly.“This is not an error. It is normal SDK
behavior and the specified period type value is not altered, because it
is for internal use only.

Example 21–10 Creating a Sourcing Project by quantity breaks and price periods
IAgileClass agClass =
IAutoNumber number = agClass.getAutoNumberSources()[0];
HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFORMATION_NUMBER, number);
IAgileList list =
String TYPE = "Monthly";
list.setSelection(new Object[]{TYPE});
map.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFORMATION_PERIOD_TYPE, list);
(new GregorianCalendar()).getTime());
IProject prj =
(IProject) m_session.createObject(agClass, map);

Importing Data for Sourcing Projects

SDK exposes the following API to support importing Items into a Sourcing Project:
■ byte[] importDataForSourcingProject (String projectNumber,
■ byte[] srcFile, String srcFileType-
■ byte[] mappingFile,
■ byte[] transformFile, String[] operations, List options)throws

Example 21–11 Importing data into a Sourcing Project

String srcFilePath = ".//ImportSource//Assembly_BOM_AML_PC.xls";
String srcFileType = "ExcelFile";
String mappingPath = ".//ImportSource//Assembly_BOM_AML_PC.xml";
String transformPath = null; String[] operations = new String[] { "project.item",
"", "project.aml"};
List options = new ArrayList();

21-10 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Sourcing Projects

String _output = ".//Log//Ass_BOM_AML_PC_log.xml";options.add
FileOutputStream fop = new FileOutputStream(_output);
IImportManager imgr =
byte[] logData = null;

logData = imgr.importDataForSourcingProject(projectNumber,
stream2byte(new FileInputStream(srcFilePath)), srcFileType,
convertFiletoStream(transformPath), operations, options);

byte buf[] = new byte[1024 * 4];

int n = 0;
InputStream logStream = byte2stream(logData);
while ((n = != -1) {
fop.write(buf, 0, n);
System.out.println("Import Ass_BOM_AML with ParentChild
Template successfully, the log file is "+ _output );

Understanding Nested Tables of PCM Sourcing Projects

A nested table is a table within a table. They are used to accesses and modify data in
multi-level objects such as BOMs and Items with AMLs. The way the SDK fulfills this
function is to treat the cell values in a nested table as a table. For example, when the
SDK finds the next level in a cell in a BOM table, it treats and processes the cell as a
table. Nested tables are unique to the PCM SDK.

Sourcing Projects' Parent Table and Nested Child Table Constants

The list of parent Sourcing Projects table and the corresponding nested child table
constants appear in the Parent Sourcing Projects Table Constants and the
Corresponding Nested Sourcing Projects Tables.

Table 21–2 Parent Sourcing Projects Table Constants and Nested Child Table Constant
Parent Table Constant Nested Child Table Constant Read/Write Mode

Accessing and Modifying Nested Tables in Sourcing Projects or RFQs

The example below is a Read mode example that accesses a nested table. To
modify/update a nested table, see Example 21–41, "Nested RFQ table update"

Working with Product Cost Management 21-11

Working with Sourcing Projects

Note: The Money type attribute in nested PCM Pricing tables always
uses “USD” as the default currency unit. This applies even if the buyer
specifies a different currency unit. In this case, the “United State
Dollar” is the default and only supported currency.

Example 21–12 Accessing a nested table

IRow row = (IRow);
ITable nested_table =

Viewing Updates after Modifying a Nested Table

After modifying a nested table, it is necessary to reload the table as shown in the
previous example for changes to take effect, otherwise, the old data will reappear and
the new values are not displayed.

Accessing and Modifying the Status of Sourcing Project

Because Sourcing Projects do not have a Workflow connected to them, their status
change is controlled internally. They control their status with a set of methods. This is a
special case for some PCM objects such as Sourcing Projects and Requests for Quote.
This release supports changing the status of a Sourcing Project from Draft to Open and
Open to Close.
You can access the status of Sourcing Projects using the standard IDataObject method
for the lifecycle phase field on the Cover Page (Page 1). You can modify the status of
Sourcing Projects with IProject methods which enable you to open, modify, and close
a Sourcing Project. You must set the Ship to Location parameter in order to open a
Sourcing Project, as shown in the following example.

Example 21–13 Setting values for Sourcing Project's Cover Page and Open and then
Close the Project
// add Ship To //
String sj = "San Jose";
IAgileList ship2List =
ship2List.setSelection(new Object[]{sj});
// open Sourcing Project //
// close Sourcing Project //

21-12 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Sourcing Projects

Managing Data in Sourcing Projects

The following paragraphs provide descriptions and examples to prepare a Souring
Project to issue an RFQ. You can then use the SDK to complete the RFQ-related tasks.

Note: The Sourcing Project Start date that you specify is converted to
the GMT format for storage in the PLM database. Due to this
conversion, the date value returned by
is not guaranteed to be the same that the user may expect.

Setting Quantity for Items in Sourcing Projects

You can use the SDK to set the required quantity for the an Item object in a Sourcing
Project. The code sample below sets this value in the Item table, under the Items tab,
for a single price target. The end user can specify the target price using the displayed
name which is QuantityBreak2

Example 21–14 Setting quantity for Items

/ Setting Quantity for an Item //
ITable tab_item = dObj.getTable(ProjectConstants.TABLE_ITEM);
IRow row = (IRow) tab_item.iterator().next()
ITable priceTable =
row.getValue(ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEM_PRICE_TABLE); XXXXX
for (Iterator iterator =
priceTable.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Row row = (IRow);
String name = row.getName();
new Double(123));

Note: For items, quantity is only set at the root level. Thus, if an item
is not a root, the exception ExceptionConstants.PCM_PROJECT_ITEM_
IS_NOT_ROOT is thrown.

In addition, because priceTable is a nested table, you must reload the table to get the
updated value of Quantity. This is shown in the following example.

Example 21–15 Reloading a nested table to get an updated value

// Getting the updated value //
priceTable =
row.getValue(ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEM_PRICE_TABLE); XXXXX
for (Iterator iterator = priceTable.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
IRow iRow = (IRow);
String name = iRow.getName();
Object qty =

Working with Product Cost Management 21-13

Working with Sourcing Projects

Adding Items to Sourcing Projects Using BOM Filters

The PLM Web Client supports setting up BOM filters to selectively add Items to
Sourcing Projects. This filtering applies to all enabled attributes on the Cover page, P2,
and BOM tabs of the Item object and includes the Parts and Documents fields in the
Cover page. These attributes are enabled using the Java Client. For background
information and procedures on BOM filtering, refer to Agile PLM Product Cost
Management User Guide. To enable Item object attributes, refer to Agile PLM
Administrator Guide.
The SDK enables replicating this Web Client feature programmatically. SDK filter
operators that support this feature are implemented in the OperatorConstants class.
The following code samples show how BOM filters are applied to Item object's
numeric, multilist, money, and mass attributes. As indicated above, these attributes must
be enabled in the Java Client by an Admin user.

Example 21–16 Applying BOM filter operators located in the OperatorConstants class
IProject prj =
(IProject)m_session.getObject(IProject.OBJECT_TYPE, "PRJ00001");
IItem assembly =
(IItem)m_session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, "P00001");

//Applying BOM filter to numeric attributes

ProjectItemFilter itemfilter = new ProjectItemFilter();
OperatorConstants.RELOP_EQ, new Integer(10));
OperatorConstants.RELOP_GE, new Integer(100));
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEM_NUMBER, assembly);
params.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEM_FILTER, itemfilter);
ITable ITEM = prj.getTable(ProjectConstants.TABLE_ITEM);
IRow row = ITEM.createRow(params);

//Applying BOM filter to multilist attributes

throws APIException, RemoteException, Exception;
ProjectItemFilter itemfilter = new ProjectItemFilter();
IAttribute list03 =
IAgileList list3 = list03.getAvailableValues();
list3.setSelection(new Object[]{"Austria","India"});
OperatorConstants.RELOP_CONTAINS_ALL_VALUE, list3);
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEM_NUMBER, assembly);
params.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEM_FILTER, itemfilter);
ITable ITEM = prj.getTable(ProjectConstants.TABLE_ITEM);
IRow row = ITEM.createRow(params);

//Applying BOM filter to money attributes

Money mny = new Money(new Double(15.3), "USD");
ProjectItemFilter itemfilter = new ProjectItemFilter();
OperatorConstants.RELOP_EQ, mny);
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEM_NUMBER, assembly);
params.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEM_FILTER, itemfilter);
ITable ITEM = prj.getTable(ProjectConstants.TABLE_ITEM);

21-14 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Sourcing Projects

IRow row = ITEM.createRow(params);

//Applying BOM filter to mass attributes

IUnitOfMeasureManager uomm =(IUnitOfMeasureManager)m_
IUnitOfMeasure uom = uomm.createUOM(10.1,"Gram");
ProjectItemFilter itemfilter = newProjectItemFilter();
MASS,OperatorConstants.RELOP_NEQ, uom);
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEM_NUMBER, assembly);
params.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEM_FILTER, itemfilter);
ITable ITEM = prj.getTable(ProjectConstants.TABLE_ITEM);
IRow row = ITEM.createRow(params);

Updating the QPA Attribute on the Item Table of Sourcing Projects

SDK supports updating the Quantity per Assembly (QPA) attribute on the Item Table
of Open and Draft PCM Sourcing Projects. You can set the value of the QPA attributes
directly in the Sourcing Project, or by using the values from the Item Master file.
Although you can pass Sourcing Projects that their status is are neither Draft or Open,
but the Agile code will automatically determine whether to update, or not update the
QPA attribute

Example 21–17 Updating the QPA Attribute on the Item Table of Sourcing Projects
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {

IProject prj = (IProject)session.getObject(IProject.OBJECT_TYPE,"PRJ00011");

ITable items = prj.getTable(ProjectConstants.TABLE_ITEM);
Iterator iter = items.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()){
IRow itemRow = (IRow)
ITable bom = (ITable) itemRow.getValue(ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEM_BOM_TABLE);
Iterator bomIter = bom.iterator();
while (bomIter.hasNext()){
IRow bomRow = (IRow)

// This example sets the Sourcing Project's QPA attribute to 5.

bomRow.setValue(ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEM_QPA, 5);
}catch (Exception e) {
} finally {

Example 21–18 Updating Selected Attributes on Item Table of Sourcing Projects from
Item Master File
public static void updateContentFromItemMaster() throws Exception {
IProject prj =
(IProject)session.getObject(IProject.OBJECT_TYPE, "PRJ00011);
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(ProjectConstants.FLAG_CONTENT_UPDATE_MODE_OPTION_ALL, false);
params.put(ProjectConstants.FLAG_CONTENT_UPDATE_MAINTAIN_AML_CHANGES, false);

Working with Product Cost Management 21-15

Working with Sourcing Projects

List itemAttributes = new ArrayList();

// choose QPA attribute to update

List mfrPartAttributes = new ArrayList();
System.out.println("Updating Content from Item Master....");
System.out.println("Finish updating Content from Item Master....");

Updating PLM content from the Item Master

The following API supports updating PLM content including the Universal Unit of
Measure Attribute (UOM) from the Item master file:
void IProject.updateContentFromItemMaster (Object contentParams) throws
APIException, RemoteException, Exception

Example 21–19 Updating content from Item Master file

IProject prj =
(IProject)session.getObject(IProject.OBJECT_TYPE, "PRJ000XX");
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(ProjectConstants.FLAG_CONTENT_UPDATE_MODE_OPTION_ALL, false);
params.put(ProjectConstants.FLAG_CONTENT_UPDATE_MAINTAIN_AML_CHANGES, false);
List itemAttributes = new ArrayList();
itemAttributes.add(ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEMS_UOM); //'UOM' attribute

List mfrPartAttributes = new ArrayList();

21-16 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Sourcing Projects

Updating Selected Attributes on Item Table of Sourcing Projects from Item Master
Use public static void updateContentFromItemMaster API as shown in the following

Example 21–20 Updating Item Table of Sourcing Project’s attributes from Item Master
public static void updateContentFromItemMaster() throws Exception {
IProject prj = (IProject)session.getObject(IProject.OBJECT_TYPE, "PRJ00011");
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(ProjectConstants.FLAG_CONTENT_UPDATE_MODE_OPTION_ALL, false);
params.put(ProjectConstants.FLAG_CONTENT_UPDATE_MAINTAIN_AML_CHANGES, false);
List itemAttributes = new ArrayList();

// choose QPA attribute to update

params.put(ProjectConstants.FIELD_CONTENT_UPDATE_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES, itemAttributes);
List mfrPartAttributes = new ArrayList();
System.out.println("Updating Content from Item Master....");
System.out.println("Finish updating Content from Item Master....");

Performing Quantity Rollups in Sourcing Projects

Quantity rollups generate data related the quantity values for the selected Item in a
Sourcing Project. In the SDK, you can use the following API to invoke a Quantity
rollup in a Sourcing Project.
public void rollupQuantity() throws APIException, RemoteException,
This code sample uses rollupQuantity() to perform the Quantity rollup.

Example 21–21 Quantity Rollup

IProject prj =

Note: To get the updated value of Quantity, it is necessary to invoke

rollupQuantity() on the Sourcing Project similar to the example in
"Modifying Supplier Data" on page 21-7. This is necessary because
getValue() does not return the updated value of the affected item
after setting Quantity.

Working with Product Cost Management 21-17

Working with Sourcing Projects

Performing Cost Rollup in Sourcing Projects

Cost Rollup (Rollup cost) generates an Assembly Cost Report (ACR) based on
available prices. In this process, it picks up the lowest costs from filtered data,
performs Set as Best (on user defined or default parameters) and costed BOM rollup
(aggregation) to generate the ACR. In the UI, Rollup cost provides an intuitive
mechanism for non PCM users to cost a BOM without going through PCM steps.

Note: Cost Rollup runs on existing Sourcing Project prices. If Cost

Rollup needs to run on looked up prices, lookupPrices() must be
invoked prior to running costRollup(). If there are no assemblies in
the Sourcing Project, the ExceptionConstants.PCM_NO_ASSEMBLY_IN_
PROJECT is thrown.

The PCM SDK supports the Cost Rollup function with the following API.
public void costRollup()
throws APIException, RemoteException, Exception;

Example 21–22 Using costRollup

IProject prj =
(IProject) m_session.getObject(ProjectConstants.CLASS_SOURCING_PROJECT,

Note: If you need to run quantity rollup immediately after cost

rollup, be sure to provide some delay (For example as in
Thread.currentThread().sleep(10000);) to allow the results of the
cost rollup to be refreshed in the database.

Performing Price Lookup in Sourcing Projects

You can use the SDK to verify the existence of a price scenario for a specified period
and quantity in the Item Master. You can either use the price information of the Item,
or modify the price information and send the RFQ to suppliers for requote. This is
shown in the following code samples.
In Agile PCM, there are three types of price objects:
■ Contracts - Predefined agreements with suppliers for Item prices over a specified
time period
■ Published Prices - The Item price information that has been published from other
Sourcing Projects
■ Quote Histories - Quoted prices that were previously received for an Item
For information about price objects and price lookups in Sourcing Projects, refer to the
Agile PLM Product Cost Management User Guide.

21-18 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Sourcing Projects

Price Lookup API and Price Options

■ Supported API - The SDK supports price lookups with this IProject API:
public void lookupPrices(Object lookupParams)
throws APIException, RemoteException, Exception;
■ Price lookup options - This API performs price lookups from Price history and
price lookups from another Sourcing Project

Note: lookupPrices()looks for an Item or an MPN one object at a

time. To run lookup for multiple Items/MPNs, you must run the API
one Item or one MPN at a time.

The following examples show price lookups from the Sourcing Project History and
from another Sourcing Project. In addition, applicable parameters are grouped and
listed as those that are specific to the price lookup type and necessary in the price
lookup type.
This example shows a price lookup from Sourcing Project History and from another
Sourcing Projects. It provides a list of specific and required parameters for the two
price lookups.

Example 21–23 Price lookup from History and another Sourcing Projects
ArrayList priceTypes = new ArayList();

//supplier1, supplier2 are objects of ISupplier or String

ArrayList suppliers = new ArrayList();

//customer1, customer2 are objects of ICustomer or String

ArrayList customers = new ArrayList();

//program1, program2 are objects of IProgram or String

ArrayList programs = new ArrayList();

//program1, program2 are objects of IProgram or String

items[0] = "P00001";
String shipTo = "berlin";
HashMap itemMap = new HashMap();
// itemMap.put("IPN1", null) if no revision
// itemMap.put(item); //item is an object of IItem
HashMap mpnMap = new HashMap();
mpnMap.put(mfrPart); //mfrPart is and object of IManufacturerPart

IProject srcPrj = (IProject)

Working with Product Cost Management 21-19

Working with Sourcing Projects

m_session.getObject(ProjectConstants.CLASS_SOURCING_PROJECT, "PRJ_SRC");
Boolean isLookupFromPrice = new Boolean(false);
String priceScenario = null;
Map priceScenarios = new HashMap();

//if lookup from price history

priceScenario = "QuantityBreak1";

//if lookup from Sourcing Project

String destPricePoint1 = "QuantityBreak1";
String destPricePoint2 = "QuantityBreak2";
String srcPricePoint1 = "QuantityBreak1";
String srcPricePoint2 = "QuantityBreak2";
Boolean ignoreQtyRange = new Boolean(true);
Double qtyPercentRange = new Double(15);
Boolean ignoreDateRange = new Boolean(true);
Integer dateRange = new Integer(20);
HashMap map = new HashMap();

Parameters specific to price lookups from price history


21-20 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Sourcing Projects

Parameters specific to price lookups from Sourcing Projects


Note: The remaining parameters are common to both cases.

Required parameters for price lookups from price history

ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEMS_NUMBER or ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEMS_AML
LookupConstants.FIELD_DATE_RANGE if LookupConstants.FLAG_IGNORE_DATE_RANGE is
is 'false'

Setting the price lookup from Sourcing Projects

ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEMS_NUMBER or ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEMS_AML

Note: Parameters that are not required in one of the price lookups,
for example, History, may be optional in price lookup from another
Sourcing Project. Comparing the list of required parameters above, the
LookupConstants.FLAG_ALL_PRICE_SCENARIOS parameter is optional
when performing a price lookup from History. You can either omit the
optional parameters, or set them to null.

Setting the price lookup from History or Sourcing Projects

Set LookupConstants.FIELD_LOOKUP_TYPE for lookup from history or Sourcing Projects
as follows:
■ For lookup from price history - LookupConstants.OPTION_LOOKUP_FROM_PRICE
■ For lookup from an existing Sourcing Project - LookupConstants.OPTION_LOOKUP_

Settings for Quantity Breaks in price lookups

You can set quantity breaks in a price lookup by cost, date, or leadtime by setting
LookupConstants.FIELD_SELECT_RESPONSE_BY as follows:
■ For break tie by cost - LookupConstants.OPTION_LOWEST_PRICE
■ For break tie by date - LookupConstants.OPTION_MOST_RECENT_RESPONSE
■ For break tie by leadtime- LookupConstants.OPTION_SHORTEST_LEAD_TIME

Working with Product Cost Management 21-21

Working with Sourcing Projects

Impact of improper parameter settings

If the following parameters are not set, or are improperly set, APIs will take the
following actions:
■ LookupConstants.FIELD_LOOKUP_TYPE will default to LookupConstants.OPTION_
LOOKUP_FROM_PRICE which corresponds to the lookup from price history
■ LookupConstants.FLAG_IGNORE_QUANTITY or LookupConstants.FLAG_IGNORE_
DATE_RANGE will default to true.
■ LookupConstants.FIELD_SELECT_RESPONSE_BY will default to
LookupConstants.OPTION_LOWEST_PRICE which corresponds to the break tie by
■ LookupConstants.FLAG_IGNORE_ITEM_REVISION or LookupConstants.FLAG_
CONSIDER_BEST_PRICES will default to false
■ LookupConstants.LookupConstants.FLAG_ALL_PRICE_SCENARIOS if not set, will
default to true.
■ ExceptionConstants.APDM_ADMIN_MISSINGREQUIREDFIELD exception is thrown
when a required parameter is missing
■ ExceptionConstants.API_INVALID_PARAM exception is thrown when the datatype
or the value of a parameter is incorrectly set

Settings for RFQ lookup

The settings are similar to that of Sourcing Project lookups from price history.
Following is a sample code.
HashMap map = new HashMap();

Settings for RFQ lookup

The settings are similar to that of Sourcing Project lookups from price history.
Following is a sample code.
HashMap map = new HashMap();

21-22 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Sourcing Projects


Required parameters for an RFQ lookup

- ProjectConstants.ATT_ANALYSIS_SUPPLIER,suppliers
- ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEMS_NUMBER or ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEMS_AML
- LookupConstants.FIELD_QUANTITY_RANGE if
- LookupConstants.FLAG_IGNORE_QUANTITY is 'false'
- LookupConstants.FIELD_DATE_RANGE if
- LookupConstants.FLAG_IGNORE_DATE_RANGE is 'false'
- LookupConstants.FIELD_PRICE_SCENARIO if
- LookupConstants.FLAG_ALL_PRICE_SCENARIOS is 'false'

Note: If you do not set the value of LookupConstants.FLAG_

EXCLUDE_AUTH_SUPPLIER, it will default to false.

Generating the Assembly Cost Report for Sourcing Projects

The PLM Web Client supports generating the Assembly Cost Report to help
understand the total cost of a BOM, including the material and non-material costs. To
simplify this operation, the Web Client provides a wizard to locate and select the
required Sourcing Project, including the necessary parameters. See Understanding
Assembly Cost Report Parameters for a description of these parameters.
A sample report is shown in the following screen shot. Once the report is prepared, the
PLM user can invoke the Export command and send the data from the PLM to an
external device in a supported format, for example, to an Excel worksheet.

Figure 21–1 Sample Assembly Cost Report

Working with Product Cost Management 21-23

Working with Sourcing Projects

Agile SDK supports this Web Client feature by enhancing the

ProductReport.execute() API. The extent of the SDK operation does not include
invoking the Export command. The following is a code sample that uses the
ProductReport.execute() API and the required parameters to programmatically
generate this report.

Example 21–24 Generating Assembly Cost Reports

String[] items = new String[1];
String[] suppliers = new String[2];
suppliers[0] = "-101"; //to include data for best suppliers
suppliers[1] = "EMS1 COMPONENT SUPPLIER";
String[] priceScenarios = new String[1];
priceScenarios[0] = "QuantityBreak1";
Boolean doCostRollup = new Boolean(true);
HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put(ProductReportConstants.REPORTPARAM_REPORT_CATEGORY, "data");
map.put(ProductReportConstants.PROJECT_NUMBER, "PRJ00001");
map.put(ProductReportConstants.PROJECT_ITEMS, items);
map.put(ProductReportConstants.PROJECT_SUPPLIERS, suppliers);
map.put(ProductReportConstants.PROJECT_PRICEPOINTS, priceScenarios);
map.put(ProductReportConstants.PROJECT_DO_COST_ROLLUP, doCostRollup);
IProductReport report = (IProductReport)
m_session.createObject(IProductReport.OBJECT_TYPE, "My Reports");
String result =report.execute(map);
catch (Exception e){

Note: The returned value of the ProductReport.execute()API

represents either the XML data of the Assembly Cost Report or the
XML schema. To get the schema, you must set the values of the first
two parameters in the map where the value of the parameter

Understanding Assembly Cost Report Parameters

The Assembly Cost Report parameters supported by ProductReport.execute()are
defined as follows:
■ items - The array of top level assembly items: “<itemNumber>::<revNumber>“if
there is a revision, and “<itemNumber>“if there are no revisions.
■ suppliers - The array of supplier names along with the optional indicators for the
“Best of Suppliers": "-101“or the “Best Of Suppliers/Partners“
■ pricescenarios - The array of price scenarios names
■ doCostRollup - The flag to run the cost Rollup option for the report

21-24 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Sourcing Projects

If you want to generate a report for all assemblies, all suppliers/partners, or all price
scenarios without specifying their names, you must provide the following
corresponding parameters:
■ String[] items = new String[1];
items[0] = "all";
■ String[] suppliers = new String[2];
suppliers[0] = "101";
suppliers[1] = "all"
■ String[] priceScenarios = new String[0];
priceScenarios[0] = "all";

Modifying the Target Price for Items in Sourcing Projects

Target Price is the market cost per unit of the item or the manufacturer part. It is
specified when items are ordered. For each Item and for each Pricepoint, Target Price is
set in the Items table, under the AML tab. A Pricepoint is the Target price quoted for a
given quantity for an Item. For example, price quoted for X number of tires, which can
be different for Y number of the same tires.

Note: The Target price is always a positive number. Setting a

negative value for Target price will throw the
ExceptionConstants.PCM_NEGATIVE_TARGET_PRICE exception.

Target Price is set at the Item level only. You cannot set a Target Price the AML level.
The end user specifies a Pricepoint using the name displayed for the Pricepoint. In the
following example, QuantityBreak2 is the Pricepoint.

Example 21–25 Setting the Target price in Sourcing Projects

ITable tab_item = dObj.getTable(ProjectConstants.TABLE_ITEMS);
IRow row = (IRow) tab_item.iterator().next();
ITable priceTable = row.getValue(ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEMS_PRICING);
for (Iterator iterator = priceTable.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
IRow row = (IRow);
String name = row.getName();
new Money(new Double(1.23), "USD") );

Because priceTable is a nested table, you must reload this table to get the updated
value of the Target price as shown in the following example. This is similar to the
example in "Setting Quantity for Items in Sourcing Projects" on page 21-13.

Example 21–26 Reloading the priceTable to get the updated value of the target price
priceTable = row.getValue(ProjectConstants. ATT_ITEMS_PRICING);
for (Iterator iterator = priceTable.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
IRow iRow = (IRow);
String name = iRow.getName();
Object qty = row.getValue(ProjectConstants.ATT_PRICEDETAILS_TARGET_COST));

Working with Product Cost Management 21-25

Working with Sourcing Projects

Setting the Best Response for Items in Sourcing Projects

The Best Response is set in the Analysis table under the Analysis tab for both the Item
and Manufacturer Part number objects. The end user specifies three of these
parameters: Lowest Cost, Lowest Cost Within Lead Time Constraint, Shortest Lead
Time, Supplier Rating, and AML Preferred status. For more information, refer to Agile
Product Lifecycle Management - Product Cost Management Supplier Guide.
You can use the SDK to find the best response for an Item Part Number (IPN), a
Manufacturer Part Number (MPN), and for an IPN and an MPN as shown in the
following code samples.

Example 21–27 Setting the Best Response for an IPN

ITable table_analysis = prj.getTable(ProjectConstants.TABLE_ANALYSIS);
Iterator it = table_analysis.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
IRow row = (IRow);
String itemName = row.getValue(ProjectConstants.ATT_ANALYSIS_NUMBER);
String suppName = row.getValue(ProjectConstants.ATT_ANALYSIS_SUPPLIER);
if (itemName.equals("IPN1") && suppName.equals("suppName1 (suppNumber1)")) {
row.setValue(ProjectConstants.ATT_ANALYSIS_BEST_RESPONSE, "Yes");

Example 21–28 Setting the Best Response for an MPN

ITable table_aml =
(ITable) row.getValue(ProjectConstants.ATT_ANALYSIS_AML);
Iterator _it = table_aml.iterator();
String itemName = row.getValue(ProjectConstants.ATT_ANALYSIS_NUMBER);
String suppName = row.getValue(ProjectConstants.ATT_ANALYSIS_SUPPLIER);
String mfrName = row.getValue(ProjectConstants. ATT_ANALYSIS_MANUFACTURER);
if (itemName.equals("MPN1") && suppName.equals("suppName1
(suppNumber1)" && mfrName.equals("MFR1"))) {
row.setValue(ProjectConstants.ATT_ANALYSIS_BEST_RESPONSE, "Yes");

Note: Because you can only set the Best Response to Yes, if you pass
any value other than Yes, the ExceptionConstants.API_INVALID_
PARAM exception is thrown.

Example 21–29 Getting the Best Response for an IPN and an MPN
String bResp =

Setting Partners in Sourcing Projects

Partners can view complete Sourcing Project BOMs in RFQs. You can assign partners
to an item in the Sourcing Project when you add the item to the RFQ that will be sent
to the partners. If multiple partners are selected, you can split the quantity among the
partners by specifying what percentage of an item you want to receive from each
supplier. For example, if two partners supply the same item, you can add both
partners to the list and then assign a certain percentage to each, for example, 50%-50%,
or 60%-40%, and so on.

21-26 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Sourcing Projects

In the SDK, the following API is used to set partners for an item in a Sourcing Project
and split the percentage among the partners.
The behavior of this API and its use cases are similar to those of
IRequestForQuote.assignSupplier(). However, when you add new partners for an
item with this API, you will override the existing ones. Thus, to avoid removing
existing partners, it is necessary to once again add the existing partners and set the
split (Percentage for each) level for each one. This only occurs in the SDK, the GUI
does not require adding the existing partners when you add new partners. You cannot
remove a partner for an item, but assigning a split = 0, (Percentage of
ownership/participation) will remove the partner. For more information on the GUI
behavior, refer to the latest release of Agile Product Lifecycle Management - Product Cost
Management Supplier Guide.
The following code sample sets partners and splits the percentages among the
assigned partners.

Example 21–30 Setting partners and splitting percentages among partners

HashMap map = new HashMap();
HashMap supplierSplit = new HashMap();
HashMap partnerMap = new HashMap();
map.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEM_NUMBER, item);
Double split1 =
new Double(55);
Double split2 =
new Double(75);
supplierSplit.put(supplier1, split1);
supplierSplit.put(supplier2, split2);
partnerMap.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_PARTNERS_PARTNER, supplierSplit);
map.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEM_PARTNER_TABLE, partnerMap);

An item or supplier can be an IItem object, a ISupplier object, or a String object.

Partners can be assigned to any Item Part Number (IPN), but not a Manufacturer
Part Number (MPN). If the item is not in the Sourcing Project, the
ExceptionConstants.PCM_ERROR_INVALID_PROJECT_ITEM is thrown.
Split percentages can be any object representing a number. If it is not a number, the
ExceptionConstants.API_INVALID_PARAM exception is thrown.
To get data about a given partner, you can use the Items or AML tabs as shown below.

Example 21–31 Getting partner data using Item or AML

ITable tab_item =
IRow row = (IRow) tab_item.iterator().next();
ITable partnerTable =
(ITable) row.getValue(ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEMS_PARTNERS);


ITable tab_item =
IRow row =
(IRow) tab_item.iterator().next();
ITable partnerTable =
(ITable) row.getValue(ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEM_PARTNER_TABLE);
for (Iterator iterator =

Working with Product Cost Management 21-27

Working with Sourcing Projects

partnerTable.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
IRow iRow =
String partner =
String split =

Managing Sourcing Project Attachments for Items and AMLs

The following paragraphs provide descriptions and examples to perform the following
■ Loading Items and AMLs on Sourcing Projects attachments tables
■ Adding Items on Sourcing Project attachment tables
■ Removing Items on Sourcing Project attachment tables

Adding Sourcing Project Attachments by File Type

These examples demonstrate adding attachments by specifying the supported file

Example 21–32 Adding string file attachments


Example 21–33 Adding MAP file attachments

Map map = new HashMap();
map.put(FileFolderConstants.ATT_FILES_FILE_NAME, "test2.txt");
IRow row2 = attachments.createRow(map);

Example 21–34 Adding new attachment files

IRow row3 = attachments.createRow(new File("D:\\test3.txt"));

Example 21–35 Adding URL attachments

IRow row4 = attachments.createRow("");

Deleting Sourcing Project Table Rows for Items

The following APIs support deleting a single or a collection of rows in Sourcing Project
Attachment tables:
■ Deleting a single Table row – ITable.removeRow(IRow row)
■ Deleting all Table rows – ITable.clear ()
Deleting multiple Table rows – ITable.removeAll (ListRow row)

Example 21–36 Removing Rows in Sourcing Project Attachment tables

// Remove attachment by IRow

21-28 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Sourcing Projects

Importing Data into Sourcing Projects

Agile exposes the following APIs to support deleting different combinations of Table
rows for Items and AML tabs of a Sourcing Project:
String srcFilePath = ".//ImportSource//9312HF54//Assembly_BOM_AML_PC.xls";
String srcFileType = "ExcelFile";
String mappingPath = ".//ImportSource//9312HF54//Assembly_BOM_AML_PC.xml";
String transformPath = null
String[] operations = new String[] { "project.item", "","project.aml"};
List options = new ArrayList();
String _output = ".//Log//9312HF54//Ass_BOM_AML_PC_log.xml";
FileOutputStream fop = new FileOutputStream(_output);
IImportManager imgr = (IImportManager)session.getManager(IImportManager.class);
byte[] logData = null;
logData = imgr.importDataForSourcingProject(projectNumber,
stream2byte(new FileInputStream(srcFilePath)), srcFileType,
convertFiletoStream(transformPath), operations, byte buf[] = new byte[1024 * 4];
int n = 0;
InputStream logStream = byte2stream(logData);
while ((n = != -1) {
fop.write(buf, 0, n);
System.out.println("Import Ass_BOM_AML with ParentChild Template successfully,
the log file is "+ _output );

Importing Data for Sourcing Projects

The SDK exposes the importDataForSourcingProject API to enable this feature.

Example 21–37 Importing data for a Souring Project

importDataForSourcingProject (String projectNumber, byte[] srcFile, String
srcFileType, byte[] mappingFile, byte[] transformFile, String[] operations, List
options) throws APIException

Validating Items on the AML Tab of Sourcing Projects

The following API supports validating Items, Manufacturer sand Manufacturer parts
on the AML tab of a Sourcing Project:
void IProject.validateItems (List itemRows, List amlRows) throws APIException,
RemoteException, Exception

Example 21–38 Validating Items on AML tab of a Sourcing Project

IProject prj = (IProject)session.getObject(IProject.OBJECT_TYPE, "PRJ000XX");
ITable prjTableAML = prj.getTable(ProjectConstants.TABLE_AML);
Iterator itr = prjTableAML.iterator();
List itemRows = new ArrayList();
List amlRows = new ArrayList();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
IRow row = (IRow);

Working with Product Cost Management 21-29

Working with Sourcing Projects

ITable tableAML = (ITable)row.getValue(ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEMS_AML);
Iterator itrAML = tableAML.getTableIterator();
while (itrAML.hasNext()) {
IRow amlRow = (IRow);
prj.validateItems(itemRows, amlRows);

Working with RFQs

Requests for Quotes (RFQs) allow users to request pricing information from suppliers.
RFQs serve as the instrument to negotiate pricing and terms for items or manufacturer
parts. RFQs are defined for Sourcing Projects. Thus, to define an RFQ, you must first
create the Sourcing Project and then create the required RFQs for that Sourcing Project.
A single Sourcing Project can generate several RFQs. RFQs support a one-to-many
relationship with suppliers. That is, one RFQ may generate several responses from
The Agile API supports the following RFQ-related tasks.
■ Create an RFQ for Sourcing a Project
■ Load and modify RFQ objects, tables, and attributes
■ Access and modify the Page 1, Page 2, and RFQ Response tables
■ Add items to the RFQ Response table from the RFQ's Sourcing Project
■ Read and update the nested tables in the Page 1, Page 2, and RFQ Response table
■ Assign suppliers to items or manufacturer parts in the RFQ Response table
For a list of API methods that support these RFQ functions, see "Supported API
Methods" on page 21-8.

Note: The PCM SDK RFQ objects do not have a Page three, and no
Page three RFQ constant is supported. Do not invoke these constants
because the RFQ will not produce the expected result.

Supported API Methods

The SDK supports the following APIs for RFQs. For information on these interfaces,
refer to the Javadoc generated HTML files that document the SDK code. You can find
them in the HTML folder in SDK samples (ZIP file). To access this file, see the
"Client-Side Components" on page 1-2.
- IAgileSession.createObject(Object, Object)
- IAgileSession.createObject(int, Object)
- IAgileSession.getObject(Object, Object)
- IAgileSession.getObject(int, Object)
- IRequestForQuote.getName()
- IRequestForQuote.assignSupplier(Object)
- IRequestForQuote.getTable(Object)
- IRequestForQuote.lookupPrices(Object)
- ITable.iterator()
- ITable.getTableDescriptor()

21-30 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Sourcing Projects

- ITable.size()
- ITable.createRow(Object)
- IRow.getValue(Object)
- IRow.setValue(Object, Object)

Creating RFQs for Sourcing Projects

RFQs are defined for a specific Sourcing Project. Creating an RFQ uses the generic
IAgileSession method. You can use IDataObject with standard calls such as
getObject, getTable, getValue, setValue to access and modify objects, tables, and
attributes as follows:
■ Read Page 1 or Cover Page and Page 2 tables
■ Update Page 1 or Cover Page and Page 2 table
To create an RFQ, you must open the Sourcing Project. However, to open the Sourcing
Project, it is necessary to first set the ship to location. See the code example in
"Accessing and Modifying the Status of Sourcing Project" on page 21-12.
You cannot create an RFQ by specifying the Sourcing Project number only. You must
also specify the related Sourcing Project as this is a required parameter. This is shown
in the example below.

Example 21–39 Creating an RFQ for a Sourcing Project

IProject pnumber =
(IProject)session.getObject(IProject.OBJECT_TYPE, "Taurus Analysis Project");
IAgileClass rfqClass =
IAutoNumber rfqNumber =
map = new HashMap();
map.put(RequestForQuoteConstants.ATT_COVERPAGE_RFQ_NUMBER, rfqNumber);
map.put(RequestForQuoteConstants.ATT_COVERPAGE_PROJECT_NUMBER, pnumber);
IRequestForQuote rfq =
(IRequestForQuote) m_session.createObject(rfqClass, map);

Loading RFQs from Sourcing Project's RFQ Table

In addition to loading an RFQ using IAgileSession.getObject(), you can also select an
RFQ from the RFQ table of the Sourcing Project of the Sourcing Project object.

Example 21–40 Loading an RFQ from the Sourcing Project RFQ table
ITable table = prj.getTable(ProjectConstants.TABLE_RFQS);
Iterator it = table.iterator();
IRow row1 = (IRow);
IDataObject obj1 = (IDataObject)

Note: The getReferent() method does not support the PCM SDK,
including the RFQ tables. A list of supported RFQ tables appears in
the table below.

Working with Product Cost Management 21-31

Working with Sourcing Projects

Supported RFQ Tables

Supported RFQ tables and their respective constants are listed in " Supported RFQ
tables and respective constants".

Table 21–3 Supported RFQ tables and respective constants

Table Constant Read/Write Mode
Cover Page TABLE_COVERPAGE Read/Write
Page Two TABLE_PAGETWO Read/Write
Responses TABLE_RESPONSES Read/Write

Note: The Agile API does not support adding new rows to RFQ
tables. However, you can add new rows to the RFQ response table.

Accessing and Modifying RFQ Objects, Tables, Nested Tables, and Attributes
You can access RFQ objects, tables, and attributes using the generic IAgileSession
and IDataObject methods and standard calls such as getObject, getValue,
setValue. Information about these classes, tables, and attributes is provided in the file in the API HTML reference
files. To access these files, see "Client-Side Components" on page 1-2.

RFQ Parent Table and Nested Child Table Constants

The list of parent RFQ table and the corresponding nested child table constants
appears in the table below.

Table 21–4 RFQ Parent Table and Nested Child Table Constants
Parent Table Constant Nested Child Table Constant Read/Write Mode

Similar to Sourcing Projects, nested RFQ tables are accessed by treating their cell value
as a table. See "Understanding Nested Tables of PCM Sourcing Projects" on page 21-11.
The following example updates a nested table.

Note: Do not use Project.ATT_RFQ_RFQ_STATE to get the status of an

RFQ, because it is not exposed to the SDK and will not render the
correct value of the RFQ row. To get the status of an RFQ, you must
first load the RFQ, and then get the status from the RFQ itself.

Example 21–41 Nested RFQ table update

ITable subtab1 =
IRow pricing1 =
Integer nest =
Object nre =
Money tc =

21-32 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Sourcing Projects

new Money(new Integer(100), “USD”);

pricing1.setValue(nest, (Object)tc);

Note: You must assign the supplier before updating an RFQ

response table entry.

Performing Price Lookup in RFQs

Similar to Performing Price Lookup in a Sourcing Project, you can verify the existence
of a price scenario for a specified period and quantity for RFQs. If they exist, you do
not have to create an RFQ for the specified item. You can either use the price
information of the item, or you can modify the price information and send the RFQ to
suppliers for requote. This is shown in the following code sample.

Example 21–42 Price lookup from history and from another Sourcing Project
HashMap map = new HashMap();

Example 21–43 Using the required parameters to perform RFQ price lookups
ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEMS_NUMBER or ProjectConstants.ATT_ITEMS_AML
if LookupConstants.FLAG_IGNORE_QUANTITY is ‘false’
if LookupConstants.FLAG_IGNORE_DATE_RANGE is ‘false’
if LookupConstants.FLAG_ALL_PRICE_SCENARIOS is ‘false’

Working with Product Cost Management 21-33

Working with Sourcing Projects

Working with RFQ Responses

The PCM SDK supports the following operations for RFQ responses, nested table of
items responses, and Child AML responses:
■ Read RFQ tables with different views (price scenarios, currency modes)
This is supported through generic SDK API.
■ Add items to RFQs
■ Add Response lines (Assign Suppliers)
PCM RFQ provides the following method for assigning suppliers to items or
manufacturer parts.
public void assignSupplier(Object supplierParams)
throws APIException, RemoteException, Exception;

You can assign supplier data such as Manufacturer Part Number (mpn) or supplier
name as a String or an Object to the RFQ response shown in the following example.

Example 21–44 Adding supplier data as String constants

IRequestForQuote dObj =(IRequestForQuote)
m_session.getObject(RequestForQuoteConstants.CLASS_RFQ, number);
ITable tab =
Map mp =
new HashMap();
mp.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_RESPONSES_NUMBER, “P00007”);

You can also add an item as an IItem object as shown below.

Example 21–45 Adding supplier data as Objects

mp.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_RESPONSES_NUMBER, itemObject);

If you are assigning a supplier to an mpn, you must specify the mpn as an
IManufacturerPart Object, or as a pair of Objects. One for the mpn name and one for
mfr name.
mp.put(RequestForQuoteConstants.ATT_RESPONSES_NUMBER, mpnObject);

mp.put(RequestForQuoteConstants.ATT_RESPONSES_NUMBER, mpnName);
mp.put(RequestForQuoteConstants.ATT_RESPONSES_MANUFACTURER, mfrName);

Caution: When you invokeRequestForQuote.TABLE_RESPONSE to

assign suppliers to item components, the table size may change if
there is more than one supplier for that item component. That is, if an
item has a single supplier, each item and the corresponding supplier
will occupy their own distinct separate rows in the TABLE_RESPONSE
table. However, if the item has more than one supplier, then the row
for this item component is split into the number of suppliers, thus
changing TABLE_RESPONSE by increasing the number of rows in the
table. It is therefore necessary to immediately reload the ITERATOR to
reflect the change in TABLE_RESPONSE table. This is not an SDK defect
and is due to SUN J2SE ITERATOR behavior.

21-34 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Sourcing Projects

■ Update Response Lines

The PCM SDK supports the RFQ response table through generic SDK API. It does not
support the RFQ Response Class or Supplier Response.

Note: The response currency in the RFQ response line is determined

by the response currency attribute. This causes the server to ignore the
currency parameter in the material price. Buyers can modify the
response currency in the response line and it will be applied to all
pricing attributes in the response line. The supplier RFQ response
currency is set to your RFQ currency preference and cannot be
modified in the supplier responses. Once the response line is opened
to suppliers, the response line must be locked before buyers can
modify them.

Locking and Unlocking RFQ Responses

The following APIs support these two functions:
■ void IRequestForQuote.lockresponses (List rows, boolean background)
throws APIException, RemoteException, Exception
■ void IRequestForQuote.unlockresponses (List rows) throws APIException,
RemoteException, Exception

Example 21–46 Locking and unlocking RFQ responses

ITable response = rfq.getTable(RequestForQuoteConstants.TABLE_RESPONSES);
ArrayList <IRow> respRow = new ArrayList<IRow>();
Iterator it = response.iterator();
IRow row = (IRow);

//lock the response rows


//unlock the response rows


Editing RFQ Responses Submitted by Suppliers

The submitAll() API implemented on the ISupplierResponse API enables suppliers
to submit their RFQ responses. In addition, a PCM server API enables editing the
response and prices tables in the supplier’s response.
These APIs support the following functions:
■ Editing response tables
■ Editing price tables
■ Submitting the edited data in response and price tables

Working with Product Cost Management 21-35

Working with Sourcing Projects

Example 21–47 Editing response tables

//Editing of Item/AML rows for Response table data
Map responseMap = new HashMap();

//Bid Decision
responseMap.put(SupplierResponseConstants.ATT_RESPONSES_BID_DECISION, "Bid");

//Currency -read only from Supplier Response

responseMap.put(SupplierResponseConstants.ATT_RESPONSES_CURRENCY, "FRF");

responseMap.put(SupplierResponseConstants.ATT_RESPONSES_LEADTIME, new Integer(3));

//Inventory Available
responseMap.put(SupplierResponseConstants.ATT_RESPONSES_INVENTORY_AVAILABLE, new

responseMap.put(SupplierResponseConstants.ATT_RESPONSES_MIN, 1);

responseMap.put(SupplierResponseConstants.ATT_RESPONSES_MULT, 10);

//Transportation Terms
responseMap.put(SupplierResponseConstants.ATT_RESPONSES_TRANSPORTATION_TERMS, "EXW

//Country of Origin

//EOL Date
responseMap.put(SupplierResponseConstants.ATT_RESPONSES_EOL_DATE, eolDate);

responseMap.put(SupplierResponseConstants.ATT_RESPONSES_NCNR, "Yes");

//Valid From
responseMap.put(SupplierResponseConstants.ATT_RESPONSES_VALID_FROM, validFrom);

//Valid until - is required only for Quantity Break type project.

// Not valid for price period project
responseMap.put(SupplierResponseConstants.ATT_RESPONSES_VALID_UNTIL, validUntil);

//resp Money 1
responseMap.put(SupplierResponseConstants.ATT_RESPONSES_RESP_MONEY_1, new
Money(value, "INR"));

//resp Date 1
SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");

//resp Text 1
responseMap.put(SupplierResponseConstants.ATT_RESPONSES_RESP_TEXT_1, new
String("EMS1 Supplier Edited from SDK - Text1"));

21-36 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Sourcing Projects

//resp Number1
responseMap.put(SupplierResponseConstants.ATT_RESPONSES_RESP_NUMBER_1, 11);

//resp list 1
responseMap.put(SupplierResponseConstants.ATT_RESPONSES_RESP_LIST_1, "USD");

//resp MultiText 1
responseMap.put(SupplierResponseConstants.ATT_RESPONSES_RESP_MULTITEXT_1, new
String("EMS1 Supplier Edited from SDK - MultiText1"));

//resp MultiList 1
responseMap.put(SupplierResponseConstants.ATT_RESPONSES_RESP_MULTILIST_1, "USD");
ISupplierResponse rfq =
(ISupplierResponse)agileSession.getObject(ISupplierResponse.OBJECT_TYPE, params);
ITable tableResp = rfq.getTable(SupplierResponseConstants.TABLE_RESPONSES);
for (Iterator rowIter = tableResp.iterator(); rowIter.hasNext(); ) {
IRow rowResp = (IRow);

//Editing Item/AML rows for Price table data

Map responsePriceMap = new HashMap();
responsePriceMap.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_PRICEDETAILS_MATERIAL_PRICE, new
Money(new Double(227.50), "USD"));
responsePriceMap.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_PRICEDETAILS_NRE, new Money(new
Double(0.85), "USD"));

// Non Material prices for assembly

responsePriceMap.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_PRICEDETAILS_NONMATERIAL_PRICE_1, new
Money(new Double(33.5), "USD"));
responsePriceMap.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_PRICEDETAILS_NONMATERIAL_PRICE_25, new
Money(new Double(1.55), "INR"));
responsePriceMap.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_PRICEDETAILS_MATERIAL_PRICE_ADDER_6, new
Money(new Double(10.50), "USD"));
responsePriceMap.put(ProjectConstants.ATT_PRICEDETAILS_MATERIAL_PRICE_ADDER_7, new
Money(new Double(222.50), "INR"));

ISupplierResponse rfq =
(ISupplierResponse)agileSession.getObject(ISupplierResponse.OBJECT_TYPE, params);
ITable tableResp =
for (Iterator rowIter = tableResp.iterator(); rowIter.hasNext(); ) {
IRow rowResp =
ITable pricing_table =
Iterator priceIter = pricing_table.iterator();
while (priceIter.hasNext()) {
IRow priceRow =

Working with Product Cost Management 21-37

Working with Sourcing Projects

//New API for Submit All action from ISupplierResponse

ISupplierResponse rfqResponse =
(ISupplierResponse)agileSession.getObject(ISupplierResponse.OBJECT_TYPE, params);

21-38 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Performing Administrative Tasks

This chapter includes the following:

■ About PLM Administration Tasks
■ Privileges Required to Administer Agile PLM
■ Administrative Interfaces
■ Getting an IAdmin Instance
■ Working with Nodes
■ Managing Agile PLM Classes
■ Working with Attributes
■ Working with Properties of Administrative Nodes
■ Managing Users
■ Managing User Group

About PLM Administration

The Agile API provides read/write access to all nodes of Agile PLM's administrative
functionality. This means you can create Agile API programs that let users read and
modify Agile PLM subclasses, and add, modify, or delete Agile PLM users. The Agile
API does not allow you to create new nodes in the administrative tree structure.
Therefore, you can't create workflows, criteria, and roles. However, you can create
users and user groups because those objects have been implemented as data objects;
IUser and IUserGroup both extend IDataObject.

About Agile Java Client

Agile Java Client provides administrative functionality that enables users with
Administrative privileges to manage the Agile Application Server. It enables these
users to quickly and easily configure the Agile PLM system to support the way they
use the system. They can customize the Agile PLM system in several ways:
■ Modify Agile PLM database properties
■ Define object classes and subclasses
■ Set preferences
■ Create and configure user accounts
■ Define user groups

Performing Administrative Tasks 22-1

Privileges Required to Administer Agile PLM

■ Define roles and privileges

■ Define SmartRules, which set how you manage your change control process

Privileges Required to Administer Agile PLM

Before you can administer the Agile Application Server, you must have proper
privileges. For access to administrative functionality, you should have the
Administrator privilege. The Administrator role grants the Administrator privilege to
all administrative functionality available on the server. The User Administrator role
grants the Administrator privilege for functionality related to users and user groups.
Without the Administrator privilege, you cannot modify administrative nodes, users,
and user groups. If you have not yet been granted Administrator rights to the Agile
PLM system, contact the Agile PLM administrator.
To create users and user groups, you need the Create privilege for those objects.
Several roles supplied with the Agile PLM system, such as the Administrator, User
Administrator, and Change Analyst roles, include the Create privilege for users and
user groups.

Administrative Interfaces
The following table lists interfaces related to Agile PLM's administrative functionality.

Table 22–1 Agile PLM's administrative interfaces

Interface Description
IAdmin Interface that lets you get Agile PLM classes, nodes, users, or user groups
IAgileClass Class definition used to identify the category to which an object belongs
IAgileList A general-purpose list interface for all SingleList or MultiList attributes and
IAttribute Provides detailed information about a particular data member in an object
IAutoNumber An AutoNumber source, which is a predefined, consecutive number series
used to automatically number Agile PLM objects
ICriteria A reusable set of search criteria used primarily for queries and Workflows
INode A node in the administrative hierarchy. Each node is equivalent to an
Admin node in the Agile Java Client
IProperty A property of an Agile PLM administrative node
IRoutableDesc Metadata that describes any object that implements the IRoutable interface,
you can use IRoutableDesc to get the workflows for a class without
instantiating an object of that class
ITableDesc Metadata that describes an Agile PLM table, you can use ITableDesc to get
table attributes without loading a table
ITreeNode A generic node in a hierarchical tree structure. Several administrative
interfaces, such as INode and IFolder, are subinterfaces of ITreeNode and
therefore inherit its functionality. (There is a deprecated ITree interface that
provides similar functionality to ITreeNode, but be sure to use ITreeNode.)
IUser An Agile PLM user
IUserGroup A user group. Use user groups to define project teams, site-related groups,
departments, or global groups
IWorkflow A Workflow node

22-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Nodes

Getting an IAdmin Instance

The IAdmin interface provides access to most administrative functionality for the Agile
Application Server. To use the ITreeNode interface, you first get an instance of ITreeNode
from the current session. The following example shows how to log in to the Agile
Application Server and get an ITreeNode instance.

Example 22–1 Getting an instance of IAdmin

public IAgileSession m_session;
public IAdmin m_admin;
public AgileSessionFactory m_factory;

try {
HashMap params =
new HashMap();
params.put(AgileSessionFactory.USERNAME, "jdassin");
params.put(AgileSessionFactory.PASSWORD, "agile");
m_factory =
m_session = m_factory.createSession(params);
m_admin = m_session.getAdminInstance();
} catch (APIException ex) {

Once you have an instance of IAdmin, you can:

■ Traverse the server nodes
■ Traverse the folder hierarchy
■ Get Agile PLM classes and subclasses

Working with Nodes

The INode object represents a single node or object within Agile PLM's administrative
tree. Similar to the Windows Explorer interface, each INode can be expanded to show
child nodes. This simple hierarchy lets you navigate the administrative tree structure
on the Agile Application Server. Examples of nodes are the root node (also called the
Database node), Classes, Preferences, Roles, Privileges, and Smart Rules.
This table shows the mapping of Agile Java Client nodes to Agile API administrative

Agile Java Client node Agile API equivalent

Data Settings
Classes NodeConstants.NODE_AGILE_CLASSES
Character Sets NodeConstants.NODE_CHARACTER_SETS
Lists Not supported
Process Extensions Not supported
AutoNumbers NodeConstants.NODE_AUTONUMBERS
Criteria NodeConstants.NODE_CRITERIA_LIBRARY
Workflow Settings
Workflows NodeConstants.NODE_AGILE_WORKFLOWS

Performing Administrative Tasks 22-3

Working with Nodes

Agile Java Client node Agile API equivalent

User Settings
Account Policy Not supported
Users Create a query of users
User Groups Create a query of user groups
Supplier Groups Not supported
Roles NodeConstants.NODE_ROLES
Privileges NodeConstants.NODE_PRIVILEGES
User Monitor Not supported
Deleted Users Not supported
Deleted User Groups Not supported
System Settings
Smart Rules NodeConstants.NODE_SMARTRULES
Viewer & Files NodeConstants.NODE_VIEWER_AND_FILES
Full Text Search Not supported
UOM Not supported
Company Profile Not supported
Currency Exchange Rates IAdmin.getConversionRates()
Commodities Not supported
Product Cost Management
Ship To Locations Not supported
Project Portfolio Management
Projects Health Not supported
Cost Status Not supported
Quality Status Not supported
Resource Status Not supported
Dashboard Management Not supported
Default Role Not supported
Agile Content Service
Subscribers NodeConstants.NODE_SUBSCRIBERS
Destinations NodeConstants.NODE_DESTINATIONS
Events NodeConstants.NODE_EVENTS
Filters NodeConstants.NODE_FILTERS
Package Services Not supported
Response Services Not supported
Product Governance & Compliance
Sign Off Message Not supported
Server Settings

22-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Nodes

Agile Java Client node Agile API equivalent

Locations NodeConstants.NODE_SERVER_LOCATION
Database NodeConstants.ROOT
Preferences NodeConstants.NODE_PREFERENCES
Licenses NodeConstants.NODE_SERVER_LICENSES
Task Monitor Not supported
Task Configuration Not supported
Example Roles Not supported
Example Privileges Not supported
Example Criteria Not supported

Agile Web Client allows you to view and edit system and user settings by choosing
Admin and Settings from the menu, respectively. The following table identifies how
Agile Web Client administrative functionality maps to the Agile API.

Agile Web Client Node Agile API equivalent

Tools > My Settings
User Profile User.General Info page
Change Password IUser.changeLoginPassword() and
Transfer Authority Not supported
Organize Bookmarks My Inbox folder
Organize Searches Searches folder
Organize Reports Not supported
Personal Groups My Inbox folder
Deleted Personal Groups Not supported
Personal Criteria Not supported
Personal Supplier Groups Not supported
Tools > Administration > Web Client Settings
Themes Not supported
Tools > Administrator > User Settings
Users Create a query of users
User Groups Create a query of user groups
Supplier Groups Not supported
Deleted Users Not supported
Deleted User Groups Not supported
Dashboard Configuration Not supported

Performing Administrative Tasks 22-5

Working with Nodes

Admin nodes in Agile PLM Clients do not have names that match up identically to
their respective NodeConstants. For example, the Notifications node in Agile Java
Client is equivalent to NodeConstants.NODE_NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATES. Similarly, the
hierarchy of nodes that are represented in the Agile PLM database does not exactly
match Agile Java Client node hierarchy.
If your Agile API program provides a tree view of the Agile PLM administrative
nodes, you can use the view to interactively retrieve INode objects. From each INode
object you can get the child nodes. If you continue to traverse the administrative node
hierarchy, you can reach all node levels.
The following example shows how to retrieve the root node and its children, thus
displaying the top-level nodes on the Agile Application Server.

Example 22–2 Retrieving top-level nodes

private void getTopLevelNodes() throws APIException {
INode root = m_admin.getNode(NodeConstants.ROOT);
if (null != root) {
System.out.println(root.getName() + ", " + root.getId());
Collection childNodes = root.getChildNodes();

for (Iterator it =
childNodes.iterator();it.hasNext();) {
INode node =
System.out.println(node.getName() + ", " + node.getId());

Note: When you call getChildNodes() on the root node, the results
include several undocumented Agile PLM nodes. Any undocumented
nodes are not supported by the Agile API.

For faster access, you can also retrieve a node by specifying its node ID constant. The
NodeConstants class lists all administrative nodes that are directly accessible. The
following example shows how to retrieve the SmartRules node and its properties.

Example 22–3 Retrieving SmartRules values

private void getSmartRules() throws APIException {

//Get the SmartRules node in Agile Administrator

INode node = m_admin.getNode(NodeConstants.NODE_SMARTRULES);
System.out.println("SmartRules Properties");

//Get SmartRules properties

IProperty[] props = (IProperty[])node.getProperties();
for (int i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
System.out.println("Name : " + props[i].getName());
Object value = props[i].getValue();
System.out.println("Value : " + value);

Another way to get a node is to locate a parent node and then get one of its children
using the ITreeNode.getChildNode() method. The getChildNode()method supports

22-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Managing Agile PLM Classes

specifying a node by name or ID. You can also specify the path to a subnode,
separating each node level with a slash character (/). The following example shows
how to use the getChildNode() method to retrieve a node.

Example 22–4 Retrieving nodes using ITreeNode.getChildNode()

private INode getChildNode(INode node, String childName)
throws APIException {
Node child = (INode)(node.getChildNode(childName)); return child;

Working with the Classes Node

The Classes node and its subnodes are similar to the IAgileClass objects that are
returned by the IAdmin.getAgileClasses() method. The difference is that
getAgileClasses() returns several virtual classes, such as Item and Change, that are
not represented as nodes. To modify the properties of the attribute of a particular
node, Agile recommends using the IAdmin.getAgileClasses() or
IAdmin.getAgileClass() methods. Although it's possible to modify a subclass by
traversing the Classes node and its subnodes, it is much easier to work with
getAgileClasses() objects. For more information, see "Managing Agile PLM Classes"
on page 22-7.

Managing Agile PLM Classes

The Agile Classes node provides a framework for classifying Agile PLM objects, such
as parts, changes, and packages. Using Agile Java Client, you can define new
subclasses for your organization. Although you can't use the Agile API to create new
subclasses, you can read or modify any of the existing subclasses. For example, you
can customize a subclass by defining the attributes that are visible in each table or on
each page.
The Agile PLM classes framework is based on the types of objects that are created in
Agile PLM. The objects that are available on your Agile PLM system depend on the
Agile PLM agreement with Oracle.
Each Agile PLM class has at least one subclass. The following table lists Agile PLM
base classes, classes, and Agile-supplied subclasses. Your Agile PLM system may
include other user-defined subclasses.

Table 22–2 Agile PLM Class and Subclasses

Base Class Classes Predefined Subclasses
Changes Change Orders ECO
Change Requests ECR
Deviations Deviation
Manufacturer Orders MCO
Price Change Orders PCO
Site Change Orders SCO
Stop Ships Stop Ship
Customers Customers Customer
Declarations Homogeneous Material Declarations Homogeneous Material

Performing Administrative Tasks 22-7

Managing Agile PLM Classes

Table 22–2 (Cont.) Agile PLM Class and Subclasses

Base Class Classes Predefined Subclasses
IPC 1752-1 Declarations IPC 1752-1 Declaration
IPC 1752-2 Declarations IPC 1752-2 Declaration
JGPSSI Declarations Japan Green Procurement
Survey Standardization
Initiative Declaration
Part Declarations Part Declaration
Substance Declarations Substance Declaration
Supplier Declarations of Supplier Declaration of
Conformance Conformance
Discussions Discussions Discussion
File Folders File Folders File Folder
Historical Report File Folders Schedule Generated
User Saved
Items Documents Document
Parts Part
Manufacturer Manufacturer Parts Manufacturer Part
Manufacturers Manufacturers Manufacturer
Packages Packages Package
Prices Published Prices Contract
Published Price
Quote Histories Quote History
Product Service Non-Conformance Reports NCR
Problem Reports Problem Report
Projects Activities Phase
Gates Gate
Quality Change Audits Audit
Corrective and Preventive Actions CAPA
Reports1 Custom Reports Custom Report
External Reports External Report
Standard Reports Administrator Report
Standard Report
Requests for Requests for Quote RFQ
RFQ Responses RFQ Responses RFQ Response
Sites Sites Site

22-8 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Managing Agile PLM Classes

Table 22–2 (Cont.) Agile PLM Class and Subclasses

Base Class Classes Predefined Subclasses
Sourcing Projects Sourcing Projects Sourcing Project
Specifications Specifications Specification
Substances Materials Material
Subparts Subpart
Substance Groups Substance Group
Substances Substance
Suppliers Suppliers Broker
Component Manufacturer
Contract Manufacturer
Manufacturer Representative
Transfer Orders Automated Transfer Orders ATO
Content Transfer Orders CTO
User Groups User Groups User Group
Users Users User

Note: Report objects are not supported by the Agile API.

Concrete and Abstract Classes

Agile PLM super classes, such as Item and Change, are abstract classes that serve as
the parent classes for other abstract classes, such as Parts Class, Documentation Class,
and Engineering Change Order Class. Abstract superclasses and classes cannot be
Concrete classes are user-defined subclasses that can be instantiated by the Agile API.
Examples of concrete classes are Part, Document, ECO, and ECR.
When you load an object using the IAgileSession.getObject() method, you can specify
either a concrete or an abstract Agile PLM class. For example, all of the following
methods load the same specified part.

Example 22–5 Example: Loading an object using abstract or concrete classes

try {
IItem item;
// Load a part using the Item base class
item =(IItem)m_session.getObject
(ItemConstants.CLASS_ITEM_BASE_CLASS, "1000-02");
// Load a part using the Parts class
item =(IItem)m_session.getObject
(ItemConstants.CLASS_PARTS_CLASS, "1000-02");
// Load a part using the Part subclass
item =(IItem)m_session.getObject
(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, "1000-02");
} catch (APIException ex) {

Performing Administrative Tasks 22-9

Managing Agile PLM Classes

To get an array of classes, use the IAgileClass.getAgileClasses() method. You can

specify a range of classes to return. For example, specify IAdmin.CONCRETE for the
range parameter to return only concrete classes or IAdmin.ALL to return all classes.

Example 22–6 Getting classes

private void getConcreteClasses() throws APIException {
IAgileClass[] classes = m_admin.getAgileClasses(IAdmin.CONCRETE);
for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
System.out.println("Class Name : " + classes[i].getName());
System.out.println("ID : " + classes[i].getId());
void getAllClasses() throws APIException {
IAgileClass[] classes = m_admin.getAgileClasses(IAdmin.ALL);
for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
System.out.println("Class Name : " + classes[i].getName());
System.out.println("ID : " + classes[i].getId());

When you create a new object using the IAgileSession.createObject() method, you
must specify a concrete Agile PLM class, that is, one of the user-defined subclasses.
Remember, abstract classes cannot be instantiated. The following example shows how
to create an object of the Part subclass.

Example 22–7 Creating a part

try {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_NUMBER, "1000-02");
IItem item =(IItem)m_session.createObject(ItemConstants.CLASS_PART, params);
} catch (APIException ex) {

Referencing Classes
You can reference Agile PLM classes in the following ways:
■ by object (an IAgileClass)
■ by class ID constant, such as ItemConstants.CLASS_PART or
ChangeConstants.CLASS_ECO. All Agile API constants are contained in classes that
have a suffix name Constants. For example, ItemConstants contains all constants
related to IItem objects.
■ by class name, such as “Part” or “ECO”.
In general, avoid referencing classes by name for the following reasons:
■ Class names can be modified.
■ Class names are not necessarily unique. It's possible to have duplicate class names.
Consequently, if you reference a class by name you may inadvertently reference
the wrong class.
■ Class names are localized; that is, the names are different for different languages.

22-10 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Attributes

Identifying the Target Type of a Class

Each class has a specified target type, which is the type of Agile PLM object that the
class can create. For example, the target type for the Part subclass is IItem.OBJECT_
TYPE. You can use the target type to classify the user-defined subclasses that have been
defined in your Agile PLM system. For example, if you want to create a user interface
that displays item classes, you can list the classes at run time by selecting those with
the target type IItem.OBJECT_TYPE.

Example 22–8 Getting the target type for a class

private void getConcreteItemClasses() throws APIException {
IAgileClass[] classes = m_admin.getAgileClasses(IAdmin.CONCRETE);
for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
if (classes[i].getTargetType() == IItem.OBJECT_TYPE) {
System.out.println("Class Name : " + classes[i].getName());
System.out.println("ID : " + classes[i].getId());

There are two predefined concrete classes for the Item class, Document and Part. If
your company hasn't added any Item subclasses to the Agile PLM system, the code in
the previous example should print the following results:
Class Name : Document
ID : 9141
Class Name : Part
ID : 10141

Working with Attributes

Each object that you can retrieve in an Agile API program has a set of attributes. An
attribute represents metadata for a particular business object. It defines the properties
and values of the object. For example, Title Block.Number, Title
Block.Description, and Title Block.Part Category are three of the Title Block
attributes for a Part.
When you create an instance of an object in your program, each IAttribute in your
object classes is equivalent to a field, or an ICell object. IAttribute objects directly
correspond with ICell objects for an object that you created or opened in your
program. For more information about ICell objects, see Chapter 6, "Working with

Referencing Attributes
You can reference Agile PLM attributes in the following ways:
■ by object (an IAttribute)
■ by attribute ID constants
All Agile API constants, including attribute ID constants, are contained in classes that
have the suffix Constants. For example, ItemConstants contains all constants related
to IItem objects.
■ by fully qualified name, such as Title Block.Number or Cover Page.Change

Performing Administrative Tasks 22-11

Working with Attributes

■ by short name, such as Number. However, attribute short names are not unique in
Agile PLM. If you are referencing multiple attributes, you may run into a conflict if
two different attributes have the same short name.

Note: Because attribute names can be modified and referencing

attributes by ID number or constant is difficult to identify or
remember, Agile recommends using the APIName field for this
purpose. For information and procedures, see Chapter 8, "Accessing
PLM Metadata with APIName Field." Many of the examples in this
manual reference attributes by name because they were constructed
before the introduction of this field.

The following example shows how to reference an attribute ID constant.

Example 22–9 Referencing an attribute ID constant

Integer attrID = ItemConstants.ATT_TITLE_BLOCK_DESCRIPTION;
try {
v = item.getValue(attrID);
} catch (APIException ex) {

A fully qualified attribute name is a string with this format TableName.AttributeName

where TableName is the name of the table in which the attribute appears.
AttributeName is the current value for the Name property of an attribute. All
attributes have default names, but the names can be changed. In particular, Page Two
and Page Three attributes that have been made visible in your Agile PLM system are
likely to have been assigned more meaningful names than Text01, List01, and Date01.
For example, Cover Page.Reason for Change and Title Block.Number are two
examples of fully qualified attribute names.
The following example shows how to reference to a fully qualified attribute name.

Example 22–10 Referencing an attribute name

Object v;
String attrName = "Title Block.Description";
try {
v = item.getValue(attrName);
} catch (APIException ex) {

Note: Attribute names are case-sensitive.

Retrieving Attributes
IAttribute objects are associated with a particular subclass. For example, the
attributes for a Part are different from those of an ECO. Therefore, if you know the
subclass of an object you can retrieve the list of attributes for it. The following table
lists methods that can be used to retrieve attributes.

22-12 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Working with Attributes

Method Description
IAgileClass.getAttribute() Retrieves the specified IAttribute object for a class
IAgileClass.getAttributes() Retrieves an array of IAttribute objects for all tables of a
IAgileClass.getTableAttribu Retrieves an array of IAttribute objects for a specified
tes() table of the class
ITable.getAttributes() Retrieves an array of IAttribute objects for a table
ICell.getAttribute() Retrieves the IAttribute object for a cell

The following example shows how to retrieve BOM table attributes.

Example 22–11 Retrieving BOM table attributes for the Part subclass
try {

// Get the Part subclass

IAgileClass partClass = (IAgileClass)m_admin.getAgileClass

// Get the collection of BOM table attributes for the Part subclass
IAttribute[] attrs = partClass.getTableAttributes(ItemConstants.TABLE_BOM);
} catch (APIException ex) {

Another way to retrieve the attributes for a particular table is to first get the table, then
get its attributes using the ITable.getAttributes() method.

Example 22–12 Retrieving the collection of BOM table attributes from the table
try {

// Get Part P200

IItem item = (IItem)m_session.getObject(IItem.OBJECT_TYPE, "P200");

// Get the BOM table

ITable bomTable = item.getTable(ItemConstants.TABLE_BOM);

// Get BOM table attributes

IAttribute[] attrs = bomTable.getAttributes();

} catch (APIException ex) {


Retrieving Individual Attributes

If you know the attribute you want to retrieve, you can get it by using the
IAgileClass.getAttribute() method. The following example shows how to get the
Code” Code attribute for an ECO.

Example 22–13 Retrieving the “Cover Page.Reason Code” attribute

try {

// Get the ECO subclass

Performing Administrative Tasks 22-13

Working with Properties of Administrative Nodes

IAgileClass classECO = m_admin.getAgileClass("ECO");

// Get the "Cover Page.Reason Code" attribute

IAttribute attr = classECO.getAttribute

// Get available values for Reason Code

IAgileList availValues = attr.getAvailableValues();
} catch (APIException ex) {

Editing the Property of an Attribute

Agile PLM classes have attributes, and attributes have properties. To modify the
properties of an attribute for a particular subclass, follow these steps:
1. Use the IAdmin.getAgileClass() method to get an Agile PLM class.
2. Use the IAgileClass.getAttribute() method to get an attribute for the class.
3. Use the IAttribute.getProperty() method to get a property for the attribute.
4. Use the IProperty.getValue() method to get the current value for the property.
5. Use the IProperty.setValue() method to set a new value for the property.

Working with User-Defined Attributes

For each Agile PLM subclass, you can define additional attributes on the Page Two
and Page Three tables. These user-defined attributes, also known as customer flex
fields, behave the same as predefined Agile PLM attributes. You can retrieve them and
edit their properties.
User-defined attributes are custom extensions to the Agile PLM system. Consequently,
their IDs are not included in the CommonConstants class. However, you can view the
base ID for any attribute, including user-defined attributes, in Agile Java Client. You
can also write a procedure to programmatically retrieve the ID for a user-defined
attribute at run time, or use the API name.

Working with Properties of Administrative Nodes

If you use the Agile API to retrieve an INode object, you can also view property values
for INode. An IProperty object represents a single property for an administrative
node. To return an array of all properties for a node, use the INode.getProperties()
The following example shows how to get the property value for the
Reminder/Escalation Weekend Setting preference. The last part of this example
converts the available list values for this SingleList property to a comma-delimited

Example 22–14 Getting Property values

private void getReminderEscalationWeekendProp() throws APIException {

//Get the General Preferences node

INode node = m_admin.getNode(NodeConstants.NODE_PREFERENCES);

//Get the Reminder/Escalation Weekend Setting property

22-14 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Managing Users

IProperty prop = node.getProperty


//Get the Reminder/Escalation Weekend Setting property value

Object value = prop.getValue();
System.out.println("Reminder/Escalation Weekend Setting : " + value);
IAgileList avail = prop.getAvailableValues();
if (avail != null) {
String strAvail =
System.out.println("Available Values : " + strAvail);
private String listToString(IAgileList list) throws APIException {
String strList = "";
Collection children = list.getChildNodes();
for (Iterator it =
children.iterator();it.hasNext();) {
IAgileList childList =
strList = strList + childList.getValue();
if (it.hasNext()) {
strList = strList + ", ";
return strList;

The SingleList and MultiList properties are different from other types of properties.
You cannot use the IProperty.getValue() and IProperty.setValue() methods to directly
modify a property that contains a list of values. Instead, you use the
IAgileList.setSelection () method to select a list node, and then use the
IProperty.setValue() method to set the value. For more information about how to
modify SingleList and MultiList properties, see "Getting and Setting List Values" on
page 5-6.

Managing Users
Users are data objects that you can create, like items and changes. Consequently, you
can work with users directly without traversing the administrative node hierarchy. If
you have the proper Agile PLM privileges, you can create, modify, and delete users.
For example, you could create a program that periodically synchronizes Agile PLM
users with data available from a corporate directory.

Getting all Users

To retrieve all Agile PLM users, run a query for User objects. The following example
retrieves all users and prints the user ID, first name, and last name for each user.

Example 22–15 Getting all users

private void getAllUsers() throws APIException {
IQuery q = (IQuery)m_session.createObject
(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE, "select * from [Users]");
ArrayList users = new ArrayList();
Iterator itr = q.execute().getReferentIterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {

Performing Administrative Tasks 22-15

Managing Users

for (int i = 0; i < users.size(); i++) {
IUser user =(IUser)users.get(i);
user.getValue(UserConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_USER_ID) + ", " +
user.getValue(UserConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_FIRST_NAME) + ", " +

Creating a User
A user is like other data objects that you can create with the Agile API. To create a user,
you define the user's parameters and pass them to the IAgileSession.createObject()
method. The required parameters you must specify are user ID and login password.
You can also specify other user attributes, which are listed in the UserConstants class.

Note: If an LDAP directory server is used to authenticate users for

your Agile PLM system, you can create only supplier users through
the SDK that have restricted access to the Agile PLM system. You
must create and maintain other users on the directory server.

22-16 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Managing Users

Passwords that you specify for new users become default values. If you specify an
approval password, it must be different from the login password, unless the
Yes. The user can always change the password later.

Example 22–16 Creating a user

private void userTest() {
try {

//Add code here to log in to the Agile Application Server

//After logging in, create a new user by invoking the createUser method below
IUser user = createUser("akurosawa");
} catch (APIException ex) {

//Create the new user

private IUser createUser(String newUser) throws APIException {

Map params = new HashMap();

params.put(UserConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_USER_ID, newUser);
params.put(UserConstants.ATT_LOGIN_PASSWORD, "agile");
IUser user =(IUser)session.createObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, params);
return user;

By default, when you create a new user it's assigned the Concurrent user category and
the My User Profile role, a combination that allows the user to only view their own
profile. To create and modify objects, the user must be assigned roles with the
appropriate create and modify privileges. For an example showing how to change a
user's Role settings, see "Configuring User Settings" on page 22-20.

Creating a User Group

A user group, like a user, is a dataobject and not an administrative node on the Agile
Application Server. To create a user group, you define the user group's parameters,
such as its name, and pass the parameters to the IAgileSession.createObject()
method. The only required parameter you must specify is the name, whose attribute
ID is UserGroupConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_NAME. You can also specify other user
attributes, which are listed in the UserGroupConstants class. To enable a user group,
make sure the Enabled cell is set to Yes.
After creating a user group, you need to add users to the Users table to make the
group meaningful. To create a new row in the Users table, use the
ITable.createRow(java.lang.Object) method.

Example 22–17 Creating a user group

private void userGroupTest() throws APIException {
//Add code here to log in to the Agile Application Server
//After logging in, create a new user group
IUserGroup group = createGroup("Swallowtail Project");

Performing Administrative Tasks 22-17

Managing Users

//Add users to the Western project group

IUser[] selUsers = new IUser[] {
m_session.getObject(IUser.OBJECT_TYPE, "jford"),
m_session.getObject(IUser.OBJECT_TYPE, "hhawkes"),
m_session.getObject(IUser.OBJECT_TYPE, "speckinpah")
addUsers(group, selUsers);

private IUserGroup createGroup(String groupName) throws APIException {

//Create the user group
IUserGroup group =(IUserGroup)m_session.createObject
(UserGroupConstants.CLASS_USER_GROUP, groupName);

//Enable the user group

ICell cell = group.getCell(UserGroupConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_STATUS);
IAgileList list = cell.getAvailableValues();
list.setSelection(new Object[] { "Active" });
return group;

private void addUsers(IUserGroup group, IUser[] seUsers) throws APIException {

ITable usersTable = group.getTable(UserGroupConstants.TABLE_USERS);
for (int i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
IRow row = usersTable.createRow(users[i]);

User groups can be global or personal. Global user groups are accessible to all Agile
PLM users. Personal user groups are accessible only to the person who created the
group. The following example shows how to make a user group global.

Example 22–18 Creating a Global User Group

private void setGlobal(IUserGroup group) throws APIException {
//Get the Global/Personal cell
ICell cell = group.getCell(UserGroupConstants.

//Get the available values for the cell

IAgileList values = cell.getAvailableValues();

//Set the selected value to "Global"

values.setSelection(new Object[] { "Global" });

//Change the cell value


Creating Users and Requiring Password Modification at Login

When creating a user, you can require the new user to change the assigned password,
which is usually temporary, for a new and more secure one at login. To create such a
user, it is necessary to define the user's parameters as explained in "Creating a User" on
page 22-16. and pass a flag to force password change at login. This is illustrated in the
following code sample.

22-18 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Managing Users

Example 22–19 Creating a user and requiring password modification at login

String username = "USER" + System.currentTimeMillis();
HashMap params = new HashMap();
params.put(UserConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_USER_ID, username);
params.put(UserConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_FIRST_NAME, username);
params.put(UserConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_LAST_NAME, username);
params.put(UserConstants.ATT_LOGIN_PASSWORD, "agile");
params.put(UserConstants.ATT_APPROVAL_PASSWORD, "agile2");
params.put(UserConstants.ATT_MUST_CHANGE_PWD_AT_LOGON, "true");
IUser user = (IUser) session.createObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, params);
System.out.println("Created user: " + user.getName());

Creating a Supplier User

Supplier users are assigned to the Restricted user category by default, which restricts
their access to the Agile PLM system. The Restricted user category allows supplier
users to respond to RFQs and use other features of Agile Product Cost Management
To create a supplier user, define the user's parameters and pass them to the
IAgileSession.createObject() method. You must specify the user ID, login
password, and supplier name. You can also specify other user attributes, which are
listed in the UserConstants class.

Example 22–20 Creating a supplier user

private IUser createSupplierUser(String userName, String supplier)
throws APIException {
HashMap userParams = new HashMap();
userParams.put(UserConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_USER_ID, userName);
userParams.put(UserConstants.ATT_LOGIN_PASSWORD, "agile");
userParams.put(UserConstants.ATT_SUPPLIER, supplier);
return (IUser)m_session.createObject(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, userParams);

Saving a User as a New User

You can use the IDataObject.saveAs() method to save an existing user to a new user.
The saveAs()method serves as a handy shortcut because it allows you to assign a new
user the same roles, privileges, and sites as an existing user. When you use the
saveAs() method to save a user, you must specify parameters for the new user's user
name and login password.

Example 22–21 Saving an object as a new object

private void saveAsUser(IUser user, String newUserName) {
try {
//Set parameters for the new user
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(UserConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_USER_ID, newUserName);
params.put(UserConstants.ATT_LOGIN_PASSWORD, "agile");

// Save the new user

user.saveAs(UserConstants.CLASS_USER, params);
} catch (APIException ex) {

Performing Administrative Tasks 22-19

Managing Users

Configuring User Settings

An IUser object, unlike administrative nodes, is a dataobject. Therefore, an IUser
object has data cells, not properties, and you use the ICell interface to configure a
user's settings. The following example shows how to get visible cells on the General
Info and Page Two tables for a user. To access cells on other user tables, use the
IDataObject.getTable() method to load the table.

Example 22–22 Getting user cells for General Info and Page Two
private void getUserCells(IUser user) throws APIException {
ICell[] cells = user.getCells();
for (int i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
System.out.println(cells[i].getName() + " : " + cells[i].getValue());
Two important settings for a user are User Category and Roles. The User Category
setting defines the broad range of actions a user can perform on the Agile PLM system.
Select from one of the following User Category values:
■ Power - User can log in to the server at any time with unrestricted use of the Agile
PLM system. Power users are not subject to the limited number of concurrent
■ Concurrent - User can log in to the server only if a concurrent user agreement is

Note: Licenses are controlled by your agreement with Oracle.

■ Restricted - User has restricted access to the Agile PLM system. Supplier users are
by default assigned the Restricted category, which allows them to respond to RFQs
and use other features of Agile Product Cost Management (PCM). Restricted users
are not subject to the limited number of concurrent users.
The Roles setting further defines the capabilities of a user, assigning roles and
privileges. A user won't be able to create objects without the proper roles and
privileges. For more information about Agile PLM user roles, and privileges, refer to
the Agile PLM Administrator Guide.
The following example shows how to set a user's User Category and Roles settings.

Example 22–23 Setting the User Category and Roles settings for a user
private void setCategory(IUser user) throws APIException {

//Get the User Category cell

ICell cell = user.getCell(UserConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_USER_CATEGORY);

//Get the available values for the cell

IAgileList license = cell.getAvailableValues();

//Set the selected value to "Concurrent"

license.setSelection(new Object[] { "Concurrent" });

//Change the cell value

private void setRoles(IUser user) throws APIException {

22-20 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Managing User Groups

//Get the Role cell

ICell cell = user.getCell(UserConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_ROLES);

//Get the available values for the cell

IAgileList roles = cell.getAvailableValues();

//Set the selected roles to Change Analyst and Administrator

roles.setSelection (new Object[]
{"Change Analyst","Administrator","My User Profile"});

//Change the cell value


Resetting User Passwords

Administrators with User Administrator privileges can reset the password of other
users to a new value. Users without this privilege are not able to reset user passwords.
This feature enables resetting large numbers of passwords in the batch mode, which is
preferable to manually changing them one at a time using the UI.
The changeLoginPassword() method which supports this feature allows passing a null
value instead of the current password value. The following example shows how to use
this method to reset a user's password using null instead of the current password.

Example 22–24 Resetting a password to a new value

public void changeLoginPassword(null, String newPassword)
throws APIException;

Deleting a User
To delete a user, use the IDataObject.delete() method. Like other data objects, an object
deleted for the first time is “soft-deleted,” which means it is disabled but not removed
from the database. The Agile Application Server does not allow you to permanently
delete a user.

Example 22–25 Deleting a user

private void removeUser(IUser user) throws APIException {
user = null;

Note: In Agile Java Client, deleted users can be listed by choosing

Admin > User Settings > Deleted Users.

Managing User Groups

A user group is an object that contains a list of Agile PLM users. You can use user
groups to define project teams, departments, and global groups and their assigned
users. User groups are not site-related, unlike items and changes, but you can create
groups of users based on their location. Whenever you add a user to a user group, that
change is reflected in the user's Groups setting, whose attribute ID is

Performing Administrative Tasks 22-21

Managing User Groups

Note: In Agile Clients such as Agile Web Client, you can send an
object, such as a change, to a user group. The Agile API does not
support sending objects to user groups. However, you can retrieve
users from the Users table of a User Group object and then send them
an object.

Getting All User Groups

To retrieve all Agile PLM user groups, run a query for User Group objects. You can
iterate through the user groups to find a particular group. The following example
retrieves all user groups and prints the name, description, maximum number of users,
and enabled status for each user group.

Example 22–26 Example: Getting all user groups

private void getAllUserGroups() throws APIException {
IQuery q = (IQuery)m_session.createObject
(IQuery.OBJECT_TYPE, "select * from [User Groups]");
ArrayList groups = new ArrayList();
Iterator itr = q.execute().getReferentIterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) {
IUserGroup ug =(IUserGroup)groups.get(i);
ug.getValue(UserGroupConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_NAME) + ", " +
ug.getValue(UserGroupConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_DESCRIPTION) + ", " +
ug.getValue(UserGroupConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_MAX_NUM_OF_NAMED_USERS)+ "," +

Creating a User Group

A user group, like a user, is a dataobject and not an administrative node on the Agile
Application Server. To create a user group, you define the user group's parameters,
such as its name, and pass the parameters to the IAgileSession.createObject()
method. The only required parameter you must specify is the name, whose attribute
ID is UserGroupConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_NAME. You can also specify other user
attributes, which are listed in the UserGroupConstants class. To enable a user group,
make sure the Enabled cell is set to Yes.
After creating a user group, you need to add users to the Users table to make the
group meaningful. To create a new row in the Users table, use the
ITable.createRow(java.lang.Object) method.

Example 22–27 Creating a user group

private void userGroupTest() throws APIException {
//Add code here to log in to the Agile Application Server
//After logging in, create a new user group
IUserGroup group =
createGroup("Swallowtail Project");
//Add users to the Western project group
IUser[] selUsers = new IUser[] {
m_session.getObject(IUser.OBJECT_TYPE, "jford"),
m_session.getObject(IUser.OBJECT_TYPE, "hhawkes"),

22-22 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Managing User Groups

m_session.getObject(IUser.OBJECT_TYPE, "speckinpah")
addUsers(group, selUsers);

private IUserGroup createGroup(String groupName) throws APIException {

//Create the user group
IUserGroup group =(IUserGroup)m_session.
createObject(UserGroupConstants.CLASS_USER_GROUP, groupName);

//Enable the user group

ICell cell = group.getCell(UserGroupConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_STATUS);
IAgileList list = cell.getAvailableValues();
list.setSelection(new Object[] { "Active" });
return group;

private void addUsers(IUserGroup group, IUser[] seUsers) throws APIException {

ITable usersTable = group.getTable(UserGroupConstants.TABLE_USERS);
for (int i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
IRow row = usersTable.createRow(users[i]);

User groups can be global or personal. Global user groups are accessible to all Agile
PLM users. Personal user groups are accessible only to the person who created the
group. The following example shows how to make a user group global.

Example 22–28 Making a user group global

private void setGlobal(IUserGroup group) throws APIException {

//Get the Global/Personal cell

ICell cell = group.getCell

//Get the available values for the cell

IAgileList values = cell.getAvailableValues();

//Set the selected value to "Global"

values.setSelection(new Object[] { "Global" });

//Change the cell value

group.setValue(UserGroupConstants.ATT_GENERAL_INFO_GLOBAL_PERSONAL, values);

Adding a User Group to the User Group Table of the User

IUserGroup cannot be passed to createRow() to add a user group to the user's user
group table. You must use a Map as shown in the following example.

Example 22–29 Using a Map to add a User Group to a User Group Table
ITable ugTable = user.getTable(UserConstants.TABLE_USERGROUP);

Map map = new HashMap();

map.put(UserConstants.ATT_USER_GROUP_GROUP_NAME, ug.getName());

Performing Administrative Tasks 22-23

Managing User Groups

Listing Users in a User Group

The users contained within a user group are listed on the Users table. Therefore, to get
the list of users in the user group, use the IDataObject.getTable() method and then
iterate over the table rows to access data for each user. The following example shows
how to list the users in a user group.

Example 22–30 Listing the users in a user group

private void listUsers(IUserGroup group) throws APIException {
ITable usersTable = group.getTable(UserGroupConstants.TABLE_USERS);
Iterator it = usersTable.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
IRow row = (IRow);

22-24 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Mapping PLM Client Features to Agile API

This appendix includes the following:

■ Login Features
■ General Features
■ Search Features
■ Workflow Features
■ Manufacturing Site Features
■ Folder Features
■ Project Features
■ Administrative Features

Login Features
The following table lists general features for logging in to the Agile Application Server.

Feature Equivalent Method(s)

Get an instance of the Agile Application AgileSessionFactory.getInstance()
Server session
Create a session and log in to the Agile AgileSessionFactory.createSession()
Application Server
Close a session and disconnect from the Agile IAgileSession.close()
Application Server

General Features
The following table lists the General features that apply to all Agile PLM business

Feature Equivalent Method(s)

Create a new object IAgileSession.createObject()
Load an existing IAgileSession.getObject()
Save an object as IDataObject.saveAs()
another object
Delete an object IDataObject.delete() IFolder.delete() IQuery.delete()

Mapping PLM Client Features to Agile API A-1

Search Features

Feature Equivalent Method(s)

Undelete an object IDataObject.undelete()
Get a cell value for an IDataObject.getValue()
Set an cell value for IDataObject.setValue()
an object
Get a table for an IDataObject.getTable()
Add a row to a table ITable.createRow()
Remove a row from a ITable.removeRow()
Get subscriptions for ISubscribable.getSubscriptions()
an object
Enable a subscription ISubscription.enable()
Modify subscriptions ISubscribable.modifySubscriptions()
for an object

Search Features
The table below lists the supported Search (Query) features.

Feature Equivalent Method(s)

Set the name of a search IQuery.setName()
Make the search public or private IQuery.setQueryType()
Set the search type for a query (object search IQuery.setSearchType()
or Where Used search)
Set and get search criteria IQuery.setCriteria() IQuery.getCriteria()
Run a search IQuery.execute()
Make a search case-sensitive IQuery.setCaseSensitive()
Delete a search IQuery.delete()
Save a search as another search IQuery.saveAs()

Attachment Features
The table below lists features for working with attachments and file folders.

Feature Equivalent Method(s)

Download all files contained in a file folder IFileFolder.getFile()
Download a single file listed on the IAttachmentFile.getFile()
Attachments tab
Check out a file folder IFileFolder.checkOut()
Check in a file folder IFileFolder.checkIn()
Cancel checkout IFileFolder.cancelCheckOut()

A-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Folder Features

Feature Equivalent Method(s)

Incorporate or unincorporate an item, IAttachmentContainer.setIncorporated()
thereby locking or unlocking its attachments

Workflow Features
The table below lists Workflow features for routable Agile PLM objects.

Feature Equivalent Method(s)

Audit a routable object IRoutable.audit()
Change the status of a routable object IRoutable.changeStatus()
Send an object to another Agile PLM user(s) IDataObject.send()
Approve a routable object IRoutable.approve()
Reject a routable object IRoutable.reject()
Comment on a routable object IRoutable.comment()
Add or remove approvers and observers for IRoutable.addApprovers()
a routable object IRoutable.removeApprovers()

Manufacturing Site Features

The table below lists features for working with manufacturing sites.

Feature Equivalent Method(s)

Get the current manufacturing site selected IManufacturingSiteSelectable.getManufactur
for an item ingSite()
Get all manufacturing sites for an item IManufacturingSiteSelectable.getManufactur
Set an item to use all manufacturing sites IManufacturingSiteSelectable.setManufacturi
ngSite( ManufacturingSiteConstants.ALL_
Specify that an item is not site-specific and is IManufacturingSiteSelectable.setManufacturi
common to all sites. ngSite(
Set an item to use a specific manufacturing IManufacturingSiteSelectable.setManufacturi
site ngSite(site)

Folder Features
The following table lists the Folder features for working with folders.

Feature Equivalent Method(s)

Add an item (such as a query) to the folder IFolder.addChild()
Set the type of folder (public or private) IFolder.setFolderType()
Set the folder name IFolder.setName()
Get a folder of the current user IUser.getFolder()
Remove an item from the folder IFolder.removeChild()

Mapping PLM Client Features to Agile API A-3

Project Features

Feature Equivalent Method(s)

Clear all objects from the folder IFolder.clear()
Delete a folder IFolder.delete()

Project Features
The following table lists features for working with Projects.

Feature Equivalent Method(s)

Save a Project as another Project or template IProgram.saveAs()
Reschedule a Project IProgram.reschedule()
Assign users from a resource pool IProgram.assignUsersFromPool()
Delegate ownership of a Project to another IProgram.delegateOwnership()
Substitute Project resources IProgram.substituteResource()
Create a baseline IProgram.createBaseline()
Select a baseline view of the Project IProgram.selectBaseline()
Lock or unlock a Project IProgram.setLock()
Reply to a discussion IMessage.reply()

Administrative Features
The following table provides the list of features for working with Administration
nodes and properties in Agile Java Client.

Feature Equivalent Method(s)

Get an administrative node IAdmin.getNode()
Get all subnodes (children) of an ITreeNode.getChildNodes()
administrative node
Get all properties of an administrative node INode.getProperties()
Get the value for an administrative node's IProperty.getValue()
Get the possible values for a list field IProperty.getAvailableValues()
Get all Agile PLM classes IAdmin.getAgileClasses(ALL)
Get all top-level Agile PLM classes IAdmin.getAgileClasses(TOP)
Get all Agile PLM classes that can be IAdmin.getAgileClasses(CONCRETE)
Get the list of subclasses for a specific class IAgileClass.getSubclasses()
Get the Autonumber sources for a subclass IAgileClass.getAutoNumberSources()
Get an array of attributes for a table IAgileClass.getTableAttributes()
Get the metadata for a table IAgileClass.getTableDescriptor()
Get the Agile PLM list library IAdmin.getListLibrary()
Create a new Agile PLM list IListLibrary.createAdminList()

A-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Administrative Features

Feature Equivalent Method(s)

Get an Agile PLM list IListLibrary.getAdminList()
Get all Agile PLM users Create a query of users
Get all Agile PLM user groups Create a query of user groups
Create a user or user group IAgileSession.createObject()
Set properties of a user or user group IProperty.setValue()
Change user passwords IUser.changeApprovalPassword()

Mapping PLM Client Features to Agile API A-5

Administrative Features

A-6 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Migrating Table Constants to Release 9.2.2

This appendix includes the following:

■ Mapped Pre-Release 9.2.2 Table Constants to 9.2.2 Table Constants
■ Removed Pre-Release 9.2.2 Table Constants

This appendix describes how to migrate Table Contents from pre-Release 9.2.2
(Release 9.2.1 and earlier releases) to post-Release 9.2.2 (Release 9.2.2 or later releases).
Information about merging and replacing the Relationship tables first appeared in
"Accessing the New and Merged Relationships Tables" on page 4-3. Tables in this
appendix list the Release 9.2.2 table constants and table constants that were either
merged and mapped into a single table constant, or mapped into a new table constant.

Mapped Pre-Release 9.2.2 Table Constants to 9.2.2 Table Constants

This table lists the pre-release 9.2.2 table constants and the new table constants that are
either merged and mapped into Release 9.2.2, or mapped into later releases of the

Pre 9.2.2 Table Constants 9.2.2 Table Constants


Migrating Table Constants to Release 9.2.2 B-1

Mapped Pre-Release 9.2.2 Table Constants to 9.2.2 Table Constants

Pre 9.2.2 Table Constants 9.2.2 Table Constants


B-2 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs
Removed Pre-Release 9.2.2 Table Constants

Pre 9.2.2 Table Constants 9.2.2 Table Constants


Removed Pre-Release 9.2.2 Table Constants

The following pre-release 9.2.2 table constants are no longer available and should not
be used in later releases of the SDK:

Migrating Table Constants to Release 9.2.2 B-3

Removed Pre-Release 9.2.2 Table Constants

■ MaterialDeclarationConstants.TABLE_RELATIONSHIPSAFFECTS
■ MaterialDeclarationConstants.TABLE_REFERENCES

B-4 Agile Product Lifecycle Management SDK Developer Guide – Using APIs

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