1973 Bus Owners Manual
1973 Bus Owners Manual
1973 Bus Owners Manual
1973 Models
A - 21-12-2010
Corrected various misspellings and adjusted content layout to be more consistent
Corrected Bulb list on Page 54
Always have your Volkswagen’s Owner’s Manual with you when you take your car to
an Authorized Volkswagen Dealer for services . . . it provides your Service Adviser
with the information he needs and enables him to make the necessary entries for you.
Please read this manual before you drive your new Volkswagen. Acquaint yourself
with its features, and know how to operate it more safely . . . because the more you
know about it, the more you will enjoy driving your Volkswagen.
Pictures and text in this manual are based It has always been Volkswagen’s policy to
on the 1973 Volkswagen Station Wagon continuously make technical improve-
with manual transmission. Where the con- ments; therefore, the right is reserved to
trols, equipment and technical data of the make changes at any time during the mo-
commercial models and the Automatic del year without notice.
Transmission differ considerably, we will
point this out in the text.
Address change cards 85 Fuel gauge 23 Safety belts 21
Air cleaner 61 Fuel supply 51 Seats 19
Air conditioner 37 Fuses 49 Sliding door 17
Alternator warning light 24 Sliding roof 34
Ashtrays 34 Headlight switch 25 Spare wheel 44
Assist handles and coat hooks 27 Heater 34 Spark plugs: cleaning and
Automatic Transmission 30 ...replacing 57
Automatic Transmission Fluid 60/64 Ignition/steering lock 23 Speedometer 24
Auxiliary heater 39 Instrument illumination 25 Starting hints 33
Instrument panel 22 Sun visors 27
Battery 50 Interior light: front 27
Brake fluid reservoir 48 rear 25 Technical data 69
Brake warning light 24 Tires 42
Bulb chart 54 Jack 44 Towing and trailer hauling 40
Bulb replacing 54 Transmission oil grades 64
Key 16 Troubleshooting 65
Changing a wheel 45 Turn signal/headlight
Chassis number 15 Lane changer 26 ...dimmer switch lever 26
Checking and changing engine oil 58/59 Lubrication 62
Cleaning your VW 52 Vehicle Identification 15
Maintenance record 79 Ventilation 36
Dear VW Owner 13 Manual transmission 28
Defogging and defrosting 35 Manual transmission oil 60/64 Warning lights 23
Diagnosis and Maintenance 76 Warranty 7
Distributor addresses 68 Oil pressure warning light 24 Windows 18
Doors 16 Windshield washer fluid
Rear view mirrors 27 ...container 48
Emergency flasher 25 Rear window defogger 25 Windshield wiper/washer lever 26
Engine compartment 57 Winter operation 41
Engine oil grades 63
Volkswagen offers a quality product. Should you have occasion to make use of
Maintain this quality by having your your Volkswagen Warranty, it is always
Volkswagen serviced regularly. A service helpful to have the related service receipts
schedule that we recommend is explained handy.
in the section Volkswagen Diagnosis and
for the new VW automobile The warranty commences at the date the VW automobile
is delivered to the original purchaser,
(Stamp of Selling
VW Dealer)
Free repair or 1. VWoA warrants that every Volkswagen Maintenance 2. In order to keep this warranty in effect,
replacement in vehicle imported by VWoA and sold as a required to the owner must have the vehicle maintain-
the United States new vehicle to a retail customer by an keep warranty ed and serviced as prescribed in the Volks-
and Canada of authorized United States Volkswagen in effect. wagen Maintenance Schedule.
defective parts dealer will be free from defects in materi-
for 24 months als and workmanship under normal use
or 24,000 miles. and service for 24 months after the date of
deli-very of the vehicle to the original retail
customer or until the vehicle has been
driven 24,000 miles, whichever comes
first. This warranty is limited, however, to
the following: If any part of the vehicle be-
comes defective under normal use and
service and the vehicle is brought during
this period to the workshop of any autho-
rized Volkswagen dealer in the continen-
tal United States, Hawaii or Canada, the
dealer will, without charge, either repair
the defective part or replace it with a new
or factory reconditioned part.
Items not 3. VWoA’s warranty does not cover: Warranty 4. If the vehicle is brought to an authorized
covered by (i) Defects, damage or deterioration due outside the Volkswagen workshop outside the conti-
warranty to normal use, wear and tear or exposure; United States nental United States, Hawaii or Canada,
(ii) normal maintenance services, such as and Canada VWoA’s warranty will not be applicable
fuel system cleaning and wheel, brake or and defective parts will be repaired or re-
clutch adjustments; (iii) the replacement placed free of charge with new or factory
of service items, as for instance, spark reconditioned parts only within the terms
plugs, ignition points, wiper blades or and limitations of the warranty for new
brake linings; (iv) deterioration of uphol- Volkswagen vehicles in effect in the coun-
stery, soft trim and appearance items; try where such authorized Volkswagen
(v) damage or defects due to misuse, workshop is located.
alteration, negligence or accident; (vi)
damage or defects due to the repair of the No other 5. This warranty is in lieu of all other ex-
vehicle by someone other than an author- warranties made press warranties of VWoA, the manufac-
ized Volkswagen dealer or the installation turer, the distributor and the selling dealer.
of parts other than genuine Volkswagen Neither VWoA nor the manufacturer
parts; (vii) damage or defects due to the assumes, or authorizes any person to
use of the vehicle in competitive events, assume, on its behalf, any other obligation
including rallies and races; and (viii) loss of or liability.
time, inconvenience, loss of use of the
vehicle or other consequential damage.
Let us explain the warranty . . .
Volkswagen of America Inc. is proud of the quality of the auto- Not all repairs, adjustments and replacements, however, are
mobiles it imports. It warrants new vehicles for a period of 2 the result of defects in material or workmanship. There are
years or 24,000 miles from the date of purchase, whichever other circumstances beyond the control of the manufacturer
comes first. In general, the complete vehicle including battery that might make a workshop visit necessary. These depend
and tires is covered under the provisions of the Volkswagen mainly on where you drive and how you drive. They would
New Vehicle Warranty. It will be honored by any Authorized include weather and atmospheric conditions, varying road
Volkswagen dealer in the continental United States, Hawaii surfaces, individual driving habits and vehicle usage.
and Canada.
For example, you are required to pay for the following:
This warranty is transferable if the ownership of the vehicle
changes within the above period. Lubrication services.
In order to keep the warranty in force, you, as the owner of the Diagnosis and Maintenance services — except those free of
vehicle, have certain responsibilities. It is important that the charge as specified in the Owner’s Manual.
vehicle be maintained properly. To facilitate record keeping,
this booklet provides space for listing diagnosis, maintenance,
Wheel alignment and wheel balancing. The frequency of
and oil change services as they are performed.
these services depends on driving conditions such as rapid
starts and stops, tire skidding, hitting pot holes and curbs, etc.
Diagnosis and maintenance services should be performed by
Authorized Volkswagen dealers. They have Volkswagen train- Mechanical adjustments — including brakes, clutch, door locks
ed mechanics and special tools to provide fast, efficient service — are required as a matter of normal operation of a motor
in accordance with Volkswagen quality standards. vehicle. This protects you against early or expensive replace-
The terms of your warranty require you to keep a maintenance
record of your vehicle. Provided that maintenance or oil change Brakes and clutch linings are directly affected by driving habits
services were performed in accordance with Volkswagen specifi- and use. The replacement of brake linings, brake pads, clutch
cations, dated bills of other than Authorized Volkswagen dealers linings and shock absorbers, and the reconditioning of brake
will be accepted as proof that these services were performed drums and brake discs should be performed whenever neces-
when required. sary.
Spark plugs and ignition points are subject to wear. Periodic
replacements ensure you of maximum engine performance and
gasoline economy.
Volkswagen parts, accessories and exchange units are identified by these trademarks.
All meet the same exacting quality control standards as the original equipment on the
car, and comply with all applicable Government safety regulations.
They are guaranteed to be free from defects in material or workmanship for a period
of 6 months or 6,000 miles, whichever comes first.
All Volkswagen parts and accessories are available at your Authorized Volkswagen
Also, ask him about rebuilt parts under the Volkswagen Exchange Service . . . they
cost less than new parts but carry the same warranty.
Dear VW Owner:
A lot has gone into the manufacture of Before getting behind the wheel: And when you are on the highway:
your Volkswagen. Including advanced en-
gineering techniques, rigid quality control 1 - Make sure that the tires are inflated 1 - Always drive defensively. Expect the
and demanding inspections. The enginee- correctly. unexpected.
ring and safety features that have gone 2 - Watch the tread depth indicator on the 2 - Use signals to indicate turns and lane
into your VW will be enhanced by . . . you, tires. Look for bruises and wear. changes.
3 - See that all windows are clean and 3 - Turn on headlights at dusk.
the safe driver who knows his vehicle unobstructed. 4 - Follow at a safe distance. A good rule
and all the controls, 4 - Check that headlight and tail light of thumb is to allow a minimum of one
who maintains his lenses are clean. car length for each 10 mph of speed.
vehicle properly, 5 - Check that all lights are functioning 5 - Reduce speed during night hours and
who uses his driving properly. inclement weather.
skills wisely. 6 - Check turn signal lamps and indicator 6 - Observe speed limits and obey high-
light (ignition on). way signs.
Because safe driving is important to you,
7 - When tired, get off the highway, stop
we urge you to read this manual carefully,
In the driver’s seat: and take a rest.
to maintain your VW properly and to follow
8 - When stopped or parked, always set
the check list shown on this page when- 1 - Position seat properly for easy reach the parking brake.
ever you use your VW. of controls. 9 - When stalled or stopped for repairs,
2 - Adjust inside and outside mirrors for move the car well off the road. Set
unobstructed rear view. the emergency flasher and use road
3 - Fasten safety belts. flares or other warning devices to
4 - Check brake warning light when start- warn other motorists.
ing the engine.
5 - Check brake operation.
6 - Make sure that all doors are closed
securely and locked.
This additional line
applies only to the
This sticker is your assurance that your This sticker also shows the month and
1973 Volkswagen complies with all U.S. year of production and the chassis number
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards of your car (perforation) as well as the
which were in effect at the time the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating and the
vehicle was manufactured. You can find Gross Axle Weight Rating.
this sticker on the left doorjamb. This sample shows the weight ratings of
the Campmobile and the Station Wagon.
Vehicle Identification:
Key Doors
The same key is used for the ignition/ Always drive with locked doors to prevent To lock and unlock front doors from the
steering lock, the doors and the rear inadvertent opening of the door from the outside
luggage compartment. inside, especially with small children in
the car. You can lock and unlock your car with a
key, of course.
DO NOT INVITE CAR THEFT To lock and unlock front doors from the
by leaving your car unattended with the
key in the ignition lock. Take the key with depress or pull out the locking lever in
you and lock the doors. the inside door handle.
A buzzer will remind you when you open
the driver’s door and the key is still in
the ignition lock.
The sliding door
Always drive with a securely locked To close the door from the inside, move On the VW Delivery Van, with a full parti-
sliding door. the handle forward first to release the tion between the driver’s cab and the car-
catch. Slide the door forward until it lat- go compartment, open the sliding door
To open the sliding door from the outside, ches. Then pull the handle up, to position from the inside by pulling the inside
press the handle down and slide the door — B — to make sure the door is secure- handle to position — D —.
to the rear. The door is held in the fully ly closed.
open position by a catch.
To open the sliding door from the inside, To lock the sliding door from the inside,
move the door handle forward, to position depress the small lever to position — C —.
— A —, and slide the door open. A sliding door that has been locked from In the VW Kombi and VW Delivery Van,
the inside can only be unlocked from the embossed lines — E — on the cargo com-
inside. partment floor mark the limit up to which
On the Delivery Van, the cargo compart- cargo can be loaded without obstructing
ment can be locked from inside with a the operation of the sliding door.
small sliding knob instead of the locking
lever — C —. To lock, move the sliding
knob to the right.
The rear lid Windows
The rear luggage compartment is easily We have made the windshield and win- Vent windows
accessible through the lid at the rear of dows large for clear, unobstructed visi- (VW Station Wagon only)
the vehicle. You lock and unlock it with bility.
the key. To open the vent windows, turn knob in
We recommend you do not put decals or driving direction, move locking lever for-
To open the lid, depress the lock and raise other signs on the windows of your car ward and push out window.
the lid until it is held in the fully open posi- that will interfere with the driver’s vision.
tion by springs. Do not let the lid fly open
You can lower and raise the windows in
on its own.
the front doors by using the window win-
To close the lid, swing it down firmly. Al- ders. We cushioned the knobs for your
ways make sure it is properly closed and safety.
Do not drive with the rear luggage com-
partment lid open. This precludes the
possibility of exhaust fumes entering the
We recommend you do not adjust the Removing and installing driver’s seat To reinstall the driver’s seat, stand out-
driver’s seat while driving. Your seat may side the vehicle and position the seat in
With the adjustment lever raised, slide
suddenly jerk forward or backward, which front of the tracks. Hook the inboard
the seat all the way forward until the
could result in loss of control. seat track first. Then insert the outer
runner touches the leaf spring stop. Stand
runner by pulling the seat slightly
outside the car, pull the leaf spring stop
toward you. With the adjustment lever
with the right hand and, with the adjusting
raised, slide the seat back on the tracks.
The front passenger seat can be adjusted When putting the seat back in again, hold Removing and installing seats in the rear
to two different positions. Lift the seat the seat with the seat cushion tilted to- passenger compartment
cushion at the front edge and move the ward the backrest, slide the hook on the
seat into the second notch. rear side of the backrest into the bracket All seats in the rear passenger compart-
on the partition. Insert the seat cushion in ment can be taken out. First remove the
Keep the backrest hooked into the the desired notch, and fold the seat sides and front trimming from the seat
bracket on the partition when adjusting cushion down. Always check to be sure frames.
the seat position. the backrest is securely attached to the
Removing and installing the front Passenger compartment Then unscrew the nuts and take off the
passenger seat In the 9-seater version, the backrest of the mounting supports. Remove seats. Take
first seat in the middle row can be tilted out bolts by turning them.
Lift it at the front edge first; then remove.
forward and out of the way for easy
access to the rear bench. To disengage When reinstalling the seats use all bolts,
the lock of the backrest, pull up the lever mounting supports, and nuts. Be sure to
on the side of the backrest. tighten the nuts firmly.
Safety belts
A safety belt is provided for each seating Insert the belt into the anchor housing on buckle already engaged in the anchor
position in your Volkswagen. For your the inboard side of the seat and push housing. Take up any slack of the loose
protection, fasten your safety belt before down until it is securely locked. belt by moving the slide on the belt.
driving off and wear it at all times while
the car is in motion.
Store safety belts of unoccupied seats
properly. This reduces the possibility of
their becoming a striking object in case
of a sudden stop.
Belt care
Keep safety belts clean. If cleaning is nec-
essary, wash them with a mild soap solu-
tion, without removing them from the car.
Do not bleach or dye safety belts. Do not To unfasten the belt, push in the release Safety belts for rear seats
use any other cleaning agents. They may marked PRESS in the anchor housing. The
The rear seats are equipped with adjus-
weaken the webbing. belt tongue will spring out of the anchor
table lap belts.
Check buckles and retractors for proper housing.
function. Check belt webbing and bindings When not in use the belt should be hung Pull the longer section across your lap
for damage. on the hook provided for this purpose on and insert the tongue in the inboard buck-
Safety belts for front seats the door post. le. Push in until you hear a click to be
sure the belt is locked securely.
The front seats are equipped with combi- Belts should not be worn too loose or twisted.
nation lap/shoulder belts. For easy storage They should fit snugly across your body. The belt should not be worn loose or
a hook is provided on the door post. The lap belt section should be completely twisted.
A shoulder belt should not be worn by a unrolled from the retractor.
To unfasten the belt, push in the release
person less than 4’7” in height because it
Do not strap in more than one person in marked PRESS in the buckle.
would not be in its most protective posi-
each belt.
tion, and therefore may increase the To lengthen or shorten the rear belt,
possibility of injury in a collision. To adjust the length of the belts, press in hold the belt tongue at a right angle to the
To fasten your combination lap/shoulder the release in the buckle as you pull the belt and pull the respective belt section in
belt, grasp the belt tongue, take it off the respective belt section in the desired the desired direction. Take up any slack of
hook on the door post and pull the belt across direction. With this release it is also the loose belt end by moving the slide on
your lap and chest. possible to adjust the belt length with the the belt.
Instrument panel
1 - Heater temperature lever (TEMP) 3b- Vents for fresh air ventilation on the 13 - Interior light switch for rear
1a- Vents for heating and defrosting dashboard (one for each side) 14 - Windshield wipers/washer lever
(two for each side) 4 - Fuel gauge and warning lights 15 - Emergency flasher
2 - Heat distribution lever (HEAT-DEF) 5 - Speedometer 16 - Control knob for Auxiliary Heater
2a- Warm air outlets for front leg area 6 - For installation of optional (optional equipment)
(one for each side) equipment: electric clock 17 - Ashtray
3 - Fresh air control lever 8 - Plate over radio aperture 18 - Rear window defogger
3a- Vents for fresh air ventilation below 9 - Glove compartment 19 - Location for optional accessory
the windshield (one for each side) 10 - Turn signal/headlight dim switch lever switches
11 - Headlight switch 20 - Ignition/steering lock
22 12 - Horn button 21 - Container for windshield washer fluid
Ignition steering lock To remove the key and to lock the steer- Indicator or warning lights
ing, turn the key back to position 1 and
The steering is equipped with an anti-theft The following indicator or warning lights
pull it out. Turn the steering wheel until
ignition lock. are in the fuel gauge dial.
it locks.
Fasten safety belts.
The steering column will lock when you
Make sure the gearshift lever is in Neutral
remove the key. Therefore DO NOT RE-
(Manual Transmission) when starting the
MOVE the key while you are driving or
engine. The Automatic Transmission can
as the car is rolling to a stop.
be started in Neutral or Park (also see
pages 30 and 33). If you leave the key in the ignition/steer-
ing lock, the buzzer will sound when the
a a
driver’s door is opened. This is your
reminder to remove the key.
b e
Fuel gauge
The fuel gauge only works with the igni-
tion on. c d
The red warning lights for alternator and oil pressure will light up in the fuel gauge dial 7 - Brake warning light
when the ignition is turned on. They should go out after you have started the engine. Your Volkswagen is equipped with a dual
circuit brake system. Both circuits, one
b - Alternator warning light e - Oil pressure warning light for the front brakes and one for the rear
STOP AT ONCE . . . brakes, can function independently.
If this light comes on when you are driv-
If the oil pressure warning light comes If the brake warning light lights up when
ing, the alternator has stopped charging.
on when are driving. you apply the brakes while driving, one
You can drive on. But try to get the ve-
of the two brake circuits may have failed.
hicle to an Authorized Volkswagen Dealer
Check the oil level to make sure you The other brake circuit will still operate,
as soon as possible because the battery
have enough oil. If the oil level is normal, but a longer distance and greater pedal
will soon run down.
do not drive on but contact your nearest pressure are required to bring the car to
Whenever stalled or stopped for repair, Authorized VW Dealer. a halt.
move the car well off the road. Turn on
An occasional flickering of the oil pres- Pull off the road and stop
the emergency flasher and mark the car
with road flares or other warning devices. sure warning light when the engine is Try out the effectiveness of the brakes by
Before working on any part in the engine idling after a long high-speed trip is no carefully starting and stopping on the
compartment, wait until the engine has cause for concern if the light goes out road shoulder.
sufficiently cooled down. upon acceleration. If you judge that the brakes operate safe-
ly enough to take you to the nearest dea-
5 - Speedometer dial ler, proceed cautiously and at low speed.
The speedometer indicates the speed; the If you do not feel it is safe to continue,
odometer records the miles driven. The have your car towed to the nearest dealer
last digit in red indicates 1/10 of a mile. for repair.
6 - this dial can be used for installation of Proper functioning of brake warning light
an electric clock, which is optional equip- The brake warning light will light up when
ment. To set the clock, depress the knob in the ignition is turned on. It will go out after
the center and turn. the engine has been started. This is your
assurance that the brake warning light
functions properly. If the brake warning
light does not light up when turning on the
ignition, or if it does not go out after star-
ting, there may be a defect in the elec-
trical system. If this is the case, contact
your Authorized VW Dealer.
lights by turning the headlight switch Move the car well off the road when
11- Headlight switch
knob. stalled or stopped for repairs.
Pull the knob to the first stop to turn on
the parking lights, the side marker lights, 13 - Interior light switch for rear 18 - Rear window defogger
the license plate, tail and instrument passenger compartment Turn ignition on first.
lights. The green indicator light will light Pull out the knob to turn on the light in Pull out the knob to activate the rear
up on the lower right hand side of the fuel the rear of the passenger compartment. window defogger.
gauge dial. The green control lamp in the knob will
Pull the knob to the second stop to turn light up to remind you that the defogger
15 - Emergency flasher switch is switched on.
on the headlights. The headlights only
work with the ignition on. If your car is disabled or parked under
To preserve the battery, the headlights emergency conditions, pull the switch to
will go out automatically when the ignition make all four turn signals flash simulta-
is turned off or when the engine is started. neously. The warning light in the switch
knob flashes, too. The light in the flasher
Instrument illumination switch will glow when the parking lights
Adjust the brightness of the instrument or headlights are turned on.
Lane changer
If you are just changing lanes on an ex-
pressway, slightly lift or depress the
lever. When you release your hold on the
lever, it will return to the OFF position.
Sun visors Front interior light
To protect the driver from side glare, the The switch positions are: Rear view mirrors
sun visor on the driver’s side can be Front — ON (with doors open)
moved toward the door window after lift- Center — OFF Adjust the outside and inside mirrors be-
ing it out of its center mounting. The sun Rear — ON (with doors closed) fore driving off. It is important for safe
visor on the passenger’s side cannot be driving that you have good vision to the
moved toward the side. rear.
Controls for Manual Transmission
1 - Clutch pedal 2 - Brake pedal Brake linings may not have the highest
possible braking efficiency when new.
Always depress the clutch pedal fully Make it a habit to check the operation of
Therefore allow for longer braking
when changing gears. Do not hold the car your brakes. You will remember from
distance during the initial 100 to 150 miles.
on a steep hill with the clutch pedal par- page 24 that the brake warning light will
This also applies when brake pads or
tially depressed. This may cause prema- alert you if one brake circuit may have
shoes are replaced.
ture wear or damage. failed.
Make sure that the movement of the brake
pedal is not obstructed by a floor mat, or
any other object.
Volkswagen automobiles have excellent 3 - Accelerator pedal
brakes, but they are still subject to wear . . .
depending on how the brakes are used. For good fuel economy we recommend
If you find that the brake pedal travel has smooth and even acceleration. Very fast,
increased, have the brakes adjusted; if racy driving, alternating between full
necessary, between the specified main- throttle and hard braking, raises the fuel
tenance intervals. consumption considerably. Also, tires
and brake linings wear faster.
Keep in mind that the braking distance in-
creases very rapidly as the speed increa- You can drive most economically between:
ses. At 60 mph, for example, it is not twice 10 and 23 mph in 2nd gear
but four times longer than at 30 mph. Tire 15 and 35 mph in 3rd gear
traction is also less effective when the 30 and 50 mph in 4th gear
roads are wet and slippery. Therefore,
always maintain safe distance.
Driving through deep water may reduce
tire traction. Moisture on the brakes may
also affect braking efficiency. Cautiously
apply the brakes for a test. If you notice
a lag in the braking action, the brakes
may be wet. They will dry after you have
applied the brakes a few times, but do it
very cautiously.
4 - Gearshift lever There are, however, certain recommended Do not remove the key from the steering
speed ranges for the various gears: lock while the car is rolling to a stop. The
Your Volkswagen has a fully synchronized
1st gear 0—15 mph steering column is locked as soon as you
transmission. The four forward gears and
2nd gear 10—32 mph remove the key. Take out the key only
a reverse gear are arranged as illustrated.
3rd gear 15—52 mph after the car is parked.
The shift pattern is also shown on the face
of your ashtray in the dashboard. 4th gear from 30 mph up
If you have a traffic situation where it is
necessary to accelerate in 2nd and 3rd
gear above the recommended speed ran-
ges, you may do so for a brief period only.
A governor is installed on the engine to
prevent damage from excessive engine
speed (revolutions per minute).
Only shift into Reverse when the car is not
moving. To engage the reverse gear,
press the lever down, move it to the left
and pull back.
The back-up lights go on automatically
when you engage the reverse gear (with
the ignition on).
Resting your hand on the shift lever knob 5 - Parking brake Always set the parking brake when park-
while driving will cause premature wear ing your car. On steep hills also turn the
to the transmission. To set the parking brake, pull out the wheels toward the curb.
handle. To release the parking brake, first
slightly pull the handle as you turn it to
Speed ranges the right. Then push it all the way in. Be
You can drive your Volkswagen at full sure the parking brake is fully released.
speed from the first day. You do not have A partially engaged parking brake pro-
a break-in schedule. motes wear of the brake lining.
Controls for Automatic Transmission
There are few points you should know if
you want to take full advantage of your
The selector lever has 6 positions:
P = Park
From N to R
From R to P } squeeze trigger in handle
and push lever forward.
Automatic Transmission.
From P to R }
R = Reverse squeeze trigger in handle
Remember the following basic rules: N = Neutral and pull lever back.
The driving ranges Range 1 lever. The accelerator kickdown can only
be applied with the selector lever in the
The Automatic transmission has 3 for- Range 1 is needed on rare occasions, such
driving ranges D and “2”.
ward driving ranges and one reverse. In as steep mountain driving. The first gear
the selected driving ranges, the Auto- engages immediately upon selecting “1”. When depressing the accelerator pedal
matic transmission changes gears auto- In “1”, the transmission will stay in first you will find resistance at the full throttle
matically while driving. gear and not shift into second or third. position. By applying greater pressure
Therefore, do no select “1” when driving the pedal can be pushed beyond this
Range D more than 30 mph. point to the kickdown position. The trans-
mission will now shift automatically into
An interlock prevents inadvertent shifting
is the driving range to be normally used the next lower gear to give you maximum
into Range 1. When selecting “1”, squeeze
for day-to-day driving and highway driv- acceleration, and only shift up again
the trigger in the handle and pull the lever
ing. It ranges from zero to top speed, and after the engine has reached maximum
back. When shifting back into 2, just push
all three gears engage automatically speed in that particular gear.
the lever forward.
while driving.
Be careful when using the kickdown on
The reverse driving range icy roads. Rapid acceleration may cause
Ranges 2 and 1 skidding.
are to be used for mountain driving or should be selected only when the vehicle Please observe the following when
slow driving, and also when you want to is stationary and without depressing the applying the accelerator kickdown:
make use of the engine’s braking effect. accelerator. To select reverse you must
squeeze the trigger in the handle and With the selector lever in D, you can
push the lever forward. To move the lever apply the kickdown to make the trans-
Range 2 mission shift down into second gear
back to Neutral, just pull the lever back.
when driving below 50 mph and down
Should only be used up to 55 mph. In “2”,
to first gear when driving below 30 mph.
only the first and second gears will Accelerator “Kickdown”
With the selector lever in “2”, you can
engage automatically. Therefore, only shift
If you need quick acceleration to pass apply the kickdown to make the trans-
down into driving range “2” when the car
moving vehicles or to climb steep grades, mission shift down into first gear when
speed is below 55 mph. It is not necessary
make use of the accelerator “kickdown” driving below 30 mph.
to let up on the accelerator.
in your VW with Automatic Transmission.
It gives you the possibility to shift into a As soon as you release the pedal from
lower gear without moving the selector the kickdown position the next higher
gear is automatically selected.
Starting the engine Stopping Mountain driving
is only possible when the selector lever When stopping temporarily, at traffic When driving on long, steep and
is in Neutral or Park. As long as one of lights for example, it is not necessary to winding mountain roads select range
the driving ranges is engaged a safety move the selector lever to Neutral. Simply 2 or 1.
switch prevents the engine from being apply one of the brakes. To start off again,
started. For further details on starting release the brake and accelerate. Parking
see pages 23 and 33.
Do not remove the key from the ignition/
steering lock until you have parked the
Moving off
When alternating between forward and car, because removal of the key locks the
With the parking brake or foot brake set, reverse drive — for instance, while steering.
shift into the range you wish to use, maneuvering the car into a tight parking When parking your car, apply the parking
usually position D. To move off, release space — only shift into Reverse or Drive brake and move the selector lever to
the brake and accelerate. when position P. To do this, squeeze the trigger
Do not release the brake before you are the car has come to a full stop, in the handle and push the lever forward
prepared to move, because power is and the engine is running at idling to the Park position. The transmission is
transmitted to the wheels as soon as a speed. then mechanically locked.
driving range is selected. The Park position may only be engaged
when the car is stationary.
Selecting a driving range
Starting hints
Fasten safety belts!
Front Ashtray
Pull to open it. You can remove the For safety reasons, fold the handle back
ashtray by depressing the leaf spring and into its recess, as shown in the illustration.
pulling the tray out.
To put it back in, depress the leaf
spring, insert the tray in the guide and
push in with the heel of your hand.
Ventilation (3)
The fresh air circulation system provides a them. You can open and close these
continuous draft-free exchange of air vents by adjusting the flap in the vents.
while driving.
With the blue lever — 3 — on the dash- Two additional discharge vents are locates Air that enters the interior of the car via
board you can regulate the flow of fresh on the partition between the driver’s cab the fresh air circulation system is drawn
air. and the rear passenger compartment. out through openings in the front door
They are individually adjustable and pro- frames. The air flow can be regulated by
Lever up — ventilation off
vide fresh air ventilation toward the rear. levers in the inside panel of the front
Lever down — ventilation on
Fresh air enters through two vents Lever to the front —
— 3a — below the windshield and two fresh air circulation on
round discharge vents — 3b — on the Lever to the rear —
sides of the dashboard. You can regulate fresh air circulation off
the flow of fresh air from the round
discharge vents in any direction by turning
VW Air Conditioner (optional equipment)
Operating Controls
1 - Air volume switch (“AIR”)
This switch serves two functions. It turns
the air conditioning system on and off and
controls the fan speed. The fan positions
VW Auxiliary Heater an intermediate position to set the desired To give you full battery power, the heater
heat range. A light in the heater switch should not run while starting the engine.
(optional equipment)
on the dashboard will glow when the
The auxiliary heater can be operated with- parking lights or headlights are turned on. Within the timing cycle switch the heater
out turning on then engine. However, when off manually before restarting the engine.
it is very cold we recommend you start
the engine first as the full battery capa- The heater normally requires no special
city is required for starting the engine maintenance. It is advisable, however, to
under cold weather conditions. have the heater plug and spark plug
checked once a year before the cold
Do not start or let the engine or heater weather sets in and new plugs installed
run in an enclosed, unventilated are to if necessary. The fuel system should also
warm up the car. Exhaust fumes from the be checked for cleanliness and the elec-
engine or gasoline heater contain carbon To turn the heater off, turn the heater trical connections for tightness.
monoxide, which is colorless and odorless. switch on the dashboard to the left. The
Carbon monoxide, however, is a very light in the switch then goes out. The blo- During the winter and when driving over
harmful gas, and may be fatal if inhaled. wer motor continues to run until the very poor roads, mud or snow may tend
heater has cooled down. to accumulate in the exhaust and com-
There is a timer in the heater switch, which bustion air intake pipes. Have these pipes
gives you the possibility to preheat the checked for blockage from time to time
vehicle interior for a set period of time so that the heater can continue to work
before starting the engine. pro-perly. When the heater is not used for
long periods, for instance, during the
To set the timer, turn the heater switch summer, the fuel in the heater can
further to the right. The maximum sweep evaporate. It is therefore advisable to
of the timer constitutes about 25 to 30 operate the heater briefly about once a
To turn the heater on, turn the green minutes of heater operation. You can, of month when it is not in regular use.
heater switch on the dashboard slightly to course set the timer at any desired inter-
the right. mediate position. Heat output — 4320—1600 BTU/h
Temperature range — 104°—275° F
The Auxiliary Heater must be turned off As soon as the timing cycle is completed, Fuel — gasoline from fuel tank
when filling the tank. the heater will shut itself off. If you start
the engine before the timing cycle is com- Fuel consumption
With the knob on the front right hand side pleted, the heater will continue working, 0.35—1.1 pints/h (0.3—1.0 Imp. pt./h)
under the driver’s seat you regulate the and can then be turned off manually,
temperature. Pull it out all the way or to whenever desired. Power consumption — 50 watts
Towing and trailer hauling
Always observe state laws and munici- Automatic Transmission Trailer hauling
pal ordinances governing towing.
When towing your Volkswagen with It is not possible to tow a trailer with your
We provided your Volkswagen with tow- Automatic Transmission, please also Volkswagen with Automatic Transmission.
ing eyes at the front and rear. They are observe the following in addition to the When towing a trailer with your Volks-
for emergency towing over short items listed under Manual Transmission. wagen with Manual Transmission always
distances only.
The towing speed should not exceed shift to a lower gear when driving up or
When you tow your VW with the engine 30 mph, and the towing distance should down steep hills with this extra load.
not running, the brake booster does not not be longer than 30 miles. This is very
assist the braking force. To get the full important because the transmission will The total weight of a trailer (without
braking effect, the driver must apply more not be adequately lubricated do to the brakes) should not exceed 1100 lbs.
force to the brake pedal. lack of oil pressure normally provided
when the engine is running. These limita- The trailer tongue load should be 55 to
tions do not apply if the car is lifted at 110 lbs. Distribute load in the trailer
the rear or if the drive shafts are evenly.
Manual Transmission
When towing your Volkswagen with And remember: the additional trailer
Manual Transmission, place the gearshift weight affects the braking of your car
lever in Neutral. Turn the ignition on to be so that a longer distance is needed to
able to operate parking light, turn signals bring the car and trailer to a stop. Test
and stop lights. Be sure to release the Please keep in mind . . . the brakes before starting out on a trip
parking brake. with a trailer.
The towing eyes on your Volkswagen are
not designed for towing by commercial
tow trucks. Also, never have your VW
towed by the bumper.
The driver of the towing car must be very
careful when driving off and shifting to
avoid sudden and abrupt jerks.
Winter operation
Battery Door locks Engine oil
During the winter months, the battery is can freeze in the winter if water gets into To make starting easier during the cold
subjected to greater use than in the sum- them. When washing your car in the win- winter months, we suggest you choose a
mer months. More current is consumed ter, do not aim the water jet directly at the thinner grade motor oil. Turn to page 63
when starting at very low temperatures. locks. It is a good idea to put tape over the for the recommended oil grades.
Lights and the rear window defogger are keyholes to prevent the water from If you drive mostly short distances and in
used more often. Besides, the battery seeping in. Water in the locks must be city traffic, we recommend you have your
tends to decrease in capacity as the tem- removed with compressed air afterwards. engine oil changed at 1500-mile intervals
perature drops. Squirt lock de-icer, anti-freeze, or gly- in the winter.
cerine into the lock cylinders to prevent
Therefore, it is very important to keep Transmission oil
the locks from freezing.
your battery in the best possible condi-
tion. See also “Battery” on page 50. SAE 90 grade transmission oil can
To open a frozen lock, warm up the key
generally be used all year round. Only in
before inserting it. It might also help to
Do not expose battery to open flame or areas with a cold climate is it necessary
warm the lock. Do not use hot water as it
electric spark as hydrogen gas generated to use the thinner SAE 80 transmission
will later freeze in the lock.
by the battery is explosive. Do not let bat- oil during the winter months.
tery acid come in contact with skin, eyes, In arctic climate and areas with tempera-
fabric or painted surfaces. Windshield washer tures consistently below —13° F, use
Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) for
If you mainly drive short distances or in Add anti-freeze to the washer fluid, such the manual transmission and final drive.
city traffic, have the battery checked and, as Volkswagen’s Windshield Washer This does not apply to the final drive of
if necessary charged between regular Anti-Freeze and Solvent, to prevent it the Automatic Transmission. When the
inspections. from freezing. Follow the instructions on temperature rises, replace the ATF with
the can for the right amount to be used. SAE 80 or SAE 90 grade transmission oil.
See also page 64.
Emergency equipment
Spark plugs
It is good planning to carry emergency
equipment in your car. Some of the things Make sure the spark plugs are not worn
you should have are: window scraper, or have a gap larger than 0.028 inch.
snow brush, container or bag of sand or For further details on spark plugs see
salt, flares, small shovel, first-aid kit, etc. page 57.
Your Volkswagen is equipped with tubeless radial ply tires. Volkswagen tires conform
to all applicable U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.
sidewall of the tires. If in doubt, check For safety reasons, it is not advisable to
with your Authorized VW Dealer. drive with winter tires at top speeds. Win-
ter tires do not have the same degree of
New tires do not posses maximum trac-
traction on dry, wet or snow-free roads
tion. They tend to be slippery. Break new
as regular tires.
tires in by driving at moderate speed for
the first 60—100 miles.
Winter tires
If you notice that tires are wearing Tire care
unevenly, consult your Authorized VW Winter tires give good traction in snow or
1 - Frequently check tires for damage.
Dealer. Uneven wear may not always be slush.
Remove embedded material.
due to improper wheel alignment. It can For a better grip on hard snow or ice, you
be the result of individual driving habits can use snow tires with studs, but check 2 - Keep oil and gasoline away from area.
such as cornering at high speeds if the with your State Motor Vehicle Bureau for 3 - Replace worn tires in time.
tire pressure is not checked and adjusted possible restrictions. Winter tires with
regularly, abnormal tire wear can also studs should be run at moderate speed 4 - Replace missing valve dust caps as
occur. when new to give the studs time to settle. soon as possible.
Spare wheel
Location in rear luggage wheel, lift the front edge of the passenger Jack
compartment seat to unhook the backrest. Fold the
backrest forward, and move the seat Warning
The spare wheel is stored in the rear
approximately 1 inch forward. Reposition
luggage compartment. To remove it, take The jack is only to be used for changing
the safety belts. Turn the seat toward the
off the cover and loosen the strap. When a wheel. Do not use it as a support to
door. Take out the spare wheel from the
putting it back in again, be sure the plastic work underneath the car.
driver’s side.
cap is in the shown position and tighten
the strap. (See page 20 on how to install the front The jack and the tool kit are in a bag and
passenger seat.) stowed under the front passenger seat.
See page 20 on how to remove and rein-
stall the seat.
Spare tire pressure
Check the tire pressure from time to
time and maintain it at a maximum of
40 psi (2.8 kg/cm2).
Whenever you have to use the spare
wheel, adjust the tire pressure as speci-
fied on the sticker behind the driver’s
Changing a wheel
If you have a flat tire, move off the road- Step 5 - Jack up car. Step 2
way. Turn on the emergency flasher. In Step 6 - Change wheel and handtighten
addition, mark the position of your car With the wheels still firmly resting on the
wheel nuts.
with flares or other warning devices to ground, remove the hub cap of the defec-
alert other motorists. Step 7 - Lower car. tive wheel.
Step 8 - Further tighten the wheel nuts.
Before you change a wheel, be sure the Do not overtighten.
ground is level and firm, especially where Important: Torque adjustment.
the jack ports are. Step 9 - Replace hub cap.
Set the parking brake and block the Step 10 - Correct the air pressure of the tire
wheels opposite the defective wheel on you have just put on.
the other side of the car.
Step 1
For more efficient and safe changing of a Take out the bag with kit and jack from
flat tire, observe the following 10 steps. under the front passenger seat. Lift the
front edge of the seat to unhook the
Later we expand on these steps in greater backrest and remove the seat.
Then go crosswise from one nut to To install the hub cap, place it around the
another tightening them firmly with the lower part of the wheel center. With a
socket wrench and breaker bar. firm blow of your hand on the upper part,
the hub cap will snap into place. Make
sure it is properly seated.
Correct tightness of the wheel nuts is
Step 10
Correctly tightened nuts should have a
torque of 90—100 ft. lbs. This torque can Adjust the air pressure of the tire you have
be obtained with the socket wrench and just put on. For correct tire inflation
breaker bar by any person of average pressures, see the sticker behind the
strength. If in doubt about the correct driver’s seat.
tightness of the wheel nuts, have it check- Store the jack and tool kit under the front
ed with a torque wrench by your dealer or passenger seat. See page 20 for instruc-
at a service station. tions on how to reinstall the seat.
Container for windshield washer fluid
It is located on the right under the dash- After filling the windshield washer con- The brake fluid should always be between
board and has a capacity of 2.9 U. S. pints tainer, screw the cap on tightly. the upper and lower edge of the reser-
(2.4 Imp. pt.). voir. If it drops below the lower edge, the
Pressurize the container up to a maximum
As clear water is usually not adequate for of 42 psi (3.0 kg/cm2) by attaching the cause should be corrected by your Autho-
cleaning the windshield, add a cleaning hose from the air pump to the container rized Volkswagen Dealer.
solution to the water such as Volks- hose.
wagen’s Windshield Washer Anti-Freeze &
Place plastic cover over container cap.
Solvent. It is a concentrate, so follow Every 2 years, the brake fluid has to be
the directions on the can for the correct replaced. See “Additional Services Re-
amount to be used. cord” on pages 83 and 78.
You can use Volkswagen’s Windshield Brake fluid reservoir
Washer Anti-Freeze & Solvent all year
round. It helps to keep your windshield It is located under the driver’s seat. Only new, unused brake fluid that meets
clean, and prevents freezing of the was- You can check the brake fluid level the SAE recommendation J 1703 and con-
her fluid in the winter. through a cut-out in the cover. forms to Motor Vehicle Safety Standard
116 must be used.
Under the driver’s seat, there may be no
luggage stored which could damage the
brake fluid reservoir.
The 12-point fuse box with plug-in arrange- On no account should fuses be patched Additional fuses
ment for relays is located under the up with tin foil or wire as this may cause
instrument panel on the right hand side serious damage elsewhere in the elec- The 8 amp fuse for the back-up lights is
of the steering column. trical circuit. It is advisable to always located in the engine compartment on a
When a fuse is blown, it is not sufficient carry a few spare 8 amp. and 16 amp. support near the ignition coil (arrow)**.
to merely replace it. The cause of the fuses in your car.
short circuit or overload must be found.
There are ten 8 amp. fuses (white) and two 16 amp. fuses (red). No. 9 and No. 10 are
the two 16 amp. fuses.
1 Tail light left, side marker light left 8 Emergency flasher, interior light at
2 Parking lights, side marker light right, 9 Interior light at rear, buzzer alarm,
license plate light, tail light right Auxiliary heater* (switch current)
3 Low beam left 10 Windshield wipers, rear window de-
fogger, Auxiliary heater* (switch cur-
4 Low beam right
5 High beam left, high beam indicator 11 Turn signals, warning lamps for alter-
light nator, oil pressure, fuel gauge, kick-
6 High beam right down (Automatic Transmission only),
back-up lights (Automatic Transmis-
7 Accessories sion only)
12 Horn, stop lights, brake warning light ** Manual transmission only
* optional equipment 49
The 16 amp fuse for the warm air blower The electrical system and the ability of the be taken out for checking and mainten-
is located in the engine compartment engine to start readily depends to a great ance purposes.
near the blower motor. extent on the battery. Therefore, the
To remove the battery, take off the plastic
battery should be checked regularly and
cover. Disconnect the battery ground
kept in good working condition.
strap (leave wire attached) and then the
The battery is located in the engine com- terminal from the positive post. Discon-
partment on the right hand side and should nect the center wire (electrolyte level
sensor for diagnosis). Remove the front
clamp. Be sure the battery filler caps are
in place before taking the battery out.
Fuel supply
Before reinstalling the battery, clean all The engine requires “Regular” gasoline The Auxiliary Heater (optional equipment)
terminals and connections. Remove corro- with a minimum octane rating of 91 (RON). must be turned off when filling the fuel
sion. Put the battery in its stowage posi- In the interest of cleaner air, the VW en- tank.
tion and tighten the clamp firmly. Recon- gine is designed to run also on low-lead or
nect the positive cable first, then the lead-free gasoline. If regular fuels with
ground strap and the center wire (elec- adequate anti-knock qualities are not
trolyte level sensor for diagnosis). Grease available, premium fuels should be used
the terminals and battery post well with or mixed with the regular fuel.
silicone spray or petroleum jelly. Keep the
ground connection tight and free of corro-
When traveling outside the United States
When working on the battery, be sure not or Canada, regular gasolines may have a
to short circuit the terminals. This would considerably lower octane rating. There-
cause the battery to heat up very quickly, fore, make sure the gasoline that you are
which could lead to damage. using does not have an octane rating
lower than 91.
Before having a quick-charge performed
on a battery installed in a car, disconnect
both terminals to avoid serious damage to
the electronic components of the electri-
Never start or let the engine run in an en-
cal equipment.
closed unventilated area. Exhaust fumes The flap for the filler neck is located above
from the engine contain carbon monoxide the right rear wheel.
If you have not used your car for an ex- which is colorless and odorless. Carbon
tended period of time, you may need to monoxide, however, is a very harmful gas, The fuel tank has a capacity of 15.9 US
have the battery recharged. and can be fatal if inhaled. gallons (60 liters or 13.2 Imp. gal.).
Cleaning your VW
The paint on your VW is very durable, Here are a few hints on how to keep your When cleaning upholstery and/or carpet,
and so is the upholstery. But a car can VW looking young and beautiful. We have never use gasoline, kerosene, naphtha,
get a lot of abuse from industrial fumes also compiled a list of cleaning products. nail polish remover or any other volatile
and corrosive road salt, half-eaten lolli- They are available at any VW dealer. solvents. They may be toxic or flammable
pops and muddy dog feet. and therefore hazardous. Keep all clean-
Whenever using VW-recommended pro-
ing agents out of reach of children.
A well-cared for VW can look like new 10 ducts or other cleaning agents, follow the
years later. It all depends on the owner directions on the containers. Be aware of
and the amount of care he is willing to warning or caution labels.
give to his car.
Washing your VW
The longer the dirt is left on the paint, the
greater the risk of damaging the glossy
Application Volkswagen Product finish, either by scratching if the dirt is
rubbed into the paint, or simply by the
chemical effect dirt particles have on the
Car wash and liquid wax Car Wash and Wax — ZVW 243 201 paint surface.
Paint preservative Paint Preservative and Wax —
000 096 011 Therefore dirt should be washed off as
Paint waxing Classic Car Wax — ZVW 246 101 soon as possible.
Paint polishing and paint waxing Combination Car Cleaner and Wax — NEVER WASH IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT.
ZVW 241 109
Paint polishing, remove paint Paint Polish — 000 096 001 Use plenty of water, a car-wash soap,
oxidation such as VW’s Car Wash and Wax, and a
Preservation of chrome parts Chrome Preservation — 000 096 067 soft sponge or hose brush. Begin with
Paint touch-up Touch-Up Paint (all colors) spraying water over the dry car to
Upholstery cleaning. All Purpose Cleaner — ZVW 243 101 remove all loose dirt before applying the
Whitewall tire cleaning luke-warm soap/water solution.
Windshield washer cleaning and Windshield Washer Anti-Freeze &
anti-freeze Solvent — ZVW 241 101 Use plenty of water to rinse the car off
well. Wipe the car dry with a chamois to
avoid water spots.
Waxing Windshield wiper blades Tar
Waxing is not really needed when you Remove the wiper blades periodically and Do not let tar remain on the paint finish.
have washed your car with VW’s Car scrub with a hard bristle brush and alco- remove it early with a cloth soaked with a
Wash and Wax. If you do not use a car hol or a strong detergent solution. special paint cleaner, such as Paint
wash liquid with wax, apply Paint Preser- Preservative and Wax. If you do not have
vative and Wax to preserve the natural Chrome care a spot remover, you may substitute with
shine of the car. turpentine. After applying a cleaning fluid,
To protect the car’s chrome, apply VW’s
To obtain a long lasting wax finish apply always wash with a lukewarm soap/water
Chrome Preservative.
hard wax, such as VW’s Classic Car Wax, solution and apply a new wax coat.
eight to ten weeks after buying the car.
Wax again when water remains on the Touch-up paint
surface in large patches instead of form- Your dealer has touch-up paint for minor Insects
ing beads and rolling off. scratches and stone chips. Scratches Remove early with a lukewarm soap/water
should be touched up soon after they solution or apply insect remover.
Polishing occur.
Use a polish such as VW’s Paint Polish
later in the car’s life when the paint ap- Care of chassis Tree sap
pears dull and loses its shine. Do not po- Remove with a lukewarm soap/water so-
The underside of the car picks up dirt and
lish the new car. lution. Do not permit tree sap to harden
salt and should be sprayed with a power-
Always apply wax after polishing. ful jet of water. on the paint surface.
This is easier to do after the car has been
Cleaning windows driven in the rain.
Clean windows with a sponge and warm Leatherette and interior trim
water. Dry with a chamois. Removing spots Use VW’s All Purpose Cleaner or a dry
foam cleaner.
Do not use gasoline, kerosene, naphtha,
Weatherstrips nail polish remover or other volatile Grease or paint spots can be removed by
To seal properly, weatherstrips around cleaning fluids. They may be toxic or wiping with a cloth soaked with VW’s All
windows and doors must be pliable. To flammable or hazardous in other ways. Purpose Cleaner. Leatherette parts of the
retain flexibility of the rubber, spray with Only use spot removing fluids in well ven- headliner and side trim panels can be
silicone, available from your VW dealer, tilated areas. Keep them out of reach of cleaned with a soft cloth or brush and All
or coat with talcum powder. children. Purpose Cleaner.
Bulb chart Replacing bulbs
US Re- Headlights
Bulb for placement VW Part No.
Your Volkswagen is equipped with double
Sealed beam filament seven inch sealed beam units.
(headlights) 6014 ZVP 118 114
Should it become necessary to replace a
Front turn signal/parking sealed beam, loosen the screw of the trim
lights 1034 ZVP 118 034
ring. Firmly grasp the loose screw (non-
Side marker lights 57 ZVP 118 057
removable) and pull the trim ring off.
Rear turn signals
Backup lights 1073 ZVP 118 073
Stop/tail lights 1034 ZVP 118 034 Remove the three short screws in the
License plate light 89 ZVP 118 089 sealed beam retaining ring and take the
Warning lights for ring off.
emergency flasher
brake operation
rear window defogger
and Auxiliary Heater — N 17 7512 Do not alter the position of the long head-
Selector lever console light adjustment screws.
(Automatic trans-
mission only) — N 17 7512
Interior lights N 17 7232 Take the sealed beam unit out of the
support ring and pull the cable connector
The following instructions apply to the replacement of the bulbs for the lights shown above:
Remove Phillips screws.
Take off lens.
Press bulb lightly into holder, turn it and take it out.
Install new bulb.
Be sure the gasket is properly positioned when reinstalling the lens.
Tighten screws evenly. Do not overtighten as this may crack the lens.
License plate light bulb Interior light bulb
Open engine compartment lid. Pull interior light out carefully with a
Remove Phillips screws on each side of screwdriver.
lens and take off lens with bulb holder. Take bulb out.
Press bulb in lightly, turn and take out.
Engine compartment Spark plugs
Before working on any part of the engine The correct spark plug gap is 0.028 inch. Cleaning spark plugs
compartment, turn off the engine and let Since the spark plug gap tends to increase
Dirty spark plugs should be cleaned with
it cool down sufficiently. If work has to be in time during normal operation, it is ad-
a sand blaster, but if not available, the
done with the engine running, exercise visable to replace spark plugs every
carbon can be removed with a wood or
extreme caution to prevent neckties, jewel- 12,000 miles.
plastic pick. Do not use a wire brush. The
ry or long hair from getting caught in the
plugs should also be clean and dry on the
outside to avoid shorting and arcing. The
gap can be set by bending the outside
electrode. The gap should be 0.028 inch.
You have access to the engine compart-
ment through the rear outside engine
compartment lid and through another lid Installing spark plugs
located inside the luggage compartment.
Insert them by hand and screw them into
Removing spark plugs the cylinder head as far as they will go.
Only then use the spark plug wrench to
To open the lid inside the luggage com- For better access to the spark plugs,
tighten them firmly. Do not overtighten.
partment, roll the floor covering out of the remove the air cleaner. See page 61 on
way, then turn the lid handles to the OPEN how to remove and install the air cleaner. When installing the end pieces of the
position and lift up the lid. Grasp the spark plug connector and pull cleaner duct, be sure the rubber sleeves
it off. Do not pull the ignition wires as between cleaner and end pieces, and the
they may separate from the connectors. rubber seal on the carburetors are located
To close the lid, perform the operation in
Unscrew the spark plugs with a suitable
reverse order.
spark plug wrench. Reconnect all hoses. Interchanging of
hoses affects the operation of the engine.
Therefore, make sure the hoses are
properly reconnected.
Checking the engine oil level
Your VW will usually not need additional
oil between the scheduled changes.
Even so, you should check the oil level
from time to time. To get a true reading,
be certain the car is on level ground.
Wait at least 5 minutes after the engine
has been stopped; give the oil time to
collect in the crankcase.
To check the oil level, take the dipstick Only add the amount of oil that is needed.
out and wipe it clean first. Now, insert Always select a well-known brand and the
and pull it out again. You have enough oil recommended grade. Details about the
in the engine if the oil level is between correct oil viscosities are on page 63.
the upper and lower marks on the dipstick.
Changing the engine oil
Change the oil in your engine at least Important A special wrench should be used to screw
every 3,000 miles. This is very important the oil filter off and on.
The center nut for the oil strainer should
as the lubricating properties of oil diminish We recommend more frequent oil changes
be tightened with a torque wrench. The
gradually during normal operation of the (every 1,500 miles) if you drive your car
correct torque is 1.0—1.3 mkg (7-9 ft. lb.).
car. only short distances during the winter
With filter change 3.5 liters Because of detergent additives in the oil, months. If you drive for only a few
6.125 US pints the fresh oil will look dark after the hundred miles a month under these condi-
5.304 Imp. pints engine has been running for a short time. tions, we advise you change the oil every
Without filter change 3.0 liters This is to be expected, and there is no 6 to 8 weeks.
5.25 US pints reason to change the oil at intervals
4.55 Imp. pints In arctic areas with temperatures generally
shorter than 3,000 miles. below —13° F, change the oil every
The full flow oil filter should be replaced 750 miles.
every 6,000 miles.
Manual Transmission oil Automatic Transmission Fluid
Both transmission and final drive are Checking the ATF level the ignition distributor. The dipstick is
combined in one housing. The lubricant attached to the plug. Pull it out and wipe
The torque converter and the transmission
used is hypoid oil that is changed by your it clean. The ring-shaped handle should
are lubricated with Automatic Transmis-
dealer only one time at 600 miles as part be in the vertical position when reinsert-
sion Fluid (ATF). The final drive requires
of the lubrication service. See page 75. ing the dipstick to measure the fluid level.
hypoid oil SAE 90 only.
The transmission is checked for leaks The ATF has to be checked every 6,000 Do not tow the car or run the engine when
during the maintenance service. Should miles. A correct ATF level is very impor- there is no ATF in the transmission.
the need arise to replenish the oil filling, tant for the proper functioning of the You have enough ATF if the fluid level is
it should only be done with the necessary transmission. The reading should be done between the two marks on the dipstick. It
workshop equipment. Generally, hypoid when the ATF is warm; with the engine should never be above or below these
oil is not marketed in small quantities. idling, the selector lever in Neutral and marks. If necessary, add ATF, but only as
the parking brake applied. much as is needed, and have the trans-
The ATF filler neck is in the engine mission checked for possible leaks. Keep in
compartment on the left hand side above mind that the difference between the
lower and upper mark is only 0.85 U. S.
A = dipstick B = filler neck pint (0.74 Imp. pt.).
To add ATF, a clean funnel with a hose
should be used. For correct ATF specifi-
cations, see page 64.
Air cleaner
All the dust present in the air drawn in Note pieces off separately. Lift out air cleaner.
by the engine is retained by the filter Loosen the four clamps and take off the
element in the air cleaner. Under no circumstances may the paper top part of the cleaner.
element be cleaned or soaked with gaso- Take the filter element out and clean or
A dirty air cleaner not only reduces the line, cleaning solvents or oil. replace it. Remove the dirt by shaking the
engine output but can also cause prema- To check or replace the filter element, filter element out with the dirt trapping
ture engine wear. If local conditions are the air cleaner must be removed. Do the side down.
such that the vehicle is often driven on following:
very dusty roads, the cleaner must be Take all the hoses off the air cleaner. Note When installing the cleaner, check that the
cleaned or replaced frequently. the hose connections since interchanging rubber seals on the carburetors and the
of hoses affects the operation of the rubber sleeves between cleaner upper
Under normal conditions it is not necessa-
engine. part and end pieces fit properly. Recon-
ry to replace the filter element more fre-
nect all hoses.
quently than is mentioned in the Diagnosis Release the two clamps which hold the
and Maintenance Service Schedule. air cleaner to the engine. Pull back the
clips which hold the air cleaner duct end
pieces on the carburetors. Take end
Front axle Before forcing grease into the fittings, be Door hinges and locks
Lubricate the front axle once a year or sure to wipe them clean with a piece of
cloth. Force lithium-based multi-purpose Above the door hinge pin is a small oil
every 18,000 miles.
grease into the fitting until fresh grease chamber which is sealed with a plastic
Lift the front end of the car to take the starts to emerge at the sealing rings. plug. At least every six months, the
weight off the front wheels. This is neces- amount of oil in the chamber should be
Wipe off any grease or oil that may have
sary to free the bearings to accept the checked after lifting the plug with a screw-
come in contact with tires or brake hoses
lubricant. There are 5 grease fitting for driver. The chamber should be filled with
because grease and oil have an adverse
the front axle. For their location, see SAE 30 engine oil. Press plug in and wipe
effect on rubber.
arrows in the illustration. off excess oil with a cloth.
Engine oil
Always use a name brand oil labeled “For Service SD” (“MS”) for the engine of your
Engine oils are graded according to their viscosity. The proper grade to be used in
your engine depends on existing climatic or seasonal conditions.
The following table contains the grading for oils to be used in VW engines. Temperature ranges of SAE grades
At average outside
SAE 20 W-20
temperature above 5° F
Moderate climate Winter
At average outside
temperatures not lower SAE 10 W*
than —13° F
* Avoid high speed long distance driving when using SAE 10 W or SAE 5 W if outside
temperatures rise above the indicated limits.
Transmission oil and Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF)
A — Manual Transmission
Transmission and final drive are both lubricated with hypoid oil according to Mil
— L— 2105— B specifications (additive basis: sulfur-phosphorous):
ATF In areas with arctic climate and temperatures consistently below —13° F.
ATF is a special fluid for automatic transmissions, but ATF can also be used in the
Manual Transmission under the above mentioned climatic conditions.
B - Automatic Transmission
The final drive has to be lubricates only with hypoid oil SAE 90.
Automatic Transmission and torque converter require ATF all year round.
All ATF’s labeled “Dexron®” with a five-digit number preceded by the letter “B” can
be used.
Lubricant additives
No additive should be mixed with fuel or lubricating oils and transmission fluids.
1. Multi-purpose grease with lithium base should be used for the front axle.
2. Dry stick lubricant should be used for the hood locks and the sliding surfaces
of the striker plates.
3. Silicone spray or petroleum jelly should be used for the battery terminals and
Your Volkswagen should repay you with trouble-free driving if it receives regular maintenance.
Should you ever encounter difficulty in starting your engine or have trouble on the road, there are a few simple repairs which you
can make to get your VW going again. Locate the PROBLEM and PROBABLE CAUSE of the trouble in the guide on the following
two pages and follow the directions on WHAT TO DO.
Exercise extreme caution when working on any part of the car to prevent accidental injury. Incomplete or improper servicing may
also cause problems in the operation of the car. If in doubt about any servicing, have it done by a qualified mechanic or by your
Authorized VW Dealer.
Note The adjustment of idling and ignition timing requires special equipment. We suggest that you consult your Authorized Volks-
wagen Dealer.
Problem Probable Cause What To Do
VW will not start: 1. Run down or dead battery 1. Charge or replace battery
engine will not turn 2. Loose connection 2. Make sure that all connections are tight
over or turns over A. At battery A. Check both cable connections on battery and grounded end of ground strap
too slowly B. At starter B. Check connections at solenoid (mounted on starter) under right rear of vehicle
C. At connections behind C. Check push-on connectors behind dashboard
3. Starter defective 3. Ask for assistance
4. On vehicles with Automatic 4. Shift into Neutral or Park
Transmission: The selector
lever is not in starting position
VW will not start: 5. Loose connection in ignition 5. Check for loose connections at coil, distributor and spark plugs
engine turns over system
6. Loose connection in primary 6. Check push-on connector at coil (thin black wire). Check tight fit of spark plug
circuit to coil connectors. Check ignition wires for tight fit.
7. No spark at spark plugs 7. If sparks appear at high tension cable, the distributor cap should be cleaned
inside and outside. Reconnect high tension cable. Remove all spark plugs. If
plugs are clean and dry, reconnect ignition cables to spark plugs and bring
spark plugs in connection with metal (ground). Hold cable with dry piece of
cloth to avoid shock. Sparks should appear between spark plug electrodes
when the engine is turned over. If not, clean and dry ignition cables and spark
plug connectors and check that ignition cables are tight in distributor cap and
plug connectors. Ask for assistance if the above steps did not ensure proper
Dirty or wet spark plugs should be cleaned and dried. Install new plugs if
necessary. Unburned gasoline on plug electrodes points to excessive fuel
Problem Probable Cause What To Do
VW will not start: 8. If spark is fairly good at plugs, 8. Check fuel system in the following sequence:
engine turns over trouble is most likely in fuel
A. Caused by improper starting A. Depress gas pedal completely and operate starter for a prolonged period.
procedure. If the gas pedal If engine does not start, remove and dry spark plugs, turn over engine with
is depressed too often, the plugs removed for approximately 30 seconds. Reinstall plugs and start
carburetor accelerator engine
pumps inject too much
B. Carburetors may be flooded, B. Tap around outside of carburetor with wooden or plastic tool handle. Wait
float or needle valve may a few minutes and try starting again as described at 8 A
be sticking
Engine stalls while 11. Defect in ignition system 11. See paragraphs 5 through 7
vehicle is driven 12. Fuel supply is exhausted 12. Check whether any gasoline is left in tank
13. Gasoline may be contaminated 13. See your VW dealer for cleaning of all components of the fuel system
by water, dust or dirt
Red warning light for 14. If light goes on, the oil pres- 14. Stop at once and check oil level. Add oil as necessary. If the oil level is
oil pressure comes sure is too low sufficient and light goes and during driving, contact the nearest Authorized VW
on while you are Dealer before driving on
Red warning light for 15. If light goes on, V-belt may be 15. If belt drives alternator without slipping, switch off all unnecessary electrical
alternator comes on torn or alternator does not equipment (radio, etc.). Drive to nearest VW dealer as otherwise the battery
while you are driving charge will soon run down
Owner Relations
There are more than 1150 authorized Volkswagen dealers in
the 50 U. S. states. Their addresses and telephone numbers are
compiled in a booklet which is available at your VW Dealer.
Any one of these dealers is well equipped to help you
with virtually all VW-related matters; and your dealer
should be your primary source.
Should there be an occasion where you need further assistance,
you may want to contact your area distributor. We have listed
their addresses and telephone numbers on the next page.
However, remember that ultimately your questions will be
resolved in the dealership with the dealer personnel and dealer
equipment. We therefore suggest you contact your dealer first.
Addresses of VW Distributors in the US:
Technical Data
Spark plug Bosch W 145 T2 or plugs with similar
Gross axle weight lbs.
Beru 145/14/3 values from other 2227 2227 2227
front lbs. 2227
manufacturers 2867 2800 2867
rear lbs. 2800
Plug thread 14 mm
Permissible roof and
Electrode gap 0.028 in. (0.7 mm)
trailer weights:
Capacities Roof weights lbs. 220* 220* 220 220*
Fuel tank 15.8 US gallons (13.2 Imp. gallons) Trailer without
Engine oil with filter brakes lbs. 1100 1100 1100 1100
change 7.4 US pints (6.1 Imp. pints) Trailer tongue load lbs. 55-110 55-110 55-110 55-110
Engine oil without filter
change 6.3 US pints (5.3 Imp. pints) * Applies only to roof rack mounted to rain gutters. Distribute load evenly.
Transmission and final
drive 7.4 US pints (6.1 Imp. pints)
On vehicles with Automatic Transmission:
Torque converter and
planetary gears approx. 12.7 US pints (10.6 Imp. pints)
refill with 6.3 US pints (5.3 Imp. pints)
Final drive approx 2.0 US pints (1.8 Imp. pints) Performance
Brake system 1.01 US pints (0.84 Imp.pints)
Windshield washer 2.9 US pints (2.4 Imp. pints) Maximum and cruising speed
Manual Transmission 78 mph
* engine at operating temperature, at 850 rpm, white mark on fan.
Set only with stroboscope timing light and vacuum hoses attached.
Automatic Transmission 74 mph
In any authorized VW dealer’s service department, you
get VW Specialists who know VW’s intimately.
Authorized VW Dealers use a unique service system
specially developed for the VW
VW Diagnosis and Maintenance
The VW Diagnosis and Maintenance Service has been devel- Of course, you can obtain a VW Diagnosis at any time —
oped to give each car “tailored maintenance”. In other words, outside the regular schedule — at your Authorized VW Dealer.
just the proper amount of service that each individual car needs. Especially if you drive less than 6,000 miles a year, we recom-
The Diagnosis and Maintenance Record, which appears at the mend you have a VW Diagnosis performed at least once a year.
end of this manual, shows you the mileage intervals at which
diagnosis and maintenance services should be performed to
keep your car in top driving condition.
Every Authorized Volkswagen Dealer at home or abroad will
perform all the operations listed for VW Diagnosis, VW Main-
tenance, and the additional services (such as oil changes,
lubrication, brake fluid renewal) in accordance with Volks-
wagen quality service standards.
The first maintenance service at 600 miles is free of charge;
you only pay for the engine and transmission oil change. From
then on, every 6,000 miles your car will be tested through VW’s
unique diagnosis service system. You are entitled to free diag-
nosis services at 6,000, 12,000, 18,00 and 24,000 miles.
The VW Diagnosis Test Report will show precisely what work
might be necessary in addition to the regular maintenance and
oil change services that your VW requires.
If your Volkswagen is driven less than 18,000 miles in twelve
months, have the front end lubricated once a year.
Your Authorized Volkswagen Dealer will certify on the mileage
chart at the end of this manual which services have been
If you have your car serviced somewhere other than at an
Authorized VW Dealer, retain all receipts so that you can verify
that regular services were performed at the recommended
time or mileage intervals.
Oil Change and Maintenance Service 600 Miles
The free maintenance service at 600 miles consists of the following: (Lubricants, fluids and materials such as gaskets are paid
by the customer).
Oil Change 7 - Brake system: Check for damage and leaks. Check brake
fluid level, add if necessary. Adjust foot and parking brakes.
1 - Engine: Change oil, clean oil strainer. Replace oil filter.
VW Diagnosis and Maintenance
Oil Change Service A VW Diagnosis every 6,000 miles consists of:
The engine in the Volkswagen requires little oil. But for long (only applicable operations on your vehicle will be performed)
engine life, this oil should be changed every 3,000 miles. An oil
change at a VW dealer includes the services shown below:
Front axle and steering: Electrical system:
9 - Front axle: Check dust seals and proper fit of plugs on ball 21 - Cranking system: Check with electronic equipment.
joints, check dust seals on tie rod ends, check tie rods.
22 - Charging system: Check with electronic equipment.
10 - Ball joints: Check play. 23 - Kickdown switch and solenoid: Check.
11 - Steering: Check play. 24 - Check operation of headlights, high beam indicator light,
parking lights, side marker lights, license plate light, emer-
12 - Steering gear: Check for leaks.
gency flasher, stop lights, tail lights, back-up lights, turn
13 - Front wheels: Check camber and toe. signals, horn, rear window defogger and brake warning
25 - Headlights: Check adjustment.
26 - Windshield wiper: Check operation.
27 - Windshield washer: Check operation and fluid.
28 - Battery: Check electrolyte level, check voltage under load.
Test Drive
20 - Tires, including spare wheel: Check for wear and damage, 6 - Check operation of automatic transmission.
check and correct pressure. 7 - Automatic Transmission: Check ATF level.
VW Maintenance In addition:
After your vehicle receives a VW Diagnosis, your Authorized Every 12,000 miles
Volkswagen Dealer can perform the VW Maintenance. 1 - Contact breaker points: Replace.
The maintenance which should be performed at specified Adjust dwell angle. Check timing, adjust if necessary.
mileage intervals is shown below. 2 - Spark plugs: Replace.
There may be additional maintenance required which will Every 18,000 miles
show up on the VW Diagnosis Test Report. 1 - Front end: Lubricate.
Your VW Service Manager or Service Adviser will explain the 2 - Air cleaner: Replace filter element (at least every 2 years).
results of the VW Diagnosis in detail.
3 - Air pump, air cleaner: Replace element (at least every 2
This will help keep a small maintenance problem from
growing into a big maintenance problem.
Every 24,000 miles
So that your VW will keep running like a VW.
1 - Automatic Transmission
Exhaust recirculation valve: Check, replace if necessary.
2 - Automatic Transmission
Filter element for exhaust recirculation: Replace (at least
A VW Maintenance every 6,000 miles consists of:
every 2 years).
1 - Engine: Change oil, clean oil strainer. Replace oil filter. Every 30,000 miles
2 - Valves: Check and adjust clearance. 1 - Automatic Transmission
Change ATF (includes removing and installing oil pan).
3 - Door hinges and door checks: Lubricate.
Sliding door mounting points: Lubricate. Important:
Change ATF every 18,000 miles if vehicle is operated under
4 - Transmission: Check oil level, add if necessary.
heavy duty conditions such as trailer towing, high outside
5 - Automatic Transmission temperatures, continuous mountain driving or constant stop
Final drive: Check oil level, add if necessary. and go traffic. If in doubt, consult your Authorized Volks-
Fluid pan: Check torque of bolts. wagen dealer.
6 - Test drive: Check braking, clutch, kickdown, steering, hea- Every 2 years
ting, ventilation system and overall performance. 1 - Brakes: Replace brake fluid.
Cylinder head covers: Check for leaks. 2 - Brake warning light switch: Check functioning.
Delivery 600 miles
Inspection Engine and Free
Transmission Maintenance
Oil Change Services
Valid only between
500 and 1,000 miles
(Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp)
3,000 miles 6,000 miles 6,000 miles 9,000 miles 12,000 miles 12,000 miles
Oil Change Service Free Diagnosis Maintenance Oil Change Service Free Diagnosis Maintenance
Valid only between Valid only between
5,000 and 8,000 miles 11,000 and 14,000 miles
(Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp)
15,000 miles 18,000 miles 18,000 miles 21,000 miles 24,000 miles 24,000 miles
Oil Change Service Free Diagnosis Maintenance Oil Change Service Free Diagnosis Maintenance
Valid only between Valid only between
17,000 and 20,000 miles 23,000 and 26,000 miles
(Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp)
27,000 miles Diagnosis 30,000 miles 33,000 miles 36,000 miles 36,000 miles
Oil Change Service 30,000 miles Maintenance Oil Change Service Diagnosis Maintenance
(Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp)
39,000 miles 42,000 miles 42,000 miles 45,000 miles 48,000 miles 48,000 miles
Oil Change Service Diagnosis Maintenance Oil Change Service Diagnosis Maintenance
(Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp)
51,000 miles 54,000 miles 57,000 miles 60,000 miles 60,000 miles 60,000 miles
Oil Change Service Diagnosis Maintenance Oil Change Service Diagnosis Maintenance
(Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp)
63,000 miles 66,000 miles 66,000 miles 69,000 miles 72,000 miles 72,000 miles
Oil Change Service Diagnosis Maintenance Oil Change Service Diagnosis Maintenance
(Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp)
75,000 miles 78,000 miles 78,000 miles 81,000 miles 84,000 miles 84,000 miles
Oil Change Service Diagnosis Maintenance Oil Change Service Diagnosis Maintenance
(Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp)
87,000 miles 90,000 miles 90,000 miles 93,000 miles 96,000 miles 96,000 miles
Oil Change Service Diagnosis Maintenance Oil Change Service Diagnosis Maintenance
(Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp) (Dealer Stamp)
99,000 miles 100,000 miles 100,000 miles
Oil Change Service Diagnosis Maintenance
You need not use this card if you purchased your car through
an Authorized Volkswagen Dealer.
New Vehicle Delivery Inspection
Zip Code
Checklist for
(Chassis number)
Windshield wiper blades
Hub caps
Outside mirror
B. Preparatory Services
Battery electrolyte level, check
Engine starting, check
Tire pressure (including spare wheel), check
Clutch and gear shifting, check operation
Ventilation and fresh air fan, check
Speedometer, check operation
Kickdown switch, check operation (where applicable)
Check operation of the following:
alternator and oil pressure warning lights,
high beam indicator, interior light,
instrument lights.
E. After road test
ATF level, check
Engine idle speed, adjust
Permit No. 785
Vehicle in perfect condition:
Number Street
Number Street
Customer Identification Card
This is another feature of Volkswagen Service that adds
to your convenience. Just present this booklet whenever
you stop for service at your Authorized Volkswagen
Dealer. Your Identification Card will quickly furnish the
Service Adviser with your name and address and all
pertinent vehicle data.
USA Typ 2