Soal AM Pertemuan 10 - Balanced Scorecard

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Pertemuan 10 – Strategy and Balance Scorecard

1. Following is a random-order listing of perspectives, strategic objectives, and performance measures for the
balanced scorecard.


Internal business process


Learning and growth


Strategic Objectives

Acquire new customers Increase shareholder Retain customers Improve manufacturing

value quality

Develop profitable .Increase proprietary Increase information- Enhance employee skills

customers products system capabilities

On-time delivery by Increase profit generated Introduce new products Minimize invoice-error
suppliers by each salesperson rate

Performance Measures

Percentage of defective- Return on assets Number of patents Employee turnover rate

product units

Net income Customer profitability Percentage of processes Return on sales

with real-time feedback

Average job-related Return on equity Percentage of on-time Product cost per unit
training-hours per deliveries by suppliers

Profit per salesperson Percentage of error-free Customer cost per unit Earnings per share

Number of new Percentage of customers

customers retained

Select those strategic objectives from the list that best relate to each perspective. For each strategic objective,
select the most appropriate performance measure(s) from the list.
Pertemuan 10 – Strategy and Balance Scorecard

2. Nanang buys T-shirts in bulk, applies its own trendsetting silk-screen designs, and then sells the T-shirts to a
number of retailers. Nanang wants to be known for its trendsetting designs, and it wants every teenager to be seen
in a distinctive Nanang T-shirt.nanag presents the following data for its first two years of operations, 2010 and

1 Number of T-shirts purchased 200.000 250.000

2 Number of T-shirts discarded 2.000 3.300

3 Number of T-shirts sold 198.000 246.700

4 Average selling price $25.00 $26.00

5 Average cost per T-shirt $10.00 $8.50

6 Administrative capacity (number of customers) 4.000 3.750

7 Administrative costs $1.200.000 $1.162.500

8 Administrative costs per customer $300 $310

Administrative costs depend on the number of customers that Nanang has created capacity to support, not on the
actual number of customers served. Nanang had 3.600 customers in 2010 and 3.500 customers in 2011.

1. Calculate Nanang’s operating income in both 2010 and 2011

2. Calculate the growth, price-recovery, and productivity components that explain the change in operating income
from 2010 to 2011

3. Suppose that the market for silk-screened T-shirts grew by 10$ during 2011. All increases in sales greater than
10$ are the result of Nanang’s strategic actions. Calculate the change in operating income from 2010 to 2011 due
to growth in market size, product differentiation, and cost leadership. How successful has Roberto been in
implementing strategy?


Refer to number 1, draw a strategy map !!

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