Spiritual Warfare Manual PDF
Spiritual Warfare Manual PDF
Spiritual Warfare Manual PDF
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Firstly, counselling if possible with the person is important - Check they have a spiritually clean
house. Deuteronomy 7:26 (get rid of New Age books, Rock and Roll records, idols, etc.)
List their problems and talk briefly with them about the battle for the mind, unforgiveness,
bitterness, the eight weapons of Spiritual Warfare.
Short Prayer
Bible Texts you can read for encouragement eg. John 14:14, Matthew 18:19, 20
If there is reaction, you rebuke in Jesus Christ‘s name and cast it/them out to the pit.
A good text to quote here is Matthew 8:32. You say, It is written, ―And he said unto them, Go.‖
If impressed by the Holy Spirit you may need to ask one or more of the following questions:-
What is Your Name?
When did you come in?
What is your assignment?
What legal right do you have to be interfering in this person‘s life?
Some statements you may be impressed to use when dealing with the powers of darkness:-
Release all holds, I/we take back the ground, Enter him/her no more.
Pray for the opposite in the person‘s life to fill the vacuum.
NOTE:- Remember that in many cases a person is not possessed, yet a reaction of some sort may
take place. Once again you simply command it/them to go in Jesus Christ‘s name.
My Declaration of Faith
I believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God and my
Saviour. I believe that my rightful inheritance in the Lord
Jesus Christ includes deliverance from every evil power. I
now state my desire to be completely free in the name and by
the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
My Prayer of Commitment
Heavenly Father, I confess that I am a sinner. I repent of the
sins which have controlled my life and reject the dominion
of sin over me. I want to be fully your child.
Table of Contents
THE OTHER 1/3 OF THE WORK…….…………….. 5
2. THE JOB EXPERIENCE…………………………….. 9
5. Your Thoughts – Satan‘s Thoughts – God‘s Thoughts? 23
7. BITTERNESS…………………………………………. 33
11. DELIVERANCE………………………………..……… 53
An Adventist Apocalypse p34 – ―The evils which have existed in all ages will
continue to exist till the close of probation. We need to understand the cause of
these evils, and modes of Satan‘s attacks, that we may be able to resist them‖.
1T p.308 – ―He works most successfully in darkness, injuring those who are
ignorant of his devices‖
GC p.516 – ―There is nothing that the great deceiver fears so much as that we
shall become acquainted with his devices‖
Like three legs on a tripod, remove one leg and it 4) Ordained 12 – Matthew 10:1,7,8 Luke 9:1
doesn‘t stand up so well. Again, two wheels on a Preach, Heal the sick, Cast out devils
tricycle are not as effective as three. So it is that there
is 1/3 of the work little taught and little known about 5) Sent out 70 – Luke 10:1-24 Note vs 17
among God‘s people today, a doctrine taught and
Preach, Heal the sick, Cast out devils
utilized by Jesus Christ, the early Christian Church
vs 9 vs 17
and the early Seventh-day Adventist Church, which
is Spiritual Warfare.
6) Church – Mark 16:15-18 (Note vs 17,18)
Spiritual Warfare is the other half of Medical Preach, Heal the sick, Cast out devils
Missionary work. This work encompasses casting out
demons, rebuking demons, counselling, teaching how
to use the spiritual weapons of warfare, using the 7) Early Writings pages 191, 192 – ―Satan again
spiritual weapons in our daily lives against the counseled with his angels, and with bitter hatred
attacks of the enemy from temptation, right up to the against God‘s government told them that while he
Job type attacks which even Sister Ellen White retained his power and authority upon earth their
herself experienced. efforts must be tenfold stronger against the followers
of Jesus. They had prevailed nothing against Christ
Consider the three part ministry of Jesus and realize but must overthrow His followers, if possible. In
that Spiritual Warfare is not an optional extra for every generation they must seek to ensnare those who
Seventh-day Adventists. We have been asleep, and would believe in Jesus. He related to his angels that
the Devil has introduced the cunning counterfeit of Jesus had given His disciples power to rebuke them
Psychology. Motives of those using modern and cast them out, and to heal those whom they
psychology may be well meaning, and that has to be should afflict. Then Satan‘s angels went forth like
acknowledged, but the basic principles are wrong. roaring lions, seeking to destroy the followers of
God doesn‘t want people to cope with something but Jesus.‖
to be free. We have to appeal to a power outside of
ourselves, not a power within. Punching a pillow, for 8) Early Writings page 227 – ―The church is not
example, does not get rid of anger, bitterness or hate. now the separate and peculiar people she was when
Only God can give true peace of mind. the fires of persecution were kindled against her.
How is the gold become dim! how is the most fine
The following points illustrate the three part ministry gold changed! I saw that if the church had always
as used and commissioned by the Lord Jesus Christ, retained her peculiar, holy character, the power of the
who had and has a balanced ministry: Holy Spirit which was imparted to the disciples
would still be with her. The sick would be healed,
1) War in Heaven – Revelation 12:7-9
devils would be rebuked and cast out, and she would
7. And there was war in heaven: Michael and his be mighty and a terror to her enemies.‖
angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon
fought and his angels, 9) Ellen G. White Selected Messages Book 2
8. And prevailed not; neither was their place found page 353
any more in heaven. ―Satan takes possession of the minds of men today.
9. And the great dragon was cast out, that old In my labors in the cause of God, I have again and
serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth again met those who have been thus possessed, and
the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and in the name of the Lord I have rebuked the evil
his angels were cast out with him. spirit.‖ Letter 244, 1907.‖
2) War on Earth – Revelation 12:17 – And the
dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make
Spiritual Warfare is a Jesus focused, Jesus centered
war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the
work. The Lord Jesus Christ had a balanced ministry
commandments of God, and have the testimony of
which included Spiritual Warfare. Certainly some
Jesus Christ.
will be more advanced in Spiritual Warfare work, as
3) 1/3rd part of Jesus‘ work – some are more advanced in the area of Physical
Medical Missionary work. Here at the end of time we
Luke 4:17-19, Matthew 4:24, Acts 10:38 are called to carry out this part of the Medical
Preach the word, Heal the sick, Cast out devils Missionary work more than ever before. Helping
people, drawing close in compassion with courage Spiritual Warfare texts from the early
and faith in the name of Jesus Christ, this is the other
1/3 of the work God‘s people now must learn.
Christian Church
These texts listed below are worth looking up in full.
Like the Physical Medical missionary work which In this series we will look at the different stories in
has eight laws of health like Sunshine, Water, the Bible and learn some principles from each of
Exercise, etc, so the Spiritual Warfare Medical them.
Missionary work has eight weapons of warfare. They
Matthew 4:1-11 – “Then saith Jesus unto him, Get
THE 8 WEAPONS OF thee hence, Satan: for it is written….”
Luke 4:1-13 - “And Jesus answered and said unto
SPIRITUAL WARFARE:- him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written…”
Mark 1:12, 13 – “And he was there in the wilderness
1) The Name of Jesus Christ forty days, tempted of Satan; and was with the wild
2) The Armour of God beasts; and the angels ministered unto him.”
3) The Sword of the Spirit – The Bible Matthew 4:24 – “they brought unto him all sick people
4) The Blood of Jesus Christ that were taken with divers diseases and torments,
5) Prayer and those which were possessed with devils, and
those which were lunatick, and those that had the
6) Personal Testimony palsy; and he healed them.”
7) Praise
Matthew 7:22 – “and in thy name have cast out
8) Singing devils?” Note - this verse is describing the counterfeit
false casting out of demons.
As in the physical Medical Missionary work, we are
to reason from cause to effect. There are different Matthew 8:16 – “they brought unto him many that
degrees of problems, like a cold right up to cancer in were possessed with devils: and he cast out the
the physical work, so in the Spiritual Warfare work spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick:”
there is harassment right up to and including
possession. Possession is simply control by Satan. DEMON POSSESSED MEN OF THE GADARENES
The Thought Chart I have included helps understand Matthew 8:28-34 - Gergesenes Note vs32 “And he
said unto them, Go.”
the way it works. We will look further at the mind in
Mark 5:1-20 – “My name is Legion: for we are many.”
relation to this Thought Chart in this series of Luke 8:26-39 – “And they besought him that he would
articles. not command them to go out into the deep.” (abyss,
bottomless pit) (The deep is a prison for the demons)
Mark 1:32-34 - Cast out many devils – they knew him. HANDKERCHIEFS AND APRONS MIRACLE AT
Mark 1:38, 39 - preached… and cast out devils. Acts 19:10-12 – Paul - special miracles.
Handkerchiefs and aprons used and the evil spirits
Mark 3:11-30 - The scribes which came down from went out of the people [the people that received the
from Jerusalem said Jesus had an unclean spirit. handkerchiefs and aprons]
Mark 6:7-13 – “…and gave them power over unclean SONS OF SCEVA
spirits….And they cast out many devils…” Acts 19:13-20 – “And the evil spirit answered and
said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?”
Mark 9:38 – “we saw one casting out devils in thy (Sons of Sceva) – the people burnt their magic books.
2 Corinthians 2:11 – “Lest Satan should get an
MARY MAGDALENE - SEVEN DEVILS CAST OUT advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his
Mark 16:9 - Mary Magdalene – seven devils. devices.”
2 Corinthians 10:4,5 – “For the weapons of our
CHRISTIAN CHURCH COMMISSION warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the
Mark 16: 15-20 - “In my name shall they cast out pulling down of strongholds.”
devils.” Ephesians 4:27 – “Neither give place to the devil.”
Ephesians 6:10-18 – Put on the whole armour of
Luke 4:18, 19 – to preach deliverance to the captives… God…For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but
Luke 4:41 – “And devils also came out of many, crying against Satan and the evil angels.
out, and saying… And he rebuking them suffered James 4:7,8 – “Submit yourselves therefore to God.
them not to speak.” Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
Luke 6:17,18 – “And they that were vexed with 1 Peter 5:8, 9 – “Be sober, be vigilant; because your
unclean spirits: and they were healed.” adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about,
Luke 7:21 – “cured many of their infirmities, and seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist steadfast
plagues, and of evil spirits." in the faith….”
Luke 8:2, 3 – “And certain women, which had been 1 John 3:8 “For this purpose the Son of God was
healed of evil spirits.” manifested, that he might destroy the works of the
Luke 10:1-11, 17-20 – The Seventy sent out – devil.”
"Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and THE WAR – THE GREAT CONTROVERSY
scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and Revelation 12 – “and they overcame him [Satan} by
nothing shall by any means shall hurt you.” the blood of the lamb.”
Whilst many associate demonic attacks with generally do not understand about this area of the
something someone has done wrong, that is not Medical Missionary work.
always the case.
In the New Testament we have the story of the
An extra area of ministry in the Spiritual Warfare woman bowed over with the spirit of infirmity for 18
work that is little understood is that of the Job years, which is recorded Luke 13:10-17:-
experience. In the Old Testament the story of Job
tells us that when permitted, Satan could bring
physical attacks upon Job (See Job Chapters 1 and 13:10 And he was teaching in one of the
2). This is a story illustrating a principle which has synagogues on the sabbath.
been often repeated. Job had not done anything 13:11 And, behold, there was a woman which had
wrong yet God permitted this experience. In so a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed
doing, God limited Satan by saying that he could not together, and could in no wise lift up herself.
kill him. God was glorified and the Universe 13:12 And when Jesus saw her, he called her to
witnessed something God wanted them to see. Job him, and said unto her, Woman, thou art loosed
actually grew spiritually through the experience. from thine infirmity.
Job 2:1-10:- 13:13 And he laid his hands on her: and
immediately she was made straight, and glorified
2:1 Again there was a day when the sons of God God.
came to present themselves before the LORD, and 13:14 And the ruler of the synagogue answered
Satan came also among them to present himself with indignation, because that Jesus had healed on
before the LORD. the sabbath day, and said unto the people, There
2:2 And the LORD said unto Satan, From whence are six days in which men ought to work: in them
comest thou? And Satan answered the LORD, and therefore come and be healed, and not on the
said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from sabbath day.
walking up and down in it. 13:15 The Lord then answered him, and said,
2:3 And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou Thou hypocrite, doth not each one of you on the
considered my servant Job, that there is none like sabbath loose his ox or his ass from the stall, and
him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, lead him away to watering?
one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? and still 13:16 And ought not this woman, being a
he holdeth fast his integrity, although thou daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound,
movedst me against him, to destroy him without lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond
cause. on the sabbath day?
2:4 And Satan answered the LORD, and said, 13:17 And when he had said these things, all his
Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give adversaries were ashamed: and all the people
for his life. rejoiced for all the glorious things that were done
2:5 But put forth thine hand now, and touch his by him.
bone and his flesh, and he will curse thee to thy
face. In researching this subject, the Lord led me to find
2:6 And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, he is this excellent quote to illustrate what happened in this
in thine hand; but save his life. experience.
2:7 So went Satan forth from the presence of the
LORD, and smote Job with sore boils from the
sole of his foot unto his crown.
The Signs of the Times,
2:8 And he took him a potsherd to scrape himself April 23, 1896,
withal; and he sat down among the ashes.
2:9 Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still Article Title: The Glory of God Revealed
retain thine integrity? curse God, and die.
2:10 But he said unto her, Thou speakest as one of in Mercy. - By Mrs. E. G. White.
the foolish women speaketh. What? shall we
receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not ― "And he was teaching in one of the synagogues on
receive evil? In all this did not Job sin with his the Sabbath. And, behold, there was a woman which
lips. had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was
bowed together, and could in nowise lift up herself.
Thus this is an important story because it illustrates And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and
not all sickness is physical. Our Medical Institutions said unto her, Woman, thou art loosed from thine
infirmity. And he laid his hands on her; and
immediately she was made straight, and glorified Note importantly that ―The woman had not been
God." The compassionate heart of Christ was touched possessed in spirit, but the Lord had suffered
at the sight of this suffering woman, and we should Satan to exercise his will in bringing disease
suppose that every human being who looked upon upon her; for God was demonstrating the
her would have rejoiced that she was loosed from her character of his kingdom before the whole
bondage, and healed of an affliction that had bowed universe of heaven.‖
her down for eighteen years. But Jesus perceived by
the lowering, angry countenances of the priests and This really helps in explaining many sicknesses
rabbis that they felt no joy at her deliverance. They where every natural remedy has failed, and
were not ready to utter thankful words because one sometimes for many years people have suffered, and
who had been suffering and deformed by disease was yet the possibility of the problem maybe being a
restored to health and symmetry. They felt no problem caused by Satan has never even been
gratitude that her deformed body was made comely, considered at all. Interesting isn‘t it?
and that the Holy Spirit made glad her heart till it
overflowed with thankfulness, and she glorified God. One important point I will mention here is that I find
The psalmist says, "Whoso offereth praise glorifieth the safest path in praying for people, if they request
Me." But in the midst of the words of gratitude is prayer, is to always include the word ‗IF‘ when it is
heard a discordant note. "And the ruler of the not clearly a demonic problem. ―Lord if the powers
synagogue answered with indignation, because that of darkness have anything to do with this problem
Jesus had healed on the Sabbath day." He was please reveal it‖. This helps protect from fanaticism.
indignant that Christ had caused an unhappy woman In cases where people have suspected problems and it
to sound a note of joy upon the Sabbath. In a loud is not clearly demonic, then the word ‗IF‘ is sensible
voice, harsh with passion, he said to the people, and simple to include.
"There are six days in which men ought to work; in
them therefore come and be healed, and not on the In relation to sickness, sometimes problems are
Sabbath day." physical, sometimes spiritual, sometimes both, where
Satan makes a physical or mental condition worse.
The rabbis had taught the people that all who were of Satan is certainly not our friend at all but our enemy.
Jewish extraction were holy and peculiarly favoured Praise God that Jesus defeated him at the cross. There
of heaven. Why did they not lift up their voice in is power in the name of Jesus Christ to bring relief.
gratitude to God because this suffering daughter of
Abraham was freed from her long bondage? The Maybe you didn‘t realize that Sister Ellen White
woman had not been possessed in spirit, but the Lord experienced this Job type of physical attack. Sister
had suffered Satan to exercise his will in bringing Ellen White had not done anything wrong but it helps
disease upon her; for God was demonstrating the us understand that in our day the Job experience
character of his kingdom before the whole universe continues amongst Christians. God has His reasons
of heaven. This opportunity must be given him to for allowing things - all will be explained in Heaven.
reveal the character of apostasy. The inhabitants of
worlds unfallen could view in this case the attributes ELLEN WHITE AND DEMONIC
of Satan and the character of God. The law of God is HARASSMENT
a transcript of his character. The rebel leader was in
opposition to the law of God, and revealed the fact There is one almost universally held misconception
that his principles were those that actuated one who is that must be forever set aside. Many people believe
lawless, disobedient, unholy, an accuser, a liar, and a that Christians have total immunity from demonic
murderer. The true character of the ruler of the attack. The opposite is true―we are the special
synagogue was laid bare, and it was made manifest objects of satanic wrath.
that he was on the side of the great rebel, tho
sanctimoniously professing to be very punctilious Demonic Pain and Ellen White
concerning the law of God. He knew not the principle
of love that underlies the commandments, and ―Since coming to this meeting, I have passed through
preferred that the woman should suffer rather than a strange experience. One day, after appearing before
that Jesus should work a miracle to heal her, and thus the conference to read some matters to you, the
counteract his work of misrepresentation. Tho the burden that was upon my soul continued to press
rebuke of Jesus brought reproach upon his adversary, upon me after I returned to my room. I was in distress
and tho the people rejoiced because of all the glorious of mind. That night I could not seem to lose myself
things that were done, yet the ruler never forgave in sleep. It seemed as if evil angels were right in the
Christ for departing from the maxims, customs, and room where I was. And while I was suffering in
commandments of men, with which the rabbis had mind, it seemed as if I was suffering great bodily
burdened the law of God and obscured its spiritual pain. My right arm, which through the years has
significance.‖ nearly always been preserved from disease and
suffering, seemed powerless. I could not lift it. Then I
had a most severe, excruciating pain in the ear; then a human being…the enemy was striving hard to
most terrible suffering in the jaw. It seemed as if I cause her to murmur against God. Thus things
must scream. But I kept saying, ‗Lord you know all continued till the end of the meetings.
about it.‘
―After the meetings had closed Elder White said to
―I was in perfect agony. It seemed that my brain and me, ―Brother John, this is the very attack upon my
every part of my body was suffering. At times I wife of which we were warned in Rochester. You
would rise up and think, ‗I will not lie here another remember the promise was there made that if we
moment.‘ Then I would think, ‗You will only arouse would take hold together and hold her up by faith, not
those that are in the house, and they cannot do letting go for a moment when the struggle came, the
anything for you.‘ And so I kept looking to the Lord, power of the enemy would be broken, and she would
and saying, ‗You know all about this pain.‘ The be delivered. Let us go in at once and have a praying
suffering continued, at times in the jaw, and then in season.‖
the brain, and then in other members of the body,
until nearly daylight. Just before the break of day I ―We went into the room where Mrs. White was
fell asleep for about an hour. confined to her bed, and engaged in earnest prayer. In
about ten minutes after we began to pray the power
―My arm is all right this morning. Legions of evil of the Lord came down and filled the room.
angels were in that room, and if I had not clung by Mrs. White was instantly relieved of all pain…This
faith to the Lord, I do not know what might have was about five o‘clock in the afternoon. By seven
become of me. o‘clock the swelling had all disappeared upon her
face, and she attended the meeting that evening, to all
―I shall never be able to give you a description of the appearances as well as ever.‖
satanic forces that were in that room,…but since („The Great Second Advent Movement‟ pp335-337
standing before you the next morning, I have had no by J.N. Loughborough) (underline emphasis added)
Note: Not all allergy is demonic, but in certain
―Light has been coming to me that unless we have
difficult cases that possibility ought not to be
more evident movings of the Spirit of God, and
greater manifestations of divine power working in
our midst, many of God‘s people will be overcome.
Satanic agencies will come in as they came to me. Strokes
But we cannot afford to yield to the power of the ―In the vision at Lovett‘s Grove, most of the matter I
enemy.‖ Manuscript 25 Jan. 28 1910, “An Address had seen twelve years before concerning the great
to the Workers Assembled at the Pacific Union controversy of the ages between Christ and Satan was
Conference” (‗This Day with God‟ p36). (underline repeated, and I was instructed to write it out. I was
emphasis added) shown that while I should have to contend with the
powers of darkness, for Satan would make strong
Note: Ellen White used her own painful experience to efforts to hinder me, yet I must put my trust in God,
predict that direct satanic attacks on God‟s people and angels would not leave me in the conflict‖
would become more common. Like her‟s, these (‗Life Sketches of Ellen G. White‟ p162) (underline
attacks might come in the form of pain ― mysterious, emphasis added)
irrational, undiagnosable pain. If a pain moves from
one part of the body to another in an unpredictable ―Little did they realize the anger of Satan because of
pattern, as described in the experience of Ellen this revelation of his character and wiles, or the
White, it is suspiciously demonic. In these cases when intensity of his determination to defeat the plans for
the demon leaves, the pain he has caused is gone. the writing and publishing of the proposed book.
Arriving at Jackson, Michigan, en route to Battle
Allergy Creek, they visited their old friends at the home of
Daniel R. Palmer. At this time Mrs. White was in
―The first of October, 1858, Mrs. White was given a usual health, and the following experience, as given
vision in which she was shown that at some place in in her own words came as a complete surprise.‖
our contemplated journey Satan was going to make a („The Spirit of Prophecy‟ Volume 4 pp508, 509 by
powerful attack upon her… Ellen G. White) (underline emphasis added)
―While journeying by train Mrs. White‘s face became ―As I was conversing with Sister Palmer, my tongue
inflamed just under the eyes…she was obliged to refused to utter what I wished to say, and seemed
take to her bed. The inflammation increased for two large and numb. A strange cold sensation struck my
days, depriving her of sleep, as well as preventing her heart, passed over my head, and down my right side.
from taking any part in the meetings. Her head was For a time I was insensible (unconscious) but was
swollen so that both eyes were closed, and her face aroused by the voice of earnest prayer. I tried to use
was so disfigured that it no longer looked like that of my left limbs, but they were perfectly useless.
―I was shown in vision that in the sudden attack at
Jackson, Satan intended to take my life, in order to
hinder the work I was about to write, but angels of
God were sent to my rescue‖.
(„Life Sketches of Ellen G. White‟ p162)
3. Recognizing Demonic Influence In
Your Life and In Your Home
By Al and Collette Martin
Several years ago we attended a Bible Mark: 1:21-28 and Luke 4:31-37. The demon
conference in another State and happened to converse possessed man in the synagogue (Church).
with a missionary from India. When the subject got
around to spiritual warfare he stated ―the Christians Luke 8:2. The women in this account were some of
in America think all the demons are in our country, those who accompanied Jesus‘ group and supported
but let me tell you that there is more demonic activity them. Yet He had cast demons out of them.
in your country than in ours. The people in my
country know the spirit world is real and when they Luke 13:10-17. This woman for 18 years had a
learn of the power of Jesus Christ, which is stronger physical problem caused by a demon. This text says
than the power that afflicts them, they are ready to ―…this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom
call on His name. Your people are not willing to Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years…‖
recognize demonic activity and deal with it the way (Today she would be considered a Christian, or
the Bible commands‖. follower of Jesus.) This particular case was a Job
Many believers today recognize the warfare of type oppression case.
the flesh and the world, but when it comes to warfare
with Satanic forces – demons – they suddenly take Satan and sin are attached to each other, and
the attitude that this kind of thing goes on somewhere Christians are not immune to sin. When Christians
else in the world; that Satan and his demons are at willingly and wilfully sin, they put themselves on
work in primitive, illiterate countries where he can Satan‘s ground and he can, and in many cases does,
take advantage of the unintelligent. However it is control them to some degree. The word ―control‖
considered absurd by many to believe or even to seems to better characterize demonic possession or
entertain the idea that the Devil is alive and well in oppression.
this sophisticated, intelligent country that we live in. Many people debate for hours trying to
Both of these notions are Satanic lies that explain the difference between ―possession‖ and
Christians, for the most part, have accepted. In order ―oppression‖. In the Bible accounts of those being
to be able to recognize the activity of demons we ―vexed‖, ―troubled‖, ―possessed‖, or ―oppressed‖,
must first understand that there really is a spiritual there was always a degree of control. Peter was
battle going on over every one of us. Nobody certainly not possessed when he told Jesus that He
escapes! would not have to go to the cross and suffer; but his
mouth was certainly controlled for that moment by
In John 8:44 Jesus told the Pharisees, who were Satan. Yet in this case, which was not demon
the leaders of the church and professed followers of possession, Jesus rebuked Satan, not Peter. Whatever
the living GOD, ―You are of your father the devil‖, the case, when it came to demonic activity it was
and He went on to tell them that they would do his handled the same: the Devil and his demons were
(Satan‘s) bidding. In our time these fellows would rebuked and commanded to leave.
have been the pastors, conference officers and The bottom line is this: If a Christian is out
presidents, yet Jesus said they were of their father the of control in one or more areas of his life, another
Devil. In order to ―do his bidding‖ they would have power is in control, and according to Bible
to be controlled to some degree by Satan. instruction it must be rebuked, and the power of
Satan broken. It matters not whether it is possession,
There must have been some reason why Jesus, oppression, troubled, or vexed, Jesus gave us
in Matthew 10:5-8, said ―Go not into the way of the (the believer in Jesus) the absolute authority, in His
Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye name, over Satan and the hosts of hell.
not: But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Another myth or lie Christian pastors and
Israel‖ (professed followers of Jehovah), not only to writers are constantly saying is: ―The devil and the
preach and heal the sick, but He gave them power to Holy Spirit cannot be in the same place at the
cast out devils. same time‖. Christians seem to like this concept
because it gives them a false sense of security. Satan
Why would He say this if professed believers and his evil angels revel in this concept because they
cannot be possessed or oppressed. Consider the can convince the ―controlled‖ person of his utter
following people in the Bible: hopelessness. If this idea was true, the drug addict,
the alcoholic, the prostitute, the person in the occult,
etc., would not have a chance.
This would mean that the Holy Spirit could Let us now consider some signs of the
never work on their hearts to bring them to Devil‘s ―footprints‖ in our lives. This is direct
conviction of sin, because Satan and his demons are warfare. We must take it seriously.
present. Heaven help us if the Holy Spirit is not Strife in the home – Strife between
around when Satan is working us over. Without the husbands and wives, between parents and children.
saving power of the Holy Spirit, Satan would make Rebellion – Teenagers rebelling against
short work of us – in a minute! parental authority in the home. Lack of spiritual
Now it can truthfully be said that the Holy interest, and in some cases even mocking of Christian
Spirit and the hosts of hell certainly do not co- principles.
habit together, but the Holy Spirit would have to Absence of home discipline – If there is no
be able to be there at the same time to work on the Biblical discipline in the home, the Devil and his evil
heart and mind of the fallen person in order to spirits will rule.
bring him to conviction. Anger – Sudden, unprovoked anger in men
To simplify this, let us use a basic example and women. Display of temper tantrums and angry
of a pitch dark room with absolutely no light in it outbursts in little children.
(representing the mind of the fallen person). A match Wrong kinds of activities and items in the
is lit in one corner of the room, yet 99% of the room home – Wrong types of music, Satanic games such
is still in total darkness. A lamp is lit and more light as the Ouija board, evil TV programs, violent and
is evident, but still there is much darkness. Soon pornographic video movies and games, drug
there are other lamps turned on and when enough involvement, gross, ugly toys that portray evil being
light is emitted from these lamps, all the darkness is good, etc.
gone. But until enough light came into the room to Personal appearance – Faddish, absurd hair
banish all darkness, darkness and light both existed at colours and styles and clothing that are designed to
the same time in that room. This is the way it is make a person (who is created in God‘s image) look
when the Holy Spirit begins to work in the mind of a ugly and ridiculous.
fallen, oppressed, vexed or troubled person. Bitterness & Unforgiveness – Bitter and
Today the Devil knows that his time is short resentful feelings against a spouse, a child or parent,
and ―as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom against someone in the church or community.
he may devour:‖ The problem is that we as
Deep depression and feelings of suicide –
Christians do not recognize this. We go about with
This is so prevalent in the lives of many young
the attitude that the battle we are fighting is with each
people today, a feeling of hopelessness. Suicides
other. Ephesians 6:12 clearly tells us that we are not
among teenagers has risen tremendously in just the
in a battle with each other. We are in a conflict with
last few years.
vicious spiritual powers, who are intensely focused
on destroying every person and family who are Infidelity between husbands and wives –
Today the Devil is whipping up the passions,
striving to follow Jesus.
In Ephesians 6:10-18 there is evidence of this tempting men and women to be unfaithful to their
terrible battle; instruction is given as to how to put on
the armour of God in order to be protected from these Physical Attacks – Job 2:7 is an example of
raging demonic forces. how the Devil can afflict physically. In Matthew
We must understand that Satan is on the 12:22 there was a man who was demonically blind
loose and is on the rampage. We cannot, and must and dumb. Mark 9:17-27 is the account of the boy
not ignore him. It is because of this wilful ignorance who had a demonic problem of seizures. (Let it be
and blindness that Satan has so much influence and known that we do not believe that every illness and
control in the lives of Christians. sickness is demonic, but we do believe that people
―There is nothing that the great deceiver fears give in to the temptations of the Devil to get them to
so much as that we shall become acquainted with his indulge in appetites and passions which in turn bring
devices.‖ ‗The Great Controversy Between Christ on many physical problems). Sleep attacks occur
and Satan.‟ p516 when one is trying to study the word of God.
If this enemy with whom we personally have Physical and Verbal Abuse – Loud, bad
to battle remains to us some mysterious, foreboding, language and physical attacks against a family
awesome power of which we are afraid to oppose, we member.
are indeed at a disadvantage. Premarital Sexual Activity – Even among
From a Biblical perspective, we should know young and older teenagers the Devil wants to destroy
all we can about Satan‘s tactics and his methods of and pervert one of the most beautiful things God has
attack against us. We must also know the Biblical given to a married couple.
basis of our victory over Satan and his world of Fear – There must be a thousand kinds of
darkness.‖ fear through which the Devil keeps Christians in
bondage. His greatest tool is to keep people in fear
of him; in this way he keeps them from rebuking him
in the name of Jesus.
Cultivated and Inherited Tendencies –
Many people are carrying with them inherited
―baggage‖ from their parents and their parents‘
parents, etc. This is why family traits are carried
―I saw evil angels contending for souls, and angels
from generation to generation. In different families
of God resisting them. The conflict was severe. Evil
you might see anger, alcoholism, violence, physical
angels were crowding about them, corrupting the
abuse and child neglect which has permeated the
atmosphere with their poisonous influence, and
family for generations. Most do not realize why
stupefying their sensibilities. Holy angels were
some of these traits continue to haunt them. There is
anxiously watching these souls, and were waiting to
an enemy who makes it his business to take
drive back Satan‘s host. But it is not the work of
advantage of these inherited problems.
good angels to control minds against the will of the
It is very interesting that it only takes one
individuals. If they yield to the enemy, and make no
person in the home, who allows Satan to influence
effort to resist him, then the angels of God can do
his or her life, to break down the family unit. If we
little more than hold in check the host of Satan, that
are going to be successful warriors in the army of
they should not destroy, until further light be given to
Jesus, we must recognize and discern this evil
those in peril, to move them to arouse and look to
heaven for help. Jesus will not commission holy
We have outlined in this lesson, briefly, how
angels to extricate those who make no effort to help
to recognize demonic influence in your home and in
your life.
We hope this will be of help to you. No
If Satan sees he is in danger of losing one soul, he
doubt there are many other situations which open the
will exert himself to the utmost to keep that one. And
doors to the Devil to work in our homes. God will
when the individual is aroused to his danger, and,
reveal these if we will only ask Him.
with distress and fervor, looks to Jesus for strength,
Dear friend, please take heart. There is hope
Satan fears he shall lose a captive, and he calls a re-
for whatever situation you may find yourself in.
enforcement of his angels to hedge in the poor soul,
Jesus Christ has given the answers in His Holy Word.
and form a wall of darkness around him, that
The answers cannot be found anywhere else. It is
heaven‘s light may not reach him. But if the one in
time we looked to Jesus for the answers.
danger perseveres, and in helplessness and weakness
casts himself upon the merits of the blood of Christ,
***************** Jesus listens to the earnest prayer of faith, and sends a
re-enforcement of those angels which excel in
strength to deliver him.
by Al and Collette Martin
Over the years more and more emphasis has As man walked further and further from his
been placed upon the psychological world to take Creator into his own twisted thinking, he began to
care of human problems dealing with thoughts and study the human mind, looking within himself for
behaviour. So much emphasis in fact, that even in answers.
Christian circles it has overshadowed the earlier Men who were considered ―great thinkers‖
Christian significance of the Bible. came along with their ideas of how the mind of man
From The Christian Research Journal, 1955, functioned, stereo-typing thought and behaviour,
we read, ―15 million Americans made 120 million placing people into categories of temperaments.
visits to psychotherapists in 1987…In the 30 years Early Greek philosophers such as Aristotle, Socrates
prior to 1990 the number of practicing professional and Plato played a great part in the forming of these
psychologists in this country (America) grew from theories. These theories have been passed on down
2,500 to 40,000…In one year, Americans spend over to our time through many different channels. Today
273 billion dollars on mental health.‖ these theories are identified as ―humanistic‖ thinking,
It is time that we as Christians consider where which says there is no God, no sin, man is basically
psychology came from, which has everything to do good, and that man is getting better.
with the profound influence it has had on people Because of the evils of evolution—man living
around the world. We must always go to the roots to under his own rules and theories in place of God‘s
find out why the tree is growing the way it is, and principles—problems in the area of the mind have
what kind of fruit it produces. gotten steadily worse and worse. Therefore
In order to understand what took place, we something had to be done to help the human race
must first go back in history to the time of creation. with all of these ―mental problems‖. Thus
When God created man, He created man in His own psychology evolved, in much the same way that
image. Man belonged to God, because He made him. evolutionists claim we humans evolved. It has come
God in His great love for mankind set up principles about over a period of many years, amalgamating
to live by, principles that He knew would allow man many different ideas and theories. Even today it is
the greatest freedom and happiness. It was based on still evolving.
a love relationship, with man giving complete First let‘s define psychology. The old 1828
adoration, respect and obedience to God, his Creator. Webster‘s dictionary says it this way, ―it is the study
Then man‘s allegiance to his Creator wavered of the human soul or psyche‖. This term was
just for a moment, and the enemy, Satan, took interpreted in the world of psychology as the study of
advantage of this moment. He succeeded in getting ―thought and behaviour‖. From the university
man to focus on himself, to doubt his Creator and to textbook Essentials of Psychology, ―Psychology is
seek forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of the scientific study of behaviour and mental
Good and Evil. That love relationship was broken processes‖.
which resulted in sin (disobedience to God‘s Down through the ages of time all these ―so
principles). From that point on it has become a called‖ great men, including Darwin, did much study
natural inclination, fired by the Devil, for man to into the thought and behaviour of the human race.
want to live by his own rules. It is called rebellion Let us consider some of the ideas of some of
against God. these ―so called‖ great thinkers.
As time rolled on and the people in the world
became more and more evil, God was soon left out of Socrates: ―Socrates suggested that we
the picture. Man forgot who created him and who he should rely on processes such as rational thought and
belonged to. That wonderful love relationship was introspection to achieve self knowledge‖. (From a
gone—that love relationship that produced loyalty to leading psychology textbook, Essentials of
God‘s principles. Psychology, by Spencer Rathus of St. Johns
Man decided to set up his own rules to live by, University, 1994). In other words looking into
and why not, for if he didn‘t belong to God or anyone yourself for the answers. This is one of the main
else, why not live by his own rules? Evolution was ideas or theories of psychology today.
born! Socrates was into Greek goddess worship.
Evolution is the theory that man evolved from Who was he serving, God or the Devil?
a single cell to where he is today, over billions of
years of evolving. The whole basis of evolution was Plato: (427-347 B.C.) ―Plato the disciple of
created by man and incorporates his foolish ideas. Socrates recorded Socrates‘ advice ‗Know thyself‘,
which has remained one of the mottos of known Dr. Benjamin Spock. He said ―Never spank a
psychological thought ever since‖. Greek god and child until he is old enough to understand it, and
goddess worship was part of Plato‘s life. Who was when he is old enough to understand it, never spank a
he serving, God or the Devil? child‖. What a ridiculous statement. This is
diametrically opposed to Bible principles.
Aristotle: (384-322 B.C.) (Again from the Freud himself did not believe in his own
book Essentials of Psychology) ―Psychology is as old system of therapy. He said ―Patients are nothing but
as history and as modern as today…the outline of this riff-raff. The only useful purposes they serve are to
textbook could have been written by the Greek help us earn a living and provide learning material.
philosopher Aristotle. One of Aristotle‘s works was In any case, we cannot help them‖. Controversies in
called Peri Psyches, which translates ‗About the Psychoanalytic Method, p 32. Yet today much of
Psyche‘…it began with the history of psychological what he wrote is still being used, even in Christian
thought and historical perspectives on the nature of circles.
the mind and behaviour‖. Aristotle was also into Sigmund Freud was an atheist, hated God,
Greek god and goddess worship. Who was he and a drug addict. Who was he serving, God or
serving God, or Satan? the Devil?
conquest of enemy nations through ‗mental was the sphere of activity of the church and only
healing‘.‖ the church.
―American students at the Lenin Traditionally, both in civilized and
University, I welcome your attendance at these barbaric nations, the priesthood alone had
classes on Psychopolitics…A psychopolitician complete charge of the mental condition of the
must work hard to produce the maximum chaos citizen. As a matter of great concern to the
in the fields of ‗mental healing‘. He must recruit psychopolitician this tendency still exists in every
and use all the agencies and facilities of ‗mental public quarter in the Western World and
healing‘. He must labor to increase the personnel scientific inroads into this sphere have occurred
and facilities of ‗mental healing‘ until at last the only in official and never in public quarters.
entire field of mental science is entirely dominated We have battled in America since the turn
by Communist principles and desires‖. of the century to bring to nothing any and all
―…You must work until every teacher of Christian influences and we are succeeding.
psychology unknowingly or knowingly teaches While today we seem to be kind to the Christian,
only Communist doctrine under the guise of remember that we have yet to influence the
‗psychology‘. You must labor until every doctor ‗Christian world‘ to our ends. When that is done
and psychiatrist is either a psychopolitician or an we shall have an end of them everywhere.
unwitting assistant to our aims‖. …You must work until ‗religion‘ is
synonymous with ‗insanity‘. You must work until
The Use of Psychopolitics in Spreading the officials of city, county and state governments
Communism will not think twice before they pounce upon
religious groups as public enemies.
―As the conquest of a nation by Insanity must hound the footsteps of every
communism depends upon imbuing its population priest and practitioner. The best testimonials to
with communistic tenets, it is not necessary that his skill must be turned into gibbering madmen no
the term ‗communism‘ be applied at first to the matter what means we have to use.
educative measures employed. …You must recruit every agency of the
As an example, in the United States we nation marked for slaughter into a foaming
have been able to alter the works of William hatred of religious healing. You must suborn
James, and others, into a more acceptable pattern, district attorneys and judges into an intense belief
and to place the tenets of Karl Marx, Pavlov, as fervent as an ancient faith in God that
Lamarck, and the data of Dialectic Materialism Christianity or any other religious practice that
into the textbooks of psychology, to such a degree might devote itself to mental healing is vicious,
that anyone making a thorough study of bad, insanity-causing, publicly hated and
psychology becomes at once a candidate to accept intolerable‖. From the book „Brainwashing‟, which
the reasonableness of communism. is a compilation from the Russian treatise, written in
As every chair of psychology in the United 1930.
States is occupied by persons connected with us,
or who can be influenced by persons connected
with us, the consistent employment of such texts is Dear reader, the above quotes are only a few
guaranteed. They are given an authoritative ring, from a treatise that is so chilling that it causes the
and they are carefully taught. blood pressure to rise. And even more sobering is the
Consistent pressure on the legislatures of fact that all this has already happened.
the United States can bring about legislation to the We have great compassion for the dear
effect that every student attending a high school person who has innocently become involved in this
or university must have classes in psychology. psychological industry – the dear person whose only
Educating broadly the educated strata of goal in life is to be of help to his or her fellow man.
the populace into the tenets of communism is thus May God help them to be able to break away
rendered relatively easy, and when the choice is from this system which has engulfed the world for
given them whether to continue in a capitalistic or the purpose of bringing humanity under its control.
a Communistic condition, they will see, suddenly, But the cries go up, what about our
in communism, much more reasonableness than ―Christian Psychology?‖ Dear friend, we must
in capitalism, which will now be seen by our own understand that the Devil has been successful in
definition‖. putting the label of ―Christian‖ on psychology in
order to get it into the church to corrupt it and negate
The Smashing of Religious Groups the power of Jesus Christ in a person‘s life.
Psychology is the Devil‘s belief system. In all the
―You must know that until recent times line of men that were involved in the forming of
the entire subject of mental derangement, whether psychology, not one of them was a Christian. In fact
so light as simple worry or so heavy as insanity, every one, without exception, was on the Devil‘s
side. How in the world can we take theories, ideas,
concepts, whatever we want to call them, that came Psychology is a religion based on ―self‖.
directly or indirectly from the Devil and integrate Man becomes his own god with his own ideas and
them with the Bible? Many have the foolish idea that multi-faceted, warmed-over psychology. So called
just because you put ―Christian‖ on it, it then ―Christian‖ psychology fosters the idea that people
becomes Christian. If this is the case, why not have need psychological intervention to stop sinning.
―Christian‖ pornography, or ―Christian‖ alcohol? Or How can this be when psychology says there is no
even better, have ―Christian‖ witch doctors. sin? We are all victims, not sinners. When we are
Today we have a myriad of psychologists victims, it is someone else‘s fault, and we don‘t have
and others who are calling themselves ―Biblical to take responsibility.
Counsellors‖, who for the most part are using all the Hundreds of pastors have gone off to
warmed over psychological therapies, incorporating Christian colleges and universities to get degrees in
Bible texts and calling it ―Biblical Counselling‖. psychology so they can counsel their church
There are a few, and very few, that call themselves members.
counsellors who are using the Bible and the Bible More pastors have been ruined by saturating
only. But we need to understand, Jesus called us to themselves with concepts and ideas of psychology
be witnesses, not counsellors. Yes, we must use the than can be counted. When they come back from
Bible as counsel, but when we set ourselves up as getting their degrees in this belief system, they are
counsellors, in many cases we become better or seldom ever the same. You cannot integrate the
higher than those we are ministering to, which is a Bible and psychology. They are diametrically
good breeding ground for pride. opposed. They are different belief systems.
One must wonder if by putting labels such as Now let‘s be honest, if the writings of
―Christian Psychologist‖, ―Christian Counsellor‖, psychology for the most part came from the Devil
―Biblical Counsellor‖, ―Christian Therapist‖ brings and evil spirits, could this be labelled spiritism?
recognition and makes it legitimate to charge hourly Could it be this is the reason why people are
fees for counselling. When a person is a Bible seldom ever the same when they get a degree in
worker, ministering to people with Bible counsel, he psychology. This may sound shocking to some, but
would feel ashamed to tell someone he would charge sometimes we have to be shocking to get the
them for an hour‘s Bible study. Can you imagine attention of those who have been so saturated for
Jesus, John, Peter or Paul telling someone ―tell you years in the belief system of psychology.
what – meet me this afternoon about 2.00 o‘clock at ―Christian psychology‖, as we know it today,
my office in the synagogue and we will have an is the counterfeit that the Devil has brought into the
hour‘s session together. Oh yes, bring your cheque church to negate the true deliverance of the Lord
book or credit card to take care of the $50.00 to Jesus Christ. Well, some will say, it works, what
$125.00 for the hour we will be talking and praying about that? Think about it for just a moment.
together‖. If the Devil is directly or indirectly behind
What about this so called ―Christian the problems of thought and behaviour, then comes
Psychology‖? Let‘s let some professionals speak for along with a system of his own to supposedly take
themselves. From a paper, Aspects of Integration, care of these problems, don‘t you think he would
presented in 1976 at the meeting of the Western honour his belief system? Don‘t you think he would
Association of Christians for Psychological Studies, back off and leave the person for a time, so it would
we read the following statement: appear that his belief system works? We have got to
―We are often asked if we are ‗Christian get real and quit buying into the Devil‘s lies. When
psychologists‘ and find it difficult to answer, since will we wake up and realize that the Devil is duping
we don‘t know what the question implies. We are the whole world through psychology? How sad it is
Christians who are psychologists but at the present that Christians are following right along.
time there is no acceptable Christian psychology that The Bible has predicted that this would
is markedly different from non-Christian psychology. happen. I Timothy 4:1 says, ―Now the Spirit
It is difficult to imply that we function in a manner speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some
that is fundamentally distinct from our non-Christian shall depart from the faith, giving heed to
colleagues…as yet there is not an acceptable theory, seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils‖.
mode of research or treatment methodology that is For years secular psychologists and
distinctly Christian‖. psychiatrists have blamed Christianity for the
William Kilpatrick, associate professor of problems of the people in the psych wards. No doubt
Educational Psychology at Boston College, and secular psychologists are laughing at Christians and
author of the book Psychological Seduction, said, saying, ―See we told you your religion and your God
―Psychology and religion are competing faiths. can‘t help these people. Now you are having to use
If you seriously hold on to one set of values, our methods and therapies to be successful‖.
you will logically have to reject the other‖. He also Truly, psychology has been Christianized
said, ―I didn‘t realize I was losing interest in so that Christianity could be psychologized. This
Christianity; I merely thought I was adding false belief system has come in and corrupted the
something on…‖ entire Christian world. Very few are seeing the
deception. Very few are standing up and speaking the abused, the lonely, those possessed with evil
against it. It has become the golden calf in the body spirits, to the foot of the cross for deliverance, and in
of Christ. To speak out against it brings down the the name of Jesus of Nazareth be victorious!
wrath of leaders who call themselves ―Christian‖.
The Devil is using the mouths of people in the church
to promote his lies. Could it be that II Corinthians
11:13 applies? ―For such are false apostles, [spurious,
counterfeits] deceitful workers, transforming
themselves into the apostles of Christ [the Messiah]‖.
It is time to stand up for the only Saviour of
this world, Jesus. Psychology cannot save anyone.
Thought and behaviour has to do with sin.
Thoughts in the mind are where sin
originates and behaviour is where it is acted out. The
sin problem is God‘s business. If we turn our minds
over to psychology, we are giving the sin problem to
Satan, who is sin, who will use these evil therapies to
magnify the sin and only drive it deeper into our
lives, many times creating a stronghold. It is the
Devil‘s game to take the sin problem, that originates
in thoughts, out of the hands of dedicated pastors
who counsel with the Word of God, and put it into
the hands of his preachers, those in the psychology
What is going on in the Christian realm today
in the area of psychology is no different than what
was going on in the time of Israel when Ahab and
Jezebel took them into deep Baal worship. It
corrupted the nation of Israel. Any time we put our
trust in something or someone other than the Bible
and Jesus Christ, it is idol worship. The Bible plainly
states this in the Ten Commandments.
Today the same cry of Elijah needs to go out
loud and clear, ―How long halt ye between two
opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if
Baal, then follow him‖. Psychology would easily fit
into that verse for our day and time.
Now we want to make it very clear that we
are not saying anyone who is, or has been involved in
the psychological industry is serving the Devil.
There are many innocent people, using psychological
techniques, who sincerely want to help people but do
not realize where psychology has come from. Our
only hope is that these dear folk will see that the only
true way to help people is through the manual God
has given us to live by – the Bible.
May God help us to re-establish a love
relationship with Him that will bring about the
change in our lives that will give us the true
deliverance from sin. The Bible says that we are to
be people ―...bringing into captivity every thought to
the obedience of Christ:‖ It doesn‘t say to allow your
thoughts to come under the control of some so-called
―Biblical counsellor‖ or psychologist who is using
the Devil‘s theories. Only Jesus can save us from our
sins. Only Jesus can give us the strength to overcome
life‘s temptations (thoughts). Only Jesus can make
us witnesses, witnesses who will bring the suffering,
5. Your Thoughts –
Satan‘s Thoughts – God‘s Thoughts
Adapted from notes by Al and Collette Martin
How Does Satan Attack Your Mind? This is a hypothetical situation that is very typical in
the battle that goes on in the mind of every Christian,
A little boy enters a grocery store and his eyes every waking hour of every day. This example is a
land on a bright red, juicy apple. All of a sudden his very simplistic one, but the battle that goes on in the
hunger pains are overwhelming. He looks at that mind of the Christian, many times, has eternal life
apple, and immediately wrong thoughts, along with and death consequences. And because the word ―I‖
right thoughts, begin to flood his mind; notice: is used, the person thinks it‘s his own thoughts.
―Boy I‘m hungry, but I don‘t have any money. And the sad thing is that most Christians do not
I wonder if I could get that apple in my pocket realize or understand the battle and where this
without anyone noticing?‖ thought or feeling is coming from.
―But that isn‘t right; that would be stealing.‖ Have you ever wondered why your thoughts
―Just this once, who would know the wander so much during prayer? Sometimes these
difference?‖ thoughts are of an evil nature. You might say, ―I
―Don‘t do it, it isn‘t right, it belongs to can‘t keep my mind directed in the right place, even
someone else.‖ while I am praying.‖ That ―wandering of the mind‖
―Oh go ahead, just this once, move a little may not be your doing. The Apostle Paul tells us that
closer and take a look. No one will ever know‖. Satan has the ability to attack our minds, in much the
―I better not do it, I will regret it forever.‖ same way that he seduced Eve: ―But I fear, lest by
―Just think how good that beautiful, juicy apple any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his
would taste; after all, doesn‘t the Bible say it‘s all subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the
right to eat when I am walking through someone simplicity that is in Christ.‖ (2 Corinthians 11:3).
else‘s property? Go ahead.‖ Have you ever considered that when a thought
―Please don‘t do it, Jesus won‘t like that.‖ appears suddenly in your mind, it may not be your
―I have big pockets, there is no one around own? Remember, Satan can manipulate you through
there; who would see me. Go ahead, do it‖. suggestions. Notice the following example:
Figure 1
Knowing this, you‘ll begin to treat the things Devil) had been feeding these two men thoughts
that run through your mind with a healthy scepticism. against each other long before this meeting, and he
Satan is a liar. He lied to Eve with distracting saw that they were buying his injected suggestions by
evil suggestions. Today he seeks to do the same to their words and body language.
you, especially when you are attempting to reach out Suppose it‘s time to go to church and you‘re
to God in prayer. The Christian will have poor busy getting ready when all of a sudden a thought
success in his spiritual life until he recognizes and pops up, ―I‘m really tired. It‘s been a hard week and
rejects the thoughts that the enemy injects into his I need to rest.‖ That may sound like your own
mind. In 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 Paul states ―(For the thought, but it isn‘t. It‘s most likely the Devil‘s. Or
weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty maybe someone in church walked by you and instead
through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) of speaking, they just nodded a greeting. You begin
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that thinking, ―I‘ll bet they‘re mad at me. Why didn‘t
exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and they show me more attention?‖ Again, that‘s a
bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience selfish thought inspired by the enemy. You see,
of Christ;‖ Satan‘s suggestions usually come packaged through
It is very possible that Satan assigns specific the desires and cravings of the self. He uses ‗I‘.
spirits to every believer to keep his mind from There is a progression that takes place when a
operating and resting in the things of God. Your person doesn‘t understand where the temptations are
thought life is the battlefield. If you don‘t believe coming from, and buys into the thoughts
this, try some time to keep your thoughts pure and on (suggestions) that are injected into his mind. You
Jesus for just two or three minutes. You will quickly see it is through our thought process that the Devil
find yourself in a thought war. The spiritual war is injects his temptations. In connection with our
won or lost in the battlefield of the mind. Until a thoughts, he perverts the God-given imagination, and
person realizes this, takes action to resist these evil uses it in the area of fantasy. He gets a person to live
spirits and clean up the thought life, all other spiritual out the temptation in his mind before he outwardly
activities will be futile. yields.
In the Bible the psalmist says that God desires Here he works on the imagination until the
those who serve him to have pure hearts. ―Who shall person yields to the temptation and commits the
ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand single act. Satan knows that once a person has fallen
in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a to a particular situation it will be easier and easier for
pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto him to commit the sin again and again. He (the
vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.‖ (Psalms 24:3-4). Devil) makes sure his evil spirits are on hand to take
Satan‘s typical method of attacking the thought advantage of every situation to which a person is
life generally involves nothing more than well-timed vulnerable until that single act has turned into a habit.
suggestions. He‘s highly skilled at this, since he‘s Soon the sin has become so common place that
generally familiar with one‘s particular weaknesses the person is not doing it because he wants to, but
and vulnerabilities. His carefully timed suggestions through the habit of indulging he has given up his
can trigger dangerous results. Satan is a master at ability to choose, or the Devil has stolen a good share
presenting a suggestion at just the right moment to of his will. Now it is a compulsion, and he has to do
incite a person‘s passions and appeal to his it because he has lost most of his will to choose. He
weaknesses. continues to listen to the Devil‘s well-timed
―Satan studies every indication of the frailty of suggestions, and acts on them, until the Devil soon
human nature, he marks the sins which each has total control of one or more areas of his life. This
individual is inclined to commit, and then he takes condition is called possession, which means
care that opportunities shall not be wanting to gratify ―controlled‖. Now this all originated in the mind, the
the tendency to evil‖ (Great Controversy, pg 555). thoughts, before it was acted on. In each step of the
Consider the little boy who saw the apple in the progression downward, it still took place in the mind
grocery store. The Devil knew he was hungry and he until the Devil possessed or controlled that person.
saw where his eyes went, and at just the right It is because the battle in the mind is not
moment he injected ―well timed suggestions‖. How understood that so many fall, in the thought process,
about the elder of the church who walks into the to sin. This is the avenue by which the Devil can
church board meeting and sees another elder, with take possession or control of even a professed
whom he hasn‘t had a good relationship, over in the Christian. A person can call himself a ―Christian‖
corner of the room talking privately with the Pastor but if he does not restrain his thoughts, and bring
before the meeting starts. The Devil injects a well- those thoughts onto Christ and all good things, he
timed suggestion, ―He must be scheming something most surely can and will be controlled by the evil
up with the Pastor behind my back.‖ This starts a powers of darkness. Consider carefully the following
whole train of thoughts that could continue through quote:
the board meeting. Now, the Devil knew how this
elder felt about the other one. He had been watching ―You should keep off from Satan‘s enchanted ground
their interaction over a period of time. In fact, he (the and not allow your minds to be swayed from
allegiance to God….When you decide that as influence of evil angels and invite their presence and
Christians you are not required to restrain your their control‖.
thoughts and feelings you are brought under the (Testimonies For The Church, Vol. 5, pg. 310).
At this point you might be asking the question, Fill your mind with praises to God for all His
―How do I restrain or control my thoughts and blessings – be specific. (this especially helps with
feelings?‖ Let‘s now look at some of the weapons of depression)
our warfare against wrong thoughts and feelings.
The most important weapon to use is rebuking the
We must first avoid putting anything into our powers of darkness in the name of Jesus Christ.
minds that is evil. Romans 13:14 says ―and make Using the name of Jesus Christ means that the other
not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts weapons are working with the power of God behind
thereof.” them. See example on page 25. Figures #1 and #2
When we recognize thoughts that are not from
God, we are to submit our minds to God (‗I May God help each of us clean up our minds, so
choose Jesus Christ‘) and ask God for help. Then that the Holy Spirit will not be ashamed to come and
rebuke the evil spirits in the name of Jesus Christ, dwell there. This is an area in our lives as Christians
and tell them to take those thoughts and go. (The that often is overlooked, yet is so important. Jesus, in
―name of Jesus Christ‖ brings the power of God the sermon on the mount, emphasised the importance
into the battle.) ―In the name of Jesus Christ‖ call of not sinning in our minds. The only way this can
on the holy angels to come fight the battle for you. be done is through the weapons that God has
Pray for God to replace those bad thoughts with provided. Praise God.
good thoughts and pray that your mind be placed
under the protection of the blood of Jesus Christ.
Focus on Christ. Isaiah 26:3,4; Philippians 4:8
Verbally quote or read the Bible. (Not yelling).
Note that God is able to read your mind but James 4:7 - ―Submit yourselves therefore to God.
Satan cannot. Satan can read body language and Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.‖
he knows our habit patterns but he cannot read
your mind. Also, if you cannot speak, you can 1 Peter 5:8, 9 – ―Be sober, be vigilant; because your
place your finger on a promise. It works. God will adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about,
help you. seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist
Sing a good Christian song – eg. ―Jesus loves steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same
me‖, or ―Power in The Blood‖ are good ones. afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are
Satan hates good music and good singing. in the world.‖
(Get some good CD‘s)
5T p.293 ―It is this resistance that Satan dreads. He
knows better than we do the limit of his power and
how easily he can be overcome if we resist and face
him. Through divine strength the weakest saint is
more than a match for him and all his angels, and if
brought to the test he would be able to prove his
superior power‖.
(See Page 4 for explanation of abbreviations) Morning talks p.52
―Satan works through faults of character to gain
DA p.121 ―By parleying with the enemy, we give control of the whole mind, and he knows that if these
him an advantage‖. faults are cherished, he will succeed.
OHC p.104 ―When the will is placed on the Lord‘s Philippians 2:5 – mind of Christ
side, the Holy Spirit takes that will and makes it one
with the divine will.‖ 1 Peter 4:1 – arm yourselves likewise with the same
OHC p.104 ―If man will cooperate with God, the
Lord will bring his will into connection with Himself, Ephesians 4:27 – Neither give place unto the devil
and will vitalize it by His own Spirit.‖
Jeremiah 13:10 – walk in the imagination of their
OHC p.103 ―The will is not the taste or the heart
inclination, but it is the deciding power‖.
Jeremiah 18:12 – imagination evil heart
MH pp.251, 252 ―It is a law of nature that our
thoughts and feelings are encouraged and Amos 4:13 – and declareth unto man what is his
strengthened as we give them utterance. While thought
words express thoughts, it is also true that thoughts
follow words‖. Acts 1:24 – Thou Lord which knowest the hearts of
all men
2T p.533 ―Bring to your aid the power of the will,
which will resist cold and will give energy to the 6BC p.1085 ―Every act of transgression reacts upon
nervous system‖. the sinner, works in him a change of character, and
makes it more easy for him to transgress again‖.
5T p.426 ―Temptation is not sin‖.
5T p.513 ―The will is not the taste or the inclination,
* Imagination – Strong‘s 8307 Jeremiah Texts but it is the deciding power which works in the
sher-ee-rooth from 8324 in the sense of twisted i.e. children of men unto obedience to God or unto
firm; obstinacy: - imagination, lust. disobedience‖
8324 – shaw-rar to be hostile (only act, part, an
opponent): - enemy FCE p.426 ―All our actions, good or bad, have their
source in the mind‖
DA p.173 (Mar p70) ―When the Spirit of God takes
possession of the heart, it transforms the life. Sinful CH p.593 ―Christ supplies the lifeblood of the heart,
thoughts are put away, evil deeds are renounced; and Christ and the Holy Spirit give nerve power‖.
love, humility, and peace take the place of anger,
envy and strife. Joy takes the place of sadness and the 4T p.495 ―The mind is controlled either by Satan or
countenance reflects the light of heaven.‖ by Jesus; and when you practice no self-control,
Satan rules and leads you to do and say things that
AH p.54 ―Think right thoughts, and you will perform are wholly satanic. This has been repeated so often
right actions‖. that it has become habitual.‖
2T p.347 ―The brain nerves which communicate with 4T p.345 ―One victory won, the next is more easily
the entire system are the only medium through which gained‖
Heaven can communicate to man and affect his
inmost life. Whatever disturbs the circulation of the SC p.47 ―Everything depends on the right action of
electric currents in the nervous system lessens the the will‖.
strength of the vital powers, and the result is a
deadening of the sensibilities of the mind‖. SC p.47 ―…the power of decision, or of choice‖.
4T p.32 ―Man must work with his human power, 5T p.193 ―His agents still claim to cure disease. They
aided by the divine power of Christ, to resist and to attribute their power to electricity, magnetism, or the
conquer at any cost to himself‖. so-called ―sympathetic remedies‖. In truth, they are
but channels for Satan‘s electric currents. By this
means he casts his spell over the bodies and souls of become if our words were of such an order that we
men‖. would not be ashamed to meet the record of them in
the day of judgement. How different will they appear
Proverbs 16:3 – thoughts established in the day of God from what they seem when we utter
them.‖ - RH Feb 27, 1913 - MCP p.494.
4T p.222 – Satan‘s suggestions
―The adversary of souls is not permitted to read the
Imagination – Maranatha p222 thoughts of men; but he is a keen observer, and he
marks the words; he takes account of actions, and
Jeremiah 7:24 – but walked in the counsels and in skilfully adapts his temptations to meet the cases of
the imagination of their evil heart. those who place themselves in his power. If we
would labor to repress sinful thoughts and feelings,
Jeremiah 16:11,12 – law – imagination of evil heart giving them no expression in words or actions, Satan
would be defeated; for he could not prepare his
Jeremiah 9:14 – walked after imagination specious temptations to meet the case.‖ -
1SM pp.122, 123.
Habits – MCP pp.596-601 (Vol 2) Further Study
―When the mind has been long permitted to dwell
SD p.113 ―Habits often repeated make character‖. only on earthly things, it is a difficult matter to
change the habits of thought. That which the eye
5T p.310 ―If the thoughts are wrong the feelings will sees and the ear hears too often attracts the attention
be wrong, and the thoughts and feelings combined and absorbs the interest. But if we would enter the
make up the moral character.‖ city of God and look upon Jesus and His glory, we
must become accustomed to beholding Him with the
1T p.387 ―The mind and nerves gain tone and eye of faith here. The words and the character of
strength by the exercise of the will‖. Christ should be often the subject of our thoughts and
of our conversation, and each day sometime should
2T p.428 ―She wants the will to electrify the nerve be especially devoted to prayerful meditation upon
power so that she may resist indolence.‖ these sacred themes‖ - RH May 3, 1881 (SL pp.91,
92). MCP pp.662, 663.
1SM p.124 ―It is possible to resist his power‖.
―All your acts, however secret you may think they
4T p.358 ―There is no sin in having temptations; but have been, are open to your heavenly Father.
sin comes in when temptation is yielded to‖. Nothing is hidden, nothing covered. All your acts
and the motive which prompt them are open to His
Deuteronomy 31:21 – Imagination → Act sight. He has full knowledge of all your words and
(vs 16-22) thoughts. It is your duty to control your thoughts.
You will have to war against a vain imagination.
―There are many who are really troubled because You may think that there can be no sin in permitting
low, debasing thoughts come into the mind, and are your thoughts to run as they naturally would without
not easily banished. Satan has his evil angels around restraint. But this is not so. You are responsible to
us; and though they cannot read men‘s thoughts, they God for the indulgence of vain thoughts, for from
closely watch their words and actions. Satan takes vain imaginations arises the committal of sins, the
advantage of the weakness and defects of character actual doing of those things upon which the mind has
that are thus revealed, and presses his temptations dwelt. Govern your thoughts, and it will then be
where there is least power of resistance. He makes much easier to govern your actions. Your thoughts
evil suggestions, and inspires worldly thoughts, need to be sanctified.‖ - 3T pp.82, 83.
knowing that he can thus bring the soul into
condemnation and bondage.‖ - Morning Talks, p.7 ―Every soul that refuses to give himself to God is
under the control of another power. He is not his
―When we talk discouragement and gloom, Satan own. He may talk of freedom, but he is in the most
listens with fiendish joy; for it pleases him to know abject slavery. He is not allowed to see the beauty of
that he has brought you into his bondage. Satan truth, for his mind is under the control of Satan.
cannot read our thoughts, but he can see our actions, While he flatters himself that he is following the
hear our words, and, from his long knowledge of the dictates of his own judgment, he obeys the will of the
human family, he can shape his temptations to take prince of darkness. Christ came to break the shackles
advantage of our weak points of character. And how of sin-slavery from the soul. ―If the Son therefore
often do we let him into the secret of how he may shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.‖ ―For
obtain the victory over us. Oh, that we might control the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made
our words and actions! How strong we would me free from the law of sin and death.‖ Rom 8:2
In the work of redemption there is no compulsion.
No external force is employed. Under the influence
of the Spirit of God, man is left free to choose whom
he will serve. In the change that takes place when the
soul surrenders to Christ, there is the highest sense of
freedom. The expulsion of sin is the act of the soul
itself. True, we have no power to free ourselves from
Satan‘s control; but when we desire to be set free
from sin, and in our great need cry out for a power
out of and above ourselves, the powers of the soul are
imbued with the divine energy of the Holy Spirit, and
they obey the dictates of the will in fulfilling the will
of God.‖ - DA p.466.
by Al and Collette Martin
One of the greatest deceptions of the Devil is The Importance of Forgiveness
unforgiveness. Most people do not realize it but each Let us now consider seven reasons why
day brings situations that could cause unforgiveness forgiveness is so important:
to take hold. This is a grievous sin, and if it is not
dealt with, it could cause one to lose his salvation. It 1) Forgiveness is obedience to God—He
destroys like cancer. says to forgive.
Let us look at what Jesus had to say in ―And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted,
Matthew 18:21-35, when Peter asked Him, ―…how forgiving one another, even as God for Christ‘s sake
oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive hath forgiven you.‖ Ephesians 4:32. Unforgiveness
him? till seven times?‖ The Pharisees limited hurts you far more than it does the person you don‘t
forgiveness to three times. Peter sought to extend it forgive. They may have forgotten all about it, but
to seven times. But Jesus taught that we should never you can‘t.
become weary of forgiving. He said ―I say not unto 2) Forgiveness allows faith to work—In
thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times Mark 11:22-26 Jesus spoke about forgiveness in
seven‖. connection with having the faith to move a mountain.
In the parable which Jesus spoke to Peter there In Genesis we read of Joseph‘s unwavering faith that
are several points that really stand out: God honoured so many times. If he hadn‘t been so
The king who forgave represents Christ willing to forgive his brothers for what they had done
The debt the king (Jesus) forgave was to him, his faith wouldn‘t have worked.
immense, compared to the debt the servant was Unforgiveness destroys faith, as they cannot work
required to forgive. together.
The whole immense debt was forgiven. 3) Rids us of spiritual filthiness
The servant soon had the opportunity to follow (unforgiveness is spiritual filthiness) —Proverbs
the example of the king in forgiving his servant 18:14 says, ―The spirit of a man will sustain his
a very small debt. infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear?‖
When the servant refused to forgive his Avoid weights (dirt, unforgiveness) on your spirit.
servant, the pardon that was given him by the We must be washed clean in the blood of Jesus
king was revoked. It was cancelled because he Christ.
would not also forgive. 4) Forgiveness removes the tortures of the
The king could not forgive if the servant didn‘t soul—Unforgiveness brings on depression, lack of
forgive. joy, heaviness of spirit, unhappiness, the feeling that
something just isn‘t right. Unforgiveness poisons the
Matthew 18:34 & 35 says, ―And his lord was soul. To forgive removes all these things and brings
wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till peace.
he should pay all that was due unto him. So 5) Forgiveness removes the blockages in
likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto our ―personal relationship‖ with God—Prayer life
you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one is hindered by unforgiveness, and God will not
his brother their trespasses.‖ (emphasis added) forgive if we don‘t forgive. Matthew 6:14-15 says,
―For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly
First let‘s examine the meaning of the word Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not
―forgiveness‖. Vine‘s Bible Dictionary says, ―To men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive
send away, forgive a debt, completely cancel, your trespasses.‖ How can we expect to have a
remission of punishment due. To bestow a favour relationship with God if we have unforgiveness on
unconditionally, to let loose, release, let go.‖ our conscience? This is really being dishonest.
Webster‘s Dictionary gives this meaning, ―To excuse 6) Forgiveness gives us the ability to love—
a fault, PARDON, to absolve from payment.‖ When a person has an unforgiving spirit they cannot
love properly. Husbands and wives can tell when
Mark 11:25 says ―And when ye stand praying, they harbour ill feelings toward each other. They
forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father have a hard time embracing before they go to sleep at
also which is in heaven may forgive you your night. Unforgiveness can ruin present and future
trespasses.‖ Basically the thought here is DROP IT! relationships, because love and unforgiveness are
LET IT GO. totally opposite.
On the other hand, to forgive opens the door
for the love of Jesus to flow through.
7) Forgiveness shuts the door to the
Devil—Unforgiveness opens a big door to Satan to
bring in other things such as bitterness and
resentment. Each of these will grow like a cancer ―Get thee behind me Satan, in the name of Jesus, you
and will contaminate the whole person. are an offence to me‖.
Mark 11:25—―And when ye stand praying,
One Christian author stated, ―Most of the forgive…‖ Forgiveness is not optional, but a
ground that Satan gains in lives of Christians is command. Forgiveness is not a feeling but an act of
due to unforgiveness.‖ faith, a definite act of the will to forgive. You choose
When we forgive, the Devil then cannot to forgive in obedience to God‘s command. The
continue to torment us on that point. feeling comes later, the feeling of peace. When we
How do you know if you have unforgiveness in offer to God our hurts and despair, then God pours
your life? An unforgiving, bitter spirit keeps score. His love and compassion into the wounds and His
Every time someone offends you, you immediately healing will come. You may think, ―I can never
remember all the other times you were offended. It‘s forget, even if I could forgive.‖ You are absolutely
called the ―play it again Sam‖ syndrome. right, you can‘t forget; but, you don‘t need to be
Unforgiveness, which breeds bitterness and burdened or always hurting by remembering. Only
resentment, is truly one of the greatest tools the Devil God can carry the weight of the very thing which
uses against Christians. pushes us to the ground. God‘s love and His
This is not to negate the fact that many people forgiveness can and will cushion the memory until
are wounded almost beyond endurance. The Devil the weight is taken from your mind.
delights to add to your pain and sorrow and make it Another important thing to consider is that
worse by whispering to you so the nail of bitterness when you forgive, you must also destroy, if possible,
and resentment is driven in deeper and deeper. His any visible evidence which has fed the unforgiveness.
desire is to get us to be angry at God, which many If it is a snapshot of your sweetheart in the arms of
times turns into hate. His ultimate aim is to depress a another—send it to the flames. Replace the harsh
person to the point of hopelessness and then his next thoughts with thoughts of love. This also is a
suggestion is urged as a solution—suicide. It is easy command, not a choice, Jesus surely said to ―Love
to see how clever and successful the Devil is by using your enemies.‖ We know of no better way than for
situations in our daily life to bring on unforgiveness. one to begin praying for the very person they have
Oh dear friend, in the event we believe we have refused to forgive. Only then can God‘s healing grace
a right to be unforgiving towards another person, let be applied to their own sin sick souls and the
us look at the life of Jesus for just a moment. When enemy‘s power be broken. Then that ―peace which
we catch just a little glimpse of what He went passeth all understanding‖ can come in and enfold
through just before and during His crucifixion, then you with unspeakable joy and freedom.
our picture looks much different. If there is unforgiveness in your life, whether it
Thoughts would have been thrown at him like be toward family members or acquaintances, ask God
‗The people standing around this cross hate you, they to help you have a forgiving spirit.
aren‘t worthy of your death. They are dogs. Why die Ask God to help you see that person or incident
for them? Come down from that cross, bow down to through the eyes of Jesus. Jesus hates our sin, but oh,
us and we will give you anything you want.‘ does He love us! He promises to forgive us of all our
The demons were trying to get to Jesus sins if we will do the same for our fellow men.
through basic human emotions—rejection, bitterness, If someone has mistreated you and you have
resentment, hate, doubt, unforgiveness, retaliation, been nursing a spirit of unforgiveness, try realizing
anger—they just wanted to overcome Him before He that the real enemy is not the person who hurt you; it
died so that all humanity would be forever lost. is the person on the other side who is egging him/her
As if all this wasn‘t enough, Jesus felt His on. Go after the real enemy.
Father turn His back on Him. In His human emotions When the Devil comes back and tries to tempt
He cried out ―My God, my God why hast thou you into believing that you haven‘t been forgiven, or
forsaken me?‖ that you haven‘t forgiven the other person, be quick
Everyone seemed to be against Him, yet He to rebuke the Devil when he wants you to ―play it
looked down on those evil men who were possessed again Sam.‖ Tell him that you gave that to Jesus, so
with demons, and said, ―Father forgive them; for they go talk to Him about it. Read Scripture texts out
know not what they do‖. loud, sing a Jesus song, and these feelings will begin
Dear friend, please remember Jesus when to lift. Your heart will be changed. Try it and see.
tempted to be unforgiving. No matter how badly we
have been offended, we can always say, ―We haven‘t May God help us, each one, to purpose in
been crucified on a cross yet‖ and ―Father forgive our hearts to choose to let God clean up all sin in
them for they don‘t know what they are doing‖. our lives, and to meet together in the kingdom
Don‘t let Satan steal your salvation through that our Saviour Jesus Christ is preparing for us.
unforgiveness. When he comes and whispers to you,
telling you to get even, to snub another person, or
show unkindness because of being offended, tell him
7. BITTERNESS by: Jim Wilson
Get Rid of Bitterness! You may think you have the right to be
―Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, bitter. But the Bible does not grant anyone the right
and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from to be bitter. The text says to get rid of all bitterness.
you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to ―Looking diligently lest any man fail of the
another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up
even as God for Christ‘s sake hath forgiven you. trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;‖ (Hebrews
Be ye therefore followers of God as dear children: 12:15)
And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and Here it describes bitterness as if it were a
hath given himself for us an offering and a root. A root is something that is underground and
sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.‖ cannot be seen. But there can be visible evidence of
(Ephesians 4:31–5:2) its presence, as when sidewalks are lifted.
Our text requires us to remove all bitterness, Roots do other things. The fact that you
and to maintain a tender heart. Here‘s the question: cannot see roots does not mean they are not there.
Is it possible to be kind, compassionate, Neither does it mean you will never see them. They
tenderhearted, and yet bitter at the same time? These drink in nourishment, and they do not stay roots.
are all interior attitudes. Tenderheartedness, by Eventually they come up.
definition, involves a tender heart. Bitterness is also The fruit that is born bears a direct relation to
on the inside. But it is not possible to have two the root producing it. The roots of an apple tree
different, contradictory attitudes on the inside. provide us with apples. If there is a bitter root, it will
Paul says to get rid of all bitterness, and to be bear bitter fruit.
kind and compassionate one to another. Therefore, That is what the verse is saying. Beware lest
the bitterness must go. But before it can be removed, any root of bitterness spring up, cause trouble, and
it is necessary to know what it is—and that it is there. defile many people, which means to make many
Bitterness – ―Having a taste that is sharp and people filthy. Have you ever seen bitterness go
unpleasant. Causing sharp physical or mental pain. through a church? Bitterness can go through a
Caused by severe anguish, grief or disappointment.‖ congregation like a prairie fire. It can go through the
Vine‘s Bible Dictionary says, ―To cut, work place or dormitory. Why is this? Somebody
pointed, sharp, pungent, to taste or smell.‖ decided to share. He was bitter, he let the root come
It is relatively easy to see when other people to the surface and bear fruit. He shared it and many
are bitter. But it is not so easy to see it in ourselves. people became bitter. Paul, the author of Hebrews,
It is therefore important to have a good understanding warns us about this. He says beware of missing the
of the Bible‘s definition of the problem. grace of God. When you allow it, bitterness comes
Bitterness is always based upon someone up and defiles many people. It makes many people
else‘s sin—whether real or imagined. filthy.
Consider the imaginary sin first. Many times Before we get rid of bitterness, we have to
we can be bitter towards someone for what he said, realize that we are bitter. How can we tell if we are
when in reality he did not say it. We heard a false bitter? One good rule of thumb is this: Bitterness
report, and now we are bitter. We wait for an remembers details. You have had thousands of
apology which he cannot offer. Shall we remain in conversations in your life, most of which you have
bitterness the rest of our lives because he never says forgotten. But this one took place five years ago, and
he is sorry for something he did not do? you remember every single word, his intonation and
Incidentally, many people cannot imagine the the inflection of every part of his voice.
possibility that they are bitter over imaginary sins. You know exactly what happened—which
As far as bitterness is concerned, the other persons‘ means you are still bitter.
guilt is always real. Someone might object and say that it is also
For such a person trying to be free from possible to have a good memory of a wonderful
bitterness, it is acceptable for them to assume the real conversation. Is this possible? Yes, but not likely.
guilt of the other person, so long as they get rid of Why is this? Because memory is helped by review,
their own bitterness. review, and more review. People do not usually mull
But what about genuine sin? There are many over the wonderful things as much. But they do go
bitter people who really were mistreated by the over and over and over the bad things. I have done
offender. So how do we deal with a genuine offence? quite a bit of ministering with people who are in the
process of getting a divorce. I have known some
Bitterness is based on sin that somehow relates to since the time they were married, at a happier time in
you. It is not concerned with how big the sin is; it is their life. But at the time of the divorce they cannot
based upon how close it is. Bitterness is related to remember a single happy time. All they can
those people who are close.
remember is that which they have gone over and One time I went to the Walla Walla State
over. They are bitter. Penitentiary to spend the day with the inmates. It
What is the problem? Why is it we do not was around Christmas. I spent about six hours there.
get rid of bitterness? If I tell a lie, I can confess it During the afternoon I was in maximum security
and be forgiven. In order to get rid of it I have to talking about and teaching evangelism.
bring it back to my own heart. We need to bring the This one fellow asked about reaching the
realization of bitterness back to our own hearts. really hard-core criminals. I thought he was really
Instead, the temptation is to look at the offender. interested in such evangelism and talked to him about
Look what he did. That is the nature of bitterness. In it. Then I spent time in minimum security, protective
order to get rid of it, I need to recognize it is my custody and other places. In the evening I was back
problem before I can confess and forsake it. in maximum security and thought I‘d talk on this
But you say, ―I am not bitter. I just get hurt subject of bitterness. I figured there were probably
easily.‖ But the symptoms of getting hurt are very some bitter people there.
close to the symptoms of resentment. Do you know This same fellow who asked about
what resentment is? You might say, ―It is not evangelism in the afternoon asked me another
bitterness—it is just hurt feelings.‖ But there is a question. He said, ―How can you get rid of bitterness
close relationship between being hurt and being towards somebody who beat up your three-year-old
resentful. There is a very close connection between son unmercifully?‖ So I told him how, and then I
resentment and bitterness. Resentment turns into a said, ―You know, when you get rid of your bitterness,
deep bitterness. you can help this person so that he won‘t beat up
Bitterness is just resentment that has been other little kids.‖
held on to. It has become rancid and rotten. It is kept He said, ―No, this guy cannot be helped.‖
in and it gets worse. I said, ―Sure, he can‖
What we want to do is make it apparent how ―No, no.‖
sinful bitterness is. The bitter person must first ―Why not?‖
recognize that he is bitter, and secondly, that it is a ―He is not with us anymore‖
gross evil. Again, the reason people do not deal with This inmate had murdered him. He had
this sin is that they think it is the other person‘s sin. murdered him because of what he had done to his
The Devil says, ―Well, when he quits lying, three-year-old son—that‘s why he was in prison.
or he quits doing this or that, or when he says he‘s But even though he had killed the man, he
sorry, then you will feel better.‖ was still bitter. In other words, expressing it did not
But suppose he does not quit? Suppose he get rid of it.
never quits? Are you going to be bitter the rest of When somebody else says he is sorry, it does
your life because someone else insists on being in not get rid of the bitterness. The only thing that gets
sin? That does not make any sense at all. rid of it is confession before God, because of the
You may say, ‗I will forgive him when he Lord Jesus Christ‘s death and resurrection. This is
says he is sorry, but not until then. I have a right to the only solution.
my bitterness until then. When he says he is sorry, I We must not keep it and we must not share it
will then forgive him and everything will be fine.‖ with others. There is only one thing to do and that is
You keep this wall of bitterness up, and one to confess it as a great and evil sin. We must be as
day he comes to you and he says, ―I‘m sorry.‖ Can persistent in the confession as necessary.
you forgive him? No, because bitterness doesn‘t ―Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter
forgive. In order to forgive this person when he says against them‖ (Colossians 3:19)
he is sorry, you have to be ready before he says he is ―But if ye have bitter envying and strife in
sorry. And if you are ready to forgive him before he your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.‖
says he is sorry, then it doesn‘t depend on whether he (James 3:14)
says he is sorry or not. In other words, you get rid of
bitterness unilaterally. It does not matter what the ―And grieve not the holy Spirit of God,
other person does. whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
Earlier the point was made that bitterness Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and
seems to stem from the other person‘s sin—real or clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you,
imagined. That is only how it appears. In reality with all malice:
bitterness is a sin that stands alone. The bitter person And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted,
decides to be bitter independently of the offender. forgiving one another, even as God for Christ‘s sake
I‘ve known situations where an apology was hath forgiven you.‖ (Ephesians 4:30-32)
offered and the person is still bitter. Suppose the
offender is dead and cannot apologize. I know
people who are extremely bitter and the bitterness is
toward their parents who died years ago. But the
bitterness has not died. Bitterness is the sin of the
bitter person alone, unrelated to anybody else.
It is common knowledge that anxiety and
tension break down the life forces and invite disease.
We know that disease never comes without a cause. When a car is made, the company who makes the
Stress is the cause of much disease. The medical car writes a service manual to go with it. This
research of the past four or five decades has been informs which are the best fuel and oils for the
covering this psychosomatic ground again and again. working machinery in that car, to keep it running in
There is a lifestyle that will significantly the best possible condition.
reduce stress in the life. It is a parallel of restorative
medicine. This way of living seeks a balance of In the same way, we are like machines that need
activity and relaxation through such basics as proper good fuel to run well. Certain foods will make the
diet, exercise, fresh air, pure water, rest, sunlight, best kind of blood, muscle and bone in our bodies.
abstemiousness and trust in divine power.
Now let us become aware of one important To keep us running well, we need to choose our
thing. In the Bible, the demon controlled men spoken foods wisely and keep our diet well balanced with
of in Matthew 8 and Luke 8 are called madmen. In the four main food groups:
other words, there is a close relationship between
insanity, madness and demon possession. Fruits
It is in the light of this clear understanding Vegetables
that madness and demon control are basically one Nuts and Seeds
manifestation, that we can discern something of the Grains
Devil‘s method of afflicting the soul. A sick body
may lead to a sick mind and then to demon control of It is healthy to start every day in the morning
some variety. A sick mind, or a disturbed mind—a with a good, hearty breakfast including:
mind under any stress to a great extent, may bring
disease, or toxaemia, into the body, weaken the body, Grains – like oats, (porridge & muesli)
and thus invite death, decay, and demon control. The bread, rice
cycle is both malignant and diabolical. Milks – soy or coconut
The cure is an adoption of the life-style of Fruits – Apples, pears, bananas, paw-
eight basic rules of healthful living as outlined in the paw, oranges, etc.
NEWSTART Program following. A person needs
good health in order to be successful in getting free At lunchtime, a good vegetable meal with:
and staying free in the spiritual battle. Good health is
part of his restorative program. Starches – like potatoes, bread and grains
It does not take the place of prayer nor does Protein – which is in beans, nuts and
it take the place of contemplation of God‘s holy seeds
Word; but it is a balance necessary to prevention of Greens – cabbage, silverbeet, spinach,
all disease, including ―madness‖, or demon control, parsley, etc.
and a way of maintaining good health for the Colours – carrots, pumpkin, cauliflower,
restoring individual (that is, for the one recovering beetroot, etc.
from any ―sickness‖, mental, physical or spiritual).
The practice of eating just two meals a day is
NEWSTART HEALTH generally found a benefit to health; yet under some
circumstances, a person may require a light third
meal. For example those who work at hard
Nutrition labouring jobs may fall into this category. This
should, however, if taken at all, be very light, and of
Exercise food most easily digested. For example a light fruit
Water meal with toast or cracker biscuits. The light
evening meal should be eaten at least 2 to 3 hours
Sunshine before going to bed.
Temperance If a third meal is required it is not good to have a
Air large heavy meal late in the day. This can result in
disturbed sleep, not waking refreshed in the
Rest morning and an unhealthy habit cycle can soon
Trust in Divine Power develop.
It is also important to eat meals at regular times paler, weaker and more stiff than the other limb
and not to eat between meals at all, as our stomachs that has had frequent use.
need to rest as well. Leave 5 to 6 hours between
meals. It is well recommended to have plenty of The joints of the broken limb will not move as
raw food with each meal to provide living enzymes freely as the good limb and it could be more painful
and to aid digestion. Also make it a rule not to mix to move for a time. ONLY EXERCISE WILL
vegetables and fruits at the same meal, because it BRING IT BACK TO GOOD USE AGAIN.
creates acidity in the stomach. Simply have fruits at
one meal and vegetables at another meal. This is just a picture of what happens to the
whole body when we fail to get proper exercise.
It is possible to have too much of a good thing. Each part suffers and in turn the whole body suffers.
We need to have an understanding of the word
―Nutrition‖. It means to eat foods only that are Some people work at sedentary occupations.
good for the upbuilding of our bodies and eat them Even though they are brain tired at the end of the
in moderation, at the right times. day from standing or sitting for hours in heavy
concentration, they need to exercise physically and
Fatty foods tend to store as fat which increases breathe fresh air deeply. It would be well for these
the risk of disease and makes us more sluggish. people to enjoy some late afternoon or early
evening sunshine and exercise in the garden,
Eating a good hearty breakfast, a good-sized cycling or brisk walking.
lunchtime meal, and if needed a light evening meal,
gives us the fuel we need at the right times when When oxygen is lacking in the body, the blood
we need the energy. It also helps to keep our moves sluggishly and the waste, poisonous matter
bodies in good shape and helps in weight control. that should be eliminated, is held in the body and
the blood becomes impure. Exercise improves the
Some foods and drinks are not good for our blood circulation and helps cleanse the blood. Good
well-being. Alcohol, smoking, coffee and tea are health depends on good circulation.
very harmful. Lollies, canned drinks like Coke and
Pepsi etc, ice creams, cakes, made with a high Proper exercise gives life to the whole body. It
sugar content, are also dangerous for our ongoing gives strength to the digestive organs, the liver, the
health. The combination of milk, eggs and sugar is kidneys, the lungs and the heart. Exercise is
especially bad for the health of the body. excellent recreation not only for the body but also
for the mind. It brings relief to the weary brain,
Harmful effects may not be noticed straight helping us to think more clearly and to feel more
away when consuming these foods and drinks, but cheerful. The whole body becomes more resistant
over a period of time, our immune system will to disease.
begin to fail. This will increase the risk of disease
and may result in damaged organs and even death. After a meal an easy walk aids digestion, but
vigorous exercise is not wise as the blood is then
Eating too many sweets and sugar foods makes needed in the stomach to break down the food and
unhealthy blood and they are not good for building is not as available for the other strenuous exercise.
strong healthy tissues and bones, etc. Our white Exercise, like all other daily activities, must be
blood cells that fight disease are especially affected done with care, thoughtfulness and common sense.
by sugar. Let us begin to take some steps and make a
decision to get some exercise today and every day
By not eating between meals, it reduces the from here on.
temptation of eating sweets and stops a traffic jam
happening in your digestive system, which is Listed below are some benefits of good
injurious to your health. exercise:
Decrease in anxiety and relief of The blood needs a good supply of clean water
depression as well. Water helps blood to flow around our
blood system, to keep our body running well.
Elevation in mood and vigour
Stronger heart beat and lowering resting If we could follow our blood into all the hidden
heart rate recesses of our body, we would find that it picks up
poisons and waste matter on its travels. Water is
Increased fitness level essential for the function of the kidneys as they
Aids in stress control continuously filter the blood.
Often big rivers start from snow and springs in Water on the inside and the outside assists
the mountains. As they trickle down to the lower nature to keep out disease.
areas, water from the rain and thawing snow join
the streams and together they tumble downward.
As different creeks join the flow, they become
rivers and soon the rivers flow into the mighty
ocean – to repeat the ongoing, never-ending cycle.
Did you ever stop to think what it would be like
Water is a very important part of our lives, both without sunshine on this earth?
inside and outside the body.
There would be no life at all, not a leaf could
We need to drink 6 to 8 good-sized glasses of grow or a flower bloom. No animal could live and
clean water each day. (2 Litres) no fish could survive in the oceans.
A good health habit to develop is to drink two It is from the mighty power and energy of the sun
glasses of warm water when you get out of bed. that all vegetable and animal life gets the power to
This helps to flush out the stomach and digestion live and grow. Some get it from the sun directly
track. and some indirectly.
It is best not to drink after 20 minutes before Not only does the sun give off light and heat,
eating food. This way the water does not dilute the but its rays also kill off many germs. The sun gives
acid juices which break down the food when it plants the power to take carbon-dioxide and oxygen
comes into the stomach at meal time. For this from the air, a process called photosynthesis, and
reason it is best not to drink with any meal. It can combine these into basic foods which are eaten by
cause the food to stay in the stomach longer than other living animals. This is called chlorophyll, the
needed and it starts to ferment and build up bad green substance in the leaves of the plants. This is a
gases. Also wait for an hour after meals before wonderful process that man, with all his big
drinking. laboratories and expensive equipment, has never
been able to do, or even fully understand.
Energy from the sun‘s rays also acts on our Firstly in food – It is important that each day we
skin, giving vitamin D, one of the vitamins needed eat a well balanced diet. This means eating the
in our body. right amounts of food from the different food
groups, at the right times of the day. We should
When we wake up in the morning and the sun never feel bloated and over-full after a meal. We
shines into our bedrooms, we immediately have a should always feel we could eat a little more when
more cheerful ―spring in our step‖ and a healthier we leave the meal table. Due to body make-up and
glow to our faces. The sun gives off great amounts workload, the needs differ for each person, but the
of life healing energy each hour of every day. body knows and will give signals of satisfaction
before getting over-full. The body does not handle
Sunlight, either from shining on us directly, or food nearly as well when it is gulped down as it
from eating foods grown in the sun, assists in does when it is chewed well. It takes a little time
keeping the blood clean and pure which supplies for the stomach to give the full signal and one can
life to each part of our body. It also strengthens the easily overeat developing into a bad habit, over-
body‘s immune system. weight condition, gas and other problems. Chew
the food well; let the saliva work on the contents.
Even sick people are greatly helped by relaxing Remember our stomachs do not have teeth –
in moderate amounts of sunshine and fresh air. digestion starts in the mouth.
The sun has many healing properties that It is unwise to mix vegetables with fruits at any
greatly benefit the health of the body: one meal. While some fruits like avocados and
lemons are neutral type fruits, sweet fruits such as
Aids in relieving acutely swollen arthritic bananas, dates, apples and raisins, etc. are a bad
joints combination with vegetables.
Relieves certain symptoms of PMS Temperance covers the old adage, ―You can have
too much of a good thing.‖ If we continually
Increases calcium absorption overeat, the body becomes continually over-loaded,
the stomach becomes weary and the risk of disease
Forms Vitamin D increases.
Destroys bacteria and viruses Some illnesses will not necessarily surface
immediately, but they can accumulate internally
Lowers blood pressure and break out once internal damage is irreversible.
Pure, fresh air gives a good appetite, helps We have all heard of the saying ―burning the
improve the blood flow, purifies the blood, candle at both ends‖ to describe a person who is
refreshes the body, helps digestion of food, helps us always going full speed, borrowing from the store
sleep soundly and also helps to heal the sick. of energy and robbing themselves of needed rest to
let body and mind rest up and refresh.
Our homes should be kept clean as well as being
well ventilated with fresh air. Curtains and drapes Sleep deprivation is not the best way for us to
should be open to allow sunshine and air to fill the live. Being moderate, even in creative and
rooms with life giving elements. We should also productive work is what is best for our health.
sleep with windows open at night where possible.
The fresh air will help our sleep to be more relaxed The first place we think of when we speak of
and restful. rest is in our beds for the evening sleep. We should
get into a regular pattern. Going to bed at 8.30 –
If there are sick in the home, the room should 9.30 pm is a good time for going to sleep, and 5.30
not be shut up for them to breathe the same air over – 6.30 am is good for rising. This pattern brings a
and over again. The oxygen in the fresh air will good night‘s rest and unloads pressure in the
help bring a quicker recovery, helping the blood to morning to beat the clock before work starts.
cleanse and purify, resulting in greater strength and
health sooner. Quiet reading, an early morning walk and
family time at the breakfast table brings a sweet
AIR THAT REFRESHES start to the day. This may be the ideal, but not
always practical for certain lifestyles, but if one is
There is a kind of air that can energise and able, the pattern soon starts getting easier and life is
relax the mind and body within minutes. It is found enjoyed more fully.
near waterfalls, in forests, at the beach and after a
rain storm. However, there is another kind of air Besides sleep, other places of rest can be found
out in the beauty and quietness of nature.
If possible, it is good to leave the busy cities behind whose interest is in every individual‘s personal
and seek that rest in the quietness of a country health. The well-proven pages of the Scriptures that
setting, beside a river, or lake, in a grove of trees, have stood the test of time bring out good healthy
or in the mountains. principles. ―Beloved, I with above all things that
thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy
Other ways can be in a good book, talking to a soul prospereth‖. – 3 John 2.
friend, quietly taking a walk, taking time to be with
the family. Doctors and modern science are finding in
research that good health is more than just physical
When planning time out for a holiday, use time and mental, but adding the dimension of spiritual
wisely and make sure the return home brings a health as well. The facts and figures that are
more refreshed and ―revitalised you‖ than before coming from research now are amazing. They are
leaving. lining up exactly with the Bible principles. If we
will keep to the eight doctors laid out in
Worry also pulls a person down and is not good NEWSTART we will have more vibrant health.
for our health. It can cause insomnia, tension, loss
of confidence, depression and sluggishness. A good diet allows us to think more clearly. A
Another great enemy is guilt. Guilt is likened to the clear mind helps us to make good choices and to
mind as pain is to the body. A guilty conscience have clear spiritual, pure thoughts. Good pure
makes a restless bedfellow. minds help keep the body in good condition. The
right Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunshine,
Proper rest habits contribute to our quality of Temperance, Air, and Rest will increase our Trust
life. It also adds to the length of life. Rest also in Divine Power.
improves mental and physical efficiency. During
rest your body is replenished, waste products are Yes – Try a NEW START today – and every
removed and your body systems are re-energised. day will start off with a NEW START and, as the
You are preparing for renewed activity for the day pattern develops, old ways will quickly drop off, as
to come. the mind and body enjoy increased good health.
Remember – EARLY TO BED, EARLY TO ―Come unto me, all ye that labour and are
RISE, MAKES A PERSON HEALTHY heavy laden, and I will give you rest.‖ – Matthew
No. 8 - TRUST IN
DIVINE POWER 3T p.51 ―If our physical habits are not right, our
mental and moral powers cannot be strong; for great
The key to the basic eight natural doctors of sympathy exists between the physical and the moral.‖
health is a well balanced, common sense outlook
on life. MH p.335 ―By the indulgence of perverted appetite,
man loses his power to resist temptation‖.
We need to have a complete health program and
although we can make choices to follow the healthy CDF p.167 ―Through appetite, Satan controls the
lifestyle, we still have weaknesses that often end up mind and the whole being.‖
in us falling so many times, right back to where we
have to start all over again. We need to come to Habits - MCP p.597 (Vol 2) ―Any habit which does
realize that we do have weaknesses and if only we not promote healthful action in the human system
had something or someone to lean on to give degrades the higher and nobler faculties. Wrong
strength through our problems and give us the habits of eating and drinking lead to errors in thought
power to overcome the fall downs. Certainly we do and action.‖ RH Jan 25, 1881 (CH p67).
have friends that we can talk to for encouragement,
but we need to remember that all of us are in this CDF p.163 ―The controlling power of appetite will
together and all are struggling with our weak areas. prove the ruin of thousands, when, if they had
conquered on this point, they would have had moral
There is One with power that we can lean on, power to gain the victory over every other temptation
One who is interested in our health. Many a person of Satan. But those who are slaves to appetite will
from ages past has found a NEW START, fail in perfecting Christian character‖. (3T 491, 492)
physically, mentally and spiritually when they have
sought divine aid. That power comes from the
compassionate Creator of the Universe, the One
Part I - Our Weapons Are Not Human
Adapted from Soldiers of the Cross Manual by Al and Collette Martin
―For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but against an enemy that we cannot see! In this lesson
mighty through God to the pulling down of strong we want to explore the first of the weapons God has
holds;‖ 2 Corinthians 10:4 given.
We see all around us today the stamp of Satan‘s Here in this analogy it appears that the ―strong man‖
character on the faces and in the lives of more and is Satan, and the ―stronger than he‖ is the Holy Spirit.
more people. The world is getting worse instead of The ―house‖ is the person where Satan is exercising
better. his power. His ―goods‖ are the attributes (or
How can this be when there are more therapists than strongholds) of Satan. In this Bible passage Christ is
the world has ever seen before. There are more saying that the influence, attributes or strongholds of
people in the body of Christ who claim to be Satan cannot be taken away or broken until Satan is
Christian counsellors and therapists than ever before. first bound in the person‘s life. Then his (Satan‘s)
Yet problems in the Christian realm are increasing weapons can be disabled.
instead of decreasing. What is wrong? Only the What are Satan‘s weapons? They can hit us in the
Bible can give us the answers. Only Jesus can bring form of discouragement, depression, doubt, anxiety
freedom because He‘s the only one who has gained attacks, turmoil in the home, mental torment,
the victory over every demonic power. No deception, guilt, feelings of hopelessness, temptation
psychological theories will do! and sin, etc. Satan knows he can bind us up in our
In the Bible the phrase ―in the name of Jesus‖ is emotions. A good example is fear. He can paralyze
mentioned many times. Jesus Himself used the us with fear. When he can engulf us in wrong habits
phrase, ―in my name‖, at least seventeen times in the and compulsions, wrong thoughts and actions, he
four gospels. The name of Jesus Christ must be very knows we will be disabled.
significant. It is only through the delegated authority ―in the
Why is His name so important? The power to fulfil name of Jesus Christ‖ that Satan can be bound in our
the gospel commission is in the name and the lives and his strongholds be broken.
authority of Jesus Christ. A good analogy would be Many people have no idea they are under attack and
the traffic policeman and his relationship to the state they go everywhere trying to find relief. Some go to
he represents. The policeman has little power. An psychologists, try drugs, hypnotists and any number
automobile could run over him and snuff out his life of other ―cures‖. We are in a tremendous life and
in a moment. But his authority is respected because death battle with principalities and powers of
the power of the state is behind him. darkness, and the only way out is through the power
We, as followers and witnesses of Jesus, have no there is ―in the name of Jesus Christ‖. Be assured
power in ourselves, but we have the authority in the that when using that name to come against the Devil,
name of Jesus Christ. The hosts of hell have to this is a declaration of war.
respect that authority because it carries with it the The battle will get more intense but, if we do not
power of heaven. Jesus plainly stated this authority give up, the angels of heaven will continue and
in the following promise: prevail. This is not a quick fix, yet it is not
―And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, complicated. It is calling on the powers of heaven to
and preach the gospel to every creature. He that come to our aid. The power ―in the name of Jesus
believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that Christ‖ is the key that puts everything in motion.
believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall The very heart of the gospel is in the power ―in the
follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast name of Jesus Christ‖. The Bible record gives ample
out devils; …they shall lay hands on the sick, and examples of what happened when Christ‘s followers
they shall recover.‖ (Mark 16:15-18) used the powerful name of Jesus Christ. In that
Here Jesus gave us the authority over Satan and his name:
When we give Satan a command ―in the name of Peter told the cripple to rise and walk.
Jesus Christ‖, the power of the Holy Spirit and the Paul preached and cast out demons.
heavenly angels are brought into action. The first Peter told the people to repent and be
time you witness this happening it will make you a baptized.
true believer. Many people were healed by the followers of
Satan must be bound up under the power of Jesus in Christ.
order for his evil traits to be destroyed in a person‘s
life. Jesus explains this in the following Bible verses: That name was so effective in preaching the gospel
―But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the that the high priests commanded the disciples on at
kingdom of God is come unto you. Or else how can least two occasions not to speak in that name.
one enter into a strong man‘s house, and spoil his We have no problem praying and ending our
goods, except he first bind the strong man? And then prayers ―in the name of Jesus‖. But when it comes to
he will spoil his house.‖ (Matthew 12:28-29) telling the Devil to get out ―in the name of Jesus
―When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his Christ‖, we balk. The Devil has been very clever in
goods are in peace: But when a stronger than he shall keeping people in fear so they will not take authority
come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from over him ―in the name of Jesus Christ‖. He knows he
him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth must respond when the name of Jesus Christ is used
his spoils.‖ (Luke 11:21-22) against him. For some reason it is very difficult for
Christians to rebuke the Devil. Some people think
this is one of the Spiritual Gifts, therefore it is not for mentally; we fight by taking authority, in His (Jesus‘)
everyone to do. This is a wrong concept. This is not Name.
a Spiritual Gift. This is part of the commission given Dear friend, this is not fanaticism. If it is, then
by Jesus to believers. He said ―if you believe‖ you Jesus was a fanatic. Jesus knows how viciously
have authority over the Devil ―in my name‖. Satan works against His witnesses. Christ wants His
A Pastor once handed us a paper he had written on people to not only have victory in their own lives, but
intercessory prayer. It was a very good paper, until it also help others have that same victory. The power
came to the part of asking the Holy Spirit to do the in the authority “in the name of Jesus Christ” is
rebuking. This idea is not Biblical. Nowhere in the twofold: (1) Victory over temptations and problems
Bible do we find Jesus giving us authority over Satan personally, as Jesus experienced over the
and then having us give that authority back to Him. temptations in the wilderness, and (2) when
Rebuking Satan is much more than praying; it is ministering to others as Peter did when he told the
taking authority ―in the name of Jesus Christ‖. It is cripple on the temple steps to rise up and walk “in
demonstrating that we truly believe that the power of the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth”.
God is greater than the power of Satan. In this
unseen battle with Satan and his demons, Jesus knew CAUTION—At this point we feel we need
that physically and mentally we cannot win; therefore to speak a word of caution. The pendulum never
He gave us, in love, a weapon wherein we can come stays in the middle, it always swings to the right or
against all the forces of evil. to the left. When people begin learning to battle
in this manner, some will not rebuke at all, or
How Do You Rebuke The Devil? others will have a tendency to become fanatical.
Some have asked ―just how do you rebuke Satan They will rebuke everything that goes wrong, even
and his evil spirits?‖ In Mark 1:25 Jesus rebuked by human error or mistakes such as stubbing their
saying, ―Hold thy peace, and come out of him‖. toe or slamming the car door on their hand.
Jesus rebuked the evil spirits in the man of Gadara by Never, never assume anything when it comes to
saying, ―Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit‖ problems you feel might be demonic. If you
(Mark 5:8). Jesus told the demon possessing the assume the Devil is involved and you go looking
young boy in Mark 9:25 ―…Thou dumb and deaf for a fight, the Devil will give you a fight. God is
spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no the only one who knows whether it is demonic or
more into him‖. not. We should always take it to Him, do what He
In Mark 16:17 Jesus said, ―…In my name shall they tells us to do, then leave the results to Him.
cast out devils;‖ Paul, in Acts 16:18 said, ―…I Never carry on common talk or conversation
command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come with demons; this is a séance. Always follow
out of her‖. So, if you put these texts together, Jesus Jesus‘ example in the Bible. Jesus said ―in my
gave us the authority to say ―Satan or your evil Name‖ tell the Devil to go.
spirits, I rebuke you in the Name of Jesus Christ‖.
Satan will surely try to make you feel foolish when
you do this, but do not pay attention to him. Colossians 3:17 ―And whatsoever ye do in word or
Suggestion: Write down a few sentences to use deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving
when coming against Satan when you are under thanks to God and the Father by him.‖
attack. Often your mind will go blank and the battle Psalms 124:8 ―Our help is in the name of the LORD,
is lost before it begins. So have this card with you at who made heaven and earth‖.
all times. Then, when the enemy attacks, take that 4T p.357 – ―The name of Jesus has power to drive
and read those few verses over and over until he back the temptations of Satan and lift up for us a
backs off. You will only need to do this a few times. standard against him‖.
By then you will not cave in when you recognize you 1T p.296 – ―The name of Jesus, our Advocate, he
are under attack. detests; and when we earnestly come to Him for help,
Jesus gave us that authority, whether a person is Satan‘s host is alarmed‖.
possessed, harassed, vexed or troubled by Satan MCP p.473 – ―Christ never failed a believer in his
or his evil spirits. When in doubt say, ―Lord I don‘t hour of combat. The believer must claim the promise
know if Satan has his hand in this problem, but if he and meet the foe in the name of the Lord, and he will
does I‘d like to have authority over him, according to not know anything like failure‖.
Mark 16:17‖. Then say, ―Satan, if you are doing this, DA p.131 – ―Satan trembles and flees before the
I take authority over you in the Name of Jesus Christ, weakest soul who finds refuge in that mighty name‖.
and I order you to leave me alone‖. EW p.204 – ―Paul‘s spirit was stirred within him,
The world would refer to such a weapon as an and he turned and said to the spirit, ―I command thee
―equalizer‖. A small man with a hand gun can wield in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her;‖ and
a lot of power, right? Jesus actually gave us power the evil spirit was rebuked and left her‖. Acts 16:18
over all the power of the enemy. What a loving God!
He does not expect us to take Satan on physically or
6BC p.1078 – ―Christ is the connecting link between
God and man. He has promised His personal
intercession by employing His name‖.
Joel 2:32 ―And it shall come to pass, that whosoever
shall call on the name of the LORD shall be
John 14:14 ―If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I
will do it‖.
Part 2
Adapted from Soldiers of the Cross Manual by Al and Collette Martin
Matthew 4:4, 7, 10 – every word of God 5T p.317 – ―Dear brother, dear sister, when Satan
3T p.482 – ―The only safe course for Christians is to would fill your mind with despondency, gloom, and
repulse the enemy with God‘s word‖. doubt, resist his suggestions. Tell him of the blood of
1T p.302 – ―Faith in God‘s word prayerfully studied‖ Jesus, that cleanses from all sin. You cannot save
RH May 13, 1890 – ―Energy is imparted to the soul yourself from the tempter‘s power, but he trembles
by searching the pages of the Bible‖. and flees when the merits of that precious blood are
TM p.141 (Adam) ―He fell because he discarded the urged‖.
words of the Lord and heeded the words of Satan‖. 1T p.302 – ―Faith in God‘s word, prayerfully studied
DA p.257 – ―It was by the word of God that Christ and practically applied, will be our shield from
overcame the wicked one.‖ Satan‘s power and will bring us off conquerors
DA p.258 – ―The means by which we can overcome through the blood of Christ.‖
the wicked one is that by which Christ overcame, – EW p.114 – ―The remnant are to overcome by the
the power of the word‖. blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.
GC p.51 – ―Satan well knew that the Holy Scriptures Some expect to overcome alone by the blood of the
would enable men to discern his deceptions and Lamb, without making any special effort of their
withstand his power‖. own. I saw that God has been merciful in giving us
SR p.398 – ―But the plain statements of the Bible the power of speech. He has given us a tongue, and
will furnish weapons powerful in every conflict‖. we are accountable to Him for its use. We should
MH p.181 – ―The Saviour overcame to show man glorify God with our mouth, speaking in honor of the
how he may overcome. All the temptations of Satan, truth and of His unbounded mercy, and overcome by
Christ met with the word of God. By trusting in the word of our testimony through the blood of the
God‘s promises, He received power to obey God‘s Lamb‖.
commandments, and the tempter could gain no SD p.227 – ―Through the merits of His blood, you
advantage. To every temptation His answer was, ―It may overcome every spiritual foe, and remedy every
is written‖. So God has given us His word wherewith defect of character.‖
to resist evil‖.
FCE pp.433-434 – Bible Study – Holy Spirit – a new
power to resist temptation will be imparted. 5) Prayer
Psalms 119:11 – ―Thy word have I hid in mine heart,
that I might not sin against thee‖. Prayer is our communication with heaven. It is the
GW p.250 – ―The life of God, which gives life to the avenue by which we receive strength for the day. It
world, is in His word. It was by His word that Jesus is the key that gives God permission to come to our
healed disease and cast out demons‖. aid in times of torment and harassment.
MCP p.659 – ―When Satan would lead the mind to Many people have whispered a prayer for help in
dwell upon earthly and sensual things, he is most times of temptation, harassment, oppression and
effectually resisted with, ―It is written‖. torment. Prayer is also the way we intercede for
others who may be sinking in the mire of sin. God
hears those prayers and will always send the help
4) The Blood of Jesus Christ needed.
The following are some sample prayers that you can
Revelation 12:11 says ―And they overcame him by adapt to your own situation and need. These prayers
the blood of the Lamb…‖. Remember when the incorporate many of the other weapons listed.
Israelites were preparing to leave Egypt, they were
instructed to place the blood of a lamb upon the door Prayer for yourself: (For personal daily battles
posts of their houses so the destroying angel would against the powers of darkness for victory over
pass over them and save their first born. In the same temptation).
way we can place the blood of the Lamb (Jesus) on
the door posts of our hearts. Dear Heavenly Father, today I submit myself
This is a symbolic marking, letting the powers of to You and Your will for my life. I ask, Father, that
darkness know that you are giving the Lord Jesus You will forgive me for my sins and mistakes,
Christ permission to cover you with the blood of the according to Your promise in I John 1:9. (Be specific
here, if you know of specific sins that are
unconfessed). I realize the powers of darkness are not prevail. Please take the scales from (his/her)
real, but I realize I can have victory over all the hosts eyes so (he/she) may see that there is a better way.
of hell through the weapons of our warfare that You If there are people in ____‟s life that Satan is
have given in Your Word. Right now I am struggling using to influence (him/her) the wrong way, I ask that
with (state your struggle). Father I don‟t know if the this wall and hedge of thorns be placed so that they
Devil has his hand in this or not, but in the event that cannot stand to be in each other‟s presence. I ask
he does, I ask You for authority over him and his evil that Your Holy Spirit will work in a powerful way
host, according to Matthew 12:29 and Mark 16:17. upon _____‟s mind. Draw (him/her) to You before it
Thank you Father for these promises. is forever too late. I thank You for hearing this
Father, I ask that You will now send a host of prayer and answering it. In Jesus Christ‟s Name I
your mighty angels to fight for me. I ask also that ask it, Amen.
Your Holy Spirit will come and give me spiritual
discernment as I study and fill my mind with Your In this prayer we mentioned asking God to put ―a
Word. Help me each day through the study of Your wall‖ and a ―hedge of thorns‖ about the person. This
Word to look like Jesus. Thank you so much for is taken from the second chapter of Hosea. Gomer,
loving me and giving me a way of escape from Satan the wife of Hosea, who was a former prostitute,
and his evil angels. I now put my life in Your hands. decided to go back to her old ways. The Lord put a
I thank you and praise You for the freedom that You wall and a hedge of thorns about her so that her
are giving me and for answering this prayer. In lovers could not stand to be around her. God will do
Jesus Christ‟s Name, Amen this for you today. We could write a book on the
fantastic testimonies of how this prayer works. Don‘t
hesitate to ask God to do this in situations that might
Then you can Rebuke Satan by saying:-
call for this kind of action.
Satan, if you have your hand in this problem
of _____, I resist you in the mighty and powerful
name of Jesus of Nazareth. In the name of Jesus Intercessory prayer for a young child:
Christ, I bind you Satan, and command you to leave
me alone. You and all your evil demons have to Father in heaven, I come to You in the
leave. You have no rights to me. I belong to Jesus, precious name of Jesus. I ask, Father, that you will
and I am covered under His blood. I claim that forgive me for any unconfessed sin in my life. I claim
blood to be placed between me and any evil power the promise in I John 1:9. I want nothing in my life
that may be harassing me at this very moment. to hinder Your answering this prayer. I come to You,
dear Father, in behalf of this dear child. I believe
If necessary after this you can follow up with that evil angels are having their influence in ____‟s
some of the other weapons that would seem life. In Mark 16:17 Jesus promised me authority
appropriate to use at the time. (Reading the Bible out over Satan and his evil angels.
loud, singing, praising God, etc.) Friends get this I want to claim that authority now in the
straight, do not be nice to the Devil. Use the event that the powers of evil are harassing (him/her).
weapons; that‘s what they are there for. The weapons Now Satan and any of your evil spirits, listen. I
are both defensive and offensive. You need not yell; claim this child for the Lord Jesus Christ. I resist
that is not where the power is, but simply be firm, you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and if
decided and to the point. you are doing anything with this child, I command, in
the name of Jesus, that you take your hands off
Intercessory prayer for someone else: (him/her).
If you are trying to influence( his/her) life
Dear Heavenly Father, today I submit myself with your rebellion, bitterness, resentment, anger,
to You and Your will for my life. I ask, Father, that violence, etc., you have to go. I place this child
You will forgive me for my sins and mistakes, under the blood of the cross of Jesus. You have no
according to Your promise in I John 1:9. I offer my rights, so get out!
praise to You for allowing me the privilege of Father, I ask now that You will back up this
interceding for someone else in prayer. rebuke with the power of the Holy Spirit and Your
Father I come to You today in behalf of mighty angels.
_______. (He/She) does not realize it, but (he/she) is I ask that your sweet Spirit engulf this dear
in the midst of a spiritual battle. I want to intercede child. I put this child in Your hands, dear Father.
for _____ today. May your Holy Spirit teach (him/her) Your ways.
I ask that You place a wall and a hedge of Instill in (his/her) mind heavenly things so that Satan
thorns about this person as You did in the Bible for cannot destroy with the evil he has prepared for
Hosea‟s wife Gomer. I ask that this wall and hedge (him/her). Oh Father, I plead for this dear one this
of thorns be placed so that Satan and his host of day. May the peace of heaven now be in (his/her)
demons cannot have their way in this person‟s life. I heart. Thank you for hearing this prayer and
ask that You bind up Satan so that his influence will answering it, because I ask it in Jesus Christ‟s name,
We could fill many pages with personal testimonies the hand of faith to unlock heaven‘s storehouse,
of how we have prayed this kind of prayer in behalf where are treasured the boundless resources of
of our grandchildren when they have spent time in Omnipotence?‖
our home. Marvellous things have happened. Ephesians 6:18 – ―Praying always with all prayer
We also pray during the day and ask God to put a and supplication in the Spirit…‖
hedge of protection around these children at school, Matthew 18:19,20 – ―Again I say unto you, That if
or wherever they might be. We place these children two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing
under the blood of Jesus. that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my
Parents may come to you with a child who might be Father which is in heaven.‖
out of control in some area of his/her life. You can John 14:14 – ―If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I
pray this type of prayer on behalf of their child. You will do it.‖
will see results right before your eyes; Jesus honours John 15:16 – ―…ask of the Father in my name...‖
His name! SC pp.100,101 – ―But to pray in the name of Jesus is
Dear friends, understand that when you pray these something more than a mere mention of that name at
types of prayers, things will happen. These are the beginning and the ending of a prayer. It is to pray
prayers with wheels on them. God wants us to be in the mind and spirit of Jesus, while we believe His
specific in our prayers. promises, rely upon His grace, and work His works‖.
After praying a prayer on behalf of yourself, another I Chronicles 5:20 (vs 18-22) – ―…they cried to God
person, or a child, you may notice that the battle will in the battle, and he was entreated of them; because
get more intense. Many times it does, as Satan will they put their trust in him.‖
resist. GC p.525 – ―It is part of God‘s plan to grant us, in
Be persistent. Continue to use the weapons, and answer to the prayer of faith, that which He would
relief will come as God has promised! not bestow did we not thus ask‖.
6) Personal Testimony
ST Nov 4 1886 – ―The prayer of faith is the great
strength of the Christian, and will assuredly prevail The Bible says in Revelation 12:11 ―And they
against the devices of the hosts of darkness‖. overcame him …by the word of their testimony‖.
COL p.250 – ―Prayer brings Jesus to our side and There is great benefit in sharing with others how the
gives to the fainting, perplexed soul new strength to power of God has changed our lives. Satan hates a
overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil. Prayer personal testimony for Jesus. Every time we give our
turns aside the attacks of Satan.‖ testimony for Jesus, it strengthens our hold on Jesus
7T p.42, 43 – ―By sincere, earnest prayer parents and increases our faith. Other people are greatly
should make a hedge about their children. They affected by personal testimony. It gives them hope
should pray with full faith that God will abide with that they too can be helped.
them and that holy angels will guard them and their Now, this does not mean that we go back and dig up
children from Satan‘s cruel power‖. all the old, sinful things we used to do and share
CT p.323 – ―Daily beset by temptation, constantly them. NO! It means that we share what God has
opposed by the leaders of the people, Christ knew done, how He rescued us from the pit of sin.
that He must strengthen His humanity by prayer‖. It‘s interesting that Jesus told the man of Gadara,
GC p.530 – ―No man is safe for a day or an hour after He freed him from the demons that possessed
without prayer‖. him, ―Go home to thy friends, and tell them how
1T p.299 – ―No power can deliver the ensnared soul great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had
but the power of God in answer to the earnest prayers compassion on thee.‖ This is exactly what the man
of His faithful followers‖. did, and when Jesus returned, several thousand came
1T p.296 – ―The prayer of faith is the great strength to listen to him, all because of this one man‘s
of the Christian and will assuredly prevail against personal testimony.
Satan‖. Personal Testimony includes not just how you came
GW p.254 – ―Prayer is the breath of the soul. It is to know the LORD but also sharing the little and big
the secret of spiritual power‖. things that God has done for you in your walk with
Philippians 4:6 – ―…but in everything by prayer and Him.
supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be You can testify about the LORD‘s goodness. You
made known unto God.‖ can testify about your appreciation for the things God
1 Thessalonians 5:17 – ―Pray without ceasing.‖ has made and in this way testify your faith in God.
3BC p.1157 – ―The Saviour has told us to pray Tell others what Jesus has done for you, and you
without ceasing. The Christian can not always be in will be amazed what it will do for you and for those
the position of prayer, but his thoughts and desires with whom you share.
can always be upward.‖
SC pp.94, 95 – ―Why should the sons and daughters
of God be reluctant to pray, when prayer is the key in
EXTRA NOTES Psalms 119:164 - Praise (7 times in this verse)
MH p.251 – ―Nothing tends more to promote health
Revelation 12:11 – ―And they overcame him by the of body and of soul than does a spirit of gratitude and
blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their praise.‖
testimony…‖ 5T p.317 – ―If the loving-kindness of God called
Matthew 5:19 – ―Go home to thy friends, and tell forth more thanksgiving and praise, we would have
them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, far more power in prayer‖.
and hath had compassion on thee.‖ COL pp.299, 300 – ―To praise God in fullness and
(See also Luke 8:38-40 ) sincerity of heart is as much a duty as is
Daniel 4 – Testimony of King Nebuchadnezzar prayer….These exercises drive back the power of
Satan. They expel the spirit of murmuring and
complaint and the tempter loses ground.‖
7) Praise
Praise to God is one of the most powerful weapons 8) Singing
that can be used against the enemy. It is such a
blessing to pour forth praises to God. I personally Singing is another very effective weapon against the
[Al Martin] can attest to the use of this weapon. enemy. The singing of good Christian songs that
have a message about Jesus are very offensive to the
One day I was feeling particularly burdened. I powers of darkness. It is evident, by the kind of
really felt that Satan was trying desperately to music that Satan is promoting in the world today, that
discourage me. I had a little over an hour‘s drive he hates good Christian music.
down the beautiful Columbia River Gorge in Psalms 59:16 says, ―But I will sing of thy power;
Washington State. In the lyrics of a Christian song yea, I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning:
playing on the radio there was a suggestion to praise for thou hast been my defence and refuge in the day
God for everything. I decided to do just that. I of my trouble.‖
praised God for my wonderful wife, for the family Psalms 66:1-2 says. ―Make a joyful noise unto God,
He had given me. I praised Him for the beautiful all ye lands: Sing forth the honour of his name: make
secluded home He had given us, with a creek running his praise glorious.‖
across the property and the beautiful trees. I praised Some ten years ago, when we were first learning
Him for the good neighbours we have. about the spiritual battle and how to use these
I praised God for the gorgeous waterfalls, and the weapons, we had an occasion to find out how this
magnificent mountains providing us with such works. In the middle of the night one of us was being
wonderful scenery. I praised Him for good friends. I terribly harassed by the powers of darkness. We
praised Him for giving us a chance to have a small could feel their evil presence right there in our
part in helping people. I went on and on praising, as bedroom. We sat up in bed and rebuked these evil
I believe the Holy Spirit kept bringing things to mind powers, in the name of Jesus, and then we began to
for which I could offer praise. The hour‘s drive sing the song ―Power In The Blood‖. Can you
passed so quickly. When I reached my destination, I picture us at 1:00 o‘clock in the morning, sitting up in
could not believe how the cloud of burden had lifted. bed singing?
It was gone. You see, the Devil hates it when we Soon a wonderful peace came over our bedroom.
praise our Creator! No longer could we feel the presence of evil, and
This was some two years ago, but I still comment to there was no more harassment that night. When we
my wife how that experience gave me one of the use the weapons the Lord has given us to us, He
most peaceful days of my life. honours them, and the Devil has to flee.
David‘s writing of the Psalms portrays a good Many of you remember Collette‘s testimony she
example of praising God. Try it and you will find gives in the last meeting of the seminars we hold,
that in all situations, praise to God will lift the cloud about how she sings when harassment comes. Her
of darkness. God works wonders through the weapon battle song is ―Jesus Loves Me‖. Whenever I hear
of praise He has given to us. her singing this song, I know she is battling
something, so I begin to intercede for her as well. It
EXTRA NOTES If you feel burdened, or if you feel that there is
darkness all around you, start singing a good
Revelation 19:5 – Praise our God, all ye his servants. Christian song, and you will be surprised how the
Psalms 22:3 – ―But thou art holy, O thou that darkness will go and the sunshine of heaven will fill
inhabitest the praises of Israel.‖ your soul.
Hebrews 13:15 – sacrifice of praise The power of singing and praising the LORD is well
Psalms 148 – Praise illustrated in the story of the deliverance of Jerusalem
II Chronicles 5:13,14 - Solomon‘s Temple in the times of Jehoshaphat, King of Judah. The
Psalms 106:48 - triumph in thy praise record of this is found in 2 Chronicles, Chapter 20.
Note especially the following verses. ―And when he supernaturally (Ephesians 6:12). Talk therapy is not
had consulted with the people, he appointed singers the answer!
unto the LORD, and that should praise the beauty of You might be dealing with depression, feelings of
holiness, as they went out before the army, and to hate or anger, turmoil in the family, panic attacks,
say, Praise the LORD; for his mercy endureth for overburdened with stress, guilt, compulsiveness,
ever. And when they began to sing and to praise, the strongholds of sin in your life. Whatever the
LORD set ambushments against the children of situation may be, Jesus and His plan are all you need.
Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come These weapons in God‘s Word are the only
against Judah; and they were smitten.‖ medicine that we need for problems of thoughts and
God can give you the same deliverance from the behaviour. We do not need mind-altering drugs. We
powers of darkness, Praise the LORD. do not need the poisonous words of psychology, or
Too much cannot be said for the power of praise the theories of so many so-called ―Christian
and singing. It is like fighting on two fronts at the counsellors‖ who have laced their manuals with so
same time. As you sing, read or shout praise to much psychology that it turns man into his own
Jesus; it will strengthen you like you wouldn‘t saviour. How can we use Satan‘s psychological
believe. It will also weaken the enemy in the same theories to battle Satan‘s attacks?
proportion. We are living in a world which is so permeated with
psychology that people have the mind set that there
EXTRA NOTES has to be some program to work through. When they
are finished working through all the steps in the
Psalms 32:7 – songs of deliverance program, they feel that they will be helped. This idea
Ephesians 5:18.19 – psalms and hymns and spiritual has come through psychology, and, for the most part,
songs the Christian world has bought it. We know people
Colossians 3:16 – psalms and hymns and spiritual who have been in ―counselling‖ for over 20 years and
songs believe that they are being helped. Yet they are
1 Samuel 16:23 – David and King Saul going from program to program, therapy to therapy,
Psalms 100:2 – ―Serve the LORD with gladness, still looking for answers.
come before his presence with singing.‖
MH p.254 – ―Song is a weapon that we can always You will be amazed what will happen as you apply
use against discouragement‖. these weapons in daily situations in the home and out
Psalms 21:13 – ―Be thou exalted, LORD, in thine of the home. You will praise God for the victories in
own strength: so will we sing and praise thy power.‖ your life when you resist Satan with the weapons
Psalms 47:6,7 – Sing praises to God given in the Bible. You will be able to throw away
Zephaniah 3:17 – he will joy over thee with singing books written by ―so-called‖ Christian psychologists
VSS pp.409, 410 – ―I saw singing to the glory of and counsellors, that for the most part are nothing
God often drove off the enemy, and praising God more than integrated humanistic psychological
would beat him back and give us the victory‖. theories, which are counterfeits to the true gospel
MH p.254 – ―When tempted, instead of giving truth. What we need is Jesus! Jesus created our
utterance to our feelings, let us by faith lift up a song minds, and He is the only one who can help us with
of thanksgiving to God‖. problems of thought and behaviour, especially since
2SM pp.242, 243 – ―Go right along, singing and these are the areas where Satan attacks.
making melody to God in your hearts, even when It is time we get back to the only real help, and that
depressed by a sense of weight and sadness‖. is Jesus, and the weapons of our warfare that He has
Ed pp.167, 168 – ―There are few means more given. It is time we start reading and incorporating
effective for fixing His words in the memory than the Bible into our daily lives. The gospel of Jesus is
repeating them in song. And such song has wonderful good news because it brings life; it brings peace; it
power. It has power to subdue rude and uncultivated brings joy, and most of all, it brings Victory! Victory
natures; power to quicken thought and to awaken in Jesus. Jesus came to set the captives free!
sympathy, to promote harmony of action and to
banish the gloom and foreboding that destroy courage
and weaken effort…….and temptations lose their Prayer: Heavenly Father, You know my
power.‖ trials, my struggles and temptations. Help me to be
willing to understand and believe in the power and
Once you become familiar with ―the Weapons of the authority “in the name of Jesus Christ”, and be
our Warfare‖, opportunity after opportunity will willing to call on that power. Help me to know when
come for you to help others as witnesses for Jesus and how to use the weapons You have given us to use
(Acts 1:8). against our enemy. Help me each day to act and
We must always remember that we are not fighting speak like Jesus in everything I do and say. I thank
each other but are in a conflict with supernatural You for hearing and answering this prayer. In the
forces, therefore the battle must be fought name of Jesus Christ I ask it. Amen.
Psalms 35:1-6 – let the angel of the LORD chase
11. DELIVERANCE by Peter Date
(Some information included is adapted from the 'Soldiers of the Cross Manual‘ by Al and Collette Martin)
Spiritual Warfare work is the other arm of the of the Cross‘ will be requested to do. There is no set
Medical Missionary work for God‘s people. Jesus, method but there are key points to note. Every
the 12 apostles, the 70 sent out, the early Christian person‘s situation is different and you need to be
Church and the early Seventh-day Adventist Church adaptable to situations.
all included the Spiritual Warfare work in their The only true way to freedom in Deliverance
threefold ministry of:- 1) Preaching the Word, work is Jesus. All of our efforts as human beings
2) Healing the Sick, and 3) Casting out Devils. have no power over the powers of darkness. We
As there are eight laws of physical health like are in battle with the supernatural forces of evil, and
Water and Sunshine etc. to get well and stay well, so these can only be fought with the supernatural forces
there are eight laws of spiritual health to get well and of Jesus Christ.
stay well.
When Jesus taught His early followers how to
carry on His ministry, He first taught them by word
THE 8 WEAPONS OF and example. Today, we find both in His written
Word. There‘s where we start. When He sent them
SPIRITUAL WARFARE:- out as new workers in the field, He saw the
1) The Name of Jesus Christ importance of sending them out two by two. There is
2) The Armour of God unbelievable strength in united prayer. When Jesus
3) The Sword of the Spirit – The Bible chose his group of 70 missionaries, He didn‘t gather
4) The Blood of Jesus Christ just anybody from the streets. He chose those who
5) Prayer were acquainted with His words and methods, and
6) Personal Testimony believed in His ministry. There will be times and
7) Praise situations where there is no one else available that
8) Singing can help, so you will have to go it alone but
As there are different degrees of problems in remember, holy angels will attend earnest workers
Physical Health from a cold to cancer, so in for the LORD.
Spiritual Warfare there are degrees of problems Jesus was in a ministry of freeing people.
from harassment to possession (control). In both Everything He did, whether it was healing the sick,
cases one needs to reason from cause to effect. teaching the people, or casting out demons, was to set
In conducting Spiritual Warfare work, first and the person free; deliver them from the bondage of the
foremost stay Jesus centered. The LORD is King and Devil. Scripture tells us that Satan is going to be
He came to set the captives free. Stay humble (Micah successful in his endeavours to deceive mankind,
6:8) and you are safe. God does the work and we are here, at the end of time. Deception is the most
but instruments in His hands. Yes, through the power dangerous demon I have encountered.
of attorney the devils are subject to you in Jesus We, as witnesses of the King of the Universe,
Christ‘s name, but rejoice rather that your names are should be anxious and ready to follow the example of
written in heaven. Jesus said that because pride is a the One who gave His life so we could have the right
danger in regards to the success that comes with the to be free from Satan. Jesus wants and needs
work and we are not to take credit to ourselves. warriors who march forward with confidence,
wearing the full armour of heaven, and ―in Jesus
When it comes to the point of praying for Christ‘s Name‖ march against the enemy, tearing
someone else in Spiritual Warfare medical down and destroying his strongholds of sin. Jesus
missionary work, it is very easy to make it into said that His loyal and faithful followers, who believe
something technical and complicated. However, it is in His name, have the authority to put Satan and
hoped that this simple outline will help simplify his troops on the run. Satan and his evil angel
things for you. Experience of course will teach you helpers understand this point very well, and they are
many lessons and there will be those who are more in a panic for fear you will find this out. ―Behold, I
specialized in this field, as in the physical medical give unto you power to tread on serpents and
missionary work, yet all should have a basic scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and
understanding of this part of the work. nothing shall by any means hurt you.‖ Luke 10:19.
When a person encounters the words ‗Spiritual If we are ever going to be victorious, or help
Warfare Praying‘ a host of concepts and ideas flood others through to freedom, we are going to have to
the mind. These words bring hope and joy to those start doing what Jesus told us to do. If we are truly in
who are in bondage, but fear and panic to those who service as a witness for Jesus, we can be sure that we
don‘t understand it. A spiritual-warfare prayer will encounter those who are being controlled by evil
session is probably the most vital service a ‗Soldier spirits.
Discussion Before Prayer the person prior to the actual prayer session: Are they
So, what do we do if someone comes with harbouring resentment, bitterness or unforgiveness in
personal struggles and would like to have prayer? their hearts? These can be doorways for problems in
Unless it is an ―emergency room‖ case, time needs to their life.
be spent in education concerning the spiritual battle. It is vital that these be taken care of, because a
If the person doesn‘t have a working knowledge of person cannot be freed if they are harbouring these
the spiritual war, the battle for the mind and the thoughts. This must not be taken lightly. If they
weapons to use in this war, it is important that you ignore these things, they are only fooling themselves.
get materials into their hands. This will save much The Holy Spirit sees and knows all.
time when you get together.
A vital part of staying free is in teaching a person CLEAN HOUSE: - In some cases there may be
how to continue the battle for themselves after the things in the house that need to be thrown out or
prayer session is over. The eight weapons of burnt. Idols, Rock ‗n Roll records, New Age, Occult
Spiritual Warfare are for getting well and staying and Witchcraft books and materials etc. (See
well, just as the eight laws of physical health are for Deuteronomy 7:25, 26). Satan claims access via
getting well and staying well. It is so important that these items.
the person understands the mighty power of God over
evil spirits, and how they (themselves) on their own, Considerations When Entering Into Special
by God‘s power, can carry on the warfare. They Prayer Session
need to know God loves them, that there is hope and
When you feel that a person has a good
that God wants to help them, and that there is
understanding of the spiritual battle, and they have
forgiveness and freedom in Christ. Be a good
requested prayer, then it is time to come together and
listener because I have found from experience that
unite your faith in an intercessory prayer session.
the counselling process is where problems are
It is important that the person for whom you are
sorted out.
praying is comfortable with those who have come
You need to have your Bible and a Promise Book
together to intercede.
of some sort with you, which is very helpful.
It is also vital that those present be of one mind
Before going to prayer for a person, it is very
and are there for one reason only; the freedom of the
important to find out what some of their struggles
person who has requested prayer.
are. This does not mean that they need to confess all
their faults to you, but rather explain why they feel It is not a good idea to have someone present
they need prayer. For example, someone may come who doubts and just wants to ―see for
with the problem of uncontrolled temper or anger. It themselves‖. Jesus knew the importance of putting
is not necessary to find out all the times that person out of the room all who might be in doubt (e.g. The
has offended someone with this full blown anger. story of Jairus‘s daughter – Luke 8). Take a lesson
Remember you must be very discreet in this work from Him because it only takes one doubter in the
because very sensitive issues can be discussed and room to inhibit the work of the Lord.
people need to know that they can trust you not to go Also, if you have open sin in your life, understand
telling anyone and everyone their problems. In the that the devils will know and you will be ineffective
Spiritual Warfare work it is a good idea to have a in praying for the person. That sin must be confessed
book or clip board with paper to take some notes of and forsaken before praying for someone. I am not
the points that need addressing. talking about character development problems.
For example:- It is also advisable to keep the group small,
perhaps no more than three to six people. The reason
Hate – Father bashed them when young for this is that you want to always maintain reverence
Mother was into Spiritualism and order. Those present should be instructed that
Has not accepted God‘s forgiveness once you begin to pray for the person, there will be a
for past sins sincere attitude of prayer throughout the entire
Alcohol problems session. Sometimes in sensitive matter cases the
Eating habits disorders person may only want one or two people present. Be
Has had trouble sleeping adaptable according to circumstances.
Has not been praying Have only one person leading out. There should
be order so only one person at a time is speaking.
Satan has a whole catalogue of demons that affect There can be mass confusion if you have one person
the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual areas of rebuking, another reading Scripture out loud and
people‘s lives. someone else praying at the same time. God is a God
It is sometimes important to know if the problem of order and reverence. ―Let all things be done
or struggle has been apparent in the family in past decently and in order‖ 1Corinthians 14:40. You need
generations. In other words, something that is to have a balance, to be both compassionate and
inherited (eg. alcohol, occult practices, bitterness, patient but also disciplined and clinical to get the job
anger). Other areas which need to be covered with done. Once again this balance parallels with the
physical medical missionary work. Now you are to issue a command in relation to
God will give you grace and courage as you seek any possible problem. For example you can say the
to help a person. Remember that it can be a very following:
frightening and emotionally trying experience for the ―If there are any powers of darkness behind
person being prayed for, so show true Christian love ………………. (whatever problem it may be) I/we
and give encouragement. command you to come forward and manifest in Jesus
There is no set way to open a special intercessory Christ‘s name.‖ (Remember you need to use the
meeting. Each group or person, after experience, will name of Jesus Christ, just like you need a postage
realize that no two sessions are alike and each must stamp on a letter, because it makes it effective).
be handled as the Holy Spirit leads. However, some
of the following suggestions are worthy of Also remember the importance of using the
consideration for those who find themselves in a word ‗IF‘ because if it is not clearly demonic then
situation with no back-up experience. (I have you cannot assume that the problem is demonic.
included a list of Points on Spiritual Warfare on Ask the person to share any thoughts or feelings
page 58) that may come to them during this time, if they feel
A good way to begin is first to read out a few these thoughts are not normal. Since we can‘t see the
Scriptures. Promises that relate to the power of battle, it helps us to know what is happening. Pay
prayer are good – for example: John 14:14; close attention to anything that could be an evidence
Matthew 18:19, 20; Mark 16:15-18. of manifestation.
Then the group kneel together and pray. After Remember that as there are different degrees of
each person around the group has prayed a short problems in the physical medical missionary work,
prayer, then the person who has been designated to e.g. colds up to cancer, so also there are different
lead out has special prayer. Below are a few points degrees of problems in the spiritual warfare medical
helpful to include: missionary work – harassment up to possession.
Possession is when the will (the choosing power) is
Pray for Holy Spirit to control everything.
controlled to the point where the person wants to be
Pray for the holy angels to protect all present and free but they are taken over by the power of the evil
to fight any battle till it is finished. angel. God wants to help them and set them free. All
Pray for victory and freedom for the person. it takes is their choice to be helped by the LORD.
Pray that family members of all those there be Often the Lord will make the evil spirit who is in
protected. control at that moment manifest in such a way that it
Pray for The Armour of God to cover each person. reveals his particular assignment of work in the life
Pray for The Blood of Christ to cover everyone in of the person for whom you are praying. Consider
the room. this the manifestation for which you requested. For
Pray that the LORD bind up any powers of instance, the person may all of a sudden be hit with
darkness. the pain they routinely have been suffering. Usually
Pray that any evil spirits that have no right to be in this is a sign that the evil spirits causing this problem
the room be commanded to go. have surfaced, or manifested.
Pray that the LORD would bind up the mouth of Physical manifestations do not always occur in
Satan and any evil angels that come around to every prayer session since the problem may not be
issue orders. demonic. If there is not a high degree of control in
Pray for Protection from any demonic deception the person‘s life then thoughts on the mind may be
or lies - (This point is very important) the only strange thing that happens.
Pray to take authority over the powers of Physical manifestation that may take place
darkness. Luke 10:19. includes the following:- a person‘s eyelids may begin
to twitch, or tears begin to flow, hands clenching, or
Next you can sit, since it is not necessary to they may begin laughing over nothing at all, or
remain kneeling throughout the session as it can perhaps their body may begin shaking inside (which
become physically uncomfortable over a period of they will tell you), or at times outside, roving pain,
time. strange facial changes. Sometimes a person may open
their eyes and glare at you with hate in their eyes.
Let the Person being prayed for read out the The eyes can often go glazed and black, also a
Declaration of Faith and the Prayer of strange voice may come from the person. God forces
Commitment. (See page 59) a reaction so you know something is going on. Don‘t
(Remember to give them this previous to your prayer overlook or make excuses for any of these possible
session so they can be happy with reading it out in manifestations. Do not be intimidated by these evil
the session.) spirits who are looking at you through the eyes of the
Proceed to the list of known problems you have person. Rebuke them in Jesus Christ‘s name, and
noted in areas the person has discussed, such as fear, order them to go. Remember here you can use
anger, hate, lust, unforgiveness, bitterness, etc. and Scripture to good effect. (If you want to be effective
especially address those areas at this time. in spiritual warfare start memorizing Scripture).
A good text to quote here is Matthew 8:32. You realizes they need to pray about. They may be fine
say, ―It is written, ‗And he said unto them, Go.‘ ‖ praying openly but if it is very personal and they
The evil angels hate that text. Other good texts are wish not to share details, then of course you
Psalm 34:7 & John 8:36. encourage them to pray silently in their mind to the
Sometimes, if impressed to do so, especially if LORD before proceeding. Let all things be done
they are not going, you may need to ask the question decently and in order.
―What is your name?‖ just as Jesus did. The name When rebuked and commanded to go in Jesus
is the mission and they don‘t like giving it at all. One Christ‘s name, demons can leave by a scream, yawn,
tactic I have found helpful here is to pray that the exhaling deeply or the problem simply goes.
LORD put the view of the cross up before the Realize that only about 1% of the people you pray
demons and that they be commanded to look into for will have heavy manifestations, if any at all. Evil
the eyes of the man on the centre cross. This is one spirits do not want to be brought out into the open.
of the most powerful tactics you can use in spiritual The majority of prayer sessions are very quiet. You
warfare. All the devils were at the cross, and they all simply put the situation in the Lord‘s hands and if
know they are defeated. Depending on the level of demonic powers manifest, rebuke them. We ask God
control, a name may come on the person‘s mind and to break all the holds, whether they be inherited or
they will share that with you, and other times the from doors that have been opened by the person.
demons may use the person‘s voice-box and talk out Keep the focus on Jesus, read Scripture and pray.
the name. Sometimes the problem or name will come The prayer partners in the room may take turns
on the person‘s mind and it is such a sensitive private reading Scripture, praying and taking authority over
matter that they choose to pray to the LORD about it any evil spirits who may be present. Many times
in their own minds rather than share it with you. during this prayer time it is good to have the group
singing. Scripture songs are excellent and a good
**Remember you can issue commands or ask warrior song is ―Power In The Blood‖.
questions relevant to the person‘s freedom, but
never, never, get into conversations with the evil A few other points that are helpful.
angels. Never ask any questions out of general If a case is taking time to work through then,
curiosity, questions that are not beneficial for the unless strongly impressed by the Holy Spirit, don‘t
person‘s freedom, e.g. ―What was it like in heaven go praying late into the night. Pray that the LORD
before the fall?‖ You are in a battle. Stay focused! hold things in check till the next time of prayer when
Questions that can be asked if they are not going, you can pick up from where you left off. You need to
or if you are impressed to ask: stay sharp and not make mistakes due to tiredness.
When did you come in? Some cases take only a very short time and other
What is your assignment? cases take much longer due to problems that have to
What legal right do you have to be interfering be worked through. In physical Medical Missionary
work if a person does not want to give up hamburgers
in this person‘s life?
and smoking, then even though you have given the
Any time you order demons to go, send them to best of counsel and educated them you cannot force
the pit. The pit (called the deep in Luke 8:31) is a them to change. So in Spiritual Warfare work some
prisoner of war camp that the LORD has for evil are not willing to let go of problems and trust in
angels. Many times demons will plead – ―Don‘t send Jesus. You can pray all you like but the evil angels
us to the pit‖. – Send them there. won‘t go if they have a legal right to still be affecting
Remember, if the person is manifesting heavily that person‘s life. Satan does not give up without a
and the evil angels have surfaced, if you are not fight and also God will not force the will of any
getting anywhere and need to talk to the person to person. The decision for freedom lies in the person‘s
work through a problem, then 1) Pray ‗Lord choice, no matter how much you educate and pray for
I/we need to speak to ……..….(the person) to work that person. Habit patterns built up over many years
through the problem.‘ 2) Then you command the are very strong and only by trusting in Jesus and
demon or demons to ―Step back in Jesus Christ‘s using the weapons can a person be free and stay free,
name‖. The person‘s normal face, eyes and voice growing in strength by the exercise of the will
will return and you can then discuss and work (choosing power). God is more powerful than the
through problems where they need to let things go or Devil. ―If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye
accept forgiveness etc. If you do not sort things out shall be free indeed.‖ John 8:36.
then you can pray all you want but the demons will Raising your hand: Consider the following
take you round and round in circles. This is where useful tactic Jesus used, as stated in the following
basic Christian counselling principles, as described in quote in relation to the demoniacs of Gadara, ―When
the Bible and books like ‗Steps to Christ‘ by the men, gnashing their teeth, and foaming at the
E.G. White, are so important. mouth, approached Him, Jesus raised that hand which
Within a prayer session the Lord may impress the had beckoned the waves to rest, and the men could
person through their own thoughts as to what the come no nearer. They stood raging but helpless
problem is. Often it may be something the person before Him.‖ The Desire of Ages page 337. This can
also be used to stop demons swearing, or trying to present itself and they must understand how to fight it
choke the person, or if you are commanding them to so that they don‘t slip back into bondage. Freedom is
step back so you can talk to the person, You simply often a process—freedom in stages, as the person
raise your hand and then issue a command in Jesus recognizes the temptation and resists by using the
Christ‘s name. weapons to experience victory.
Emergency case situations will arise as Jesus
encountered with the Demoniacs at Gadara. You then THE EXTRA ADDED DIMENSION
need to swing straight into action where you raise TO THIS WORK
your hand as Jesus did, then bind and rebuke the
powers of darkness in Jesus Christ‘s name and cast Job type cases of Oppression: - Many associate
them to the pit. This is where the memorizing of demonic attacks with something someone has done
Scripture is also helpful in such cases so you can use wrong, but that is not always the case. Job (See Job
the sword of the Spirit quickly and effectively. Chapters 1 & 2), the woman bent over for eighteen
years (See Luke 13:10-17), and Sister Ellen G. White
Crying to the Father: Consider the following herself are each examples where God allowed a
example from Christ‘s life. ―Mary had been looked demonic attack to take place. These examples
upon as a great sinner, but Christ knew the illustrate the fact that problems are not always
circumstances that had shaped her life. He might because something is wrong in the person‘s life.
have extinguished every spark of hope in her soul, Christians are not immune to attacks. The LORD has
but He did not. It was He who had lifted her from a reason for all things. Maybe it is to increase faith;
despair and ruin. Seven times she had heard His maybe it is to show that not all physical illness is
rebuke of the demons that controlled her heart and caused by health problems but can be a demonic
mind. She had heard His strong cries to the Father in attack the LORD has allowed. God will give wisdom
her behalf.‖ The Desire of Ages page 568 in these matters and through prayer He will drive
This is very effective to cry to the Father in Jesus Satan away and bring relief. Praise God.
Christ‘s name, especially in tough battles.
Encouraging the person to pray then rebuke With experience you will learn in both the areas of
the Devil themselves. If the person is up to it, then counselling and spiritual warfare prayer. People are
encourage them to join in to offer prayer on any hurting out there, longing for help. What a great relief
problem that arises and then rebuke the devil it is for these people when they find someone who
themselves. I call this the ‗1 – 2‘ – cares and listens and doesn‘t think they are crazy.
As you begin to minister in Spiritual Warfare
1) Pray to God for help
medical missionary work, the Lord will open more
then and more doors for you to help people both over the
telephone and face to face.
2) Rebuke the Devil and command him to go.
Whatever level of problem a person has, God can
When people see this work, with demons going, help. The Lord Jesus Christ is still in the business of
they are greatly encouraged. casting demons out of people‘s lives. He still Sets
If the demons try to interrupt them praying, raise The Captives Free!
your hand and command them not to interrupt. If you
see that the level of control over the person is still
strong and the person is struggling, then step in. Use Rebuke –
some spiritual common sense in all matters.
Webster‘s 1828 Dictionary - to check or restrain
Signs of freedom The World Book Dictionary - reprove, reprimand,
Usually you will notice a countenance change censure, to repress; check.
begin to come over the person. A peace that wasn‘t Strong‘s Concordance - censure, forbid, reprove,
there before. Their comments of faith, praise and (straightly) charge, rebuke.
relief and the ability to pray freely are all indicators.
These are good signs that the prayer session soon can Cast out –
be brought to a close. You first want to make sure
there is nothing else the Lord wants to deal with, at Webster‘s 1828 Dictionary – to send forth; to reject;
this time. To do this, pray again and ask the Lord if to drive away; to put off; to put away; to disburden.
there are other things that need to be dealt with. The World Book Dictionary – to drive out forcibly;
Prayer releases the person so they can have the banish; expel.
free choice to exercise their will. In the future, when Strong‘s Concordance – drive out, expel, put out,
the Devil comes back to try and tempt them again in send away, send out.
these areas, they will be able to turn it over to the
Lord. When they have been given back their will
they must now practice exercising that free choice
the next time the temptation presents itself. It will
Firstly, counselling if possible with the person is important - Check they have a spiritually clean
house. Deuteronomy 7:26 (get rid of New Age books, Rock and Roll records, idols, etc.)
List their problems and talk briefly with them about the battle for the mind, unforgiveness,
bitterness, the eight weapons of Spiritual Warfare.
Bible Texts you can read for encouragement eg. John 14:14, Matthew 18:19, 20
Sit down - Person reads Prayer of Commitment.
Go through problems and ask:- If there are any powers of darkness causing …………..I/we
command you to come forward.
If there is reaction, you rebuke in Jesus Christ‘s name and cast it/them out to the pit.
A good text to quote here is Matthew 8:32. You say, It is written, ―And he said unto them, Go.‖
If impressed by the Holy Spirit you may need to ask one or more of the following questions:-
What is Your Name?
When did you come in?
What is your assignment?
What legal right do you have to be interfering in this person‘s life?
Some statements you may be impressed to use when dealing with the powers of darkness:-
Release all holds, I/we take back the ground, Enter him/her no more.
Pray for the opposite in the person‘s life to fill the vacuum.
NOTE:- Remember that in many cases a person is not possessed, yet a reaction of some sort may
take place. Once again you simply command it/them to go in Jesus Christ‘s name.
My Declaration of Faith
I believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God and my Saviour.
I believe that my rightful inheritance in the Lord Jesus Christ
includes deliverance from every evil power. I now state my desire
to be completely free in the name and by the grace of the Lord Jesus
My Prayer of Commitment
Heavenly Father, I confess that I am a sinner. I repent of the sins
which have controlled my life and reject the dominion of sin over
me. I want to be fully your child.
I wish to close every door that I have ever opened to the Devil
through any occult practice, or reading. I now take back the ground
that I have ever given to the Devil – and give it rightfully to the
Lord Jesus Christ. I am a child of God by right of creation and
redemption. I choose of my own free will the rightful claim for
Jesus Christ to be Lord of my life. I believe that the power of the
Lord Jesus Christ is able to give me complete Freedom and
Deliverance. I claim that Freedom and Deliverance now! In Jesus
Christ‘s Name I ask it, Amen.
From Victory On The Battlefield by Vaughn Allen
There is little in the extensive ministry of Ellen White ―Gift of tongues causes trouble, Mackin claims to be
that is more misunderstood than her counsel given in master of Chinese Jargon, which he says came to
1908 to a Brother and Sister Ralph Mackin. There him from God. Dissension at camp meeting results in
are three sources for the Mackin story ― 3 Selected arrest of Mackin, wife and daughter, and two lady
Messages Pp. 363-378; the Review and Herald, companions; they hold services behind prison bars
August 10, 17, 24, 1972; and Volume 6 of the and seem quite proud of the distinction.‖
E.G. White biography, Pages 171-174. We must (RH 8/10/1972).
consider this case in some detail. A misinterpretation
of her interview with the Mackins has had a 3) They caused confusion at an Adventist Camp
destructive effect on the thinking of many on whether meeting.
or not to intervene in behalf of oppressed people. The
following sentence is often quoted: Mrs. Mackin stood out of doors at the camp meeting
in Ohio and sang the following words over and over,
―The work of declaring persons possessed of the ―He is coming, He is coming, Get ready, Get ready,
devil, and then praying with them and pretending to Receive ye the Holy Ghost.‖ She would sing the
cast out the evil spirits, is fanaticism which will bring word ―Glory,‖ over and over and over again. She
into disrepute any church which sanctions such could be heard all over the camp grounds‖.
work‖ (3SM 378). (RH 8/10/1972; 3SM 366).
An isolated reading of the above sentence could 4) They put on theatrical displays.
easily be understood as forbidding anyone to help the
oppressed; that any effort to help the oppressed is ―Satan will come in with bewitching power, through
nothing but ―pretense‖ and deception. Is this the these exhibitions. It is high time you call a halt. If
message that Ellen White was conveying? I don‘t God had given you a special message for his people,
think so. What were the Mackins doing that, if it you would walk and work in all humility – not as if
were continued, would bring disrepute upon the you were on the stage of a theatre‖ (3SM 377)
church? Here is the record:
―Your wife, in speech, in song, and in strange
The Mackins Were Fanatics exhibitions that are not in accordance with the
genuine work of the Holy Spirit, is helping to bring in
A careful consideration of their activity reveals that a phase of fanaticism that would do great injury to
Ellen White‘s counsel had nothing to do with the the cause of God, if allowed any place in our
legitimate ―casting out of demons.‖ What they were churches‖ (3SM 376).
doing would gain the disapproval of any rational
mind. Bear in mind the Mackins openly identified 5) They were openly telling people that they were
themselves as Adventists. Without question the possessed.
reputation of Adventism was at stake! What they
were doing had to be stopped! Here is a brief ―The work of declaring persons possessed of the
description: devil, and praying with them and pretending to cast
out the evil spirits, is fanaticism which will bring into
1) They were preaching on the streets and were disrepute any church which sanctions such work‖.
put in jail as a public nuisance. (3SM 378).
They were preaching on a street corner in Toledo, The circumstances in which they were declaring
Ohio. Mrs. Mackin was talking in tongues. The people to be possessed is not clear. In view of their
police came and locked them up. They felt that they other antics, it is possible that they were telling
were suffering for the sake of the gospel (See RH people on the city streets that they were possessed.
8/10/1972). Indeed this would bring disrepute on the church!
2) They were talking in tongues on the city streets 6. Mrs. Mackin claimed that she had the gift of
of Mansfield, Ohio. Prophecy.
Under dateline of August 22, 1908 in the Mansfield, Mrs. Mackin predicted some terrible calamity soon to
Ohio, Newspaper called the “Daily Shield” there take place in Toledo (3SM 365). Nothing took place.
appeared the following item:
7. They disappeared and left the church. controversy between righteousness and sin. While
new life and light and power are descending from on
After the interview with Ellen White at Elmshaven, high upon the disciples of Christ, a new life is
they disappeared and were never heard from again. springing up from beneath, and energizing the
(Biography, Vol. 6, Page 174). agencies of Satan‖ (DA 257).
We concur completely with the position set forth by 4. This interpretation of the Mackin case builds
Ellen White. This behavior was fanaticism in its a wall of doubt and unbelief between human
most obvious form. We believe that her counsel to need and the power of God.
them was sound and is still good advice. However,
none of the antics of the Mackins in any way ―And he called his twelve disciples together, and
describes the Deliverance Ministry as seen in the gave them power and authority over all devils and to
Bible or in helping oppressed people today. cure diseases‖ (Luke 9:1; DA 823)
The pretense and antics of the Makins is falsely used There is no scriptural evidence that this power and
as proof that Adventists should have nothing to do authority have ever been withdrawn. It is our
with helping oppressed people. We believe that this unbelief that has held God away from meeting human
is a defective application. This demands: need. The position of the Spirit of Prophecy is that
we may still work in His power―power that would
Some Further Thinking be seen in the healing of the sick and delivering those
possessed of evil spirits. Read this quotation
Ellen White‘s counsel to the Makins is widely being carefully:
interpreted as a blanket cancellation of any ministry
for the oppressed. If this were true, it would set up ―God designs that the sick, the unfortunate, those
the following contradiction: possessed with evil spirits, shall hear his voice
through us… There are needy close by us; the
1. This interpretation would contradict the suffering are in our very borders. We must try to
Gospel commission. help them. By the grace of Christ, the sealed
fountains of earnest, Christ-like work are to be
―In his record of the giving of the commission Mark unsealed… The time of need and of necessity makes
says, ―He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, plain our great need of a present, all powerful God, in
and preach the gospel to every creature… And these whom is everlasting strength and in whose power we
signs shall follow them that believe: In my name may work.‖ (Ms 65b, 1898, Spaulding-Magan, page
they shall cast out devils;… they shall lay hands on 89).
the sick, and they shall recover.‖ These words are to
be literally fulfilled. This is the work the Lord Jesus 5. This interpretation creates incompatible
Christ will do through his appointed agencies” testimony.
(Kress Collection 126).
In the package of Mackin errors was one of their
2. This interpretation would condemn her own pretending to cast out demons. Ellen White‘s
ministry: displeasure is unmistakable. Her disapproval of them
has been almost universally accepted as a blanket
―In my labors in the cause of God, I have again and cancellation of Deliverance Ministry. This is an
again met those who have been thus possessed and in unwarranted assumption. I will explain why.
the name of the Lord, I have rebuked the evil spirit” Balanced scholarship assembles and considers all
(2SM 353). available information on a given subject before
reaching a conclusion. When this is done, it will be
3. This interpretation would destroy the example found that Ellen White is not an opponent of
of the Lord. Deliverance―She was a careful advocate. Consider
this statement that needs little interpretation:
Out Lord‘s ministry was full of multiple examples of
Deliverance from demonic possession. The need of ―Souls possessed of evil spirits will present
this ministry is greater now than ever before. The themselves before us. We must cultivate the spirit of
need will grow and intensify as we approach the final earnest prayer mingled with genuine faith to save
conflict. them from ruin, and this will confirm our faith. God
designs that the sick, the unfortunate, those possessed
―The period of Christ‘s personal ministry among men with evil spirits shall hear His voice through us.
was the time of greatest activity for the forces of the Through His human agents He desires to be a
kingdom of darkness… Satan summoned all his comforter such as the world has never before seen‖
forces, and at every step contested the work of (Spaulding-Magan, p. 89, 1898).
Christ… So it will be in the great final conflict of the
This quotation says that we should ―cultivate‖ the
spirit of prayer to help the possessed. The
words―cultivate and cancel carry diametrically
opposite meanings. What the Mackins were doing
had to be canceled. But the true ministry must be
―cultivated.‖ In its final phase this ministry would
take on a character ―such as the world had never
before seen.‖ We believe that time has come.