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PowerCommand Control ANSI Protective Functions Application Manual A058E477 - I1 - 201711

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Application Engineering

T-037: PowerCommand Control

Application Manual
ANSI Protective Functions

Original Instructions 11-2017 A058E477 (Issue 1)
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 About This Manual.................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Application Manuals................................................................................................................ 1
1.4 Safety...................................................................................................................................... 2

2. POWERCOMMAND CONTROL ANSI PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS............................................. 3

2.1 Control Availability of ANSI Functions .................................................................................... 3
2.2 ANSI 15 - Synchronizer .......................................................................................................... 5
2.2.1 Synchronizer Setup...................................................................................................... 6
2.2.2 Synchronizer Fault Codes............................................................................................ 7
2.2.3 Synchronizer Field Test ............................................................................................... 8
2.3 ANSI 25 - Sync Check Relay.................................................................................................. 9
2.3.1 Sync Check Relay Setup ............................................................................................. 9
2.3.2 Sync Check Relay Fault Codes ................................................................................. 10
2.3.3 Sync Check Relay Field Test..................................................................................... 11
2.4 ANSI 27 - Undervoltage Relay.............................................................................................. 11
2.4.1 Low AC Voltage ......................................................................................................... 11
2.4.2 Lost AC Voltage ......................................................................................................... 13
2.5 ANSI 32 - Directional Power Relay (Reverse Power)........................................................... 14
2.5.1 Directional Power Relay (Reverse Power) Setup ...................................................... 14
2.5.2 Directional Power Relay (Reverse Power) Fault Codes ............................................ 15
2.5.3 Directional Power Relay (Reverse Power) Field Test................................................ 15
2.6 ANSI 40 - Loss of Field Relay (Reverse kVAR) ................................................................... 15
2.6.1 Loss of Field............................................................................................................... 16
2.6.2 Under Excitation......................................................................................................... 16
2.7 ANSI 46 - Phase Balance Current Relay (Negative Sequence Current).............................. 18
2.7.1 Phase Balance Current Relay (Negative Sequence Current) Setup ......................... 19
2.7.2 Phase Balance Current Relay (Negative Sequence Current) Fault Codes ............... 20
2.7.3 Phase Balance Current Relay (Negative Sequence Current) Field Test................... 20
2.8 ANSI 47 - Phase Sequence Relay ....................................................................................... 21
2.8.1 Phase Sequence Setup ............................................................................................. 21
2.8.2 Phase Sequence Fault Codes ................................................................................... 21
2.8.3 Phase Sequence Field Test....................................................................................... 22
2.9 ANSI 50 - Instantaneous Overcurrent Relay (AmpSentry Maintenance Mode) ................... 22
2.9.1 Instantaneous Overcurrent Relay (AmpSentry Maintenance Mode) Setup............... 22
2.9.2 Instantaneous Overcurrent Relay (AmpSentry Maintenance Mode) Fault
Codes .......................................................................................................................... 23
2.9.3 Instantaneous Overcurrent Relay (AmpSentry Maintenance Mode) Field Test ........ 24
2.10 ANSI 51 - Time Overcurrent Relay (AmpSentry)................................................................ 24
2.10.1 Time Overcurrent (AmpSentry) Setup ..................................................................... 26
2.10.2 Time Overcurrent (AmpSentry) Fault Codes ........................................................... 27

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Table of Contents 11-2017

2.10.3 Time Overcurrent (AmpSentry) Field Test ............................................................... 28

2.11 ANSI 59 - Overvoltage Relay.............................................................................................. 32
2.11.1 Overvoltage Setup ................................................................................................... 32
2.11.2 Overvoltage Fault Codes ......................................................................................... 33
2.11.3 Overvoltage Field Test............................................................................................. 34
2.12 ANSI 65 - Governor ............................................................................................................ 35
2.12.1 Governor Setup........................................................................................................ 35
2.13 ANSI 81u/o - Over/Under Frequency Relay ....................................................................... 35
2.13.1 Over/Underfrequency Relay Setup .......................................................................... 36
2.13.2 Over/Under Frequency Relay Fault Codes.............................................................. 37
2.13.3 Over/Under Frequency Relay Field Test ................................................................. 38
2.14 ANSI 86 - Lockout............................................................................................................... 39
2.14.1 Lockout Setup .......................................................................................................... 39
2.14.2 Lockout Fault Codes ................................................................................................ 39
2.14.3 Lockout Field Test................................................................................................... 39
2.15 ANSI 90 - Voltage Regulator .............................................................................................. 39
2.15.1 Voltage Regulator Setup.......................................................................................... 40

3. FAULT CODES ............................................................................................................................ 41

4. APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................... 43
4.1 AmpSentry Load Bank Test Calculations ............................................................................. 43
4.2 Time-Delayed and Integral-Based Protection Functions ...................................................... 44
4.3 ANSI Device Descriptions..................................................................................................... 47

Copyright © 2017 Cummins Inc. ii A058E477 (Issue 1)

This manual is published solely for information purposes and should not be considered all inclusive. If further
information is required, consult Cummins Inc. Sale of product shown or described in this literature is subject to terms
and conditions outlined in appropriate Cummins Inc. selling policies or other contractual agreement between the
parties. This literature is not intended to and does not enlarge or add to any such contract. The sole source governing
the rights and remedies of any purchaser of this equipment is the contract between the purchaser and Cummins Inc.
HEREIN. Each customer is responsible for the design and functioning of its building systems. We cannot ensure that
the specifications of Cummins Inc. products are the proper and sufficient ones for your purposes. You must satisfy
yourself on that point.
In no event will Cummins Inc. be responsible to the purchaser or user in contract, in tort (including negligence), strict
liability or otherwise for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damage or loss whatsoever, including but not
limited to damage or loss of use of equipment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power, additional
expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claims against the purchaser or user by its customers resulting from
the use of the information, recommendations and descriptions contained herein.

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1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
This manual helps enable the use of American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Generator Protection
Functions included in Cummins PowerCommand controls for power system designs. This manual explains
how each of the functions are configured and implemented in PowerCommand controls and describes
commissioning test methods. For most functions, configuration and testing instructions include screen
captures of the Cummins InPower service tool.

1.2 About This Manual

The manual provides information on the ANSI protective functions in PowerCommand controls, including
each function's setup and field test methods, along with control availability and fault codes.
Chapter 2 covers the descriptions, setup, fault codes, and field test methods for each ANSI protective
Chapter 3 lists all fault codes relevant to each ANSI protective function.
The Appendix includes information on AmpSentry load bank test calculations, time-delayed and integral-
based protection functions, and ANSI device descriptions.

1.3 Application Manuals

Every standby generator set installation will require power transfer equipment and either transfer switches
or paralleling switchgear. The proper system for the job and its proper application are crucial to reliable
and safe operation. The following Cummins Inc. application manuals address related aspects of standby
and emergency power systems. Because these manuals cover aspects requiring decisions that must be
taken into consideration early in the design process, they should be reviewed along with this manual.
T-011: Transfer Switch Application Manual. Many applications utilize multiple power sources to enhance
electric power system reliability. These often include both utility (mains) service and generator set service
to critical loads. T-011 covers the various types of power transfer systems available and considerations for
their use and application. Careful consideration of the power switching system at the start of a project will
enable a designer to offer the most economically viable and most reliable service to the facility user.
T-016: Paralleling Application Manual. Paralleling equipment makes two or more generator sets perform
as one large set. This can be economically advantageous, especially when the total load is greater than
1000 kW. The decision whether to parallel sets must be made in the early stages of design, especially if
space and the need for future expansion are critical factors. The information in T-016 assists in making
this decision. Additionally, T-016 provides general information on paralleling functions and summarizes
how the PowerCommand controls implement protective functions, and also includes reference for
commonly used terms, acronyms, and codes and standards.
T030: Liquid Cooled Generator Set Application Manual. Generator sets may operate as prime power
sources or provide emergency power in the event of utility power failure. They may also be used to reduce
the cost of electricity where the local utility rate structure and policy make that a viable option. Because of
their important role, generator sets must be specified and applied in such a way as to provide reliable
electrical power of the quality and capacity required. T-030 provides guidance to system and facility
designers in the selection of appropriate equipment for a specific facility, and the design of the facility, so
that these common system needs are fulfilled.

A058E477 (Issue 1) 1 Copyright © 2017 Cummins Inc.

1. Introduction 11-2017

T-034: Networking Application Manual. Communication networks have long been used to make equipment
and processes operate more reliably and efficiently. As power generation systems migrate from
centralized to distributed generation and control, the communications infrastructure will need to become
more comprehensive and standardized so that equipment from multiple suppliers will be able to
communicate with each other seamlessly. The purpose of T-034 is to educate engineers, system
integrators, distributors, and interested users in the fundamentals of networks, as they apply and are used
in on-site power generation systems.

1.4 Safety
Safety should be a primary concern of the facility design engineer. Safety involves two aspects: safe
operation of the generator set itself (and its accessories) and reliable operation of the system. Reliable
operation of the system is related to safety because equipment affecting life and health is often dependent
on the generator set, such as hospital life-support systems, emergency egress lighting, building
ventilators, elevators, fire pumps, security and communications.
Refer to any relevant codes and standards for information on applicable electrical and fire codes around
the world. Standards, and the codes that reference them, are periodically updated, requiring continual
review. Compliance with all applicable codes is the responsibility of the facility design engineer. For
example, some areas may require a certificate-of-need, zoning permit, building permit or other site-specific
certificate. Be sure to check with all local governmental authorities early in the planning process.

While the information in this and related manuals is intended to be accurate and useful, there is
no substitute for the judgment of a skilled, experienced facility design professional. Each end
user must determine whether the selected generator set and emergency/standby system is
proper for the application.

Copyright © 2017 Cummins Inc. 2 A058E477 (Issue 1)

2 PowerCommand Control ANSI
Protective Functions
Cummins PowerCommand controls include several ANSI Generator Protection Functions as indicated in
Figure 1.


2.1 Control Availability of ANSI Functions

Table 1 lists the ANSI functions included in each PowerCommand control. Certain functions have slightly
different implementations in different controls. Those differences are described in the table's notes section.

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2. PowerCommand Control ANSI Protective Functions 11-2017


PowerCommand Control Type

ANSI Device ANSI Function 1.X 2.X 3.X
15 Synchronizer ■
25 Sync Check Relay ■
27 Undervoltage Relay ■ ■ ■
32 Directional Power ■ ■
Relay (Reverse kW)
Loss of Field Relay ■ ■
(Reverse kVAR)
Under Excitation ■
(Reverse kVAR)
46 Phase Balance ■ ■
Current Relay
(Negative Sequence)
47 Phase Sequence ■2
50 Instantaneous ■ ■
Overcurrent Relay
Maintenance Mode)
51 Time Overcurrent ■ ■ ■
Relay (AmpSentry)3
59 Overvoltage Relay ■4 ■5 ■5
65 Governor ■6 ■7 ■6
81 Over/Under ■8,9 ■ ■
Frequency Relay
86 Lockout ■ ■ ■
90 Voltage Regulator ■ ■ ■
On the 1.X control, the field test feature for low AC voltage is not available for L3.
The 2.X control includes phase rotation indication only.
See Table 2 for availability of specific AmpSentry functions in PowerCommand controls.
The 1.X control includes only the fixed time characteristic.
The 2.X and 3.X controls can be configured for either the fixed time or the inverse time trip characteristics.
The 1.X and 3.X controls support governing for both full authority and hydromechanical engines.
The 2.X control supports full authority engines only.
The frequency override (overfrequency) and load bank (underfrequency) field test methods are not available in the
1.X control.
The 1.X control's underfrequency diagnostic is a fixed time function.
The 1.X regulator is SCR based, and the 2.X and 3.X regulator is FET based.

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11-2017 2. PowerCommand Control ANSI Protective Functions


PowerCommand Control Type

AmpSentry Function 1.X 2.X 3.X
Shut Down Generator Set ■1 ■ ■
Based on i2*t Curve (~8
Seconds @ 300%)
Shut Down Generator Set ■ ■
on Single Phase Fault in 2
Shut Down Generator Set ■ ■
on 2-Phase Fault in 5
Maximum Guaranteed 1.75X CT Primary 400% 400%
Current Sensing Capability
Maintenance Mode ■ ■
Customer Overcurrent ■ ■
Fault Current Regulation ■ ■
Dependent on CT range of maximum guaranteed current sensing capability. Shuts down in 2 seconds if maximum
current sensing capability is exceeded.

2.2 ANSI 15 - Synchronizer

The synchronizer performs control loop functions that attempt to match generator set voltage, frequency,
and phase to that of the bus. These control loops accomplish this by offsetting the reference for the speed
governor and the voltage regulator.
Synchronizer Enable Logic
A number of conditions turn the synchronizer on and off. The synchronizer may be enabled when the
generator set is running and in a ready-to-load state, the bus voltage and frequency are within range, and
the synchronizer isn’t disabled due to the control being in a manual mode or a fault on the system. The
synchronizer is also disabled when the control is configured to accept input from an external synchronizer
or when the droop function is enabled by a configurable input.
The synchronizer enable logic is a function of the following paralleling application types:
• Synchronizer Only: The synchronizer is enabled any time the Sync Enable command is active. The
Sync Enable command can only be set by operator input via either discrete input, Modbus input, or
PCCNet input.
• Isolated Bus or Utility Mutliple: The synchronizer is enabled whenever the generator set is at rated
speed and the generator set breaker is open.
• Utility Single: The synchronizer is enabled either automatically or manually, under the following
◦ Automatically, when the generator set is at rated speed, the generator set breaker is open, and
the utility breaker is closed (loads are connected to the utility)

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2. PowerCommand Control ANSI Protective Functions 11-2017

◦ Manually, with user input (via discrete input, Modbus input or PCCNet input), when the
generator breaker is closed, and the utility breaker is open (loads are on the generator set),
and the Sync Enable command is active
• Power Transfer Control: The synchronizer is enabled either automatically or manually, under the
following conditions:
◦ Automatically, when the PTC logic is about to initiate a closed transition transfer or re-transfer
◦ Manually, with user input (via discrete input, Modbus input or PCCNet input), when the PTC
function is in a manual operating mode, and the Sync Enable command is active.
The synchronizer is disabled and locked out under the following abnormal conditions:
• Circuit breaker fails to close while in PTC mode
• Generator set fails to sync to the bus, and the Fail To Sync Lockout trim is enabled. Consider
enabling the lockout function to prevent the generator from trying to sync with load or to an unstable
Phase Match and Slip Frequency
Although the ANSI synchronizer function defines only frequency matching, the PowerCommand
synchronizer includes a voltage matching function as well.
The synchronizer can be configured for either a Phase Match or a Slip Frequency method.
• Phase Match: The control drives the generator set frequency to match the utility frequency and
drives the phase angle of the generator waveform to match the utility waveform phase angle.
• Slip Frequency: When this method is used, the control does not try to drive the generator set
waveform to be in sync with the utility but drives the frequency to be offset from the utility frequency
by some “slip” frequency. Typically, this frequency is on the order of 0.1 Hz so that the utility and
generator set will periodically be in sync with each other. With a slip frequency of 0.1 Hz, the phase
difference will complete one cycle every 10 seconds.
With this method, the control calculates the optimum time to close the breaker based on the breaker
closing time and the rate of change of phase angle to close at a phase difference of 0 degrees.
Note, a higher slip frequency results in faster synchronizing but can result in high current spikes at
the instant of closing a breaker. If done repeatedly, this can damage the alternator. This tradeoff of
fast synchronizing versus minimizing stress on the alternator needs to be considered. In a standby
application where speed of synchronizing is of paramount importance and there will be few
synchronizing events over the life of the generator set, it is permissible to have a higher slip
frequency. In applications where the generators will synchronize and close to a live bus often over
its life, it is important to minimize slip frequency (typically to values of less than 0.1 Hz), to minimize
stress on the alternator. Consult the generator set manufacturer for more insight into this.

Cummins Generator Technologies (CGT) recommends that frequency match within 0.1 Hz and
the rate of change of frequency should not exceed 0.1 Hz/second and the phase angle difference
between sources should be less than 10 degrees. CGT recommends that for isolated bus
paralleling the voltage difference between generator sets should be less than 3% and for
paralleling between a generator set and the utility the voltage difference should be less than

2.2.1 Synchronizer Setup

The InPower service tool can set up the speed control method to be either Phase Match or Slip
Frequency. Users can also set up the control so an external synchonizer can manage this function using
the speed bias input.

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11-2017 2. PowerCommand Control ANSI Protective Functions

Similarly, the Synchronizer Voltage Control Method can be configured in InPower for either a Voltage
Match function or to allow an external device to manage the voltage matching using the voltage bias input.
Figure 2 shows the InPower screen for setting the synchronizer speed and voltage control methods as
well as the Slip Frequency settings.


2.2.2 Synchronizer Fault Codes

Code 1456 – Bus Out of Sync Range
The Synchronizer cannot be enabled because the Bus Voltage and/or Frequency are not within 60 –
110% of nominal.
Possible Causes:
• System bus voltage cables are incorrectly wired or open circuit to the paralleling breaker.
• System bus voltage sensing connections are incorrectly wired at the base board.

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2. PowerCommand Control ANSI Protective Functions 11-2017

• Faulty PT.
Code 1457 – Fail To Synchronize
Synchronizer has not met the synch check conditions within the “Fail To Synchronize Time" parameter
that can be set in InPower as shown in Figure 2.
Possible Causes:
• Improper adjustment of bus or generator set voltage.
• Faulty PT.
• Permissive window parameters are set too tight.
Code 1458 – Synchronizer Phase Rotation (Sync Ph Rot) Mismatch
Mismatch in phase rotation between the generator set output and the system bus.
Possible Causes:
• Generator set or system bus voltage cables are incorrectly wired to the paralleling breaker.
• Generator set or system bus voltage sensing connections are incorrectly wired at the base
• board.

2.2.3 Synchronizer Field Test

Users must verify that sensing leads are matched correctly to power conductors before closing a
paralleling breaker. During commissioning, or if power conductors or sensing leads are changed
in any way, users must also verify the power leads are truly synchronized independent of the
controller's Sync Check function before closing a breaker.

The synchronizer function can be tested to view its stability.

1. Using InPower, set the Genset Application Type to "Synchronizer Only."
2. Configure and Activate the "Sync Enable" input.
3. Using InPower, monitor the parameters "Phase Match Error," "Frequency Match Error," and "Voltage
Match Error" to view performance of the synchronizer. See Figure 3.
4. Upon completion, change Genset Application Type back to the preferred application.

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2.3 ANSI 25 - Sync Check Relay

The permissive sync check function decides when conditions are within a window (i.e., “synchronized”) to
allow breaker closure onto a live bus.
The PowerCommand sync check function monitors the three-phase generator set and bus line-to-line
voltages, frequencies, phase rotations, and L1-L1 voltage phase relationship to determine when the two
sources can be paralleled. This function is used by the control to manage breaker control functions and
can also be mapped to a configurable output for external breaker control. The sync check function
operates independently of the synchronizer so it is still active if an external device is driving the generator
set into synchronization.

2.3.1 Sync Check Relay Setup

Figure 4 displays the InPower settings for the sync check function and details the settings for permissive
voltage, phase, and frequency window, along with the required time in the window. Note, the Sync Check
Method settings include a Predictive sync check, but that function is currently not enabled.
The sync check output is activated when voltage, frequency, and phase angle are within preset limits (i.e.,
within the permissive window), and either the phase angle difference is decreasing (i.e., the two
waveforms are coming into sync) or the phase angle difference is less than 10 degrees.

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2. PowerCommand Control ANSI Protective Functions 11-2017


2.3.2 Sync Check Relay Fault Codes

Code 1456 – Bus Out of Sync Range
The Synchronizer cannot be enabled because the Bus Voltage and/or Frequency are not within 60 –
110% of nominal.
Possible Causes:
• System bus voltage cables are incorrectly wired or open circuit to the paralleling breaker.
• System bus voltage sensing connections are incorrectly wired at the base board.
• Faulty PT.
Code 1457 – Fail To Synchronize

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Synchronizer has not met the synch check conditions within the “Fail To Synchronize Time" parameter
that can be set in InPower as shown in Figure 2.
Possible Causes:
• Improper adjustment of bus or generator set voltage.
• Faulty PT.
• Permissive window parameters are set too tight.
Code 1458 – Synchronizer Phase Rotation (Sync Ph Rot) Mismatch
Mismatch in phase rotation between the generator set output and the system bus.
Possible Causes:
• Generator set or system bus voltage cables are incorrectly wired to the paralleling breaker.
• Generator set or system bus voltage sensing connections are incorrectly wired at the base
• board.

2.3.3 Sync Check Relay Field Test

Due to its sampling latency, using InPower to confirm accuracy of the sync check function is not
recommended. For the most reliable method to verify this function, use an oscilloscope to compare
waveforms of the two sources and the sync check output.

2.4 ANSI 27 - Undervoltage Relay

When input voltage is less than a preset value, the PowerCommand controls have two functions that
address an undervoltage condition: The Low AC Voltage and the Lost AC Voltage diagnostics. This
section will address both of those diagnostics.

2.4.1 Low AC Voltage

For three-phase systems, the PowerCommand control activates the Low AC Voltage diagnostic if the
nominal voltage on any of the three phases drops below the Low AC Voltage Threshold, specified as a
percent of voltage setpoint for the Low AC Voltage Delay. For Wye connected systems, the control is
measuring LN voltages. For three-phase systems, the PowerCommand Control activates the Low AC
Voltage diagnostic if the nominal voltage on any of the three phases drops below the Low AC Voltage
Threshold (specified as a percent of voltage setpoint) and remains below that threshold for the Low AC
Voltage Delay time.
Note, the voltage setpoint is affected by the V/Hz function and any voltage match functions associated
with paralleling. For example, if the Low AC Voltage Threshold is set to 85%, and the voltage is reduced
due to the V/Hz function being active, the Undervoltage function would become active based on 85% of
the reduced voltage setpoint.
For single phase systems, the control measures L1-N and L2-N voltage for this function. L3 is ignored in a
single phase configuration.
Low AC Voltage Threshold and Delay can both be set in InPower. Note, this is a discrete time rather than
an integrating function. Low AC Voltage Setup

Figure 5 displays the undervoltage settings.

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2. PowerCommand Control ANSI Protective Functions 11-2017


Code 1447 – Low AC Voltage
Voltage has decreased below the “Low AC Voltage Threshold" for the time that is registered in
the “Low AC Voltage Delay" parameter.
Possible Causes:
• Fault simulation is enabled.
• The Low AC Voltage threshold is set too high.
• Faulty PTs, incorrect PT ratio, PTs, PT connections.
• Faulty AVR.
• Faulty PMG.
• Faulty rotating rectifier assembly. Low AC Voltage Field Test

Assess the Low AC Voltage function using voltage override testing. With voltage override testing, the
PowerCommand control reads a value from InPower to determine the voltage rather than read the analog
input (see Figure 6). The operator enters a voltage value in InPower and enables the voltage override
function. This test can be run with the generator set running unloaded.

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The basic test sequence is as follows:
1. Run the generator set with no load.
2. Set “Genset L1N Voltage % Override Value” to a % value less than “Low AC Voltage Threshold."
3. Set “Genset L1N Voltage % Override Enable” to “Enable.”
4. Confirm that the generator set shuts down in an time equal to “Low AC Voltage Delay.”
5. Repeat for phase 2 and phase 3.

The Voltage Override test feature is not available for L3 on the 1.X control.

2.4.2 Lost AC Voltage

The Lost AC Voltage diagnostic is used to detect a condition where the voltage sensing function is not
working (e.g., the sensing leads have come disconnected). This diagnostic's purpose is to prevent the
control from turning excitation on full because it senses low voltage, when the fact is the sensing leads are
not connected. This diagnostic operates much faster than the undervoltage diagnostic. Lost AC Voltage Setup

Lost AC Voltage Threshold and Time Delays can be set in InPower as shown in Figure 6.
The Lost AC Voltage diagnostic becomes active if the average of the three phase voltages drops below
the Lost AC Threshold setting; the current is less than the Lost AC Current Threshold setting; the AVR
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is higher than the Lost AVR PWM Threshold; and the engine speed
exceeds an internally set threshold. In other words, an indication the sensing leads have been lost is when
the generator set is running, the AVR is trying to generate voltage with no short circuit present, but the
control is measuring no voltage.

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2. PowerCommand Control ANSI Protective Functions 11-2017

On the 1.X control, this diagnostic becomes active if the line voltage is lower than the lost AC voltage
threshold, or the control does not sense zero crosses of either the alternator output voltage (connector
J22) or the excitation voltage (connector J18).
For controls that rely on excitation zero cross to measure frequency (i.e., generator sets without a full
authority engine or a magnetic pickup), the Lost AC Voltage diagnostic will become active if speed
measured by excitation zero cross does not reach a level that enables the voltage to ramp up. This is
most likely due to a disconnection between the excitation source and the control (J18). Lost AC Voltage Fault Codes

Code 2335 - Excitation Fault/Loss of AC Voltage Sensing
The control has detected the simultaneous loss of all phases of sensing.
Possible Causes:
• Incorrectly configured or wiring issue. Lost AC Voltage Field Test

Field testing of this function is not recommended.

2.5 ANSI 32 - Directional Power Relay (Reverse Power)

The PowerCommand control monitors both real and reactive power. The reactive power relay (ANSI 40) is
addressed in Section 2.6.
The PowerCommand Reverse kW function shuts the generator set off if real power, in excess of the
Reverse kW Threshold (trim), flows into the generator set for a period in excess of the Reverse kW Time
Delay (trim).
The Reverse kW Time Delay is an integral time constant, so every measurement of reverse power in
excess of the threshold increases the integral, and every measurement of reverse power that is less than
the threshold decreases the integral. If the integral reaches a threshold based on the Reverse kW, the
generator set shuts down. (For an explanation of an integral function see Section 4.2.)
The integral does not increase and decrease at the same rate. The integral decreases 3 times slower for
each reverse kW measurement below the threshold than it increases for each measurement above the
threshold. Because of this, large oscillations in power will eventually cause the generator set to shut down
as this indicates an unstable system.

2.5.1 Directional Power Relay (Reverse Power) Setup

Use InPower to set up and adjust the settings for the Reverse kW Threshold and Time Delay (see Figure
7). The typical default setting for Reverse kW Threshold is 10%. The threshold should never exceed the
regenerative power rating of the engine, a parameter typically listed on the engine data sheet. Note, all
real and reactive power diagnostics are based on the standby rating of the generator set regardless of the
particular application.
The basis for kW % is the kW rating of the generator set. For example, if the generator set is rated 1000
kVA at 0.8 PF, 100% kW refers to 800 kW. 10% kW refers to 80 kW in this case.

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2.5.2 Directional Power Relay (Reverse Power) Fault Codes

Code 1459 – Reverse Power
The “Reverse KW threshold" has been exceeded for the time that is registered in the “Reverse
KW time delay" setting.
Possible Causes:
• CTs are incorrectly connected or installed.
• Reverse KW threshold is set too low.
• Unbalanced load sharing with another paralleled generator set.

2.5.3 Directional Power Relay (Reverse Power) Field Test

Test this function by swapping polarity of the CTs and running the generator set on a load bank.

2.6 ANSI 40 - Loss of Field Relay (Reverse kVAR)

The PowerCommand control monitors both real and reactive power, and has two diagnostics that are
relevant here: A Loss of Field (Reverse kVAR) diagnostic that actually measures reverse kVAR and an
Under Excitation diagnostic based on the Automatic Voltage Regulator's (AVR) pulse-width modulation
(PWM) duty cycle. Both will be discussed in this section. The Reverse kW relay (ANSI 32) is addressed in
Section 2.5.
The Loss of Field condition can arise as a result of feeding capacitive load and absorbing VARs (Volt-
Amperes Reactive) in a paralleled application. Capacitive loads are becoming more common in data
center applications, particularly in co-location facilities where power capacity is commissioned before
server capacity is utilized, resulting in lightly loaded uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) connected to the
generator set. When a UPS is lightly loaded, the capacitors on the input of the UPS are the most
prominent load and present a leading power factor to the generator set. As load is added to the system,
the power factor tends to be more lagging.
Grid connected generator sets are often subject to reverse kVAR conditions, as emerging grid codes
typically require distributed resources to absorb VARs when the grid voltage gets too high as a means to
regulate voltage.

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2.6.1 Loss of Field

The Loss of Field (Reverse kVAR) diagnostic shuts the generator set off if reactive power, in excess of the
Reverse kVAR Threshold (trim), flows into the generator set for a period in excess of the Reverse kVAR
Time Delay (trim). The Reverse kVAR Time Delay is an integral time constant, so every measurement of
reverse kVAR in excess of the threshold increases the integral, and every measurement of reverse kVAR
that is less than the threshold decreases the integral. If the integral reaches a threshold based on the
Reverse kVAR, the generator set shuts down. (For an explanation of an integral function see Section
The integral does not increase and decrease at the same rate. The integral decreases 3 times slower for
each reverse kW measurement below the threshold than it increases for each measurement above the
threshold. Because of this, large oscillations in power will eventually cause the generator set to shut down
as this indicates an unstable system. Loss of Field Setup

Use InPower to set up Reverse kVAR Threshold and time delay (see Figure 7). The typical default setting
for Reverse kVAR Threshold is 20%. The threshold should never exceed the reverse kVAR stability limit
indicated on the alternator operating chart. Contact Sales and Application Engineering to obtain the
operating chart for a particular generator set. Note, all real and reactive power diagnostics are based on
the standby rating of the generator set regardless of the particular application.
The basis for kVAR % is the kVA rating of the generator set. For example, if the generator set is rated
1000 kVA at 0.8 PF, then the rated kVAR at full load is 600 kVAR. This is denoted as 60% based on the
kVA rating, so a threshold of 10% kVAR corresponds to 100 kVAR (10% of the kVA rating of the generator
set). Be aware that this is different than kW, where the % kW rating is based on generator set rated kW,
not kVA. Loss of Field Fault Codes

Code 1461 – Loss of Field (Reverse kVAR)
The “Reverse KVAR threshold" has been exceeded for the time that is registered in the
“Reverse KVAR time delay" setting.
Possible Causes:
• Improper voltage calibration of the generator set.
• Improperly set Leading Power Factor. Loss of Field Field Test

Not recommended, but this function can be tested by changing the CT configuration. Contact the factory
for support.

2.6.2 Under Excitation

Similar to the Loss of Field (Reverse kVAR) diagnostic, the Under Excitation diagnostic also protects the
generator set from a pole slip condition due to absorbing an excessive amount of VARs during paralleling.
As the system absorbs VARs, the PCC AVR provides less and less excitation voltage, which means there
is less capability of controlling the alternator’s kVAR. This diagnostic monitors whether the excitation
voltage decreases below what is considered the boundary for safe voltage and VAR regulations.

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The Under Excitation diagnostic is an integral function where, if the AVR PWM is less than the “Under
Excitation AVR Duty Cycle minimum Threshold” for a period of time in excess of the “Under Excitation
Threshold Time," the control will shut the generator set down to avoid an unstable condition or a pole slip.
This event will not be active if the reverse kVAR level is less than 5%. To clarify, this event will only be
active if the generator set is running at a leading PF and the absolute value of the VARs exceeds 5%.
Also, this event will not be active if V/Hz is driving the voltage setpoint down. Under Excitation Setup

Use InPower to set up the “Under Excitation AVR Duty Cycle minimum Threshold” and the “Under
Excitation Threshold Time" (see Figure 8). Note, there is risk of false tripping in the event that excitation is
reduced and held low for an extended period of time, due to a transient event when the V/Hz function has
a very steep slope. To check if the system is at risk, monitor the AVR duty cycle during a full load
acceptance test. If the duty cycle is below the threshold for a time approaching the time delay threshold,
there is a risk of nuisance tripping on this diagnostic, and the Under Frequency Threshold Time should be


Code 6875 - Under Excitation
AVR PWM is less than the "Under Excitation AVR Duty Cycle minimum Threshold" for a period of time in
excess of the "Under Excitation Threshold Time."

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Possible Causes
• Leading Power Factor, when the generator set is lightly loaded. Under Excitation Field Test

Not recommended. Contact the factory for guidance.

2.7 ANSI 46 - Phase Balance Current Relay (Negative

Sequence Current)
Negative sequence current is one of the parameters used in a symmetrical components representation of
three phase power systems. It occurs when load current or load power factor are not equal on all three
phases. These unbalanced currents induce current in the rotor damper windings, and too much current
causes an overheating condition.
The PowerCommand control measures negative sequence current and shuts the generator set down
using a standard i2*t trip curve. When the negative sequence current exceeds a preset threshold, the
control starts the i2*t integral and shuts the generator set down if the i2*t integral exceeds a value set by a
preset factor (determined by the “K” factor trim, adjusted in InPower). If the negative sequence current
drops below the threshold, the i2*t integral is decreased based on the reset time (“Neg Seq Overcurrent
Protection Reset Time” trim). See Section 4.2 for a discussion on how integral functions work.
Figure 9 shows an example of the negative sequence trip curve.

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2.7.1 Phase Balance Current Relay (Negative Sequence Current)

The trip time in seconds for negative sequence current is equal to K/i2, where "i" represents per unit
current (based on the generator set standby rating), and "K" represents the amount of time in seconds it
will take for the generator set to shut down with a negative sequence current of 1.0 per unit. The value of
K and the current threshold have been optimized for use with Cummins Generator Technologies
alternators, and adjustment is not recommended; however, both values can be adjusted in InPower.
Also, negative sequence overcurrent protection may be enabled or disabled in InPower. These
parameters are shown in Figure 10 .

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2.7.2 Phase Balance Current Relay (Negative Sequence Current)

Fault Codes
Code 3513 – Negative Sequence (NegSeq) Overcurrent
The load current or load power factor are not equal in all the three phases.
Possible Causes:
• Incorrect phase wiring for generator set control and metering.
• Incorrect control threshold values.
• Short in the generator set main output leads.

2.7.3 Phase Balance Current Relay (Negative Sequence Current)

Field Test
The current override function in InPower can be used to test the negative sequence protection (see
Figure 11). Using current override testing, the control reads a value from InPower to determine the current
rather than read the value from the CT.
1. Using InPower, set the value of K to 1.
• Note, K could be left at the default value of 20, which in that case, the control would take 3
minutes to shut down on this event.
2. Set the current override to 100% for one of the three phases.
3. Set the current override to 0 for the two other phases.
4. Enable all three phases.
• This will result in the control calculating a negative sequence current of 33% or .33 pu.
• The generator should shut down on a negative sequence fault in 9 seconds.
5. Set the value of K back to 20.
6. Disable the override.

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2.8 ANSI 47 - Phase Sequence Relay

The PowerCommand Control has a phase rotation mismatch function as part of the synchronizer. If the
phase rotation of the generator set and the bus are not the same, the control will not synchronize or allow
closing of the generator breaker to a live bus. If either the generator or utility does not match the defined
phase rotation, the warning becomes active and synchronizing and closing of the paralleling breaker are
inhibited. PTC sensors will also check the phase sequence to determine whether a source is available.

2.8.1 Phase Sequence Setup

System Rotation can be set up in InPower to be either L1-L2-L3 or L1-L3-L2 (see Figure 12).


2.8.2 Phase Sequence Fault Codes

Code 1914 – Utility Phase Rotation Error

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Utility Phase rotation is incorrect.

Possible Causes:
• Utility voltage sensing connections are incorrectly wired at the base board.
Code 1915 – Genset Phase Rotation Error
Generator Set phase rotation is incorrect.
Possible Causes:
• Generator set voltage sensing connections are incorrectly wired at the base board.

2.8.3 Phase Sequence Field Test

1. Change the System Phase Rotation setting in InPower.
2. Start generator set.
3. Confirm that Genset Phase Rotation error becomes active.
4. Revert back to the original phase rotation setting.

2.9 ANSI 50 - Instantaneous Overcurrent Relay

(AmpSentry Maintenance Mode)
AmpSentry Maintenance Mode (AMM) is an instantaneous overcurrent relay. With AMM enabled, if the
control senses current in excess of 300% of nominal standby current in any of the three phases, the
generator will shut down instantaneously, bypassing any time delays.
AMM meets US National Electrical Code requirements for Arc Flash Energy Reducing Maintenance
Switching (NEC 240.87 2014).

AMM should be turned off when a technician is not working in the area to prevent nuisance
tripping. When starting a large motor, the motor could commonly draw more than 300% of rated
current for several seconds. With time delays bypassed, this could result in the generator set
shutting down if AMM is enabled.

Tests have shown that, with maintenance mode enabled, excitation is removed within 50 msec of the
overcurrent condition.
This function is used in conjunction with the AmpSentry overcurrent function (ANSI 51).

2.9.1 Instantaneous Overcurrent Relay (AmpSentry Maintenance

Mode) Setup
AMM is enabled by default when an operator plugs the InPower Service tool into the control. A customer
input can also be configured to enable AMM. Figure 13 shows the InPower setting to configure an input to
enable AMM.

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While running a generator set with a relatively large motor, a techician using InPower can use the disable
override function in AMM. To prevent nuisance tripping, the AMM Disable Override setting should be set
to Enable. This inhibits AMM from operating and causes the control to use the standard AmpSentry trip
curve. Note, the configurable input only enables AMM when the control is in "Auto" mode. If the control in
in "Manual" mode, then AMM can be enabled by plugging in the InPower Service tool only. When using
the tool to enable AMM, there is a walkaway timer of 5 minutes, so when the tool is unplugged, AMM
remains enabled for 5 minutes.
Be aware that this setting is volatile, because it reverts to its default value when control power is shut off.
The default value for the override is “Disabled,” which allows the AMM function to trip instantaneously
when current in any phase exceeds 300% of nominal standby rating.


2.9.2 Instantaneous Overcurrent Relay (AmpSentry Maintenance

Mode) Fault Codes
Code 1445 - Short Circuit
The current in at least one phase has exceeded 300% while maintenance mode is active. Note, this same
fault code is used for a short circuit shutdown in which AMM is not active. In that case, the logic
associated with this fault code is that the generator output current is exceeding 175% at the time of the

If the generator set is restarted shortly after shutting down, the overcurrent shutdown time will
be limited based on the cool down time constant, as described in Section 2.10.

Possible Causes:
• Short in the load or load cables.
• Faulty CTs, incorrect CT ratio, CTs, CT connections.
Code 5399 – AmpSentry Maintenance Mode Active (Event)

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A technician enabled the Maintenance Mode function through either InPower or Configurable Input.

2.9.3 Instantaneous Overcurrent Relay (AmpSentry Maintenance

Mode) Field Test
AmpSentry Maintenance Field Test description is included in Section 2.10.3.

2.10 ANSI 51 - Time Overcurrent Relay (AmpSentry)

The AmpSentry Function in the PowerCommand Control provides time overcurrent protection. In the 2.X
and 3.X control, AmpSentry determines whether the overcurrent condition is 3 phase (L-L-L, -N, -G),
single phase (L-G, L-N) or two phase (L-L, L-L-N, L-L-G) and sets the trip time accordingly.
When current in any phase exceeds 110% of rated standby current, AmpSentry begins summing an i2*t
integral. The generator set will shut down on overcurrent when the i2*t sum reaches a thermal damage
curve based on the standby current rating of the generator set. When current drops below 110%, the
integral decreases based on a preset time constant.
If the generator set shuts down for any reason, the integral does not immediately reset to 0. Instead, the
integral decays based on a different pre-set time constant to represent the alternator winding cooling
characteristic of a non-running generator set. Note, a generator set that has been shut down can be
restarted and run at no load to accelerate the cool down time. The cool down time constant for a
generator set that has shut down is 24 hours. For a running generator set, the cool down time constant is
30 minutes. The cool down time constant does not prevent the generator set from re-starting for the
duration of the time constant; however, if an overcurrent condition occurs during the duration of the cool
down time constant, the time to shut down on overcurrent will be shortened. See Section 4.2 for a
discussion on integral functions.
Figure 14 displays the trip curve.

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In the 2.X and 3.X control, AmpSentry differentiates between a LL or LN short circuit and a 3-phase
overcurrent condition. The reason for this is that an unbalanced overcurrent condition is potentially more
damaging to the alternator than a balanced 3-phase overcurrent condition due to negative sequence
If the current in only one phase is higher than 300% of rated current, and the current in the other two
phases is less than 150% of rated current, AmpSentry recognizes this as a single phase fault (LN or LG)
and will shut the generator set down in 2 seconds, to protect the alternator.
If the current in two phases is higher than 300% and the current in the third phase is less than 150%,
AmpSentry recognizes this as a LL (or LLN or LLG) fault and shuts the generator set down in 5 seconds,
to protect the alternator.
For all other overcurrent conditions, AmpSentry uses the i2*t integral to determine the generator set
shutdown time.
Fault Current Regulation
In addition to providing overcurrent protection, AmpSentry also regulates current in the event of an
overcurrent condition. Current regulation optimizes motor starting performance and simplifies selective
coordination. If the current in any phase exceeds 300% of the rated current (based on the standby rating
at nominal voltage), the control will stop regulating voltage and begin regulating current instead. The
control will adjust excitation so the highest level of current in any of the three phases is 300% of standby
rated current. The control will regulate current until the current in all three phases drops below 150% of
rated current (indicating that the overcurrent condition has cleared), or until the generator shuts down
based on one of the overcurrent conditions described above.

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The benefit of current regulation is that it limits voltage rise on unfaulted phases. On the faulted phase,
voltage overshoot on fault clearing is also minimized. Be aware that AmpSentry does not limit current,
instantaneously. In the event of an overcurrent condition, the instantaneous current is a function of the
impedances of the fault and of the alternator itself. The time it takes for AmpSentry to reduce current to
300% is a function of the alternator reactances and time constants.
The i2*t integral is defined so that 300% of current will shut down the generator set in approximately 8
seconds, allowing ample time to start a large motor without nuisance tripping.

2.10.1 Time Overcurrent (AmpSentry) Setup

Custom Overcurrent Protection
AmpSentry is configured at the factory to optimize performance of the selected alternator.
AmpSentry also allows customers to configure an additional i2*t trip curve that will trip sooner than the
standard AmpSentry trip curve. Customers can enter a current threshold and a time characteristic to
define this trip curve. Figure 15 displays the InPower settings for the Custom Overcurrent function.


Curve Equations
The following curve equations are based on standardized equations found in IEEE C37.112-1996 “IEEE
Standard Inverse-Time Characteristic Equations for Overcurrent Relays."
Trip Time = A / (M2-1) when M > 1
Reset Time = A / (1-M2) when M < 1
These equations provide the trip time and reset time, where the following applies:
M = ratio of the actual current / trip threshold (defined as “Custom Overcurrent Threshold” in InPower)
A = seconds to trip when M = 1.414 (square root of 2), and seconds to reset when M = 0 (defined as
“Custom Overcurrent Time Characteristic” in InPower)
A typical trip/reset curve is plotted below in Figure 16, with the Custom Overcurrent Threshold equaling
110% and the Custom Overcurrent Time Characteristic equaling 7 seconds. The AmpSentry curve is
plotted for comparison.

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2.10.2 Time Overcurrent (AmpSentry) Fault Codes

Code 1445 - Short Circuit
The AmpSentry High Current Shutdown threshold has been exceeded (the overcurrent integral has
reached the shutdown value). The High Current Shutdown event will be active, if at the time of the
shutdown, the current is greater than 1.75 per unit.

If the generator set is restarted shortly after shutting down, the overcurrent shutdown time will
be limited based on the cool down time constant, as described in Section 2.10.

Possible Causes:
• Short in the load or load cables.
• Faulty CTs, incorrect CT ratio, CTs, CT connections.
Code 1471 – High Current Warning
Generator set output current has exceeded 110% for over 60 seconds or the overcurrent integral is over
the halfway point to the shutdown value.
Possible Causes:
• Overload.
• Incorrect CT Ratio, CTs, or CT connections.
Code 1472 – High Current Shutdown

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The AmpSentry High Current Shutdown threshold has been exceeded (the overcurrent integral has
reached the shutdown value). The High current Shutdown event will be active, if at the time of the
shutdown, the current is less than 1.75 per unit.

If the generator set is restarted shortly after shutting down, the overcurrent shutdown time will
be limited based on the cool down time constant, as described in Section 2.10.

Possible Causes:
• Short or overload.
• Incorrect CT Ratio, CTs, or CT connections.

2.10.3 Time Overcurrent (AmpSentry) Field Test

All protective relays are expected to demonstrate their functionality in the field, and this expectation
applies to AmpSentry as it gains broader acceptance in the field as an overcurrent protective relay. These
three functions can be demonstrated:
• Timed shutdown on overcurrent conditions, including three-phase, two-phase, and single-phase
• Fault current regulation (tested with load bank only)
• Instantaneous shutdown while in maintenance mode
Listed below are the two main methods for field testing AmpSentry. The subsequent topics of this section
provide an overview of these test procedures.
• Load Bank Testing
• Current Override Testing Load Bank Testing

Testing with a resistive load bank is a straightforward method for demonstrating AmpSentry functionality.
This test method depends on temporarily changing the generator set kVA rating to 1/4 of its value so
when the generator set is running at or near its actual rated load, the control will read current at high
enough levels to activate AmpSentry functions.
For accurate shutdown times when running multiple tests, the integral must be unwound by either cycling
power on the control or running the generator set unloaded for 30 minutes. After each test, the wiring
should be returned to standard.
1. Using InPower, change the Standby kVA rating of the generator set to 1/4 of its actual value. This
change results in the control sensing that current is at 320% of rated, when the generator set is run
at its actual full kW rating. Figure 17 displays the InPower setting for kVA rating.
• Note, the full load rating is defined at 0.8 PF. If the generator set is running at 400% of the new
rated kVA at a PF of 1.0, the current will be (0.8 X 400%) 320% of rated current. See Section
4.1 for an example of calculations of the current, voltage, and kW during a fault with
AmpSentry regulating current at the derated kW rating.
2. Ignore the “CT too large” warning displayed on the control. This warning occurs because the control
will not accurately calculate low levels of current, and that is not relevant to this test.
3. Make sure that AMM is disabled before running the generator set. “AmpSentry Maintenance Mode
Disable Override = Enabled." See Section 2.9.

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4. Run 3-phase overload test.

a. Apply 100% load at the original kW rating of the generator set. The generator set will regulate
current to 300% of the adjusted rating and will shut down based on an i2t curve.
• Initially, current will be higher than 300% of the revised rating for several electrical cycles.
Time to shut down will be approximately 8 seconds.
b. Use InPower strip chart and monitor tools to monitor current and status of the run relay. (Run
relay will turn off when shutdown condition becomes active.)
c. Confirm that after the initial transient, the control regulates current to 300% revised value and
the generator set shuts down after approximately 8 seconds.
5. Run 2-phase (LL) short circuit test.
a. Disconnect one of the CTs from the control.
b. Short the CT secondary to prevent damage to the CT.
c. Apply 100% load at the original kW rating of the generator set. The generator set will regulate
current to 300% of the revised rating and will shut down in 5 seconds.
• Initially, current will be higher than 300% of the revised rating for several electrical cycles.
d. Use InPower strip chart and monitor tools to monitor current and status of the run relay. (Run
relay will turn off when shutdown condition becomes active.)
e. Confirm that after the initial transient, the generator set shuts down after 5 seconds.
6. Run single-phase (LN) short circuit test.
a. Disconnect two of the CTs from the control.
b. Short the CT secondaries to prevent damage to the CT.
c. Apply 100% load at the original kW rating of the generator set. The generator set will regulate
current to 300% of the revised rating and the generator set will shut down in 2 seconds.
• Initially, current will be higher than 300% of the revised rating for several electrical cycles.
d. Use InPower strip chart and monitor tools to monitor current and status of the run relay. (Run
relay will turn off when shutdown condition becomes active.)
e. Confirm that after the initial transient, the generator set shuts down after 2 seconds.
7. Run maintenance mode test.
a. Enable maintenance mode.
b. Apply 100% load at the original kW rating of the generator set. The generator set will shut
down instantly.
c. Use InPower strip chart and monitor tools to monitor current and status of the run relay.
d. Confirm that the generator set shuts down instantly upon sensing the overcurrent condition.
• In maintenance mode, the control will shut the generator set down in 50 ms; however,
InPower does not log data fast enough to demonstrate that.

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With current override testing, the control reads a value from InPower to determine the current rather than
the PowerCommand Control reading the current from the CT (see Figure 18).


With the current override test, the operator enters a current value in InPower and enables the current
override function. We recommend that this test is run with the generator set running unloaded. Test Sequence (3-Phase Fault)

1. Run the generator set with no load.
2. Make sure that AMM is disabled before running the generator set. “AmpSentry Maintenance Mode
Disable Override = Enabled." See Section 2.9.
3. Run 3-phase overload test as described in Section

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4. Enter an Override Value of 300% for each of the three phases.

5. Enable the override on each of the three phases as quickly as possible. The generator set will shut
down based on an i2t curve starting when the first phase current override is enabled. Time to shut
down will be approximately 8 seconds.
• If the override takes longer than 2 seconds in between each setting, the generator set may
shut down on a LN or LL fault.
6. Use InPower strip chart and monitor tools to monitor status of the run relay.
7. Confirm that the generator set shuts down after 8 seconds.
8. Cycle power on the control. The purpose of this is to unwind (reset) the i2t integral to simulate cooling

Do not do this if the generator set has actually experienced an overload. If an overload
occured, run the generator set through the actual cool down sequence. Test Sequence (LL Fault)

1. Run the generator set with no load.
2. Make sure that AMM is disabled before running the generator set. “AmpSentry Maintenance Mode
Disable Override = Enabled." See Section 2.9.
3. Run 2-phase (LL) short circuit test as described in Section
4. Enter an Override Value of 300% for two of the three phases.
5. Enable the override on two of the three phases as quickly as possible. The generator set will shut
down in 5 seconds from the time when the second phase is enabled.
• Note, if it takes longer than 2 seconds in between settings, the generator set may shut down on
an LN fault.
6. Use InPower strip chart and monitor tools to monitor status of the run relay.
7. Confirm that the generator set shuts down after 5 seconds.
8. Cycle power on the control. The purpose of this is to unwind (reset) the i2t integral to simulate cooling

Do not do this if the generator set has actually experienced an overload. If an overload
occured, run the generator set through the actual cool down sequence. Test Sequence (LN Fault)

1. Run the generator set with no load.
2. Make sure that AMM is disabled before running the generator set. “AmpSentry Maintenance Mode
Disable Override = Enabled." See Section 2.9.
3. Run single-phase (LN) short circuit test as described in Section
4. Enter an Override Value of 300% for one of the three phases.
5. Enable the override. The generator set will shut down in 2 seconds.
6. Use InPower strip chart and monitor tools to monitor status of the run relay.

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7. Confirm that the generator set shuts down after 2 seconds.

8. Cycle power on the control. The purpose of this is to unwind (reset) the i2t integral to simulate cooling

Do not do this if the generator set has actually experienced an overload. If an overload
occured, run the generator set through the actual cool down sequence. Test Sequence (Maintenance Mode)

1. Run maintenance mode test as described in Section
2. Enable maintenance mode.
3. Enter an Override Value of 300% for one of the three phases.
4. Enable the override. Generator set will shut down instantly.
5. Use InPower strip chart and monitor tools to monitor status of the run relay.
6. Confirm that the generator set shuts down instantly upon sensing the overcurrent condition.
• Note, in maintenance mode, the control will shut the generator set down in 50 ms; however,
InPower does not log data fast enough to demonstrate that. This test method will not be able to
demonstrate shutting down the generator set in 50 ms.
7. Cycle power on the control. The purpose of this is to unwind (reset) the i2t integral to simulate cooling

Do not do this if the generator set has actually experienced an overload. If an overload
occured, run the generator set through the actual cool down sequence.

2.11 ANSI 59 - Overvoltage Relay

The PowerCommand Control shuts the generator set down if the nominal system voltage on any of the
three phases rises above a threshold for some period of time. In a wye-connected system, the control
uses the LN voltage for this measurement. In a delta-connected system, the control creates a virtual
neutral in the sensing circuit and uses that LN voltage for this measurement.

2.11.1 Overvoltage Setup

The overvoltage trip time can be either a fixed or an inverse time characteristic. The default setting is
inverse time, which provides optimum protection for most applications. When starting large motors on
some medium voltage applications, the inverse time characteristic can result in nuisance tripping due to
voltage overshoot, as the excitation system recovers from the initial inrush on motor starting. For this
reason, the fixed time characteristic is often a better choice in those applications. Figure 19 displays the
fixed and inverse time characteristics.

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In addition to the trip characteristic, the voltage threshold and delay can also be set in InPower. The
instantaneous threshold voltage shown in Figure 13 is set to 130% and cannot be changed in InPower.
Figure 20 displays the InPower settings for the overvoltage function.


2.11.2 Overvoltage Fault Codes

Code 1446 – High AC Voltage
One or more of the phase voltages has exceeded the high AC voltage threshold .
Possible Causes:
• Fault simulation is enabled.
• The High AC Voltage Trip parameter is incorrectly set for the application.
• The High AC Voltage threshold is set too low for the application.
• Faulty PTs, incorrect PT ratio, PTs, PT connections.

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2. PowerCommand Control ANSI Protective Functions 11-2017

• Faulty AVR.
• Faulty PMG.
• Governor preload offset percentage too high.

2.11.3 Overvoltage Field Test

With voltage override testing, the control reads a value from InPower to determine the voltage rather than
read the value from the analog input (see Figure 21). The operator enters a voltage value in InPower and
enables the voltage override function. The following test should be run with the generator set running
1. Run the generator set with no load.
2. Set "Genset L1N Voltage % Override Value" to a % value greater than "High AC Voltage Threshold."
• Note, the control references LN voltage. System voltages are often expressed as LL voltages
which are 1.73*LN voltages.
3. Set "Genset L1N Voltage % Override Enable" to "Enable."
4. Confirm that the generator set shuts down in a time equal to "High AC Voltage Delay."
5. Repeat for phase 2 and phase 3.


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11-2017 2. PowerCommand Control ANSI Protective Functions

2.12 ANSI 65 - Governor

PowerCommand controls are capable of operating with either a full authority engine or a hydromechanical
governed engine.
Full authority engines have the governor function inherent in the Engine Control Module (ECM). The
PowerCommand Control communicates a setpoint and an overall governor gain to the ECM over a control
area network (CAN).
The governor logic is included in the generator set control for hydromechanical governed engines.
PowerCommand controls have a governor gain adjust parameter. The default setting is appropriate for
most applications. In some cases where the engine is hunting or is in paralleling applications, this
parameter may be decreased to improve stability. This should only be done by an experienced technician.
Figure 22 displays the Governor Gain Adjust setting.


2.12.1 Governor Setup

None required. Default Governor Gain Adjust is defined in the control. The default value is "5" for a full
authority engine and "1" for a hydromechanical governed engine. Default Gains should only be adjusted
by experienced personnel.

2.13 ANSI 81u/o - Over/Under Frequency Relay

PowerCommand controls shut down the generator set when the frequency gets outside of a preset range
for a preset period of time.
For the 2.X and 3.X controls, the underfrequency condition trip time is a time versus frequency integral
function based on two pre-set points. (Refer to Section 4.2 for a discussion on integral functions.) One
point is defined by the parameters “Underfrequency Threshold” and “Underfrequency delay,” and the
second point is defined by the parameters “Extended Underfrequency Threshold” and “Extended
Underfrequency Delay.”

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2. PowerCommand Control ANSI Protective Functions 11-2017

For the 1.X control, the underfrequency diagnostic is a fixed time function.
The extended underfrequency condition prevents overheating of the alternator, because of the reduced
cooling available due to slower rotation of the fan. Thermal damage time is relatively long compared to
other protective functions, but it needs to be accounted for.
Note, the underfrequency diagnostic is based on the target frequency communicated to the governor
rather than the system nominal frequency. The target frequency can vary based on paralleling functions,
Frequency Adjust (i.e., from the HMI or InPower), and external bias, and may not always be equal to the
system nominal frequency.
For the overfrequency condition, the delay time is fixed, and is based on the system nominal frequency.
Figure 23 illustrates this concept.
Note, the underfrequency diagnostic is referenced on the target frequency, which may be different from
the nominal frequency due to paralleling functions, frequency adjustment, and external bias. The
overfrequency diagnostic is referenced to the nominal system frequency.


2.13.1 Over/Underfrequency Relay Setup

Threshold and time delays for both over and underfrequency functions can be set in InPower. Figure 24
shows the InPower settings for the over and underfrequency functions.

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2.13.2 Over/Under Frequency Relay Fault Codes

Code 1448 – Underfrequency
The frequency has dropped below the “Underfrequency Threshold" for the time set in the “Underfrequency
Delay" parameter, or the frequency has dropped below the Extended Underfrequency Threshold for the
time set in the Extended Underfrequency Delay parameter.
Possible Causes:
• Fault simulation is enabled.
• Underfrequency threshold is set too high.
• Overload.
Code 1449 – Overfrequency
Frequency has gone above the "Overfrequency Threshold" for the time that is registered in the
"Overfrequency Delay" parameter.
Possible Causes:
• Fault simulation is enabled.
• Overfrequency threshold is set too low.

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2. PowerCommand Control ANSI Protective Functions 11-2017

2.13.3 Over/Under Frequency Relay Field Test Overfrequency Field Test
With frequency override testing, the control reads a value from InPower to determine the frequency rather
than from a voltage sense analog input or magnetic pickup (see Figure 25). The operator enters a
frequency value in InPower and enables the frequency override function. This test can be run with the
generator set running unloaded.
1. Run the generator set with no load.
2. Set Speed Reference Override value to an RPM value greater than Overfrequency Threshold.
3. Set Speed Reference Override Enable to Enable.
4. Confirm that the generator set shuts down in a time equal to Overfrequency Delay.
5. Set Speed Reference Override Enable to Disable when complete.
Note, this test method is available in the 2.X and 3.X controls only but not the 1.X control.


For this test, set the underfrequency threshold and the underfrequency delay to a minimum. Apply a block
load to the generator set that is large enough to cause the frequency to drop below the threshold for a
time that exceeds the delay. This test assumes that there is a load bank large enough to cause the engine
frequency to drop more than 0.1 Hz for at least 1 second.
1. Record existing underfrequency threshold and delay.
2. Set Underfrequency Threshold to 0.1 Hz.
3. Set Underfrequency Delay to 1 second.
4. Block load the generator set to a load that is sufficient to cause a frequency dip in excess of 0.1 Hz
for a period longer than 1 second.
5. Confirm that the generator set shuts down on an underfrequency fault.
6. Restore underfrequency threshold and delay to desired values.

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Note, this test method is available in the 2.X and 3.X controls only but not the 1.X control.

2.14 ANSI 86 - Lockout

The PowerCommand Control includes a lockout function. All of the faults that shut down the generator set
require a manual reset to start the generator set. If the generator is controlling a breaker, any of the
shutdown faults will open and lock out the breaker.

2.14.1 Lockout Setup

None required. All faults that are configured to shut down the generator set require a reset.

2.14.2 Lockout Fault Codes

Refer to the service manual for fault codes for all PowerCommand faults.

2.14.3 Lockout Field Test

After initiating any shutdown fault, confirm that re-starting the generator set requires pressing the Stop
button and then the Reset button on the HMI.

2.15 ANSI 90 - Voltage Regulator

The voltage regulator function is integral to the PowerCommand control. PowerCommand controls support
both permanent magnet generator (PMG) and shunt-type excitation systems, and both field effect
transistor (FET)- and silicon controlled rectifier (SCR)-based voltage regulators.
A shunt excitation is a simple, inexpensive system in which power for excitation is drawn from the output
of the generator set. Because excitation comes from the generator output, it is susceptible to load
fluctuations and harmonics and has minimal motor-starting and fault-clearing capabilities. With a PMG-
based excitation system, the excitation source is a separate, small generator mounted on the same shaft
as the main rotor. Because it is isolated from the generator output, it is immune to disturbances in the load
and has better motor-starting and fault-clearing capabilities.
Another factor to consider is that a shunt-excited system relies on residual magnetism to build up voltage
on startup. Transient events immediately prior to shutdown can impact a shunt-excited generator set’s
ability to build up voltage on startup. With a PMG excitation, this is not a concern.
A less common type of excitation system is one in which power from the exciter comes from an additional
winding on the main alternator stator known as a quad or auxiliary winding. This has some of the qualities
of the PMG system, as the excitation source is electrically isolated from the output; however, the auxiliary
winding shares the magnetic coupling of the main output, so it is not completely immune to load
disturbances. The fault current regulation function of AmpSentry requires a PMG or auxiliary winding
excitation system. Fault current regualtion does not work with a shunt excited system.
The output stage of the voltage regulator may be actuated by either an SCR (used in the 1.X control) or
FET (used in all PowerCommand controls, except the 1.X) switching scheme. In both cases, the switching
device switches energy from the excitation source to control how much of that energy is transmitted into
the exciter winding. The FET is more commonly used in modern control systems. It can be switched on
and off in frequencies within the kHz range while causing minimal waveform distortion. SCR is an older,
inexpensive technology in which the device controls output voltage as the excitation sinusoidal voltage
transitions from each zero cross. The switching frequency will be some multiple of the system frequency
based on how many SCRs are in the system. In general, FET-based systems perform better than SCR-
based systems in terms of voltage stability and motor-starting characteristics.
There are systems using the 1.X control in which zero crosses of the excitation voltage are used to
determine engine speed.

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2. PowerCommand Control ANSI Protective Functions 11-2017

PowerCommand controls have an AVR gain adjust parameter. The default setting is appropriate for most
applications. In some cases where the voltage is unstable or in paralleling applications, this parameter
may be decreased to improve stability. This should only be done by an experienced technician. Figure 22
displays the AVR Gain Adjust setting.

2.15.1 Voltage Regulator Setup

None required. Default gains are defined in the control. Gains should only be adjusted by experienced

Copyright © 2017 Cummins Inc. 40 A058E477 (Issue 1)

3 Fault Codes

Fault Code Description Severity ANSI Device Number(s)

1445 Short Circuit Shutdown 50, 51
1446 High AC Voltage Shutdown 59
1447 Low AC Voltage Shutdown 27
1448 Underfrequency Shutdown 81u/o
1449 Overfrequency Warning 81u/o
Bus Out Of Synchronizer
1456 Warning 15, 25
1457 Fail To Synchronize Warning 15, 25
Sync Phase Rotation
1458 Warning 15, 25
Mismatch Overfrequency
1459 Reverse Power Shutdown 32
Loss Of Field (Reverse
1461 Shutdown 40
1471 Over (High) Current Warning 51
1472 Over (High) Current Shutdown 51
1914 Utility Phase Rotation Error Warning 47
Genset Phase Rotation
1915 Warning 47
AC Voltage Sensing Lost
2335 Shutdown 27
(Excitation Fault)
Negative Sequence
3513 Warning 46
6875 Under Excitation Fault Shutdown 40

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3. Fault Codes 11-2017

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4 Appendix
4.1 AmpSentry Load Bank Test Calculations
This appendix gives an example of the calculations used when testing AmpSentry using a load bank.
Refer to Section 2.10.3 for the test procedure.
Testing with a resistive load bank is a straightforward method of demonstrating AmpSentry functionality.
This test method depends on temporarily changing the alternator's kVA rating to ¼ of its value so that
when the generator set is running at or near its actual rated load, the control will read current at high
enough levels to activate AmpSentry functions.
This test method involves using InPower to change the Standby kVA rating of the generator set to ¼ of its
actual value. The result of this change is that when the generator runs at its actual full kW rating, the
control will sense that current is at 320% of rated. Note, the full load rating is defined at 0.8 power factor
(PF). If the generator set is running at 400% of the new rated kVA at a PF of 1.0, the current will be (0.8 X
400%) 320% of rated current.
For a 3-phase short circuit test, after reducing the rated kW to ¼ of its value, a resistive load bank can be
used to apply the original generator set rated kW. With the change in the rating, AmpSentry will think the
generator set is putting out more than 300% of rated current, so it will stop regulating voltage and will
regulate current to 300% of the reduced current rating.
As an example, consider a 1250 kVA (1000 kW), 480V generator set tested with a 1000 kW resistive load
bank. Because the generator set rating is at 0.8 PF, applying the full 1000 kW resistive load will only draw
80% of the generator set’s rated current.
Entering a rated kVA of 312.5 kVA (250 kW, 25%) via InPower or the HMI will cause the control to
calculate rated current as 376 amps. When the full resistive load is connected, the generator set will
initially put out the full 1000 kW. The load bank will draw 1203 amps from the generator set, which is 80%
of the full load current rating. With the new derated rating, the control will calculate the 1203 amps as
being 320% of rated current, high enough for AmpSentry to go into current regulation mode. AmpSentry
will decrease excitation to regulate current to 300% of the derated rating, 1128 amps in this case, and will
shut down the generator set in approximately 8 seconds, based on the i2*t curve at the derated rating.
Because AmpSentry is no longer regulating voltage, the voltage will be the product of the current and the
load bank resistance. In this example, this results in the generator set putting out about 880 kW or 88% of
the standard rating. The current in this example is 75% of the generator set full-load rated current.
Therefore, this test can be run without overloading either the alternator or the engine.

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4. Appendix 11-2017

Generator Set Ratings

kW Rating 1000
PF 0.8
kVA Rating 1250 kW/PF
Voltage (LL) 480
Rated Current 1504 1000*kVA/(sqrt(3)*V)
Derated Values
Derated % kW 25%
Derated kW 250 kW Rating*Derate
Derated kVA 312.5 Derated kW/PF
Derated Current 376 1000*Derated kVA/(sqrt(3)*V)
300% Derated Current 1128 3*Derated Current
Current Calculation
Load Bank kW 1000
Initial Current 1203 1000*Load Bank kW/(sqrt(3)*V)
pu Initial Current at Derate 320% Initial Current/Derated Current
Power Calculation
Load Bank Resistance (LN) 0.23 V/(sqrt(3)*Initial Current)
Voltage During Current Regulation 450 300% Derated Current*Load Bank
kW During Current Regulation 879 Sqrt(3)*Voltage During Current
Regulation*300% Derated
pu kW at Original Rating 88% kW During Current Regulation/kW
pu Current at Original Rating 75% 300% Derated Current/Rated Current


4.2 Time-Delayed and Integral-Based Protection

Most of the protective functions of PowerCommand controls (and other controls as well) include a time
delay before activating a warning or a shutdown. In some cases, this is a very simple time delay to
prevent unnecessary tripping in the event of a transient condition. Some protective functions have a more
complicated, integral characteristic that is used when the potential for damage is a function of the
magnitude by which the parameter exceeds a threshold, the duration of the condition, and the stability of

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the parameter. In this context, the term "integral" refers to a sum of multiple readings of the same
parameter over time. An integral can be very simple, where the control is just counting the number of
readings that are above or below some threshold, or it can be a more complicated function in which the
integral sum is weighted by how far above or below the threshold the parameter is. The fundamentals of
time-based functions will be examined here.
Time-Delayed Protective Functions
Simple time-delayed functions are used to allow the generator set to ride through transient conditions. The
time delay should be set long enough so that the generator set does not shut down unnecessarily but not
so long that the generator set or other equipment is damaged. The main difference between a simple time
delay and an integral time delay is that a simple time delay requires that the parameter be outside of the
acceptable range continuously for the entire period. An integral time delay allows the variable to move in
and out of the acceptable range while the integral continues to accumulate.
The PowerCommand undervoltage diagnostic is an example of a simple time-delay diagnostic. In order for
this diagnostic to be "true," the measured voltage must be below the threshold continuously for the pre-set
time delay. For example, if the time delay is set for 5 seconds, and the control measures the voltage 100
times per second, the control would need to read the voltage as below the threshold for 500 consecutive
readings for the warning or shutdown to occur. The control effectively has a counter which increments for
every voltage reading below the threshold. When the counter reaches 500, the warning or shutdown
occurs. If any of the voltage readings are above the threshold, the counter is reset to 0.
Fixed Time Integral
As stated above, an integral is basically a sum of multiple readings of the same parameter over time. For
each reading, the integral sum can either be increased or decreased depending on whether a reading is
above or below a threshold. The difference between the integral and the time delay function is that with
the time delay function, any reading that does not exceed the threshold resets the timer back to its default,
where an integral function only decreases the sum by some value. For example, consider a system where
300 consecutive measurements exceeded the threshold and then one measurement was below the
threshold. With a time delay function, the sum would be reset to 0 at the first reading that was below the
threshold. With an integral function, the sum does not reset to 0 but decreases by 1. So with the integral
function, after 300 readings above the threshold followed by 1 reading below the threshold, the sum would
be 299.
The general equation for the integral is as follows:
• If measured value > threshold:
Integral sum = previous integral sum + (Time Constant) * Δt
• If measured value < threshold:
Integral sum = previous integral sum - (Time Constant) * Δt
Δt refers to the sampling rate of the control. If the control samples the parameter 100 times per second, Δt
= 0.01 (= 1/100).
The time constant sets the rate at which the integral sum increases or decreases. For a fixed time integral,
the time constant is simply 1/time delay. For a more complicated integral, the time constant will be a more
complex function.
Asymmetric Integral
In some cases, it is preferred to have the integral sum increase and decrease at different rates.
Overcurrent protection is an example of this, as components do not necessarily heat up and cool down at
the same rate. This can be achieved by simply using different time constants in the equations for
increasing and decreasing the integral sum.

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4. Appendix 11-2017

Reverse kW and reverse kVAR are also examples where the integral sums increase and decrease at
different rates. This is because reverse power flow that oscillates about a threshold is a symptom of an
unstable system and this instability can lead to a pole slip or other catastrophic fault condition. Having an
asymmetric time constant inhibits the integral sum from "unwinding" during an unstable condition,
providing greater protection for the alternator.
Inverse-Time Integral
Under some conditions, it is desired for the protective function to act faster or slower depending on the
amount by which the parameter exceeds the threshold. An overvoltage condition is one example of this.
The trip time is shorter for higher voltages, longer for lower voltages. The trip time is inversely proportional
to voltage in excess of the threshold.
One form of the general equation for an inverse time integral is as follows:
• If measured value > minimum threshold

From this equation, if the measured value is low, the value being added to the integral sum is also
relatively low because the denominator is higher. As the measured value approaches the instantaneous
threshold, the value added to the integral sum will be very high (because the denominator becomes very
low), approximating an instantaneous trip. Figure 27 illustrates that for a constant voltage in excess of the
threshold, the time to shut down will be proportional to the:
Trip Time = Constant * (Instantaneous threshold – Measured Voltage).


Note, these measurements have a clamp at some maximum value, often due to the capabilities of the
measuring circuit.

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Inverse-Squared Integral
Overheating effects caused by overcurrent conditions are a function of the square of the current, so
overcurrent protective devices often use an inverse squared integral based on an i2*t characteristic.
PowerCommand controls use different forms of inverse-squared integrals. Using these integral equations,
the expected shutdown time can be estimated based on a maximum current measured in the three
phases. Note, in an overcurrent condition, the current is rarely constant, so the actual trip times will vary
due to varying current. Even with AmpSentry’s current regulation function, the initial current at the onset of
the fault will exceed the 300% current regulation setpoint of AmpSentry for several electrical cycles before
current is effectively regulated. Because of this, AmpSentry will shut the generator set down in less time
than it would take if the current were constant at 300% from the onset of the overcurrent condition.
AmpSentry uses the following integral form:
• Integral sum = previous integral sum + (Time Constant) * Δt *(current – threshold)2
• Trip time is proportional to 1/*(current – threshold)2
The Negative Sequence Overcurrent protection uses an overcurrent ratio, defined as the ratio of actual
current to the overcurrent threshold. It uses the following integral form:
• Integral sum = previous integral sum + (Time Constant) * Δt *(overcurrent ratio)2
• Trip time is proportional to 1/*(Overcurrent ratio)2
The Custom Overcurrent protection uses a variation of the overcurrent ratio. It uses the following integral
• Integral sum = previous integral sum + (Time Constant) * Δt *((overcurrent ratio)2 – 1)
• Trip time is proportional to 1/*((Overcurrent ratio)2 -1)
The common points about overcurrent protective functions is that they are proportional to time constants
and to the amount at which the current exceeds a threshold. Integrals increase when current exceeds the
threshold and decrease when the current is less than the threshold, but integrals may not increase and
decrease at the same rate, and rates may vary based on incoming signals.

4.3 ANSI Device Descriptions

The following descriptions are derived from IEEE C37.2 (revised 2001)


Function and Description
Master Element is the initiating device, such as a control switch, voltage relay, float switch, etc.,
1 which serves either directly or through such permissive devices as protective and time-delay relays
to place equipment in or out of operation.
Time-Delay Starting or Closing Relay is a device that functions to give a desired amount of time
2 delay before or after any point of operation in a switching sequence or protective relay system,
except as specifically provided by device functions 48, 62, and 79.
Over-Speed Device is usually a direct-connected speed switch which functions on machine
A device that forces operating equipment to match and hold the speed of another machine or source
of power.
Valve is one used in a vacuum, air, gas, oil, or similar line, when it is electrically operated or has
electrical accessories such as auxiliary switches.

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4. Appendix 11-2017

Function and Description
Distance Relay is a relay that functions when the circuit admittance, impedance, or reactance
increases or decreases beyond predetermined limits.
Synchronizing or Synchronism-Check Device is a device that operates when two AC circuits are
25 within the desired limits of frequency, phase angle, or voltage, to permit or to cause the paralleling of
these two circuits.
27 Undervoltage Relay is a relay that functions on a given value of undervoltage.
Annunciator Relay is a nonautomatically reset device that gives a number of separate visual
31 indications upon the functioning of protective devices, and which may also be arranged to perform a
lockout function.
Directional Power Relay is a device that functions on a desired value of power flow in a given
32 direction or upon reverse power resulting from arc-back in the anode or cathode circuits of a power
Position Switch is a switch that makes or breaks contact when the main device or piece of apparatus
which has no device function number reaches a given position.
Undercurrent or Underpower Relay is a relay that functions when the current or power flow
deceases below a predetermined value.
Field Relay is a relay that functions on a given or abnormally low value or failure of machine field
40 current, or on an excessive value of the reactive component of armature current in an AC machine
indicating abnormally low field excitation.
41 Field Circuit Breaker is a device that functions to apply or remove the field excitation of a machine.
Running Circuit Breaker is a device whose principal function is to connect a machine to its source of
running or operating voltage. This function may also be used for a device, such as a contactor, that
is used in series with a circuit breaker or other fault protecting means, primarily for frequent opening
and closing of the circuit.
Manual transfer or Selector Device is a manually operated device that transfers the control circuits in
order to modify the plan of operation of the switching equipment or of some of the devices.
Unit Sequence Starting Relay is a relay that functions to start the next available unit in a multiple-unit
equipment upon the failure or nonavailability of the normally preceding unit.
Reverse-Phase or Phase-Balance Current Relay is a relay that functions when the polyphase
46 currents are of reverse-phase sequence, or when the polyphase currents are unbalanced or contain
negative phase-sequence components above a given amount.
Phase-Sequence Voltage Relay is a relay that functions upon a predetermined value of polyphase
voltage in the desired phase sequence.
Incomplete Sequence Relay is a relay that generally returns the equipment to the normal, or off,
position and locks it out if the normal starting, operating, or stopping sequence is not properly
completed within a predetermined time. If the device is used for alarm purposes only, it should
preferably be designated as 48A (alarm).
Instantaneous Overcurrent or Rate-of-Rise Relay is a relay that functions instantaneously on an
50 excessive value of current or on an excessive rate of current rise, thus indicating a fault in the
apparatus or circuit being protected.
AC Time Overcurrent Relay is a relay with either a definite or inverse time characteristic that
functions when the current in an AC circuit exceeds a predetermined value.

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Function and Description
AC Circuit Breaker is a device that is used to close and interrupt an AC power circuit under normal
conditions or to interrupt this circuit under fault or emergency conditions.
Power Factor Relay is a relay that operates when the power factor in an AC circuit rises above or
falls below a predetermined value.
Field Application Relay is a relay that automatically controls the application of the field excitation to
an AC motor at some predetermined point in the slip cycle.
Short-Circuiting or Grounding Device is a primary circuit switching device that functions to short-
circuit or to ground a circuit in response to automatic or manual means.
Rectification Failure Relay is a device that functions if one or more anodes of a power rectifier fail to
fire, or to detect an arc-back or on failure of a diode to conduct or block properly.
59 Overvoltage Relay is a relay that functions on a given value of overvoltage.
Voltage or Current Balance Relay is a relay that operates on a given difference in voltage, or current
input or output, of two circuits.
Time-Delay Stopping or Opening Relay is a time-delay relay that serves in conjunction with the
62 device that initiates the shutdown, stopping, or opening operation in an automatic sequence or
protective relay system.
Ground Protective Relay is a relay that functions on failure of the insulation of a machine,
transformer, or of other apparatus to ground, or on flashover of a DC machine to ground.
NOTE: This function is assigned only to a relay that detects the flow of current from the frame of a
machine or enclosing case or structure of a piece of apparatus to ground, or detects a ground on a
normally ungrounded winding or circuit. It is not applied to a device connected in the secondary
circuit of a current transformer, or in the secondary neutral of current transformers, connected in the
power circuit of a normally grounded system.
Governor is the assembly of fluid, electrical, or mechanical control equipment used for regulating the
65 flow of water, steam, or other medium to the prime mover for such purposes as starting, holding
speed or load, or stopping.
AC Directional Overcurrent Relay is a relay that functions on a desired value of AC overcurrent
flowing in a predetermined direction.
Blocking Relay is a relay that initiates a pilot signal for blocking of tripping on external faults in a
68 transmission line or in other apparatus under predetermined conditions, or cooperates with other
devices to block tripping or to block reclosing on an out-of-step condition or on power savings.
Permissive Control Device is generally a two-position, manually-operated switch that, in one
69 position, permits the closing of a circuit breaker, or the placing of equipment into operation, and in
the other position prevents the circuit breaker or the equipment from being operated.
Rheostat is a variable resistance device used in an electric circuit, which is electrically operated or
has other electrical accessories, such as auxiliary, position, or limit switches.
Alarm Relay is a relay other than an annunciator, as covered under device function 30, that is used
to operate, or to operate in connection with a visual or audible alarm.
Pulse Transmitter is used to generate and transmit pulses over a telemetering or pilot-wire circuit to
the remote indicating or receiving device.
Phase-Angle Measuring or Out-of-Step Protective Relay is a relay that functions at a predetermined
phase angle between two voltages or between two currents or between voltage and current.

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4. Appendix 11-2017

Function and Description
A-C Reclosing Relay is a relay that controls the automatic reclosing and locking out of an a-c circuit
Liquid or Gas Flow Relay is a relay that operates on given values of liquid or gas flow or on given
rates of change of these values.
Frequency Relay is a relay that functions on a predetermined value of frequency (either under or
over or on normal system frequency) or rate of change of frequency.
D-C Reclosing Relay is a relay that controls the automatic closing and reclosing of a d-c circuit
interrupter, generally in response to load circuit conditions.
Automatic Selective Control or Transfer Relay is a relay that operates to select automatically
83 between certain sources or conditions in an equipment or performs a transfer operation
Operating Mechanism is the complete electrical mechanism or servomechanism, including the
84 operating motor, solenoids, position switches, etc. for a tap changer, induction regulator, or any
similar piece of apparatus which otherwise has no device function number.
Carrier or Pilot-Wire Receiver Relay is a relay that is operated or restrained by a signal used in
connection with carrier-current or d-c pilot-wire fault directional relaying.
Locking-Out Relay is an electrically operated hand, or electrically reset relay or device that functions
86 to shut down or hold and equipment out of service, or both, upon the occurrence of abnormal
Differential Protective Relay is a protective relay that functions on a percentage or phase angle or
other quantitive difference of two currents or of some other electrical quantities.
Auxiliary Motor or Motor Generator is one used for operating auxiliary equipment, such as pumps,
blowers, exciters, rotating magnetic amplifiers, etc.
Line Switch is a switch used as a disconnecting, load-interrupter, or isolating switch in an a-c or d-c
89 power circuit, when this device is electrically operated or has electrical accessories, such as an
auxiliary switch, magnetic lock, etc.
Regulating Device is a device that functions to regulate quantity, or quantities, such as voltage,
90 current, power, speed, frequency, temperature, and load, at a certain value or between certain
(generally close) limits for machines, tie lines or other apparatus.
Voltage Directional Relay is a relay that operates when the voltage across an open circuit breaker or
contactor exceeds a given value in a given direction.
Voltage and Power Directional Relay is a relay that permits or causes the connection of two circuits
when the voltage difference between them exceeds a given value in a predetermined direction and
causes these two circuits to be disconnected from each other when the power flowing between them
exceeds a given value in the opposite direction.
Field-Changing Contactor is a contactor that functions to increase or decrease, in one step, the
value of field excitation on a machine.
Tripping or Trip-Free Relay is a relay that functions to trip a circuit breaker, contactor, or equipment,
94 or to permit immediate tripping by other devices; or to prevent immediate reclosure of a circuit
interrupter if it should open automatically even though its closing circuit is maintained closed.

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Specifications are subject to change without notice.

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