Jagmohan Singh V State of Up

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 The discretion has been exercised concurrently by the trial court and the High Court and

the question is whether there are sufficient reasons for this Court to interfere with that

 As pointed out by this Court in Ram Narain v. State of U.P,1 this Court normally does
not interfere with the discretion exercised by the High Court on the question of sentence
unless the High Court has disregarded recognised principles in imposing the sentence
and there has been a failure of justice.

 We are not inclined to interfere with the sentence imposed by the High Court.

 In the first place, he contended, the death sentence puts an end to all rights guaranteed
under clauses (a) to (g) of sub-clause (1) of Article 19 and the law with regard to capital
sentence is unreasonable and not in the interest of the general public.

 In his submission, this was a stark abdication of essential legislative function, and
Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code is vitiated by the vice of excessive delegation of
essential legislative function.

 Lastly it was contended that the provisions of the law do not provide a procedure for trial
of factors and circumstances crucial for making the choice between the capital penalty
and imprisonment for life.

 It was contended that, unless it was shown that the sentence of death for murder
passed the test of reasonableness and general public interest, it would not be a valid

 The question for our consideration is whether the law, namely, Section 302 of the Indian
Penal Code which prescribes the sentence of death for murder passes the above test.

 It is essential that we approach this constitutional question with objectivity and proper
measure of self-restraint.

 The Judges were invited to reject capital punishment on the ground that it violated the
Eighth Amendment which forbade "cruel and unusual punishments".

 Mr Justice White started his opinion: "In joining the court's judgment I do not at all
intimate that the death penalty is unconstitutional per_se or that there is no system of
capital punishment that would comport with the Eighth Amendment.
 Even when the court was presented with a wealth of evidence complied by Sociologists
and research workers in refutation of the necessity of retaining capital punishment, only
two Judges out of nine could be persuaded to hold that capital punishment per_se is
constitutionally impermissible.

 The framers of our Constitution were well aware of the existence of capital punishment
as a permissible punishment under the law.

 If the Sessions Judge, after trial, comes to the conclusion that the accused is guilty of
murder and deserves to be sentenced to death, he is required under Section 374 of the
Criminal Procedure Code to submit to the High Court the proceedings before him and it
is the High Court which has to review the whole evidence and consider whether the
sentence of death passed by the Sessions Judge should be confirmed.

 In cases where the Sessions Judge acquits the accused of murder but the High Court in
appeal sets aside the acquittal and sentences him to death, the accused is entitled
under the Constitution to prefer an appeal as of right to this Court.

 In the state of affairs if the Legislature decides to retain capital punishment for murder, it
will be difficult for this Court in the absence of objective evidence regarding its
unreasonableness to question the wisdom and propriety of the Legislature in retaining it.

 Neither Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code nor any other provision in the Criminal
Procedure Code says in what cases the capital punishment is to be imposed and in
what others the lesser punishment.

 It is argued by Mr Garg that the Legislature has left this awful duty to the Judge or
Judges concerned without laying down any standards to guide them in their decision.

 In the connection we have to take note of the policy of the law with regard to crimes and
their punishments.

 "Discretion of Court as to punishment.-In all crimes except those for which the sentence
of death must be pronounced a very wide discretion in the matter of fixing the degree of
punishment is allowed to the Judge who tries the case.

 The policy of Criminal Law as regards all crimes, including the crime of murder, is to fix
a maximum penalty-the same being intended for the worst cases, leaving a very wide
discretion in the matter of punishment to the Judge.
 20. Absence of any discretion with regard to the sentence raised strong criticism in
England because it was recognised, as was done in many other countries, that death
penalty was not the only appropriate punishment for murder.

 A Royal Commission was thereupon appointed in 1949 to consider and report whether
liability under the Criminal Law in Great Britain to suffer capital punishment for murder
should be limited or modified and if so to what extent and by what means.

 In para 535 of the Report it pointed out that "the general liability under the existing law
to suffer capital punishment for murder cannot be satisfactorily limited by such means
(i.e re-defining murder or dividing murder into degrees) because no legal definition can
cover all the multifarious considerations, relating to the offender as well as to his crime,
which ought to be taken into account in deciding whether the supreme penalty should
be exacted in each individual case".

 Where an error is committed in the matter of sentence the same is liable to be corrected
by appeals and revisions to higher courts for which appropriate provision was made in
the Criminal Procedure Code.

 The Committee were of opinion that, considering the general terms in which offences
were defined, it would be inexpedient, in most cases, to fix a minimum punishment; and
they had so altered the Code as to leave the minimum punishment for all offences,
except those of the gravest nature, to the discretion of the Judge who would have the
means in each case of forming an opinion as to the character of the offender, and the
circumstances, whether aggravating or mitigating, under which the offence had been

 Any further refinement in the definition of murder was not practicable and not attempted.

 Finally the majority observed at p. 726: "In light of history, experience, and the present
limitations of human knowledge, we find it quite impossible to say that committing to the
untrammelled discretion of the jury the power to pronounce life or death in capital cases
is offensive to anything in the Constitution".

 27. It was next contended by Mr Garg that uncontrolled and unguided discretion in the
judges to impose capital punishment or imprisonment for life was hit by Article 14 of the
 No reasons are offered to show that they are constitutionally invalid, and the death
sentence imposed after trial in accordance with the procedure established by law is not
unconstitutional under Article 21.

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