Balica2012 PDF
Balica2012 PDF
Balica2012 PDF
DOI 10.1007/s11069-012-0234-1
Received: 9 June 2011 / Accepted: 20 May 2012 / Published online: 16 June 2012
The Author(s) 2012. This article is published with open access at
Keywords Coastal City Flood Vulnerability Index (CCFVI) Urbanised deltas Climate
S. F. Balica N. G. Wright
Delft University of Technology, Postbus 5, 2600 AA Delft, The Netherlands
N. G. Wright
School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK
74 Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105
1 Introduction
Coasts are highly dynamic and geo-morphologically complex systems, which respond in
various ways to extreme weather events. Coastal floods are regarded as among the most
dangerous and harmful of natural disasters (Douben 2006). It is well known that the urban
areas adjacent to the shorelines are associated with large and growing concentrations of
human population, settlements and socio-economic activities. Considering the fact that
21 % of the world’s population lives within coastal zones (du Gommes et al. 1997; Brooks
et al. 2006), the potential impacts of sea-level rise are significant for the wider coastal
ecosystem (Kumar 2006). Hoozemans et al. 1993 carried out a global vulnerability
assessment and estimated that, under current conditions, an average of 46 million people
per year experience storm-surge flooding. Baarse (1995) suggests that some 189 million
people presently live below the one-in-a-hundred-year storm-surge level. There is therefore
a need for a readily calculated and easily understood method to calculate flood vulnera-
bility in such areas. In this work, we build on earlier work on a flood vulnerability index in
river basins (Balica et al. 2009) to establish a flood vulnerability index using a composite
method. This index can then be used to identify the most vulnerable coastal cities, develop
adaptation measures for them and assess the effects of future change scenarios.
In this article, the focus is on large cities in low-lying deltaic environments with soft
sedimentary coasts (estuaries, lagoons, mangroves, dunes, beaches). These cities experi-
ence both the influence of river discharge and of the sea and they are, by consequence, very
vulnerable to impacts of climate change.
The paper focuses on coastal flood vulnerability and the systems approach in Sect. 2. In
Sect. 3, the development of Coastal City Flood Vulnerability Index methodology is pre-
sented, and in Sect. 4, this is applied to assess the FVI of different deltaic cities. This is
followed by an examination of the effects of the climate change impacts on the CCFVI in
Sect. 5. Discussion and conclusions in Sects. 6 and 7 respectively follow this.
It is expected that, due to climate change, coastal communities around the world will be
increasingly affected by floods. In fact, some are already considered vulnerable to ongoing
climatic variability (IPCC 2007a, b; Mirza 2003). Climate change is expected to cause
accelerated sea-level rise with elevated tidal inundation, increased flood frequency,
accelerated erosion, rising water tables, increased saltwater intrusion, increasing storm
surges and increasing frequency of cyclones (Fenster and Dolan 1996). Apart from this,
population growth and increasing urbanisation cause marine and coastal degradation
(UNEP, GEO-3 2002).
Coasts are dynamic systems, undergoing adjustments of form and process (termed mor-
phodynamics) at different time and space scales in response to geo-morphological and
oceanographical factors (Cowell et al. 2003a, b). Human activity exerts additional pres-
sures that may dominate over natural processes. Coastal landforms, affected by short-term
perturbations such as storms, generally return to their pre-disturbance morphology,
implying a simple, morphodynamic equilibrium (Woodroffe 2003; Crooks 2004).
Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105 75
The natural variability of coasts can make it difficult to identify the impacts of climate
change. For example, most beaches worldwide show evidence of recent erosion, but sea-
level rise is not necessarily the primary driver. Erosion can result from other factors, such
as altered wind patterns (Pirazzoli et al. 2004; Pritchard 1967; Regnauld et al. 2004),
offshore bathymetric changes (Cooper and Navas 2004), or reduced fluvial sediment input
(Nicholls et al. 2007), or hard structures built near the coast.
The IPCC (2007a, b) distinguishes between the following natural coastal systems: deltas,
estuaries and lagoons, beaches, rocky shorelines and cliffed coasts, mangroves, sea grasses
and coral reefs. In this paper, we focus on large urban areas situated in deltas. A delta is an
area where the river sediment is building out into the sea. Deltas are biologically rich and
diverse systems with waterfowls, fish and vegetation, and they support a large economic
system based on tourism, agriculture, hunting, fishing, harbour and industry development
(EC-JRC 2005; Prakasa and Murty 2005). Consequently, deltas are often densely popu-
lated (Ericson et al. 2006). IPCC (2007a, b). Many people in deltas are already subject to
flooding from both storm surges and seasonal river floods, and therefore, it is necessary to
develop further methods to assess flood vulnerability of coastal cities.
Vulnerability is considered as the extent of harm, which can be expected under certain
conditions of exposure, susceptibility and resilience (Balica et al. 2009; Hufschmidt 2011;
Scheuer et al. 2010; Willroth et al. 2010; Fuchs et al. 2011). More specifically in the case
of floods, a system is susceptible to floods due to exposure in conjunction with its capacity/
incapacity to be resilient, to cope, recover or adapt to the extent.
Large populations are found in coastal areas where the exposure to coastal floods is high
(Small and Nicholls 2003). The number of people affected is likely to increase, due to net
coastward migration across the globe (Bijlsma et al. 1995). On the one hand, some of the
exposed populations are protected from flooding by various structural and non-structural
measures that are part of the resilience strategy. On the other hand, some of them have
none, or only weak, flood defences and the exposed populations are more often subject to
flooding with the consequent disruption, economic loss and loss of life. Smith and Ward
1998 showed that rising sea levels will raise flood levels; it is also estimated that the
number of people flooded in a typical year by storm surges would increase 6 times and 14
times given a 0.5- and 1.0-m rise in global sea levels, respectively (Nicholls 2004).
Vulnerability indices have been developed as a rapid and consistent method for charac-
terising the relative vulnerability of different areas. The simplest of these are assessments
of the physical vulnerability of the area, while the more complex also examine aspects of
economic and social vulnerability. A summary of various indices applied globally is given
In previous work on coastal vulnerability, approaches were derived from Gornitz
(1991), Gornitz and Kanciruk (1989), Thieler and Hammer-Klose (2000) with an index
widely applied in the United States and in a modified form in Canada and parts of South
76 Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105
Africa. It has also been viewed as important to incorporate social data on people at risk, the
most detailed social vulnerability analysis being the synthesis by Boruff et al. (2005),
Abuodha and Woodroffe (2007) and Gornitz (1991). The social vulnerability index (SoVI)
uses ‘‘initially 42 socio-economic variables, reduced to 11 statistically independent fac-
tors’’ (i.e. age, race, ethnicity, education, family structure, social dependence, occupation)
(Cutter et al. 2003). This being applied on a coastal county basis in a principal component
analysis (PCA) to produce the overall coastal social vulnerability score (CSoVI). The
coastal social vulnerability score (CSoVI) is a combination of variables for North America
and Australia applied specifically to the beaches. The variables are dune height, barrier
type, beach type, relative sea-level change, shoreline erosion and accretion, mean tidal
range and mean wave height. In 2010, McLaughlin and Cooper developed a multi-scale
coastal vulnerability index to investigate the implications of spatial scale in depicting
coastal hazard risk, coastal vulnerabilities for national, local authority and site level. The
authors in this index referred to coastal erosion vulnerability, either than coastal flood
vulnerability. This can be seen in the variables which were used: a coastal characteristics
sub-index concerned with the resilience and susceptibility of the coast to erosion, a coastal
forcing sub-index to characterise the forcing variables contributing to wave-induced ero-
sion and a socio-economic sub-index to assess the infrastructure potentially at risk. The
socio-economic sub-index (McLaughlin and Cooper 2010) comprises 6 variables: popu-
lation, roads (vital lines of communication and transport), cultural heritage, railways, land
use and conservation status. Sharples (2006) uses identification and mapping of coastal
substrates and landforms (i.e. geomorphic types) in order to assess coastal vulnerability
which has greater or lesser sensitivity to potential coastal impacts of climate change and
sea-level rise, such as accelerated erosion and shoreline recession, increased slumping or
rock fall hazards, changing dune mobility and other hazards.
The systems approach aims to identify the interactions of different actors or components
within certain defined boundaries. Van Beek (2006) identifies three interdependent sub-
systems in the coastal vulnerability system:
• The natural river subsystem (NS), in which the physical, chemical and biological
processes take place;
• The socio-economic subsystem (SES), which includes the societal (human) activities
related to the use of the natural river system; socio-economic systems are made up of
rules and institutions that mediate human use of resources as well as systems of
knowledge and ethics that interpret natural systems from a human perspective (Berkes
and Folke 1998; Adger 2006).
• The administrative and institutional subsystem that includes administration, legislation
and regulation, where the decision, planning and management processes take place.
Each of the three subsystems is characterised by its own elements, and it is surrounded
within its own environment. In this paper, the vulnerability system is the coastal city. It can
be seen as a set of interconnecting systems; the system is composed of interacting elements
where different processes are carried out using various types of resources. In this context,
one must define the system through its components and interactions. It should be shown
how each element of the system, as well as the individual interactions, is vulnerable. For a
better understanding of this paper, the delineation between terminologies is presented.
Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105 77
Hazards have many origins, but in this paper, we normally view them as caused by the
interaction between society and natural systems (e.g. precipitations, floods and cyclones).
Unexpected hazards become visible rapidly, such as flooding or hurricanes, and last for a
small period ranging from hours to weeks. Continuous hazards are very slow events that
are barely perceptible by society such as sea-level rise. This paper considers both types of
hazards. From the perspective of this research, vulnerability is embedded as a combination
of the susceptibility of a given population, system or place to harm from exposure to the
hazard and directly affects the ability to prepare for, respond to and recover from hazards
and disasters. Resilience speaks to the capacity of the population, system, or place to buffer
or adapt to changing hazard exposures.
The natural river system is delimited by climate and (hydro-geological) physical con-
ditions (catchment and coast), the socio-economic system is formed by the demographic,
social and economic conditions of the surrounding economies, and the administrative and
institutional system is formed and bounded by the constitutional, legal and political system.
Coastal floods distress three components of the coastal vulnerability system, each of them
belongs to one of the subsystems described here, and their interactions affect the possible
short-term and long-term damages. The components can be assessed by different indicators
to understand the vulnerability of the system to coastal floods. The system components are
hydro-geological, socio-economical and politico-administrative.
The hydro-geological component is a part of the natural river system, being hazard
dependent. It comprises hydro-geo-morphological (i.e. sea-level rise, river discharge, soil
subsidence) and climatic (i.e. number of cyclones, storm surge) characteristics of the
system. This component uses only the exposure indicators, see Eq. 3, because the system,
here the city, is characterised from hydro-geological point of view (exposure) and the
physical part, infrastructure (resilience), is taken into consideration under the socio-eco-
nomic and politico-administrative component. The hydro-geological component continues
to relate to the interrelation between the environment and the vulnerability associated with
this interaction (Villagran de Leon 2006). Developments such as land subsidence, storm
surge and high river discharge have enhanced environmental degradation, aggravating
effects of climate change and associated sea-level rise, increasing the potential occurrence
of floods. In this case, the hydro-geological component does not consider urbanisation and
industrialisation as hazard.
The socio-economic component is part of the socio-economic system; the flooding affects
the day-to-day lives of the population that belongs to the system. The socio component
relates to the presence of human beings and encompasses issues related to it, for example
deficiencies in mobility of human beings associated with gender, age or disabilities.
Coastal floods can cause destruction of houses, disruption in communications, in the
agricultural process, or even fatalities. The economic component is related to income or
issues which are inherent to economics that are predisposed to being affected. There are
many economic activities, which can be negatively affected by coastal flooding. Among
them are tourism, fisheries, navigation, industries, agriculture, availability of potable water,
etc. This influences the economic prosperity of a community, region, urban area or a
78 Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105
country. McLaughlin and Cooper (2010) agreed that the choice of socio-economic vari-
ables adds an inherent cultural bias to an index.
Fig. 1 Coastal vulnerability system: its sub-systems and interactions (modified from van Beek 2006)
Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105 79
1993). All of these will affect the population along the coasts, which is permanently
increasing (Hutchings and Collett 1977). Damage will also occur to agricultural areas
because of the additional saltwater intrusion. The cultural heritage will be susceptible to
flood (e.g. Venice and the Netherlands).
The coast is affected by human activities such as bank protection, shipping, and con-
struction and operation of hydraulic infrastructures. The coasts provide tangible and direct
economic benefits. Tourism and fisheries prosper on the wealth of natural resources coasts
supply. The protected coastal waters also support important public infrastructure, serving
as harbours and ports vital for shipping, transportation and industry. To maintain and
enhance these and other services and benefits derived from coasts, they must be managed.
Societies are vulnerable to floods due to three main factors: exposure, susceptibility and
resilience (Balica et al. 2009). The vulnerability of any system (at any scale) is reflective of
(or a function of) the exposure and susceptibility of that system to hazardous conditions
and the resilience of the system to adapt and/or recover from the effects of those conditions
(Smit and Wandel 2006).
Exposure can be understood as the values that are present at the location where floods
can occur. These values can be goods, infrastructure, cultural heritage, agricultural fields
and people (UN 2003). Exposure is generally described as patterns and processes that
estimate its intensity and duration (Balica et al. 2009). Fekete (2009) describes exposure as
the measure of susceptible elements within a region threatened by a hazard, while in
Penning-Rowsell et al. (2005), exposure is defined as the likelihood that humans and/or
physical items (goods, infrastructure, cultural heritage and agricultural fields) will be
impacted by flooding. In case of the CCFVI, here exposure is defined as ‘‘the predispo-
sition of a system to be disrupted by a flooding event due to its location in the same area of
The concept of susceptibility, or sensitivity, has developed through the years. For
example, Penning-Rowsell and Chatterton defined susceptibility in 1977 as the relative
damageability of property and materials during floods or other hazardous events. The IPCC
(2001) argued susceptibility as the degree to which a system is affected, either adversely or
beneficially, by climate-related stimuli. At this moment, the definition is still argued and is
creating confusion between social and natural scientists.
Susceptibility relates to system characteristics, including the social context of flood
damage, especially the awareness and preparedness of people regarding the risk they live
with (before the flood), the institutions that are involved in mitigating and reducing the
effects of the hazards and the existence of possible measures, like flood hazard maps to be
used during the floods.
This paper defines susceptibility as the elements exposed within the system, which
influence the probabilities of being harmed at times of hazardous floods.
The ability of individuals and social systems to handle the impact of floods is often
correlated with general socio-economic indicators. The susceptibility indicators embrace
general information on social relations, institutional development and population with
special needs (children, elderly or disabled) (e.g. Blaikie et al. 1994; Watts and Bohle
80 Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105
Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105 81
A general FVI equation (Eq. 1) for all scales is described by Balica et al. (2009). The
equation links the values of all indicators to flood vulnerability components and factors
(exposure, susceptibility and resilience), without weighting (Cendrero and Fischer 1997;
Peduzzi et al. 2001; Briguglio 1992, 1993, 1995, 1997, 2003). This is done because of
different number of rating judgments which ‘‘lie behind combined weights’’, or
McLaughlin and Cooper (2010) use Gornitz (1990) approach, a scale of 1–5 is chosen,
with 5 contributing most strongly to vulnerability and 1 contributing least. The 1–5 scale
that was used for every variable standardises the scoring system and enables variables
measured in different units to be combined mathematically.
McLaughlin and Cooper (2010) use the approach of Gornitz and White (1992), which is
based on the fact that the ‘‘sum of the variables was less sensitive than one based on the
products of the variables’’. This research used the approach of FVI (Balica et al. 2009)
82 Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105
(Eq. 2), the approach is based on the fact that each system has its own vulnerability to
floods, so a variable cannot be considered zero.
The procedure for calculating the CCFVI starts by converting each identified indicator
into a normalised (on a scale from 0 to 1), dimensionless number using predefined mini-
mum and maximum values from the spatial elements under consideration. Equation (1)
shows the expression used for normalisation.
NVi ¼ ð1Þ
Maxi¼1;n ðRVIi Þ
where NVi represents the normalised value of the indicator I, the RVi represents the real
value of the indicator I, and Maxi¼1;n ðRVIi Þ represents the maximum value from a set of
n computed real values of the indicator I (where n is the number of spatial elements under
consideration). Normalised indicators are subsequently used for CCFVI calculations.
The CCFVI of each coastal component (hydro-geological, social, economic and polit-
ico-administrative) is computed based on the general flood vulnerability index (FVI)
formula (Eq. 2).
FVI ¼ ð2Þ
The general formula for FVI is computed by categorising the indicators to the factors to
which they belong (exposure (E), susceptibility (S) and resilience (R)) (Cendrero and
Fischer 1997). The indicators of exposure and susceptibility are multiplied and then
divided by the resilience indicators, because indicators representing exposure and
Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105 83
susceptibility increase the flood vulnerability and are therefore placed in the numerator.
The resilience indicators decrease flood vulnerability and are thus part of the denominator.
Equations of the coastal city scale for all the system components: the indicators play a
gradually more significant policy role; also, they represent only synoptic sides of a system.
The first step in an indicator-based vulnerability assessment is to select indicators
(Adriaanse 1993; World Bank 1994, 1997; CRED 2010; Perry 2006; Quarantelli 2005;
Sorenson and Sorensen 2006; Briguglio 2003; Peduzzi et al. 2001; Hughes and Brundrit
1992); for example, the detailed World Bank Africa Database 2005 consists of almost
1,200 indicators (World Bank 2005). The benchmark is to gather a list of proxies using the
following criterion: suitability, definitions or the theoretical structure, availability of data.
As shown in Tables 2,3 and 4, a total number of 19 indicators are used in general to
quantify the vulnerability of coastal areas. These 19 indicators were selected from World
Bank data set, 2001, Gornitz (1990), McLaughlin and Cooper (2010) and Cutter et al.
(2003), after using multi-collinearity analysis among 30 coastal indicators for 9 case
studies (Balica and Wright 2010).
Coastal City Flood Vulnerability Index for Hydro-Geological Component was expres-
sed as follows:
FVIHydroGeological ¼ f fSLR, SS, # Cyc, FS, RD, Soil, CLg ð3Þ
Sea-level SLR Exposure mm/ How much the level of the sea is increasing Higher SLR,
rise year in 1 year higher
Storm surge SS Exposure cm A storm surge is the rapid rise in the water Bigger increase
level surface produced by onshore in WL, higher
hurricane winds and falling barometric vulnerability
# of #Cyc Exposure # Number of cyclones in the last 10 years Higher # of
cyclones Cyclones,
River RD Exposure m3/s Maximum discharge in record of the last Higher RD,
discharge 10 years, m3/s higher
Foreshore FS Exposure % Foreshore slope and depth of the sea near Lower slope,
slope the coast, can change a lot and often. higher
Average slope of the foreshore beach vulnerability
Soil Soil Exposure m2 How much the area is decreasing? Higher areas,
subsidence higher
Coastline CL Exposure km Kilometres of coastline along the city Longer CL,
84 Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105
Coastal City Flood Vulnerability Index for Social and Economic Components was
expressed as follows:
CH; PCL; %Disable
FVISocial ¼ f ð4Þ
A=P; S
FVIEconomic ¼ f ð5Þ
RT; Drainage
Explanation of indicators: the indicator ‘‘population close to the coastline’’ is defined as
the number of people exposed to coastal hazards. For example, ‘‘population living in the
flood-prone area along the coast’’, ‘‘growing coastal population’’ refers to the percentage
growth in population of the urban area, which signifies the economic wealth of the urban
area. The indicator ‘‘awareness/preparedness’’ was scaled between 1 and 10, where 1 is
given for the area where population has no concern with floods and 10 for the urban area
Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105 85
where the population has experienced floods for a long time. Therefore, people must aware
of the potential for floods in the area, that is, they have trust in institutions to mitigate the
harm of floods, they have flood insurances, they understand the consequences and
restrictions of their actions towards flood protection, and they are prepared for emergency
The Drainage (D), Recovery Time (RT) and Growing Coastal Population (GCP) indi-
cators belong to the economic component (Eqs. 5 and 7), and they are associated with the
economy state of an area as follows:
Drainage indicator represents the length of canals in the area (in kilometres) and
belongs to resilience (i.e. is seen in the denominator in Eq. 5). The indicator has an indirect
relation with the vulnerability: the longer the kilometres of drainage, the lower the vul-
nerability. The drainage indicator reflects the economic state of the area: the higher the
number of kilometres of drainage, the richer the region.
The RT indicates the amount of time needed by the city to recover to a functional
operation after coastal flood events: longer the time, higher the vulnerability. This indicator
belongs to the economic component because it reflects the wealth of an area. Richer states
recover faster, due to the higher GDP/cap for example. The RT indicator was scaled
between 1 and 10, where 1 means that all economic activities are strongly damaged and
they may not recover for many years and 10 means that the economic activities of the
region are hardly affected by floods, either in the short or in the long term.
The GCP refers to the percentage growth in population in the urban area which shows
the economic wealth of the urban area, and therefore belongs to exposure factor (i.e. is seen
at the numerator in Eq. 5). The GCP has a direct relation with the vulnerability: higher the
GCP, higher the vulnerability. The GCP is an indicator, which reflects the economic state
of an area.
Coastal City Flood Vulnerability Index for Politico-Administrative Component was
calculated as follows:
FVIPoliticoAdministrative ¼ f ð6Þ
Total Coastal City Flood Vulnerability Index was calculated as follows:
86 Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105
The integrated Coastal City Flood Vulnerability Index is a method to combine multiple
aspects of a system into one number. On a global perspective, the results will be presented
in values between 0 and 1: 1 being the highest vulnerability found in the samples studied
and 0 the lowest vulnerability.
The CCFVI methodology uses a total of 19 indicators. Nine case studies were selected
based on city size and different physiographic setting. They are Buenos Aires (Argentina),
Calcutta (India), Casablanca (Morocco), Dhaka (Bangladesh), Manila (Philippines),
Marseille (France), Osaka (Japan), Shanghai (China) and Rotterdam (the Netherlands).
Table 5 shows the indicator values for each component for four of the cities. The nine
cities selected are in both developed and developing countries.
4.1 Data sources
The following data sources were used to assess the values of the flood vulnerability
indicators for each of the cities. The data collection was done via the Internet and so used
readily available sources.
1. Casablanca ‘‘Academie de l’eau’’, the website of Environmental Ministry of France
and ‘‘Gouvernement du Royaume du Morocco’’, the website of Government of
Morocco and the International Federation of Red Cross for floods in Morocco.
2. For Calcutta, various sources were consulted, the Department of Natural Resources,
Weather Underground India, Webster et al. (2005), World FactBook (database
developed by the CIA with basic information on all the countries in the world), World
Bank, UNICEF India, ADB Asian Development Bank, Megaessays (source for high-
quality essays on a wide range of subjects), Debasri et al. (1995), GIS Development of
India, Ministry Water Resources India.
3. For Dhaka: World Bank, HighBeam research, World FactBook were used.
4. For Manila, the website of PAGASA, Philippines Atmospheric, Geophysical and
Astronomical Services Administration, the article of Zoleta-Nantes (1999), ICHARM
and Connor and Hiroki (2005) were used.
5. Buenos Aires. AIACC, Assessments of Impacts and Adaptations to Climate Change,
Academie de l’eau, Bnamericas (the leading source of business information in Latin
America) were the sources.
6. For Osaka city: Kawai et al. (2008), Japan River Organisation, Kadoya et al. (1993),
MLIT website (Ministry of Land, Industry and Transport), ICHARM.
7. For the city of Marseille, the Academie de l’eau website, Marseille Municipality and
the Water Resources eAtlas (an electronic Atlas developed by IUCN, IWMI, Ramsar
and WRI) website were used.
Table 5 Example of indicators values for each vulnerability components
No Name Abb. Sub-Index Factor of Unit Definition of indicator Casablanca Buenos Osaka Marseille
1 Sea-level rise SLR Hydro-geological Exposure mm/year How much the level of the 3 2.1 1.8 2.1
sea is increasing in 1 year
2 Storm surge SS Exposure m A storm surge is the rapid 2 4.5 3.5 2.3
rise in the water level
surface produced by
Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105
Table 5 continued
No Name Abb. Sub-Index Factor of Unit Definition of indicator Casablanca Buenos Osaka Marseille
9 Population PCL Exposure People Number of people exposed 900,000 900,000 2,300,000 150,000
close to to coastal hazard
10 Growing GCP Exposure % % of growth of population in 6 1.2 0.2 0.5
coastal urban areas in the last
population 10 years
11 Shelters S Susceptibility # Number of shelters per km2, 0.25 0.7 0.03 0.4
including hospitals
12 % of disabled %Disabled Susceptibility % % of population with any 0.35 0.36 0.34 0.4
persons (\14 kind of disabilities, also
and [65) people less 12 and
[65 years
13 Awareness and A/P Resilience Are the coastal people aware 4 5 8 4
preparedness and prepare for floods?
Did they experience any
floods in the last 10 years?
14 Recovery time RT Resilience days Amount of time needed by 90 50 30 45
the city to recover to a
functional operation after
coastal flood events
15 km of drainage Drain Resilience km km of canalisation in the 30 80 120 58
Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105
Table 5 continued
No Name Abb. Sub-Index Factor of Unit Definition of indicator Casablanca Buenos Osaka Marseille
90 Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105
8. For Shanghai, the Yazhi River Committee, UNESCAP data sources were taken into
9. For Rotterdam: UNESCAP, Walstra (2009), Bijker, (1996), EUROSION (Holland
Coast) were used.
The results of the CCFVIs for all components and the total CCFVI are summarised
below and easily computed using the FVI tool, (Balica and Wright
2009) for coastal cities.
The values of the hydro-geological component indicators were used in Eq. 3, described in
the section above; the results of the hydro-geological component are shown in Fig. 3.
Seven indicators are used to determine the hydro-geological CCFVI values. The indicators
all belong to the exposure factor.
When examining the hydro-geological exposure, it can be seen that Shanghai is the
most exposed to coastal floods. This is mainly due to its high length of coastline and the
high value of river discharge. Following vulnerable city is Manila, largely due to its
exposure to tropical cyclones and flooding. The recent tropical storm Typhoon Ketsana in
2009 illustrates this exposure of Manila and the surrounding area to environmental threats.
With flood waters reaching nearly 7 m a.s.l in some city areas (WWF 2009) and hundreds
of deaths during this one storm, Manila is highly vulnerable. Dhaka and Calcutta come
next largely because of their storm surge, coastal line length and river discharge. Rotter-
dam city is situated on the fifth place, with a very high soil subsidence and a high Rhine
river discharge. The city of Buenos Aires ranks the sixth, with a very high river discharge
value but very low amount of kms of coastline, storm surge, number of cyclones. Marseille
and Osaka are coming close in the rank as seven and eight. The least vulnerable from all
the examples is Casablanca with small number of cyclones in the last 10 years, few kms
along the coast and no river discharge. However, this is not implying that the city is not
vulnerable to coastal floods. All these cities have already been subjects of coastal floods
with loss of life and significant damage costs.
The values of the social component indicators were used in Eq. 4, described above. The
results of the social component are shown in Fig. 4. Five indicators, belonging to all factors
Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105 91
of vulnerability, were used to determine the social CCFVI values. These were population,
cultural heritage, shelters, flood cultural behaviour (awareness and preparedness) and % of
disabled population. Using these criteria, Shanghai stands out as the most vulnerable to
coastal floods, mainly due to its high number of people living in coastal flood-prone areas,
fewer shelters. The second most vulnerable city to coastal floods is Dhaka for similar
reasons. Calcutta and Manila are third/fourth most vulnerable, while Osaka and Buenos
Aires come next. The City of Rotterdam is ranked the seventh place from the nine cities
studied. The population living in coastal area is smaller and has a high social resilience.
Marseille and Casablanca are less socially vulnerable to coastal floods.
Three indicators are used to determine the economic CCFVI values. They are growing
coastal population, recovery time after flood event and kms of drainage canal. The results
of the economic component are shown in Fig. 5. It can be seen using these criteria that
Manila is the most vulnerable economically to coastal floods. The economy of Manila will
recover very slow mainly due to the high number of days needed to recover after a flood
event and small kms of drainage. The second most economic vulnerable city to coastal
floods is Calcutta for similar reasons. Dhaka is the third most vulnerable and Shanghai the
fourth, while Casablanca and Buenos Aires come next. Marseille is the seventh vulnerable
coastal city from the nine. Rotterdam and Osaka are least vulnerable. Their economy will
recover fast, due to large amount of investment in counter measures and high GDP/cap; the
92 Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105
cities show a small exposure to natural hazards, but they have large number of kms of
Of the nine cities examined, Shanghai, in China, is most vulnerable to coastal floods
overall. Exposed to hydro-geological factors such as storm surge and sea-level rise, the city
faces a high river discharge and serious land subsidence (it results in lowering the standard
of coastal flood preventing establishments and increases the risk of natural disasters of
typhoon, rainstorm, flood). The indicator soil subsidence is considered during the whole
study as an indicator that belongs to the hydro-geological component. From the overall
results can be seen that land subsidence indicator influences among other the ranking. From
a social perspective, the population close to the coastline is high, people experience floods,
but the city does not have high resilience and the number of shelters is low compared to the
population density. Dhaka, which sits just metres above current sea levels, is regularly
impacted by tropical cyclones and flooding and has very little resilience. Manila in the
Philippines and Calcutta in India are also highly vulnerable cities and tie for the third rank,
largely because of the size of the cities, degree of exposure (both experience frequent
flooding) and relatively low resilience. Buenos Aires and Casablanca are fourth/fifth,
Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105 93
largely because Casablanca is economically vulnerable to floods and has very little flood
protection, while Buenos Aires has very low resilience and fewer institutional organisa-
tions. Marseille in France and Rotterdam in the Netherlands have equally low vulnera-
bility, mostly because both have slightly more resilience than the other cities, even though
the hydro-geological indicators are still significant. Osaka is the least vulnerable city out of
nine; the city is the least vulnerable hydro-geological and politico-administrative terms
(Fig. 7).
The advantage of the index is that one can clearly compare vulnerabilities of cities. Poor
cities may wish to compare their position relative to rich cities. The CCFVI can be used as
a network of knowledge to learn from each other and to increase the resilience of delta
cities worldwide through the knowledge given by delta alliances. Publishing the compo-
nent parts of the Coastal City Flood Vulnerability Index can show where progress needs to
be prioritised. The focus of publishing the article is rather hydro-geological and socio-
economic than political.
The CCFVI model can give a simplified way of characterising what in reality is a very
complex system. Such results will help to give an indication of whether a system is
resilient, susceptible or exposed to flooding risks and help identify which measures would
reap the best return on investment under a changing climate and population and devel-
opment expansion. The important point is that such a model is used as one tool among
others within the whole process of deciding on a roadmap for flood assessment.
On the other hand, the method has weaknesses: the index-based technique presents
vulnerability over a short period of time. Currently, the FVI method is not capable of
encapsulating temporal changes; the CCFVI model is a simplification of reality and its
application should be compensated with thorough knowledge and expertise-based analysis.
The difficulties that the quantification of social and political-administrative indicators, as
well as availability of other indicators, poses to the calculation may constitute a consid-
erable weakness of the model.
Another potential weakness is the soundness of it underlying assumptions. For the
CCFVI to be accepted by a wide range of stakeholders, the underlying assumptions for
each indicator would need to be explained. The danger in using these types of indices is
that stakeholders feel a loss of control and may feel it is just a black box churning out
results. A way to overcome this is to involve stakeholders in the developments and in the
weighting of the indicators.
It is also a simplified version of reality without capturing the interconnectedness of
several indicators and potentially ignoring important local specificities.
94 Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105
An indicator-based methodology such as the one outlined here can be used to study the
impact of future changes on vulnerability. The indicators express the natural resources, the
people and the economic state of the city. Therefore, it is very important to know the
impacts on the people, cities, natural resources, via the use of these indicators.
In particular, it can be used to study the impact of climate change and this is presented
below. In order to do this, a number of assumptions about the impact of climate change on
the relevant indicators have to be made.
The following hydro-geological indicators reflecting climate change projections were
chosen: sea-level rise (Gornitz 2001), increasing number of cyclones, higher river dis-
charges and increased storm surge and soil subsidence. The impact of climate change to
the social component is reflected in the following indicators: population close to coastline
and awareness/preparedness. The indicator ‘‘Population close to coastline (UNFPA
2011a)’’ will be affected by climate change owing to high population areas that are
presently concentrated near the coastline (OCDE 2007; Jian 2008); if population growth
will increase, the evacuation of vulnerable populations living in these high-risk areas
during coastal floods will pose serious problems.
Climate change will have an impact on the awareness/preparedness indicator. UNEP
(2006) presents the importance of communicating with the general public and engaging
stakeholders about climate change. Already, educational and public awareness pro-
grammes on climate change were developed and implemented (Russia, Kenya, Albania,
Cambodia, etc.)
Public awareness aims at early results and is often pursued via the media and outreach
campaigns. It is also pursued via education at a more profound, long-term change in habits,
particularly among the young. NGOs and journalists can be helpful allies in promoting
climate change awareness because of their role as intermediaries with their own wide-
spread networks for outreach. Climate change should worry everybody, but in truth some
people will feel more concerned than others because they face particular risks (coastal
In the present study, we assume that the economic component will be impacted by
climate change only by one indicator, growing coastal population.
Rapid growing population is occurring in coastal cities all over the world. Severe
flooding regularly destroys coastal regions, particularly when storm surges and high river
flows occur simultaneously. Large coastal cities are particularly at risk from rising sea
levels, storms and storm surges, and other aspects of climate change (Fuchs 2010; Glade
2003; Harley et al. 2006). The densely populated deltas and other low-lying coastal cities
are recognised in the IPCC FAR, 2007 as ‘‘key societal hotspots of coastal vulnerability’’
with lots of people potentially affected.
Only recently, local governments and the international development community have
seriously begun to consider the implications of climate change on rapidly growing coastal
populations and infrastructure. UNEP (2006) and IPCC (2007a, b) and their partners
initiate programmes to assist coordinated action among scientists, policymakers and the
public to support impact and vulnerability assessments, awareness raising about climate
change risks and integration of scientific information about impacts, vulnerabilities and
adaptation into planning and policy for the affected areas.
It is assumed that the politico-administrative component will not change under climate
change impacts. As seen, the political-administrative component comprises four indicators:
Flood Hazard Maps, Institutional Organisations, Uncontrolled Planning Zone and Flood
Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105 95
5.1 Scenarios of sea-level rise, now: 2100 (UNEP 1995; IPCC 2007a, b)
Based on the ranges in the estimate of climate sensitivity and ice melt parameters, and the
full set of IS92 emission scenarios, the models predict an increase in global mean sea level
of between 13 and 94 cm and also an increase in soil subsidency between 1,400 and
34,000 km2 (horizontal) for the selected case studies. Webster et al. (2005), IPCC (2007a,
b) evaluated the increased number of the cyclones and increased number of storm surge,
using numerical simulation, and predicted that by 2100 the number and the intensity of
cyclones will increase between 10 and 20 %. The river discharges will also increase (Jian
2008), and here it is assumed, based on the IPCC report (IPCC 2007a, b), that the river
discharge will double for all case studies in the worst-case scenario.1
Two scenarios were used for the hydro-geological component (according to Fig. 3). The
first scenario is termed the ‘‘best-case scenario’’ and assumes that the indicators impacted
by climate change increase by 20–50 % dependent on city location and taking into con-
sideration the values assumed in the literature. In the second scenario, termed the ‘‘worst-
case scenario’’, the indicators are assumed to have the highest values found in the literature
for each case study. For some cities such as Casablanca and Marseille, they were assumed
to be doubled.
By the 2100, the most vulnerable from the nine cities in terms of hydro-geological
exposure can be seen from Fig. 8.
Again, for the social and economic component, we adopt two scenarios ‘‘best-case
scenario’’ and ‘‘worst-case scenario’’. For the best-case scenario, it is supposed that the
population close to coastal line (social)/growing coastal population (economic) is
increasing from 1.1 to 2, depending on values found for those indicators in the Jian (2008)/
SRES scenarios for the studied cases. For the worst-case scenario, we assume that the
population close to coastal line (social)/growing coastal population (economic) will triple
based on figures from the OCDE (2007). The results can be seen in Figs. 9 and 10.
It can be noted that the component of vulnerability most impacted by climate change is
the economic component with high increases in the 2100 results: 6.5–177 times the 2009
values. However, due to low 2009 values for economic component, the overall 2100 raw
results will be influenced in the same way for all the components (see Fig. 10).
By 2100, it can be seen in Fig. 11 that the city of Shanghai and Dhaka will remain the
most vulnerable to coastal floods, followed tied by Manila and Calcutta, Casablanca,
Rotterdam. Buenos Aires and Marseille remain in the lower positions of the nine. Osaka is
the city least vulnerable to floods from the selected case studies, very high protection level,
high number of kms of dikes.
Also by 2100, it can be seen that the vulnerability of Manila will increase by 2.0,
followed by Osaka (1.7), Casablanca (1.5), Rotterdam and Calcutta (1.4), the cities of
Dhaka and Marseille will increase by 1.3, Shanghai (1.27) and Buenos Aires (1.2) will
increase the least from the nine cities studied. The numbers represent the ratio between
Of course, this may well not be the case, as for example more detailed studies state that for Rotterdam, the
Rhine river discharge is likely to increase by 2100 from 16,000 to 18,000 m3/s (Deltacommissie 2008).
96 Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105
worst-case scenario and baseline. The position of the city in the rank will not change
directly with the increase.
The baseline 2009 results show the city’s vulnerability from 2009. In order to see which
component is most vulnerable to flooding for each coastal city with the 2100 worst-case
scenario, the values are shown without normalisation. The difference between the raw
CCFVI results of the two cases was computed and the variations are presented in Fig. 12.
Here, it can clearly be seen which cities are most impacted with climate change in relation
Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105 97
Fig. 11 Comparison between the total CCFVIs after considering the two scenarios
to each component. Manila has the most variations, which reflects the fact that the city is
characterised by economic extremes with a considerable disparity between the wealthy few
and the large number of people below the poverty line. Reportedly, 97 % of the total GDP
in the Philippines is controlled by 15 % of the population (Yusuf and Francisco 2009).
With the Growing Coastal Population indicator increasing by 2100, Manila city will be
even more economically vulnerable to coastal floods, which explains the high economic
The study also provides interesting insights into future (2100) total flood vulnerability
on a coastal city scale (Total CCFVI); a ranking of those cities can be seen in Table 6. By
2100 worst-case scenario, the most vulnerable city to coastal floods will remain Shanghai,
followed very close by Dhaka and least vulnerable Marseille and Osaka, taking into
account that no adaptation measures are included into the analysis.
There can be no analysis or assessment of flood and risk management and adaptation
measures without, first, understanding correctly the concept of vulnerability. Vulnerability
is an analysing element of exposure, susceptibility and resilience of any coastal system at
hazard. Vulnerability index captures a zooming in view, which helps in assessing aspects
98 Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105
that might have been neglected by traditional approach to assess or analyse risk so far. As
another argument to assess and index vulnerability is the requirements of the European
Floods Directive 2007/60/EC and the ‘‘Hyogo Framework for Action 2005–2015’’.
Therefore, not only politicians, but also decision-makers need such indices, the stand-
ardised vulnerability indices are helping in assessing and monitoring the ‘‘elements at risk’’
(Merz et al. 2007). This need, the indices, involves a range of subjective decisions, the
choice of indicators for example, but if the vulnerability concept is well defined and
clarified, the evaluation and interpretation of composite indices will bring us the under-
standing of where to mitigate risk and where to focus investments. Still there is no
standardised way to measure vulnerability (Bohle et al. 1994), and the measurement
depends on each hazard that occurs, its frequency and its intensity.
The methodology used in this article is based on sets of indicators for different vul-
nerability factors and coastal system components, focusing on coastal floods. Selected
indicators (19) have been used to quantify flood vulnerability of coastal cities. In the
CCFVI approach, the indicators were normalised separately using predefined minimum
and maximum values to facilitate easily comparison between case studies and to provide
one single and comparable value. The final Coastal City Flood Vulnerability component
values are therefore between 0 and 1. However, in order to present consistent final results
of climate change impact scenarios, the raw results are shown.
Since the methodology is based on indicators, its main weakness is the accuracy of the
data on which it is based. For the results to be valid, all data must be derived from reliable
sources (see Sect. 3.3). This approach allows for relative comparisons to be made between
urban areas irrespective of uncertainties. In this way, proposed measures can be prioritised
for urban areas that are at greatest risk. Uncertainty is not removed, but is integrated into
the assessment. While a level of uncertainty is inherent in CCFVI, its use in operational
flood risk management is useful for policy and decision-makers in terms of prioritising
investments and formulating adaptation plans. It also offers a more transparent means of
prioritising, which is inevitably a highly political process. It may also be considered a
means to steer flood management policy in a more sustainable direction. As individual
information is lost in the aggregation process, it needs to be retrieved by a more in-depth
analysis of each process in order to design policies and their implementation measures. For
example, the magnitude of impact of different factors and of each indicator on the CCFVI
needs to be well understood.
Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105 99
It is worth underlining that the CCFVI is a flexible tool: it can be used to create different
‘‘scenarios’’ by changing one or more indicators and can be tailored on different situations
and areas, since the principle ‘‘one size fits all’’ cannot be applied to vulnerabilities present
in complex and dynamic realities.
Another weakness of the method, the unevenness of the indicators, has two main
consequences. Firstly, the indices calculated by the model are distorted. Components with
more indicators are more reliable than components with few indicators on this level.
Components with few or no indicators are not well represented. Furthermore, the com-
ponents with few indicators are less reliable. This is due to the occurrence that a large
variation in one variable has a larger influence on the calculated index. The second main
consequence of the unequal distribution of indicators is on the feasibility of calculating the
index of a certain component. If more indicators are available, the user of the model can
choose the indicators according to the information that is most readily available making the
model more feasible.
To improve the model, the number of indicators would need to be increased in the areas
with fewer indicators at the moment. Preferably, these indicators would coincide with
information that most governing bodies are already collecting in order to increase the ease
of use of the model.
The CCFVI can be used as an effective tool to assist decision-makers in evaluating the
impacts of different scenarios. A quantification of coastal flood vulnerability is the CCFVI,
a non-structural measure (more in the interest of general public, policy and decision-
makers, re/insuring companies), the index can be incorporated into the Disaster Risk
Reduction Strategy.
The CCFVI can also be used as a toolkit to assess and manage the coastal flood
vulnerability and this way to facilitate adaptation and coping capacities. The CCFVI
methodology is at the base of a network of knowledge, among the flood vulnerability index
methodology (, which is an automated calculation of a CCFVI imple-
mented through a web management interface (PHP) that enhances the ability of decision-
makers to strategically guide investment (Balica and Wright 2009). The network of
knowledge can be used between different institutions, universities and non-governmental
organisations with the purpose to encourage collaboration between the members of the
network on managing coastal flood vulnerability information and also promoting further
studies on flood risk assessment at smaller scales. The CCFVI can help in converting
knowledge into actions: to assess/index the coastal flood vulnerability in different regions
of the world, but also in less well-served ones, data scarce areas, by following an integrated
approach; raise coastal flood vulnerability awareness; save lives, reduce economic, envi-
ronmental losses; and distribute the financial burden better.
Other future developments work in two ways. Firstly, increasing populations are likely
to increase the vulnerability to flooding owing to increased inhabitation of flood-prone
areas (Saalmueller, n.d.). Populations are likely to expand into areas that are currently
covered by natural vegetation (Marcoux 2000; DeFries et al. 2010) and the densities of
urban environments already within flood plains and coastal areas are likely to increase
(UNFPA 2011b).
On the other hand, the vulnerability could decrease due to development which could
lower susceptibility indicators such as increased awareness and education (IIASA 2008).
Other resilience indicators could also improve due to public investments in (protective)
infrastructure and increased institutional capacity as countries develop.
100 Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105
7 Conclusions
Acknowledgments The first author acknowledges support from the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water
Education, the Huygens Programme of the Government of the Netherlands and Rijkwaterstaat. The help and
support provided by Dr Rosh Ranasinghe (TU Delft and UNESCO-IHE) is highly appreciated. We would
like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their comments that helped improve the manuscript.
Nat Hazards (2012) 64:73–105 101
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the
source are credited.
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