Singapore Property Weekly Issue 346
Singapore Property Weekly Issue 346
Singapore Property Weekly Issue 346
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This is the best relationship advice I’ve known actress in the region. It is not
heard from a fortune teller! necessary to marry the talented. She herself
is an award-winning actress.
The first prediction is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
If the actress believes what the fengshui And the most important part of the advice is
master said, from now on she will start “don’t pick a 衰人” (bad guy).What does a bad
focusing more on her relationship and will guy mean? A bad husband can be mean,
consider all her suitors seriously. Then very selfish, jealous, controlling, unfaithful,
soon she will tie the knot. It’s very likely to abusive, violent or have addiction problems.
happen in the next two years.
The fengshui master knows that it is fine for
The second piece of advice is necessary. In the actress to marry any ordinary man,
case it’s a bad marriage, the actress might except to a bad guy which can lead to very
blame the fengshui master for rushing or serious consequences.
misleading her into making a bad decision.
The opposite of bad is not good
The best part of his advice is “no need to find
a very good man” and “don’t pick a bad guy”. The opposite of bad is “normal”.
The actress doesn’t need more: There is no Sounds easy, isn’t it? If it is that simple, why
need for her to marry the rich. She herself is do we still hear so many women complaining
a millionaire actress. She doesn’t have to about their bad husbands?
marry the famous either. She herself is a well- It works the same way when buying a home.
The best advice for home buyers is simply: or interior fengshui due to bad direction,
Most people don‟t have to wait for the best project design or layout.
time to enter the market or buy the best type
If you think these things are just common
of properties. They only need to buy an
sense, then common sense is not very
“ordinary” home free of major problems and
at a reasonable price.
The saddest part is: These buyers don’t know
Sounds easy, isn’t it? If it is that simple, why
what the problem is. They may even pay top
do we still have so many buyers regretting
dollars for these bad properties.
later that they have bought a bad property at
the wrong price at the peak of the market? Buying a home is probably the most
expensive item one would purchase in a
I have personally stepped into a hundred
lifetime. I am not saying they all have to
showflats and gone for hundreds of flat or
attend my Buying My First Private
house viewings. You will be surprised how
Property or How to Buy Good Quality
many home owners bought the wrong types
Properties workshops. I just wonder how
of condominium units and landed houses.
many buyers care to do some homework
Some are situated in a totally wrong area. before they buy:
More are located near to undesirable
1. Study the actual location, environment and
establishments. Many come with bad exterior
amenities nearby.
2. Check the past sales transactions of similar the government many years ago. Its value
projects in the last 5 to 10 years. appreciated over time. They have paid off
most of the housing loan and managed to
3. Google for useful home buying tips instead
save a low six-figure sum.
of just listening to property agents or people
with vested interests. When they read the news that property prices
will go up in the next two years, they start to
Taiwanese illustrator and writer Jimmy Liao (
focus on house hunting and seriously
幾米) wrote this in one of his picture books:
consider upgrading their home to a private
He met a rabbit who lost its way. It asked him property.
to help find the way home.
They are helping the industry stakeholders to
He asked it „where‟s your home?‟
make their prediction a self-fulfilling prophecy
„If I know where my home is, I won‟t lose my
– except this time the fortune tellers didn’t
way,‟ the rabbit said seriously.
warn them not to pick a bad property.
Do you know the common type of
By guest contributor Property Soul, a
homebuyers coming to me for advice these
successful property investor, blogger, and
days? They are middle-aged PMETs
author of the No B.S. Guide to Property
(Professional, Managers, Executives and
Technicians) with school-going children. They
bought a subsidized first-hand HDB flat from
Non-Landed Residential Resale Property Transactions for the Week of Jan 27 – Feb 2