Multistage Centrifugal Pumps - Assessment of A Mixing Plane Method For CFD Analysis
Multistage Centrifugal Pumps - Assessment of A Mixing Plane Method For CFD Analysis
Multistage Centrifugal Pumps - Assessment of A Mixing Plane Method For CFD Analysis
ART. 12/01
P.Adamia - S.Della Gattaa - F.Martellia
L.Bertolazzib – D. Maestrib - G.Marencob - A.Pivab
Dipartimento di Energetica “S.Stecco”
Via S.Marta, 3 50139 Firenze, Italia,,
Weir Gabbioneta Srl
V.le Casiraghi, 68 20099 Sesto S.Giovanni-MI, Italia , , ,
An accurate CFD investigation allows a thorough knowledge of the fluid dynamic field
inside a multistage centrifugal pump but only a correct interpretation of its results grants a
well-founded prediction of the machine performance curves. The paper introduces the
assessment of an improved methodology to predict head-flow and efficiency characteristics
of industrial pumps in real operating conditions. The described approach is based on
standard CFD analysis and experimental tests.
The numerical procedure is built-up of three different steps:
· CFD investigation of the single impeller and diffuser domains;
· impeller-diffuser interaction analysis;
· evaluation of the whole multistage pump performance curves by pressure field
interpretation and taking into account real machine secondary phenomena.
The stage computational model is made up of two 3D fluid domains with overlapping: one
of them is aimed to simulate the diffuser and is related to a stationary reference frame
while the other one models the impeller and is referred to a rotating system.
Moreover the impeller–diffuser interaction is studied by the employment of a mixing plane
technique. Numerical results are then compared to the real pump performance test at the
actual working conditions in order to validate the proposed methodology.
The paper will discuss all approach details and the main CFD features involved.
w relative velocity
BEP best efficiency point u blade velocity
Q flow rate v flow velocity in seals
Qp parasitic flow rate N rotational speed
H head a,b flow angles
P power p pressure
h efficiency r density
c absolute velocity g gravity acceleration
R radius Subscript
A passage area RAD radial
L passage length AX axial
D diameter TG tangential
d seal diametral clearance min minimum
Hm meridional passage height max maximum
Jper periodicity angle exit exit
e roughness inlet inlet
a,b,c,k ,Cd,l leakage correlation
zf ventilation coefficient
1. Introduction
A reliable and efficient methodology for accurate prediction of multi-stage centrifugal
pump performances has to handle stationary as well as rotating parts including secondary
effects and geometrical features such as leakages, disk friction and balancing ducts.
Experience gained from the collaboration between the Energetic Dept. and Pompe
Gabbioneta demonstrated how a mixing-plane stage analysis with domain overlapping
leads to an accurate estimate of the head-flow characteristic. Conversely, the efficiency
prediction and the correct best efficiency point flow rate evaluation (BEP) require a deeper
investigation including, as much as possible, all the loss sources experienced by the
pumped fluid. In a real centrifugal pump there are so many effects contributing to the
production of losses that an engineering feasible CFD prediction of the real working
conditions imposes the assessment of different strategies and models.
For instance balancing holes, frequently used to reduce axial load on bearings, are
responsible of a leakage flow through the impeller which does not contribute to pump head
and produces a loss of efficiency. Moreover, leakages flows and ventilation losses play
also an important role in the prediction of efficiency as well as the surface wall roughness.
According to these points, the paper describes a CFD multi-stage investigation
methodology aiming to include all the effects that have demonstrated not to be negligible
for the performance prediction. The assessed and tuned method is applied to two industrial
pump stage configurations and the numerical results are compared with experimental data
acquired by Pompe Gabbioneta thus demonstrating its effectiveness and reliability.
Fig. 1 VBN pump configuration
VBN Vaneless with
200/50 7 blades 12 return 4 25 m3/h 140 m 2960 rpm
B splitter
9 continuous
250/80 7 blades 6 100 m3/h 420 m 2980 rpm
Tab. 1 Main characteristics of the investigated configurations
3. Experimental set-up
Experimental data to validate computational results come from functional tests which
have been carried out on a Pompe Gabbioneta automatic test loop which is fully in
compliance with ASME PTC 8.2-1990. VBN 200/50 B and VBN 250/80 B involved in the
present study have been equipped with mechanical seals and tested in accordance to latest
edition of API 610 Std [1].
All the operating parameters have been continuously measured by electronic
instrumentation connected to a control room PC. In detail:
· the capacity has been measured by electromagnetic flowmeters and its value has been
transmitted to the acquisition system by an analogical electric signal and read directly
on relevant monitors and in a PC testing room;
· speed has been measured by a transducer which can send a train of electric pulses to an
amplifier with frequency proportional to pump shaft speed;
· pump head has been determined by algebraic difference between total height of liquid
at discharge and suction sections: the total height value being given as the algebraic
addition of geodetic height, static height and kinetic height. Static heights are measured
by means of different pressure transducers. For vertical pumps in barrel, such as the
above mentioned VBN, the low pressure connection of differential pressure gauge
takes the air pressure inside the vertical vessel, the measure of air pressure is not
affected by geodetic variations and the kinetic head is only composed by the term
referred to discharge;
· pump shaft torque has been measured by an estensimetric torque-meter connected to a
signal amplifier. the pump absorbed power is evaluated as the product of torque and
· pump efficiency has been calculated as the ratio of the hydraulic power supplied by the
pump to the liquid and the mechanical power absorbed by the pump.
4.3 Computational domains and boundary conditions
As above mentioned, considering the axial symmetry of the problem, a mixing plane
method has to be preferred in the present study. The stage is divided into two sub-domains.
Only one of all the diffuser passages (twelve for the first pump, nine for the second one)
has to be meshed and analysed. Accordingly, only one of the seven impeller passages is
modelled, assuming an artificial domain overlapping. Fig. 2 shows the VBN 200/50 B
impeller and diffuser computational grids.
Fig. 2 Impeller (a) and diffuser (b) spatial grids for VBN200/50 B configuration
At the inlet and exit of a stage (i.e. at impeller inlet and diffuser outlet) the flow absolute
velocity and flow angle are assumed to be identical. This hypothesis allows to consider the
operating conditions of a single stage of a multistage centrifugal-pump. The inlet mass
flow, the components of the inlet vector velocity and the pressure outlet are imposed as
boundary conditions to each component.
-Interstage pressure
-Outlet direction velocity
The steps of the procedure can be summarised as follows:
· CFD simulation of the impeller related to a rotating reference frame.
· Data analysis of the impeller flow field – Circumferential averages are computed at the
mixing plane interface to be imposed as boundary condition to the diffuser
· CFD simulation of the diffuser in the static reference frame
· Data analysis of the diffuser flow field – Circumferential averages are computed at the
mixing plane interface to be passed as boundary condition to the impeller
· Iteration from 1. to 4. until convergence is achieved.
where Q is the flow rate, R is the constant radius of impeller mixing surface (Fig. 2), Hm is
the height of meridional passage at impeller exit, and finally θPER is the periodicity angle
of the impeller.
The outlet velocity from the analysis of the impeller is imposed at the diffuser inlet after
being transferred from the rotating reference frame to the stationary one.
The diffuser outlet mixing plane is indicated in Fig.2. Here, as for the previous step, the
flow weighted averaged angles are computed:
where Rmin e Rmax are respectively the minimum and maximum radius of the diffuser
channel height at the intersection with the mixing plane (Fig. 2); c RAD , c AX and cTG are
respectively the radial, axial and tangential velocities in the stationary frame defining the
c c
pitch and yaw angles: tga = RAD and tgb = TG .
c AX c AX
The impeller inlet static pressure is:
ò p dq ò ò p c RAD R dh dJ
p= 0
= 0 0
ò dq
where R is the radius of the diffuser inlet surface and Hm the height of the passage.
where g is the gravity acceleration, H is the stage head, u is the blade speed and cTG the
tangential velocity in the stationary frame. As for mixing plane, the global values used in
this expression are flow weighted at each location (here the impeller exit and inlet plane).
Head-rate and efficiency-rate curves obtained from the simulation loop for both
configurations are reported in Fig. 4 in comparison with experimental data obtained from
Pompe Gabbioneta. The numerical simulation correctly predicts both the trends and the
BEP flow rate, but fails to capture the head and efficiency in the whole operating range.
A critical analysis of this outcome leads to conclude that additional losses and a more
realistic model of the stage details are needed to achieve a satisfactory prediction.
Therefore the several secondary effects existing in the real centrifugal pump have not to be
2.00 2,00
1.80 1,80
exp CFD
h/h BEP
0.40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80 0,90 1,00 1,10
0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10
First of all, friction losses are influenced by the non-smooth aspect of the metallic surfaces
of the pump due to the impeller and diffuser casting process. Considering the large extent
of the wet surface in these components, the influence of wall roughness in the boundary
layer model has been considered as reported in the literature [3].
As far as the turbulence model is concerned, being an a priori estimate of the coefficients
generally not available, a basic numerical tests campaign has to be performed to asses and
tune the values coherently with the observed surfaces roughness (e=1.6mm).
Even the leakage flow through the balancing holes is responsible for losses and it
contributes to a decrease in performance of the whole centrifugal-pump. Firstly the
leakage, the flow and the ducts itself disturb the average stream inside and at the discharge
of the impeller vanes. Further, even if pumped, the leakage flows does not provide any
useful pressure increase and it results in a loss of energy.
Fixed Rotating
surface surface
Fig. 5 Balancing hole, wear rings layout and corresponding spatial discretisation
Another source of loss is represented by the viscous action of the fluid filling the gap
between the impeller shrouds and the diffuser wall where the frictional losses between the
moving surfaces dissipate energy through ventilation. The evaluation of the balancing flow
rate and of the ventilation losses is here addressed to understand their actual importance in
predicting the efficiency and head of the whole stage. In Fig. 5, the balancing hole, the
wear rings and the leakage flow path are reported.
A simple and efficient way to include those effects trying to avoid any further CFD step
in the iterative loop previously explained is presented. To this aim, it is observed that
leakage flow mainly depends on the seals geometry, impeller rotational speed and head. In
case of fixed geometrical features and constant rotating speed, balancing flows and losses
therefore depend on the impeller head only.
As a consequence the characteristic curve ( Dp-Q) of the seals can be obtained by separate
CFD calculation at different mass flow inlet conditions. In the present study, this
preliminary computations are performed reproducing both the rotating and stationary
surfaces, while the computational domain extends to cover the whole leakage gap existing
between the impeller and the diffuser wear rings. Thanks to the details included, the
ventilation losses due to the presence of the rotating impeller are also accounted by the
same simulations. Both curves obtained for the balancing flow rate and ventilation losses
are reported in Fig.6.
0.14 1.050
0.12 1.040
0.10 1.030
0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17
impeller head/impeller head (at BEP) balancing flow rate/flow rate (BEP)
The results from this analysis have been employed also to assess the correlations used by
Pompe Gabbioneta. Concerning the leakage correlation, it utilizes the geometrical
characteristics, rotational speed and impeller head as follows [13][14]:
Q p = k 2 gH C d A (5)
æ ö
ç 1 ÷
Cd = ç + a÷ (6)
ç L ÷
çl ÷
è d ø
b é æuö ù
Here Qp is the leakage flow rate, H the head, A the passage area, L the passage length, d the
seal diametral clearance, u the blade velocity, v the mean flow speed inside the seal.
Coefficients (a,b,c) depend on geometrical characteristics.
The coefficient k is equal to 1. considering H as the head between inlet and outlet of
balancing hole. As proved by the tests, a value of k equal to 0.49 allows to use directly the
impeller head value.
As far as ventilation losses are concerned, in literature [11][12] expressions to estimate
ventilation losses are reported as follows:
Pvent losses = rz f Q p v 2 ( 8)
æ gH ö æ Hm ö
z f = f çç ÷
2 ÷ç ÷ (9)
è ( ND ) øè D ø
where both Qp and zp depend on H. For a fixed geometry and a constant rotating speed, it
is possible to graph zp (H).
It is observed that the leakage flow due to balancing holes can reach the 30 % of the
main flow at low operating rates with an appreciable effect on performances. Therefore the
characteristic curve computed separately for the leakage flow has been introduced in the
iterative loop of the stage that has been modified as follows in Fig. 8.
with Qp the parasitic flow and Pvent the ventilation losses. Here exit and inlet are
respectively referred to the impeller outlet and the inlet control surfaces. The new
efficiency and characteristic curves are reported in Fig. 9.
2.00 2,00
1.80 1,80
exp CFD
1.60 1,60
exp CFD
1.40 1,40
h/h BEP
0.40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80 0,90 1,00 1,10
0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10
As shown, owing to the secondary effects, the agreement between computational results
and experimental data greatly improves. The head-flow rate curve is fairly well predicted
while only a small difference is observed for the efficiency where the CFD analysis still
slightly over predicts the real pump behaviour. However, the above mentioned
discrepancies can be brought back to the experimental campaign which has been
performed using multistage pumps instead of the modelled single stage. Likely,
computational analysis ignores the effects of pump suction and discharge nozzle and,
finally, the discrepancies grow at low flow rate where further mechanical losses of real
machine may acquire relevance.
Fig. 10 Diffuser velocity in blade to blade surface (a) and pressure field in meridional plane(b),
impeller static pressure distribution in impeller flow field (c) for VBN 200/50 B. (a) and (b) show a
separated flow in the suction side due to the high deviation from inlet to exit. The stall zone extends
in the whole passage area.
The whole approach has been further assessed computing the performances of the VBN
250/80 B pump that is characterised by a nine continuous channels diffuser. The
corresponding computational grids (Fig. 11), the performance curves (Fig. 12) and the flow
field features (Fig. 13) are given herein.
Fig. 11 Spatial discretisation for VBN 250/80 B
1,4 1.4
1,2 1.2
1 1
0,8 0.8
0,6 0.6
0,4 0.4
0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 1,1 1,2 1,3 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3
flow rate/flow rate (BEP) flow rate/flow rate (BEP)
Fig. 12 Non-dimensional head and non-dimensional efficiency vs non-dimensional flow rate for
VBN 250/80 B including the effect of balancing holes.
The agreement between experimental and computational data confirms the capability of
the numerical tool.
Fig. 13 Flow field feature for VBN 250/80 B diffuser (a) and impeller (b)
An improved CFD approach is presented for the analysis of complex pump stages
performances. The method consists in steady simulations which use the mixing plane
technique to couple impeller and diffuser. Many secondary effects such as the presence of
leakage flows, wall friction and ventilation losses are not to be neglected in order to reach
an high level of accuracy.
The computational procedure gives results that fit very well the experimental data thus
confirming its effectiveness. Furthermore, it is successfully applied to two centrifugal
pumps which are equipped with different diffuser configurations and are designed for
different operating conditions.
Finally a quick and reliable prediction of head-rate and efficiency-rate curves in a wide
operating condition range is obtainable with the present approach. However the additional
parasitic effects has to be more deeply investigated at low flow rates where greater is their
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