Title Four Crimes Against Public Interest Chapter One Forgeries Section Two. - Counterfeiting Coins Article Revised Penal Code R.A. NO. 10951
Title Four Crimes Against Public Interest Chapter One Forgeries Section Two. - Counterfeiting Coins Article Revised Penal Code R.A. NO. 10951
Title Four Crimes Against Public Interest Chapter One Forgeries Section Two. - Counterfeiting Coins Article Revised Penal Code R.A. NO. 10951
4. Making untruthful
statements in a narration of
7. Issuing in an authenticated
form a document purporting
to be a copy of an original
document when no such
original exists, or including in
such a copy a statement
contrary to, or different from,
that of the genuine original; or
In cases provided in
subdivisions 3 and4 of this
article the offender shall further
suffer a fine not to exceed 1,000
Article 181 Penalty: Penalty:
False testimony favorable to the Arresto mayor in its maximum Arresto mayor in its maximum
defendants - Any person who period to prisión correccional in period to prisión correccional in
shall give false testimony in its minimum period a fine not to its minimum period a fine not to
favor of the defendant in a exceed 1,000 pesos, if the exceed Two hundred thousand
criminal case. prosecution is for a felony pesos (P200,000), if the
punishable by an afflictive prosecution is for a felony
penalty, and the penalty of punishable by an afflictive
arresto mayor in any other case. penalty, and the penalty of
arresto mayor in any other case.
Article 182 Penalty: Penalty:
False testimony in civil cases - Prisión correccional in its Prisión correccional in its
Any person found guilty of false minimum period and a fine not minimum period and a fine not
testimony in a civil case. to exceed 6,000 pesos, if the to exceed One million two
amount in controversy shall hundred thousand pesos
exceed 5,000 pesos, and the (P1,200,000), if the amount in
penalty of arresto mayor in its controversy shall exceed One
maximum period to prisión million pesos (P1,000,000), and
correccional in its minimum the penalty of arresto mayor in
period and a fine not to exceed its maximum period to prisión
1,000 pesos, if the amount in correccional in its minimum
controversy shall not exceed period and a fine not to exceed
said amount or cannot be Two hundred thousand pesos
estimated. (P200,000), if the amount in
controversy shall not exceed
said amount or cannot be
Title Four
Chapter Three
Section Two. —Frauds in commerce and industry
Article 187 Penalty: Penalty:
Importation and disposition of Prisión correccional or a fine Prisión correccional or a fine
falsely marked articles or ranging from 200 to1,000 pesos, ranging from Forty thousand
merchandise made of gold, or both, shall be imposed on pesos (P40,000) to Two
silver, or other precious metals any person who shall knowingly hundred thousand pesos
or their alloys. import or sell or dispose of any (P200,000), or both, shall be
article or merchandise made of
gold, silver, or other precious imposed on any person who
metals, or their alloys, with shall knowingly import x x x.
stamps, brands, or marks which
fail to indicate the actual
fineness or quality of said
metals or alloys.