Title Four Crimes Against Public Interest Chapter One Forgeries Section Two. - Counterfeiting Coins Article Revised Penal Code R.A. NO. 10951

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Title Four


Chapter One
Section Two. –Counterfeiting Coins
Article 163 Penalty: Penalty:
Making and Importing and 1. Prisión mayor in its minimum 1. Prisión mayor in its minimum
Uttering False Coins. - Any and medium periods and a fine and medium periods and a fine
person who makes, imports, or not to exceed P10,000 pesos, if not to exceed Four hundred
utters, false coins, in the counterfeited coin be silver thousand (P400,000) pesos, if
connivance with counterfeiters, coin of the Philippines or coin of the counterfeited coins be any
or importers. the Central Bank of the of the coinage of the
Philippines of ten centavo Philippines.
denomination or above.
2. Prisión correccional in its
2. Prisión correccional in its minimum and a fine of not to
minimum and medium periods exceed Two hundred thousand
and a fine of not to exceed pesos (P200,000), if the
P2,000 pesos, if the counterfeited coin be currency
counterfeited coins be any of of a foreign country.
the minor coinage of the
Philippines or of the Central
Bank of the Philippines below
ten-centavo denomination.

3. Prision correccional in its

minimum period and a fine not
to exceed P1,000 pesos, if the
counterfeited coin be currency
of a foreign country. (As
amended by R.A. No. 4202,
approved June 19, 1965)
Article 164 Penalty: Penalty:
Mutilation of coins; Importation Prisión correccional in its Prisión correccional in its
and utterance of mutilated minimum period and a fine not minimum period and a fine not
coins. to exceed P2,000 pesos shall be to exceed Four hundred
imposed upon any person who thousand pesos (P400,000) shall
shall mutilate coins of the legal be imposed upon any person
currency of the Philippines or who shall mutilate coins of the
import or utter mutilated legal currency of the Philippines
current coins, or in connivance or import or utter mutilated
with mutilators or importers. current coins, or in connivance
with mutilators or importers.
Title Four
Chapter One
Section Three. —Forging treasury or bank notes, obligations and securities;
importing and uttering false or forged notes, obligations and securities.
Article 166 Penalty: Penalty:
Forging treasury or bank notes 1. By reclusión temporal in its 1. By reclusión temporal in its
on other documents payable to minimum period and a fine not minimum period and a fine not
bearer; importing, and uttering to exceed P10,000 pesos, if the to exceed Two million pesos
such false or forged notes and document which has been (P2,000,000), if the document
documents. - The forging or falsified, counterfeited, or which has been falsified,
falsification of treasury or bank altered, is an obligation or counterfeited, or altered, is an
notes or certificates or other security of the Philippines. obligation or security of the
obligations and securities Philippines.
payable to bearer and the The word “obligation or security
importation and uttering in of the Philippines” shall be held The words “obligation or
connivance with forgers or to mean all bonds, certificates security of the Philippines” shall
importers of such false or of indebtedness, national bank mean all bonds, certificates of
forged obligations or notes. notes, coupons, Philippine indebtedness, national bank
notes, treasury notes, fractional notes, coupons, Philippine
notes, certificates of deposit, notes, treasury notes, fractional
bills, checks, or drafts for notes, certificates of deposit,
money, drawn by or upon bills, checks, or drafts for
authorized officers of the money, drawn by or upon
Philippines, and other authorized officers of the
representatives of value, of Philippines, and other
whatever denomination, which representatives of value, of
have been or may be issued whatever denomination, which
under any act of the Congress. have been or may be issued
under any act of the Congress.
2. By prisión mayor in its
maximum period and a fine not 2. By prisión mayor in its
to exceed P5,000 pesos, if the maximum period and a fine not
falsified or altered document is to exceed One million
a circulating note issued by pesos(P1,000,000), if the
any banking association duly falsified or altered document is
authorized by law to issue the a circulating note issued by any
same. banking association duly
authorized by law to issue the
3. By prisión mayor in its same.
medium period and a fine not
to exceed P5,000 pesos, if the 3. By prisión mayor in its
falsified or counterfeited medium period and a fine not
document was issued by a to exceed One million
foreign government. pesos(P1,000,000), if the
falsified or counterfeited
4. By prisión mayor in its document was issued by a
minimum period and a fine not foreign government.
to exceed P2,000 pesos, when
the forged or altered document 4. By prisión mayor in its
is a circulating note or bill minimum period and a fine not
issued by a foreign bank duly to exceed Four hundred
authorized therefor. thousand pesos (P400,000),
when the forged or altered
document is a circulating note
or bill issued by a foreign bank
duly authorized therefor.
Article 167 Penalty: Penalty:
Counterfeiting, importing and prisión correccional in its prisión correccional in its
uttering instruments not medium and maximum periods medium and maximum periods
payable to bearer. - Any person and a fine not exceeding P6,000 and a fine not exceeding One
who shall forge, import or utter, pesos. million two hundred thousand
in connivance with the forgers (P1,200,000) pesos.
or importers, any instrument
payable to order or other
document of credit not payable
to bearer.
Chapter One
Section Four. —Falsification of legislative, public, commercial, and Private documents, and
wireless, telegraph, and telephone message
Article 170 Penalty: Penalty:
Falsification of legislative Prisión correccional in its Prisión correccional in its
documents. maximum period and a fine not maximum period and a fine not
exceeding P6,000 pesos shall be exceeding One million two
imposed upon any person hundred thousand pesos
who, without proper authority (P1,200,000) shall be imposed
therefor alters any bill, upon any person who, without
resolution, or ordinance proper authority therefor alters
enacted or approved or pending any bill, resolution, or ordinance
approval by either House of the enacted or approved or pending
Congress or any provincial approval by either House of the
board or municipal council. Congress or any provincial
board or municipal council.
Article 171 Penalty: Penalty:
Falsification by public officer, Prisión mayor and a fine not to Prisión mayor and a fine not to
employee or notary or exceed P5,000 pesos shall be exceed One million pesos
ecclesiastic minister. imposed upon any public (P1,000,000) shall be imposed
officer, employee, or notary upon any public officer,
who, taking advantage of his employee, or notary who,
official position, shall falsify a taking advantage of his official
document by committing any of position, shall falsify a
the following acts: document by committing any
of the following acts: x x x
1. Counterfeiting or imitating
any handwriting, signature or
2. Causing it to appear that
persons have participated in
any act or proceeding when
they did not in fact so

3. Attributing to persons who

have participated in an act or
proceeding statements other
than those in fact made by

4. Making untruthful
statements in a narration of

5. Altering true dates;

6. Making any alteration or

intercalation in a genuine
document which changes its

7. Issuing in an authenticated
form a document purporting
to be a copy of an original
document when no such
original exists, or including in
such a copy a statement
contrary to, or different from,
that of the genuine original; or

8. Intercalating any instrument

or note relative to the issuance
thereof in a protocol, registry,
or official book. The same
penalty shall be imposed upon
any ecclesiastical minister who
shall commit any of the
offenses enumerated in the
preceding paragraphs of this
article, with respect to any
record or document of such
character that its falsification
may affect the civil status of
Article 172 Penalty: Penalty:
Falsification by private Prisión correccional in its Prisión correccional in its
individual and use of falsified medium and maximum periods medium and maximum periods
documents. and a fine of not more than and a fine of not more than One
P5,000 pesos shall be imposed million pesos (P1,000,000) shall
upon: be imposed upon: x x x.

1. Any private individual who

shall commit any of the
falsifications enumerated in the
next preceding article in any
public or official document or
letter of exchange or any other
kind of commercial document;

2. Any person who, to the

damage of a third party, or with
the intent to cause such
damage, shall in any private
document commit any of the
acts of falsification enumerated
in the next preceding article;

3. Any person who shall

knowingly Comparative Table of
Provisions amended by R.A.
10951 introduce in evidence in
any judicial proceeding or to the
damage of another or who, with
the intent to cause such
damage, shall use any of the
false documents embraced in
the next preceding article, or in
any of the foregoing
subdivisions of this article, shall
be punished by the penalty next
lower in degree.
Title Four
Chapter One
Section Five. —Falsification of medical certificates,
certificates of merit or services and the like.
Article 174 Penalty: Penalty:
False medical certificates, false Arresto mayor in its maximum Arresto mayor in its maximum
certificates of merits or service, period to prisión correccional in period to prisión correccional in
etc. its minimum period and a fine its minimum period and a fine
not to exceed Two hundred
no to exceed P1,000 pesos shall thousand pesos (P200,000) shall
be imposed upon: be imposed upon: x x x.

1. Any physician or surgeon

who, in connection, with the
practice of his profession, shall
issue a false certificate; and

2. Any public officer who shall

issue a false certificate of merit
of service, good conduct or
similar circumstances.

The penalty of arresto mayor

shall be imposed upon any
private person who shall falsify
a certificate falling within the
classes mentioned in the two
(2) preceding subdivisions.
Title Four
Chapter One
Section Six. —Manufacturing, importing and possession of instruments or
implements intended for the commission of falsification.
Article 176 Penalty: Penalty:
Manufacturing and possession Prisión correccional in its Prisió correccional in its
of instruments or implements medium and maximum periods medium and maximum periods
for falsification. and a fine not to exceed and a fine not to exceed One
P10,000 pesos shall be imposed million pesos (P1,000,000) x x x.
upon any person who shall
make or introduce into the
Philippines any stamps, dies,
marks, or other instruments or
implements intended to be
used in the commission of the
offenses of counterfeiting or
falsification mentioned in the
preceding sections of this

Any person who, with the

intention of using them, shall
have in his possession any of
the instruments or implements
mentioned in the preceding
paragraphs, shall suffer the
penalty next lower in degree
than that provided therein.
Title Four
Chapter Two
Section One. —Usurpation of authority, rank, title, and
improper use of names, uniforms and insignia
Article 178 Penalty: Penalty:
Using fictitious name and Arresto mayor and a fine not to Arresto mayor and a fine not to
concealing true name. exceed 500 pesos shall be exceed One hundred thousand
imposed upon any person who pesos (P100,000) shall be
shall publicly use a fictitious imposed upon any person who
name for the purpose of shall publicly use a fictitious
concealing a crime, evading the name for the purpose of
execution of a judgment or concealing a crime, evading the
causing damage. execution of a judgment or
causing damage.
Any person who conceals his
true name and other personal Any person who conceals his
circumstances shall be punished true name and other personal
by arresto menor or a fine not circumstances shall be punished
to exceed 200 pesos. by arresto menor or a fine not
to exceed Forty thousand pesos
Title Four
Chapter Two
Section Two. —False testimony
Article 180 Penalty: Penalty:
False testimony against a 1. The penalty of reclusion
defendant. - Any person who temporal, if the defendant in xxx xxx xxx xxx
shall give false testimony said case shall have been
against the defendant in any sentenced to death; In cases provided in subdivisions
criminal case 3 and 4 of this article the
2. The penalty of prisión mayor, offender shall further suffer a
if the defendant shall have been fine not to exceed Two hundred
sentenced to reclusión thousand pesos (P200,000).
temporal or reclusion perpetua;

3. The penalty of prisión

correccional, if the defendant
shall have been sentenced to
any other afflictive penalty; and

4. The penalty of arresto mayor,

if the defendant shall have been
sentenced to a correctional
penalty or a fine, or shall have
been acquitted.

In cases provided in
subdivisions 3 and4 of this
article the offender shall further
suffer a fine not to exceed 1,000
Article 181 Penalty: Penalty:
False testimony favorable to the Arresto mayor in its maximum Arresto mayor in its maximum
defendants - Any person who period to prisión correccional in period to prisión correccional in
shall give false testimony in its minimum period a fine not to its minimum period a fine not to
favor of the defendant in a exceed 1,000 pesos, if the exceed Two hundred thousand
criminal case. prosecution is for a felony pesos (P200,000), if the
punishable by an afflictive prosecution is for a felony
penalty, and the penalty of punishable by an afflictive
arresto mayor in any other case. penalty, and the penalty of
arresto mayor in any other case.
Article 182 Penalty: Penalty:
False testimony in civil cases - Prisión correccional in its Prisión correccional in its
Any person found guilty of false minimum period and a fine not minimum period and a fine not
testimony in a civil case. to exceed 6,000 pesos, if the to exceed One million two
amount in controversy shall hundred thousand pesos
exceed 5,000 pesos, and the (P1,200,000), if the amount in
penalty of arresto mayor in its controversy shall exceed One
maximum period to prisión million pesos (P1,000,000), and
correccional in its minimum the penalty of arresto mayor in
period and a fine not to exceed its maximum period to prisión
1,000 pesos, if the amount in correccional in its minimum
controversy shall not exceed period and a fine not to exceed
said amount or cannot be Two hundred thousand pesos
estimated. (P200,000), if the amount in
controversy shall not exceed
said amount or cannot be
Title Four
Chapter Three
Section Two. —Frauds in commerce and industry
Article 187 Penalty: Penalty:
Importation and disposition of Prisión correccional or a fine Prisión correccional or a fine
falsely marked articles or ranging from 200 to1,000 pesos, ranging from Forty thousand
merchandise made of gold, or both, shall be imposed on pesos (P40,000) to Two
silver, or other precious metals any person who shall knowingly hundred thousand pesos
or their alloys. import or sell or dispose of any (P200,000), or both, shall be
article or merchandise made of
gold, silver, or other precious imposed on any person who
metals, or their alloys, with shall knowingly import x x x.
stamps, brands, or marks which
fail to indicate the actual
fineness or quality of said
metals or alloys.

Any stamp, brand, label, or

mark shall be deemed to fail to
indicate the actual fineness of
the article on which it is
engraved, printed, stamped,
labeled or attached, when the
test of the article shows that
the quality or fineness thereof is
less by more than one-half
karat, if made of gold, and less
by more than four one-
thousandth, if made of silver,
than what is shown by said
stamp, brand, label or mark. But
in case of watch cases and
flatware made of gold, the
actual fineness of such gold
shall not be less by more than
three one-thousandth than the
fineness indicated by said
stamp, brand, label, or mark.
Title Six
Chapter Two
Article 201 Penalty: Penalty:
Immoral doctrines, obscene Prisión mayor or a fine ranging Prisión mayor or a fine ranging
publications and exhibitions and from six thousand to twelve from Twenty thousand pesos
indecent shows. thousand pesos, or both such (P20,000) to Two hundred
imprisonment and fine, shall be thousand pesos (P200,000), or
imposed upon: both such imprisonment and
fine, shall be imposed upon: x x
1.Those who shall publicly x.
expound or proclaim doctrines
openly contrary to public

2.a. the authors of obscene

literature, published with their
knowledge in any form; the
editors publishing such
literature; and the
owners/operators of the
establishment selling the same;

b. Those who, in theaters, fairs,

cinematographs or any other
place, exhibit, indecent or
immoral plays, scenes, acts or
shows, whether live or in film,
which are prescribed by virtue
hereof, shall include those
which (1) glorify criminals or
condone crimes; (2) serve no
other purpose but to satisfy the
market for violence, lust or
pornography; (3) offend any
race or religion; (4) tend to abet
traffic in and use of prohibited
drugs; and (5) are contrary to
law, public order, morals, and
good customs, established
policies, lawful orders, decrees
and edicts; and

3.Those who shall sell, give

away or exhibit films, prints,
engravings, sculpture or
literature which are offensive to
morals. (As amended by PD
Nos. 960 and 969)
Article 202 Penalty: Penalty:
Prostitutes; Penalty – For the Arresto menor or a fine not Arresto menor or a fine not
purpose of this article, women exceeding 200 pesos, and in exceeding Twenty thousand
who, for money or profit, case of recidivism, by arresto pesos (P20,000), and in case of
habitually indulge in sexual mayor in its medium period to recidivism, by arresto mayor in
intercourse or lascivious prisión correctional in its its medium period to prisión
conduct, are deemed to be minimum period or a fine correctional in its minimum
prostitutes. Any person found ranging from 200 to 2,000 period or a fine ranging from
guilty of any of the offenses pesos, or both, in the discretion Twenty thousand pesos
covered by this article. of the court. (P20,000) to Two hundred
thousand pesos (P200,000), or
both, in the discretion of the

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