ENISA - Can We Learn From SCADA Security Incidents - White Paper (2013-10) PDF
ENISA - Can We Learn From SCADA Security Incidents - White Paper (2013-10) PDF
ENISA - Can We Learn From SCADA Security Incidents - White Paper (2013-10) PDF
October 2013
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Can we learn from SCADA security incidents?
October 2013
Designing and configuring systems in a way that enables digital evidence retention,
Complementing the existing skills base with ex post analysis expertise and understanding
overlaps between cyber and physical critical incident response teams,
Increasing inter-organisational public and privately held and cross-country collaboration
2 Target audience
The goals of this white paper are to inform the related community of SCADA operators and security
engineers and to provide another interface between policy makers and technology specialists in the
sensitive domain of critical infrastructure protection.
In particular, ENISA aims at:
Informing operational teams about the logging and ex post incident analysis capabilities that
they should consider when designing and implementing ICS systems, based on the current
level of the threat existing in their operating context,
Informing security engineers about the opportunities and the challenges that this largely
proprietary domain can pose,
Proposing a set of recommendations for developing a proactive environment of an
appropriate level of preparedness with respect to ex post incident analysis and learning
Facilitating further debates between the first two groups of stakeholders and policy makers in
their struggles to facilitate the development and maintenance of secure and resilient critical
By investigating a security incident, valuable knowledge can be gained which can be used to strengthen the system against future attacks
and mitigate the effects of such incidents by incorporating the appropriate proactive defence mechanisms.
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Can we learn from SCADA security incidents?
October 2013
S. Wilkinson, “Good Practice Guide for Computer-Based Electronic Evidence,” Assoc. Chief Police Off., 2010.
M. Fabro and E. Cornelius, “Recommended Practice: Creating Cyber Forensics Plans for Control Systems,” Dep. Homel. Secur., 2008.
R. Radvanovsky and J. Brodsky, Eds., Handbook of SCADA/Control Systems Security. CRC Press, 2013.
T. Spyridopoulos and V. Katos, “Requirements for a Forensically Ready Cloud Storage Service,” Int. J. Digit. Crime Forensics Ijdcf, vol. 3,
no. 3, pp. 19–36, 2011.
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Can we learn from SCADA security incidents?
October 2013
2. Identification of evidence: The starting point of this stage is the identification of the type of
system under investigation10. Once the type of system has become known, the next step is
to identify the operating system of the system that is used, the types and manufacture of
the PLCs, and the network design and implementation. Towards this direction information
gathered from the system’s Point of Contact (POC) can provide valuable data. The
manufacturer’s documentation, the design specifications, network diagrams and the Human
Machine Interface (HMI) itself can assist the identification process.
3. Collection of evidence: The collection phase involves the collection of data from all the
systems with memory components that have been identified in step 2. Network traffic
between the identified system’s components, such as network traffic between the control
network and the management network, and between the SCADA system and the Internet
should also be captured.
4. Analysis of evidence: In the analysis phase evidence is identified in the data collected.
Eventually, a timeline of activities based on the data that was gathered in the collection
phase is created. The major categories of ex post incident analysis can be defined using the
notion of abstraction layers11.
Physical Media Analysis: The analysis of the physical media translates the contents of
a storage layout to a standard interface (e.g. IDE or SCSIs). Examples include a hard
disk, compact flash, and memory chips.
Media Management Analysis: In the analysis of media management, evidence
sources are organized based on certain criteria linked to data structures. Examples of
this activity include dividing a hard disk into partitions, organising multiple disks into a
volume, and integrating multiple memory chips into memory space.
File System Analysis: The analysis of the file system layer of abstraction, which
translates the bytes and sectors of the partition to directories and files, involves
viewing directories and file content leading to the recovery of deleted files.
Application Analysis: Analysis in this layer includes viewing log files, configuration
files, images, documents and reverse engineering executable. The input data will
typically come from the file system, but applications such as databases may read
directly from the disk.
Network Analysis: Analysis in this layer includes managing network packets and IDS
alerts. Analysis of logs generated by network services, a firewall or web server for
instance, falls under the Network Analysis.
The type of the system can be RTU, PLC, HMI, etc and final scope is to find the proper tools that can be used, based on the hardware
and software specifications.
B. Carrier, “Defining digital forensic examination and analysis tools using abstraction layers,” Int. J. Digit. Evid., vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 1–12,
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Can we learn from SCADA security incidents?
October 2013
Memory Analysis: Analysis in this area includes identifying the code that a process
was running and extracting sensitive data that was stored in this code.
5. Documentation of the process and results: In every ex post analysis process, it is imperative
to maintain comprehensive documentation. Detailed notes have to be kept with records of
time, date, and the person responsible plus other essential information. This way it helps
that no evidence has been tampered with by someone from inside during the ex post
analysis and in the case of future incidents the documentation will be a baseline for the
Due to the uniqueness of the data and the relationships amongst the information resources in the
control systems domain, a team comprised of individuals that have an advanced understanding of
the system should complete an analysis of collected evidence.
Therefore, besides the traditional incident responders, the team members would need to include
roles and responsibilities such as13:
Control Systems Incident Manager (CSIM) – a person with oversight of the responding
operations in the control systems (CS) domain. They will have oversight of the activity
ensuring liaisons with operations and IT personnel and ensure that requirements from both
domains can be communicated in a manner that is understandable to all parties.
Control Systems Security Specialist (CSSS) – involved in ascertaining what critical assets may
have been impacted. The CSSS will also work closely with both engineers and incident
M. Fabro and E. Cornelius, “Recommended Practice: Creating Cyber Forensics Plans for Control Systems,” Dep. Homel. Secur., 2008.
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Can we learn from SCADA security incidents?
October 2013
managers supporting both investigation and containment activities, and will have specific
tactical activities supporting restoration, reporting, and analysis.
Control Systems Engineering Support (CSES) – Being able to have someone from the control
systems engineering support contributing to primary functions such as containment, recovery
planning, and restoration (as well as system upgrade), will provide significant value to the ex
post analysis.
Table 1.Roles matrix for incident response and analysis in control systems14.
Detection P S P
Initial Reporting
and P P P
Response Initiation
Escalation P P P S
Emergency Action P P P S S P
Incident Response/ Evidence Collection
Mobilization S P S P P S S S
Investigation S P P S P P S S
Containment P P S S P P P S
Incident Recovery/Evidence Analysis
Restoration S S S P P P S
System Upgrade S S S P P P S
Incident Closure/ Process Reporting
Summary Report P S S S P S
System Upgrade P P P P P S
M. Fabro and E. Cornelius, “Recommended Practice: Creating Cyber Forensics Plans for Control Systems,” Dep. Homel. Secur., 2008.
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Can we learn from SCADA security incidents?
October 2013
Table 2.Types of data that can be extracted from the components of a SCADA system, based on the
underlying control technology and the acquisition tools used.
- Network logs.
- Contemporary ex post incident analysis
- Control centre’s logs regarding field devices.
Modern/Proprietary tools may be applicable.
- Interaction between the investigator and the
Control Systems - Network traffic capture.
vendor is mandatory.
- Interaction between the investigator
Technologies and the vendor is mandatory.
- May involve embedded vendor-specific
security mechanisms.
- Traditional post-mortem analysis
methods cannot be applied. - Serial-based communication; network traffic
- No logging functionality. cannot be captured.
Legacy/Proprietary - No longer supported by the vendor. - Rapid rate of sampling and data override
Control Systems - Interaction with the owner of the - Rapid rate of sampling and data override.
equipment may provide some - Interaction with the vendor is imperative.
Technologies information. - An experienced engineer should be made
- Serial-based communications; network available to support the investigation
traffic cannot be captured.
Other sources of data: Other sources of data that should be involved in an ex post incident
analysis include the various storage devices that can be found in the control centre of a
SCADA system. These devices include removable media such as floppy discs, CDs/DVDs, USB
M. Fabro and E. Cornelius, “Recommended Practice: Creating Cyber Forensics Plans for Control Systems,” Dep. Homel. Secur., 2008.
When conducting an ex post incident analysis establishing a time reference is of vital importance for the normal progress of the
investigation. In control systems, time synchronisation plays a major role not only for the incident investigation but also for the normal
system’s operation.
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Can we learn from SCADA security incidents?
October 2013
devices or any other form of removable storage media that can be found in the premises of
the control centre.
General system failures
Real time monitoring
Device integrity monitoring
The documentation process also includes the generation of a detailed Summary Report that
describes the entire process. This report has to include the state and status of the captured system
throughout the collection process. Below we are focussing on the first three aspects, as the last
three are issues that are traditionally well understood within the context of operations in SCADA
systems, due to the emphasis on fault management, safety and reliability reporting.
4 Challenges
The high volatility of their data, the limited logging mechanisms that they may use and other
characteristics of SCADA systems pose many challenges in the process of data collection and
analysis, both from the technical and the operational perspectives. This section describes the
challenges that may arise during a post mortem incident analysis in SCADA systems:
Inadequate logging mechanisms: Logging mechanisms in SCADA systems are geared toward
process disturbances rather than security breaches offering thus limited contribution in the
incident response field,
High volatility of data: The nature of Post incident investigation: When non-volatile data, such
control systems imposes the
as data stored on a hard drive, are collected from a turned
deletion, removal or replacement of
data in some components of the off system then the procedure falls into the category of
system, such as high-speed data post incident investigation.
recorders, in such a rate that it is Live investigation: When volatile data need to be
practically unviable or impossible to collected, such as memory dumps or network activity,
collect them. The cost of logging then the process falls into the category of live
mechanisms in such devices can be investigation.
prohibitively high,
Customised operating system kernels: A SCADA system may utilise customised kernels
running on its components in order to enhance the performance of the system, despite the
fact that updating such kernels is difficult. This can render traditional data acquisition tools
such as DD or memdump unable to run due to incompatibility issues or missing kernel
Extensive lower data: Gathering information on lower levels of a SCADA network, such as
data produced by sensors, would lead to vast amounts of information that require huge
amount of storage.
Low computational power: Legacy systems have very little computational power for the
recording and analysis of data that is produced in conjunction with control data. Therefore,
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Can we learn from SCADA security incidents?
October 2013
at this level no further operations can be implemented regarding other processes like
incident analysis.
Ex post analysis tools: Contemporary tools for ex post analysis rely on precompiled scripts
and programs that automate the evidence collection process by utilising certain techniques,
such as bit copy processes and checksum generators that may not be applied in platforms
and software elements of a control system in their native form so that afterwards analysis
can be done. Software modifications need to be implemented in traditional analysis tools in
order to meet the specifications of a control system.
Data analytics and correlation: Data gathered from key data repositories (such as Data
Historians and HMIs) and volatile non-persistent data collected from the various field
devices (such as PLCs and I/O devices) need to be correlated in order to create an
informative representation of the incident that can be considered as evidence.
C. Operational challenges:
The apparent culture gap between Information Technology (IT) specialists and Operations
personnel: At first sight, such division appears to be created by the differences in operational
objectives between the industrial control community (availability, reliability, safety) and the
traditional IT security focus (confidentiality, integrity, availability).
The absence of dedicated scientific studies: There is lack of dedicated scientific studies on
the performance of typical control and instrumentation equipment operating under security
configurations of tight access control, strong encryption and comprehensive event logging.
The end-user community appears rather conservative upon adopting security architectures
that are built on these premises.
5 Recommendations
ENISA has identified the following key areas where action can be taken in order to develop
investigative capabilities that match the level of perceived risk:
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October 2013
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