A Low Cost Home Automation System Using Wi-Fi Based Wireless Sensor Network Incorporating Internet of Things (IoT)
A Low Cost Home Automation System Using Wi-Fi Based Wireless Sensor Network Incorporating Internet of Things (IoT)
A Low Cost Home Automation System Using Wi-Fi Based Wireless Sensor Network Incorporating Internet of Things (IoT)
Abstract— With the rapid increase in usage and reliance on standard utilized the existing electrical power lines, which
the vivid features of smart devices, the need for interconnecting provided limited control over the home appliances.[2-4]
them is genuine. Many existing systems have ventured into the incorporate various wireless communication protocols viz.
sphere of Home Automation but have apparently failed to Bluetooth, ZigBee etc. However, this does not assuage the
provide cost-effective solutions for the same. This paper
illustrates a methodology to provide a low cost Home Automation
intrusiveness caused due to the use of wired communication.
System (HAS) using Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi).This crystallizes These systems also use expensive sensors and relays which are
the concept of internetworking of smart devices. A Wi-Fi based intrusive and the whole circuitry becomes cumbersome. There
Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) is designed for the purpose of is a paucity of security in such designs.
monitoring and controlling environmental, safety and electrical This paper explores a novel methodology for the automation
parameters of a smart interconnected home. The user can of home appliances by exploiting their ability to be
exercise seamless control over the devices in a smart home via the interlinked. The experimental rig involves the use of a
Android application based Graphical User Interface (GUI) on a ESP8266 Wi-Fi module, Atmel ATmega microcontrollers
smartphone. The overall cost of large scale implementation of (μCs), nrf24101+ RF modules, sensors ,SPDT relays and solid
this system is about INR 6000 or USD 100.
state relays(TRIAC) for voltage regulation. Each μC is
provided with a RF module for the purpose of communication
with other μCs. One of the μCs is configured as a ‘Hub’ or
Keywords— Home Automation System, Wireless Fidelity ‘Gateway’ and the remaining μCs are configured as sensor
,IoT,Wireless Sensor Network,Android. nodes [5-7]. Tree network topology is used in the present work
[8-9]. The μCs are programmed to perform specific tasks such
as, reading sensor values, controlling relays and sounding
I. INTRODUCTION alarms. All the sensor readings will be communicated to the
Presently, due to the proliferation of smart devices and the 'Gateway' from the nodes via the RF modules. The data
ever increasing dependence on their affluent attributes, it received at the Gateway is sent through the UART serial port
becomes an indispensable necessity to interlink multiple smart to the Wi-Fi module [10-12]. The Wi-Fi module sends data to
devices. The Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) technology provides the server where it is stored and can be retrieved for future
an excellent medium through which multiple devices can be use. The user is provided with an android application based
connected to one network. Wi-Fi operates over an Graphic User Interface (GUI) to exercise the desired control
internationally approved frequency band of 2.4GHz. This over the lights, fan speed regulation, control of appliances, and
paper explores the numerous possibilities of interlinking these information regarding the temperature, humidity, water tank
smart devices while making judicious use of Wi-Fi level or rain. The additional benefits of this methodology are
technology. its security features which include fire alarms, motion
The benefit of this inter-linkage is the concurrent monitoring detection, and gas leakage detection. Mobile commands will
and controlling of smart devices. 'Home Automation' is a be published to the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
concept which involves real time control and monitoring of (MQTT) server which is accessed by the user on the
multiple domestic appliances. Home automation can be smartphone via the android application [13-15]. The overall
defined in myriad ways; the author in [1] portrays home cost of mass implementation of this technology is expected to
automation as a methodology to enhance the quality of life of be less than INR 6000 or USD 100 (Excluding the cost of
people with the introduction of technology in the household. Android smartphone). Fig. 1 shows the proposed block
According to the author, the oldest standard for the diagram of the Home Automation System.
communication between electronic devices was the X10
industry standard, developed as far back as 1975. This
Fig. 3. Voltage Measurement Circuit
The HAS encloses assorted sensors measuring environmental, noticed that fans numbered 2,3 and 5 are operated under zilch
safety and electrical parameters as shown in Fig.5. speed while fan 7 is operating at maximum speed and the rest
Temperature, humidity and rain sensors embed in the of the fans are functional in the intermediate speed ranges.
environmental factors category, sensors used for detection of Like so, nimble monitoring and controlling of myriad lights
fire, gas, water level and motion are placed under the safety and fans is possible at user’s will.
parameters while the voltage, current and power measuring To preserve the security of the establishment and ensure the
sensors fall under the final category. Power is computed in protection of its inhabitants, Security management feature is
terms of VA for user reference. The real time readings of these employed. It detects the interference of unauthorized
sensors are deciphered and displayed that notifies the user to personnel and alarms the users. This feature also possesses a
formulate the action plan in times of emergency. handy mode of switching OFF all the devices at one touch as
shown in Fig.7.
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