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Sentence Completion Practice Test 5

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Question 1

Scientists have discovered that our sense of smell is surprisingly _______,capable of distinguishing
thousands of chemical oder

A. rigid
B. inert
C. erratic
D. keen
E. innate

Correct Answer: D

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Obviously, the missing word must mean 'capable of distinguishing thousands of chemical odors'. Among the
given choices, it is the word 'keen' which has this meaning. So, (D) is the answer.

Question 2

With these _______ sites as evidence, it would be _______ to draw definite conclusions as to the places
typically selected as settlements by the people of the Neolithic age.

A. imperfect.. feasible
B. few.. unsound
C. complete.. ridiculous
D. abundant.. presumptuous
E. scatter.. prudent

Correct Answer: B


With imperfect sites as evidence, it would not be feasible to draw definite conclusions... With only a few sites as
evidence, it would certainly be unsound to draw definite conclusions...So, (B) completes a logical sentence, and
is the answer.

Question 3

Alice Walker's prize winning novel exemplifies the strength of first person narratives; the protagonist
tells her own story so effectively that any additional commentary would be _______.

A. subjective
B. eloquent
C. superfluous
D. incontrovertible
E. impervious

Correct Answer: C


(Exemplifies means is an example of protagonist means chief character). If the protagonist tells her own story so
effectively, any additional commentary would be unnecessary or superfluous. So, C is the answer.

Question 4

The importance of science in the practical affairs of modern societies is recognized even by its
detractors, but, surprisingly, its positive influence on culture is often _______, even by its _______.

A. despised.. adversaries
B. ascertained.. partisans
C. conceded.. beneficiaries
D. nullified.. assailants
E. questioned.. champions

Correct Answer: E


The use of the conjunction 'but surprisingly' implies that there is an implied contrast between the first and secolnd
parts of the sentence. The first part says that the importance of science in practical affairs is recognized even by
its critics. So, to bring out the contrast, the second part must say that the importance of science of culture is
repudiated even by its supporters. Among the given choices, it is the pair of words in (E) which gives this
meaning to the sentence, and is the answer.

Question 5

True to her altruistic beliefs, Natalie _______ the _______ attitude of her colleague that a client
represented nothing more than a source of income and an opportunity for advancing one's professional

A. applauded.. conscientious
B. condoned.. aggressive

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C. lamented.. mercenary
D. adopted.. egotistical
E. belittled.. magnanimous

Correct Answer: C


If Natalie had altruistic (meaning charitable) beliefs, she would not have applauded or condoned or adopted the
attitude of her colleague that a client is nothing more than a source of income. So, on a considertion of the
choices for the first missing word, (A), (B) and (D) can be ruled out. Since the attitude that the client is nothing
more than a source of income cannot be described as magnanimous, (E) can also be ruled out. With her
altruistic beliefs, she would certainly have lamented (meaning regretted) the mercenary attitude of her colleague.
So, (C) is the answer.

Question 6

The athlete's insistence on self-discipline had become _______; rarely, it seemed, did he allow himself
even a minor indulgence.

A. dilatory
B. obsessive
C. spontaneous
D. infectious
E. unemotional

Correct Answer: B


If the athlete allowed himself even a minor indulgence (meaning a minor diversion, such as having a drink or
seeing a movie etc.) only rarely, his insistence on self-discipline must have been very severe. Among the given
choices, it is the word obsessive, meaning persistence with a single idea that will give this meaning. So, (B) is the

Question 7

All female red Colobus monkeys leave their natal troops, but because these females are _______ by
young females from other troops, the practice has little effect on troops' size and composition.

A. joined
B. replaced
C. ignored
D. influenced
E. rejected

Correct Answer: B


("Troop" is the collective name for a group of monkeys. Natal troop means the group in which a monkey is born).
If all female red monkeys leave their native troops, but yet the size and composition of the troops do not get
changed, it means that an equal number of female red monkeys from other troops replace them. So, (B) is the

Question 8

Some travelers from United States experience culture shock when they suddenly find themselves in a
place where "yes" may mean "no" where a fixed price is _______, where laughter may signify _____.

A. alterable.. joy
B. unchangeable.. insult
C. sovereign.. merriment
D. incalculable.. harmony
E. negotiable.. anger

Correct Answer: D


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One instance of culture shock for the US traveler is mentioned as "when yes may mean no". So, to be analogous
with this instance, "a fixed price must be alterable or negotiable". So, among the choices for the first missing. If
(A) is chosen, the second instance becomes "when laughter signifies joy". But laughter is a natural result of joy,
and will not lead to a culture shock for the American tourist. So, (A) is wrong. If he finds that "laughter signifies
anger" as in (E) the US traveler will certainly have a culture shock. So, (D) is the answer.

Question 9

According to Burgess, a novelist should not _______,for sermonizing has no place in good fiction.

A. invent
B. offend
C. inform
D. preach
E. distort

Correct Answer: D


From the construction of the sentence, it is obvious that the missing word must be a synonym of sermonizing.
Among choices, it is 'preach' which has his meaning. So, (D) is the answer.

Question 10

The archaeologist enjoyed the _______ life she led while gathering artifacts; she never stayed at any one
site long enough to get bored.

A. stealthy
B. nomadic
C. clamorous
D. indiscreet
E. rustic

Correct Answer: B


The use of semi-colon in the sentence implies that the latter part of the sentence is an amplification of the type of
life that the archaeologist enjoyed. The latter part says, "she never stayed at any one site long enough to get
bored", meaning that she was often changing her place of stay. Among the choices, the most appropriate
adjective for such a life is 'nomadic', meaning 'having no fixed place of abode'. So, (B) is the answer.

Question 11

Medieval illuminated manuscripts art too _______ for exhibition except under rigorously controlled
conditions of light, temperature, and humidity, and thus are _______ the majority of art lovers.

A. intricate.. imperceptible to
B. immaculate.. idolized by
C. fragile.. available to
D. valuable.. scorned by
E. vulnerable.. inaccessible to

Correct Answer: E


If the manuscripts require rigorously controlled conditions of light, temperature and humidity for being exhibited, it
means that they are either too fragile or too vulnerable. So, (C) and (E) are the only possible choices for the first
missing word. Their exhibition must consequently be very rare, in which case it is not logical to say that they are
available to the majority of art lovers. So, (C) is wrong. (E) completes a logical sentence because, if they are
rarely exhibited, they will be inaccessible to the majority of art lovers. So, (E) is the answer.

Question 12

The artistry of cellist Yo Yo Ma is essentially _______; the melodic line rises _______, imbued with
feeling and totally lacking in apparent calculation.

A. carefree.. stiffly
B. reserved.. involuntarily

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C. lyrical.. passionately
D. detached.. carefully
E. deliberate.. methodically

Correct Answer: C


The phrase 'imbued with feeling' immediately following the second blank indicates that the second missing word
must be a synonym of this phrase. Among the choices, it is only the word 'passionately' that has this meaning. Its
pair word, 'lyrical' completes a logical sentence. So, (C) is the answer.

Question 13

The supreme Court's reversal of its previous ruling on the issue of State's right _______ its reputation for

A. sustained.. infallibility
B. compromised.. consistency
C. bolstered.. doggedness
D. exacerbated.. inflexibility
E. dispelled.. vacillation

Correct Answer: B


The reversal of its earlier ruling, and the implied admission that it had been wrong earlier, cannot be said to
sustin the Supreme Court's infallibility, mening incapacity to commit an error. So, (A) is wrong. If the Supreme
Court had a reputation for consistency (meaning permanence in its opinion), the fact that it reversed its previous
ruling on an important issue would certainly compromise (meaning injure) this reputation. So, (B) completes a
logical sentence, and is the answer.

Question 14

Denise was astounded to hear that her brother, whom she knew to be quite _______, was described as
taciturn and aloof by his colleagues at the university.

A. insular
B. placid
C. anguished
D. vacuous
E. garrulous

Correct Answer: E


If Denise was astounded (meaning surprised) to hear that her brother was considered to be taciturn (meaning
speaking very little) and aloof (meaning unsociable) by his colleagues, he must have been known to her as a
very talkative and sociable person. Among the given choices, garrulous means talkative, and is the answer.

Question 15

Because they are _______ to take financial loss that results from providing drugs for _______ markets,
pharmaceutical manufacturers often do not produce needed drugs for rare diseases.

A. proud.. small
B. eager.. known
C. prone.. nebulous
D. loath.. limited
E. reluctant.. expanding

Correct Answer: D


The market for drugs needed for rare diseases can best be described as small or limited. So, (A) and (D) are the
only possible choices for the second missing word. If pharmaceutical manufacturers are proud to take the
financial loss incurred in catering to this market, they would not stop producing these drugs. So, (A) is not

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correct. If they are loath (meaning unwilling) to take such losses, they would obviously stop producing these
drugs. Thus (D) completes a logical sentence, and is the answer.

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