Space and Time in Language and Literature
Space and Time in Language and Literature
Space and Time in Language and Literature
Edited by
Copyright © 2009 by Marija Brala Vukanoviü and Lovorka Gruiü Grmuša and contributors
All rights for this book reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.
Acknowledgements .................................................................................... ix
Introduction ................................................................................................. 1
Capturing Space and Time: Mission (Im)Possible
Marija Brala Vukanoviü and Lovorka Gruiü Grmuša
Chapter One............................................................................................... 22
Typological Issues Regarding the Expression of Caused Motion:
Chinese, English and French
Henriëtte Hendriks, Yinglin Ji, Maya Hickmann
Chapter Four.............................................................................................. 87
Verifying the Distributional Bias Hypothesis: An Analysis of Tamil
Lavanya Sankaran
vi Space and Time in Language and Literature
Contributors............................................................................................. 153
We would like to thank all the people who have contributed to this work in
various ways. In particular, we wish to thank Katherine Hayles and
Henriette Hendriks for valuable input and support with academic expertise
on the topic. A warm thank you to all the contributors, who invested a
great deal of time, effort and enthusiasm in pursuing the intriguing issues
of space, time and their interrelation.
This project required a lot of patience, not just from all the participants,
but also from our families. For bearing with us on this long journey, we
thank Dean, Zoran, Mia and Roko. Unfortunately, we cannot promise to
stop discussing space and time in any near future.
What then is time? If no one asks me, I know: if I wish to explain it to one
that asketh, I know not.
—St. Augustine’s Confessions, Book 11
I do not define time, space, place and motion, as being well known to all.
—Isaac Newton in the Scholium to the Principia, 1687
Space and time, their infiniteness and/or their limit(ation)s, have been
intriguing people for millennia. Issues relative to the character of space
and time have indeed been central to philosophy from its inception.
Various aspects relative to space and time are nowadays at the core of
many scholarly disciplines. Linguistics and literature are no exceptions in
this sense. This book brings together eight essays which all deal with the
expression of space and/or time in language and/or literature.
The first section—Time and Space in Language—contains four papers
which focus on linguistics i.e. explore issues relative to the expression of
time and space in natural languages. Three articles explore the expression
of space from various perspectives. The topics under consideration
include: typology regarding the expression of spatial information in
languages around the world (Ch.1), space as expressed and conceptualized
in neutral, postural verbs and verbs of fictive motion (Ch. 2), and
prepositional semantics (space as a force dynamics rather than a
geometrical i.e. topological concept—Ch.3). Chapter 4 explores the issue
of aspectuality (in Tamil), drawing a comprehensive picture of which
aspectual and tense markers interact with different verb types. All the
articles propose innovative topics and/or approaches, crossreferring when
possible between space and time. Given that they all seem to propose at
2 Introduction
have intrigued thinkers and served as fertile grounds for vivid discussions.
One of the claims that distilling various, frequently opposed views on the
topic has slowly yielded is the idea that space and time are fundamental
intuitions built into our nature (let us just recall the notion of space
proposed as a universal cognitive primitive within the Kantian tradition).
As already pointed out above, linguistics has been no exception in this
sense. From the surface, lexical level to the deep, cognitive one, many
linguists have focused on a) the (mis)matches between the physical and
the linguistic; b) the fact that both in the literal and metaphorical realms of
language, similar terms are often used in both domains. This comes as no
surprise given the conceptual primacy of space and time, as well as the
many and close relations between the spatial and temporal domains.
The “conceptual primitiveness” of space and time has been revisited
once again in the past thirty years, becoming a particularly attractive and
prolific topic within the scientific framework of cognitive linguistics. With
the advent of cognitive linguistics, semantic and/or syntactic particularities
of spatial and temporal language, the relations between space and time in
language, and the interplay between (spatial and temporal) language and
conceptualization came, once again, into the focus of scholarly studies,
becoming, to a large degree, one of the milestones of research within the
discipline. Indeed, it is beyond any doubt that studies of spatial and
temporal language and conceptualisation have been of fundamental
importance in the development of cognitive linguistics. These studies have
become a platform for revisiting some notions that had almost been
outcast from serious science, such as the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis (cf.
Gumperz and Levinson, 1996). Ultimately, studies of spatial and temporal
language and conceptualisation have provided a rich source of information
for linguists, psychologists and other scholars interested in the issues of
language, mind and their relations (cf. e.g. Bloom et al. 1996, Gentner, &
Goldin-Meadow, 2003). Let us now take a look at some of the approaches
to investigation of these issues.
We begin by observing that research in comparative linguistics as well
as research in cognitive linguistics have revealed that there is a
considerable variation in the ways in which different languages categorize
space and time in order to talk about it (cf. e.g. Aurnague, Hickmann &
Vieu 2007; Hickmann & Robert 2006). At the same time, we know that
categorization, i.e. unveiling the principles and parameters underlying it,
represents one the key approaches to most if not all research fields,
(psycho)linguistics being one of them. Looking at things from this
perspective, we immediately note two very puzzling issues: a) is there a
way to reconcile crosslinguistic variation in the different (semantic and
4 Introduction
There still seems to be some confusion relative to the distinction between these
two fields. It appears that the best way to look at the common vs. distinctive
features of cognitive linguistics and psycholinguistics is that, while pursuing the
same goal of solving the language—mind riddle, the former reverts primarily to
linguistic and the latter to psychological tools i.e. methodologies.
Capturing Space and Time: Mission (Im)Possible 5
Bearing in mind all that has been said above, one question is duly
reiterated at this point: if what has just been claimed about the universality
(primitiveness) of spatial language is justified, how are we to account for
the fact that languages vary substantially in their semantic structuring of
space (cf. e.g. Bowerman & Choi, 2001, Levinson 2003; Talmy 2000).
Furthermore, and perhaps most interestingly, how are we to explain the
fact that increasing evidence seems to suggest that children are sensitive to
language-specific structural properties of the language they are acquiring
from the one-word stage of development. It has, in fact, been shown that
different linguistic patterns in linguistic input influence the meanings of
children’s spatial words from as early as 18 months (cf. e.g. Bowerman
1996a, 1996b; Choi et al. 1999; Bowerman and Choi 2001). In the final
analysis we necessarily wonder: is there hope, and possibly even a way, to
reconcile all these contradictions relative to the findings about the
relationship between the semantico-syntactic linguistic (at times seemingly
incommensurable) parameters in the domains of space and time on the one
hand, and the physical and psychic unity—or rather universality—of
mankind (see also Levinson and Wilkins, 2006)?
The arguments put forth in the articles presented in the linguistics
section of this book seem to suggest that it is indeed possible to posit a
positive answer to this question. Shifting between space and time, different
grammatical categories, and, crucially, between a number of different
languages, each of the papers presented in the linguistics section of this
volume explores some aspect of the universality and/vs. linguistic
specificity of spatial and/or temporal universals in language. Furthermore,
all the papers contribute, in one way or another, to the pool of elements of
universality in language, that might not just be underlying typological
patterns, but, possibly, even be related to the deep level of language, or
rather, possibly, determining an interrelation between language and mind.
In the first paper of the linguistics section, “Adults’ Expression of
Caused Motion in Chinese, English and French” the authors Henriëtte
Hendriks, Yinglin Ji, and Maya Hickmann address the issue of language
specificity vs. linguistic universality by investigating some elements
regarding the typological frameworks as proposed by Talmy (1975, 1985,
2000) and Slobin (2000, 2004). Focusing on the expression of spatial
information in languages around the world, the paper provides a detailed
insight into the patterns of expression of caused motion in Chinese native
speaker adults. The method used for gaining this insight is that of a
cartoon-based production task. The results obtained from these Chinese
native speaker adults are compared to the results obtained from English
and French native speaker adults. The paper examines the following four
Capturing Space and Time: Mission (Im)Possible 7
In order to try and explain the topic better, some details about the
narrative must be introduced first. We must recall Russian Formalists and
their distinction between the way in which an event unfolds as a brute
chronology (fabula), and syuzhet, where the “same” event is ordered in a
mediated telling of it, and having a construction (plot) in which the
chronology might be reversed so as to achieve a particular effect. This
implies that events in complex narratives do not occur in a sequence
arranged by chronology, but their order could be “recovered,” as it were,
by rearranging the “distorted” pattern of events back into their “proper” or,
as it is sometimes called, their “real-life” chronology, which we know is
just our perspective of chronology. Therefore, stated in the most basic
terms, “a particular chronotope will be defined by the specific way in
which the sequentiality of events is “deformed" (always involving a
segmentation, a spatialization) in any given account of those events”
(Holquist 2002: 114).
Underlying this idea of separation between story and plot is an old
assumption, revealing a fundamental discrepancy between literature and
life: the assumption that in literature events can be variously arranged,
following any sequence, whereas in real life they are always
chronological. This principle reflects a general tendency of the early
Formalists to make absolute distinctions between literature and lived
experience. Bakhtin does not accept a distinction between “conventional”
and “real” time as foregrounded by Formalists; he embraces the category
of dialogism, where the chronotope is grounded in simultaneity at all
levels, including those of literature and life. There is no purely
chronological sequence inside or outside the text, as shown in the essays
by Oklopþiü, Gruiü Grmuša, and Brînzeu. These papers display the above
contingency in a variety of ways, one of which is constant overlap
between life and art in all of their analyzed fiction.
In accordance with this view is Einstein’s idea about the inseparability
of time and event: something happens only when something else with
which it can be compared reveals a change in time and space. An event
will depend on how the relation between what happens and its situation in
space-time is mediated. But, the means by which any plot deforms any
particular story will depend not only on formal (“made”) features in a
given text, but also on generally held conceptions of how time and space
relate to each other in a particular culture at a particular time (“given”
features). The point cannot be stressed enough: chronology of events is
always interpreted in different ways at different times, being shaped by the
presumptions certain space-time emanates and the priority it gives to
events and causation.
Capturing Space and Time: Mission (Im)Possible 11
Virilio worked both on space and time. During the sixties he focused on
geopolitics, geometry, space, and topology, and from the seventies on, he
dedicated his work to topics like time, speed, and dromology.
12 Introduction
argues that Hardy’s and Kovaþiü’s literary texts offer fresh perspectives on
the overlapping layers of experience which characterize temporal and
spatial cultural circumstances, bringing together the historical, the global
and the local within a single, multiply constituted, “imagined space.”
Literary accounts of this kind can be characterized as a data source in their
own right, complementing social science research methodologies
grounded in “real-life” observation and offering hypotheses for subsequent
verification of topographic modes. Through the narrative process of
metaphorical transfer and characters’ lapsing to the margins and into
mystified space-times, ýuljat demonstrates that although Hardy and
Kovaþiü chronologically belong to the pre-modernist generation, their
texts create a singularly modernist narrative stance against the linear
realistic narrative plane.
Although the next essay entitled “William Faulkner and Southern
Gothic” takes us across the ocean and into the antebellum U.S. South,
where we encounter the specific Southern Gothic chronotope, there are
some similarities in themes treated by Hardy and Kovaþiü, and Faulkner
and his Southern Gothic predecessors and contemporaries. All of these
authors were labeled as regionalists, contrasting agrarian and industrial
ways of life, and displaying the discrepancies between national and
regional ideals. While painting a vivid picture of rural life in the
nineteenth and early twentieth century, they testify of a specific space-time
that informed literature. A peculiar trait that repeats itself in their novels is
that characters are constantly encountering crossroads, symbolic of a point
of transition.
This recalls another Bakhtinian chronotope, that of a “threshold,”
highly charged with emotion and value, whose “most fundamental
instance is as the chronotope of crisis and break in life” (Bakhtin 1994:
248). It is connected with the crucial decisions one has to make that
determine her/his whole life, familiar in Hardy, Kovaþiü, and Faulkner,
which after the moment of crisis occurs become a place of renewal and
epiphany. The social relevance of such narrative representations is further
demonstrated by their involvement in mainstream discourses, thereby
illustrating how they articulate with existing social norms and how they
serve against the backdrop of social structure.
Biljana Oklopþiü in “William Faulkner and Southern Gothic” takes
issue with Southern Gothic’s emergence, topics and demythologization, at
the same time exploring the techniques and methodology but also the
specific space-time that Faulkner as a Southerner depicted. Oklopþiü
argues that Southern Gothic has been determined by a certain region of
space (the U. S. South) during an interval in time (the Southern past and
Capturing Space and Time: Mission (Im)Possible 13
weakening of the sense of belonging to a place and its people and temporal
scales, constantly on the move, has made the individual spatially
disoriented and temporally accelerated.
This takes us to our last two chapters dedicated to postmodern space-
time and literature. The defining characteristic of postmodern chronotopes
is closely tied to our condition of postmodernity, and that is the shortening
of commonsense perceptions of time, which is presented in both Gruiü
Grmuša’s and Brînzeu’s essays. The long pasts and futures of our
ancestors have collapsed. The loss of temporal bearings has created new
generations who are now made to live more intensively in the present: “the
present is all there is” (Harvey 1989: 240). Future expectations are
lowered further by conscious or repressed fears of a future that will be
used up before it arrives, either by nuclear catastrophe, terrorist attacks, or
by the damage perpetrated every day on the environment, claiming the
entropic pull. The loss of a sense of living and participating in a historical
continuity (delineated by traditional values and beliefs) and the collapse of
future expectations define the continuous present established in
postmodern society.
Lovorka Gruiü Grmuša in “The Notions of History in Postmodern
Literature: Kurt Vonnegut” offers a postmodern approach to history as
viewed through the perspective of the post-WWII literary generation.
Vonnegut, as a representative of early postmodernists, Gruiü Grmuša
claims, provides a different angle of vision of truth, history and
temporality in general, variously colored by their subjective
origins/observers. Focusing on the specificities of time phenomena in
literature, Gruiü Grmuša’s essay is a substantial contribution to the
conception of reality, underlining the internal experiences of perception
and indicating that connections between postmodern literature and
history/science are more than metaphoric, because the boundaries
separating fiction/fancy from fact/truth have themselves been dissolved.
Both Gruiü Grmuša’s and Brînzeu’s essays acknowledge that
postmodern narrative time often focuses on the moment of the narrative
present at the expense of larger temporal developments. The moment is
not envisioned as a self-identical instant of presence, but as partaking in an
indefinite number of different, and sometimes mutually exclusive
temporalities. The fact that different sequences contradict one another and
can easily be replaced in a different order without changing things, for
there are no causal relations, makes temporal patterns increasingly difficult
to grasp in view of a variety of moments, each split into multiple versions
of itself, embedded in intricate and sometimes logically impossible
recurring structures, and appearing as a series of slices that correspond to
Capturing Space and Time: Mission (Im)Possible 15
each other. However, this does not mean that time is sucked into space as
some cultural theorists of our age claim, opting for “spatial turn” (Sayer
1985, Jameson 1991). Consequently, the postmodern texts, including
Vonnegut’s novels as analyzed by Gruiü Grmuša, deny closure–oriented
spatio-temporal structures and feature unrecognizable, unstable characters
struggling for autonomy in a world in which various systems oppose their
identities, preventing the individual’s ability to seize control of the
processes that surround him/her.
Reality projected in Vonnegut’s novels is typical of postmodern
chronotopes. The author mixes historical data with fleeting memories and
fiction, manipulating space-time, fracturing it, and revealing general
cultural interest in short time spans. Gruiü Grmuša argues that the
novelist’s attempt to explore the simultaneous rather than the sequential
structure of time as a means of organizing narrative exposes human time
as just one among a multiplicity of temporal scales, one that can no longer
be considered the measure and standard of continuity. Hence, Vonnegut’s
works portray the multiplication of divergent time scales within
predominantly Western spaces, displaying temporal discontinuity in the
individual and social domains, and underlying the uncertainty regarding
any relevant description of past and future.
Pia Brînzeu in “Transit Space, Transit Time: Terrorism in Postcolonial
Fiction” discusses the transit space-time of the postcolonial and post-
postcolonial period. The new era, Brînzeu claims, where globalization and
reorganization of the economy but also the presence of evil (terrorism) has
influenced modifications in real living conditions, and changed our
commonsense conceptions of space and time. Brînzeu’s readings illustrate
how problematic the assertion of a place is in the light of post 9/11
occurrences where penetrability and vulnerability of the post-postcolonial
era homogenize places even if they remain differentiated by internal
What remains after post-colonization is a chronotope of “nowhere” and
“never” (Said 1994), where postcolonialism becomes, as Brînzeu notes, a
space and time of transit, of territorial and ethnic specificities and
multiplicities. But colonization continues, only now a different kind,
where technology colonizes the world through globalization and also
colonizes bodies, their attitudes and behaviors. Brînzeu’s and Gruiü
Grmuša’s texts testify to these colonizations and display how collective
memory has been reconstructed, modified, and endowed with political
The authors such as Fullerton, Vonnegut, and Foden, analyzed in the
last two chapters, balance fact and fancy, experimenting with forms,
16 Introduction
incorporating historical figures, public testimony, and other real data with
historical falsifications and fiction, revealing the entropic condition of
postmodern history. Like other postmodernists, these authors agree that
nonverbal experience can only be described and not reproduced, even
when history is in question. They believe history becomes highly distorted
through language, which is why historical testaments must be regarded
with a certain skepticism. Historical perspective is thus just a narrative,
often based on political or social bias, a presentation of ideals, heroes and
villains, but also providing moral and exemplary behavior for future
generations (White 1973, 1987).
As the blurred boundaries between documentary, memory, and the
fictive of personal experience (and history) have become more intensively
theorised, creative writing is re-emerging as an important resource in
social science, penetrating both factual and fictional spaces. All the four
chapters of the literary section focus on and link real and fictive space-
times, trying to grasp their complex relationship and the meanings of
temporal and spatial parameters detected within the texts interpreted by
ýuljat, Oklopþiü, Gruiü Grmuša, and Brînzeu. Possessing singular and
context-dependent structures and significations, each of the novels
analyzed displays its chronotope, intersecting space and time, exposing
“the intrinsic connectedness of temporal and spatial relationships that are
artistically expressed in literature” (Bakhtin 1994: 84).
not all of the above, is by learning how to move (our thought) through
space, time or, to put it in simpler terms, how to shift perspectives.
Our rationale behind this volume is a simple but, in our view, strong
one: we firmly believe that it is only by broadening our horizons, or rather
working from a multidisciplinary or possibly interdisciplinary perspective,
that we can ultimately hope to achieve some objective insights into any
topic, more so when the topic is as general and as universal as time and
space are. Detailed analyses within single frameworks can, and at times
do, create disbalance between the need for objectivity on the one hand, and
a just interpretative flexibility or rather potentiality on the other. Any
finding relative to the domains of time and space needs to be verified or at
least “verifiable” from different perspectives, if it is to hold any claims to
scientific validity. Our book aims at providing the platform for exactly this
type of approach.
Aurnage, M., Hickmann, M. & Vieu, L. (Eds) 2007. The Categorization of
Spatial Entities in Language and Cognition. Amsterdam/Philadelphia:
John Benjamins.
Bakhtin, Mikhail. (1981) 1994. The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays by
M.M. Bakhtin. Ed. Michael Holquist, trans. Caryl Emerson & M.
Holquist. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Bloom, P., Peterson, M. A., Nadel, L. & Garrett, M. F. (Eds) 1996.
Language and Space. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Bowerman, M. 1996a. Learning how to structure space for language: A
crosslinguistic perspective. In Language and Space, P. Bloom, M. A.
Peterson, L. Nadel, & M. F. Garrett (Eds). Cambridge, MA: MIT
—. 1996b. The origins of children's spatial semantic categories: Cognitive
versus linguistic determinants. In Rethinking Linguistic Relativity, J. J.
Gumperz, and S. C. Levinson (Eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Bowerman, M. & Choi, S. 2001. Shaping meanings for language:
Universal and language specific in the acquisition of spatial semantic
categories. In Language acquisition and conceptual development, M.
Bowerman and S. C. Levinson (Eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Dercon, Chris. 2001. “Speed-Space: Interview with Paul Virilio.” In
Virilio Live: Selected Interviews, ed. John Armitage, 69-81. London,
Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: SAGE Publications.
18 Introduction
Sayer, A. 1985. 'The difference that space makes.' In Social Relations and
Spatial Structures, edited by D. Gregory and D. Urry, 337-365.
London: Macmillan
White, H. 1973. Metahistory: The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth
Century Europe. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins
University Press.
—. 1987. The Content of the Form: Narrative Discourse and Historical
Representation. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University
In this paper, we will discuss and investigate some issues with respect
to the typological frameworks as proposed by Talmy (1975, 1985, 2000)
and Slobin, (2000, 2003) regarding the expression of spatial information in
languages around the world.
In 1985, and in an updated version in 2000, Talmy proposed a
typology for the expression of motion in language. In essence, he proposed
that there are two main types of language, verb-framed and satellite-framed
languages. Slobin more recently proposed that the situation may actually
be better described as a clyne where some languages are clearly verb-
framed and others are clearly satellite-framed, but some may be
somewhere in-between. The in-between languages Slobin (2006) names
“equipollent”. In this paper, we will study in detail one of the languages
that Slobin classifies as equipollent, i.e., Chinese, and we will show how
reference to space, and more particularly, caused motion, in this language
works differently from languages in the other two groups.
The paper focuses on the expression of caused motion in Chinese
native speaker adults in a cartoon-based production task, and compares
these results with findings regarding English and French. Three aspects are
examined in detail: the selection of information components; the devices
encoding Cause, Agent Action, Manner and Path of motion; and the
density of information overall. It is found first of all that the Cause
component is highly frequent in all three languages compared, but that it is
expressed via very different devices. Further, English demonstrates a clear-
cut pattern of placing the components Cause and Agent Action together in
main verbs and the Path component in other devices. On the other hand,
Typological Issues Regarding the Expression of Caused Motion 23
1. Introduction
In the last three decades, an important body of research has been
devoted to reference to space in language. In particular, researchers have
tried to determine the typological features of the lexicalization of spatial
information. The main researcher in the domain is Leonard Talmy, whose
seminal works (1975, 1985, 2000) on this issue have been used by many
researchers to classify a large array of Indo-European and more “exotic”
languages in different typological groups. Talmy first established what
types of information would have to be expressed in an utterance for it to be
a spatial expression. He concluded that the basic motion event includes a
motion verb, a figure (entity to be located), a ground (entity with respect to
which the figure is located), and a path (the trajectory followed by the
figure with respect to the ground). Two other types of information
frequently found beyond the basic scheme include the manner of motion,
and the cause of motion. Having determined the basic information, Talmy
then researched what information is typically expressed in what parts of
speech, and originally proposed a three-way classification of languages.
This first classification held constant the linguistic means studied, i.e., the
verb, rather than keeping the type of information constant. Based on a
thorough survey, Talmy concluded that all Indo-European languages
except the Romance languages tend to express Motion and Manner in the
verb, whereas Romance and Semitic languages tend to express Motion and
Path in the verb. The third group of languages was found to combine
information about Motion and the Figure in the verb. An example of such
a language is Atsugewi, and an English example of such combination of
information in the verb would be to rain, which encodes the entity moving
(the rain) and its motion, as in “it is raining”.
In later works, Talmy held constant the main informational component
in the motion event, i.e., Path, and studied its expression in the sentence.
This resulted in the following, now most prominently used, typology:
some languages express path in the verb (henceforth called verb-framed
24 Chapter One
Beijing, Cambridge and Paris respectively with a mean age around 201.
The caused motion experiment showed 40 cartoons (including 8 distractor
items2) on a laptop, each lasting about 10 seconds and involving an agent
(i.e., Hopi) who was in motion and carried out an action causing the
displacement of some object (e.g. a suitcase, a ball). To give an example:
one of them depicts the scene of Hopi (Agent) rolling (Cause, Manner of
Agent, and Manner of Object) a trunk (Object) down (Path) a snowy hill.
All items represent complex events allowing many different information
components to be encoded simultaneously, making it difficult for subjects
to express all compactly.
Subjects were randomly chosen and invited to participate in the
experiment. They were asked to describe the cartoons to a naïve addressee
who had no visual access to the cartoons and would have to reconstruct the
story depending on their narrations only. In cases where the information
given was considered insufficient, a general question might be asked such
as ‘What happened then?’ Crucially such a general question did not focus
explicitly on cause, manner or path.
2.2. Coding
All speech relevant to the experiment was transcribed by a native
speaker into CHAT format (CHILDES; MacWhinney, B. 2000). The
utterances produced were segmented into ‘clauses’; and each clause had its
own coding line. Note that gerundive-like constructions (Hopi ascends the
hill pushing a ball) and infinitival constructions (e.g. ‘Hopi walked across
the street in order to get to the other side’) were considered clauses in
our transcription, that is, they would all have their own coding line. The
connection between clauses, i.e., coordination and subordination was also
coded. As a result, although generally there is one and only one target
response for a given item, a matrix clause and its embedded clauses could
comprise two or three coding lines, each of them coded as part of the
The data analyzed below constitutes a subset of a large ongoing project involving
several languages including French, English, and German, seven age groups of
speakers (adults, three- to ten-year-olds); and several tasks including both
productivity and comprehension activities examining spatial reference,
representation and expression. Similar standardization and procedure have been
followed in data collection, material design, data transcription and coding across
The distractor items were designed to conceal the real goal of the experiment
from the subjects. They were also concerned with motion (e.g. a red ball collides
with a stack of skittles and the skittles fall down).
Typological Issues Regarding the Expression of Caused Motion 27
(1) CAUSE (C): the causal relation between A (agent) and O (object);
applicable to al items.
(2) A-ACTION (A): Agent’s action causing O’s motion; i.e. push or pull.
(3) O-PATH (P): Object’s path of motion (same as A-path); i.e. up, down,
into and across.
(4) A-PATH (P): Agent’s path of motion (same as O-path); i.e. up, down,
into and across.
(5) O-MANNER (OM): Object’s manner of motion; i.e. roll or slide.
(6) A-MANNER (AM): Agent’s manner of motion; i.e. walk (applicable
to all items).
All this information was systematically coded for each clause. Note that
Hickmann and Hendriks decided that much of the spatial information can
be expressed outside the verb and its satellites (as defined by Talmy), and
that therefore information occurring in other elements should also be taken
into account. Hence, information occurring in satellites, nouns (the
jogger), subordinate clauses (swimming), etc., is coded under the label
“other”, thereby parting from the initial split verb / satellite.
3. Results
The results presented below focus on the expression of caused motion
in Chinese native adults and compare them with findings in English and
French (Hickmann and Hendriks, 2008). In our analysis, the above
mentioned components (i.e., Cause, Manner, Path, and Agent’s action)
were further examined with respect to three aspects: the selection of
information components; the devices encoding Cause, Manner and Path of
motion; and the density of information overall; Density in our analysis was
defined as the number of different components encoded in one utterance,
28 Chapter One
which could vary from none to three or more than three. Examples are
given below.
a. He goes there with his ball
b. Hopi shang [Path-vertical] fangzi ding. (‘Hopi ascends the roof’.)
c. Hopi tui [Cause+Action] liwu. (‘Hopi pushes the present’.)
d. Il fait rouler [Cause+O-Manner] le ballon sur la colline. (‘He makes
the ball roll’)
e. He rolls [Cause+O-Manner] the tyre into [Path-boundary] the cave.
f. Yige Hopi ba yige yingerche la-guo [Cause+Action+Path-boundary]
le jie [c].
(Hopi pulls crosses a pram the street.)
g. Zhege Hopi shijin de la [Cause+Action] zhe xiangzi cong [Path-
source] shanding zou-dao [A-manner+Path-goal] le shanpo xia.
(Hopi walks from the top of the hill to the foot of the hill pushing a trunk
with effort.)
a. Jean roule la balle. ( John rolls the ball.)
b. Il fait rouler la balle. (He makes the ball roll.)
c. John rolls the ball up the hill.
d. Ta ba qiu gun-xia-qu. (‘He BA the ball roll-descend-go.)
e. Hopi gun zhe qiu xia shan. (‘Hopi descends the hill rolling the ball’)
a. Hopi ba yingerche cong he nabian la guo [A+P] xiaohe.
(Hopi ba the pram pull-across the river from the other side.)
b. Hopi gun zhe qiu yizhi gun dao [M+P] shan xia.
(Hopi rolls-arrive the bottom of the hill, rolling the ball all the way.)
mainly include up, down, across and into (e.g. ‘across’ in Example 5a)
while the latter typically indicate source, goal and deixis of motion (e.g.
‘from’ in Example 5a).
With respect to the selection of information components in Other
devices, Figure 4 demonstrates that English typically encodes Path alone
outside the Verb while in both Chinese and French, the Agent’s Action
can be expressed, as can Path and Manner information. Particularly, Agent
Action becomes the most frequently encoded component outside the Verb
in Chinese via the gerundive-like embedded ‘zhe’ clause (e.g. ‘rolling the
ball’ in Example 5b above).
(6) Hopi pushes it up from the bottom to the top of the hill.
On the other hand, the information density in Chinese and French Other
devices may vary from none to more than three components, mainly
32 Chapter One
Hickmann, M., & Hendriks, H. 2005. “Children’s expression of caused
motion in French and English.” Paper presented at the IASCL
conference, July: Berlin, Germany.
Hickmann, M., and Hendriks, H. 2008. “Cause, Manner and Path of
Motion across Child Languages: Evidence from French and English.”
Poster presented at the IASCL XI Conference, Edinburgh, July.
Li, C.N., & Thompson, S.A. 1981. Mandarin Chinese: A functional
Reference Grammar. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Lu, S. X. (Ed.) 1980. Xiandai Hanyu Babai Ci (The Eight Hundred Words
in Modern Chinese). Beijing: Commercial Publishing House.
Ma, Z. 2004. Xiandai hanyu xuci yanjiu fangfalun (Remarks on the Study
of Functional Words in Modern Chinese). Beijig: Commercial
Publishing House.
MacWhinney, B. 2000. The CHILDES Project: Tools for Analyzing Talk.
Vol 2: The Database. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Slobin, D. 2000. Verbalized events: a dynamic approach to linguistic
determinism. In Evidence for Linguistic Relativity, edited by S.
Niemeyer and R. Dirven, 107-138. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
—. 2003. The many ways to search for a frog. In Relating Events in
Narrative: Typological and Contextual Perspectives, edited by S.
Strömqvist and L. Verhoeven, 219-257. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
—. 2006. What makes manner of motion salient? Explorations in linguistic
typology, discourse and cognition. In Space in Languages: Linguistic
Systems and Cognitive Categories, edited by M. Hickmann and S.
Robert, 59-81. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
34 Chapter One
36 Chapter One
3 3DWK
Typological Issues Regarding the Expression of Caused Motion 37
38 Chapter One
The general aim of this paper is to explore different ways of expressing
static location in French and Serbian. Both languages use three main types
of locative predicates: neutral verbs (e.g. FR. être ‘to be’), posture verbs
(e.g. ENG. to sit, to lie, to stand) and verbs expressing fictive motion, i.e.
verbs whose reference is to motion but which actually describe static
situations (e.g. The road descends towards the coast) (Talmy 2000). In this
study, based on a large contrastive corpus of expressions of static location
in French and Serbian novels, we compare the role that these different
types of locative predicates play in each language. We point out that
Serbian uses posture verbs much more extensively by locating both
animate and inanimate Figures, and that the limited use of posture verbs in
French (with only animate Figures) makes fictive motion more salient.
Finally, we show how such cross-linguistic differences in attention to
fictive motion affect human spatial cognition.
Our analysis adopts the framework of Talmy’s typology, which
opposes Verb-framed languages (e.g. French, Turkish) to Satellite-framed
languages (e.g. Serbian, English) (cf. Talmy 2000) and discusses the
validity of the distinction between “high-manner-salient” and “low-
manner-salient” languages for the domain of static location (cf. Slobin
2004). By assuming that posture verbs are static equivalents of manner of
motion verbs (e.g. to run, to walk)—as suggested by M. Lemmens (2002a,
2002b, 2005)—we argue that, in the domain of static location (as well as in
the domain of motion), Satellite-framed languages (e.g. Serbian) pay more
attention to the expression of manner than Verb-framed languages (e.g.
40 Chapter Two
In this paper, we discuss different ways of expressing static location in
French and Serbian. Both languages use several types of locative
predicates as well as many kinds of syntactic constructions to describe
static spatial relationships. We will focus particularly on the semantic
nature of verbal components in static spatial descriptions and will compare
the importance of different types of locative predicates in the expression of
static space in French and Serbian. Section 1 presents an inventory of
locative predicates across languages. In section 2, we define the framework
adopted in this study. Next, we discuss different types of locative
predicates in French and Serbian and examine, on the basis of contrastive
data, their importance in the expression of static location in each of the
two languages. This comparison reveals some interesting typological
differences between two languages (sections 3.1. and 3.2.). In the last part
of the article, we tackle the issue of the importance of fictive motion in
expressing static location in French and Serbian and show that the limited
use of posture verbs in French makes fictive motion more salient. Finally,
we show that such cross-linguistic differences in attention to fictive
motion can affect human spatial cognition (sections 3.3. and 4).
The importance of fictive motion in expressing static location has not been
studied extensively and not at all from a crosslinguistic or typological
perspective (see, however, Matsumoto 1996; Rojo and Valenzuela 2003).
In this article, we attempt to define the importance of fictive motion in the
expression of static location in French and Serbian.
The Location verb project is supported by the French Ministry of Research and is
managed by M. Lemmens (University of Lille III). For more details about project
see (Lemmens 2005).
44 Chapter Two
Posture verbs
French Serbian English
être debout stajati ‘stand’
être assis sedeti ‘be sitting’
être couché ležati ‘be lying’
être accroupi þuþati ‘squat’
être agenouillé kleþati ‘kneel’
Table 2. Posture verbs in French and Serbian
Moreover, (Lemmens 2005) argues that French often uses neutral verbs
like être ‘to be’ or se trouver ‘to be located’, even when referring to
human beings in one of the three cardinal positions (be sitting, standing or
In Serbian, the use of posture verbs is quite different. Indeed, Serbian
uses posture verbs for both animate and inanimate Figures, as we can see
in example (17). Moreover, Serbian posture verbs have acquired many
metaphorical, abstract and idiomatic uses.
We note that Serbian posture verbs do not all have the same behavior:
unlike the other posture verbs, sedeti ‘be sitting’ only occurs with animate
Figures, as exemplified in (18).
We now take a look at the data. As will be discussed below, the data
confirm the observations made above and lead to several other interesting
findings. We performed a bidirectional analysis of French and Serbian
novels by observing how each type of locative predicate is translated in the
target language. The size and the composition of the corpus are given in
Table 3.
The Many Ways to be Located in French and Serbian 47
Animate Figures Inanimate Figures
Verbs % %
Verbs % %
48 Chapter Two
Change of 13 (21) Ø
posture V %
motion % %
verbs % %
% %
Table 4. shows that Serbian posture verbs appearing with animate Figures
are translated in 56 % of cases by posture verbs, in 17 % of cases by
neutral verbs and in 13 % of cases by verbs of movement, i.e. by verbs of
change of posture (e.g. sit, lie). Some of these possibilities are illustrated
by examples from (19) to (23).
These results also confirm the claim that French often uses neutral
verbs even when referring to human beings in one of the three cardinal
positions: in 17 % of cases the French translator has preferred to use a
neutral verb such as rester “stay”, se tenir ”to stay, to remain”, être ”to
be”, il y a ”there is”, rather than to use a posture verb. As suggested by
(Lemmens 2005), “manner of being positioned in space is not a notion that
French speakers care to express, even for human posture”.
When occurring with inanimate Figures, Serbian posture verbs are
most often translated by neutral verbs—in 30 % of cases—and in very few
cases by the French posture verb gésir ‘to lie’ (as ‘to lie in the grave’).
Finally, a very interesting finding is that 10 % of situations described by
posture verbs in Serbian are expressed as fictive motion in French, see
example (26). We present a detailed analysis of this possibility in the
following. Note also the presence of other lexical items in French
translations (38 %), see example (27), as well as many cases of omission
(10 %).
In example (28), the scene is static (the road does not move), but the
motion verb to descend is used for describing it. In such a situation, there
is a mental representation of some entity moving along or over the
configuration of the Ground (the fictively moving entity can be imagined
as being an observer, or the focus of one’s attention or the object itself). In
examples (28) and (29), the observer mentally imagines something moving
along the road or along the mountain range. Many factors can motivate
this kind of conceptualization of static scenes, but this is not our concern
here. Fictive motion considered as a cognitive and widespread linguistic
phenomenon, has been studied by several authors, see in particular (Talmy
1996, 2000: vol. 1: ch. 2; Matlock 2004a, b; Matlock and Richardson
2004; Langacker 1986, 2000; Matsumoto 1996; Rojo and Valenzuela
2003). However, the very importance of fictive motion in the expression
of static location across languages has not been studied. Up to now, there
are no studies that try to define cross-linguistically the place of fictive
motion in the expression of static scenes. We believe that verbs expressing
fictive motion are worth studying in comparison with other types of
locative predicates. T. Matlock (2004a) uses the term fictive motion
construction for sentences including fictive motion and suggests that “it
may be appropriate to treat it as a subset of a more basic construction”.
Our work here is an attempt to define the place of fictive motion among
the other ways of expressing static location in French and Serbian.
52 Chapter Two
(Talmy 2000: vol. I: ch. 2) distinguishes the following types of fictive motion:
Orientation Paths (e.g. I/The arrow on the signpost pointed toward/away
from/into/past the town.), Radiation Paths (e.g. The sun is shining into the
cave/onto the back wall of the cave.), Shadow Paths (e.g. The pillar’s shadow fell
onto/against the wall.), Sensory Paths (e.g. I can hear/smell him all the way from
where I’m standing.), Pattern Paths (e.g. As I painted the ceiling, (a line of) paint
spots slowly progressed across the floor.), Frame Relative Motion (e.g. I sat in the
car and watched the scenery rush past me. or I was walking through the woods and
this branch that was sticking out hit me.), Advent Paths: a) Site arrival (e.g. The
beam leans/tilts away from the wall. – active verb form or Termite mounds are
scattered/strewn/spread/distributed all over the plain. – passive verb form), b) Site
manifestation (e.g. This rock formation occurs/appears/shows up near volcanoes.),
Access Paths (e.g. The bakery is across the street from the bank.), Coextension
Paths (e.g. The fence goes/zigzags/descends from the plateau to the valley.).
The Many Ways to be Located in French and Serbian 53
dizati se ‘rise’,
protezati se ‘extend’, imperfective
izdizati se ‘rise up’, aspect
širiti se ‘be spreading’
apparaître ‘appear’, perfect, preterit,
FR surgir ‘arise’, se (present,
dresser ‘stand up’ imparfait)
ce perfective
pojaviti se ‘appaer’, aspect,
iskrsnuti ‘arise’ (imperfective
Table 5. Sample of fictive motion verbs
Our corpus based study shows that fictive motion sentences from one
language are generally translated by fictive motion sentences in the other,
see examples (30) and (31).
This is not surprising given that both languages have a very rich verbal
lexicon capable of describing fictive motion—lexical counterparts can
easily be found. We would like to stress that certain spatial descriptions
including posture verbs and inanimate Figures in Serbian are translated
into French by fictive motion, as in examples (34) and (35), and
conversely, that French fictive motion descriptions are translated into
Serbian by posture verbs, see examples (33) and (36). As shown in Table
4, 10% of Serbian posture verb descriptions are translated into French by
fictive motion.
37. SR Na samim vratima stoji proto, crn i bled u svetlosti luþa koji
neko drži za njim u hodniku. (Andriü, Anikina vremena, p. 71)
“on the threshold, was standing the priest…”
FR Sur le seuil même se dressait le curé, noir et pâle sous la
lumière de la torche que quelqu'un tenait derrière lui, dans le
couloir. (p. 69)
“on the threshold, was “standing” the priest…”
The fact that certain spatial descriptions including posture verbs can be
translated by fictive motion is not surprising. In an experimental work,
(Matlock and Richardson 2004) examined whether the use of fictive
motion in spatial descriptions influences eye movements, and more
generally, whether this use is associated with a particular conceptual
representation. The authors compared the eye movements that accompanied
56 Chapter Two
fictive motion (FM) sentences (e.g. The palm trees run along the
highway), and those that accompanied non-fictive motion (NFM)
sentences (e.g. The palm trees are next to the highway). In this work,
Matlock and Richardson (2004) showed that: a) all FM- and NFM-
sentences are equally sensible in meaning, b) all FM- and NFM-sentences
describe comparable information, and c) all FM- and NFM-sentences are
equally good descriptions of pictures used as stimuli. We believe that the
same holds true for Serbian sentences with posture verbs and French
translations including fictive motion. In other words, both types of
descriptions are good candidates to express the situation at hand, but the
former is preferred in Serbian, the latter in French. Why is that?
Our corpus is not large enough to answer this question definitively, but
these preliminary results confirm our intuition that French speakers will
preferably use fictive motion in describing certain static spatial scenes that
are canonically described by posture verbs in Serbian. Moreover, in many
cases, translating French fictive motion descriptions by posture verbs
seems to be more natural than translating them by fictive motion, see
example (38).
Using the verb uspravljati se is not wrong, but the verb stajati would have
been better. The translator is probably influenced by the source language.
To avoid this bias, it would be interesting to collect data on the basis of
visual stimuli in order to obtain comparable data in French and Serbian.
We believe that the differences would be more important than what is
suggested by the translation data.
These observations suggest that, to express static location with
inanimate Figures, French uses either neutral verbs or fictive motion,
whereas Serbian can also use posture verbs. Since French makes limited
use of posture verbs, it uses fictive motion in reference to some situations
described by posture verbs in Serbian. Therefore, we can conclude that the
The Many Ways to be Located in French and Serbian 57
FR Neutral V Posture V FM
SR Neutral V Posture V FM
Schema 1: Different ways of expressing static location in French and
Serbian and their distribution
4. Conclusion
To conclude, we ask a few questions that place this study in a more
cognitive perspective.
One interesting question is whether such cross-linguistic differences in
attention to fictive motion affect spatial cognition. According to (Matlock
and Richardson 2004): “fictive motion processing includes mentally
simulated motion”. This means that representations underlying fictive
motion descriptions are not static, as can be expected, but rather dynamic.
People mentally simulate motion when interpreting fictive motion
sentences. (Matlock and Richardson 2004) argue that fictive motion
“evokes a dynamic mental simulation, and that this simulation determines
how the visual system interprets and inspects the world”. One can now ask
what happens when translators use fictive motion instead of posture verbs,
as we have seen for French and Serbian. Even though both types of spatial
descriptions convey similar information, translating posture verbs by
fictive motion considerably changes the conceptual representation of the
spatial scene. Furthermore, since “simulating motion is part of fictive
motion understanding” (idem), the cognitive processing of fictive motion
58 Chapter Two
Ameka, F. and Levinson, S. (eds). 2007. Locative Predicates, Linguistics
45 (5/6).
Grinevald, C. 2006. Vers une typologie de l'expression de la localisation
statique: le cas des prédicats locatifs. In Linguistique Typologique,
edited by G. Lazard and C. Moyse, 33-54. Villeneuve d’Ascq: Presses
Universitaires du Septentrion.
Kopecka, A. 2004. Etude typologique de l’expression de l’espace:
localisation et déplacement en français et en polonais. PhD Thesis,
Université de Lyon 2.
Langacker, R.W. 1986. Abstract motion. In Proceedings of the Twelfth
Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 455-471.
—. 2000. Virtual reality. Studies in the Linguistic Sciences 29: 77-103.
Lemmens, M. 2002a. The semantic network of Dutch posture verbs. In
The Linguistics of Sitting, Standing, and Lying, edited by J. Newman,
103-139. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
—. 2002b. Tracing referent location in oral picture descriptions. In A
Rainbow of Corpora - Corpus Linguistics and the Languages of the
World, edited by A. Wilson, P. Rayson, and T. McEnery, 73-85.
München: Lincom-Europa.
—. 2005. Motion and location: toward a cognitive typology. In Parcours
linguistiques. Domaine anglais, edited by Girard-Gillet, G. 223-244.
Saint-Etienne: Université de Saint Etienne.
Levinson, S. and Wilkins, D. (eds). 2006. Grammars of Space.
Explorations in Cognitive Diversity. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Matlock, T. 2004a. The conceptual motivation of fictive motion. In Studies
in linguistic motivation, edited by G. Radden and K.U. Panther, 221-
248. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
—. 2004b. Fictive motion as cognitive simulation. Memory & Cognition
32 (8): 1389-1400.
The Many Ways to be Located in French and Serbian 59
French novels and their translations
Duras, M. 1950. Un barrage contre le Pacifique. Paris: Gallimard.
Dira, M. 1959. Brana na Pacifiku. Beograd: Beletra. (tr. Zorica Miškoviü)
Makine, A. 1995. Le testament français. Paris: Mercure de France.
Makin, A. 2001. Francusko zaveštanje. Beograg: Paideia. (tr. Andja
Perec, G. 1978. La vie mode d'emploi. Paris: Le livre de poche.
Perek, Ž. 1997. Život uputstvo za upotrebu. Beograd: Plato. (tr. Svetlana
Tournier, M. 1972. Vendredi ou les limbes du Pacifique. Paris: Gallimard.
Turnije, M. 1990. Petko ili limbovi Pacifika. Novi Sad: Bratstvo i
Jedinstvo. (tr. Gordana Stojkoviü)
Yourcenar, M. 1968. L'oeuvre au noir. Paris: Gallimard.
Jursenar, M. 2000. Crna mena. Beograd: BMG. (tr. Ivanka Markoviü)
60 Chapter Two
Departing from Vandeloise's (2006) claim that space (in language) is not
an abstract entity described by geometry and/or topology, but rather a
dynamic representation based on and represented through our everyday
experience (in and with space) in the world, this paper tries to propose a
systematic reading and interpretation of the semantics of the Croatian
preposition “o”, focusing on its spatial sense. This interesting, and widely
used preposition, lacks a central translational equivalent in English, usually
rendered by “about”, “around”, “on”, “by”, “against”, “to”. The Croatian
preposition “o” is of particular interest as both its semantics and (intra- and
crosslinguistic) usage seem to defy a clear categorial representation.
Consequently, pedagogical and grammar books either treat it marginally or
describe its semantics as being highly unsystematic, chaotic and difficult to
pin down. However, by shifting the perspective on the preposition 'o' from
the traditional towards the cognitive i.e. by grounding the linguistic
analysis of the Croatian “o” in Talmy’s (2000) Force Dynamics
framework, it becomes evident that the preposition ‘o’ can be semantically
explicated as a lexical item which codes a logically ordered, typologically
based sequence of static/dynamic force exchange situations. It is extremely
interesting that this analysis shares many typological and analytical
elements with comparable analyses of prepositional systems in other
natural languages, and, most interestingly, that it substantially coincides
with Bowerman and Pederson’s (1992, 2003) findings on prepositional
62 Chapter Three
Although this is true of cognitive semantics in particular, it should be
remembered that within cognitive linguistics (CL) the distinction between
semantics and grammar is not so clear as it is in traditional linguistics. In fact, CL
sees morphosyntactic forms as being meaningful, i.e. grammar as being motivated
by semantic elements and language as being best analysed and explained along the
semantico-syntactic interface.
Force Dynamics In the Semantics of (Croatian) Prepositions 63
but are limited to quite particular aspects and combinations of aspects, ones
that can be thought to constitute the ‘structure’ of those domains’’ (Talmy,
1983: 227)
to try and propose a positive answer to the latter query, contrast sentences
1) and 2) as given in Figure 1.
(1) The smoke is under the cheese cover (2) The pear is *in/under the cheese
Or controlling some other type of relation.
66 Chapter Three
Before moving on, let us take stock of the situation by noting that the
notion of ‘function of control’ coupled with the notion of “schematization”
represent the main ideas underlying and guiding our analysis, and that the
semantics of prepositions is probably best interpreted as a “mixture” of
function (i.e. control – see below) and schematization.
In the next section we shall take a look at the findings of a very
interesting study by Bowerman and Pederson (1992, 2003). These findings
present strong evidence for a proposal of a systematic account of
prepositional semantics, which is grounded in elements of cognitive
linguistics. Most crucially, this evidence is based on a crosslinguistic study
of prepositional usages in 33 natural languages, and does, as such, offer
conclusions which hold at the crosslinguistic level. This is of paramount
importance, as a cognitively based account of prepositional semantics,
grounded in universal elements (which are possibly shared between
language and other subsystems of human cognition) needs to be verified
and confirmed at the crosslinguitic level.
Furthermore, the findings by Bowerman and Pederson are based on a
set of elements which can be grouped into two large categories: a)
elements of schematization (points, planes, axes, dimensionality and
alike), and b) functional elements (attachment, support, gravity / force
vectors or, more properly, force dynamics. Before reviewing the main
findings of study by Bowerman and Pederson, let us just briefly recall the
view on Force Dynamics proposed by Talmy (200:213), who states that a
force-dynamic pattern which underlies “all more complex force dynamic
patterns is the steady-state opposition of two forces”, and that it
represents a fundamental linguistic category. The view of force dynamics
as a linguistic category, i.e. the view of the opposition of two forces will,
indeed, be crucial in our explication of the semantics of the Croatian
preposition “o”. First, let us turn to the study by Bowerman and Pederson,
which provides useful elements for our analysis of “o” in Section 2.
Support Marks Clingy Hanging Fixed Point – to Encircle Impaled Pierces Partial Inclusion
from on attachment over / attachment - point with / spitted through inclusion
below a against attachment contact on
E.g. surface Raindrops Picture Handle on Apple on Ring on Arrow Cigarette Apple in
Cup on Writing on window on wall cupboard twig finger Apple in / in mouth bowl
table on on stick through
paper apple
The study by Bowerman and Pederson is not about prepositions per se, but about
the expression (or rather, semantic categorization) of “ON” and “IN” spatial
relations in natural languages. Thus, apart from considering adpositions (as the
lexical form most frequently used for the expression of the on-in relation) the
authors also consider spatial nominals (used in, e.g., Japanese and Korean), and
case endings (used, e.g., in Finnish).
E.g. in Hindi, categories 5 – fixed attachment, and 6 – point-to-point-attachment,
can be lexicalized by two prepositions: 'per' or 'me'. Categories before category 5
are lexicalized by ‘per’ only, categories from category seven – by ‘me’.
68 Chapter Three
Vandeloise (1998: 6) writes: ‘Even though some of the traits involved in the
characterization of relationships container / content and bearer / burden like
surrounding, contact, or order in the vertical axis are perceptually registered, the
fundamental trait of control involved in containment and in support can only be
noticed when it fails to work. In other words, while the kinetic mechanics is always
noticeable, static mechanics involved in support and containment escapes the
attention as long as the balance is respected’ (i.e. as long as the function of
control - be it containing or supporting - is ‘plus’ +).
Force Dynamics In the Semantics of (Croatian) Prepositions 69
It has been shown that a) spatial information in the brain is modal (we seem to
have representations or maps of motor space, haptic space, auditory space, body
space, egocentric space, and allocentric space; cf. Bloom et. al., 1996). We note
that the primitive, bodily based features proposed here as the bases of prepositional
semantics, seem to mirror the cognitive multimodality of spatial perception (i.e.
“contact” would mirror haptic space, “gravity” - body / motor space, and
“orientation” - motor / visual space); and b) neural information about space does
not include (detailed) representations of objects (in space), i.e. there seems to be a
clear (although not total) separation between the neurobiological “what” and
“where” systems. With respect to this we might wish to recall a very insightful
analysis by Landau and Jackendoff (1993), discussing the divisions between the
linguistic “what” and “where” systems, as well as Talmy’s (1983: 227) or Slobin’s
(1985) proposals suggesting that the “what” system is expressed by open class
words, whereas the “where” system is lexicalized by the closed class portion of
This domain bears an interesting relation to some recent studies in human
perception (cf. e.g. Gregory, 1998) suggesting that human beings are inclined to
perceptually adjust slightly leaning objects to 90 or 180 degrees).
Force Dynamics In the Semantics of (Croatian) Prepositions 71
Which is exactly what we get if we first switch the places of the “support branch”
and the “attachment branch” on the right hand-side of Vandeloise’s tree (on the
“control in the vertical axis – support” side), and then switch the right and the left
hand-side branch. Such a procedure enables us to come up with a tree that can be
perfectly mapped onto Bowerman’s ON- IN gradience scheme.
72 Chapter Three
this question represents the F’G’ relation proper, i.e. the answer to this
question determines the choice of the preposition.
This simple formula easily explains certain perceptual differences in
the construal of reality previously noted between “frog in the grass”, vs.
“frog on the grass”; for “in” to be a possible lexical choice, G needs to
control the location of F in terms of voluminosity, whereas for the English
“on” G controls the location of F in one of its (G’s) axes (usually the
horizontal or the vertical). We thus have the perceptual “adjustment” (or a
specific conceptualization) of G on a particular occasion of speaking,
whereby G’s features that are triggered by the given preposition (i.e. the
features forming that prepositional lexical pattern), gain prominence. Such
a “mapping” of features between lexical patterns and referents would
apply to language as a system, including its metaphoric devices (cf. Brala,
2002). If this were the case, then the features and patterns (as well as
patterning principles) proposed above would need to help explain the
semantics and usage distribution of other prepositions (in other languages)
as well. Let us see whether this turns out to be, indeed, the case.
- The usage of the Croatian “o” is, at least at first glance, highly
unsystematic both at the intralinguistic and the crosslinguistic level. There
appears to be no clear semantic base that would bring together all the
usages of the preposition, thus enabling linguists to propose its clear
semantic explication. Not surprisingly, a thorough literature review of the
meaning and usages of the Croatian preposition “o” has yielded more
fragmentary (and occasionally contrasting) data and hypotheses than
conclusive results. This is very problematic as “o” is a lexical item of very
high frequency in Croatian (see below).
- In the monolingual context, “o” seems to defy a clear semantic
characterization, but also to be very peculiar when it comes to instances of
usage. Although being described as the preposition introducing the
locative case (c.f. Siliü and Pranjkoviü, 2005: 230-231) this preposition is
nowadays extremely rarely used in its strict spatial sense (locating
something spatially). ‘O’ is, in fact, used primarily in non-spatial locative
case constructions (introducing the locative case object specifying the
Force Dynamics In the Semantics of (Croatian) Prepositions 73
topic of e.g. speech, thought or means), and most people see its spatial
usage as being stylistically marked and still present only in (archaic)
idiomatic constructions. It seemed very interesting to investigate the
relation (if any) between the spatial and the remaining (predominant) non-
spatial usages of “o”;
- The situation with the semantic characterization of “o” is, if possible,
even more complex if we observe the issue from a crosslinguistic
perspective, i.e. try to translate “o” into, in our case, English.
Lexicography offers no help in this sense, more frequently than not
entirely ignoring the spatial usages of “o”10. It thus seemed very
interesting to investigate whether there is a logic in the apparent
crosslinguistic i.e. translational chaos of the semantics of the Croatian “o”;
- The analysis by Bowerman and Pederson (see Fig. 2 above), i.e. their
“ON-IN” prepositional scale proposes a category (No. 6, “point to point
attachment”) with examples of prepositional usages which are in Croatian
rendered by “o”. It seemed interesting to investigate whether the semantic
feature structure of this category can reveal anything with respect to the
semantics of the Croatian preposition “o” (and vice-versa);
- Crucially for our cognitively based theoretical framework, the usages of
the Croatian “o” are rendered in i.e. translated into English generally by
“on” and “around”, with the instances of spatial relations denoted by the
preposition “o” falling either into category 6 (“point-to-point attachment”)
or category 7 (“encircle with contact”) of Bowerman and Pederson’s scale.
This fact seemed worth investigating further, as it might possibly turn out
to present additional evidence for the ordering of the scale (as the two
categories are contiguous), as well as a finding suggesting that (at the
crosslinguistic level) there might be (the need for) another semantic/lexical
category between categories 6 and 7 (combining elements from both
categories, and perhaps yielding new ones).
In the widely used Croatian – English dictionary by Bujas (1999), under the
entry “o” we find “o=about, concerning, regarding, at, by”. The spatial sense is not
represented at all.
The relative frequency for 'o' is put at 0.00526018827553, which makes it the
14th most frequently used lexical item in the Croatian language, out of the total of
1.058.171 lexical entries included in the Token frequencies list of the Croatian
Language Corpus.
74 Chapter Three
language and Linguistics. This means that “o” is the 14th most frequently
used lexical item in the Croatian language (the first two being “i”, i.e. the
Croatian for “and”, and “je” i.e. the Croatian word for “is”). This fact
alone should suffice to explain the need to try and semantically pin down
this preposition. Even more interestingly, a closer look at the Institute’s
Corpus reveals that over 90 percent of usage instances are relative to the
locative case construction expressions of non spatial meanings, whereas
only the remainder relates to the spatial usages of “o” (which are, indeed,
those that native speakers frequently seem to find as “marked”, “frozen”,
and “unproductive”). We need to observe at this point that the preposition
“o” is used within the so-called “case help question” that school children
use to learn the cases as part of the “locative case help question” (the
locative is taught as the case responding to the question “o kome o þemu”
– transl. as “about whom, about what”).
Now, a paradox relative to the semantics and usage of “o” needs to be
noted at this point; while being used primarily in the connection with the
locative, which is, as the name suggests, a “case of location”, i.e. primarily
a case for the expression of spatial meanings (and such meaning are
introduced by prepositions such as “on”, “in” and “at” – three prepositions
whose central translational equivalents in Croatian – “na”, “u” and “pri” –
most frequently introduce a noun in the locative case), the Croatian “o” is
very rarely linked to the expression of space. At the same time, as if the
picture needed to be complicated even further, the preposition “o”, when
used in spatial contexts, most frequently selects a noun in the accusative
case (this fact is analysed in 2.2.)
Now, going back to the most common usages, we note that the
preposition “o”, most frequently followed by a locative noun, is used for
the expression of12:
The list of usages is based on Aniü (1994), Siliü and Pranjkoviü (2005), and my
own analysis.
Force Dynamics In the Semantics of (Croatian) Prepositions 75
On the other hand, the preposition “o” is much more rarely, almost
marginally, used for the expression of:
Where, as pointed out by Siliü and Pranjkoviü (2005: 231) a more common
construction would be “Posjetiti roditelje oko Božiüa” (to visit parents around
76 Chapter Three
As space is, with time, the central topic of this volume, we shall first
turn to the analysis of this latter, most peculiar, highly marked and most
confusing category of the usage of the Croatian “o”, the spatial usages.
Then, in Section 2.3., we will try to see whether the spatial senses bear any
relation to the more productive, non-spatial usages, and also try to see how
do our conclusions tie into the theoretical framework proposed in Section
1 above.
(11) Kopaþke je objesio o klin.’ (4.87) CNC (and also the most
frequently cited example of usage proposed by the students, we ought to
note that this is an idiomatic expression)
Boots + has + hung + PREP + nail ACC.
He hung his boots on a nail.
This is a fixed phrase with the meaning 'he retired', quite accurately
rendered by the English phrase He hung up his boots14.
This phrase has most frequently been translated as “he hung his boots on a nail”
(which is rated as “relatively acceptable although not entirely natural in English”
Force Dynamics In the Semantics of (Croatian) Prepositions 77
by a group of English native speakers. For the native speakers' intuitions I wish to
thank Joe Cutting, William Candler and Lawrence Groo).
“Omotati” is a prefixed verb (o + motati). The stem verb “motati” disallows the
PP introduced by the preposition “o” but requires a PP introduced by “oko”
78 Chapter Three
II) In the spatial sense, the semantics of “o” seems to be used in two
distinct categories: a) the category in which “o” broadly means “point-to-
point attachment”, with crucial force-exchange in this point (and this is
indeed the meaning of “o” in sentences 11 through 23, excluding 18 and
20), and b) the category in which “o” denotes a relational situation which
is close to that lexicalized by the English “around” (the meaning
lexicalised by “o” in sentences 18 and 20). For the moments, let us just
note that “point-to-point” and “(a)roundedness” (i.e. “encircle with
contact”) are adjoining categories (categories 6 and 7) in Bowerman and
Pederson’s gradients (see Figs. 2 and 4 above).
III) The Croatian “o” is a preposition that combines with (at least) two
cases: a) the locative (all sentences in 2.1. except (8) and sentences (12),
(20) and (23) in 2.2.), and b) the accusative (sentence (8) in 2.1. and 10
out of 13 sentences in 2.2. above). We see that, within the PP headed by
“o”, the locative is predominant in the non-spatial and the accusative in the
spatial contexts. This is an extremely interesting and potentially far
reaching observation, especially in view of the claim that case meanings
bear a relation to at least some element(s) of the meaning expressed by the
preposition (for a thorough review of this point see Šariü 2008, passim).
Contrasting the meanings generally associated with the locative vs. the
accusative, we may gain some insight into the various meaning
components of “o”. The accusative case is, in Croatian grammar books,
generally described as “the case of directionality or, rather, the expression
of a relation between two objects where one object, part thereof or some
space in its vicinity is seen as the goal of motion or goal of some other
activity linked to that object’ (Siliü and Pranjkoviü 2005: 223, transl.
mine). The locative case in, on the other hand, viewed as “the case of
spatial location. It is used for the description of place, where this place is
static, motionless” (ibid: 230).
It is obvious that the dichotomy between the accusative and the
locative is largely determined by the distinction between the dynamic
(associated with the accusative) and the static (associated with the
locative). And, indeed, the spatial sentences with the locative express
static situations (such as that expressed in sentence (20), of a necklace
hanging around the neck), whereas those with the accusative express
dynamic situations. This is clearly illustrated by the contrast between
sentences (11) (“He hung the boots on the nail”, where the nail is in the
80 Chapter Three
ACC case), and (23) (“The boots are hanging on the nail”, where the nail
is in the LOC case). In sentence (11) there is the force dynamic element of
the positioning of the boots (where the action of putting/placing the boots
“meets” the “opposing” force of the nail, i.e. the wall). The nail, here,
represents the end-point of an activity and a point of opposition between
two forces (a situation of “dynamic force exchange”–cf. Vandeloise,
2006), and hence the accusative case. In (23) the boots have been placed
already, the action is finished, and “o” is expressing a static situation
(where we still have a point, i.e. the nail, where the force of gravity is
exercised against the force of the nail, held by the wall). Following
Vandeloise (2006) we shall call this a situation of “static force exchange”.
We could thus conclude that the situations of dynamic force exchange
require “o” to be followed by a noun in the accusative, whereas “o” in
static force exchange situations seems to select a noun in the locative case.
However, sentences (16) and (22) seem to contradict our conclusion. In
(16) (“The horse was tied to a tree” ACC), we have what, at least at a first
glance, appears to be a static situation. However, knowing that the
preposition “o” can, in this sentence, be used only with animate subjects
(usually animals), that can exercise a certain force and pull the rope by
which they are tied to the tree, thus creating a force dynamic (point-to-
point) situation of opposing forces, explains the usage of the ACC in this
case. This conclusion is reinforced by the fact that we could not use the
preposition “o” in, say:
but would need to use the preposition “oko” (i.e. “around”) instead,
just as in English.
In close relation to the above, we also note that in sentence (22) (“He
was sitting, leaning against her shoulder”) the noun “shoulder” is also in
the ACC case, while the sentence is, basically, static. However, upon
closer inspection, we note that “o” in sentence (22) is not so much relative
to the “sitting” as it is to the leaning, which is dynamic (the force of the
person “leaning”, being “opposed” against the body of the person
“supporting” the leaning. We thus, again, have a clear force dynamic
Force Dynamics In the Semantics of (Croatian) Prepositions 81
element associated with “o”, followed by the accusative noun. The English
preposition “against” clearly renders this fact16.
Before concluding this section on spatial usages of “o”, we need to
take a look at another usage of this preposition, taken from Šariü (2008:
Šariü suggests that the situations coded with the “o”-accusatives are less
intentional than those coded by the “u”-accusatives. However, upon closer
inspection, we note that the difference between the licensed and the non
licensed usages of “o” seems to be something other than intentionality (as
we cannot really say that hitting someone is not, or at least cannot be,
intentional). In (25) the focus is on the action of hitting (and hitting against
something! – a clear force dynamic element), rather than on the place
(location). In (25a) and (25b), on the other hand, we have the object
(taking in the force, i.e. the force dynamic opposition) already specified by
the object (reflexive “himself” in 25a, and the “him” in 25b). The PP in
these two latter cases specifies the location (what is being hit, what is
being hurt, wounded, in the sense of WHERE), rather than primarily
expressing the meaning of the force dynamic element of the opposition of
force. The distinction between “o” being acceptable in (25) but not in
(25a) and (25b) seems to boil down exclusively to the expression of a
force dynamic element (or lack thereof). In all three cases under (25) we
It would be very interesting to investigate why English uses the preposition “on“
for the same “leaning“ situation, but in the walking context (see sentence 19).
82 Chapter Three
have the noun in the accusative, as in all three cases the noun is the
“recipient” of the action, the end-point of the activity, but in (25a) and
(25b) what is lacking is the focus on force, rather than on place (thus “o”
not being licensed in the two latter cases).
We conclude that the preposition “o” has the potential to express both
static and dynamic elements, and that its usages with the LOC noun relate
to static (location) situations (verbs), whereas the usages of “o” with the
ACC noun relate to dynamic (motional, or other situations where the force
of motion is in a force-dynamic frame highlighted as being in opposition
with another force). Crucially, however, we note that the spatial usages of
“o” with the locative are very rare, and when they are found, they are rated
as being of borderline acceptability by around half of the subjects who
took part in the study (see low acceptability rating of sentences 20 and 23).
This fact stands as a further argument supporting the claim that the use of
“o” in the spatial contexts is validated primarily when the focus is on the
opposition of force (the (end-)point (of action) where two opposing forces
meet, thus the noun of the “o” PP being in the accusative case).
To sum up, trying to explicate the semantics of (the spatial) “o”, we
note that “o” is a preposition the core meaning of which is the expression
of a relation between F and G that is characterized primarily in terms of
G’s function of “opposing force” to a force exercised by F. from the point
of view of dimensionality, F and G can either be viewed as point-like (in
all the point-to-point attachment situations, see comment II above), or G
can be seen as a circular entity (in all the “around”, i.e. “encircle with
contact” interpretations of “o”). It needs to be pointed out, however, that
the “around” sense of “o” is very rarely used in the spatial sense (being
taken up by “oko”, i.e. “around”17). The core semantic element (a
primitive semantic feature?) of “o” can thus be described as a function of
(point of) force exchange (where, as shown above, this exchange can be
either static or dynamic). Another crucial component of the semantic
pattern of “o” is “attachment”; if there is no contact between F and G
(either spatial or metaphorical), the preposition “o” cannot be used to
lexicalize the relation between F and G. In a way, this is a logical element,
since it is only through contact that the force exchange between F and G is
“Around“ is the central translational equivalent of the Croatian “oko”, whereas
the central translational equivalent of the Croatian “o” is “about”.
Force Dynamics In the Semantics of (Croatian) Prepositions 83
3. Conclusion
In the final section of this work, we will try to link the observations
relative to the analysis of “o” in spatial contexts to the broader picture of
the usages of “o”. Let us begin by contrasting the cases of the nouns
within the “o” prepositional phrase (henceforth PP) in 2.3. (where in most
instances we have the noun in the accusative case) vs. the cases of the
nouns within the “o” PP in 2.2. (where in most instances we have the noun
in the locative case). It becomes immediately obvious that the locative
case is generally found with the noun within the PP where “o” is used with
non-spatial (non-physical) verbs (such as think, talk, sing, teach, preach),
whereas spatial (physical) verbs more frequently (almost exclusively)
require a PP headed by “o” where the noun is in the accusative case. In
this latter category, the dichotomy accusative vs. locative can be linked to
the dichotomy dynamic vs. static force exchange (see analysis in 2.3.). We
are, once again, faced with a somewhat counterintuitive fact: the
predominant use of the “prototypically locative” preposition is non-spatial
(where, furthermore, it commands a noun in the accusative case).
Let us approach this puzzle by looking at etymology. The preposition
“o” is derived from the preposition “oko”. The Croatian prepositions “o”
and “oko” are, indeed, still interchangeable in many situation. This is, e.g.,
the case of all temporal usages of “o” (cf. also footnote 13 above i.e. the
comment that “oko” is in more common usage than “o” in sentences such
as 9). “Oko” can replace “o” (and is by most native speakers felt as the
“better choice of preposition”) in sentences (16), (18) and (20) (note here
the use of “around” in English translations of “o”). We see that “o” and
“oko” are, indeed, very close semantically (another argument in favour of
Bowerman and Pederson’s gradient, at least for categories 6 and 7).
We see that the semantic pattern of “o” contains (at least in origin)
elements of “force dynamics”, “contact” and “circularity”. With time, the
circularity function is taken up more and more by “oko” (having a more
precise locational function in terms of circularity). “Force dynamics”
remains as the core semantic element of the relation expressed by “o”,
whereas the “locational” situation functions of “o” are taken up by other,
locationally “more precise” prepositions (“on”, “in”, “at” etc.)
Nowadays, “o” is thus used primarily in the sense of “about” (non
spatial, central usage of “o”), where the central meaning component, or
rather the sense, is that of “being in contact with the topic” (the “force” i.e.
action of the verb “ending” on the object introduced by “o” – a situation of
static force exchange between the verb and the topic, thus also the topic
being in the locative case, see 2.1.). In these, non spatial usages of “o”
84 Chapter Three
Aniü, V. 1994. Rjeþnik hrvatskog jezika. Zagreb: Novi Liber.
Bennett, D. C. 1975. Spatial and temporal uses of English prepositions.
London: Longman.
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Bowerman, M. 1996. Learning how to structure space for language: A
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Bloom, M. A. Peterson, L. Nadel, & M. F. Garrett (eds). Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press.
Bowerman, M. & Choi, S. 2001. Shaping meanings for language:
Universal and language specific in the acquisition of spatial semantic
categories. In Language acquisition and conceptual development, M.
Bowerman and S. C. Levinson (Eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Bowerman, M. & Pederson, E. 1992. “Cross-linguistic perspectives on
topological spatial relations”. Paper presented at the American
Anthropological Association, San Francisco, CA, December.
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topological spatial relations”. Eugene: University of Oregon, and
Nijmegen: Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, MS.
Brala, M. M. 2000. English, Croatian and Italian prepositions from a
cognitive perspective. When ‘at’ is ‘on’ and ‘on’ is ‘in’. Unpublished
Ph.D. dissertation, University of Cambridge, U.K.
—. 2002. Prepositions in UK Monolingual Learners’ Dictionaries:
Expanding on Lindstromberg’s Problems and Solutions. Applied
Linguistics, 23/1: 134-140. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
—. 2007. Spatial “on”-“in” categories and their prepositional codings
across languages: Universal constraints on language universality. In
Ontolinguistics. How Ontological Status Shapes the Linguistic Coding
of Concepts, edited by Schalley, A. & Zaefferer, D., 299-329.
Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
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86 Chapter Three
The distributional bias hypothesis predicts that native speakers follow the
predictions of the aspect hypothesis (Anderson and Shirai 1994: 137-139).
The aim of this research is to test whether adult native speakers of Tamil
are indeed influenced by the inherent semantic aspect of verbs when they
use aspect and tense markers in the way that children acquiring a first
language are. FLA studies focusing on English, French, Spanish and Italian
support the aspect hypothesis in that they have shown that children
associate past and perfective inflections with achievement and
accomplishment verbs, while progressive and imperfective inflections are
strongly associated with durative verbs (Anderson and Shirai 1994:135).
However, in order to validate the aspect hypothesis data from a range of
non-European languages is urgently needed. Before the aspect hypothesis
can be verified in Tamil, however, it is necessary to study verb-predicate
patterns of adult native speakers in order to obtain the background
knowledge needed for a study on L1 acquisition of Tamil. Tamil would
make an interesting study language because it uses separate linguistic
devices to code distinctions between both tense and aspect. The fact that
aspect marking is not obligatory in Tamil, whereas the marking of tense is,
also makes important predictions for the aspect hypothesis. The aspectual
markers1 that I have incorporated in my study are “iru”, “kondiru” and
“idu”. “Iru” is an auxiliary that expresses the perfective or the imperfective
aspect depending on the situation type it occurs with. “Kondiru” marks the
progressive aspect, while “vidu” expresses the perfective aspect. (Lehmann
There are several aspectual markers in Tamil such as the self-benefactive marker
“koo“ and the future utility marker, “vayyi“, but I will only be focusing on three
aspectual markers in my research.
88 Chapter Four
1993: 205) (Saeed 1997: 121) For the purposes of the present study these
markers have been integrated into a comprehension task, a production task
and an imitation task, which have been carried out with three adult native
speakers of Tamil from Singapore. By examining and consolidating data
from these three different performance modalities, I have tried to draw a
comprehensive picture of which aspectual and tense markers interact with
which verb types and thereby attempt to verify the distributional bias
2.1 Aktionsart
Aktionsart is a German word that means “kind of action”. It
specifically refers to the way in which verbs and their arguments are
classified according to their inherent temporal properties (Li 1990: 4).
Aktionsart, also called the inherent lexical aspect of a situation is not
encoded in the morphology of a language but is simply an intrinsic part of
the semantics of the verb predicate that expresses the situation (Anderson
1991: 308). Vendler (1967) characterised these situation types based on
their individual temporal properties and categorised them according to
whether they were states2, activities, accomplishments or achievements.
Smith C. (1991) built on Vendler’s system and added the situation type
semelfactive. These situation types or lexical classes were distinguished
according to whether they are telic, durative or dynamic (Saeed 1997:110-
114) (Smith C. 1997: 3) (Shirai and Andersen, 1995: 744). The table
below clearly illustrates how situation types can be classified according to
their inherent temporal features.
Both internal stative verbs (“believe” and “love”) and posture verbs (“sit” and
“stand”) are categorised under stative verbs. Though this may be the case, in my
experiments I have distinguished posture verbs as a category separate from the
stative situation type because I suspect that posture verbs in Tamil are dynamic and
involve a change of state. This needs further investigation however.
90 Chapter Four
2.2 Aspect
“Aspects are different ways of viewing the internal temporal
constituency of a situation” (Holt 1943: 6). In other words, aspect focuses
our attention on all or on a particular part of a situation and hence gives it
a temporal perspective. That is why it is sometimes referred to as
viewpoint aspect (Smith C. 1997: xiii). Unlike aktionsart, aspect is
considered a grammatical category and is expressed by means of the
inflectional morphology of that particular language (Comrie 1976: 9).
There are two main types of aspectual perspectives, the perfective and
the imperfective. The perfective aspect focuses on a situation from the
outside, as a single unanalysable whole, whereas the imperfective aspect
focuses on the inside of a situation without specifying its initial or final
endpoints. Under the imperfective aspect, there is a distinction between
durative and progressive situations where the latter is a subdivision of the
former. Progressiveness in fact incorporates durativity with non-stativity.
It should also be noted that the term perfect is distinct from perfectivity.
The perfect does not refer directly to a situation, but refers to a past
situation which has present relevance (Comrie 1976: 3, 4, 12). The full
aspectual meaning of a sentence is derived from the interaction between
the situation type and the “viewpoint” taken of that situation type.
2.3 Tense
Tense marks temporal deixis in that it places a situation in time
(assuming a linear time concept), taking an external viewpoint. Tense
usually locates the time of a situation relative to the utterance time. In
European languages, tense is formally marked using inflections, but it can
also be expressed through other linguistic devices such as adverbials. The
three most common tenses are the past, present and future tenses. A
situation that is marked for the past tense is located prior to speech time, a
situation marked for the present tense is located simultaneous to speech
time and a situation marked for the future tense is located subsequent to
speech time.
Verifying the Distributional Bias Hypothesis: An Analysis of Tamil 91
The auxiliary verb “iru” is derived from the lexical stative verb “iru”
which means “be”. When “iru” is added as an aspectual marker to a non-
stative main verb it implies “the result of the action continues to be what it
is” (Annamalai 1997: 51), and hence expresses the perfect viewpoint
(Lehmann 1993: 206, Saeed 1997: 117). The example below illustrates
this using the achievement situation type verb constellation, “find ring”.
Eg 4: Selvi samaithuk-kondu-iru-nthaal.
“Selvi was cooking.”
the appropriate sentence3. All the sentences presented were inflected for
the past tense4 for purposes of standardisation, so as to make sure that only
aspect (and not tense) was being tested for comprehension. There were 18
picture sequences5 altogether; three pairs for each situation type (posture
verbs, internal stative verbs, activity verbs, accomplishment verbs,
achievement verbs and semelfactive verbs). Each picture sequence was
presented in a pair, one which showed an ongoing situation and another
which showed a completed situation.
From the data it was seen that the perfective “vidu” and the
imperfective “kondiru” were contrasted systematically for activity,
accomplishment, achievement and semelfactive events. The informants
did, however, claim that for activity situations “iru” could also be marking
imperfectivity 33.3% of the time. For semelfactive verbs this was claimed
only 11.1% of the time. For achievement situation types the perfect “iru”
was contrasted with “kondiru” 11.1% of the time and for semelfactive
verbs this occurred 22.2% of the time.
The results of the comprehension task showed that the adults seemed
to have a good understanding of what viewpoint “vidu” and “kondiru”
present. Although the majority of occurrences contrasted the perfective
“vidu” with the imperfective “kondiru” for complete and incomplete
situations respectively in the case of activity, accomplishment,
achievement and semelfactive situations, the case is less straightforward
for posture and internal stative verb types. The perfect “iru” was
contrasted with “kondiru” 77.8% of the time for posture verbs and 55.6%
of the time with the internal stative verbs. This seems to contradict the
claim that “iru” presents the imperfective viewpoint when it occurs with
statives, which is what is claimed in the literature. The perfective “vidu”
was only contrasted with the imperfective “kondiru” 22.2% of the time for
posture and internal stative verbs. Also, “iru” was used to describe both
the incomplete and complete events 22.2% of the time for internal stative
verbs. It can be seen from the data that these informants’ intuitions are
unclear regarding the viewpoint that “iru” presents when it occurs with
posture and stative verbs and also when it occasionally occurs with the
other verb types.
Neither the picture sequences nor the sentences were presented in any predictable
This may have affected the results of the data but there was no other way of
testing the comprehension of only aspect.
There were two pictures which made up one picture sequence.
Verifying the Distributional Bias Hypothesis: An Analysis of Tamil 95
60 Series1
The results from the production experiment show that the patterning of
aspect markers with situation types follows the predictions of the
Since it is difficult to enact internal stative situations (eg: “love” or “believe”) I
decided to leave this category out of the production task.
96 Chapter Four
60 Series1
Past Present
Tense + situation type
Semelfactive verbs, though inherently punctual, are atelic and dynamic and
therefore are predicted to generally pattern with a progressive marker which would
focus on its internal successive phases.
Activity verbs occurred with the imperfective “kondiru” and achievement verbs
occurred with the perfective “vidu”.
Verifying the Distributional Bias Hypothesis: An Analysis of Tamil 97
All the sentences were made up of 9-10 words. This is the number which would
slightly exceed the short-term memory capacity of the average adult.
98 Chapter Four
5. Conclusion
The results from the three experiments do to a large extent support the
distributional bias hypothesis. From the production task it was seen that
the present tense marker and the imperfective “kondiru” are strongly
associated with activity verbs, but also co-occur frequently with atelic
durative verb types such as posture verbs and semelfactive verbs. Also, the
past tense marker and the perfective “vidu” have strong associations with
resultative verb types such as accomplishment and achievement verbs.
“Iru” has strong associations with posture verbs but it is unclear as to
whether my informants use this aspectual marker to present the
imperfective viewpoint or the perfect viewpoint, i.e. it is unclear as to
whether “iru” marks the durative nature of the act of sitting or whether it
Verifying the Distributional Bias Hypothesis: An Analysis of Tamil 99
marks the result of the change of state from the standing posture to the
sitting posture. This uncertainty is made evident from the comprehension
task. While my informants are sure as to the viewpoint both “vidu” and
“kondiru” present in the comprehension task and are able to contrast them
systematically for complete and incomplete situations respectively, they
use “iru” to mark both complete and incomplete situations without being
sure of what viewpoint it really presents. This is especially noticeable for
posture and internal stative verb types where “iru” occurs most of the time.
This is not in accord with what is written in the literature about Tamil
since “iru” is said to mark the imperfective aspect with stative verb types
and the perfect viewpoint with non-stative verb types. One explanation
that could be offered to account for this is that “iru” is a marker that is still
in the process of grammaticalisation10. It is thus difficult to make any
concrete claims with regards to the semantics of “iru” because it is subject
to variation (Schiffman, 1999).
In the imitation task it was seen that certain combinations of aspectual
markers and verb types were preferred to other combinations. The
combinations of the perfective “vidu” with resultative verbs and
combinations of the imperfective “kondiru” with atelic durative verbs
were never corrected. This seems to suggest that these combinations are
perfectly acceptable. It was also seen that “iru” has strong associations
with posture and internal stative verbs which is in accord with the results
from the production and comprehension tasks. The fact that all three tasks
indicate that posture verbs and internal stative verbs occur most of the time
with “iru” might imply that “kondiru” and “vidu” are not entirely
acceptable with these verb types. However, this point needs to be
investigated further.
In summary, the results of the three experiments above do support the
distributional bias hypothesis. This would suggest a possible source of
learners’ use of verb morphology if Tamil children display similar verb-
predicate patterns to adults. Similar experiments with Tamil children
would need to be carried out, however, in order to explore this.
Anderson, R. W. 1991. Developmental Sequences: the emergence of
Aspect marking in second language acquisition. In Crosscurrents in
When this happens, the lexical meanings of aspectual verbs in Tamil are still in
the ongoing process of being replaced by grammatical meanings (Lehmann, 1993:
100 Chapter Four
This paper reveals the concord in the treatment of the fictional space
complex topography, thus declining the existent Eurocentric cultural
stereotypes and the ideologically founded polarity of the metropolitan and
provincial in the European novel at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries. Thomas Hardy and Ante Kovaþiü happen to have overcome
developmental discontinuities of the “prime” English and “secondary”
Croatian literatures by deploying imaginary landscapes meant to sustain a
narrative ethics that would promote a substantial change of the image of
proper place and re-institute one’s right to difference. The two authors
engender narrative landscapes focused on space exposed to change. Their
narrative spaces are atopical places created to symbolize their characters’
unstable national, gender, and class identities. These characters are at one
with the landscape, which comprises the lapses of their previous selves, as
they do not fully accommodate the collective identity formation process.
The authors compared here pursue a certain topophilia through the
narrative figure of space, and insist on replacing city space notions by the
notions of edge, periphery, or province. They are moderators of the literary
circumstance of their epoch: Hardy clings to the idea of British literary
decentralization, while Kovaþiü advocates Croatian right to national
independence through spiritual decolonization. By structuring their
fictional spaces they mark the need to neglect the territorial and political
Fictional Topographies Diluting the Polarity of the Centre and its Margins 105
agents that largely determine the range and impact of a literature in real
spacetime. Markedly reluctant to abide by the received ideas about
ourselves and others, Hardy and Kovaþiü resort to a narrative
innovativeness of their fictional worlds.
The hero’s transition from the Croatian inland landscape (which stands
out as the anticipatory element of his plight) to the stratified spatial plane
of his master Illustrissimus’s manor house (used to fix his social position)
denotes Kovaþiü’s denial of the Bildungsroman’s principles of gradation,
linearity and finiteness. The alternation of spatial categories is triggered by
Ivica Kiþmanoviü and Laura, the bearers of unstable identities restrained
by the commitment to a family, community, or by the prescriptive gender
roles. Their respective identities lend themselves to delineation just along
the borderline between the country and the city. While Ivica Kiþmanoviü’s
duality gets its full spectre in the margin-centre interspace, the portrayal of
Laura infringes on the semantic field of the fairy tale and fantasy, the
transliminal spacetime made up of literary recollections (femme fatale) and
functions (the overreacher and also initiator of the plot).
Fictional Topographies Diluting the Polarity of the Centre and its Margins 113
Kovaþiü’s treatment of the urban landscape strikes a chord with the like
manouvres of Balzac (The Lost Illusions) in that he makes the city a
convergent point of diverse Croatian social strata and also the source of
their alienation; accordingly, his Zagreb does not bear any topical
attributes of the hub of national life and the longed-for destination of
social migrants, invariably used in the works of his fellow writers August
Šenoa and Eugen Kumiþiü. For the marginal characters of the novel
(Illustrissimus, chamberlain Juriü alias Žorž, Miha Medoniü) the act of
leaving the country is ultimate, definite and linked to the motivation of
personal and social promotion and accumulation of capital, a narrative
moment which recalls the classic European Bildungsroman.
In this novel Kovaþiü captures the meaning of transition within a
Croatian locality at the turn of the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries
by translating it into a set of narrative figures of “character, environment
and existence” as classified by the Croatian literary theoretician and
historian Gajo Peleš. According to him fictional space or topography
found constituent to the figures of existence also “undergoes transition,
loses its innermost monolithic singularity and discernible boundaries”
(Peleš 1999: 288-289). Kovaþiü’s narrative tenets do display the unfailing
loyalty to his locality, a kind of commitment elicited by the critic Vincent
Buckley and pertaining to the Irish as “the old Celticist idea of people
foredoomed by landscape and character to an ineffable melancholy”
(Kiberd 1995: 599).
In Kovaþiü’s novel U registraturi the appropriateness of the realistic
novel procedure meant to create a semblance of the nonconflictual
individual and society evolves into a complex narrative structure
signifying the frustration of personal growth. The cleft between the
country and the city is a spatial metaphor used to sustain the thwarted
endeavours of a shattered, displaced personality.
The convergence in the configuring of Thomas Hardy and Ante
Kovaþiü’s fictional topographies demonstrates their resolution to stimulate
the spatial awareness of the bearers of alterity (of the European periphery)
and make them recognize the properties of genuine landscape. The
Croatian novelistic site of the turn of the century delves into limitations of
the Croatian position fixed in the asymmetrical order of the Austro-
Hungarian Empire. Exposed to such territorial distribution practices,
Croatian locality gets unambiguously defined, while in the late nineteenth-
century Croatian authors’ spatial morphology it turns into a place of
subdued and transitory identity. Thus Kovaþiü’s microgeographic insights
in the idiosyncrasies of the Croatian landscape intertwine with the generic
114 Chapter Five
“This placeless ‘within’ is within the landscape and within the persons. It
is within each character as the lack which he or she tries to fill. It is within
the other person whom each tries to appropriate in order to fill the lack, but
who never fills it because he or she is only one more incarnation of the
lack within the landscape that the narrator and characters personify.”
(Hillis Miller 1995: 54)
Balzac, H. 1976. Lost Illusions. London: Penguin Classics.
Eliot, G. 1997. Middlemarch. Oxford, New York: Oxford University
Frangeš, I. 1985. Modernost Ante Kovaþiüa. In Forum XXIV. Book
XLIX. No. 4-5, 637-646. Zagreb.
Hardy,T. [1876] 1994. The Mayor of Casterbridge. Ware, Hertfordshire:
Wordsworth Editions Ltd.
—. [1878] 1995. The Return of the Native. Ware, Hertfordshire:
Wordsworth Editions Ltd.
—. [1891] 1993. Tess of the D’Urbervilles. Ware, Hertfordshire:
Wordsworth Editions Ltd.
—. [1895] 1993. Jude the Obscure. Ware, Hertfordshire: Wordsworth
Editions Ltd.
Hillis Miller, J. 1995. Topographies. Stanford California: Stanford
University Press.
Kiberd, D. 1995. Inventing Ireland: The Literature of the Modern Nation.
London: Jonathan Cape.
Kovaþiü, A. [1886] 2000. Meÿu žabari. Ante Kovaþiü: Izbor iz poezije i
proze. Stoljeüa hrvatske književnosti, edited by Miroslav Šicel Zagreb:
Matica hrvatska.
—. [1888] 2004.U registraturi. Zagreb: Veþernjakova biblioteka.
Meredith, G.1999. The Ordeal of Richar Feverel. London: Penguin
Moretti, F. 1999. Atlas of the European Novel 1800 –1900. London, New
York: Verso.
—. 2000. The Way of the World: The Bildungsroman in European
Culture. London, New York: Verso.
Peleš, G. 1999. Interpreting the Novel. Zagreb: ArTresor.
The aim of this paper is twofold. The first part of the paper focuses on both
the Southern regionalism and demythologized Southern domestic metaphor
that have contributed to the appearance, development, and preservation of
Southern Gothic as a literary (sub)genre. The second part of the paper
points out how William Faulkner employed the techniques and
methodology of Southern Gothic (spatial and temporal setting, the issue of
race, hurt woman at the narrative center) in the majority of his
Yoknapatawpha novels and short stories.
This is not to say, of course, that the economic “colonization” of the U. S. South
was entirely negative. It brought some positive changes that were reflected in
economic development since a certain share of capital remained in the U. S. South.
120 Chapter Six
the southern states in the last two decades of the antebellum years provided
almost two-thirds of all United States exports, though the South constituted
no more than two fifths of the nation’s population. Since those years were
just the time when the North was entering upon its industrial expansion,
those exports helped pay for the imports essential to the industrialization of
the United States. (Degler 1987: 8)
Subsequent page references for Absalom, Absalom! will be given as AA in
parentheses in the text.
Space and Time in Literature: William Faulkner and Southern Gothic 123
Subsequent page references for Light in August will be given as LA in
parentheses in the text.
The map of Yoknapatawpha, together with its acreage and the number of
inhabitants, is given in Absalom, Absalom! (1936).
124 Chapter Six
on the north and the Yoknapatawpha River on the south. Like every other
county, Faulkner’s county has its capital as well. Placed at the intersection
of the roads to Memphis, Mottstown, Sutpen’s Hundred, MacCallum’s
home and Frenchman’s Bend, Yoknapatawpha’s capital Jefferson largely
resembles Faulkner’s Oxford since both towns, fictional and real, share
some common characteristics (the main square with the Confederate
soldier monument, stores on the square, etc.).
Faulkner pursued the history of his Yoknapatawpha as well. In accord
with the dominant American colonial mythology, his county was
populated by the Chickasaw Indian tribe till 1832 when they ceded their
land to the US government and moved to Oklahoma. The white settlers
came to Yoknapatawpha around 1800 and soon it became the home of
many recognizable Faulkner families such as the McCaslins, the
Compsons, the Sartorises, the Snopeses, the Bundrens, the Sutpens, etc.
Further investigation helps to reveal the etymology of the word
Yoknapatawpha: it is of Chickasaw origin and consists of two words:
yocona and petopha meaning split land. Faulkner’s handling of this issue
is, however, different: he interpreted the word Yoknapatawpha as “water
run[ning] slow through flat land” (Blotner 1974: 251).
According to Joseph Blotner, Faulkner blamed the undeveloped Southern
economy for discrimination and the bad living conditions of Southern African
Space and Time in Literature: William Faulkner and Southern Gothic 125
rejected and forgot because he “found out that his [great grand]mother
was part negro” (AA 355). Similarly, in Go Down, Moses Ike McCaslin,
“not only the male descendant but the only and last descendant in the male
line and in the third generation” (GM 256)6, repudiates the inherited land
and money because he feels that “this whole land, the whole South, is
cursed” (GM 278). The curse was started by the first McCaslin who
sexually abused his own mulatta daughter “because she was his property,
[…] because she was old enough and female, […] and [he could] get a
child on her and then dismiss her because she was of an inferior race”
(GM 294). There is also Light in August with Joanna Burden whose family
was killed because they were the civil right activists. Like Ike McCaslin,
she also experiences the entire racial history of the U. S. South as an
inescapable curse which takes the form of “the black man who will be
forever God’s chosen own because He once cursed Him” (LA 191).
Furthermore, Faulkner’s oeuvre seems to offer an insight into the
origin, development, and preservation of racist ideology in the U.S. South.
His Absalom, Absalom! thus demonstrates that racial intolerance is not
something that is genetically inherited but something that is culturally
passed from generation to generation, from man to man. Racism in the
U.S. South, as Faulkner explains it in Sutpen’s example, appears to be a
reward given to the poor whites by the upper class in order to lessen social
inequalities. Whiteness became a common property of poor and rich
whites, united them on some abstract level, and thus generated the false
sense of identification that “surpassed” social and cultural differences.
Identification with the upper class excluded any possibility of
identification with African Americans and opened a discursive space that
justified the right to racial violence and racial intolerance as an act of both
loyalty to their own race and distinction from the black.
Subsequent page references for Go Down, Moses will be given as GM in
parentheses in the text.
126 Chapter Six
and the Fury, Light in August, Absalom, Absalom!, the Snopes trilogy, Go
Down, Moses, Sanctuary, to mention just a few of them, have at least one
woman character that fits the context. Caddy Compson, for instance, who
is the central figure and the non-present presence of Faulkner’s The Sound
and the Fury, is, in many ways, a hurt heroine who discovers a sinister
secret. In Caddy’s case the revelation of secret is somehow split into two,
encompassing the death of her beloved grandmother Damuddy and the
recognition of woman’s victimization in patriarchal society. Whereas the
first secret focuses primarily upon the personal encounter with the death of
a beloved person and is, therefore, restricted to the private sphere, the
second goes beyond the limits of individual experience and puts emphasis
on the unread and unwritten in the coded matrix of Southern cultural and
social relations. In this sense, Caddy, “although the oldest and bravest of
the Compson children” (Waldron 1993: 471), could neither escape the
gender subordination imposed on women in patriarchal societies, nor
prevent harassment since she is forced to obey her brother Jason who
blackmails her. In being continuously hurt, no matter whether by her
family, the community, or the narrator of the story, Caddy is again and
again placed inside the Gothic myth.
Similarly, in the character of Joanna Burden in Light in August,
Faulkner has brought into being a woman character who, in her attempts to
reveal the inhumanity of race and gender discrimination in the U. S. South,
suffers not only social and cultural humiliation imposed by the community
where she lives, but also physical abuse and eventually a horrible death. In
creating her so, Faulkner opens a discursive space that offers a possibility to
read Joanna Burden as the potential subversive female force in the novel.
This statement finds its confirmation in the fact that Joanna resists the
patriarchal sex categorization that values woman according to her
reproductive and exchange usefulness in the heterosexual matrix. She is
neither a mother who has a reproductive value, nor a virgin who has a pure
exchange value in the marriage market. By refusing to be asexual and to
stay on the pedestal reserved for white upper class Southern women, and “in
being intelligent, opinionated, and single, Joanna violates every aspect of
the local social code for women” (Wittenberg Bryant 1986: 117). Her
female body, which in its resistance to reproduction and asexuality becomes
the symbol of the defeat of the Southern patriarchal ideology of supremacy
of white over black, men over women, superior over inferior, must be
humiliated, silenced, murdered, fitted into the Gothic creative framework
because it threatens to slip out of the prescribed roles for every member of
Southern society.
Space and Time in Literature: William Faulkner and Southern Gothic 127
Blotner, J. 1974. Faulkner: A Biography. New York: Quality Paperback
Book Club.
Boyd, M. 1994. Rural Identity in the Southern Gothic Novels of Mark
Steadman. Studies in the Literary Imagination 27 (2): 41-55.
Core, G. 1979. The Dominion of the Fugitives and Agrarians. In The
American South: Portrait of a Culture, edited by Louis D. Rubin, Jr.,
305-319. Washington, D.C.: Voice of America Forum Series.
Cowley, M. 1977. The Portable Faulkner. New York: Penguin Books.
Degler, C. N. 1987. Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis: The South, the North,
and the Nation. The Journal of Southern History 53 (1): 3-18.
Donaldson, S. V. 1997. Making a spectacle: Welty, Faulkner, and
Southern Gothic. Mississippi Quarterly 50 (4): 567-585.
Doyle, D. H. 1997. Faulkner’s History: Sources and Interpretation. In
Faulkner in Cultural Context: Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha, 1995,
edited by D. M. Kartiganer and A. J. Abadie, 3-38. Jackson: University
Press of Mississippi.
Dussere, E. 2001. The Debts of History: Southern Honor, Affirmative
Action, and Faulkner’s Intruder in the Dust. The Faulkner Journal 17
(1): 37-57.
128 Chapter Six
This paper offers a postmodern approach to history as viewed through the
perspective of the post-WWII literary generation. Kurt Vonnegut is one of
the postmodern authors who claim that most of history is totalitarian; for
when the historiographer assimilates all particular moments into the time
of universal history, it is assumed that he or she outlines the plot analogous
to nature. This integration ignores the Other—marginal groups and
individuals that have experienced history differently. That is why Vonnegut
and other postmodernists see western domination to forge linear, causal
chains of time as harmful, and prone to explode time’s continuity into
small, unmemorable fragments of “now.”
The same pattern is palpable in other aspects of Vonnegut’s texts. Every
time one of the characters credits a vision of truth, the vision explodes and
the “truth” turns useless or wrong. In spite of the fact that American culture
and domestic policy rest on assumptions that truth is absolute, history is
continuous and causally coherent, the universe is material, and observers
(including presidents, reporters, judges) are objective and reliable,
Vonnegut invokes and ironically inverts the linear/cyclic and binary
teleological models of history. His lenses provide different angles of vision
variously colored by their subjective origins. It seems that Vonnegut
argues that the past—having shaped a dangerous present—can only be
known imaginatively and the most reliable explorer of the past is the one
best able to integrate facts into a living imagined reality—not the historian
but the historically informed artist (as himself).
“1492/The teachers told the children that this was when their continent was
discovered by human beings. Actually, millions of human beings were
already living full and imaginative lives on the continent in 1492. That was
simply the year in which sea pirates began to cheat and rob and kill them
[…] Actually, the sea pirates who had the most to do with the creation of
the new government owned human slaves. They used human beings for
132 Chapter Seven
“There were sounds like giant footsteps above. Those were sticks of high-
explosive bombs. The giants walked and walked. The meat locker was a
very safe shelter. All that happened down there was an occasional shower
of calcimine. The Americans and four of their guards and a few dressed
carcasses were down there, and nobody else […]
The guards drew together instinctively, rolled their eyes. They
experimented with one expression and then another, said nothing, though
their mouths were often open. They looked like a silent film of a
barbershop quartet.” (129-130)
The guards were certainly aware that their comrades, friends and families
were above, exposed to the horrific destruction. As Walter Hölbling states:
“What remains in the narrator’s memory is the quality of the
inconceivable, illustrated by a few momentary images that are
simultaneous in time to the inconceivable event—here the images of the
eye-rolling and speech-less guards” (Hölbling 2003: 300). Even though the
quoted description is not a part of an authentic historical narrative (it is
more likely an original traumatic experience), it seems to tell us more
about the impact of the Dresden catastrophe than history books, at least
when emotions are in question. Although yielding no understanding of the
inconceivable event, it is somehow more real than the traditional historical
explanation that textbooks offer.
This lack of explanation and meaning, or as Christopher Lasch has
identified it: “the waning of the sense of historical time” (qtd in Kunow
1989: 184), is one of the main reasons of the cultural crises in postmodern
society. The loss of the sense of historical continuity—the sense of
belonging to a succession of generations originating in the past and
stretching into the future—has caused an emergence of various
psychological and pathological personality disorders in humankind. The
incoherence of meaning and history, the loss of the ability to make sense
of the temporal continuum, is intensified by the emergence of the will to
survive, which is not just a problem in war situations (such is the case with
Billy), but also in the everyday postmodern culture of technology and the
enormous speed-up in the existential rhythm.
The Notions/Issues of History in Postmodern Literature: Kurt Vonnegut 135
This is exactly how the fictitious folk on Santa Rosalia dwell, living for
the moment, unaware of their past or what the future might bring.
The Second World War is one of the historical events which people
survived rather than understood, and which is a background for a number
of American war novels, such as Joseph Heller’s Catch-22 (1961), Kurt
Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five (1969) and Mother Night (1961),
Thomas Pynchon’s Gravity’s Rainbow (1973). These authors emphasize
human alienation in history and war’s sheer brutality and purposelessness.
Their novels display a record of human suffering and death. Since these
novels treat historical issues, another topic has to be confronted, namely,
that of the historical novel and its relation to history. Although there is a
valid argument that postmodern novels in general have little in common
with traditional historical novels, a number of American war novels appear
as “descendants” of the historical novel. They trace and recreate historical
events just as traditional historical novels did, only in their own, unique,
postmodern way, using historiographic metafiction, self-consciously
distorting what we know as “history: right and proper.”
The historical novel—as it has evolved from Sir Walter Scott to the
flourishing industry of today—has never challenged traditional history, for
it has been understood as a form of fiction and not fictional history
136 Chapter Seven
(Himmelfarb 1997: 165). It is now in the postmodern age that history itself
gets “textualized” and deconstructed. While events and persons are
transformed into “texts,” the past is deprived of reality and history of truth.
The distinction between history and fiction is effaced and fictional history
becomes a form of history rather than fiction. As Terry Eagleton explains:
“History, in short, is ‘textualised,’ its chronology modernistically disrupted,
its linear segments stacked spatially together”1 (Eagleton 1989: 279).
Records, archives, history books, and monuments that remain as
landmarks of history, although already processed historical data, keep
serving as sources for new, fresher visions of his-stories to be told. What
historians do is try to get the story “straight,” which assumes that there is a
story out there waiting to be resurrected and that this story can be
truthfully narrated as long as they use the right (empiricist-realist)
methods. Paul Ricoeur has pointed out that narrative is a basic human way
of making sense of the temporality of human existence (Ricoeur 1984: 3).
Historians themselves have become increasingly aware of narrative as a
basic operational mode of history over the past three decades
(simultaneously with, but quite independently of literary postmodernism).
Theodore Zeldin is one of the first historians who launched a serious
assault upon traditional history, calling it “narrative history,” which
depends on such arbitrary concepts as causality, chronology, and
collectivity (Himmelfarb 1997: 161). Dominik LaCapra deconstructed
chronology and claimed that for the historian the very reconstruction of a
“context” or a “reality” takes place on the basis of “textualized” reminders
of the past, which means that all definitions of reality are implicated in
textual processes (LaCapra 1990: 27). La Capra also gives credit to the
leading postmodernist philosopher of history, Heyden White, and says:
“No one in this country at the present time has done more to wake
historians from their dogmatic slumber than has Hayden White” (LaCapra
1990: 72). He agrees with White’s critique of conventional narrative and
of a narrow documentary approach as inadequate to the tasks of
intellectual history. Among other things, White has revealed that historical
inquiry is undertaken for the purposes of a group or culture, which tries to
In his article, Terry Eagleton analyzes history and narrative from the Marxist
perspective, rejecting both the traditional historicist view that the past is always
recoverable and the newer “textualist” view that history is merely a text and the
past thereof indeterminate. But he agrees with some of the features of these views
(as the quote shows), insisting that history is linear, cannot be undone and the past
should be used to instruct and reconstitute the sense of the present and thereby
affect the future.
The Notions/Issues of History in Postmodern Literature: Kurt Vonnegut 137
determine what certain events mean for them and for their present and
This juncture of meaning and narrative in history is made obvious in
postmodern historical metafiction, but it is also subverted. In Vonnegut’s
Slaughterhouse-Five and Pynchon’s Gravity’s Rainbow history is told not
as a single story but manifold stories, seen from different angles in a
narrative that is non-chronological, not bound to cause and effect
sequences, constantly defying narrative closure. Slaughterhouse-Five
blends history and fantasy, combining some historical accounts of WWII,
personal reminiscences and unsubstantiated anecdotes of the author with
fictional inconsistencies, blurring reality by constant disruption of the
temporal order and science-fictional episodes. There are recognizable
segments of historical experiences in postmodern narratives (parts of
Gravity’s Rainbow are documentarily accurate to an extraordinary degree,
mixing impossible events among its historical details), but they resist
systematization, and offer conclusions that are provisional and
hypothetical, always liable to be overturned by yet another interpretation.
Postmodernists claim that every representation of historical phenomena
abounds in relativity as the consequence of the function of the language
used to describe and thereby constitute past events as possible objects of
clarification and understanding. The dispute arises because narrative “is
regarded as a natural ‘container’ of historical fact, a mode of discourse
‘naturally’ suited to representing historical events directly” (White 1997:
392). Historical events supposedly contain “‘real’ or ‘lived’ stories, which
have only to be uncovered or extracted from the evidence and displayed
before the reader to have their truth recognized immediately and
intuitively” (White 1973: 6). What Hayden White means by this is that
language imposes a limited choice of forms, emplotments, ideological
positions and explicative models which determine the specificity of
various interpretations of historical events, and that full-fledged historical
narratives are products of selected, partial pasts and therefore subjective
interpretations. The postmodern approach to history implies no objective
outside criterion to establish that one particular interpretation is truer than
another. All of history, in this view, is aesthetic and philosophic, its only
meaning being that which the historian/author chooses to give it, in accord
with her or his own sensibility and disposition.
Vonnegut, as one of the authors who had tried to reveal some truths
about history, specifically about World War II, seems to imply that the
novelist is a better historian than the journalist, merging subjective
reaction and objective documentation, blending fact and fancy, and
succeeding in raising many questions as to what history is. His specific
138 Chapter Seven
“‘There are plenty of good reasons for fighting,’ I said, ‘but no good
reason ever to hate without reservation, to imagine that God Almighty
Himself hates with you, too. Where’s evil? It’s that large part of every man
that wants to hate without limit, that wants to hate with God on its side. It’s
that part of every man that finds all kinds of ugliness so attractive.’ ‘It’s
that part of an imbecile,’ I said, ‘that punishes, and vilifies and makes war
gladly.’” (181)
The Notions/Issues of History in Postmodern Literature: Kurt Vonnegut 139
The intimate diary of Howard’s life with Helga is plagiarized and made into
pornography in the novel..
The Notions/Issues of History in Postmodern Literature: Kurt Vonnegut 141
“‘because you could never have served the enemy as well as you served
us,’ he said. ‘I realized that almost all ideas that I hold now, that make me
unashamed of anything I may have felt or done as a Nazi came not from
Hitler, not from Goebbels, not from Himmler—but from you.’ He took my
hand. ‘You alone kept me from concluding that Germany had gone
insane.’” (80-81)
Their notion of history is unique for it remains open even though closed
within the boundaries of the past.
Appleby, J., L. Hunt and M. Jacob. 1997. Telling the truth about history.
In The Postmodern History Reader, edited by Keith Jenkins, 209-218.
London/New York: Routledge.
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oþuvanje povlaštenih rasa u borbi za život. Zagreb: Naklada Ljevak.
Eagleton, T. 1989. History, Narrative and Marxism. In Reading Narrative:
Form, Ethics, Ideology, edited by J. Phelan, 272-281. Columbia: Ohio
State University Press.
Ghani, A. 1993 Space as an arena of represented practices: an
interlocutor’s response to David Harvey’s ‘From space to place and
back again.’ In Mapping the Futures, edited by J Bird et al., 47-58.
London: Routledge.
Heller, J. 1961. Catch-22. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Himmelfarb, G. 1997. Telling it as you like it: postmodernist history and
the flight from fact. In The Postmodern History Reader, edited by K.
Jenkins, 158-174. London/New York: Routledge.
Hölbling, W. 2003. Chronology and Its Discontent: History and Fiction in
U.S. Postmodern Writing. In (Mis)Understanding Postmodernism and
Fictions of Politics, Politics of Fiction, edited by M. Peprnik and M.
Sweney, 291-302. Olomouc: Palacky University Press.
Kunow, R. 1989. Making Sense of History: The Sense of the Past in
Postmodern Times. In Making Sense: The Role of the Reader in
Contemporary American Fiction, American Studies, A Monograph
Series, edited by G. Hoffmann, Vol. 68., 169-97. München: Wilhelm
Fink Verlag.
LaCapra, D. 1990. Rethinking Intellectual History: Texts, Contexts,
Language. Ithaca/London: Cornell University Press.
Mustazza, L. 1994. A Darwinian Eden: Science and Myth in Kurt
Vonnegut’s Galapagos. In The Critical Response to Kurt Vonnegut,
edited by L. Mustazza, 279-286. Westport—Connecticut/London:
Greenwood Press.
Olderman, R. 1972. Beyond The Waste Land: A Study of The American
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University Press.
Pynchon, T. 1973. Gravity’s Rainbow. New York: The Viking Press.
The Notions/Issues of History in Postmodern Literature: Kurt Vonnegut 143
The paper discusses the transit space and time of the post-postcolonial
period, determined by a unification of divergent tendencies through
globalization and through the sustained effort to cope with the new threats
of terrorism. While postcolonialism relates spaces and places to nations
and past history, emphasizing the distinction between “central” and
“marginal” regions, post-postcolonialism maps the world in a new way,
according to the presence of evil. Space loses its main characteristics,
reduced by terrorism into a topos common to all countries. Only the desire
to resacralize places can save humanity, as has been exemplified by
Penelope Lively, Giles Foden, Christopher Wakling, and John Fullerton.
Empire Writes Back (Ashcroft, Griffiths, Tiffin 1989: 2), who consider
that postcolonialism expresses the “rationale of the grouping in a common
past”. To Edward Said (1994: 4), it appears obvious that the way in which
the postcolonial countries understand, formulate or represent their past
shapes the understanding and interpretation of the present.
Postcolonialism has, thus, renewed its interest in the collective memory
of different countries, in which past events have been reconstructed,
maintained, modified, and endowed with political meanings. The art of
memory has become something for the modern world (both for historians
as well as for ordinary citizens and institutions) to be used, misused, and
exploited in its concern with a specifically desirable and recoverable past,
being subject to an inventive reordering and redeploying. Place
experiences have been necessarily time-deepened and memory-qualified,
and space has been transformed into a more specific place, with its own
history. The relation with the past makes places highly diverse in their
nature and traditions, so that while places may be “other” from the
colonizers’ point of view, they are also different one from another.
Moreover, the postcolonial struggle over geography and the fight to
control land produces disruptures and discontinuous associations,
overlappings of the colonizer’s and the colonized’s territories, which,
together with the deterritorialization caused by exile, develop a chronotope
of “nowhere” and “never” (Said 1994: 358). Accordingly, the fragmentation
and disruption of space creates an increasing uncertainty about what we
mean by “places” and how we relate to them. This is amplified by the fact
that, as Doreen Massey has clearly demonstrated, spatiality and
temporality are never really passive: they are processes which cause
specific forms of interaction, noticeable in the dialectical interplay
between experience, perception and imagination in place construction, as
well as in the relations between distanciation, appropriation, domination,
and production of places (1993: 66-67). Thus, when related to the past,
postcolonialism appears as a space and time of transit, of territorial and
ethnic hybridities, specificities, and multiplicities.
Is this transitoriness preserved when turning towards the future? The
answer is yes, it is preserved, but in a different way. Completely new
tendencies, especially those of homogenization, are to be noticed in what
could be called the present post-postcolonial period. Due to globalization,
similar patterns of production and consumption connect time and space to
money, to capitalism and its developments. Most disparate parts of the
planet are linked, and the most varied lifestyles, manners, and mentalities
are associated. What Harvey calls time-space compression (1990: 201-
308) eliminates spatial barriers and changes space relations among things,
146 Chapter Eight
family and her home have been destroyed, she has lost everything and is
therefore ready to become a terrorist. Is Reem right or not? Is she a victim
or a victimizer? Here a complicated problem appears, that of the ethics of
terrorism, where neither a personal nor a cultural position is of any help.
What individuals think about their acts may or may not be correct,
depending on the position taken, and what a culture thinks about an act
again may or may not be correct. Whose position is to be adopted then? In
conventional Western accounts of terrorism, only terrorism by nonstate
groups or US-government-defined “rogue states” is counted. What then
about terrorism by dominant states, especially the United States? On the
other hand, can acts of marginalised groups be justified when they are so
weak that no response other than armed action against civilians has a
chance? Is it enough to say that if people are intentionally killed and their
property destroyed terrorist acts are for sure ethically wrong?
Ambiguity also affects the presentation of the places where terrorist
attacks happen. If we compare the following two examples from Giles
Foden’s The Last King of Scotland and John Fullerton’s This Green Land,
we realize that they are both similar to what happened on 9.11. Foden’s
hero, Nick Garrigan, describes a terrorist attack in Idi Amin’s Uganda:
“The whole place smelt of burned flesh, and the whole place was smashed.
Rubble and broken glass littered the pavements, and the tiled roofs of
buildings—caved in and hanging at precarious angles—were curved into
strangely beautiful, fragmented shapes. Below, among the piled bodies,
dogs and chickens sniffed and scratched.” (289)
The two descriptions could be swapped without affecting the novels too
much. Moreover, intelligence and security officers, politicians and resistance
148 Chapter Eight
separatist militants in Kashmir. Two of them are killed. The novel does not
really deal with the landscapes of Kashmir, a region administered by India,
Pakistan, and China, and disputed between Moslems, Hindus, and
Buddhists. The novel focuses on two of the hostages, Kate and Ethan, a
British couple, whose relationship develops under extreme pressure and
becomes the core of the story. In an interview with Wakling (2005), Frank
Bures, editor of World Hum, calls Beneath the Diamond Sky “a travel
novel,” although Kashmir is not described at all. This is strange because
there are only a few glimpses of the Himalaya mountains given early in
the novel when, before being kidnapped, Kate has a wonderful view of the
mountain peaks. Their description is reduced to the following paragraph
“Three hundred and sixty degrees of sky, bent like a bubble above the
peaks. Kate spun slowly on her heel in the snow, trying to fix the view in
her head. There were clumps of dark-green firs in the depths, grey tongues
of scree stretching to the snowline, then a brilliant glare reaching upwards,
overlain here and there with blue shadows, pocked with dents and
boulders, the distant line of their progress fragmenting to individual tracks,
then single footsteps, tracing the laborious hike, all the way up, here. Silver
mountains at eye level in every direction, an endless disorientation of
steepness. This was what they had come for; it was magnificent.” (73)
“I see inner space and outer space as reflections of each other. I don’t see
them in opposition. Just as we are investigating subatomic particles and the
outer limits of the planetary system—the large and the small
simultaneously—so the inner and the outer are connected.” (qtd. in
Hazelton 1982: 6)
Ashcroft, B., G. Griffiths, H. Tiffin. 1989. The Empire Writes Back.
London: Routledge.
Bakhtin, M. M. 2007. The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays by M.M.
Bakhtin, translated by C. Emerson & M. Holquist. Austin: University
of Texas Press.
152 Chapter Eight