Tugas Perpindahan Panas

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1 Design an exchanger to sub-cool condensate from a methanol condenser from

95oC to 40oC. Flow rate of methanol 100.000 kg/h. Brackish water will be used
as the coolant with a temperature rise from 25oC to 40oC.

Penyelesaian dengan menggunakan Metode Bell

 Coolant brackish bersifat korosif sehingga ditempatkan pada tube side.
 Kondensat methanol ditenpatkan pada shell side.
 Penempatan coolant brackish di bagian tube side bertujuan untuk mengurangi
biaya komponen campuran logam yang mahal.

Blackish water-in Methanol-in 100.000 kg/h

Tin 25o C Tin 95o C



Blackish water-out Methanol-out

Tin 40o C Tin 40o C

Data Proses :
a. Data Methanol (Hot Fluid in Shell Side)
 Temperatur inlet– (Tin = T1) = 95 oC
 Temperatur outlet – (Tout = T2) = 40 oC
 Flowrate (W) = 100.000 kg/hr
T 1T2
Ta 
(95  40) oC

 67,5 C

b. Data Cooling Water (Cold Fluid in Shell Side)

 Temperatur inlet – (tin = t1) = 25 oC
 Temperatur outlet– (tout = t2)= 40 oC

ta 
(25  40) oC

 32,5 Co

Dari Table C.1 Heat Capacities of Gases in The Ideal-Gas State (J.M. Smith, H.C.
Van Ness, M.M. Abbott, “Introduction in Chemical engineering Thermodynamics”)
diperoleh data design panas :
 Kapasitas panas methanol pada 67,5 oC :
Cp methanol = 2,84 kJ/kg. oC

 Kapasitas panas air pada 32,5 oC :

Cp brackish water = 4,2 kJ/kg.oC
1. Heat Balance
a. Heat Capacity Methanol
Q = W x Cp x (T2 – T1)
lb Btu 1 hr
Q  29848.90216 x 2,2186 o
(155,62004  102,81992)o F x
hr lb. F 3600 s
 4340 kW '

b. Heat Capacity Brackish Water

Heat Capacity water :
Q  4340 kW '

Maka cooling water flow :

Q = w x Cp (t2 – t1)
w 
Cp (t2  t1 )
4340 kW

4,2 kJ / kg.o C x (40  25) oC
 68,9 kg / s

2. True Temperature Difference (∆Tm)

t1 T1


Hot Fluid Cold Fluid difference

95 oC Higher Temp. 40 oC 55 oF ∆th
40 oC Lower Temp. 25 oC 15 oF ∆tc
55 oC Differences 15 oC 40 oF (∆th-∆tc)
(T2 – T1) (t2 – t1)

Aliran Counterflow :
(T1  t 2 )  (T2  t1 )
T t 
ln 1 2 
 T2  t1 
t 2  t1

ln 2
40 oC

 55 oC 
ln o 
 15 C 
 31 oC

T1  T2
R 
t2  t1
55 oC

15 oC
 3,67

t2  t1
S 
T1  t1
15 oC

(95  25) oC
 0,21

Dari Figure 18. LMTD correction factor for 1-2 exchangers (kern) diperoleh FT
(temperature difference factor) :
FT = 0,85
Jadi, True Temperature Difference :
∆T m = LMTD x FT
= 31oC x 0,85
= 26 oC

3. Data Design Condenser

 Overall coefficients
Dari Figure 12.1 Overall coefficients (join process side duty to service
side and read U from centre scale) (J.M Coulson, J.F Richardson, R.K.
Sinnott, “Chemical Engineering Design Volume 6” page 515) diperoleh :

U = 600 W/m2. oC

 Provisional area
Ft  U  Tm
4340 kW 103 J / s
 x
W kW
0,85  600  31o C
m . oC
 278 m 2

 Dengan menggunakan :
 OD tube = 20 mm = 20.10-3 m
 ID tube = 16 mm = 16.10-3 m
 Panjang tube (L) = 4,83 m
 Bahan konstruksi = cupro nikel

Area of one tube    OD  L

 3,14  20 10 3 m  4,83 m
 0,303 m2
provisiona l area
Number of tube Nt 
area of one tube
278 m 2

0,303 m 2
 917,5
 918

Untuk shell-side fluid yang relative clean, maka tube pitch yang
dipakai Pt 1,25 ∆ pitch .

 Nt  n
Bundle diameter (Db)  OD   
 K1 

Dari Table 12.4 Constant for use in equation 12.3 (J.M Coulson, J.F
Richardson, R.K. Sinnott, “Chemical Engineering Design Volume 6”
page 523), untuk triangular pitch, Pt = 1,25 OD dan number passes (n)
= 2 pass, maka diperoleh :

K1 = 0,249
n1 = 2,207

maka :
 Nt  n
Bundle diameter (Db)  OD   
 K1 
 912  2,207
 20 mm   
 0,2409 
 826 mm
Head type yang dipilih adalah tipe split ring floating head type.

Dari Figure 12.10 Shell-bundle clearlance (J.M Coulson, J.F

Richardson, R.K. Sinnott, “Chemical Engineering Design Volume 6”
page 522) diperoleh

clearance bundle diameter = 68 mm

maka :
Shell diameter Ds = bundle diameter (Db) + clearance
Ds = 826 mm + 68 mm
Ds = 894 mm

Data desain condenser :

 Number of tubes : 918
 Shell ID : 894 mm
 Bundle diameter : 826 mm
 Tube OD : 20 mm
 Pitch 1.25 Δ : 25 mm
 Tube length : 4830 mm
 Baffle pitch : 356 mm
Solution :
1. Heat transfer coefficient
 Area of cross flow
pitch 1.25  tube O.D
As   ID  baffle pitch
( 25  20) mm 1 m2
  894 mm  356 mm x
25 mm 106 mm 2
 0,063 m 2

 Mass velocity shell side

Gs 
100.000 kg / h 1h
 2

0,062 m 3600 s
 448 kg / s. m 2

Dari Figure 14. Viscosities of liquids (Perry, “Chemical Engineer’s

Handbook,” 3rd edition, McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc, New York, 1950),
diperoleh nilai viscosity dari methanol pada suhu 67,5 oC :

102 g /(cm)(sec) 101 kg /( m)(sec)

  0,34 cp x x
cp 1 g /(cm)(sec)
 0,34 x 10 3 kg /( m)(sec)
 0,34 mNs / m 2

Nilai Kf (thermal conductivity) diperoleh dari Tabel 4. Thermal conductivities of

liquids (Kern page 800) :

Kf methanol :
t = 68 oF K = 0,124Btu/(ft2)(hr) (oF.ft)
t = 122 oF K = 0,114 Btu/(ft2)(hr) (oF.ft)

dengan interpolasi diperoleh nilai Kf methanol pada Tc = 67,5 oC = 153,5 oF :

 122  153,5
  153,5  68 
Kf methanol    0,124    0,114
 122  68  122  68 
0,0173 W/(cm 2 )( oC / cm) 100 cm
 0,108167 Btu/(ft 2 )(hr) ( o F.ft) x x
1 Btu/(ft 2 )(hr) ( o F.ft) 1m
 0,187 W / m.o C
 0,19 W / m.o C

Thermal conductivity Kf = 0,19 W/m. oC

Sehingga :

 Shell Side Reynold Number

Re 

448 kg / s. m 2  20 .10 3 m

0,34.10  3 kg / s. m
 26,533.103

Dari Figure 12.31Heat-transfer factor for cross-flow tube banks (J.M

Coulson, J.F Richardson, R.K. Sinnott, “Chemical Engineering Design
Volume 6” page 554) maka diperoleh nilai Heat-transfer factor :
jh = 5,3.10-3

 Prandtl number

Cp  
Pr 
2,84 kJ / kg oC x 0,34 mNs / m 2

0,19 W / m oC
 5,08
0 ,14
hoc  OD 1   
 jh  Re Pr 3   
Kf  w 

Abaikan faktor koreksi viskositas (μ / μw)

Maka :
0 ,14
hoc  OD 1   
 jh  Re Pr 3   
Kf  w 
hoc  OD 1
 jh  Re Pr 3
K f . jh  Re Pr 3
hoc 
0,19 W/m. o C x 5,3.10-3 x 26,533.10  3 x (5,08) 1
 3
20.10 3 m
 2272 W/m 2 . o C

2. Tube row correction factor , Fn

 Tube vertical pitch (pt’) = 0,87 x pitch 1,25Δ
= 0,87 x 25 mm
= 21,8 mm
 Baffle cut height (Hc) = 0,25 x ID
= 0,25 X 894 mm
= 224 mm

 Height between baffle (Hps) = ID – (2 x Hc)

= 894 mm – (2 x 224) mm
= 446 mm

weight. between baffle ( Hps)

N cv 
Pt '
446 mm

21,8 mm
 20

Untuk Re > 2000 , adalah aliran turbulen dengan Fn dari figure 12.32

Untuk Re > 100 – 2000 , adalah daerah transisi dengan Fn = 1,0

Untuk Re < 100 , adalah aliran laminer dengan Fn ∞ (N’C)-0,18

Karena nilai Re = 26,533.103 (Re > 2000), maka nilai Fn diperoleh dari figure
12.32. Dari Figure 12.32 Tube row correction factor, Fn (J.M Coulson, J.F
Richardson, R.K. Sinnott, “Chemical Engineering Design Volume 6” page 556 )
diperoleh :

Fn = 1,03

3. Window correction factor, Fw

190 mm 224 mm

446 mm
bundle. diameter
Hb   ID  0,5  BC 
826  H 
  894 0,5  C 
2  DS 
  894  0,5  0,25
 190 mm

Bundle cut 
bundle. diameter
190 mm

826 mm
 0,23
 23%

Dari Figure 12.41 Baffle geometrical factors (J.M Coulson, J.F Richardson,
R.K. Sinnott, “Chemical Engineering Design Volume 6” page 564 ) diperoleh :
R’a = 0,18

Tubes in one window area , Nw = number of tubes x R’a

= 918 x 0,18
= 165

Tubes in cross flow area, Nc = number of tubes – 2 x tubes in window

= 918 – (2 x 165)
= 588
2  Nw
Rw 
2  165

 0,36

Dari Figure 12.33 Windows correction factor (J.M Coulson, J.F Richardson,
R.K. Sinnott, “Chemical Engineering Design Volume 6” page 556 ) diperoleh :

Fw = 1,02

4. Bypass correction, Fb

Ab = (ID – bundle diamter) x baffle pitch

= ( 894 – 826 ) x 3,56.10-6
= 0,024 m2

Ab 0,024 mm
  0,39
As 0,062 mm

 
A   2N s
 3
Fb  exp   b 1    
 As   N cv 
  

Dimana :
α = 1,5 untuk aliran laminar, Re < 100
α = 1,35 untuk aliran transisional dan turbulen, Re > 100
Ab = area kosong antara bundel dengan shell
As = area maksimum untuk cross flow
Ns = angka pada sealing strips
Ncv = angka pada konstriksi, kolom tube

Re = 26,533.103 ( Re > 100 maka aliran turbulen) sehingga α = 1,35

 
A   2 N s  3 

Fb  exp   b 1   

 As   N cv  
  
  2 x1 3 

 exp  1,35 x 0,39.1   
  5  

 0,87

5. Leakage Correction, FL
Dari tabel 12.5 Typical baffle clearance and tolerance (J.M Coulson, J.F
Richardson, R.K. Sinnott, “Chemical Engineering Design Volume 6” page 526 )
diperoleh :
Ct = tube to baffle = 1/32 in = 0,8 mm
Cs = baffle to shell = 3/16 in = 4,8 mm

Ct  do
Atb  ( Nt  N w )
0,8 mm
 x x 20 mm (918  165)
 18,9 x 10  3 mm 2
 0,019 m 2

Dari figure 12.41baffle geometrical factors (J.M Coulson, J.F Richardson, R.K.
Sinnott, “Chemical Engineering Design Volume 6” page 564 ), untuk 25% per
cut (0,25), diperoleh :
θb = 2,1 rads
Cs .Ds
Asb   2  b 
4,8 mm
 x 894 mm  2  2,1
 8,98 x 103 mm2
 0,009m 2

AL = (Atb + Asb)
= (0,019 + 0,009) m2
= 0,028 m2

AL 0,028 m 2

As 0,062 m 2
 0,45

Dari figure 12.35 coefficient for FL heat transfer (J.M Coulson, J.F Richardson,
R.K. Sinnott, “Chemical Engineering Design Volume 6” page 558) diperoleh :
βL = 0,3
 A  2 Asb 
FL  1   L . tb 
 AL 
 0,019 m 2  2 x 0,009 m 2 
 1  0,3  
 0,028 m 2 
 0,6

6. Shell Side Coefficient

hs = hoc x Fn x Fw x Fb x FL
= 2272 W/m2 oC. 1,03 . 1,02 . 0,87 . 0,60
= 1246 W/m2 oC
hs pada metode Bell lebih kecil daripada hs pada metode Kern
7. Pressure Drop
 Cross flow zone
Dari figure 12.36 friction factor for cross-flow tube banks (J.M Coulson, J.F
Richardson, R.K. Sinnott, “Chemical Engineering Design Volume 6” page
559), pada Re = 26,533.103 dan 1,25∆ pitch, diperoleh :
jf = 5,6 .10-2

Dari Table 2.30 densities of organic and inorganic liquids (Perry,

“Chemical Engineer’s Handbook,” 3rd edition, McGraw Hill Book
Company, Inc, New York, 1950), diperoleh nilai density dari methanol pada
suhu 67,5 oC :
ρmethanol = 750 kg/m3

Shell-side velocity :
Us 

448 kg / s. m 2

750 kg / m3
 0,60 m / s

Dengan mengabaikan nilai μ/μw dengan ρ methanol = 750 kg/m3, maka :

Ideal tube bank pressure drop :

0 ,14
 Us 2   
Pi  8 j f . N cv .  
2  w 
 8  5,6.10 2  20  750kg / m3 (0,6 m / s ) 2
 1209,6 N / m 2
Bypass correction factor for pressure drop, F'b

 Untuk aliran laminar Re < 100, α = 5,0

 Untuk aliran transisi dan turbulent Re >100, α = 4,0

Re = 26,533.103 ( Re > 100 maka aliran turbulen) sehingga α = 4,0

 
Ab   2 N s  3 

F ' b  exp   1   
 As   N cv  

  
  2 x1  3 

 exp 4,0 x 0,39.1   

  5  

 0,66

Leakage factor for pressure drop, F'L

Dari figure 12.38 coefficient for F'L pressure drop (J.M Coulson, J.F
Richardson, R.K. Sinnott, “Chemical Engineering Design Volume 6” page
561) diperoleh :
β'L = 0,52

 A  2 Asb 
F 'L  1   ' L . tb 
 AL 
 0,019 m 2  2 x 0,009 m 2 
 1  0,52  
 0,028 m 2 
 0,31

Pressure Drop in a Cross flow zone :

Pc  Pi  F 'b  F ' L
 1209,6 N / m 2  0,66  0,31
 248 N / m 2

 Window Zone
Dari figure 12.41baffle geometrical factors (J.M Coulson, J.F Richardson,
R.K. Sinnott, “Chemical Engineering Design Volume 6” page 564 ), untuk
25% per cut (0,25), diperoleh :

Ra = 0,19

    . do 2 
Aw   Ds  Ra    N w . 

4   4 
    
   (894 mm) 2  0,19   165.  (20 mm) 2 
4   4 
 67,4.10 mm
3 2

 0,067 m 2

Uw 
Aw  
100.000 kg / hr 1 hr
 2

0,067 m x 750 kg / m3 3600 s
 0,55 m / s

Uz  Uw  Us
 0,55 m / s  0,60 m / s
 0,57 m / s

Nw 
Pt '

Dimana :
Pt'  Pt  0,87 (untuk triangular pitch)
 25 mm  0,87
 21,8 mm

Maka :
Nwv 
Pt '
190 mm

21,8 mm

Window zone pressure drop :

 U z2
Pw  F' L ( 2  0,6 N wv )
750 kg / m 3 x (0,57 m / s ) 2
 0,31( 2  0,6 .8)
 275 N / m 2

 End Zone
End Zone pressure drop :

  N  N cv  
Pc  Pi   wv  F 'b
 N cv 
  8  20 
 1209,6 N / m 2  0,66
 20 
 1118 N / m 2

 Total Pressure Drop

tube length L
Number of baffle N b  1
baffle pitch l B
4830 mm
 1
356 mm
 12
Total pressure drop :

Ps  2Pe  Pc ( N b  1)  N b .Pw

Ps  2Pe  Pc ( N b  1)  N b .Pw

 (2  1118 N / m 2 )  [248 N / m 2  12  1 ]  (12  257 N / m 2 )
 8048 N / m 2
10 2 kPa
 8048 N / m 2 x
105 N / m 2
 8,05 kPa
14,5038 psi
 8,05 kPa x
10 2 kPa
 1,2 psi

Nilai pressure drop 1,2 psi berada pada kondisi exchanger pada kondisi
bersih. Untuk menghitung nilai pressure drop pada kondisi fouling, maka
gunakan faktor fouling pada tabel 12.7 ratio of fouled to clean pressure drop
(J.M Coulson, J.F Richardson, R.K. Sinnott, “Chemical Engineering Design
Volume 6” page 565 ) :
Koefisien fouling pada aliran turbulent : 1,38 (=1,4)

Pressure drop in fouled condition :

Ps fouling  koefisien. fouling  Ps

 1,4  8,05 kPa
 11,27 kPa
 11,3 kPa

Perhitungan metode Bell menghasilkan nilai pressure drop yang lebih kecil
daripada perhitungan metode Kern.

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