SN54/74LS160A SN54/74LS161A SN54/74LS162A SN54/74LS163A: Low Power Schottky
SN54/74LS160A SN54/74LS161A SN54/74LS162A SN54/74LS163A: Low Power Schottky
SN54/74LS160A SN54/74LS161A SN54/74LS162A SN54/74LS163A: Low Power Schottky
The LS160A / 161A / 162A / 163A are high-speed 4-bit synchronous count-
ers. They are edge-triggered, synchronously presettable, and cascadable
MSI building blocks for counting, memory addressing, frequency division and
other applications. The LS160A and LS162A count modulo 10 (BCD). The BCD DECADE COUNTERS /
LS161A and LS163A count modulo 16 (binary.) 4-BIT BINARY COUNTERS
The LS160A and LS161A have an asynchronous Master Reset (Clear)
input that overrides, and is independent of, the clock and all other control LOW POWER SCHOTTKY
inputs. The LS162A and LS163A have a Synchronous Reset (Clear) input that
overrides all other control inputs, but is active only during the rising clock
BCD (Modulo 10) Binary (Modulo 16)
Asynchronous Reset LS160A LS161A J SUFFIX
Synchronous Reset LS162A LS163A
CASE 620-09
• Synchronous Counting and Loading 1
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 D SUFFIX
The Flatpak version
1 CASE 751B-03
has the same pinouts
(Connection Diagram) as
the Dual In-Line Package.
*MR for LS160A and LS161A
*SR for LS162A and LS163A SN54LSXXXJ Ceramic
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SN74LSXXXN Plastic
LS160A • LS162A LS161A • LS163A
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Count Enable = CEP • CET • PE
TC for LS160A & LS162A = CET • Q0 • Q1 • Q2 • Q3
TC for LS161A & LS163A = CET • Q0 • Q1 • Q2 • Q3
15 5 15 5 Preset = PE • CP + (rising clock edge)
Reset = MR (LS160A & LS161A)
Reset = SR • CP + (rising clock edge)
14 6 14 6 Reset = (LS162A & LS163A)
13 7 13 7 NOTE:
The LS160A and LS162A can be preset to any state,
but will not count beyond 9. If preset to state 10, 11,
12 11 10 9 8 12 11 10 9 8 12, 13, 14, or 15, it will return to its normal sequence
within two clock pulses.
The LS160A / 161A / 162A / 163A are 4-bit synchronous the Binary counters). Note that TC is fully decoded and will,
counters with a synchronous Parallel Enable (Load) feature. therefore, be HIGH only for one count state.
The counters consist of four edge-triggered D flip-flops with The LS160A and LS162A count modulo 10 following a
the appropriate data routing networks feeding the D inputs. All binary coded decimal (BCD) sequence. They generate a TC
changes of the Q outputs (except due to the asynchronous output when the CET input is HIGH while the counter is in state
Master Reset in the LS160A and LS161A) occur as a result of, 9 (HLLH). From this state they increment to state 0 (LLLL). If
and synchronous with, the LOW to HIGH transition of the loaded with a code in excess of 9 they return to their legitimate
Clock input (CP). As long as the set-up time requirements are sequence within two counts, as explained in the state
met, there are no special timing or activity constraints on any diagram. States 10 through 15 do not generate a TC output.
of the mode control or data inputs. The LS161A and LS163A count modulo 16 following a
Three control inputs — Parallel Enable (PE), Count Enable binary sequence. They generate a TC when the CET input is
Parallel (CEP) and Count Enable Trickle (CET) — select the HIGH while the counter is in state 15 (HHHH). From this state
mode of operation as shown in the tables below. The Count they increment to state 0 (LLLL).
Mode is enabled when the CEP, CET, and PE inputs are HIGH. The Master Reset (MR) of the LS160A and LS161A is
When the PE is LOW, the counters will synchronously load the asynchronous. When the MR is LOW, it overrides all other
data from the parallel inputs into the flip-flops on the LOW to input conditions and sets the outputs LOW. The MR pin should
HIGH transition of the clock. Either the CEP or CET can be never be left open. If not used, the MR pin should be tied
used to inhibit the count sequence. With the PE held HIGH, a through a resistor to VCC, or to a gate output which is
LOW on either the CEP or CET inputs at least one set-up time permanently set to a HIGH logic level.
prior to the LOW to HIGH clock transition will cause the The active LOW Synchronous Reset (SR) input of the
existing output states to be retained. The AND feature of the LS162A and LS163A acts as an edge-triggered control input,
two Count Enable inputs (CET • CEP) allows synchronous overriding CET, CEP and PE, and resetting the four counter
cascading without external gating and without delay accu- flip-flops on the LOW to HIGH transition of the clock. This
mulation over any practical number of bits or digits. simplifies the design from race-free logic controlled reset
The Terminal Count (TC) output is HIGH when the Count circuits, e.g., to reset the counter synchronously after
Enable Trickle (CET) input is HIGH while the counter is in its reaching a predetermined value.
maximum count state (HLLH for the BCD counters, HHHH for
VIK Input Clamp Diode Voltage – 0.65 – 1.5 V VCC = MIN, IIN = – 18 mA
54 2.5 3.5 V VCC = MIN,, IOH = MAX,, VIN = VIH
VOH Output HIGH Voltage
74 2.7 3.5 V or VIL per Truth Table
VIK Input Clamp Diode Voltage – 0.65 – 1.5 V VCC = MIN, IIN = – 18 mA
54 2.5 3.5 V VCC = MIN,, IOH = MAX,, VIN = VIH
VOH Output HIGH Voltage
74 2.7 3.5 V or VIL per Truth Table
SETUP TIME (ts) — is defined as the minimum time required nition. A negative HOLD TIME indicates that the correct logic
for the correct logic level to be present at the logic input prior to level may be released prior to the clock transition from LOW to
the clock transition from LOW to HIGH in order to be recog- HIGH and still be recognized.
nized and transferred to the outputs.
RECOVERY TIME (trec) — is defined as the minimum time re-
HOLD TIME (th) — is defined as the minimum time following quired between the end of the reset pulse and the clock transi-
the clock transition from LOW to HIGH that the logic level must tion from LOW to HIGH in order to recognize and transfer
be maintained at the input in order to ensure continued recog- HIGH Data to the Q outputs.
tW(H) tW(L) MR 1.3 V
CP 1.3 V
PE = MR (SR) = H PE = L
1.3 V
tPHL tPLH CEP = CET = H CP P0 = P1 = P2 = P3 = H
Q 1.3 V 1.3 V
Q0 ⋅ Q1 ⋅ Q2 ⋅ Q3 1.3 V
Figure 1. Clock to Output Delays, Count Figure 2. Master Reset to Output Delay, Master Reset
Frequency, and Clock Pulse Width Pulse Width, and Master Reset Recovery Time