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Treatment of hypergranulation tissue in burn

wounds with topical steroid dressings: a
case series
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:
International Medical Case Reports Journal
11 August 2016
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Marie Jaeger 1,* Abstract: Hypergranulation tissue (or also known as overgranulation) may negatively influence
Moti Harats 1,* burn wound healing time and contribute to recurrence of contractures in burn wounds and grafts.
Rachel Kornhaber 2 Subsequently, the treatment of hypergranulation tissue remains controversial and problematic.
Uri Aviv 1 In this case series, we aimed to examine the feasibility and document the use of topical hydro-
cortisone in the treatment of hypergranulation tissue formation resulting from burn wounds. We
Amir Zerach 1
report five cases where hypergranulation tissue developed following deep dermal/full-thickness
Josef Haik 1,3
burns. Initial burn wound treatment included necrotic tissue debridement, wound cleansing,
Department of Plastic and and Flaminal®. All five cases underwent surgical debridement and split-skin ­grafting. Upon
Reconstructive Surgery, Sheba
Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, identification of hypergranulation tissue, hydrocortisone acetate 0.25% was applied ­topically
Israel; 2School of Health Sciences, as usual care for the treatment of hypergranulation tissue. All five patients had deep dermal/
Faculty of Health, University of
full-thickness burns with a total body surface area ranging from 22% to 61% and were aged
Tasmania, Sydney, NSW, Australia;
Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv from 3–41 years. All five cases developed hypergranulation tissue during their admission after
University, Tel Aviv, Israel debridement and split-thickness skin grafts. All patients showed an improvement in the treated
*These authors contributed equally to areas with a complete regression of hypergranulation tissue and closure of the burn wounds.
this work. No clinically apparent local or systemic side effects of the treatment were observed. Topical
hydrocortisone can be utilized as an effective, inexpensive, and noninvasive practical option in
the treatment of hypergranulation tissue resulting from burn wounds.
Keywords: hypergranulation, overgranulation, proud flesh, burns, hydrocortisone, wound

Hypergranulation tissue, often referred to as overgranulation or proud flesh, can be
defined as an excess of granulation tissue that fills the wound bed to a greater extent
than what is required and goes beyond the height of the surface of the wound result-
ing in a raised tissue mass.1,2 Clinically, it is identified as a red friable, shiny tissue
with a soft appearance above the level of the surrounding skin.3 Hypergranulation
occurs in an array of wounds including burns and venous and pressure ulcers. This
tissue prevents migration of epithelial cells across the surface of the wound bed
and impedes wound healing.4,5 However, the etiology behind the development of
hypergranulation tissue is not well understood.6 Predisposing factors that have been
suggested include healing by secondary intention,7 excessive moisture, prolonged
Correspondence: Josef Haik
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive inflammation related to infection or residue dressing fibers,8 external friction, and
Surgery, Sheba Medical Center, Tel the repeated use of occlusive dressings.2 Furthermore, a prolonged stimulation of
Hashomer, Emek HaEla Street 1, 52621,
Ramat Gan, Israel
fibroplasia and angiogenesis may result in the formation of hypergranulation tissue
Email [email protected] that is problematic for wound healing.5,9

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We estimate that 10%–15% of burn patients admitted to bandages were applied to cover the wounds. The application of
our Unit at the Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, develop 125 mL/L of solution was used initially, and in the case where
hypergranulation tissue that impedes wound healing. Jewell et there was no significant improvement, a higher concentration
al10 report a similar figure of 17% (nine of 52) in their burns solution was applied up to a maximum of 250 mL/L. After 12
study population that developed hypergranulation tissue. hours, an additional application of the solution was applied
Subsequently, those who developed hypergranulation tissue utilizing the existing dressings. The dressing was then removed
at the site of graft loss experienced a statistically significant after 12 hours and the whole procedure repeated after wound
increased healing time.10 Furthermore, the presence of hyper- assessment and cleansing with sterile water and antibacterial
granulation tissue was a significant independent predictor of solution (chlorhexidine gluconate or iodine solution). During
time to complete wound healing (R2=0.27; P=0.0131) with a the dressing changes, routine digital photographs were taken
median of 45 days for complete wound healing.10 with the signed consent of the patient/guardian for the purposes
Treatment of hypergranulation tissue includes such meth- of treatment, teaching and use in academic publications. As
ods as dressings that are less occlusive,2 surgical excision, this was a retrospective case series report and the procedure
chemical cautery with silver nitrate,11,12 hypertonic saline,9 described is a well-established standard of care in our Burns
and laser ablation.7 However, these treatments are often not Unit at the Sheba Medical Center, the ethics committee of Sheba
considered uniformly successful.9 Topical corticosteroids Medical Center Helsinki Committee, Tel Hashomer, Israel does
have been reported to suppress the inflammatory response not require ethics approval to be sought for this case series.
that contributes to the growth of this tissue.1,9,13,14 Other It must be noted that to minimize the systemic effects of
mechanisms of action are the suppression of angiogenesis1,9 steroids absorbed through damaged skin, we intentionally
and the reduction of edema related to stabilization of cell treated one affected area at a time to avoid widespread usage of
membranes.9 However, much of the literature focuses on topical steroids on multiple or extensive burn sites. In addition,
the treatment of keloid and hypertrophic scars because of we limited the use of topical steroids to a maximum of 4 con-
the ability of steroids to reduce the excessive fibrous tissue.15 secutive days after which we reinitiated standard wound care.
To our knowledge, there is limited literature that reports The rationale for the 4 consecutive days of topical steroids
the treatment for hypergranulation tissue formation in burn was based on an internal expert review, our long-term com-
wounds. Hypergranulation tissue that develops in deep partial mon praxis and experience addressing the hyperinflammatory
and full-thickness burns impedes epithelialization.9 Topical process, and the fact that the duration is short enough to avoid
steroid application for the treatment of hypergranulation tis- systemic side effects. If after 4 additional days there was still
sue in burn wounds is standard care in our Burn Center in the significant hypergranulation tissue, another course of topical
Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel. Here, we present steroids was initiated for up to 4 days. In cases where clinical
the use of topical hydrocortisone in the treatment of hyper- local infection is suspected, 5% mafenide acetate suspension
granulation tissue formation resulting from burn wounds. is combined with the aforementioned treatment as part of our
standard care. However, no burn wound infections were noted
Patients and methods in the five reported cases. We believe that the steroids reduce
Five cases of hypergranulation tissue development in wounds the inflammatory process and allow for wound closure. This
following deep dermal/full-thickness burns were admitted to is supported by the studies of Guo and DiPietro16 and Hof-
the Sheba Israel National Burn Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel. man et al14 who state that although systemic corticosteroids
All patients identified with the development of hypergranula- inhibit wound healing, low-dosage topical application for the
tion emanating from a burn wound over a 3-month period treatment of chronic wounds has been found to accelerate
were included in the case series. wound healing, reduce pain and wound exudate, and suppress
In all patients, as per departmental protocol, initial primary the formation of hypergranulation tissue. However, careful
burn wound treatment included necrotic tissue debridement, monitoring of the wound must ensue to prevent the risk of
wound cleansing, and Flaminal® (Flen Pharma, Kontich, infection with prolonged use.14
Belgium). All five of the cases required surgical debridement
and split-skin grafting. As soon as hypergranulation tissue was Results
identified, we applied a hydrocortisone acetate 0.25% lotion Five cases of hypergranulation tissue in patients with
diluted in a ratio of 125–250 mL to 1 L of sterile water. The deep dermal/full-thickness burns were treated with topical
solution was not applied directly to the hypergranulation tissue ­hydrocortisone acetate 0.25% solution. The age of the patients
but via gauze pads soaked into the solution, and then sterile ranged from 3 to 41 years, and they had a total body surface area

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Table 1 Patient characteristics

Patient/case Age, years Sex Burn cause % TBSA Burn depth % of treated Number of 4-day
surface area treatments
1 41 M Electrical burn 30 Deep dermal/full 0.5 Once
2 24 F Gas explosion 33 Deep dermal/full 0.5 Once
3 23 M Turpentine burn 22 Deep dermal/full 1 Repeated twice
4 32 M Gas-pipe explosion 61 Deep dermal/full 5 Repeated three times
5 3 M Molotov cocktail 70 Deep dermal/full 5 Repeated four times
Abbreviations: F, female; M, male; TBSA, total body surface area.


Figure 1 Case 5.
Notes: (A) Hypergranulation tissue to occipital/parietal region prior to treatment with topical hydrocortisone; (B) 5 weeks after treatment regime with topical
hydrocortisone acetate 0.25% solution.

(TBSA) range of 22%–70% burned, of which two cases were A B

greater than 50% TBSA. All cases had no significant or relevant
medical history. Of the five cases reported, four were male and
one was female. The area treated with topical hydrocortisone
acetate 0.25% solution ranged from 0.5% to 5% TBSA. Two
cases had only one 4-day treatment, one case had the treatment
repeated twice, one case had the treatment repeated three times,
and the final case had four cycles of the treatment (Table 1).
After treatment of the hypergranulation tissue with the
described protocol using hydrocortisone acetate 0.25%
solution, all cases showed a regression of hypergranulation
tissue. Figures 1–3(A) clearly demonstrate hypergranula-
tion tissue prior to treatment. Figures 1–3(B) taken after
initial treatment show the hypergranulation tissue resolv- Figure 2 Case 4.
Notes: (A) Hypergranulation tissue to the right iliac region prior to treatment
ing or resolved. In all cases, none of the patients needed with topical hydrocortisone; (B) 1 week after treatment regime with topical
hydrocortisone acetate 0.25% solution.
to be regrafted after topical treatment and no areas treated
developed clinical signs of infection at the granulation site,
showing complete healing of graft sites. Furthermore, no Discussion
local or systemic side effects were observed from the use In this case series, we aimed to examine the feasibility and
of the topical hydrocortisone. document the use of topical hydrocortisone in the treatment

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A B Examination at 2 months showed complete resolution of the

hypergranulated tissue. It is also interesting to note that the
scalp surgical wounds appear to have a propensity for the
development of hypergranulation tissue.1,7 This concurs with
our experience suggesting that the scalp may be particularly
predisposed to excessive granulation tissue.
In this case series, we describe a noninvasive, inexpensive
technique for the management of hypergranulative tissue that
was well tolerated by the patients presented. However, this
case series is not without its limitations concerning both the
design and sample size of five participants. Nonetheless, the
aim of this case series was to report and demonstrate our Burn
Centre’s usual practice in the treatment of hypergranulation
Figure 3 Case 1. tissue. Therefore, we believe that further investigation of the
Notes: (A) Hypergranulation tissue to the left dorsum prior to treatment
with topical hydrocortisone; (B) 3 weeks after treatment regime with topical use of topical steroids in the treatment of hypergranulation
hydrocortisone acetate 0.25% solution.
in burns is warranted.
At the time this case series was reported, there was only one
of hypergranulation tissue formation resulting from burn other small study describing the management of hypergranula-
wounds. The use of topical steroids to treat hypergranulation tion tissue in burn patients within the literature.9 We strongly
tissue has been reported in the nonburn literature,1,13,14,17 dem- believe that the use of topical hydrocortisone is a viable option
onstrating improved wound healing rates.1,13,14 Topical steroids to achieve hypergranulation regression and wound closure by
have been reported to reduce the inflammatory process that reducing the granulation tissue in both the burn wound and
is thought to contribute to the development of problematic within the graft. However, qualitative and nonquantitative
hypergranulation tissue.2,13,14 However, limited data currently end points were defined, and further studies are required to
exist concerning the application of topical steroids to wounds validate our findings and to quantify its effect. Importantly, the
displaying a chronic inflammatory response.17 Furthermore, method reported in this case series needs to be compared to
we could only find one small study that focused on the use of other current treatment modalities in terms of efficacy, toxicity,
topical steroids for the treatment of hypergranulation tissue in and cost-effectiveness in the management of hypergranulating
burns.9 Consequently, clinicians remain reluctant to use topi- burn wounds.
cal corticosteroids on wounds despite the reduction in pain
experienced and stimulation of the wound healing trajectory.14
This reluctance has been related to concerns around impair-
The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.
ment of wound healing and infection.14
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