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Slideit™ - User Guide: Dasur LTD 2008

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Dasur Ltd 2008

SlideIT™ - User Guide


The SlideIT keyboard enables faster and more accurate text input on touch-screen devices using the
stylus. It is provided with powerful prediction, disambiguation and Sliding modes; the combination
of these features enables the user after a very short period of training to enjoy and to reach an
efficiency which cannot be obtained with other input methods.


Sliding function is by placing the stylus onto the key of the keyboard that corresponds to the first
character of a word, sliding the stylus to subsequent keys corresponding to subsequent characters of a
word, and lifting the stylus from the keyboard producing a bi-dimensional input pattern.

In the above example, the user writes the word “input”. The red pattern represents the path of the
stylus on the keyboard. The sliding method is very efficient for small (generally 7 letters or less) and
frequently used words. Very quickly the user learns the patterns of the words he writes frequently,
the trajectory can be inaccurate and therefore less concentration is required. There is no need to tap
on the Space key at the end of the word as the space is automatically generated when the user lifts
the stylus. Mistakes due to double letters are avoided, because the trajectory of words like ‘ofice’ or
‘office’ are identical and therefore the system will display only the words existing in the dictionary
namely ‘office’. The Sliding mode does not differentiate between ‘STEEP’ and ‘STEP’ and both
solution are provided.


Two modes are provided:

GREEN MODE. (default) which allows strong inaccuracies; provides sliding, disambiguation and
prediction features.
RED MODE. This mode inhibits all the keyboard functions; it is mainly intended to accurately write
characters and write and update words that do not already appear in the dictionary.


This is the default mode; in this mode the user can use a combination of tapping and sliding. When
tapping, the user can click on the approximate location of the wanted character. On the bottom left of
the keyboard, the most likely candidate letter is displayed in a region called: the indicator. At the
central part of the keyboard in a region called the banner, a word in white is generally displayed.
This word is the most likely solution corresponding to the stroke number done by the user ( 2 strokes
correspond to 2 letters 3 strokes to 3 letters etc,) When the user press on a disambiguation key
(Space, Comma, Period or Enter), the banner word (if it exits) is displayed in the editor and second
choice solutions are displayed at the left of the keyboard. The banner word is not in all the cases the
solution the user has in mind, for instance when the user intends to tap the word ‘thus’ the banner
word will likely be ‘this’, however when the user will tap on space ‘thus’ will be displayed as a
second choice solution. When no solutions are satisfactory, this can happen because the word doesn’t
exist in the dictionary (and the user has the option to UPDATE it) or if this is due to a tapping error,
in that case click on the ‘DL-W’ key which deletes the created word and start again.

When there is no banner word, it is the indicator content which is printed.

The back-space key allows deleting the last character. The DL-W (Delete last word) key allows
deleting the last word. Both keys delete first the indicator. When this latter is empty it deletes the last
character (back-space) or the last word (DL-W) figuring in the editor. When more than two letters
are tapped, predictive candidate words are displayed on the left part of the keyboard. (SECOND

After a disambiguation key is clicked, second choice solutions are displayed on the left part of the


In order to move to this mode click on the green circle; the colour of the circle then becomes red. In
order to revert to the Green Mode, click again on the red circle. In Red Mode; sliding,
disambiguation and predictions are disabled and the keyboard reacts as a normal keyboard. This
mode is intended to enter words which do not exist in the dictionary.


Click on the top key a layout of symbols becomes available.

Click on the top key a layout of numbers as well as the four directional arrows
are displayed.


Sliding cannot be used for single letters. Just tap on the letter and next tap on space or alternatively
tap on the letter and slide the next word: the system will automatically creates a space between the
letter and the word

Tap on the top key if a word is selected on the editor a dialog box will be opened. When no
words are selected the word composed with the letters located in the indicator (at the bottom left of
the keyboard) is the candidate for updating. Finally, when working with the red mode the last clicked
word before a space is also candidate for updating. When the user clicks ‘Ok’ on the dialogue box,
the new word will be then updated with a high frequency of use. Note, that this change is not
definitive; when a soft reset of the device is performed, the former dictionary will be still in use. In
order to make this change final, the user has to click on the top key Save . The user can update
words containing non alphabetical characters; however the first and last letters have to be
alphabetical. The list of the allowed characters are: $, %, &, ’, -, .,/ ,@, \,_, €, ~, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9 and À,Á,Â,Ã,Ä,Ç,È,É,Ê,Ë,Î,Ï,Ò,Ó, Ô,Ö,Ü,Û,Œ,
à,á,â,ä,æ,ç,è,é,ê,ë,î,ï,ò,ó,ô,õ,ù,ú,û,ü,characters. When the user slide or tap a dictionary
word which contains some non standard (but allowed) characters, he simply has to ignore them and
the recognized or predicted word will be nevertheless edited with its special characters.
Words composed with a single letter such BB or BBB cannot be updated.


The user has the possibility to quickly introduce a large number of new words in the dictionary or
even to use his own made dictionary. In order to do that a file containing the new words should be
created (it can be done on a PC and next moved to the device). The user has to open the file and
select all its content. Next click on the tap key . A dialogue box will be opened, when the user taps
on OK the massive update is performed. Note that the maximum length of the selected text is 1000


Tap on the top key if a word is selected on the editor it will be deleted from the dictionary.
When no words are selected the last word of the editor is candidate for deletion. A dialogue box will
be opened: when the user clicks ‘Ok’ the word will be then erased. Note, that this change is not
permanent; when a soft reset of the device is performed, the former dictionary will be still in use. In
order to make this change final, the user has to click on the top key Save .


Second choice solutions are displayed at the keyboard left location. Tap at the chosen word, in order
to enter a solution in the editor. The first choice solution will be erased from the editor and instead
the chosen word will be displayed.

The predictive mode works only after the third letter of a word is tapped. It then gives the most likely
solutions having 5 letters or more. For the fourth letter, solutions will have six letters or more, etc..
When the user taps the keyboard area to input a new letter, solutions are deleted and a new array of
solutions corresponding to the addition of the last letter is displayed. When a solution is tapped, it is
displayed on the editor and the user can change this choice by tapping on the left side of any other
solution area.
The disambiguating mode is activated when space, comma or period are clicked. The first choice
solution is automatically displayed on the editor. Symbol ’ does not count as a character, as an
example to print I’ll the user has to press three times ‘I’ + ‘l’ + ‘l’)


The left part of the screen is intended for a patented homemade graffiti. Many special characters are
graffiti supported; this means that the user could use the graffiti area in order to generate characters
without losing time in changing layouts. 31 Characters are supported:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ←
& ! ? @ / \ * ( ) Space
. , “ ; : - + = # ’

For “!”, “?” start with the top and then draw the dot below the symbol.

The following characters belong to the upper region only (above the dashed line):
‘ (Single quote) “ (Double quote) - (Menus), = Equal # cross hatch + Plus

The following characters belong to the bottom region only (below the dashed line):
, (Comma) ;(Semi colon) (Space) ( Back-Space)

Space is generated by a horizontal line digitized from left to right (lower region).
Back-Space is generated by a horizontal line digitized from right to left (lower region).
+ is generated by crossing a vertical line with a horizontal line (or the opposite) in the upper region.
* is generated with two crossing diagonal lines.
# is generated by crossing a “=” with a “/”
: is generated by drawing 2 points one below the other.

All the digits are unistroke with the exception of “4” “5” and “7” which can be double strokes.
When predictive solutions are displayed in red in the left part of the keyboard and when the user
wants to create graffiti symbols, he can do that only in below pink region.
In this situation the system will interpret any move in the left region as a second choice solution
selection; this solution will consequently be displayed in the editor! The situation is different after a
disambiguation when solutions are displayed in black, in this case the system will distinguish
between a click and a graffiti motion, however even in this case, a dot, comma or quote graffiti
symbols should be done in the pink region.


When the user deletes or introduces new words in the dictionary the change is immediately executed.
However the dictionary is not updated. This means that every time the user performs a soft reset, the
original dictionary is loaded and the previous memory is erased. In order to make the above
corrections permanent the user has to save it by tapping the key ‘SAVE’ .


At any moment the user can select on any word of the editor. The System will then compute
alternative solutions which correspond to the selected word. When one of those solutions is tapped,
the selected word is changed accordingly.


These are abbreviations which are frequently used. As an example PCM means ‘Please call me’. In
order to activate a shortcut the user has to tap (or to slide) the abbreviation's characters and after that
the key SPACE. At the left in the second-choice area the expanded abbreviation will appear in red
and italic. The user has to tap the short cut area and the words corresponding to the abbreviation will
be displayed in the editor.
**The list of the abbreviation existing initially on the dictionary: (A-Z)

A CM call me
AAK asleep at keyboard CMI Call Me
ADN any day now CMM change my mind
AFAIK As far as I know COFR cry out for revenge
AFAIR as far as I recall CONP continued on next page
AFK away from keyboard CP chat post
ASAP as soon as possible CPF Can pigs fly?
AT always tomorrow CSG chuckle, snicker, grin
ATB All The Best CU See You
ATM at the moment CUBLR Call You Back Later
ATW at the weekend CUIAL see you in another live
AVDB Alles van die beste CUL see you later
AWHFY Are we having fun yet? CUT see you tomorrow
AYOR at your own risc CWYL chat with you later
CYRBOS Call Your Boss
B CYRBRO Call Your Brother
BBFE bye bye forever CYRH Call Your Husband
BBFN bye bye for now CYRMA Call Your Mother
BBL be back later CYROFIS Call Your Office
BBN bye bye now CYRPA Call Your Father
BBS be back soon CYRSIS Call Your Sister
BCDHM be careful, don't hurt me CYRWF Call Your Wife
BF boyfriend
BG big grin D
BH blockhead DAE dreams are empty
BHL Be Home Late DAK dead at keyboard
BIL Boss Is Listening DK don't know
BION believe it or not DLYVM don't like you very much
BK big kiss DOM dirty old man
BMHWB be my hot-water bottle DON Doing
BRB be right back DPWM don't play with me
BTDT been there DTRT do the right thing
BTW by the way DUR Do you remember?
BWL bursting with laughter DUZ does
BY busy DUZNT doesn't
DWBH don't worry be happy
C DWIM do what I mean
CB call back DYSWIS do you see what I see
CIBM Could it be magic?
CID crying in disgrace

EMSG E-mail Message HABU have a better un'
EOD end of discussion HAGN have a good night
EOL end of lecture HAND have a nice day
ETEG ear to ear grin HANT have a nice time
HB happy birthday
F HBTU happy birthday to you
FLCH feels like coming home HF have fun
hanging head in
FMM fresh my mind HHIS shame
FOAC fall over an cry HSIK how should I know
FTF face to face HTH hope that helps
FTL faster than light HUH have you heard?
FTT free to talk? HUMM hope you miss me
FUD fear, uncertainty, doubt
FWIW for what it's worth I
FYA for your amusement IAC in any case
FYE for your entertainment IC I see
FYEO for your eyes only ICCL I couldn't care less
FYI For Your Information IGP I gotta pee
IGTP I got the power
G IHA I hate abbreviations
GA go ahead IHU I hate you
GAGA go amused, go amazed IITRT it is the right time
GAL get a life IK I know
GF girlfriend IKU I kill you
GFN gone for now ILU I love you
GIGO garbage in, garbage out IMHO in my humble opinion
GLGH good luck, good hunting IMO in my opinion
GLIW got lost in web IMPOV in my point of view
GMBA giggling my butt off IMTNG In Meeting
GMTA great minds think alike IOW in other words
GOK God only knows IRL in real life
GOOML get out of my life IWALU I will always love you
GOWI get on with it
GRR angry J
GTG got to go JAD just another day
GTSY glad to see you JAM just a minute
GUDLUK Good Luck JAS just a second
JFF just for fun
JFI just for information
JHB Johannesburg N
JK just kidding NA no access
JMO just my opinion NAGI not a good idea
JTLYK just to let you know NC no comment
NE any
K NES never ending story
KC keep cool NITING Anything
KISS keep it simple,stupid NP no problem
KIT keep in touch NRG energy
KMS killing me softly NRN no reply necessary
KOTC kiss on the cheek NSN never say never
KOTL kiss on the lips NT no trust
KUTGW keep up the good work NU need you
NUFN nothing
L NWO no way out
LDN London
LG lovely greetings O
LHM Lord help me OFU only for you
LHU Lord help us OIC oh, I see
LMHO laughing my head off OK okay
LMK let me know OL Ol' Lady (wife)
LOL lots of love OM Ol' Man (husband)
LTM laughing to myself ONNA oh no!, not again!
LTNS long time no see OOSOOM out of sight, out of mind
LUTA let us talking again OTOH on the other hand
LY love you OTT over the top
LYN lying OTTOMH off the top of my head

MC Merry Christmas PC private chat
MG many greetings PCM please call me
MOF matter of fact PCME Please Call Me
MT empty PDS Please, don't shoot!
MTE my thoughts exactly PLS please
MTF more to follow PLZ Please
MU miss you PM private message
pardon me for jumping
PMP peed my pants
POAHF put on a happy face
PPL people
RL Parents Are Listening TOY thinking of you
PTL praise the Lord TP turn pale
PUKS Pick Up Kids TSLI To slideIt is to love it!
TTYL talk to you later
Q TUVM thank you very much
QSL reply TXT text
QSO conversation
QT Q-Tip U
UAD you are drunk
R UBD user brain damage
RE regarding UMMC you make me crazy
RGDS Regards UMML you make me laugh
RL real life UOK you okay?
RLAD read, love and die UR your
RUCMNG Are You Coming USU usually
RUOK Are You OK?
S VBG very big grin
SC stay cool
SFETE smiling from ear to ear W
SHOPN shopping WB welcome back
SNU sender needs you WFU waiting for you
SO significant other WMF works for me
SOL sooner or later WN when
SOT short of time WOT What
SOTMG short of time must go WRU Where are you?
SPK Speak WT without thinking
SRY sorry WTH What the hell?
SWAK sealed with a kiss WUWH wish you were here
SWL screaming with laughter
SYS see you soon X
XLNT Excellent
TA thanks again Y
TAC times are changing YAFIYGI you ask for it you got it
TAF that's all folks YBL You'll be sorry!
THX Thanks YG young gentleman
TILII tell it like it is YL young lady
TIME tears in my eyes YM you mean
TMS touch my soul YR Your
TNT till next time

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