Chen 2001
Chen 2001
Chen 2001
It is acknowledged that the Curzon±Ahlborn eciency ZCA determines the eciency at maximum
power production of heat engines only aected by the irreversibility of ®nite rate heat transfer
(endoreversible engines), but ZCA is not the upper bound of the eciencies of heat engines. This is
conceptually dierent from the role of the Carnot eciency ZC which is indeed the upper bound of the
eciencies of all heat engines. Some authors have erroneously criticized ZCA as if it were the upper
bound of the eciencies of endoreversible heat engines. Although the eciencies of real heat engines
cannot attain the Carnot eciency, it is possible, and often desirable, for their eciencies to be larger
than their respective maximum power eciencies. In fact, the maximum power eciency is the allowable
lower bound of the eciency for a given class of heat engines. These important conclusions may be
expounded clearly by the theory of ®nite time thermodynamics. 7 2000 Published by Elsevier Science
Keywords: Finite time thermodynamics; Irreversible cycle; Maximum power eciency; Maximum eciency;
Fundamental optimum relation
1. Introduction
In 1975, Curzon and Ahlborn [1] considered the in¯uence of ®nite rate heat transfer between
the external heat reservoirs and the working ¯uid on the performance of a Carnot heat engine
2. Eciency at maximum power output of heat engines with additional irreversibilities or other
constraint conditions
The important signi®cance of Eq. (1) is to provide the eciency at maximum power output
of a Carnot heat engine only aected by the irreversibility of ®nite rate heat transfer. When
other irreversibilities or constraint conditions are also considered, in general, the eciency of a
heat engine at maximum power output will be smaller than ZCA : Several representative
examples are listed below.
When the in¯uence of ®nite rate heat transfer as well as ®nite compression ratio are taken
into account, the eciency of a Carnot heat engine at maximum power output is reduced to [5]
r ÿ p 2
TL 1 ÿ TL =TH 1=
g ÿ 1
Zm 1 ÿ ÿ < ZCA ,
TH 2 ln rv
where g is the speci®c heat ratio, and rv is the compression ratio.
When the in¯uence of ®nite rate heat transfer and irreversibilities inside the working ¯uid are
taken into account, the eciency of a Carnot heat engine at maximum power output is given
by [6±8]
Zm 1 ÿ < ZCA ,
where I > 1 describes the internal irreversibility occurring in the working ¯uid.
When the in¯uence of ®nite rate heat transfer and heat leak loss are taken into account, the
eciency of a Carnot heat engine at maximum power output is [9,10]
J. Chen et al. / Energy Conversion & Management 42 (2001) 173±181 175
ÿ p 2
1 ÿ TL =TH
Zm p < ZCA ,
Ci =KZC ÿ TL =TH
where Ci is the coecient of the heat leak loss, K is the equivalent thermal conductance of the
heat engine and ZC is the eciency of a reversible Carnot heat engine.
When the in¯uence of ®nite rate heat transfer and a ®nite heat source are taken into account,
the eciency of a heat engine at maximum power output is [11]
u Q1
u C1 ln 1 ÿ
p t
Zm 1 ÿ TL =T H 1 ÿ TL < ZCA ,
where C1 is the heat capacity of the ®nite heat source, and Q1 is the heat absorbed from the
®nite heat source by the working ¯uid per cycle.
When the in¯uence of heat transfer and ¯uid ¯ow irreversibilities are taken into account, the
eciency of a heat engine at maximum power output is [12]
Zm 1 ÿ TL =TH < ZCA ,
where n covers the range from laminar ¯ow
n 1 to turbulent ¯ow in the fully rough regime
n 2).
The results quoted above show that when the in¯uence of other irreversibilities or constraint
conditions in addition to ®nite rate heat transfer is considered, the eciency of a heat engine at
maximum power output is smaller than the CA eciency. However, this does not imply that
the CA eciency is the upper bound on the eciencies of heat engines. For example, when the
Curzon±Ahlborn heat engine is operated under ``ecological'' optimization conditions, the
eciency is [13,14]
ZE 1 ÿ > ZCA ,
TH 2
where TL is equal to the environment temperature. This behavior may be clearly seen from the
power output versus eciency curves of heat engines.
3. Power output versus eciency of heat engines: which is the optimal operation?
where p is the dimensionless power output. Using Eq. (8), we can generate the power output
versus eciency curve [6,8,9,21,22] shown in Fig. 1. It is clearly seen from Fig. 1 that when the
power output of a Carnot heat engine attains the maximum, the eciency is equal to the CA
eciency. When p < pmax , there are two dierent eciencies for a given power output, where
one is smaller than the CA eciency and the other is larger than the CA eciency. When the
eciency lies in the region of Z < ZCA , the eciency decreases as the power output decreases.
Obviously, the region of Z < ZCA is not desirable. When the eciency lies in the region of
Z > ZCA , the eciency increases as the power output decreases, and vice versa. Thus, the
optimal operation of an endoreversible Carnot heat engine should be the region of ZC >
ZrZCA [15,19,22]. The ``ecological'' optimization condition mentioned above is just in this
region. Fig. 1 also shows clearly the fact that when the eciency of a heat engine is larger than
Fig. 1. The dimensionless power output versus eciency curve of an endoreversile Carnot heat engine aected by
®nite rate heat transfer.
J. Chen et al. / Energy Conversion & Management 42 (2001) 173±181 177
ZCA , its power output is not the maximum; and the larger the eciency is, the smaller the
power output is. This is one important conclusion of ®nite time thermodynamics.
In a recent article [23], Gyftopoulos pointed out that ``the good correlation between the
thermal eciencies of the old power plants and Eq. (1) must be a numerical accident for at
least two reasons. First, the plants that are considered in the comparisons were not designed to
achieve the optimum thermal eciency of ®nite time thermodynamics and, therefore, it would
be a miracle if each self-optimized itself to the point of best performance. Second, and perhaps
more importantly, last year General Electric announced the great achievement of a gas-turbine,
combined-cycle power plant with a thermal eciency of 60%.'' Gyftopoulos' statement, which
has been proliferated in another article [24], just exempli®es that the eciencies of real heat
engines designed optimally may be de®nitely larger than the CA eciency. This is obviously
correct because it is an observed experimental fact. However, it is worthwhile to note that this
experimental ``discovery'' is in full agreement with the important conclusion of ®nite time
thermodynamics mentioned above because the CA eciency is not the upper bound on the
Although Gyftopoulos has noted this experimental observation, it is a pity that he has not
interpreted it correctly. He stated that ``if this eciency (i.e., 60%) correlated with the results
of ®nite time thermodynamics, it would imply a ratio TL =TH 0:16 and, therefore, an
available energy or exergy of the products of combustion of the gas of about 84% of the
exergy of natural gas! As a result, we would be compelled to conclude that the loss of exergy
of the fuel upon combustion is only 16% though every calculation and every measurement
yield a loss of about 30%.'' In this statement [23,24], Gyftopoulos ascribes the lack of
agreement between the measurements and the CA eciency to basic shortcomings of ®nite
time thermodynamics. This sweeping conclusion is not well founded, because an irrational
assumption was hidden in the statement.
A closer look at Gyftopoulos' claim reveals that he has assumed implicitly that the power
plant with a thermal eciency of 60% is operated at the state of maximum power output.
Following Gyftopoulos' point of view, if other irreversibilities besides ®nite rate heat transfer
were considered in the model, the dierence between the theoretical result and the
measurement would become larger because the maximum power eciency of a heat engine
aected by ®nite rate heat transfer and other additional irreversibilities is, in general, smaller
than ZCA (Section 2).
When interpreting such discrepancies between experimental ®ndings and model calculations,
one must always (i) check that the real operating conditions and the modeling objectives are
consistent and (ii) consider the aim of the model (e.g. high accuracy, transparency, or a
bound). Neither was done here. The CA objective was maximum power production, whereas
real power plants have other objectives, usually economic ones [25]. Further, ®nite time
thermodynamic models are not explicitly designed for maximum agreement with experimental
detail Ð that is the realm of engineering design Ð but rather for physical insight and easy
interpretation. Thus, it is evident that Gyftopoulos' claim is incorrect. In general, real heat
engines, particularly heat engines with high eciencies, are not operated at the state of
maximum power output. One must not take the CA eciency as the upper bound on the
eciency, much less denigrate ®nite time thermodynamics, in general, based on this
178 J. Chen et al. / Energy Conversion & Management 42 (2001) 173±181
As mentioned above, the result of ®nite time thermodynamics shows that the optimal
eciency of endoreversible Carnot heat engines should be ZrZCA : It is, thus, clear that it is
allowable for an optimally designed power plant not to be operated in the state of maximum
power output. If the power plant is operated at a certain state of Z > ZCA , say ZE , it is
irrational to use the maximum power criterion to analyze the performance of the power plant
and to derive other conclusions. If one wants to understand the performance of a heat engine,
it is necessary to start from the fundamental optimum relation of the heat engine.
Consequently, ®nding the fundamental optimum relation of a heat engine is the kernel of ®nite
time thermodynamic cycle theory and is more important than ®nding e.g. the maximum power
eciency of the heat engine, since the latter can be derived directly from the former. In
addition, starting from the fundamental optimum relation, one can easily determine the
optimum operating region and optimize other performance parameters of a heat engine besides
the maximum power eciency.
In another journal [26], Sekulic stated that ``a ®nite time thermodynamics ®gure of merit
(i.e., the maximum power eciency ZFTT should always be smaller than the Carnot eciency.
Consequently, the margin for improvement of a real heat engine, calculated on the basis of Eq.
(1), should always be smaller than the corresponding margin implied by the Carnot eciency.
In other words, the following sequence of thermodynamic eciency margin de®nitions and
inequalities should hold: DZCarnot ZCarnot ÿ ZActual > DZFTT ZFTT ÿ ZActual > 0: Thus, the margin for
improvement of a real system based on a ®nite time thermodynamics ®gure of merit, DZFTT ,
intends to provide a more realistic assessment of a maximum achievable improvement in
comparison to the margin DZCarnot calculated using Carnot eciency. Also note that the
following inequality must be satis®ed in all situations DZFTT 60:'' In this last statement, Sekulic,
like Gyftopoulos above, has mistaken the CA eciency to be the maximum eciency of
irreversible heat engines. The inequality DZFTT ZFTT ÿ ZActual > 0 violates the theory of ®nite
time thermodynamics and is not true.
Early in 1988, Bejan [27] pointed out that the CA eciency is not the ``maximum'' eciency
of a heat engine. In other words, it should not be confused with the Carnot eciency. In some
earlier literature [15], Yan pointed out that the CA eciency is not the maximum eciency of
a heat engine but determines the lower bound on the optimal eciency of a heat engine
aected by ®nite rate heat transfer. This correct point of view is also advanced in de Vos' book
[19]. It is, thus, obvious that although the eciencies of real heat engines cannot attain the
Carnot eciency, it is possible, and is often desirable, for the eciencies to exceed the
respective maximum power eciencies.
When dierent irreversibilities are taken into account, the maximum power eciency Zm of a
heat engine will be dierent from the CA eciency. However, both Zm and ZCA have similar
signi®cance. They both determine the lower bound for the optimal eciencies of their
respective class of heat engines. Thus,
J. Chen et al. / Energy Conversion & Management 42 (2001) 173±181 179
is an optimality criterion for heat engines with the speci®ed irreversibilities. If the eciency of
a heat engine, adequately described by the choice of irreversibilities, does not satisfy Eq. (9),
the heat engine is not designed or operated optimally.
When just ®nite rate heat transfer and heat leak loss are considered, the fundamental
optimum relation of a heat engine may be used to generate the power output versus eciency
curve [9,10,21,22] of the heat engine shown in Fig. 2. In this case, the power output versus
eciency curve is of a loop shape, which is very dierent from that of a Carnot heat engine
aected only by ®nite rate heat transfer. There exist a maximum power output and a maximum
eciency with non-zero power output. The optimal operating region of this heat engine is
situated on that part of the power output versus eciency curve which has a negative slope
Fig. 2. The dimensionless power output versus eciency curve of a Carnot heat engine aected by ®nite rate heat
transfer and heat leak loss. pmax is the dimensionless maximum power output and pm is the dimensionless power
output at maximum eciency Zmax :
180 J. Chen et al. / Energy Conversion & Management 42 (2001) 173±181
[9,10,22]. Thus, besides Eq. (9), the dimensionless power output of a heat engine must be
constrained by
prpm ,
where pm is the dimensionless power output at maximum eciency.
It is important to note all the information emerging from Fig. 2. When the cycle time is
equal to two particular ®nite values, the power output and the eciency will attain their
maximum values, respectively. When the cycle time tends to zero or in®nity, both the power
output and the eciency of the cycle approach zero. This shows that when certain
irreversibilities are considered, an in®nite time process may be irreversible. Gyftopoulos et al.
provided an experimental example of this [23,28]. Having ``two identical electricity storage
batteries with an internal discharge time constant of 100 days, we can discharge one battery
very slowly, say over 104 days, and the other very fast, say over 1 day, and ask `Which
discharge process is closer to reversible?' As is very well known from billions of experiments,
the fast process is very close to reversible, whereas the slow process is totally irreversible,
because in the fast process practically all the stored adiabatic availability is transferred out,
whereas in the slow process practically no adiabatic availability is transferred; it is all
dissipated in the battery.'' Such an experiment is not contrary to the theory of ®nite time
thermodynamics. According to ®nite time thermodynamic analysis [9], when the thermal
resistance (equivalent to the internal resistance of a battery) is dominant for a power plant, a
slow process is closer to reversible; but when the heat leak loss (corresponding to the internal
discharge of the battery) is dominant, a fast process is closer to reversible. Thus, with internal
irreversibilities, a fast discharge process may be closer to reversible than a slow one. Quite a
similar problem, the maximum work from an electric battery model with an internal discharge,
has been analyzed theoretically [29]. Thermal systems with internal structure were also
analyzed a long time ago [30].
5. Conclusions