Graduates of approved Australian and New Zealand pharmacy programs who hold
provisional registration with the Pharmacy Board of Australia (PBA) or equivalent registration
in New Zealand will be required to complete a number of steps before they can apply for
general registration as a pharmacist in Australia or New Zealand. This includes successfully
passing the Australian/New Zealand Intern Written Exam whilst they are completing a period
of supervised practice (internship) through an accredited Intern Training Program (ITP). This
requirement also applies to overseas qualified pharmacists.
We deliver the Australian Intern Written Exam in Australia on behalf of the PBA. Candidates
may register to sit the exam if they have completed or will complete the required amount of
PBA approved supervised practice hours by the date of the exam.
The Australian Intern Written Exam online fee is $660 AUD. This fee is payable per exam
Candidates should carefully review this information sheet in its entirety before registering for
an exam.
Receive notification of your exam results: You or your nominated agent will receive
an email from us approximately two weeks after the exam date with instructions on
how to view/download the exam results in our Candidate Portal
Results Certificate: If you pass the exam you can view/download your Result
Certificate in our Candidate Portal
We will send a list of candidates to the PBA for verification after the registration closing date
for each session. The PBA will let us know if you do not meet the requirements to sit the
exam. If that’s the case we will notify you via email that your registration will be cancelled
and part of your fee will be refunded to you.
If you have any questions regarding your eligibility to sit this exam you should contact the
PBA prior to submitting your registration and making payment. We also require that
candidates complete an online eligibility check in our Candidate Portal prior to
commencement of registration.
Returning Users: Candidates who have previously set up a web account in our Candidate
Portal can sign-in with their existing username and password. If you have any issues with
signing -in to your account please email us at [email protected] for
KAPS Candidates: Candidates who have previously set up a web account in our Candidate
Portal can sign-in with their existing username and password. If you have any issues with
signing -in to your account please email us at [email protected] for
KAPS Candidates who do not have existing sign-in details: please contact us at
[email protected] and provide the following information:
Candidates will be sent log-in details upon confirmation of the above details.
All Candidates: If you have created an account in our Candidate Portal at any time and you
are unable to log-in please contact us at [email protected] to report the issue
for resolution. Please do not attempt to create a new account with a different email address
as this will result in the creation of duplicate records.
First Time Users: If this is the first time you have registered for an exam via Pearson VUE
you will need to create a web account. To create an account you will need to provide some
personal information including your name and email address. As you are a first time user
you will not have an APC ID (e.g APC10006136). When you are prompted to provide this
information please select ‘No, I do not know my APC ID.’ and an APC ID will be generated
for you.
As it can take up to 24 hours to create a Pearson VUE web account you will need to allow
enough time to complete this step before the exam registration closure date or you will be
unable to finalise your registration to sit the exam.
Returning Users: If you have previously taken an exam via Pearson VUE you will have a
pre-existing account set up. Please sign-in using your username and password and proceed
directly to schedule/purchase your exam.
Candidates who undertook the KAPS Exam will have an existing APC ID which is located
on the confirmation email from Pearson VUE. Please contact us at
[email protected] if you are unable to locate this information.
Please contact Pearson VUE if you have any questions or encounter any issues with log-in
or account creation.
Please note that APC will not correspond with you (the candidate) directly if you have
nominated an agent/or third party to act on your behalf.
Please note that the email addresses for the candidate and the agent/third party must
be different.
Payment must be made by credit card (Visa or MasterCard). We do not accept any
alternative forms of payment.
After making payment you will receive an e-mail from APC within 1-2 business days which
will contain a voucher number. You need to provide the reference number and the voucher
number to complete your registration on the Pearson VUE website.
Your credit card must be issued by a bank located in the same country that you are resident
in. If it is not the payment will be suspended and you will not be able to complete the
transaction. Please contact your financial institution if you require any advice relating to
credit card payments.
A tax invoice will be send to your nominated email address after completing payment.
If you have a condition that may affect your ability to take the exam, you should contact us at
[email protected] and provide current supporting documentation from an
appropriately qualified practitioner along with your request. The documentation will be used
to verify a condition and provide relevant and useful information in assessing appropriate
adjustments or accommodations. We will then review your application and contact you if we
require additional information.
If your request is approved we will notify you by email. We will also notify the venue
coordinator who will provide you further guidance on the day of the exam.
Examples of special needs accommodations that we may be able to arrange for you are:
additional time
permission to leave the exam room for breaks
permission for more leg room due to an injury
We are unable to facilitate any special needs accommodation requests after the exam
registration closure date.
In partnership with Pearson VUE, we deliver our high-stakes pharmacy exams to thousands
of candidates around the world.
Through regular subject-matter reviews and psychometric analysis, we ensure the reliability,
defensibility and validity of our exams.
The AU Intern Written Exam is delivered by computer (via Pearson VUE).
Domain 4: Review and supply prescribed medicines, including the following standards
consider the appropriateness of prescribed medicines
dispense prescribed medicines.
Domain 6: Deliver primary and preventative health care, including the following standards
assess primary health care needs
deliver primary health care
contribute to public and preventative health.
Domain 7: Promote and contribute to optimal use of medicines, including the following
contribute to therapeutic decision-making
provide ongoing medication management.
Stand-alone questions are those questions that are self-contained. You will be given all the
information required to answer the question in the stem.
Patient profile questions are two to five questions that are linked to content found in a patient
record or profile. The patient profile will provide you with basic information about the patient
(e.g. age, weight, allergies) and also more detailed information like a presenting
complaint(s), any test results and the medication history.
You should answer the patient questions within the context of the profile. The answer to a
question in the profile will not be dependent upon correctly answering another question. You
will be able to answer each question independently of the other profile questions.
APC exams are set on the latest information available through relevant journals, publications
and textbooks. It is up to the candidate to obtain the latest information. APC does not
endorse any reference sources.
Permitted Items:
printed/hand written reference materials permitted for use by candidates in the exam.
This means you are allowed to bring any preferred printed handwritten materials to
the venue – venue staff will not check reference materials. Please note the
workstation space is limited
calculators: There are no restrictions on calculators – you can bring any type of
calculator into the room. An online calculator will also be available during the exam.
Non-permitted Items:
APC releases its exam results as PASS or FAIL only. Interns must pass the Australian Intern
Written Exam as a part of their Pharmacy Board of Australia (PBA) mandated intern year.
If you fail the exam, you will receive a results breakdown email providing you with further
details on your result. You are strongly advised to discuss your results with your preceptor,
ITP Provider and any other members of your professional network.
The Australian Intern Written Exam covers competency domains from 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 from
the National Competency Standards Framework for Pharmacists in Australia.
Pass marks
You must achieve both the overall pass mark and the minimum pass mark in each Domain
You must achieve the following minimum pass marks to achieve a PASS on the Australian
Intern Written Exam:
The overall pass mark is calculated by taking the number of questions answered correctly
and dividing by the total number of questions in the exam.
Different domain areas have different total number of questions so you cannot average your
scores in the five domains to reach your overall score.
Interns who fail the exam more than three times will be offered counselling on the exam.
The details of this counselling will be in the results email sent to interns after results are
If you cannot view your results, please send an email to: [email protected]
with your full name, and date of birth. A member of our Exams Team will be in touch with
APC Exams Team
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 2 6188 4288 – when prompted select option 2 for the Exams Team
Pearson VUE
Phone: Within Australia call 1800 023 095 (toll free)