Introduction To Cyber Crimes Cyber Security
Introduction To Cyber Crimes Cyber Security
Introduction To Cyber Crimes Cyber Security
1. Learning Outcomes:
After reading this chapter, you would be able to
Understand the meaning of cyber crime,
Differentiate between cyber crime and conventional crime,
Know various categories and kinds of cyber crimes,
Understand the meaning of computer and cyber security,
Know about cyber space jurisdiction and its types,
Describe various types of domain name disputes.
2. Introduction:
Cyber crimes can be simply defined as “crimes directed at a computer or computer
system”. In such computer crimes human being does not play much role but the
major activities are carried out by the automated machines. Cyber crime is the latest
type of crime which affects many people and cyber crimes are normally committed
by young teens, recreational computer programmers, professional hackers and other
persons having vested interest.
The present lesson covers categories as well as kinds of cyber crimes, differentiates
between the cyber crimes and the conventional crimes and also cyber security and
legal aspects of internet.
Cyber Crime
3. Cyber Crime:
Under Indian Law, IT Act, 2000 deals with offences related to cyber crimes. But the
definition of cyber crime does not find any place either in the IT Act, 2000 or in its
amended version in the form of IT (Amendment) Act, 2008.
Meaning of Cyber Crime
Computer crime or cyber crime refers to any crime committed with the use of
computers or especially through the internet. Computer crime, cyber crime,
electronic crime or hi-tech crime normally refers to a criminal activity where
computer or network is used as a tool or target of a crime.
Computer as a tool
When individual is the main target of the crime committed by the offenders then the
computer can be described as a tool and not the target (e.g., cyber stalking, cyber
theft etc.).
Computer as a target
These crimes are committed by a selected group of people with technical knowledge
by committing a series of acts in the planned manner (e.g., web defacement, cyber
terrorism etc.).
Access &
Cyber Virus,Worms &
Stalking Trojan Attack
Kinds of
Internet Relay
Chat relating
Property Crimes
Sale of
Phishing Illegal
Worms: Programs that multiply like viruses but spread from one computer system to
another is called worm. Unlike viruses worms are not required to attach themselves to a
host programme.
Computer Worm
Trojan attack: A Trojan, a friendly looking enemy, is an unauthorized program which
functions from inside what looks like authorized program, thereby concealing what it is
actually doing.
4. E-mail related crimes. Some of these crimes have been explained below :
i. E-mail spoofing:
It refers to e-mail that appears to have been originated from one source where as it
was actually sent from some different source. Thus it is a fraudulent email activity
with intent to cheat the other party.
E-mail Spoofing
E-mail Bombing
7. Phishing:
It refers to acquiring sensitive information such as username, password, credit card
details, account data etc. by disguising as a trustworthy entity. For example, your bank
may send you email (which appears genuine to you) asking you to update your personal
information by clicking at a specified link. As it appears genuine, you may be asked to
visit a fraudulent site where all your sensitive information is acquired and subsequently
used for used for cyber crimes and frauds. Phishing is punishable under Sections 66,
66A & 66D of the IT Act, 2000.
8. Intellectual property crimes:
These include distribution of pirated software, copyright infringement, trademarks
violations etc. Alternatively, this is also known as Cyber Squatting. Satyam Infoway Ltd.
vs. Sifynet Solutions (2004) is the most widely known case pertaining to Cyber
9. Web defacement:
It refers to substitution of the original homepage of a website with another page by a
hacker or cracker. The substituted page contains normally pornographic or defamatory
material. Sections 43, 66, 66F, 67 and 70 of the IT Act are applicable in some cases of
web defacement.
Cyber Crime
A and B are into live-in-relationship for the last 5 years. One day they found
that an unauthorized person posted their photographs on the social
networking site.
What do you think is this act of the persons involved a cyber crime?
If yes, name the type of cyber crime involved and discuss with your peers
whether it is punishable or not?
There may be multiple motives for committing crimes such as greed, power,
publicity, destructive mindset etc. Cyber criminals can be classified into various
categories based on the objective of committing the crime. These are: children and
adults between the age groups of 6-18 years, organized hackers, professional
hackers or crackers, discontented or sacked employees etc.
4. Computer Security:
Computer security refers to the ability of a system to protect information (personal
or business) and system resources with respect to confidentiality and integrity.
Scammers, hackers, and identity thieves try to steal the personal information and
money of the users. However the users can take steps protect themselves like
keeping the computer software up-to-date and giving out their personal information
only when there is a good reason.
Computer Security
5. Cyber Security:
Cyber security refers to the technologies and processes designed to protect
computers, networks and data from unauthorized access and attacks delivered via
the internet by cyber criminals. Cyber security is necessary since it helps in securing
data from threats such as data theft or misuse, hacking etc. It also safeguards the
system from viruses. In other words, cyber security involves protection of sensitive,
personal and business information through prevention, detection and response to
diverse electronic attacks.
Major Security Threats and Solutions
1. Virus: It is a program (e.g., love bug) that is loaded on to your computer without
your knowledge and causes damage to data and files on a computer system.
Install anti-virus software that protects the computer against threats such as
viruses and worms. After scanning all your systems for the existence of the virus, it
should be ensured that virus has been completely cleaned.
2. Hackers: Generally a hacker is a person who uses computers, usually to gain
unauthorized access to administrative controls.
Prevention of Hacking:
It can be prevented through effective security controls including strong passwords
which are difficult for the thieves to steal and the use of firewalls.
3. Malware: The word “Malware” is a general term which has been derived from the
term “Malicious Software”. Malware is unwanted software that infects and damages
your computer system without your knowledge and permission.
Download an anti-malware program that also helps prevent infections. Activate
Network Threat Protection, Firewall, and Antivirus.
Malware Warning
4. Trojan Horses. These are email viruses that can duplicate themselves, damage or
delete files, or harm the computer system. These viruses are the most serious
threat to computers as they destroy files and slow down your computer.
Security suites such as Avast Internet Security help in prevention of downloading
Trojan Horses.
5. Password Cracking. It refers to password attacks committed by hackers who are
able to determine passwords or find passwords to different protected electronic
areas and social network sites such as Facebook, linkedin etc.
How to secure password?
Use always strong password which will be difficult for thieves to guess.
Keep on changing your password from time to time.
Don’t give personal information unless required.
Don’t exercise option that permits your computer to remember your password.
6. Copyright
Copyright is a legal right granted by the government to the authors or creators of
works. Under the copyright law, the copyright owner is entitled to a number of
exclusive rights such as right to publish the work, control copying, prepare derivative
works and the right to make the material available online. Copyright protection
becomes applicable immediately upon creation of the manuscript.
The Indian Copyright Act, 1957 governs and regulates the system of copyright in India.
The Copyright Act, 1957 has been amended four times so far in 1983, 1984, 1992 and
6.1 Coverage of Copyright Protection
The Copyright Protection Act, 1957 protects all kinds of original, library works, musical
works, dramatic works, artistic work, musical programs, pictorial graphics, sculptural
work, sound recordings and architectural works etc. On the other hand, several
categories of material are not eligible for copyright protection. For example, ideas,
facts, works which lack originality (e.g. the phone book) are not copyrighted. Similarly
familiar symbols or designs or mere listing of ingredients or contents are also not
copyrighted. In information technology, a database or a directory and the way it is
organized are regarded as a compilation and it is copyrightable. All digital contents that
an individual generates are protected under the Copyright Law.
6.2 Copyright Infringement
It refers to copying of the expression –of-a-work without the permission of the owner.
Copyright law protects the expression of an idea but the idea behind the work is not
Copyright Infringement is an offence
(i) A suit can be instituted in a District Court or in a High Court u/s 63 of the
Copyright Act, 1957.
(ii) Punishable with imprisonment up to 3 years and fine which shall not be less
With the increase of commercial activities on the internet, the domain name is also
used on the internet as a business identifier. Domain names are registered on a first-
come-first-serve basis and offer a unique presence on the internet. The domain
name can be used globally; it will always refer to the same internet page. Domain
names, normally speaking, play an important role in e-commerce; it is truly the
easiest and most convenient way to access any material on the cyber space which
belongs to everyone.
2. Profit Grabbing: In this type of domain dispute, the defendant gets the domain
name registered with identical trademark or trade name in order to gain profits out
of such business.
4. Concurrent Claims: It refers to the situation which arises when two legitimate
parties are involved in a dispute over a domain name where each party claims to be
true and legitimate owner of the acquired domain name and the Court after hearing
the arguments has to decide who the true owner is in fact.
Facts of the case: In this case, Nissan (defendant) used his surname
“Nissan” as a trade name for various businesses since 1980. In 1991, he
formed Nissan Computer Corporation and registered the domain name
“” in 1994 and “” in 1996. Both these websites were
offering computer related services. In 1995 plaintiff Nissan Motor Co sent a
letter to defendant containing the objection raised for the use of word
“Nissan” in its domain name but no further action was taken at that time.
In August 1999, defendant modified its website to include “Nissan
computer” logo which was identical to plaintiff logo and also included
various banner advertisements linking to number of automobile related
websites. Consequently, the plaintiff instituted a suit, charging defendant
with trademark infringement and moved for a preliminary action.
There was a infringement of trademark by the defendants in this case.
Cyber crimes are defined as crimes directed at a computer or computer system. Cyber
crime is the latest type of crime which affects many people and cyber crimes are normally
committed by young teens, recreational computer programmers, professional hackers and
other persons having vested interest.
The present lesson covers categories as well as kinds of cyber crimes, differentiates
between the cyber crimes and the conventional crimes and also cyber security and legal
aspects of internet.
Under Indian Law, IT Act, 2000 deals with offences related to cyber crimes.
Computer crime or cyber crime refers to any crime committed with the use of computers or
especially through the internet. Computer crime, cyber crime, electronic crime or hi-tech
crime normally refers to a criminal activity where computer or network is used as a tool or
target of a crime.
When individual is the main target of the crime committed by the offenders then the
computer can be described as a tool and not the target.
The major categories of cyber crimes include:
Cyber crimes against persons
Cyber crimes against property
Cyber crimes against government/firm/company/group of individuals
Cyber crimes against society:
Different kinds of Cyber Crimes include:
Unauthorized Access and Hacking
Fill in the blanks:
1. A program that is capable of infecting other programs and making copies of itself is
called _________.
2. ___________refers to sending of bulk mails to thousands and thousands of users by
identified or unidentified source.
3. The agreement is _________in case of sale of illegal articles.
4. ___________ means the substitution of the original homepage of a website with
answer page by a hacker or cracker.
5. Cyber vandalism refers to_________.
6. __________can be prevented through effective security controls including strong
passwords which are difficult for the thieves to steal and the use of firewalls.
7. _________governs the system of copyright in India.
8. Copyright Infringement is a punishable offence ______of the Copyright Act, 1957.
9. Domain name refers to the ________of the organization.
10. _________is not the same as domain name.
1. Virus
2. Spamming
3. Void
4. Web defacement
5. Stealing of data
6. Hacking
7. The Indian Copyright Act,1957
8. u/s 63
9. Internet address
10. Trademark.
Consideration: It refers to something of value given by both parties to a contract that
induces them to enter into the agreement to exchange mutual performances.
Digital signature: It refers to a binary code that, like a handwritten signature,
authenticates and executes a document and identifies the signatory.
Electronic signature: A technology that allows a person to electronically affix
a signature or its equivalent to an electronic document.
Illegal: It means unlawful or contrary to law.
Infringement: It refers to violation of terms of an agreement.
Intellectual property: The term "Intellectual Property Rights" refers to the legal rights
granted with the aim to protect the creations of the intellect.
Void: It means not legally binding or enforceable.
Chabbra T.N , R.K Suri, Sanjiv Verma , “An Introduction to e-commerce”, Dhanpat
Rai & Co. (P)Ltd ,Third revised edition ,2009
Duggal Pavan, Cyber Law, Second edition, Universal Law Publishing ,2016
Dr. Fatima Talat, “Cybercrimes”, Eastern Book Company, first edition 2011
Madan Sushila , “ E-Commerce”, Mayur Paperbacks, 2013
Vaidya A Asmita, Adwait M. Vaidya, “Cyber Crime and Law in the Information
Technology”, A.K.Publications, 2016 edition
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