Model - I Turning Operations Performed On A Given Mild Steel Work Piece

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Model – I

Turning Operations Performed on a Given Mild Steel Work Piece

To perform various turning operations on the given Mild Steel Work piece as per the given
Figure - 1.
Tools Required:
Lathe Machine, Single Point Cutting Tool, Drill bit, Work piece, Vee Tool, Surface gauge,
surface plate, V-Block, Centre Punch,
Tool kit (Chuck key, Tool post key, inside & outside Caliper, Steel Scale, Packing pieces
& Brush)
Lathe Operations: Facing, Plain turning, Step turning, Taper turning, Knurling and Thread
Sequence of Operations:
1) Using the Outside Calipers the diameter of the given work piece is measured.
2) The facing operation is carried out on both sides of the work piece and a counter hole is
drilled at the center.
3) The work piece is placed in the 3 jaw chuck and centering operation is performed using the
surface gauge.
4) The tail stock is moved so that the work piece is held between the check and the dead
5) The tool aligned by placing such that, the tip of the tool is perpendicular to the tip of the
dead center. The tool post is tightened using alin key.
6) The tool is made to touch the work piece & the depth of the cut is adjusted to get the
diameter of 23mm using a micrometer provided in compound rest or in the carriage.
7) Cutting parameters like speed, feed, depth of cut, etc are selected before the machine is
turned on.
8) Plain turning operation is carried out for required length of 150mm.
9) Markings are made to perform step turning operation.
10) Step turning operations are made to get the desired shape of the work piece by giving depth
of cut of 0.5mm on each run.
11) Taper turning angle is calculated using the taper angle formula and the compound rest is
swiveled to the angle “  ” in degrees (as per the calculation) with the help of alin key. The
taper turning at this angle is performed for a length of 30mm and depth of cut of 0.5mm on
each run.
(𝑫 − 𝒅 )
𝜽 = 𝐭𝐚𝐧−𝟏
Where  = Swivel the compound rest to the calculated angle.
D = Major diameter.
d = Minor diameter.
𝑙 = Length of the taper.
12) To carry out thread cutting required pitch is noted down & depth of cut is calculated as
shown in the formula. Using a standard chart the auto feed varying mechanism is set for
2mm pitch & the right hand thread cutting operation is carried out by engaging lead screw
which rotates at required speed & direction for the mentioned thread along with suitable
gears in gear train.
13) The procedure is repeated 10 times with an increment in depth of cut by 2 divisions i.e.
0.1mm each time. In case of right hand thread cutting operation feed will be from right to
left & vice versa for the left hand thread.
14) For RH and LH ‘V’ Thread cutting, Angle of thread is 600, According to the ISO standard
metric thread depth = 0.6 to 0.65 X pitch (60 to 65%)
15) After turning with the help of pitch gauge check the accuracy of the thread pitch and with
the help of Vernier caliper, check the diameter of turned part.
16) Finishing operation is done by giving very small depth of cut (say 0.2mm) on medium feed.
17) Knurling operation is carried out by using special knurling tool.

The required turning operations are carried out on the given work piece as per the figure
given with the dimensional accuracy.
Model -I

Fig - 1

Observations & Calculations:

1. Work piece material : ………………………
2. Cutting Tool Material : ………………………
3. Feed : ………………………mm/revolution.
4. Depth of Cut : ………………………mm
5. Selected Cutting Speed : ………………………m/min.
6. Plain Turning : ………………………m/min
7. Step Turning : ………………………m/min
8. Taper Turning : ………………………m/min
9. Thread Cutting : ………………………m/min
10. Profile Turning : ………………………m/min
11. Knurling operation : ………………………m/min

Dimensional Accuracy:

Diameter in mm
Length in mm

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