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Asesmen Chemistry Cycle by EPRI

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Boiler and Turbine Steam and Cycle Chemistry - Program 64

Program Overview
Program Description
Safety and availability loss due to failures are two key issues driving R&D on major fossil power plant
components, especially in older plants. Operators need to minimize major causes of lost availability and
associated maintenance costs related to corrosion and inadequate cycle chemistry, and prevent boiler tube and
turbine blade/disc failures and flow-accelerated corrosion (FAC).

The Electric Power Research Institute’s (EPRI’s) Boiler and Turbine Steam and Cycle Chemistry Program
(Program 64) offers guidelines, technology, and training materials to help plant operators manage water-steam
chemistry, reduce unplanned outages and operations and maintenance (O&M) costs, and improve unit

Research Value
The industry needs to balance the risks and costs of the largest, most costly equipment, and focus on using
proven technologies to create solutions. By using the results of the R&D in this program, members can:

 Improve overall unit availability — losses due to improper chemistry have a 1% or more effect on unit
 Reduce steam turbine efficiency losses — chemical and metallic oxide deposits reduce turbine
efficiencies by up to 2%
 Reduce chemistry-related boiler tube failures
 Reduce incidence of FAC damage and failures — FAC is both a personnel safety and component
availability concern
 Reduce chemistry-related O&M costs
 Improve world-class or excellent cycle chemistry

Cycle chemistry guidelines, technologies, and training materials support efforts to minimize operating risks
associated with corrosion and deposition. Technical tools developed through this program include unit-specific
chemical treatment methods, operating limits, and monitoring guidelines to improve plant availability, efficiency,
and startup times.

 The project on cycle chemistry guidelines and technology addresses the critical aspects of fossil plant
cycle chemistry and is applicable to all plant designs. Research in this area covers boiler and feedwater
treatments, shutdown/startup/layup, condensate polishing, makeup, instrumentation, chemical cleaning,
copper, air-cooled condensers, and FAC. Members can benchmark their chemistry programs
independently or in collaboration with EPRI staff to identify areas of deficiency and determine the
approximate costs (lost value).
 The project on cycle chemistry and corrosion control in the Phase Transition Zone (PTZ) provides a
deterministic model to control the corrosion process of turbine materials in the PTZ. This model considers
system variables such as the steam environment, liquid film composition, stress, and temperature.
Monitoring and treatment of the early condensate environment provide reduction of the active corrosion
and opportunities to improve thermodynamic efficiency. Members can apply the turbine damage model
development work to assess risk levels in all steam turbines and identify actions needed to reduce or
prevent further increases in risk levels or enhance conditions in the PTZ.
 The project on deposition in water and steam cycles addresses deposition concerns for each major plant
component. Scientific and plant-based knowledge, combined with basic laboratory and field studies,
provides probabilistic risk models for assessing the impact of deposits and a maintenance cleaning

p. 1
Electric Power Research Institute 2012 Research Portfolio

activity model for removing deposited material. Members can use these models to identify the specific
actions needed to address deficiencies consistent with individual unit characteristics. Application of risk
assessments provides managers with the tools to evaluate conditional situations in an informed and cost-
effective manner.
 Feedwater filtration and condensate polishing technology R&D develops user guidelines for assessing,
selecting, justifying, and operating condensate polishing and filtration systems used to remove dissolved
and suspended solids from feedwater, ensuring continual high purity of the water/steam cycle.
Maintenance of high purity is essential for reducing corrosion and deposition in the cycle. Members can
use the Fossil Plant Feedwater Guidelines for technical evaluations of polishing and filtration
requirements and to appraise system performance.
 R&D for cycle chemistry instrumentation, control, and monitoring develops instrumentation and validates
instrumentation results needed for on-line monitoring, which provides the most comprehensive approach
to surveillance and control, especially in older plants and plants with reduced staff size and experience.
Chemistry surveillance technology can allow members to make knowledgeable decisions about the right
chemistry instrumentation and controls to protect various cycle components and improve current plant
operations. Data validation methodology provides techniques for correlation and interpretation of data in a
meaningful manner to assess both the plant conditions and the accuracy of monitoring data.
 Research involving corrosion in the boiler and water/steam cycle uses scientifically based criteria to
determine action levels needed to prevent boiler corrosion and identifies specific actions needed to
address deficiencies leading to flow-accelerated corrosion in high-energy piping and air-cooled
condensers. Members can use the guidelines developed from these activities to identify specific actions
needed to address deficiencies consistent with individual unit characteristics.

Cycle chemistry guidelines, technologies, and training materials support efforts to minimize operating risks
associated with corrosion and deposition. Technical tools developed through this program include unit-specific
chemical treatment methods, operating limits, and monitoring guidelines to improve plant availability, efficiency,
and startup times. Recent accomplishments include:

 Complete set of cycle chemistry guidelines for all fossil plants and cycle chemistry treatments
 Model for the corrosion and deposition process in boiler waterwalls
 Advancement in the understanding of high-temperature oxides in supercritical waterwall tubes
 Solvent evaluation and interim guidelines for chemical cleaning of supercritical steam generators
 Interim guidelines to address air-cooled condensers
 Assessment and interim guidance for the application of amine chemistries in fossil plants
 Modeling of corrosion product transport in the feedwater cycle
 Guidelines for make-up water treatment
 Cycle chemistry instrumentation selection and data validation
 Interim research on two-phase FAC in feedwater heaters and heater drains
 Benchmarking processes to assess plant or system chemistries

Current Year Activities

The program R&D for 2012 will focus on reducing corrosion damage associated with FAC and boiler deposits.
Specific efforts will include:

 Comprehensive Chemistry Guidelines for all Fossil Plant Boiler and Feedwater Treatment report
 Management of Porous Deposits for Reducing Deposit-Related Corrosion report
 Flow-Accelerated Corrosion Mitigation and Monitoring report
 Chemistry Guidelines for Open Cooling Water Systems report
 Online and in situ instrumentation to monitor corrosion and FAC in the plant cycle

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Electric Power Research Institute 2012 Research Portfolio

 Corrosion and the role of acetates and formates in the PTZ

 Enhanced Chemical Instrumentation Monitoring report
 Management of Boiler Chemical Cleaning Wastes report

Estimated 2012 Program Funding


Program Manager
James Mathews, 704-595-2544, [email protected]

Summary of Projects

Project Number Project Title Description

P64.001 Cycle Chemistry This project provides a comprehensive suite of guidelines, addressing
Guidelines and the critical aspects of fossil plant cycle chemistry, and encompassing
Technology boiler and feedwater chemistry treatments, transient operating and
outage conditioning, chemical cleaning, condensate polishing,
makeup water treatment, instrumentation and control, copper
metallurgy, and flow-accelerated corrosion (FAC).
P64.002 Cycle Chemistry and This project develops modeling, technologies, and processes to
Corrosion Control of reduce turbine blade and disc rim cracking due to corrosion fatigue
Turbine Materials in the and stress corrosion cracking in the phase transition zone (PTZ).
Phase Transition Zone
P64.003 Deposition in the This project develops information and technologies to understand and
Water/Steam Cycle reduce deposition on turbine blades and in feedwater and condensate
P64.004 Feedwater Filtration and This project continues research to develop guidelines for selection of
Condensate Polishing technologies to address the optimization of condensate and
Technology feedwater quality and purification.
P64.005 Cycle Chemistry This project develops new methods and technologies for monitoring
Instrumentation, Control of cycle chemistry, corrosion, corrosion product transport, and
and Monitoring deposition activity.
P64.006 Corrosion in the Boiler and This project examines boiler and water/steam cycle corrosion under a
Water/Steam Cycle variety of operating conditions to discover causes and develop
methods to prevent corrosion and incorporate them in operating

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Electric Power Research Institute 2012 Research Portfolio

P64.001 Cycle Chemistry Guidelines and Technology (069176)

Key Research Question
Cycle chemistry program deficiencies at the organizational and plant levels directly and negatively affect fossil
plant unit availability, reliability, and performance. Flow-accelerated corrosion (FAC) and boiler corrosion fatigue
(CF) damage mechanisms from improper chemical control are major safety concerns as well as a source of
equipment failures. EPRI surveys indicate guidance in the proper application and the transfer of knowledge of
cycle chemistry technologies provide a major benefit to plant operations, chemistry, maintenance, engineering,
and management staff in the development of efficient and effective cycle chemistry programs.

This project is dedicated to establishing state-of-the-art guidelines for use by fossil plant chemists and operators
worldwide. EPRI benchmarking activities have demonstrated the value of good chemistry to those plants and
organizations with programs rated as world-class or very good. This comprehensive suite of guidelines
addresses the critical aspects of fossil plant cycle chemistry and encompasses boiler and feedwater chemistry
treatments, transient operating and outage conditioning, chemical cleaning, condensate polishing, makeup
water treatment, instrumentation and control, copper metallurgy, and FAC. The guidelines are applicable to all
fossil plant designs, including chemistry guidance for designing and operating new fossil plants for high reliability
by incorporating essential features needed to avoid chemistry-related boiler tube failure (BTF) and corrosion
failures in the PTZ of steam turbines and FAC.

Technology advances address the key damage and failure mechanisms in water-cooled and air-cooled
condensers and feedwater heaters. The key chemistry guidelines are continuously improved using the results
from other program projects, findings of EPRI Technology Innovation (TI) activities, and experience of the
program members. Major planned activities include updated guidance on all chemistry treatment practices,
deriving methodologies for managing and controlling corrosion product transport and boiler deposits, validation
of chemistry monitoring and liquid film conditions in the early condensate of the steam turbine PTZ, assessing
nanofiltration technologies for feedwater applications, and developing on-line instrumentation and enhanced
instrumentation techniques for boiler and turbine corrosion.

This project provides training materials to support the development of cycle chemistry programs to specifically
 Cycle chemistry improvement to optimize boiler, feedwater, and steam chemistries.
 Flow-accelerated corrosion (FAC) to mitigate/eliminate this damage mechanism, which is a major safety
 Condenser and heater tube failure control.
 Turbine steam chemistry and PTZ corrosion control

This project also supports a tri-annual International Conference on Cycle Chemistry, as well as other
conferences, seminars, and member user groups.

 Establishes the de facto standard of worldwide chemistry practices
 Can be used to significantly improve fossil unit availability and performance
 Eliminates chemistry-related damage in high-pressure piping, boilers, and turbines
 Reduces levels of maintenance activities compared to those required with deficient chemistry
 Provides unparalleled practical knowledge and understanding of the scientific basis of significant cycle
chemistry processes and corrosion mechanisms

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Electric Power Research Institute 2012 Research Portfolio

How to Apply Results

Each member will customize the EPRI approach to specific plants and units, using the guidelines and reports
provided as resources. Members can benchmark their chemistry programs independently or in collaboration
with EPRI staff to identify areas of deficiency and determine the approximate costs (lost value). The content of
the various guidelines can be used to identify specific actions needed to address these deficiencies. For
example, the chemistry guidelines can be consulted to verify proper selection and optimization of feedwater and
boiler water chemistry used in individual fossil units. The benchmarking process or other means of unit
assessment should be repeated periodically as a means of checking the overall impact of improvements.

2012 Products
Product Title & Description Product Type
Completion Date

Open Cooling System Chemistry Guidelines: This project will develop a

revised guideline in collaboration with the Nuclear Water Chemistry Group on
the Chemistry in Open Cooling Systems. The Guidelines for Fossil and Nuclear
Plants will be updated to the current state of knowledge of scientifically based
information and compiled into a comprehensive guideline, incorporating best 12/31/12 Technical Report
practices, guidance on using chemicals to treat microbiological growth,
macrobiological growth, corrosion, and suspended solids fouling and scaling in
service water and cooling systems. Monitoring and control methodologies as
well as specific chemical treatment regimes will be covered.
10th International Conference on Cycle Chemistry in Fossil and Combined
Cycle Plants with Heat Recovery Steam Generators: This international
conference will be held in Seattle, WA. June 25-29, 2012. The conference will Workshop,
provide the industry with the latest information, developments, and field 12/31/12 Training, or
experience in all aspects of fossil plant chemistry. In addition to presentations Conference
from world experts and utility experience reports, this conference will provide
access to at least two technology transfer workshops.

Future Year Products

Product Title & Description Product Type
Completion Date

Guidelines for Chemical Cleaning of Fossil and HRSG Plant Equipment:

This project will develop revised guidelines, reflecting the spectrum of
technology and best practices for chemical cleaning of plant equipment.
Specifically, the guidelines will focus on methodologies to assess the need to
chemically clean the boilers and evaporators of HRSGs, as well as high-
pressure turbines, water-cooled generator stators, water-cooled condenser
tubes, and other ancillary systems. This revision will include the latest
information and research on solvent selection, specifically for removal of high- 12/31/13 Technical Report
temperature oxides and water-borne oxides in supercritical units, and methods
of waste disposal to meet the increasingly stringent water and air quality
standards. The final report will provide the station chemist, maintenance
engineer, environmentalist, and plant management with a complete guide to
chemically cleaning plant process equipment, determining when cleaning is
required, and details of the chemicals and processes for a safe, effective, and
environmentally responsible cleaning.

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Electric Power Research Institute 2012 Research Portfolio

P64.002 Cycle Chemistry and Corrosion Control of Turbine Materials in the Phase Transition
Zone (100508)
Key Research Question
Since the early 1990s, incidents of turbine blade and disc rim cracking due to corrosion fatigue and stress
corrosion cracking in the phase transition zone (PTZ) have increased, causing unit availability losses and
significant increases in plant maintenance costs. Understanding of the composition of steam and liquid films in
the PTZ is fundamental to both deposition on component surfaces and nucleation of steam in the PTZ. Based
on a decade of EPRI Technology Innovation (TI) work and six years of work in Program 64, a deterministic
model of the corrosion process in the PTZ was developed. TI R&D is closing the gap between pit initiation and
crack development. A state-of-knowledge document on corrosion fatigue and stress corrosion cracking in the
turbine environment has been developed.

The model of the corrosion process in the PTZ considers system variables such as the steam chemistry
environment, liquid film composition and electrochemical properties, stress, temperature, and conductivity. In
2006, additional project activity sponsored by Programs 64 and 65 began to develop a new EPRI code for
“Corrosion in the PTZ.” This work involves validating the interim model with case studies, then fine-tuning it
using the results of corrosion tests conducted in liquid films and crevice environments to determine the pitting
potential on the blade/disc surfaces.

This project supports further development, including derivation of the necessary evolutionary path algorithms for
the chemistry and operation, and field testing of monitoring devices to supply or supplement online information
for the PTZ code. Data resulting from this work will be used to refine the model and provide plant owners,
engineers, operators, and chemists with the guidance and tools to optimize the turbine operation and steam
environment, control corrosion of the turbine material in the PTZ, and assess life predictions and maintenance
schedules. Important research findings also will be incorporated in future versions of the key EPRI Chemistry
Guidelines (64.001) and training materials.

EPRI international conferences on organics in 2005 and 2008 identified two areas that will be addressed in this
project: 1) assessment of new amine chemicals that, according to earlier EPRI studies, could improve steam
condensation and liquid film processes in low-pressure (LP) turbine exhausts, thereby boosting efficiency; and
2) assessment of amine treatments to optimize pH control during operation and for shutdown and layup

 Minimize the risk of stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue damage to steam turbines
 Improve steam turbine availability
 Reduce future steam turbine maintenance costs by avoiding chemistry-related damage and failures
 Improve LP turbine efficiency

How to Apply Results

Members can apply the turbine damage model development work to assess risk in all steam turbines and
identify actions needed to reduce or prevent further increases in risk levels. Data pertaining to past failure
incidents can be reviewed in collaboration with EPRI for possible uploading to the model. Installation of the
instrumentation now under development on working steam turbines can provide real-time indications of
environmental conditions in which turbine damage is active and significant. Members using the application of
new chemical treatment processes or chemicals, such as neutralizing amines and polyamines, could realize
substantial improvement in corrosion protection and efficiency, if not power production, in the LP region of the
steam turbine.

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Electric Power Research Institute 2012 Research Portfolio

2012 Products
Product Title & Description Product Type
Completion Date

Control of Corrosion in the Steam Turbine PTZ - Progress Report: EPRI's

Life Predictions within the Steam Turbine PTZ will be used to establish risk
assessments of discrete steam environments and operating conditions. To
control the corrosion mechanism in the PTZ, researchers will evaluate the
potential for modifying the actual conditions and environments utilizing steam- Technical
modifying agents (such as amines), and will assess the efficacy of EPRI Update
monitoring techniques. The initial work will focus on the application methods for
modifying steam chemistries and monitoring the effect on the early condensate
and the corrosion mechanisms within the PTZ. Working with Program 65, the
project will use pitting monitors or sacrificial test strips to measure success.
Technical Update: State of Knowledge of Acetate and Formate Corrosion
Behavior in the Turbine Phase Transition Zone: This project will provide an
update of current knowledge and identify gaps in the understanding of the
transport behavior of acetate and formate and similar weakly acidic compounds
in the turbine steam environment. It will outline the current understanding of the
chemistry, transport, distribution, volatility and solubility, concentrating
mechanisms, and the influence of accumulation and concentration in the liquid Technical
films in the turbine phase transition zone on turbine corrosion fatigue and stress Update
corrosion cracking. The project will seek to address gaps and/or deficiencies in
the current knowledge with supplemental research on the role of acetate and
formate in turbine damage mechanisms, as well as to determine the appropriate
limits for the individual species. The update will provide the power plant chemist
and turbine engineer with a guide for establishing steam limits specific to
applications of alternative chemical treatments such as volatile amines.

Future Year Products

Product Title & Description Product Type
Completion Date

Control of Corrosion in the Steam Turbine PTZ -Final Report: Building on

the research conducted in 2012 on controlling corrosion in the PTZ,
modification of the chemistry of the early condensate and EPRI monitoring
techniques will be developed to control the corrosion mechanism in the PTZ.
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Working with Program 65, the project will use pitting monitors or sacrificial test
strips to measure the success. The EPRI Model for Life Predictions within the
Steam Turbine PTZ will be used to establish risk assessments of discrete
steam environments and operating conditions.
State of Knowledge: Turbine Steam Chemistry and Control: This project
will outline the fundamental bases for EPRI Turbine Steam Chemistry Control,
and the current knowledge on the transport and behavior of impurities in the
turbine steam environment. It will outline the current understanding of the
chemistry of water and steam, steam quality and impurity transport, chemical
distribution, volatility and solubility, deposition mechanisms, influence of
deposits, and turbine corrosion. The report will include the new understandings
12/31/13 Technical Report
from recent research on inhibition of crevice and pitting corrosion, the influence
and behavior of acetate and formate on corrosion mechanisms, and the control
of corrosion in the phase transition zone. The final report will provide the power
plant chemist and turbine engineer with a guide to the fundamental chemistry
mechanisms that occur across the turbine steam flow path of fossil power plant
cycles. The project also will identify potential future research needs in the field
of turbine steam chemistry and control.

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Electric Power Research Institute 2012 Research Portfolio

P64.003 Deposition in the Water/Steam Cycle (100509)

Key Research Question
Despite its critical influence on plant efficiency and availability, deposition of oxides and impurities around the
fossil plant fluid cycle is not completely understood. Better knowledge of deposition on boiler waterwalls and
steam turbines could improve fossil unit availability and performance. This is a major concern because deposits
are a precursor to a number of chemistry-related damage mechanisms. Deposits also have a detrimental impact
on component efficiency and performance. Deposition information is required for each major plant component
around the cycle. Maintenance cleaning activities to remove deposited material increase unit operating costs
and extend the interval of unit outages. EPRI has compiled scientific and plant-based knowledge, and
conducted initial basic laboratory and field studies, to understand and reduce deposition on turbine blades.

This project has conducted laboratory studies on a high-heat flux deposition rig to simulate boiler water
containing iron and copper oxides under oxidizing and reducing conditions. Over the last five years, work has
been conducted to better understand the structure of drum boiler waterwall deposits, and to support ongoing
efforts to construct a deterministic model, including a risk-based assessment of the environmental condition and
the impact of deposition on corrosion.

With the culmination of understanding of the deposition mechanics and influences on corrosion, this project will
continue to assess methodologies and chemistry practices to manage deposits and lower their impact on unit
performance and material damage.

Deposition in steam turbines, feedwater, and condensate systems also will be addressed, and local material
solutions developed. Copper deposition in some high-pressure turbines remains a problem, which will continue
to be addressed in case studies as requested by members.

 Improve cycle chemistry guidelines through a better scientific understanding of corrosion and deposition
in fossil units
 Improve guidelines for managing deposition and determining when to chemically clean boilers
 Apply improved guidance to avoiding deposition-related performance losses in steam turbines
 Apply scientifically sound approaches to defining boiler chemistry and deposition limits
 Provide scientifically based risk assessment of corrosion and deposition and environmental factors of
cycle chemistry

How to Apply Results

The results of this work will be incorporated into the next series of EPRI guidelines, which members can use to
identify the specific actions needed to address deficiencies in individual unit characteristics. For example, the
chemistry guidelines can be consulted to verify proper selection and optimization of feedwater and boiler water
chemistry used in individual fossil units. Risk analysis can be used to make informed decisions regarding
operating damage and cost — for example, cost assessments associated with continued operation with known
upset chemistry conditions and corrosive environments.

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Electric Power Research Institute 2012 Research Portfolio

2012 Products
Product Title & Description Product Type
Completion Date

Management of Porous Deposits: Field Demonstration: The methodologies

and treatments with potential to control and reverse porous deposit formations
will be applied in field demonstration project(s). This project will evaluate the
effectiveness of the techniques developed to manage the growth, thickness,
maturation, and porosity of deposits in actual field applications on operating
fossil power units. It will assess the pre-application condition of porous deposits
present in the field unit; the application and monitoring of the deposit 12/31/12 Technical Report
management techniques; and the quantification of the effectiveness of the
technique to control and/or reverse deposition based on subsequent porous
deposit condition assessment. The final report will provide refined guidance on
the application of the methodologies and treatment based on actual field
experience, as well as an assessment of the effectiveness of the various
techniques for management of porous deposits.
Management of Boiler Chemical Cleaning Waste: This project will review
and summarize the current chemical cleaning treatment formulations and
disposal options available. This project will provide a revision to the EPRI Boiler
Chemical Cleaning Waste Management Manual, 1992, TR-101095. Significant
changes in the practices and solvent used for boiler cleanings, as well as the
waste management practices, necessitate a timely revision of the waste
12/31/12 Technical Report
management manual. The continued evolution of air, water, and solid waste
regulations have greatly altered the choices available for boiler cleaning waste
management options. Environmental concerns are resulting from the disposal
of chemical cleaning waste, which is becoming more difficult and expensive to
achieve. The project also will investigate new treatment formulations/
technologies and their impact on future disposal practices.

P64.004 Feedwater Filtration and Condensate Polishing Technology (046583)

Key Research Question
High-purity feedwater is critical to control damage-causing deposition and corrosion in the feedwater cycle,
boiler, and turbine. Boiler waterwall deposits primarily consist of particulates in the form of metal oxides
transported from the feedwater. Oxide transport is of particular concern in units that cycle or in which the cycle
chemistry has not been fully optimized. Ionic contaminants to the feedwater cycle from poor-quality or
nonoptimized makeup water treatment and in-leakage of cooling water or other sources are the fundamental
corrodents leading to boiler tube hydrogen damage and turbine stress corrosion and corrosion fatigue cracking.
Existing technologies require innovative approaches to continue optimization of the operating costs and
performance of these systems. Issues of concern are operation at elevated temperatures; fouling and pressure
drop; premature exhaustion on high pH or high CO2 levels; and chemical and materials costs.

EPRI research studies on condensate polishing and feedwater filtration confirm that applying these technologies
is a means of removing dissolved and suspended solids from the feedwater; however, improvements are
needed to optimize the operating costs and performance of these systems. In 2008 and 2010, Technology
Innovation (TI) projects focused on assessing the current state of carbon nanotube water filtration technologies,
which have shown the potential application of nanofiltration for supplementing filtration and polishing system
performance. Continued research will be used to develop guidelines for selection of established and emerging
technologies to address the optimization of condensate and feedwater quality and purification.

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Electric Power Research Institute 2012 Research Portfolio

 Eliminate dissolved ionic contamination to the water/steam cycle
 Facilitate optimization of the cycle chemistry with alternative treatments or higher-pH operation
 Reduce metal oxide transport to boilers
 Extend time interval between boiler cleanings
 Reduce efficiency losses associated with boiler tube deposits
 Eliminate boiler corrosion and boiler tube failures associated with boiler tube deposits

How to Apply Results

The Polishing and Filtration Guidelines and Technical Assessments can be used by members for technical
evaluations of polishing and filtration requirements, and optional methodologies. Members can assess the
needs and benefits from the application and installation of these cleanup systems using Risk-Based
Technologies (P64.003) and Life Prediction Models (P64.002), in association with Comprehensive Cycle
Chemistry Guidelines (P64.001), to appraise system requirements and savings.

P64.005 Cycle Chemistry Instrumentation, Control and Monitoring (062000)

Key Research Question
Long-term fossil unit availability requires effective control of cycle chemistry. Online monitoring provides the
most comprehensive approach to surveillance and control. Automated approaches to chemistry control are
increasingly important in older plants and plants with reduced staff size and experience. Water chemistry
analyzers typically require care and attention to ensure that suitably conditioned samples are provided and that
precision and bias errors associated with the instruments used are recognized and minimized. Instrumentation
provides a characterization of the chemistry environment of bulk fluid conditions. Comparison of measured
chemistry readings to target values and action levels provides a useful — though indirect — assessment of the
risk of damage to components touched by water and steam. Research is needed for the development of both
instrumentation and validation of instrumentation results that provide direct indications to operators of the
impacts of the chemistry.

EPRI’s designated core level of instrumentation provides adequate surveillance and control. Although it is
recognized that many organizations find it difficult to provide and maintain the full suite of instrumentation
indicated in current guidelines, core instrumentation is essential to meet the plant chemistry needs. A cycle
chemistry instrumentation and control state-of-knowledge report was completed in 2007, with a complementary
instrumentation data validation report completed in 2010. This project will ensure the quality of the data provided
by the instruments.

Current monitoring methods provide only indirect indications of corrosion, corrosion product transport, and
deposition activity. Methods that could provide direct assessments of chemical activity and could be used to
help plan inspection, sampling, and maintenance activities such as chemical cleaning, would be more useful
tools. This follow-up R&D will examine research for chemistry surveillance technology advances consistent with
plant needs. Future work will address chemistry instrumentation and control needs for protection of various
cycle components, including methods for managing and utilizing the data generated.

 Ensure reliable operation of existing chemistry instrumentation
 Provide validation for new and existing monitoring methods
 Understand instrumentation requirements to support future chemistry guidelines
 Improve the basis for chemistry control instrumentation improvements

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How to Apply Results

Chemistry surveillance technology development can allow members to make knowledgeable decisions about
the right chemistry instrumentation and controls to protect cycle components and improve current plant

2012 Products
Product Title & Description Product Type
Completion Date

Online Chemistry Data Management System: This project will review online
data management systems with a team of fossil chemistry users to assess the
needs and requirements of cycle chemistry. This report will detail the logic to be
applied for assessing each measured parameter in combination with all other
monitored points for early identification of chemistry excursions, prevention of
corrosion damage and deposition problems, and evaluation of cycle 12/31/12
performance. The report will provide expert advice and corrective operating
procedures. Members will use this information to develop internal cycle
chemistry advisory systems integrated into a plant’s control system, or engage
in a supplemental project to develop plant-specific systems with EPRI
In-situ Monitoring or Indicating Flow Accelerated Corrosion: This project
will continue the two-year exploration of the use of in-situ/ex-situ techniques for
real-time monitoring of corrosion rates, and specifically single-phase FAC, in
selected environments. In-situ monitoring techniques, including the use of
electrochemical corrosion potential and corrosion resistance probes, will
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examine actual or simulated FAC activity in corrosion-prone materials,
environments, and geometries. Ex-situ monitoring techniques will be examined
in parallel for comparison of these methods. A report of the findings will provide
an evaluation of the potential use of these methods in power plant applications
for monitoring FAC.

Future Year Products

Product Title & Description Product Type
Completion Date

In-situ Monitoring or Indicating Flow Accelerated Corrosion: This project

will complete the two-year exploration of the use of in-situ/ex-situ techniques for
real-time monitoring of corrosion rates, and specifically single-phase FAC, in
selected environments. In-situ monitoring techniques, including the use of
electrochemical corrosion potential, and corrosion resistance probes, will
examine actual or simulated FAC activity in corrosion-prone materials, 07/31/13 Technical Report
environments, and geometries. Ex-situ monitoring technique(s) will be
examined in parallel for comparison of these methods. A report of the findings
will provide an evaluation of the potential use of these methods in power plant
applications for monitoring FAC. This result of the project will provide a basis
for a field evaluation of the techniques identified by the laboratory research.

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Electric Power Research Institute 2012 Research Portfolio

Product Title & Description Product Type
Completion Date

Field Evaluation of In-situ Side Steam Monitoring for Flow Accelerated

Corrosion: This project will conduct field studies using the in-situ/ex-situ
techniques developed for real-time monitoring of single-phase FAC. Side-
stream studies of fossil and HRSG power plant systems susceptible to single-
phase FAC will be conducted to examine actual FAC activity in corrosion-prone
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materials, environments, and geometries. The findings of the field evaluation
will be compared with NDE measurement and system operating chemistries as
well as ex-situ monitoring techniques. A report of the findings will provide an
evaluation of the potential use and benefit in power plant applications for
monitoring and controlling FAC.

P64.006 Corrosion in the Boiler and Water/Steam Cycle (058176)

Key Research Question
Boiler waterwall internal corrosion is the leading corrosion-related cost in the fossil power industry. EPRI
treatment guidelines provide boiler water corrosion control based on cation conductivity, which has been shown
to minimize corrosion without providing a direct indicator of the corrosion process. Scientifically based limits,
established to practically eliminate the causative environment and conditions of corrosion, provide for proper
guidance and control of boiler corrosion. Flow-accelerated corrosion (FAC) — both single- and two-phase — still
is a major damage mechanism occurring too frequently in power plants. Units with air-cooled condensers are
displaying corrosion resembling FAC, as detailed in the interim guideline produced in 2008; however, the
mechanism is not understood.

Since 2006, this project has measured boiler corrosion under simulated boiler corrosion conditions using all-
volatile treatment (AVT) and phosphate continuum (PC) with levels of chloride contamination. Continuing work
has sought to define the limits in a simulated deposit medium using electrochemical corrosion potential
measures. For the first time, EPRI established action levels to prevent corrosion and incorporate them in the
next revisions of the operating guidelines (P64.001). The final step in developing more realistic boiler water
contaminant control curves was to use the limits derived in this project in the final deposition rig tests (P64.003).

To address conditions of two-phase FAC, simulated models will evaluate the conditions of influencing FAC and
provide information on conditions for stifling the mechanism. The findings will be invaluable in establishing
control methodologies to mitigate and/eliminate two-phase FAC as it is occurring in feedwater heater steamside
drains, low-pressure HRSG evaporators, and air-cooled condensers.

 Reduce major O&M costs
 Establish probabilistic risk associated with boiler waterwall corrosion
 Improve reliability by minimizing or eliminating internal boiler waterwall corrosion in drum boilers
 Apply scientific basis to boiler chemistry control guidelines
 Reduce the occurrence of two-phase FAC in all prone areas in fossil plants and HRSGs
 Reduce corrosion and corrosion product transport in air-cooled condensers

How to Apply Results

Members can use the guidelines to identify specific actions needed to address deficiencies consistent with
individual unit characteristics. For example, the guides to control boiler corrosion will help members improve
reliability by using suggested actions to minimize or eliminate internal boiler waterwall corrosion in drum boilers.
Control methodologies can be applied to minimize two-phase FAC in feedwater heater drains.

Boiler and Turbine Steam and Cycle Chemistry - Program 64 p. 12

Electric Power Research Institute 2012 Research Portfolio

2012 Products
Product Title & Description Product Type
Completion Date

Investigation of Flow-Accelerated Corrosion Under Two-Phase Flow

Conditions: This project continues a three-year research effort involving two-
phase FAC conditions in a simulated test loop and will provide details and
greater understanding of the mechanism and control factors. Using a simulated
laboratory environment, this work will evaluate methods for mitigating two-
phase flow-accelerated corrosion typically found in the steamside of feedwater 12/31/12 Technical Report
heaters and associated drain lines of conventional fossil fired units, and in
HRSG low-pressure (LP) economizer evaporator tubes. The focus of the work
will be to quantify the effectiveness of varying methods to control/mitigate two-
phase FAC in the test loop with the goal of developing mitigation methods for
implementation in field trials.

Future Year Products

Product Title & Description Product Type
Completion Date

Field Validation of Two-Phase Flow Accelerated Corrosion Control: This

project will apply techniques and methodologies, identified through laboratory
research to mitigate two-phase flow accelerated corrosion in critical areas of the
power plant or HRSG, to actual plant equipment in the field. Monitoring
techniques in the susceptible two-phase FAC areas will be utilized to measure 12/31/13
the rate of material wastage compared with nonoptimized treatment methods. A
successful study will demonstrate a marked reduction or elimination of the FAC
mechanisms, thereby improving reliability of equipment, increasing service life,
and increasing personnel safety.
State of Knowledge: Corrosion Mechanisms in Water and Steam Cycles of
Fossil Plants: This project will be a concise summary of the current knowledge
and understanding of corrosion mechanisms present in water and steam cycles
of fossil plants. It will review the current state of knowledge of boiler, feedwater,
condensate, and steam corrosion, including all the steamside/waterside
corrosion-influenced failure modes. It will discuss the latest understanding of
12/31/13 Technical Report
general corrosion mechanisms, such as single-phase and two-phase FAC, first-
formed condensate corrosion (FCC), and low- and high-temperature corrosion
phenomena. The final report will provide the station chemist and plant
management with a complete guide to corrosion processes in fossil plants. In
addition, the project will identify the limits of understanding for each corrosion
mechanism and possible needs for future research efforts.

Boiler and Turbine Steam and Cycle Chemistry - Program 64 p. 13

Electric Power Research Institute 2012 Research Portfolio

Supplemental Projects

Corrosion Mechanisms in Air Cooled Condensers (071854)

Background, Objectives, and New Learnings
Air-cooled condensers (ACCs) increasingly are being installed to reduce water use in power plants.
Unfortunately, significant iron corrosion product transport has been exhibited in ACCs on numerous units, which
is not unique to any specific design. EPRI established interim guidelines for control of steamside corrosion in air-
cooled condensers. This work (detailed in EPRI document 1015655) found that the active corrosion
mechanisms in the ACC requires further study to establish effective comprehensive chemistry control
guidelines. This project will explore additional techniques for mitigating corrosion product concurrent with
research of the corrosion mechanism(s).

Project Approach and Summary

This project will research the mechanisms of corrosion observed in the air-cooled condenser and evaluate
treatment strategies to mitigate damage and reduce iron transport. Research laboratory studies will be
developed to simulate and understand the key factors involved in the corrosion process. The project at host
utilities will evaluate treatment technologies and monitoring tools such as nondestructive evaluation (NDE),
analysis of corrosion product transport (CPT), along with wet chemistry, and visual inspections. The project will
monitor corrosion transport throughout the water and steam cycle to determine the improvement benefit in other
key unit components such as in-line polishers and condensate filtration systems.

Improved understanding and control of the active corrosion mechanisms in the ACC can result in longer
component life and reduced losses due to downstream impacts of corrosion products transported from the ACC.
This project will provide utilities with improved techniques to control and manage these conditions. Mitigation of
the corrosion mechanisms in the ACC will reduce the impact of deposition on heat exchange surfaces
throughout the cycle. Improved performance, reduced damage, and reduced O&M cost are direct benefits.
Extended filtration and polisher service periods with lower operating cost also are anticipated.

Boiler and Turbine Steam and Cycle Chemistry - Program 64 p. 14

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