! Maximini2004
! Maximini2004
! Maximini2004
1, MARCH 2004
Fig. 4. Block diagram of the compensation method.
manner: by having two impedance circle diagrams with addi-
tional information about the slip, the rotor temperature differ- It is obvious that the calculated rotor differential temperature
ence between points of identical slip can be determined. The depends on the measured slip , the temperature coeffi-
first impedance circle diagram is called the reference diagram cient of the rotor material , and the reference rotor temperature
(ref) and the other the measurement diagram (meas). Fig. 2 . The reference rotor temperature has no essential influ-
shows the schematic structure of the test machine. Machine ence on the differential temperature. This will be shown in the
nameplate data are summarized in Table I. next paper section. Another disturbance, the stator temperature
The principle of the compensation method is given in Fig. 3: , can be eliminated by using an impedance on which the stator
There are the measured impedance circle diagrams of two starts has no influence [see (6) and Fig. 1]. The stator resistance
of the test machine presented. The impedance phasor moves and the stator temperature can easily be measured
clockwise during the starting operation. The points of the mea-
surement diagram and of the reference diagram have iden-
tical slip but not identical phasors. Because In Fig. 4, the realization of the compensation method is sum-
the rotor temperature during the measurement start was about marized. During commissioning—for a reference start—the
hotter than during the reference start, the point significant variables (slip, input impedance, and stator temper-
corresponds to point of the reference. How to use this quali- ature) are recorded. These data can be called the fingerprint of
tative effect to quantify the temperature difference is shown the machine. Later, during operation, the correspondent mea-
in Section III. surement data are obtained. With the compensation method,
these measurement data are compared with the fingerprint
B. Derivation as already explained. The output result of the compensation
The rotor temperature difference between the points with method is the rotor differential temperature.
identical slip (points and ) can be evaluated as follows: the
C. Identification of a Simulation Model
input impedance and the rotor resistance are equal at the points
and To compare practical and theoretical effects of the compensa-
tion method, it is necessary to have a simulation model of the test
(1) machine. For estimating the parameters of the equivalent circuit
Fig. 10. Measured and calculated rotor differential temperature for different
operating conditions.
In this paper, a new method for observing the rotor tempera-
ture using the input impedance, the slip, and the stator temper-
ature of an induction machine is presented. In the first step, the
temperature difference between the actual rotor temperature and
a reference temperature is detected by using the rotor tempera-
ture dependency of the input impedance. This method is called
compensation method. Because this method has the character-
istic of a differential measurement, the main problem, separating
the changes in the rotor resistance due to skin effect and temper-
ature, can be solved.
In the second step, the dependency of the result of the com-
pensation method on the reference rotor temperature and the
measured stator temperature are used in an algorithm for ref-
erence rotor temperature reconstruction. Here, the assumption
Fig. 14. Result of the adaptive reference temperature reconstruction k : was established that the proportions of the thermal stator and
iteration counter. rotor model parameters for the heating of the machine during
the starting operation and for the cooling of the machine during
variable for the algorithm described in Fig. 12. The result of the steady-state operation are equal. By combining these two
this procedure is again the absolute rotor temperature . This procedures, it is possible to adaptively reconstruct the reference
loop is repeated until the calculated rotor temperature does not rotor temperature. Thus, the absolute rotor temperature can be
change anymore. obtained by addition at any time.
For testing the algorithm reliability, it is necessary to check The methods are tested by simulations and evaluations of data
whether the finally calculated rotor temperature is independent recorded on a 75-kW test machine. In both cases, the efficiency
of the algorithm initialization. of the methods is shown.
In Fig. 14, the results of two runs with different initializa-
tions of the reference temperature are presented. The first cal- REFERENCES
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