Digital Signature
Digital Signature
Digital Signature
I will like to thank my subject teacher Prof. Amita Verma. Without her guidance
and support this project could not have been completed. I also owe this project
to my referred book. I am indebted to all the people who gave me knowledge
about Information Technology Act, 2000.
Introduction 4
Cryptography 7-9
Bibliography 13
Legal Provisions Relating to Digital Signature(DS)
[Section 3}
Certifying Authority
Relying party
Verfication of DS/ES
Private Key [section 2(1)(zc)]: “private key” means the key of a key
pair used to create a digital signature:
Asymmetric Crypto System [Section 2(1)(f)]: “asymmetric crypto
system” means a ssytem of a secure key pair consisiting of a private
key for creating a digital signature and a public key to verify the digital
a) Crypotography
b) cryptoanalysis
1. Encryption.
2. Decryption.
1. Encryption
Delhi P138(2002).
Government may, for secure use of the electronic medium and for promotion of
E-governance and E-commerce, prescribes the modes or methods for encryption.
Advantages of encryption
2. Decryption
It is process of converting inllegible form text (cipher text) to legible form (plain
text). However, for decryption a key is used commoly knowm as public key.
Further this process is carried on by the reciever of the e-record.
Types of cryptography
It is of two types:3
In the symmetric cryptography, ther is a singlr key used fro bth encryption and
decryption of message. E.g. automatic teller machine(ATM) at a bank. When a
person uses an ATM, he gains access to his account by entering a personal
identification number (PIN). The PIN is a secret number which is shared
between the bank and the client.4
Document to be sent- encoded document – encoded document – received
1. The same key is shared by the originator and the same key addressee and
it became vulnerable to attack when one party transfers it to another.
In asymmetric cryptography, ther is a pair i.e. public key and private key. A
private key as name suggests is a secret key used by signer to create didgital
signatiure s whereas public key as name suggests is known to public and is used
by oher party reciever of the record to verify digital signature.
a) To derive or reconstruct the original electronic record from the hash rsult
produced by the algorithm
b) That the two electronic records can produce the same result the same
hash result using the algorithm.
Creating a Digital Signature
Step II: Signer uses his private key to transform hash result into digital
signature and this transformation is aldo known as encryption.
Such digital signature is unique to both the message and private
key is used to create it.
Step III: Now the digital signature is attached to its message and it is
transmitted with its message to the recipient.
Any person can verify the electronic record by the use of a public key of the
subscriber can verify the electrnic record.
1) The initial electronic record was affixed with the digital signatureby the
use of private corresponding to the public key of the subscriber;
2) The initial electronic record is retained intact or has been altered since
such electrnic record was so afiixed with the digital signature.
2. Whether newly created hash result matches original hash result which
was recorved from digital signature during verfication process.
Public key [Section 2(1)(zd)]: public key means the key of a key pair
used to verify a digital signature and listed in the Digital Signature
Verification of Digital Signature
In case of asymmetric crypto system public key of the subscriber is used for
verification however, following steps are followed in verification:
Step II: Recipient applies signer’s public key to the digital signature and
recovers hash result (hash value or message digesst or digital
fingerprint) from the digital signature.
Step III: Recipient would apply sam ehash function to message (sent by the
signer) as applied by the signer o create digital signature and he
would recover the hash result (hash value or message digest or
digital fingerprint of the message)
Step IV: Compare the hash results recovered inStep II and Step III. If hash
results recoverd in Step II and Step III are identical then it
indicates that the message remaind unchanged. However, where
these two results are not identical or message was changed after
signing, therefore in such recipint can reject the message.
The Private Key and the Public Key are unique [Section3(4)]
The private key and the public key are unique to the subscriber and
constitute a functioning key pair.
Private Key [Section2(1)(zc)]: private key means the key of a key pair
used to create a digital signature;
Public Key [Section2(1)(zd)]: public key means the key of a key pair
used to verify a digital signature and listed in the digital signature
signer’s signature, still they cannot discover the signer’s private key and use it to
forge digital signature. Therefore, it is based on the principle of irreversebalility.6
Bharat’s Cyber and Information Technology, 3rd edition by Dr. Jyoti Rttan.
Tewari R.K., Computer Crimes and Computer Forensic, Select Publisher,
New Delhi P138(2002).
Sharma Vakul, Information Technology Law and Practice, p.30, (2010).
Dr. Farooq Ahmed, Cyber Laws in India,p. 43.