Status Ujian Afif
Status Ujian Afif
Status Ujian Afif
Examiner :
Observer :
NIM : 1261050089
Name : Mr. S
Age : 65 years old
Sex : Male
Religion : Moslem
Address : Karang Sambung Rt 04/ Rw 02. Kebumen, Middle Java
Occupation : Farmers
Status : Married
Anamnesis done at January 10th, 2018
Main complaint :
There is a membrane in the right eye
Additonal complaint :
Right eye feels blocked, watery and itchy
Chronology of disease :
A 65 years old male came to Dr. YAP hospital eye care with there is a
membrane in the right eye since 3 weeks ago. The patient said initially there was a
protrusion of fat folded on his right eye, it was small and thin and gradually thickened
and wide, covering some of his right eye, causing the patient has difficulties to see with
his right eye. The patient also said his right eye felt blocked while blinking and often
watery. sometimes his right eye also feels itchy so he often rubbed his right eye. Patient
admitted that blocked and sprinkled eye complaints increased if the patient goes outside
from his house for a quite time. To reduce the complaints, the patient dripped insto to his
right eye but it doesn’t have any improvement so that patient go to the hospital, and
referred to Dr. YAP eye hospital. Watery eyes are denied, red eyes are denied, excessive
eye excrement was denied, or injured eyes before a complaint arises, or history of allergy
were denied by the patient.
Previous disease :
The patient never felt the same symptoms before. Patient never wore any contact
lenses or eyeglasses. Patient’s denied the presence of high blood pressure, allergy and
diabetes mellitus.
B. Sistematic Examination
Parameter OD OS
Visual Acuity 6/6 6/6
Supersilia Grow evenly Grow evenly
Silia Grow evenly, good Grow evenly, good
position position
Palpebra Normal Normal
Superior/inferior Color matches the color Color matches the color
of the skin of the skin
edema (-) edema (-)
tumor (-) tumor (-)
Tarsal conjungtiva Hyperemic (-) Hyperemic (-)
Superior/inferior Cicatrical (-) Cicatrical (-)
Clarity Fibrovascular (+) Fibrovascular (-)
Infiltrate (-) (-)
Ulcus (-) (-)
A 65 years old male came to Dr. YAP hospital eye care with there is a
membrane in the right eye since 3 weeks ago. The patient said initially there was a
protrusion of fat folded on his right eye, it was small and thin and gradually thickened
and wide, covering some of his right eye, causing the patient has difficulties to see with
his right eye. The patient also said his right eye felt blocked while blinking and often
watery, sometimes his right eye also feels itchy so he often rubbed his right eye. Patient
admitted that blocked and sprinkled eye complaints increased if the patient goes outside
from his house for a quite time. To reduce the complaints, the patient dripped insto to his
right eye but it doesn’t have any improvement so that patient go to the hospital, and
referred to Dr. YAP eye hospital. Watery eyes are denied, red eyes are denied, excessive
eye excrement was denied, or injured eyes before a complaint arises, or history of
allergy, previous disease and history of family disease were denied by the patient.
General condition : Mild illness appearance
Conciousness : Compos mentis
Ad Vitam Bonam Bonam